ILLEGITIMATE | significado en inglés - Cambridge Dictionary

Significado de illegitimate en inglés

(Definición de illegitimate del Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definición de illegitimate del Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Ejemplos de illegitimate

In this sample, in fact, 59 per cent of the legitimate children entered in the first month of life, compared with 43 per cent of the illegitimates.
Perhaps the wounds of illegitimates are much deeper than others fully appreciate.
Hansard archive
Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Contiene información parlamentaria bajo la licencia Licencia de Parlamento Abierto v3.0
They had before them no statistics on which they could base conclusions, and they found it impossible to estimate the effect of any extension of rights in relation to illegitimates.
Hansard archive
Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Contiene información parlamentaria bajo la licencia Licencia de Parlamento Abierto v3.0
In contrast, concerns about 'leakage' to illegitimate beneficiaries are strong.
Is punishment for attempts at crime or for reckless behavior illegitimate?
They are framing these old institutions, considered the legitimate units in international politics, as illegitimate ones.
Network marketers find it easier to embed their illegitimate sales-agent identity in a legitimate friendship identity, but not the other way around.
At the same time, they were the appeals cour ts that reviewed claims that lower-level judges had made illegitimate rulings.
During the period 1875-1893 they had seven illegitimate children.
If they did not, then the decision-its substance aside-can be seen as illegitimate with respect to those millions of citizens in a rather egregious way.
However, they are no more illegitimate than the geophysicist's similar answer to the similar question.
Figure 1 shows the differences in infant mortality between illegitimate and legitimate children for the period 1751-1920.
Even if those individuals are considered, the number of illegitimate children boarded out in 1868-1871 was remarkably low compared to the other two periods.
The women whose illegitimate children were boarded out in 1830 -1837 were usually middleaged women with more than one child born out of wedlock.
Initial investigations do not refute the possibility that the foundlings were predominately illegitimate.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de illegitimate

en chino (tradicional)
非婚生的,私生的, 非法的, 不公的…
en chino (simplificado)
非婚生的,私生的, 非法的, 不公的…
en español
ilegítimo, ilegítimo/ima [masculine-feminine]…
en portugués
ilegítimo, ilegítimo/-ma…
en más idiomas
en turco
en francés
en japonés
in Dutch
en checo
en danés
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Ukrainian
en ruso
evlilik dışı çocuk, gayri meşru çocuk, yasadışı…
onwettig, onrechtmatig…
nemanželský, nezákonný…
uægte, uretmæssig, ulovlig…
haram, tidak diterima…
ซึ่งเป็นลูกนอกสมรส, ซึ่งผิดกฎหมาย…
đẻ hoang, không chính đáng…
nieślubny, bezprawny, nieprawny…
illegitim, utomäktenskaplig, olaglig…
anak luar nikah, tidak diterima…
unehelich, unrechtmäßig…
utenomekteskapelig, født utenfor ekteskap, uekte…
незаконнонароджений, незаконний, нелегітимний…
незаконнорожденный, незаконный…
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