Celsius Overview, Conversion & Examples - Lesson | Study.com
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Celsius Overview, Conversion & Examples

Brittany Stork, Elena Cox
  • Author
    Brittany Stork

    Brittany taught high school mathematics for two years. They have a B.S. in Biological Sciences and Secondary Mathematics Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Baylor College of Medicine. They tutored student-athletes at University of Nebraska-Lincoln for 5 years in various math and science classes. Brittany has served as a TA for various undergraduate and graduate level biology classes. They also are a CLRA Level II certified tutor.

  • Instructor
    Elena Cox
Learn about Celsius. Understand what Celsius or centigrade is, its unit, how to convert other temperature units to Celsius, and see examples of the conversion. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Celsius temperature scale?

The Celsius temperature scale, also called the centigrade scale, is a scale that sets the freezing point of water at 0°C and the boiling point of water at 100°C.

How do you use Celsius?

The Celsius scale is used in much of the world for everyday temperatures. It is also the standard unit of temperature in science.

What is difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit?

The Celsius scale is a centigrade scale with the freezing point of water set to 0°C and the boing point set to 100°C. The Fahrenheit scale is not a centigrade scale and has the freezing point of water set to 32°F and the boiling point set to 212°F.

The Celsius scale is the most widely used metric by which temperature is measured. In addition to being utilized in countries that use the metric system, the Celsius scale is also the standard way to measure temperature in science. The units that make up the Celsius scale are degrees Celsius, written as o C. For example, the temperature 23 degrees Celsius would be written as 23o C.


Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, invented the early version of this temperature scale in 1742. Interestingly, the scale he invented was an inverted version of what the Celsius scale is today. He had defined the boiling point to be 0o C and the freezing point to be 100o C. His scale was a centigrade scale, which is any scale that has 100 units between the two defining points. The Celsius scale is also referred to as the centigrade scale.

Anders Celsius invented the early version of the Celsius scale.

Image of Anders Celsius, inventor of the Celsius Scale.

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  • 0:02 Definition
  • 0:45 Temperature Conversions
  • 2:09 Fahrenheit to Celsius
  • 7:42 Lesson Summary

As alluded to earlier, the Celsius scale is not the only temperature scale in use. The Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales are two other scales that are both popular in their own context.

Kelvin Scale

The Kelvin scale was developed in 1848 by William Thomson, better known as Lord Kelvin. The Kelvin scale was modeled after the Celsius scale in that there are 100 units between the freezing and boiling points of water. Units on this scale are referred to as kelvins and abbreviated as K. Lord Kelvin designed this scale so that 0o K was absolute zero. Absolute zero is the temperature at which particle motion is minimal and the system has the lowest amount of energy possible. So, not only is the Kelvin scale a centigrade scale, but it is also an absolute scale.

The kelvin is also the International System of Units (SI) for thermodynamic temperature. Originally, the kelvin was defined in relation to the triple point of water, or the point at which solid, liquid and gaseous water exist in equilibrium. Today, it is defined in relation to the Boltzmann constant, which relates the kinetic energy of gas particles with the temperature of the system. The Boltzmann constant is defined as 1.380649 x 10-23 Joules/kelvin. As a result of this, the kelvin is primarily used in the physical sciences.

Fahrenheit Scale

The Fahrenheit temperature scale is used primarily in the United States and its territories. It is also used in the Cayman Islands and Liberia. Outside of these countries, the Fahrenheit scale is rarely used. Although everyday temperatures are given in degrees Fahrenheit, scientists in these countries use degrees Celsius or kelvin in their work. As with the other scales, the units on the Fahrenheit scale are degrees Fahrenheit, abbreviated as o F.

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Here are a couple of examples to illustrate how to use the equations:

Example 1

The temperature in Omaha, Nebraska is 27o F. What is the temperature in Celsius?

This problem asks to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

The best equation to use is o C = 5/9( o F - 32)

Substitute the 27o F in order to get o C = 5/9(27) - 32)

Next, simplify to get the answer o C = -17, or -17o C.

Example 2

A thermometer reads 95o C. What is the temperature in Fahrenheit? What is the temperature in Kelvin?

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The Celsius scale was invented by Anders Celsius in 1742. The units of this scale are degrees Celsius, abbreviated as o C. The Celsius scale is a centigrade scale because there are 100 units between the freezing (0o C) and boiling points (100o C) of water. This temperature scale is used in most of the world and is the accepted unit of measurement in science.

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Video Transcript

Definition of Celsius

In science, the Celsius scale is used more often than the Fahrenheit scale. The Celsius scale is divided into 100 equal parts, called degrees Celsius (°C), between the freezing point and boiling point of water. This scale was invented by Anders Celsius in 1742. Celsius also based his scale on the freezing and boiling points of water. The freezing point of water on this scale is 0 degrees Celsius (0°C). The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius (100°C). This thermometer scale is sometimes called the centigrade scale because there are 100 Celsius degrees between the two fixed points.

Temperature Conversions

As shown by these thermometers, a given temperature is represented by different numbers on the three temperature scales:

Temperature Scales
comparing f c and k

For example, the freezing point of water is 32°F, 0°C, or 273 degrees Kelvin. As you can see, 0°C is actually a much higher temperature than 0 K, but a change of 1 degree Kelvin is equal to a change of one Celsius degree. In addition, 0°C is a higher temperature than 0°F, but a change of one Fahrenheit degree is not equal to a change of one Celsius degree. We can convert from one scale to another using these simple equations.

Conversion Equations
conversion table

Let's look at some examples on how to use the conversion table. A weather report of 21°C in London, England, predicts a pleasant day, good for shorts and a T-shirt. A weather report of 21°F in Minneapolis, Minnesota, means a heavy winter coat, gloves, and a hat will be needed. Because the U.S. is only one of a few countries that use the Fahrenheit scale, it is useful to know how to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

  • T(Fahrenheit) = 9/5 T(Celsius) + 32
  • T(Celsius) = 5/9( T(Fahrenheit) - 32)

k to c con

Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversions

Let's look at the examples of major conversions between various temperature scales.

A friend in Paris sends you a recipe for a cake. The French recipe says to bake the cake at a temperature of 200°C for 45 minutes. At what temperature should you set your oven, which uses the Fahrenheit scale?

Let's break this question down.

1. You're looking for: the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

2. You're given: the temperature in degrees Celsius

3. Relationships: Use the conversion formula: T(F) = 9/5 T(C) + 32

4. Solution: T(F) = (9/5)(200) + 32 = 392°F

The scale that is still used in modern scientific work (although it is gradually being replaced) is associated with the name of a man who neither first proposed it nor ever actually produced it. Anders Celsius (1742) used the freezing and boiling point of water for reference points and then divided the distance between them into 100 equal parts: a convenient scheme for the user. Strangely enough, Celsius set the temperature of freezing water at 100° and boiling at 0°. Some years later, with these two numbers more reasonably interchanged, the arrangement came to be known as the centigrade scale (from the Latin centum, meaning 100, and gradus, meaning degree). The tenth International Conference on Weights and Measures (in 1954) changed the scale's name to the Celsius scale.

Celsius and Kelvin Scales
k and c scales

Let's solve more problems on conversions between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.

Let's say you are planning a trip to Iceland where the average July temperature is 11.2°C. What is the temperature in Fahrenheit?

1. You're looking for: the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

2. You're given: the temperature in degrees Celsius.

3. Relationships: Use the conversion formula: T(F) = 9/5 T(C) + 32

4. Solution: T(F) = (9/5)(11.2) + 32 = 52.2°F

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