Riots in Iran: Another CIA Coup Attempt?, by Kevin Barrett - The Unz Review
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Riots in Iran: Another CIA Coup Attempt?
Plus, a letter to Stephen Zunes from an Iranian student

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Professor Stephen Zunes, a voice of relative reason and moderation on some Middle East issues, has lately been functioning as a de facto CIA propagandist by tweeting out made-in-Langley images casting the current US destabization effort in Iran as a homegrown protest of poor oppressed women who hate their own culture’s dress code. In fact, the counterprotests by supporters of the Supreme Leader, the Islamic Republic, and its indigenous religiously-sanctioned non-Western dress code have brought vastly bigger crowds into the streets—crowds full of proud hijab-wearing Muslim women—than any of the US-incited pro-West protests and rent-a-mob riots. But the huge pro-Islam demonstrations are ignored by Western media, while the much smaller CIA-funded anti-Islam ones get all the coverage.

Stephen Zunes presumably not only wants to abolish Islamic dress codes, along with much of the rest of the religion of Islam—making him a participant in cultural genocide—but he probably also supports the maniacs who are brainwashing American children into doubting which gender they belong to so that they can be ritually sexually mutilated, all in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity.” The Ayatollah Khomeini and now Vladimir Putin are right: The West is possessed by Satan, and even most of its relatively reasonable people are demon-possessed in their fanatical hatred of traditional religion and family values.

Below is a short letter to Stephen Zunes from a student at Tehran University.

Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

A short and spontaneous letter to professor Stephen Zunes

From Hamed Ghashghavi, Tehran University

The problem with the US is these academicians who claim to work and write on Iran for years and yet have no understanding of how the society and its various complex classes function. I have lived in Tehran since 2013 and know that it’s not at all easy to analyse the nation as a whole and yet some folks like you use the word “people / popular” without having any contact with the realities on the ground, instead just being brainwashed by the media. I’m a student at Tehran University and I have witnessed close-up what you pretend to get from dubious, cherry-picked (by CIA etc.) video clips. I went out last week (on Sunday) with my little brother (high school). Huuuuge rally in Tehran. People came to the street to support the state and yet you call some rioters “the people” because you saw prefab propaganda clips on social media LOL. Why? Because the pro-Islamic Republic rallies, much larger than the others, are not covered by the mainstream media where you live.

Why have all these regime change attempts never worked?

I’m talking about the spying from the former US embassy (I went there with former NSA officer Wayne Madsen who was surprised at the advancement of espionage system used in the embassy and said “this wasthe most sophisticated espionage apparatus at the time known in the US”). Then 8 years of supplying Saddam with chemical weapons, sanctions, assassination of Iran’s 🇮🇷 nuclear scientists, spending billions to sponsor the MEK and other mercenaries such as Masih Alinejad etc.

Tell your CIA friends the reason that all they have done to Iran since the overthrowing of government in 1953 did not work is that they don’t understand the complexity of Iranian society:)

Putting the revolutionary guards and Army and Basij aside, imagine in the worse case scenario that only 10% of Iranians support the Islamic Republic and are ready to defend the state and the Leader till the last minute of their lives. That means CIA-paid agents have no other option than slaughtering at least 8 million Iranians. Note that people who came out to the street to show their solidarity with Leader were not members of IRGC, neither army or Basij but very ordinary people (middle class as you call them in the US). It’s not easy to get rid of them dear Steve.

Not only for Iran but in the Middle East I strongly believe the main reason behind the failures of US officials’ plots over the years is that sociologically & psychologically they do not understand how the different parts of these societies function. Even myself as an Iranian, if I’m not monitoring Iraq in detail I can never have a clear understanding of its society. Meanwhile some people from DC, Paris or London with no realistic ties with citizens living there write books & articles. Good luck with that.

On the other hand I totally agree that it’s in the Iranian constitution that people can peacefully rally. But the mercenaries paid by your government prevent Iranians from exercising that right by invariably intervening and not letting these social movements be entirely independent. So the support of POTUS and Western leaders and intelligence services of some social movements, and their weaponization, deprives us of our basic rights enshrined in our constitution. So if you would like to help Iran and Iranians, step back, support no one, do not intervene, and let our movements be natural and local. When you turn it into an international issue, indeed Iran will defend its sovereignty and national security interests.

(Republished from Substack by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: American Media, CIA, Iran, Israel Lobby 
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  1. Athena says:

    Thanks for publishing the letter.

    Please also see :

    US trying to misuse unrest in Iran

    Iran Foreign Ministry summons UK ambassador over ‘baseless’ sanctions


    Blatant insult to Quran under the pretext of freedom of speech

    French Police confronts rioters in front of Iran Embassy in Paris

    Iran summons UK ambassador

    Iranian people rally to protest recent unrest

    Pro-Islamic Revolution people residing in London respond to rioters in Iran

    Comdr: Protests allowed in Iran

  2. Has Christiane Amanpour started covering Iranian “protests”? It is a sure sign the “protests” will grow into “revolution” very soon.

    Why have all these regime change attempts never worked?

    No, such regime changes worked very well for America; in the case of Iran itself, 1953 overthrow of Mossadegh was very successful; then if we go by the versions of some members here, even in the 1978 Revolution, Khomeini was brought in by the CIA, but he turned against the CIA later; even ten years ago, such CIA – funded overthrow efforts used to give good results, as in the Arab “spring”; at the first sign of these “colour revolutions” rulers would lose heart and flee. The very fact that CIA’s recent attempts in Kazakhstan have failed, that Syria has survived a venomous coup, etc., shows that the American muscle power is declining, and countries have become wiser to the modus operandi.

    Meanwhile some people from DC, Paris or London with no realistic ties with citizens living there write books & articles.

    And when a colour revolution succeeds, such people will fly in and take over the government.

  3. Phibbs says:

    I believe the Israeli-Occupied Government in Washington D.C. has spent $50 billion trying to overthrow the Iranian government since 1979.

    • Replies: @Franz
  4. Iran should have become a neo-fascist republic. But it opted for theocracy.

    Under Neo-Fascism, religions has a place but it doesn’t dictate the culture.

    Who wants to live under theocratic rule in the modern world?

  5. Anonymous[104] • Disclaimer says:

    [Professor Stephen Zunes, a voice of relative reason and moderation on some Middle East issues, has lately been functioning as a de facto CIA propagandist by tweeting out made-in-Langley images casting the current US destabization effort in Iran as a homegrown protest of poor oppressed women who hate their own culture’s dress code.]
    The following is the description of Zunes by an author STEPHEN J. SNIEGOSKI:

    [[Zunes has served as a political analyst for National Public Radio, Pacifica Radio, the BBC, and MSNBC. He has also been a board member and consultant for a number of peace and human-rights organizations. As is apparent from this brief description, Zunes is a prominent intellectual activist of the antiwar Left. And his views reflect the characteristic attitude of that broad group.
    Writing in Foreign Policy in Focus, Zunes recently offered an analysis [4] of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s “Israel Lobby” essay [5] that was similar in some ways to the negative views of leftist luminaries Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein [6] but reflected a more hostile tone not just toward Mearsheimer and Walt but toward anyone who would dare claim that the Israel lobby has had an impact on American foreign policy. To encapsulate Zunes’s position: Instead of influencing American policy, Israel is but the passive instrument of American policymakers. Washington has forced Israel to pursue a belligerent policy to enhance American hegemony in the Middle East for the benefit of corporate capitalists, especially arms merchants. Free of American control, Israel would pursue a peaceful policy toward the Palestinians and neighboring Arab states. Therefore, Israel is the victim of the United States.
    Moreover, Zunes maintains, those who claim a significant role for Israel and the Israel lobby in determining U.S. foreign policy tend toward anti-Semitism. Thus does the left-wing critic of American policy morph into an apologist for Israel. Like Alan Dershowitz — in some respects worse than Dershowitz — Zunes makes use of misleading half-truths while simultaneously ignoring the unmistakable evidence substantiating the power of the Israel lobby in influencing U.S. policy.
    Zunes begins his essay with a blanket attack on the integrity of Mearsheimer and Walt. While Chomsky at least praised the courage of the two scholars, Zunes sees a devious intent behind their work. “What progressive supporters of Mearsheimer and Walt’s analysis seem to ignore,” Zunes asserts, “is that both men have a vested interest in absolving from responsibility the foreign policy establishment that they have served so loyally all these years. Israel and its supporters are essentially being used as convenient scapegoats for America’s disastrous policies in the Middle East.”]]

  6. Ah, this is the kinda sheet that brought me to Unzdotcom in the first place!
    Always nice to see some reality creeping into the conversation.
    As for America’s ‘muscle declining’ I think rather their propaganda machine is failing. It has been churning out pro-Bolshevikian Israelism way above design capacity, and the stench of the bodies they buried under their self-righteousness is oozing out around the rivets. Instead of dialing back, the fools thought they have achieved peak ignorance, and decided to speed up the grinder, but the truth is pouring in too fast, and little shreds of reality is falling out the top.
    And reality is that people want to live, have no desire to die for other peoples’ gods, and their imposed poverty necessitated stealing the Velvet Glove to pawn it.
    Turns out the velvet contains toxic chemicals, of no use really, but at least we can now all see the Iron Fist.
    Sadly, most people think that clenched hand raised over them is there for their own protection….

    • Agree: Bro43rd
    • Replies: @AndrewR
  7. roonaldo says:

    Mr. Ghashghavi speculates that to effect regime change in Iran the CIA would need to kill at least eight million regime supporters, apparently thinking this an impossible task.

    When informed of this, John Bolton disappointedly exclaimed, “Is that all?!!”

  8. Franz says:

    I believe the Israeli-Occupied Government in Washington D.C. has spent $50 billion trying to overthrow the Iranian government since 1979.

    Must be true.

    Bridges all over the USA are collapsing (or getting there fast) and tap water is now suspected of delivering slow lead poisoning from rotting water systems.

    But tranny story hour, black stuff matters, and color revolutions absolutely must take precedent. Lucky the regime runners bought half of Paraguay to hide out in. They’ll need it real soon.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  9. The whole thing has an aura of convenience. A beautiful girl-power moment, it seems almost designed. I speak from a pattern recognition perspective, so far I watched it from the corner of my eye, waiting for a clearer picture. Another red light is the usual media’s triumphal tones. The bad people are losing to the angels, they almost literally scream.

  10. @Athena

    Blatant insult to Quran under the pretext of freedom of speech

    Here we go.

    Blatant insults to other faiths, especially Jewish and Christian, are common in the Muslim world: “(…) more than 2,200 of 4,761 Christians killed around the world in 2020 died in Nigeria because of radical Islamists”,, a comprehensive study of the whole affair can be found under And as I have written elsewhere, it is the Muslim world that made > 270 million victims ( ) at a time when world population was vastly inferior to 1 bn, more than 60 millions having been Christians, and also that (…) Muslims have eliminated 60,000 Christians between just 2009 and 2021, an August 2021 report states that, during that same time frame, Muslims also destroyed or torched 17,500 churches and 2,000 Christian schools” ( ).

    But “freedom of speech” means freedom of speech; in my constitution (Luxembourg) it is art. 24. So I may

    —– read as many books regarding “Islam” as I like: dozens of years already, I begun with Blachère, Goldziher, Grousset, Corbin, Arnaldez, Belloc etc, and currently I’m reading the last book of a series called “Inârah” hitherto totalling 6.977 pages ( ), namely Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion VI

    —– quote any passage from the said books, for instance

    – one that would “put my own faith into tantrums” if I was as convinced of the literal truth of “my” holy texts as are (most) evangelicals and (most) Muslims, see

    – “K.-H. Ohlig hat (…) alle in der Sekundärliteratur zitierten angeblichen Erwähnungen Mohammeds behandelt. Sein Ergebnis ist eindeutig: Entweder passen die dortigen Schilderungen überhaupt nicht mit dem traditionellen Bericht der späteren islamischen Quellen überein, oder es handelt sich, wie bei dem (…) Text von Pseudo-Sebeos, um eindeutige Interpolationen // K.-H.- Ohlig has analyzed every so-called mentions of Muhammad in the secondary literature. The result is univocal: Either the stories therein absolutely do not concord with the traditional story of the later Islamic sources, or they are, such as in the case of the (…) text from Pseudo-Sebeos, unequivocal interpolations.” (Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion V, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin und Tübingen 2020, p. 432)

    – “Inârah (…) ist ein wissenschaftliches Unterfangen auf der Ebene der historischen Forschung. Dazu gehört natürlich auch, dass die Elemente der islamischen Religion im Hinblick auf Auswirkungen auf politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart betrachtet und kritisch analysiert werden. Das ist keine Islamfeindlichkeit und richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime – es ist wissenschaftliche Analyse von Religion // Inârah (…) isa scientific endeavor on the level of the historic research. This naturally includes, that the elements of the Islamic faith, with view on effects on political and societal developments in past and present, are looked at with a critical eye. This is no Islamophobia and is not directed against Muslims – it is scientific analysis of religion.” (Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion VI, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin und Tübingen 2021, p. 409).

    My position given under [all the (sub-) links would ideally to be read, maybe that’s a bore] is very clear and in conformity, as it appears from the above, not only with the Luxembourg constitution but also with normal scientific research.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @René Fries
  11. Kevin Barrett writes:

    Stephen Zunes presumably not only wants to abolish Islamic dress codes, along with much of the rest of the religion of Islam—making him a participant in cultural genocide—but he probably also supports the maniacs who are brainwashing American children into doubting which gender they belong to so that they can be ritually sexually mutilated, all in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity.”

    Perhaps he should acquaint himself better on Iran before writing his articles.
    Why Iran is a hub for sex-reassignment surgery

  12. Of course the CIA might have something to do with this, but in all likelihood, in this particular case, the Iranian people – with perfect justification – have come to the inescapable conclusion that they hate Islam; just another form of the Semitic versions of oppression.

    • Agree: AndrewR
  13. WJ says:

    Many normie cons on the net are obsessing over Iran now. This US sponsored coup attempt will fail like the others. Meanwhile, Adam Posen of the Cato institute boldly declares that the concern of US de-industrialization is only an issue now because it impacts un-educated rural white males. And yes , Wiki tells us that Posen is …….you guessed it.

  14. Anonymous[316] • Disclaimer says:
    @Psychotic Break

    only illiterate people bring quote from “theguardian” mouthpiece of the UK government that for years are funding the Iranian terrorists to partition Khusiztan province for the interest of Rothschild/UK. UK is the base of many terrorist groups against Iran. They also train and fund their own version of ‘shiism’ that parrot UK government vision of Islam to fool the shia in the region to make partition easier. Any person with basic knowledge of the facts knows the British evil empire brought down the Ottoman by propaganda and military attacks, in WWI and injected the zionists in Palestine in WWII, now they are trying hard to do the same in Iran, using terrorism, propaganda committing war crimes against humanity to achieve their goal. The role of “the guardian” is to fool the ignorant people to jump on the bandwagon.
    Why does”guardian” not get against the US empire and the Neocons when they invaded and killed millions of people? They support it. Don’t forget Tony Blair, a war criminal supported by ‘the guardian’ when he was telling LIES about Iraq WMD to invade and partition Iraq?
    When people do not learn from the history, and are fooled not once but many times, then you should get suspicious.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  15. @Anonymous

    OK, so when Islam stops Female Genital Mutilation I might then start taking Islam more seriously.

    The Guardian has absolutely nothing to do with it. I am well aware what it is, thank you. It was just one reference to FGM from hundreds available from a quick search to illustrate the horrific and barbaric point.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @RedpilledAF
  16. AndrewR says:
    @paranoid goy

    By “reality” you mean obvious Iranian regime propaganda.

    Death to Khamenei and his supporters. But contrary to the lies of the scumbag who wrote this letter, there are not 8,000,000 Iranians willing to die for their tyrannical regime. I’d be surprised if there were 8,000 of them.

    • Troll: showmethereal
  17. @Brás Cubas

    I don’t pretend to be an expert on Iranian culture, but I’ve been there many times, and I am pretty sure that despite Iran’s permitting gender reassignment surgery it doesn’t have the kind of organized, officially-sactioned effort to promote this and other forms of sexual deviance that’s such a prominent feature of today’s Western culture.

  18. Anonymous[316] • Disclaimer says:
    @Psychotic Break

    [OK, so when Islam stops Female Genital Mutilation I might then start taking Islam more seriously.]

    Thank you for your comment. I should tell you that FGM is NOT an Islamic practice, although is practiced in some of the Muslim countries mainly in Egypt and countries near Egypt like Ethiopia, Tunis, Sudan in Africa. If circumcision were an Islamic practice, then it should have been originated from Saudi Arabia, which is not the case.
    Circumcision practiced in Egypt long before Islam appeared on the scene and among Egyptian nobles. According to Freud on Circumcision:
    [Moses, an Egyptian noble of the time, took this religion (which perished in Egypt along with Amenhotep IV), took a group of Hebrew people then living in Egypt, took the practice of circumcision which Freud assumes also developed in Egypt, and migrated to the Sinai desert.]

    In fact circumcision was practiced among the Egyptian nobility adapted and transported into other areas, including Muslim communities, by Hebrews known as ‘Jewish’ today.
    The FGM is practiced in Egypt primarily and other countries including Sudan NOT Saudi Arabia where Islam was originated, or Iran, Iraq.
    FGM is basically a tradition in Africa, not the west Asia and is NOT Islamic.

  19. Altai says:

    It’s pretty clear this is an ethnic conflict, the kind the US has been trying to stoke in Iran for years where they help to fund independence groups.

    The first girl to allegedly die was Kurdish and it seemed like it was less women in Iran getting angry than Kurds in Iran and the big main protests occurred in the capital of the Mazanis. So both parts of Iran where the protests occurred are places with very few to no Persians.

    To be sure the Shia theocracy is also being opposed but partly because it is seen as a proxy for Persian ethnic dominance.

    The ethnic dimension of this is totally ignored by Western media because questions about American interference and stoking of ethnic conflicts like Ukraine would be unwelcome. So it’s framed as ‘Iranian’ women protesting rather than ethnic minorities.

  20. DanFromCT says:

    To paraphrase Lenin’s reply to Kautski, Why should we reply to Zunes? He’ll reply to us, we’ll have to reply to him again, and there’ll be no end to it. It will be sufficient that we announce Zunes is an enemy of the human race and everyone will immediately understand everything.

  21. Anonymous[386] • Disclaimer says:
    @René Fries

    If you’re going to cite Zionist organizations like Gatestone and Bill Warner’s “Tears of Jihad” codswallop, you’re not going to impress many serious scholars. Warner says, “Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam) everyone else had to convert or die.”

    This is plainly false. The first Muslim encounters with Zoroastrians, Hindus, and Buddhists resulted in categorizing them as dhimmis. Re: Buddhists, you should familiarize yourself with the ‘Brahmanabad settlement’ as mentioned in Chachnamah Retold—An Account of the Arab Conquest of Sindh, Gobind Khushalani (New Delhi: Promilla, 2006), p. 156 and Muhammad b. Qāsim’s famous statement made at Alor, cited in Abū al-Hasan al-Balādhurī’s Futūh al-buldān (Beirut: Maktaba al-Hilāl, 1988), pp. 422– 423.

    It’s good that you’re free to read what you like, but when you cite only claims that no serious scholar of history would look at twice, you’re just preaching to an already Islamophobic choir.

  22. @Kevin Barrett

    According to that Economist piece, in Iran the State not only permits sex-changing surgery, but subsidizes it. That is explicit in the following sentence:

    Today the government even helps with the cost.

    That information is confirmed in another newspiece:
    “Iran: How transgender people survive ultraconservative rule”
    In the above piece we read:

    Iran’s state subsidizes gender reassignment surgery while prohibiting homosexuality.

  23. @Brás Cubas

    Not an expert and I am paraphrasing what one of my Iranian Shia students told me, take it for what it’s worth:

    Sex-reassignment is allowed after Shia jurists decided that to force a homosexual to be a male was restricting their “nature” (evil or made evil or just a freak of nature) so they should be allowed to have the surgery. This was for compassion and to not allow “regular” sodomy to flourish which is the bane of all societies and civilizations (along with feminism). The difference is that the jurists did not advocate the homosexual that is now a “female” any power or ability to undermine the family or society. The “female” must let it be known what they are so they are not allowed to fool/trick males.

    The student told me it was an odd and peculiar legal ruling but the jurists deemed it a necessary evil to combat far worse evils. It was in a sense, “allow an individual/s to damn themselves, but save/maintain society and not allow homosexuals to undermine it.” There is also an aspect of homosexuality that the jurists consider as an evil that flourishes alongside feminism so to shut down homosexuality will help suppress feminism too. It was a sort social pragmatism by the religious authority.

    I have never verified or researched this, but I plan on it in the future. So, again, make of it what you will.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Brás Cubas
  24. @Psychotic Break

    Islam doesn’t do female genital mutilation. What a neocon/neolib statement. Absolute garbage and zio-propaganda. It is a Hamitic and African practice that made its way into some African Semitic peoples too. And, do you get as outraged over male genital mutilation? Are you a “male” feminist?

    • Troll: Psychotic Break
  25. @Franz

    Bridges all over the USA are collapsing (or getting there fast)

    Citation needed, or at least in my part of deep Red state flyover country we monitor and fix or abandon them as needed.

    and tap water is now suspected of delivering slow lead poisoning from rotting water systems.

    That’s again both a state and/or local thing and easily avoided, you just make sure the pH of the water is adjusted to avoid leeching any remaining lead in water systems, which is generally going to be an issue with beyond your water meter.

    When there’s problems, it’s generally going to be in Blue areas where thing like “tranny story hour, [and] black stuff matters” takes absolute precedence; really, anything that buys votes more effectively than basic industrial civilization. And/or Third World or Black Run America, most recently Jackson, Mississippi where it took the Army Core of Engineers a day or two to get the water system running again. A city so corrupt and incompetent they also can’t bill people for the water they use.

    • Replies: @Franz
  26. @Anonymous

    Well, if FGM is not Islamic then it should be easy for the powerful Islamic authorities to put a stop to it.

    They can’t and they won’t because FGM is Islamic; it is discussed in the Hadiths as a specific requirement, just as male infant circumcision is a specific requirement of Judaism.

    What its ultimate origins are, are irrelevant.

    Stop giving us this distasteful DISINFO !

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @bjondo
  27. @Kevin Barrett

    Aren’t you such a slimy hypocrite!

    I thought you’d been told previously that your co-religionists should keep those rusty old razor blades away from young girls.

  28. Hrw-500 says:

    These videos reminds me of the one I mentioned in an other comment when the Shah mentioned the Israel lobby.

    But still, Benjamin Fulford saying then Khameini is an agent of TPTB is a little bit far-fetched.

    Also, this French website talk of Iran history and Anglo-American oil war who might be worth to check.

  29. @Psychotic Break

    We can’t indeed can’t rule out this … unrest isn’t organic, Iranians have agency beyond the one with an HQ in Virginia and there are many things to dislike about their government.

    To the extent this is fomented or more likely taken advantage of it might not be the CIA per se, we’re getting into the territory Russia during the Obama administration labeled as the US being “non-agreement capable.” Because there are so many factions in the US Deep State that making an agreement with one is useless if another has a different agenda. Related to Iran, see the claims the CIA and DoD were backing different organizations in Syria.

    Here we have on the surface an Administration which is continuing Obama’s #1 foreign policy priority, fixing the mess with Iran that Jimmy Carter played a major role in creating. Probably the #1 reason for the Saudis and UAE etc. in that region to give “Biden” the back of their hand with a production cut just in time for the midterms, Iran being an existential enemy of them on many grounds, including of course the Sunni-Shia divide.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  30. Anonymous[397] • Disclaimer says:
    @Psychotic Break

    Stop your biased disinformation.

    I told you and gave you DOCUMENT that from where FGM was originated and where is practiced. Why there is no FGM in Soudi Arabia where Islam was originated? Why don’t you do some research and find out for yourself? We are not responsible for your ignorance and Biased worldview. Why don’t you talk with the Egyptians and the Hebrews (jews) that who practice circumcision and who spread it into Islam.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  31. @That Would Be Telling

    Patronising bullshit!

    The USA simply doesn’t have that much reach to do anything like you propose in Iran. All it can really do in this regard is spin the media elsewhere to continually reinforce in minds like yours that the USA is ever more powerful and influential in the world than it really is.

  32. @Anonymous

    Your so-called DOCUMENT is a long discredited ‘novel’ from a long irrelevant psychiatrist (Sigmund Freud). It is just opinion from the ‘unconscious’, and from seventy plus years ago, and no proof of anything in this regard.

    You contradict yourself also. You say:

    the Hebrews (jews) that who practice circumcision and who spread it into Islam

    You state that it is not Islamic, yet you now claim ‘it was spread into Islam’.

    It did spread into Islam, and where indeed it ‘flourished’.

    You must really love the cutting of children in this way. Or are you so thoroughly ashamed of this utter cruelty of your’s but simply don’t have the courage to stand up, confront this barbaric ritual practiced in the name of your religion for what it actually is, and try and put a stop to it?

    Attempting to blame me for telling it as it is won’t make it go away!

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  33. Anonymous[923] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you for sharing that.

    It’s my understanding that such reassignment surgeries are also undertaken with respect to hermaphrodites, whose gender remains biologically ambiguous. I believe your student’s account is accurate, though, which means there is a world of difference between the motives behind these surgeries in Iran and those undertaken in the west.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  34. huisache says:

    maybe the Iranian protesters are just tired of their country being run by a bunch of religious fanatics?

    • Agree: Psychotic Break
    • Replies: @showmethereal
  35. @RedpilledAF

    Regardless of the alleged motives for supporting the procedure, the fact is that they do. So, it’s a little hard for me to understand how it could be inspired by “Satan” in the West and by “Allah” in Iran (even if those terms are taken metaphorically). Furthermore, equal causes produce equal consequences. So, isn’t it legitimate to speculate that the same social consequences that result in Iran would result in Western countries?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  36. @Anonymous

    And the motives behind the widespread practice of ritual female genital mutilation in Iran must of course be wonderful.

    • Replies: @Ananymous
  37. Anonymous[397] • Disclaimer says:
    @Psychotic Break

    [You state that it is not Islamic, yet you now claim ‘it was spread into Islam’]

    I mean male circumcision where is practiced by both Jewish and Muslims. You are slow learner. You are a narrow minded idiot.Take your anger and direct it at the jewish circumcised neocons who rule over you.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  38. Ananymous says:
    @Psychotic Break

    [And the motives behind the widespread practice of ritual female genital mutilation in Iran must of course be wonderful.]

    Who are you? Where did you get this idea that FGM is practiced in Iran? You are openly LYING and this is very suspicious. Are you MOSSAD agent? You are a dummy person. You should go to a doctor and allow your brain (if you have one) be checked. You can be held responsible for spreading LIES. Who told you that FGM is practiced in Iran? Your agent? Are you here to spread lies?

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  39. @Anonymous

    You write:

    You are a narrow minded idiot

    This is possible, but I would still much prefer it if you and your Semitic religions did not act out your monstrous fanatical compulsion to cut and mutilate the genitals of infants and young children ; boys or girls.

    Islam was a fabrication of the Jews to control the Arabs. Islam as a factor existed for quite some time before the channeling of Mohammed, that is why it continues these hideous practices to this day.

  40. Franz says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Citation needed

    Over a half million brides considered “structurally deficient” and worse since. Always money for Israel, wars, and migrant hearings means other things don’t get done. National not local. This was a decade ago:

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  41. Ananymous says:
    @Psychotic Break

    In one of your biased link, I found the following statement:

    [[Homa Sarshar, a pre-revolutionary journalist, said in an interview that she noticed the spread of FGM 50 years ago during a trip to southern Iran.]]

    There may be one or two cases among African Iranians living in the South of Iran who came from Zanzibar, East Africa, to Iran many centuries ago bringing their own CUSTOM and TRADITION with them. But this does not mean It is Iranian tradition. When people from Somalia, Sudan or Egypt come to the United states and practice their own tradition, do you say this is an American culture? Or when Muslims wear Hijab in the west, do you say this is Western culture? If it widely were practiced in Iran, then you say it is cultural. This practice in Iran is close to ZERO, among Africans. Do you understand?

    And do you know who is HOMA SARSHAR? She is a zionist who does anything to help her country Israel. FGM was used by many African women as NGOs, in the service of CIA to topple their governments.
    Many years ago, I remember, MGM was very popular as a WEAPON used by the NGOs from Tunis.
    Homa Sarshar, a zionist, lives in California for the past 45 years who cannot go back to Iran, found FGM a good weapon for ‘regime change’. You expose yourself. Either you are illiterate not knowing
    who is Homa Sarshar, or you are a Troll? The choice is yours.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  42. @Ananymous

    The choice is easy.

    I’ve already told you ; I am a Mossad agent (006.66)

    I don’t know who Homa Sarshar is, and I don’t care who she is.

    You have not addressed all the links; just the one which gives your propaganda a vague chance of having some validity.

    FGM could not be turned into a weapon unless it were actually prevalent in Iranian society; something that a great many young Iranian women could already identify with both in experience and terror.

    The sooner the monstrous tyrannical regime changes in Iran, the better!

    And it is not just in Iran, the whole world – whether it knows it or not – is in very the process of throwing off its Semitic-based mental prison.

    • Replies: @Ananymous
  43. Ananymous says:
    @Psychotic Break

    You are a Troll where have NO right to say this or that government should go or stay.
    The evil should go and that is the zionist mafia who controls you and dummies like you.
    Iran is a CIVILIZATION that no one can destroy, you are just a petty person.

  44. @Franz

    I see a lot of bullshit in your citation after it does the “11% of bridges are considered structurally deficient in 2012” statistic which doesn’t tell us anything about geographic distribution and remediation.

    When it gets to specifics in the first two paragraphs none of the collapses count for our purposes. The I-34 collapse was the result of a severe design flaw. In the middle paragraph, to the extent I can figure out what they’re referring to, they’re talking about bridges that got smashed by trucks or trains which they’re not designed to withstand for obvious reasons.

    It ends with a whining paragraph, we’re ambulance chasers, and damn, another lie perhaps. A case they prosecuted, but it was caused by a train derailment on the bridge that collapsed on top a couple in a car below it. You’d think rail bridges would be designed for that, on the other hand I can see there being reasonable limits to what they can handle. In any case, not a “normal accident” like that Philly bridge that was just about literally hanging by a thread when “Biden” visited the city.

    It that’s all you’ve got you’ve not quite got nothing, but not much. And, again, no geographic breakdown.

    • Replies: @Franz
  45. @Ananymous

    While I’m still free to say whatever I like, I’ll say it. Thank you.

    Best wishes to the wonderful people of Persia as they overthrow their tyrannous Islamic repressors!

    and, put and end forever to female genital mutilation.

  46. HenryB says:

    What’s the odds the BBC World Service (MI6) gave the signal to ‘Go’….it’s something of a tradition now.

  47. Athena says:

    The Anglo-US friends already tried to use FACEBOOK in 2009 to launch a color revolution ( ‘a green revolution’) in Iran. They failed.

    See: Brookings’ ”Which Path to Persia?”, ‘Supporting a Color Revolution/Supporting Real Terrorism’ on :

    War against such a nation would be a trillion dollar endeavor, utterly bankrupting the American people, but enriching the military industrial complex beyond imagination. […] Iran’s oil fields flowing once again into the tankers, pipelines, and coffers of Anglo-American oil companies also serves as an attractive incentive, as do the geopolitical implications.

    ‘Apparently Brookings’ advice has been taken to heart as we have seen in the news, from Seymour Hersh’s reports of covert US-backed terrorists, to the overtly staged “green” revolutions, to the sabotage and assassinations plaguing Iran’s nuclear program.’

    ‘Currently, the “green revolution” in Iran is gearing up again. The US State Department and corporate sponsored has been following and supporting the US-backed Iranian uprisings since the beginning. Iranian-American Cameran Ashraf, described as a senior fellow at, participated in the 2009 event. featured on their front page recently, information on the upcoming “green” revolution set to feed off the US backed overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt.

    Indeed this option is currently being pursued. Brookings specifically mentions threatening Iran with instability as a means to leverage concessions from the government. It goes on to explicitly call for the promotion of unrest within Iran’s borders, and when coupled with the crippling sanctions Iran is already under, constitutes an overt act of war as pointed out numerous times by Congressman Ron Paul.’

  48. Yee says:

    How strange CIA want the theocracy Iran and Afghanistan to secularise, but simultaneously want the secularised Chinese Muslims to turn theocracy.

  49. Anonymous[808] • Disclaimer says:

    You are a Troll

    Congratulations! And how many posts did this take you to figure out?

    You did manage to elicit psychobabble’s real motive for posting, though. Here’s the key sentence:

    The sooner the monstrous tyrannical regime changes in Iran, the better!

    Kind of lends credence to what Kevin Barrett suggests in the lead article, no? Substitute women’s attire for FGM and… Viola! Viva la revolucion!

    Psychobabble writes, “FGM could not be turned into a weapon unless it were actually prevalent in Iranian society.”

    But he’s just plain wrong. FGM certainly could be turned into a weapon against Iran even if it isn’t prevalent in Iranian society, just as infrequent Palestinian attacks in Israel are turned into a weapon to broadbrush Palestinians as “terrorists”. Clearly, PB is not the sharpest tack in the drawer.

    Case in point… After checking PB’s links, you’ll find that most of what’s reported there hinges upon research conducted by a Kurdish social anthropologist named Kameel Ahmady. His work is available here:

    Noteworthy is the fact that in only one of Iran’s 31 provinces was FGM determined to be practiced by more than 50% of the population (60% in Hormozgan province, which is one of the poorest and underdeveloped provinces). Hormozgan, FWIW, isn’t anywhere close to the most densely population region.

    Next, we find “The rate of FGM was discovered to be 21 percent in West Azerbaijan, 18 percent in Kermanshah, and 16 percent in Kurdistan, according to field interviews and research conducted by Ahmady and his team.” In every one of these provinces, the practice of FGM has been steadily declining with each year.

    Taking all the data in, there is no hard proof that FGM is “prevelant” throughout Iran except in one province, and in three others, it persists among an ever dwindling minority of individuals, mostly Sunni Muslims.

    So yes, you can breathe easy about your first assessment of psychobabble. He is, indeed, a liar. 😉

  50. Anonymous[808] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Regardless of the alleged motives

    Motive is everything. There’s a world of difference between a hermaphrodite determining a specific gender in order to function more fluidly in a largely gender-bifurcated society and a person driven to do so solely for sexual gratification.

    I find it difficult to believe you can’t grasp that difference.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  51. Franz says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You miss the point here.

    American transportation systems since the Erie Canal at least have been done in huge bursts.

    The Great Depression gave FDR the excuse to build massive (and sometimes ornate) bridges, dams, highways and all that. It was of a piece, from 1933 till interrupted by the war. Then Ike came along and jump started the economy with the interstate system, sold as a defense bill, which took about 20 years altogether and pumped money into the economy till the recession years came. The 1970s saw the interstate completed AND the prosperity start to slide.

    They won’t go down in rows, if you’re looking for that, but they have to be maintained the way they were built: The earliest sections rotted and were replaced already, but much in between is being patched and replaced piecemeal. That’s a bad system. Better would be both a coordinated system of repair/replace along with the same type of manpower it took to build them.

    Locally the civic engineers have been rolling their eyes when discussing new ramps, re-r0uting old roads to older still. One haunting fact keeps cropping up: The stuff built in the 1930s, when making the job LAST LONG was the key to job security, is often superior to structures built 40 years later. If we all drop dead tomorrow and a million years later our works are examined, whoever does so will think the American Golden Age was 1936, plus or minus a few years. Everything after was slapped together.

  52. Anonymous[808] • Disclaimer says:

    What a situation! On the one hand, I’m an advocate of individual liberty, and I don’t like the idea that anyone should be compelled to practice any religion. On the other, I think this situation in Iran is truly blown out of proportion by western media, who, as gatekeepers for American government, have been pretty consistent cheerleaders for regime change there. It’s necessary to remind myself that America has been at war with Iran for some time now. Yes, sanctions are war and it’s really foolish to think that America’s position toward Iran is influenced more by Americans than by Israel.

    I don’t think I have to defend each and every policy of the Iranian government to see how these protests are exploited to further America’s war goals, but my sympathy for the Iranian government does not prevent me from acknowledging how it might transgress the bounds of decency.

    In this thread, though, there’s very little nuance. Either we’re with Iran 100% or we’re against it in equal measure. If this weren’t bad enough, we have to endure a regular stream of bilious effluvium from pseudo-intellectuals lecturing us on how bad Islam is.

    How can any serious discourse proceed along such lines? Small wonder there isn’t much good discussion here.

  53. @René Fries

    So, Muslims HAVE NOT “eliminated 60,000 Christians between just 2009 and 2021, an August 2021 report states that, during that same time frame, Muslims also destroyed or torched 17,500 churches and 2,000 Christian schools”, because it’s Gatestone who says it?

    This is unscientific to say the least. What does it matter whether I am told any news by a Black, Yellow, Green, Buddhist, Shintoist, Atheist, German, Frenchman, Englishman or even Luxembourger? What matters is “true or false?”, NOTHING ELSE.

    For what concerns the Buddhist influence on Islam, there are dozens of pages in the Inârah series. So for instance, in Schlaglichter (Verlag Hans Schiler, Berlin 2008, pp. 238 sq.) one can read of “Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Islam und Buddhismus mit grösserer Beweiskraft // Commonalities between Islam and Buddhism with greater power of proof”, 55 pages that I am not willing to quote here.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  54. Anonymous[342] • Disclaimer says:

    Just as western media lied about Mahsa Amini’s death, they’re lying about the so called “protests.”
    Mahsa Amini was neither handcuffed nor beaten & many of the rioters had guns, knives, Molotov cocktails, or other weapons. 24 policemen & other officers of the law were murdered.

  55. Yee says:

    Every society has its own rules for decency. Primitive tribes in Amazon, Africa and Borneo can walk in public butt-naked and tits bared.

    If you try that in USA, the authority will arrest you. Same as in Iran.

    How come covering hair is oppressive, but covering tits and butt is not?

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  56. Zumbuddi says:

    Where’s Phil Giraldi?

    He’s posted an article every Tuesday for aeons, but none on Oct 11.

  57. @Yee

    Answer: Semitic-based religions.

  58. Something that has become clear to me after reading (and participating to some extent) in this thread is that Iran and Israel, far from just hating each other, they desperately need each other like Tweedledum & Tweedledee or Pinky & Perky need each other.

    Israel needs Iran as it’s ‘great existential threat‘ even though Iran offers none such, and Israel ever hypes up Hezbollah as an extension of Iran in this regard; all to maintain a perpetual climate of fear and guilt forever to justify special status and ‘special (parasitic) drawing rights’ on the American taxpayer. And ever to continue to murder the people of Palestine.

    Iran needs Israel as it’s ‘great Satan‘ even though Israel by herself presents no such threat without the wholesale active participation of the US military to justify it’s total tyrannical Islamic-based dictatorship over its people.

    What all three powers have in common is this: they are all Semitic-based. Practically, they are all the same entity!

    And the leadership of all three countries: Israel, Iran and the USA they are all Freemasonic, and interconnected.

    The whole thing about Iran is nothing but a perpetual game played out on both the poor people of Iran, and the wretched TV viewers of the world.

    Shalom Aleichem

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  59. Zumbuddi says:
    @Psychotic Break

    What all three powers have in common is this: they are all Semitic-based. Practically, they are all the same entity!

    No, Israel, Iran and USA are NOT “all semitic.”

    USA is Judeo-Semitic +Anglo-Christian + European Christian + Roman Catholic.
    An argument can be made that Judeo-Semitic and Anglo-Christians share linkage to Abrahamic belief system — which I prefer to call myth systems.
    Abrahamism was forced upon those peoples and their former, original myth systems more-or-less eradicated by the Abrahamic insistence that there is only ONE god; all people must believe in him; we have the right to impose that god upon you and to destroy your own gods/myths, even to kill in that cause.

    European-Christians and Roman Catholics are tangentially related to the Abrahamic , but their original myths were pagan and native to the lands of origin of those myths: i.e. Nordic myths for many Europeans; Graeco-Roman myths for other Europeans and Romans. To the extent European Christians and Roman Catholics are Abrahamic, it was imposed on them.

    Iran is similar to European-Christians and Roman Catholics: their original myth system-belief system was more closely associated with Zoroaster/Ahura Mazda. Abrahamism, in the form of Islam, was imposed upon Iranians.

    In my view, Abrahamism is not so much a spiritual stance as a political or power-based imposition.

    Iran is home to multiple ethnicities — Arab, Mongol, Turkic, as well as (core) Persian — but it was my observation that all these peoples of Iran are united around the core Persian/Zoroastrian way-of-thinking (as well as a common, unifying epic, The Shahnameh): as I understand Zoroaster’s core teaching, it is that “salvation” — living a good life — is the responsibility of the individual to discipline himself toward Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds. Zoroastrians do not seem to seek to force others to adopt their belief system (more’s the pity) in contrast to Jews such as those in control of numerous governments who feel it their right to force other nations to comply with their religious beliefs, even to destroy the gods and myths and icons of other people.

    I agree with EMJ and others that the Iranian people deserve the right to create their own form of religious expression and government, and that their government is too rigid.

    However, it is outside interference from Judeo- and Anglo-Abrahamics and their power-and-control agendas that are making that impossible, and in some ways forcing the hand of the Iranian government.

    Psychotic break, you’ve polluted this conversation with your anti-factual rant about FGM — which is not an inherently Iranian or even Islamic practice, as was explained to you. It’s a shame you took up so much attention with your hissy fit that more substantial issues were not further discussed.

  60. @Zumbuddi

    You write:

    It’s a shame you took up so much attention with your hissy fit that more substantial issues were not further discussed.

    Thank you, but that’s entirely your choice on what to discuss; I’m in no position to so prevent. I stand by what I previously said about FGM, and babyboy circumcision.

    The history books, if they make it so far in this ‘woke’ culture, will show that what all the Semitic-religions had in common was their predilecition to cut parts off little kids; especially from their genitals. And that (particularly) includes the (judeo)USA and Commonwealth countries.

    You also write:

    In my view, Abrahamism is not so much a spiritual stance as a political or power-based imposition.

    Wow! Thank you, I couldn’t have put it better myself!

    So, at least were are in agreement that they are Semitic based: Judeo-Christian, Christian, Zio-Christian, Islamo-Shiitism, Islamo-Sunniism, Christio-Islamism, Sunni, Shia, Judeo, bla, bla, Zio-bla!

    It’s all one and the same. And if you chose to split hairs, its only because you are afraid to address the issue squarely.

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
    , @René Fries
  61. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:
    @René Fries

    Curious that you didn’t respond to me directly. Why?

    This is unscientific to say the least.

    Unscientific? Raymond Ibrahim of Gatestone Institute says that Muslims have “eliminated 60,000 Christians between just 2009 and 2021.”

    The first thing that stands out about his statement is lack of citation, which is, by definition, unscientific. So I run a search using the terms “Muslims killed 60,000 Christians in Nigeria between 2009 and 2021” and the first result leads to page set up by an organization called “Genocide Watch.” The page features an article entitled, “Nigeria Is Worst in the World for Persecution of Christians in 2021.” In the article, we read

    From July 2009 (year of the Boko Haram Uprising) to March 2022, the Christian death tolls rose to 45,644. Approximately 30,000 moderate Muslims were also killed during the period by the country’s Jihadists, who are chiefly indigenous Fulani Herdsmen, Fulani Bandits and other jihadist pastoralists or mercenaries.

    Here we see that, according to GW, Boko Haram targets not just Christians, but other Muslims as well. To be scientific, you need to factor this into your analysis. Furthermore, GW’s stated mission is “to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder,” yet I found the following page curious:

    GW cites a litany of genocides, but nowhere does it speak of the western genocide perpetrated against Muslims, one that has claimed approximately 4 million civilian lives since 1990:

    The alleged “War on Terror”, perpetrated mainly by those who self-identify as Christians, has killed as many as two million Muslims over the last two decades:

    Strange that an organization who recognizes so many instances of genocide says nothing about the largest genocide in recent history, and not a word about Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Doesn’t seem very scientific to me. In spite of this, GW appears more forthcoming about Muslim casualties in Nigeria than Gatestone Institute does.

    Most of the other links citing the 60,000 figure are explicitly Christian sources, but one from the Council on Foreign Relations says this:

    Relying on press reports of violence presents methodological limitations. There is a dearth of accurate reporting across certain regions, death tolls are imprecise, and accounts of incidents vary. There is the potential for political manipulation of media.

    So until there is some independent, unbiased corroboration of that 60,000 figure, it would be unscientific to accept it as factual out of hand. Speaking of political manipulation, you might want to check out WP’s profile on Gatestone Institute:

    You’re free to get as scientific as you’d like and check all the citations at that page, citations which make the case that “Multiple viral anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim falsehoods originate from Gatestone.” Until then, …

    • Replies: @René Fries
  62. @Zumbuddi


    I write here to clarify. I do not for one moment decry the superb people of Iran in what I write here.

    I recognize the supreme historical and outstanding Iranian culture as being perhaps the finest in this world, perhaps ever.

    I say only that Iranian culture hit the shiiter, that it only hit the toilet, that it only started baby-cutting, when it went Islam.

    • Replies: @René Fries
  63. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Psychobabble’s claims about the “prevalence” of FGM in Iran have, indeed, been thoroughly debunked.

    I think it safe to say that he shares the same regime change objective as a Zionist, his anti-Abrahamic religion rants notwithstanding.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  64. @Anonymous

    Let’s just get the record straight here, shall we? I am not a Zionist. I am just a good old fashioned anti-Semite. I am precisely saying that Iran has been screwed by the Zionists.


  65. Zumbuddi says:
    @Psychotic Break

    So, at least were are in agreement that they are Semitic based: Judeo-Christian, Christian, Zio-Christian, Islamo-Shiitism, Islamo-Sunniism, Christio-Islamism, Sunni, Shia, Judeo, bla, bla, Zio-bla!

    It’s all one and the same. And if you chose to split hairs, its only because you are afraid to address the issue squarely.

    No, we are NOT in agreement that they are “Semitic-based.”

    Definitions matter.
    A pedantic point, perhaps, but it’s what emerges when an issue is faced squarely.


    adjective: Semitic
    1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes
    Arabic, and
    Aramaic and
    certain ancient languages such as
    Phoenician and
    Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
    2. relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

    Iranians speak Farsi or Dari, an Indo-European language.

    Iranians/Aryans/Persian originated in the Caucasian steppes:

    The ancient Persians were an Indo-Iranian people who migrated to the Iranian plateau during the end of the second millennium B.C., possibly from the Caucasus or Central Asia. Originally a pastoral people who roamed the steppes with their livestock, they were ethnically related to the Bactrians, Medes and Parthians.

    Abraham, the progenitor of the Abrahamic mytho-religio-political family tree, originated in Ur in Akkad/Mesopatamia, although some researchers claim his origins are in Arabia. In any event, the language(s) he and his descendants spoke is a semitic language.

    Although there are Arabs within the Iranian constellation of ethnicities, the root of the Iranian people is Persian and the majority of Iranian people speak the Indo-European language, not an Arabic or Semitic language.

    PS. I find it ironic that Persians originated in a region not that distant from the ancient Khazars, who adopted Judaism about 1500 years ago.
    Richard Cook has argued that the Ukraine is the “ancient homeland” of (Khazar) Jews. Cook suggests that zionist Jews were somehow maneuvered to migrate to Palestine, where they are now not comfortable, and that it seems appropriate that Jews should return to Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  66. @Psychotic Break

    … and that this screwing occurred from the very minute that Zionism (aka Islam) first entered Iran.

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  67. @Zumbuddi

    Post #65. We’re on the same team, babe, 100%!

    Superb Iran was, is, and will likely ever be screwed by Zionism (Abrahamism/Islam).

    Why do you attack me? I completely agree that Iran is the most superb of all cultures, that is before it was infested by Zio-Islam.

  68. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:
    @Psychotic Break

    Sure, I get it.

    I probably still share a lot of your revulsion about aspects of these religions, or, to be more accurate, what many put forth as aspects of these religions, but I gave up the mission of railing against them long ago. Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for better or worse, are here to stay. We could cherry-pick data all day long to make any one of them look terrible, or we could examine each of them in a way that allows us to see them as potentially beneficial for their followers.

    What’s that saying from Confucius? “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” Any “anti-” mission is usually going to entrench your opponent deeper in his beliefs, but if you show him an alternative way of understanding his beliefs, you’d have a better chance of influencing him, however slight it may be.

    It may be that you can’t influence him whatever approach you take, in which case, you’re wasting your time getting angry about something you have little hope of changing. If that’s the course you wish to continue on, have at it, but it seems to me a self-defeating way of enjoying your liberty.

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  69. Zumbuddi says:
    @Psychotic Break

    from the very minute that Zionism (aka Islam) first entered Iran.

    In bold black letters.

    Boldly Wrong again.

    Zionism is not Islamic, it is Jewish.
    Influential zionist Jews state forthrightly: “Zionism is the Jewish response to the defeat of Jews by Rome in 70AD.”

    When Jews were expelled from the precincts of Jerusalem as a consequence of their rebellion, many fled to Persia (then, Parthia) where several millions of their brethren lived in security and prosperity.
    On more than one occasion Persian warriors were joined by — or exploited by — the Jews among them in attacks on Rome in Jerusalem.

    In other ways, from their earliest history, Jews have been befriended by, supported by, embraced by Iranians.

    You seem very angry, PB. Anger is often useful.

    Your anger could be put to far better effect if you got a few basic facts right.

    Just sounding off irrationally marks you as someone who was too addled to take the time to examine the situation and form a strong argument. Thus, you fail miserably to advance the cause of Iranians — far from it, as you just sound like a nutcase.

  70. @Anonymous

    Stop being such a woke pussy!

    • Replies: @Hal Doperidol
  71. @Psychotic Break

    Does your mother know what comes out of that whiny little baby mouth of yours?

    I’m guessing not. 🙂

    • Replies: @Psychotic Break
  72. @Zumbuddi

    OK, I get it. You know everything, I know nothing.

    • Agree: Zumbuddi
  73. @Hal Doperidol

    I don’t think she does. At least I hope not!

    It would be too much for her to take all at once, just like it’s too much for you to take, all at once.

  74. darius says:

    The zionist Neocons like Mark Dubowitz from foundation FDD, control the western countries’ foreign policy are pushing their politicians to sanction Iran as much as possible until the government collapses. They are seeking a ‘secret account’ from the CIA to fund a STRIKE and demanding the Iranian oil workers go on strike nationwide to help Israel expansionist policy. They promote these illegal policy openly in their TWITTER ACCOUNTS and Twitter does not block their incitement to protest and violence, but they block comments that support ‘Solaimani’.
    The foreign policy of these countries especially US, Canada, Germany, few to mention, are largely influenced by the Jews for the interest of Israel. This is the latest demand from the neocons who run the US regime:

    Mark Dubowitz Retweeted
    Gabriel Noronha
    European governments need to kick out the Iranian terror airlines delivering these drones and fighters to Russia.
    These are all the airports still taking their planes 👇

  75. @Zumbuddi

    That a team of Jews used Persia has a sanctuary from the Romans long before the advent of the Muslims changes nothing.

    I recognize the fine distinction between the terms Zionist or Jewish, but to employ that distinction here really is splitting hairs.

    If you swallowed your vast academic pride I’m sure you’ll be able to grasp the point I am making about Islam; Islam as just another dangerous part of the greater Jewish-Zio religious political power group that has brought no good on the world, and certainly no good on the non-Semitic Iranians.

    And you can skip the pop psychology.

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  76. @Anonymous

    Saudi Arabia where Islam was originated

    demonstrably false. “Islam” originated in the region between Marw and Jerusalem, the bulk of it under al-Haggag around 700 AD and then the Abbasids around 750 AD. Right now I’ve no time left to research in my books, but I must have spoken of that matter earlier, so by clicking my name and scrolling down, you may find something..

  77. @Anonymous

    It seems to me that, despite the recent ideological push to the contrary, we all still live in a “gender-bifurcated society”, and thus the expectation “to function more fluidly” in it would have to be the prime reason to go through sex-change no matter the country.
    As for “sexual gratification”, I guess you are referring to autogynephilia; I have indeed read about that phenomenon. Insofar as it is real, what makes you think it happens only in the West? Anyway, the claim by Kevin Barrett that motivated my original comment was:

    maniacs who are brainwashing American children into doubting which gender they belong

    I don’t think autogynephilia applies to that. Do you?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  78. Zumbuddi says:
    @Psychotic Break

    Apologies PB; got tangled up in my tinfoil hat.

    The Adversary has been at it a long long time and is cunning.
    It is infuriating that Iranians are being abused by zionists (and Anglos), but I feel powerless to change it. My form of resistance is to learn all I can about the nature and tactics of this cunning Adversary.

    I’ve come to perceive the defeat of Jews by Rome in their series of wars in the “first century AD”** as the most significant event in all of Jewish history. Jews are STILL trying to redress that defeat.

    I just started reading a paper that’s been in the hopper for years that causes me to Disagree with your statement–

    That a team of Jews used Persia has a sanctuary from the Romans long before the advent of the Muslims changes nothing. Psychotic Break

    That paper is:
    The Persian Conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE Compared with the Islamic Conquest of 638 CE: Its messianic nature and the role of the Jewish exilarch.

    After the destruction of the Jewish Temple (70 C.E) and subsequent Jewish Revolt (135 C.E.), Jerusalem passed into the hands of Rome. It’s name was changed by the Romans to Aelia Capitolina and Jews were officially forbidden to live there.

    Jerusalem, however, continued to serve as the focal point of Jewish national and spiritual aspirations. The hope of again making Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish Nation and rebuilding the Temple was kept alive among the Jews and Temple sympathizers dispersed in many countries1.
    It is estimated that about six million Jews lived throughout the Roman Empire and another two million lived under the Persian Empire.2 The Jews living in the Persian Empire were wealthier and enjoyed a much greater degree of freedom than their co-religionists living in the Roman Empire. At times the Jews in Persia attained semi-autonomy, collecting taxes and managing their own small army.

    ** Quite a coincidence that the Jesus story emerged just as the Jewish rebellions and defeats were percolating. That fact changes the character of Christianity like a drop of ink in a glass of milk.

  79. Anonymous[103] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    I think some clarification is in order.

    In Islam, sex is permissible only in marriage. Gender reassignment in Iran is typically undertaken for the purpose of making an otherwise androgynous person marriageable in the traditional sense, that he/she may live in accord with shari’a law.

    In the west, there is no such compulsion. Gender reassignment is voluntary, and while the person undertaking it may do so with the intent to eliminate social pressure, often enough it is undertaken for the purpose of sexual gratification outside the bounds of marriage. As for “gay marriage,” that also lies beyond what is Islamically acceptable.

    I don’t think the clerics of Iran are impugning the west for gender reassignment per se. Rather, they see it as an environment that lacks God-consciousness, which is reflected in the increasingly libertine behavior of its people.

    Hope that helps.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  80. Zumbuddi says:

    Annex to previous comment, #81, and reference to/quote from

    The Persian Conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE Compared with the Islamic Conquest of 638 CE: Its messianic nature and the role of the Jewish exilarch.

    THAT article treated the conflict between the rabbinic-messianic class that arose in the immediate aftermath of the defeat of rebel Jews, and those dispersed Jews among various other nations, notably Persia, who sought to reclaim Jerusalem. The article’s specific attention is to the participation of secular Jews in attacks on Jerusalem over 600 years after Jews were exiled from that city:

    “The first conquest was in 614 CE by the Persians with the assistance of up to 20,000 Jewish soldiers. The second was in 638 CE by Islamic forces under the command of Khalif ‘Umar, with an unknown amount of Jewish aid. These events were separated by only twenty-four years, and many of the factors that affected the first conquest were present during the second conquest. As will be explained below, the common thread throughout both of them was the nationalistic ambitions of the Jewish Exilarch, the secular leader of world Jewry.”

    CONTRAST that report — that “up to 20,000 Jewish soldiers” assisted Persians who sacked Roman Jerusalem, motivated by the “nationalistic ambitions of the Jewish Exilarch, the secular leader of world Jewry,” — with this article in Christianity Today: When Jerusalem Wept — that discusses the same event — the Persian attack on Jerusalem in 614AD, but neglects to mention that “up to 20,000 Jewish soldiers” participated, motivated by the “nationalistic ambitions of the Jewish exilarch.”

    It should be noted that Parthia (Persia) and Rome engaged in border wars for about 700 years; the Persian attack on Jerusalem was within the context of that series of wars. “Nationalist Jewish exilarchs” acted within, or under cover of, those wars to gain the goals.

    Omissions like the one in the Christianity Today article are one reason I’m such a PITA about getting definitions and facts as accurate and complete as possible.

    Because a similar pattern emerges when one uncovers more accurate histories of the 20th century wars in Europe, as well as the so-called GWOT, as well as the current Russia-Ukraine debacle.

    But you can’t see the patterns if the history is told sloppily, or ignorantly, or in an agenda-driven fashion.

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @René Fries
  81. @Anonymous

    In the west, there is no such compulsion. Gender reassignment is voluntary, and while the person undertaking it may do so with the intent to eliminate social pressure, often enough it is undertaken for the purpose of sexual gratification outside the bounds of marriage.

    I am not sure of what you mean. You seem to be implying that you have no beef with transgenderism per se, either in Iran or in America. You just object to sex outside marriage, regardless of whether it’s done by cis or transgenders. I don’t see the point of arguing that. To each his own, I suppose.
    What I don’t understand is what your hypothesis — if true — has to do with Kevin Barrett’s claim that “maniacs” are “brainwashing American children into doubting which gender they belong”.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  82. darius says:

    Has Mark Dubowitz seen this video?

  83. @Anonymous

    Yes, the Jewish lobby has created a whole industry out of islamophobia. Whose political interest do you think it serves since it generates sympathy for that cancerous tumor in Palestine, and creates a climate of fear about the illusionary threat of “radical Islam” which generates acceptance for Western wars against “radical Islam” that are beneficial for that cancerous tumor in Palestine?

    • Replies: @René Fries
  84. bjondo [AKA "wormssnakesbrain"] says:
    @Psychotic Break

    Rubbish and your brain is broken.

  85. Anonymous[297] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    You seem to be implying that

    No, I’m not.

    You wrote, “…it’s a little hard for me to understand how it (gender reassignment) could be inspired by ‘Satan’ in the West and by ‘Allah’ in Iran (even if those terms are taken metaphorically).” I provided an explanation of that, not a hypothesis.

    Kevin Barrett is likely referring to instances in which children have been influenced into undergoing such surgery before they’ve reached a stage of cognitive development when they may make independently responsible decisions. To wit:

    Intersex people in the United States are subjected to medical practices that can inflict irreversible physical and psychological harm on them starting in infancy, harms that can last throughout their lives. Many of these procedures are done with the stated aim of making it easier for children to grow up “normal” and integrate more easily into society by helping them conform to a particular sex assignment. The results are often catastrophic, the supposed benefits are largely unproven, and there are generally no urgent health considerations at stake. Procedures that could be delayed until intersex children are old enough to decide whether they want them are instead performed on infants who then have to live with the consequences for a lifetime.

    You’ll note that this crisis occurs not in Iran, but in the U.S. You’re welcome.

  86. Anonymous[297] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Actually, the HRW article addresses gender reassignment surgery performed before the child is even aware of his androgyny, which, however inhuman, isn’t what Barrett mentions.

    However, he’s still right. Children have been manipulated by adults other than their parents into undergoing this surgery and numerous laws in both the U.S. and Europe make it nearly impossible for parents to stop the procedure once the child decides he/she wants it. See the following links:

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  87. bjondo [AKA "wormssnakesbrain"] says:

    You’ve probably read this:

    Mamilla Pool, Israel Shamir • April 26, 2001

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  88. iooo says:

    when you state: ‘Zoroastrians do not seem to seek to force others to adopt their belief system (more’s the pity) in contrast to Jews such as those in control of numerous governments who feel it their right to force other nations to comply with their religious beliefs, even to destroy the gods and myths and icons of other people,’ one wonders if you may have perhaps heard of the papacy or the church of england or orthodoxy? that smell below your waist wafting upwards is not intellect.

  89. Zumbuddi says:

    I’ve heard Mamilla mentioned but never read about it.
    Thanks, wormssnakesbrain.

  90. @Anonymous

    So, you and Kevin Barrett are saying that in Iran there are some people who are better off after they undergo medical procedures which mutilate their sexual organs and pump them full of hormones. Not only that, but, according to you two, society at large is better off as well.
    On the other hand, you guys are saying that in America the whole issue is completely different and demonic, because only in an Islamic Theocracy individuals are really free from harm from the State, and society as a whole is really benefitted.
    I think this transgender stuff must bear some relevance for Kevin Barrett, since he has brought it up in his article. I expect he will soon do a piece (maybe a podcast with an Iranian expert) about transgenders in Iran, because he is always filling us in about how great Iran is. I think it will be his opportunity to show the real face of Iran. I think it will help him and Iran a lot in these troubled times.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  91. Anonymous[184] • Disclaimer says:

    The terrorist Mark Dubowitz is one of the zionist agent involved in destabilization of Iran. He is so dumb that think he and people like him can partition Iran and erect a FAKE imaginary entity like kurdistan where the terrorist kurds are spying for the zionist baby killers since 1950s.This Jewish mafia member and terrorist propagandist in his twitter account writes the following garbage:
    Mark Dubowitz
    “Woman, Life, Freedom”

    “Death to the Islamic Republic” “Death to the Dictator”

    “Down with Khomeini” “Down with Khamenei”

    “Disgraceful, Disgraceful, Disgraceful

    The world to Israel and its zionist agents like Dubowitz say:

    Bomb the apartheid entity Israel

    Death to Israel, Death to zionist baby killers

    Down with Jewish mafia tribe

    You are Assassin, Assassin, and filthy assassin. You should be wiped off the map NOW

  92. darius says:

    The Biden regime is run by the Jewish mafia for the interest of Israel. Israel through its agents, Blinken and others, blackmailed Biden to stop JCPOA, and activate destabilization plan against Iran staging propaganda campaign in the zionist media and social network using its zionist army in the Western capitals. Blinken is meeting with the mafia members, including Roya Hakakian to plan more sanctions against Iran while Israel is free to kill every single day with impunity.

    [[Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan each met with Nazanin Boniadi, the Iranian-born actress and human rights advocate. Blinken earlier led a roundtable to listen to overseas Iranians including Boniadi, known for her role in the sitcom “How I Met Your Mother,” as well as Roya Hakakian and gender equality activist Sherry Hakimi.]]

    One of the characteristics of this zionist fomented protest is use of whores and pimps who are called ‘celebrities’ usually pose as Iranian ‘actors’ while they have been either born abroad or are living in the west for a long time like Nazanin Boniadi. Hakakian is living in New York since 1980s.

    Meeting of the mafia members, Roya Hakakian, with Blinken to stop JCPOA
    @Roya Hakakian
    “Our suggestion unanimously was to stop the nuclear talks until the violence stops. And I think everybody heard us loud and clear,” Hakakian told National Public Radio after the meeting.

  93. Anonymous[203] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    You’re quite the persistent troll. 🙂

    When I mentioned motive above, I wasn’t giving my personal opinion. I was providing an explanation that considered your statement about clerical opinion in Iran, since these clerics evaluate action according to motive. Obviously, I made the mistake of presuming you knew this.

    I would say that, in any situation, be it in Iran or America, compulsion in the matter presents potential challenges and harm, and this applies to such matters as circumcision (both male and female) as well.

    I don’t claim to have any simple answers. I just do my best to observe and explain the contrast. Apparently, even efforts to explain that contrast dispassionately have elicited your animus against Iran.

    O.K. So we know where you stand. Why not send your resume to AEI or FDD? I’m sure they’d love your sardonic wit and could probably use a class clown. 🙂

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  94. darius says:

    Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government must shoulder their full responsibility and counter terrorist and apartheid groups based in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.
    “Given good relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq, we do not expect the territory of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region to be a place for terrorist acts and threats against Iran,” Amir-Abdollahian said in a meeting with Iraqi National Security Adviser Qasim al-Araji in Tehran on Saturday. He added that Iran has always supported a developed, free and independent Iraq and prosperity for its government and nation. Iran, however, “will not tolerate the continuation of the armed terrorists’ presence in the Kurdistan Region and their moves against Iran’s security,” the top diplomat emphasized.
    Meanwhile BBC(MI6) is deeply involved in Iran destabilization project, like Israel, to partition the country but they will take it into their graves. UK will be partitioned soon and the Jewish mafia will be forced out of the region to end the Western project of injected Khazari colonists But BBC is allowing the terrorist kurd spread LIES on BBC Persian program for destabilization project. For example, a traitor Kurd, Amer Goli, pose as ‘journalist’ is telling the interviewer, an Afghani MI6 paid, that “The Iranian security forces are kidnapping children, beating them to death and then let them free.” This kurdish liar said: the authorities NOT only beat the children but beat their parents as well in the Kurdish region. This liar does not give any evidence for his LIES and the petty Afghani does not ask him for evidence either. Both, however, know that Amer Goli, a Kurdish terrorist, is lying to foment riots where BBC and the western countries are looking for to make the public to rise. This incitement to kill is against the international law and both must be arrested.
    The process of bringing Syria to Iran by bringing ISIS, MEK and kurdish terrorists inside Iran, has already started. They kill people themselves to accuse the Iranian government, like in Syria. Dubowitz and Roya Hakakian are in this business to destabilize Iran and create their imaginary ‘kurdistan’ for their apartheid entity. Take it into your graves. The enemy of Iran is trying to make FAKE MASS GRAVES, to accuse the Iranian government of ‘crimes against humanity’ like they did for Syria and Russia, to involve NATO for ‘responsibility to protect’ or perhaps ‘No Fly Zone’, all have been played in Syria by the same criminal forces including the terrorist KURD. Iran should not give any opportunity to these terrorists and the spy agents of the foreign forces including Israel.
    Iranian government is trying to bring the entire country under control, peacefully, but the agents of Israel and the European countries, the kurds, MEK, are killing and bombing, setting fire when they get the opportunity. They are part of the zionist ISIS entering the country from the Kurdish region.
    Death to enemy of Iran. Biden is a traitor and a fool. Destroy the mafia now.
    The butcher MBS is trying to bring the mafia servant, Trump, back by not increasing the oil production, hoping when Trump is in office then he will attack Iran for the zionist survival. Iranian people will give their middle fingers to this stupid butcher.

  95. Athena says:

    In reality, the main reasons why Neocons always demonize Muslims and Islam are :

    1) The neocons want to steal their lands (e.g., Libya, Iran and Syria)

    2) ”In these Islamic countries, banks are largely state-owned; and “usury” – charging rent for the “use” of money – is viewed as a sin, if not a crime. That puts them at odds with the Western model of rent extraction by private middlemen.” (See article below).

    The neocons don’t give a damn about the sexual practices of the Muslims, their human rights, journalists, women’s rights, etc. These are just PRETEXTS. The main reason is always to rob the lands of the poor and make money.

    Wall Street’s Secret “Economic Endgame”: Making the World Safe for Banksters, Syria in the Cross-hairs

    • Thanks: Zumbuddi
  96. @Anonymous

    When I mentioned motive above, I wasn’t giving my personal opinion.

    Weren’t you? Whose opinion was it then? Is it perhaps against your religion to give your personal opinion?
    I don’t understand why you call me a troll (as for persistence, yours match mine, it seems). Anyway why do you engage with someone you consider a troll? Are you a masochist?
    Anyway, I thought we were getting along, since we seemed to agree on some basic points:
    (1)Transgenders exist both in the West and in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    (2) In the latter, the “transition” is subsidized by the State.

    Please tell me whether I’m making a mistake here. If I am, I’m ready to correct it.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  97. darius says:

    James J. Zogby
    @jjz1600 Oct 14
    “‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare.” In addition to terror & forced mass expulsions, docs show Israel tried to poison Palestinian village wells under David Ben Gurion. Why can’t we call this genocide or a war crime?
    While once regarded as only a rumor, new found documents reveal that Israeli troops tried to POISON WELLS and contaminate the drinking water of the Palestinian community in 1948 under Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (David Grün).
    Operation “Cast Thy Bread” was a plan to poison wells with bacteria in Arab neighborhoods and even some Jewish pockets to evacuate several locations and expand the state-in-the-making.
    The Israeli news outlet Haaretz published an extensive article about the documents and the involvement of high-ranking officials such as the prime minister and military generals.

    Though partially exposed decades ago, the extent of the operation as well as the involvement of high-ranking officials remained in the dark, until now.
    Israel’s Secret Poisonings in 1948
    New article by Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar indicates that well before the botched assassination attempt 25 years ago on Hamas’ Meshal, Israel attempted mass poisoning during the war in 1948.

  98. Anonymous[271] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Weren’t you?


    Is it perhaps against your religion to give your personal opinion?

    Why would you assume I have a religion? If I explain an Islamic position, does that make me Muslim?

    I don’t understand why you call me a troll

    Sure, you do: ascribing opinions/beliefs to me without any evidence I hold them, continuing to do so even after I explained myself, and so on and so forth. To be a masochist, I’d first have to feel the exchange with you has been painful, which isn’t the case, though I admit you’re now becoming a bore. 🙂

    Thanks for the fun while it lasted. 🙂

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  99. @Anonymous

    Curious that you didn’t respond to me directly. Why?

    Clinic. Symptome hémo-phagocytaire.

    Then of course, you’re not only entitled to your opinion, but you’re right quite often. And of course, I have the right to be wrong, as you have.

    “Israel” – the state – not only has the right to exist (as has Luxembourg, which just as Israel has been “created” by an international body) but also to occupy the totality of the territories won in 1967 – if it were otherwise, the Turcs would have to evacuate Constantinople and give it back to the Greeks, and generally spoken, no existing state would be safe because the existing frontiers almost all result from wars, won or lost as the case may be (it seems inconceivable to me, for instance, that France would return Alsace-Lorraine to Germany; and for what concerns Israel, of course GB, having won the war, had the right to issue the Balfour declaration). Why “Palestinians” seem to accept the Turkish right to Constantinople but not Israel’s right to Samaria/Judaea? And that Tsahal should retaliate to each and every “Palestinian” attack is unavoidable in the context.

    As to CFR, I rather trust to what Swiss Policy Research (formerly Swiss Propaganda Research) says about them – it’s not very flattering (English texts available). And wikipedia is notoriously “woke” and untrustworthy.

    Finally, Boko Haram is not the only Muslim organization that murders other Muslims, but may I find strange that this should be an “excuse” for murdering Christians?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  100. @US and Israel Are the Greatest Evil in the World

    the illusionary threat of “radical Islam”

    …tell this to the victims of the Brussels and Paris and Berlin and Nice (etc) Allahu-akbar-attacks

  101. darius says:

    The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, says that – with the help of the US – the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR) has become a “safe haven” for Iranian-Kurdish opposition groups that “pose a threat to Iranian national security.”
    “Today, there are 1,200 military camps [with] 3,000 armed terrorists operating against us,” Bagheri claimed during a speech on 15 October. He added that Iran continues to keep US bases in Iraq “under surveillance.” “We know where the US bases are situated across Iraq, as well as the number of forces in them and the nature of their actions,” Bagheri said, before warning that “if the US takes any action against our drones, we will undoubtedly take responsive measures.”
    The army chief also revealed that, according to Iranian intelligence, Israel has on multiple occasions trained these armed groups before sending them across the border to engage in “terrorism and other disruptive actions.”
    “They were being used as terrorists for hire,” Bagheri said, adding that “in effect, these terrorist strongholds were Zionist bases.” One of these alleged bases in the IKR capital of Erbil recently came under attack by the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
    Tehran has repeatedly issued warnings to the IKR semi-autonomous government to “disarm or wipe out the terrorist organizations.” In particular, Bagheri says Iran “will not tolerate the presence, bomb-making and military activities” near its borders.
    Over the past several weeks, Iran has been launching airstrikes into the IKR, targeting Kurdish separatist groups that have been allegedly fueling violent street protests across the Islamic Republic.
    “[Tehran] will continue these operations and even bigger ones as long as it takes to flush out and disarm the terrorists,” the military chief emphasized.

    Iran destabilization project designed by Israel and his proxy forces, the terrorist Kurdish groups, and their Trolls on the social media produces FAKE death body to incite the hatred of the public against Iran. These FAKE death bodies are fabricated to rally people around against Iran. They have done it in the past, for example, in 2009 they created FAKE death body by the name of ‘Tarane Mousavi’ to play with people’s emotion to create chaos in Iran and to mobilize NATO. At the same time, the zionist media hides the Palestinian REAL death bodies produced by Israelis’ bullets on a daily basis.
    Seyed Mohammad Marandi
    Oct 16
    Persian media based in NATO capitals along with thousands of NATO trolls (many based in Albanian) & “human rights” groups, have been churning out fake news about young women being killed in Iran. In 2009 they claimed ‘Tarane Mousavi’ was raped & killed.

    No such person existed.

    • Thanks: RedpilledAF
    • Troll: Sarita
  102. @René Fries

    Those are false flag attacks made by the usual suspects!

    And even though Al-Qaeda would have done them, the terrorist state US and that cancerous tumor in Palestine have done far worse things, so any sane-minded person would expect blowback from US & Zionist entity’s terrorism.

    • Replies: @René Fries
  103. jamali says:

    Top general: Iran will not tolerate thousands of terrorists close to its borders in Iraqi Kurdistan

  104. Anonymous[404] • Disclaimer says:
    @René Fries

    Clinic. Symptome hémo-phagocytaire.

    Ouch. Hope you’re getting the best treatment you can.

    I’m not sure why you went off on a tangent about Israel’s “right to exist.” I mentioned Palestine because it didn’t factor into the calculus of the “genocidewatch” site to which I linked. I wasn’t planning on discussing that subject, but it’s worth mentioning that your argument uses bad logic. You see, Greece and Turkey are both signatories to the U.N. Charter, which prevents either one of them from encroaching upon territory regarded as sovereign from the date of their membership in the UN. Israel might argue that Palestine isn’t a member of the UN (other than one with observer status), but numerous UNSC resolutions make clear that its occupation of the West Bank, including territory occupied since 1967, is illegal. The UN’s position is that Palestinians are still legally entitled to a nation of their own. Only Israel and America’s intransigence has been the obstacle to that.

    We crossed the rubicon of the middle ages long ago. Time to move forward and press on.

    As for sources, I actually bothered to investigate your “60,000” number and found that Gatestone provided no citation to it. I also showed how that number is grossly inflated by researching the matter (something you have not done). Gatestone is also known for promoting the “no-go zones” myth. Even fellow travelers like Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes have backed away from that propaganda:

    Gatestone is also staffed with a disproportionate number of Zionists, which is worth considering given their traditional antipathy toward Muslims:

    Re: CFR’s casualty numbers. They’re still pretty high, if you care to check their link. Thing is, if you’re just going to dismiss a source out of hand (or accept one due to your personal, political bias), you’re going to end up making mistakes, and in the long run, you demonstrate that you’re not really interested in finding truth, but rather, in confirming your own bias.

    Speaking of which, what do you think of the links at this page of “Swiss Policy Research”?

    Pretty interesting, eh?

    • Replies: @René Fries
  105. Anonymous[179] • Disclaimer says:

    Whoa, Kevin. I think you’ve just been validated. Found a legitimately-sourced article that confirms the CIA has led a massive astroturfing campaign against Iran.

    I don’t doubt that a few of the folks who troll you here may be involved in something like this. In fact, one might say much commentary here is from character actors not unlike those described in the article — assuming numerous, even radically divergent, viewpoints, using this site as a psyop honeypot to keep track of any potential threats from the unwashed plebes.


    Decoding the Pentagon’s online war against Iran


    Pentagon bots and trolls used different narrative techniques and approaches in an attempt to influence perceptions and engender engagement. A handful promoted “hardliner” views, criticizing the Iranian government for insufficiently hawkish foreign policy while being excessively reformist and liberal domestically.

    The researchers state the purpose of these efforts was unclear, although an obvious explanation is the Pentagon sought to foster anti-government discontent among conservative Iranians, while creating lists of local “extremists” to monitor online.

    Overwhelmingly though, Pentagon-linked accounts were viciously critical of the Iranian government, and the IRGC. Numerous Pentagon bots and trolls sought to blame food and medicine shortages on the latter, which was likened to ISIS, and posting videos of Iranians protesting and looting supermarkets captioned in Pashto, English, and Urdu.

    Despite the rioters’ widespread acts of violence and vandalism, targeted at civilians and authorities alike, such as the destruction of an ambulance ferrying police officers away from the scene of a riot, they also claim to be motivated by human rights concerns.

    Establishment and fringe journalists and pundits have dismissed as conspiracy theories, any suggestions that protests in Iran and beyond are anything other than organic and grassroots in nature.

    Yet, clear proof of foreign direction and sponsorship abounds, not least in the very public face of the anti-hijab movement, Masih Alinejad, who for many years has encouraged Iranian women to ceremonially burn their headscarves from the confines of an FBI safehouse in New York City, then publicizes the images online, which travel round the world and back via social media and mainstream news outlets.

    Alinejad’s activities have generated a vast amount of fawning and credulous media coverage, without a single journalist or outlet questioning whether her prominent role in the supposedly grassroots, locally-initiated protest movement is affiliated with foreign hostile interference.

    This is despite Alinejad posing for photos with former CIA director Mike Pompeo, and receiving a staggering $628,000 in US federal government contracts since 2015.

    Much of these funds flowed from the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the US government agency that oversees propaganda platforms such as Radio Free Europe, and Voice of America, the latter of which has produced a Farsi-language show fronted by Alinejad for seven years.

    These clusters of social media posts may appear innocuous and authentic in an age of click-bait and viral fake news, yet when aggregated and analysed, they form a potent and potentially dangerous weapon which it turns out is one of many in the Pentagon’s regime-change arsenal.

    • Thanks: Polphil
  106. @Anonymous

    Pretty interesting, yes.

    It all boils down, for me, to lack of time. Then as I’ve said already, I am aware that – obviously – you by no means are wrong always, quite the contrary.

  107. @Psychotic Break


    “(…) dezidiert zu widerlegen, dass es zur Zeit der Islamgenese noch wirkliche Judenchristen als lebendige Gruppe überhaupt gegeben habe // decidedly contradict (the fact) that at the time of Islam’s genesis there remained any vital grouping of real Judeo-Christians”, Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion V, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin und Tübingen 2020, p. 575 – the said “Islamgenese” being the period between 600 and 8oo roughly

  108. @Zumbuddi

    the Islamic Conquest of 638 CE

    no such conquest. Jerusalem was handed over by the Patriarch to Arab ex-Sassanid auxiliaries who by no means were “Islamic” since “Islam” at the time did not yet exist (I repeatedly wrote about the matter, clicking my name and scrolling down should be of use if desired).

  109. @Psychotic Break

    You’re right [although personally I decidedly would name German culture as being the finest ever: “At no time before or after the imperial age did the British and French contribution, in range, depth, or standard, match the achievement of the great centers of Oriental studies in Germany and neighboring countries. Indeed, any history or theory of Arabic studies in Europe without the Germans makes as much sense as would a history or theory of European music or philosophy with the same omission”, Bernard Lewis, “Islam and the West”, Oxford University Press, New York 1993, p. 108, quoted in Schlaglichter, Verlag Hans Schiler, Berlin 2008, p. 614, the said “neighboring countries” having been part, historically, of the Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation; and as to the German achievements in “hard” and “applied” sciences, no need to elaborate].

    As to “when it went islam”, this indeed was a sad story: “(…) ce n’est pas seulement la grande bibliothèque d’Alexandrie que les Califes ont fait brûler, mais celle beaucoup plus importante de Séleucie-Ktésiphon [il leur fallait une semaine entière pour la brûler (foot note: C’est la totalité des livres en araméen, langue officielle de l’empire perse, ainsi que les autres, qui furent l’objet d’une destruction systématique (…). Ces livres furent donc jetés à l’eau ou au feu, et c’est ainsi que les sciences des Perses furent perdues et ne purent parvenir jusqu’à nous”, Ibn Khaldoun, “Le Livre des Exemples”, T.I. Muqaddima VI, Gallimard, Paris 2002, p. 944)]. Ce faisant, c’étaient les témoignages écrits des chrétiens restés branchés sur l’héritage juif qui partait en fumée – et ils étaient même plus nombreux que les chrétiens d’Europe, du moins jusqu’aux grands massacres de Tamerlan // (…) it’s not only the great library of Alexandria that the Caliphs have made to burn, but that other much more important of Seleucis-Ktesiphon [they needed an entire week to burn it (foot note: it is the totality of the books in aramaean, official language of the Persian empire, as well as the others, which were the objects of a systematic destruction (…). Those books thus were thrown in the water or fire, and so the Persian sciences were lost and could not come unto us”, Ibn Khaldoun, “Le Livre des Exemples”, T.I. Muqaddima VI, Gallimard, Paris 2002, p. 944)]. Thereby the written testimonies of the Christians who remained connected with the Jewish heritage, got up in smoke – and they even were more numerous than the European Christians, at least until Tamerlan’s great massacres”, Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion VI, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin und Tübingen 2021, p. 303.

  110. @huisache

    So you don’t believe in democracy???? The majority of the country does support the government. Don’t be so easily manipulated.

  111. @US and Israel Are the Greatest Evil in the World

    “Vergewaltigt, gefoltert, ermordet und zerstückelt: Eine Familie aus Paris trauert um ihre Tochter Lola (12), die zum Opfer einer Wahnsinnstat algerischer Zuwanderer wurde. Der Fall erinnert an den bestialischen Vergewaltigungsmord an Leonie in Wien im Vorjahr, die nur ein Jahr älter war. Der Mord an Lola erschüttert ein ganzes Volk // Raped, tortured, murdered and dismembered: A family in Paris mourns her daughter Lola (12) who became the victim of an insanity act by Algerian immigrants. The case recalls the bestial rape murder of Leonie in Vienna in the preceding year, this girl having been only 1 year older. Lola’s murder shocks an entire people ,” .

    Such news – not only from France or Austria but from all over Europe – are daily news staple diet by now, that’s to say “the new normal” as celebrated by that idiot Sadiq Khan of London.

    Recently I heard in the local news that here in Belgium, a young woman who was present at the “allahu-akbar”-attack in 2015, has asked for euthanasia because she no longer could bear the gruesome images in her mind.

    But then of course, maiming the “infidels” is an OBLIGATION to “pious” Muslims. So once again, it’s the responsibility of OUR “politicians” who import those nuisances by the millions.

  112. Anonymous[395] • Disclaimer says:

    The following is LIES by the CIA/Mossad agents spread around. Nazanin Boniadi and Mark dubowitz are liars and terrorists pushing for military action. Fuck you and fuck off. Death to Israel and enemy of Iran. The following are lies that these terrorists deliberately spread in the social media to fool the public.

    Mark Dubowitz Retweeted
    Nazanin Boniadi
    @NazaninBoniadi 6h
    Prominent dissident #HosseinRonaghi is in solitary confinement in #Iran’s Evin Prison and his father has said both of his legs are broken, he is being tortured and his life is at risk. He was arrested last week.
    We need an urgent @UN_HRC session on Iran NOW!

    Mark Dubowitz Retweeted
    Nazanin Boniadi
    @NazaninBoniadi 18h
    80 schoolgirls were taken by ambulance to be treated at the hospital after Islamic Republic security forces raided a high school in NW Iran. 3 girls died, and 1 is in a com
    The following is Boniadi who grew up in the US and is an ‘actor’ of CIA/Mossad. These whores are not the Iranian people representative. Iranian people give their middle fingers to these whores and pimps.

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