Free Sermon Outlines by Jeff Asher, Church of Christ

Free Sermon Outlines by Jeff Asher

God Is... Whether or not we believe God exists determines our conduct before Him. The man who denies the existence of Deity is not concerned with pleasing Him; neither does he fear displeasing Him. The lessons in "God Is..." are designed to call us to a practical consideration of God's attributes and character to instill in us faith in His existence and confidence in His willingness to save and readiness to judge. Through this study, men will hopefully imbibe more of the divine nature and prepare themselves to meet their Maker and Redeemer at the gates of Eternity. Thirteen full outlines in 66 pages (PDF file size: 249k).

What I Want My Children To Know, contains the title sermon and ten other sermon outlines directed toward families with children and young adults. These sermons, whether preached from the pulpit, studied as a class, or used for private encouragement, should be helpful to Christian families struggling with the challenges of our world (PDF file size: 468k).

The Gospel Of Liberty, is a collection of nineteen expository sermon outlines on Paul's epistle to the churches of Galatia (88 pages; PDF file size: 918k).

Questions About Faith, a sermon outline directed at answering the most common questions asked about one of the most important of Bible subjects. Learn the importance, source, character, nature, and saving efficacy of faith. A very detailed sermon outline of 19 pages (PDF file size: 152k).

Christ And The Church, the 2002 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. Twenty-four full outlines by Ed Dye, A.W. Goff, and Elmer Moore. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God's Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church (PDF file size: 376k).

The Gospel By Which We Are Saved, the 2001 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. Twenty-four full outlines by A.W. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (69 pages). There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation (PDF file size: 524k).

Gospel Sermons That Save Souls, seven full sermon outlines that are suitable for Gospel Meetings or local evangelistic work. These sermons have been used by the author over the last 25 years and have proved effective in reaching souls steeped in the ways of the world and confused by the errors of denominationalism. Each outline is thorough in its examination of text and themes (PDF file size: 556k).

The Dreams And Visions Of The Prophet Daniel is a series of seven detailed sermon outlines on the visions of the prophet Daniel. These outlines can also be used in a class setting. Includes several charts in a 58 page book (PDF file size: 440k).

12 Reasons Why Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation. A series of radio addresses directed at answering twelve objections raised by a Baptist Preacher to the Bible doctrine concerning baptism "for the remission of sins" as taught in Acts 2:38 and other New Testament texts (PDF file size: 476k).

The Assault On Worship. The assault on worship has been underway for a long while. Most recently, it has been advanced by LaGard Smith, Mike Root, and John Mark Hicks with the help of Pepperdine and Lipscomb Universities. These authors and their surrogates have advanced views of the worship and advocated changes altogether unknown to the New Testament. In these studies Jeff Asher endeavors to set forth the truth about worship. Important questions concerning the nature of true worship and what is authorized as worship, and why, are answered. (Eight sermons; PDF file size: 2.1MB)

Stepping Out With Jesus. This series of four sermon outlines focuses on the lives of several Old Testament heroes of the Faith was developed for the 2006 VBS held at Northside Church of Christ in Carthage, Texas. In these studies, the examples of worthy men who lived and died by their faith in God and the hope of the coming Messiah are examined. By taking note of their exemplary conduct, the student will be encouraged to follow Jesus and lead others in the way to eternal life. Study the powerful examples of David, Jonah, Josiah and Daniel as they step out with Jesus in worship and service to the Almighty God. (PDF file size: 1.4MB)

The Gospel By Which We Are Saved. The 2001 lectureship book for the Dumas Drive Church of Christ. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by A. W. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (69 pages). There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation. This lectureship was unique in that it was the first time that this father and his sons had worked together in preaching the Gospel. These studies provide a wonderful insight into the subject matter, and the outlines should be helpful to any preacher or Bible student in a better understanding of the texts and subjects considered. (File size: 520k)

For Christ And The Church. The 2002 lectureship book for the Dumas Drive Church of Christ. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by Ed Dye, A. W. Goff and Elmer Moore. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God’s Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church. This lectureship brought together three men whose combined preaching experience exceeds 150 years. These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ. (File size: 376k)

Chart Package for Christ And The Church Lecture Series. This packet contains 91 charts prepared by Elmer Moore and Jeff Asher to accompany the sermons brother Moore presented in the Second Annual Lectureship at Dumas Drive in Amarillo in June 0f 2002. These charts should be downloaded along with the lectureship book for that year. (File size: 1.1 MB)

The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit. Twelve lessons that can be used in classes or presented as sermons (19 pages; PDF size: 463k)

Expository Sermon Outlines. For several years Jeff Asher, Gene Taylor, and David Padfield operated a separate website that featured expository sermon outlines—all saved in individual PDF files. That website is now closed, but we took over 100 of their favorite sermons and put them into this ZIP file. Once you download and decompress this file, you will have several folders full of PDF sermons. (ZIP file size 10.4 MB)

A Wedding Homily. A wedding sermon prepared by Jeff Asher. (File size: 28k)

Sermons Outlines by Other Authors

Sowing The Seed, Vol. 3, by Wayne Greeson. This book contains 20 full sermon outlines which are ready to preach. Topics include "Wise Advise," "The Abundant Life," "Little Foxes," "Giants and Grasshoppers," "God's Law Of Harvest," and "Have I Become Your Enemy?" (107 pages) (PDF file size: 648k).

Church Discipline, by Ed Dye. The subject church discipline is important but too often misunderstood. Elders, preachers, and Bible teachers should give this subject careful consideration and make the appropriate application to the matter of watching for the souls of men. These lessons were prepared by Edgar J. Dye and first appeared in mimeograph form about 1966. This version was prepared for the Bible Workshop and published by Bill Mosely around 1978. Brother Dye has used these lessons effectively in local work, building, and strengthening the churches. We make these studies available now with the hope that they will continue to be used in the great work of keeping souls in the narrow path that leads to life. (File size: 1.3MB).

For further study