Jessie James Decker Enjoys Glass Of Wine While Breastfeeding Her Baby |

Jessie James Decker Posts Breastfeeding Photo Holding Glass Of Wine, Sparking Online Debate

Published Aug 3, 2018
Jesse James Decker / Instagram

It's officially legal to breastfeed in public in all 50 states, and Jessie James Decker is celebrating the only way possible: by drinking champagne while breastfeeding. Jessie posted a photo of herself drinking what appears to be wine while also breastfeeding her son. The photo is stirring up quite the controversy.

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The "Flip My Hair" singer has three children with NFL husband Eric Decker. In the daring photo, Jessie is breastfeeding her youngest, Forrest Bradley, who was born in March. With one hand, she holds a flute of pink bubbly that we can assume is alcoholic. With the other hand, she gives the peace sign.

"Cheers b*tches," the caption reads.

The photo looks like a clear statement that motherhood doesn't have to be all serious business, all the time. It's OK to sit back, relax, and have a little bubbly.

But as you might imagine, people had some pretty strong reactions to the photo.

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Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 1.24.00 PM
@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

Some fans were totally supportive of the 30-year-old singer's message.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

One fan pointed out that it's "totally fine to drink while breastfeeding."

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

And Jessie agreed — confirming that there's real bubbly in the glass after all.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

And other mamas confirmed the joys of having a drink while breastfeeding.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

But others were NOT on board.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

And they were honestly shocked.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

Worried for Jessie's baby, even.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

One fan said the photo seemed "vulgar."

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

Meanwhile, Jessie also caught a lot of flack from people who didn't like that she'd posted a breastfeeding photo at all — alcohol or no alcohol.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

They were so scandalized they didn't even notice the glass of wine in Jessie's hand.

@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

But something tells me Jessie doesn't really care about the criticism either way.

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Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 1.43.31 PM
@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

She's living her best life with her little bundle of joy.

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Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 1.44.26 PM
@jessiejamesdecker / Instagram

And that's all that really matters! Cheers to that.

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