Quiz & Worksheet - Science Variables Facts for Kids | Study.com

Variables in Science Lesson for Kids - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

What is the relationship between independent and dependent variables?

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1. What is NOT true about controlled variables?

2. You want to know which soap works the best to get rid of germs on your hands. You wash your hands with soap A and use a microscope to look at your hands and count the germs you see. Then you do the same thing with soap B. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

For this quiz and worksheet combination, you can find questions about the relationship between independent and dependent variables. You are also asked about controlled variables, and which variables to use during certain times in experiments.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

Expect to see these topics during this combination quiz and worksheet:

  • Independent vs. dependent variables
  • Controlled variables
  • Finding the dependent variable
  • Types of variables to use to measure

Skills Practiced

  • Compare and contrast - compare dependent variables to independent variables
  • Problem solving - use what you know about variables to determine the type of variable in an experiment
  • Information recall - remember what you have learned about controlled variables

Additional Learning

For more info, head over to the lesson titled Variables in Science Lesson for Kids. There, you can check out the following subjects:

  • Flavors of ice cream
  • Using dependent and independent variables
  • Factors in an experiment