Fame | Katharine McPhee net worth and salary income estimation Apr, 2024 | People Ai
Katharine McPhee

Katharine McPhee net worth Apr, 2024

Katharine Hope McPhee (born March 25, 1984) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. In May 2006, she was the runner-up on the fifth season of American Idol. Her eponymous debut album was released on RCA Records on January 30, 2007, and debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 381,000 copies (as of December 2010). The album's first single, "Over It", was a Billboard Top 30 hit and was certified gold in 2008. Her second album, Unbroken, was released on Verve Forecast Records on January 5, 2010, and debuted at No. 27 on the "Billboard 200". The album featured the single "Had It All", which peaked at number 22 on the AC chart. It has sold 45,000 copies as of January 2011.Her third album, the holiday-themed Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You, was released on October 12, 2010. The album debuted at number 11 on the Billboard Top Holiday Albums chart, while the single "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" peaked at number 16 on the "Billboard" AC chart. As of January 2011, this album had sold 23,000 copies. McPhee released her fourth album, Hysteria, on September 18, 2015. She released her fifth album, I Fall in Love Too Easily, composed of jazz standards, on November 17, 2017. McPhee has also established an acting career, co-starring in The House Bunny and Shark Night 3D. She played Karen Cartwright, one of the lead roles on Smash. From 2014 to 2018, she starred in CBS' Scorpion as Paige Dineen. She made her Broadway debut in the musical Waitress, taking over the role of Jenna in 2018 and again in 2019–2020 and also starred in the role in London's West End in 2019.

Katharine McPhee net worth

23.8 Million
Millions of dollars
Net worth score
Katharine McPhee Networth
Katharine McPhee Networth 2024 23.8 Million
Katharine McPhee Networth 2023 21.5 Million
Katharine McPhee Networth 2022 19.1 Million
Katharine McPhee Networth 2021 16.7 Million
Katharine McPhee Networth 2020 14.3 Million

Disclamer: Katharine McPhee net worth displayed here are calculated based on a combination social factors. Please only use it for a guidance and Katharine McPhee's actual income may vary a lot from the dollar amount shown above.

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Katharine McPhee FAQs

How about Katharine McPhee's label?

Katharine McPhee Label: 19; RCA; Verve Forecast; Columbia; BMG

Does Katharine McPhee have any children? What are the names of Katharine McPhee's children? What are the ages of Katharine McPhee's children?

Katharine McPhee Children: 1

How old is Katharine McPhee? When is Katharine McPhee's birthday? Where is Katharine McPhee born? Where did Katharine McPhee grow up from? What's Katharine McPhee's age?

Katharine McPhee Born: March 25, 1984 (age 40years), Los Angeles, CA

Is Katharine McPhee married? When did Katharine McPhee get married? Who's Katharine McPhee's married to? (Who's Katharine McPhee's husband / wife)?

Katharine McPhee Spouse: David Foster (m. 2019), Nick Cokas (m. 20082016)

How about Katharine McPhee's parents?

Katharine McPhee Parents: Daniel McPhee, Patricia Burch McPhee

How about Katharine McPhee's sibling?

Katharine McPhee Sibling: Adriana McPhee

How much older is David Foster than Katharine McPhee?
Katharine McPhee is perfectly aware of the 35-year age gap between herself and her husband, David Foster\u2014and recently, the American Idol Season 5 runner-up playfully defended her marriage on social media.
Who is Katharine McPhee's first husband?
Katharine McPhee is perfectly aware of the 35-year age gap between herself and her husband, David Foster\u2014and recently, the American Idol Season 5 runner-up playfully defended her marriage on social media.
Who won American Idol against Katharine McPhee?
The fifth season of American Idol began on January 17, 2006, and concluded on May 24, 2006. Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, and Randy Jackson returned as judges, while Ryan Seacrest returned as host. Taylor Hicks was named the winner, while Katharine McPhee was the runner-up.

Katharine McPhee facts

Katharine McPhee Facts
Label 19; RCA; Verve Forecast; Columbia; BMG
Children 1
Born March 25, 1984 (age 40years), Los Angeles, CA
Spouse David Foster (m. 2019), Nick Cokas (m. 20082016)
Parents Daniel McPhee, Patricia Burch McPhee
Sibling Adriana McPhee

Katharine McPhee Twitter net worth

Katharine McPhee Instagram net worth

How much money is Katharine McPhee making on Instagram?

Many people ask about the amount of money Katharine McPhee makes from Instagram. Normally the ad cost for an Instagram ad post is based on the number of followers on the account.

  • • $25 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $35 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $50 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $50 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $70 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $100 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $100 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $140 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $200 per post at $10/CPM
Disclamer: the number about Katharine McPhee's Instagram salary income and Katharine McPhee's Instagram net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Instagram's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

Katharine McPhee Facebook net worth

How much money is Katharine McPhee making on Facebook?

Many people ask this question about the money Katharine McPhee makes from Facebook. It's actually a myth about how to make money on Facebook...

Disclamer: the amount of Katharine McPhee's Facebook salary income and Katharine McPhee's Facebook net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Facebook's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

Katharine McPhee net worth chart

Disclamer: Katharine McPhee net worth are calculated by comparing Katharine McPhee's influence on Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with anybody else in the world. Generally speaking, the bigger the hexagon is, the more valuable Katharine McPhee networth should be on the internet!