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Rixia Mao (リーシャ・マオ) is a performing artist for the troupe Arc en Ciel and the current successor of the title of Yin ((いん)), the designation given to a legendary assassin from Calvard over a century ago which has been passed down to inheritors in a chain of succession ever since.



Rixia is a young woman with long thick Indigo hair tied in a top pony tail with a loop, and matching eyes. Rixia wears a variety of outfits throughout the series, however her main outfits include:

Moon Princess: A costume for performing in the Arc en Ciel consisting of a white bandeau, waist cloth, boots, flared arm coverings and a gold headdress with moon iconography. Rixia wears several bead bracelets and necklaces and her body is covered in green tribal markings.

Yin (former): Rixia uses a mystical technique to disguise her true form and appear as a male. She wears long black trousers and a thick black cloak with protective metal plats. Her arm coverings give the appearance of feathers and extend past her hands. The outfit has a lilac trim. Covering her head is a hooded mask consisting of two layers and a metal mask, obscuring most of her face.

Yin (present): No longer using neigong to disguise herself, Rixia's face is out in the open, using a white ribbon in her hair. She wears a revealing blue and violet qipao variant with gold patterns that is open at the sides where it is laced up. She wears no leggings, using only thigh high stocking boots covered in metal reinforcement and a the long drape of her purple qipao, also ending in a metal plate. Rixia uses mauve metal armour on her arms consisting of several separate plates laced together and a clawed metal gauntlet is worn on one hand. Rixia uses lots of red cord to tie all of her outfit together.

Rixia is armed with an incredibly large 'demon sword' with a very thick blade, extended handle and a tip ending in a hook like shape. The blade is navy blue with violet markings across the central part.


Rixia is a polite young lady with a strong passion for dancing, but is humble towards her own capabilities. As Yin, her personality shifts to display more confidence and one that tests the strength of the Crossbell State Police Department. She finds herself questioning the path of being a dancer or an assassin, often leading to self doubt.


Rixia was born and raised in Edith, Calvard in S.1187. She grew up with her father, the then-current Yin. She has no memories of her mother, which led her to think that her father possibly moved out with Rixia in order to pass down the title of Yin on his daughter. Her father was neither strict nor gentle, and only saw to her training. While travelling across Calvard, she attended the local Sunday school and got in touch with a great number of people.

The rest of her days were filled with rigorous training and practice with concealed weapons and Fu Shu. Inheriting the title of Yin also involved inheriting the knowledge and skills of her predecessors. As she progressed her training, Rixia felt that she became Yin. However, since there could be only one Yin active, Rixia spent her days at home honing her skills while waiting for her father to return home. He would never answer her questions as to when she would become acting Yin.

In S.1201, Rixia inherited the role of acting Yin when her father contracted an incurable disease. Although he was perceived as the strongest Yin history had known, the disease was too serious for him to overcome. Her father did not see a doctor or consider medical treatment. From his deathbed, he told Rixia she would inherit the title of Yin with his death. For the first time in her life, Rixia was afraid and told her father she would not be able to do it on her own. Her father told her that she should define her own role as Yin.

Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails through Daybreak may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

During Rixia's early days, she encountered another novice operative of the night, Judith Lanster, who had taken on the mantle of Grimcats. The two often supported and advised each other in their early careers, Although Rixia never believed she could shine as brightly as Judith, feeling slightly left behind when Judith's acting career began. During this early period, Rixia's father informed her of the history of Taikun in Langport and how it almost lead to Pandemonium.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!

One month later, her father passed away. Inheriting his connections, she mimicked her father by dressing in black and resorting to neigong. While she was not yet as skilled as her father, she had no problem taking over his jobs.

Trails from Zero[]

Two years later, she signed a long-term partnership with Heiyue in West Calvard. Their goal was to gain total control over the trade market in Crossbell City. She arrived in Crossbell at night and prepared for battle when the leading Arc-en-Ciel performer Ilya Platiere noticed Rixia's natural talents and roped her into performing for the troupe, causing Rixia to juggle her duties as the disguised assassin Yin and her acting job as the Moon Princess.

In Trails from Zero, Rixia discovers that someone had used the name "Yin" to sign a threatening letter to Ilya. Despite Ilya not paying much attention to the letter and calling it a prank, Rixia sprung to action in order to discover the identity of who impersonated "Yin". Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, Rixia visited the Special Support Section with an appeal directly to Lloyd to find the identity of the letter sender while simultaneously sending a digital message over the Orbal Net to the SSS under the name "Yin" to meet at Stargazer's Tower. In doing so, Rixia (while in disguise as Yin) was able to collaborate investigative data with the SSS and get a clear picture of the strengths and limitations of the newly formed police group.

When the SSS were rushing to Ursula to confront Joachim Guenter and rescue the hospital workers, Lloyd directly appeals to the disguised Rixia to temporarily team up, stating that they could achieve both of their goals while watching each other's backs. Rixia, surprised that Lloyd would even propose teaming up with a known assassin, agrees with Lloyd and temporarily joins the team to discover more of the truth behind the link between Gnosis and Revache.

Trails to Azure[]

Rixia is revealed to be Yin after a confrontation in the swamps with Arianrhod and the Stahlritter. She then disappears from the scene as Yin and does not appear for a while. Shirley Orlando of the Red Constellation is eager to fight Yin and the two start up a sort of rivalry, with the two fighting during the raid on Crossbell City and reaching a climatic battle in the Azure Tree.

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Rixia accompanies Lloyd as part of Crossbell's resistance forces acting against the country's annexation at the hands of Erebonia. The pair search for information in the Geofront but confront Rean Schwarzer and Altina Orion in the process. After a battle, the two manage to escape.

Trails of Cold Steel III and IV[]

Rixia does not physically appear in the latter half of the Erebonia arc but she is mentioned as being amongst the individuals trapped in Operation: Birdcage by Rufus Albarea. Rixia takes part in the operations countering Operation Jormungandr at the outbreak of the Great War.

Trails into Reverie[]

It is revealed that Nadia Rayne and Swin Abel know of Rixia and her identity as Yin as the two sides prepare to fight each other, each thinking the other is after them for assassination. It turns out to be a misunderstanding however and they part ways amicably.

Rixia joins the Special Support Section's efforts in freeing the city from Rufus' personal guard by performing in a special Arc en Ciel comeback performance. following this, she accompanies Lloyd and the SSS around Crossbell performing various jobs in the lead up to the independence ceremony. Following the takeover of the city by Supreme Leader Rufus, Rixia joins Lloyd in searching for missing persons during the occupation, such as Shanshan, Rixia's best friend, in Armorica Village. They track down Ilya to the Sun Fort where they are ambushed by Garcia Rossi and Heiyue due to Shanshan succumbing to the curse and revealing their location. It is after confronting Garcia and Cao Lee that Rixia discovers Ilya has been taken over by the curse and narrowly avoid being injured by her co-worker by an intervening Zeit.

Rixia overcomes Ilya in the operation to retake Crossbell, breaking the mask and restoring her original frame of mind. Rixia then joins in the assault on the Retributive Tower.

Trails through Daybreak[]

When Almata's rash actions threaten the balance of the underworld and Heiyue's hegemony in Langport, Cao Lee travels to Crossbell to request Yin's assistance. Wanting to protect her ancestral home, she travels back with him and arrives in time to foil Gien Lu's ambitions for Aaron Wei, the latest incarnation of Taikun. Yin has now started using a black mask that obscures the upper half of her face.

Yin cooperates with Heiyue in their efforts against Almata and is part of the Lu family's forces deployed in Almata's death game in Oración. Should Van wish to join forces with the Lu family's forces, Cao has him first fight himself and Rixia as a test of strength. If Van does not side with the Lu family, he will instead face off against the pair in the waterways. In either occurance, Judith will claim a fight is not necessary and reveals she and Rixia are acquaintences, having shared a past acting as covert agents when they were starting off their careers. The two prove themselves to each other as longtime rivals. During her time in the city, she also catches up with Fie Claussell.

Rixia is within Edith on Revolution Day, wanting to attend the Creil memorial service before heading back to Crossbell. She initially travels with Shizuna Rem Misurugi and Naje Berca in the Dark-light District but doesn't want to get into any fights. Afterwards, she can be found with Celis Ortesia and Elaine Auclair. When Pandemonium takes hold over the city, Rixia will team up with Van temporarily in a later district, before moving on to support others. Gien remarks she has gotten soft, but perhaps gained a new type of strength since he last saw her. Rixia may come to Van's aid to destroy the Diabolos pillars, allowing them to access the Genesis Tower.

Rixia travels back to Langport for the New Year, and meets up with Ashen and the Lu family.

Character Notes[]

Trails into Reverie[]

Rixiao Mao
Rixia Mao Note (Hajimari)
Arc en Ciel - Legendary Xiongshou
A star dancer in Arc en Ciel extolled as the Moon Princess. While known through this and her ties to the SSS, she is more known as the assassin Yin.
Her Trails
As Rixia struggles with her identity as Yin, a chance meeting with Swin and Nadia provides her with the direction she needs to continue moving forward.
A New Ilya
The moment Ilya is saved, she turns against Rixia, revealing that she is the one behind a bewitching dance that hypnotizes all.
Dancing Avengers
Rixia confronts Ilya in Crossbell and, through dance and battle, emerges victorious, restoring Ilya's self upon breaking her mask.

Rixia Mao Note (Hajimari)


Base Stats[]

Trails from Zero

Stat[note 1] Total Growth per level
HP 1.05×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) 2.1×(16 + Old Level)
STR 0.0575×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 20 0.115×(16 + Old Level)
DEF 0.04×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 8 0.08×(16 + Old Level)
ATS 0.0525×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 19 0.105×(16 + Old Level)
ADF 0.0575×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 10 0.115×(16 + Old Level)
DEX 0.0025×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 41 0.005×(16 + Old Level)
AGL 0.0025×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 21 0.005×(16 + Old Level)
SPD 0.0025×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 35 0.005×(16 + Old Level)
  1. Rounding errors may cause differences.

Trails to Azure

Stat[note 1] Total Growth per level
HP 1.05×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) 2.1×(16 + Old Level)
STR 0.056×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 20 0.112×(16 + Old Level)
DEF 0.0425×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 8 0.085×(16 + Old Level)
ATS 0.0525×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 18 0.105×(16 + Old Level)
ADF 0.0525×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 10 0.105×(16 + Old Level)
DEX 0.0005×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 21 0.001×(16 + Old Level)
AGL 0.0005×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 10 0.001×(16 + Old Level)
SPD 0.0025×(Level + 15)×(Level + 16) + 30 0.005×(16 + Old Level)
  1. Rounding errors may cause differences.

Trails of Cold Steel II

Stat Total Growth per level
HP 427 + 110.5×Level 110.5
STR 6.26×Level 6.26
DEF 3.12×Level 3.12
ATS 11.48×Level 11.48
ADF 8.04×Level 8.04
DEX 32 + 0.1225×Level 0.1225
AGL 22 + 0.1275×Level 0.1275
SPD 25 + 0.455×Level 0.455


Trails from Zero

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Targets/Effect
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Dragon Claws
Initial 20 CP 20 AT 80% Circle around target (10 range, 2 radius)
Craft - Attack - Area (S)
Draws in foes, then slashes with a sword.
Moves targets to user
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Exploding Talisman
Initial 20 CP 20 AT 100% Single target (5 range + user MOV)
Moves user to target
Craft - Attack - One - K.O. (90%)
Throws a kunai with a talisman attached and detonates it.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (90% chance)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Qilingong
Initial 20 CP 20 AT User
Craft - Support - Self - STR/SPD+50%
Concentrates spirit, raising STR and SPD.
STR Up Max (Crossbell Status) STR+50% (3t)
SPD Up Max (Crossbell Status) SPD+50% (3t)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Falling Moon
Initial 20 CP 20 AT 100% Line centered on target (4 width)
Craft - Attack - Line
Throws sword like a boomerang, eradicating foes.
S Craft (Crossbell Skill) Paraselene Dance
Initial 100+ CP 35 AT 290% All targets
S-Craft - Attack - All
Binds foes with claws and lunar light.
Support Craft (Crossbell Skill) Ogre Needles
Initial 120% Circle around target (3 radius)
Support Craft - Attack - Area (M) - K.O. (50%)
Throws innumerable kunai coated with a deadly poison.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (50% chance)

Trails to Azure

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Targets/Effect
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Dragon Claws
Initial 30 CP 30 AT 100% Circle around target (8 range, 2 radius)
Craft - Attack - Area (S)
Draws in foes, then slashes with a sword.
Moves targets to user
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Exploding Talisman
Initial 20 CP 25 AT 100% Single target (5 range + user MOV)
Moves user to target
Craft - Attack - One - K.O. (50%)
Throws a kunai with a talisman attached and detonates it.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (50% chance)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Qilingong
Initial 30 CP 25 AT User
Craft - Support - Self - STR/SPD+50%
Concentrates spirit, raising STR and SPD.
STR Up Max (Crossbell Status) STR+50% (3t)
SPD Up Max (Crossbell Status) SPD+50% (3t)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Falling Moon
Initial 30 CP 30 AT 110% Line centered on target (4 width)
Craft - Attack - Line
Throws sword like a boomerang, eradicating foes.
Craft (Crossbell Skill) Moonlight Butterflies
Initial 35 CP 20 AT User
Craft - Support - Self - SPD+50% - Stealth
Yin's secret skill, hides in a group of silvery butterflies.
Stealth (Crossbell Status) Stealth (2t)
SPD Up Max (Crossbell Status) SPD+50% (3t)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) True Dragon Claws
Final Chapter 30 CP 30 AT 100% Circle around target (14 range, 3 radius)
Craft - Attack - Area (M) - Poison (50%)
Draws in many foes, then slashes with a sword.
Moves targets to user
Poison (Crossbell Status) Poison (50% chance, 5t)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) True Exploding Talisman
Final Chapter 20 CP 25 AT 120% Single target (5 range + user MOV)
Moves user to target
Craft - Attack - One - K.O. (90%)
Throws a kunai at the enemy's vitals before detonating it.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (90% chance)
Craft (Crossbell Skill) True Falling Moon
Final Chapter 40 CP 30 AT 120% Line centered on target (4 width)
Craft - Attack - Line - K.O. (25%)
Throws sword like a boomerang. Unguarded foes die instantly.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (25% chance)
S Craft (Crossbell Skill) Paraselene Dance
Initial 100+ CP 35 AT 140% All targets
S-Craft - Attack - All
Binds foes with claws and lunar light.
S Craft (Crossbell Skill) True Paraselene Dance
Final Chapter 100+ CP 35 AT 170% All targets
S-Craft - Attack - All
Binds with claws and rends foes under the moon's glow.
Support Craft (Crossbell Skill) Ogre Needles
Initial 120% Circle around target (3 radius)
Support Craft - Attack - Area (M) - K.O. (50%)
Throws innumerable kunai coated with a deadly poison.
Deathblow (Crossbell Status) Deathblow (50% chance)
Support Craft (Crossbell Skill) Dance of the Moon
Level 92 Circle around target (3 radius)
Support Craft - Support - Area (M) - SPD+25% - CP+30
Sprinkles an incense handed down to Yin, raising SPD and CP.
STR Up (Crossbell Status) STR+25% (3t)
30 CP restored

Combo Crafts[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Targets/Effect
Combo Craft (Crossbell Skill) Twin Dragon Strike
Initial 100 CP 30 AT 290% Circle around target (6 range, 5 radius)
Combo Craft (Lloyd & Rixia) - Attack - Area (L)
Synchronizes breathing and charges to strike a single point.
Combo Craft (Crossbell Skill) True Twin Dragon Strike
Bonding[note 1] 100 CP 25 AT 330% Circle around target (7 range, 6 radius)
Combo Craft (Lloyd & Rixia) - Attack - Area (L)
Synchronizes bodies and then charges to exterminate enemies.
  1. The upgraded combo crafts are acquired by seeing the respective Bonding Event in the Merkabah before entering Crossbell City in the Final Chapter.

Trails of Cold Steel II

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Unbal. Targets/Effect
Craft (Sen Skill) True Dragon Claws
Initial 30 CP 30 AT 110% (C) Yes Set circle (10 range, 8 radius)
Attack (Set) - Area (L) - Suction
Draws in foes, then slashes. Attacks twice.
Moves targets to set point
Hits twice
Craft (Sen Skill) True Falling Moon
Initial 40 CP 30 AT 150% (S+) +20% Set line (3 width)
Attack (Set) - Line (M) - Faint (50%)
Throws sword like a boomerang. Unbalance+20%.
Faint (Sen Status) Faint (50% chance, 2t)
Craft (Sen Skill) Moonlight Butterflies
Initial 50 CP 30 AT User
Support - Self - Stealth/SPD+50% (2 turns)
Disappears from sight in a group of silvery butterflies.
SPD Up Max (Sen Status) SPD+50% (2t)
Stealth (Sen Status) Stealth (2t)
S Craft (Sen Skill) True Paraselene Dance
Initial 100+ CP 40 AT 450% (4S) No All targets
Attack - All
Binds foes with claws and lunar light.

Trails into Reverie

Name Power Break Unbalance Cost Acquire
Craft (Sen III Skill) Dragon Claws
E*2 D B 40 CP Initial
Physical - Area L (Set) - Suction - Impede (100%) - Delay +6
Draws in foes with one's deathly claws before slashing down twice.
Craft (Sen III Skill) True Dragon Claws
D*2 D B 40 CP Level 106
Physical - Area L (Set) - Suction - Impede (100%) - Delay +8
Draws in foes with one's deathly claws before coldly slashing down twice.
Craft (Sen III Skill) Phoenix Moon
S S D 60 CP Initial
Physical - Line M (Set) - Mute/Faint/Death (20%)
Tosses one's greatsword forward like a boomerang to sweep enemies.
Craft (Sen III Skill) Supreme Phoenix Moon
S+ S+ D 60 CP Level 204
Physical - Line M (Set) - Mute/Faint/Confuse/Death (30%)
Tosses one's greatsword forward like a boomerang to sweep enemies at incredible speed.
Craft (Sen III Skill) Moonlight Butterflies
40 CP Initial
Support - Self - Stealth for 2 turns - STR•SPD ↑ (M) for 4 turns
Disappears from sight among a group of silver butterflies.
Craft (Sen III Skill) True Moonlight Butterflies
40 CP Level 138
Support - Self - Stealth for 2 turns - STR•SPD ↑ (L) for 4 turns
Disappears from sight among a group of silver butterflies.
S Craft (Sen III Skill) Paraselene Dance
4S+ D No 100+ CP Initial
Physical - All
Binds foes with both claws and the entrancement of the moon before delivering a broad sword strike.
S Craft (Sen III Skill) Pearl Moon Dance
5S D No 100+ CP Trial Door
Physical - All - Confuse/Charm (50%)
Sinks enemies beneath the bright pearl moon upon unleashing all that Yin has to offer.

Trails through Daybreak

Name Power Range Cost Acquire

30 CP Initial
威力:C / 範囲:直線M

40 CP Initial
補助 / 範囲:単体

60 CP Initial
威力:A / 範囲:円M

100 CP Initial
威力:S+ / 範囲:全体


Trails from Zero

Name Description Location
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Yatagarasu
A black sword for those who live in the darkness.
Finale: Default weapon of Yin

Trails to Azure

Name Description Location
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Yatagarasu
STR+350/RNG+1/Causes K.O.+5%
A black sword for those who live in the darkness.
Chapter 3: Default weapon of Yin
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Kuro Tsugumi
STR+490/RNG+1/Causes K.O.+5%
A sword as dark as night. Cries out when it draws blood.
Finale: Default weapon of Rixia
Finale: Merkabah - Garage
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Gouma Shiranui
STR+520/RNG+1/Causes K.O.+5%
A blade lit by a white flame capable of defeating specters.
Finale: Chest in Stargazer's Tower
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Bakuya
STR+666/RNG+1/Causes K.O.+10%
A legendary Eastern greatsword with the power to repel evil.
Chest in the Domain of Passion
Sword Rixia (Crossbell Weapon) Eieinoken
STR+777/RNG+1/Causes K.O.+25%
A sword made with a strange ore. A thousand slashes in one.
Zemurian Ore weapon

Trails of Cold Steel II

Name Description Location
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Yatagarasu Kai
A black sword for those who live in the darkness.
Default weapon of Rixia
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Bakuya
STR+1165/RNG+2/Crit+5%/Causes Faint (5%)
A large sword that appears in Eastern legend. Repels evil.
Chest in the Geofront E Sector
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Bakuya +1
A large sword that appears in Eastern legend. Repels evil.
Epilogue: Default weapon of Rixia

Trails into Reverie

Name Cost Upgrade materials Acquired
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Grey Thrush
[STR+955/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A jet-black demonic sword that dissolves into the night. Cries out when bathed in blood.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Grey Thrush +1
[STR+1055/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A jet-black demonic sword that dissolves into the night. Cries out when bathed in blood.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Beloved Mo Ye
[STR+1155/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A serene two-handed sword penned in Eastern legends. Purifies evil with its golden blade.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Beloved Mo Ye +1
[STR+1255/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A serene two-handed sword penned in Eastern legends. Purifies evil with its golden blade.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Beloved Mo Ye +2
[STR+1355/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A serene two-handed sword penned in Eastern legends. Purifies evil with its golden blade.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Beloved Mo Ye +3
[STR+1455/RNG+2/Critical Rate +2%/Rixia Only]
A serene two-handed sword penned in Eastern legends. Purifies evil with its golden blade.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Moon Singer
Black Zemurian Ore x1 Upgrade
[STR+1605/RNG+2/Critical Rate +4%/Rixia Only]
A violet mystical sword forged from Black Zemurian Ore. Boasts power as peerless as it is fleeting.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Moon Singer +1
Black Zemurian Ore x2 Upgrade
[STR+2005/RNG+2/Critical Rate +4%/Rixia Only]
A violet mystical sword forged from Black Zemurian Ore. Boasts power as peerless as it is fleeting.
Sword Rixia (Sen Weapon) Longji's Downpour
Black Zemurian Ore x3 Upgrade
[STR+2505/RNG+2/Critical Rate +4%/Rixia Only]
A monstrous two-handed sword with dressings modeled after a dragon. Overwhelms when wielded by worthy hands.


Trails from Zero

Line Slot Initial
All Mirage (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) EP 3 | Base 270 EP
1 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Wind (Crossbell Quartz) Intimidation
  Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Space (Crossbell Quartz) Hit 3
  Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Confuse
  Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Space (Crossbell Quartz) EP Cut 3
2 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Time (Crossbell Quartz) Action 2
3 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent)Slot Upgrade (Zero Percent) Wind (Crossbell Quartz) Move 3
Combat Orbment (Zero)
Yin - Enigma Charm (Crossbell)


Slot Mirage L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)
Slot Open L (Zero Slot)

Trails to Azure

Line Slot InitialSlot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) CostBonus
All Master (Crossbell Slot)Mirage MQ (Ao) Phantom | Base 342 EP
1 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) EP 2 (Chapter 3)
Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) EP 3 (Finale)
  Mirage (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Mind 3
  Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Ao Percent) Fire (Crossbell Quartz) Attack 2 (Chapter 3)
Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Ao Percent) Time (Crossbell Quartz) Speed Breaker (Finale)
Earth (Crossbell Sepith)Water (Crossbell Sepith)Fire (Crossbell Sepith)Wind (Crossbell Sepith)×105 Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith)×30+26 EP
  Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Confuse (Chapter 3)
Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Ao Percent) Space (Crossbell Quartz) Hit 2 (Finale)
Earth (Crossbell Sepith)Water (Crossbell Sepith)Fire (Crossbell Sepith)Wind (Crossbell Sepith)×130 Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith)×35+32 EP
2 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Information
3 Open (Crossbell Slot) Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Time (Crossbell Quartz) Cast 2 (Chapter 3)
Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent)Slot Upgrade (Ao Percent) Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Detection (Finale)
Combat Orbment (Azure)
Yin - Enigma Charm (Crossbell)


Master L (Azure Slot)
Slot Open L (Azure Slot)
Slot Mirage L (Azure Slot)
Slot Open L (Azure Slot)
Slot Open L (Azure Slot)
Slot Open L (Azure Slot)
Slot Open L (Azure Slot)

Trails of Cold Steel II

Line Slot InitialSlot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent) CostBonus
All Master (Sen Slot)Time Master Quartz Murakumo | Base 545 EP
1 Open (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent) Wind SR (Sen Quartz) Breeze
  Open (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent) Fire SR (Sen Quartz) Hellfire
  Mirage (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent) Mirage SR (Sen Quartz) Youkai Gem
  Open (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent) Water (Sen Quartz) Athelas
  Wind (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Sen Percent) Wind R (Sen Quartz) Sleep 2Wind (Sen Sepith)×720+50 EP
2 Open (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Sen Percent)Earth (Sen Sepith)Water (Sen Sepith)Fire (Sen Sepith)Wind (Sen Sepith)Time (Sen Sepith)Space (Sen Sepith)Mirage (Sen Sepith)×240+30 EP
  Mirage (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Sen Percent)Mirage (Sen Sepith)×540+35 EP
  Open (Sen Slot) Slot Upgrade (Sen Percent)Slot Upgrade Off (Sen Percent)Earth (Sen Sepith)Water (Sen Sepith)Fire (Sen Sepith)Wind (Sen Sepith)Time (Sen Sepith)Space (Sen Sepith)Mirage (Sen Sepith)×300+40 EP
Combat Orbment (Sen I II)
Orbment Spinner (Sen I II)
Orbment Oscillator (Sen I II)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Base L (Sen I II Slot)

Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)

Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 1 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Line 2 L (Sen I II Slot)
Master L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Wind L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Open L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Mirage L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Open L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Open L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Open L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Mirage L (Sen I II Slot)
Slot Open L (Sen I II Slot)

Link Abilities[]

Trails of Cold Steel II

Level Name Description
1 Link Attack
Allows the use of link attacks.
2 Finishing Blow
Follows assist attacks with a finishing blow if the foe can be defeated with 60% of the damage of a basic attack.
3 Deadly Assist
Assist attacks deal 1.25x damage and cause 3 turns of SPD-25%.
4 Anger
Restores 50 of own CP when partner is attacked. 10% chance at Lv3 plus 2.5% for each additional level, quadruple chance if partner is below 20% of their max HP.
5 Rush 2
Increases the power of Rush by 1.2x.
6 Lethal Assist
Assist attacks deal 1.5x damage and cause 3 turns of SPD-50%.
7 Overdrive 2
Deal 1.2x more physical and magic damage during Overdrive.

Trails into Reverie

Level Name Description
1 Finishing Blow
Follows assist attacks with a finishing blow if the foe has low HP.
2 Deadly Assist
Assist attacks deal 1.25x damage and cause 3 turns of SPD-25%.
3 Anger
Sometimes restores 50 of own CP when partner is attacked. Activation chance increases as link level does.
4 Lethal Assist
Assist attacks deal 1.5x damage and cause 3 turns of SPD-50%.
5 Rush 2
Increases the power of Rush.
6 Fury
Sometimes restores 75 of own CP when partner is attacked. Activation chance increases as link level does.
7 Burst 2
Break damage inflicted with Burst increases from 6x to 10x (+900%).

Brave Order[]

Trails into Reverie[]

Name BP Effect
2 Delay -50% (6 turns)
SPD ↑ (M) for 2 turns


Trails from Zero[]

Trails to Azure[]

Trails of Cold Steel II[]

Trails into Reverie[]

Trails through Daybreak[]

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War[]



  • Rixia is the only character playable in the Trails of Cold Steel arc who does not appear in Trails of Cold Steel IV. She is also the only playable character in the arc who cannot participate in the fight against the Great One (either directly or via a usable Brave Order) at the end of IV.
  • Rixia appeared as a collectible character in the gacha game Mega Miracle Force to promote Trails into Reverie.
  • While Rixia does make a cameo in the last few scenes of Kuro II, she doesn't have any lines, and therefore, isn't voiced in the game.

