Writing a Works Cited Page | Structure & Formats - Lesson | Study.com
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Writing a Works Cited Page | Structure & Formats

Alexa Barta, Amy Bonn
  • Author
    Alexa Barta

    Alexa has taught English as a Second Language for over 7 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Spanish from the University of Minnesota, Morris as well as an additional bachelor's degree in Statistics from the same institution. She also has experience working and living abroad in both Spain and Brazil, where she taught English to native Spanish- and Portuguese-speakers..

  • Instructor
    Amy Bonn

    Amy has taught college and law school writing courses. She holds a master's degree in English and a law degree.

Learn about the works cited page and its importance in research. Learn how to set up the works cited page in MLA format properly and see the MLA guidelines. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

How do you cite sources in MLA format?

According to MLA Style format, all sources listed in a Works Cited page must include, in general, the first and last names of the author, the title, the year of publication, and the source of publication. Entires may vary in detail depending on which type of source is being cited. For example, a Works Cited page entry for a printed book must include the author's last name, followed by the author's first name, the book's title italicized, the city of publication, the publishing company, and the year of publication, followed by the word Print. Source entries for websites must include the last and first name of the author of the website or website article, the name of the website, the date the site was last updated, and the site URL.

Which is the correct way to order the Works Cited page in MLA format?

The entries of a Works Cited page in MLA format must be ordered alphabetically by the last names of each entry's author. If the author of the entry is not known, the entry may be arranged by the first word of its title.

What should a Works Cited page include?

A Works Cited page should include all of the sources cited by an essay's author in the main body of the essay that were used to support the essay's text.

A Works Cited page is a list of all references cited by a writer in the body of an MLA, or Modern Language Association, style essay. Creating a Works Cited page is required if an author has borrowed words or ideas from outside sources. It contains the titles, names of the authors, date, and city of each source's publication. For example, if a writer chooses to use a paragraph written by someone else to support their own work, the writer must cite the original source of the paragraph using in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. Even if the writer changes a few of the words before including them in their paper, the writer must cite the work because they are borrowing another author's ideas.

A Works Cited page lists all of the sources used by the author of an MLA Style paper to support their work.

A Works Cited page lists all of the sources used by the author of an MLA Style paper to support their work.

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  • 0:01 Avoiding Plagiarism
  • 1:10 Works Cited
  • 3:35 How to Construct Works…
  • 5:52 How to Present Entries…
  • 6:48 Lesson Summary

There are two steps that a writer must take to cite their sources properly. First, the writer must create an in-text citation to give the reader a brief synopsis about where they collected the information. An in-text citation includes the last name of the source's author followed by the page number on which the information was found. Second, a writer must create a Works Cited page so that the reader may find more detailed information about that source. Including a Works Cited page in an essay is one way a writer can avoid plagiarism.

When a writer uses the words or ideas of others in their work without giving those people proper credit, that writer is committing plagiarism. Creating a Works Cited page gives proper credit where credit is due. Plagiarism is harmful to both the original content writers as well as the person who plagiarizes that content. The negative consequences of plagiarism include failing an assignment, failing a class, losing one's job, and in some cases, legal action.

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To know how to create a Works Cited page, a writer must follow specific formatting guidelines determined by the Modern Language Association. The following sections explain the MLA style guidelines in more detail.

What Does a Works Cited Page Look Like?

What does a Works Cited page look like? A Works Cited page must always begin on a new page at the end of the essay, separate from the main body of the text. A proper Works Cited page adheres to the following formatting guidelines :

  • The title, Works Cited, is centered at the top of the page;
  • consistent font style and size for both the title of the page and the entries;
  • one-inch page margins;
  • a page header listing the writer's last name and page number; and
  • double spacing between all lines of text.

All papers written in MLA style must use these guidelines to format the Works Cited page of the paper.

Presenting Entries on Works Cited Page

MLA Style guidelines inform writers on how to set up a Works Cited page. For book references, entries should include information about the title, author, as well as the location, company, and year of the source's publication. Each entry must be formatted according to the following guidelines:

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A Works Cited page is a list of all references cited by a writer in the body of an MLA style essay. Including a Works Cited page is required if an author has borrowed words or ideas from any other sources. If a writer does not give proper credit to the sources that they used to support their ideas, the writer is committing plagiarism.

To properly cite a source, a writer must include both in-text citations as well as a Works Cited page. A Works Cited page must always begin on a new page at the end of the essay, separate from the main body of the text. The MLA style formatting guidelines require:

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Video Transcript

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism. You know you shouldn't do it, and you know you'd get into a lot of trouble if you did. But you might not be entirely sure what it is or how to avoid it. Luckily, there are clear rules to follow to ensure that you don't plagiarize your papers and that you always give credit where credit is due.

Plagiarism occurs when a writer or speaker presents the words or ideas of another as if they were his or her own. Basically, someone has plagiarized if he or she writes something (or includes something in a speech) that comes from someone else, but doesn't give credit to that other person. Even if you don't mean to plagiarize, you may still end up doing it if you've presented words or ideas from a source without properly crediting that source.

You can avoid plagiarism by being careful to cite your sources. A citation is a way of showing the source from which you've borrowed information that appears in your paper. There are a few different citation systems, and the one you should use depends on what type of writing you're doing. Many humanities classes require that you use the citation system set forth by the Modern Language Association, or MLA. If you're told to create a Works Cited page (as opposed to, say, a References page) to cite your sources, then you know you'll be using the MLA system.

Works Cited

So, what is a Works Cited page? The name itself gives us a big clue. The phrase 'Works Cited' essentially means, 'Hey, here are the works that I cited in my paper.' A Works Cited page is a page (or pages) at the end of your paper that lists all of the sources that you used in your paper. It's not enough, though, to toss in random descriptions of the stuff you borrowed from, like 'My biology textbook' or 'Article I read online about evolution.'

Instead, the MLA has set forth rules about what your list should look like and how you should cite different types of sources. Here's the general idea behind why you should create a Works Cited page. First, it would enable your reader to go find the source that you used and read it. You would present all of the information that would be required for your reader to find the specific source you used. Second, it's just the right thing to do.

Think about it this way. If you had gone to all the trouble of becoming an expert on something and writing a book or article that other people want to use and rely on in their papers, wouldn't you want those people to give you credit for it? The guy who wrote the definitive book on shoelaces, for example, deserves to be known as the world's foremost expert on shoelaces, and if you use his book in writing your paper on shoelaces, then it's your duty to let your reader know where you got your information.

So, there are two steps to properly citing all of the sources from which you've borrowed words or ideas in your paper. First, you must use in-text citations, or parenthetical citations, which are notations in the actual body of your paper providing short notes about the source you've used right after the information that you've borrowed from that source. So, if you've written, 'Shoelaces represent one of the greatest advancements of humankind,' and you've borrowed that idea from a book written by Joe Smith, you'd follow that sentence with a parenthetical citation that looks like this: (Smith 45), with 45 being the page number.

Your Works Cited page is step two, and it fills in all of the additional information about each and every source that you've used. One mistake that student writers sometimes make is listing sources in their Works Cited that they haven't used and cited in the body of their paper or, conversely, using and citing sources in the body of their paper, but not listing those sources in their Works Cited page. Don't make those mistakes. You could get hit with a plagiarism charge and/or lose points. You might also hurt our shoelace expert's feelings.

How to Construct Works Cited Entries

Let's take a look at what a Works Cited entry might look like. Let's use the example of Smith's book about shoelaces. The MLA has set out specific rules about how to put together a Works Cited entry and an entry for a book would look like this:

Smith, Joe. Shoelaces: A Brief History. New York: Random, 2010. Print.

Note that we present the author's last name before his first and then a period. We then present the title of the book in italics, followed by a period. Next is the name of the city in which the book was published, followed by a colon and then a shortened version of the name of the publishing company and a comma. Then put the year of the most recent printing of the book, followed by a period. Follow that with the word 'Print' for a print book, as opposed to an online book. Close with a period.

The city of publication, publishing company, and year of publication can be found on the book's title page and copyright page. When it comes to Works Cited pages, the details matter, so make sure that you follow the MLA guidelines for each entry. (Note that the MLA publishes the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. This book provides detailed formats and examples so that you can cite your papers correctly.)

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