ILL | significado, definición en el Cambridge English Dictionary

Significado de ill en inglés

Ejemplos de ill

In addition, 5 participants died, 5 participants reported being too ill to participate, and 3 were lost due to relocation or other reasons.
Unlike those who retire on the grounds of ill health, those who take early retirement are relatively optimistic about retirement.
Given that the ill-health status group were significantly more depressed, it was likely that this factor could contribute to the cognitive impairments noted.
First, hopelessness in medically ill patients has been found to have a direct impact on health status.
The ill-posedness in this case simply means that there may exist other missing physical effects that have to be included in formulating a mathematical problem.
We could easily prevent the formation of ill-formed messages and actor states if so desired.
In this regard, there are echoes of the central problem addressed here concerning an excess of poorly defined terms that are ill-constrained in their usage.
It is not that these economists are ignorant of institutions, rather they are methodologically ill-equipped to deal with them.
The two non-responses arose through the ill health of one client and the death of another.
That could well be what he did, but it cannot be ascribed to actual ill will on his behalf.
Assistance from family members, friends, paid care givers, and volunteers in the care of terminally ill patients.
Those who were ill in the past 2 weeks or had an ill child in diapers were excluded from work for 1 day.
Of course, in many countries of the world the mentally ill are stigmatized and socially excluded.
Because of lower compliance rates, the second study may have been more vulnerable to bias in excluding more ill relatives from direct interview.
Factors preceding the onset of meningococcal disease, with special emphasis on passive smoking, stressful events, physical fitness, symptoms of ill health.
Estos ejemplos proceden de corpus y de fuentes de la web. Las opiniones que aparecen en los ejemplos no representan la opinión de los editores del Cambridge Dictionary ni de Cambridge University Press o sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de ill

en chino (tradicional)
不舒服的, 生病的,不舒服的, 壞的…
en chino (simplificado)
不舒服的, 生病的,不舒服的, 坏的…
en español
enfermo, forma abreviada de "I will", enfermo/ma [masculine-feminine]…
en portugués
doente, enfermo, forma abreviada de "I will"…
en más idiomas
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
in Dutch
en árabe
en checo
en danés
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
en coreano
en ucraniano
en italiano
病気の, “I will” の短縮形, 病気(びょうき)の…
kötü, yetersiz, uygunsuz anlamında önek…
malade, mauvais/-aise, mal…
malalt, forma abreujada de “I will”…
ziek, slecht, schadelijk…
مَريض, اِخْتِصار I will…
nemocný, špatný, nešťastný…
syg, dårlig, uheldig…
sakit, buruk, tidak mudah…
เจ็บป่วย, ป่วย, ไม่สบาย…
ốm, xấu, không may…
źle, chory, zły…
sakit, buruk, malang…
krank, nachteilig, schlecht…
syk, dårlig, skadelig…
아픈, “I will”의 축약형…
хворий, слабий, поганий…
malato, forma contratta di “I will”, cattivo…
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an old person who is often in a bad mood

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