Variables in Science Lesson for Kids - Lesson |
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Variables in Science Lesson for Kids

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Lindsy Frazer

Dr. Frazer has taught several college level Science courses and has a master's degree in Human Biology and a PhD in Library and Information Science.

Learn about variables in science and how they can be changed or studied in an experiment. Discover the types of variables, such as independent variables, dependent variables, and controlled variables.

Which flavor of ice cream will melt fastest: chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? To answer this question, you have to think like a scientist and set up an experiment. What would the experiment look like? You could place one scoop of each ice cream flavor in a glass bowl and, using a stopwatch or timer, record how long it takes each scoop to melt.

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  • 0:03 Think Like a Scientist
  • 1:01 Types of Variables
  • 3:08 Lesson Summary

There are three main types of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled. Let's learn about each one.

Independent Variables

The independent variable is the factor that the scientist changes. What was different about the ice cream in our experiment? The flavor. You, the scientist, changed which flavor was put in each bowl.

Independent variables stand alone because they are not influenced, or changed, by anything else in an experiment.

Dependent Variables

The dependent variable is what is being measured in an experiment. It's called 'dependent' because it depends on the independent variable.

In our experiment, we measured how long it took each scoop of ice cream to melt. In this experiment, the time it takes a scoop to melt is dependent on the flavor of the ice cream.

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Variables are characteristics or conditions that exist in different amounts or types and can be changed in an experiment. There are three types of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled. Controlling all of the variables in an experiment, except for the independent variable, is the only way to know that the results of an experiment are accurate.

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