Football Corners Statistics -

Corner Stats - Games With The Most Corners

The data below shows corners data by team summarised as average total corners in league games that team has played in this season. Total corners includes corners won and corners conceded. Click on the filters below for teams that win the most corners or teams that concede the most corners.

Teams That Win The Most CornersTeams That Concede The Most CornersPremier League Corner StatsLa Liga Corner StatsBundesliga Corner StatsSerie A Corner StatsLigue 1 Corner StatsStatistics Home

Who Are The Best Teams For Games With The Most Corners?

The data below shows the teams that are involved in games with the most corners in total (corners won by both teams in a game) for the leagues we cover corner statistics for.

The average number of corners these teams win per game (For) and the average number of corners these teams conceded per game (Ag) is also displayed. Any team that is marked with an asterisk (*) may not have complete season data. Click on any team to view corners data for each game played. Click on any flag to view corner statistics for each league.

Next League Game
* Team statistics based on partial season data. Click each team to view match data
Corners Betting

What Is Corners Betting? How Do You Bet On Corners?

Corners betting is a popular market for punters. There are a number of different markets for corners betting. The most popular is the over/under corners market. This market has a handicap, for example 10.5 corners, and bets can then be placed on the total number of corners in a match to be more than this handicap (over), or less than this handicap (under). For example, a bet can be placed on over 10.5 corners in a game. The game finishes with 7 corners won by the home team, and 4 corners won by the away team. The total number of corners in the game is therefore 11. A bet on over 10.5 corners therefore wins in this example.

Corners betting is not just limited to under/over a single handicap. Most bookmakers will allow you to bet on a range of numbers of over or under corners. For example, you can bet on under 5 corners in a match at some bookmakers, or over 14 if you so like.

Other popular corners bets include first-half and second-half corners bets. In these markets you are only betting on the total number of corners to occur in a specified half of the game. This market can be attractive where you might think you have an advantage or knowledge that a team tends to win more corners in a particular half, by perhaps playing more attacking.

Most bookmakers also offer the corners handicap market. In this market you are betting on the home team or away team (or tie) to win the most corners, based on a preset handicap. So, for example, Newcastle might be given a -2 handicap against Manchester United. If Manchester United win 6 corners and Newcastle win 7, then Manchester United win the handicap bet, because Newcastle were handicapped -2 from the start of the game.

Bettors can also bet on the time of the first corner in a match. This is usually a time set in the first 10 minutes. For example – the first corner to be won before 7 minutes, or after 7 minutes. This market is attractive to those bettors who like a bet on an outcome that will be settled soon into the match – in this example by 7 minutes you know you’ve won, or not.

The race to a number of corners is also another popular corners betting market. In this market you are betting on the first team in a match to reach a certain number of corners won. For example, Newcastle to be first to win 3 corners. This market is particularly attractive when you might think that one team will start the game in a strong, attacking manner. The final number of corners won by each team in the game does not matter in this type of bet – your bet wins if your chosen team wins the specified number of corners before the other team.

The multi-corners market is a little more difficult to understand at first, but is actually quite a simple bet. A multi-corners bet is a bet placed on over or under a number of corners specified by the bookmaker. For example, over or under 23.5 corners. What determines whether you win your bet is the number of corners won by both teams in the first-half multiplied by the number of corners won by both teams in the second-half. For example, if Newcastle vs Manchester United sees 5 corners won in the first-half and 6 corners won in the second-half, then 5x6 is 30. In this scenario, a multi-corners bet on over 23.5 would win.

Corners Averages

How Many Corners Do Matches Have?

The average number of corners in a football match varies greatly between leagues and the teams that are playing. However, as an approximate guide the average number of corners in a game is usually 10 to 11 corners. For this reason the handicap set by bookmakers for the over/under corners betting market is usually this average - 10 or 11. Each of our corners by league statistics pages shows the average number of corners in games in that league. For example, check our the Average Number Of Corners In Premier League Games

Corners Match Bet

What Is A Corners Match Bet?

A corners match bet is a bet on which team will win the most corners in a match. Bookmakers usually offer three selections in the corners match bet market for each game – the home team to win the most corners, the away team to win the most corners, or the tie – both teams to win the same number of corners.

Predicting Corners

How To Predict Corners In Games?

There are a number of factors that might be considered in predicting the number of corners there might be in a game

  • Corners betting includes corners won by both the home and away team, so each team's ability to win corners must be considered
  • Corners history is a good measure of how likely a team is to win corners. WinDrawWin has detailed corners data for most of the biggest football leagues. For example check out our Premier League Corners Stats page
  • Corners consistency is another good measure. Again, using our corners by league and team pages you can look for how consistent a team is at winning or conceding corners, home, away, or both. Some teams may concede a lot more corners away from home for example than they do at home.
Exact Corners Betting

Can You Bet On The Exact Number Of Corners?

Yes. Some bookmakers do offer this market, however it is very difficult to predict the exact number of corners in a game.
