Western Daily Press - 2021-12-18
Western Daily Press 2021-12-18


Western Daily Press - 2021-12-18

18. Dec 2021
120 Pages

filmS to fEStiVE SpECi AlS And So mUCh moRE Western Daily Press SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 The champion of Somerset and Gloucestershire and the West since 1858 £2.15 inSidE opinion RECipE S AllotmE ntS t V REVi EW Your two-week TV and radio guide free inside with west country life SAtURdAY, dECEmBER 18, 2021 Also inside Your WhAt A fAmilY ChRiStmAS WoUld hAVE lookEd likE At tYntESfiE ld in thE lAtE 1800S plUS pAnto REtURnS to thE 2-week Christmas TV & radio guide thEAt RE RoYAl o UR piC k of WhAt’S BESt on thE Box fRom

Western Daily Press Published by Bristol News and Media at Temple Way, Bristol BS2 0BY (Tel: 0117 9343000). Registered office: Reach PLC, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. For permission to copy cuttings, contact the NLA, 7 Church Road, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1NL (Tel: 01892 525273; email: copy@nla.co.uk). Printed by Reach PLC. The recycled paper content of newspapers in 2016 was 62.8 per cent

inside opinion RECIPES Allotments TV REVIEW SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Your 2-week Also inside what a family christmas would have looked like at tyntesfield in the late 1800s plus panto returns to the theatre royal Christmas TV & radio guide our pick of what’s best on the box from films to festive specials and so much more

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 3 wT hello there INSIDE. 7 10 b I g fEAt URE Visit the National Trust’s Tyntesfield to experience a Victorian Christmas EDITOR Pip O’Shea pip.oshea@reachplc.com twitter: @piposhea TO ADVERTISE Tracie Simms tracie.simms@reachplc.com 01179343165 ON THE COVER 2-week Christmas TV guide all the best festive offerings on the box and the radio – pages 15 to 46 photography: Joe alblas/BBC Like us on Facebook and follow westcountrylifemag on Instagram CorreCtions & Complaints If we have published anything that is factually inaccurate please contact the editor, Bill Martin, via email bill.martin@reachplc.com or write to The Editor, Western Daily Press, 1 Temple Way, Bristol, BS2 0BY. Once verified, we will correct it as soon as possible. The Western Daily Press newspaper is published by Local World, a subsidiary company of Reach PLC, which is a member of IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation. We adhere to the Editors’ Code of Practice as enforced by IPSO, who are contactable for advice at IPSO, GateHouse, 1 Farringdon Street, London EC4M 7LG. Website http://www.ipso.co.uk, telephone 0300 123 2220, email advice@ipso. co.uk If you have a complaint concerning a potential breach of the Code of Practice, we will deal with your complaint directly or IPSO can refer your complaint to us. Please go to http://www.@reachplc.com/ howtocomplain where you can view our Complaints Policy and Procedure. A ‘How to Complain’ pack is also available by writing to the Legal and Compliance Department, Reach PLC, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. fOOD & DRINk Chris Rundle cooks up that Boxing Day leftovers staple, bubble and squeak 8 fOOD & DRINk Anja Dunk shares some tempting German festive bakes from her new cookbook 13 whAt’S ON We speak to the stars of Cinderella as panto season returns to the Theatre Royal Bath 14 t V REVIEw O f thE YEAR Remembering the best of 2021’s telly – including hit Channel 4 show It’s a Sin IN YOUR AREA Get everything you need to know about where you live with our app or via InYourArea.co.uk

4 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 opinion VOICES OF THE WEST COUNTRY Becky Sheaves I couldn’t be sure Rose wouldn’t chew their chair legs, disembowel cushions, shred electricity bills on top of the kitchen table and then, for dessert, eat the doormat As I sit here in my office overlooking the bare trees of winter blackly silhouetted against a grey-white sky, I’m waiting for the sound of an aeroplane which I know will pass over the farm this afternoon. It should have been me on that plane from Exeter Airport, heading for Tenerife. Instead, here I am, looking out on low clouds and brown autumn leaves clinging to branches. At my feet is a loving but malodorously damp dog. Next door, one of my sons is playing obscure Hispanic electronic dance music, which isn’t annoying at all. In fact, perhaps I should embrace the wailing incomprehensible tones and repetitive beats – that music is the closest we are going to get to Spain right now, that’s for sure. I booked our winter holiday to Tenerife months ago, at a time when it seemed almost certain that the pandemic would be over by now. There would, surely, be nothing to stop me, John and our two youngest kids heading off to a nice hotel in the sunshine for ten days in the run-up to Christmas. It would have been our first family holiday in four years. The last one was to the exact same hotel, at the same time of year. We are not exactly adventurous travellers in our family. The pool is lovely, there are nice places to eat nearby and (best of all) it is the cheapest hotel in the nicest bit of Tenerife. Costa Adeje, since you ask. So it is terrific value. Like barnacles on a rock, it takes a lot to get the whole family off the farm and away. My stepson Matt agreed to stay over in the house with his lovely girlfriend. So that was the chickens and the cat sorted. But they are busy people with full-time jobs, so what about the dogs, so used to having human company more or less all the time? I decided it was time to find a boarding kennels for them. Now, there are several people locally who board dogs in their own homes, but I felt that I could not inflict our two collies on them. Lily, aged 11, might be relatively amenable to the whole process. But Rose, our pup, is so destructive and so lively. I couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t chew their chair legs, disembowel cushions, shred electricity bills on top of the kitchen table and then, for dessert, eat the doormat. After all, that’s what she’s done to our house – and more. Now, as we run a small day nursery, I know all about settling children in to an unfamiliar setting. We have several little and often visits from a newcomer before he or she spends a whole day with us. I decided to do the same with the dogs and booked them in for a few preliminary sessions. Alas, you can’t persuade dogs to be quite as welcoming as nursery children. Even Rose, usually so bumptious, was slightly cowed by the reception. Along a row of kennels we walked, with each one containing a boisterous, barking dog jumping up and down. “They aren’t like this all the time,” I was reassured. “It’s just because she is new.” It put me in mind of The Shawshank Redemption, with all the prisoners banging their metal cups on the bars. I must admit, I left her there with some trepidation, wondering if I was doing the right thing. But the next visit, she ran up the gate, tail wagging. So clearly that was one less thing to worry about. Which only really left the horses… but hooray, a friend of a friend knew someone who was up for wading around in mud filling hay nets and making sure Ebony and Dusty were OK for the duration. Then, because our holiday saw us coming home on Christmas Eve, I had to order all the perishable food to be picked up from our local farm shop on December 24. I posted off as many presents as I could. Then, I was just about to start stockpiling ambient products like crisps and redcurrant jelly when it became clear from the news that we might have a problem… Thank you Omicron. Yes, William is only 16 and has had only one vaccine, and it was so recent that there was no time to get him a second one. That meant that in the eyes of the Spanish Government, he was not “fully vaccinated”. Our holiday, alas, has had to be postponed until next year. Oh well, at least I am well ahead with my Christmas preparations. Just as well, because I certainly need a rest. ■■www.cuckoodownfarm.co.uk

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 5 opinion vOICes OF THe WesT COUnTRY roger evans If you were following me you would have to put your lights on, if you were a policeman you would put your blue lights on too It was never my intention to set myself up as a sort of motoring correspondent of this magazine. But it’s probable that those of us with vehicles of a certain age, have the same sort of problems. Sometimes I call it my car, sometimes my truck, but it’s a 4x4 and it has suited me... so far... I’ve told you how the engine had been seriously hissing for 18 months, that I had sent it to the garage twice and each time they had charged me £100 to tell me they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. I suspected that they were trying to tell me that there was something wrong with the “electrics” which would cost more to fix than the car was worth, which is a problem a lot of us face. Then it stopped hissing, just like that, and I thought my 18 months of patience had been vindicated. It went for two weeks really well, then it started smoking. Not just a bit of smoke, real road-filling smoke, until it got warm, and then it was fine. If you were following me you would have had to put your lights on, if you were a policeman you would surely put your blue lights on, too. If I drove down a lane it would fill the road with smoke, and there would still be smoke there when I drove back 10 minutes later. I haven’t used it for a week, it stands outside our kitchen door, a monument to my stubbornness. I’d fixed it for a mechanic to look at it this weekend. But he didn’t turn up. My wife is by the window in the kitchen so I ask her how old my truck is. She looks out and works out, “15 years”. This is a bit of a blow, I thought it was only 14. An expert on number plates is my wife, she always knows what the new numbers are and when they change. It’s much too complicated for me. We did have a new car once when the plate changed, it was a t reg in the late ’70s. Inflation was so high then, you could buy a car and run it for 12 months and it would be worth more money. Not that I can remember that doing anyone any good. Having a new car with a new registration didn’t sit very well with me, I’ve always seen myself as a man of the people. One year we had a three-day break in torquay, and after breakfast we went down the hill. We went for two reasons. Firstly, for me to see the boats, I like looking at boats. Secondly, to make sure that the sea was still there, when you are a farmer you don’t take anything for granted. She says to me: “It’s the new plates today”, it must have been the first of August, “the one of us that sees a new number plate first has to give the other £1.” I said: “I need to cross the road here.” “Why?” “I want to look at the cars in that volvo garage.” It was as easy as that. There in the forecourt were three new cars with new registrations, awaiting collection. She gave me £3 but I think she still resents it. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have made any money easier since. I’ve asked people about my car smoking, people with more mechanical knowledge than me. It’s not difficult to find people with more mechanical knowledge than me. Thus far I’ve had three solutions. The first said it was the air filter, then the fuel filter, then the turbo. With vehicles that need attention, the correct diagnosis is the key. Me, I’ve got an idea of my own, this idea gives me no comfort at all. I used to park the lawn mower next to the car and rats trashed the wiring on the lawn mower. Could be that they’ve been at the car as well. In fact, it would be a surprise if they hadn’t. We have never had trouble with rats over the years and cats are the solution to that. We’ve always had plenty of cats, true they’ve been feral cats which means, among other things, that you could never get near them. But we always used to feed them. Milk twice a day and biscuits once. It takes a big, healthy cat to tackle a big rat. We used to get visits from itinerant tom cats who used to keep the kittens coming. A lot of the kittens used to die with cat flu but you could never catch them to do something to help. Sometimes the cats would produce the most beautiful “blue” kittens, I don’t know where that strain came from. I think we only have two cats at present, it’s clearly not enough.

6 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 opinion VOICES OF THE WEST COUNTRY ROB CAMPBELL The capital spews tax revenue down the M4, then sucks it back to spend on outlandish projects, such as keeping the heating on in Downing Street for alleged festive parties From our hotel room in the morning we watched a man being Tasered outside the British Library. Welcome to London, the centre of which I’ve just visited properly for the first time since the pandemic. The arrests remained a backdrop: I counted eight of them during a long weekend around the West End visiting friends, family and shops. Between dodging £4 coffees and £7 pints we saw handcuffed pickpockets, muggers, dealers and what looked like people just driven dangerously out of their minds by the pressure of living in the capital. Down here, in what Londoners call the countryside (that’s everything beyond the M25) we have a complex relationship with the Great Wen, which is what the rural campaigner William Cobbett called the capital when he toured England in the 1820s. Cobbett came across some dreadful scenes down our way. While exploring Wiltshire, for example, he noted “that villainous hole, Cricklade … a more rascally looking place I never set my eyes on” where “the labourers seem miserably poor”. But he saved the worst for London – the Wen being another word for a sebaceous cyst, which he believed drew the lifeblood out of the rest of the country. It’s easy to hate the place. It accounts for a quarter of the UK’s economic activity, and thus draws our children there for work, upon which they discover that the price of a flat means the average Londoner is poorer than any other Briton. The capital spews tax revenue down the M4, simultaneously supporting and humiliating us, then sucks it back to spend on outlandish projects. Such as the failed Garden Bridge over the Thames, which cost us £43 million, or just keeping the heating on in Downing Street for alleged festive parties. London is like a dissolute uncle who turns up at Christmas with a case of Bollinger but wants the central heating at sauna level because he doesn’t own a jumper, puts on a pirate accent when he patronises the locals, and lets his dog chase the sheep before eating all the freezer food you were saving for January. The rift can now feel worse than ever, with urban life looking less attractive than ever. Many of us have honed our lives down since Covid arrived, to the point where I’ve just been invited to stand around a fire in someone’s garden on Christmas Eve because we are too old to risk catching Covid in a crowded pub. From March 2020, instead of huddling in the hubbub of urban humanity, we started going for walks in the fresh air and haven’t stopped since. Some of us, like me, walked right away and moved to the hills where there are more sheep (a couple of hundred from my kitchen window) than people (zero, until the postman arrives). But one can go too far. Our converted barn is so cold that I’ve bought my first ever long johns, and am typing this in a bobble hat and fingerless gloves. It’s so dark and silent that we accidentally went to bed at 8pm recently, like babies, then woke up at 3am ready for the day. The broadband is so weak that the camera won’t work during my online office meetings, which means there is no longer any reason to shave, ever. Up in London there is, instead, a reminder of an exuberance which is – despite the Tasering and absurd prices – a joy to behold. It looked like half the country had squeezed on to Oxford Street to celebrate the love of being alive. We watched a young couple taking photos of each other outside the shops: she in a stunning silk dress, he in a white fur coat, both oblivious to the cold and clutching bags branded with the top designer names. They were in bliss at being there and being seen to be there. Good luck to them. Coming out of the Tube station, we saw a gaggle of girls with those strange artificially inflated lips, make-up so thick as to be theatrical, gold dripping from their ears, gleaming white-teethed smiles as they joined the orgy of consumption. They looked great, glamorous, and happier than I’ve seen anyone for a while. Down a side street, we paused at an estate agent selling a one-bedroom flat for a million pounds, but it was a gorgeous flat. Nearby, the window of Sotheby’s was promoting paintings starting at two million. There were quieter shops displaying clothes with no price tags; only an invitation to enter because whatever it costs, you’re worth it. Laughter burst from the bars and cafes, Christmas lights fought and won against the early dusk, and people were having that thing which has too often eluded us for nearly two years now: fun.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 7 Food & Drink CHRIS RUNDLE Use up all those sprouts in a tasty bubble and sqeak BUBBLE AND SQUEAK WITH WINTER HERBS (Serves 4-6) INGREDIENTS 500g cooked potato; 300g cooked sprouts or cabbage; one large shallot and four spring onions, finely chopped; 125g butter; heaped tablespoon fresh chopped sage, rosemary and thyme, teaspoon salt; 20 grindings black pepper it wouldn’t be boxing day without that great christmas staple, bubble and squeak, to use up the leftovers, says chris METHOD 1. Place 75g of the butter in a pan over a low heat and cook gently until it liquefies and separates. Pour off the liquid and discard the solids. 2. Soften the remaining butter. Finely chop the sprouts or cabbage, and mix in a large bowl with the potato and softened butter. 3. Add the onions, shallot, herbs and seasonings, and mix well with a wooden spoon. 4. Pour the clarified butter into a frying pan only just large enough to hold the mix, heat until it starts to bubble then spoon in the mix, using a spatula to bring it together, and neaten the edges. 5. Reduce the heat slightly and cook for seven to eight minutes then place a dinner plate over the mix, invert it and slide back into the pan to cook the other side for a further four or five minutes, shaking now and then to prevent burning and sticking. Invert on to a plate again to serve. LEt me take you back well over 60 years (because I can) when this would be the weekend when we would make one of our twice-yearly trips to visit the paternal grandparents in South Devon. You’ll be familiar with Eliot’s lines: “A cold coming we had of it, just the worst time of the year for a journey, and such a long journey.” Well, what applied to the Magi applied equally (perhaps even more) to my father, my mother and me (and occasionally my sister) hunched into the ancient Ford whose power-toweight ratio had been improved by the designers thoughtfully deciding to omit any form of heating mechanism. Long journey? It certainly was. These days I can make Kingsbridge in an hour and a half, even allowing for a crafty McDonald’s stop en route. Back then it would be twice as long. And that was assuming nothing went wrong with the car (a half-shaft HORSERADISH BURGERS (Serves 4) INGREDIENTS 500g lean beef skirt; 50g home-made white breadcrumbs; one beaten egg; heaped tablespoon creamed horseradish; 20 grindings black pepper; dessertspoon onion granules; teaspoon salt; tablespoon herbes de Provence; flour and oil for frying METHOD 1. trim the beef, cut in to chunks and pulse in broke after only five miles once, which put paid to the entire expedition) or the Exe hadn’t flooded upstream of Exeter and closed the road, which it generally seemed to do the weekend before Christmas. But after three hours of crosscountry rattling from the Somerset coast to the Devon coast, through towns echoing to the Sunday morning peal, and the fug caused by my father lighting up a Player’s untipped every 20 minutes, we would eventually near our destination, our minds full of thoughts of the joint of succulent South Devon beef which invariably awaited us, together with a glass of cider from the barrel my grandfather kept under the scullery table and which – so acquaintance with the variety in later life made clear – had been pressed from that local variety Brown’s Apple. And we would unfold ourselves from the car, wince as blood returned to our extremities and hobble down the lane past the bombed-out church the food processor until finely chopped. 2. Place in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly, form into four burgers, place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate for at least two hours. 3. Dust lightly in flour and fry in oil for two to three minutes each side. to the grandparents’ abode, to be greeted by the unmistakable fragrance of my grandmother cooking cabbage to death. Or it may have been sprouts. Anyway, a brassica of some kind, and giving off that unmistakable, sulphurous aroma synonymous with a once-crisp green vegetable being turned into pulp. So strongly did that smell imprint itself that decades later as my sister and I were about to enter a pub for lunch, we caught a waft of cooking cabbage and both immediately remembered Granny Rundle’s lunches. Why, however, should this have any relevance to the upcoming fest? Because most of us prepare and cook far too much in the way of veg on Christmas Day and there will inevitably be sprouts in abundance knocking around the day after, at which point that great midwinter British classic bubble and squeak comes into its own, ready to turn a Boxing Day platter of cold turkey, or beef or pork, into another treat. We got totally hooked on bubble and squeak a few years back to the extent that we would cook potatoes and cabbage afresh to make it, rather than waiting on leftovers. For far too long associated with eking out precious food during wartime and austerity years bubble and squeak has been rediscovered, revived, reinvented, reincarnated, rehabilitated and relaunched by today’s chefs. So here are a few suggestions. Plus, if you get to the 26th not feeling able to face another mouthful of turkey or beef or pork to go with it, a recipe for some zingy burgers to knock up instead... BUBBLE AND SQUEAK WITH SMOKED SAUSAGE (Serves 4-6) INGREDIENTS 500g cooked potato; 300g cooked sprouts or cabbage; one large shallot and four spring onions, finely chopped; 125g butter; 200g piece smoked Polish pork sausage; teaspoon salt; 20 grindings black pepper METHOD 1. Prepare the bubble and squeak mix as for above. Carefully cut the sausage into thin diagonal slices. 2. Place half the mix in the frying pan and bring together with a spatula. 3. top with the sausage slices in an BUBBLE AND SQUEAK CAKES WITH CHEDDAR AND CORNICHONS (Serves 12) INGREDIENTS 250g cooked potato; 150g cooked sprouts or cabbage, finely chopped; 100g butter; teaspoon salt; 20 grindings black pepper; 100g grated mature cheddar; 60g finely chopped cornichons METHOD 1. Clarify 75g of the butter as before. Mix the remaining (softened) butter with the potato, sprouts, salt, pepper, even layer then add the remainder of the mix to enclose and cook as before. cheese and cornichons. 2. Heat the oven to 190C gas mark. 3. Pour a little butter into the moulds of a Yorkshire pudding tin and place in the oven until sizzling. 4. Form the mix into cakes, place in the tin, reduce the heat to 180C gas mark 4 and bake for 15 minutes.

8 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Food & Drink RAISE A GLASS WITH JANE CLARE I’ve brought you reds and whites in recent days for your festive enjoyment; here’s a handful more. It’s the season of giving after all! classic reds for Christmas: If a bold red with statement is your thing, then this wine could be perfect: Contino Reserva 2017 (RRP £23.55, Waitrose, Waitrose Cellar, M&S, Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Wine Society). The wine is a joy of fresh red and black fruits, with depths of spice, toast and dark dried fruits from aging. Both French and American oak were used, bringing subtlety of vanilla and coconut. From New Zealand, I bring you Scott Base Pinot Noir Central Otago New Zealand 2020 (£19.99, or £17.99 in a buy 12 deal online at finewinesdirectuk. com). Central Otago vineyards are the most southerly in the world and pinot noir wines from here are divine. The tannins are light, the colour is ruby and transparent, and the wine is full of red berries, cherries and wild herbs. classic whites for Christmas: Sauvignon blanc is from the Loire Valley and Aldi has this smashing classic in its range, Winemaster’s Lot Sancerre (£12.99). It’s not a shouty NZ sauv blanc, it’s a subtle and elegant style. The wine is riveting on the palate with citrus and crisp, bright, exciting acidity, with an upright note of flint running through it. And my final white for your Christmas choices is Ghost Pines Chardonnay (reduced to £16.90 online at thebottleclub.com). Its a wine from California and oh my, I love Californian chardonnay. This is no exception; ripe bruised buttery apples play with vanilla, pear and peach. The acidity refreshes and entices you to dip into the glass for more of those flavours. A Christmas gin This is more of a Christmas gin than most. It is a limited edition: Cotswolds Cloudy Christmas Gin (RRP: £34.95 70cl from cotswoldsdistillery.com). Yes there are lots of Christmasthemed gins around, with mix and match flavours and flecks of glinting gold to shake. But I like this one. It’s a take on the Cotswolds’ classic cloudy gin, with some extra festive twists – bursts of clementine, warm spice and the must-have juniper taste. There’s a selection of offers on the gin – which turns cloudy as you add ice and tonic – over at the website. ■■Jane is a member of the Circle of Wine Writers. Find her on social media and online as One Foot in the Grapes. Spice and easy festive treats Everyone goes on about the palaver of the turkey come December 25, but some of the best festive cooking at this time of year is actually spent in the run up to the big day. Making the Yule log, baking festive cookies and decorations to hang on the tree, mixing the Christmas cake or pudding – it’s these quiet, thoughtful moments, packed with tradition, that build the warm, cosy, cinnamonscented aura of Christmas. And arguably, no one captures this better in bakes than the Germans. Now food writer Anja Dunk, has collected together a whole slew of festive German bakes in her new cookbook Advent. She shares her recipes for the very best of traditional German festive bakes. From lightly spiced Lebkuchen, frosted cinnamon stars, jam-filled ginger hearts, snow-capped coconut macaroons, to marzipan-filled stollen, edible tree decorations, lucky meringue mushrooms and a gingerbread house dripping with “I usually use the cookie press to make these, because I find they look particularly festive in little wreath shapes,” says Anja. “If you aren’t so keen on icing you can sprinkle each biscuit with a little demerara sugar before baking – this adds a pleasing crunch and caramel note to the cookie.” Ingredients: 275g plain flour; 50g cornflour; 50g ground almonds; 50g ground hazelnuts; 250g unsalted butter, at room temp, cut into 2cm cubes; 175g soft light brown sugar; pinch of fine sea salt; 2tsp ground cinnamon; ½tsp ground ginger; ½tsp ground anise (or a drop of anise extract); ½tsp ground cloves; 1tsp vanilla extract; 2tbsp milk for the glaze; 100g icing sugar, sifted; 25ml just boiled water Method: 1. Heat the oven to 180°C/160 °C fan and line two baking sheets with nonstick baking parchment. 2. Put the ingredients in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle and beat to a soft, pliable dough on a low speed for a couple of minutes. (If making by hand, Get into the spirit of the season with these Christmassy German bakes, from cook and writer Anja Dunk, says Ella Walker candies and sugar icicles, you will find delectable spiced treats to share with friends and family. Featuring Anja’s own linocut illustrations and evocative photography, this is a stunning, comforting clothbound volume that will be a family favourite for many years to come. Grab some gluhwein and try these three recipes at home. ■■ADVENT: Festive German Bakes to Celebrate the Coming of Christmas by Anja Dunk is published by Quadrille, priced £25. Photography Anja Dunk christmas spiced shortbread (Makes 80-100) put both flours, the ground almonds and hazelnuts in a large bowl, then work in the butter with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs. Mix through the sugar, salt and spices. Add the vanilla extract and milk, and bring the dough together with your hands. Knead for three minutes until pliable.) 3. If using a cookie press, select a shape, then stuff the dough into the top. Hold the press over a prepared baking sheet and click the handle to release one cookie. Repeat, placing each cookie 1cm apart to allow for spreading. 4. If using the mincer method, choose the an attachment and place your dough in the funnel. Crank the handle with one hand, holding the other hand just below the spout to support the dough as it comes Anja Dunk’s latest cookery book, inset, will guide you through the tastiest ways to celebrate Christmas out. When the dough protrudes by 6cm, cut it off and place it on a baking sheet. Repeat this process, spacing the biscuits one centimetre apart, until both sheets are full. Bake for eight to 10 minutes until just golden. 5. If you are making the biscuits by hand, take small, walnut-sized pieces of dough and roll them into sausage shapes around 5cm long. Place them two centimetres apart on the sheets. Press a fork gently into the top edge of each biscuit and drag it down the length of the dough, flattening and lengthening it. Bake as before, but allow at least 10 minutes (handmade biscuits tend to be thicker and take longer to bake). 6. While the biscuits are baking, put the icing sugar into a bowl, pour in the justboiled water and vigorously mix until a glossy glaze forms. 7. Allow the cooked biscuits to cool for a minute before transferring to a wire rack. Using a pastry brush, glaze each biscuit while still warm. Repeat the whole process again with any remaining dough. Store in an airtight container for up to four weeks.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 9 Food & Drink Jam-filled Lebkuchen hearts(Makes 20) Ingredients: 50g butter, unsalted; 200g runny honey; 125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting; 125g rye flour; 1tsp bicarb of soda; 1tbsp Lebkuchengewurz spice mix (see below) or 1tsp ground ginger mixed with ½tsp ground cloves; 1½tsp ground cinnamon; pinch of fine sea salt; 25g mixed peel, very finely chopped For the filling: 80g jam For the glaze: 6tbsp icing sugar, sifted; 1tbsp justboiled water; 1½tsp lemon juice For the Lebkuchen spice mix: 1tbsp ground ginger; 5tbsp ground cinnamon; 2tsp ground cloves; 1tsp ground cardamom; 1tsp ground coriander; 1tsp ground anise; ½tsp ground mace (makes about 8tbsp – mix the ingredients and store in an airtight jar for up to a year) Method: 1. Melt the butter and honey in a pan on a low heat for a few minutes, stirring until the butter melts and is incorporated into the honey. Allow to cool. 2. Heat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan. 3. Put the dry ingredients and mixed peel in a bowl, pour over the honey mixture and stir. When it becomes too difficult to stir, use your hands to bring the mixture into a dough, then knead for a few minutes until smooth. 4. Split the dough in half. Roll out one half on a lightly floured surface to around three millimetres thick. Using a heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out 10 hearts and place on a baking sheet, spaced about 2cm apart. Spoon half a teaspoon of jam onto the centre of each heart. 5. Roll out the other half of the dough as before and cut out 10 more hearts. Roll them again so they become slightly larger and thinner. 6. Dip your finger in water and run it around the edge of the jam-covered dough. Place the larger hearts on top and press the edges by lightly with your fingertips to seal them. Roll all the offcuts into more biscuits. 6. Bake in the centre of the oven for about 12 minutes until slightly golden and firm to the touch, but not browned or hard. 7. While the biscuits are baking, mix the glaze ingredients together in a bowl to a smooth icing. 8. Transfer the biscuits to a wire rack and, while still warm, brush the tops with the glaze. Cool fully before transferring to an airtight container. They will keep well for a month. Chocolate and ginger biscotti (Makes 30) Ingredients: 200g plain flour; 1tsp baking powder; pinch of fine sea salt; 100g soft light brown sugar; 3 eggs; 50g dark chocolate, roughly chopped; 50g almonds, chopped; 75g candied ginger, chopped; 1-2tbsp demerara sugar, for sprinkling Method: 1. Heat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan and line a large baking sheet with nonstick baking parchment. 2. In a large bowl stir the ingredients together with a wooden spoon until a dense, damp dough forms. 3. Spoon the dough onto the lined sheet and shape into a log about 25 centimetres long and around eight to 10 centimetres in diameter. The dough is pretty tacky and so won’t look all that neat, but will even out in the oven. Sprinkle demerara over the top. Bake for 25-30 minutes until firm to the touch and just golden – it should be cooked through but not hard, more like a firm sponge in texture with a crisper outer edge. 4. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool completely – this is important as the chocolate also needs to be cool before you cut the biscuits or they will end up being a streaky mess. 5. Set the lined baking sheet aside, ready for the second bake, and reduce the oven temp to 150°C/130°C fan. On a chopping board, and using a sharp serrated bread knife, cut the log into slices seven and a half millimetres thick. Arrange tightly on the lined baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes, turning them all over halfway through, until crisp on both sides. 6. Take out of the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Stored in an airtight container, these will keep for a month or more.

10 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Big feature Four generations of the Gibbs family celebrated Christmas at Tyntesfield, in North Somerset, over a 150-year period, starting with William Gibbs, who remodelled it in to the Gothic revival masterpiece that we see today. Photo: Bob Fowler If you’ve ever wondered what Christmas in a big country house would be like, Tyntesfield’s twinkling trees, garlands and handmade decorations evoke the spirit. Property curator Miranda Garrett tells BEE BAI- LEY about plum pudding, kitsch crackers, and glittering gold mosaics GETTING out the Christmas decs is quite definitely a job you either love or you hate. Climbing up into the loft and bringing down dusty boxes full of precious things you haven’t seen for a year, taking delicate baubles out of their tissue paper and untangling rolls of fairylights that you’re sure were put away perfectly last year is something that some grinches loathe. But if you think you’ve got it bad, for the Gibbs family it was an altogether bigger task, one that’s passed down to staff and volunteers at the Tyntesfield estate in Wraxall, near Bristol. Over the generations the family – who famously made part of their wealth from importing tropical bird droppings – collected hundreds of decorations, and many of them are on display as the house steps back in time over the festivities. “We have a large collection of over 500 Christmas-related items collected by later generations of the family, mostly dating from the 20th century,” says property curator Dr Miranda Garrett. “These include crackers, candles, baubles, tinsel, paper garlands, Christmas records, tree lights and wrapping paper. “Although the story we’re telling this year focuses on what the Gibbs family would have been up to at Tyntesfield at Christmas in 1891, we’re keen that the later generations aren’t forgotten so we’ve displayed a huge number of these items in the cabinet in the garden lobby. “They look extremely fabulous. There’s an unused packet of very kitsch Christmas crackers featuring adorable cartoon dogs and cats that I’m particularly fond of.” The imposing and perhaps a little Christmas at Tyntesfield would have been a family affair in the 1800s. Photo: Bob Fowler intimidating Gothic revival masterpiece that stands in the grounds today is the vision of William Gibbs, who remodelled it from the Georgian house that he bought in 1843. Four generations of his family lived here over a 150-year period. As well as transforming the house, William transformed the family’s fortune, turning the family business in to a global powerhouse that was so successful there was a ditty sung in music halls about their trade in Peruvian guano, bird droppings that proved to be a good fertiliser. Miranda points out there’s an abhorrent side to the story, with the guano extraction done by indentured and often-coerced Chinese labourers, working alongside enslaved people in terrible conditions before the abolition of Peruvian slavery in 1854. Under William, the company had dealings across Europe and the Americas, with interests in tin, woollen cloth, iron, sherry, copper and cinchona bark, ensuring they never relied on a single commodity. After his death, Tyntesfield passed to William’s wife, then his oldest son Antony. With a cousin running the business affairs, and a vast fortune to keep him comfortable, Antony was free to concentrate on his art and carpentry, and the 10 children he went on to have with his wife, Janet. Today, Tyntesfield is dressed to the nines. There are Christmas trees around every corner, foliage on every mantlepiece, baubles and crackers, and a beautifully laid dining table. The National Trust, which took ownership of the estate in 2002, has made sure every detail evokes the spirit of what Christmas would have been like for Antony and his family in 1891. Although they’ve drawn inspiration from some of the 72,000 objects in Tyntesfield’s collection – the biggest of any in the National Trust – there is very little archival material to go on. However, the team has been able to use what they know of the Gibbs family’s lives and interests, coupled with research in to Victorian Christmas traditions. “A Victorian Christmas was all about family,” Miranda says. “We know the Gibbs used the library at Tyntesfield as a family room, and it may have been here that they spent much of their Christmas Day playing games, reading, and keeping warm by the fire. They would have enjoyed an extravagant Christmas meal of several courses in the dining room, finishing up with a plum pudding, and rounding off the evening with parlour games in the drawing room. “The family would have had their Christmas dinner in the very grand dining room. This room was originally added to the house by John Norton in the 1860s and was relatively modest in size. Antony Gibbs extended the room in the late 1880s, stealing a bit of the poor housekeeper’s sitting room to lengthen it to the north. “The decoration is very gorgeous, lots of richly carved wooden panelling and very expensive Spanish leather wallpaper. The room is full of stunning Gothic revival furniture and the walls are hung with oil paintings, several of which are British landscapes collected by Antony himself. Visitors today can see the dining room table laid for dinner with our glittering silverware and festive floral arrangements in trumpet vases and march stands.” As devout High-Church Anglicans, the Gibbs would have centred their day around the church services held in the chapel. Modelled on the flamboyant Gothic architecture of the Sainte Chapelle in Paris and accessed directly from the house without having to even step outside in the cold, the chapel is, perhaps, the jewel in Tyntesfield’s crown. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” Miranda says. “The chapel was licensed for A

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 11 Big feature Tyntesfield has taken a step back in time to imagine a Christmas in 1891, when Antony Gibbs and his family would have decorated the tree in the hall with their handmade decorations. Photo: Bob Fowler Visitors admire one of several trees at Tyntesfield, which are decorated in the style they would have been when Antony Gibbs’ owned the house. Photo: Alana Wright The lights are on in the chapel and a grand twinkling tree stands outside Tyntesfield as the National Trust imagines how Christmas would have been celebrated at the house in 1891. Photo: Bob Fowler Victorian Christmas all PiCTures suPPlied By The NaTioNal TrusT aT TyNTesField Antony Gibbs and his family centred their Christmas Day around church services in Tyntesfield’s beautiful chapel, which was modelled on the flamboyant Gothic architecture of the Sainte Chapelle in Paris. Photo: Bob Fowler family services, and used daily for prayers, but was never consecrated. Personally, I think the mosaics behind the altar, made by Salviati & Co, are the chapel’s showpiece. Designed by Henry Ellis Wooldridge, they show the lives of Saints Peter, Paul, John and James the Great. They’re beautifully detailed and the lavish gold glitters in the light.” This year Antony Gibbs, his extended family and a few friends, are played by costumed actors and can be seen walking the halls and spending time together in the rooms and servants’ areas as the team goes one step further to make visitors really feel they’ve got their nose pressed up against the window of a December day in the late 1800s. The knowledgeable volunteers, who are always happy to chat and share details about the house with visitors, have played their part in making the scene sing. This year they gathered together to sit and make paper decorations, some of which hang on the Christmas trees that are dotted around the building, another Victorian tradition that was introduced to Britain by the queen’s husband Prince Albert. “Bringing a tree indoors and decorating it at Christmas was a custom already popular in Prince Albert’s native Germany, but when the British public heard what the royal family were doing it soon caught on here too,” Miranda says. “Trees would have been decorated with ribbons tied to branches, festive edible treats like gingerbread and nuts, lit candles – which is slightly alarming from a 21st-century health and safety perspective – and glass ornaments that would glitter in the candlelight. “Christmas as we know it today is really a Victorian invention; they invented Christmas cards, Christmas crackers and Christmas trees. “In the early 19th century, Christmas decorations were confined to quite simple arrangements of foliage. But as the years went on, floral and foliage arrangements became larger and more elaborate, just like those you’ll see in the house today. Where possible, the foliage has been sourced from Tyntesfield’s own gardens, exactly as it would have been in Victorian times.” The run-up to Christmas can be a busy time these days and many of us will try to carve out a few hours to relax in front of the telly and watch a favourite film, Christmas isn’t Christmas without watching It’s A Wonderful Life and The Snowman again, eh? But in the 19th century, the family would have relaxed by doing some paper crafting. The Gibbs may well have made Christmas decorations together to pass the time, taking instructions and inspiration from magazines which showed them how to make paper chains and paper garlands. Tyntesfield’s volunteers have done the same, and their decorations are spread throughout the property, including hanging on some on the Christmas trees; the literaturethemed tree in the library tree, the musical-themed tree in the hall tree, the animal-themed tree in the boudoir tree, and the dining room which is decked out with a food theme. “There are gorgeous paper poinsettia flowers on the hall garlands, adorable paper angels hanging in the upstairs corridors, and all the Christmas trees have hand-made paper decorations in addition to the usual Victorian-style baubles,” Miranda says. For many people who spend their 9 to 5 in offices with magnolia walls and boring urban views out the window, Tyntesfield with its enticing grounds and woodland, and hundreds upon hundreds of interesting objects to look at indoors, would be a wonderful place to work. Miranda particularly enjoys it at this time of year. “Tyntesfield is absolutely beautiful at Christmas, so it’s really hard to pick just one thing I like,” she says. “Our garden team have done a fabulous job of decorating the lower gardens, and visitors should make sure they head down to the orangery to see the display there based around the 12 days of Christmas. Our flower arranging and Christmas decorations volunteers have also worked incredibly hard on the house decorations this year. I’ve been really enjoying admiring them and soaking up the festive atmosphere in the house.” NEED TO KNOW ■ The Christmas decorations, and actors and volunteers dressed in Victorian costume, will be at Tyntesfield until January 2. ■ TiCkeTs for the house, which is in Wraxall, North somerset, Bs48 1NX, will be available on the day of your visit, with staggered release times. ■ For details of house opening days and times, visit www. nationaltrust.org.uk and search for Tyntesfield, or call 01275 461900.

12 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Allotments plot lineswith tim foster foster The days are sTill geTTing shorTer and we won’T noTice a difference for quiTe some Time, says Tim fosTer, buT There are some planTs ThaT don’T respond well To longer daylighT hours From left, coriander, pak choi and spinach go to seed quickly with increased daylight hours I kNOW of several folk who will use the allotment plot as an excuse to avoid the Christmas shenanigans – until relatives send out the tracker dogs, that is. It’s often peaceful, it’s free of all the commercial stuff and it gets us back in touch with the land and the seasons. That last bit is especially pertinent with the arrival of the winter solstice in a few days. The word “solstice” conjures up images of druids and the occasional human sacrifice. And while there is a chance you’d really like to sacrifice someone at this time of year, for those working in or inhabiting the outside world it is seriously one of the most important days of the year. Yes, there’s one heck of a lot of winter to get through yet, and with current trends that means lots of mild, damp, grey days, but at least the light is returning and the days are lengthening. In other words, a big day of hope. The changes in day length are pretty minimal in December and, strangely, even after the winter solstice, the mornings continue to get later. In fact, alarmingly, it’s not until January that the mornings reverse and start getting lighter. It is just that the evenings get lighter slightly quicker meaning that overall, the days are getting longer. I hope you’re concentrating here. The changes in day length are pretty minimal in December and, strangely, even after the winter solstice, the mornings continue to get later Anyway, none of this is enough to affect our plants yet. Lots of them rely on the (bigger) changes in day length to stimulate changes, such as flowering. For example, I can sow rocket in the polytunnel in August and it will be stimulated to flower the following spring around the same time each year, give or take, depending on the temperatures. That’s brilliant because in all of that time, we can cut leaves. If I sowed it in early spring, it would probably flower around the same time – result: fewer leaves to cut and one grumpy gardener. In fact, there are a few vegetables – coriander, spinach, mustards, pak choi, for example – which respond to increasing daylength/long days and go to seed. At the other end of the year, decreasing daylength is a trigger to some plants to shut down. Ever wonder why some trees lose their leaves early while others, as with this autumn, wait to be told when to do it with low temperatures? The “early shedders” would have developed their technique because, reliably, for millennia, a certain decreasing daylength equated with the onset of colder weather. Not any more it doesn’t. And they stand there, leafless, in baking October weather, wondering what’s going on. Some great news with which to approach the end of the year: two of the biggest supermarket chains, the Co-op and Waitrose, have committed to cease selling chemical pesticides in their stores. As most of us know, pesticide use, not least in farmland, has had a catastrophic effect on wildlife. So, it is great to have some positive news like this. As the bee-man, Professor Dave Goulson, says: “Pesticides are poisons and there should be no place for them on supermarkets shelves. We should not be using these chemicals in our gardens and allotments, where our children and pets play, and where our wildlife should be thriving. In any case there is no need for them – it is easy to garden without pesticides.” Hurrah to that. So perhaps there is a new year’s resolution lurking in there: resolve to shop as locally as possible and avoid the supermarkets that still peddle this stuff. Which leaves me just enough space to wish you some joyful celebrations. And may your year ahead be pollution-free, one of reduced fossil fuel use, with great yields of organic fruit and vegetables and, above all, hope-filled. ■ Tim Foster teaches horticulture at the University of Bristol Botanic Garden. He is the author of Fruit For Life and a new edition of Good Earth Gardening – a friendly guide to growing vegetables organically, both from www.eco-logicbooks.com ■ timfostergardener@gmail.com

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 13 What’s On Preparing to have a ball Dani Harmer and Jon Monie chat to JEFFREY DAVIESas they get ready for Cinderella at the Theatre Royal in Bath IT’S panto time. Oh yes, it is! And this year’s Theatre Royal Bath treat, which opened this week, is the best-loved pantomime of them all – Cinderella. A feast of family fun and festive frivolity, the spectacular production stars Tracy Beaker actress and Strictly Come Dancing finalist Dani Harmer and Bath’s very own all-round pantomime legend Jon Monie, who also wrote the new, joke-filled script. Elly Jay plays Cinderella, Nic Gibney and Duncan Burt The Ugly Sisters, Michael Chance is Baron Hardup, Josh Rose is Prince Charming and Chris Fearn is Dandini. Multi-talented Jon Monie returns for his 15th consecutive year to play Buttons and to help create all the festive hilarity and tomfoolery that makes Bath pantos so much fun for everyone. Cinderella is treated as a servant by her wicked – not to mention ugly – stepsisters. She needs all the magic her Fairy Godmother can conjure up, along with help from her best friend Buttons, if she is to meet her Prince Charming and find true love before the clock strikes midnight! Featuring an enchanting story, side-splitting comedy, lavish settings and adorable miniature ponies, it’s the perfect show for all the family at Christmas. Bafta award-winning actress Dani Harmer, who stars as the Fairy Godmother, is delighted to be appearing at the Theatre Royal Bath again in a pantomime guaranteed to bring festive cheer. “I cannot wait to get started. It’s been too long without panto. Cinderella is exactly what everyone needs to lift their spirits,” a most delightful Dani Harmer told me ahead of the opening night this evening. “I am also super excited to be back in Bath. It’s one of my favourite theatres and it’s in such a gorgeous city. I can’t wait to be reunited with the wonderful Jon Monie and to be playing the Fairy Godmother for the first time. I usually play Cinderella,” she added. So how does Dani, best known for playing CBBC’s Tracy Beaker and for presenting her own show, Dani’s House, describe her latest stage incarnation? “Oh, she’s full of magic, loving, caring and warmth. And I am going to make sure that Cinderella gets to that ball,” Dani said. Panto is a very British tradition. It doesn’t really travel much, does it? What is it that makes panto such a must-see festive show for everyone? “It doesn’t travel well, no. It’s definitely very British. I think it’s because there aren’t many shows where you can take absolutely everyone. You can take your entire family to panto and you know that your Nan, your Mum and Dad and the children are going to enjoy it with a heart of gold. I loved going back and seeing where her journey is going to take her next,” Dani said with a smile, while revealing that she intends to invite the celebrated author to see the pantomime. And reaching the finals of Strictly Come Dancing with dance partner Vincent Simone. It must have been daunting even for a seasoned professional like Dani who is used to performing in front of millions of people? “Oh gosh, yes. You’re very aware that you’re probably on one of the biggest shows in the country and you know that there’s millions of people watching you. It’s a lot of pressure but I enjoyed every single moment of it. It’s such fun. All the pros are so nice and you get to wear some fantastic costumes. I had a whale of a time,” Dani remembered. Much-loved comedian and local panto legend Jon Monie, author of this year’s pantomime script, returns by popular demand to play the very kind and likeable Buttons. The festive season and a pantomime. What a wonderful Christmastime combination. “The great British public are desperate for magic and mayhem, frivolity and laughter, and all of that sort of wonderment that pantomime provides. Certainly as a cast and as a crew and as creatives we are desperequally. There’s something for all ages. It’s a great family show. “Really Christmas without panto would be very odd. I can’t wait for my five-year-old daughter to come and see it. Panto is a great way to introduce children to live theatre. It’s wonderful to see all the different ages enjoying it. There’s something really magical about it.” Bringing so much joy and happiness, pantomime is a very special show at a very special time of year, I remarked. “Yes, absolutely. I’ve been doing panto for well over 20 years. It’s just a part of my Christmas now. I love being on stage and I love looking down and seeing all the families together enjoying the show. You get a real buzz from it. I think the first panto I did was when I was about six and I think it was Cinderella, actually. I can’t remember the first pantomime I ever saw though because I’ve always been in them,” Dani said. So what for Dani are the necessary ingredients for a great pantomime? “You’ve got to have a great story, great songs, lots of magic and a cast that’s enthusiastic and up for having a laugh,” she said. It is a very privileged position to be on stage entertaining an audience and bringing them so much joy. “Absolutely. After the year and half we’ve all had, everyone realises how important entertainment is. It’s our own escapism really. It’s a great feeling being on stage watching everyone enjoying the show and the applause you get at the end is all worth giving up your Christmases for.” Dani is best known for playing Bath-born author Jacqueline Wilson’s Tracy Beaker on children’s TV, a role she took on when she was 12 and played for six series. Fond memories of playing the character? “I have, yes. And I have just recently finished the new series so she’s still quite fresh in my mind at the moment. I loved playing her; she was so much fun. She’s super feisty The producer asked me if I’d write a fresh Cinderella script. What we try to do in Bath is a really good, strong, traditional, storyled family pantomime. I haven’t gone mad with it. I haven’t changed the ending; nobody dies in the end. Jon Monie on rewriting the script for Cinderella Jon Monie and Dani Harmer are starring in Cinderella at the Theatre Royal in Bath Photos: Freia Turland ate to get back doing what we love and I’m very much hoping audiences feel the same way. I’m genuinely thrilled that Cinderella will be going to the ball in Bath this Christmas,” a very welcoming Jon told me. Another self-penned treat for West Country audiences, I remarked. “The producer asked me if I’d write a fresh Cinderella script. What we try to do in Bath is a really good, strong, traditional, story-led family pantomime. I haven’t gone mad with it. I haven’t changed the ending; nobody dies in the end, and I didn’t throw the baby out with the bath water. I didn’t try to reinvent the wheel. But I have put in a lot of new jokes, a few new set pieces and a couple of traditional ones, which people have come to love. I have also tinkered a little bit with the characters and basically given it a nice new lick of paint,” Jon said with a smile. “My character Buttons is an interesting character to play because most of the parts I play in pantomimes like Wishee Washee and Silly Billy are basically the village idiot. There’s more to Buttons. He’s in love with Cinderella and sadly she doesn’t feel the same way about him. That love is unrequited. There’s a bit more depth to him. He’s basically a loveable, kind man who wants to do everything he possibly can for Cinderella in the hope that she will one day feel the same way about him as he does about her. He’s one of the good guys.” Pantomime is a very British institution, I remarked. “I think some of it simply stems from tradition. If you were taken to the pantomime by your parents or grandparents as a child year after year, and you fell in love with live theatre and the magic that it can provide, then it becomes habit. It’s as traditional for some people at Christmas-time as turkey and Christmas crackers. It is a uniquely British form of theatre. It’s got a bit of everything. There’s drama, laughter and fun, and the audience gets to be part of the show as well. They are just as important as any member of the cast on stage and you don’t get that anywhere else,” Jon explained. It’s like home from home for Jon playing the Theatre Royal at Christmas, I suggested. “Well this is my 15th consecutive year in Bath and my 19th season overall. I know the Theatre Royal like the back of my hand; every nook and cranny and twist and turn in the corridors backstage. It felt very, very strange not being here last year when we were in lockdown. Being here is almost in-built now into my body clock. In December and January at 2 o’clock and at 7 o’clock I get a little bit of butterflies – adrenalin and excitement – in my stomach. Last year was dreadful because there was no outlet for that. And not just for me but for so many people in the industry; on stage, backstage, crew, creatives, technicians, writers, directors and producers and so on. We were lost. It was a very difficult time so we are even more excited than ever to get back to doing what we love this year,” Jon said, enthusiastically. Jon is a most versatile entertainer, performer and writer in all areas of his chosen profession. “Well, thank you. I’ve never had a career plan. Ever. When I did my very first pantomime here back in 1996 I was just thrilled to be involved. I never thought for one moment that I would still be doing it so many years later. I’m thrilled and it’s an honour,” the engaging star said with a broad smile. In January 2019, Jon entered the record books when he made his 1,000th Theatre Royal Bath pantomime appearance during the run of Peter Pan in which he played Smee. ■■Cinderella is playing the Theatre Royal Bath until January 9. Tickets can be booked on 01225 448844 or online at www.theatreroyal.org.uk The panto’s main cast

14 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Review of the year From the action-packed to the comedic, DANIELLE DE WOLFE looks back on the most talked-about TV shows of 2021 FRoM olly Alexander bringing audiences to tears, to Korean smash Squid Game becoming the talk of the internet, 2021 has been a jam-packed year for TV. A year that began with yet another lockdown and ended with a list of must-watch series so lengthy we still haven’t managed to tick them all off, 2021 proved to be a strange 12 months. Despite the difficulties faced by productions, the quality of the shows gracing our screens hasn’t wavered. And with enough stellar entertainment currently on offer to see us through, it is time to reflect on the dramatic plot twists, shock announcements and enlightening documentaries that caused a stir this year. Here are a handful of the telly moments that really got us talking... LINE OF DUTY No round-up would be complete without an appearance from DI Kate Fleming. With actress Vicky McClure stepping back into the inspector’s shoes, the sixth series of the hit BBC show once again kept audiences on the edge of their seats. Returning alongside fellow actors Martin Compston as Detective Inspector Steve Arnott and Adrian Dunbar as Superintendent Ted Hastings, the AC-12’s nose for uncovering police corruption is seemingly unparalleled. Already claiming the title of the UK’s most-watched drama series of the century, Line Of Duty’s cult following led 12.8 million people to watch the series six finale at the time of airing. Audiences do not get much bigger than that. As for the identity of the elusive “H”? You’ll have to watch and discover that for yourself. IT’S A SIN Led by Years & Years’ olly Alexander, five-part drama It’s A Sin saw audiences laugh, cry and gasp in equal measure. Created by Queer as Folk and Doctor Who screenwriter Russell T Davies, the series tracked a group of gay men and their friends as they navigated the UK’s HIV/AIDS crisis throughout the ’80s and early ’90s. Complete with a nostalgic soundtrack that had us dancing in our living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms, this frank, and often shocking, portrayal of London’s gay scene as it was ravaged by the then little-known disease saw an average of 2.3million viewers tune in per episode. Starring Lydia West, Nathaniel Curtis, Callum Scott Howells, Shaun Dooley and omari Douglas, the series sees the group of friends band together in an attempt to raise mainstream awareness of the illness, in turn helping the subject to become less of a taboo. A series initially declined by both the BBC and ITV, it took a long- fought battle by Channel 4’s commissioning editor of drama, Lee Mason, for the show to finally reach our screens. STRICTLY COME DANCING It goes without saying that no round-up would be complete without the addition of Strictly. From rugby player Ugo Monye donning a wig for a Moanathemed routine to former Bake Off winner and presenter John Whaite’s pirate paso doble, this year’s line-up is more diverse than ever. And with the baker forming part of the first all-male couple alongside partner Johannes Radebe (and the second ever same-sex couple following Nicola Adams’ 2020 Strictly appearance) the BBC show continues to serve up tellyfirsts direct from the dancefloor. However, it is EastEnders star Rose Ayling-Ellis who has really stolen the show this time around as the first deaf contestant to ever take part in the series. Paired with partner Giovanni Pernice, the 26-year-old actress says reading her partner’s body language is key to her Saturday night success. SEX EDUCATION Turning sexual taboos on their head, the highly anticipated third series of hit Netflix show Sex Education did not disappoint when it hit our screens in September. Regularly tackling subjects rarely discussed on television including gender identity, gay sex and sexual assault, the ground-break- ing series still manages to pack in plenty of laughs for good measure. With Gillian Anderson returning as sex therapist Jean Milburn alongside Asa Butterfield, Emma Mackey, break-out star Ncuti Gatwa and Bafta winner Amy Lou Wood, we’re already rubbing our hands in expectation ahead of Sex Education series 4. SQUID GAME Ensuring every other Halloween costume this year involved a tracksuit and a mask stencilled with a square, triangle or a circle, South Korean Netflix hit Squid Game quickly became one of the most talked-about series of the year. Created by award-winning director Hwang Dong-hyuk, the survival drama, similar in premise to Japanese action thriller Battle Royale, sees hundreds of cash-strapped citizens drawn in to competing for a huge grand prize. It’s quite literally the piggy bank to end all piggy banks. Packed with action, suspense and Succession followed the story of a family-owned media empire enough bloodshed to attract any self-respecting horror fan, the show took the world by storm despite it being a relatively late arrival for 2021. Paired with the fact Squid Game is a non-English language title, the show’s success, surpassing Bridger- ton as the most streamed show in Netflix history, becomes even more impressive. VIGIL Murder? Check. Submarine? Check. A confined space capable of triggering claustrophobia in even the most mentally resilient viewer? Check. Complete with the tagline “the deeper you go, the darker it gets”, six-part BBC drama Vigil gripped audiences as the show’s cramped setting proved a recipe for tense altercations and high drama. Following DCI Silva (Suranne The stars of Channel 4’s It’s A Sin, from left, Omari Douglas as Roscoe Babatunde, Nathaniel Curtis as Ash Mukherjee, Olly Alexander as Ritchie Tozer, Callum Scott Howells as Colin Morris-Jones and Lydia West as Jill Baxter Jones) as she joins the crew aboard ballistic missile submarine HMS Vigil following the suspected murder of one of its crew, her investigation brings her into direct conflict with both the Royal Navy and MI5 intelligence services. With its opening episode attracting 13.4million viewers according to the BBC’s 30-day viewing data, those numbers ensured it ranked as the most popular debut since The Bodyguard in 2018. SUCCESSION The tale of a Murdoch-esque dynasty battling it out to take control of their family-owned media empire, Succession’s depiction of the power-hungry echelons of society ensured viewers lapped up the Sky original in their droves. Starring Bafta winner Brian Cox, Matthew MacFadyen, Kieran Culkin and Sarah Snook to name but a few, the high drama of the series saw over 1.4 million viewers tune in to catch the first episode – the show’s highest viewing figures to date. If you are ready for a show devoid of morality, we can guarantee you have come to the right place. LOVE ISLAND Returning to our screens after a prolonged, Covid-induced break, Love Island’s sun-doused villa proved just the tonic for lockdown. With Laura Whitmore (pictured below) taking over presenting duties from the late Caroline Flack in 2020, this year’s instalment of the ITV2 show saw a host of new contestants return to the villa in a bid to find true love (alongside fame, endorsement deals and a hefty cash prize). With Millie Court and Liam Reardon being crowned 2021 winners and cries of “my type on paper” featuring in every other episode, the show’s appeal looks set to continue for years to come.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 15 Films of the week saTurday in the heightS (2021) HHHH Sky Cinema Premiere, 11.10am & 9.50pm A short distance from the 181st Street subway stop in New York City, bodega owner Usnavi (Anthony Ramos) is saving every cent to realise his father’s “small dream” of a beachside bar back in the Dominican Republic. He imagines that better life with his younger cousin Sonny (Gregory Diaz IV) and the woman who raised him, Abuela Claudia (Olga Merediz). However, Usnavi’s ambitious plan risks separation from good friends Benny (Corey Hawkins) and Nina (Leslie Grace), and the object of his affections, aspiring fashion designer Vanessa (Melissa Barrera). In The Heights is an exuberant film adaptation of the 2005 stage musical, which encourages spirits to soar with a heady combination of Jon M Chu’s rumbustious direction, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smartly syncopated lyrics and committed performances. great exPeCtationS (1946) HHHHH BBC2, 2pm There have been plenty of film adaptations of Charles Dickens’ novel, but this one is by far the best. John Mills heads an excellent cast, with director David Lean creating the perfect atmosphere and setting. For the uninitiated, this classic tells the story of orphan Pip, who falls in love with the adopted daughter of an eccentric old woman. A mysterious benefactor provides him with the opportunity to rise through the ranks of London’s high society. However, he soon forgets all about his humble roots, and isn’t prepared when he discovers the truth about the girl he loves and the stranger funding his new life. deSPerately Seeking SuSan (1985) HHHH BBC2, 10pm Madonna (pictured right) gives one of her best movie performances as the title character in writer-director Susan Seidelman’s likeable comedy thriller. However, the actual lead is Rosanna Arquette as bored housewife Roberta. She dreams of trading places with young, sexually provocative drifter Susan. But after a series of unlikely coincidences and a head injury, Roberta starts to believe she really is Susan and finds herself plunged into a world of danger and mystery. Aidan Quinn makes an attractive leading man, Mark Blum is entertaining as Arquette’s stuffed shirt of a husband, and Thomas Newman’s score is suitably offbeat. sunday hide and Seek (2021) HHH Sky Cinema Premiere, 1.35pm &10pm (Premiere) Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars in this remake of a Korean thriller of the same name. He plays Noah, who inherited an upscale hotel from his father and resides in the penthouse with his wife and kids. When he hears from his lawyer (the always as we all snuggle up on the sofa to get our first fix of the Christmas telly this week, we pick some of the best films being shown on the box welcome Joe Pantoliano) that his estranged, and reportedly disturbed, brother has returned to the city, Noah wonders if he’s here to dispute the will and sets out to find him. Following the trail leads him into a world of squatters and vagrants, and threatens to destroy his family. The film can’t quite deliver on its early promise, but some decent performances make it well worth a look. hoW to train your dragon: the hidden World (2019) HHHH BBC1, 1.50pm Directed at a brisk pace by Dean DeBlois, the third and final film in the franchise soars in the slipstream of earlier films, which tenderly sketched the friendship between a Viking boy called Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel) and a Night Fury dragon christened Toothless. That unshakeable bond between man and beast is tested to (heart)breaking point in DeBlois’ script, which recycles themes of selflessness and devotion to their natural conclusion without sacrificing the tenderness, raw emotion or uproarious humour which have become the series’ trademarks. Admittedly, there are scorch marks of deja vu on a plot that pits Hiccup and his Viking brethren against a sadistic villain, who has hunted Night Furies – the alphas of the dragon world – to the brink of extinction. eddie the eagle (2016) HHHH Channel 4, 3.30pm Since he was a boy, Eddie (Taron Egerton, pictured below) has driven his father Terry (Keith Allen) to distraction with a burning desire to compete in the Olympics. He discovers a loophole in the rulebook that would allow him to become Britain’s first representative at the Winter Olympics in the ski jump since 1929. Aided and abetted by his mother Janette (Jo Hartley), Eddie heads to Germany to a ski-jumping training centre run by hard-drinking former competitor Bronson Peary (Hugh Jackman), who was booted off the US team. Loosely based on Eddie Edwards’ remarkable story of triumph against gravity, Eddie the Eagle is a crowd-pleasing delight for all ages. the guernSey literary and Potato Peel Pie SoCiety (2018) HHHH BBC2, 7pm In post-war London, author Juliet Ashton (Lily James, pictured top) is living comfortably, while being pursued by a suitor and pondering ideas for her next book. Her interest is piqued by a letter from a Guernsey pig farmer (Michiel Huisman), inviting her to attend a meeting of his literary society, and she eagerly accepts, travelling to the island to find out more. She is enchanted by Guernsey and is fascinated by the stories the locals keep telling her about life under Nazi occupation during the war. But when Juliet suggests putting down their ideas for her new book, she meets with strong resistance. This pie may prove a little twee for some tastes, but the strong supporting cast includes Tom Courtenay, Katherine Parkinson and Penelope Wilton. Monday moana (2016) HHHH BBC1, 3.05pm Moana Waialiki (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho) is the daughter of Chief Tui (Temuera Morrison) and has been groomed since birth to lead her people on the island of Motunui. However, Moana’s wise grandmother Tala (Rachel House) fills the girl’s head with wild stories about the demi-god Maui, who stole the heart of the island goddess Te Fiti and lost this precious green stone during a battle with ferocious lava demon Te Ka. The old woman encourages Moana to seek out Maui (Dwayne Johnson) and restore Te Fiti’s missing heart and bring prosperity to the island. With the wind in her sail and a witless rooster called Heihei (Alan Tudyk) by her side, Moana ventures over the reef for the first time in this joyful rites-of-passage adventure from Disney, marrying broad comedy and infectious songs. my Week With marilyn (2011) HHHH BBC2, 12.50am Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne) hails from privileged stock and, thanks to family connections, he secures a position working as an assistant to Sir Laurence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh) on the set of The Prince and the Showgirl, which co-stars Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams). Olivier is frustrated when Marilyn fluffs takes and turns up late, so he asks Colin to win his leading lady’s trust and get her to set on time. While Colin falls under Marilyn’s spell and extinguishes a burgeoning romance with wardrobe mistress Lucy (Emma Watson), the screen siren argues with her husband, writer Arthur Miller (Dougray Scott). My Week with Marilyn is an entertaining and bittersweet drama. Tuesday Saving mr bankS (2013) HHHH BBC1, 2.45pm Decades after Mary Poppins first charmed cinema audiences, Robert Stevenson’s magical film continues to cast a spell with its lively characters, heart-warming sentiment and hummable tunes. Yet the coloursaturated fantasy almost never materialised on the big screen. Australian-born British novelist PL Travers, who penned the series of books on which the film was based, famously rebuffed Walt Disney’s efforts to purchase the rights for more than 20 years. That infamous tug-of-war between the writer and Hollywood filmmaker is recreated in Saving Mr Banks. Shaun oF the dead (2004) HHHH ITV, 11.40pm Billed as a “rom zom com”, this hugely entertaining British movie stars Simon Pegg as Shaun, who hates his job and whose girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) has just dumped him for spending too much time in the boozer. In fact, he’s in such a rut that he barely notices that London is being overrun by zombies. However, when the truth does dawn, he sees it as a chance to prove to Liz that he can step up and achieve something. Even if you’re not familiar with the horror movies Shaun of the Dead is riffing on, this is superb stuff, with sublime comic touches from leading man Pegg and regular sidekick Nick Frost throughout. Wednesday e.t.: the extra-terreStrial (1982) HHHHH ITV, 11.30am The childhoods of an entire generation were moulded by three simple words: “E.T. phone home”. The memories (and the tears) come flooding back from the opening frames of Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece. Almost 40 years after its initial release, E.T.: The Extra- Terrestrial has lost none of its power to entertain and enchant. If cinematic aliens land on Earth now, they tend to be huge, snarling beasties intent on domination, not some sweet creature capable of loving a human child, played to perfection by Henry Thomas. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial reminds us of the power of cinema to transport us away from the monotony of everyday life, to a world of magic and possibility. Crazy riCh aSianS (2018) HHHH BBC1, 10.35pm New York University lecturer Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) is invited by her boyfriend Nick (Henry Golding) to Singapore to attend the wedding of his good friends Colin (Chris Pang) and Araminta (Sonoya Mizuno). Rachel is blissfully unaware that Nick is the golden boy of Singapore’s wealthiest dynasty headed by ferocious matriarch Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh), who expects her boy to marry into money and is deeply unimpressed with a lowly academic as Nick’s choice of partner. Based on the novel by Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians is a frothy romantic comedy full of beautiful, privileged people falling in love across the class divide. Thursday Sing (2016) HHHH ITV, 1.50pm Koala bear entrepreneur Buster Moon (voiced by Matthew McConaughey) inherited a theatre from his father, but the business has gone into decline. In order to woo audiences and save the business, Buster organises a singing competition with a $1,000 prize. Unfortunately, Buster’s elderly iguana assistant Ms Crawly accidentally adds two more zeroes to the prize on promotional posters. By the time Buster discovers her costly error, long audition queues have formed around the theatre. He ploughs on regardless, shortlisting a number of animals voiced by the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane and Scarlett Johansson in this lively, if predictable animation. Listen out for Taron Egerton belting out Elton John’s I’m Still Standing, three years before he played the singer in Rocketman. Cinderella (2015) HHHH BBC1, 3.15pm Slavishly adapted from Disney’s classic 1950 animated musical, Kenneth Branagh’s live-action version of the fairy-tale romance doesn’t skimp on the magic. Ella (Lily James) is consigned to the kitchen by her vindictive stepmother Lady Tremaine (Cate Blanchett) and brattish stepsisters, Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Drizella (Sophie McShera). Emboldened by the dying words of her mother (Hayley Atwell) – “Have courage and be kind” – Ella tries to rise above the bullying. When the name-calling becomes too frightful, she escapes on horseback and catches the eye of the dashing Prince (Richard Madden), who must pick a bride at the behest of the dying King (Derek Jacobi). So, the Prince throws a lavish ball where Ella makes her grand entrance then disappears as the clock chimes midnight… Friday Frozen (2013) HHHHH BBC1, 1.30pm As children, Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) and Elsa (Idina Menzel) love to play together, taking full advantage of Elsa’s ability to create ice and snow from her fingertips. When an accident almost ends in disaster, the King (Maurice LaMarche) agrees to wipe Anna’s memory so she forgets about her sibling’s hidden talents. At the same time, Elsa hides from the public gaze, fearful that she will hurt someone else with her powers. When the King and Queen are subsequently lost at sea, Elsa reluctantly emerges to claim the throne. Unfortunately, on her coronation day, her gloves come off and the locals see her skills. Frozen is one of the best animated features from Disney in years. abominable (2019) HHHH BBC1, 3pm (Premiere) Resourceful teenager Yi (voiced by Chloe Bennet) intends to honour the memory of her recently deceased father by visiting his favourite locations around China. During a night-time visit to the roof of the family’s apartment block to play her father’s cherished violin, Yi stumbles upon an injured Yeti. The creature has escaped from the clutches of deranged explorer Burnish (Eddie Izzard) and British zoologist Dr Zara (Sarah Paulson). A tender bond forms between the girl and the stricken Yeti, whom she christens Everest. Yi pledges to return her new friend to his snow-laden home in the Himalayas. Abominable is a sweet computer-animated yarn with likeable characters and polished animation complemented by heartstring-tugging orchestrations courtesy of British composer Rupert Gregson-Williams.

16 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Christmas It wouldn’t be Christmas without a tV adaptation of a Julia Donaldson- Axel Scheffler title. The dynamic duo’s book-toscreen adaptations are a lynchpin of the BBC Christmas schedule – and this year they look set to continue their festive reign with the wonderful Superworm. For those yet to be acquainted with this unlikely comic hero, the super-long and super-strong Superworm is always saving the day. But who can save him when he gets too full of himself and is captured by the evil Wizard Lizard? It has a first-rate voice cast, including Olivia Colman as narrator, Matt Smith as Superworm himself, Patricia Allison as (the newly added) Butterfly, and Rob Brydon as the Crow. Here Julia, 73, reveals how she came up with the idea. Can you sum up Superworm for those who don’t know the story? The story is really that Superworm is a... super worm. He hasn’t really got particular superpowers, but he’s just very strong and big and helps the other creatures out. He turns himself into a lasso to stop a baby toad being run over; he Superworm is the latest of author Julia Donaldson’s stories to be turned into a festive family TV animation. She tells Gemma Dunn what we can expect Where did the inspiration for this particular tale come from? Well, Axel Scheffler is very good at drawing bugs – if you look at any of the other books, there are always little butterflies or ants that he’s created, which weren’t in the text at all. For a long time, I thought I’d love to do a book about insects and bugs and garden creatures, but I couldn’t really think of a hook to hang it on. But then, separately from that, I thought I’d never done a superhero book – probably at the stage that one of my grandchildren was really into Batman and Superman themturns himself into a fishing line to save a drowning beetle; and he turns himself into a skipping rope to help some bored bees have some activity. “Then the wicked Wizard Lizard hears about this worm and thinks that maybe he can burrow treas- ure in the ground and so gets his evil servant Crow to capture Superworm. But there’s a rescue; all the animals that he’s helped club together and work out a clever plan... Matt Smith and Olivia Colman Superworm clashes with Lizard Wizard selves. So then I just put the two things together: my superhero would be this worm. You must be thrilled to be a key part of the Christmas schedules year on year? I suppose it has (become quite the tradition), really. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who watch The Snowman every year still – not all my stories are very Christmassy but, touch wood, up until now they have always been shown on Christmas Day. We always watch the animation, but it’s a bit mind blowing to think that there are all these millions of people in the UK watching at Christmastime too. How does it feel to then watch your characters come to life on screen? I suppose it’s an extension of what it’s like when I write a story and it’s illustrated. It’s not a sudden thing; it’s not as if I’m sitting there on Christmas Day like, ‘I wonder what it’s going to be like’, because I’m involved throughout the whole process. What’s your biggest tip for aspiring writers? Well, I think, just the story. The plot needs to be good. And the language. For me those are the two things that are really important because the character is usually quite broad, quite bold, and you can describe it. Like Superworm is strong and helpful. And the Wizard Lizard is greedy and controlling. Then the illustrator will bring out those characters. Actually, from the writer’s point of view – I’m talking about writing for very young children when you’ve got very few words – it’s much more the storyline with a nice twist in it and a happy ending, but maybe not in the way people could predict. ■ Superworm is on BBC1, Christmas Day at 2.30pm

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 17 Christmas Mum got me a battery-operated head scratcher one Christmas... I Can See Your Voice, the addictive play-a-long singing game show, is back on the BBC for a festive special. Paddy McGuinness hosts and is joined by ‘Celebrity Investigators’, Jimmy Carr, Alison Hammond and Amanda Holden plus special guest Leona Lewis. The player hoping to win £10,000 is joined by Gabby Logan and together they will need to tell the good mystery singers from the bad, without hearing them sing a note! Here actress and presenter Amanda, 50, tells us more about the festive special. Can you tell us about the Christmas show? The response to series one was overwhelming. I’m thrilled we are back with not only a Christmas special but also a second series The gameshow where teams have to guess the good singers from the bad without hearing them sing a note is back for a festive special. jane Haase finds out more next year too! It’s the perfect show to watch over Christmas. We have Christmas songs. Paddy, Alison, Jimmy and I are even doing a bit of a skit. The whole show feels like the old days when the whole family sat down and watched TV together. What’s your favourite Christmas song or album? I’d have to say Mariah Carey’s L-R: Jimmy Carr, Alison Hammond, Gabby Logan and Paddy McGuinness all I Want For Christmas Is You, I don’t think it will ever get old. Michael Bublé is my favourite album, I always play that around the house. Plus you can’t go wrong with now That’s What I Call Christmas. What’s your favourite thing about Christmas? For me it’s the build-up that is so special and my favourite part. Switching on the lights. The music. Buying people presents. Hiding them! Drinks, dos, parties. And then Christmas Day is always a bit of a let down! Boxing Day I’ve had enough, I’m thinking ahead to the new year. What’s the worst Christmas present you’ve received? My mum bought me a batteryoperated head scratcher one year because she said I had everything! I donated it to the local charity shop! What film do you watch every year at Christmas? The list is endless. I always watch Polar Express, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street. The girls and I choose a movie a night up until Christmas and I don’t want that to change. ■ I Can See Your Voice Christmas Special, is on Christmas Eve, BBC1, at 9.30pm Amanda Holden

18 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Saturday, SATURDAY’S December TV18 DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Superman & Lois, 5.30pm 6.00 Breakfast 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live: Countdown to Christmas 11.30 Mary Berry — Love to Cook 12.00 Football Focus Alex Scott looks ahead to the weekend’s fixtures. 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.15 Bargain Hunt 2.00 Escape to the Country 2.30 FILM Maleficent (2014) (PG) Fantasy adventure, starring Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning. 4.00 Final Score A round-up of this afternoon’s football results. 5.10 BBC News 5.20 BBC Regional News; Weather; Weather 5.30 Superman & Lois 6.10 The Weakest Link Strictly Special New series. New host Romesh Ranganathan presents a Strictly special. 7.00 Strictly Come Dancing: The Final 25/25. The three remaining couples compete for the glitterball trophy. Last in the series. (S) The Snow Wolf: A Winter’s Tale, 8.05pm 6.25 Britain and Ireland: Our Wild Adventures 7.25 Blue Peter: Our Big Christmas Cracker! 7.55 FILM A Christmas Story (1983) (PG) Family comedy, starring Peter Billingsley. 9.25 FILM King of Kings (1961) (U) 12.00 Nigella’s Christmas Table Nigella offers her tips for relaxed entertaining during the festive season. 1.00 Mary Berry’s Country House at Christmas 2.00 FILM Great Expectations (1946) (PG) Drama, starring John Mills. 3.55 Charles Dickens and the Invention of Christmas 4.55 Flog It! 5.30 Chris & Michaela — Under the Christmas Sky 6.30 FILM Whisky Galore! (2016) (PG) Comedy, starring James Cosmo. Moneyball, 7.30pm 6.00 CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning at Christmas 11.40 John and Lisa’s Christmas Kitchen 12.40 ITV News; Weather 12.55 Ninja Warrior UK Semifinal of the obstacle-course challenge, with Ben Shephard, Rochelle Humes and Chris Kamara. 1.55 FILM Johnny English Reborn (2011) (PG) Spy comedy sequel, starring Rowan Atkinson. 3.55 The Chase: The Bloopers Outtakes from the quiz show. 5.00 The Brits Are Coming Maya Jama and Clara Amfo announce the 2022 nominations. 6.00 Rolling In It: Christmas Special With Anton Du Beke, Ranvir Singh and Catherine Tyldesley. 7.00 ITV News; Weather (S) 7.15 Local News; Weather (S) 7.30 Moneyball Killian, Shivanni and Ishmail all step up to take on The Launcher. (S) 48 Hours to Victory, 8.00pm 6.00 Cheers 6.25 Cheers 6.55 The Big Bang Theory 7.40 The Simpsons 8.10 The Simpsons 8.40 The Simpsons 9.10 The Simpsons 9.40 The Bear 10.15 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 10.45 Father Christmas 11.20 The Snowman 11.55 The Snowman and the Snowdog 12.30 Live Heineken Champions Cup Rugby Union Harlequins v Cardiff. 3.15 Jamie: Keep Cooking at Christmas Jamie Oliver shares a recipe for a festive sausage roll tear ‘n’ share wreath. 3.50 FILM Bee Movie (2007) (U) 5.40 Channel 4 News 6.00 A Lake District Farm Shop at Christmas Tebay’s staff work hard to make a magical Christmas for customers. 7.00 Christmas at Chatsworth House The aftermath of the pandemic finds the estate keen to win back visitors. (S) Charles Dickens with Gyles Brandreth, 7.35pm 6.00 Milkshake! 10.25 SpongeBob SquarePants 10.50 Entertainment News on 5 11.00 Friends 11.30 Friends 12.00 FILM A Sugar and Spice Christmas (2020) (PG) 1.00 Entertainment News on 5 1.05 FILM A Sugar and Spice Christmas (2020) (PG) 1.55 FILM Surviving Christmas with the Relatives (2018) (PG) 2.55 Entertainment News on 5 3.00 FILM Surviving Christmas with the Relatives (2018) (PG) 4.10 FILM Journey Back to Christmas (2016) (PG) 5.10 5 News Update 5.15 FILM Journey Back to Christmas (2016) (PG) 5.55 FILM Scrooge — A Christmas Carol (1951) (PG) 7.35 Charles Dickens with Gyles Brandreth Gyles travels across Britain visiting the places that inspired Dickens. (S) 8 8.05 The Snow Wolf: A Winter’s Tale Dramatised natural history film, following an alpha female wolf in the Dolomite mountains. (S) (R) 8.30 The Chase Celebrity Special With Mark Chapman, Gillian Joseph, Ryan Sidebottom and Fred MacAulay. (S) 8.00 48 Hours to Victory 3/3. Dermot O’Leary and the team look at Waterloo. Last in the series. (S) 9 9.05 Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel 10/16. With Gemma Collins, Dara O Briain, Fred Sirieix and Rochelle Humes. (S) 9.05 Madonna at the BBC A selection of magical Madonna moments on a range of BBC shows. (S) 9.30 Paul O’Grady’s Saturday Night Christmas Line Up With guests Dame Joan Collins, Paddy McGuinness, Sunetra Sarker and Julian Clary. (S) 9.00 FILM The Equalizer 2 (2018). (15) Action thriller, starring Denzel Washington. (S) 9.00 FILM The Full Monty (1997). (15) Comedy, starring Robert Carlyle. (S) 10 10.05 BBC News; Weather (S) 10.25 Match of the Day Highlights of the latest Premier League matches. (S) 10.05 FILM Desperately Seeking Susan (1985). (15) Comedy thriller, with Madonna and Rosanna Arquette. (S) 10.35 The Jonathan Ross Show With Bradley Walsh, Roisin Conaty, Andrew Garfield, Tom Hollander and Leona Lewis. (S) 10.00 5 News Update (S) 10.05 FILM The Full Monty (1997). (15) Concluded. (S) 10.50 FILM Kinky Boots (2005). (12) Comedy drama, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor. (S) 11 11.50 The NFL Show Including highlights of Thursday night’s game. (S) 11.45 FILM Madonna: Truth or Dare (1991). (18) Documentary following the superstar on tour. (S) 11.40 ITV News; Weather (S) 11.55 Strictly the Real Full Monty Celebrities recreate the striptease scene from the film. (S) (R) 11.20 FILM Daddy’s Home 2 (2017). (12) Comedy, starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. (S) 11.50 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. (S) 11.55 FILM Kinky Boots (2005). (12) Concluded. (S) AFTER 12 12.20 FILM The Lost Boys (1987) (15) Comedy horror, starring Kiefer Sutherland. 1.55 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.00 BBC News 1.40 Impeachment: American Crime Story Monica testifies at the grand jury. 2.40 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 1.10 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Lingo 1.20 FILM American Woman (2018) (15) Drama, starring Sienna Miller and Christina Hendricks. 3.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 4.00 Hollyoaks Omnibus The Deverauxs are in panic mode following a shocking discovery. 1.00 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show Interactive gambling. 3.05 Me & My Addiction Survivors talk candidly about their experiences of drug addiction. 4.15 The Highland Midwife 5.05 House Doctor 5.30 Peppa Pig 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.50 Fireman Sam SAVE UP TO £2,000 per couple * FREE PRIVATE DOOR- TO-DOOR CHAUFFEUR TRANSFERS^ EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT Save an additional £200pp ~ The Scenic Wonder Savings Event Discover Europe in truly all-inclusive luxury from just £1,995 ‡ per person. You’ll find that with Scenic, it’s more than a river cruise, it’s a world class experience that will take you into the very heart of your destination.Join us on an exceptional journey through the wonders of Europe in truly all-inclusive luxury, with everything from flights and transfers, to all onshore experiences and every meal and beverage included in the price you pay – that’s a promise. Book now, and save up to £2,000 per couple * in The Scenic Wonder Savings Event, plus enjoy FREE Private Door-to-Door Chauffeur Transfers^. What’s more, book and pay for your cruise in full by 31 January 2022 and save an additional £200pp with our Early Payment Discount ~ . Call 0808 163 7072 to speak to our experts, and start planning your 2022 journey into wonder. From £1,995 ‡ per person Germany Czech Nuremberg Republic Cesky Krumlov Passau Artstetten Regensburg Danube Castle Dürnstein Slovakia Linz 7 Bratislava Munich Melk Vienna Hungary Salzburg Szentendre Austria Budapest 8-Day Gems of the Danube Munich > Budapest Departs April - October 2022 Truly All-Inclusive Return flights from up to 16 UK airports 5-Star Scenic Space-Ships Butler service for all guests Complimentary beverages all day, every day † Up to five dining options Complimentary mini-bar, fully restocked daily Return airport transfers And all tipping and gratuities ORDER A FREE BROCHURE ON 0808 163 7072 OR BOOK ONLINE AT SCENIC.CO.UK/WONDEREVENT Terms and Conditions: Offers are valid for new bookings only made before 17 December 2021. *Maximum saving of £2,000 per couple dependent on itinerary and destination. Prices shown are subject to availability. All discounts are included in prices shown. ‡ £1,995pp based on Gems of the Danube sailing 11/04/22.^Private door-to-door transfers are complimentary within 75-miles of an airport where flights are available from.For guests who live outside of 75 miles,an additional supplement of £2.00 per mile will be charged.~Early Payment Discount of £200pp is included in price shown,EPD only applicable when cruise is paid for in full before 31January 2022 or 120 days before departure,whichever is sooner,selected suites only. † With the exception of some fine and rare champagnes,wines and spirits.We reserve the right to withdraw offers and promotions at any time and these are only applicable to residents of the UK.Itineraries and booking conditions can be found at scenic.co.uk/terms E&OE.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 19 SATURDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.35 Last of the Summer Wine 8.10 Still Open All Hours 8.50 Jam & Jerusalem 9.40 Citizen Khan 10.55 Miranda 11.35 Keeping Up Appearances Xmas 1995 12.15 The Two Ronnies 2.35 Only Fools and Horses 3.55 Miranda 4.35 The Two Ronnies 5.10 Only Fools and Horses 6.45 The Vicar of Dibley 8.00 Trust Morecambe & Wise Rarely seen footage featuring the immortal duo at the peak of their careers. (S) 9.00 Mrs Brown’s Boys The family falls out over a board game. (S) 9.45 Mrs Brown’s Boys The doting mother gets a new house guest — a homeless parrot. (S) 10.40 The Cockfields Christmas Special Simon and Esther travel to the Isle of Wight at Christmas. 11.40 Mrs Brown’s Boys Mrs Brown is curious about a parcel addressed to Cathy. (S) 12.15 The Royle Family: Joe’s Crackers (S) 1.35 The Two Ronnies (S) 2.30 The Vicar of Dibley (S) 3.30 Peep Show (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.00 Storage Hunters UK 7.35 American Pickers 9.25 Storage Hunters UK 10.25 Top Gear 11.25 Cops on the Rock 12.25 Expedition with Steve Backshall 1.30 FILM Spider-Man (2002) (12) Comic-book adventure, starring Tobey Maguire. 4.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 5.00 Top Gear Botswana Special 6.00 Expedition with Steve Backshall 7.00 Eddie Eats Christmas Eddie Hall takes on eating challenges featuring traditional Christmas foods. (S) 7.30 Eddie Eats Christmas Eddie Hall is in Yorkshire to get to grips with Latin American Christmas traditions. (S) 8.00 QI XL Extended edition. With Sarah Millican, Eddie Kadi and Noel Fielding. (S) 9.00 Not Going Out Lee and Lucy suffer an eventful Christmas Eve. (S) 10.00 This Country Kurtan receives sad news about a relative. 10.35 This Country Kerry and Kurtan hold the fort while the vicar is away. 11.15 This Country The annual harvest festival brings the whole village together. 12.00 Live at the Apollo (S) 1.00 The Best of Famalam (S) 1.40 This Country (S) 2.15 Big Zuu’s Big Eats (S) 2.50 Big Zuu’s Big Eats (S) 3.30 Eddie Eats Christmas (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 Underground Worlds 9.00 Secrets of the Railways 1.00 Great British Landmark Fixers 2.00 Hornby: A Model World 3.00 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys Michael Portillo travels from Windsor to Didcot. (S) 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys Michael Portillo’s tour takes him to Alton, Hampshire. (S) 8.00 Open All Hours Granville tries to impress a local beauty. (S) 8.40 Open All Hours Nurse Gladys poses as a shop critic. (S) 9.20 Open All Hours Arkwright plots to get into Nurse Gladys’s bedroom. (S) 10.00 Blues at the BBC Featuring Son House, the Kinks and Eric Clapton. (S) 11.00 Dame Shirley Bassey — A Celebration The veteran singer performs and looks back on her 60 years in showbusiness. (S) 12.00 Underground Worlds (S) 1.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 Birds of a Feather 11.00 All Creatures Great and Small 1.00 Last of the Summer Wine 2.20 Call the Midwife 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine Foggy invests in 100 Christmas trees. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek A famous gothic horror writer is found murdered on Halloween, leading Maddy and Jonathan into a macabre world of pantomime skeletons, reincarnation and severed heads. 9.05 Jonathan Creek Maddy and Jonathan investigate the intriguing case of a businessman with an acute fear of watches and clocks who appears to have defied the laws of time. 10.10 Judge John Deed Two solicitors are suspected of fraud. (S) 12.15 Judge John Deed (S) 2.15 Judge John Deed (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Penguin Post Office: Natural World Gentoo penguins raising chicks in Port Lockroy in the Antarctic. (S) 7.05 All Aboard: The Great Reindeer Migration Following a Sami family taking a reindeer herd across the mountainous region of Finnmark, a journey of just over 160 miles through the arctic wilderness that lasts a week. (S) 9.05 FILM The Lady in the Van (2015). (12) The true story of Alan Bennett’s friendship with an eccentric homeless woman, whom he befriended before allowing her to park her van outside his Camden home. Starring Maggie Smith. (S) 10.45 The Galaxy Britain Built: The British Force Behind Star Wars The unsung British heroes behind the first film in the sci-fi franchise. (S) 12.15 Toy Empire: The British Force Behind Star Wars Toys (S) 12.45 Tales of Winter: The Art of Snow and Ice (S) 2.15 Disco at the BBC (S) 3.15 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 Secret Crush 9.20 Dress to Impress 11.30 Family Fortunes: Celebrity Christmas Special 12.35 Celebrity Catchphrase: Christmas Special 1.40 You’ve Been Framed! Gold at Christmas 2.40 FILM Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure (2011) (U) Comedy, starring Munro Chambers. 4.30 FILM Peter Pan (2003) (PG) Fantasy adventure, with Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood. 6.45 FILM School of Rock (2003) (PG) A slobbish guitarist posing as a supply teacher to make money after getting dumped by his band moulds his pupils into a new rock group. Comedy, with Jack Black and Joan Cusack. 9.00 FILM Fast & Furious 5 (2011). (12) A fugitive assembles a team of criminals for a heist in Rio, but the FBI’s top manhunter is on their trail. Action adventure sequel, starring Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson. (S) 11.40 Family Guy Peter goes on a quest to save Quahog’s annual Christmas carnival. (S) 12.05 Family Guy (S) 12.35 Family Guy (S) 1.05 American Dad! (S) 1.30 American Dad! (S) 2.00 Peckham’s Finest (S) 2.40 Bad Boy Chiller Crew (S) 3.20 Unwind with ITV 3.30 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Coronation Street 8.50 That’s My Boy 9.25 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 10.35 FILM That Riviera Touch (1966) (PG) Comedy, starring Morecambe and Wise. 12.30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.40 The Ruth Rendell Mysteries 5.00 Lewis 7.00 Midsomer Murders A disused abbey that is believed to be cursed is about to be turned into a pub — but someone is found murdered in a similar manner to a famous historical execution. (S) 9.00 Midsomer Murders A family’s reunion takes a sinister turn when a Christmas cracker riddle warns that two of them will die before midnight on Boxing Day. Haydn Gwynne and Margery Mason guest star. (S) 11.05 Arthur & George Arthur and Woodie are led into danger. (S) 12.10 The Durrells (S) 1.10 The Durrells (S) 2.10 Unwind with ITV 2.30 Teleshopping ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Car Chasers 6.25 Minder 7.20 Hornblower 9.30 ITV Racing: The Opening Show Rishi Persad and the team are at Ascot. 10.30 The Big Match Revisited 11.35 Driving Force 12.40 ITV Sport Stories 1.15 Dramatic Finishes 1.30 ITV Racing: Live from Ascot Coverage from Ascot and Haydock Park. 4.00 FILM Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957) (PG) Western, starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. 6.35 World of Sport 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix Jill Douglas presents coverage of day six from Coventry Building Society Arena, featuring the concluding semi-final, played over the best of 11 frames. 10.00 FILM The Untouchables (1987). (15) Gangster thriller, starring Kevin Costner. (S) 12.20 Minder (S) 1.25 The Professionals (S) 2.30 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 The Happy Hour from Radio 1. 7.00 Adele Roberts. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems with Adele Roberts. 10.32 Radio 1 Anthems with Dean McCullough. 11.02 Dean McCullough. 1.00 Matt and Mollie. 4.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges. 5.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges. 6.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges. 7.00 1Xtra’s Takeover with DJ Target. 9.00 1Xtra’s Rap Show with Tiffany Calver. All the latest hits and heat from the world of hiphop. @1Xtra on social. 11.00 Radio 1’s Soundsystem with Jeremiah Asiamah. 1.00 Radio 1’s Classic Essential Mix. 3.00 Future Dance Mix with Sarah Story. 3.30 Pete Tong’s Hot Mix. 4.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.00 Sounds of the 60s with Tony Blackburn. 8.00 Dermot O’Leary. 10.00 Claudia Winkleman. 1.00 Pick of the Pops. 2.00 Pick of the Pops. 3.00 Rylan on Saturday. 6.00 Liza Tarbuck. 8.00 The Rock Show with Johnnie Walker. The host introduces a selection of rock tracks. 9.00 TBA. 10.00 The Craig Charles House Party. 11.30 The Craig Charles House Party Mixtape. 12.00 Ana Matronic’s Dance Devotion. 2.00 TBA. 4.00 Radio 2 in Concert: Beverley Knight. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 7.00 Breakfast. Classical breakfast show, with Elizabeth Alker. 9.00 Record Review. Iain Burnside recommends a recording of Beethoven’s Cello Sonata No 3. 11.45 Music Matters. A look at Auld Lang Syne. 12.30 This Classical Life. Jess Gillam is joined by tenor Nicky Spence. 1.00 Inside Music. Bassoonist Robin O’Neill chooses a selection of pieces. 3.00 Sound of Cinema. The score to The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 4.00 Music Planet. The Yorkshire carolling tradition. 5.00 J to Z. Julian Joseph presents music by Chilean saxophonist Melissa Aldana and her quintet recorded at SFJazz Centre in San Francisco. French drummer Anne Paceo shares her inspirations. 6.30 Opera on 3. Martin Handley introduces a Royal Opera House production of Verdi’s Macbeth, with baritone Simon Keenlyside taking the title role and soprano Anna Pirozzi as Lady Macbeth. 9.30 A Tribute to Piers Plowright: Between the Ears — At the Window. A 1999 profile of Chicago boogie-woogie pianist Jimmy Yancey, told through the voices of his family and friends, the magic of baseball, and the sounds and music of his city. 10.00 New Music Show. The BBC SSO performs pieces by Courtney Bryan and Talib Rasul Hakim. 12.00 Freeness. With saxophonist and civil rights activist Archie Shepp. 1.00 Through the Night. The NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra performs Dvorak and Mahler. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) News and Papers. The latest headlines. 6.07 (FM) Open Country. A visit to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland. 6.30 (FM) Farming Today This Week. Agricultural issues. 6.57 (FM) Weather. 7.00 (FM) Today. With Nick Robinson and Justin Webb. 9.00 (FM) Saturday Live. The Rev Richard Coles and Nikki Bedi present the weekend entertainment show. 10.30 (FM) Soul Music. Emotional reactions to Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols. Last in the series. 11.00 (FM) The Week in Westminster. A round-up of the week’s political proceedings. 11.30 (FM) From Our Own Correspondent. Kate Adie introduces reports from across the globe. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 Money Box. The latest from the world of personal finance. 12.30 Dead Ringers Live. The first-ever live episode of the comedy impressions show. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 News. 1.10 Any Questions? Political debate and discussion from St Luke’s School, Redbourn, Hertfordshire. 2.00 Any Answers? Presented by Anita Anand. 2.45 Drama: Christmas Every Day. By Viv Groskop. 3.30 Yorkshire’s Cricket Test. Kamran Abbasi considers Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s problems with racism. 4.00 Weekend Woman’s Hour. Anita Rani presents highlights from the week. 5.00 Saturday PM. News and sports headlines, with Caroline Wyatt. 5.30 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson. An interview with a major political figure. 5.54 Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Loose Ends. Clive Anderson and Arthur Smith are joined by Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Mackenzie Crook and Cassie Kinoshi. With music from the Tiger Lillies and Steven Bamidele. 7.00 Profile. Friends, adversaries, colleagues and confidants provide an insight into the personality and motivation of a person who is making the headlines. Presented by Mark Coles. 7.15 This Cultural Life. John Wilson talks to leading cultural figures about their life, work and creative process. 8.00 Archive on 4: Piers Plowright, Soundsmith. Tribute to the radio producer who died earlier this year, examining acclaimed programmes he worked on in a 30-year career and featuring contributions from colleagues and admirers. 9.00 Brief Lives. By Tom Fry and Sharon Kelly. Frank and Cheryl prepare to leave. Legal drama, starring Mandi Symonds and David Schofield. Last in the series. 9.45 Dr John Cooper Clarke at the BBC. The Bard of Salford performs a mixture of classic and previously unheard poems, recorded at the BBC’s Radio Theatre in London. Introduced by Johnny Green. 10.00 News. 10.15 The Moral Maze. 11.00 Quote — Unquote. 11.30 Uncanny. Danny Robins investigates reports of supernatural activity. 12.00 News and Weather. 12.15 A Very John Kearns Christmas. The comedian shares audio recordings of his family’s Christmas dinners gone by. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service. 3.45 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 Saturday Breakfast. 9.00 Scott Mills and Chris Stark. 11.00 Fighting Talk. 12.00 5 Live Sport. 3.00 5 Live Sport. 5.00 Sports Report. 6.00 6-0-6. 8.00 Stephen Nolan. The day’s main news stories, topical debate and interviews. Call 08085 909693 (calls are free from mobiles and landlines). Email: nolan@bbc.co.uk. 10.00 5 Live Boxing. 12.00 Newscast. 1.00 Hayley Hassall. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 GameDay Breakfast. 9.00 GameDay Warm Up. 11.00 GameDay Exclusive. 2.30 GameDay Live. 5.15 GameDay Exclusive. 7.30 GameDay: Your Verdict. 10.00 Fight Night. 1.00 Extra Time with Martin Kelner. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 7.00 Alan Titchmarsh. 10.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Alexander Armstrong. 4.00 Moira Stuart’s Hall of Fame Concert. 7.00 Saturday Night at the Movies. 9.00 David Mellor’s Melodies. David plays some of his favourite festive tunes, including Leopold Mozart’s Sleigh Ride, White Christmas by Irving Berlin and music from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick. 4.00 Sam Pittis.

20 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Sunday, SUNDAY’S December TV19 DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Match of the Day 2, 10.30pm 6.00 Breakfast 7.30 Match of the Day 9.00 The Andrew Marr Show 10.00 Politics England 10.30 Sunday Morning Live 11.30 Heaven Made 12.30 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.15 Songs of Praise 1.50 FILM How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) (PG) Animated fantasy adventure, featuring the voice of Jay Baruchel. 3.25 Frozen Planet The fight for survival during winter. 4.25 BBC News 4.35 BBC Regional News; Weather; Weather 4.45 Countryfile at Christmas 5.45 Antiques Roadshow at Christmas 6.45 BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2021 Coverage from MediaCityUK in Salford. The Ranganation Christmas Special, 10.00pm 6.05 Gardeners’ World Winter Specials 7.05 Countryfile 8.00 Landward 8.30 FILM Falling in Love at Christmas (2021) (PG) 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11.30 Nadiya’s Fast Flavours 12.00 MOTD Live: Women’s Super League Chelsea v West Ham United (kick-off 12.15pm). 2.20 Equestrian: London International Horse Show Live coverage from London’s Excel Centre. 5.00 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat Christmas Special Nigella Lawson prepares a festive feast with a Nordic theme for a group of friends. 6.00 Last Woman on Earth with Sara Pascoe The comedian’s world tour of unusual jobs ends in Finland. Last in the series. 7.00 FILM The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (2018). (12) Drama, starring Lily James. (S) Sitting on a Fortune Celebrity Christmas, 6.15pm 6.00 CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 Cornwall and Devon Walks with Julia Bradbury 10.00 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh Actress Ashley Jensen joins Alan at Manor Farm to talk about the festive edition of Sky mystery series Agatha Raisin. 11.55 ITV News; Weather 12.00 Extreme E Live 2.05 FILM Licence to Kill (1989) (15) James Bond spy thriller, starring Timothy Dalton. 4.40 ITV News 5.05 Local News; Weather 5.15 The Pet Show The winner of the Pet of the Year award is announced. 6.15 Sitting on a Fortune Celebrity Christmas With Chris Kamara, Sam Quek, Joe Pasquale, Nina Wadia, Colson Smith and the Rev Kate Bottley. 7.20 The Royal Variety Performance Alan Carr hosts the event from the Royal Albert Hall. (S) Guy Martin’s Lancaster Bomber, 9.00pm 6.05 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.50 Mike & Molly 7.10 Mike & Molly 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.25 The Simpsons 9.00 The Simpsons 9.30 Sunday Brunch With guests Gary Barlow, Jamie Cullum and Leona Lewis. 12.30 FILM Rise of the Guardians (2012) (PG) Animated adventure, with the voice of Chris Pine. 2.35 Moneybags 3.35 Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas Four talented crafters create a toy that will bring joy and laugher to the recipient. 4.35 FILM Eddie the Eagle (2016) (PG) Biopic of ski jumper Eddie Edwards, starring Taron Egerton. 6.40 Channel 4 News 7.00 Devon and Cornwall at Christmas The volunteer lifeboat crew at Clovelly prepare their village’s Christmas decorations. (S) 22 Kids & Counting at Christmas, 9.00pm 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 SpongeBob SquarePants 10.25 Cruising with Jane McDonald 10.40 NFL End Zone 11.10 Friends 11.40 Friends 12.10 FILM Spotlight on Christmas (2020) (PG) 1.10 Entertainment News on 5 1.15 FILM Spotlight on Christmas (2020) (PG) Concluded. 2.05 FILM The Christmas Set Up (2020) (PG) 3.05 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 FILM The Christmas Set Up (2020) (PG) Concluded. 3.55 FILM A Unicorn for Christmas (2021) (PG) 4.55 5 News Update 5.00 FILM A Unicorn for Christmas (2021) (PG) 5.55 5 News Weekend 6.00 A Winter Cruise with Jane McDonald 7.00 Hamleys at Christmas The hidden stories of the famous London toy store. (S) 8 8.00 Escape to the Chateau at Christmas Dick, Angel, Arthur and Dorothy enjoy a magical festive adventure. Last in the series. (S) 8.00 Britain’s Favourite 90s Toys 3/3. A countdown of the best-loved toys and games of the decade. Last in the series. (S) 9 9.00 The Girl Before 1/4. New series. Drama, starring Gugu Mbatha- Raw. (S) 9.00 Beauty and the Beast: A Pantomime for Comic Relief Lily James heads an all-star cast to retell the classic fairy-tale romance. (S) 9.00 Guy Martin’s Lancaster Bomber The presenter trains in all seven crew positions on the iconic aircraft. (S) 9.00 22 Kids & Counting at Christmas The Radfords head to Lapland. (S) 10 11 10.00 BBC News (S) 10.20 BBC Regional News; Weather (S) 10.30 Match of the Day 2 The day’s Premier League action. (S) 11.40 The Women’s Football Show Highlights of the weekend’s games in the Super League. (S) 10.00 The Ranganation Christmas Special /6. Festive fun, with Scarlett Moffatt and Josh Widdicombe. (S) 10.45 Two Doors Down — Christmas Special The neighbours head off on a rare trip away from Latimer Crescent. (S) (R) 11.15 Inside No 9 — The Devil of Christmas 1/6. Black comedy, starring Jessica Raine. (S) (R) 11.45 FILM The Invisible Woman (2013). (12) Fact-based period drama, directed by and starring Ralph Fiennes. (S) 10.00 ITV News; Weather (S) 10.15 Michael Bublé’s Christmas in the City A festive special featuring a mix of comedy, music and special guests. (S) 11.10 It’ll Be Alright on the Night David Walliams returns with more TV disasters. (S) (R) 10.00 FILM Catch Me If You Can (2002). (12) Fact-based drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. (S) 10.00 Funniest Ever Christmas TV Cock-Ups Angus Deayton hosts a Yuletide special of blunders from film and TV. (S) 11.25 Classic Christmas Comedy Moments Memorable clips from festive specials over the decades. (S) (R) AFTER 12 12.15 FILM Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) (12) Superhero adventure sequel, starring Tom Holland. 2.15 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.20 BBC News 1.30 Sign Zone: Question Time Fiona Bruce hosts the political debate. 2.30 Sign Zone: Holby City The surgeons pull together to save a young patient’s life. 3.15 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 12.10 Strictly the Real Full Monty Part two of two. The scale of the performance soon has the group doubting themselves. 1.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Motorsport UK 4.05 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Tipping Point 12.40 FILM The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 (2014) (12) 2.40 Heineken Champions Cup Rugby: The Big Tackle 3.35 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 4.30 Couples Come Dine with Me 5.20 Jamie’s Comfort Food 5.35 Countdown 1.00 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 My Alcohol Addiction 4.00 Tower Block Kids 4.45 Now That’s Funny! 5.40 Peppa Pig 5.45 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures 5.50 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures SAVE UP TO £2,000 per couple * FREE PRIVATE DOOR- TO-DOOR CHAUFFEUR TRANSFERS^ EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT Save an additional £200pp ~ The Scenic Wonder Savings Event Discover Europe in truly all-inclusive luxury from just £1,995 ‡ per person. You’ll find that with Scenic, it’s more than a river cruise, it’s a world class experience that will take you into the very heart of your destination.Join us on an exceptional journey through the wonders of Europe in truly all-inclusive luxury, with everything from flights and transfers, to all onshore experiences and every meal and beverage included in the price you pay – that’s a promise. Book now, and save up to £2,000 per couple * in The Scenic Wonder Savings Event, plus enjoy FREE Private Door-to-Door Chauffeur Transfers^. What’s more, book and pay for your cruise in full by 31 January 2022 and save an additional £200pp with our Early Payment Discount ~ . Call 0808 163 7072 to speak to our experts, and start planning your 2022 journey into wonder. From £1,995 ‡ per person Germany Czech Nuremberg Republic Cesky Krumlov Passau Artstetten Regensburg Danube Castle Dürnstein Slovakia Linz 7 Bratislava Munich Melk Vienna Hungary Salzburg Szentendre Austria Budapest 8-Day Gems of the Danube Munich > Budapest Departs April - October 2022 Truly All-Inclusive Return flights from up to 16 UK airports 5-Star Scenic Space-Ships Butler service for all guests Complimentary beverages all day, every day † Up to five dining options Complimentary mini-bar, fully restocked daily Return airport transfers And all tipping and gratuities ORDER A FREE BROCHURE ON 0808 163 7072 OR BOOK ONLINE AT SCENIC.CO.UK/WONDEREVENT Terms and Conditions: Offers are valid for new bookings only made before 17 December 2021. *Maximum saving of £2,000 per couple dependent on itinerary and destination. Prices shown are subject to availability. All discounts are included in prices shown. ‡ £1,995pp based on Gems of the Danube sailing 11/04/22.^Private door-to-door transfers are complimentary within 75-miles of an airport where flights are available from.For guests who live outside of 75 miles,an additional supplement of £2.00 per mile will be charged.~Early Payment Discount of £200pp is included in price shown,EPD only applicable when cruise is paid for in full before 31January 2022 or 120 days before departure,whichever is sooner,selected suites only. † With the exception of some fine and rare champagnes,wines and spirits.We reserve the right to withdraw offers and promotions at any time and these are only applicable to residents of the UK.Itineraries and booking conditions can be found at scenic.co.uk/terms E&OE.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 21 SUNDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.00 Miranda 7.45 Citizen Khan 8.55 Jam & Jerusalem 9.50 Are You Being Served? Special Christmas 1979 10.30 Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out 11.00 The Two Ronnies 11.40 Hold the Sunset 12.20 Keeping Up Appearances Xmas 1991: The Father Christmas Suit 1.00 Are You Being Served? Special Christmas 1979 1.40 Only Fools and Horses 3.10 The Vicar of Dibley 4.25 The Two Ronnies 5.10 Only Fools and Horses 6.50 The Vicar of Dibley 8.00 Dad’s Army Captain Mainwaring’s brother visits. 9.00 Mrs Brown’s Boys Mrs Brown is curious about a parcel addressed to Cathy. (S) 9.40 Harry Enfield and Chums Festive edition of the comedy show. 10.35 Bottom Richie and Eddie celebrate Christmas. (S) 11.15 Not Going Out Lee’s father turns up. (S) 11.55 Mrs Brown’s Boys Cathy is feeling broody. (S) 12.35 Absolutely Fabulous 1.20 Harry Enfield and Chums 2.10 Bottom (S) 2.40 Not Going Out (S) 3.25 Hold the Sunset (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.00 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.35 Storage Hunters UK 8.00 James May’s Cars of the People 9.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 10.00 Top Gear Botswana Special 11.00 FILM Spider-Man 3 (2007) (12) Superhero sequel, starring Tobey Maguire. 2.00 Big Zuu’s Christmas Eats 3.00 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 4.00 Top Gear USA Special 5.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race: USA’s Greatest Moments 7.00 Cops on the Rock Featuring a predawn arrest. 8.00 Expedition with Steve Backshall Steve heads to Gabon. 9.00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You David Dimbleby hosts an extended edition of the satirical quiz from April 2019, with Stacey Dooley and Henning Wehn joining team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton. (S) 10.05 Comedians Giving Lectures With Geoff Norcott and Tez Ilyas. 10.50 FILM White House Down (2013). (12) Action thriller, with Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx. 1.30 Live at the Apollo (S) 2.35 Big Zuu’s Big Eats (S) 3.05 Big Zuu’s Big Eats (S) 3.35 Eddie Eats Christmas (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 World War Weird 12.00 The Architecture The Railways Built 4.00 Abandoned Engineering 7.00 Bangers and Cash A panel van and a Capri tempt auctioneer Derek out of Yorkshire. (S) 8.00 Bangers and Cash Dave finds a very rare 70s Sunbeam Lotus. (S) 9.00 One Foot in the Grave Christmas special from 1994. A face from the past haunts the Meldrews. (S) 9.55 One Foot in the Grave Victor waits for a phone call. (S) 10.35 One Foot in the Grave A conjuring trick ends in disaster. (S) 11.10 Great British Landmark Fixers A team of specialists are working hard to prevent Southend Pier from falling into the sea. 12.10 Hornby: A Model World 1.10 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.10 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 The Bill 11.00 Catherine Cookson’s The Man Who Cried 2.15 Call the Midwife 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine The trio seek out two old school pals. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek Jonathan seizes the opportunity to get his own back on a reviewer who criticised his show by refusing to reveal how his priceless painting vanished without a trace. 9.05 Jonathan Creek First of a two-part story. Adam Klaus’s sister Kitty witnesses a murder in a country cottage in the woods during a night spent badger-watching with Maddy and Jonathan. 10.10 Judge John Deed A boy refuses a life-saving operation. (S) 12.10 Sense and Sensibility (S) 1.10 Sense and Sensibility (S) 2.10 Sense and Sensibility (S) 3.00 Call the Midwife (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Natural World Antarctic penguins’ struggle for survival. (S) 7.50 Swinging Christmas Michael Parkinson introduces a concert by the John Wilson Orchestra, in a celebration of festive musical treats from the golden age of swing, joined by special guest Curtis Stigers. (S) 9.00 Daniel Barenboim: In His Own Words The conductor and pianist speaks candidly about his music and his life, from his earliest musical experiences as a child piano prodigy in Buenos Aires to his meteoric rise to fame. (S) 10.15 BBC Proms Classics: Barenboim Conducts the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra at the Proms A concert of works by Mozart and Ravel, from 2014. (S) 11.45 Sound of Musicals with Neil Brand The rise of the all-conquering contemporary blockbuster. Last in the series. (S) 12.45 Handmade in the Pacific: Yidaki (S) 1.15 Natural World (S) 2.05 Daniel Barenboim: In His Own Words (S) 3.20 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.30 Secret Crush 8.25 Dress to Impress 10.20 I’m a Celebrity Legends of the Castle 11.25 You’ve Been Framed! Gold at Xmas 12.30 FILM The Croods (2013) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Nicolas Cage. 2.25 Shrek the Halls 2.55 FILM Jack Frost (1998) (PG) Family fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. 5.00 FILM Nativity Rocks! (2018) (U) Family comedy, starring Simon Lipkin. 7.00 FILM Uncle Buck (1989). (12) A good-natured slob gets a taste of responsibility when he is called upon to look after his troublemaking nephew and nieces. Comedy, starring John Candy and Macaulay Culkin. (S) 9.00 Gordon, Gino and Fred’s Great Christmas Roast Gordon Ramsay and Gino D’Acampo host a banquet for members of the emergency services, competing to create the best menu, while maître d’ Fred Sirieix keeps the wine flowing. (S) 10.30 Family Guy Peter is asked to fill in for a mall Santa. (S) 11.00 Family Guy Part one of two. Stewie decides to take revenge on Father Christmas. (S) 11.30 Family Guy Part two of two. Brian and Stewie encounter an exhausted Father Christmas. (S) 12.00 Family Guy (S) 12.30 Family Guy (S) 12.55 American Dad! (S) 1.25 American Dad! (S) 1.55 The Cleveland Show (S) 2.20 Celebrity Juice Christmas Special (S) 3.20 Unwind with ITV 3.30 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Emmerdale Omnibus 8.30 On the Buses 10.45 FILM Man About the House (1974) (PG) TV comedy spin-off, starring Richard O’Sullivan. 12.30 The Ruth Rendell Mysteries 3.55 Endeavour 5.55 The Royal Christmas Special 6.55 FILM A Christmas Carol (1984) (PG) Ebenezer Scrooge has a Christmas Eve to remember when four ghosts attempt to cure him of his miserly ways. Dickens’ classic tale, starring George C Scott and Nigel Davenport. 9.00 The Savoy at Christmas Life at the glamorous London hotel over the festive season. Last in the series. (S) 10.05 Vera The detective investigates the murder of a homeless young man. (S) 12.05 Coronation Street (S) 2.45 Emmerdale Omnibus (S) 4.45 That’s My Boy (S) 5.10 That’s My Boy (S) 5.40 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Car Chasers 6.25 Motorsport Mundial 7.00 Auto Mundial 7.30 Motorsport UK 8.30 World Superbike Highlights 9.30 Minder 10.35 Hornblower 12.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix The opening frames of the final. 4.30 Minder 5.35 The Sweeney 6.45 Snooker: World Grand Prix Jill Douglas presents coverage of the evening session on day seven from Coventry Building Society Arena, featuring the conclusion of the final. 10.00 FILM Blue Streak (1999). (12) Comedy, starring Martin Lawrence. (S) 11.50 The Professionals A woman is terrorised by a masked stalker. (S) 12.50 Minder (S) 1.55 The Protectors (S) 2.30 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1’s Chillout Anthems. 7.00 Adele Roberts. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems with Adele Roberts. 10.32 Radio 1 Anthems with Dean McCullough. 11.02 Dean McCullough. 1.00 Matt and Mollie. 4.00 Radio 1’s Life Hacks. 6.00 The Official Chart: First Look on Radio 1 with Vick and Katie. 7.00 Radio 1’s Chillest Show. 9.00 Rock Show with Daniel P Carter. Rock, metal, hardcore and everything in between. 11.00 BBC Introducing on Radio 1 with Gemma Bradley. 12.00 Radio 1’s Future Soul with Victoria Jane. 1.30 Radio 1’s UK R&B Mix. 2.00 Radio 1’s Decompression Session. 3.00 Radio 1’s Chill Mix. 3.30 Radio 1’s Chill Mix. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.00 Good Morning Sunday. 9.00 Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs. 11.00 The Michael Ball Show. 1.00 Elaine Paige on Sunday. 3.00 Sounds of the 70s with Johnnie Walker. 5.00 Paul O’Grady. 7.00 Sunday Night Is Music Night. 9.00 TBA. 10.00 Dr Rangan Chatterjee. 12.00 OJ Borg. 2.30 One Hit Wonders with OJ Borg. 3.00 Pick of the Pops. 4.00 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 7.00 Breakfast. With Martin Handley. 9.00 Sunday Morning. Sarah Walker shares surprising festive finds. 11.00 EBU Christmas Around Europe. A festival of Christmas music and singing from Europe and Canada. 3.00 Choral Evensong. From Sacred Trinity Church, Salford. 4.00 EBU Christmas Around Europe. Music from Athens, Copenhagen and Vancouver. 11.00 Free the Music with Pekka Kuusisto. The significance of repetition in music. 12.00 Slow Radio: Venice Between the Bells. 12.30 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) News Headlines. 6.05 (FM) Something Understood. Mark Tully explores the idea of regarding the story of Jesus’ birth as myth. 6.35 (FM) Natural Histories. Brett Westwood encounters the tardigrade. 6.57 (FM) Weather. 7.00 (FM) News. 7.00 Sunday Papers. News review. 7.10 (FM) Sunday. Religious and ethical news. 7.54 (FM) Radio 4 Appeal. 7.57 (FM) Weather. 8.00 (FM) News. 8.00 Sunday Papers. 8.10 (FM) Sunday Worship. Morning service. 8.48 (FM) A Point of View. 8.58 (FM) Tweet of the Day. 9.00 (FM) Broadcasting House. Major news stories, presented by Paddy O’Connell. 10.00 (FM) The Archers. Omnibus edition. 11.00 (FM) Desert Island Discs. Another celebrity or public figure talks to Lauren Laverne. 11.45 (FM) Some Hay in a Manger. Part one of two. Festive comedy, starring Tamsin Greig. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. Marcus Brigstocke and Rory Bremner take on Pippa Evans and Andy Hamilton. 12.32 The Food Programme. The biggest names from the food world share their favourite Christmas dishes. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World This Weekend. Global news, presented by Johnny Dymond. 1.30 The Listening Project. Members of the public share intimate conversations. 2.00 Gardeners’ Question Time. From Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex. 2.45 A Home of Our Own. A Middlesbrough flat that has plummeted in value. 3.00 Drama: Starship Titanic. Adaptation of Terry Jones’s comic sci-fi novel, starring Michael Palin. 4.00 Open Book. The latest publications. 4.30 Leaving the Family Home. Geoff Bird charts the sadness and excitement of children leaving home. 5.00 The Great Pyramids of Albania. How pyramid schemes swallowed up almost 50 per cent of Albania’s annual income. 5.40 Profile. The personality and motivation of a person making the headlines. 5.54 Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Pick of the Week. Nicola Beckford presents a selection of highlights of the past seven days’ BBC radio programmes. 7.00 The Archers. Lynda seeks divine justice while Usha is not feeling the Christmas vibe. 7.15 Love in Recovery. By Pete Jackson. It’s Christmas Eve at Alcoholics Anonymous and Andy is waiting for the others to turn up. Festive special of the comedy drama, starring Eddie Marsan. 7.45 Gambits. The Queen by Eley Williams. The mother of the local chess prodigy has some of her own startling revelations. Read by Tracy-Ann Oberman. 8.00 Feedback. Listeners’ views. Presented by Roger Bolton. 8.30 Last Word. Matthew Bannister celebrates the lives of famous and less well-known people who have recently died. 9.00 Money Box. The latest from the world of personal finance, including impartial advice. 9.25 Radio 4 Appeal. Mentor Nozandulela Samela makes an appeal on behalf of the charity mothers2mothers. 9.30 Rutherford and Fry on Living with AI. Adam Rutherford and Hannah Fry, together with expert guests, imagine what the future of work might look like if more jobs were performed by artificial intelligence. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The Westminster Hour. With Carolyn Quinn. 11.00 Think with Pinker. Professor Steven Pinker explores the thinking process and morality. 11.30 Something Understood. Mark Tully explores the idea of regarding the story of Jesus’ birth as myth. 12.00 News and Weather. 12.15 Sideways. 12.45 Bells on Sunday. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service. 3.45 (LW) Test Match Special. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Science. 7.00 Sunday Breakfast. 10.00 Laura Whitmore. 12.00 5 Live Sport. 2.00 5 Live Sport. 4.00 5 Live Sport. 4.30 5 Live Sport. 6.30 6-0-6. 8.00 Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie. Greg and Bella take a psychology lesson with Mrs Harrowell, who explains how memory works. 8.45 Life Hacks. Vick Hope and Katie Thistleton bring reassuring careers advice and guidance. 9.00 Stephen Nolan. The day’s main news stories, topical debate and interviews. 12.00 Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie. 12.45 5 Minutes On. 1.00 Dotun Adebayo. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 Weekend Sports Breakfast. 9.00 Jonny Owen and Friends. 11.00 GameDay Exclusive. 2.00 Sunday Session with Sam Matterface and Perry Groves. 5.00 Darren Bent’s Boot Room. 8.00 A talkSPORT Special. 9.00 Trans Europe Express. Danny Kelly hosts a review of all the weekend’s football from across the continent. Call the show on 08717 22 33 44 (13p/min) or text 81089 (50p + charges). 12.00 A talkSPORT Special. 1.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 7.00 Aled Jones. 10.00 John Brunning. 1.00 Catherine Bott. 4.00 John Humphrys. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 9.00 Moira Stuart Meets — The Archbishop of Canterbury. Archbishop Justin Welby talks to Moira about his life and faith, what Christmas means to him and asks Moira to play his favourite carols. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Bill Overton.

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32 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Christmas CHRISTMAS Day DAY TV DAYTIME 7 8 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Blankety Blank Christmas Special 2021, 7.25pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.05 Zog 9.35 Zog and the Flying Doctors 10.00 Christmas Day Service from Coventry Cathedral 11.00 Stick Man 11.25 Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas 12.00 Top of the Pops Christmas Special 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.10 FILM The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) (U) 2.30 Superworm 3.00 The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 3.10 FILM Mary Poppins Returns (2018) (U) Premiere. Musical fantasy, starring Emily Blunt. 5.10 Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special 6.25 Michael McIntyre’s Christmas Wheel Danny Dyer, Zoe Ball and David Walliams compete for charity. 7.25 Blankety Blank Christmas Special 2021 10/10. Bradley Walsh hosts a festive edition of the game show. Last in the series. (S) 8.00 Call the Midwife New series. Lucille and Cyril prepare for their upcoming winter wedding in December 1966. (S) A Musical Family Christmas with the Kanneh-Masons, 8.35pm 6.10 The Polar Bear Family and Me 7.10 FILM Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) (U) 8.20 Malory Towers 8.45 Carols from King’s 10.00 Gangsta Granny 11.10 FILM Casablanca (1942) (U) 12.50 FILM Meet Me in St Louis (1944) (U) Musical, starring Judy Garland. 2.40 Marvellous Musicals: Talking Pictures 3.10 The Two Ronnies Christmas Sketchbook 3.40 The Two Ronnies: The Studio Recordings 4.10 Quentin Blake: The Drawing of My Life 5.10 Sign Zone: The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 5.20 FILM The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) (U) 7.00 The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show 1971 Seasonal special from 1971. (S) (R) 7.45 The Morecambe & Wise Show 1970 — The Lost Tape An episode that had been considered lost for more than 50 years. (S) (R) 8.35 A Musical Family Christmas with the Kanneh-Masons A festive celebration with the musical siblings. (S) Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs at Christmas, 5.30pm 7.00 Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.00 James Martin’s Christmas Day With guests Eamonn Holmes and Danny Jones. 2.00 Ainsley’s Christmas Good Mood Food With guests including Shane Richie, Shirley Ballas and Brian Turner. 3.00 The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 3.10 FILM Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) (U) Family fantasy adventure, starring Dudley Moore. 5.15 ITV News 5.30 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs at Christmas 6.00 The Masked Singalong Joel Dommett hosts a oneoff special of TV’s most surreal guessing game. 7.00 Emmerdale The villagers enjoy Christmas day. Al gets a threatening message. (S) 8.00 Coronation Street Fiz delights Tyrone by cancelling her holiday and bringing the girls home. (S) Terry Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow Baby, 7.30pm 7.15 The Simpsons 7.40 The Simpsons 8.05 The Simpsons 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 The Simpsons 9.30 The Simpsons 10.00 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 10.30 The Tiger Who Came to Tea 11.00 FILM How to Train Your Dragon (2010) (PG) 12.55 FILM White Christmas (1954) (U) Musical, starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. 3.20 Father Christmas 3.55 The Snowman 4.30 The Snowman and the Snowdog 5.00 The Alternative Christmas Message 5.05 Channel 4 News 5.15 FILM Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) (PG) Comedy sequel, starring Macaulay Culkin. 7.30 Terry Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow Baby Animated adaptation of the short story. (S) 8.00 The Great Christmas Bake Off 2021 The stars of award-winning hit drama It’s a Sin compete. (S) All-Time Favourite ABBA Songs, 1.10pm 6.00 Milkshake! 8.20 Funniest Ever Pets at Christmas 9.15 Greatest Family Christmas Hits 10.10 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs Alexander Armstrong presents a festive countdown of the 30 Greatest Christmas songs. 1.10 All-Time Favourite ABBA Songs A countdown of the Swedish pop group’s most popular songs. 3.10 FILM Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) (U) Children’s musical adventure, starring Dick Van Dyke. 4.10 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. 4.15 FILM Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) (U) Concluded. 6.15 Britain’s Greatest 80s Songs A countdown of the nation’s favourite 80s songs. 9 9.35 EastEnders Whitney is ready to go through with her plan of exposing Gray. (S) 9.35 FILM Pavarotti (2019). (12) Premiere. The life, career and legacy of tenor Luciano Pavarotti. (S) 9.00 The Larkins at Christmas An ongoing spate of burglaries is the talk of the village. (S) 9.15 Gogglebox 2021 Highlights of the past year’s episodes. (S) 9.00 Britain’s Favourite Party Songs A celebration of the best-loved dance craze records from across the past 50 years. (S) 10 11 10.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys Christmas Special 1/2. Agnes is recruited to the church choir — but is ordered not to sing. (S) 10.55 The Vicar of Dibley 1/2. Part one of two. A handsome newcomer wins the vicar’s heart. (S) (R) 11.50 BBC News; Weather (S) 11.30 Pavarotti in Hyde Park The Italian tenor’s 1991 free concert. (S) (R) 10.25 ITV News; Weather (S) 10.40 FILM Love Actually (2003). (15) Romantic comedy, with Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon. (S) 11.15 First Dates at Christmas Fred Sirieix and his team try to make sure that Christmas 2021 is one to remember. (S) (R) 11.05 Kylie: 30 Years of Hits Profile of the singer. (S) (R) AFTER 12 12.00 On Christmas Night 12.05 FILM Last Christmas (2019) (12) Romantic comedy, starring Emilia Clarke. 1.45 Would I Lie to You? at Christmas 2.15 I Can See Your Voice Christmas Special 3.15 Weather for the Week Ahead 3.20 BBC News 1.05 Beauty and the Beast: A Pantomime for Comic Relief 2.05 Impeachment: American Crime Story 3.15 Sign Zone: What We Do in the Shadows 3.40 Sign Zone: What We Do in the Shadows 4.05 Sign Zone: What We Do in the Shadows 1.05 The Royal Variety Performance Alan Carr hosts the event from the Royal Albert Hall. 3.15 FYI Extra 3.35 Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet Home — Travels in My Own Land The actress travels around the UK. 4.25 Rolling in It 5.15 Unwind with ITV 12.20 FILM Slumdog Millionaire (2008) (15) 2.20 One Night in the Natural History Museum 3.15 Come Dine with Me Christmas 3.40 Come Dine with Me Christmas 4.05 Come Dine with Me Christmas 4.35 Come Dine with Me Christmas 12.30 Wonderful World of Chocolate 1.00 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 Our New Puppy 4.00 The Great Model Railway Challenge 4.50 The Highland Midwife 5.40 Milkshake! 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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 33 CHRISTMAS DAY TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.00 Last of the Summer Wine 7.45 Citizen Khan 9.40 The Two Ronnies 11.10 Trust Morecambe & Wise 12.10 Are You Being Served? 12.50 The Vicar of Dibley 1.50 Only Fools and Horses 5.55 The Good Life 6.30 Dad’s Army 7.10 Dad’s Army Captain Mainwaring’s brother visits. (S) 8.00 Blackadder Comic version of the classic tale, starring Rowan Atkinson. (S) 9.00 The Cockfields Christmas Special Simon and Esther travel to the Isle of Wight at Christmas. 10.00 Bottom Richie and Eddie celebrate Christmas. (S) 10.40 The Royle Family One-off episode. Denise is pregnant again. (S) 12.00 Christmas with the Royle Family (S) 12.55 Blackadder (S) 1.55 The Cockfields Christmas Special 3.00 The Royle Family (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.05 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.40 FILM Spider-Man 3 (2007) (12) Superhero sequel, starring Tobey Maguire. 10.40 Top Gear Patagonia Special 1.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race 2018 3.20 Top Gear 6.00 Would I Lie to You? The Best Bits 6.40 Gavin & Stacey Christmas Special 8.00 Travel Man: 96 Hours in Jordan Comedian and author David Baddiel joins Richard Ayoade for a seasonal trip to Jordan. 9.00 QI XL With panellists Chris McCausland, Justin Moorhouse and Holly Walsh. (S) 10.00 QI XL With Jason Manford, Romesh Ranganathan and Holly Walsh. (S) 11.00 Live at the Apollo: Christmas Special Sara Pascoe introduces performances by Chris McCausland and Flo & Joan. (S) 12.00 Would I Lie to You? The Best Bits (S) 12.40 The ”Christmas” Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (S) 1.40 Eddie Eats Christmas (S) 2.10 Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable (S) 3.10 Live at the Apollo: Christmas Special (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 The World at War 12.00 Africa 3.00 Motown at the BBC 4.00 TOTP2: Pop Stars 5.00 TOTP2: School Days 6.00 Sounds of the Sixties 6.30 Sounds of the Seventies 7.00 Secrets of Britain The history of the department store Selfridges. (S) 8.00 Secrets of the London Underground Tim Dunn and Siddy Holloway explore forgotten stations on the District Line, Whitechapel. (S) 9.00 Hornby: A Model World Airfix designer Paramjit attempts to shrink an original Mosquito to 1:72 scale. (S) 10.00 Bangers and Cash A panel van and a Capri tempt auctioneer Derek out of Yorkshire. (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash Dave finds a very rare 70s Sunbeam Lotus. (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.25 Hi-de-Hi! 8.20 Are You Being Served? 9.00 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em 11.15 All Creatures Great and Small Christmas Special 1.20 Call the Midwife 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine A festive edition from 1992. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek Jonathan helps the US government investigate the disappearance of an alleged alien skeleton, which vanished from under the noses of the soldiers guarding it. 9.05 Jonathan Creek The duo investigate a hermit’s death. 10.10 The Line of Beauty Drama, starring Dan Stevens. (S) 11.35 The Line of Beauty Nick lives out his dreams. (S) 1.00 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.00 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.45 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Penguin Post Office: Natural World Gentoo penguins raising chicks in Port Lockroy in the Antarctic. (S) 7.05 Winter Journey: Schubert’s Winterreise Baritone Benjamin Appl and pianist James Baillieu reimagine Schubert’s song cycle Winterreise in the wintry setting of an Alpine landscape. (S) 8.35 Eric and Ernie — Behind the Scenes Documentary charting the duo’s early years. (S) 9.35 FILM Their Finest (2016). (12) An ex-secretary appointed as a scriptwriter for propaganda films joins the crew of a major production while the Blitz rages around them. Comedy drama, with Gemma Arterton. (S) 11.25 Mrs Dickens’ Family Christmas Sue Perkins explores Charles Dickens’ marriage. (S) 12.25 What We Were Watching: Christmas 1991 (S) 1.25 Top of the Pops: Christmas Hits (S) 2.25 Country Christmas 2021 (S) 3.05 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 In for a Christmas Penny 6.50 FILM Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure (2011) (U) Comedy, starring Munro Chambers. 8.30 Emmerdale 9.00 Coronation Street 9.30 You’ve Been Framed Gold at Christmas! 10.00 Celebrity Catchphrase: Christmas Special 11.05 FILM Jack Frost (1998) (PG) Family fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. 1.05 FILM Peter Pan (2003) (PG) Fantasy adventure, with Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood. 3.20 Shrek the Halls 3.50 FILM Chicken Run (2000) (U) Animated comedy, with the voices of Mel Gibson and Julia Sawalha. 5.40 FILM Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) (12) Action sequel, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. 8.00 FILM Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018). (PG) The reopening of the Hotel Bella Donna leads to a reunion for Sophie’s family. Abbathemed musical sequel, starring Amanda Seyfried and Lily James. (S) 10.20 Celebrity Juice Christmas Special With Ronan Keating, Katherine Ryan, Richard Blackwood and Johnny Vegas. (S) 11.20 Family Guy Peter tells the story of Christmas — with a twist. (S) 11.55 Family Guy Stewie is traumatised by a visit to Santa. (S) 12.25 Family Guy (S) 12.55 American Dad! (S) 1.25 American Dad! (S) 1.50 The Stand Up Sketch Show Christmas Special (S) 2.20 Christmas Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 3.10 You vs Chris & Kem (S) 4.05 Love Bites (S) 5.00 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Emmerdale (S) ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Coronation Street Omnibus 8.25 On the Buses 8.55 That’s My Boy 9.30 Doc Martin 11.25 The Darling Buds of May 12.35 FILM A Christmas Carol (1984) (PG) Dickens’ classic tale, starring George C Scott. 2.40 FILM Carry On Loving (1970) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 4.30 FILM Carry On Doctor (1967) (PG) Comedy, starring Jim Dale. 6.30 FILM Carry On Behind (1975) (PG) Two professors on an archaeological dig find their efforts disrupted by the saucy shenanigans of a rowdy set of holidaymakers. Comedy, starring Kenneth Williams and Elke Sommer. 8.15 FILM Carry On Up the Jungle (1970). (PG) A Victorian explorer recalls his expedition to tropical Africa in search of a rare bird, where he discovered an all-female tribe. Comedy, starring Sid James and Frankie Howerd. (S) 10.00 Midsomer Murders A man is stabbed to death during a ghosthunting party. (S) 12.00 Grantchester Christmas Special (S) 1.35 The Durrells (S) 2.35 The Darling Buds of May (S) 3.40 A Christmas Carol (S) 5.00 That’s My Boy (S) 5.25 On the Buses (S) 5.50 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Best of the 80s 6.10 Goodwood Revival Highlights 7.00 Goodwood Festival of Speed Highlights 7.50 British Touring Car Championship Review of the Season 9.50 The Celebrity Chase 10.50 Hornblower 1.00 FILM The Jewel of the Nile (1985) (PG) Comedy adventure sequel, starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. 3.10 FILM Spartacus (1960) (PG) Roman epic, with Kirk Douglas. 6.55 FILM The Italian Job (1969) (PG) Crime comedy. 9.00 FILM Rocky (1976). (12) Oscarwinning boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 11.25 FILM American Gangster (2007). (18) Fact-based crime drama, starring Denzel Washington. (S) 2.25 Take the Tower (S) 3.15 The Professionals (S) 4.10 The Protectors (S) 4.40 Tenable (S) 5.35 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1’s Christmas Movie Mixtape. 7.00 The Happy Hour from Radio 1. 8.00 Scott Mills. 11.00 Dean McCullough. 2.00 Going Home with Vick and Jordan. 5.00 Greg and Roisin’s Rogue Promises. 7.00 Scott Mills. 9.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. Soothing tracks to make you feel warm and cosy. 10.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. 11.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix. 1.00 Radio 1’s Dance Tracks of 2021. 2.00 Pete Tong. 3.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges. 4.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.00 Mica’s Gospel Christmas. 8.00 Good Morning Christmas. 10.00 Junior Choice. 12.00 Paul O’Grady. 2.00 Richie Anderson’s Festive Boy Bands v Girl Bands. 5.00 Gary Davies with 70 Christmas Number Ones. 7.00 Human League: Don’t You Want Me at 40 — with Gary Davies. 8.00 Westlife’s Christmas Day Pop Party. Festive special with the band members, including a Christmas Movie Quiz, the Santa’s Secrets Challenge and a festive hit recorded just for this show. 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s Soul Christmas. 12.00 Ana Matronic’s Dance Devotion. 2.00 Phantom at 35. 3.00 Radio 2 in Concert. 4.00 Radio 2 in Concert: Bon Jovi. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 7.00 Breakfast. 9.00 Christmas Morning Live. With Stephen Hough, and music by Granny’s Attic. 1.00 A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Live from the candlelit Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge. 3.00 Sound of Cinema. Marking the 90th anniversary of London’s Abbey Road studios. 4.00 Four Peaks Sound Walk. New series. Hikes up the highest peak of each UK nation, beginning with Ben Nevis. 5.00 J to Z. Leading figures from jazz share their favourite Christmas tunes. 6.30 Opera on 3. A 2008 production of Humperdinck’s Hänsel and Gretel, with Colin Davis conducting the Tiffin Boys’ Choir and Children’s Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. 10.00 New Music Show. Including Peteris Vasks’ Third String Quartet, and Arvo Part’s Fourth Symphony. 12.00 Freeness. 1.00 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 News and Papers. 6.07 Open Country. 6.30 Farming Today This Week. 6.57 Weather. 7.00 Gardeners’ Question Time. 7.45 Book of the Week: Taste: My Life Through Food. 8.00 With Great Pleasure at Christmas. 9.00 Christmas Service. 9.45 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy. 10.00 Saturday Live. 11.00 Moominland Midwinter. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 Short Works: Daddy Christmas. Mark must adjust to a new festive routine at his sister’s house. 12.30 Dead Ringers. Nick Robinson and Martha Kearny look at the news events from other worlds. Last in the series. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 News. 1.02 You’re Dead to Me: Medieval Christmas. A light-hearted look at history. 1.30 Ed Reardon’s Christmas Week. It’s nearly Christmas, and Ed needs a room at the Lock Keeper’s Arms. 2.00 Jacqueline Wilson’s Wonderful World with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. A special concert celebrating the stories of Jaqueline Wilson. 3.00 HM The Queen. Her Majesty’s annual Christmas Day message. 3.05 News. 3.15 Drama: The Princess Bride. Part one of two. Stephen Keyworth’s adaptation of William Goldman’s novel. 4.15 Weekend Woman’s Hour. Anita Rani presents highlights from the week. 5.00 Fortunately with Fi & Jane: Christmas Special. Jane Garvey and Fi Glover are joined by Clare Balding and Alice Arnold. 5.54 Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Loose Ends. Clive Anderson and Anneka Rice share highlights of the past year, including appearances by Rod Stewart, Miriam Margolyes, Les Dennis, Stacey Dooley, Graham Norton and Jo Brand. 7.00 Profile. Friends, adversaries, colleagues and confidants provide an insight into the personality and motivation of a person who is making the headlines. Presented by Mark Coles. 7.15 (LW) This Cultural Life. John Wilson talks to leading cultural figures about their life, work and creative process. Last in the series. 7.15 (FM) This Cultural Life. John Wilson talks to leading cultural figures about their life, work and creative process. Last in the series. 8.00 Archive on 4: The Many Faces of Ebenezer Scrooge. Christopher Frayling introduces clips, archive material and contemporary interviews demonstrating the many depictions of the character from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. 9.00 Jeremy Irons Reads TS Eliot. The actor reads a selection of the poet’s early work, including The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock. Introduced by Martha Kearney, Jeanette Winterson and Anthony Julius. 9.45 Dr John Cooper Clarke at the BBC. The Bard of Salford performs a selection of poems recorded at the BBC’s Radio Theatre in London. Introduced by Johnny Green. 10.00 News. 10.15 The Moral Maze. Ethical issues. 10.30 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 11.00 (FM) Quote — Unquote. With Georgie Morrell, Lissa Evans, and Daliso Chaponda. Last in the series. 11.30 (FM) Uncanny. Danny Robins investigates reports of supernatural activity. 12.00 (FM) News and Weather. 12.15 (FM) Christmas Meditation. 12.30 (FM) Short Works: Daddy Christmas. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 (LW) Test Match Special. 1.00 (FM) As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Sport. 7.00 Saturday Breakfast. 9.00 Christmas Round Staceyís. 11.00 Christmas Day with Elis and John. 12.00 5 Live News. 12.30 Headliners. 1.00 Scott Mills and Chris Stark. 3.00 5 Live News. 3.30 Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie. 4.00 Laura Whitmore: Best of Under the Spotlight 2021. 6.00 Headliners. 6.30 5 Live News. 7.00 Christmas Round Staceyís. 9.00 Christmas Day with Elis and John. Elis James is at John Robins’ house for some top quality Christmas Content. Featuring one of Johnís famous curries, and a special visit from a show favourite. 11.00 Test Match Special. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 Christmas Breakfast with All The Trimmings. 10.00 2021 The Verdict. 12.00 English Football Genius — A tribute to Jimmy Greaves. 1.00 Hawksbee and Jacobs Clips of the Year. 4.00 Top 5s of the Year. 6.00 Fergie at 80. 7.00 The Summer it Nearly Came Home. 10.00 Fight of My Life — Best of. 12.00 English Football Genius — A tribute to Jimmy Greaves. 1.00 Extra Time with Martin Kelner. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Christmas Breakfast. 10.00 Christmas Day Requests. 1.00 The Nation’s Favourite Carol. 3.00 The Queen. 3.05 A Royal Christmas. 5.00 Christmas with Sir Trevor McDonald. 7.00 The Story of Carols. 10.00 Smooth Carols. 1.00 Katie Breathwick. 4.00 Sam Pittis. A depraved stalker. An unsolved murder. A cop who will stop at nothing. Order Die For Me in paperback for only £8.10* (RRP £8.99). 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34 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Boxing BOXING Day DAY TV DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Match of the Day, 10.40pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.15 The Snail and the Whale 9.45 The Highway Rat 10.10 FILM Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) (U) 11.30 FILM Trolls (2016) (U) 12.55 BBC News 1.05 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.15 Songs of Praise: Daniel O’Donnell’s Faith Journey 1.50 Revolting Rhymes 2.20 FILM Beauty and the Beast (2017) (PG) Musical fairy tale, starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens. 4.20 FILM Paddington (2014) (PG) Family comedy, starring Hugh Bonneville. 5.50 Around the World in 80 Days 6.40 Around the World in 80 Days Fogg’s self-respect is shattered while traversing Italy by train,. 7.30 Death in Paradise Christmas Special Feature-length festive special. A shipping magnate is found dead at a party. (S) Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Christmas Fishing, 9.00pm 6.45 FILM Sign Zone: Mary Poppins Returns (2018) (U) 8.45 Gardeners’ World Winter Specials 9.45 Countryfile at Christmas 10.40 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12.10 The Great Food Guys Hogmanay Special 12.40 FILM Singin’ in the Rain (1952) (U) 2.20 FILM Some Like It Hot (1959) (U) Comedy, with Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe. 4.20 Final Score 5.20 The Two Ronnies at Christmas 6.10 The Perfect Morecambe & Wise Christmas Special A selection of classic clips from the duo’s festive BBC specials. 6.40 Anything Goes: The Musical A production of the classic musical comedy, starring Sutton Foster. Celebrity Catchphrase: Christmas Special, 6.00pm 6.00 CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 Gino’s Italian Family Adventure: A Festive Feast 10.00 Love Your Christmas with Alan Titchmarsh 11.55 Ainsley’s Christmas Good Mood Food 12.50 ITV News 1.00 ITV Racing: Live from Kempton Including the 3.05 King George VI Chase. 3.30 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 4.00 ITV News 4.15 Saturday Night Takeaway Presents: Double Trouble 5.00 The Chase Celebrity Christmas Special With Kate Silverton, Ruthie Henshall, Iain Stirling and the Rev Richard Coles. 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase: Christmas Special With Perri Kiely, Anne Hegerty and Rob Brydon. 7.00 Emmerdale There is devastation in the village. (S) 7.30 Coronation Street Abi refuses to let Kelly move on from the past. (S) All I Want(ed) for Christmas, 8.00pm 6.05 FILM Rugrats Go Wild (2003) (U) 7.25 FILM Christmas at the Palace (2018) (U) 9.00 Jamie: Keep Cooking at Christmas 9.30 Christmas Brunch 12.30 Terry Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow Baby Animated adaptation of the short story. 1.05 The Simpsons Bart destroys the family’s Christmas presents. 1.30 The Simpsons 1.55 FILM Home Alone 3 (1997) (PG) Comedy sequel, starring Alex D Linz. 4.00 FILM Crocodile Dundee (1986) (15) Comedy, starring Paul Hogan. 5.50 Channel 4 News 6.00 Britain’s Scenic Railways at Christmas A magical winter journey through some of the country’s most festive railways. 7.00 Escape to the Chateau at Christmas Dick, Angel, Arthur and Dorothy enjoy a magical festive adventure. Last in the series. (S) (R) Road House, 10.00pm 6.00 Milkshake! 9.45 SpongeBob SquarePants 10.00 SpongeBob SquarePants 10.15 Entertainment News on 5 10.20 NFL End Zone 10.45 Toys That Made Christmas Great 12.45 FILM Calendar Girls (2003) (12) 1.45 Entertainment News on 5 1.50 FILM Calendar Girls (2003) (12) Concluded. 3.00 FILM The Proposal (2009) (12) 4.00 Entertainment News on 5 4.05 FILM The Proposal (2009) (12) Concluded. 5.10 FILM Sister Act (1992) (PG) Comedy, starring Whoopi Goldberg. 6.15 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. 6.20 FILM Sister Act (1992) (PG) Concluded. 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 5/11. Britain’s Strongest Man. (S) 8 9.00 A Very British Scandal 1/3. New series. Drama, starring Claire Foy and Paul Bettany. (S) 8.00 All Star Musicals at Christmas Celebrities embark on a musical theatre masterclass. (S) 8.00 All I Want(ed) for Christmas Celebrities receive the presents they wanted as kids but never got. (S) 8.00 FILM Dirty Dancing (1987). (12) Romantic drama, with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey. (S) 9 10.00 EastEnders Janine tries to get Mick to herself. (S) 10.25 BBC News; Weather (S) 10.40 Match of the Day Action from the Boxing Day Premier League fixtures. (S) 9.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Christmas Fishing Paul takes Bob on a quest to catch an elusive English salmon. (S) 9.30 Billy Connolly: My Absolute Pleasure The comedian shares a personal selection of routines from his tours. (S) 9.00 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2021 The annual year-end quiz, hosted by Jimmy Carr. (S) 9.00 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. (S) 9.05 FILM Dirty Dancing (1987). (12) Concluded. (S) 10 10.00 Adele: The BBC Sessions BBC archive clips of the hugely successful singer. (S) 10.40 ITV News; Weather (S) 10.50 Madame Tussauds: The Full Wax A behind-the-scenes look at the world famous tourist attraction. (S) (R) 10.00 FILM Road House (1989). (18) Action thriller, starring Patrick Swayze. (S) 11 11.00 Tina Live! A 2009 concert by Tina Turner in the Dutch city of Arnhem. (S) (R) 11.50 British Touring Car Championship Review of the Season A review of the 2021 campaign. (S) 11.00 Gogglebox 2021 Highlights of the past year’s episodes. (S) (R) 11.15 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. (S) 11.20 FILM Road House (1989). (18) Concluded. (S) AFTER 12 12.15 FILM The Accountant (2016) (15) Thriller, starring Ben Affleck. 2.15 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.20 BBC News 1.10 FILM Mr Holmes (2015) (PG) Period mystery, starring Ian McKellen. 2.50 Sign Zone: Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special 4.05 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 1.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Motorsport UK Action from Silverstone. 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 12.55 Back to the 80s with Lenny Henry 2.40 Come Dine with Me 3.05 Come Dine with Me 3.30 Come Dine with Me 4.00 Come Dine with Me 4.25 Come Dine with Me 4.55 Countdown 5.35 Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas 5.50 The Simpsons 12.15 Swayze: The Demons & the Dance A profile of the Dirty Dancing star. 1.40 Entertainment News on 5 1.50 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show Interactive gambling. 3.35 Our New Puppy 4.40 The Great Model Railway Challenge 5.35 House Doctor † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 35 BOXING DAY TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 Only Fools and Horses 7.15 Only Fools and Horses The Trotters go on holiday. (S) 7.55 Only Fools and Horses Del starts a chandelier-cleaning business. (S) 8.35 Only Fools and Horses Christmas special from 1982. Del-Boy finds a new lady friend. (S) 9.15 The Cockfields Simon and Esther are engaged and it’s the first day of their summer holiday on the Isle of Wight. (S) 9.55 The Cockfields Ray, Sue, Simon and Esther all go to Ventnor. (S) 10.35 The Cockfields Simon and Ray head to the nursing home to see Rose. (S) 11.15 Not Going Out Lee’s father turns up. (S) 11.55 Only Fools and Horses Del and Rodney have a festive night out. (S) 12.40 The Fast Show: Just a Load of Blooming Catchphrases (S) 2.45 Not Going Out (S) 3.15 Bridget & Eamon (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.05 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.45 Sin City Motors 8.40 Expedition with Steve Backshall 9.40 Top Gear 12.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race 1.20 Richard Osman’s House of Games 3.15 Top Gear 6.00 Big Zuu’s Christmas Eats 7.00 QI XL Sandi Toksvig hosts a festive edition of the panel game, with Chris McCausland, Justin Moorhouse, Holly Walsh and Alan Davies setting two Christmasthemed world records. (S) 8.00 Expedition with Steve Backshall Steve teams up with shark scientist Mauricio Hoyos to discover where shark mothers give birth and to protect a new generation of these ocean giants in the Eastern Pacific. 9.00 QI XL With Jason Manford, Romesh Ranganathan and Holly Walsh. (S) 10.00 QI XL With Bill Bailey, Phill Jupitus and Claudia Winkleman. (S) 11.00 Red Dwarf Kryten falls in love. (S) 11.40 Red Dwarf The crew discovers a miraculous machine. (S) 12.20 Would I Lie to You? (S) 1.00 Would I Lie to You? (S) 1.35 QI (S) 2.15 Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable (S) 3.15 Red Dwarf (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 The World at War 10.00 Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution 12.00 Africa 2.00 Dynasties 3.00 Classic Soul at the BBC 4.00 One Hit Wonders at the BBC 5.00 Sounds of the Sixties 5.30 Sounds of the Seventies 6.00 Sounds of the Sixties 6.30 Sounds of the Seventies 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum A historic Frazer Nash car must be fixed before a big race. (S) 8.00 Secrets of the London Underground Tim Dunn and Siddy Holloway explore Clapham South deep level shelter. (S) 9.00 Hornby: A Model World The Intercity 125 gets an overhaul. (S) 10.00 Bangers and Cash A delightful collection of British classics comes up for auction. (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash Three MGs from the 70s turn up at the garage, still covered in original factory wax. (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 The Bill 11.00 Last of the Summer Wine 12.20 Bert and Dickie 2.20 Call the Midwife 6.00 Call the Midwife Christmas Special 8.00 Jonathan Creek A woman with a promiscuous past has a tragic accident that leaves her in a coma, yet is spotted later making her way to her village church to atone for her sins. 9.05 Jonathan Creek The duo investigate the case of a murdered drug-runner who seems to have returned from the dead to exact vengeance on his killers using the power of voodoo. 10.15 The Line of Beauty Nick lives out his dreams. (S) 11.40 The Line of Beauty Political scandal engulfs the Fedden house. 1.00 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.00 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.45 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 The Chronicles of Erne Winter on the lough. (S) 7.30 Dancing the Nutcracker — Inside the Royal Ballet Documentary going behind the scenes with the ballet company, following the three months leading up to the opening of this year’s Christmas production of Tchaikovsky’s ballet. (S) 9.00 La Boheme from the Royal Opera House Richard Jones’ production of Puccini’s opera, performed at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in 2020. Sonya Yoncheva heads the cast as the doomed seamstress Mimì. (S) 11.00 FILM Moonstruck (1987). (PG) Romantic comedy, starring Cher and Nicolas Cage. (S) 12.35 Mark Kermode’s Christmas Cinema Secrets (S) 1.35 The Chronicles of Erne (S) 2.05 The Turn of the Screw (S) 3.35 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Coronation Street 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold at Christmas 8.00 In for a Christmas Penny 8.45 FILM Mr Peabody & Sherman (2014) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Ty Burrell. 10.35 FILM Shark Tale (2004) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Will Smith. 12.25 FILM The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! (2012) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Hugh Grant. 2.10 FILM Ice Age (2002) (U) Animated adventure, with the voice of John Leguizamo. 3.50 FILM E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) (U) Sci-fi fantasy, starring Henry Thomas. 6.10 FILM Shrek (2001) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Mike Myers. 8.00 FILM Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019). (12) Premiere. Action adventure, starring Dwayne Johnson. (S) 10.40 Family Guy Peter opens up his own food truck business. (S) 11.10 Family Guy Quagmire lands free plane tickets for a guys’ trip to San Francisco. (S) 11.35 Family Guy Peter is inspired by the writing of Stephen King. (S) 12.05 Family Guy (S) 12.30 American Dad! (S) 1.00 American Dad! (S) 1.30 Family Guy (S) 1.55 All Star Dance Off (S) 2.20 FILM Shaun of the Dead (2004) (15) Comedy horror, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. (S) 4.05 Love Bites (S) 5.05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.30 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Emmerdale Omnibus 9.20 A Christmas Carol 10.55 On the Buses 11.25 FILM The Magnificent Two (1967) (U) Comedy, with Morecambe and Wise. 1.25 FILM Carry On Girls (1973) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 3.05 FILM Carry On Again Doctor (1969) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 4.45 FILM Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head (1966) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 6.30 FILM Carry On Matron (1972) (PG) A gang of crooks tries to infiltrate a maternity hospital planning to steal the stock of contraceptive pills. Comedy, starring Sid James, Kenneth Williams and Hattie Jacques. 8.15 FILM Carry On Up the Khyber (1968). (PG) British forces in colonial India have trouble with a rebellious local ruler when he learns their fearsome reputation is undeserved. Comedy, starring Sid James and Kenneth Williams. (S) 10.00 Vera Two people are murdered at a remote country house. (S) 12.00 Coronation Street Omnibus (S) 2.30 Emmerdale Omnibus (S) 5.20 That’s My Boy (S) 5.50 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Protectors 6.25 Motorsport Mundial 6.50 Auto Mundial 7.15 Motorsport UK 8.10 Minder 10.20 Mr Bean 10.55 FILM The Shootist (1976) (PG) Western, starring John Wayne. 1.00 FILM The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) (U) Western, starring John Wayne. 3.25 FILM Rio Lobo (1970) (PG) Howard Hawks’ Western, with John Wayne and Jorge Rivero. 5.45 FILM The Alamo (1960) (PG) Western, directed by and starring John Wayne. 9.00 FILM True Grit (2010). (15) A farm girl recruits a hard-drinking, one-eyed marshal to help her track down the man who killed her father. The Coen brothers’ Western, with Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld. (S) 11.15 FILM Rocky II (1979). (PG) Boxing drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 1.40 Football Genius (S) 2.10 Take the Tower (S) 3.05 The Professionals (S) 4.00 Minder (S) 4.50 Tenable (S) 5.45 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. 7.00 Radio 1’s Chillout Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1’s Life Hacks. 7.00 Radio 1’s Chillest Show. 9.00 Rock Show with Daniel P Carter. Rock, metal, hardcore and everything in between. 11.00 BBC Introducing on Radio 1 with Gemma Bradley. 12.00 Radio 1’s Future Soul with Victoria Jane. 1.30 Radio 1’s UK R&B Mix. 2.00 Radio 1’s Decompression Session. 3.00 Radio 1’s Chill Mix. 3.30 Radio 1’s Chill Mix. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.00 Good Morning Sunday. 9.00 Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs. 11.00 The Michael Ball Show. 1.00 Phantom at 35. 3.00 Sounds of the 70s with Johnnie Walker. 5.00 Festive Reggae with Rodigan. 7.00 Musicals: The Greatest Show. 9.00 Pet Shop Boys: Takeover. Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe take over Radio 2 for three hours with an unpredictable party playlist. 12.00 Owain Wyn Evans. 3.00 Radio 2 Live: Across the UK. 4.00 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 7.00 Breakfast. With Martin Handley. 9.00 Sunday Morning. With music by Dvorak, Shostakovich and Pisendel. 12.00 Private Passions. Michael Berkeley is joined by cookery writer Valentina Harris. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Tenor Alessandro Fisher performs Schumann, Grieg, Delius and Frumerie. 2.00 The Early Music Show. Hannah French explores the music, food and traditions of Christmas in Bohemia. 3.00 Choral Evensong. From the Chapel of Merton College, Oxford. 4.00 Four Peaks Sound Walk. Horatio Clare ascends Slieve Donard in Co Down. 5.00 Jazz Record Requests. Listeners’ favourite tracks of the year. 6.00 Words and Music. An edition marking the 150th anniversary of the Royal Albert Hall, with readings by Josie Lawrence and Petroc Trelawny and archive clips of Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. 7.15 Sunday Feature: Aida at 150. A century and a half after Aida’s premiere at Cairo’s Khedivial Opera House, historian Flora Willson tells the story of Verdi’s operatic masterpiece though an Egyptian lens. 8.00 BBC Proms 2021. Another chance to hear Mark Wigglesworth conduct the Proms Festival Orchestra in Shostakovich’s Festive Overture and Mahler’s Fifth Symphony. 9.20 BBC Proms 2021. Another chance to hear Russian pianist Pavel Kolesnikov performing Bach’s Goldberg Variations for solo piano. Presented by Georgia Mann from the Royal Albert Hall. 11.00 Free the Music with Pekka Kuusisto. Why certain elements of music age more elegantly than others. Last in the series. 12.00 Classical Fix. 12.30 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) News Headlines. 6.05 (FM) Something Understood. 6.35 (FM) Natural Histories. 6.57 (FM) Weather. 7.00 (FM) News. 7.00 Sunday Papers. 7.10 (FM) Sunday. 7.30 (LW) Sunday. 7.54 Radio 4 Appeal. 7.57 Weather. 8.00 News. 8.00 Sunday Papers. 8.10 Sunday Worship. 8.48 A Point of View. 8.58 Tweet of the Day. 9.00 Piers Plowright, Soundsmith. Tribute to the radio producer. 10.00 The Archers. 11.00 Desert Island Discs. 11.45 Some Hay in a Manger. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. With Marcus Brigstocke, Rory Bremner, Pippa Evans and Andy Hamilton. 12.32 The Food Programme. Leyla Kazim dives into the world of rapid grocery delivery. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World This Weekend. Global news. 1.30 The Listening Project. Omnibus. Members of the public share intimate conversations. 2.00 Gardeners’ Question Time. With Bob Flowerdew, Christine Walkden and Matthew Pottage. 2.45 A Home of Our Own. A Georgian-style property in central Newcastleupon-Tyne. 3.00 The Ambridge Mystery Plays. Part one of two. The Archers cast presents a new version of the mediaeval drama. 4.00 Open Book. The latest publications. 4.30 The Kitchen Cabinet. New series. Jay Rayner presents the culinary panel show. 5.00 A Family of Strangers. 5.40 Profile. The personality and motivation of a person making the headlines. 5.54 Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Pick of the Week. Highlights of the past seven days’ radio programmes. 7.00 The Archers. Susan’s got the wrong end of the stick and Usha’s feeling mischievous. 7.15 Quote — Unquote: A Celebration. Nigel Rees presents a compilation of some of the most memorable quotations taken from over 500 episodes of Quote — Unquote, as the programme ends its run. 7.45 Gambits. The Knight by Eley Williams. A woman finds herself in the home of the parents of the village’s chess prodigy, and plans to enact revenge. Read by Susannah Fielding. 8.00 Feedback. Listeners’ views. Presented by Roger Bolton. 8.30 Last Word. Matthew Bannister celebrates the lives of famous and less well-known people who have recently died. 9.00 Jeremy Irons Reads TS Eliot. The actor reads a selection of poetry, including The Hippopotamus. Introduced by Martha Kearney, with contributions from writer Jeanette Winterson and academic Anthony Julius. 9.30 Radio 4 Appeal. Catherine Jessop makes an appeal on behalf of the Encephalitis Society. 9.35 Think with Pinker. Professor Steven Pinker questions if people should make sacrifices for possible future benefit, rather than focusing on their needs in the present. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 News Review of the Year. A look back at the stories that hit the headlines in the past year. 11.00 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 11.00 (FM) John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show. 11.30 (FM) Something Understood. Mark Tully discusses the concept of divine comfort. 12.00 (FM) News and Weather. 12.15 (FM) Sideways. 12.45 (FM) Bells on Sunday. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 (LW) Test Match Special. 1.00 (FM) As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 7.00 Sunday Breakfast. 9.00 5 Live Formula 1. 10.00 5 Live Sport. 11.00 Match of the Day: Top 10. 12.00 5 Live Sport. 3.00 5 Live Sport. 5.00 Sports Report. 6.00 6-0-6. 7.55 5 Live Sport. 10.00 Tony Bellew Is Angry. 11.00 Test Match Special. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 Weekend Sports Breakfast. 9.00 GameDay Warm Up. 11.00 GameDay Exclusive. 2.30 GameDay Live. 5.15 GameDay Exclusive. 7.30 GameDay: Your Verdict. 10.00 Sports Bar Weekender. 1.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 7.00 Aled Jones. 10.00 John Brunning. 1.00 Saturday Night at the Movies. 4.00 John Humphrys. 7.00 The Best of Moira Stuart Meets. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick.

36 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Bank MONDAY’S Holiday Monday TV DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 EastEnders, 7.30pm 6.00 Breakfast 7.45 Match of the Day 9.20 FILM Monsters vs Aliens (2009) (PG) 10.45 FILM The Boss Baby (2017) (U) 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News 1.20 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.30 FILM Finding Dory (2016) (U) Animated sequel, with the voice of Ellen DeGeneres. 3.00 FILM Horrible Histories: The Movie — Rotten Romans (2019) (PG) Premiere. Family comedy, starring Sebastian Croft. 4.30 Countryfile 5.30 BBC News 5.45 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 5.55 FILM Paddington 2 (2017) (PG) Comedy adventure, with the voice of Ben Whishaw. 7.30 EastEnders Nancy is furious with Janine for her meddling. (S) Only Connect: Christmas Special, 8.00pm 6.15 Sign Zone: Mary Berry — Love to Cook 6.45 Sign Zone: Between the Covers 7.15 North America: Our Wild Adventures 8.15 Cheetah Family & Me 9.15 Musicals: Talking Pictures 10.05 FILM A Star Is Born (1954) (U) Musical drama, starring Judy Garland and James Mason. 12.55 Doris Day: Virgin Territory Profile of the American actress. 1.55 FILM Calamity Jane (1953) (U) Musical comedy Western, starring Doris Day. 3.35 West Side Stories — The Making of a Classic The creation of the Broadway musical. 4.35 FILM West Side Story (1961) (PG) Romantic musical, starring Natalie Wood. 7.00 The Hairy Bikers Go North for Christmas Dave Myers and Si King prepare a festive feast inspired by the north of England. (S) (R) Family Fortunes Christmas Special, 6.00pm 6.00 CITV 9.25 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs at Christmas 10.00 In for a Christmas Penny 10.45 Ninja Warrior UK 11.45 FILM Hotel Transylvania (2012) (U) 1.25 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 1.40 Local News; Weather 1.45 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals David Dickinson shares more of his favourite moments from Real Deal. 2.45 FILM Dad’s Army (2016) (PG) Second World War comedy, starring Toby Jones. 4.45 ITV Evening News; Weather 5.05 Local News; Weather 5.15 In for a Christmas Penny 6.00 Family Fortunes Christmas Special Gino D’Acampo hosts a festive edition of the game show. 7.00 Emmerdale Billy is reeling. (S) 7.30 The Voice Kids 1/3. New series. Melanie C joins the judges for the junior talent search. (S) Hollyoaks, 5.20pm 6.15 The Simpsons 6.40 FILM The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) (U) 8.10 The Simpsons 8.40 The Simpsons 9.10 The Simpsons 9.40 FILM A Royal Winter (2017) (PG) 11.20 The Simpsons 11.50 The Simpsons 12.20 The Simpsons 12.45 The Simpsons 1.15 FILM The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) (PG) Fantasy adventure, starring Freddie Highmore. 3.05 The Dog House at Christmas 4.05 The Great Christmas Bake Off 2021 5.20 Hollyoaks 5.50 Channel 4 News 6.00 FILM Crocodile Dundee II (1988) (PG) Comedy adventure sequel, starring Paul Hogan. Taken 2, 10.25pm 6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 Friends 9.40 Friends 10.10 Friends 10.35 Friends 11.05 FILM Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) (U) 12.05 5 News at Lunchtime 12.10 FILM Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) (U) Concluded. 1.10 FILM My Fair Lady (1964) (U) Oscar-winning musical, starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison. 2.20 Entertainment News on 5 2.25 FILM My Fair Lady (1964) (U) Concluded. 4.50 FILM Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) (PG) Comedy sequel, starring Whoopi Goldberg. 5.50 5 News Update 5.55 FILM Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) (PG) Concluded. 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 Action from heat one; (S) 5 News Update (S) 8 9 8.00 MasterChef: The Professionals Rematch 2021 Four previous finalists take part in two new challenges. (S) 9.00 A Very British Scandal 2/3. Ian receives a message questioning the paternity of his sons. (S) 8.00 Only Connect: Christmas Special 1/4. New series. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the first of four festive editions of the quiz. (S) 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 6/10. Birkbeck, University of London, takes on Portsmouth. (S) 9.00 FILM Blade Runner 2049 (2017). (15) Premiere. Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford. (S) 9.00 Coronation Street Abi’s relentless hounding drives Kelly down a dangerous path. (S) 8.00 Travel Man: 96 Hours in Iceland Joe Lycett takes over as host, joined by Bill Bailey on a trip to Iceland. (S) 9.00 Jon & Lucy’s Christmas Sleepover Jon Richardson and Lucy Beaumont host a special Christmas celebration. (S) 8.00 FILM King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017). (12) Premiere. Fantasy drama, starring Charlie Hunnam. (S) 9.00 5 News Update (S) 9.05 FILM King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017). (12) Concluded. (S) 10 10.00 BBC News (S) 10.25 BBC Regional News; Weather (S) 10.35 The Vicar of Dibley 2/2. Part two of two. Geraldine prepares for her wedding. (S) (R) 11.30 FILM Highlander (1986). (15) Fantasy adventure, starring Christopher Lambert. (S) 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather (S) 10.19 ITV Local Weather (S) 10.20 Bradley & Barney: Breaking Dad at Christmas The Walshes head to Iceland. (S) (R) 10.00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Christmas Special Jon Richardson and Sarah Millican take on Lee Mack and Jason Manford. (S) (R) 10.25 FILM Taken 2 (2012). (12) Action thriller sequel, starring Liam Neeson. (S) 11 11.30 Not Going Out Lee is not happy that Lucy has booked tickets to the pantomime. (S) (R) 11.15 Gino’s Italian Family Adventure 6/7. Gino D’Acampo takes his wife Jess on a romantic getaway to Puglia. (S) (R) 11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Hard-hitting action from the world of All Elite Wrestling. (S) (R) 11.00 Jon Richardson: Old Man Tour A performance from Blackpool’s historic Grand Theatre. (S) (R) 11.30 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. (S) 11.35 FILM Taken 2 (2012). (12) Concluded. (S) AFTER 12 12.15 FILM When Harry Met Sally (1989) (15) Romantic comedy, starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. 1.45 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.50 BBC News 1.25 FILM Sign Zone: Last Christmas (2019) (12) Romantic comedy, starring Emilia Clarke. 3.00 Sign Zone: Countryfile at Christmas 3.55 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 1.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Craig & Danny: Funny, Black and on TV 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Tipping Point Game show, hosted by Ben Shephard. 12.00 All I Want(ed) for Christmas 1.00 First Dates at Christmas 1.55 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.45 Come Dine with Me 3.10 Come Dine with Me 3.35 Come Dine with Me 4.05 Come Dine with Me 4.30 Come Dine with Me 4.55 Countdown 12.15 999: Criminals Caught on Camera 12.45 Entertainment News on 5 1.00 Live NFL: Monday Night Football 4.30 Britain’s Greatest Bridges 4.45 Divine Designs 5.10 Britain’s Greatest Bridges † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 37 MONDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.15 Only Fools and Horses 7.10 Only Fools and Horses Rodney becomes a wanted man. (S) 7.50 Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special Christmas special from 1983. Del and Rodney get a blast from the past. (S) 8.30 Only Fools and Horses A decorating disaster befalls the Trotters. (S) 9.10 The Cockfields Esther spends the day with Sue, fielding questions about the wedding. (S) 9.50 The Cockfields Ray teaches David and Simon how to bowl, while Sue tries to plan for Christmas. (S) 10.30 The Cockfields Simon and Esther decide to keep their news a secret from his parents. (S) 11.10 The Cockfields Christmas Special Simon and Esther travel to the Isle of Wight at Christmas. 12.15 Only Fools and Horses (S) 12.55 Only Fools and Horses (S) 1.35 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.10 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.45 Only Fools and Horses (S) 3.25 Peep Show (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.05 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.40 Expedition with Steve Backshall 8.40 Top Gear 11.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race: London’s Greatest Moments 1.25 Richard Osman’s House of Games 3.20 Top Gear: From A-Z 6.00 QI 6.40 Would I Lie to You? 7.20 Would I Lie to You? With Gabby Logan, Chris McCausland, Angela Scanlon and John Simm. (S) 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Seville A mini break in southern Spain. (S) 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Venice Jo Brand joins Richard Ayoade to sample the Italian city. (S) 9.00 QI XL Extended edition. With Victoria Coren Mitchell and Jack Whitehall. 10.00 QI XL With Nish Kumar, Holly Walsh and Cariad Lloyd. (S) 11.00 Red Dwarf The crew lands on a prison planet where crime is impossible. (S) 11.40 Red Dwarf Holly inadvertently endangers the crew. (S) 12.20 Would I Lie to You? (S) 1.00 Would I Lie to You? (S) 1.40 QI (S) 2.10 Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable (S) 3.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Seville (S) 3.35 Yianni: Supercar Customiser (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 The Day When Stalin Won the War 7.10 The Day When Churchill Chose War 8.00 Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution 12.00 Dynasties 3.00 Dame Shirley Bassey — A Celebration 4.00 Tom Jones at the BBC 5.00 Sounds of the Sixties 5.30 Sounds of the Seventies 6.00 Sounds of the Sixties 6.30 Sounds of the Seventies 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum A Delage V12 returns to be driven by a modern-day legend. (S) 8.00 Great British Landmark Fixers The work to upgrade London’s sewer system. Last in the series. 9.00 Hornby: A Model World Young designer Tom attempts to create a new model of the British jet the Vampire. 10.00 Bangers and Cash Three rare Alvises get the auction buyers going when they come under the hammer. (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash Dave gets a nasty surprise when he opens the bonnet of a fast Ford from the 80s. (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 The Day When Stalin Won the War (S) 2.00 The Day When Churchill Chose War (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 Bread 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty 12.00 The Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders 2.20 North and South 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine Compo tells a lie about Foggy. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek Feature-length Christmas special from 2001, starring Alan Davies and Julia Sawalha. 10.40 New Tricks The body of a missing computer expert turns up in a morgue under a false name. (S) 11.40 Monarch of the Glen The family prepares for Cameron’s christening. (S) 1.00 Monarch of the Glen (S) 2.00 Monarch of the Glen (S) 2.50 Monarch of the Glen (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 BBC Proms Another chance to see the concert celebrating Stephen Sondheim’s 80th birthday. (S) 9.05 Sondheim at the BBC A selection of Stephen Sondheim’s finest songs performed on the BBC. (S) 10.05 Sunday in the Park with Stephen: Omnibus Cameras follow Stephen Sondheim’s tutorials at Oxford University in 1990. (S) 10.55 Face to Face with Stephen Sondheim Jeremy Isaacs talks to composer Stephen Sondheim in a 1995 interview. (S) 11.35 Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike England’s highest peak through the seasons. (S) 12.35 The Great Mountain Sheep Gather (S) 2.15 Sondheim at the BBC (S) 3.15 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.15 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars Christmas Special 7.10 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.50 Emmerdale 8.20 Coronation Street 8.50 In for a Penny 9.20 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.50 FILM The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000) (PG) Family comedy prequel, starring Mark Addy. 11.40 Emmerdale 12.10 Coronation Street 12.40 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars Christmas Special 1.40 Celebrity Catchphrase: Christmas Special 2.45 FILM Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (2006) (U) Animated adventure sequel, with the voice of Ray Romano. 4.35 FILM Chicken Run (2000) (U) Animated comedy, with the voices of Mel Gibson and Julia Sawalha. 6.15 FILM Wonder Woman (2017) (12) Fantasy adventure, starring Gal Gadot. 9.00 FILM Bridesmaids (2011). (15) Comedy, starring Kristen Wiig. (S) 10.10 FYI Daily 2022 Latest news from the world of entertainment. 10.15 FILM Bridesmaids (2011). (15) Comedy, starring Kristen Wiig. (S) 11.30 Family Guy Peter gets jealous when Lois upstages him at a Red Sox fantasy baseball camp. (S) 12.00 Family Guy (S) 12.30 Family Guy (S) 12.55 Family Guy (S) 1.30 American Dad! (S) 1.55 American Dad! (S) 2.20 FILM Hot Fuzz (2007) (15) Action comedy, starring Simon Pegg. (S) 3.20 FYI Daily 2022 3.25 FILM Hot Fuzz (2007) (15) Action comedy, starring Simon Pegg. (S) 4.25 Love Bites (S) 5.20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.45 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Classic Coronation Street 6.55 Classic Emmerdale 7.55 That’s My Boy 8.25 George and Mildred 9.35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11.50 The Royal Christmas Special 12.55 Heartbeat 3.00 FILM Carry On Behind (1975) (PG) Comedy, starring Kenneth Williams. 4.45 FILM Carry On Dick (1974) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 6.30 FILM Carry On Abroad (1972) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 8.15 FILM Carry On at Your Convenience (1971). (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. (S) 10.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot A businessman is murdered on board the Orient Express. (S) 12.00 Victoria Christmas Special (S) 2.00 Victoria (S) 3.00 Victoria (S) 3.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot (S) 5.40 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Protectors 6.25 The Champions 7.20 Minder 8.10 Robin of Sherwood 9.20 The Avengers 10.25 The Sweeney 11.35 Minder 12.45 ITV Racing: Live from Kempton Coverage from Kempton Park and Chepstow. 3.30 FILM The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) (PG) Oscar-winning Second World War drama, starring Alec Guinness. 6.50 FILM Ghostbusters (1984) (12) Supernatural comedy, starring Bill Murray. 9.00 FILM Die Hard (1988). (18) Action thriller, starring Bruce Willis. (S) 10.30 FYI Daily 2022 10.35 FILM Die Hard (1988). (18) Action thriller, starring Bruce Willis. (S) 11.35 FILM Rocky III (1982). (PG) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 12.35 FYI Daily 2022 12.40 FILM Rocky III (1982) (PG) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 1.40 Motorsport UK (S) 2.40 Take the Tower (S) 3.35 The Car Chasers (S) 4.05 Minder (S) 4.55 Tenable (S) 5.50 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 5.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 6.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds with Clara Amfo. 8.00 Radio 1’s Future Artists with Jack Saunders. The new artists we’re most excited about! 10.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. 11.00 Radio 1’s Drum & Bass Show. 1.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. 2.00 Radio 1’s Motivate Me Mix. 3.00 Radio 1’s Workout Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast Show. 9.30 Scott Mills. 12.00 Tom Daley. 2.00 OJ Borg. 5.00 Joe Lycett. 8.00 My Life in a Mixtape. Celebrating 30 years together, Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly select the tracks that have been the soundtrack to their long and illustrious career. 9.00 The Blues Show with Cerys Matthews. A selection of music from the blues scene, featuring the best of the new releases as well as classic tracks from the archives. 10.00 DJ Spoony’s Rhythm Nation. 12.00 Owain Wyn Evans. 3.00 Radio 2 Live: Across the UK. 4.00 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 6.30 Breakfast. Presented by Petroc Trelawny. 9.00 Essential Classics. Essential Five focuses on guitar pieces. 12.00 Composer of the Week: Puccini. Donald Macleod recounts how Puccini’s struggles to write Manon Lescaut paid off. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Anastasia Kobekina and Jean- Sélim Abdelmoula perform Debussy, Juon and Franck. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The Lucerne Festival Orchestra performs Dvorak’s Symphony No 6. 4.00 Four Peaks Sound Walk. Horatio Clare hikes up Scafell Pike. 5.00 New Generation Artists — Winter Showcase. Alexander Gadjiev performs Chopin. 6.15 Words and Music. A selection of poetry and prose based on the theme of the moon, with readers Zawe Ashton and Peter Marinker. 7.30 Sondheim on Sondheim. Another chance to hear a 2018 gala celebrating the work of Stephen Sondheim, with Keith Lockhart conducting the BBC Concert Orchestra and a host of musical theatre stars. 10.00 Nick Luscombe Meets Terry Riley. The two composers explain why they are making new lives in Japan. 11.00 Night Tracks. A soundtrack for late-night listening. 12.30 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) Today. The first in a series of seven episodes with high-profile guest editors. 7.30 (LW) Today. 9.00 Start the Week. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Just William: The Great Performer. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. 11.00 The Hidden History of the Staircase. 11.30 Loose Ends. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Princess Bride: Bitesize Backstories. New series. Short stories to accompany the new radio adaptation. 12.18 You and Yours. Consumer affairs. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World at One. Presented by Jonny Dymond. 1.45 Call to Kabul. New series. Anita Anand tells the story of three brothers hunted by the Taliban. 2.00 The Archers. Susan’s got the wrong end of the stick and Usha’s feeling mischievous. 2.15 Drama: Eric the Skull. By Simon Brett. 3.00 Counterpoint. New series. Paul Gambaccini presents a winter-themed edition of the eclectic music quiz. 3.30 The Food Programme. Leyla Kazim dives into the world of rapid grocery delivery. 4.00 Faith in Music. James MacMillan considers Gustav Mahler’s complex faith life. 4.30 Beyond Belief. Faith in the modern world. 5.00 PM. Carolyn Quinn presents news headlines. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sandi Toksvig’s Hygge. New series. Sandi Toksvig explores the Danish concept of hygge over a mug of warm spiced wine with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, and talk about Australian Christmases. 6.30 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. Jack Dee hosts the comedy panel game from the Lyric Theatre in Salford. Jon Culshaw and Milton Jones compete against John Finnemore and Vicki Pepperdine. 7.00 The Archers. Jennifer receives a post-Christmas bonus while Harrison’s getting cold feet. 7.15 This Cultural Life. Tracey Emin talks to John Wilson about her experiences of cancer and abortion, her friendship with David Bowie, and the influence Mark Rothko’s art had on her. 8.00 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson. The Today presenter interviews major political figures about their lives and careers. 8.30 Crossing Continents. The claims by hundreds of young women from Sierra Leone, west Africa, that they have been trapped in the Arabian sultanate of Oman, tricked into becoming housemaids. 9.00 Wild Inside. Professor Ben Garrod and veterinary surgeon Jess French unravel the intricate internal complexity of the oceanic sunfish. Last in the series. 9.30 Start the Week. Andrew Marr talks to two scientists at the forefront of fighting Covid-19. Plus, James Nestor’s case that humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly. Last in the series. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. News round-up, presented by Julian Worricker. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Deborah Frances-White Introduces. By Deborah Frances-White. 11.00 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 11.00 (FM) John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show, starring John Finnemore. 11.30 (FM) Party. A Christmas special of the satirical comedy by Tom Basden. 12.00 (FM) News and Weather. 12.15 (FM) Paul Sinha’s General Knowledge. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 (LW) Test Match Special. 1.00 (FM) As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 7.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie. 10.00 Adrian Chiles. 12.00 Match of the Day: Top 10. 1.00 Mobeen Azhar. 3.00 Headliners. 4.00 5 Live Drive. 6.00 5 Live’s Review of 2021. 7.00 5 Live Sport. 8.00 5 Live Sport. Newcastle United v Manchester United (kick-off 8.00pm). Commentary on the Premier League fixture at St James’ Park. 10.30 Colin Murray. 1.00 Chris Latchem. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 talkSPORT Breakfast. 10.00 Jim White and Simon Jordan. 1.00 Charlie Baker. 4.00 Drive with Adrian Durham & Darren Gough. 7.00 The PressBox. 10.00 Sports Bar. 1.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Marverine Cole. 5.00 John Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 9.00 My Classical DNA: Emeli Sande. New series. Famous faces reveal the impact of classical music on their lives, beginning with singer-songwriter Emeli Sande, who shares the pieces that mean most to her. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick.

38 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 TUESDAY’S Bank Holiday Tuesday TV DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 The BFG, 3.25pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.15 FILM Planes (2013) (U) 10.40 FILM Cars 3 (2017) (U) 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News 1.15 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.25 Superworm 1.55 FILM Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) (U) Oscar-winning animated adventure, with the voice of Peter Sallis. 3.10 Night of the Living Carrots 3.25 FILM The BFG (2016) (PG) Fantasy adventure, starring Mark Rylance. 5.15 Pointless Celebrities 6.00 BBC News 6.20 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 6.30 The Weakest Link Quiz, hosted by Romesh Ranganathan. 7.15 Worzel Gummidge: Twitchers A flock of rare choughs turns up at Scatterbrook Farm. (S) Mock the Week End of Year Special, 10.00pm 6.45 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals 7.45 The Frozen North: Our Wild Adventures 8.45 Cheetah Family & Me 9.45 FILM Suspicion (1941) (PG) 11.25 FILM Witness for the Prosecution (1957) (PG) 1.20 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles Coren and Monica Galetti travel to Kulm Hotel St Moritz. 2.20 Agatha Christie: Talking Pictures Film adaptations of crime writer’s murder mysteries. 2.50 FILM Evil Under the Sun (1982) (PG) Mystery, starring Peter Ustinov. 4.45 FILM Death on the Nile (1978) (PG) Agatha Christie mystery, starring Peter Ustinov. 7.00 Inside the Factory 9/10. Gregg Wallace visits a liqueur factory in Ireland producing 540,000 bottles a day. (S) (R) Lingo, 5.30pm 6.00 CITV 9.25 Saturday Night Takeaway Presents: Double Trouble 10.05 Celebrity Supermarket Sweep 11.05 In for a Penny 11.35 Ninja Warrior UK 12.30 FILM Despicable Me (2010) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Steve Carell. 2.20 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.25 Local News; Weather 2.30 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals David Dickinson shares more of his favourite moments from Real Deal. 3.30 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 4.30 The Chase Contestants Dave, Gabrielle, Joseph and Mary take part. 5.30 Lingo 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather 6.45 Local News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale Mack is gutted. (S) 7.30 The Voice Kids 2/3. Tonight, round two of the blind auditions get underway. (S) Misery, 11.15pm 7.25 The Simpsons 7.50 The Simpsons 8.20 The Simpsons 8.50 The Simpsons 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Frasier 10.20 Chateau DIY at Christmas 11.25 FILM Failure to Launch (2006) (12) 1.15 FILM Junior (1994) (PG) Comedy, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 3.30 Christmas at Castle Howard Behind the scenes as the staff and owners of the North Yorkshire home celebrate. 4.30 Location, Location, Location Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer are househunting in the Home Counties. 5.30 The Simpsons 6.00 Hollyoaks Celeste and Martine are tricked into attending family lunch at The Dog. 6.30 Channel 4 News 7.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Life in the Country Sarah and Graham turn their attention to the sitting room. (S) Traffic Cops, 8.00pm 6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 Friends 9.40 FILM Matilda (1996) (PG) 10.40 Entertainment News on 5 10.45 FILM Matilda (1996) (PG) Concluded. 11.45 FILM The Mask of Zorro (1998) (PG) 12.45 5 News at Lunchtime 12.50 FILM The Mask of Zorro (1998) (PG) Concluded. 2.30 FILM The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) (12) 3.30 Entertainment News on 5 3.35 FILM The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) (12) Concluded. 5.10 FILM Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (15) 6.10 Entertainment News on 5 Showbiz news and gossip. 6.15 FILM Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (15) Concluded. 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 Action from heat two; (S) 5 News Update (S) 8 8.10 EastEnders Janine learns surprising news about Linda. (S) 8.00 Only Connect: The Birds and the Bees Special 2/4. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the second of four festive editions of the quiz. (S) 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 7/10. (S) 8.00 Extraordinary Escapes at Christmas with Sandi Toksvig Deborah Meaden, Fay Ripley and Maggie Aderin-Pocock help Sandi explore Norway. (S) 8.00 Traffic Cops Officers pursue a car suspected of being linked to the drugs trade; (S) 5 News Update (S) 9 9.00 A Very British Scandal 3/3. Battlelines are drawn as the Duke and Duchess enter into a tense separation. Last in the series. (S) 9.00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby 4/6. Giles Coren and Monica Galetti travel to Copenhagen to work at Nimb Hotel in Tivoli Gardens. (S) 9.00 Coronation Street Abi gains a sobering insight into Kelly’s upbringing. (S) 9.00 FILM Murder on the Orient Express (2017). (12) Mystery, starring Kenneth Branagh. (S) 9.00 FILM The Meg (2018). (12) Premiere. Action thriller, starring Jason Statham. (S) 10 11 10.00 BBC News (S) 10.25 BBC Regional News; Weather (S) 10.35 Match of the Day Highlights of the latest Premier League matches. (S) 10.00 Mock the Week End of Year Special Dara O Briain and Hugh Dennis are joined by an array of guests in a special edition of the show. (S) 10.35 Joanna & Jennifer: Absolutely Champers (S) (R) 11.35 Absolutely Fabulous 8/8. Patsy is rushed to hospital. (S) (R) 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather (S) 10.19 ITV Local Weather (S) 10.20 All Star Musicals at Christmas Celebrities embark on a musical theatre masterclass. (S) (R) 11.45 Christmas Comedy Club with Lost Voice Guy Festive fun with the Britain’s Got Talent winner and guests. (S) (R) 11.15 FILM Misery (1990). (18) Oscar-winning thriller, starring James Caan. (S) 10.00 5 News Update (S) 10.05 FILM The Meg (2018). (12) Concluded. (S) 11.00 FILM Wild Card (2015). (15) Action thriller, starring Jason Statham. (S) AFTER 12 12.00 Top Gear: Driving Home for Christmas Chris, Paddy and Freddie set off on a yuletide trek across Britain. 1.05 The Great British Sewing Bee: Celebrity Christmas Special 2.05 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.10 BBC News 12.15 NFL This Week 1.05 Sign Zone: Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Christmas Fishing 2.05 Sign Zone: Scotland’s Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle 3.05 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 12.35 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Extraordinary Twins 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 1.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.00 Come Dine with Me 2.30 Come Dine with Me 2.55 Come Dine with Me 3.25 Come Dine with Me 3.50 Come Dine with Me 4.15 A Year at Jimmy’s Farm 5.10 Countdown 5.50 The Simpsons 12.00 Entertainment News on 5 12.05 FILM Wild Card (2015) (15) Concluded. 1.05 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.05 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 The Secret Life of Puppies 4.00 Our New Puppy 4.45 The Highland Midwife 5.35 House Doctor † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 39 TUESDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.15 Only Fools and Horses 11.10 Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special 11.50 Only Fools and Horses 7.10 Only Fools and Horses The Trotters help a damsel in distress. (S) 7.50 Only Fools and Horses Del cashes in on a miracle. (S) 8.30 Only Fools and Horses The Trotters are caught up in an attempted robbery. (S) 9.10 Only Fools and Horses The Trotters fall for the same woman. (S) 9.50 The Fast Show: Just a Load of Blooming Catchphrases The Fast Show team gathers to delve into the archives and chat about their finest moments. (S) 11.50 The Fast Show: More Blooming Catchphrases (S) 12.20 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.15 Not Going Out (S) 2.50 The Fast Show: More Blooming Catchphrases (S) 3.25 Bridget & Eamon (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.15 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.40 Ultimate Movers 8.40 James May’s Cars of the People 9.40 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 11.00 Top Gear: From A-Z 1.35 Richard Osman’s House of Games 4.15 Top Gear Vietnam Special 6.00 QI 6.40 Would I Lie to You? 7.20 Would I Lie to You? With Greg Davies, Guz Khan, Claudia Winkleman and Lucy Worsley. (S) 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Dubai Johnny Vegas joins Richard Ayoade on a jaunt to the United Arab Emirates. (S) 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Berlin Richard Ayoade and comedian Roisin Conaty explore Berlin. (S) 9.00 QI XL Extended edition. With Josh Widdicombe, Sue Perkins and Frank Skinner. 10.00 QI XL (S) 11.00 Red Dwarf (S) 11.40 Red Dwarf (S) 12.20 Red Dwarf (S) 1.00 Would I Lie to You? (S) 1.40 Would I Lie to You? (S) 2.15 QI (S) 3.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Dubai (S) 3.25 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Berlin (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 The Buildings That Fought Hitler 12.00 Dynasties 1.00 Earth from Space 3.00 Great British Railway Journeys 6.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum There’s a battle against the elements for vintage aircraft to grace Brooklands’ skies. (S) 8.00 The Architecture The Railways Built Tim Dunn explores the disused tube station Down Street in Mayfair. (S) 9.00 Hornby: A Model World The Hornby team races to complete a model of the giant P2. 10.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 Bread 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty 12.00 The Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders 2.20 Jane Eyre 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine The trio try to liberate Wally. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek A policewoman is murdered. 9.20 New Tricks The death of a teenage tennis star occupies the team. (S) 10.40 Judge John Deed (S) 12.40 Monarch of the Glen (S) 2.00 Monarch of the Glen (S) 3.00 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom An exploration of the curious and enchanting wildlife unique to the country. (S) 8.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures New series. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam explores the world of viruses. (S) 9.00 FILM West Side Story (1961). (PG) Romantic musical, starring Natalie Wood. (S) 11.20 FILM Into the Woods (2014). (PG) Musical fantasy, starring Meryl Streep. (S) 1.20 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom (S) 2.20 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (S) 3.20 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! 7.25 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 In for a Penny 9.30 FILM The Addams Family (1991) (PG) Black comedy, starring Anjelica Huston. 10.30 FYI Daily 2022 10.35 FILM The Addams Family (1991) (PG) Black comedy, starring Anjelica Huston. 11.30 Emmerdale 12.00 Coronation Street 1.05 Catchphrase 1.50 You’ve Been Framed! Presents Top 100 Shockers 2.55 FILM Back to the Future (1985) (PG) Sci-fi comedy adventure, starring Michael J Fox. 3.55 FYI Daily 2022 4.00 FILM Back to the Future (1985) (PG) Sci-fi comedy adventure, starring Michael J Fox. 5.15 FILM The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) (12) Superhero adventure reboot, starring Andrew Garfield. 6.25 FYI Daily 2022 6.30 FILM The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) (12) Superhero adventure reboot, starring Andrew Garfield. 8.00 FILM Skyfall (2012). (12) James Bond thriller, starring Daniel Craig. (S) 9.10 FYI Daily 2022 9.15 FILM Skyfall (2012). (12) James Bond thriller, starring Daniel Craig. (S) 10.45 Family Guy (S) 11.15 Family Guy (S) 11.40 Family Guy (S) 12.10 Family Guy (S) 12.40 Family Guy (S) 1.05 American Dad! (S) 1.35 American Dad! (S) 2.00 Peckham’s Finest (S) 2.40 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 3.05 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 3.30 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 4.00 Love Bites (S) 4.50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.45 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 That’s My Boy 6.55 On the Buses 7.25 FILM The Magnificent Two (1967) (U) Comedy, with Morecambe and Wise. 9.25 FILM Bugsy Malone (1976) (U) Musical gangster comedy, starring Scott Baio. 11.15 FILM Carry On Doctor (1967) (PG) Comedy, starring Jim Dale. 1.05 FILM Carry On Henry (1971) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 2.50 FILM Carry On Up the Jungle (1970) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 4.30 FILM Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 6.15 FILM Carry On Camping (1969) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 8.00 Midsomer Murders Barnaby investigates a fatal explosion at a haulage yard. (S) 10.00 An Audience with Jimmy Tarbuck (S) 11.05 FILM A Is for Acid (2002). (15) Fact-based crime drama, starring Martin Clunes. (S) 1.10 Beecham House (S) 2.10 Beecham House (S) 3.10 Victoria (S) 4.10 The Royal Christmas Special (S) 5.05 The Darling Buds of May (S) ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Protectors 6.25 The Avengers 7.20 Minder 8.15 Robin of Sherwood 9.20 The Avengers 10.25 The Sweeney 11.35 Minder 12.40 The Best of the 80s 12.55 ITV Racing Live: Leopardstown Coverage from Leopardstown, Catterick and Leicester. 3.45 FILM Rio Lobo (1970) (PG) Howard Hawks’ Western, with John Wayne and Jorge Rivero. 4.50 FYI Daily 2022 4.55 FILM Rio Lobo (1970) (PG) Howard Hawks’ Western, with John Wayne and Jorge Rivero. 6.05 FILM Kelly’s Heroes (1970) (PG) Second World War adventure, starring Clint Eastwood. 7.10 FYI Daily 2022 7.15 FILM Kelly’s Heroes (1970). (PG) Second World War adventure, starring Clint Eastwood. (S) 9.00 FILM High Plains Drifter (1973). (18) Western, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. (S) 10.05 FYI Daily 2022 10.10 FILM High Plains Drifter (1973). (18) Western, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. (S) 11.10 FILM Rocky IV (1985). (PG) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 12.15 FYI Daily 2022 12.20 FILM Rocky IV (1985) (PG) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 1.05 FILM The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) (15) Fact-based drama, starring Billy Crudup. (S) 2.10 FYI Daily 2022 2.15 FILM The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) (15) Fact-based drama, starring Billy Crudup. (S) 3.30 The Protectors (S) 4.00 Minder (S) 4.55 Tenable (S) 5.45 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 5.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 6.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds with Clara Amfo. 8.00 Radio 1’s Future Artists with Jack Saunders. The new artists we’re most excited about! 10.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. 11.00 Annie Nightingale Presents. 1.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. 2.00 Radio 1 Dance Presents. 3.00 Radio 1’s Classical Movie Mixtape. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast Show. 9.30 Scott Mills. 12.00 Jeremy Vine. 2.00 OJ Borg. 5.00 Joe Lycett. 8.00 My Life in a Mixtape. An occasional series featuring personal mixtapes from famous name. Here, dancer Oti Mabuse chooses a selection of songs that have been the soundtrack to her life. 9.00 The Jazz Show with Jamie Cullum. The pianist and songwriter plays a selection of classic tracks and new music from the world of jazz. 10.00 DJ Spoony’s Rhythm Nation. 12.00 Owain Wyn Evans. 3.00 Radio 2 Live: Across the UK. 4.00 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 6.30 Breakfast. 9.00 Essential Classics. Tom McKinney presents a selection of music and features. 12.00 Composer of the Week: Puccini. Donald Macleod examines the characters Puccini created in La Bohème. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Nicola Heywood Thomas introduces highlights from the Bath Mozartfest 2021. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The Prague Philharmonia in Dvorak Symphony No 7. 4.00 Four Peaks Sound Walk. Horatio Clare hikes up Snowdon. Last in the series. 5.00 New Generation Artists: Winter Showcase. Georgia Mann introduces performances by pianist Tom Borrow and the Quatuor Mona. 6.15 Words and Music. Sarah Parish and John Nettles read poetry and prose inspired by their native West Country, including Hardy, Betjeman, Plath, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett and Charles Causley. 7.30 BBC Proms 2021. Sir Mark Elder conducts the Halle with pianist Benjamin Grosvenor and organist Anna Lapwood, from the Royal Albert Hall on 7th September. 10.00 Laura Mvula’s Music Room. Music that has got the singer-songwriter through 2021. 11.00 Night Tracks. With Hannah Peel. 12.30 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) Today. With Mishal Husain and Nick Robinson. 7.30 (LW) Today. 9.00 Things Fell Apart. 9.30 Four Thought. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Just William: The Great Performer. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. 11.00 Out of the Ordinary. 11.30 Will-of-the-Dump. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Princess Bride: Bitesize Backstories. How the world’s most beautiful woman discovers her true love. 12.18 Call You and Yours. With Winifred Robinson. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World at One. Presented by Jonny Dymond. 1.45 Call to Kabul. Anita Anand tells the story of three brothers hunted by the Taliban. 2.00 The Archers. Jennifer receives a post- Christmas bonus while Harrison’s getting cold feet. 2.15 Drama: Meltdown. By Tessa Gibbs. 3.00 The Kitchen Cabinet. Jay Rayner presents the culinary panel show. 3.30 Michael Palin’s Memory Palace. An interview set inside the strange and wonderful mind of Terry Gilliam. 4.00 Consumed by Desire. New documentary series. 4.30 Great Lives. Profile of Indian muslim princess Noor-Un- Nissa Inayat Khan. 5.00 PM. Presented by Carolyn Quinn. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sandi Toksvig’s Hygge. Sandi is joined by campaigner and wealth consultant Gina Miller at her wooden cabin in the Danish countryside, chatting about family, country walks and free climbing. 6.30 It’s a Fair Cop. Police officer-turned-comedian Alfie Moore recalls a case from his time in the dog section, when he deployed his dog Zeus in a robbery chase. 7.00 The Archers. Kirsty has another cross to bear and someone is flashing the cash. 7.15 This Cultural Life. Kenneth Branagh talks about his formative artistic experiences and creative process, touching on his upbringing in 1960s Northern Ireland, as explored in his latest film, Belfast. 8.00 Able to Parent. Emily is a wheelchair-user deciding if she wants a baby with her partner CJ. The pair go looking for advice, including from the UK’s highestprofile disabled parent Alison Lapper. 8.40 In Touch. News, views and information for people who are blind or partially sighted, presented by Peter White. 9.00 All in the Mind. Programme exploring the limits and potential of the human mind. Presented by Claudia Hammond. 9.30 Things Fell Apart. Jon Ronson reports on an incident of racist bullying on Snapchat in Michigan — and its links to practically every conflict covered throughout the series. Last in the series. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. With Julian Worricker. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Deborah Frances-White Introduces. A devil-themed story by writer Travis Alabanza. 11.00 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 11.00 (FM) John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show, starring John Finnemore. 11.30 (FM) Slow Radio Comedy. Comedy performers swap the stage for immersive natural environments. 12.00 (FM) News and Weather. 12.15 (FM) Paul Sinha’s General Knowledge. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 (LW) Test Match Special. 1.00 (FM) As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie. 10.00 Adrian Chiles. 12.00 Match of the Day: Top 10. 1.00 Nihal Arthanayake. 3.00 6-0-6. 5.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 Live Sport. 8.00 5 Live Sport. Football discussion with guests including Don Hutchinson, Ashley Williams and Clinton Morrison, plus updates from Leicester City v Liverpool in the Premier League. 10.00 5 Live Sport. 10.30 Colin Murray. 1.00 Chris Latchem. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 Gameday Preview. 7.00 talkSPORT Breakfast. 11.00 GameDay Exclusive. 2.30 GameDay Exclusive. 5.15 GameDay Exclusive. 7.30 GameDay Exclusive. 10.00 Sports Bar. 12.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Marverine Cole. 5.00 John Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 9.00 My Classical DNA: Danny O’Donoghue. Script frontman Danny O’Donoghue shares the music that has meant the most to him and influenced his own career as a musician. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick.

40 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Wednesday, WEDNESDAY’S December TV29 DAYTIME 7 8 9 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Worzel Gummidge: Calliope Jane, 7.15pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.05 FILM Monsters University (2013) (U) 10.40 FILM Big Hero 6 (2014) (PG) 12.15 Bargain Hunt Memorable “musical buys” of the past. 1.00 BBC News 1.30 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.40 FILM Inside Out (2015) (U) Pixar animated fantasy, with the voice of Amy Poehler. 3.10 Kung Fu Panda Holiday 3.30 FILM A Dog’s Journey (2019) (PG) Premiere. Drama sequel, starring Dennis Quaid. 5.15 Pointless Celebrities 6.00 BBC News 6.20 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 6.30 The Weakest Link Quiz, hosted by Romesh Ranganathan. 7.15 Worzel Gummidge: Calliope Jane A travelling fair is coming to Scatterbrook. (S) 8.10 The Repair Shop Experts restore family heirlooms and treasured possessions to their former glory. (S) (R) 9.00 FILM A Star Is Born (2018). (15) Premiere. Drama, starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. (S) Inside the Factory XL: Diggers, 9.00pm 6.40 Sign Zone: See Hear 7.10 Sign Zone: Villages by the Sea 7.40 Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis 8.40 FILM Bringing Up Baby (1938) (U) 10.20 FILM The Nun’s Story (1959) (PG) 12.50 The Best Dishes Ever Party food. 1.20 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles Coren and Monica Galetti work in Icehotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden. 2.20 Sean Connery: Talking Pictures A profile of the actor. 3.10 FILM The Great Train Robbery (1978) (12) Period thriller, starring Sean Connery and Donald Sutherland. 4.55 FILM Murder on the Orient Express (1974) (PG) Agatha Christie mystery, starring Albert Finney. 7.00 Wild Tales from the Village Animals that live near a remote French village. (S) (R) 8.00 Only Connect: Cold Special 3/4. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the third of four festive editions of the quiz. (S) 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 8/10. Jeremy Paxman hosts the first of this year’s semi-finals. (S) 9.00 Inside the Factory XL: Diggers Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healey visit a factory that makes iconic yellow diggers. (S) Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs, 7.30pm 6.00 Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 Celebrity Supermarket Sweep 11.00 In for a Penny 11.30 Ninja Warrior UK 12.30 FILM Despicable Me 2 (2013) (U) Animated comedy sequel, with the voice of Steve Carell. 2.20 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.25 Local News; Weather 2.30 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals David Dickinson shares his favourite moments from Real Deal. 3.30 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 4.30 The Chase Contestants Joe, Lindsay, Katie and Mandy take part. 5.30 Lingo 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather 6.40 Local News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale Charity is left reeling. (S) 7.30 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs New series. The comedian finds himself captivated when he meets a rare breed of cat. (S) 8.00 The Voice Kids 3/3. The final of the competition gets underway. Last in the series. (S) Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It, 8.00pm 6.15 The Simpsons 6.35 FILM Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas (2017) (U) 8.00 The Simpsons 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 The Simpsons 9.30 The Simpsons 10.00 Frasier 10.30 Frasier 10.55 The Simpsons 11.25 Channel 4 News Summary 11.30 Chateau DIY at Christmas 12.30 A Place in the Sun 1.30 FILM Playing with Fire (2019) (PG) Premiere. Comedy, starring John Cena. 3.30 Christmas in New York: Inside the Plaza 4.30 Sarah Beeny’s New Life in the Country 5.30 The Simpsons 6.00 Hollyoaks Martine’s New Year’s preparations are well underway. 6.30 Channel 4 News 7.00 Billionaire Blooms The work of florists who cater to the luxury end of the market. (S) 8.00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer help a couple in Cowbridge, Wales. (S) 9.00 Britain’s Most Expensive Houses 1/4. New series. Documentary going behind the scenes with UK Sotheby’s International Realty. (S) Shirley Valentine, 9.00pm 6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 Friends 9.40 Friends 10.10 Friends 10.40 FILM Operation: Daybreak (1975) (15) Factbased Second World War drama, starring Timothy Bottoms. 11.40 5 News at Lunchtime 11.45 FILM Operation: Daybreak (1975) (15) Concluded. 1.05 FILM A Bridge Too Far (1977) (PG) Fact-based Second World War drama, with Dirk Bogarde. 2.05 5 News at Lunchtime 2.10 FILM A Bridge Too Far (1977) (PG) Concluded. 4.35 FILM The Glenn Miller Story (1954) (U) Musical biopic, starring James Stewart. 5.35 5 News Update 5.40 FILM The Glenn Miller Story (1954) (U) Concluded. 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 Action from heat three; (S) 5 News Update (S) 8.00 Pauline Collins: Britain’s Sweetheart A celebrity-studded tribute celebrating the actor’s long career; (S) 5 News Update (S) 9.00 FILM Shirley Valentine (1989). (15) Comedy, starring Pauline Collins. (S) 10 11 11.10 BBC News (S) 11.35 BBC Regional News; Weather (S) 11.45 Mrs Brown’s Boys Christmas Special 1/2. Agnes is recruited to the church choir — but is ordered not to sing. (S) (R) 10.00 Frankie Boyle’s 2021 New World Order The comedian returns with his end of year special. (S) 10.45 Frankie Boyle’s New World Order Unseen The comedian tries to make sense of the modern world. (S) 11.20 Lady Gaga at the BBC A collection of the acclaimed singer’s appearances on the BBC. (S) 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather (S) 10.19 ITV Local Weather (S) 10.20 FILM Hot Fuzz (2007). (15) Action comedy, starring Simon Pegg. (S) 10.00 Celebrity Quizness Siobhán McSweeney, Jo Brand, Robert Rinder and AJ Odudu compete. (S) 11.00 Back to the 90s with Vic Reeves 2/4. The comedian looks at Channel 4 in the 1990s. (S) (R) 10.05 5 News Update (S) 10.10 FILM Shirley Valentine (1989). (15) Concluded. (S) 11.10 FILM The Time of Their Lives (2017). (12) Comedy, starring Joan Collins. (S) AFTER 12 12.20 Blankety Blank Christmas Special 2021 Bradley Walsh hosts a funfilled festive special of the game show. 12.55 Citizen Khan 1.25 Superman & Lois Lois and Chrissy spot Morgan Edge scheming. 2.05 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.10 BBC News 12.20 Mock the Week End of Year Special 12.55 FILM Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (2016) (15) 2.20 Sign Zone: See Hear 2.50 Sign Zone: Surgeons: At the Edge of Life 3.50 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals 4.50 This Is BBC Two 12.25 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Sewer Men 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 12.50 Travel Man: 96 Hours in Iceland 1.45 FILM The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) (12) 3.35 Come Dine with Me 4.05 Come Dine with Me 4.30 Come Dine with Me 4.55 Come Dine with Me 5.20 Come Dine with Me 12.10 Entertainment News on 5 12.15 FILM The Time of Their Lives (2017) (12) Concluded. 1.10 Entertainment News on 5 1.15 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.15 The Highland Midwife 3.55 The Highland Midwife 4.45 The Highland Midwife † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 41 WEDNESDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 Only Fools and Horses 7.55 Only Fools and Horses Del visits the doctor. (S) 9.05 Only Fools and Horses Rodney ties the knot with Cassandra. (S) 10.15 Only Fools and Horses (S) 12.10 Only Fools and Horses (S) 1.30 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.50 Smashie’s Christmastastic Playlist (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.15 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.40 Expedition with Steve Backshall 8.40 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 9.40 Red Bull Soapbox Race 11.40 Richard Osman’s House of Games 2.20 Top Gear Vietnam Special 4.00 Top Gear India Special 6.00 QI 6.40 Would I Lie to You? 7.20 Would I Lie to You? With Steph McGovern, Richard Osman, Jennifer Saunders and Joe Sugg. (S) 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in New York Comedian Katherine Ryan joins Richard Ayoade on a 48-hour tour of the Big Apple. (S) 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Helsinki (S) 9.00 QI XL Extended edition. With Josh Widdicombe, Jo Brand and Phill Jupitus. 10.00 QI XL (S) 11.00 Red Dwarf (S) 11.40 Red Dwarf (S) 12.20 Red Dwarf (S) 1.00 Would I Lie to You? 1.40 Would I Lie to You? 2.25 QI (S) 3.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in New York (S) 3.25 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Helsinki (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Impossible Engineering 8.00 The Buildings That Fought Hitler 12.00 Earth from Space 2.00 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 3.00 Great British Railway Journeys 6.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum An F1 racer goes on a perilous journey. (S) 8.00 The Architecture The Railways Built Tim Dunn visits the Ffestiniog in Wales and learns about Amsterdam Centraal. (S) 9.00 Hornby: A Model World Hornby’s Scalextric team plan to create a model of the Lamborghini Countach. 10.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 2.00 Impossible Engineering (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 Bread 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty 12.00 The Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders 2.20 Emma 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine Foggy comes up with a money-making scam. (S) 8.00 Jonathan Creek A composer wonders how his new lover has managed to regrow a full head of hair in two days. 9.20 New Tricks The team unearths a poetic murder mystery. (S) 10.40 Judge John Deed (S) 12.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 1.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.35 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom How the surrounding oceans create a unique environment for numerous creatures. (S) 8.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Professor Jonathan Van- Tam explores the world of viruses. (S) 9.00 Billy Connolly: Made in Scotland Part one of two. The comedian returns to the country of his birth. (S) 10.00 Billy Connolly: Portrait of a Lifetime (S) 11.00 FILM Williams: Formula 1 in the Blood (2017). (15) Documentary on Williams F1 team founder Frank Williams. (S) 12.45 Handmade in the Pacific: Pou (S) 1.15 Handmade in the Pacific: Kapa (S) 1.45 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom (S) 2.45 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (S) 3.45 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.10 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars Christmas Special 7.10 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.45 Emmerdale 8.10 Coronation Street 9.10 In for a Penny 9.40 FILM Cats & Dogs (2001) (PG) Comedy, starring Jeff Goldblum. 10.40 FYI Daily 2022 10.45 FILM Cats & Dogs (2001) (PG) Comedy, starring Jeff Goldblum. 11.35 Emmerdale 12.05 Coronation Street 1.05 Catchphrase: Catchiest Moments 2.10 FILM Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (2018) (U) Animated sequel, featuring the voice of Adam Sandler. 3.15 FYI Daily 2022 3.20 FILM Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (2018) (U) Animated sequel, featuring the voice of Adam Sandler. 4.05 FILM Back to the Future Part II (1989) (PG) Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Michael J Fox. 5.05 FYI Daily 2022 5.10 FILM Back to the Future Part II (1989) (PG) Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Michael J Fox. 6.15 FILM The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) (12) Superhero adventure sequel, starring Andrew Garfield. 7.25 FYI Daily 2022 7.30 FILM The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014). (12) Superhero adventure sequel, starring Andrew Garfield. 9.00 FILM Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019). (12) Action adventure, starring Dwayne Johnson. (S) 10.05 FYI Daily 2022 10.10 FILM Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019). (12) Action adventure, wi Dwayne Johnson. (S) 11.40 Family Guy (S) 12.10 Family Guy (S) 12.35 Family Guy (S) 1.05 Family Guy (S) 1.35 American Dad! (S) 2.00 American Dad! (S) 2.25 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 2.50 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 3.20 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 3.45 Shopping with Keith Lemon (S) 4.15 Love Bites (S) 5.10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.35 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 That’s My Boy 6.55 On the Buses 8.00 FILM Charade (1963) (PG) Romantic thriller, with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. 10.15 FILM Carry On Again Doctor (1969) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 11.55 FILM Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head (1966) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.50 FILM Goodnight Mister Tom (1998) (PG) Wartime family drama, starring John Thaw. 6.00 Heartbeat 7.00 Heartbeat Lord Ashfordly’s guests arouse suspicion. (S) 8.00 Endeavour A mystery leads Endeavour to a puppet studio. (S) 10.00 An Audience with Ronnie Corbett (S) 11.10 Inspector Morse (S) 1.30 Beecham House (S) 2.30 Beecham House (S) 3.25 Victoria (S) 4.15 Heartbeat (S) 5.05 Heartbeat (S) 5.55 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Protectors 6.25 The Avengers 7.25 Minder 8.20 Robin of Sherwood 9.20 The Avengers 10.35 The Sweeney 11.40 Minder 12.40 World of Sport 1.00 ITV Racing: Live from Newbury Coverage of racing from Newbury and Leopardstown. 4.00 FILM Twins (1988) (PG) Comedy, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. 5.00 FYI Daily 2022 5.05 FILM Twins (1988) (PG) Comedy, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. 6.10 FILM The Italian Job (1969) (PG) Crime comedy, starring Michael Caine. 7.10 FYI Daily 2022 7.15 FILM The Italian Job (1969). (PG) Crime comedy, starring Michael Caine. (S) 8.15 FILM Rocky V (1990). (PG) Boxing drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 9.15 FYI Daily 2022 9.20 FILM Rocky V (1990). (PG) Boxing drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. (S) 10.25 FILM Face/Off (1997). (18) Action thriller, starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. (S) 11.25 FYI Daily 2022 11.30 FILM Face/Off (1997). (18) Action thriller, starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. (S) 1.10 The Sweeney (S) 2.05 Rescue — River Deep, Mountain High (S) 2.30 Rescue (S) 2.55 The Champions (S) 3.50 Minder (S) 4.45 Tenable (S) 5.40 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 5.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 6.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds with Clara Amfo. 8.00 Radio 1’s Future Artists with Jack Saunders. The new artists we’re most excited about! 10.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri. 11.00 Benji B. 1.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. 2.00 Radio 1 Dance Presents. 3.00 Get Set with Radio 1. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast Show. 9.30 Scott Mills. 12.00 Jeremy Vine. 2.00 OJ Borg. 5.00 Joe Lycett. 8.00 My Life in a Mixtape. David Walliams delves into his music collection to create a very personal mixtape, journeying from childhood to the present day with artists from Kate Bush to Cole Porter. 9.00 The Folk Show with Mark Radcliffe. Warming folk and acoustic music for midwinter. 10.00 DJ Spoony’s Rhythm Nation. 12.00 Owain Wyn Evans. 3.00 Radio 2 Live: Across the UK. 4.00 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 6.30 Breakfast. Classical breakfast show, presented by Petroc Trelawny. 9.00 Essential Classics. Tom McKinney presents a selection of music and features. 12.00 Composer of the Week: Puccini. Donald Macleod follows the dramas surrounding Tosca and Madam Butterfly. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Highlights from the Bath Mozartfest 2021. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. Jess Gillam playing Barbara Thompson’s Saxophone Concerto in Hanover. 4.00 Choral Evensong. From the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick. 5.00 New Generation Artists: Winter Showcase. Music by Schubert, Brahms and Clara Schumann. 6.15 Words and Music. Adjoa Andoh and Henry Goodman read poetry and prose inspired by chess, featuring excerpts from Han Kang, Shakespeare, Philip Larkin and Omar Khayyam. 7.30 BBC Proms 2021. Ian Skelly presents from the Royal Albert Hall as the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic performs Grace-Evangeline Mason, R Strauss, and Dvorak’s Cello Concerto with Sheku Kanneh-Mason. 10.00 Laura Mvula’s Music Room. Featuring music by Miles Davis, Nina Simone, Debussy, Poulenc and Coldplay. 11.00 Night Tracks. With Hannah Peel. 12.30 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) Today. With Amol Rajan and Nick Robinson. 7.30 (LW) Today. With Amol Rajan and Nick Robinson. 9.00 The Reunion. The cast of the 2003 Christmas-themed romantic comedy film reunite. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Just William: The Great Performer. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. Presented by Emma Barnett. 11.00 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson. An interview with a major political figure. 11.30 The Casebook of Max and Ivan. The private eyes investigate an infamous crime boss. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Princess Bride: Bitesize Backstories. The story of Prince Humperdinck, who loves nothing more fighting and wars. 12.18 You and Yours. Consumer affairs. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World at One. Presented by Jonny Dymond. 1.45 Call to Kabul. Anita Anand tells the story of three brothers hunted by the Taliban. 2.00 The Archers. Kirsty has another cross to bear. 2.15 Drama: My Dad’s Wardrobe. By Frazer Flintham. 3.00 Money Box. Managing money in relationships. 3.30 All in the Mind. The limits and potential of the human minds. 4.00 Thinking Allowed. New series. Thought-provoking issues. 4.30 The Media Show. The latest news from the fast-changing media world. 5.00 PM. Presented by Carolyn Quinn. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sandi Toksvig’s Hygge. Sandi is joined by comedian and writer Andy Hamilton, chatting about how to keep technology at bay, the sound of football supporters watching a match, DIY and eavesdropping. 6.30 The Missing Hancocks. By Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. Tony announces his list of New Year resolutions and is confident he can stick to them. Bill Kerr is equally confident he will fail. From 2020. 7.00 The Archers. Alice gets a rude awakening, while Alan opens Harrison’s eyes. 7.15 This Cultural Life. Author Bernardine Evaristo talks to John Wilson about the formative experiences and cultural influences that have had a profound effect on her work. 8.00 The Moral Maze. Michael Buerk is joined by guests for a debate on a moral issue behind the week’s news. Last in the series. 8.45 Four Thought. A series of thought-provoking talks in which speakers explore original ideas about culture and society. 9.00 The Flipside with Paris Lees. New series. The host explores forgiveness, hearing from a Palestinian whose daughter was killed by an Israeli soldier and an Australian who killed a man in a car accident. 9.30 The Media Show. Topical programme about all forms of media, as key players within the industry help to shed light on the issues of the day. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. With Jamie Coomarasamy. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Deborah Frances-White Introduces. A devil-themed story by writer Scarlett Curtis. 11.00 (LW) Test Match Special. Australia v England. 11.00 (FM) John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show, starring John Finnemore. 11.30 (FM) Ruby Wax Talking Human. The comic discusses how the mind works. 11.45 (FM) Sophie Willan’s Guide to Normality. The comedian looks at how “normal” it is to have a job. 12.00 (FM) News and Weather. 12.15 (FM) Paul Sinha’s General Knowledge. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 (LW) Test Match Special. 1.00 (FM) As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Clare McDonnell. 11.00 Adrian Chiles. 1.00 Mobeen Azhar. 4.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 Live Sport. 7.30 5 Live Sport. 9.30 5 Live Sport. Aaron Paul with football discussion from the EFL, with guests including Alex Bruce and Jobi McAnuff. Plus updates from the Championship, League One and League Two. 10.30 Colin Murray. 1.00 Chris Latchem. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 talkSPORT Breakfast. 10.00 Jim White and Simon Jordan. 1.00 Charlie Baker. 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy Goldstein & Darren Gough. 7.00 Kick Off. 10.00 Sports Bar. 1.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Marverine Cole. 5.00 John Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 9.00 My Classical DNA. Another famous face shares the classical music that has meant the most to them and influenced their own career. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick.

42 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 THURSDAY’S Thursday, December TV30 DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 The Weakest Link, 6.25pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.05 FILM Home (2015) (U) 10.30 How to Train Your Dragon: Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 10.45 FILM Missing Link (2019) (PG) 12.15 Bargain Hunt: Entertainment Special 1.00 BBC News 1.30 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.45 FILM Zootropolis (2016) (PG) Disney animated comedy, with the voice of Ginnifer Goodwin. 3.25 The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 3.35 FILM The Jungle Book (2016) (PG) 5.15 Pointless Celebrities 6.00 BBC News 6.15 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 6.25 The Weakest Link Quiz, hosted by Romesh Ranganathan. 7.10 My Family 8/13. Nick’s new girlfriend raises eyebrows. (S) (R) 7.40 EastEnders Nancy needs to lean on Zack for support. (S) Eddie Izzard: Force Majeure, 11.50pm 6.45 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World Winter Specials 7.45 Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis 8.45 War Films: Talking Pictures 9.35 FILM Dunkirk (1958) (PG) 11.45 FILM Reach for the Sky (1956) (U) Biopic of Second World War pilot Douglas Bader, starring Kenneth More. 2.00 Anthony Hopkins: Talking Pictures A look back at the career of the actor through interviews conducted with the BBC. 2.45 FILM Shadowlands (1993) (U) Fact-based drama, starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. 4.50 FILM The Remains of the Day (1993) (U) Period drama, starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. 7.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Christmas Fishing Paul takes Bob on a quest to catch an elusive English salmon. (S) (R) Lingo, 5.30pm 6.00 Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 Celebrity Supermarket Sweep 11.00 In for a Penny 11.30 Ninja Warrior UK 12.30 FILM Despicable Me 3 (2017) (U) Animated sequel, with the voice of Steve Carell. 2.15 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.20 Local News; Weather 2.30 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals David Dickinson shares his favourite moments from Real Deal. 3.30 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 4.30 The Chase Tony, Thomas, Chris and Mary take part. 5.30 Lingo 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather 6.40 Local News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale Priya struggles and soon has regrets. (S) The Simpsons, 10.30am 6.05 The Simpsons 6.30 The Simpsons 6.55 The Simpsons 7.20 The Simpsons 7.40 The Simpsons 8.05 The Big Bang Theory 8.35 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 The Simpsons 9.30 The Simpsons 10.00 The Simpsons 10.30 The Simpsons 11.00 Frasier 11.30 Frasier 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 A Place in the Sun 1.05 Chateau DIY at Christmas 2.05 Christmas at Holkham Hall 3.10 FILM Deep Impact (1998) (12) 5.30 The Simpsons 6.00 Hollyoaks Maxine makes an upsetting discovery. 6.30 Channel 4 News 6.45 FILM Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) (PG) Action adventure, starring Harrison Ford. Wogan: Now You’re Talking, 9.00pm 6.00 Milkshake! 8.45 FILM Annie (1982) (U) 9.45 Entertainment News on 5 9.50 FILM Annie (1982) (U) Concluded. 11.15 FILM My Fair Lady (1964) (U) 12.15 5 News at Lunchtime 12.20 FILM My Fair Lady (1964) (U) Concluded. 2.50 FILM The King and I (1956) (U) Oscar-winning musical, starring Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. 3.45 Entertainment News on 5 3.50 FILM The King and I (1956) (U) Concluded. 5.40 All Creatures Great and Small Christmas Special 6.35 5 News Update 6.40 Dad’s Army: Secret Lives & Scandal Behind the scenes of the comedy. 8 9 8.00 Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard The discovery of a mammoth graveyard in the prehistoric riverbed of the Thames. (S) 9.00 The Great British Sewing Bee: Celebrity New Year Special Lawrence Chaney, Rose Matafeo, Claire Richards and Kirsty Wark compete. (S) 8.00 Only Connect: Champion of Champions Special 4/4. Series 15 champions the 007s take on Series 16 victors the Puzzle Hunters. (S) 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 9/10. The second semi-final of this year’s Christmas special. (S) 9.00 FILM Judy (2019). (15) Premiere. Biopic, starring Renee Zellweger. (S) 8.00 Vera 1/6. The detective must unravel the mystery of a man found beaten to death. (S) (R) 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather (S) 10.14 ITV Local Weather (S) 10.15 Les Dawson: The Lost Tapes Previously unseen family footage and clips of the funnyman. (S) (R) 9.00 One Night in London Zoo 3/4. Comedians Desiree Burch and Guz Khan join Alex and Josh at the famous animal venue. (S) 8.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 9/11. Action from heat four. (S) 9.00 Wogan: Now You’re Talking A celebration of the life and work of Terry Wogan. (S) 10 11 10.00 BBC News at Ten (S) 10.25 BBC Regional News; Weather (S) 10.35 FILM Ready Player One (2018). (12) Premiere. Sci-fi adventure, starring Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke. (S) 10.50 Being Bridget Jones Documentary celebrating 25 years of Helen Fielding’s hapless creation. (S) (R) 11.50 Eddie Izzard: Force Majeure A stand-up performance from the comedian. (S) (R) 11.10 The Larkins at Christmas An ongoing spate of burglaries is the talk of the village. (S) (R) 10.00 Celebrity I Literally Just Told You 3/6. Star-studded version of the game show. (S) 11.00 Jon & Lucy’s Christmas Sleepover Jon Richardson and Lucy Beaumont host a special Christmas celebration. (S) (R) 10.30 Most Shocking TV Interviews The top 30 worst TV interviews of all time. (S) 11.55 Eurovision’s Greatest Hits Memorable entries from past song contests. (S) (R) AFTER 12 12.45 Not Going Out Lee and Lucy’s New Year’s Eve celebrations do not go according to plan. 1.30 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.35 BBC News 1.20 FILM Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013) (15) Comedy, starring Steve Coogan. 2.45 Sign Zone: Nadiya’s Fast Flavours 3.15 Sign Zone: Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby 4.15 Sign Zone: MasterChef: The Professionals 5.15 This Is BBC Two 12.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Wonders of the Coast Path 3.40 A Year in the Beacons 4.05 Unwind with ITV Daily escape designed to calm the mind and encourage relaxation and reflection. 5.05 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 12.05 FILM Daddy’s Home (2015) (12) 1.45 FILM Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) (12) 3.20 Come Dine with Me 3.45 Come Dine with Me 4.15 Come Dine with Me 4.40 Come Dine with Me 5.10 Come Dine with Me 5.35 Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 12.55 Entertainment News on 5 1.00 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show Interactive gambling. 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 The Highland Midwife 4.00 The Highland Midwife 4.50 The Funny Thing About Christmas 5.35 House Doctor † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 43 THURSDAY’S TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 Only Fools and Horses 8.00 Sandylands Emily and Les arrive home to discover her estranged mother. 8.40 Sandylands Les tries his best to convince Donna to move with him to Peru. 9.20 Sandylands Donna prepares for her big performance. (S) 10.00 The Cockfields Christmas Special 11.00 Only Fools and Horses (S) 12.40 Only Fools and Horses (S) 1.50 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.55 Smashie’s Christmastastic Playlist (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.25 Sin City Motors 8.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race 9.20 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 10.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race 12.20 Would I Lie to You? At Christmas 1.00 Would I Lie to You? 2.20 Top Gear India Special 4.20 Top Gear Nepal Special 6.00 QI 6.40 Would I Lie to You? 7.20 Would I Lie to You? With Jo Brand, Simon Day, Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Henning Wehn. 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Lisbon Adam Buxton joins Richard Ayoade in the Portuguese capital. (S) 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Naples Richard Ayoade and Jack Dee explore the Italian city. (S) 9.00 QI XL Extended edition. With the Rev Richard Coles, Sara Pascoe and Bill Bailey. 10.00 The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (S) 11.00 Red Dwarf (S) 11.40 Red Dwarf (S) 12.20 Would I Lie to You? 1.00 Would I Lie to You? 1.40 QI (S) 2.15 The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (S) 3.15 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Naples (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Hidden Traces 8.00 War Factories 12.00 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 3.00 Great British Railway Journeys 6.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum The Napier-Railton is put through its paces when it meets an old rival. (S) 8.00 The Architecture The Railways Built Tim Dunn visits London’s King’s Cross and learns of Bristol’s funicular railway. (S) 9.00 Steam Train Britain Behind the scenes of three preserved steam railway lines. (S) 10.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Hidden Traces (S) 2.00 Hidden Traces (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 Bread 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty 12.00 The Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders 2.20 David Copperfield 6.20 Last of the Summer Wine 8.00 Jonathan Creek The unconventional sleuth investigates an alleged metamorphosis. 9.20 New Tricks The detectives investigate the murder of an East German immigrant. (S) 10.40 Judge John Deed (S) 12.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 1.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.35 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom How the nation’s wildlife has adapted to survive in the human environment. Last in the series. (S) 8.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Professor Jonathan Van- Tam explores the world of viruses. Last in the series. (S) 9.00 Billy Connolly: Made in Scotland Part two of two. The comedian reveals the influences behind his career. (S) 10.00 Billy Connolly: A Scot in the Arctic (S) 10.50 FILM A Star Is Born (1954). (U) Musical drama, starring Judy Garland and James Mason. (S) 1.40 Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom (S) 2.40 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (S) 3.40 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.55 Emmerdale 7.30 I’m a Celebrity — a Jungle Story 9.20 In for a Penny 9.50 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 10.50 FILM Antz (1998) (PG) Animated comedy, with the voice of Woody Allen. 11.50 FYI Daily 2022 11.55 FILM Antz (1998) (PG) Animated comedy, with the voice of Woody Allen. 12.35 Emmerdale 1.05 Catchphrase: Catchiest Moments 2.10 You’ve Been Framed! Top 100 Senior Moments 3.10 FILM Ice Age (2002) (U) Animated adventure, with the voice of John Leguizamo. 4.10 FYI Daily 2022 4.15 FILM Ice Age (2002) (U) Animated adventure, with the voice of John Leguizamo. 4.50 FILM The Secret Life of Pets (2016) (U) Animated adventure, featuring the voice of Louis CK. 5.55 FYI Daily 2022 6.00 FILM The Secret Life of Pets (2016) (U) Animated adventure, featuring the voice of Louis CK. 6.35 FILM Back to the Future Part III (1990) (PG) Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Michael J Fox. 7.45 FYI Daily 2022 Latest news from the world of entertainment. 7.50 FILM Back to the Future Part III (1990). (PG) Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Michael J Fox. (S) 9.00 FILM Mean Girls (2004). (12) Comedy, starring Lindsay Lohan. (S) 9.30 FYI Daily 2022 Latest news from the world of entertainment. 9.35 FILM Mean Girls (2004). (12) Comedy, starring Lindsay Lohan. (S) 11.05 Family Guy (S) 11.35 Family Guy (S) 12.00 Family Guy (S) 12.30 Family Guy (S) 1.00 Family Guy (S) 1.30 American Dad! (S) 1.55 American Dad! (S) 2.20 FILM Trainwreck (2015) (15) Comedy, starring Amy Schumer. (S) 3.20 FYI Daily 2022 3.25 FILM Trainwreck (2015) (15) Comedy, starring Amy Schumer. (S) 4.30 Love Bites (S) 5.25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records (S) 5.50 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Classic Coronation Street 7.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 A Christmas Carol 9.40 FILM Carry On Loving (1970) (PG) Comedy, starring Sid James. 11.40 Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 6.00 Heartbeat 7.00 Heartbeat Gina makes a gruesome discovery. (S) 8.00 Torvill & Dean One-off drama about the ice-dancing superstars. (S) 10.00 An Audience with Bob Monkhouse (S) 11.35 Inspector Morse The sleuth hunts down an escaped convict. Keith Allen guest stars. (S) 1.40 Beecham House (S) 2.40 Beecham House (S) 3.30 Victoria (S) 4.20 Heartbeat (S) 5.10 Heartbeat (S) ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 The Protectors 6.25 The Avengers 7.20 Minder 8.10 Robin of Sherwood 9.10 The Avengers 10.15 The Sweeney 11.25 Minder 12.30 FILM The War Wagon (1967) (U) Western, starring John Wayne and Kirk Douglas. 1.30 FYI Daily 2022 1.35 FILM The War Wagon (1967) (U) Western, starring John Wayne and Kirk Douglas. 2.40 FILM Galaxy Quest (1999) (PG) Sci-fi comedy, starring Tim Allen. 3.40 FYI Daily 2022 3.45 FILM Galaxy Quest (1999) (PG) Sci-fi comedy, starring Tim Allen. 4.45 FILM Brewster’s Millions (1985) (PG) Comedy, starring Richard Pryor and John Candy. 5.45 FYI Daily 2022 5.50 FILM Brewster’s Millions (1985) (PG) Comedy, starring Richard Pryor and John Candy. 6.50 FILM Ghostbusters II (1989) (PG) Supernatural comedy sequel, starring Bill Murray. 7.50 FYI Daily 2022 Latest news from the world of entertainment. 7.55 FILM Ghostbusters II (1989). (PG) Supernatural comedy sequel, starring Bill Murray. (S) 9.00 FILM Aliens (1986). (18) Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Sigourney Weaver. (S) 10.00 FYI Daily 2022 10.05 FILM Aliens (1986). (18) Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Sigourney Weaver. (S) 11.45 FILM The Wolf of Wall Street (2013). (18) Martin Scorsese’s factbased drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (S) 12.50 FYI Daily 2022 12.55 FILM The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) (18) Martin Scorsese’s fact-based drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (S) 3.15 Rescue — River Deep, Mountain High (S) 3.40 Rescue — River Deep, Mountain High (S) 4.05 Minder (S) 4.55 Tenable (S) 5.50 Unwind with ITV (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 5.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 6.00 Radio 1’s Dance Party with Danny Howard. 9.00 Radio 1’s Future Dance with Sarah Story. Future club music as Radio 1’s special Thursday night party continues! 11.00 Radio 1’s Residency. 12.00 Radio 1’s Residency. 1.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. 2.00 Radio 1 Dance Presents. 3.00 Pete Tong. 4.00 Radio 1 Dance. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast Show. 9.30 Scott Mills. 12.00 Jeremy Vine. 2.00 OJ Borg. 5.00 Joe Lycett. 8.00 My Life in a Mixtape. Actress Vicky McClure chooses a selection of songs from Queen, the Carpenters, Aretha Franklin, Missy Elliott, Beyonce, Usher and Kylie Minogue. 9.00 The Country Year with Ashley McBryde. The singersongwriter presents this look back at the country year of 2021 with exclusive performances from the artists including Luke Combs, Eric Church and Carly Pearce. 10.00 DJ Spoony’s Rhythm Nation. 12.00 Owain Wyn Evans. 3.00 Sounds of the 90s with Fearne Cotton. 4.00 A Dance Through the Decades. 4.30 Katie Piper. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 6.30 Breakfast. Classical breakfast show presented by Hannah French. 9.00 Essential Classics. Tom McKinney presents a selection of music and features. 12.00 Composer of the Week: Puccini. The tragic event that created the biggest scandal of Puccini’s life. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Further highlights from Bath Mozartfest 2021. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. Dvorak’s Symphony No.8 and Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1. 5.00 New Generation Artists. Baritone Konstantin Krimmel makes his debut recording at the BBC studios. Plus, Swedish violinist Johan Dalene plays Beethoven. Presented by Georgia Mann. 6.15 Words and Music. Nicola Coughlan and Ray Fearon read poetry and prose inspired by rivers, from Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. 7.30 BBC Proms 2021. Arcangelo and Jonathan Cohen join a cast of soloists to perform Bach’s St Matthew Passion. From 9th September. 11.00 The Night Tracks Mix. Hannah Peel with a soundtrack for late-night listening. 11.30 Unclassified. Underworld’s Karl Hyde chooses a record that transports him. 12.30 Through the Night. A concert of works by Vivaldi, Fasch and Reichenauer. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 (FM) Today. With Amol Rajan and Martha Kearney. 7.30 (LW) Today. With Amol Rajan and Martha Kearney. 9.00 In Our Time. The history of ideas. Last in the series. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. An act of worship, led by the Rev Richard Littledale. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Just William: The Great Performer. Richmal Crompton’s adventures of unruly schoolboy William Brown. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. Presented by Emma Barnett. 11.00 Crossing Continents. Jane Chambers reports on children in Peru who have lost family to Covid-19. 11.30 Faith in Music. James MacMillan explores Vaughan Williams’ complex faith life. Last in the series. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Princess Bride: Bitesize Backstories. The Henchman, by William Goldman. 12.18 You and Yours. Consumer affairs. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World at One. Current affairs. 1.45 Call to Kabul. Anita Anand tells the story of three brothers hunted by the Taliban. 2.00 The Archers. Alice gets a rude awakening. 2.15 Drama: What’s Love Got to Do with It? Tom Wainwright’s near-future comedy about data and dating. 3.00 Open Country. Three people reflect on their relationship with their local landscape. 3.27 Radio 4 Appeal. On behalf of the Encephalitis Society. 3.30 Open Book. The latest publications. 4.00 Think with Pinker. Global warming and the psychology of judgement and decision-making. 4.30 BBC Inside Science. The latest scientific research. 5.00 PM. News headlines. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sandi Toksvig’s Hygge. Sandi Toksvig welcomes the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet into her cosy log cabin. 6.30 Fags, Mags and Bags. The new Lenzie House of Wax proves a hit, though not everyone is happy with the number of visitors. Comedy, starring Sanjeev Kohli and Donald McLeary. 7.00 The Archers. There’s a girls night out for Ruth, but the celebrations are over for Alice. 7.15 This Cultural Life. John Wilson talks to Paul McCartney about his life, work and creative process. 8.00 The Briefing Room. David Aaronovitch chairs a discussion of the four by-elections that were held around July 2021, and what they revealed about the current state of the nation. 8.30 Lights Out. The ongoing legacy of the UK’s atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in Australia and the South Pacific, for those involved in the tests and the local people. 9.00 BBC Inside Science. The latest scientific research to make the news headlines and how science is evolving to transform culture and affect lives. 9.30 In Our Time. Melvyn Bragg and guests investigate the history of ideas. Last in the series. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. News round-up. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Deborah Frances-White Introduces. Written and read by Steve Ali. 11.00 John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show, starring John Finnemore. 11.30 Great Lives. Profile of Indian muslim princess Noor-Un-Nissa Inayat Khan. 12.00 News and Weather. 12.15 Paul Sinha’s General Knowledge. Last in the series. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Clare McDonnell. 11.00 Adrian Chiles. 1.00 Mobeen Azhar. 4.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 Live Sport. 8.00 5 Live Sport: The Euro Leagues Podcast. European football discussion, plus updates from Everton v Newcastle United and Manchester United v Burnley. 10.00 5 Live Sport. 10.30 Nick Bright. 1.00 Qasa Alom. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 talkSPORT Breakfast with Alan Brazil. 10.00 Jim White and Simon Jordan. 1.00 Charlie Baker. 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy Goldstein and Darren Bent. 7.00 Kick Off. 10.00 Sports Bar. 1.00 Extra Time. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Marverine Cole. 5.00 John Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 9.00 My Classical DNA. Another famous face shares the classical music that has meant the most to them and influenced their own career. Last in the series. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick.

44 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 New NEW Year’s YEAR’S Eve EVE TV DAYTIME 7 BBC1 BBC2 ITV CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 Have I Got 2021 News for You, 9.30pm 6.00 Breakfast 9.10 FILM Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) (U) 10.30 Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury 10.55 FILM The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) (U) 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News 1.30 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 1.40 Meerkat: A Dynasties Special A young meerkat queen tries to unite her family. 2.40 FILM Coco (2017) (PG) Animated fantasy, with the voice of Anthony Gonzalez. 4.15 Top of the Pops New Year Special 5.15 Superman & Lois 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.15 BBC Regional News and Weather; Weather 6.25 The Weakest Link Quiz, hosted by Romesh Ranganathan. 7.10 EastEnders Phil confronts Denise, who has a warning for him. (S) The Aftermath, 9.00pm 6.20 Sign Zone: Sort Your Life Out with Stacey Solomon 7.20 Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis 8.25 Sophia Loren: Talking Pictures 8.55 FILM El Cid (1961) (U) 11.50 Judi Dench: Talking Pictures 12.30 FILM Jane Eyre (2011) (PG) Period drama, starring Mia Wasikowska. 2.20 FILM Tea with Mussolini (1999) (PG) Period comedy drama, starring Maggie Smith and Judi Dench. 4.15 Nothing Like a Dame Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Maggie Smith reminisce. 5.35 Musicals: The Greatest Show A celebration of the world of musical theatre. 6.55 FILM Dad’s Army (1971) (U) Comedy, starring Arthur Lowe. 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 10/10. The last two teams standing do battle for the series title. Last in the series. (S) Coronation Street, 8.00pm 6.00 Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 Celebrity Supermarket Sweep 11.00 In for a Penny 11.30 Ninja Warrior UK 12.30 FILM Smallfoot (2018) (PG) Premiere. Animated adventure, with the voice of Channing Tatum. 2.20 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.25 Local News; Weather 2.30 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals There is a trip down memory lane for David Dickinson. 3.30 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Shephard. 4.30 The Chase Ed, Alice, James and Lynn take part. 5.30 Lingo 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather 6.40 Local News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale Nate is left broken. (S) Celebrity Gogglebox 2021, 11.05pm 6.15 The Simpsons 6.40 The Simpsons 7.05 The Simpsons 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.50 The Big Bang Theory 8.15 The Big Bang Theory 8.45 The Simpsons 9.15 The Simpsons 9.45 The Simpsons 10.10 Frasier 10.40 Frasier 11.15 Channel 4 News Summary 11.20 FILM Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) (PG) 1.15 Chateau DIY at Christmas 2.15 Christmas at Chatsworth House 3.15 FILM The Great Escape (1963) (PG) Second World War drama, starring Steve McQueen. 6.30 Channel 4 News 6.45 FILM Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) (12) Action adventure, starring Harrison Ford. Jumanji, 12.40pm 6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 Friends 9.45 FILM Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) (U) 10.45 Entertainment News on 5 10.50 FILM Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) (U) Concluded. 12.40 FILM Jumanji (1995) (PG) Fantasy adventure, starring Robin Williams. 1.45 5 News at Lunchtime 1.50 FILM Jumanji (1995) (PG) Concluded. 2.45 FILM Hook (1991) (U) Peter Pan adventure, starring Robin Williams. 3.45 Entertainment News on 5 3.50 FILM Hook (1991) (U) Concluded. 5.35 FILM Night at the Museum (2006) (PG) Fantasy comedy, starring Ben Stiller. 6.35 5 News Update 6.40 FILM Night at the Museum (2006) (PG) Concluded. 8 9 8.00 Question of Sport 15/36. With Ellie Simmonds. (S) 8.30 MasterChef Champion of Champions Five amateur champions compete for the title of MasterChef Champion of Champions 2021. (S) 9.30 Have I Got 2021 News for You A look back at the big news of 2021. (S) 9.00 FILM The Aftermath (2019). (15) Premiere. Drama, starring Keira Knightley. (S) 10.40 Live at the Apollo: Christmas Special Festive stand-up comedy, with Jason Manford, Maisie Adam and Nabil Abdulrashid. (S) 8.00 Coronation Street Emma is shocked to bump into Curtis at the hospital. (S) 9.00 FILM Spectre (2015). (12) James Bond thriller, starring Daniel Craig. (S) 9.00 The Last Leg of the Year With Aisling Bea, Joe Wilkinson, Ivo Graham, Nish Kumar and Vick Hope. (S) 8.00 World’s Strongest Man 2021 10/11. Action from the fifth and final heat. (S) 9.00 Britain’s Favourite Party Songs A celebration of the best-loved dance craze records from across the past 50 years. (S) (R) 10 10.00 BBC News at Ten; Weather (S) 10.20 The Graham Norton Show 13/22. With guests including Jessica Chastain, Claire Foy, Joe Lycett and Cush Jumbo. (S) 11.25 Jools’ Annual Hootenanny The pianist and his guests welcome in the New Year. (S) 11 11.25 The Big New Years & Years Eve Party 1/2. Part one of two. A musical New Year’s Eve Party. (S) 11.45 ITV News Including New Year Bongs; Weather (S) 11.05 Celebrity Gogglebox 2021 Memorable moments of the year, featuring some of the country’s favourite celebrities. (S) (R) 11.00 Britain’s Greatest 80s Songs A countdown of the nation’s favourite 80s songs. (S) (R) AFTER 12 12.00 Happy New Year Live 12.10 The Big New Years & Years Eve Party Part two of two. The party continues. 12.40 FILM I Give It a Year (2013) (15) Romantic comedy, with Rose Byrne and Rafe Spall. 2.10 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.15 BBC News 1.25 Legends of Glastonbury Memorable performances from the festival. 2.55 This Is BBC Two Preview of upcoming programmes. 12.09 ITV Local Weather 12.10 FILM Safe House (2012) (15) 2.00 Britain’s Favourite Dogs: Top 100 Sara Cox and Ben Fogle reveal the top 100 dog breeds in Britain. 4.00 FYI Extra 4.15 Moneyball 5.05 Unwind with ITV 5.10 Lingo 12.05 FILM Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) (15) 2.10 Sarah Millican: Home Bird Live 3.05 Romesh Ranganathan: Irrational Live 4.00 Come Dine with Me 4.30 Come Dine with Me 4.55 Come Dine with Me 5.20 Come Dine with Me 1.50 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show Interactive gambling. 3.50 The Hotel Inspector 4.35 The Hotel Inspector Alex Polizzi is enlisted to rescue Michelangelo’s in Newcastle. 5.25 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 House Doctor † FREE TOILET & BASIN Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research UK. From the start of this promotion over £1,000,000 has been raised towards Cancer Research UK’s life saving work. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to normal installation conditions. † Terms and conditions apply. Shower & bathe Just look at the benefits… Easy in...Easy out Low, wide & safe entry No fuss, No mess # Can be fitted in a day! Walk-in showers Baths & Wet rooms tailored to your style, needs & budget Complete makeovers From design to installation 0808 115 3918 Ref MCA315 www.mobility-plus.co.uk in comfort & safety again Comfortable seats Grab rails and slip-resistant flooring Easy clean wall panels No tiling required Best price guarantee From the name you can trust Low rate finance options available “Safe, easy access bathing can help maintain your independence and wellbeing” Dr Hilary Jones GP and Health Advisor FREE BROCHURE HAND SANITISER SOCIAL DISTANCING PPE

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 WEST COUNTRY LIFE 45 NEW YEAR’S EVE TV FREEVIEW AND SATELLITE RADIO GOLD SKY: 110 6.00 Teleshopping 7.20 dinnerladies 8.00 Only Fools and Horses 7.20 Only Fools and Horses Christmas special from 2003. The Trotters desperately need money. (S) 9.00 Murder, They Hope Johnny Vegas and Sian Gibson return to Gold’s whodunit comedy caper. (S) 10.00 Gimme Gimme Gimme (S) 10.50 dinnerladies (S) 11.35 Only Fools and Horses Christmas special from 1993. Del visits the dentist. (S) 1.25 Only Fools and Horses (S) 2.35 dinnerladies (S) 3.20 Gimme Gimme Gimme (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Dave SKY: 111 FV: 19 6.00 Teleshopping 7.30 Sin City Motors 8.20 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 9.20 Red Bull Soapbox Race 11.20 Would I Lie to You? The Unseen Bits 12.00 Would I Lie to You? 1.20 Top Gear Nepal Special 3.00 Top Gear: Winter Blunderland 6.00 QI 6.40 Would I Lie to You? 7.20 Would I Lie to You? An episode of previously unseen material from the hit comedy panel show. 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in St Petersburg Richard Ayoade and Rob Beckett head to the Russian city. (S) 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Budapest Richard Ayoade and Aisling Bea head to the Hungarian capital. (S) 9.00 Not Going Out Lee and Lucy’s New Year’s Eve celebrations do not go according to plan. 10.00 Gavin & Stacey (S) 10.40 Gavin & Stacey (S) 11.20 Gavin & Stacey (S) 12.00 Gavin & Stacey (S) 12.40 Gavin & Stacey (S) 1.20 Gavin & Stacey (S) 2.00 The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (S) 2.50 Travel Man: 48 Hours in St Petersburg (S) 3.15 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Budapest (S) 4.00 Teleshopping Yesterday SKY: 155 FV: 26 6.00 Hidden Traces 8.00 War Factories 12.00 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 3.00 Great British Railway Journeys 6.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 Secrets of the Transport Museum Brooklands’ Concorde ’Delta Golf’ has a makeover. (S) 8.00 The Architecture The Railways Built Tim Dunn visits Ribblehead Viaduct in the Yorkshire Dales. (S) 9.00 Steam Train Britain Stephen Greig tries to ensure all goes to plan ahead of the opening of a new station. (S) 10.00 Bangers and Cash A convertible Triumph Herald brings a few smiles on auction day. (S) 11.00 Bangers and Cash An Aston Martin DB6 looks set to break the Mathewsons auction record. (S) 12.00 Abandoned Engineering (S) 1.00 Hidden Traces (S) 2.00 Hidden Traces (S) 3.00 Teleshopping Drama SKY: 143 FV: 20 6.00 Teleshopping 7.10 Bread 8.20 The Bill 9.25 Classic Holby City 10.45 Classic Casualty 11.55 The Bill 12.55 Classic EastEnders 2.10 Tess of the D’Urbervilles 6.55 Last of the Summer Wine 8.00 Jonathan Creek A sceptical researcher returns from the dead. 9.20 New Tricks Gerry and Steve investigate the unsolved murder of a bookie in Glasgow. (S) 10.40 Judge John Deed An MP is accused of attempted murder. (S) 12.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 1.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 2.40 Where the Heart Is (S) 4.00 Teleshopping BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Top of the Pops: New Year 2014 Fearne Cotton and Reggie Yates review 2014 in music. (S) 8.00 TOTP2: Party Special A nostalgic mix featuring archive clips from the show. (S) 8.40 Abba at the BBC A collection of memorable TV appearances by the group. (S) 9.40 Chic Feat Nile Rodgers: Radio 2 in Concert Highlights from an 2017 performance at the BBC Radio Theatre. 10.40 FILM When Harry Met Sally (1989). (15) Romantic comedy, starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. (S) 12.10 Detectorists (S) 12.40 Detectorists (S) 1.10 Detectorists (S) 1.40 Detectorists (S) 2.10 Detectorists (S) 2.40 Detectorists (S) 3.10 Close ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.25 Celebrity Supermarket Sweep 7.20 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.00 Emmerdale 9.00 In for a Penny 9.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 10.05 FILM Space Jam (1996) (U) Live action and animated comedy, with Michael Jordan. 11.05 FYI Daily 2022 11.10 FILM Space Jam (1996) (U) Live action and animated comedy, with Michael Jordan. 11.45 Emmerdale 12.50 Catchphrase: Catchiest Moments 1.50 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.20 FILM The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! (2012) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Hugh Grant. 3.20 FYI Daily 2022 3.25 FILM The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! (2012) (U) Animated comedy, with the voice of Hugh Grant. 4.05 FILM New Year’s Eve (2011) (12) Comedy drama, starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. 5.10 FYI Daily 2022 5.15 FILM New Year’s Eve (2011) (12) Comedy drama, starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. 6.35 FILM Snow White & the Huntsman (2012) (12) Fantasy adventure, with Kristen Stewart. 7.40 FYI Daily 2022 Latest news from the world of entertainment. 7.45 FILM Snow White & the Huntsman (2012). (12) Fantasy adventure, with Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth. (S) 9.00 FILM Pitch Perfect 2 (2015). (12) Comedy sequel, starring Anna Kendrick. (S) 10.15 FYI Daily 2022 10.20 FILM Pitch Perfect 2 (2015). (12) Comedy sequel, starring Anna Kendrick. (S) 11.20 Family Guy (S) 11.50 Family Guy (S) 12.20 Family Guy (S) 12.50 Family Guy (S) 1.20 American Dad! (S) 1.50 American Dad! (S) 2.15 FILM The World’s End (2013) (15) Sci-fi comedy, starring Simon Pegg. (S) 3.15 FYI Daily 2022 3.20 FILM The World’s End (2013) (15) Sci-fi comedy, starring Simon Pegg. (S) 4.05 Emmerdale (S) 5.00 Coronation Street (S) 5.55 Unwind with ITV ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Classic Coronation Street 7.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.00 That’s My Boy 8.30 On the Buses 9.30 FILM Goodnight Mister Tom (1998) (PG) Wartime family drama, starring John Thaw. 11.40 Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.50 FILM Goodbye Mr Chips (2002) (PG) Timeless drama, starring Martin Clunes. 6.00 Heartbeat 7.00 Heartbeat Alf goes undercover. (S) 8.00 Doc Martin Al tries to raise some quick cash. (S) 9.00 Doc Martin The doctor heads to London. (S) 10.00 An Audience with Victoria Wood The comedian entertains a celebrity audience. (S) 11.10 Elton John: The Nation’s Favourite Song The singer discusses 20 of his biggest hits with David Walliams. (S) 12.40 An Audience with Jimmy Tarbuck (S) 1.45 Victoria (S) 2.45 Victoria (S) 3.35 Heartbeat (S) 4.25 Heartbeat (S) 5.20 That’s My Boy (S) 5.45 Unwind with ITV ITV4 SKY: 120 FV: 25 6.00 World of Sport 6.10 The Protectors 6.35 The Avengers 7.30 Robin of Sherwood 8.30 The Sweeney 9.35 Minder 10.45 FILM Spartacus (1960) (PG) Roman epic, with Kirk Douglas. 11.50 FYI Daily 2022 11.55 FILM Spartacus (1960) (PG) Roman epic, with Kirk Douglas. 2.30 FILM Battle of the Bulge (1965) (PG) Second World War drama, starring Robert Shaw. 3.35 FYI Daily 2022 3.40 FILM Battle of the Bulge (1965) (PG) Second World War drama, starring Robert Shaw. 5.45 FILM The Alamo (1960) (PG) Western, directed by and starring John Wayne. 6.55 FYI Daily 2022 7.00 FILM The Alamo (1960). (PG) Western, directed by and starring John Wayne. (S) 9.00 FILM True Grit (2010). (15) Western, starring Jeff Bridges. (S) 10.05 FYI Daily 2022 10.10 FILM True Grit (2010). (15) Western, starring Jeff Bridges. (S) 11.15 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Hard-hitting action from the world of All Elite Wrestling. (S) 1.20 Rescue — River Deep, Mountain High (S) 1.50 Rescue — River Deep, Mountain High (S) 2.15 The Avengers (S) 3.15 The Sweeney (S) 4.10 Minder (S) 5.05 Tenable (S) (R) repeat, (S) subtitles RADIO 1 97.6-99.8 FM 6.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 8.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 9.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 12.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 1.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 2.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 4.00 The Official Chart on Radio 1 with Scott Mills. 6.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with James Cusack. 7.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with James Cusack. 8.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with James Cusack. James Cusack has all the tunes you need for New Year’s Eve! 9.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with James Cusack. James Cusack has all the tunes you need for New Year’s Eve! 10.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with Jordan North. 11.00 Radio 1’s Party Anthems with Jordan North. 1.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix. 3.00 Radio 1 Dance Presents. 4.00 Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents. RADIO 2 88-90.2 FM 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast Show. 9.30 Scott Mills. 12.00 Our Platinum Year. 2.00 OJ Borg. 4.15 Ravio 2. 5.00 Joe Lycett. 7.00 Sophie Ellis- Bextor’s Kitchen Disco New Year’s Eve. 9.00 Romesh Ranganathan’s New Year’s Eve Bangers. Romesh rolls out the biggest hip-hop tunes of all time in a non-stop mix, featuring only the best from the earliest days of the genre to the biggest tracks of 2021. 11.00 Michelle Visage’s Fabulous New Year’s Party. 1.00 TBA. 3.00 Romesh Ranganathan: For the Love of Hip-Hop. 4.00 Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s Kitchen Disco. RADIO 3 90.2-92.4 FM 6.30 Breakfast. 9.00 Essential Classics. Tom McKinney plays the best in classical music. 12.00 Composer of the Week: Puccini. Puccini’s genius for creating different sound worlds. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. Bath Mozartfest 2021 highlights include Ravel’s Mother Goose Suite. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra play Dvorak’s 9th Symphony. 4.30 The Listening Service. Tom Service examines endings to pieces of music. 5.00 New Generation Artists. Elisabeth Brauss plays Schumann and the Mithras Trio plays Mozart. 6.15 Words and Music. Joe Bannister and Sinead MacInnes read poetry and prose on the theme of alcohol to mark the 100th anniversary of the introduction of Prohibition. 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert. Children’s author Jacqueline Wilson and special guests read from her books alongside musical interludes by composers past and present, including the Tracy Beaker theme tune. 9.00 BBC Proms 2021. Georgia Mann and Petroc Trelawny present the Last Night of the Proms, with tenor Stuart Skelton and accordionist Ksenija Sidorova joining the BBC SO and conductor Sakari Oramo. 12.00 Late Junction. 1.00 Gameplay with BabyQueen. 2.00 Gameplay with BabyQueen. 3.00 Through the Night. RADIO 4 92.4-94.6 FM 6.00 Today. 9.00 Desert Island Discs. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Just William: The Great Performer. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. 11.00 Science Stories. 11.30 Common Ground. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Princess Bride: Bitesize Backstories. The Swordsman, by William Goldman. Last in the series. 12.18 Call You and Yours. Consumer affairs. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World at One. Current affairs. 1.45 (FM) Call to Kabul. Anita Anand tells the story of three brothers hunted by the Taliban. 2.00 The Archers. There’s a girls night out for Ruth, but the celebrations are over for Alice. 2.15 Drama: SteelHeads. New series. Thriller, by John Scott Dryden and Brett Neichin. 2.45 New Year Solutions. Ways people can help tackle the problem of climate change. 3.00 Gardeners’ Question Time. Matthew Pottage, Christine Walkden, and Bob Flowerdew answer listeners’ gardening queries. 3.45 Short Works. The Riots, by Dawn Watson. 4.00 Last Word. The lives of famous and less wellknown people who have recently died. 4.30 Sending Mum Abroad. David Baddiel examines sending relatives abroad for dementia care. 5.00 PM. News headlines. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sandi Toksvig’s Hygge. Sandi Toksvig welcomes MP-turned-peer David Blunkett into her cosy log cabin for a chat about such matters as guide dogs behaving badly. Last in the series. 6.30 The News Quiz. Andy Zaltzman looks back at the news highs, lows and mediums from a year of news quizzing. 7.00 Lemn Sissay’s Poetry Rebels. Lemn discovers how poets are taking things into their own hands and posting their work online. With Hollie McNish and Simon Armitage. Last in the series. 7.15 Screenshot. News and insights from the film world. 8.00 Correspondents’ Look Ahead to 2022. BBC correspondents forecast the leading news stories for the year ahead, touching on matters such as the coronavirus pandemi and the US midterm elections. 8.50 A Point of View. Weekly reflections on topical issues with a range of contributors. 9.00 Loose Ends Lounge. Clive Anderson presents the second of two programmes showcasing some of the best music performances on Loose Ends this year. Last in the series. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. News round-up. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Deborah Frances-White Introduces. A tale written and read by Jessica Fostekew. 11.00 John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Sketch show, starring John Finnemore. Last in the series. 11.30 Influencers. Comedy, with Katy Brand and Katherine Parkinson. 12.00 News and Weather. 12.15 The Digital Human. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service. 5.20 Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE 693 & 909 MW 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Clare McDonnell. 11.00 Chiles on Friday. 1.00 Elis James and John Robins. 3.00 Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review. 5.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 Live Sport. 8.00 Headliners. Nihal Arthanayake presents interviews with big names taken from his Headliners podcast this year. Download more from BBC Sounds by searching for Headliners. 9.00 5 Live’s Review of 2021. Highlights from across 2021, featuring the Tokyo Olympic Games, how we continued to deal with Covid, the COP26 environmental summit and the Euros. 10.00 Stephen Nolan. 1.00 Hayley Hassall. TALKSPORT 1053 & 1089 MW 6.00 talkSPORT Breakfast with Alan Brazil. 10.00 White and Jordan with Martin Keown. 1.00 Charlie Baker. 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy Goldstein and Darren Bent. 7.00 Fergie at 80. 8.00 Hawksbee and Jacobs Clips of the Year. Highlights of the debate show. 11.00 Majestic’s New Years Eve Party. 1.00 Extra Time with Martin Kelner. CLASSIC FM 100-102 FM 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Aled Jones. 1.00 Marverine Cole. 5.00 John Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick. 4.00 Sam Pittis.

46 WEST COUNTRY LIFE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 Christmas TV highlights Mrs Brown’s Boys Death in Paradise a ghost story For Christmas: The Mezzotint around The world in 80 Days a Very British scandal Jane Haase presents our pick of the christmas tv offerings ChrisTMas eVe shaun The sheep: The Flight Before Christmas BBC1, 6pm The sheep raid the farmhouse to hunt for bigger Christmas stockings – but lose little Timmy in the process. Genius. The repair shop at Christmas BBC1, 7pm The experts restore four beloved festive treasures – a very special mechanical doll, a traditional German decoration, an ageing harmonium and a train set all the way from Kenya. The amazing Mr Blunden Sky Max, 7pm Mark Gatiss and Tamsin Greig play the monstrous Mr and Mrs Wickens in this feature-length family adventure. The story centres around London teenagers Jamie and Lucy Allen, whose mother is offered the role of caretaker of a seemingly haunted country house by Mr Blunden. Jamie and Lucy have an encounter with what appears to be a pair of ghost children with a connection to the wicked Mr and Mrs Wickens. a ghost story for Christmas: The Mezzotint BBC2, 10.30pm M.R. James’ spooky tale set in an old English college in 1922 is adapted by Mark Gatiss and stars Rory Kinnear, Robert Bathurst and Frances Barber. Edward Williams receives an engraving of an unknown country house. An imposing facade. A sweeping lawn. And, just perhaps, something else…? ChrisTMas DaY strictly Come Dancing Christmas special BBC1, 5.10pm Strutting their stuff in this festive special are The Repair Shop’s Jay Blades, First Dates’ Fred Sirieix, singer Anne-Marie, newsreader Moira Stuart, broadcaster Adrian Chiles and presenter Mel Giedroyc. The abominable snow Baby Channel 4, 7.30pm Terry Pratchett’s magical tale is told in a half-hour animated special with a brave granny (Julie Walters) showing a snowy town that the 14ft-tall creature is not to be feared. The great Christmas Bake off Channel 4, 8pm Bake Off has a festive special to tickle our tastebuds. It sees the cast of Channel 4’s award-winning drama It’s A Sin, including Years And Years’ Ollie Alexander and rising star Lydia West, try their hand at Christmasthemed bakes Call The Midwife BBC1, 8pm It’s December 1966 and residents of Nonnatus House are preparing for the winter wedding of Lucille and Cyril while the midwives face a busy Christmas Day. It’s lucky that Mother Mildred (Miriam Margolyes) is on hand to help. Or is it? The Larkins at Christmas ITV, 9pm Who wouldn’t want to be invited to the Larkins’ for Christmas? “A Larkin Christmas dinner is laden with every piece of food you can imagine!” reveals Bradley Walsh, who plays Pop in the reboot of the comedy. Festivities are derailed strictly Come Dancing this year by a power cut and burglaries, but cheer is restored when Charley and Mariette make a surprise return from Paris. Ahh… Mrs Brown’s Boys BBC1, 10.20pm Christmas sees Agnes recruited to the church choir, but she’s under strict instructions from Father McBride that there’s to be no singing and strictly no dancing. Elsewhere, Dermot and Buster hold a murder mystery night. BoxiNg DaY around The world in 80 Days BBC1, 5.50pm The big spectacle this Christmas comes from this lavish new adaptation of Jules Verne’s classic novel. David Tennant is Phileas Fogg, a Victorian gentleman who accepts a bet to circumnavigate the globe. This eight-part adaptation also stars Ibrahim Koma as Passepartout and Leonie Benesch as Abigail ‘Fix’ Fortescue. Death in Paradise BBC1, 7.30pm It’s a first festive special for the island crime drama, which sees the return of Danny John-Jules as Officer Dwayne Myers. A shipping magnate is found dead at a Christmas party. Things become stranger when a man in London receives a mysterious Christmas card connected to the victim’s death. all star Musicals at Christmas ITV, 8pm Celebrities including Fern Britton, Catherine Tyldesley and Ben Miller learn how to belt out show tunes. a Very British scandal BBC1, 9pm Three-part drama stars Claire Foy as Margaret, Duchess of Argyll, as she divorces the Duke (Paul Bettany) in the 1960s court case featuring claims of forgery, theft, violence, drugtaking, bribery.. and the infamous Polaroid picture. The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2021 Channel 4, 9pm The annual quiz, hosted by comedian Jimmy Carr. Guests including Sarah Millican, James Acaster, Jonathan Ross and Judi Love look back on the strange events of 2021, from space travel and celebrities who do not shower, to sea shanties and Tony Blair’s peculiar hair. New Year’s DaY Doctor who BBC1, 7pm The Daleks are back! The 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) is joined by guest stars including Father Ted’s Pauline McLynn and Aisling Bea for a New Year’s Day special – the first of Whittaker’s trio of exit episodes. Sarah (Bea) owns and runs ELF storage, and Nick (Adjani Salmon) is a customer who visits his unit every year on New Year’s Eve. This year, however, their night turns out to be a little different than planned… The Tourist BBC1, 9pm Fifty Shades star Jamie Dornan is a man searching for his identity in the Aussie Outback after a truck tries to drive him off the road. Shocking eight-part drama. Mrs Brown’s Boys BBC1, 10pm A second festive helping of the Irish matriarch. Agnes and the family are going to be in for a reunion when Grandad’s brother, Micky, comes for a visit after a stint in the clink. After leaving prison, Micky comes by asking for €5,000 (£4,200) to invest cash in a gold mine in South Africa. The amazing Mr Blunden shaun The sheep Call The Midwife The Larkins at Christmas The abominable snow Baby Doctor who

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2 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS NEWS Pair admit charges over city stabbing > > Blazing cardboard being put underneath a police vehicle on the night of the riot Kill the Bill rioter who torched police van jailed Rod Minchin news@westerndailypress.co.uk A > > Ryan Roberts and right, police vehicles ablaze during a Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol Avon and Somerset Police protester who set fire to police vehicles during a riot that followed a Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol has been jailed for 14 years. Ryan Roberts led chants of “ACAB: All cops are b*******” outside a city centre police station on March 21 this year. As the protest turned violent, Roberts threw cans, bottles and placards at officers, as well as verbally abusing and repeatedly kicking them. The 25-year-old, who had taken cocaine and been drinking, then smashed the windows of the Bridewell police station on Bridwell Street. Roberts was caught on film pushing pieces of flaming cardboard under two police vans and placing industrial bins around an already partially burnt-out police car and setting them alight. He told an officer inside one of the vans he would “go bang”. Roberts then smashed in the windows of a mobile police station and encouraged the crowd to help roll it over, before setting light to the cab while hundreds of people were close by. Bristol Crown Court heard damage totalling over £200,000 was caused during the rioting that evening. Giving evidence, Roberts said he got “carried away” fighting for freedom of speech during a protest against the Government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Roberts told the court the Bill aimed to “ban peaceful protest altogether”, saying the demo “was more about freedom of speech”. He said the mood of the protest changed when police donned riot gear as night fell and officers started “pushing, shoving and hitting” the crowd with shields and batons. “I was fighting for a cause I felt strongly about,” Roberts said. More than 40 officers were injured in the riot, which died down in the early hours of March 22. Two officers, who had served in the armed forces, described the night as the “most frightening incident in their careers”. Another described the rioting as “ferocious, prolonged and determined violence”. A jury convicted Roberts of rioting, attempted arson with intent to endanger life, attempted arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered and two counts of arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered. Nicholas Lewin, defending, said the defendant had recently been diagnosed with ADHD, had been prescribed medication and was not a “sophisticated criminal”. “Mr Roberts is not a rampant fire starter, twisted or other,” he said. “The issue of impulsive behaviour becomes more acute for someone who suffers from that condition. “He is someone on the fringes of society who is perhaps not equipped to be fully integrated within it – I am trying not to be politically incorrect. He is not your average criminal. “He is content for me to call him Mr Roberts. He has in fact adopted a they or them and adopted a different persona in prison. Custody for him will be considerably more difficult than it would be for somebody without his difficulties.” Jailing Roberts, Judge James Patrick said: “You were actively involved in committing violence over a period of five hours. You were actively encouraging the crowd from an early stage and your actions encouraged the violence against police officers. “You carried out a leading role in the encouraging of others in the setting of other fires.” Two teenagers have admitted charges after a boy aged 16 was stabbed in Bristol The victim was inside a convenience store in Wells Road, Totterdown, at around 5.40pm on Sunday, April 18, when he sustained multiple non-lifethreatening stab wounds for which he required hospital treatment. Originally Kaya Carr, 18, of Glyn Vale in Knowle, and Jaheim Mullings, 19, of Downton Road, Knowle West, were both charged with attempted murder. On Thursday the pair appeared via video link at Bristol Crown Court. Both pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm as well as possessing an offensive weapon. Robin Shellard, prosecuting, said the pleas were acceptable to the Crown and asked for the attempted murder charge to lie on file. The Recorder of Bristol, His Honour Judge Peter Blair QC, remanded the pair in custody and adjourned sentencing, pending reports from the probation service, until January 31. He told the pair: “Custodial sentences are the most likely outcome.” Corrections and complaints If we have published anything that is factually inaccurate please contact the editor, Bill Martin, via email bill.martin@reachplc.com or write to The Editor, Western Daily Press, 1 Temple Way, Bristol, BS2 0BY. Once verified, we will correct it as soon as possible. The Western Daily Press newspaper is published by Local World, part of Reach PLC, which is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). We adhere to the Editors’ Code of Practice as enforced by IPSO, which can be contacted for advice at IPSO, Gate House 1, Farringdon Street London, EC4M 7LG; www.ipso.co.uk; telephone 0300 123 2220; email advice@ ipso.co.uk. If you have a complaint concerning a potential breach of the Code of Practice, we will deal with complaint directly or IPSO can refer your complaint to us. Please go to www.reachplc.com/ howtocomplain where you can view our complaints policy and procedure. A ‘How to Complain’ pack is also available by writing to the Legal and Compliance Department, Reach PLC, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AP.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 3 Mum Heidi ‘thriving’ six years after her terminal cancer news A mum and former police officer told she wouldn’t survive before Christmas six years ago after a terminal cancer diagnosis is planning to celebrate her seventh one since with her family. Heidi Loughlin, 39, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive stage four inflammatory breast cancer while pregnant and told to prepare for the worst. She was told by doctors there was nothing that could be done for her in December 2015 but against the odds has not only survived but has been “thriving”. Heidi, a former police officer who runs a world-famous blog Storm in a Tit Cup, said she has never given up fighting and has surpassed all medical predictions. She recently took her recovery one step further by having reconstructive surgery that she was told would never be an option for her. And she said she couldn’t wait to celebrate another Christmas that she never expected to see. She said: “I feel so lucky to be here, not just to be here but I’m absolutely thriving with a stage 4 diagnosis. “I’m just so happy that every year I get to unwrap the Christmas decorations and put them out for another year. Every time I pack them away I used to think, ‘I might not see these again next year’, but that’s old hat for me now. I’m here for another year and I’ll be here for many, many, many more.” Heidi was three months pregnant when she was first diagnosed and ignored doctors’ recommendations Tom Bevan news@westerndailypress.co.uk to have an abortion, turning down super-strong lifesaving treatment until her baby had a 90 per cent chance of surviving. Baby Ally Louise Smith was born 12 weeks early via C-section on December 12, 2015 – but tragically passed away eight days later after developing an infection. Heidi, from Portishead, Bristol, who is also mum to Noah and Tait, has gone on to win a legion of fans online for her upfront and brutally honest blog about her disease. She had a mastectomy in 2016 and her tumours shrank after receiving a life-extending drug Kadcyla, disappearing altogether in 2019. In 2019, Heidi wrote a book dedicated to her two sons detailing her battle with cancer. Heidi said she is approaching 40 this year, a milestone she can’t believe she’s reaching. She added: “It is a milestone nobody expected that I would make, and I will fly past it at 100 miles an hour. When I hit 50 and then 60, I’ll be sat there with the smuggest look on my face. “That’s how I live my life now, not like ‘what if it’s this year’ – it will definitely be at least ten years, and in that time, I’m going to have the most amazing life.” Earlier this year, Heidi underwent an operation called a DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator), that involved transplanting fat, tissue and skin from the stomach to make a breast. And in an update to her tens of thousands of followers, she said she had “never felt more alive”. For the past six years, Heidi has documented her experiences on her award-winning blog that she set up to help others like her. She said her blog had been a great source of comfort throughout. She said: “My blog Storm in a Tit Cup has been a huge cathartic release for me. When I was diagnosed I went online to find someone who was like me. “A young woman at 32 with inflammatory breast cancer and I was also pregnant. “There was no one. And most of the blogs I found about other breast cancers were factual or depressing and not what I wanted to read. “So I decided to write my own. I receive messages from people around the world thanking me for the blog, which I find incredibly uplifting, that it is helping others. “Sadly my daughter died when she was eight days old so my blog has morphed into many things over the years, but largely it’s a place for people to be inspired that no matter what adversity we face, we can overcome it or learn to live with it in our lives.” Heidi said that despite all the trauma she has gone through, she has never stopped thinking about a future and making plans. She added: “I never stopped looking to the future. From the word cancer, I have strived not to become what I was told I would become. “I have always made far-reaching plans and will continue to do so. Having plans are basically targets for you to sail pass. “I’ve already smashed my prognosis and won’t be going anywhere for a really long time.” Study reveals Yeovil easiest place to pass your driving test in UK New analysis has found that Yeovil in Somerset is the easiest place to pass your driving test in the UK. The study by A-Plan Insurance examined the pass rate percentage of major driving test centres in the UK – those that have conducted at least 1,000 tests since April 2020 – to determine the one with the highest pass rate. Yeovil, Somerset came out on top with the highest percentage of pass rates out of all test centres in the UK. This test centre has an average pass rate of 67%, when analysing the passes of all tests from April 2020 to June 2021 – of 1,578 tests taken, 1,051 were passed. The second easiest is just down the road in Dorchester with a pass rate of 66%. Dorchester’s test centre has assessed 1,559 prospective drivers since April 2020, deeming 1,024 of them ready to drive. > > Heidi Loughlin recently took her recovery one step further by having reconstructive surgery. Pictured below with baby Ally Heidi Loughlin I’m here for another year and I’ll be here for many, many, many more heidi Loughlin Aberdeen South (Cover) is the third easiest test centre for someone to pass their driving test in the UK with a pass rate of 65.8%. The Goodmayes (London) test centre in the borough of Redbridge has been the UK’s busiest over the past 18 months, completing 6,668 tests, and handing out just 2,533 licences – which is a pass rate of just 39.9%. However, it is another test centre in the capital that has the lowest pass rate of centres that have conducted at least 1,000 tests since April 2020. Only 29.4% of learners have passed their tests in Erith, which is in the London borough of Bexley. Belvedere in London is the second most difficult place to pass a test, with a success rate of 31.9%, while Birmingham (South Yardley) has the third-lowest percentage of people passing – 36.4%. NEWS Injured AJ bows out of Strictly final AJ Odudu has pulled out of the Strictly Come Dancing final after suffering a torn ligament in her ankle, the BBC has announced. The TV presenter and partner Kai Widdrington were due to compete tonight against soap star Rose Ayling-Ellis and partner Giovanni Pernice and baker John Whaite and partner Johannes Radebe for the glitterball trophy, but her ability to perform had been thrown into question after injuring herself in rehearsals. The duo have now pulled out of the live final after consulting medical professionals regarding her foot injury. Odudu said in a statement: “I’m deeply upset that I am unable to perform in the final due to a torn ligament in my right ankle. Learning to dance over the last 13 weeks has been an incredible honour and to do it alongside someone as special, patient and devoted as Kai is something I’ll treasure forever. “Thank you to the Strictly family for the experience, the medical team for trying to get me back on my feet, and mostly to everyone at home for watching and supporting. “You’ve made this experience one to remember. Strictly Come Dancing has been a lifelong dream and I’m glad it came true. “Good luck to my partners in dance, John and Johannes and Rose and Giovanni. I will be cheering you on (on one leg).” Widdrington said: “I’ve been absolutely honoured to get to dance with the incredible AJ Odudu for the last few months and although neither of us wanted our journey to end this way, AJ’s health and safety are by far the most important things. “I want to thank AJ for being the absolute best partner I could ever have asked for in my first year on the show and I will always treasure the memories of dancing in the Strictly ballroom with her. I know we will be friends for life.” The Strictly Come Dancing final is on BBC One this evening at 7pm. Most-wanted toys in letters to Santa Royal Mail has revealed this year’s most-wanted presents after receiving thousands of letters from children to Santa. Favourites such as Lego, Playmobil and Barbie are all in the top 10, as well as board games and Scalextric. The Playmobil range tops this year’s list, with the Barbie Dream House taking second spot. The top 10 most requested toys of 2021 were listed as: 1 Playmobil, 2 Barbie Dream House, 3 Lego, 4 Nerf Elite Flip 2.0, 5 Paw Patrol, 6 Board games, 7 Hot Wheels, 8 L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G Movie Magic Studios, 9 Scalextric, 10 K Doll.

4 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS NEWS Man guilty of murdering West An artist has been found guilty of the murder of millionaire hotelier Sir Richard Sutton and the attempted murder of his own mother. Thomas Schreiber was convicted following a three-week trial at Winchester Crown Court of stabbing the pair at the baronet’s Dorset country estate on April 7, 2021. The defendant, wearing a blue suit and tie with a pink shirt, closed his eyes as the verdict was announced. ben mitchell news@westerndailypress.co.uk A cry of “Yes” could be heard from the public gallery, where some members of the family were sitting. Others, including the defendant’s mother Anne Schreiber, who he was convicted of trying to kill, watched by video link. The jury of 10 men and two women reached a majority verdict of 11 to one on both counts after four hours and 51 minutes of deliberations. Adjourning the case for sentencing on Monday, the judge, Mr Justice Garnham, told the defendant: “The only sentence I can pass is of life imprisonment but for the offence of murder I have to set the minimum number of years and I also have to sentence you for the attempted murder of your mother.” Speaking to the jury, he added: “I am extremely grateful to you all for the evident care you have taken in this case, it’s been a difficult case to listen to.” Sir Richard’s family said in a statement: “How could any family recover from such a sudden and devastating loss. “We can never bring back Sir Richard but his spirit will very much live on, alongside the very happy memories we have of our incredible father, brother and grandfather. “His values of being warm, gener- > > The attack happened at Sir Richard’s Moorhill estate near Gillingham, Dorset ous and compassionate to everyone he met will be carried forward by future generations, and will never be extinguished.” The 35-year-old defendant admitted carrying out the “horror show” knife attack on the pair on the eighth anniversary of the death of his alcoholic father, David Schreiber, after he said his mother shouted at him for being “drunk like his father”. He told the court: “I just went completely crazy, I completely snapped and I just launched for her and began attacking her uncontrollably.” He had admitted manslaughter but denied the murder of the baronet, saying he had “lost control” of himself and had not intended to hurt him or his mother. Ms Schreiber suffered up to 15 separate injuries on her head and body, including a partially severed spinal cord which has left her paralysed. Sir Richard suffered three deep wounds to his face and five to his chest, up to 12cm deep. Schreiber had also pleaded guilty to driving a Range Rover dangerously on the A303, A4 and M3 when he failed to stop for armed police in a Killer’s mind was ‘consumed with hatred’ of family ben mitchell news@westerndailypress.co.uk Thomas Schreiber was “consumed with hatred” and the desire for revenge after feeling “humiliated” by his “gold-digging” mother and her partner Sir Richard Sutton. The trial at Winchester Crown Court heard the aspiring artist was driven by anger at his mother, Anne Schreiber, 66, for “abandoning” his father, David Schreiber, to move in with the baronet at his country estate near Gillingham, Dorset. The 35-year-old believed he was the only member of the family who remained loyal to his father, who died eight years to the day before the fatal attack after spiralling into depression and alcoholism while living in a cottage owned by Sir Richard. It was this anniversary, and his mother’s accusation that he was “drunk like his father” while he was commemorating the life of his parent with Sir Richard, that helped “trigger” the “horror show” attack that left his mother paralysed and her partner dead, the defendant told the court. This “explosion of violence” came after years of simmering resentment occasionally breaking out into fights with his sisters, Rose McCarthy and Louisa Schreiber, with Sir Richard intervening twice. The defendant accused his mother > > Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Thomas Schreiber listening to his mother Anne Schreiber, who appeared via video link during the trial of “gold-digging” by leaving his father for Sir Richard and he felt similar outrage towards his sisters. Sir Richard was listed at number 435 in the Sunday Times Rich List last year, with an estimated family fortune of £301 million – a rise of £83 million on the previous year. The guide said Sir Richard’s company owns London hotels the Sheraton

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 5 NEWS hotelier and trying to kill mum > > Thomas Schreiber 135mph pursuit into central London. As he was detained in Chiswick, the defendant stabbed himself in the chest and told officers: “Please kill me now, please just shoot me.” The attack happened at Sir Richard’s Moorhill estate near Gillingham, Dorset, which he shared with the Schreiber family following the separation of the defendant’s parents. The trial has heard the defendant was angry with his mother for “abandoning” his father, who suffered from depression, to move in with Sir Richard and accused her of “golddigging”. Schreiber, an aspiring painter, also felt Sir Richard treated him unfairly compared to his two sisters despite him receiving a £1,000 monthly allowance and £100,000 towards buying a house. The court heard family arguments descended into violence on three previous occasions, including once when Sir Richard hit the defendant with his walking stick in November 2020. It caused the cane to shatter and left Schreiber “humiliated”. The defendant blamed lockdown for worsening his mental health by forcing him to remain in the “toxic pressure boiler” environment of Sir Richard’s estate. In March 2021, he had written to a friend: “I’m so sad to report that my mind is consumed with hatred of the very worst kind towards my family. “They really hurt me, betrayed me and destroyed all trust. Simply put, I We can never bring back Sir Richard but his spirit will very much live on, alongside the very happy memories we have of our incredible father, brother and grandfather family statement contemplate murdering them all, morning, day and night. It’s not what I want to think about but it’s the truth. I want them to suffer.” Detective Inspector Simon Huxter, of Dorset Police, said: “This was an utterly tragic and senseless incident that has left Sir Richard and Anne’s family and friends devastated and our thoughts remain with them at this extremely difficult time. “I would like to thank and pay tribute to them for all the support they have given to our investigation as well as the dignity that they have shown throughout their ordeal, which culminated in a detailed criminal trial. “It was noted in court that it was thanks to the efforts of the first officers to arrive at the scene and subsequent medical assistance from paramedics and hospital staff that this case only involved one fatality and not two. While Anne sadly suffered serious life-changing injuries, the outcome could have been even worse had it not been for their intervention. “I am grateful to all those officers and staff from Dorset Police and other forces who assisted in the immediate response on the night as well as our subsequent investigation. “Thanks to the dynamic response and effective liaison with other police forces, we were able to quickly track the defendant and ensure he could be apprehended in order to protect the public.” Grand Park Lane and the Athenaeum, plus three smaller venues. He had an extensive property and farming portfolio, including the 6,500- acre Benham Estate in west Berkshire and the Stainton Estate in Lincolnshire. The most serious of three earlier confrontations in the family was in November 2020 when Schreiber became outraged when his mother offered for Louisa to inherit a chandelier that had belonged to their grandmother. The ensuing fight ended with Sir Richard hitting the defendant with his walking stick with such force that the cane shattered, which Schreiber felt “humiliated” by. Schreiber had also felt unequally treated to his sisters after Sir Richard refused to buy him the Volvo car he wanted, instead offering him £10,000 to buy a van so that he could carry his painting canvases in it. Schreiber would later describe how he was humiliated by this incident and, in March 2021, he wrote to a friend: “I’m so sad to report that my mind is consumed with hatred of the very worst kind towards my family. They really hurt me, betrayed me and destroyed all trust. Simply put, I contemplate murdering them all morning, day and night. It’s not what I want to think about but it’s the truth. I want them to suffer.” He also wrote: “It’s hard to explain the deep emotion of family and with what’s happened is betrayal, golddigging deceit and extreme selfishness when it’s your own mother followed by siblings it’s very hard to accept that.” Giving evidence, the defendant accepted his “hypocrisy” at his attitude to his family’s finances after the trial heard he lived off a £1,000-a-month allowance granted by Sir Richard to each of the three siblings. He had also given £100,000 to each of them in 2015 to be used to help buy a property. However, the money became a curse for the defendant, who felt trapped by the handout as he felt he could not move out of the annexe at > > Sir Richard Sutton had an extensive property and farming portfolio the Moorhill estate until he had proven himself a “success” worthy of the expectations of Sir Richard and his mother. Schreiber described himself in court as a “passionate” painter but felt Sir Richard did not approve of “creativity” and expressed his frustration at not establishing a successful career for himself. He said that since the age of 18 he had been employed in about 35 jobs, some lasting as short as a day. After achieving 11 GCSEs at The Gryphon School in Sherborne, Dorset, Schreiber went on to study in Denmark – of which he is a dualnational from his mother, who is Danish – before returning to complete a diploma in music technology and sound engineering at the City & Islington College in the summer of 2010. These recurring failures left Schreiber resentfully living in the “toxic” environment of Moorhill, which only worsened when the Covid-19 lockdown hit 13 months prior to the fatal day. JUST £5.49 A BOTTLE ave over ON 12 LUXURIOUS RED WINES Enjoy a massive £83 saving on 12 world-class red wines, complete with FREE express delivery! T&C’s apply. Autumnal Reds Collection 12 CRAFT WINES WAS £148.88 NOW £65.88 With FREE EXPRESS DELIVERY! To order, visit virginwines.co.uk/VE2441 or call 0343 224 1001 quoting VE2441 Terms and Conditions: New customers only. UK Delivery only. You must be 18 years of age or over. One case per customer. Not to be combined with any other promotion. By redeeming this offer you agree to try the Virgin Wines WineBank. WineBank uses easy monthly top-ups to save for your wine and rewards you with £1 for every £5 you deposit, plus free delivery on all future purchases. There’s no obligation to buy any more wine. For full T&C’s, visit www.virginwines.co.uk/terms DRINKING IS ONLY FUN WHEN YOU DON’T OVERDO IT

6 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS NEWS Work starts on last part of bike path Work has started on building the final missing sections of a £3 million cycle path between Clevedon and Weston-super-Mare. The £3.1m Pier to Pier Way, which will form part of Route 33 of the National Cycle Network between Bristol and Seaton, is set to open in the summer. The new cycleway will provide an important active travel route for walkers, cyclists and horse-riders, and is expected to serve 70,000 one-way trips a year. The initial work involves building a new river crossing and repurposing existing ones over the Congresbury Yeo and Oldbridge rivers, to separate farming works, vehicles and livestock from the public path. A 1.4km section of new path, following the former Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Railway, will connect to quiet lanes either side. Improvements to signage and existing route sections will also follow and a replica of Wick St Lawrence Station Halt is planned to be included as a gateway feature for the cycleway. The new route cuts 6.5km from the current road route between Weston and Clevedon and will help walkers, cyclists and horseriders avoid longer and busier routes including sections of the A370 and J21 of the M5. It is hoped the Pier to Pier Way will help boost tourism in the district, as well as enabling and encouraging cycle commuting in the region. The works have been funded with a £1.3 million grant from National Highways £800,000 from the Department of Transport as well as £561,000 from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. North Somerset Council has also allocated £451,000. > > Ticket price increases in England will be capped at 3.8% from March 1 John Stillwell/PA Travellers to see sharpest rail fare hike in a decade From 3rd November 2021 to 1st February 2022. Not available on delivery orders. Chocolate fudge flavour syrup & chocolate fudge flavour drizzle. Price and participation may vary. Price shown for regular size. Subject to availability. © 2021 McDonald’s Train passengers will be hit with the largest fares rise in nearly a decade next year. The Department for Transport announced ticket price increases in England will be capped at 3.8% from March 1. In Scotland, the increase will be implemented on January 24. The Welsh Government has not announced its plans. The figure of 3.8% is in line with July’s Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure of inflation. It will be the steepest increase since January 2013, according to figures from industry body the Rail Delivery Group (RDG). This year’s rise in fares in England and Wales was based on the previous July’s RPI plus one percentage point. The Scottish Government imposed smaller rises for some journeys. A 3.8% rise would lead to hikes in the cost of annual season tickets such as: ■■ Gloucester to Birmingham (any route): Up £170 to £4,638 ■■ Brighton to London (any route): Up £194 to £5,302 ■■ Liverpool to Manchester (any route): Up £105 to £2,865 ■■ Neath to Cardiff: Up £70 to £1,922 Increases are normally implemented on the first working day of every year, but have been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Rail minister Chris Heaton-Harris described the 3.8% rise as a “fair balance” which means the Government can “continue to invest record amounts into a more modern, reliable railway, ease the burden on taxpayers and protect passengers from the highest RPI in years”. He added that delaying the changes until March enables people to save money by giving them longer to renew Neil Lancefield Press Association their tickets at current prices. Andy Bagnall, director-general of the RDG, welcomed the decision not to continue the 2021 policy of raising fares by RPI plus one percentage point. He said: “It is important that fares are set at a level that will encourage more people to travel by train in the future, helping to support a clean and fair recovery from the pandemic.” He added the rail industry knows it “must not take more than its fair share from the taxpayer”, which is why it is working to create a “financially sustainable and more passenger-focused service”. But shadow transport secretary Louise Haigh claimed the “brutal” fares increase are “a nightmare before Christmas for millions of passengers”. She continued: “Families already facing soaring taxes and bills will now be clobbered with an eye-watering rise in the cost of the daily commute.” Rail union the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association accused the Government of being “hell-bent on discouraging rail travel”, claiming the fares increase will “put yet more people off and price many out of rail travel completely”. Demand for rail travel is more than 40% below pre-coronavirus levels. Rail fares in Northern Ireland are set by state-owned operator Translink, which does not use RPI. The DfT also announced the Book with Confidence scheme will be extended until March 31. This allows passengers to change their travel plans up until the night before departure, without being charged a fee, or cancel their tickets and receive a refund in the form of rail vouchers.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 7 NEWS Builder who left dozens out of pocket gets jail term STAFF REPORTER news@westerndailypress.co.uk One of Britain’s worst rogue builders has been jailed for inflicting untold mental stress on dozens of victims – who were forced to form a “Facebook survival group”. Mark Buck, 49, took money from customers but left multiple jobs botched and unfinished – with some victims tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket. His trail of destruction and misery was so bad it led to trading standards describing him as “one of the worst rogue builders” they had ever seen. Many of Buck’s victims were left to find support in a Facebook “survivors’ group”, which has nearly 100 members, including tradespeople who said they had not been paid. Buck, of Compton Dando, Somerset, was jailed for five years after he admitted fraudulent trading. Bristol Crown Court was told he also called himself Mark Budd, Mark Bailey and Mark Brown and traded as I Build 4 U, MB Construction, MB Building Services and Ashlar SW Ltd among others. He had also declared himself bankrupt twice. I think he’s probably one of the worst rogue builders we’ve ever had to deal with Francis Chalk But his victims said he had left them with major repair work and hefty bills for unfinished work. Some were left with water pouring through ceilings and with ditches outside their homes. The court heard his customers had suffered financially as well as emotionally. Among them was Claire Snook, from Portishead, who was left £60,000 out of pocket after asking him to build a loft conversion in 2018. He asked for a large deposit upfront, but work stalled soon after he started. Ms Snook said her roof was left unfinished for months, including during the “Beast From The East” storm, when water came into the house. She told the BBC: “I’m a disabled woman and I was taking care of my elderly mother. “We were both living in this house that was not waterproof in the winter. “We had weather coming in and everything was leaking. We were terrified to use the electrics in the house, in the depth of winter.” > > Mark Buck SWNS Ms Snook has spent the past two years completing and repairing the work at her own expense. She said: “You cannot imagine the impact that has on your mental health. “You know that you have to go home to this building site, and you have no idea when it’s going to be finished. “You have no idea how you’re going to be able to afford to pay to get this finished. It’s been indescribable.” Foster carers Rik and Jo Clews, from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, contracted Buck to build a kitchen extension in summer 2019. The work was quickly abandoned and the couple were left with a huge ditch that filled with water outside their house for several months. Mrs Clews said: “They admitted to us when they were doing the drains they had no idea what they were doing. “In the end I found a YouTube video on what to do with the drains and gave them instructions, because they were literally digging holes in places they didn’t know.” Mrs Clews was diagnosed with cancer while the building work remained unfinished. She said: “I couldn’t really believe somebody can do that to you when you’re on rock bottom. “We were in the hospital waiting room waiting to go in for an operation, and we have a phone call from his suppliers saying they haven’t been paid. “The mental stress was horrendous.” Trading standards officer for the South West Francis Chalk said after the sentencing: “I’ve been in trading standards for 30 years and I think he’s probably one of the worst rogue builders we’ve ever had to deal with. “He made promises to people about timescales which he could never keep. “He took large amounts of money for items he never ordered – or ever supplied – and when he did do some building work, a lot of it was never completed.” Plan for Cotswolds solar farm gets go-ahead Plans to build a solar farm in the Cotswolds which could power more than 12,000 homes has been given the go-ahead. Aura Power Developments Limited and the Bathurst Estate has been granted permission by Cotswold District Council to go ahead with their plans to install the solar panels on 179 acres of fields in Kemble Wick near Cirencester. Their proposals include the installation of housing for inverters, transformers, electrical equipment, a substation compound, fencing, security cameras and RRP £2.49 200g £10.00/kg RRP £2.25 355ml 40.8p/100ml access tracks. The developer says the photovoltaic array would generate around 48 megawatt hours per year which would offset the annual electricity usage of around 12,887 homes in the Cotswold District Council and Wiltshire Council Areas. Council officers said the proposals will make a significant contribution to the supply of renewable energy across both areas. They say the renewable energy of the scale proposed represents a significant benefit. An agent speaking on behalf of the applicant said: “The impact of £2.49 £2 EACH RRP £3.10 200g 77.5p/100g Visit nisalocally.co.uk to find your nearest store @nisalocally /nisalocally climate change is being felt here in the UK with extreme weather events affecting everybody’s lives. “Cotswold District Council has declared both a climate and ecological emergency, our solar farm will help make an important difference to these twin challenges. “Not only by generating 48.9 megawatts of clean energy but through a range of ecological measures which will result in a biodiversity net gain of 30 per cent.” The planning committee voted unanimously to approve the scheme. Shop locally for GREAT DEALS 1⁄2 PRICE £1.55 EACH @nisalocally £2.15 £1.50 RRP £2.15 150g £1.00/100g £2.25 SAVE £1.40 £1.45 £3.50 RRP £4.90 4x250ml 35.0p/100ml SAVE £3.99 £18 RRP £21.99 70cl £25.71/ltr All offers subject to availability. Some variants may not be available in all stores and some offers may vary across stores. We reserve the right to limit purchases. All prices correct at the time of going to press. Price indications and savings relate to Nisa recommended retail prices and may differ in some stores. Offers available from 15th December 2021 to 2nd January 2022

healthlottery.co.uk play in-store | app | online ONLY £1 8 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS NEWS > > Avon Fire and Rescue attend a fire on board Bristol’s SS Great Britain Paul Gillis Ship evacuated as fire breaks out A fire broke out at the SS Great Britain in Bristol yesterday, forcing the evacuation of all visitors and staff on the historic ship. Firefighters were called to Bristol harbour where the ship is docked just before 1pm. It was extinguished two hours later. There were no injuries in the incident. A spokesperson for the SS Great Britain Trust said that smoke was detected in the fo’c’sle area of the ship during welding repairs, which triggered the fire detection system. The fo’c’sle, also known as the forecastle, is the forward-most area of a sailing ship on the upper deck. It was named as such as it is the area before the first mast of the ship. All visitors and staff were evacuated from the ship as fire crews responded to the incident. The ship was closed for the rest of the day, but was due to open as normal today. A spokesperson said that there was “minimal damage in a small, contained area of the ship”. In a statement, a spokesperson for the SS Great Britain Trust said the repair work was “a known risk, and the trust’s comprehensive fire detection procedures have prevented damage”. GPs postpone routine care to aid jab rollout Players must be 16+ to play instore and 18+ to play online. T&Cs apply. Excludes NI. 18+ The Health Lottery operates 5 main lottery draws per week (Tue-Sat). Every £1 line for any Wednesday or Saturday main lottery draw will also automatically be entered into the appropriate £100,000 free prize draw which also take place on those days. All players matching 5 numbers in the free draw will win an equal share of the prize. Every £1 entry into any of the 12 main lottery draws taking place between 9th and 24th December 2021 inclusive will automatically be entered into a free draw for a mystery prize which will also take place following each of those 12 main lottery draws. These additional draws shall be either a Free Prize Draw whereby a new set of five main lottery numbers are selected using the company’s random number generator, or a Raffle whereby a unique raffle code (transaction number) will be allocated and a single winner drawn from the pool of eligible entries. The draw method and daily prizes awarded shall be run in accordance with THL’s predetermined 12 Draws of Christmas draw schedule. Retail winners must retain their ticket in order to claim a prize. Results will be announced on The Health Lottery website on the next working day. Full T&Cs can be found at www.healthlo tery.co.uk/terms. The Health Lottery scheme manages 12 society lotteries that operate in rotat ion, and each represents a different geographical region of Great Britain. December’s society lottery is Health Lottery East. For details on which society lottery is running each month please visit www.healthlo ttery.co.uk staff reporters news@westerndailypress.co.uk GP surgeries across the country are cancelling nonurgent services and telling patients not to visit with routine problems – to help with the coronavirus booster rollout. Doctors say they may not be able to offer the same level of routine support as usual as surgeries help with the vaccination programme. They are calling on the public to continue to be “kind and patient’’ as health workers support the effort. NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group clinical chair Dr Andy Seymour said the booster scheme will affect GP surgery services – but called for understanding. He said: “As we look to free up maximum capacity to deliver vaccinations, there may be some impact on non-urgent services and GP practices may not be able to offer the same level of routine or non-clinical support as usual. “Please continue to be kind, patient and understanding to our colleagues who are going all out to support this monumental effort.” East Trees Health Centre in Easton, Bristol, told patients not to contact the practice about any routine matters until next year. A message said: “In light of the urgent need for our staff to give booster vaccines to help prevent the spread of the Omicron Covid variant, we will be following government advice to focus on urgent care only in the practice for the next few weeks. “We would like to ask you to help us by not contacting us about Please continue to be kind to our colleagues who are going all out to support this effort Dr Andy Seymour routine matters until the new year.” Another GP surgery in Bristol sent patients a message saying: “We remain open and have a duty team available to speak to anyone that cannot wait and will continue to see you in person when required. “eConsults have also been temporarily suspended. Thank you for your support and understanding.’’ Dr John Pepper, a Shrewsburybased GP who is also chair of NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Our patients are always our number one priority. “Cancelling routine appointments is something that does not sit easily with us, but we have little choice if we are to meet this challenging vaccine target. “I hope and expect that this disruption to service will only be for a few short weeks. “And I must stress that GP practices remain open for business. “If you are calling for an urgent issue, we can and will still support you. “Don’t forget, other health services are available for you to use, including self-care, your local pharmacist or 111 online or via the phone.” According to the British Medical Journal, “to free up capacity in the health service general practices are being asked to postpone routine appointments and focus on delivering vaccinations, alongside urgent appointments for conditions such as cancer, over the next two weeks”.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 9 Third arrest after fatal stabbing of popular Ramarni Staff reporters news@westerndailypress.co.uk A third teenager has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death, police said. The 15-year-old was detained in connection with the death of Ramarni Crosby in the Tredworth area of Gloucester. Gloucestershire Police said two other boys, aged 16 and 17, remain in custody having been arrested earlier on suspicion of murder. The teenager, known as Marni, who was from the Frampton on Severn area of Gloucestershire, was stabbed on Wednesday in Stratton Road. He died at the scene. A vigil was held for Ramarni on Thursday evening for all those who knew him. The headteacher of his former school has paid tribute to the teenager. Ramarni had been a Severn Vale School student, which is based in Quedgeley, and he left the school last year. Severn Vale head teacher Richard Johnson said: “The staff and students at Severn Vale School were deeply shocked and saddened to hear the tragic news regarding our former student Ramarni Crosby. “Ramarni was a charismatic and popular student; well liked by both staff and his peers. He had his full life ahead of him and that has been cruelly taken away. We will remember him with great fondness and affection. “Knife crime is a terrible blight on our society; the statistics both locally and nationally should shame us all. I hope that all the agencies working with young people can redouble their efforts to challenge this behaviour so that > > Ramarni Crosby, 16, died on Wednesday night Gloucestershire Police/PA Ramarni’s death can be a signal for change. “Our thoughts are with Ramarni’s family and his many friends at this terrible time.” Increase the Peace anti-knife crime campaigner Delroy Ellis worked with the teenager for two years. He said: “He was a lad that could have gone down a bad route but he decided not to. He and I got on so well. “When I heard the news it was him last night I was so emotional but I am tired of trying to get leaders to listen to what is happening in the city. “He very much was a young man who was conscientious, lovely kid who has been taken away from family, loved ones and friends too soon.” On Thursday, Chief Inspector Rich Pegler said: “The family of this young man has been informed and our thoughts go out to them at this devastating time. “Both ourselves, and Ramarni’s family, are asking any witnesses, or any parents who know of their child’s involvement, to come forward. Town’s discount store to close after 23 years Discount superstore Chaplins in Taunton is set to close down in the new year and be replaced by the hardware retailer Proper Job. The shop, which is located on Bindon Road, will bid farewell to its Taunton hub where it has been based for more than 23 years. The reasons for the closure are not known, but Chaplins has been approached for a comment. The Taunton branch has a sister store which has operated > > Severn Vale School head teacher Richard Johnson in Plymouth for more than 50 years, following its launch by Linda Thompson in 1967. The website states: “The nofrills, back to basic approach and hands-on management allows Chaplins to be more nimble footed in their buying policy than many other retail outlets. “If they see an opportunity they seize it and are able to introduce new lines without recourse to a long decision-making chain. Linda says: “Shopping at Chaplins certainly has an ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ aspect.” Ramarni had his full life ahead of him and that has been cruelly taken away Richard Johnson “This was a horrific incident, which is even more tragic because of the young age of the victim. “It has understandably sent shockwaves through the community and caused a huge outpouring of anger and grief. “This once again shows the devastating impact that knife crime can have.” Police have appealed for anyone with dashcam footage of the surrounding roads, particularly between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Wednesday, to come forward. They would also like to speak to anybody who saw a large group of young men hanging around the Barton and Tredworth area in the time leading up to the incident. Chaplins purchased the Taunton site in 2015 and the store offers a wide range of goods, many of which are sold at discounted rates. The website continues: “This isn’t a shop for window shopping, it’s a shop for shopping at costs they can afford, lots of people know us by name, so they often come up to us asking for assistance, my team of staff are friendly and willing to assist customers old and new.” It is not known whether the older Plymouth hub will follow suit. March 3rd January 6th Free Valuation Days March 9th Silver, Jewellery & Watches 20th Studio Pottery & Art Glass 21st Mid-Century Ceramics & Furniture 22nd Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards 23rd Classic & Vintage Cars 3rd March Classic & Vintage Motorcycles 9th March Further Entries Now Being Accepted NEWS Caterer offers cancelled wedding feast to charity A catering business hit by Covid cancellations wants to donate unused gourmet food to a local charity this Christmas. Strawberry Field Catering in Keynsham has had several events cancelled in the past ten days, including three weddings and a huge works party for 300 people. Another large corporate event for January has also cancelled already. And now a wedding for 100 people due to take place today has cancelled at the last minute, leaving the catering firm with the problem of what to do with the unused food. Owner Gary Fisher says that although the bride and groom have paid for the food and 20 portions of the meal will still be going to the family, he still has 80 portions to give away. “We only had 48 hours’ notice so we had bought all the food and prepared it ready to go on Saturday. “Last Saturday, the party of 300 that cancelled contacted three local charities including food banks, collected the food and took it away to distribute. “For this cancellation, I will go with my chefs and serve the food to people who need it. “I’ve struggled to find many charities who can do this at such short notice and time is of the essence as the food is fresh and ready to go. “The other option is that I could put it in the freezer and put an event on for free at a later date.” Gary says the luxury meal would normally cost around £60 per person and includes rack of lamb with dauphinoise potatoes, port and redcurrant jus, with chocolate chestnut torte for dessert. The cancellations are the latest blow for the catering firm, which like many other hospitality businesses has suffered during the pandemic. Gary says it has been the worst time in the 37 years he has run the business, which specialises in large corporate events as well as weddings. “We’ll get some money back on these cancelled events but the whole Covid year has been the worst year ever, especially mentally. “We’ve been doing double the work because it’s mostly weddings and we only have half the staff – everyone’s worked their socks off. “From a mental point of view, I couldn’t cope with what we’ve gone through again and I wouldn’t want my staff to either. “If I thought next year was going to be like this, I would close the business now.” Any local charities who are interested in taking Gary up on his offer of the free meals should contact gary@ strawberryfieldcatering.co.uk The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS 01935 812277 • www.charterhouse-auction.com

10 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS UK&WORLD NEWS ‘Worrying’ rise in food bank need Food banks are experiencing a “sudden and worrying” increase in demand from people hit by the removal of the Universal Credit. More than nine in 10 independent food bank providers have reported a rise in need over the past six weeks, according to figures from the Independent Food Aid Network. A separate poll found that 70% of food banks, charities and community causes were worried about having enough food to support people. Speedos fundraiser back home at last A fundraiser who walked 2,500 miles wearing a pair of Speedos said he was ready to “lie down for about three months” as he was welcomed home. Everton fan Michael Cullen, now more commonly known as Speedo Mick, celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday by crossing a finish line at Liverpool’s Pier Head at the end of his Giving Back Tour, which has seen him walk across the UK and Ireland. Watchdog warns care homes over bans Care homes have been warned not to impose blanket visiting restrictions over Christmas, after campaign groups raised the alarm over some homes pausing or limiting visits. The Care Quality Commission said it is important for residents and their loved ones to be able to spend time together in the festive period. It said it has received reports that some care homes have been issuing “general policy” related to visiting, and that it has acted on 54 concerns about potential blanket bans. Hospitality bosses press Sunak to act Hospitality bosses are putting the Chancellor under pressure to hand out financial support after he returned from California for crisis talks. Rishi Sunak met leaders after facing criticism over his trip while the spread of Omicron began to damage the UK economy. Pub and restaurant bosses urged Mr Sunak yesterday to freeze business rates, reduce VAT rates for the sector, and support the most heavily affected parts of the industry. > > Newly elected Liberal Democrat MP Helen Morgan bursts ‘Boris’ bubble’ held by colleague Tim Farron, as she celebrates in Oswestry, Shropshire, after her North Shropshire by-election win. Ms Morgan took the seat with 17,957 votes, with Tory Neil Shastri-Hurst in second place on 12,032 – a swing of 34.2% from a 23,000 Tory majority. Jacob King Boris ‘on notice’ after election loss We buy any house! WE BUY HOUSES FOR CASH Sell in days – or in your timescale No fees & no obligation Any condition or location NAPB approved & RICS regulated GET UP TO £30,000 CASH ADVANCE BEST PRICE PAID PA reporters Press Association Senior Tories have put Boris Johnson on notice that his leadership is on the line after the party’s crushing defeat in the North Shropshire by-election. The Prime Minister suffered another body blow to his authority as the Liberal Democrats overturned a massive Conservative majority to take the seat by almost 6,000 votes. The result sent shock waves through Westminster after weeks of damaging headlines about Tory “sleaze” and reports of partying in No 10 in breach of Covid restrictions last year. Mr Johnson said he took “personal responsibility” for what he described as a “very disappointing” result” for the party. However, he sidestepped questions about whether he would resign if it was in the interests of the country or his party, insisting he was focused in fighting the pandemic. “That is what the Government is engaged in doing now. That is what I am focused on. I think that is what people would want me to be focused on right now,” he said during a visit to a vaccination centre in Hillingdon. With the unexpectedly heavy defeat prompting renewed talk of a possible leadership challenge, senior Conservatives appealed for “calm” while warning that Mr Johnson had only a limited time to turn things around. Sir Charles Walker, the vice chairman of the 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, said a leadership contest would be “completely self-indulgent” but added Mr Johnson had 12 months at most to make a difference. “The Prime Minister has got weeks, months, a year to sort himself out,” he told Times Radio. “If we go on making unforced errors over the next three to six months or nine months, it will become a lot more serious.” Cotswolds MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, treasurer of the 1922 Committee, said it was not the time for a “big blame game” but that Mr Johnson needed to stop the “self-inflicted own goals”. “I want him to succeed, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt,” he told Sky News. “But in doing that, as one of his seasoned backbenchers, I am asking him to think carefully how he governs the country and avoid these self-inflicted measures.” The veteran backbencher Sir Roger Gale said Mr Johnson need- ed to show he was capable of being a good prime minister if he was to continue for much longer. “This has to be seen as a referendum on the Prime Minister’s performance and I think that the Prime Minister is now in ‘last orders’ time,” he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. “Two strikes already, one earlier this week in the vote in the Commons and now this. One more strike and he’s out.” The result came at the end of a wretched week for the PM which saw 100 Tory MPs defy the whips and vote against the Government’s latest Covid restrictions. Mr Johnson acknowledged he needed to “fix” issues like the reported No 10 parties and the controversy around the funding of the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat, which fuelled anger inside Parliament and beyond. But he insisted that a “constant litany of stuff about politics and politicians” had overshadowed the Government’s successes like the rapid rollout of the Covid booster jab campaign. “I’ve got to put my hands up and say ‘Have I failed to get that message across in the last few weeks? Has it been obscured by all this other stuff?’ Yes, I’m afraid it has,” he said. NHS ramps up jab centres as cases hit new peak Call us FREE today for a cash offer available 24/7 0800 031 9071 goodhousemove.co.uk Racecourses, Christmas markets and football stadiums will be among almost 3,000 sites used as vaccination centres this weekend. The NHS is “pulling out all the stops” to make it easy for people to get jabs, NHS national medical director Professor Stephen Powis said. Staff will be vaccinating at about 2,900 places today and tomorrow, said NHS England. This includes football grounds Anfield, Stamford Bridge and Wembley and three racecourses: Sandown Park, Bath and Chelmsford. Several Premier League matches have been called off this weekend for Covid-related reasons. Other venues open this weekend include the Christmas Market at Chester Cathedral, the Liverpool Christmas Ice Festival, Bluewater shopping centre in Kent and London’s Oxford Street where there will be a vaccine bus. More than 21 million booster jabs have been delivered by the NHS in England so far, NHS England said. It comes as the UK yesterday reported more than 90,000 new Covid cases in another record daily total.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 11 UK&WORLD NEWS Arrest after four boys die in fire sophie wingate Press Association A woman has been arrested after two sets of twin boys, aged three and four, died in a devastating house fire after being left home alone in south London. The 27-year-old has been held on suspicion of child neglect, the Metropolitan Police said. In a post on Facebook, Jason Hoath, who described himself as the boys’ grandfather, named them as Kyson and Bryson, aged four, and Leyton and Logan, aged three. He wrote: “I am devastated to say that the horrendous house fire that took place in Sutton last night leading to four children loosing (sic) their life’s (sic) were my amazing smart and beautiful grandsons. “(They were) taken too soon they will always be in our hearts and thoughts. Boys I love you forever. Grandad xxx” Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer, borough commander for Croydon, Bromley and Sutton Police, confirmed that the children were related. He told reporters at the scene: “There was nobody else inside the property at the time of the fire.” He said detectives, the Met and the London Fire Brigade are investigating the cause of the blaze. The woman arrested on suspicion of child neglect remains in police custody, the police chief said. Police officers and forensics teams were seen going in and out of the house, where the once-white facade was blackened. A blue police tent was pitched outside the property on the residential suburban street. The chief superintendent said: “The thoughts of everyone at the Metropolitan Police are with the family and friends of the four young boys who lost their lives in this tragic incident. “We know it will have come as a great shock to the local community.” Fire crews were called to a midterrace house on Collingwood Road, > > Forensic investigators at the scene of the devastating house fire Aaron Chwon Sutton, shortly before 7pm on Thursday and found a “very well-developed” blaze, with the four boys inside, said Richard Mills, deputy commissioner of the London Fire Brigade. Mr Mills said firefighters in breathing apparatus entered the home, removed the four children and gave them CPR. They were then taken to two south London hospitals where they were pronounced dead. The fire was under control by 8.36pm. Mourners laid floral tributes, candles and teddy bears outside the police cordon throughout the day yesterday, with one card reading: “Sleep well little angels.” The four boys were “so well behaved” and “polite”, according to a woman who works at a nearby shop. The 24-year-old, who did not want to give her name, said the boys often came to her shop with their mother. She said: “They were always all holding hands, they were so well behaved, so polite.” The Rev Frances Arnold, priest of the local St Nicholas church, said: “It’s a great shock and tragic loss of life, young children, and so we’ll continue to offer our prayers for the family, the friends, the community here, the emergency services”. Westbourne Primary School in Sutton said it was “devastated” by the deaths of the children, two of whom were pupils there. In a statement, the school said: “Westbourne Primary School and its entire community are devastated at the news of the tragic loss of the four children; our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the family and anyone else affected by this heartbreaking event.” WITH THESE FROZEN CHRISTMAS FAVOURITES 2.2kg. £7.73 / kg. Serves 8-10 2.32kg. £7.76 / kg. Serves 8-10 1kg. £10 / kg. Serves 4 - 6 336g. £10.42 / kg 1kg. £2 / kg 350g. £4.29 / kg 700g. 86p / 100g. Serves 8 620g. 81p / 100g. Serves 8 775g. £1.16 / 100g. Serves 10 Subject to availability. Selected UK stores. Not available in The Range and Swift Stores. *Minimum order of £25 required to use online order and delivery service. Additional £3 delivery charge payable on orders £25-£39.99 for delivery next day or the following day. Free next day delivery for orders over £40 where delivery is to take place on the next day or the following day. A delivery charge of £5 will apply for orders placed for delivery on any other days. Delivery address must be within the delivery catchment area. Delivery slots subject to availability. Customers must register online to use the service. Terms and conditions apply, see www.iceland.co.uk/terms for full details

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 13 NEWS Green light to run cycle route through car park DanieL MuMby Local Democracy Reporter A PoPUlAR Somerset cycling route will be extended in the new year after plans were unanimously approved by Mendip councillors. The Strawberry line is intended to provide a car-free travel route between Clevedon and Evercreech, with different sections being added over time. Mendip District Council applied in March to extend the existing line through its own car park in Shepton Mallet, linking up Collett Park with a stretch of the former railway line leading to Wells. This extension will now become a reality after the council’s planning board voted to approve the plans this week. The longest completed section of the Strawberry line currently lies between Yatton and Cheddar, with smaller sections in place between Draycott and Rodney Stoke and between Wells and Dulcote. It is hoped that the line will eventually stretch from Dulcote through to Shepton Mallet and beyond to Evercreech, following the route of the former Cheddar Valley railway line, which closed during the Beeching cuts of the mid-1960s. Part of the former line runs alongside the A361 Cannard’s Grave Road through a car park near the council’s Weather current offices within the Shape Mendip complex, and then continues under a bridge towards the Townsend shopping centre. Under the council’s proposals, a short section of cycle path will be created along this stretch, connecting the Tesco supermarket to the Collett Park green space, with 35 car parking spaces being sacrificed to make room. > The Strawberry Line car-free route is being extended in Shepton Mallet Nigel Vile The western end of the path will link up with existing paths around Station Road, while the eastern end will allow access to the A37 Whitstone Road via existing paths to the north of Nightingale Close. Robin Horton, who is involved in creating the Shepton Mallet Neighbourhood Plan, urged the planning board to approve the plans He said: “We have got to the very end of every possible ‘i’ to dot and ‘t’ to cross. I cannot possibly see that anybody could come up with anything else to criticise this. “This small but important piece of the cycle network fits in with the aspirations of the neighbourhood plan for the town. “We just really want to get it done now. We’ve got the small piece down by the recycling centre, and if we can get this done we will have some real momentum.” This will be a wonderful extension to help give children safe passage across town to school CLLR EdRiC C Hobbs The newest short stretch of the Strawberry line, connecting Wells to the Charlie Bigham site in Dulcote, opened to the public in october. Cllr Edric Hobbs, who represents the neighbouring Shepton West ward, said he hoped this scheme would lead to further cycling improvements across the town. He said: “This will be a wonderful extension to help give children safe passage across town to school from the Ridgeway estate. “Hopefully we get other crossings in soon, across towards West Shepton and the hospital.” Around the Country Today’s Weather Four-Day Outlook Birmingham Bristol Cardiff Carlisle Exeter Gloucester Leeds Liverpool London Manchester Norwich Nottingham Plymouth Swansea Saturday Sunday °C °F °C °F Around the World Amsterdam Beijing Corfu Majorca Mexico City Moscow New Delhi New York Paris Rio Rome Sydney Tokyo overcast 7 45 fog 5 41 overcast 9 48 overcast 6 43 overcast 8 46 overcast 6 43 sunny 6 43 fog 4 39 overcast 9 48 overcast 8 46 overcast 9 48 overcast 6 43 mist 5 41 overcast 5 41 overcast 7 45 overcast 5 41 overcast 8 46 overcast 7 45 cloudy 6 43 overcast 5 41 mist 8 46 mist 7 45 fog 6 43 fog 5 41 pcloudy 10 50 cloudy 9 48 pcloudy 9 48 cloudy 7 45 Saturday Sunday °C °F °C °F cloudy 11 51 pcloudy 8 47 sunny 3 38 sunny 4 40 sunny 10 50 sunny 9 48 overcast 15 59 sunny 14 58 rain 21 69 overcast 22 72 cloudy -2 29 snow 0 32 sunny 21 69 sunny 20 68 snow 0 32 snow -2 28 sunny 8 47 sunny 8 46 rain 27 81 rain 26 78 sunny 13 55 sunny 11 51 overcast 29 85 rain 32 90 sunny 7 44 sunny 10 50 Skies will be partly cloudy to cloudy today. Afternoon highs will range from 8 to 11C. Sun & Moon Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Truro 8:11 a.m. 4:06 p.m. 3:23 p.m. 7:41 a.m. Almanac Bideford Bristol Cardiff Bideford Plymouth Gloucester Exeter Exeter Gloucester Bristol Taunton Dec. 18 Dec. 26 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Full Last New First Taunton Yesterday's High (°C/°F) 10/50 10/50 10/50 Yesterday's Low (°C/°F) Yesterday's Precip 6/43 0.00" 8/46 0.00" 9/48 0.00" Truro Yesterday's High (°C/°F) 9/48 11/52 11/52 Yesterday's Low (°C/°F) 7/45 8/46 8/46 Yesterday's Precip 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" High Tides Farm fined after worker’s forklift death A SoMERSET farm has been ordered to pay out more than £60,000 after a worker was killed in an incident involving a forklift. on october 17, 2019, Andrew Denning, a self-employed farm worker, was assisting with jobs including animal welfare checks and mucking out a large pig shed close to a telehandler – commonly known as a forklift. As the telehandler, fitted with a bucket, was scraping muck from the floor, Mr Denning was struck and killed as it reversed. Weston-super-Mare Magistrates’ Court heard how a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation established that the farm, C M Stone, failed to ensure that there was a safe system of work in place, with staff not properly segregated from the machine “as far as was reasonably practicable”. CM Stone of The Yards, Woolavington Puriton, Bridgwater, pleaded guilty to breaching section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act. The company was fined £53,000 and ordered to pay £8,000 costs. Speaking after the case HSE inspector William Powell said: “The system of work used at this farm was not safe. Simple measures to keep pedestrians and large farm vehicles properly separated could have prevented Mr Denning’s death. Being struck by a moving vehicle has been the biggest cause of workplace fatalities on farms for several years.” Sunday Overcast. 7°C/ 45°F 5°C/ 41°F Monday Overcast. 7°C/ 45°F 2°C/ 36°F Tuesday Cloudy. 6°C/ 43°F -2°C/ 28°F Wednesday Cloudy. 4°C/ 39°F 1°C/ 34°F Saturday Sunday Milford Haven 6.4 5:35 a 6.4 5:53 p ---- ---- 6.5 6:10 a Swansea 8.8 5:41 a 8.8 6:02 p ---- ---- 8.9 6:18 a Cardiff ---- ---- 11.4 6:16 a ---- ---- 11.6 6:54 a Weston 11.1 5:59 a 11.1 6:20 p ---- ---- 11.3 6:35 a Minehead 9.9 5:38 a 9.8 5:59 p 10.0 6:14 a 9.8 6:36 p Padstow 6.8 4:43 a 6.8 5:02 p 6.9 5:19 a 6.8 5:38 p Newlyn 5.1 4:02 a 5.1 4:18 p 5.2 4:37 a 5.1 4:53 p Falmouth 4.8 4:33 a 4.7 4:51 p 4.9 5:11 a 4.8 5:29 p Plymouth 5.2 4:59 a 5.1 5:18 p 5.3 5:35 a 5.1 5:55 p Torquay 4.7 5:30 a 4.6 5:48 p 4.8 6:05 a 4.6 6:25 p

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WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 15 Man avoids jail for terror group shirts NEWS A man who wore T-shirts supporting banned Palestinian groups among Jewish communities in north London has been handed a suspended jail sentence. Feras Al Jayoosi, 34, from Swindon in Wiltshire, pleaded guilty at Westminster Magistrates’ Court to four counts of wearing an article supporting a proscribed organisation, and was handed a total sentence of 16 weeks in custody, suspended for two years. He was told his autism and Asperger’s reduced his culpability, and meant he would not go to prison immediately. Chief magistrate Paul Goldspring said: “The harm you caused is high – you targeted the Jewish community, particularly in Golders Green. “You had multiple warnings that the path you were taking – the organisations you sought out to align yourself with – would get you into trouble, but you carried on.” The charges relate to him wearing T-shirts supporting Hamas Izz ad- Din al-Qassam Brigades – the military wing of the Palestinian organisa- Staff Reporter news@westerndailypress.co.uk tion Hamas – and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Both groups are proscribed as terrorist organisations in the UK. Three of the charges relate to Al Jayoosi wearing the garments in Golders Green – an area of north London with a large Jewish population – on June 8 and 9 this year. The fourth relates to an incident at Barbury Castle, an Iron Age hill fort in Wiltshire, on May 30 this year. Mr Goldspring said: “This prosecution is not about (you) supporting the cause of the Palestinian people. “You and very many others – rightly – feel very strongly about that. “It’s about supporting organisations that believe the way to solving the problem is in ways that are violent and that we should all abhor. “Do not be under any misunderstanding that your support for the Palestinian cause is somehow not thought to be worthy and lauded – it is. “There were many ways you could have expressed your support for the cause without finding yourself in court.” Mr Goldspring said he did not expect Al Jayoosi to find himself before the courts again, but also said he would probably struggle to find a job in the future with a terror conviction. He was ordered to carry out 100 hours of community service, and was banned from the NW11 post code of north London. He was also ordered to pay £288 to the court. You had multiple warnings that the path you were taking – the organisations you sought out to align yourself with – would get you into trouble Paul Goldspring Village’s bravery recalled A Dorset village has adopted the title of “bravest village” and put it on their new village gates. Shillingstone, near Blandford Forum, put up new gates to help slow traffic driving through the village. However, they needed a sign, and some people remembered that the village had been named one of the bravest during the First World War. So in addition to the name of the village, the parish council decided to add the tag line ‘Home of the bravest village in England’ a title shared with another location in Kent. However, the title is a controversial one. It was first given following a competition during the war by the Weekly Dispatch, which decided the winner by looking at how many men volunteered to fight within the first six months of the war. The Western Gazette reported in 1917 that “after a long interval” the award was given to Knowlton in Kent, a village of only 39 inhabitants which had sent 11 men to war. This was then appealed by the rector of Shillingstone, who said that Knowlton should be regarded as a ‘hamlet’ and not a ‘village’. Ms McNamara said: “At some point they were instructed that they were a runner-up, so they hadn’t won it. When they learned who’d won it, there was a furore. The rector got all sorts of bigwigs on site including Lord Shaftesbury and General Haig.” TURN DINNER TIME INTO SHOWTIME Selected ASDA stores. Subject to availability. Photography shows serving suggestion. May exclude small stores: asda.com/smallstores Retail Industry Awards 2021 Seafood Retailer of the Year Award winner. Blood orange smoked salmon Good Housekeeping Institute taste test approved 2021.

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WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 17 THEATRE REVIEW ‘Panto for grown-ups’ is a funny festive treat > > Kirsty Cox as Ms Stokes and Eamonn Fleming as Derek Fambridge in A Christmas Getaway Pamela Raith A Christmas getaway Ustinov Studio, Bath Head into Bath this season for a Christmas party – sorry, gathering – that will bring some much-needed fun and good cheer. A Christmas Getaway is being hosted at the Ustinov by theatre group New Old Friends, taking a break from their popular Agatha Christie-inspired murder mayhem mysteries. Previously they gave us the hilarious Crimes format, but now the Friends are on tour with an adult show of exceptional seasonal silliness written and directed by Feargus Woods Dunlop. Getaway is a lusty madcap romp between couples who shouldn’t be coupling, the comedy driven by classic farce where the lover is about to be caught by the husband, the wife, or . . . anyway someone who’s being cuckolded. The setting is a family country house at Christmas at which the staff are planning their own party. This is disrupted by the arrival of each of the naughty couples in turn who have sneaked off for a secret assignation (there’s a running semantic joke here but I won’t spoil it). No one expects anyone else to be there, but of course they are with hilarious consequences. The script is filled with alliteration, running gags, double entendres and terrible jokes, all delivered at breakneck speed. Just four actors play numerous parts, including a chorus of carol singers and several of Santa’s reindeer. Trying to keep the couples apart while pursuing his own secret desires is underpaid butler Fambridge (Eamonn Fleming), the anchor amid much midwinter madness. It could be confusing given that Emile Clarke variously plays the husband, a lover, a Frenchman, a reindeer and even a baby. Kirsty Cox appears as both his wife and his illicit lover, the butler’s betrothed, a reindeer, all the carol singers and – you get the picture. Then there’s Sedona Rose, who plays feckless fiancée Kim, ditzy Mitsy the maid, her lover Len – and, in one superbly funny sketch, both Mitsy and Len at the same time. Somehow we keep up because the actors are past masters at delivering multiple characters with comic splitsecond timing, but it’s all so fast and furious that any confusion is just part of the fun. Anyway we’re given a reminder of who’s who at the beginning of the second half in a superb cocktail scene that plays homage to Morecambe & Wise’s breakfast dance sketch. It’s a comedy treat with cocktails served to perfection by Fleming and Cox. Connie Watson’s excellent set transforms the Ustinov’s tiny stage into the country home, complete with mezzanine floor, pillars to hide behind, and a pair of imposing double doors – the latter allowing for any number of comic exits and entrances. This being the season of goodwill, all is wrapped up to the satisfaction of everyone, not least the audience, which breaks into whoops and cheers. For a couple of hours of sheer escapist silliness this is a show not to be missed. It’s panto for the grown-ups. Jackie Chappell ■■ A Christmas Getaway is on at the Ustinov Studio until Saturday, January 8. Call the box office on 01225 448844 or go online at www.theatreroyal.org. uk Celebrating Our Animal Heroes Monday move for annual hunts This year’s Boxing Day hunts are set to return in Somerset on bank holiday Monday as opposed to Boxing Day. Boxing Day falls on a Sunday this year, which is a day hunting does not take place, according to the Countryside Alliance. The majority of the hunts and their supporters will be holding their traditional Boxing Day meet on Monday, December 27, with no trail hunting on the Sunday. Boxing Day hunts were curtailed last year amid Covid-19 restrictions. The Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt will hold their annual Boxing Day meet at 11am in Castle Cary on the Monday. The Seavington Hunt will also be meeting on the Monday at 11am in Crewkerne, while the Mendip Farmers’ Hunt will meet on Priddy Green at 10.45am, according to their Facebook pages. Although there are currently no restrictions on outdoor gatherings, some hunts have decided to move to larger venues to maintain social distancing. The Countryside Alliance said it will continue to monitor government announcements regarding Covid restrictions and any changes to Covid legislation to ensure that Boxing Day hunts meet in a “safe and secure manner”. WATCH NOW ON YOUTUBE, 7PM SCAN ME!

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WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 19 NEWS Chief ‘tried to get me to drop ring of steel objections’ > > Cheap Street is part of the planned ring of steel in Bath Paul Gillis A businesswoman claims Bath’s top council officer tried to pressure her into dropping her objection to the city’s ring of steel. Hannah Downey accused Bath and North East Somerset Council of treating residents with contempt after chief executive Will Godfrey allegedly told her an inquiry would waste time and £60,000 of public money. And she attacked the Liberal Democrat leaders who she said were risking the city’s security pursuing their own political goals of ousting cars from the centre. A public inquiry is set to be held in the spring after Ms Downey maintained her objection to the anti-terror traffic regulation order (ATTRO) for York Street because she needs to access her business. She told the cabinet meeting on December 15: “I was given no guarantee that the concerns I have with the ATTRO will be addressed and that I would have reasonable access to our property once the scheme is fully implemented. “I felt pressured by the council to withdraw my objection and was even called by the chief executive, who suggested I was simply a time waster and I would be squandering £60,000 of public money by instigating a public inquiry.” Mr Godfrey did not respond during the meeting but the webcast showed him shake his head at that comment. Ms Downey added: “This was not the way a council official should behave in order to get what they want. “I have a right to my opinion. I STEPHEN SUMNER stephen.sumner@reachplc.com cannot stand by now and watch the ransack of the city by poor decision making.” She claimed the council’s proposed ring of steel did not match what Avon and Somerset Police had requested and risked security, while “making the lives of residents, trades, deliveries and businesses a misery”. Ms Downey, who has had a property in York Street for 25 years, said: “The council needs to be transparent and honest. I feel they’ve treated the residents of Bath with contempt. “If this is a covert way of getting cars out of the city then the council is potentially risking the security of the city as a whole in pursuit of its own political goals. This is unacceptable.” Cllr Manda Rigby, cabinet member for transport, questioned her claim that business would suffer. She said the Abbey Quarter Business Association, representing 60 of 61 businesses in the area, supported the closure of York Street. Mum-of-three Ms Downey said she needs to access her property between 10am and 6pm, and forcing coach passengers, tradespeople and deliveries to use Terrace Walk creates an “unacceptable and unsustainable” danger. The ATTRO would restrict entry until 10pm. Access is currently limited by barriers installed to allow for social distancing that will be removed on January 1, however York Street will close on January 6 to enable public realm works ahead of the opening of the World Heritage Centre. A B&NES Council spokesperson said: “The council’s priority is to keep the public safe but to also balance accessibility for residents, business and blue badge holders. The mitigations we have put in place strike the right balance. “The decision to proceed with the public security measures follows months of extensive consultation, talks with disability access groups and meetings with businesses and residents. “However, the council will trigger a public inquiry for one street in the scheme after one member of the public upheld their objection to the traffic regulation order for anti-terrorism purposes in York Street, despite the council’s work to mitigate concerns and overwhelming support from the Abbey Quarter Business Association. “In response to the objector’s question to the council on the cost of an inquiry, they were advised it would be in the region of £60,000. A public inquiry is held when an objection remains to the traffic regulation order and agreement cannot be found. It is anticipated the inquiry will be held in the spring.” Despite the public inquiry, measures are set to be installed as planned in Lower Borough Walls, Stall Street, Abbeygate Street, Abbey Green, Swallow Street (south), Bath Street, Beau Street, Hot Bath Street, Cheap Street, Westgate Street (including Parsonage Lane), Saw Close and Upper Borough Walls.

ON 20 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS NEWS Gardeners could see peat banned by 2024 The use of peat for gardening could be banned by 2024 to protect the climate and nature under plans being put out for consultation by the Government. Under new proposals, the sale of compost containing peat would be phased out in the amateur horticulture sector in England and Wales by the end of this Parliament, to cut carbon emissions and conserve wildlife habitats. Peatland is a key carbon store and extracting peat for use in horticulture releases carbon emissions, as well as damaging key wildlife habitats, and reducing the landscape’s ability to absorb water and curb flooding. While a ban is the Government’s preferred option, it is also consulting on alternatives including a sales charge on bags of compost that contain peat and mandatory labelling detailing the environmental reasons to avoid it. Options being put out for consultation also include possible exemptions, for example for scientific uses. Conservationists said the plans by the Government only scratched the Emily beaument news@westerndailypress.co.uk surface of the problem of peat in horticulture and called for an immediate ban on use by amateur gardeners and the wider industry. But the horticultural industry claimed that neither a ban nor a sales tax would address fundamental problems with the availability of alternatives to peat and called for Government support for the sector to make the move away from it. Launching the consultation, the Government said composts with comparable quality to peat-based products were available, such as wood fibre, green compost, wool and coir, or coconut fibre. Ministers said curbing peat sales, as well as efforts to restore peatland landscapes, would help towards the UK’s targets to cut climate emissions to zero overall by 2050, known as net zero, and restore nature. Environment Minister and Taunton Deane MP Rebecca Pow said: “Our peatlands are an incredibly valuable natural resource. They play a crucial role in locking up carbon, provide habitats for wildlife and help with flood mitigation. “The amateur gardening sector has made huge strides in reducing peat use and there are more sustainable and good quality peat-free alternatives available than at any other time, so I am confident now is the right time to make the shift permanent.” The horticulture industry said peat use had fallen to 35% of ingredients in bagged compost sold by garden centres and other retailers, and it was committed to removing it from retail operations by 2025-28 and for professional nursery plant production by 2028-30. But with a voluntary target being missed to end its use by amateur gardeners by 2020, set by ministers in 2011, Ailis Watt, from the Wildlife Trusts said the Government had dragged its heels on the issue for a decade. “We need to see an immediate ban on use of peat by individuals and the wider horticulture industry, an immediate cessation of peat extraction in the UK and an immediate ban on import of peat and peat materials. “Though this new consultation is a step in the right direction, the measures proposed only scratch the surface of the problem. We need to end the use of peat in horticulture entirely, with immediate effect, not wait until 2024 as the Government proposes.” Free Snowman book Subject to availability, while StockS laSt. PluS £5 oFF when you SPend £20 on bookS & Stationery > > Environment Minister and Taunton Deane MP Rebecca Pow says now is the right time to move away from peat Dan Seamarks/Richard Graham MP But James Barnes, spokesman for the horticultural industry’s Growing Media Taskforce, said: “Positive collaboration with Government, not an unnecessary ban, unrealistic timescales and threats of yet more taxes is the key to a horticulture sector without peat.” Pick uP at The festive season is upon us, and to get you in the Christmas spirit we have teamed up with WHSmith to give you a FREE copy of The Snowman. Raymond Briggs’ The Snowman is as compulsory at Christmas time as board games, hot cocoa and Christmas carols. Whether you’re young or old you’ll definitely adore the story of The Snowman. Plus it’ll make the ideal Christmas present or stocking filler! And whilst picking up your free book, why not also take advantage of an exclusive offer to get £5 off £20 on books and stationery including Xmas cards and wrap at WHSmith! Whether you’re stocking up on Christmas essentials or getting some gifts, this will be the perfect festive saving! So, don’t miss out on these amazing offers - and visit your local WHSmith High Street store today. How to claim: the Snowman: To claim this offer, simply cut out the voucher and present it at the checkout in your nearest WHSmith High Street store, where a member of staff will present you with The Snowman book. This offer is valid until Monday 20th December, subject to availability. Please read the terms and conditions on the voucher before redemption. £5 off a £20 spend: To claim this offer, simply cut out the voucher and present it at the checkout in your nearest WHSmith High Street store alongside stationery and book products coming to the value of £20 or more. Please note you can use this offer at the same time as claiming the FREE The Snowman book. This offer is valid until Tuesday 21st December. Please read the terms and conditions on the voucher for exclusions. FREE BOOK: ‘THE SNOWMAN’ AT VALID UNTIL MONDAY DECEMBER 20, 2021 To reader: To claim your free The Snowman book simply cut out this voucher and present it at the checkout of any participating WHSmith High Street store. Terms and Conditions: This voucher entitles the holder to a free The Snowman book. This voucher is valid until Monday December 20, 2021. Stock will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, whilst stocks last (limited availability). This offer excludes WHSmith Outlet Stores, Online, ‘Books by WHSmith’ at Selfridges, Harrods, Arnotts and Fenwick’s stores, WHSmith ‘Local’, and all Travel Stores including those at Airports, Railway Stations, Motorway Service Stations, Hospitals, selected Garden Centres and workplaces. One book per customer only. Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, promotional voucher, privilege card or discount card. All vouchers must be surrendered upon use. Photocopies will not be accepted. No cash alternative. WHSmith reserves the right to reject any discount card it deems, in its sole discretion, to have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with. For further information on which of your local stores is participating in this promotion, please contact WHSmith customer services on customer.relations@whsmith.co.uk / 0333 600 5000 T £5 OFF WHEN YOU SPEND £20 Valid until Tuesday December 21, 2021 ON BOOKS AND STATIONERY INC. XMAS CARDS AND WRAP To reader: To claim £5 off books and stationery, simply cut out this voucher and present it alongside your qualifying item/s at the checkout of any participating WHSmith High Street store. Terms and Conditions: This voucher entitles the holder to £5 off a minimum £20 spend on books and stationery as well as Xmas cards and wrap. This voucher is valid until Tuesday December 21, 2021. Subject to availability. Exclusions apply. This offer excludes WHSmith Outlet Stores, Online, ‘Books by WHSmith’ at Selfridges, Harrods, Arnotts and Fenwick’s stores, WHSmith ‘Local’, and all Travel Stores including those at Airports, Railway Stations, Motorway Service Stations, Hospitals, selected Garden Centres and workplaces. Voucher is only valid for single use. Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, promotional voucher, privilege card or discount card. All vouchers must be surrendered upon use. Photocopies will not be accepted. No cash alternative. WHSmith reserves the right to reject any discount card it deems, in its sole discretion, to have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with. For full terms visit whsmith.co.uk/tillvouchers If your free ‘The Snowman’ book is not available at your local WHSMith High Street store, please call 01420 525 504 between 10am and 3pm on Monday December 20 and Tuesday December 21, 2021. Alternatively you can email reach@webfulfilment.com with the subject header: the Snowman O

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 21 BUSINESS UK retail sales picked up pace in November UK retail sales accelerated in November as shoppers hit the high street for early Christmas shopping and Black Friday, according to official figures. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said retail sales volumes increased by 1.4% for the month, accelerating from a 0.8% increase in October. The reading was better than expected, with analysts having forecast that growth would remain steady at 0.8%. The ONS said sales volumes across the sector were now 7.2% higher than their pre-pandemic levels from February 2020. November was boosted by nonfood sales in stores, which lifted by 2% for the month. It highlighted that this was particularly boosted by 2.9% growth in sales at clothing stores, which saw sales surpass pre-pandemic levels for the first time. Henry Saker-Clark news@westerndailypress.co.uk The latest data also showed that motor fuel sales increased by 3.7% in November following disruption to supplies in the two previous months, although volumes are still 1.9% below pre-pandemic levels. Meanwhile, sales in food stores dipped by 0.2% for the month. The ONS said the proportion of retail sales which were online moved back to 26.9% in November, as it slid back again to its lowest proportion since March last year. Heather Bovill, deputy director for surveys and economic indicators at the ONS, said: “Retail sales picked up in November, boosted by strong Black Friday and pre-Christmas trading. “Clothing stores fared particularly well and have exceeded their prepandemic level for the first time. “Computer, toy and jewellery retailers also reported robust sales this month. “With more consumers choosing to visit the high street and retail parks, the proportion of online sales continued on a downward trend, to their lowest level since March 2020.” Lisa Hooker, consumer markets leader at PwC, said: “Pleasingly, almost every category of retail benefited, with even the hardest hit sectors such as fashion powering ahead of pre-pandemic levels. “In fact, the only slowdown was online, which saw its share of overall retail decline, as shoppers returned to retail parks and high streets. “But a month is a long time in retail. > > Shoppers in Bristol on Black Friday Paul Gillis “The worst that high streets had to contend with in November was the aftermath of Storm Arwen. “By the beginning of December, the effects of the Omicron variant had begun to impact across the UK, and footfall has already begun to drop in city centres as shoppers heed advice to work from home and reduce household mixing.” Stock up on delicious craft beer • Includes: • * £30 WITH CODE: 5XMASBOX nd can be applied to multiple orders. Full price is £35 Please drink responsibly

22 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS BUSINESS HSBC fined £64m over anti-money laundering failing The UK’s financial watchdog has hit banking giant HSBC with a £63.9 million fine for failings in its anti-money laundering processes. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued the punishment after finding “serious weaknesses” across HSBC’s automated systems used to monitor hundreds of millions of transactions a month to identify possible criminal activity. It highlighted three key failings which were found over the eight years from March 2010 to March 2018. This included failures to consider whether the scenarios it used until 2014 to identify money laundering and terrorist financing covered relevant risks, as well as “poor” risk assessment of new scenarios after 2016. The FCA also reported failures to “appropriately test and update the parameters” of the bank’s systems. HSBC was also found to be inadequately checking the accuracy and completeness of the data being fed into its monitoring systems. The bank did not dispute the findings and agreed to settle at the earliest opportunity, resulting in a reduction in the fine from £91 million. Aer Lingus to launch flights from West Country to Dublin hannah baker hannah.baker@reachplc.com Irish airline Aer Lingus is launching three new routes from the West of England to Dublin. The flights, from Bristol, Newquay and Exeter, will operate under a franchise agreement by Emerald Airlines as Aer Lingus Regional. The carrier will start operating three daily flights from Bristol Airport to Dublin from March 27, with options for connections to 11 destinations in North America including New York, Newark, Boston, Chicago, Washington Dulles, Philadelphia, Orlando, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Toronto. Aer Lingus will also be launching four weekly flights from Cornwall’s Newquay Airport from April 29, connecting to New York, Boston, Washington Dulles, Chicago and Philadelphia. The airline will also be flying five times a week from Exeter to Dublin from April 29, connecting to the same airports as Newquay as well as Newark Liberty International Airport and Toronto. The announcement is part of Aer Lingus’s strategy to expand Dublin Airport as a hub airport, the carrier said. The airline said its goal is to build to pre-pandemic levels of flying and it expects “continued momentum” in customer demand. Lynne Embleton, Aer Lingus chief executive, said: “Today is about opportunities. Opportunities for our UK customers to connect with ease to Aer Lingus flights to North America and to take advantage of the US preclearance facility. “Opportunities for customers across UK and Ireland as we develop the Aer Lingus regional network. And opportunities for the Irish economy and Irish aviation as we expand our hub at Dublin. “It has been a pleasure to work with the team at Emerald Airlines to > > Aer Lingus jets at Dublin Airport accelerate this partnership and start operations 10 months ahead of the original schedule.” Conor McCarthy, Emerald Airlines chief executive, said the “time was right” to begin operations under the Aer Lingus Regional brand. “Our customer-focused schedules will offer choice, convenience and great value for both regional and transatlantic air travel,” he said.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 23 Shares West Stocks highlighted Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Price +/- Year Year High Low Aerospace & Defence Avon 1125 +1481/2 3582 916 BAE 5325/8 -25/8 5993/8 4621/8 Chemring Group 2941/2 +6 338 258 Meggitt 7333/8 -5/8 8391/4 3887/8 QinetiQ 2583/8 +133/8 356 243 Rolls-Royce 1141/4 +7/8 1471/2 87 Senior 1213/8 -5/8 1811/8 831/4 Ultra Electronics 3136 -2 3370 1856 Banks Barclays 1807/8 -11/4 2023/4 1331/2 HSBC Hldgs 4451/2 -23/4 4551/2 3593/4 Lloyds Banking Gp 461/8 -1/4 511/8 33 NatWest Group 2193/8 -41/4 2341/4 1475/8 Standard Chartered 4317/8 +13/4 5215/8 410 Beverages Barr (AG) 523 +3 582 466 Britvic 918 +21/2 1006 745 Diageo 3977 +201/2 4016 28121/2 Chemicals Carclo 361/2 +1 683/4 121/8 Croda International 9922 -323 10410 6082 Elementis 1313/4 +1/2 1613/4 108 Johnson Matthey 19621/2 -291/2 3300 1959 Porvair 720 +18 720 512 Synthomer 3883/4 -113/4 564 3883/4 Victrex 2382 -12 2706 2056 Zotefoams 430 +15 494 355 Construction & Materials Balfour Beatty 2513/4 +41/4 3223/4 2333/4 Barratt Devel 7205/8 7943/4 6281/4 Bellway 3243 +32 3712 2722 Boot (Henry) 287 +9 292 235 Costain 471/2 693/8 47 CRH 3803 -10 3921 3022 Galliford Try 181 +13/8 2061/4 1073/4 Gleeson MJ 740 +12 900 714 Keller Group 965 +43 1028 661 Kier Group 1033/8 +1/4 133 741/4 Kingspan Group 98 -21/2 106 53 Marshalls 6901/2 -11/2 845 628 Morgan Sindall Gp 2400 -20 2685 1426 Persimmon 2747 +17 3238 2514 Taylor Wimpey 1673/8 -1/4 1913/4 1461/2 TClarke 142 +2 183 883/8 Vistry Group 11331/2 +14 13461/2 842 Electricity Drax Gp 589 +31/2 601 3395/8 SSE 1609 +17 1682 13011/2 Electronic & Electrical Eq Dialight 320 -11/2 380 238 Halma 3068 -38 3165 2233 Morgan Advanced 3381/2 +1 4121/2 2831/2 Oxford Instruments 2575 +50 2680 1730 Renishaw 4700 +88 6900 4368 Ross Group 21/2 41/8 1 Spectris 3573 -27 4083 2791 TT Electronics 250 290 198 Volex 327 -41/2 4931/2 303 Xaar 1663/4 -1/4 2581/2 113 XP Power 5080 +20 5700 4210 Equity Inv Instruments Aberdeen Diversified 993/8 +3/8 1021/2 92 Aberforth Smaller Cos 1408 +4 1612 1120 Alliance Trust 1024 -4 1078 868 AVI Global Trust 1052 -4 1110 839 Bankers IT 122 +3/8 1223/8 104 BlackRock Wld Mining 570 +9 691 502 Caledonia Investment 3815 +50 3875 2630 City of London IT 390 +2 4021/2 3501/2 Edinburgh Inv Tst 618 +4 643 511 Electra Private Equity 623/8 -25/8 670 623/8 F&C Investment 918 941 750 Fidelity Eur 332 341 2631/2 JP Morgan Japan IT 663 -14 739 592 JPM Euro IT Gwth 377 -5 393 294 Merchants Trust 554 +9 557 428 Middlefield Canadian 114 -3 1221/4 89 Monks Inv Tst 1348 -2 1484 1276 Murray Income Tst 900 +2 952 794 Murray International Tst 1158 +6 1230 1076 North American Inc 286 +2 2921/2 2321/2 RIT Cap Partners 2710 2765 1992 Scottish Inv Tst 817 -7 852 688 Scottish Mortgage 13581/2 -11/2 15431/2 1017 Temple Bar IT 1084 +12 1172 911 Templeton Emerging Mkts 1783/8 +15/8 2143/8 1731/4 Witan Inv Tst 244 -1/2 257 215 Fixed Line Telecoms BT Group 1673/8 +11/8 2055/8 1221/8 Telecom Plus 1558 +32 1558 1010 Food & Drug Retailers Greggs 3024 +33 3192 1698 Sainsbury (J) 2711/4 +3/8 340 2173/4 Tesco 2843/8 +2 2857/8 2191/4 Food Producers Anglo-East Plantations 726 +20 772 562 Assoc Brit Foods 19521/2 +69 2494 1727 Carrs Group 1551/2 1671/2 1223/4 Cranswick 3688 +40 4148 3348 Devro 2011/2 +27/8 2271/2 1481/4 Glanbia 13 +3/8 151/4 97/8 Greencore Gp 1253/4 +7/8 1703/4 1057/8 Kerry Group A 1141/2 -1/2 1293/8 1001/4 Premier Foods 1065/8 +25/8 1221/4 881/4 REA Hldgs 1081/2 +1 109 50 Tate & Lyle 6553/8 +23/8 8153/4 6293/8 Unilever 3982 -1/2 4481 3733 Forestry & Paper Mondi 18161/2 +211/2 2068 16961/2 General Financial 3i Group 1424 +51/2 1454 1107 Brewin Dolphin 3531/2 +1 406 290 Close Bros Group 1360 +22 1685 1293 Coats Group 673/8 +5/8 793/4 56 Hargreaves Lansdown 1349 -181/2 1788 1304 IG Group 7871/2 -21/2 9521/2 750 Intermediate Cap 2134 -21 2379 1667 Investec 3931/4 +63/4 3983/4 1831/4 IP Group 120 +13/8 1551/4 913/4 London Stock Exchange 6808 +78 9852 6502 Man Group 2191/4 +4 2421/2 1315/8 Paragon 5541/2 +11/2 570 4393/8 Provident Finl 3283/4 -81/4 3815/8 184 Rathbone Grp 1922 +4 2065 1478 Schroders 3439 -19 3871 3281 Schroders NV 2245 -45 2735 2180 TP ICAP 1403/4 +7/8 2621/2 1267/8 General Industrials Smith (DS) 3853/4 -11/4 4621/4 3581/4 Smiths Group 15481/2 +21/2 1661 13551/2 General Retailers Brown (N) 37 +1/4 797/8 363/4 Caffyns 525 550 345 Currys 1135/8 1591/4 1081/4 Dunelm Group 1358 -27 1551 1141 Halfords 3303/8 +1/4 435 255 Howden Joinery Gp 8711/4 +31/4 9755/8 6621/4 Inchcape 8571/2 +41/2 933 630 Kingfisher 3373/8 +33/4 3763/8 2623/8 Lookers 635/8 +11/8 723/8 21 Marks & Spencer 2245/8 +11/2 2481/4 1287/8 Next 7772 +14 8426 6594 Pendragon 213/4 -1/4 227/8 105/8 Studio Retail Group 233 233 233 Ted Baker 1011/4 +15/8 2123/8 94 Topps Tiles 673/4 755/8 55 WH Smith 1400 +651/2 2016 1311 Health Care Eqpmnt & Serv Smith & Nephew 1240 +13 16681/2 1202 Household Goods Headlam Group 421 -1 536 355 McBride 541/4 -1/4 945/8 541/4 Reckitt Benckiser 6230 +9 6801 5391 Victoria 1210 +35 1210 610 Industrial Engineering Assoc Brit Engineering 15 15 15 Bodycote 8291/2 +1/2 9841/2 6871/2 Castings 359 +1 420 344 Goodwin 3100 -5 3935 2790 Hill & Smith 1734 -8 1902 1256 IMI 1705 -26 1838 1165 Molins 158 158 158 Renold 301/2 +1/2 34 113/4 Rotork 3493/8 -11/4 3765/8 3135/8 Severfield-Rowen 68 +1/4 825/8 653/4 Spirax-Sarco 15380 -320 17135 10710 Trifast 1631/2 +81/2 165 124 Vitec Group 1415 -10 1615 828 Weir Group 16411/2 -49 2107 16001/2 Industrial Transportation Braemar Shipping 231 +2 310 150 Clarkson 3635 +35 4180 2460 Esken 131/2 -3/4 391/4 117/8 Fisher (James) 292 +21/2 1270 2891/2 Ocean Wilsons 935 1135 825 Royal Mail 4961/4 -23/4 6063/8 3231/4 Wincanton 344 470 240 Leisure Goods Games Workshp 9865 -80 12220 8975 Hornby 40 691/2 373/8 Photo-Me 621/4 +7/8 783/4 435/8 Life Insurance abrdn 2367/8 -7/8 3311/8 230 Aviva 4027/8 -23/4 4261/4 3141/4 Hansard Global 455/8 -3 65 407/8 Legal & General 2871/4 -43/4 2977/8 2431/2 Prudential 1275 +11/2 15851/2 11721/2 St James Place 1615 -111/2 1692 1113 Media 4imprint 2835 +85 3170 2205 Bloomsbury Pub 353 +9 401 260 Centaur Media 56 57 271/2 Daily Mail & Gen Tst 269 -799 1146 269 Euromoney Instl Inv 927 -3 1112 924 Future 3498 -20 3910 1694 Hyve Group 891/2 +21/8 1521/8 847/8 Informa 502 +16 5985/8 4643/8 ITV 1073/4 +23/8 1321/2 991/4 Moneysupermarket.com 204 +43/8 3053/8 1973/4 Pearson 604 +153/8 8693/8 5713/4 Quarto Group 1111/2 1111/2 521/2 Reach 262 +1 420 1331/4 RELX 2340 -33 2424 16921/2 Rightmove 767 +53/8 779 5553/4 STV Group 333 -11 3771/2 276 Wilmington 220 +14 240 1501/2 WPP 1091 +21/2 11151/2 7653/4 Mining Anglesey Mining 33/4 + 87/8 31/8 Anglo American 2943 +461/2 3444 23541/2 Anglo Pacific Res 1285/8 +5/8 160 1151/4 Antofagasta Hldgs 13691/2 +161/2 1925 1282 BHP Group 21791/2 +6 23751/2 18351/4 Bisichi Mining 90 1321/2 60 Kenmare 438 -2 466 304 Rio Tinto 4876 -7 6658 43751/2 Mobile Telecommunications Vodafone Group 1141/4 +25/8 1423/8 107 Nonlife Insurance Admiral Grp 3109 +5 3688 2850 Beazley 4181/4 -43/8 4231/8 2943/8 Hiscox 8583/8 -53/4 1007 770 Oil & Gas Producers BP 3333/4 -51/4 3635/8 252 Capricorn Energy 1841/2 +3/8 213 1255/8 JKX Oil & Gas 393/4 - 54 181/2 Premier Oil 356 -4 6471/4 3101/8 Royal Dutch Shell A 1593 -34 1786 12973/4 Royal Dutch Shell B 15953/4 -313/8 18013/8 1246 Soco International 223/4 +1/4 273/4 171/2 Tullow Oil 445/8 +3/8 65 253/4 Oil Equipment & Services Hunting 160 +25/8 2895/8 1443/8 Petrofac 1171/2 +43/4 182 913/8 Wood Gp(J) 1853/4 -11/4 3601/2 1773/4 Personal Goods Burberry Gp 1745 +291/2 2264 1687 Creighton 82 -6 134 57 PZ Cussons 194 +5/8 2741/2 1933/8 RiverFort 11/4 21/4 1 Worthington Group 851/2 851/2 851/2 Pharma & Biotech AstraZeneca 8513 +45 9444 6794 Dechra Pharms 5005 +83 5405 3272 Genus 5005 +75 6070 4088 GlaxoSmithKline 16133/8 -51/4 16185/8 11903/4 Hikma Pharma 2220 +22 2690 2193 Oxford Biomedica 1068 -4 1634 921 Real Estate Big Yellow Gp 1663 +15 1679 1053 British Land 519 +111/4 5443/4 4293/4 Capital & Regional 62 +21/2 92 54 Cardiff Property 2050 2050 1720 Derwent London 3334 +34 3802 2960 Grainger 312 +63/8 335 2595/8 Hammerson 321/8 +3/8 441/4 191/4 Helical 445 +17 497 350 Highcroft Invs 875 900 680 Land Securities 7511/4 +10 7661/4 607 London & Assoc Prop 141/2 181/2 71/2 McKay Secs 221 -1 239 191 Mountview Estates 14150 14750 10900 Primary Health Props 1483/4 1695/8 144 Savills 1401 +29 1431 9511/2 Schroder Real Est 351/4 351/4 351/4 SEGRO 13841/2 +6 1422 8753/4 Shaftesbury 5961/2 +13 669 5111/2 Smart (J) 1461/2 148 1111/2 Town Centre 135 1451/4 96 TR Property IT 484 +61/2 510 364 Unite Group 1062 +14 1237 930 Software & Comp Serv Aptitude Software Grp 530 +24 725 445 Aveva Group 3257 -2 4220 3107 Computacenter 2772 +40 3030 2086 Gresham Technologies 172 1761/2 1321/2 Parity 63/4 131/2 61/4 RM 139 139 139 Sage Group 8133/8 -23/4 8275/8 5585/8 Triad Group 130 150 461/2 Support Services Ashtead Gp 6032 -108 6450 3371 Babcock Intl Grp 308 +1/4 3801/4 199 Bunzl 2867 -21 2968 2150 Capita Group 36 +23/8 523/4 321/4 DCC 6078 +66 6614 5178 De La Rue 1481/4 +1 207 1395/8 Diploma 3292 +8 3460 2072 discoverIE Gp 967 +20 1262 610 Electrocomponents 1177 +26 1255 8531/2 Essentra 326 +9 3321/2 251 Experian 3513 -23 3649 2273 Hays 1397/8 +1/4 1763/4 1373/4 Homeserve 8551/2 +41/2 1212 8031/2 Intertek Group 5546 +22 6198 4775 Kin and Carta 287 +2 348 119 Macfarlane Grp 134 +11/2 145 825/8 Mears Group 190 +11/2 224 146 Menzies (J) 2761/2 +61/2 353 2001/2 MITIE Group 60 +3/4 771/4 401/2 Pagegroup 628 -5 6801/2 4413/8 Paypoint 605 -14 741 566 Redde Northgate 250 250 250 Rentokil Initial 535 +7 6361/4 4645/8 Ricardo 445 +19 490 339 Robert Walters 804 +36 850 453 RPS Group 121 130 681/4 Serco Group 132 +3 1453/4 115 SIG 431/2 -11/2 631/2 283/4 Smiths News 345/8 -3/4 453/8 26 Speedy Hire 591/2 -5/8 81 591/2 SThree 300 300 300 Travis Perkins 15251/2 +81/2 1830 11633/8 Tribal Grp 971/2 +1/2 110 78 Vp 970 +10 1060 750 Technology Hardware & Equipment BATM Adv Comms 781/2 +11/4 1221/2 743/4 Northamber 671/2 77 511/2 Spirent Comms 2685/8 +11/4 3001/4 2281/2 Vislink 17 17 17 Tobacco British Amer Tobacco 27621/2 +73 2914 24851/2 Imperial Brands 1588 +171/2 1674 1333 Travel & Leisure 888 Holdings 292 -31/4 478 2831/2 Carnival 12453/4 +411/4 18653/8 1165 Compass 15561/2 +22 1646 13101/2 easyJet 5083/8 +127/8 1095 4857/8 FirstGroup 1043/8 +1 1053/4 67 Fuller S.T.A. 640 954 620 Go-Ahead Gp 6421/2 +271/2 1435 600 Intercontl Htls 4475 +46 5336 4399 Intl Cons Airl 132 +5 2177/8 1253/4 Marston’s 69 +21/2 1011/4 65 Mitchells & Butlers 228 +63/8 3571/2 215 National Express 2491/4 +143/8 3281/4 2135/8 Rank Group 1421/4 +53/4 207 123 Restaurant Grp 803/8 +43/4 1395/8 595/8 Ryanair Hldgs 143/8 +1/4 181/8 14 Stagecoach 84 +3 1081/8 651/2 Wetherspoon (JD) 8511/2 +331/2 1404 811 Whitbread 2769 +56 3595 2713 Utilities Centrica 661/2 -13/8 681/4 413/4 National Grid 10733/4 +30 10733/4 8063/8 Pennon Group 1181 +2 17241/4 1129 Severn Trent 2929 +27 2934 2168 United Utilities 1102 +12 1130 8591/4 AIM 600 Group 131/4 161/2 83/8 Advanced Medical S 325 +5 341 2221/2 Afentra 141/2 19 93/8 Alliance Pharma 1043/8 +1/4 110 78 Alumasc 225 2771/2 111 Aminex 5/8 3/4 3/8 Andrews Sykes 486 6171/2 480 Arkle Resources 11/8 11/8 11/8 ASOS 2209 +99 5918 2110 Aukett Fitzroy Robinson 21/8 21/8 13/8 Best of the Best 72 72 72 Billington Hldgs 233 -2 342 233 Blackbird 14931/2 +191/8 16465/8 13695/8 Braime Grp A Non Voting 2250 2400 1420 Brand Architekts Group 1121/2 200 1121/2 Celtic 1021/2 1271/2 941/2 Chamberlin 63/8 133/4 61/8 CML Microsystems 405 469 300 Colefax 640 675 420 Concurrent Tech 75 114 721/2 Crimson Tide 27/8 - 4 21/2 Cropper (J) 1290 -35 1575 1015 D4t4 Solutions 285 400 2431/2 Dart Group 959 +203/8 15641/2 9385/8 Dewhurst 1490 2710 1200 Dewhurst A 645 +10 875 545 Dillistone Group 21 271/2 16 Dolphin Capital Investors 41/8 41/2 3 Ebiquity 511/2 61 183/8 Eckoh 54 80 463/4 Eco Animal Health 155 395 152 Egdon Resources 13/8 + 23/8 11/4 Eleco 931/2 146 781/2 Feedback 7/8 - 11/2 5/8 Filtronic 113/4 123/4 71/2 Finsbury Food 941/2 -1/2 102 703/4 Fletcher King 44 50 321/2 Futura Medical 315/8 -1/8 675/8 13 Gooch & Housego 1185 1550 1105 Grafenia 5 81/4 4 Great Eastern Energy 261/2 431/2 8 Griffin Mining 941/2 +11/2 1531/2 781/2 Heavitree Brewery 290 400 290 Heavitree Brewery A 200 267 200 Helios Underwriting 165 216 1321/2 Iomart 156 +5/8 337 140 James Halstead 556 +2 578 478 Johnson Service 1273/4 +3/4 1803/8 1223/8 Journeo 110 137 48 Latham (J) 1295 1365 865 Lok’n Store 925 990 585 London Security 2630 2660 2220 M&C Saatchi 165 +1 1781/2 793/8 Majestic Wine 675 +18 888 613 Mirada 74 821/2 60 Mothercare 181/4 -7/8 193/4 103/8 MS Intl 215 240 115 Mulberry Group 335 407 199 Nanoco Group 201/4 +1/4 297/8 91/4 Netcall 68 88 50 Next 15 Comms 1240 1280 490 Nichols 1410 +30 1640 1080 Northern Bear 63 651/2 47 Numis Corp 325 398 3081/2 Ovoca Bio 113/4 15 83/4 Oxeco 1/2 - 7/8 1/2 Panther Securities 275 315 175 Pennant Intl 301/2 511/2 26 Personal Group 313 -2 385 202 Petrel Resources 15/8 35/8 15/8 Pittards 551/2 72 46 Portmeirion 660 -5 700 480 Prime People 74 +41/2 78 53 Publishing Technology 126 126 126 Pursuit Dynamics 323/4 -1/4 47 211/4 Quantum Blockchain 3 + 37/8 1/4 Real Good Food 31/8 -1/8 45/8 11/2 Renew Holdings 790 -16 872 502 Rockhopper Exploration 61/8 -3/8 12 43/4 RTC Group 431/2 65 351/2 Rua Life Sciences 731/2 -71/2 1761/2 731/2 Sabien Technology 301/2 581/4 173/4 Sagentia Gp 442 +17 490 2751/4 Sanderson 76 76 76 Secure Property Dev & Inv 71/4 71/2 5 Slingsby (HC) 190 270 190 Sportech 341/2 -13/4 401/4 26 SRT Marine Systems 40 44 301/8 Sutton Hrbr Grp 23 271/2 161/2 Synetics 105 150 1021/2 Tasty 5 77/8 27/8 Telme Group 715 +181/2 954 6941/2 Thorpe (FW) 475 520 321 Time Finance 231/2 +1/4 313/4 201/2 Tintra 521/2 +21/2 105 35 Titon 109 140 90 Trakm8 Hldgs 24 27 141/2 Univision 7/8 23/4 7/8 URU Metals 155 535 155 Vertu Motors 651/4 -1/4 701/4 30 Wynnstay Group 548 592 3211/2 Wynnstay Props 7021/2 750 565 Young Brewery A 1500 +10 1675 1110 Young Brewery N/Vtg 808 +22 982 7371/2 Zoo Digital 116 151 61 British Funds Conv 2.5% 100.00 100.00 100.00 War Ln 3.50% 100.07 100.07 100.07 Tres 8.75% 17 101.69 101.69 101.69 Tres 5% 25 114.19 -0.05 121.67 114.19 Tres 6% 28 136.72 -0.10 146.98 134.69 Tres 4.25% 32 134.71 -0.05 144.75 130.22 saturday £30,000 for every ticket in this winning postcode LE5 1AF Humberstone

24 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS WDP Martin Hesp on Saturday Read Martin’s column every week in the Western Daily Press What’s a chap to do – go to the pub or not? To be, or not to be? Worried, I mean. That is the question. For example, should a chap visit the pub and have a pint with friends during the festive period, or should we take Professor Chris Whitty’s advice and avoid unnecessary get-togethers? We’re all in a state of mild quandary at the moment. If it’s not a visit to the pub we worry about, then it might be a festive restaurant meal or a trip to crowded Christmas shops or the theatre. I’ve long since given up taking advice from politicians of any creed, but when the health experts and scientists say we ought not to be coming together in groups unnecessarily then I, for one, think it is worth paying attention. And I say that as a fully-boosted, relatively fit bloke who is not particularly worried about the virus and my own health. But, like most sensible folk, I am deeply concerned about the NHS and the stresses it will endure in the coming weeks. So, do we pop out for something like a quiet drink with friends in the village pub, or not? When there’s a full lockdown, we know what’s what. Or most of us do. The lines in the sand are clearly stated and we act accordingly. Conversely, in normal times we simply get on with life, making decisions as best we can. But, at the time of writing, we seem to be in a halfway house – and the problem is that we humans are not very good at navigating amorphous grey areas. That is why they put white lines down the middle of roads. When Covid first hit, I wrote in these columns how strange it was for someone of my age to have to say to his grown-up children: “I do not know. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. None of us have. So I don’t know how this thing will play out.” That is not something your average, hopefully sensible, 60-something usually gets to say to younger people who look to them for guidance. It was exactly two years ago that the Chinese government discovered the first cluster of patients with ‘pneumonia of an unknown cause’. It was February 28, 2020 when UK officials first announced that a Covid 19 case had been passed on within this country’s borders. And two days ago the UK reported its highest number of daily infections since the pandemic began, with England’s chief medical officer warning that more Covid records will be broken. All this, and we are still wandering about the place feeling bemused… We simply do not know – about a whole lot of things. Including whether or not to go down the pub. One thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes during this continued limbo, strange or alarming things come along that make us sit up and think. For many of us one of those alarming moments arrived this week when the news that dear old Jethro had succumbed to Covid was announced, despite the Cornish We’re in a quandry this Christmas...but we can always dig out a Jethro video and have a laugh comedian having been vaccinated three times. I knew Jethro years ago – he used to call me Sherlock for some reason I won’t bore you with. One memory I hold dear is of the moment I called his road manager who owned an early car phone and to my surprise it was answered by the famous funnyman and not my friend Andy… “He’s driving,” explained Jethro in that unmistakable voice. “Actually, he’s paying the toll. We’m on the Severn Bridge.” I laughed and asked if he was pulling my leg (I bet a lot of readers will know why I asked). Jethro said they really were crossing from England to Wales and duly proceeded – right there and then on the phone – to recite one of his bestknown anecdotes. Which, if you don’t know it, relates to being stuck in a traffic jam on that very bridge. On the phone, Jethro pretends he really can see two men having a pee over the balustrade and how he can hear one of them – a man with a Cornish accent who is clutching his own male appendage – remarking how cold the water is 200 feet below. The other (of a different ethnic background) replies with that famous killer punchline about being more surprised by the depth of the sea than the temperature. One of Jethro’s most famous jokes… and no doubt politically incorrect. But I loved the fact that I’d been treated to my own personal performance while the comedian was on the actual bridge. A moment to hold dear in my memory’s trophy cabinet. I also was honoured, by the way, to know Jethro’s brother Les who passed away recently and recall some funny and moving stories he told me in his Penzance pub and when we met on one memorable occasion out in the Scillies. May he also rest in peace. A sombre note upon which to wish readers a happy and relaxing Christmas next Saturday. We may be in a quandary about exactly what we should be doing but if I know readers of this newspaper like I think I do, then common sense will prevail. If you’re really stuck for something to do, dig out an old Jethro video and have a politically-incorrect laugh. We know how to enjoy ourselves ... at the Covid test centre If there’s one thing you can say about us Martins it’s that we know how to have a good time. There’s almost nothing we won’t do as long as it’s a bit of a laugh. Late nights, early mornings, trains, planes, bars, restaurants, nightclubs – ha, ha, ha. This week the original good-time kids found themsleves in a ramshackle car park in the back end of an industrial estate. No, we were not involved in some shady deal to get stuff to make the weekend go faster, but we were involved in making ourselves gag by poking with little fluffy sticks down the back of our throats. We’d take it in turns throwing back our heads, opening wide, and tickling our own tonsils until we retched. Each would laugh at the other as we had to go through this hideous ordeal four BILL MARTIN times each before sticking the stick right up one of our nostrils and turning it round ten times just to complete the comedic routine. Hilarious. We had tears in our eyes, but I guess this was more from gagging and retching rather than the comedic genius of the moment. As we sat in the car we were surrounded by several figures wrapped deep in winter clothes and wearing official highvisibility tabards. All wore masks, and some stood lonely under a few temporary tented structures that would keep them dry but certainly not warm. Occassionally they would knock on the window and shout through the glass. The whole scene made me think of an emergency field hospital that had been constructed in some sort of dystopian futuristic disaster movie. But it wasn’t. This of course is modern-day Britain, and we were in one of a steady stream of cars arriving at the Covid 19 drive-in testing centre. This is also firm evidence that, despite all the noise surrounding Boris and his gang of blustering buffons, the rest of the country is doing their best to get on with things. The drive-in test centre is fabulously efficient. An appointment for both Mrs Martin and I was booked on my phone, the technology was excellent, we turned up at the appointed time, we were bleeped in, given a bar coded test pack, tested ourselves, sealed it and drove home. Our results – both, wait for it, negative – arrived by text message just as I was waking up this morning. Brilliant. I had the same sense of quiet efficiency when I was up the jab centre for my booster a few weeks ago, and when I dropped the boy off for his jab this week. There were long queues when he arrived, but the mood was friendly, patient, collaborative and united. Very British indeed. Despite all the screaming headlines and the disconcerting spread of the new variant, the general public is doing what we have to – learning to live with coronavirus. This time last year I didn’t know a single person who had contracted Covid-19. but this time around I know dozens. Touch wood, I don’t know a single person that has died, and while some I know have been very poorly, most have compared having the virus to “just like having flu”, “a cold” or “just feeling rubbish”. Everyone I know has been obeying most of the rules when they get it, staying in and not mixing. In this house we don’t want Boris to cancel Christmas, but we are perfectly prepared to cancel it ourselves if we have to. We were due a catch-up with friends this weekend but have opted out with Christmas just a week away. We have learned to live with it – and we still know how to have a good time.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 25 WDP Boris has lost nation’s trust – he must resign On June 10, 2016, Devon Tory MP Mel Stride wrote to a local newspaper and said about the £350m/week which Boris Johnson had promised the NHS after Brexit: “It’s a lie” and, “Enjoy the animated pigs flying over this misleading whopper”. Now he, all other Tory MPs and in fact the whole country, know it’s Boris Johnson who is the ‘whopper’. He has lost the trust of the nation in the middle of a pandemic, when trust is needed to save lives. He is unfit to be Prime Minister. He should resign. Mike Baldwin Devon Illegal parties were trying to discredit PM The impressive byelection defeat in Shropshire this week is wrongly presented by the BBC as the consequence of illegal parties held by junior civil servants and not the fault of the Prime Minister, junior ministers or his Secretaries of State. Such parties seem to me more likely to be conspiracies by public employees trying to discredit the PM, attempting to reverse Brexit and add the possibility of renewed extended career ladders, working in Brussels. Tony Maskell Devon Sir Lewis showed lack of sportsmanship The newly-knighted Sir Lewis Hamilton displayed a lack of sportsmanship when he and his team threw a hissy fit over losing the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix to Max Verstappen last Sunday. It brought to mind British Olympic boxer Ben Whittaker’s less-thangracious and unsporting gesture when he stuffed his silver medal in his pocket, instead of placing it around his neck at this summer’s Tokyo Olympics – throwing his toys out of the pram because he didn’t win gold! It’s sad to see one of the world’s great sporting nations increasingly shamed by ‘sportsmen’ (and their fans) who are incapable of accepting defeat graciously. Robert Readman Dorset Who’s in charge of Formula One? Who actually controls F1 now? The American sponsors or the FIA? The recent race in Dubai was a debacle! The stewards (in my opinion) were correct in their first adjudication. Later in the race, we had safety time, Mr Verstappen took his chance to change tyres. Mercedes however did not, knowing that Mr Hamilton could rest his rubber. The same happened again. Drivers told not to regain their lapped positions. Out of the blue comes a decision meaning Mr Verstappen is now right behind Mr Hamilton. My question is, the main US Letters powered by What do you think? sponsor expects a spectacular showcase everytime regardless. Should that be to the detriment of followers? Myself, I follow the young ones pursuing their dreams. In my eyes, well done to the new World Champion, although it may be somewhat of a hollow victory. Shaun D Cocker By email Greater focus needed on health inequality In response to Ross Coad’s letter of 11th December alerting us to Médecins Sans Frontières, I have shared their website – they are currently asking for donations for medical care in Afghanistan (https:// msf.org.uk/). Heath inequality is one of the things I wish we could reduce in the world. Regarding the challenge of a growing world population, there is little that I am prepared to do on ethical grounds. However, reducing inequality in education, particularly among women, has been shown to be an effective way to encourage smaller family sizes and it also decreases inequalities across the societies helped in this way. I wonder if any readers can recommend a charity that specialises in women’s education? I found careinternational.org.uk via an internet search. I will also lobby my MP to call for a greater focus on educational and health inequalities for our foreign aid budget, sadly depleted by government decisions. Tim Fairs Penryn Cornwall Unfortunately, due to restrictions on non-essential travel and an emphasis on staff working from home, the office is closed and we are currently unable to receive letters by post. Please use the email address letters@westerndailypress.co.uk Omicron is already out of stable door It would seem that if we respond to the PM’s ‘Vaccination plea to fight the tidal wave of Omicron’, it’s already the case of ‘shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted’. Nationwide, the virus is already totally beyond any measures to restrict its spread. It has been often said, if you listen carefully, that it will produce a milder flu-like form on infection, rather than the current variant. For those who survive its attention – and there will be many – will come a growing pool of immunised individuals, whether they were vaccinated or not. Interestingly, no mention has been made as to how this group of people should be treated at this time. Bear in mind that if a booster jab is given there will be some delay before protection is enhanced and the recipient will remain vulnerable to infection. I am all for those in special needs groups to receive the booster, but for the whole population it seems to be pointless? Sadly, what the handling of the pandemic has demonstrated is the NHS, which was founded to look after the health of the population, mismanaged by successive governments to the point where the roles have been reversed. Richard Deane Devon Wearing-a-mask law is to protect us I do believe the Government’s > > Boris Johnson pictured yesterday leaving Downing Street, after news that the Liberal Democrats had overturned a massive Tory majority to win the North Shropshire by-election Joshua Bratt Is the party over for Boris Johnson? Should he resign? Join the debate by emailing letters@westerndailypress.co.uk and including your name and address decision to commence part of its Plan B and implement a strategy of booster jabs ‘on demand’ is absolutely right, and I am pleased Sir Keir Starmer has indicated that the Opposition will support the Government. The arithmetic of infection becomes clearer every day – the projected figures on infection, some of which will be repeat infections, suggests the NHS’s ability to manage it becomes increasingly unlikely. The NHS is gearing itself to meet the challenge of getting Britain vaccinated and I do believe we can all play a very important support role. The county councils, district councils and town councils should prominently display clear notices to the public to get all their jabs done now. They should ask every shop and every business to display the same clear message in their shop or office window. Employers can make it known to all employees they can take an hour off to go and get jabbed. Trade unions also have a role to play. I would hope that we taxpayers, and non-taxpayers, will defend our neighbours, friends and relatives, and our NHS, and put a notice on our front gate or in the garden saying ‘Please get your vaccination done NOW!’ or something similar. I do respect an individual’s right not to be subjected to an injection against his/her wishes. At the same time, I believe the law should tell a motorcyclist he/she must wear a crash helmet when driving on a public highway. We have a law that says we must wear a seat belt while travelling in a motor vehicle on a public highway. We have a law that says you may not carry a knife in a public place. All these laws are designed to protect the public person. I also believe the law should have the right to require that an adult person must wear an approved face mask or shield when walking, running or standing in a public place. Don Frampton Devon Why does Cornwall need more towns? I read with horror that 3,500 houses are planned to be built west of Truro. This is not a ‘garden village’, it is a town. Why do we need more towns in Cornwall? The authorities seem determined to ruin our lovely county. Tourists do not come here to look at housing estates, they come to enjoy the quiet and peace of countryside and moors, and of course the wonderful coast. There’s also a new road to be built. How many green fields will be sacrificed for all of this? There will be no tourist trade at all if they go on at this rate. Janet Feasey Dorset Sunday buses should really be increased WE all recognise the need for exercise, especially walking. After over 18 months of walking from room to room, around the garden, and around our town, we now want to encourage the use of rural and coastal paths, and paths that we never knew existed until this pandemic hit us. We either do not want to use, or cannot afford to use our cars, so we attempt to use our bus services. Unfortunately, the prime time for the majority of us to attempt the joy of a bus journey and a walk is on Sundays. However, this coincides with the ridiculous decision of removing the majority of bus transport from our roads, which I, and many friends, do not understand. Why, at a time when families, pensioners and others could be encouraged to use their free Sunday times to visit, shop and generally get out of the house, are their transport options greatly reduced? Come on let’s try to greatly increase the number of Sunday buses and maybe even to decrease fares. We may even see a reduction in our waist sizes! Dere Elliott Cornwall You’re right about New Zealand farms My congratulations to Roger Evans who has written an engaging article on December 11 about farming in New Zealand. He is correct about the disgusting farming tactics used. Tell the public to stop buying their products and support British farmers. William Howard, By email

26 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS THE LONG READ ‘Now people have been told to work from home, it’s going to be tough’ The closure of the Bristol Broadmead M&S next month will hit Big Issue seller Damian harder than most. The 35-year-old has been a permanent fixture outside the store for years but now it’s closing, he needs to find a new pitch. It’s not the only thing on his mind as the temperature plummets and winter sets in. Although he’s living in a hostel when he’s not staying with friends, he is fearful of tighter coronavirus restrictions and the growing possibility of further lockdowns. “I’m really hoping we don’t go back to lockdowns or back to how it was,” Damian tells me over a coffee in a nearby cafe. It’s just before 10am and Damian has arrived on time for the prearranged interview prior to starting ‘work’ for the day. And Damian does call his Big Issue selling ‘work’. He takes it seriously and when he’s finished his daytime shift outside M&S, he has a break before heading over to the Hippodrome, where he stands in the evenings in the hope that theatregoers will buy a copy of the magazine from him. It wasn’t always like this. Originally from Somerset, Damian used to have a flat, a girlfriend and a job. He also has a 16-year-old daughter but he hasn’t seen her “for ages”, he said, and is unlikely to see her this Christmas either. ”I haven’t got any other family so I’ve been on my own for years. I’ve At a time when most of us are looking forward to a Christmas with family, it’s not the same for everybody. Mark Taylor looks at what life is like in the middle of winter for Big Issue sellers got some friends but it gets very lonely. “I’ve been properly homeless for long periods before, though, but I don’t like begging – I have a lot more respect for myself wearing the red Big Issue bib and selling the magazines.” Big Issue sellers buy the magazines from the local office for half the £2.50 cover price and get to keep the other half. Damian says Big Issue also helped him and fellow vendors during the pandemic. “Big Issue gave us some money every fortnight for essentials during lockdown and without that I would have really been in trouble. But since the end of lockdown, it has been really hard work because there are less people around and now I have to find another good pitch when M&S closes. “Even my regulars aren’t regular anymore and now they’ve told people to work from home again, it’s going to be tough. “Christmas is when we make decent money because it’s a double issue but there just aren’t many people in town.” > > Many Big Issue sellers have a card reader so the public can pay with their contactless cards, which has helped a lot Damian has had one Covid jab and is awaiting his second, but he’s not unduly worried about getting the virus as he’s outside most of the time. But with snow forecast, it’s the winter he’s more concerned about, although one of his regular customers recently bought him something to help keep warm. “Somebody bought me some lovely thick gloves from M&S the other day, which was really kind. “Standing around selling magazines is hard work and I do get depressed sometimes. “Most people are nice but there are the odd rude ones and you just have to brush it off. “I like to keep myself busy so when I’m outside the Hippodrome, I direct people to the right entrances – the staff joke that I’m one of their unofficial helpers now!” He said he has helped a few homeless people to sell the Big Issue over the years, but some prefer to beg as “they get more money that way”. Damian added: “What I really want is a full-time job. I actually applied for a few bike courier jobs but it’s hard when you live in a hostel most of the time. I am very fit because I walk everywhere so I could easily cycle around doing deliveries.” Like other Big Issue vendors, Damian has a card reader so the public can pay with their contactless cards, which has helped a lot. “People can’t say ‘sorry I haven’t got cash’ these days which is good but I’m only making half of what I was before Covid. If we get another lockdown, it’s going to be really bad news.” These are sentiments echoed by Elena, who sells the Big Issue outside Sainsbury’s on the junction of Gloucester Road and Cheltenham Road. “There haven’t been so many people since lockdown and I think a lot of customers are still shielding,” says Elena. Elena has been a regular on this pitch for six years and she’s on first name terms with most of her regular customers. As I talk to her, one regular, Ginnie When I moved from Romania, it was very difficult and I’m very grateful to them because every time I’ve an emergency or was going through a hard time, Big Issue was always there for me, they always try to help Mallinson, stops off to buy the latest Christmas edition of the magazine. ”Elena is always smiling come rain or shine and always so positive,” Ginnie tells me. “She’s very much part of the area and I’ve been buying from her for about four years. I went away for a while and when I came back she gave me the biggest hug.” Elena, 50, started selling Big Issue when she came to England from Romania. She had relatives here and she stays with them now. big issue seller Elena “When I registered for Big Issue, I did a couple of weeks outside McDonalds in Broadmead but since then I’ve been here on Gloucester Road,” she says. “I didn’t know a single word of English when I came to Bristol, but I learned English from talking to customers and also Big Issue gave me English lessons.” Elena says she sells the magazines in all weathers because it’s her main income, although she has also worked in restaurants, washing dish-

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 27 THE LONG READ > > Bristol Big Issue seller Damian; far left, fellow seller Elena ‘Vendors need you now more than ever’ The livelihoods of Big Issue vendors “hang on the edge of a precipice” as new restrictions come into force to deal with the renewed virus crisis, the magazine’s founder has warned. Lord John Bird, top, called for public support as high streets become quiet again in what would normally be the busiest time of the year. He said the Big Issue’s 1,300 vendors need urgent help, citing the “incredible generosity” of members of the public and businesses over the past 18 months. Lord Bird said: “We managed to weather the last 18 months but this Christmas our vendors’ livelihoods hang on the edge of a precipice. “Our vendors have no choice but to ‘work from home’ on the streets, which are, once again, quieter and present less of an opportunity to earn their way out of trying circumstances to a more promising future. “The vendors need you more than ever before and we would love you wonderful people to make buying The Big Issue a part of your yearly Christmas traditions, as much as buying the Christmas pudding, gifts for family and friends or decorating your Christmas tree are.” Big Issue vendor Hugh McErlean, who sells the magazine in London, said: “The rule change means sales are down, it’s been empty with nobody buying the magazine in the last few days and it should be the busiest time of year.” Sam Woodlock, another Big Issue vendor in London, said: “Since people have been told to work from home, they’re doing what they’re told and there’s no one out here. The fact is Big Issue vendors can’t work from home.” es at night. “I work all the time but the Big Issue has really helped me. “When I moved from Romania, it was very difficult and I’m very grateful to them because every time I’ve an emergency or was going through a hard time, Big Issue was always there for me, they always try to help.” Elena says she hopes 2022 will see her have a bit more financial stability but she doesn’t worry about the pandemic due to her faith. “I’m a religious person and I feel that God will protect me and look after me,” she smiles. “And I never take it personally when people don’t want to buy a magazine or don’t want to stop. The secret is to keep smiling, be polite and be nice to people.” Big Issue has helped more than 92,000 vendors earn over £115 million in the last 25 years. Currently, there are around 1,300 vendors up and down the UK who last year alone earned a total of £5.5 million through selling the magazine. But with tighter restrictions on the cards for the coming weeks, it’s a worrying time for vendors who may suddenly find the streets even quieter than they are now. Lord John Bird, founder of The Big Issue, said: “We are in peril once again and, as before, our vendors will be hammered hard. “Christmas would usually be our busiest time of year but, with the new restrictions meaning people will be working from home, our 1,300 vendors across the UK need your support. “Please buy a copy of the magazine this week from your local vendor or subscribe online and make a difference to the lives of some of society’s most vulnerable people, who are working hard to change their circumstances.” > > John Bird, founder of The Big Issue

28 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS COUNTRYSIDE Counting the cost of someone else’s crime Figures just released reveal a shocking increase in cases of fly-tipping last year. Simply not good enough, Bridgwater and West Somerset MP Ian Liddell- Grainger tells Defra Secretary George Eustice Dear George, Strange though it may seem, very few farmers hereabouts look forward to the time of Christmas decorations with any great enthusiasm. Because the nature of the decorations I am referring to consist of the tons of Christmas detritus that ends up decorating field gates, drives or anywhere else it can be conveniently dumped under cover of darkness. The removal of which – as if farmers didn’t have enough on their plates at the moment – is the responsibility of the owner or occupier. You will not be unfamiliar with this topic but what has prompted me to raise it with you is the latest missive on the subject from the CLA which has dropped into the mailbox and which quotes Defra’s own figures showing that in the last year more than a million fly-tipping incidents have been reported, a 16 per cent year-on-year increase. This, George, is simply not good enough and merely proves that the legal framework is not working. Specifically not enough is being done to trace and apprehend the offenders, get them into court and hit them with the maximum fines and penalties the law provides for. Lenient, slap-on the-wrist penalties are never going to worry the habitual tippers or bring forth apologies and a promise not to do it again. However, hit them with the maximum £50,000 fine or bang them up for 12 months – or both – and they might reflect seriously. George, clearly not only is the present system not working, the soft touch shown by the courts – where a fine will often fall dismally short of the costs of bringing a case – is not having the least deterrent effect. I return to the matter of tipped litter being the farmers’ responsibility. This is total nonsense. Let me just spell out a few facts. Two-thirds of farmers and landowners have been afflicted by this scourge in the last year, despite 85 per cent of the farming/landowning community having resorted to gates, barriers and even CCTV to try to stop it. The average cost of dealing with someone else’s dumped waste comes to £800 but in certain cases can run into tens of thousands. And try as I might, George, I can think of no other instance where an innocent party has to bear the cost of someone else’s crime. Can you, perchance? Fly-tipping cases may have risen > > The average cost of dealing with someone else’s dumped waste comes to £800 but in certain cases can run into tens of thousands, says Ian (only by a ‘mere’ nine per cent in the South West but by a shocking 29.8 per cent in the east of the country) yet the number of fixed penalty notices issued has dropped by 24 per cent, the number of court fines has decreased by 51 per cent and the monetary value of fines imposed has fallen by 62 per cent. Hardly the hallmarks, George, of a legal system which is making a serious attempt to stamp out this blight. And the more the figures move that way the more emboldened, you can be sure, the serial offenders will become. Neither the courts, the Environment Agency (surprise, surprise!) nor the local authorities are, in my book, doing anything like enough to get on top of this problem and control if not eradicate it, despite the tools necessary to do so being available. None of them is doing its job properly, which merely confounds the misery being visited on farmers and landowners by legislation which appears to have been framed with the sole intention of victimising the innocent rather than catching and punishing the offender. Yours ever, Ian David Handley Reasons to be cheerful are... plentiful As this is my last column of 2021 – and particularly given the air of gloom Covid is still casting over us – I thought I should try to lift your spirits with a few positive observations as we head towards whatever kind of Christmas we can salvage from the current situation. And on casting my eyes across the farming landscape I do indeed see some indications which give rise to a modest degree of optimism. Among them the sight of a young farmers’ movement which is positive, outward-looking, more than ready to take on a challenge and (most encouragingly) increasingly dismissive of what the NFU does, says or thinks. These are people who will be taking over the reins in a farming environment which will have changed completely from the one the rest of us have known for the last 40 years. They may not be in receipt of the same level of financial support as we have become used to but, equally, neither will they be shackled and weighed down by centralised bureaucracy where the goal of ensuring the best collective deal for all members of the EU has so often overridden the interests of the individual. They will be free to shape a new, dynamic framework for agriculture in this country where we have the benefits of a benign climate, diverse landscapes, a fund of world-beating technical expertise and an unparalleled spirit of entrepreneurship: assets which should soon see us striding away well ahead of all our rivals. One of the benefits of life outside the EU has already appeared: the reestablishing of our lamb trade with the US – an arrangement which is soon going to bring transformational change to the sheep sector. And the positives keep coming. Many vegans are (if you’ll excuse the pun) repenting and returning sheepishly to the fold after experiencing a range of health problems linked directly to a meat-free diet. And when one reads that their problems have ranged from memory loss, mouth ulcers and migraines to lack of sex drive you start to realise what a perilous thing a vegan diet can be. Chris Packham’s Wild Justice char- ity has recently had its High Court challenge to Defra’s moorland burning policy thrown out and been ordered to pay costs. And although there is still a lot of clamour for rewilding it’s becoming clear, equally, that our need to increase food production as more of the world becomes too hot or too dry to grow it is always going to be the prime objective for those of us managing the land. And what of the politicians? Well, George Eustice has obviously done his sums and concluded that not only does British farming not require subsidising on the scale it has hitherto enjoyed, farmers can in fact live on little more than fresh air – which is how he has been able to reduce his tree-planting grants to a size the more uncharitable souls among us would be tempted to describe as so small as to be not merely derisory but utterly meaningless. George has also declared that he wants to see the two million Britons who currently rely on food banks being able to afford to eat good, British produce grown on our British farms. I’m delighted to hear that. It will simply require him to sweep away the AHDB and Red Tractor, all their levies, and all their costly restrictions, rules and regulations. It’s as simple as that. And, given that Christmas is a time of miracles, I’m about to sit back and see how he goes about it. Happy Christmas!

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 29 COUNTRYSIDE River plants can be life saver for our salmon Is there a silver bullet to halt the decline in salmon stocks? The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust is trying to find out In response to three decades of declining Atlantic salmon in most of their native range, scientists are looking at how the management of juvenile habitat can maximise the numbers and quality of seaward-migrating salmon smolts to increase survival at sea and the number of returning spawners. A new study recently published in Ecological Applications, has found that high cover of aquatic plants in summer increases the abundance, growth and feeding of juvenile salmon and could reduce competition between juvenile salmon and trout. Natural habitats in rivers provide resources for fish growth and reproduction, refuges from predators, and protection from inclement environmental conditions. In upland, fast flowing, rivers these benefits are provided by the large substrate mix of the river beds. However, lowland rivers lack these large substrates. Recently published research, which was funded by the G & K Boyes Charitable Trust and carried out by Dr Jessica Marsh at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) has uncovered the importance of instream vegetation to juvenile salmon and trout. Dr Marsh who completed her PhD study at Queen Mary University of London, supervised by Prof John Iwan Jones, set out to test the influence of aquatic plants on juvenile salmon and brown trout in the lowland rivers, using the River Frome, in Dorset. By manipulating the cover of water crowfoot (Ranunculus) at nine sites and monitoring the fish, macroinvertebrate prey and physical river characteristics over a two-year period, Dr Marsh was able to investigate the effects of plant cover on abundance, growth rates, feeding opportunities and competition between salmon and trout. Dr Marsh explained: “Populations of wild Atlantic salmon are in decline throughout most of their range, and the rivers of southern England are no exception. Brown trout are also facing pressures from predation, habitat It is important to ensure juvenile fish have the best possible habitats in which to thrive dr jessica marsh degradation, pollution and warming water temperatures. It is important to ensure that juvenile fish have the best possible habitats in which to thrive. This research identified that instream aquatic vegetation has benefits for juvenile salmon (and to a lesser extent, trout), and demonstrates that river restoration aims for lowland rivers might be achieved through the promotion and even enhancement of naturally occurring Ranunculus beds to improve the production of both salmon and trout juveniles.” The study found that increased Ranunculus cover supported a higher abundance of juvenile salmon in summer and autumn. Additionally, the salmon were more likely to remained within areas of increased cover and grew faster during the summer months, than salmon in areas with reduced cover. Both salmon and trout benefited from improved feeding opportunity and less competition in the sites with increased Ranunculus cover, as the study found that they consumed larger prey and a higher biomass of prey than in low cover sites. Dr Rasmus Lauridsen, Head of Research at GWCT and supervisor of the study said: “Wild salmon populations have declined dramatically, in some areas by as much as 70 – 80% in the last 30 years. The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) has been monitoring salmon numbers in the River Frome, at our Salmon & Trout Research Centre since 1973. Creating one of the most comprehensive records of salmon movement and survival in England and Wales. “As a wildlife conservation organisation with an internationally recognised research centre for salmon and trout, we strive to support research that is both scientifically robust and has practical applications. The study carried out by Dr Marsh illustrates how habitat quality impacts production of juvenile salmon and trout and the findings have clear management > > Meadow crowfoot flowers. Aquatic plants like this could help save salmon and trout stocks in our rivers Charlotte Sams applications for river restoration techniques in lowland rivers”. Prof John Iwan Jones, Head of the River Communities Group at Queen Mary said: “This research has shown that by promoting the naturally occurring Ranunculus beds that are so characteristic of our lowland rivers we can improve conditions for other threatened species, such as salmon and trout. Lowland chalk streams suffer from many pressures. This work has implication for how best to restore these important rivers and the species that live in them”. ■■ The paper High summer macrophyte cover increases abundance, growth, and feeding of juvenile Atlantic salmon is published in Ecological Applications. Discarded face masks threat to wildlife There was 91 times more litter from face masks recorded in the first seven months of the pandemic, creating plastic pollution which could last hundreds of years and potentially increasing the spread of coronavirus, according to a new study. Now the researchers at the University of Portsmouth are urging the Government to launch legislation to prevent PPE littering after two million items were collected across 11 countries. They warn that face masks can act BEN MITCHELL news@westerndailypress.co.uk as a vector to spread Covid-19 and cause infrastructure problems such as blocking sewers. Also, face masks can pose a threat to animals as they can choke on them or suffer problems if the masks are eaten. They can also damage plant life. And in the long term, the researchers warn that dropped face masks can help transmit pollutants as well as becoming micro plastics that enter the food chain. Lead researcher Dr Keiron Roberts said: “There is a clear need to ensure that requiring the use of these items is accompanied with education campaigns to limit their release into the environment.” Professor Steve Fletcher added: “Despite millions of people being told to use face masks, little guidance was given on how to dispose of them or recycle them safely. Without better disposal practices, an environmental disaster is looming.” Beach Guardian Despite millions of people being told to use face masks, little guidance was given on how to dispose of them or recycle them safely Professor Steve Fletcher

30 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Cashing In in brief Thieves might be delighted you hid presents in the car Hiding gifts could prove a costly mistake It can be tempting to find hiding places for Christmas gifts outside the home, where loved ones won’t be able to take a sneaky peek. Car and home insurance expert Ryan Fulthrope from GoCompare (gocompare.com) asks: “If your car is broken into or stolen, would your gifts be covered?” GoCompare found that for those claiming on car insurance, out of 327 standard comprehensive car insurance products, 306 would cover personal possessions as standard – but with varying degrees of financial cover. When there is a cash limit involved, 43 policies would cover possessions worth £400 or more, 98 offered cover between £250 and £399, 109 covered between £150 and £250, and 56 policies would cover less than £150 if personal possessions were stolen. This would change if your windscreen or windows are broken in the process. GoCompare found 306 standard car insurance policies cover windscreens as standard, with an additional 13 policies covering for side windows smashed in a theft. For pricier Could you afford gifts, it might be to replace gifts if worth looking at they are stolen? whether they would be covered by home contents insurance. When GoCompare looked at home contents policies, it found some would cover personal possessions in a car, up to certain stated amounts. But some insurance companies will only cover everyday items – and may not cover gifts hidden in a car. GoCompare says checking the exact wording of home contents policy is important – and firms may want proof that items were hidden from view in a locked boot. People may also be tempted to move gifts from the car to the garden shed. As well as making sure it’s locked, it’s also wise to check with your insurer whether your items would be covered there. Cava Anna de Codorniu Brut Cava £11.99, Waitrose Cellar HHHHI This cava is an ideal festive gathering crowd-pleaser. It has a feminine lightness of touch but isn’t shy with its aromas and flavours of peach, citrus and flowers. Chardonnay is the key grape in the blend, so there are hints of fresh and dried apples too. The bubbles dance a Spanish flamenco in the glass and the acidity is refreshing and mouthwatering. A cava is a lovely change from champagne. Kylie Minogue Organic Brut Reserva Cava £12, Sainsbury’s HHHHI We should be so lucky, lucky lucky, lucky… that pop princess Kylie has put her name to a selection of wines. One of them is this cava which is aged for at least 15 months (the word reserva is a quality tip when you’re looking at these sparklers). Imagine the lightness of blossom, crisp fresh apples and apple crumble too, with a lush of vanilla. I’d sip this with friends and tapas nibbles. Morrisons The Best Marques de los Rios Cava Brut £9, Morrisons HHHHI Dried fruit, cinnamon, green apples. Champagne Veuve Monsigny Champagne £13.99, Aldi HHHHH Look at that price. For that, you get a wine with delightful depth of bruised apples, cinnamon and brioche on the nose. Flavours are complex with fresh apples, pear, vanilla and apple crumble. At this price it can be a part of your life when you wrap presents, want a giggle with the girls, want to toast the New Year, and want a livener with the obligatory turkey curry. Tesco Finest Premier Cru Champagne £21, Tesco HHHHI Mmmm, this smells amazing. click & save Add a splash of colour to the kitchen with a snazzy Russell Hobbs Emma Bridgewater polka dot design kettle with a price boiled down from £79 to £59 at ao.com. If you’re searching for the complete look, there’s a four-slice toaster also down from £79 to £59. SparkLing inspiration Have yourself a merry fizz-mas with these bubbles, taste-tested by wine writer Jane Clare Those were my first thoughts on this sparkler and there’s so much more. Pour a glass and breathe in limes and lemons, shortbread and vanilla. A sip leaves a fresh, fruity taste and a soft creaminess, much like you’d find in hazelnuts. It’s a corker of a cava for less than a tenner. A wine like this would bite through the deliciousness of roast pork or a Boxing Day ham joint. Crisp red and green apples, pears, vanilla and butterscotch, all come to the aroma party. It is fresh and tangy while at the same time feeling luxuriously soft, nutty and creamy. The bubbles pip-a-pop constantly wishing us all a merry festive time. Don’t be scared of serving this champagne with food, especially something a little fatty as the acidity cuts through it. It would be great served with the cheese course (if you manage to reach that bit!) Champagne Jean de Foigny Brut Premier Cru NV £22, The Wine Society HHHHI I loved this wine with all its complexity. But don’t be scared by that word; it is deliciously easy to sip and very, very approachable. Budget or bust...scented candles SAVVY Spiced berries & apple candle, £5, Tesco Spend Winter spice candle, £10, avon.co.uk Arestel Cava Brut £5.29, Lidl HHIII Reflect on the price and know that this is a nice, easy drinker. It is light with floral notes and understated vanilla, brioche, bruised apples and lemons. It’s not a star turn, but the perfectly pleasurable pocketfriendly bubbles can be popped at family gatherings. Cava’s acidity makes it amazing with fish and chips; sip Arestel with a downtime chippie tea between Bruised apple pops up out of the glass, followed by crisp red apple skins and a flick of lemon. Oh, not forgetting vanilla, brioche and a tease of caramel. If you were planning a special night of drinks, and you’d like people to say “oh that’s nice”, choose it. Delacourt Brut Champagne £25, Marks & Spencer HHHII Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a visit to one of M&S’ food halls now would it. While you’re there, pick up this sparkling delight. The wine has consistent beads of bubbles which aren’t shy in raising the aromas of red fruits to the top of the glass. A hint of peachy stone fruit comes into play, and the palate is left fresh, revived and happy. Splurge Winter spice candle, £25, John Lewis *All prices correct at time of going to press and subject to availability grab it now Christmas and New Year. Or mix it up with lemon and gin to make a French 75 cocktail on Christmas Eve. Co-op Cava Brut £6.75, Co-op Best HHHII buy I often buy this cava. I’ll have a sneaky sip with the doggie minder as a “let’s be happy” midweek treat. In my blind-tasting I’d given this wine an asterisk and the words “a good rush of fizzing excitement”. I was happy to see the Co-op label in the Big Reveal. It’s not as flavoursome as Kylie or Anna, but it still offers apple crumble, toffee, nougat and freshly sliced apples. Add a dash of Chambourd for a glass of fruity luxury. For the palatepleasing price, it’s my Best Buy. Think of seafood, think of the crisp bubbles, and definitely think of smoked salmon. Co-op Les Pionniers Non-Vintage Champagne £19.50, Co-op HHHHI This wine from is consistently one of my favourites every Best buy Christmas and I don’t hesitate to declare it my Best Buy. It’s made for the Co-op by top champagne house Piper Heidseick. The balance of ripe red apples, shivering citrus, brioche and nuttiness against a refreshing acidity, make it not too complicated to savour but still very elegant. Pop as guests arrive, and (if you have any left) use it to complement the start of any festive meal. If you want some new kitchenware this Christmas, Lidl has relaunched its Cast Iron Collection. Featuring a sleek and eye-catching red enamel finish, it’s perfect for festive entertaining. The collection has something for every kitchen from the cast iron casserole dish to the cast iron grill pan, from just £12.99. In store now.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 31 Cashing In Prosecco Sparkling English The Society’s Prosecco £10.95, The Wine Society HHHHI All the fizz I road tested this year from online merchant The Wine Society were real palate teasers. This wine has a lovely light intensity of red apple, pears and a shake of sherbert. It’s not a frolicking prosecco, but an elegant one. It would be excellent to greet friends as they arrive in the build-up to your festive celebrations. Della Vite Prosecco Superiore DOCG £25.90, The Bottle Club HHHHH This prosecco ups the bar in price, but it’s an excellent quality. The DOCG styles are delicious and this is crisp and dry. Della Vite has a depth and complexity of aromas, with prickly pear and lemons. It’s a special-day prosecco in a beautiful bottle (and a gift box too) and perhaps one to wow wrapped up as a special gift on Christmas morning. Co-op Irresistible Prosecco £8.50, Co-op HHHII Here’s a go-and-grab bottle from your local Co-op. White peach shines through together with pears, apples and a hint of rhubarb. It’s not a complicated sip, but a very easy-going one. The riper fruit notes (think of a tin of fruit salad) are really pretty. The wine is crisp, dry and the bubbles are keen to greet you. You can easily jazz this up with some fresh orange juice for a cheeky Buck’s Fizz. Tesco Finest Valdobbiadene Prosecco £10, Tesco HHHII Another clue to a top prosecco is the word “valdobbiadene” on the label. This wine has a steady stream of bubbles which deliver subtle aromas of citrus and pear. It’s a dry wine, which at first taste feels a little sharp and unforgiving; but see it through and it develops into a classy style. Some prosecco can be dull and boring after a glass or two; this is definitely one with staying power. I’d kick off the New Year with a glass or two. Prosecco Superiore Millesimato £8.99, Aldi HHHHI Come on, let’s celebrate! This tongue-tingler of a prosecco is bright and the flavours linger on the palate. Apples, pears and a lemony bite bring an easy-drinking glass of fizz. The word “superiore” is a key to a good wine on a bottle of prosecco. I’d be very happy to pour this on a night with lots of festive nibbles. For the taste and quality and price combo, this is my best buy. Best buy Morrisons Best English Sparkling Brut Vintage £25, Morrisons HHHHH English sparkling wines are making their mark on the world of fizz. Most of them are made in the same way as champagne … a downside can be the price of these delicious sparklers. This English wine comes in at a super-value price in exchange for the quality. The wine is crisp with green apples, has a biscuity bite, and is supple with butteriness and vanilla. Perfect for a Christmas Day morning toast. Wyfold Vineyard Brut 2016 £33, laithwaites.co.uk HHHHI This is a lush, soft wine, with a good depth of flavour. Chardonnay is at the heart of the blend; and in England chardonnay means lots of red and green apples. This wine would be excellent alongside any festive roast (or fish) with a creamy sauce. Jenkyn Place Blanc de Blancs 2015 £38, hic-winemerchants.com HHHHI Apples, apples, apples. And that’s to be expected in a blanc de blancs wine as it’s all about chardonnay. I treasured each sip, it was so beautiful. Apple crumble, bruised apples, the crispy caramel crusty apple crunchiness you find on the edge of an apple pie. The flavours are wrapped in shortbread, vanilla and an edge of minerality. This is an aperitif wine to savour. Hambledon Classic Cuvee English Sparkling Wine £27.90, thebottleclub.com HHHHI The acidity of this wine keeps everything in line. It’s linear, tight, riveting and thrilling. There are apples, springtime grass, elderflower hedgerows and English spring blossom. Yes, I sensed a peep of red apple skin and raspberry. And as expected, fresh bread and a wave of vanilla. I’d bring in the New Year with a glass, as it speaks of spring and with it, new beginnings. Winemaster’s Lot English Sparkling £19.99, Aldi HHHHI Scrummy baked apples, crunchy green Granny Smiths and sweet red apple skins party together on the palate in this refreshing wine. Acidity is high – as expected in an English sparkler – but it’s in balance Best buy with the flavours and the long-lasting finish. Grass, citrus and a hint of vanilla also play their part. At just under £20 it’s smashing value for this category and so is my Best Buy. This year has been a significant and poignant time for the Royal Family. There has been joy and sorrow. We have mourned the loss of Prince Philip but we are also looking ahead with hope to 2022, the Platinum Jubilee year. But one thing has remained constant, and that is the special place the Queen and her family hold in the hearts of our readers. So we have looked back into the archives to revisit the times the Queen, Prince Philip and other members of the Royal Family have visited the South West. There are pictures from across the decades of the Queen’s reign. Don’t miss out on this trip down memory lane with our 48-page special - perfect as a stocking filler and yours for just £2.50. To avoid disappointment, place your order now at our online shop www.regionalnewspapers.co.uk Postage and packaging charges will be added at checkout This publication will also be available in the shops from November 24th. Scan here to visit our online shop

32 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Your MoneY IT MAY be the most wonderful time of the year, as the song suggests – but Christmas is also a festival of rampant consumerism that has knock-on effects in the battle against climate change. Every year, an estimated 227,000 miles of wrapping paper goes into landfill, along with unwanted presents and all the plastic involved, uneaten food and throwaway trees. But people are becoming more aware of the impact of our festive splurge, with almost half of us now trying to shop more sustainably and younger generations keen on greener gifting, Tesco research shows. Here’s how you can make this Christmas as eco-friendly as can be, and bring some much-needed glad tidings for the environment. Make gifts at home Nine out of 10 of us say it’s more heartwarming to receive a homemade present for Christmas instead of a shop-bought gift. Meanwhile, eight in 10 will visit Christmas markets and buy more original presents away from big stores. Eco-friendly under-30s will be most likely to gift handmade jewellery, knitted jumpers or homemade bath bombs, while the over-60s will turn to homemade jams or chutneys, says a study by 3D laser print firm Glowforge. Founder Dan Shapiro says: “Other popular homemade gift creations include candles, baked truffles, biscuits, Christmas decorations, artwork, pottery and soap bars.” Pass on unwanted presents More than a third of us have binned unwanted Christmas presents on Boxing Day, including perfume, clothes and books. But instead of just throwing them away, regift, resell or recycle at charity shops, says Tessa Clarke, cofounder of sharing app Olio. “Upload them to a recycling app, because one person’s trash could be another’s treasure,” she adds. Classifieds website Gumtree says 100,000 electrical appliances will go to landfill this Christmas and is urging us to sell online if still usable. Keep kitchen eco clean The kitchen is the least environmentally friendly room in the home, Regift, resell or recycle any unwanted presents Christmas? Still time to planet carefully... From giFts to Food, let’s celebrate sustainably, says Harvey Jones with an average 277 plastic water bottles, 906 snack wrappers, and 215 crisp packets going through every year, according to research by conscious living brand AllMatters. Cleaning products use harsh chemicals so consider planetfriendly alternatives such as Delphis Eco, Homethings or Bio D, says Laura Harnett, founder of the seepcompany.co.uk which sells 100% compostable household essentials. “Or go one step further and make your own natural cleaning solution by mixing lemon juice with bicarbonate of soda to scrub off stains, or cleaning kitchens and bathrooms with white vinegar.” Seep’s website sells plastic-free sponges, loofahs, scourers, cloths, bin bags and bamboo washing-up brushes. Avoid food waste Sustainable cleaning company OceanSaver offers plant based, non toxic, power-cleaning EcoDrop refills which dissolve when added to reusable spray bottles filled with water. If you’re buying a new kitchen appliance go for the highest efficiency rating, says Jo Hand, cofounder of sustainable lifestyle app giki.earth. “To save power when using appliances, only boil the water you need, put lids on saucepans and always use the eco settings on the dishwasher.” If throwing out kitchen appliances, whether it’s an old blender or a fridge, make sure it’s recycled properly, Jo adds. Cheeky Panda (uk.cheekypanda. com) sells eco alternatives to traditional tissue and paper products, such as bamboo napkins, straws, multi-surface wipes and kitchen towels. Bamboo is more ecofriendly simply because it can grow 30 times faster than trees. Plan carefully and eat green Every year we throw away a staggering five million Christmas puddings, two million turkeys, 17 million Brussels sprouts and 74 million mince pies. Avoid food waste by planning meals and purchases, says Gabrielle Bourret-Sicotte, co-founder of carbon footprint tracking app Greenr. “Only serve fresh food you know will be eaten, and use those leftovers.” Domestic appliance maker Miele’s home economist Cesar Fernandez suggests making a delicious Bubble and Squeak on Boxing Day using leftover roast potatoes and vegetables. “Freeze any cooked vegetables separately and use them to bulk up soups, stews, curries, fajitas or vegetable frittatas.” Take care when reheating turkey and other meats, says Sarah Taylor, food and drink content production manager at career development site highspeedtraining.co.uk. “Make sure you properly heat meat the whole way through, so that it is steaming in the middle. “If reheating a large portion of meat or chicken, be sure to check the temperature at the core of the meat – this is the thickest part.” You could have a greener Christmas You can still look great without harming the planet dinner by replacing meat with seasonal vegetarian recipes. Another way to be more sustainable is to buy food directly from suppliers, says Wilfred Emmanuel- Jones, said to be the UK’s only black farmer. His site theblackfarmer.com sells both traditional and Caribbean Christmas food boxes, plus food, drinks and clothing all year round. Wilfred says: “As well as buying high quality produce, you can support local food and drink businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic.” Online butcher fieldandflower. co.uk supports British farmers and fishermen. All products are free range and meat is traceable. It sells festive Christmas meat and trimmings boxes, hampers and cheeseboards. Or order from British cheese board maker butlerscheeses.co.uk. Make a fashion statement Our addiction to fast fashion is damaging the planet because it is full of micro plastics which end up in rivers and seas, and our bodies. Sarah Divall, from online campaigning group Hubbub, says we can still look great without harming the planet. “Buying something new shouldn’t be the default when there are so many gems hiding in our wardrobes, so get inventive by restyling something you already own.” To turn your clothes green rewear, restyle or upcycle an outfit you already own, she says. “Borrow or swap with If we all have a sustainable Christmas we could help in the fight against climate change Choose your wrapping paper wisely friends, rent from sites like Loanhood, By Rotation and Hurr, or buy second-hand from a vintage shop, online reseller or a charity shop.” Milk it for all it’s worth Many of us miss the old-fashioned milk round, with its reusable glass bottles and electric vehicles, but now there is a modern, equally sustainable alternative. Website themodernmilkman. co.uk lets you order milk, eggs, yoghurts, shakes and juices in returnable glass bottles, which it collects, washes and reuses. The site also delivers Christmas treats such as brandy butter, double cream and mince pies to doorsteps. Any packaging that isn’t reusable is plastic free, recyclable or homecompostable, including its teabags. Wrap up well Reuse gift bags and use colourful fabric scarves, pillowcases or blankets that you already own for larger items. Steer clear of wrapping paper that’s shiny, metallic, laminated or wax-coated or contains glitter. If you do want to use wrapping paper, then look for ‘recyclable’ paper, marked with FSC for the Forest Stewardship Council. Cut back on non-recyclable sticky tape or avoid it altogether by wrapping your presents origami-style.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 33 Your Money Property ladder boost from parents Your consumer rights champion Don’t let new Covid rules spoil your festive plans Requests for help about new Covid restrictions and the impact on Christmas have been flooding in. So let’s take a look at one of the areas affected – travel. You can find much more information in my guide to all things Omicron here: news.resolver.co.uk/the-omicronvariant-and-your-rights-travelshopping-and-latest-restrictions Don’t forget that the rules vary depending on whether you live (or visit) in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. If you’ve not booked yet, pay on a credit card If you spend over £100 and buy direct from the provider of goods or services, then you might be able to claim a refund from the card provider if things go wrong. There are, of course, catches, so check our guide news.resolver. co.uk/section-75-ofthe-consumer-credit- act-all-you-need-to- know Testing times ahead Travel out Airlines and holiday firms have tightened the rules since the first lockdown, so don’t assume you’ll automatically get a refund. Some airlines are being aggressive about ‘chargeback’ too – so you may not be able to get cash back through your bank if you can’t travel. Advance planning could save much heartache if the rules suddenly change. Make sure you read the cancellation T&Cs on an airline or travel agent website before you book. If anything isn’t clear, contact the firm and ask them to confirm in writing what your rights are. Don’t assume you’ll get vouchers or be able to move the holiday forward without charge either. If you’re travelling out of the UK, it’s essential to read the Gov.uk travel advice for the country you’re travelling to. This varies but it’s fair to assume you will need to provide proof of vaccination and usually a negative test (not an NHS/free lateral flow test) taken a few days before travel. Travel in If you are abroad and the country you are in goes on to a ‘red list’ you may discover that quarantine hotels are back. In fact, many are already booked up, meaning people have to delay their flights. The costs are just as high as before – see gov.uk/guidance/ booking-and-staying-in-aquarantine-hotel-when-youarrive-in-england If you’re arriving from a non-red list country, and you are fully vaccinated, then you will need to take a PCR test (not a lateral flow) on arrival or in the first two days. You must self-isolate on arrival until you get the results. You’ll also need to fill out the standard passenger location form. Watch out for fake ones – this is a free service so never pay for it – gov.uk/ provide-journey-contact-detailsbefore-travel-uk If you are unvaccinated, then it’s two tests for you (day 2 and 8) and you’ll need to selfisolate for 10 days. You can book a PCR test at the airport but expect high demand and high prices. Alternatively, book online. Don’t just pick the first, go online and see what people are saying about delays, missing test results and poor service. Getting around the UK Many people use public transport for Christmas visits but trains have been badly affected by financial losses since the pandemic– and there’s not much in the way of bargain tickets to be had. Book now if you want the best deals – but check the cancellation rules if you can’t travel. You might want to see if you can transfer tickets to other people or move the travel dates forward, which broadens your options if you can’t travel. Expect to pay a moderate fee for this. Think about what you are comfortable with when travelling. It’s going to be busy over Christmas so try to travel off peak, take disinfectant wipes and order your free lateral flow tests now if you’re worried about visiting more vulnerable relatives. ■■Resolver helps people make complaints and learn more about their rights every day. Find out more at resolver.co.uk Nearly two-thirds (64%) of parents whose adult children own a home contributed towards a deposit, a survey has found. On average, parents contributed £32,440, with many saying their children would not have been able to get on the property ladder without their support, according to Zoopla. An additional 10% of parents said that, while they did not contribute, other family members did. And 3% of parents with children over the age of 18 plan to give their children money towards a deposit for a home for Christmas this year, the survey of more than 1,000 parents with adult children found. T&C’s apply, see website for details Daniel Copley, a consumer expert at Zoopla, said: “When looking at the data, it is very clear that average house prices in the UK have increased at a greater rate than salaries over recent decades, reinforcing the notion that it is harder for young adults to get on the property ladder today than it was for previous generations.” TO SHOP LOCAL Shop with 100’s of independent retailers A third of products and gifts not on major marketplaces 10% discount on your first purchase with code: LOCAL10 100,000s of products, from fashion and furniture to kitchen essentials and electronics National delivery or click and collect #THINKWHERE YOUSHOP SHOP TODAY AND SUPPORT THE GREAT BRITISH HIGH STREET! DOWNYOURHIGHSTREET.CO.UK/LOCAL

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WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 39 The Big Quiz CODE CHALLENGE 2021 This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representing the same letter. For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle. Solution next week. 22 4 5 12 5 20 9 17 20 8 14 17 3 3 7 10 15 24 24 8 7 20 5 13 8 23 16 15 5 19 3 7 21 23 26 2 19 20 13 5 23 11 5 1 4 5 11 10 7 2 17 21 23 8 21 24 17 19 18 17 11 8 4 25 3 26 2 5 4 25 2 17 20 3 25 26 26 6 26 21 16 22 23 7 26 10 9 24 25 B 17 3 25 8 I 14 2 18 3 13 17 18 20 5 21 15 5 2 26 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 N I Last week’s solution: 1=P, 2=T, 3=S, 4=M, 5=K, 6=W, 7=C, 8=D, 9=Z, 10=G, 11=O, 12=B, 13=H, 14=U, 15=R, 16=Q, 17=L, 18=I, 19=E, 20=X, 21=F, 22=V, 23=N, 24=Y, 25=A, 26=J. west crossword Across 1 This twee backwater is about a mile from St Enoder (5) 7 This poisonous plant grows all around where I live, by the ocean near Trevose Head (7) 9 Penny and Tom from West Somerset have been working out -- they’ve lost five stone in weight between them doing exercises in the gym (7) 10 Last night, a leading celebrity was spotted wearing a casual shirt and coat, walking around my village in Somerset (7) 11 I love having a look around in Bishop’s Caundle’s stores (5) 12 Near Taunton, I saw a riverside animal that had been hit by a car (9) 14 Our son, who has a large place in Greet, is arranging to come and visit our village near Warbstow (9) 17 After my first boyfriend, Rob from Ibberton, and I split up, we still had a strong connection (3-2) 18 The sunken gardens behind the parking area just outside of Dunster Castle get just five visitors mid-week? That’s awful! (4-3) 20 When a car ran into Roy from Othery, he was badly injured and sustained damage to his windpipe (7) 21 This leading celebrity has a large house right in the centre of Bournemouth and second home just outside of Todber -- he produces synthesized dance music (7) 22 When I took my mum to the eatery right in the centre of Hayle, what we ordered was delicious (5) Down 1 When my son ate at this top restaurant in Plymouth, he had the set meal (6) 2 My lover had to move last June -- to a place near Barripper (8) 3 There has been storm damage to some streets on the waterfront in this south-west district (4,8) 4 I live in a Trethomas cottage -- I’m such a lucky person (6) 5 I saw a drunkard lying in a meadow in Old Sodbury (4) 6 When Ron, a leading hotelier from Netheravon, went to Dartmouth, he unwound and released all his pent-up tension (6) 8 At the end of one August, a storm hit and it took a year and four months to rebuild our countryside place near N B 1 9 11 14 18 21 2 Giant Crossword Across 9 Snarl up the net badly that you fish with (8) 10 Overstated the number (3) 11 Get a bit worried on going round (6) 12 Are noisy, which does upset one (6) 13 Reproaches oneself about having spent foolishly (7) 14 Lap speed that’s fast (4) 15 Didn’t dwell on its having been transferred to (6,4) 17 He’s willing to try to get the list back (8) 18 Writing groovy music for the film? (7) 19 The lady-love is in Ireland (4) 21 Followed the girl in, you conclude (6) 24 The doctor will tell you avoiding stress has a cheering effect (4,4,5,4) 27 For which you take a holiday, having a little money? (6) 29 A great number got away (4) 30 Brighten when you solve the mystery (5,2) 33 Happenings during the performers entrances? (6-2) 35 No doubt drunk and needing to be sorted out (10) 36 Going back to quarters to study (4) 37 Showing directness where many wandered around (7) 38 Parking inside not very well but fast (6) 40 Right to go in and have something to eat (6) 41 Speaking French, yes, a little (3) 42 With a string of curses, trapped now, fights (8) Down 1 Mad to find one’s accounts not coming out even? (10) 2 Some net return (4) 3 Undertook, though enraged, to mend the hole in (6,2) 4 Scold for always standing around (7) 5 ‘Being more successful than is good for you’ is overstating it (5,3,3) 6 First agree about its being in keeping with (10) 7 Spill the beans, when back, about her (6) 8 Show on the record that you are beaten by (8) 10 Customer the pub gets the highest return from? (5) 16 Do patients keep coming in streams to him? (7) 20 Remains while the female hides inside (5) 22 Keeping a key to get into the shop (7) 19 Feniton (6,2,4) 13 The first day centre my mother went to was about six miles from Camelford (8) 14 After my son, a leading author, left Broadstone, he moved to a place near East Stour (6) 15 After just four months in Ilton, I moved to a small 3 12 4 7 10 15 20 8 17 22 23 Don’t ask me! Your answers may come from above! (6,5) 25 Information leaked about the golf tournament? (4,6) 26 Like the villain, originally fair, who went ginger, than black? (6-4) 28 Deceive the gangster with the signal (8) 31 An incentive to the bird to visit your garden? (8) 32 Bird of a strange sort I found in Germany (7) 34 Mother, you have to dress, eat and run! (6) 35 Took a swing at – goaded one into (5) 39 Constrained to send back an import (4) village in the Mendip Hills (6) 16 I live with my third wife in the middle of Penare -- she’s wild and has the quality of being well-known for doing bad things (6) 19 The terrain right in the centre of St Keverne is surprisingly flat and level (4) 5 13 6 16 Last week’s solution Across: 8, M-atel-ot 9, Search fee 13, Roast 14, (lat)Te-No-r 15, Scratch 16, Pee-V-ish 17, S-Al-on 18, Threw (through) 20, Swing 22, Browse 23, He-ifer 25, T-ophole 27, Re-lease 30, Stingy 31, Pa-y-ou-t 32, Rolls 35, Bee-ch(irping) 36, A-men-d 37, Nippers 39, Int-end-s 41, A-void 42, I-Nan-e 43, S-event-een 44, Swe-ater. Down: 1, M-a-nag-e 2, Tee-thing 3, Foot the bill 4, Heartless 5, Present 6, There there 7, Rent 10, G-rapes 11, In a sp-ot 12, Shower 19, Re-F-US-al 21, I-do-lise 24, Getting down 26, High-handed 28, Barefaced 29, Holds on 30, Submit 32, Rep-risal 33, Sa-she-s 34, B-ass-ets 38, Eras-ed 40, Tied. west crossword Across: 1 Retew, 7 Aconite, 9 Presses, 10 Catcott, 11 Shops, 12 Otterford, 14 Treneglos, 17 Tie-in, 18 Deep-set, 20 Trachea, 21 Electro, 22 Yummy. Down: 1 Repast, 2 Trevoole, 3 West Somerset, 4 Mascot, 5 Wino, 6 Vented, 8 Ottery St Mary, 13 Otterham, 14 Todber, 15 Litton, 16 Infamy, 19 Even.

40 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Puzzles & Stars Cryptic crossword Quick crossword Gogen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 20 21 23 Stuck on today’s puzzle? Call 0905 789 4220 to hear individual clues or the full solution. Calls cost 80p per minute plus network extras. Service Provider: Spoke Ltd, helpline 0333 202 3390 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS 18/12/2021 Across: 7 Putrid; 8 Come in; 10 Riposte; 11 Leave; 12 Tuna; 13 Board; 17 Scrap; 18 Room; 22 Acute; 23 Dissent; 24 Crofts; 25 Piquet. Down: 1 Spirits; 2 Stipend; 3 First; 4 Bowlers; 5 Cedar; 6 Under; 9 Memoranda; 14 Accents; 15 Cover up; 16 Imitate; 19 Watch; 20 Out of; 21 Astir. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Roost; 8 Baton; 10 Hides; 11 Nil; 12 Visit; 13 Laconic; 15 Names; 18 Nun; 19 Tenure; 21 Meteors; 22 Deal; 23 Fast; 24 Harmful; 26 Career; 29 Pin; 31 Trier; 32 Senegal; 34 Robot; 35 Rat; 36 Movie; 37 Papal; 38 Essay. Insert letters to form the listed words, moving between adjacent cells horizontally, vertically or diagonally in any direction. Insert all the remaining letters of the alphabet (except Z) in the grid so all the listed words are spelt out in this way. 1 F A Y K W X T C H O 8 S I G M P L U Q E R ACROSS 1. Chopping up the garlic with apathy (9) 8. He’s involved when there’s madcap mischief around (3) 9. Does he count the score for all but the nineteenth hole? (11) 11. Head’s quiet retreat (7) 12. Wide on top? (5) 13. An impressive month (6) 15. Plays for time in the theatre (6) 17. It may be perfect (5) 18. Free to make a speech (7) 20. What is left (11) 22. Look both ways (3) 23. Prevents a head-on collision when its speed’s out of control (4,5) ACROSS 1. Banquet (5) 6. Light motorcycle (5) 9. Destroyer, for example (7) 10. Bread maker (5) 11. Recently (5) 12. Dead language (5) 13. More than a few (7) 15. Metallic element (3) 17. Boy’s name (4) 18. Uproar (6) 19. Jeans fabric (5) 20. Tolerates (6) 22. Grime (4) 24. Male parent (3) 25. Defrauds, swindles (7) 26. Fret (5) 27. Foundation (5) 28. Competitor (5) 29. Splits up (7) 30. Aspect (5) 31. Pares (5) DOWN 2. Part of a weekend supplement (3) 3. A pound to one the hermit will be (5) 4. Pleased about getting in – but didn’t look it! (6) 5. Assemble for prayer (7) 6. The best side of a club (5,6) 7. A Paris rep., perhaps, who fixes the prices (9) 10. See me cringe from such crises (11) 11. Proverbially made perfect (9) 14. Observes the intrusion and is furious (7) 16. Dead or possibly idolised (6) 19. Louts break up the plant (5) 21. Cover that may go off with a bang (3) DOWN 2. Tooth covering (6) 3. Country (6) 4. Pitch (3) 5. Customary (5) 6. Opposite of maximum (7) 7. Unlocked (4) 8. Cream cake (6) 12. Shoe fasteners (5) 13. Cold dish (5) 14. Based on truth (5) 15. Theme (5) 16. Amphibians (5) 18. Young female horse (5) 19. Down payment (7) 21. Fruit (6) 22. Invent, contrive (6) 23. Recollect (6) 25. In poor health, weak (5) 26. Broad (4) 28. Agent (3) Down: 1 Banal; 2 Colonel; 4 Otic; 5 Shines; 6 Titan; 7 Sever; 9 Tic; 12 Vinegar; 14 Nut; 16 Mural; 17 Seats; 19 Trumpet; 20 Edict; 21 Maori; 23 Funeral; 24 Heroes; 25 Fin; 27 Arrow; 28 Eerie; 30 Natal; 32 Soda; 33 Gap. B N D V BLUNDER CHOMPED DERV EQUITY FACTS JUICY OPEN POKY SIGH SIXTY SLICK WHOM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y J 2 D J Q Codeword This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representing the same letter. For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Y 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 F Need a little help getting started? Then call 0901 293 6261 to hear four random extra letter clues. Or text CODE and send to 64343 to receive 4 clues. Calls and texts cost £1 plus any network extras. Service Provider: Spoke Ltd, helpline 0333 202 3390 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I X Y T O U H W Z R F N D 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 M J Q E B V P K A S C G L Split Decision Cross out one of the two letters in each divided square to reveal a completed crossword grid. C G L K O J P O M N B H R A M E A G A U P D P E E P R T S W G E A E H S B N A D R T S L AMPLE BURST DAMPEN DAWN A O H U R ENVY GRIST HIVE W M X I S HOW JAW LEFT P N V T C QUICK SIX L E F Y K STICKY WOAD A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS T H E T A I X O D E T E R A R T L L A M A YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS Q T X A W H U I F Y D G C L B P E K O S V R M N J D W P F G S E B A M Q C I L Y J U N O X H T R K V

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 41 In association with teamdogs.co.uk Sudoku 8 9 2 5 5 3 2 6 9 4 2 1 1 5 9 2 YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU: Easy Circlegram Niner 9 6 8 8 3 Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box. EASY 1 1 4 2 5 7 9 8 4 2 1 2 5 7 3 5 2 4 2 3 5 6 9 1 9 8 8 3 9 4 1 5 7 2 6 5 7 6 9 8 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 6 3 7 8 5 9 7 2 8 3 5 1 6 9 4 3 9 5 7 4 6 1 8 2 6 1 4 2 9 8 5 3 7 4 8 3 1 6 9 2 7 5 9 6 7 5 2 3 4 1 8 1 5 2 8 7 4 9 6 3 YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU: Hard 5 6 7 3 2 4 5 HARD 3 7 1 4 7 8 8 7 6 3 2 4 1 5 9 9 3 4 8 1 5 6 7 2 1 2 5 9 7 6 3 4 8 3 5 9 6 4 2 7 8 1 7 4 8 1 5 9 2 3 6 2 6 1 7 8 3 4 9 5 6 1 3 5 9 7 8 2 4 5 8 2 4 3 1 9 6 7 4 9 7 2 6 8 5 1 3 Replace the question mark with a letter so that the letters within the circle can be rearranged to form words with a common theme. What are the three words, and the letter represented by the question mark? C T E I Z Z A L G ? N A R D A G R O YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS The letter represented by the question mark is B. Broadway, Tetbury, Burford, all places in the Cotswolds. Alphamuddle Wordsquare Rearrange the letters in the top grid to make five words that read both across and down. Five letters have been placed in the bottom grid to start you off. C H I P N I M O C H E A M O K A G A I N N P M P L E M O N E L O P E M O N T E O P T E D N E E D Y I W P A S C F ind as many words as possible using the letters in the grid. Each word must use the central letter and at least 3 others, and letters may be used only once. You cannot use plurals, foreign words or proper nouns, but verb forms ending in ‘s’ are permitted. There is one 9-letter word to be found. I N Y V F R I E G HOW YOU RATE 9 Good; 12 Very Good; 15 Excellent. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS PROFANITY airy, arty, fairy, foray, forty, fray, irony, nary, nifty, notary, notify, pantry, panty, parity, party, pity, pointy, pony, pray, rainy, ratify, ropy, tiny, tory, tray, troy, typo, tyro, yarn. KINGBATS logotype, 1999(?) Each number from 1 to 9 represents a different letter. Solve the clues and insert the letters in the appropriate squares to discover a word which uses all nine letters. 5726127 gives a ballet dancer; 53448 gives a tennis player; 914787 gives a former queen. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: COMPLIANT YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS Find the familiar phrase, saying or name in this arrangement of letters. DINGBATS® original logotype, 1987 DINGBATS® iPhone logotype, 2009 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: A play on words THINGBATS logotype, 1999(?) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 www.dingbats.net 18/12/2021 RUSSELL GRANT For more call 0905 789 4271 For more call 0905 789 4272 For more call 0905 789 4274 VIRGO For more call 0905 789 4276 arIEs March 21–April 20 A clash of commitments makes it hard for you to decide where best to aim your time. You’re putting faith in promises made by those in charge at work. They insist that things will get easier in the future and responsibilities will be reduced once new routines are established. TaUrUs April 21-May 21 A partner is making extravagant plans for Christmas. Can joint finances stretch to this? If you’re worried they’ll overspend, put your foot down. A youngster in the family is spending money as if it grew on trees. They may need to be encouraged to take a more sensible approach to finances. GEMINI May 22-June 21 caNcEr June 22-July 23 lEo July 24-Aug 23 SCORPIO CAPRICORN lIBra Sept 24–Oct 23 (80p/min + network (80p/min + network access charge) For more call 0905 789 4277 access charge) scorPIo Oct 24-Nov22 (80p/min + network (80p/min + network access charge) For more call 0905 789 4278 access charge) (80p/min + network saGITTarIUs Nov 23-Dec 21 Your restless Scan from energy along with a growing A social invitation or business meeting will DINGBATS®, 2009: vector trace need DINGBATS® to get away 1987 from familiar places could not only be enjoyable but it could turn out to make for game an board amusing and interesting time. A be very beneficial for you from a financial hard-working but slightly dizzy colleague is point of view. A close relationship may be about to enter a contract which contains going through a rough patch because of you many loopholes. Don’t be taken in by such or your other half imagining problems that fancy R=255schemes. R=185 aren’t there. G=0 G=0 (80p/min + network (80p/min + network For B=0more call 0905 B=0 789 4273 access charge) For more call 0905 789 4279 access charge) DINGBATS® Red DINGBATS®, 2009: for normal use Everything feels so intense for you right now. You have so much to do and think about at this busy time of the year. It might be time to hand over a little more control to your family and younger colleagues. It’s important occasionally to take some more time out for yourself. DINGBATS®, 2009: thicker stems. Only for use at very small sizes, optionally without ring. It has been difficult trying to settle a family disagreement that has been in the air since R=60 R=0 the start of the month. Set some time aside G=212 G=130 to quietly and sensibly discuss arrangements you B=0 need to make. B=7Encourage cooperation. THINGBATS Don’t discuss Green the past - talk about the future instead. THINGBATS, 2009 For more call 0905 789 4275 Today’s events could mark a major turning point in your finances. Whether it is a Christmas bonus, financial gift or rise in income, you could receive a sizeable amount of cash. This will make a big difference to your family budget – so be sure to put it to good use. You will be happy to take on some difficult jobs when it seems like others are keen to follow your lead. But it’s best to beware of being taken for granted. Make sure you aren’t being encouraged to do this simply because someone else can’t be bothered and has no intention of joining in. caPrIcorN Dec 22-Jan 20 A neighbour wants to gossip. You don’t want to listen but something is being said about someone you happen to like that isn’t true and you could take the chance to put this right. People will listen to you and they respect what you say. Your positive energy makes you popular. (80p/min + network access charge) For more call 0905 789 4280 access charge) aQUarIUs Jan 21-Feb 19 Your thoughts are on family and friends you haven’t seen for some time. You don’t have to act immediately but you might feel good after getting in touch with old friends suggesting you might meet up over the festive season. This is a great time of year to catch up with other people’s news. (80p/min + network (80p/min + network access charge) For more call 0905 789 4281 access charge) VIrGo PIscEs Aug 24-Sept 23 Feb 20-Mar 20 R=148 R=94 The G=0pace may accelerate G=27 slightly but this is You long for harmony and you aren’t the only only B=207 because others B=109have it in mind to get a one who wants to resolve a misunderstanding job that no one is enjoying over with and out that has recently occurred. You might make a KINGBATS Purple of the way in time for Christmas. You won’t determined effort to sort out problems so need to be asked twice to join them in their that these don’t spoil your Christmas plans. KINGBATS, 2009 efforts. It will be a relief to have this over It’s a good day to address difficult issues. Be with. willing to talk. (80p/min + network (80p/min + network access charge) For more call 0905 789 4282 access charge) Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge – maximum of 5 minutes duration. You must be over 18 and have the bill payer’s permission. Service provider Uploading, Spoke. 2009 Helpline 0333 202 3390

42 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Puzzles STAR SEEKER Can you find the star name hidden in this crossword? Complete the crossword in the normal way then make a note of the letters contained in all the squares which are marked with shaded stars. These letters will make an anagram of the name you are trying to discover. 6 ACROSS 1. Motionless (5-5) 7. Concur (5) 8. Harasses (7) 10. Powerless (8) 11. Unaccompanied (4) 13. Clamour (6) 15. Test (6) 17. Pleasant (4) 18. Punctuation mark (4,4) 21. Insult (7) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 H 13 14 15 17 18 19 22. Bring on oneself (5) 23. Dramatist (10) 20 16 12 21 22 H 23 H H H H H H H H DOWN 1. Peel (5) 2. Proposal (8) 3. Japanese robe (6) 4. Inform (4) 5. Flexible (7) 6. U.S. State (10) 9. Killjoy (10) 12. Boring (8) 14. Diplomatic (7) 16. Assemble (6) 19. Implied (5) 20. Snug (4) H H General Knowledge Quiz 1. Which admiral was mortally wounded when commanding the British fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar? A Horatio Nelson B Herbert Belson C Horace Kelson D George Telson 2. Which Christian period of fasting and penance begins on Ash Wednesday? A Ramadan B Easter C Lent D Advent 3. Who wrote The Caretaker in 1960? A Arthur Miller B Sylvia Plath C Norman Mailer D Harold Pinter 4. Who wrote The English Constitution in 1867? A Walter Bagehot B William Wycherley C Queen Victoria D Lord Salisbury 5. Which fruit from the tree Ficus carica is known for its laxative properties? A Plum B Pear C Fig D Apple 6. Ralf Little replaced Ardal O’Hanlon as the star of which BBC One crime drama series? A Happy Valley B Line of Duty C Professor T D Death in Paradise Ralf Little See Question 6 7. Which Dominican monk, who was head of the Spanish Inquisition, was largely responsible for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492? A Diego de Torquemada B Pablo de Torquemada C Tomas de Torquemada D Fernando de Torquemada 8. Which group had a number one hit single in 1980 with Super Trouper? A Abba B Bucks Fizz C Blondie D Duran Duran 9. Tom Cruise played ace pilot Pete Mitchell in Top Gun but what was the character’s nickname? A Goose B Iceman C Maverick D Cougar 10. Which imported adult drama series is set in Wentworth Detention Centre? A Prisoner Cell Block H B Scrubs C Bad Girls D Cons 11. What name is given to the nomadic peoples of the Syrian and Arabian deserts? A Hebrew B Lailan C Anaizan D Bedouin 12. Quentin Tarantino wrote the story on which Natural Born Killers was based but who directed the film? A Robert Rodriguez B Kevin Smith C Oliver Stone D Spike Lee 13. Which crustacean is known for its habit of occupying empty snail shells? A Spider crab B Lobster C Hermit crab D Sand crab 14. Oscar winner Jamie Foxx starred as a hapless taxi driver in which thriller directed by Michael Mann? A Miami Vice B Stealth C Heat D Collateral 15. Which star of Waiting For God was a regular in A Very Peculiar Practice? A Graham Crowden B George Muckden C Jeremy Roberts D Geoff Fisher SUDOKU There is one simple rule in Sudoku. Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box. Easy Medium Hard 3 6 6 5 1 2 6 4 8 5 3 7 3 9 7 8 7 4 8 5 1 9 8 6 7 9 2 6 4 1 4 2 7 9 5 8 6 3 3 7 5 1 4 9 2 1 9 8 7 4 9 8 1 7 9 8 4 3 7 6 8 2 7 1 4 5 8 3 8 6 1 2 4 5 2 3 8 3 9 1 5 7 6 1 6 4 9 7 4 6 7 9 6 3 5 1

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 43 Puzzles FILL IN When you’ve completed the puzzle, rearrange the shaded squares to spell out a dairy product. We’ve given you one word to start you off. ACROSS DOWN 1. Tom, crook in stories by Patricia Highsmith H such as ‘-- Under Water’ (6) O 4. In Norse mythology, dwelling place of the S principal gods (6) 9. 1893 operetta by Gilbert and T Sullivan subtitled The Flowers of Progress (6,7) 10. ‘Mourning Becomes --’, play by Eugene O’Neill (7) 11. See 16 Dn. 12. ‘-- and Hens’, play by Willy Russell (5) 14. ‘Sgt. --’, 1996 film with Steve Martin based on a hit TV comedy series (5) 18. Unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound (5) 19. Salvador, president 3 LETTERS 4 LETTERS 5 LETTERS 7 LETTERS of Chile 1970-73 (7) BID ABET LOUR ABBEY HYPHENS 21. 1953 novel by Arthur BIN ANTI MASS ACORN RECOVER C. Clarke (10,3) 22. Piece of cloth CAR AUNT PRIM BRAND draped around DAB BARS READ CAMEO the head to frame MAY BURR SHUT the face worn by MET BURY TEAR women in the Middle NOD BYTE TIRE Ages (6) RUN HOLY TRUE 23. The Hungarian TEA HOST TYRE language (6) THY IDES USED WORDSEARCH NINERS Find these words relating to Famous runners in the grid below. Words can run forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonally. BANNISTER BLACK BOLT COE CRAM EL GUERROUJ FARAH FOSTER FREEMAN GEBRSELASSIE GREENE GUNNELL HOLMES JOHNSON JONES LEWIS OHURUOGU OVETT OWENS RADCLIFFE General Knowledge Crossword 1. Paul, German-born founder of the first news agency (6) 2. One of the main divisions of Christianity which emerged from Roman Catholicism at the Reformation (13) 3. George, author of Middlemarch (5) 5. ‘The Seven --’, 1954 film by Akira Kurosawa (7) 6. American actor who won a Tony award for Death of a Salesman in 1949 (6,7) 7. Robert, Earl of Leicester and favourite of Elizabeth I of England (6) 8. David, 18c portrait painter known as the ‘Scottish Hogarth’ (5) 13. Man-eating monster defeated by Beowulf in Old English legend (7) 15. Capital of Russia (6) 16 and 11 Ac. State capital of Louisiana (5,5) 17. Arthur, British deputy supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force under Eisenhower 1943-5 (6) 20. Ancient region on the coast of Asia Minor whose chief town was Sardis (5) WORD WISE The word may sound familiar, but do you know what it means? PORTMANTEAU Each number from 1 to 9 represents a different letter. Solve the clues and insert the letters in the appropriate squares to discover a word which uses all nine letters. 1 6134573 gives a musical instrument; 2 164789 gives a musical instrument; 18226 gives a musical instrument. A B C Type of travelling bag The likeness of a real person Curtain hung over a door 47 gives a Greek letter; 95335 gives a Greek letter; 2371628 gives a Greek letter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X E E O C M U S H Z N B O L T W L E L N V A E B U R C G P Y P G O C A I R E W A D E F B Z T U V G M W H A D J B C R A M U E E Q E B J C K R O U O N U E R T E E T L W S W G N A N R I R T U R I L E F O O V E I Q S O B Y F L L P U H E S Y S G I U Q F E A B R R O H Y S T R W J E N S F U J E L V V W E E E F N S G H K I T M Z J B R E L U I Q O L C I S E E B C N N G E H U U E A R O S N E W O E F A R A H U L V F A M P M R N D I R H R E B M J O H N S O N SPORTWORD A test of knowledge for the sporting enthusiast 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 6 ACROSS 1. Pat ........, Spurs goalkeeper who scored in the 1967 Charity Shield against Man United (8) 7. The higher scoring of the two sets of rings on an archery target (5) 8. Margaret ....., 2004 London Marathon winner (5) 9. Igor ......, former Croatia and Liverpool footballer (6) 10. Doddie ...., Scotland rugby union player 1990- 2000 (4) 12. Samuel ...’., former Cameroon and Barcelona striker (4) 14. Virender ......, former India cricketer who made his Test debut in 2001 (6) 17. John .’...., Derby and Nottingham Forest forward under Brian Clough (5) 18. Lee ....., former Wales and Ospreys rugby union full back (5) 19. Cliff ........, South African winner of the 1972 US Open men’s doubles title with Roger Taylor (8) DOWN 1. Alan ....., Australian F1 motor racing driver who won the 1980 world championship (5) 2. Greg ......, The Open Championship winner in 1986 (6) 3. Type of golf club mainly used on shots from the fairway and rough (4) 4. W.G. ....., England Test cricket captain whose nicknames included ‘The Doctor’ (5) 5. District of London that hosts an international tennis tournament (9) 6. Maxi ........., former Argentina and Liverpool midfielder (9) 11. Country coached by Radomir Antic at the 2010 World Cup Finals (6) 13. Sean .’...., golfer who won the 2009 Quail Hollow Championship (5) 15. Shane ....., former Australia leg spin bowler (5) 16. Football club in northern France that last won the Ligue 1 championship in 1997/98 (4)

44 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Puzzles REMEMBER WHEN The following events all occurred in living memory. Can you guess the year? A B 1. Coolio had a UK No.1 hit with Gangsta’s Paradise 2. Toy Story was a huge success at the cinema 3. Serial killer Fred West died 4. Michael Foale was the first Briton to walk in space 1. Bryan Adams was at No.1 for sixteen weeks with (Everything I Do) I Do It For You 2. Billy Crystal starred in City Slickers 3. Pavarotti gave a free concert in Hyde Park 4. Publisher Robert Maxwell died C 1. The BBC broadcast Spelling Bee, its first ever game show 2. Photographer David Bailey was born 3. Gracie Fields was awarded a CBE 4. The magazine Picture Post was launched QUICK QUIZ 1. Which long-running BBC arts show has Brian Eno’s Another Green World as its opening theme music? 2. Which German composer wrote the operas Parsifal and The Flying Dutchman? 3. In which European country is the city of Brescia? 4. Which Christian sect is named after Dutch Anabaptist leader Menno Simons? 5. Which optical toy, using multiple reflections to create patterns, was invented by Sir David Brewster? 6. Which Greek poet is the presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey? 7. According to legend, which sacred object once used by Jesus was brought to Glastonbury by Joseph of Arimathea? 8. What name is given to the property of a body that causes it to remain at rest or in uniform motion until external force is applied? 9. In which county is the town of Basildon? 10. Who was the first Norman king of England? Arrowword Strongbox March Average Gift _ Clark- Neal, pictured Maris Piper, e.g. Actor, _ Winstone Unwrap Move a plane on a runway to take-off Female deer Behind time Aussie singer Hostility Curve European Proportion Enquire TV series, _ Going Out In the past Prospect Play a part Mark to indicate a sentence pause Postage sticker Writing tool Pixie _, pictured Narrow Tusked mammal Nocturnal bird Flat Lubricate As well Digits Hundred _ Wood, Piglet's home Mouth part Cardboard container Loo Vital organ Which person? Tree TV duo, _ & Dec For each Spatters Not even Unit of length Luggage Expanded Nip Stoatlike animal Listen to Sever Patterned with small squares Stair Oriental Cricket trophy, The _ Language segment Brink Keen Weight unit Glides Top teacher Knock out Belonging to us 1978 musical Colouring substance Simmer CODEWORD Omelette ingredient Consume This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representing the same letter. For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle. Looked at Hearing organ And not Rub out Water droplets 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 D 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A 2 3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 O C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 45 Puzzles TWO SPEED CROSSWORD This two-speed crossword has two sets of clues, but just one grid. If you can’t solve the Cryptic clue, try the Quick. Cryptic Across 1. A common fund for Catherine (5) 4. Where the gardener raises many a standard! (4-3) 8 & 9Ac. Neat apartments from which companies are run! (7-5) 10. The edge of the footpath provides some restriction, we hear (4) 11. One who tapes the instrument (8) 13. Dressed as a social outsider about fifty (4) 14. See 15 Down 16. Cash received for making safety fasteners? (3-5) 17. One company with northern image (4) 20. Wants to sort out dense confusion (5) 21. Exit in the open air (7) 22. Specific number for a county division (7) 23. Mountains frequented by riflemen (5) Down 1. A drink that leaves one lying on the floor? (5-3,5) 2. Late perpendicular amalgam of Lancaster and York! (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 3. Surely a paved area is longer than this! (4) 4. Though not featured in prose, they show sound correspondence (6) 5. Doris can become cynically contemptuous (8) 6. Gorily initiated (7) 7. Local tender! (8,5) 12. Tipsy reveller – but the motorist takes in nothing! (8) 15 20 21 19 22 23 13. Whole range of cutlery required for the dininghall (7) 15 & 14Ac. What one exerting himself needs after the first blow? (6,4) 18. Old coin used on state occasions (5) 19. From the first I resolved to use a spoon (4) Quick Across 1. Shared fund (5) 4. Flower border (4-3) 8. Tidy (7) 9. Kitchen, lounge, etc. (5) 10. Pavement edge (4) 11. Instrument (8) 13. Wearing (4) 14. Breeze (4) 16. Spending allowance (3-5) 17. Image (4) 20. Requires (5) 21. Exterior (7) 22. Century (7) 23. Scope (5) Down 1. Felling blow (5-3,5) 2. Royal house (5) 3. Unit of length (4) 4. Verses (6) 5. Ironic (8) 6. Initiated in hunting (7) 7. Health worker (8,5) 12. Party-goer (8) 13. Restaurant (7) 15. Back (6) 18. Regal headdress (5) 19. Agitate (4) Scribble pad CLOCKWORD The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter R in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell out the name of a late British comedy actress. 10 9 1. Consume 2. Writer 3. Digit 8 4. Meal 11 5. Over there 6. Closer 12 7 R 6 1 6 7. Weaken 8. Basement 9. Hand tool 10. Mollusc 11. Epistle 2 5 12. Crockery item 3 4 3 Solutions Star Seeker Across: 1 Stock-still; 7 Agree; 8 Molests; 10 Impotent; 11 Solo; 13 Outcry; 15 Ordeal; 17 Nice; 18 Full stop; 21 Affront; 22 Incur; 23 Playwright. Down: 1 Strip; 2 Overture; 3 Kimono; 4 Tell; 5 Lissome; 6 California; 9 Spoilsport; 12 Drilling; 14 Tactful; 16 Muster; 19 Tacit; 20 Cosy. Star Name: EMILIA CLARKE General Knowledge Quiz 1 A; 2 C; 3 D; 4 A; 5 C; 6 D; 7 C; 8 A; 9 C; 10 A; 11 D; 12 C; 13 C; 14 D; 15 A. Easy 9 6 2 8 5 3 4 7 1 5 2 6 3 1 9 7 4 8 2 9 5 6 8 4 1 3 7 Hard 7 8 6 1 3 2 5 4 9 8 6 3 2 9 7 4 1 5 6 5 1 9 2 4 3 7 8 Fill In 1 4 3 9 2 7 6 8 5 7 3 4 8 6 2 5 9 1 3 1 8 2 7 9 4 5 6 3 4 9 7 8 5 1 6 2 2 5 1 6 3 4 9 7 8 8 2 3 5 1 7 4 9 6 5 7 8 1 4 6 9 3 2 8 9 1 7 5 4 6 2 3 4 6 7 3 1 5 2 8 9 1 2 5 9 6 4 3 7 8 7 4 9 8 5 1 2 3 6 4 9 7 6 8 3 5 1 2 H O L Y C P R I M O O M A Y E A S H U T M B A R S T Y R E E I D E S P A C O R N C T H Y A U N O D E B R A N D V A N T I B A B E T U S E D B B U R R N A M E T R U T I R E Y B Y T E Dairy product: CHEESE Medium 7 4 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 8 3 7 2 5 9 1 6 4 3 7 5 9 1 6 4 2 8 1 9 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 4 5 9 8 6 1 7 2 3 9 1 8 5 4 2 6 3 7 5 2 8 4 7 1 9 3 6 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 5 9 2 6 4 7 8 3 1 9 5 General Knowledge Crossword Across: 1 Ripley; 4 Asgard; 9 Utopia Limited; 10 Electra; 11 Rouge; 12 Stags; 14 Bilko; 18 Ounce; 19 Allende; 21 Childhood’s End; 22 Wimple; 23 Magyar. Down: 1 Reuter; 2 Protestantism; 3 Eliot; 5 Samurai; 6 Arthur Kennedy; 7 Dudley; 8 Allan; 13 Grendel; 15 Moscow; 16 Baton; 17 Tedder; 20 Lydia. Sportword Across: 1 Jennings; 7 Inner; 8 Okayo; 9 Biscan; 10 Weir; 12 Eto’o; 14 Sehwag; 17 O’Hare; 18 Byrne; 19 Drysdale. Down: 1 Jones; 2 Norman; 3 Iron; 4 Grace; 5 Wimbledon; 6 Rodriguez; 11 Serbia; 13 O’Hair; 15 Warne; 16 Lens. Wordsearch X E E O C M U S H Z N B O L T W L E L N V A E B U R C G P Y P G O C A I R E W A D E F B Z T U V G M W H A D J B C R A M U E E Q E B J C K R O U O N U E R T E E T L W S W G N A N R I R T U R I L E F O O V E I Q S O B Y F L L P U H E S Y S G I U Q F E A B R R O H Y S T R W J E N S F U J E L V V W E E E F N S G H K I T M Z J B R E L U I Q O L C I S E E B C N N G E H U U E A R O S N E W O E F A R A H U L V F A M P M R N D I R H R E B M J O H N S O N Arrowword Word Wise: A. Type of travelling bag Niner 1. CLARIONET: OCARINA CORNET CELLO 2. COMPARING: PI GAMMA OMICRON S T G A S C P A R A D E C O M M A F X R A T I O R M E D I U M L O T T O A S K T O O P R E S E N T T H I N A I A G O L W S R Y L A N M E L E P H A N T A O P P O S I T I O N U P O T A T O W P N T O N P E R S P L A S H E S U E C A S E C E W O R D I N C H I N C R E A S E D Y B H E A R E D G E B I T E S T E P R L C U T A S H E S M I N K E G G E A T T E A R E R A S E E Y E D N O R D E W Remember When A 1995; B 1991; C 1938. Quick Quiz 1 Arena; 2 Richard Wagner; 3 Italy; 4 Mennonites; 5 Kaleidoscope; 6 Homer; 7 The Holy Grail; 8 Inertia; 9 Essex; 10 William the Conqueror. Codeword 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U L Q D X K Y N A S P R F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 O G H E W T V C B I J M Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A U R F G Z J D V Y H E W 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 K L S O X I N B T C M Q P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 L D U B S H P V K Z O J T 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 M Y N W C Q I G E X R A F Two Speed Crossword Across: 1 Kitty; 4 Rose-bed; 8 Orderly; 9 Rooms; 10 Kerb; 11 Recorder; 13 Clad; 14 Wind; 16 Pin-money; 17 Icon; 20 Needs; 21 Outdoor; 22 Hundred; 23 Range. Down: 1 Knock-out punch; 2 Tudor; 3 Yard; 4 Rhymes; 5 Sardonic; 6 Blooded; 7 District nurse; 12 Carouser; 13 Canteen; 15 Second; 18 Crown; 19 Stir. Clockword 1 Devour, 2 Author, 3 Number, 4 Dinner, 5 Yonder, 6 Nearer, 7 Impair, 8 Cellar, 9 Hammer, 10 Oyster, 11 Letter, 12 Saucer. Celebrity: DANDY NICHOLS

42 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS OBITUARIES The laconic Monkee famed for woolly hat American musician Michael Nesmith was best known as the guitarist in 1960s pop rock group The Monkees. Along with vocalist Davy Jones, drummer Micky Dolenz and bassist Peter Tork, Nesmith, who has died aged 78, recorded some of the decade’s most enduring songs, including I’m A Believer and Daydream Believer. He also appeared in the group’s successful self-titled television series, which first aired between 1966 and 1968. Nesmith was born in Houston, Texas, in December 1942 to Warren and Bette, the inventor of one of the first brands of correction fluid, Liquid Paper. His parents divorced when he was four after his father returned from serving in the Second World War. Nesmith described himself as an indifferent student and never graduated from high school, though he took part in singing and drama activities. He enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1960 and completed basic training. He was discharged under honourable conditions in 1962. After developing his song-writing craft in San Antonio community college, he moved to Los Angeles where he began performing on the city’s folk music scene. In October 1965 he was given a role in the TV band after impressing producers Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider by arriving for his audition on a motorbike wearing his iconic woollen hat. While the group did not compose many of their most famous hits (I’m A Believer was written by singer Neil Diamond), Nesmith became involved in song-writing and recording from the beginning. The Monkees’ first four multi-platinum albums went to number one in the US. They scored two chart-topping LPs in the UK and I’m A Believer was number one single for four weeks in 1967. After the TV show was cancelled in 1968, the band continued to record for another three years before splitting. The Monkees are one of the biggest-selling acts of all time, having shifted over 75 million records. Nesmith revealed in his memoir Infinite Tuesday that a widely reported story that The Monkees outsold The Beatles and The Rolling Stones combined during 1967 was actually a lie he told an Australian journalist during an interview. After the band’s break-up, Nesmith continued his music career as a member of country rock group First National Band and as a solo artist. He later worked as a filmmaker and won the first ever Grammy Award given for video of the year in 1981 for hour-long television show Elephant Parts. He was also the executive producer of the cult sci-fi comedy film Repo Man, which starred Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton in 1984. Nesmith was married and divorced three times. He had three children with his first wife Phyllis Ann Barbour, called Christian, Jonathan and Jessica. He had a third son, Jason, with photographer Nurit Wilde, who he met while filming The Monkees TV show. Christian followed in his father’s musical footsteps and played on The Monkees’ reunion tours between 2012 and 2014. In June 2018, Nesmith pulled out of a tour with Dolenz due to “a minor health issue”. His family confirmed that he died from natural causes at the age of 78. Co-founder of campaigning 1980s Steve Bronski was the co-founder of 1980s synthpop group Bronski Beat. The keyboardist, who has died aged 61, formed the band with Jimmy Somerville and Larry Steinbachek in 1983 and they went on to release hits including Smalltown Boy and Why? The trio were known for campaigning on gay rights issues and their debut album, The Age Of Consent, featured the consent age for males in various countries around the world on its inner sleeve as a protest. Somerville shared a tribute on Twitter, writing: “Sad to hear Steve Bronski has died. He was a talented and a very melodic man. “Working with him on songs and the one song that changed our lives and touched so many other lives, was a fun and exciting time. Thanks for the melody Steve.” Born Steven Forrest in Glasgow, Bronski worked as a labourer and stagehand while playing bass in a country and western group before moving to London. He shared a flat with his bandmates in Brixton, south London. They were inspired to form a band in response to what they considered to be the era’s inoffensive and conservative take on pop music. In 1984, they signed a recording contract with London Records after performing just nine live concerts, rejecting a deal with influential journalist and label owner Paul Morley and claiming later that he had intended to market the band based mainly on them being openly gay. Their debut single, Smalltown Boy, about a gay teenager fleeing his hometown and family for the city, went to number three in the UK singles chart and remains a favourite among the nightclubbing community. At the end of 1984, Bronski Beat released their debut album, titled The Age of Consent, which peaked at number four in the UK charts, and tackled themes relevant to the gay community. They also collaborated with Soft Cell star Marc Almond in 1985 to release a hit cover of Donna Summer’s I Feel Love. Somerville later left to form pop group The Communards with the Reverend Richard Coles. He was replaced by John Foster and later Jonathan Hellyer. Bronski revived the band in 2016 with one-time 1990s member Ian Donaldson to record a reworked version of their debut album, this time titled Age Of Reason. Steinbachek died from cancer at the age of 56 in late 2016.

' ' WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 43 OBITUARIES To book a family announcement in the Western Daily Press call 08444 060263 or visit the website www. thisisbristol.co.uk/ announcements. Our telephone lines are open from 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday Tributes paid to star of The Call Centre BOLEY Ken of East Huntspill Passed peacefully away with his family at his side on 5th December 2021 aged 83 years. Dearly loved Husband of Margaret. He will be sadly missed by all Family and Friends. The Funeral service will take place at All Saint's Church, East Huntspill on Wednesday 22nd December at 12.00 noon. Family flowers only please but donations if desired for All Saint's Church, East Huntspill may be sent to R. Millard & Son Funeral Directors, 6 Springfield Road, Highbridge, TA9 3AH Tel 01278 793078 KING Angela Angie passed away on 22nd December 2020, already a year ago. Dearly missed by Jim, William and Joanna and grandchildren and her many friends. Always remembered. God bless. synthpop group > > Bronski Beat keyboardist Steve Bronski > > Monkee Mike Nesmith has died aged 78 Tributes have been paid to the businessman and reality TV star Nev Wilshire following his death. Mr Wilshire found fame as the boss of the Swansea call centre in BBC Three’s reality series The Call Centre, which aired between 2013 and 2014. The fly-on-the-wall documentary series followed the ups and downs of the call centre staff, led by Mr Wilshire, pictured. His family said the father-of-four, from Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, was “much loved” by his children and “adored” by his six grandchildren. “It is with the greatest of sadness that we announce the death of Neville Wilshire. Much-loved dad of his four children, Becci, Jon, Phil and Abi,” they said in the announcement posted on Twitter. “Son of Marian and the late Professor Brian Wilshire. Brother of Ralph and the late Keith Wilshire. Adored Grampy Nev to his six wonderful grandchildren. “In Dad’s own words: ‘Look after each other and care for each other. When it all comes down to it at the end of my life, I will not be giving people instructions of details on how to run a successful business, I will be responding to how those around me are. The family is very important to me, both my close family and those I share my time with each day. The more you give, the more you receive. The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart... I am by nature a happy person and I do all I can to create a happy environment around me... We all have to take knock-backs in life, just get back in the saddle with a smile on your face and ride’.” TV presenter Hayley Pearce, who was the tea lady in the BBC series, paid tribute to the “world’s greatest boss” and said Mr Wilshire had changed her life. “This is a tribute to the world’s greatest boss there ever was,” she said on Twitter. “But as many of you know he was more than the boss to me. He was like family. “The memories we made together are the ones I will cherish and talk about the rest of my life. “The tea lady was born by Nev and I can’t thank him enough for believing in me and seeing something in me. “I have so much more to say about him, so much more. “He changed my life. But for now, this is just to pay my respects and let’s appreciate how much of a great guy he was.” DAY Arnold Alfred (Arnie) Passed away peacefully on 14th December aged 85 years. Dearly loved husband to Pat and father to Adrian. Funeral service Weston-super-Mare Crematorium, Thursday 23rd December at 10.30am. Family flowers only, donations if desired to Dementia UK c/o Keith C. Britton & Son, 10 High Street, Yatton BS49 4JA. FRANKS Maureen Passed away peacefully on 7th December 2021 after a short illness. Much loved Mum, Nan and grandma. Maureen will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Funeral Service on Thursday 23rd December 2021 at 11.30 am St Mary's Church, Litton. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for 'Somerset Sight' to Bryan Bishop Funeral Service, Farrington Road, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7LW. McCABE Lynn Passed away peacefully on December 8th 2021. Beloved Wife of Phil, much loved Mum of Kerry and Andrew and treasured Nanny to James and Lauren. She will be greatly missed by all of her family and friends. The Funeral Service will be held at South Bristol Crematorium on Wednesday, December 29th at 3.00 pm. All enquiries to Michael W Rowe Funeral Directors, 2, The Vinery, Harford Square, Chew Magna. Telephone 01275 332565. PHIPPEN Carol Suddenly on 11th December aged 72 years. Dearly loved wife to Geoff, mother to James and Matthew and much loved grandmother. Funeral service at St Andrew's Church Congresbury Tuesday 4th January at 11.30am. Family flowers only, donations if desired to the British Heart Foundation c/o Keith C. Britton & Son Funeral Directors, 10 High Street, Yatton BS49 4JA funeral-notices.co.uk Announce, share and remember forever Funeral Notice Partners The following Funeral Directors have chosen funeral-notices.co.uk to provide notices on their website meaning you may view their current and past notices on their own websites. Check out your local Funeral Notice Partners below: Visit: michaelwrowefunerals.co.uk Interested in becoming a preferred partner to funeral notices? Funeral Directors can be added free to this advert by calling 03444 060 276

44 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS ON THIS DAY > > Steven Allan Spielberg was born on this day in 1946. He is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter. He began his career in the New Hollywood era and is currently the most commercially successful director. Spielberg is the recipient of various accolades, including three Academy Awards (with two for Best Director), a Kennedy Center honor, a Cecil B. DeMille Award, and an AFI Life Achievement Award. Birthdays Keith Richards, Rolling Stones guitarist, 78, top; Steven Spielberg, film-maker, 75, left; Brad Pitt, actor, 58; Robson Green, actor, 57; Katie Holmes, actress, 43; Christina Aguilera, singer, 41, above; Lizzie Armitstead, cyclist, 33 thought Father God, may we be mindful of Your constancy, Your faithfulness. As we approach once again the celebration of the coming of Your Son Jesus Christ, guide us in all we say and do, that Your Name may be glorified. We thank You, and praise You for this Holy and blessed time. Amen I am at this moment in time very frustrated and upset. But again, our main focus is my foot at the moment and just making sure that we can make it on Saturday – Strictly Come Dancing star AJ Odudu talks about suffering a foot injury ahead of this weekend’s final. It’s been a really difficult time and I’m incredibly sorry for my actions – I’m sincerely grateful nobody was hurt – I realise the damage my actions could have caused not only to another family, but to my own as well – Katie Price apologises after she avoided being sent to jail for drink-driving following a crash near her home. WHAT THEY SAY Christmas trade is always crucial for the hospitality industry, making up as much as a quarter of the year’s profit for many businesses... If operators are unable to trade profitably over the next month, many will simply not survive – UKHospitality boss Kate Nicholls calls for support from the Government as the spread of Omicron and health warnings wreak havoc on pubs and restaurants. We must not sleepwalk into an emergency that for both health and business will be much greater as a result of inaction than it will be if we act firmly and strongly now. I have therefore written to the Prime Minister this morning appealing to him to put the necessary support schemes in place – Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Perhaps the unelected Covid public health spokesperson should defer to what our ELECTED Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister have decided. I know it’s difficult to remember but that’s how democracy works – Joy Morrissey, Tory MP for Beaconsfield, in a tweet she later deleted. > > AJ Odudu > > Ronnie Biggs, pictured in 1981, died aged 84 on this day in 2014 this day 1707: Charles Wesley, hymnwriter and prolific preacher, was born in Epworth, Lincolnshire. 1737: Antonio Stradivari, violinmaker, died in his nineties at Cremona, Italy. 1865: The United States officially abolished slavery with the ratification of the 13th Amendment. 1912: Newspapers ran headlines of the discovery of Piltdown Man in Sussex. It was claimed to be the fossilised skull and remains of the earliest known European. In 1953 it was proved to be a hoax – the skull was that of an orang-utan combined with the skull of a fully developed, modern man. 1952: Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men, were first seen on BBC TV, along with Little Weed. 1969: The death penalty for murder was formally abolished in Britain. 1970: Divorce became legal in Italy. 2012: The Queen, pictured right, capped her Diamond Jubilee year by becoming the first monarch to attend the Cabinet in more than two centuries. 2014: Ronnie Biggs, the Great Train Robber who won worldwide notoriety for spending 36 years on the run after escaping prison, died aged 84. On this day last year: More than 300 Nigerian schoolboys arrived in the capital of Katsina state to celebrations of their release from captivity.

COP26 is the bi gest event staged by ment Programme warned that co mitments from governments around the countries – has b en mi sed. $1 0bi lion a year for five years to p orer world would only limit warming to 2.7C. Britain wi l tell the world it is leading With the UK hosting the conference, the way with measure such as Boris Johnson summed up his targets becoming the first country to co mit consequences of climate change wi l as “coal, cars, cash and trees”. lega ly to net zero and ba ning new politicians trying to find a way to stop become increasingly dangerous – more He wants coal completely phased out petrol and diesel cars from 2030. But it is the planet from overheating with extreme weather, melting ice caps, rising worldwide, a switch from petrol and also considering a new coal mine and potentia ly deadly consequences. sea levels among them. diesel-powered cars to electric vehicles, allowing new North Sea oil licences. Since man first started using coal, the rich countries to help finance adaptation It is to be hoped that world leaders do planet has already warmed by 1.2C and plans in p orer countries and for more than jus talk. is on course to hit 1.5C in 20 years. mitigation measures such as large-scale Gr enpeace International Executive At COP26 – the 26th Conference of It may not sound much but even with tr e planting to soak up carbon. Director Je nifer Morgan last w ek Parties on climate change – the aim is to 1.2C of warming, records for extreme His COP26 president Alok Sharma has described COP26 as “a test for find a way to achieve the Paris treaty. weather events k ep tumbling. This year b en trave ling the globe trying to get humanity”. She said: “Paris was the Pari sough to limit climate change to we have s en devastating floods in world leaders to co mi to a 2050 target engagement party, but no we’re a the no more than 2C and preferably 1.5C of Germany and China and a recordbreaking ler heatwave in Canada. gr enhouse gases. One of the key goals countries and corporations are ready to for net zero – eliminating or o fse ting we ding, waiting to s e if the key warming since the Industrial Revolution. Scientists warn that beyond 2C the Recently the United Nations Environ- – ge ting rich countries to donate say ‘I do’.” The goal of the Glasgow su mit is not to negotiate a new deal to save the planet. That deal wa struck in 2015 in Paris. By John Ingham Environment Editor Give the gift of their fave magazine for Christmas! All the celebrity and fashion news, beauty tips and much more! 13 ISSUES £13 52 ISSUES £50 Visit reachforms.co.uk/Christmas No more cats on keyboards Lots more ways to get your business back on track! We’ve left home working behind and our offices are now back open for business. Give us a call today to see how the UK’s largest regional media network can help your business get back. Call 0333 2000400 today Western Daily Press WedneSdaY, noVemBer 3, 2021 The champion of SomerSeT and GlouceSTerShire and The WeST Since 1858 £1.15 win a dream christmas £25,000 to GiVe awaY – 10 winners Get £2,500 each deTAiLs On pAGe 11 – TOKen COLLeCT Wheel slip is blamed for train smash driver applied brakes but train failed to stop – investigators: Jet man flYinG hiGh to impress the arm WESTERN DAILY PRE S Wednesday, November 3, 2021 1 SAVING THE PLANET the UK since the 2012 London Olympics. And the stakes are muc higher. The competitors will not be superfit athletes chasin gold medals but scientists, government o ficials and GREEN BRITAIN NEEDS YOU special climate crisis pullout see inside

46 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Classified TRAIN & MODEL CAR COLLECTIONS WANTED *** WANTED ******WANTED***** WANTED ******WANTED*** RAILWAY HORNBY BACHMANN ALL MAKES AND SIZES OO GAUGE N GAUGE O GAUGE 45MM LIVE STEAM DIECAST BOXED CORGI DINKY MATCHBOX METAL FIGURES & PLASTIC KITS MAMODS CALL ROGER 01225 420725 or 07752 222 645 WANTED MILITARIA Collector would like the opportunity to purchase German and British WW2 militaria. RAF medals, antique weapons etc. Cash paid. Absolute discretion assured. sellyoak.rose@gmail.com 01903 533340 or 07909285080 WANTED CASH IN YOUR ATTIC Have you ever wondered if your possessions are of value? Free home visit, advice given. Distance no problem. Instant cash payment for - Old coins & banknotes - any age, country, quantity or condition. Gold and silver coins, sovereigns, guineas etc. Paintings, watercolours, china, pens, watches, clocks, corkscrews, old toys. Silver items incl. candlesticks trays, cutlery, tea sets etc. Jewellery, costume and fine jewellery. Medals, militaria, uniforms, stamps, postcards, photo albums. Any other items you feel could be of interest to me. Discretion assured. Contact Ian on - Tel: 07817 097343 or 01935 873839 ITEMS FOR SALE Accordion 2 snooker sticks Fridge Freezer. 07375322660 ABERDEEN ANGUS EASTON GREYS HERD Excellent Pedigree young bulls (semen tested), in calf heifers and young cows for sale. High health status. Tel Matt 07932 914302 (Wiltshire) KILLERTON LIMOUSIN BULLS FOR SALE Bulls from 14 months + TB Tested. BVD, IBR & Lepto Vaccinated and Semen tested. Beef values in the top 10% Patrick Greed - Exeter Bulls & Heifers Cows & Calves Tel. 01392 841228 or Mob. 07850 952983 REQUIRE ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE Cows, Stock Bulls Steers & Heifers - under 30 months Steers & Heifers - over 30 months Farm visits available ALL STOCK WEIGHED & CLASSIFIED BY THE MLC Luke Scrivin 07985 416 431 A G Sansum & Sons Ltd FOR SALE Straw, Hay, Haylage and Fodderbeat Please call Colin 07836 561575 Clare 07834 038314 Office 01454 294574 Straw now available Covering all your agricultural needs & services ABBOTT & CO LTD are buyers and sellers of Barley & Wheat Straw HAY & HAYLAGE also Bedmax Bedrap Shavings Tel 01934 822177 or 01458 447833 PROMPT PAYMENT Please contact: OR HIGH STREET OLDLAND COMMON BRISTOL BS30 9TN Tel: 0117 932 2725 www.alecjarrett.co.uk Gosia Fudge 07498 229 248

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 47 Classified Stanton Wick Farm, Pensford, Bristol BS39 4DB Office: 01761 490372, Email: sales@hcurtis.co.uk All Prices plus VAT James Ball: 07740 179725 | Andrew Curtis: 07999 010607 Bobcat E10Z, In stock £POA Bobcat E27Z, In Stock £POA Bobcat E55Z, In Stock £POA Bobcat, L28 Loading Shovel £POA Bobcat Skid-steer S510, 70hrs from new, c/w bucket & grab £34,750 Braughan 22 Silage trailer, 2018, steering axel £19,250 Case 1594, 1985, 3898 hrs, 30k, Hyrdashift, 2 spools, front weights £16,500 Case 185, 2016, 7100 hrs, 50K, front linkage & PTO suspended cab, air con £44,750 Case 75A, 2018, 2WD, 560hrs, like new £POA Case Puma 150 powershift, F/L, 50K air brakes, tyres 80%, low hrs £65,000 Case 5150+ 1996, good tyres, exceptional condition £POA Case 5140 Pro, 1998, 3000hrs, 40kmh £POA Case 5120 Pro, 1998, 6000hrs,£POA Case 7220, 1998, 7600hrs £32,750 Case 7240, 1998, 7700hrs, £39,950 Case/ Steyr CS150, 2003, F/L, Good tyres, approx 3500 hrs £31,750 Deutz 510040, 2016, 2900HRS, 40K, FL & PTO £27,500 Ford 6610, 1987, 1348hrs, dual power, 4WD, immaculate tractor £POA Househam Sprint Self-propelled Sprayer, may 96, 6300 hrs, 12/24 mt boom, 2l tank, 4 wheel steer, 2 sets of wheels £21,750 JCB Fastrac 4220, June 21, 500 hrs, Vario, 60k, F/L £POA JCB JS 130, LC, 13t Slew, 2014, Q/H, 5900 hrs, due in £35,000 Kubota b3030, 2700hrs, 4wd £10,500 Massey Ferguson, 3635, 5995 hrs, aircon, 40k £21,950 Massey Ferguson 8110, 4100 HRS, 1997, 40KMH, aircon £18,750 MF 6190 4WD, Full spec, £POA MF 5411 2019, dyna4, cab suspension, 80% tyres, 1900 hrs, power shuttle £41,750 MASSEY FERGUSON 6150, R Reg, 40Kmh, 6500Hrs £18,950 New Holland TL100A 2005, C/W loader, £POA New Holland 40 Boomer, C/W cab, turf tyres, ex hire, £POA New Holland Boomer 25, 2019, 27 hours, 4wd, as new £POA Pottinger Lion 302 Power harrow 3m, 2013, packer roller, good tines, VGC £5,250 Valtra T234, 2020, Direct, loader, 1090hrs, smart touch £POA Valtra G135, 2021, 403hrs, smart touch, loader £POA Valtra T174 Unlimited, 2020, 4053hrs, 57kmh, F/L & PTO £POA BUY NOW, PAY LATER! FANTASIC EARLY BIRD OFFERS INCLUDING 0% FINANCE DEALS & PAYMENT DEFERRALS ON ALL NEW 2022 KUBOTA GRASS & FORAGE MACHINERY… FERT SPREADERS, ALL MOWERS, FLAILS, TEDDERS, RAKES & BALERS IN STOCK: Kubota M6-142: 140HP with 20HP Transport Power Boost, 24x24 Fully Robotic Trans, In Stock & Available! JOHN DEERE 6115M: 2015, 6190 Hours, 40kph Powr Quad Trans, MX 420 Loader, FSH, Very Clean & Tidy £39,950 +VAT Kubota Dealers for Wiltshire & Somerset Manor Farm, Marston, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 5SQ Contact Us: 01380 723986 or Jason Howard: 07968 324465 IN STOCK: New Kubota M4-063: 66HP, MERLO TF35.7 TELEHANDLER: 2019, 40KPH 18x18 Transmission with ElectroHyd 1500 Hours, 40kph, Trailer Brakes & PUH, Shuttle, 4WD, Immediately Available! Mitchlin Tyres, Superb £51,950 +VAT SILOKING DIET FEEDER: 12M Cube, TEAGLE TOMOHAWK 8100: 2018, Single Auger, Lower “Compact” Model, Swivel Chute, Chops Straw or Silage, Side Elevator, Weigh Head, £7,450 +VAT Hardly Used & Like New, £9,250 +VAT We are now Dealers for Nugent Engineering, offering their full Livestock & Commercial Trailer Ranges. For More Info, please visit www.nugentengineering.com For prices and availability contact Jason Howard on 07968 324465. Newly appointed dealer for Somerset and Bristol. Telescopic handlers, Skid steers, excavators 0.8-8.5 t. Groundcare Specialist - Nigel Howe: 07793 586555 To view more machinery visit our website: www.hcurtis.co.uk

48 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Classified Sedgemoor Auction Centre North Petherton, Somerset, TA6 6DF (M5, Junction 24) Telephone: 01278 410278 www.gth.net TOTAL STOCK FOR THE WEEK 5465 Stock from across the West Country, sold to buyers from throughout the Nation Returns for Saturday 11th December 2021 DAIRY CATTLE (85) Heifers to £2550. Others £2200. Cows to £2220. Others £1980. (891) STORE CATTLE & STIRKS - FORWARD STORES (453) Steers to £1450 (LIMX). Others £1445 (AA) £1430 (2x BRBX) & £1425 (LIMX). Heifers to £1350 (BRBX). Others £1295 (2x) (LIMX & BRBX) £1270 (2x) (CHX & LIMX) & £1200 (BRBX). GRAZING COWS (7) to £1155 (CHX). Others £1075 (LIMX). SUCKLERS (2) to £1090. STIRKS (436) Steers to £1025 (BAX). Others £1010 (LIMX) £1000 (LIMX) & £995 (LIMX). Heifers to £965 (LIMX). Others £950 (LIMX) £900 (PA) & £ 880 (2X PA). CALVES (342) - Beef Bulls to £472 (BRBX). Others £452 (BRBX) £410 (BRBX) & £395 (BRBX). Heifers to £415 (BRBX). Others £352 (CHX) £350 (3x BRBX) & £340 (BRBX). Black & Whites to £340. (2959) SHEEP - STORE LAMBS (1767) to £141. Others £135 & £130. Overall Ave £101.23. CULL EWES & RAMS (1132) Ewes to £188. Others £175 & £150. Overall Ave £90.38. GOATS (60) to £148. The West Country’s Gateway to National Abattoirs Returns for Monday 13th December 2021 PRIME CATTLE (41) Steers UTM av 209.7ppk to 233.0ppk & £1,472.90. Others 230.0ppk, 222.0ppk & 216.5ppk. Others £1,449.00, £1,423.29 & £1,421.30. Heifers UTM av 202.9ppk to 226.5ppk and £1,405.82. Others 223.5ppk (2x) 221.5ppk & 219.5ppk. Others £1405.82, £1,378.46 & £1,343.15. BARREN COWS (66) Continental av 134.7ppk to 177.5ppk and £1,320.60. Native Beef av 118.8ppk to 153.5ppk and £1,144.98. Dairy av 114.8ppk to 136.5ppk and £1,120.18. FINISHED SHEEP (1081) Lamb ave 285.05ppk to 303.0ppk and £158.00. Others 302.0ppk, 298.0ppk (3x) & 297ppk (2x). Others £156.00, £153.00 & £148.00. FORTHCOMING SPECIAL SALES For full COVID-19 rules on market attendance and up to date sales list please refer to our website https://www.gth.net/sedgemoor-auction-centre DECEMBER Fri 24th Christmas Eve - Market Office Closed Sat 25th Christmas Day - No Market - Market Office Closed Mon 27th Christmas Bank Holiday - No Market - Market Office Closed Entries for the following day’s combined market to Robert Venner 07889 006503, Jeremy Bell 07860 319379, Derek Biss 07850 932555, Adam Hayes 07889 064309, Paul Ashton 07866 673857 & George Bone 07919 146100 Tues 28th Prime Cattle, Barren Cows, Prime Lambs 11.30am, Killing Ewes to follow the Prime Lambs, Dairy Cattle 11am, Calves 10am & Pigs 10am JANUARY 2022 Sat 1st New Year’s Day - No Market - Market Office Closed Mon 3rd Normal Prime Market Sat 8th Monthly Seasonal Catalogued Sale of In Lamb Ewes 12pm Sat 8th Monthly Catalogued Sale of Organic Store Stock 10am Ring 2 Sat 15th Fortnightly Sale of Pigs 11am Sat 15th Monthly Catalogued Sale of Suckler Cows, Calves, Heifers & Bulls 12.30pm Ring 1 Wed 26th Orange Market Dedicated Sale for bTB Restricted Cattle. Store Cattle - 15 Months & Over, Prime Cattle & Barren Cows. Stock to be booked in with the market office by 19th January. Licences to be obtained from Truro Trading Standards on 03000 200301 or CSC.TBlicensing@apha.gsi.gov.uk Sale commences 4.30pm JOHN BOLTON Same Day Payment For barren cows, All areas bulls, over age cattle, fat and lean covered 7 days a Also Registered collector of fallen stock. week Cattle, horses, calves, sheep, e.t.c. Also TB restricted cattle taken. Parbrook, Glastonbury BA6 8PB Tel. 01458 850230 | Mob. 07860 269462, 07788153419 www.gth.net AGRI LIME GYPSUM SUPERSLAG King Contracting East Harptree, Bristol Tel - 01761 221246 M - 07850 838046 H J Pugh & Co LEDBURY 01531 631122 www.hjpugh.com HAZLE MEADOWS AUCTION CENTRE, LEDBURY HR8 2LP WOODWORKING MACHINERY & TOOLS. WORKSHOP & ENGINEERING TOOLS. OLD COLLECTABLE TOOLS, SEASONED & GREEN SAWN TIMBER SATURDAY 8th JANUARY 9.30AM, 2 RINGS SOMERSET TRACTOR SHOW, SHEPTON MALLET Annual auction sale in conjunction with Somerset show. The first show of the year VINTAGE, CLASSIC AND LATER TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS, ENGINES, SPARES, WORKSHOP TOOLS, ETC SATURDAY 29th JANUARY 2 RINGS, Catalogue entries close 17th January. Catalogue online week of sale ALL AUCTIONS LIVE AND ONLINE Catalogues online KING FARM WASTE Tel: 01761 221246 Mob: 07850 838046 FARM WASTE COLLECTIONS We are Licensed Waste Carriers/Brokers and provide Waste Transfer Receipts We collect in 14 Counties in the Midlands, South West England and South Wales We collect from farms, nurseries, market gardens, equine establishments NO ANNUAL FEES, JUST PAY FOR WHAT WE TAKE AWAY! We Re-Cycle over 99%

V i ct ori an WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 49 Classified Public Notices Voyce Pullin Auctioneers, Valuers & Rural Surveyors FORTHCOMING SALES CIRENCESTER MARKET Cotswold Agricultural Centre, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 5QA MONDAY 20 TH DECEMBER 2021 100 TB Restricted Store Cattle (2.00 pm) TUESDAY, 21 ST DECEMBER 2021 Sales of Prime & Store Sheep & Cull Ewes (10.00am) Sales of Rearing Calves (10.30am) Sales of Store Cattle (11.30am) All cattle MUST be pre movement tested No untested Beef Cattle or Barren Cows Dressed Poultry (12.30pm) THURSDAY 23 RD DECEMBER 2021 NO MARKET TUESDAY 28 TH DECEMBER 2021 NO MARKET THURSDAY 30 TH DECEMBER 2021 NO MARKET TUESDAY 4 TH JANUARY 2022 Normal Sales of Rearing Calves & Store Cattle 14 th & 16 th December 2021 Market Results Full Report available on Website REARING & WEANED CALVES (51): Bulls to £305, Heifers to £260. STORE CATTLE (179): Another very pleasing entry sold to another very good trade. The stronger short-term steers were again extremely dear but shorter in number trading between £1280 - £1430 (205 - 220p/kg) with again the highlight being Non-Farm Assured Charolais steers to £1700 (270p/kg). The stronger medium-term steers were another very good trade with the better Continental’s £1150 - £1250 (210 - 220p/ kg) topping at £1340 (218p/kg) for British Blue steers & the general medium-term steers were also a very strong trade between £950 - £1100 (210 - 230p/kg) with the younger & lesser steers £800 - £900 (190 - 210p/kg). The stronger shortterm heifers traded between £1050 - £1100 topping at £1660 (266p/kg) for Charolais’. The stronger medium-term heifers were in short supply and again another good trade between £950 - £1050 (200 - 210p/kg) with the general medium-term & younger heifers between £750 - £850 (175 - 190p/kg). The weaned calves & young stores were a good trade with South Devon steers (8 - 9mnths) to £748 (220p/kg) & Hereford steers (9 - 10mnths) to £752 (209p/kg). The fourth run of Simmental steers (7 - 9mnths) sold to £750 (263p/kg) & £700 (2250p/kg) with heifers to £762 (224p/kg) & £688 (226p/kg). PRIME LAMBS (796) An excellent entry for time of year sold to another very strong with the SQQ 278p/kg. The better tight coated handyweights traded between 290 to 310p/kg. Heavier lambs sold between £135 and £140 topping at £146. STORE SHEEP (400) A very good entry of store lambs saw the stronger lambs £100 - £115. Medium sorts £85 - £90. Smaller long-term lambs £60 - £70. CULL EWES (401) A decent entry saw another very good trade with the stronger Continental & Suffolk ewes £130 to £166, Half meat ewes £105 - £120. Rams to £129. CATTLE (10) Not too much quality on offer with the few smart sorts topping at 206p/kg. Another strong cow trade with Beef cows to184p/kg Top underage Steer £1600, 39month steer to £1615. Oldbury: 01454 269486 Lydney: 01291 680068 Market: 01285 869911 Commercial: 01285 869333 www.voycepullin.co.uk Land For Sale By Private Treaty LAND AT WINTERS LANE, REDHILL, NORTH SOMERSET 13.31 acres of pasture land and woodland. £220,000 Contact the Wrington Office 01934 864300 LAND AT ELMSLEY LANE, KEWSTOKE, NORTH SOMERSET 8.15 acres of pasture land. £75,000 Contact the Wrington Office 01934 864300 Grant Funding FARMING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY FUND (FETF) DEFRA have released another grant which will contribute towards the purchase cost of a list of specified, pre-determined items that will have a standard cost for farmers, foresters and contractors to help improve farm efficiency. If you would like more information please do contact the Wrington Office 01934 864300 AUCTION ROOMS - FORTHCOMING SALES Interiors & Collectables - 11th January at 10am Fine Art, Antiques, Silver & Jewellery - 15th January at 10am The Auction Rooms will be open as normal during the Christmas period for valuations, collections and deliveries apart from on Christmas Eve and Bank Holidays. www.mendipauctionrooms.co.uk LAND FOR SALE Cuckoo Lane, Clutton For sale by tender 5.33 acres of permanent pasture/amenity land Tenders to be submitted by Wednesday 22nd December, 12pm Land wanted to satisfy strong demand. Contact us for a free appraisal of your property. FORTHCOMING ONLINE PROPERTY AUCTIONS Dundry Extensive range of traditional farm buildings and paddocks set in 3.46 acres. AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY TO RENT Central Somerset Range of modern agricultural buildings and 200 acres of pasture. Available April. Contact us on 01761 241127 for further details. Looking to let land or sell grasskeep this Spring? Contact us for a free appraisal of your property and letting advice. www.killens.org.uk 01275 333993 | 01749 840770 | 01761 241127 COLLECTIVE ON FARM FODDER AUCTION TUES 11th JANUARY FURTHER ENTRIES INVITED Enquiries: Trevor Rowland 01373 831010 ANNUAL PUBLIC AUCTION OF LONG LEGGED CHRISTMAS POULTRY TUES 21st DECEMBER AT FROME MARKET, STANDERWICK, FROME, BA11 2QB Commencing 10.30am. Viewing 10am. Enquiries/Entries 01373 831010 (3) LAND & PROPERTY AUCTIONS – Timed Auctions via registration at cooperandtanner.co.uk/land-and-property ENTRIES INVITED FOR FUTURE PROPERTY AUCTIONS Enquiries/to discuss entering property or land into an auction contact Hannah Pole 01373 455060 or George Trippick 01458 834288 FARMS & LAND For free Marketing Advice phone Martin Hemmett 01373 455060 or Ross Whitcombe 01458 834288 FARM & RURAL FINANCE Contact your regional agents: Chris Eden 01373 831010 Tori Osborne 01934 740055 Nick Oliver 01458 834288 www.cooperandtanner.co.uk MIG welders Repairs TIG welders Sales Plasma cutters Servicing Generators Warrior Welding Machines BOC Gasses Call Phil 01225 312177 info@warriorwelders.com WANTED for Resale and Export tractors, telehandlers, combine harvesters, farm machinery, landrovers, wheeled diggers, excavators, lorries ANYTHING CONSIDERED Andrew Wilkins Ltd Tel. 01249 740377 or 07702 332109 www.awilkinsmachinery.co.uk ABBOTT & CO LTD are buyers and sellers of HAY AND STRAW also Bedmax, Bedrap, shavings & haylage. Large & Small Bales delivered to all areas Tel 01934 822177 or 01458 447833 THE MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 THE MARINE WORKS (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2007 (as amended) APPLICATION FOR: AVONMOUTH AND SEVERNSIDE ENTERPRISE AREA (ASEA) ECOLOGY MITIGATION AND FLOOD DEFENCE SCHEME Notice is hereby given that Mr Ray Jones, Mott MacDonald Ltd- Bristol, Bam Nuttall Site Compound, New Passage Road, Aust, Bristol, BS35 4BG, has applied to Marine Management Organisation, (MMO) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The project requires an environmental impact assessment (EIA) consent and is subject to the requirement for an EIA under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (the EIA Regulations). An environmental statement has been prepared by the applicant. The application is to: Repair and refurbish two outfalls at Holes Mouth and Kings Weston. The proposal will include repairing the bastions, installation of rock armour and improving access. Copies of the environmental statement and the above documents can be viewed on line in the MMOs Public Register at www.gov.uk/check-marine-licence-register A copy of the application, environmental statement and other documents required by the EIA Regulations are also available for public inspection, free of charge, during normal office hours at Shirehampton Library for a period of 42 days from the date of the first notice (17/12/2021). Copies of the same documents may also be inspected free of charge, during normal office hours and by prior appointment at the offices of the MMO, Lancaster House, Newcastle upon Tyne, during the same period. If printed copies of the above documents are requested, a charge (not exceeding reasonable copying costs) may be payable. Representations in respect of the application should ordinarily be made by: - Visiting the MMO public register at https://marinelicensing. marinemanagement.org.uk/mmofox5/fox/live/MMO_PUBLIC_ REGISTER/search?area=3 and accessing the make a comment? section of case reference MLA/2021/00236. However, we will also accept representations via the following formats: - By email to marine.consents@marinemanagement.org.uk; or alternatively - By letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH. In all cases, correspondence must: - Be received within 42 days of the date of the first notice (2); - Quote the case reference MLA/2021/00236; and - include an address to which co rrespondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent. Representations received from members of the public will be dealt with in accordance with Schedule 5 of the EIA Regulations. Copies of written representations received by MMO will be sent to the applicant and may also be made publicly available. The MMO is an appropriate authority under the EIA Regulations. In determining the application, the MMO as appropriate authority will make the EIA consent decision for the project. The MMO will also make a decision whether to grant regulatory approval (for a marine licence) under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. LICENSING ACT 2003 Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence, we, Brozen Labs of Unit 5 Westpoint Trading Estate, Wood Rd, Kingswood, BS15 8DX. Proposed licensable activities: sale of alcohol off the premises between 07:00 and 21:00 with opening hours between 9:00 and 18:00. Relevant persons and responsible authorities may make written representation to the relevant Licensing Authority by 05/01/22, such representation must be made in writing to South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Environment and Community Services, Licensing Service, PO Box 1954, Bristol, BS37 0DD or e-mail licensing@ southglos.gov.uk. For further assistance, please telephone 01454 868001. A record of the application made will be kept on a register at South Gloucestershire Council, Licensing Service, Engine Common Lane, Yate, South Gloucestershire, BS37 7PN, and the register may be inspected during normal office hours. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and is subject to a maximum fine of £5000 on summary conviction for the offence. djpnr.co.uk

50 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Services Property Motors Your TV Reception Fixed Today! Bad Reception? No Signal? Picture Freezing? Friendly local fully insured engineers in your area today - Call now! Aerial & Satellite Specialists Free Estimates - TV Wall Hanging 0800 470 2403 07868 809 796 Western Aerial & Satellite HOLIDAY HOMES FOR SALE, close to Exmoor, Somerset SMALL, PEACEFUL, COUNTRY, CARAVAN PARK. 2013 Willerby Sierra. 35ftx 12ft as new condition FREE Swimming Pool FREE Wi Fi FREE Coarse Fishing Sorry, no pets & no sub letting More details visit: www.oxenleazefarm.co.uk £38,000.00 call Marian on 01984 623427 facebook Remember your loved ones at Christmas by placing a free Christmas tribute on our online 2021 Christmas Memorial Wall Place your free tribute today at: funeral-notices.co.uk/christmas21 Sponsored by Your 2021 limited edition Christmas baubles funeral-n tices.co.uk Announce, share and remember them at Christmas

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 51 Sport starts here Check out this weekend’s runners and riders RACING CARDS: PAGES 52-55 Contact us Western Daily Press sport 0117 9343522 email: wdsport@bepp.co.uk Leading Stayers hope suffers injury setback HORSE RACING NICK ROBSON Press Association Buzz - winner of the Cesarewitch and a leading fancy for the Stayers’ Hurdle at the Cheltenham Festival - has met with a significant injury setback. The Nicky Henderson-trained gelding suffered what is feared to be a fractured pelvis when having his final spin before today’s Long Walk Hurdle at Ascot. He had advertised his Festival claims when landing the Coral Hurdle, also at Ascot, last month. However, Henderson told the PA news agency yesterday: “We think he’s fractured his pelvis, we don’t have too many details at the moment as it’s just happened but he’s suffered a pretty he doesn’t have an internal severe injury. “He was just doing his last little spin for tomorrow and about 100 yards from the end - bang. “We’ve had a lot of horses that have recovered from a fractured pelvis to race again. “The immediate danger is that haemorrhage, but we were lucky in that we had a vet there within minutes. “I was encouraged - we all were - with how well he actually managed to load considering he was on three legs and he was being very sensible. weekend horse racing statistics TODAY Ascot (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): N Henderson 30-142 (21.1%), P Nicholls 25-163 (15.3%), D Skelton 13-81 (16.1%) N Twiston-Davies 9-74 (12.2%), H Fry 8-46 (17.4%), G L Moore 8-92 (8.7%) Dr R Newland 7-37 (18.9%), V Williams 7-45 (15.6%), C Tizzard 6-67 (9%) A Honeyball 5-30 (16.7%), Jonjo O’Neill 5-47 (10.6%), A King 5-60 (8.3%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): Nico De Boinville 23-78 (29.5%), Harry Cobden 15-95 (15.8%), Sam Twiston-Davies 10-74 (13.5%) Harry Skelton 9-42 (21.4%), Jamie Moore 8-66 (12.1%), James Bowen 7-20 (35%) Charlie Deutsch 7-35 (20%), Jonjo O’Neill Jr 6-37 (16.2%), Bryony Frost 5-38 (13.2%) Richie McLernon 4-23 (17.4%), Richard Patrick 3-15 (20%), Adrian Heskin 3-16 (18.8%). Favourites: 76-251 (30.3%). Haydock - (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): Sue Smith 15-80 (18.8%), D McCain 13-84 (15.5%), N Twiston- Davies 12-87 (13.8%) V Williams 10-53 (18.9%), J Snowden 7-18 (38.9%), F O’Brien 7-30 (23.3%) D Pipe 7-38 (18.4%), Jonjo O’Neill 5-27 (18.5%), E Williams 5-56 (8.9%) Christian Williams 4-13 (30.8%), O Murphy 4-19 (21.1%), T R George 4-32 (12.5%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): Will Kennedy 8-34 (23.5%), Brian Hughes 7-72 (9.7%), Tom Scudamore 6-45 (13.3%) Jack Tudor 4-8 (50%), Gavin Sheehan 4-33 (12.1%), Fergus Gillard 3-12 (25%) Ryan Mania 2-23 (8.7%), Jonathan Burke 2-26 (7.7%), Lorcan Williams 1-2 (50%) David England 1-4 (25%), Charlotte Jones 1-4 (25%), Isabel Williams 1-4 (25%). Favourites: 76-264 (28.8%). Lingfield - (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): M Johnston 82-412 (19.9%), W Haggas 54-195 (27.7%), R Varian 42-149 (28.2%) A Balding 42-268 (15.7%), R Hughes 38-309 (12.3%), S Dow 38-351 (10.8%) P Evans 37-364 (10.2%), M Channon 32-266 (12%), J Osborne 28-266 (10.5%) M Appleby 27-226 (11.9%), J Bridger 26-374 (7%), C Appleby 25-83 (30.1%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): Luke Morris 103-921 (11.2%), Richard Kingscote 68-370 (18.4%), Robert Havlin 47-337 (13.9%) Shane W Kelly 47-496 (9.5%), Kieran O’Neill 43-461 (9.3%), Ryan Moore 42-138 (30.4%) James Doyle 40-157 (25.5%), Callum Shepherd 32-364 (8.8%), Andrea Atzeni 29-105 (27.6%) Darragh Keenan 29-257 (11.3%), Nicola Currie 27-351 (7.7%), Rob Hornby 26-298 (8.7%). Favourites: 938-2758 (34.0%). Newcastle- (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): Sue Smith 16-81 (19.8%), R Menzies 13-87 (14.9%), N Richards 12-77 (15.6%) M Hammond 12-100 (12%), P Kirby 11-113 (9.7%), D McCain 10-79 (12.7%) L Russell 9-90 (10%), B Haslam 8-33 (24.2%), N Alexander 7-82 (8.5%) S Corbett 5-46 (10.9%), R Hobson 4-14 (28.6%), N Mulholland 4-18 (22.2%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): Sean Quinlan 12-150 (8%), Nathan Moscrop 10-63 (15.9%), Jamie Hamilton 10-94 (10.6%) Conor O’Farrell 9-109 (8.3%), Billy Garritty 8-30 (26.7%), Thomas Dowson 6-65 (9.2%) Craig Nichol 6-85 (7.1%), Alain Cawley 5-55 (9.1%), Harry Reed 4-28 (14.3%) Callum Bewley 4-73 (5.5%), Oakley Brown 3-16 (18.8%), Miss Becky Smith 3-19 (15.8%). Favourites: 119-354 (33.6%). Wolverhampton- (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): P Evans 74-676 (10.9%), M Appleby 64-630 (10.2%), D Loughnane 55-462 (11.9%) A Watson 51-293 (17.4%), D O’Meara 50-450 (11.1%), W Haggas 49-154 (31.8%) R Hannon 47-378 (12.4%), M Loughnane 47-559 (8.4%), J Tate 42-205 (20.5%) K Burke 38-274 (13.9%), S C Williams 29-185 (15.7%), C Cox 28-186 (15.1%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): David Probert 84-738 (11.4%), Hollie Doyle 76-535 (14.2%), Jack Mitchell 75-380 (19.7%) Tom Marquand 56-439 (12.8%), Stevie Donohoe 45-364 (12.4%), Daniel Muscutt 36-295 (12.2%) Clifford Lee 34-247 (13.8%), Dougie Costello 34-393 (8.7%), Lewis Edmunds 28-207 (13.5%) Ben Robinson 23-215 (10.7%), Sean Levey 21-133 (15.8%), Kieran Shoemark 21-216 (9.7%). Favourites: 1064-3229 (33.0%). The following horses have cheek pieces: Ascot: 1.15 Black Op, 2.25 On The Blind Side, 3.00 Caribean Boy(*), Cloth Cap Step Back, Storm Control, Valtor, 3.35 Global Citizen. Haydock: 12.20 Dis Donc, 2.05 N’Golo(*), 2.40 Acey Milan, Calipso Collonges Potters Legend, Sam’s Adventure, Shanty Alley, Vintage Clouds 3.15 Mulcahys Hill, Sultans Pride, Tokyo Getaway, Welsh Saint. Lingfield: 12.15 Bass Strait(*), 2.00 Bright Melody, 3.10 Mustang Kodi, Pledge Of Peace 3.40 Army Of One(*), Cafe Milano, Reset Button(*). Newcastle: 12.30 Baraboy, Jess’s Corner, Royal Reserve, 1.05 Tango Boy 1.40 Ard Chros, Scottish Accent, 2.15 Lissen To The Lady(*), Off The Hook. Wolverhampton: 4.30 Croeso Cynnes(*), 5.00 Liberated Lad, Winklevi(*), 5.30 Blaast Dutch Lace(*), 6.30 Billy Dylan, Surewecan, 7.00 Cherokee Dance Eagle’s Realm, Johnny Estella, Meisterzinger, Percy Willis The Bay Warrior, Tommy R. (*) :horses wearing cheek pieces for the first time. The following horses have tongue straps: ] Ascot: 0.40 Go Steady, 1.15 Danny Whizzbang, Pencilfulloflead, Black Op, Legends Ryde, 1.50 Dolos, Diego Du Charmil, Financier, Knight In Dubai, Slate House, 2.25 Paisley Park, Ronald Pump, Thomas Darby, 3.00 Regal Encore, Phoenix Way, Storm Control, 3.35 Metier, West Cork, Benson. Haydock: 11.50 Firak, Fusain, Nordic Combined, Destrier, Bari Breeze, 0.20 Fugitif, Adrimel, 1.30 Destined To Shine, Phil The Thrill, Casa Tall, Le Coeur Net, 2.05 N’Golo, 2.40 Remastered, Acey Milan, Calipso Collonges, Crixus’s Escape, 3.15 Ratfacemcdougall, Poker Play, Fabulous Saga. Lingfield: 11.40 Smokey, Desert Lime, 2.00 Felix. Newcastle: 0.30 Royal Reserve, 1.40 Defi Sacre, Fete Champetre, Ard Chros, Scottish Accent, 2.50 Ugo Du Misselot. Wolverhampton: 4.30 Brave Lily, 5.00 Three Platoon, Liberated Lad, 6.00 Tone The Barone, 6.30 Ascot Jungle, 7.00 Eagle’s Realm, Johnny Estella. The following horses are visored for the first time: Ascot:3.35 Benson Newcastle: 1.40 Defi Sacre Wolverhampton: 6.30 Sennen The following horses are blinkered for the first time: Ascot: 12.40 Ardhill; 1.50 Slate House Haydock: 12.20 Adrimel Longest traveller: Soldier’s Minute in the 1.25 at Lingfield (428 miles). TOMORROW Fakenham- (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): L Wadham 19-58 (32.8%), Christian Williams 16-55 (29.1%), N King 11-76 (14.5%) A King 8-24 (33.3%), N Henderson 8-32 (25%), Mrs P Sly 5-40 (12.5%) R Spencer 4-18 (22.2%), J Snowden 3-15 (20%), P Bowen 3-17 (17.6%) O Sherwood 3-18 (16.7%), T Lawes 2-5 (40%), E Lavelle 2-7 (28.6%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): Fergus Gregory 10-34 (29.4%), Bryony Frost 10-41 (24.4%), James Bowen 10-43 (23.3%) Nico De Boinville 9-26 (34.6%), Jack Quinlan 9-72 (12.5%), Tom Cannon 8-19 (42.1%) Jack Andrews 5-19 (26.3%), Jack Tudor 5-29 (17.2%), Harry Bannister 5-39 (12.8%) Daryl Jacob 4-22 (18.2%), Gavin Sheehan 4-25 > > Oisin Murphy riding Buzz (left) on their way to victory in the Together For Racing International Cesarewitch Handicap at Newmarket in October. Buzz is out of today’s Long Walk Hurdle at Ascot after fracturing his pelvis yesterday Picture: Tim Goode/PA “There’s nothing we can do in the short term for him, bar painkillers, but the vet is almost certain he’s fractured his pelvis, the wing of the ilium probably. “The most important thing is that he stays as still as possible and as long as he doesn’t haemorrhage, which is the dangerous part, if he gets through that it’s just a matter of standing still for quite a long time.” The Seven Barrows trainer added: “We have had them come back from this. “For his own sake he needs to be a good patient but he is at the moment.” (16%), Jonathan Burke 3-12 (25%). Favourites: 118-335 (35.2%). Kempton - (five-year record) Top Trainers (with runners): J & T Gosden 90-363 (24.8%), R Varian 63-281 (22.4%), A Balding 62-400 (15.5%) A Watson 53-264 (20.1%), M Johnston 49-348 (14.1%), C Appleby 47-130 (36.1%) R Beckett 45-286 (15.7%), H Palmer 43-225 (19.1%), C Cox 42-331 (12.7%) M Botti 39-383 (10.2%), J Fanshawe 34-288 (11.8%), D M Simcock 32-252 (12.7%). Top Jockeys (with mounts): David Probert 76-789 (9.6%), Luke Morris 76-905 (8.4%), James Doyle 75-333 (22.5%) Robert Havlin 65-413 (15.7%), Rob Hornby 44-446 (9.9%), Jack Mitchell 42-333 (12.6%) Daniel Muscutt 35-375 (9.3%), Callum Shepherd 33-396 (8.3%), Martin Dwyer 32-286 (11.2%) Shane W Kelly 32-511 (6.3%), Stevie Donohoe 22-258 (8.5%), Cieren Fallon 14-153 (9.2%). Favourites: 803-2450 (32.8%). The following horses have cheek pieces: Fakenham: 12.20 Angels Landing, 1.50 Uno Mas, 2.20 Lelantos, Mossing 3.20 Rhebus Road(*). Kempton: 12.30 Cape Columbus(*), Rainbow Sign, 1.30 Cherokee Dance, Cirrus(*) 2.00 Freedom And Wheat, 2.30 Airshow, Album, Little Palaver. (*): horses wearing cheek pieces for the first time. The following horses have tongue straps: Fakenham: 0.50 Glorious Lady, Peggyclare, 1.50 Fact Of The Matter, Ecossais, Jony Max, 2.50 Not A Role Model, 3.20 Dinsdale, Millies Mite, Gavin, Risky Business. Kempton: 0.30 Bobby On The Beat, 1.00 Independent Act, Mariinsky, Nova Legend, 1.30 Pettinger, Cirrus, 2.00 Mudlahhim, Doolin Dancer, Follow Your Heart, 2.30 Tyger Bay, Equitation, Another Dawn, 3.00 Couldn’t Could He, 3.30 Charming Paradise. The following horses are visored for the first time: Fakenham: 2.20 Tiny Tantrum; 2.50 Admiral Barratry Kempton: 1.00 Barqi; 1.30 Pettinger; 2.00 Teston; 3.30 Roby Mill The following horses are blinkered for the first time: Fakenham: 2.50 Defuture Is Bright; 3.20 Risky Business; 3.20 Dinsdale Kempton: 12.00 Bare Necessity; 1.00 Medyaf; 1.00 Mariinsky; 2.30 Igotatext; 3.30 Mountrath Longest traveller: El Jefe in the 3.20 at Fakenham (343 miles). SPORTS TRIVIA ON THIS DAY 1810: Championship belts were introduced in boxing when bare-knuckle fighter Tom Cribb was given one after beating Tom Molineaux at Copthall Common. King George III presented the belt. BIRTHDAYS Gianluca Pagliuca - former Inter Milan and Italy goalkeeper, born 1966. Santiago Canizares - former Valencia and Spain goalkeeper, born 1969. Keith Piper - former Warwickshire wicketkeeper, born 1969. Arantxa Sanchez Vicario - three-time French Open winner and twice runner-up at Wimbledon, born 1971. Jim Culloty - former jockey best known for riding Best Mate, born 1973. Usman Khawaja - Australia cricketer, born 1986. Lizzie Deignan - London 2012 Olympic cycling road race silver medallist, born 1988. QUIZ 1:When did Australia last win a men’s Ashes series in England? 2: Who was the last tennis player to win all four grand slams in a calendar year? 3:Zidane Iqbal made his debut for which Premier League team this month? 4: Who did England beat in the final to win Commonwealth Games netball gold in 2018? 5: Who were the last team to finish ahead of England in the Women’s Six Nations? Answers: 1. 2001; 2. Steffi Graf; 3. Manchester United; 4. Australia; 5. France (2018). OFFICIALHORSERACING COMMENTARY AND RESULTS Cal09016094248 Calscost65pperminplusyourtelephonecompany’snetworkaccesscharge.18+only. SP:Spoke.Helpline:03332023390

1 – WESTERN DAILY PRESS, XXXDAY, MONTH XX, 2009 52 Saturday, December 18, 2021 Racing WESTERN Desk: 0117 DAILY 934 PRESS 3284 Racing HORSE RACING Strap goes across here and here and here aScOT captain Wessex Selections 12.40 — Gaulois 1.15 — Pencilfulloflead 1.50 — Palmers Hill ITV4: 1.50, 2.25, 3.00, 3.35. Sky Sports Racing. Going: Good to Soft NOVICES’ HANDICAP HURDLE 12.40 (Class 4) 2m 7f 118yds 3yo plus Winner £4,520 1 4-31 YOUNG BUTLER (29) E Lavelle 5-11-13 T Bellamy 2 33-131 GO STEADY (16) (T) D Skelton 9-11-12 H Skelton 3 /6-115 GLENCASSLEY (36) C Longsdon 6-11-12 Paul O’Brien 4 8-5P13 FATHER JOHN (40) N Henderson 6-11-10 J Bowen 5 05/23- ENORMOUSE (272) K Woollacott 8-11-8 B Godfrey(5) 6 4428-3 HONOR GREY (53) B Pauling 6-11-5 K Woods 7 32-3 GAULOIS (29) (BF) P Nicholls 5-11-5 H Cobden 8 4-232 NEXT LEFT (33) G L Moore 5-11-4 Jonjo O’Neill Jr 9 2-2305 JOHNNY B (16) C Down 7-11-4 Page Fuller 10 -41113 IMPHAL (23) (BF,D) G L Moore 7-11-3 Jamie Moore 11 /2330- ITSNOTWHATYOUTHINK (303) N Gifford 6-11-1 J M Davies 12 3-431 PASS ME BY (28) R Bandey 5-11-1 H Bannister 13 42-421 SO SAID I (27) C Tizzard 5-11-1 B J Powell 14 3355-5 DELGANY MONARCH (31) R Rowe 6-11-0 Tabitha Worsley(5) 15 0009-0 ARDHILL (110) (B) G Elliott (IRE) 6-10-10 A Wedge 16 617124 THIRTYFOURSTITCHES (23) Dr R Newland 6-10-9 S Twiston-Davies 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 11-2 Young Butler, 13-2 Imphal, Go Steady, 15-2 So Said I, 8 Gaulois, 10 Father John, Next Left, Pass Me By, 12 Others. 1.15 HOWDEN GRADUATION CHASE (2) 2m 5f 4yo plus Winner £20,812 1 7P54-P DANNY WHIZZBANG (21) (T,V) M Harris 8-11-8 M Bastyan 2 344/9- EX PATRIOT (413) Miss Ellmarie Holden (IRE) 8-11-8 Mr D O’Connor 3 /114P- MESSIRE DES OBEAUX (270) (BF,D) A King 9-11-8 D Jacob 4 /1123- PENCILFULLOFLEAD (321) (T;BF) G Elliott (IRE) 7-11-8 Jonjo O’Neill Jr 5 967F-5 BLACK OP (55) (P,T;D) T R George 10-11-1 C Gethings 6 2/16-1 L’HOMME PRESSE (15) V Williams 6-11-1 C Deutsch 7 2P3P-1 LEGENDS RYDE (51) (T) J Snowden 6-10-4 Page Fuller 2020: Dashel Drasher 7-11-7, Matt Griffiths 11-2 (J Scott), 3 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-4 Pencilfulloflead, 3 Messire Des Obeaux, 5 L’Homme Presse, 11-2 Black Op, 15-2 Ex Patriot, 20 Danny Whizzbang, Legends Ryde. Form PENCILFULLOFLEAD 5-2fav (11-10) Chased leaders, not fluent 4th, 3rd after 8th, pushed along in 2nd before straight, no extra from before 2 out where slight mistake, one pace, 3rd of 8, 8l behind Eklat De Rire (11-2) at Naas 3m 1f nov chs Grd 3 (1) hvy in Jan. MESSIRE DES OBEAUX 4-6fav (11-8) Raced keenly, tracked leaders, went 2nd 7th, led 9th, clear 12th, shaken up and reduced lead when not fluent 3 out, headed after 2 out, pulled up when beaten 2nd after last, dismounted, in a race won by Marown (11-3) at Wetherby 3m nov chs (3) gs in Mar, 4 ran. L’HOMME PRESSE 5-2 (11-2) Chased leaders on outside, went 2nd after 11th, challenging when mistake 3 out, led last, stayed on well, won at Exeter 2m 3f hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs beating Gunsight Ridge (11-1) by 6l, 8 ran. BLACK OP 3-1 (11-12) Led until before 2nd, chased winner until 13th, mistake next, struggling after 15th, well held from after 4 out, 5th of 7, 20l behind Wishing And Hoping (10-13) at Aintree 3m 1f hcap ch (2) gd in Oct. EX PATRIOT 40-1 (11-10) Soon mid-division, pushed along briefly 5th, 12th approaching 3 out, soon no impression, 9th of 17, 31l behind Cayd Boy (11-2) at Down Royal 2m hcap hdle sft in Oct ‘20. DANNY WHIZZBANG 22-1 (10-0) In rear, bad mistake 10th, ridden before 13th, soon struggling, pulled up before 16th, in a race won by Cloudy Glen (10-8) at Newbury 3m 2f Grade 3 hcp chs (4yo+) (1) gs in Nov, 21 ran. LEGENDS RYDE 5-1 (11-11) Chased leaders, pushed along after 5 out, rallied next, led 3 out, clear next, stayed on well, won at Ffos Las 3m (4) sft in Oct beating Lady Kk (11-8) by 6l, 6 ran. 1.50 2.25 — Thyme Hill (nap) 3.00 — Cloth Cap (nb) 3.35 — Tritonic HOWDEN HANDICAP CHASE (2) 2m 3f 4yo plus Winner £13,008 ITV4 1 267-87 DOLOS (28)(T,CD) 8-11-12 ................... Bryony Frost Runs: 33 Wins: 6(S,GS,G) Places: 12 £193,234 Trainer: P Nicholls Owner: Mrs Johnny de la Hey 2 518-95 DIEGO DU CHARMIL (28)(T,C) 9-11-10 ..... H Cobden Runs: 30 Wins: 7(S,GS,G) Places: 6 £323,154 Trainer: P Nicholls Owner: Mrs Johnny de la Hey 3 21-536 SULLY D’OC AA (21)(CD) 7-11-7 ............R McLernon Runs: 20 Wins: 6(GS,G) Places: 5 £132,556 Trainer: A Honeyball Owner: Mr John P McManus 4 /27F1- FINANCIER (280)(T) 8-11-7 .........................R Patrick Runs: 11 Wins: 3(S,F) Places: 2 £17,456 Trainer: Kerry Lee Owner: Mr Will Roseff 5 5-U138 ORNUA (14) 10-11-6 ....................Tabitha Worsley(5) Runs: 39 Wins: 9(G) Places: 8 £208,975 Trainer: Georgie Howell Owner: Ms G Howell 6 112U/5 KNIGHT IN DUBAI (42)(T,D) 8-10-13 ..........H Skelton Runs: 16 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 2 £31,237 Trainer: D Skelton Owner: Mr & Mrs Ben Houghton 7 /409-1 PALMERS HILL (35)(D) 8-10-11 ....... Jonjo O’Neill Jr Runs: 11 Wins: 4(S,GS,G) Places: 1 £24,189 Trainer: Jonjo O’Neill Owner: Mr John P McManus 8 30-800 SLATE HOUSE (9)(B,T) 9-10-11 .................. Doubtful Runs: 24 Wins: 6(S,GS,G) Places: 1 £117,331 Trainer: C Tizzard Owner: Eric Jones, Geoff Nicholas, John Roman 9 234-22 GUY (29)(BF) 6-10-7 ......................S Twiston-Davies Runs: 10 Wins: 1(G) Places: 4 £26,512 Trainer: N Twiston-Davies Owner: W G & A G Vestey 10 P132-6 GOLDEN WHISKY (42)(D) 8-10-7 ................ A Wedge Runs: 19 Wins: 3(S) Places: 5 £25,200 Trainer: E Williams Owner: Mr & Mrs William Rucker 11 217-14 ZHIGULI (32)(BF) 6-10-2 ....................... Jamie Moore Runs: 12 Wins: 3(S) Places: 1 £18,562 Trainer: G L Moore Owner: Druzhba Racing Partnership 2020: Bennys King 9 11 9, Harry Skelton 13-2 (D Skelton), 12 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Palmers Hill, 5 Guy, 11-2 Knight In Dubai, 13-2 Financier, Diego Du Charmil, 7 Sully D’Oc Aa, 10 Zhiguli, 12 Dolos, 14 Others. Form PALMERS HILL 5-2fav (11-4) Mid division, headway on outside 4 out, left in lead 2 out when leader fell, kept on well from last, won at Wetherby 2m 3f hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs in Nov beating Topofthecotswolds (11-1) by 1 1/4l, 8 ran. GUY 16-5fav (10-11) Close up, went 3rd at 9th, ridden to chase winner when blundered 2 out, rallied approaching next, kept on one pace, 2nd of 8, 3l behind Pink Legend (10-13) at Ascot 2m 5f hcp chs 0-145 (2) gd in Nov. KNIGHT IN DUBAI 10-1 (11-10) Held up in rear, blundered 8th, headway 3 out, no extra before last, 5th of 8, 8l behind Darling Du Large (10-2) at Aintree 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs in Nov. DIEGO DU CHARMIL 11-1 (11-0) Mid-division, ridden 2 out, kept on same pace towards finish, 5th of 7, 7l behind Before Midnight (10-11) at Ascot 2m 1f hcap ch (2) gd in Nov. FINANCIER 9-2 (11-3) Midfield, tracked leaders 4th, travelled strongly to lead when not fluent 4 out, drew readily clear before 2 out, awkward last, well clear flat, comfortably, won at Hereford 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) sft in Mar beating Hollywoodien (11-4) by 10l, 6 ran. SULLY D’OC AA 15-2 (11-12) In rear of mid-division, bad mistake 8th, pushed along over 4 out, ridden under 4 out and soon beaten, 6th of 12, 41l behind Il Ridoto (10-4) at Newbury 2m hcp chs 0-150 (2) gs in Nov. ZHIGULI 9-4fav (11-8) Keen towards rear, pulled into midfield 4th, in touch when bumped 4 out, switched wide and ridden before 3 out, outpaced by winner 2 out, faded from last, 4th of 9, 9l behind Fantastikas (11-11) at Lingfield 2m 7f hcp chs 0-130 (3) gs in Nov. DOLOS 16-1 (11-7) Mid-division, ridden 2 out, no extra before last, last of 7, 29l behind Before Midnight (10-11) at Ascot 2m 1f hcap ch (2) gd in Nov. GOLDEN WHISKY 16-1 (11-4) Prominent, not fluent 7th, hit 4 out, weakened after 3 out, 6th of 8, 25l behind Darling Du Large (10-2) at Aintree 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs in Nov. SLATE HOUSE 33-1 (12-2) Prominent, ridden after 3 out, weakened after 2 out, 10th of 13, 16l behind Highway One O Two (11-11) at Taunton 2m 3f hcp hdl 0-130 (3) gd. ORNUA 50-1 (11-7) Led, headed 3 out, ridden next, weakened last, 8th of 9, 24l behind No Risk Des Flos (10-13) at Wetherby 2m hcap hdle (3) gs. 2.25 HOWDEN LONG WALK HURDLE (GRADE 1) (1) 3m 4yo plus Winner £59,798 ITV4 1 1252-1 BUZZ (28)(C2) 7-11-7 ................................... Doubtful Runs: 9 Wins: 4(S,A,G) Places: 3 £129,681 Trainer: N Henderson Owner: Thurloe For Royal Marsden Cancer Chari 2 F1/2P- CHAMP (274)(D) 9-11-7 .................... Jonjo O’Neill Jr Runs: 15 Wins: 9(S,GS,G) Places: 4 £285,817 Trainer: N Henderson Owner: Mr John P McManus 3 2F8-35 LISNAGAR OSCAR (22)(D3) 8-11-7 ............ A Wedge Runs: 21 Wins: 4(S,GS,G) Places: 7 £252,379 Trainer: R Curtis Owner: Racing For Fun 4 1365-2 ON THE BLIND SIDE (22)(P,D3) 9-11-7 ........J Bowen Runs: 22 Wins: 8(S,GS) Places: 8 £130,996 Trainer: N Henderson Owner: Mr A D Spence 5 13P-33 PAISLEY PARK (22)(T,BF,CD2) 9-11-7 ...... T Bellamy Runs: 19 Wins: 9(S,GS,G) Places: 6 £519,929 Trainer: E Lavelle Owner: Mr Andrew Gemmell 6 F23-52 RONALD PUMP (20)(B,T,D3) 8-11-7 .. K M Donoghue Runs: 26 Wins: 5(S,G) Places: 7 £229,372 Trainer: M J Smith (IRE) Owner: Laois Limerick Syndicate 7 5251P- THIRD WIND (252)(D) 7-11-7 .....................C Deutsch Runs: 14 Wins: 5(S) Places: 4 £107,336 Trainer: H Morrison Owner: Mouse Hamilton-Fairley 8 303-41 THOMAS DARBY (22)(T,C,D) 8-11-7 ......... F Gregory Runs: 16 Wins: 5(S,GS,G) Places: 4 £148,259 Trainer: O Murphy Owner: Mrs Diana L Whateley 9 /121-5 THYME HILL (42)(D) 7-11-7 ......................T J O’Brien Runs: 11 Wins: 6(S,GS,G) Places: 3 £230,777 Trainer: P Hobbs Owner: The Englands and Heywoods 2020: Paisley Park 8 11 7, Aidan Coleman 9-4 (E Lavelle), 8 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 13-8 Thyme Hill, 3 Ronald Pump, 11-2 Champ, 7 Paisley Park, Thomas Darby, 14 On The Blind Side, 25 Lisnagar Oscar, 33 Third Wind. Form BUZZ 1-1fav (11-0) Chased leader, smooth headway going easily 2 out, led before last, ran on well run in, comfortably, won at Ascot 2m 3f hdl G2 (1) gd in Nov beating Song For Someone (11-6) by 3 1/2l, 5 ran. THYME HILL 3-1 (10-10) Mid-division, never a threat, 5th of 7, 42l behind Galop Marin (10- 10) at Auteuil(FR) 3m hdl G1 gs in Nov. RONALD PUMP 22-1 (11-12) Tracked leader, 2nd to clear leader at 2nd, not fluent at 4th, took closer order halfway, challenged 4 out, led narrowly before 3 out where not fluent, headed and no impression on winner before 2 out, 2nd of 8, 8l behind Honeysuckle (11-5) at Fairyhouse 2m 4f hdl G1 (1) gd in Nov. CHAMP 13-2 (11-10) Towards rear on inside, slow and pecked 1st, not fluent 3rd, slow 4th, jumped left and hit brush upright 5th, mistake 6th, pulled up before 7th, in a race won by Minella Indo (11-10) at Cheltenham 3m 2f chs G1 (1) gs in Mar, 12 ran. PAISLEY PARK 9-5fav (11-6) Shied away left, slowly away and given reminder start, led 1st, not fluent and headed 3 out, led before next, driven and headed approaching last, weakened flat, 3rd of 6, 11l behind Thomas Darby (11-0) at Newbury 3m hdl G2 (1) gs in Nov. THOMAS DARBY 7-1 (11-0) Held up behind leaders, mistake 8th, outpaced before 3 out, rallied 2 out, led before last, clear flat, stayed on well, won at Newbury 3m hdl G2 (1) gs in Nov beating On The Blind Side (11-4) by 2 1/4l, 6 ran. ON THE BLIND SIDE 11-1 (11-4) Led until 1st, chased leader, challenged 8th, led 3 out, headed before 2 out, no impression on winner flat, kept on, 2nd of 6, 2 1/4l behind Thomas Darby (11-0) at Newbury 3m hdl G2 (1) gs in Nov. LISNAGAR OSCAR 13-2 (11-0) Chased leaders, outpaced before 3 out, soon weakened, 5th of 6, 30l behind Thomas Darby (11-0) at Newbury 3m hdl G2 (1) gs in Nov. THIRD WIND 18-1 (11-7) Mid-division, mistake 5th, struggling after 4 out, well beaten 3 out, pulled up before last, in a race won by Thyme Hill (11- 7) at Aintree 3m 1f hdl G1 (1) gs in Apr, 15 ran. 3.00 HOWDEN SILVER CUP HANDICAP CHASE (LISTED) (1) 3m 4yo plus Winner £39,865 ITV4 1 11P-46 CLOTH CAP (21)(P) 9-11-12 ............. Jonjo O’Neill Jr Runs: 22 Wins: 5(GS,G) Places: 3 £205,374 Trainer: Jonjo O’Neill Owner: Exors Of The Late Mr Trevor Hemmings 2 20P-39 REGAL ENCORE (31)(T,CD4) 13-11-8 ...R McLernon Runs: 49 Wins: 9(S,A,GS) Places: 13 £385,053 Trainer: A Honeyball Owner: Mr John P McManus 3 347P-0 CARIBEAN BOY (35)(P) 7-11-7 .................... D Jacob Runs: 16 Wins: 3(S,G) Places: 2 £82,623 Trainer: N Henderson Owner: Mr Simon Munir & Mr Isaac Souede 4 /5116- STEP BACK (372)(P,D6) 11-11-5 .........N De Boinville Runs: 23 Wins: 8(GS,G) Places: 6 £140,379 Trainer: M Bradstock Owner: Cracker and Smodge Partnership 5 /1P4-7 PHOENIX WAY (22)(T,D) 8-11-2 .............L Murtagh(3) Runs: 9 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 1 £34,986 Trainer: H Fry Owner: Mr John P McManus 6 934-54 GRAND SANCY (21) 7-11-0 ....................... H Cobden Runs: 27 Wins: 6(S,G) Places: 6 £153,226 Trainer: P Nicholls Owner: Martin Broughton Racing Partners 7 /3PP-F JERRYSBACK (49)(D) 9-11-0 ...................T J O’Brien Runs: 17 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 5 £56,816 Trainer: P Hobbs Owner: Mr John P McManus 8 8U3-23 VALTOR (195)(P,CD) 12-11-0 ...........Mr B Bromley(7) Runs: 56 Wins: 6(S) Places: 14 £419,774 Trainer: M Rowley Owner: Mr A R Bromley 9 1P50-P STORM CONTROL (56)(P,T,BF,D,WS) 8-10-11 .. R Patrick Runs: 22 Wins: 5(S,GS,G) Places: 4 £59,238 Trainer: Kerry Lee Owner: Mr Will Roseff 10 P486/4 BELAMI DES PICTONS (38)(D) 10-10-11 ..C Deutsch Runs: 17 Wins: 6(S,GS) Places: 3 £67,020 Trainer: V Williams Owner: Hills of Ledbury Ltd 11 21P-43 ANNSAM (21) 6-10-10 ................................. A Wedge Runs: 13 Wins: 4(S,F) Places: 3 £34,722 Trainer: E Williams Owner: Mr W Clifford 12 18P-23 CHECKITOUT (14)(D2) 7-10-8 .......S Twiston-Davies Runs: 15 Wins: 2(S,G) Places: 5 £57,211 Trainer: N Twiston-Davies Owner: Mills & Mason Partnership 13 /5036- DINONS (406)(D2) 8-10-6 .......................... T Bellamy Runs: 23 Wins: 8(S,GS,G) Places: 3 £89,983 Trainer: M Campion Owner: Whitewall Racing 2020: Mister Malarky 7 11 5, Harry Cobden 16-1 (C Tizzard), 10 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 9-2 Belami Des Pictons, 6 Grand Sancy, 7 Cloth Cap, Annsam, Regal Encore, 15-2 Jerrysback, 8 Caribean Boy, 10 Checkitout, 12 Others. Form BELAMI DES PICTONS 7-1 (11-0) In rear, headway 7th, ridden 2 out, kept on one pace, 4th of 14, 6l behind Snow Leopardess (11-0) at Bangor-on-Dee 3m hcp chs 0-150 (2) gs in Nov. GRAND SANCY 15-2 (11-6) Towards rear, mid-division before 5 out, went 5th 3 out, ridden after 2 out, not fluent last, kept on run-in, 4th of 13, 7l behind Kapcorse (10-12) at Newbury 2m 6f hcp chs 0-145 (2) gs in Nov. ANNSAM 13-2 (10-3) Led, pushed along and pressed before 2 out, ridden after 2 out, headed last, stayed on, no extra run-in, 3rd of 11, 5l behind Earlofthecotswolds (10-13) at Newbury 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-150 (2) gs in Nov. CLOTH CAP 16-1 (11-8) Led, headed home turn, pushed along before 4 out, gradually faded, 6th of 21, 38l behind Cloudy Glen (10-8) at Newbury 3m 2f Grade 3 hcp chs (4yo+) (1) gs in Nov. REGAL ENCORE 12-1 (11-12) In touch, ridden and mistake 13th, weakened next, tailed off, 9th of 11, well behind Final Nudge (10-12) at Warwick 3m hcap ch (2) gs in Nov. JERRYSBACK 6-1 (10-6) Fell 3rd, in a race won by Larry (10-0) at Ascot 3m Grade 3 hcp chs (4yo+) (1) sft in Oct, 14 ran. CARIBEAN BOY 12-1 (11-6) Mid-division out wide, not fluent 10th (water), towards rear and struggling 12th, never on terms after, 10th of 19, 8l behind Midnight Shadow (11-5) at Cheltenham 2m 4f Grade 3 hcp chs (4yo+) (1) gd in Nov. CHECKITOUT 12-1 (9-11) Towards rear, effort and headway into mid-division 11th, went into 7th 15th (Canal Turn), mistake 5 out, ridden in 5th after 3 out, stayed on but not pace to challenge front pair, 3rd of 21, 17l behind Snow Leopardess (10-4) at Aintree 3m 2f hcp chs G3 (1) sft. PHOENIX WAY 9-2 (11-5) Held up in rear, mistake 1st, hit 10th, never involved, 7th of 9, 33l behind Fanion D’estruval (11-12) at Newbury 2m 4f hcap ch (2) gs in Nov. 3.35 BETFAIR EXCHANGE TROPHY (GRADE 3 HCAP HDL) (1) 2m 4yo plus Winner £59,798 ITV4 1 0185-4 GOSHEN (28)(CD) 5-11-12 ................... Jamie Moore Runs: 9 Wins: 4(S,G) £57,393 Trainer: G L Moore Owner: Mr Steven Packham 2 B3170- DROP THE ANCHOR (F59)(D4) 7-11-5 S D Torrens(3) Runs: 18 Wins: 4(S) Places: 4 £136,529 Trainer: P A Fahy (IRE) Owner: Mr John P McManus 3 653-12 GARRY CLERMONT (29)(D2) 6-11-1 Jonjo O’Neill Jr Runs: 12 Wins: 5(S,G) Places: 3 £28,717 Trainer: Jonjo O’Neill Owner: Mrs C M Walsh 4 1117-P METIER (14)(T,BF,CD) 5-11-1 ................L Murtagh(3) Runs: 5 Wins: 3(S) £36,016 Trainer: H Fry Owner: Mr G C Stevens 5 11-71 SAMARRIVE (14)(D2) 4-11-0 ..................... H Cobden Runs: 4 Wins: 3(S,GS,G) £41,594 Trainer: P Nicholls Owner: Mrs Johnny de la Hey 6 2112/1 WEST CORK (34)(T,D3) 7-11-0 ...................H Skelton Runs: 7 Wins: 4(S,GS,G) Places: 3 £75,004 Trainer: D Skelton Owner: Mike and Eileen Newbould 7 115-25 TRITONIC (34)(CD) 4-11-0 ........................ A P Heskin Runs: 5 Wins: 2(S,G) £34,157 Trainer: A King Owner: McNeill Family & Mr Ian Dale 8 125P-2 LLANDINABO LAD (38)(D) 6-10-13 .......... D Noonan Runs: 9 Wins: 2(S) Places: 4 £28,741 Trainer: T Symonds Owner: Celia & Michael Baker 9 14-113 NO ORDINARY JOE (34)(D) 5-10-9 .....N De Boinville Runs: 5 Wins: 3(S,GS,G) Places: 1 £21,630 Trainer: N Henderson Owner: Mr John P McManus 10 PPP-92 GLOBAL CITIZEN (21)(P,D6) 9-10-9 ...........K Woods Runs: 20 Wins: 7(S,F,GS,G) Places: 3 £154,923 Trainer: B Pauling Owner: The Megsons 11 1-4111 ONEMOREFORTHEROAD (21)(D4) 6-10-9 . Bryony Frost Runs: 12 Wins: 6(GS,G) Places: 2 £58,425 Trainer: N King Owner: Rupert Dubai Racing 12 14-122 LUTTRELL LAD (38)(BF,D2) 5-10-8 .........T J O’Brien Runs: 7 Wins: 3(S,G) Places: 3 £25,807 Trainer: P Hobbs Owner: Owners For Owners Luttrell Lad 13 114-54 BENSON (14)(T,V,D3) 6-10-6 .................... L Edwards Runs: 12 Wins: 4(F,S,GS) Places: 1 £42,264 Trainer: Dr R Newland Owner: Pump & Plant Services Ltd 14 5103-1 MACK THE MAN (38)(D2) 7-10-3 ................. A Wedge Runs: 14 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 4 £59,460 Trainer: E Williams Owner: Mr & Mrs William Rucker 2020: Not So Sleepy 8 11 6, Tom O’Brien 20-1 (H Morrison), 17 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 No Ordinary Joe, 5 West Cork, 6 Samarrive, 8 Onemorefortheroad, 12 Drop The Anchor, Benson, Luttrell Lad, Goshen, 14 Others. Form NO ORDINARY JOE 8-1 (10-12) Pulled hard, soon led, pushed along after 2 out, headed approaching the last, hung left under pressure and lost 2nd run-in, plugged on in 3rd, 3rd of 19, 2 3/4l behind West Cork (10-13) at Cheltenham 2m hcp hdl Grade 3 (1) gd in Nov. WEST CORK 11-1 (10-13) Tracked leaders out wide going well, went 2nd 2 out, led ridden to lead and hung left approaching the last, driven and hung left run-in, asserted towards finish, won at Cheltenham 2m hcp hdl Grade 3 (1) gd in Nov beating Adagio (11-12) by 3/4l, 19 ran. SAMARRIVE 8-1 (10-7) Mid-division, smooth headway tracking leaders 4th, led before 2 out, ridden stayed on strongly and came clear run-in, won at Sandown 2m lst hcp hdl (0-150) (1) gs beating Zambezi Fix (10-3) by 9l, 11 ran. ONEMOREFORTHEROAD 8-1 (10-8) Made all, pushed along after 2 out, hit 2 out, briefly pressed before last, ridden out run-in, stayed on well and in command from last, won at Newbury 2m Lstd hcp hdl 0-155 (1) gs in Nov beating Captain Morgs (10-6) by 2 1/2l, 4 ran. BENSON 5-1 (10-12) Towards rear, pushed along after 2nd, ridden and outpaced before 2 out, went left last, stayed on again run-in, went modest 4th last strides, 4th of 11, 14l behind Samarrive (10-7) at Sandown 2m lst hcp hdl (0-150) (1) gs. DROP THE ANCHOR 16-1 (11-6) Waited with, soon towards rear, badly hampered 2nd, not always fluent jumping, kept on same pace from before straight, 17th of 24, 28l behind Koshari (11-9) at Punchestown 2m 4f hcp hdl in May. GOSHEN 4-1 (11-6) In rear, pushed along 3 out, minor headway 2 out, no extra soon after, 4th of 5, 11l behind Buzz (11-0) at Ascot 2m 3f hdl G2 (1) gd in Nov. LUTTRELL LAD 1-1fav (11-5) Chased leaders, went 2nd from 5th, challenged 3 out, led last, headed flat, held close home, 2nd of 16, 1/2l behind Jpr One (10-12) at Exeter 2m 1f nh nov hdl (4) gs in Nov. GARRY CLERMONT 8-1 (11-9) Close up, headway between horses over 2 out, soon went 2nd, every chance 2 out, ridden to lead when jumped badly left next, soon headed, rallied towards finish, 2nd of 9, 3/4l behind Captain Morgs (10-11) at Ascot 2m hcp hdl 0-145 (2) gd in Nov. TRITONIC 10-1 (11-7) Mid-division, ridden and no impression in 5th before the last,, 5th of 19, 9l behind West Cork (10-13) at Cheltenham 2m hcp hdl Grade 3 (1) gd in Nov. LLANDINABO LAD 3-1 (11-7) Led, pushed 3 lengths clear soon after 3 out, ridden and headed soon after 2 out, kept on one pace, 2nd of 12, 9l behind Hunters Call (11-8) at Bangor-on-Dee 2m 4f hcp hdl (2) gs in Nov. METIER 10-3fav (11-7) Middivision, headway chasing leaders 4th, went 2nd 4 out, weakened tamely before next, eased and pulled up between last two, in a race won by Samarrive (10-7) at Sandown 2m lst hcp hdl (0-150) (1) gs, 11 ran. MACK THE MAN 13-2 (11-12) Held up in rear, headway approaching 3 out, challenged 2 out, led flat, stayed on well, won at Exeter 2m 1f hcp hdl 0-130 (3) gs in Nov beating Tulin (11-10) by nk, 7 ran. GLOBAL CITIZEN 7-1 (11-9) Keen led and soon clear, reduced lead 3 out, ridden and headed approaching last, kept on same pace, 2nd of 8, 9l behind Herbiers (11- 3) at Doncaster 2m 3f hcp hdl 0-135 (3) gs in Nov. Results aScOT: good to soft-soft in places 12.35—Earth Lord (Sean Houlihan, 5-1) 1; Scarpia (22-1) 2; Optimise Prime (12-1) 3. Hcap 12 ran. 3 /4l, 3l. (P Hobbs; 5-2 Fav Dargiannini). Tote: £6.10; pl £2.10, £7.00, £3.10. Ex: £124.70. Tricast: £1270.68. Trifecta: £1854.30. CSF: £112.17. Nonrunners: Broken Quest, Franco D’aunou. 1.10—Party Business (C Todd, 22-1) 1; City Chief (15-8 Fav) 2; Complete Unknown (2-1 2nd Fav) 3. 7 ran. 3l, 3 /4l. (I Williams). Tote: £23.00; pl £5.60, £1.50. Ex: £83.90. Trifecta: £213.70. CSF: £60.99. 1.45—Brave Seasca (G Sheehan, 7-2 2nd Fav) 1; Amarillo Sky (15-2) 2; Fast Buck (33-1) 3. Hcap 8 ran. 3l, 8 1 /2l. (V Williams; 2-1 Fav Red Rookie). Tote: £4.50; pl £1.60, £2.10, £4.60. Ex: £28.60. Tricast: £724.46. Trifecta: £398.20. CSF: £28.25. 2.20—Jonbon (A Coleman, evens Fav) 1; Colonel Mustard (8-1) 2; Knappers Hill (11-4 2nd Fav) 3. 5 ran. 2 3 /4l, 2 3 /4l. (N Henderson). Tote: £2.00; pl £1.20, £2.70. Ex: £9.70. Trifecta: £22.30. CSF: £9.44. 2.55—Pic D’Orhy (H Cobden, 5-4 Fav) 1; Faivoir (9-4 2nd Fav) 2; Up The Straight (11-1) 3. 5 ran. 9l, 18l. (P Nicholls). Tote: £2.25; pl £1.30, £1.50. Ex: £4.40. Trifecta: £17.60. CSF: £4.61. 3.30—Henri The Second (H Cobden, 10-3 2nd Fav) 1; Authorised Speed (11-2) 2; Top Dog (9-4 Fav) 3. 12 ran. 1l, 1 1 /2l. (P Nicholls). Tote: £4.34; pl £1.70, £2.30, £1.40. Ex: £24.40. Trifecta: £98.10. CSF: £20.81. Nonrunner: Estacas. Placepot: £63.90 Quadpot: £4.70 KEMPTOn: Standard to slow 4.15—Puffing (R Hornby, 5-1) 1; Ummsuquaim (125-1) 2; Gia Darling (11-4 Fav) 3. 9 ran. 2l, 2l. (R Beckett). Tote: £6.00; pl £1.80, £11.10, £1.30. Ex: £277.00. Trifecta: £2516.30. CSF: £494.90. 4.45—New Shepard (D Probert, 2-1 2nd Fav) 1; Al Azhar (11-1) 2; Buraback (15-8 Fav) 3. Hcap 12 ran. 2 1 /4l, 1 1 /4l. (R Eddery). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.40, £2.60, £1.40. Ex: £31.40. Tricast: £50.04. Trifecta: £96.20. CSF: £23.94. Non-runners: Last Roar, Sandie’s Dream. 5.15—Morgan Fairy (T Marquand, 13-8 Fav) 1; Kissininthebackrow (66-1) 2; Follow That Star (9-2) 3. 10 ran. 2 1 /2l, 3 /4l. (W Haggas). Tote: £2.63; pl £1.20, £9.40, £1.80. Ex: £91.60. Trifecta: £609.70. CSF: £136.24. Non-runner: Presently. 5.45—Mighty Afra (L Edmunds, 40-1) 1; Show Lights (7-4 Fav) 2; Attentive (10-3 2nd Fav) 3. 10 ran. 1 1 /2l, 1 1 /4l. (W Muir & C Grassick). Tote: £44.00; pl £7.00, £1.20, £1.40. Ex: £149.10. Trifecta: £515.00. CSF: £100.55. Non-runner: Drusilla. Drusilla| Rule 4 applies to All Bets, deduct 5p in the pound. SOUTHWELL: Standard to slow 11.50—The Bell Conductor (P Mulrennan, 6-1) 1; Phoenix Star (13-2) 2; Moonraker (11-1) 3. Hcap 10 ran. 3 /4l, 1 1 /2l. (P Midgley; 4-1 JtFav Charming Kid, 4-1 JtFav Giogiobbo). Tote: £7.00; pl £2.10, £2.30, £3.10. Ex: £44.60. Tricast: £426.96. Trifecta: £364.30. CSF: £44.25. Non-runner: Not Now Zeb. 12.25—Prince Abu (T Eaves, 11-4 Fav) 1; Party Planner (14-1) 2; Rainbow’s Gift (4-1 Jt 2nd Fav) 3. Hcap 9 ran. 1 1 /2l, 2 1 /4l. (D Shaw). Tote: £3.75; pl £1.40, £3.10, £1.80. Ex: £30.50. Tricast: £154.15. Trifecta: £125.80. CSF: £44.00. Non-runners: Henry The Fifth, Mr Carbonator, Scherbobalob. 1.00—Libby Ami (J Haynes, 3-1 2nd Fav) 1; Grangeclare View (9- 2) 2; Straitouttacompton (17-2) 3. Hcap 8 ran. nk, 3 1 /2l. (I Furtado; 5-2 Fav Mighty Power). Tote: £4.00; pl £1.60, £1.30, £2.20. Ex: £19.90. Tricast: £104.45. Trifecta: £117.60. CSF: £17.48. 1.35—Author’s Dream (M Ghiani, 16-5 2nd Fav) 1; Kitten’s Dream (28-1) 2; Cloud Thunder (9-4 Fav) 3. Hcap 7 ran. 2 1 /4l, 3 1 /4l. (W Knight). Tote: £4.20; pl £7.90, £2.10. Ex: £66.30. Trifecta: £264.80. CSF: £77.55. 2.10—Homer Stokes (C Beasley, 15-2) 1; Sir Maxi (5-1 Jt 2nd Fav) 2; Gypsy Whisper (7-1) 3. Hcap 11 ran. 1 /2l, 1 3 /4l. (T D Barron; 9-2 Fav Harbour Vision). Tote: £8.80; pl £2.30, £2.00, £2.60. Ex: £46.70. Tricast: £284.36. Trifecta: £339.20. CSF: £45.65. Nonrunner: Giorgio Vasari. 2.45—Masquerading (D Tudhope, 12-1) 1; Mostallim (6-1) 2; Western Music (8-1) 3. Hcap 14 ran. hd, 1 /2l. (B Smart; 10-3 Fav Chantreys). Tote: £14.40; pl £4.10, £2.50, £3.00. Ex: £101.30. Tricast: £648.76. Trifecta: £964.00. CSF: £82.58. 3.20—Tell’em Nowt (M Ghiani, 12-1) 1; Shyjack (11-8 Fav) 2; Arlo’s Sunshine (11-2 2nd Fav) 3. Hcap 12 ran. 3 3 /4l, 3 1 /2l. (P McEntee). Tote: £15.40; pl £3.80, £1.20, £2.20. Ex: £44.30. Tricast: £105.05. Trifecta: £305.40. CSF: £27.60. Non-runners: Shackabooah, Zero Hour. 3.50—Gustave Aitch (S James, 2-1 Fav) 1; Denable (17-2) 2; Freewheelin (7-2 2nd Fav) 3. Hcap 10 ran. 1 /2l, nk. (G Tuer). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.30, £2.70, £1.60. Ex: £19.00. Tricast: £56.95. Trifecta: £83.30. CSF: £19.73. Non-runners: Metal Man, New Delhi Express. Placepot: £583.60 Quadpot: £86.50 UTTOXETER: good to soft 11.40—Letthetruthbeknown (H Brooke, 25-1) 1; Don’t Rightly Know (50-1) 2; Eureka Creek (9-4 2nd Fav) 3. 9 ran. 4l, 1 1 /4l. (O Greenall; 5-6 Fav Gazette Bourgeoise). Tote: £29.20; pl £3.50, £5.70, £1.20. Ex: £1069.80. Trifecta: £2391.40. CSF: £668.93. Nonrunners: Castkitello, Credo. 12.15—Immortal Fame (S Sheppard, 25-1) 1; Skinflint (40-1) 2; Blended Stealth (25-1) 3; Bardd (16-1) 4. Hcap 20 ran. 6 1 /2l, 4l, Sh Hd. (T Lacey; 10-3 Fav That Ole Chestnut). Tote: £38.00; pl £6.90, £8.00, £5.90, £3.40. Ex: £1201.90. Tricast: £22185.09. Trifecta: Not won. CSF: £780.21. 12.50—Come On Gruff (J J Burke, 3-1 Fav) 1; Bold Soldier (14-1) 2; Tim Pat (28-1) 3. 14 ran. 2 1 /4l, 3l. (T R George). Tote: £4.00; pl £1.50, £3.30, £7.00. Ex: £42.30. Trifecta: £1212.50. CSF: £41.24. 1.25—Frenchy Du Large (C Deutsch, 15-8 Fav) 1; Keep Rolling (7-1) 2; The Dubai Way (11-1) 3. Hcap 10 ran. 5l, 12l. (V Williams). Tote: £2.88; pl £1.30, £2.30, £3.10. Ex: £16.20. Tricast: £112.22. Trifecta: £120.50. CSF: £15.22. 2.00—Kazontherazz (J Best, 8-1) 1; Oliver’s Island (50-1) 2; Kenyan Cowboy (11-1) 3; Wavering Down (9-2) 4. Hcap 17 ran. hd, 3 1 /2l, 4 1 /2l. (M Keighley; 4-1 Fav King Orry). Tote: £9.90; pl £2.20, £8.80, £3.30, £1.70. Ex: £407.40. Tricast: £4419.09. Trifecta: £1470.80. CSF: £376.46. Nonrunner: What A Time. 2.35—Bretney (T J O’Brien, 4-1 Fav) 1; Isla Di Milano (11-1) 2; Earcomesbob (22-1) 3. Hcap 13 ran. 6 1 /2l, 4 3 /4l. (H Daly). Tote: £5.00; pl £2.00, £3.50, £5.80. Ex: £49.90. Tricast: £873.66. Trifecta: £1030.60. CSF: £46.72. Non-runner: Getastar. 3.10—Ace Time (B Godfrey, 4-1 2nd Fav) 1; Subway Surf (8-1) 2; Cronk Y Knox (16-1) 3. Hcap 9 ran. 6 1 /2l, 1 1 /4l. (J R Jenkins; 5-2 Fav Gavin). Tote: £5.00; pl £1.60, £2.40, £4.10. Ex: £29.90. Tricast: £454.42. Trifecta: £484.90. CSF: £34.69. Non-runners: Greatest Star, King Ferdinand, Lady De Vega, Zillion. Jackpot: Not won, pool of £2,884.90 carried over. Placepot: £448.20 Quadpot: £24.30

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 53 HORSE RACING 1 – WESTERN DAILY PRESS, XXXDAY, MONTH XX, 2009 Racing Desk: 0117 934 3284 Strap goes across here and here and here Racing abc index To Today’s Meetings A - Ascot, H - Haydock, L - Lingfield, N - Newcastle, W - Wolverhampton. Acey Milan ..................... H 2.40 Adabbah .........................L 12.50 Adrimel .......................... H 12.20 Agreeability ....................L 12.15 Algheed ..........................L 12.50 Altruism ......................... H 11.50 Amanda Hug’n’kiss ..... W 4.30 Amber Island ..................L 12.50 Annsam ......................... A 3.00 Ard Chros ...................... N 1.40 Ardhill ............................ A 12.40 Army Of One ...................L 3.40 Arriviste ..........................L 12.50 Ascot Jungle ................ W 6.30 Aurelia Gold ...................L 12.15 Autumn Festival ........... W 4.30 Avoid De Master ............ N 2.50 Ballet Steps .................. W 5.30 Ballymillsy ..................... H 3.15 Ballynaveen Boy .......... W 4.30 Ballytobin ...................... N 12.00 Baraboy ......................... N 12.30 Bari Breeze .................... H 11.50 Bass Strait ......................L 12.15 Bavington Bob .............. N 1.05 Belacqua.........................L 12.15 Belami Des Pictons ....... A 3.00 Bella Veneta ....................L 12.15 Belleloise ....................... N 3.25 Benson .......................... A 3.35 Billy Dylan .................... W 6.30 Blaast ............................ W 5.30 Black Minster ................ N 12.00 Black Op ........................ A 1.15 Blazing Hot ................... W 6.30 Bluella ........................... W 6.30 Bolton ............................ N 3.25 Boss Man Fred .............. H 2.05 Brass Clankers ...............L 3.10 Brave Lily ...................... W 4.30 Brelan D’As ................... N 1.40 Brickadank .................... N 12.30 Bright Melody .................L 2.00 Buachaill....................... W 4.00 Burrows Diamond ......... N 2.50 Buzz ............................... A 2.25 Buzz De Turcoing .......... H 2.40 By Moonlight ................ W 5.30 C’Est No Mour ................L 2.35 Cafe Milano .....................L 3.40 Calipso Collonges ........ H 2.40 Can Can Girl ................. W 7.00 Caribean Boy ................. A 3.00 Casa Tall ........................ H 1.30 Caswell Bay ................... H 11.50 Celestial Force ............. W 5.00 Champ ........................... A 2.25 Champagne Dial .............L 12.15 Checkitout ..................... A 3.00 Cherokee Dance ........... W 7.00 Chipiron ........................ W 5.00 Choctaw Brave .............. N 1.05 Chti Balko ...................... H 11.50 Cicely ..............................L 12.15 Cloth Cap ....................... A 3.00 Cresswell Queen ........... N 12.00 Crimson King ............... W 5.00 Crixus’s Escape ............ H 2.40 Croeso Cynnes ............ W 4.30 Current Mood ................ H 12.55 Danny Whizzbang ......... A 1.15 Dark Flyer ..................... W 4.30 Deal A Dollar ...................L 2.35 Defi Sacre ...................... N 1.40 Delgany Monarch .......... A 12.40 Depart A Minuit ............. W 4.30 Desert Lime ....................L 11.40 Destined To Shine ......... H 1.30 Destrier .......................... H 11.50 Devizes ...........................L 3.10 Diego Du Charmil .......... A 1.50 Dinons ........................... A 3.00 Dis Donc ........................ H 12.20 Dolos .............................. A 1.50 Double Legend ...............L 3.10 Doyouknowmyuncles....L 3.40 Dreams Of Home ........... H 12.20 Drop The Anchor ........... A 3.35 Dubai Warrior .................L 2.00 Dutch Lace ................... W 5.30 Eagle One ..................... W 7.00 Eagle’s Realm .............. W 7.00 East Street ..................... N 12.00 Edmond Dantes ............ N 12.30 Eesha Meesh ................ W 4.00 Enormouse .................... A 12.40 Enqarde ......................... H 2.40 Est Illic ........................... H 1.30 Ex Patriot ....................... A 1.15 Exalted Angel ............... W 6.00 Fabulous Saga .............. H 3.15 Fado Des Brosses ......... H 2.40 Father John ................... A 12.40 Felix ................................L 2.00 Fete Champetre ............. N 1.40 Fiadh .............................. N 2.15 Fidha ............................. W 4.00 Filou D’Anjou ................ N 12.30 Financier........................ A 1.50 Firak ............................... H 11.50 First Verse .................... W 6.30 Fizzy Feet ........................L 1.25 Fool Proof .......................L 11.40 Forge Valley Lad.............L 3.10 Fugitif ............................. H 12.20 Fuji Flight ....................... H 2.40 Further Measure ........... W 5.00 Fusain ............................ H 11.50 Garden Paradise ............L 2.00 Garry Clermont ............. A 3.35 Gaulois .......................... A 12.40 Gelboe De Chanay ........ N 2.15 Ghostly ......................... W 7.00 Gidwa ............................ W 4.00 Glencassley................... A 12.40 Global Citizen ................ A 3.35 Go Steady ...................... A 12.40 Golden Whisky .............. A 1.50 Goshen .......................... A 3.35 Grand Sancy .................. A 3.00 Green Book ................... H 11.50 Grenada ........................ W 4.00 Guy................................. A 1.50 Hajey .............................. N 12.30 Hart Of Steel .................. H 2.05 Haute Estime ................. H 12.55 Headscarf Lil ................. N 2.15 Hear No Evil ................... H 3.15 Honor Grey .................... A 12.40 Houston Texas .............. N 1.05 Iceman Dennis .............. N 3.25 If You Can Dream .......... W 4.00 Imphal ............................ A 12.40 Itsnotwhatyouthink ....... A 12.40 Jerrysback..................... A 3.00 Jess’s Corner ................ N 12.30 Jesuitique ...................... H 3.15 Johnny B ....................... A 12.40 Johnny Estella ............. W 7.00 Judy’s Park ................... W 4.00 Just A Tad .......................L 12.15 Just Your Type ............... H 2.40 Kath’s Lustre ..................L 11.40 King Of Unicorns ........... N 12.00 Knight In Dubai .............. A 1.50 Kodias Sangarius ........ W 5.30 L’Homme Presse ........... A 1.15 La Chica Lobo .............. W 6.30 Largo Bay .......................L 3.10 Le Coeur Net .................. H 1.30 Le Fils De Force ............. N 3.25 Legends Ryde ............... A 1.15 Les’s Legacy ................. N 12.30 Libbretta .........................L 3.40 Liberated Lad ............... W 5.00 Lihou ............................. W 6.00 Lisnagar Oscar .............. A 2.25 Lissen To The Lady ....... N 2.15 Little Awkward ............... H 2.05 Llandinabo Lad ............. A 3.35 Lleyton ........................... N 12.30 Luttrell Lad .................... A 3.35 Mack The Man................ A 3.35 Mackelduff ..................... H 2.05 Maid O’malley ................ N 2.50 Mais Oui Marlene............L 11.40 Makinmedoit ...................L 12.15 Mansfield ...................... W 6.30 Marnie James ............... W 6.00 Mayhem Mya ................. H 12.55 Mayway .......................... N 3.25 Meisterzinger ............... W 7.00 Messire Des Obeaux ..... A 1.15 Metier ............................. A 3.35 Mick’s Spirit ....................L 11.40 Midnights Legacy ..........L 2.35 Minella Charmer ............ H 2.05 Miss Milano ................... H 12.55 Misscall......................... W 5.30 Mitsy Mop ..................... W 4.30 Mohareb ..........................L 1.25 Mr Dealer ....................... N 12.00 Mr Harp .......................... H 3.15 Mr Hendricks ................. H 2.40 Mr Mccall ....................... N 3.25 Mulcahys Hill ................. H 3.15 Mulzim .......................... W 6.00 Mustang Kodi .................L 3.10 N’Golo ............................ H 2.05 Nafee ............................. W 4.30 Next Left ........................ A 12.40 Nina The Terrier ............. H 12.55 No Ordinary Joe ............ A 3.35 Nordic Combined .......... H 11.50 Northern .........................L 3.10 Nortonthorpebanker ..... N 3.25 Notachance ................... H 2.40 Off The Hook .................. N 2.15 On The Blind Side ......... A 2.25 One Night Stand .............L 1.25 Onemorefortheroad ...... A 3.35 Ornua ............................. A 1.50 Padleyourowncanoe..... H 3.15 Paisley Park ................... A 2.25 Palavecino ......................L 2.00 Palmers Hill ................... A 1.50 Pass Me By .................... A 12.40 Pencilfulloflead ............. A 1.15 Percy Willis ................... W 7.00 Perfect Match .................L 3.40 Phil The Thrill ................ H 1.30 Phoenix Way .................. A 3.00 Pink Crystal .................. W 5.30 Pivoine ............................L 2.35 Planned Paradise .......... N 12.30 Pledge Of Peace .............L 3.10 Poker Play ..................... H 3.15 Potters Legend .............. H 2.40 Profiles Mix .................... N 3.25 Protected Guest .............L 2.35 Ratfacemcdougall......... H 3.15 Rebel Love .................... W 5.30 Redesdale Angel ........... N 3.25 Regal Encore ................. A 3.00 Regal Reality ..................L 2.00 Remastered ................... H 2.40 Reset Button ..................L 3.40 Return Voyage .............. W 5.30 Rogue Storm ................ W 4.00 Ronald Pump ................. A 2.25 Roxzoff ......................... W 4.00 Royal Reserve ............... N 12.30 Rubytwo ........................ N 2.15 Russian Rumour ........... H 12.55 Sam’s Adventure ........... H 2.40 Samarrive ...................... A 3.35 Sashenka ....................... H 12.55 Scottish Accent ............. N 1.40 Sea Of Charm .................L 2.00 Sennen.......................... W 6.30 Shakem Up’arry ............ H 1.30 Shamshon ......................L 11.40 Shanty Alley .................. H 2.40 She’s No Angel ............. W 7.00 Silva Eclipse .................. H 2.40 Since Day One ............... N 12.00 Slate House ................... A 1.50 Smokey ...........................L 11.40 Snow Joeking ................ N 3.25 So Said I ......................... A 12.40 Soft Risk ........................ N 12.00 Soldier’s Minute .............L 1.25 Sophie Olivia ................. N 2.15 Soul Emotion ................. H 2.05 Stellar Magic .................. H 2.05 Step Back ...................... A 3.00 Sterling Knight ............. W 4.00 Storm Control ................ A 3.00 Storm Melody .................L 11.40 Stormbomber .................L 3.40 Stowaway John ............. N 12.30 Streaky Bay .................. W 4.00 Stylish Whispa ............. W 4.30 Sully D’Oc Aa ................. A 1.50 Sultans Pride ................. H 3.15 Supersonique .................L 3.40 Surewecan.................... W 6.30 Taaqat ........................... W 5.30 Tango Boy...................... N 1.05 The Bay Warrior ........... W 7.00 Thegreatestshowman.. W 6.00 Thegreyvtrain ............... W 6.30 Theotherside ..................L 12.50 Third Wind ..................... A 2.25 Thirtyfourstitches ......... A 12.40 Thomas Darby ............... A 2.25 Three Platoon ............... W 5.00 Thyme Hill ...................... A 2.25 Tilsworth Sammy ...........L 3.10 Tilsworth Valerie .......... W 6.30 Tokyo Getaway .............. H 3.15 Tommy R ....................... W 7.00 Tone The Barone .......... W 6.00 Toots ...............................L 12.15 Tritonic........................... A 3.35 Trolley Boy .................... N 3.25 Trooper Turnbull ........... N 2.50 True Jem ....................... W 4.00 Tsubaki ...........................L 12.15 Turn Of Phrase ...............L 3.40 Ugo Du Misselot ............ N 2.50 Uncle Gez ...................... N 12.00 Unique Cut ......................L 12.50 United Front ...................L 2.00 Up For Parol ................... H 2.05 Valence D’Aumont ........ N 1.40 Valtor.............................. A 3.00 Vintage Clouds .............. H 2.40 Welsh Saint.................... H 3.15 West Cork ...................... A 3.35 West End Lady .............. N 2.15 Winklevi ........................ W 5.00 Word Has It .................... H 1.30 Young Butler.................. A 12.40 Zhiguli ............................ A 1.50 HaYDOcK 11.50 VIRGIN BET CONDITIONAL JOCKEYS’ HANDICAP HURDLE (Class 3) 2m 3yo plus Winner £6,808 1 5P66-3 CHTI BALKO (35) (CD) D McCain 9-11-12 T Gillard(3) 2 1/220- ALTRUISM (332) (D) J Moffatt 11-11-11 Charlotte Jones 3 2/361- FIRAK (332) (T) D Skelton 6-11-10 J Andrews 4 6-7364 FUSAIN (119) (T;D) Mrs A Duffield 6-11-8 K Brogan 5 172604 NORDIC COMBINED (38) (T,V;D) D Pipe 7-11-6 F Gillard(3) 6 4558-7 DESTRIER (13) (T;D) D Skelton 8-11-5 L Williams 7 2-2 GREEN BOOK (17) (BF) V Williams 4-11-5 Ned Fox(10) 8 /9364- CASWELL BAY (296) E Williams 6-10-11 Isabel Williams(3) 9 312526 BARI BREEZE (29) (T) M Harris 6-10-4 K Jones 2020: Chti Balko 8-11-12, Theo Gillard(6) 3-1 (D McCain), 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-2 Chti Balko, 11-4 Green Book, 9-2 Firak, 10 Destrier, Bari Breeze, 12 Nordic Combined, Altruism, 16 Fusain, Caswell Bay. Form CHTI BALKO 9-1 (11-6) Held up, awkward 2nd, pushed along before 3 out, no chance behind leaders last, kept on well flat, 3rd of 6, 9l behind First Impression (11-0) at Wetherby 2m hcap hdle (3) gs in Nov. GREEN BOOK 8-11fav (11-0) Not always fluent, led, jinked right 4th, ridden and headed flat, held towards finish, 2nd of 3, 1l behind A Different Kind (11-5) at Haydock 2m hdl (2) hvy. FIRAK 2-1 (11-5) Prominent, not fluent 2nd, led 2 out, clear and jumped left last, eased towards finish, won at Chepstow 2m 3f mdn hdl (4) hvy in Jan beating Enormouse (11-0) by 10l, 13 ran. BARI BREEZE 7-2 (10-10) Tracked leader, ridden and outpaced before 2 out, weakened after last, 6th of 8, 12l behind White Walker (10-1) at Catterick 3m 1f hcp hdl 0-110 (4) gd in Nov. DESTRIER 7-1 (11-12) Held up in last, pushed along after 4th, outpaced and beaten under 3 out, last of 7, 33l behind Restandbethankful (11-7) at Huntingdon 2m hcp hdl 0-135 (3) gd. ALTRUISM 7-1 (10-11) Held up in midfield, headway on outside back straight, ridden 3f out, weakened over 2f out, 12th of 13, 24l behind Wise Eagle (10-7) at Newcastle 2m NH flat (4) std in Jan. NORDIC COMBINED 10-1 (11-7) Chased leaders on outside, held from 3 out, stayed on same pace, 4th of 7, 12l behind Mack The Man (11-12) at Exeter 2m 1f hcp hdl 0-130 (3) gs in Nov. CASWELL BAY 16-1 (10-13) Chased clear leaders, ridden and weakened before mistake 3 out, 4th of 5, 39l behind Grumpy Charley (11-9) at Chepstow 2m hcp hdl 0-135 (3) sft in Feb. FUSAIN 11-1 (12-0) Rear, not fluent 1st, not fluent and pushed along briefly 2nd, 6th halfway, ridden in 5th before 3 out, no impression in 4th from next, kept on one pace, 4th of 6, 15l behind Embittered (12-0) at Killarney 2m 1f beg chs gd in Aug. 12.20 VIRGIN BET NOVICES’ CHASE (GBB RACE) (3) 2m 4yo plus Winner £7,284 1 111-71 DREAMS OF HOME (26) (D) D McCain 5-11-6 B Hughes 2 6713-1 FUGITIF (36) (T;D) R Hobson 6-11-6 N Scholfield 3 11PP-P ADRIMEL (15) (B,T;CD) T Lacey 6-11-0 S Sheppard 4 4452-3 DIS DONC (229) (P;BF,D) M Hammond 8-11-0 H Brooke 2020: Cheddleton 5-11-4, Sean Quinlan 2-1 Fav (J Candlish), 5 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-4 Dreams Of Home, 2 Fugitif, 3 Adrimel, 16 Dis Donc. Form DREAMS OF HOME 11-8fav (11-8) Led, quickened tempo approaching 4 out, nudged along before 3 out, joined 2 out, soon ridden, rallied well with good jump last, ran on well flat, won at Ayr 2m nov Limited hcap ch (3) gs in Nov beating Fete Champetre (10-10) by 6l, 6 ran. FUGITIF 11-2 (11-12) Made all, increased tempo 4 out, clear last, easily, won at Worcester 2m nov hcp chs 0-120 (4) gs in Nov beating Across The Line (11-13) by 10l, 10 ran. ADRIMEL 10-3 (11-2) Jumped slowly at times, in rear, pushed along 5th, reminders after next, never able to get on terms, well beaten after 11th, pulled up before 4 out, in a race won by Gladiateur Allen (11-2) at Exeter 2m 3f nov chs (2) gs, 6 ran. DIS DONC 6-4fav (11- 9) Mid-division, 4th 4 out and took closer order in 3rd before next, soon pushed along and went 2nd 2 out, ridden before last and soon no impression, dropped to 3rd close home, 3rd of 8, 9l behind Fancy Foundations (11-7) at Down Royal 2m 4f beg chase in May. 12.55 MARES’ NOVICES’ HURDLE (FILLIES’ & MARES’ LISTED) (1) 2m 3f 4yo plus Winner £11,390 1 2-1134 CURRENT MOOD (7) E Williams 6-11-3 Isabel Williams 2 4-111F NINA THE TERRIER (21) (BF,D) A King 5-11-3 G Sheehan 3 24-314 HAUTE ESTIME (28) L Russell 4-11-0 D R Fox 4 113-4 MAYHEM MYA (35) Chris Honour 4-11-0 T Cannon 5 3 MISS MILANO (26) N Richards 6-11-0 B Hughes 6 1 RUSSIAN RUMOUR (23) (D) J Portman 4-11-0 J J Burke 7 3F2-20 SASHENKA (36) M Scudamore 5-11-0 T Scudamore 2020: Nada To Prada 5-11-0, Richard Patrick 9-4 (M Scudamore), 5 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-4 Nina The Terrier, 11-4 Current Mood, 7 Sashenka, 10 Haute Estime, 12 Mayhem Mya, Russian Rumour, 14 Miss Milano. Form NINA THE TERRIER 1-1fav (11-3) Towards rear, went 3rd and shaken up 2 out, pushed along before last, pressing leaders and every chance when fell final flight, in a race won by Elle Est Belle (11-0) at Newbury 2m mares listed nov hdl (1) gs in Nov, 6 ran. CURRENT MOOD 16-1 (10-8) Prominent, pressed leaders between last two flights, ridden and weakened before last, 4th of 6, 17l behind Blazing Khal (11-3) at Cheltenham 3m nov hdl G2 (1) gs. SASHENKA 13-2 (11-6) Mid-division, headway approaching 3 out, ridden approaching last, weakened final 100yds, 11th of 18, 6l behind Mc Alpine (11-0) at Cheltenham 2m nov hcp hdl (3) gd in Nov. HAUTE ESTIME 18-1 (10-7) Tracked leader, hit 4 out, nudged along and outpaced before 3 out, dropped to rear, stayed on again after final flight, never threatened, 4th of 5, 10l behind Barrichello (11-0) at Haydock 2m Listed nov hdl (1) gs in Nov. MAYHEM MYA 22-1 (11-0) Raced keenly in mid-division on inside, closer tracking leaders 6f out, kept on inside final furlong, went 4th towards finish, not quite enough pace to threaten, 4th of 15, 5l behind Bonttay (11-0) at Cheltenham 2m N H flat lst (1) gd in Nov. RUSSIAN RUMOUR 11-2 (10-13) Tracked leaders, pushed along and pressed leader before 2 out, not fluent 2 out, led last, ridden out and stayed on well, won at Lingfield 2m 3f mdn hdle (4) gs in Nov beating Speech Bubble (11-0) by 2 1/4l, 11 ran. MISS MILANO 10-1 (10-12) Middivision, niggled along 6th, ridden and went third approaching 2 out, stayed on from last, 3rd of 12, 3 1/2l behind Cancan (10-12) at Ayr 2m mrs nov hdl (4) gs in Nov. 1.30 VIRGIN BET HANDICAP CHASE (3) 2m 4yo plus Winner £7,624 1 4280-U SHAKEM UP’ARRY (41) (D) B Pauling 7-11-12 Luca Morgan(5) 2 /3211- WORD HAS IT (271) (D) D McCain 7-11-11 B Hughes 3 9U222- DESTINED TO SHINE (304) (T;C,D) Kerry Lee 9-11-9 T Scudamore 4 /3321- PHIL THE THRILL (397) (T) Jonjo O’Neill 5-11-3 K Brogan(3) 5 1136-P EST ILLIC (31) (D) S-J Davies 7-11-2 W T Kennedy 6 1-4131 CASA TALL (27) (T;D) T R George 7-11-2 J J Burke 7 1456-4 LE COEUR NET (3) (B,T;D) A Honeyball 9-11-0 R Dingle 2020: Equus Millar 7-11-0, Sam Twiston-Davies 17-2 (N Twiston-Davies), 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-2 Shakem Up’arry, 7-2 Word Has It, 4 Destined To Shine, Casa Tall, 8 Phil The Thrill, 10 Le Coeur Net, 20 Est Illic. Form SHAKEM UP’ARRY 5-2 (11-2) Tracked leader early, led after 1st, unseated rider 8th, in a race won by Eden Du Houx (10-10) at Ffos Las 2m nov hcap ch (3) sft in Nov, 7 ran. WORD HAS IT 2-11fav (11-6) Led, jumped right on occasions, pushed along before 2 out, went right and ridden approaching last, ran on flat, won at Kelso 2m nh nov hdl (4) gd in Mar beating Wicked West (11- 0) by 6l, 12 ran. CASA TALL 15-2 (11-0) Held up, headway travelling strongly before 2 out, ridden 2 out, took lead after last, stayed on, just held on, won at Exeter 2m 1f hcp chs 0-125 (3) gd in Nov beating Midnight Midge (11-1) by 1 1/4l, 5 ran. DESTINED TO SHINE 12-1 (11-1) Held up rear of mid-division, headway from 8th, chased winner 2 out, held but stayed on, 2nd of 10, 2 1/2l behind Umbrigado (11-12) at Wetherby 1m 7f hcp chs 0-140 (3) sft in Feb. PHIL THE THRILL 4-1 (10-12) Middivision, left clear 3 out, ridden and kept on, won at Fontainebleau(FR) 2m 2f 4yo clm chs hvy in Nov ‘20 beating Gurkashe (10-5) by 15l, 7 ran. LE COEUR NET 7-1 (11-5) Chased leaders, weakened before 3 out, last of 4, 25l behind Doukarov (11- 2) at Newbury 2m cond hcp chs (4yo+) (3) gs. EST ILLIC 125-1 (11-8) Prominent, ridden and weakened quickly home turn, pulled up 3 out, in a race won by Chinwag (11-6) at Ffos Las 2m 3f hcp chs 0-130 (3) sft in Nov, 11 ran. 2.05 VIRGIN BET HANDICAP HURDLE (2) 2m 3f 3yo plus Winner £13,070 ITV4 1 15734/ SOUL EMOTION (700) 8-11-12 .............J Andrews(5) Runs: 12 Wins: 3(S,GS) Places: 2 £54,192 Trainer: D Skelton Owner: Mr and Mrs J D Cotton 2 39093- N’GOLO (F69)(P,T) 6-11-10.....................K Brogan(3) Runs: 9 Wins: 3(S,G) £46,746 Trainer: Mrs A Duffield Owner: K Jardine R Griffiths S Greig 3 1/11P- STELLAR MAGIC (306)(D2) 6-11-4 ...........M G Nolan Runs: 4 Wins: 3(S) £7,538 Trainer: P Hobbs Owner: Mr Allan Stennett 4 114/3- BOSS MAN FRED (440) 7-11-3 ..................L Williams Runs: 6 Wins: 4(S,GS,G) £16,485 Trainer: D Skelton Owner: Masomo 5 311/3- MINELLA CHARMER (302)(C) 10-11-1....................... .....................................................Charlotte Jones(5) Runs: 17 Wins: 3(S) Places: 3 £26,172 Trainer: J Moffatt Owner: Varlien Vyner-brooks,dave&Yvonne Simps 6 411-34 UP FOR PAROL (41)(BF) 5-10-12 .............G Sheehan Runs: 7 Wins: 3(GS) £14,350 Trainer: J Snowden Owner: Sir Chips Keswick 7 1412- LITTLE AWKWARD (283)(,WS) 5-10-12 ......J J Burke Runs: 4 Wins: 2(S) Places: 1 £7,837 Trainer: O Sherwood Owner: Michael Fiddy & Richard Fleming 8 72-U13 HART OF STEEL (31)(BF) 6-10-8 ...............B Hughes Runs: 12 Wins: 3(S,G) Places: 3 £16,615 Trainer: D McCain Owner: Mr N Hartley 9 43-113 MACKELDUFF (35) 5-10-7 ........................D England Runs: 5 Wins: 2(G) Places: 2 £22,607 Trainer: O Murphy Owner: Tommy Elphick & Mary Shalvey 2020: Albert’s Back 6 11 4, Brian Hughes 9-1 (M & D Easterby), 8 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 3 Mackelduff, 10-3 Stellar Magic, 13-2 Boss Man Fred, 7 Little Awkward, Soul Emotion, 8 Up For Parol, 10 Minella Charmer, 12 Hart Of Steel, 25 N’Golo. Form MACKELDUFF 6-1 (10-12) Mid-division, headway chasing leaders 4 out, outpaced between last two, rallied under pressure into modest 3rd run-in, 3rd of 11, 6l behind Gowel Road (11-10) at Cheltenham 2m 5f hcap hdle (3) gd in Nov. STELLAR MAGIC 5-4 (12-2) Held up in touch, rapidly lost ground before 7th, tailed off when pulled up before 4 out, in a race won by Benny’s Oscar (11-4) at Warwick 2m 5f nh nov hdl (4) sft in Feb, 18 ran. BOSS MAN FRED 10-3 (11-4) Tracked leader, shaken up and outpaced 5 out, pushed along 4 out, in close 3 out and soon hard-ridden, kept on but never a threat, 3rd of 7, 7l behind Hurricane Harvey (11-1) at Uttoxeter 2m 4f beg chs (3) gs in Oct ‘20. LITTLE AWKWARD 5-2 (11-9) Led, joined 2 out, ridden and headed last, held flat, kept on, 2nd of 6, 1 1/2l behind Valleres (11-9) at Fontwell 2m 6f nh nov hdl (4) gs in Mar. SOUL EMOTION 10-3 (11-9) Prominent to 2nd, held up, pushed along approaching 2 out, ridden to take 4th before last, one pace, 4th of 8, 7l behind Thomas Darby (11-12) at Ascot 2m 3f hcp hdl Grade 3 (1) hvy in Jan ‘20. UP FOR PAROL 11-8fav (11-0) Chased leaders, pushed along 4 out, mistake 3 out and soon hampered by faller, held over 2 out, 4th of 7, 19l behind Eden Du Houx (10-10) at Ffos Las 2m nov hcap ch (3) sft in Nov. MINELLA CHARMER 15-2 (11-12) Led until after 1st, led next, headed 3rd, not fluent 3 out, no chance with winner from 2 out, not fluent and lost 2nd last, no extra flat, 3rd of 7, 32l behind Corrieben Reiver (11-5) at Kelso 2m hcp hdl 0-140 (3) sft in Feb. HART OF STEEL 16-5fav (11-9) In leading pair, mistake and headed 2 out, ridden before last, no extra, 3rd of 14, 15l behind Romeo Brown (10-1) at Hexham 2m hcp hdl 0-120 (4) gs in Nov. N’GOLO 12-1 (11-12) Led, jumped left and some mistakes, headed and pushed along at 7th, dropped to moderate last next, no impression, left moderate 3rd at last, 3rd of 4, 48l behind Gaillard Du Mesnil (11-12) at Punchestown 2m 4f nov hdl Grade 1 (1) in Apr. 2.40 VIRGIN BET TOMMY WHITTLE HANDICAP CHASE (2) 3m 2f 4yo plus Winner £26,015 ITV4 1 4P1PP- MR HENDRICKS (280) 7-11-13 ...............N Scholfield Runs: 14 Wins: 3(S) £14,205 Trainer: Christian Williams Owner: Carl Hinchy And Mark Scott 2 115-3F REMASTERED (21)(T) 8-11-13 .............T Scudamore Runs: 19 Wins: 5(S) Places: 7 £53,515 Trainer: D Pipe Owner: Brocade Racing 3 531-58 VINTAGE CLOUDS (31)(P,CD2) 11-11-12 ......R Mania Runs: 40 Wins: 6(S,GS,G) Places: 17 £263,148 Trainer: Sue Smith Owner: Exors Of The Late Mr Trevor Hemmings 4 11PP-P NOTACHANCE (21) 7-11-9 .........................T Cannon Runs: 15 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 6 £67,405 Trainer: A King Owner: David J S Sewell & Tim Leadbeater 5 U1U-P7 SAM’S ADVENTURE (21)(P,CD) 9-11-9 ...... H Brooke Runs: 24 Wins: 7(S) Places: 6 £152,038 Trainer: B Ellison Owner: Julie & Phil Martin 6 1/615- FADO DES BROSSES (317) 6-11-2 .............J J Burke Runs: 7 Wins: 3(S) £10,214 Trainer: E Williams Owner: Mr & Mrs William Rucker 7 261-65 POTTERS LEGEND (31)(P,CD) 11-11-0...... J Quinlan Runs: 35 Wins: 7(S,GS,G) Places: 11 £162,366 Trainer: L Wadham Owner: Mrs J May 8 52F6-7 ACEY MILAN (51)(P,T) 7-10-13 .....................R Dingle Runs: 20 Wins: 5(S) Places: 5 £78,301 Trainer: A Honeyball Owner: Owners For Owners: Acey Milan 9 P334-1 CALIPSO COLLONGES (42)(P,T,C) 9-10-11 ..G Sheehan Runs: 28 Wins: 6(S) Places: 4 £74,492 Trainer: O Murphy Owner: The Black Horse Hotel Bridgnorth 10 1123-U SHANTY ALLEY (35)(P,D) 7-10-11 .......J Andrews(5) Runs: 18 Wins: 3(S,GS,G) Places: 5 £20,953 Trainer: B Case Owner: Jerry Wright Adam Lucock Patricia Murr 11 147-21 BUZZ DE TURCOING (19)(C) 7-10-10 ....... J Tudor(3) Runs: 11 Wins: 3(S,GS) Places: 2 £16,625 Trainer: S Drinkwater Owner: Prestbury Thoroughbreds - Buzz 12 U15P-5 ENQARDE (46) 7-10-9 ........................... C Hammond Runs: 23 Wins: 3(S) Places: 5 £71,819 Trainer: Dr R Newland Owner: Off The Clock Partners & Dr Rdp Newlan 13 1P3-P2 JUST YOUR TYPE (35)(B,D2) 9-10-8 ...W T Kennedy Runs: 20 Wins: 4(S,GS) Places: 4 £44,314 Trainer: C Longsdon Owner: Mr Tyrone Hanlon 14 415-57 SILVA ECLIPSE (28)(C,D) 8-10-6 ...........T Willmott(5) Runs: 27 Wins: 4(S,GS,G) Places: 8 £48,782 Trainer: Sue Smith Owner: The Acre Bottom Syndicate 15 1FP6-6 CRIXUS’S ESCAPE (32)(T) 8-10-6 .............B Hughes Runs: 18 Wins: 5(S) Places: 1 £39,029 Trainer: G Boanas Owner: Mr Richard Collins 16 2/3P-3 FUJI FLIGHT (32) 6-10-5 .............. Miss L M Turner(7) Runs: 15 Wins: 1(G) Places: 7 £85,099 Trainer: V Williams Owner: George And Drury 2020: Sam’s Adventure 8 11 4, Brian Hughes 14-1 (B Ellison), 10 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Remastered, 5 Calipso Collonges, 10 Buzz De Turcoing, Vintage Clouds, Sam’s Adventure, 12 Enqarde, Fuji Flight, 14 Potters Legend, Shanty Alley, Mr Hendricks, Acey Milan, 16 Others. Form REMASTERED 11-1 (10-11) Tracked leaders, not fluent 11th (water), pressing leader when fell 4 out, in a race won by Cloudy Glen (10-8) at Newbury 3m 2f Grade 3 hcp chs (4yo+) (1) gs in Nov, 21 ran. CALIPSO COLLONGES 13-2 (11-7) Prominent, joined leader 10th, headed 4 out, led again 2 out, soon pushed along, ridden out run-in, stayed on well, won at Kelso 2m 6f hcp chs 0-130 (3) sft in Nov beating Caboy (10-5) by 4 1/2l, 7 ran. BUZZ DE TURCOING 13-8fav (11-1) Tracked clear leader, closed 11th, 2 lengths down 5 out, led next, idled approaching last, ridden out, won at Ayr 3m nov hcap ch (3) gs in Nov beating Cadeyrn (11-5) by 2 1/2l, 5 ran. SAM’S ADVENTURE 40-1 (10-12) In rear, ridden 11th, well beaten from 14th, tailed off, 7th of 12, 50l behind Aye Right (11-5) at Newcastle 2m 7f listed hcp chs (1) gs in Nov. VINTAGE CLOUDS 7-1 (11-11) Close up, lost place 6th, in touch when outpaced 11th, weakened 14th, tailed off, 8th of 11, 43l behind Final Nudge (10-12) at Warwick 3m hcap ch (2) gs in Nov. ENQARDE 8-1 (11-12) Prominent, pushed before 4 out where mistake, beaten 3 out, kept on, 5th of 13, 23l behind St Erney (9-13) at Exeter 3m hcp chs 0-130 (3) gs in Nov. FUJI FLIGHT 20-1 (11-8) Prominent, led 7th, headed 8th, ridden before 3 out, hit 3 out, one pace from 2 out, 3rd of 9, 9l behind Fantastikas (11-11) at Lingfield 2m 7f hcp chs 0-130 (3) gs in Nov. ACEY MILAN 5-1 (11-2) Mid-division, hit 5th, headway towards inside chasing leaders before 3 out, weakened, 7th of 10, 45l behind Take Your Time (10-11) at Ffos Las 3m hcp hdl 0-135 (3) sft in Oct. MR HENDRICKS 20-1 (11-10) Mid-division, pushed along briefly 11th, ridden and no extra approaching 4 out, behind when pulled up before 2 out, in a race won by Stormy Judge (10-5) at Navan 3m nov hcp chs hvy in Mar, 12 ran. POTTERS LEGEND 11-2 (10-13) Close up, ridden 3 out, kept on same pace, 5th of 11, 10l behind Final Nudge (10-12) at Warwick 3m hcap ch (2) gs in Nov. SHANTY ALLEY 4-1 (12-3) Prominent, ridden and outpaced before 4 out, weakened and unseated at 3 out, in a race won by Sandy Boy (10-12) at Uttoxeter 3m 2f hcp chs 0-130 (3) gd in Nov, 6 ran. CRIXUS’S ESCAPE 8-1 (11-9) Jumped right, led until 4 out, weakened 2 out, 6th of 8, 29l behind Shanroe Al C (10-9) at Ayr 3m hcp chs 0-135 (3) gs in Nov. FADO DES BROSSES 7-1 (11-4) Held up towards rear, hit 8th, steady headway 5 out, well adrift when hit 3 out, no extra, 5th of 8, 30l behind Lieutenant Rocco (10-12) at Ffos Las 3m nov chs (4) hvy in Feb. JUST YOUR TYPE 9-2 (11-12) Prominent and led at 4 out, mistake 3 out, kept on and rallied after 2 out, every chance after final fence, just held, 2nd of 6, 3 1/2l behind Sandy Boy (10-12) at Uttoxeter 3m 2f hcp chs 0-130 (3) gd in Nov. SILVA ECLIPSE 8-1 (11-4) Towards rear, struggling from 5 out, never on terms, 7th of 11, 28l behind Jersey Bean (11-12) at Haydock 3m 4f hcp chs 0-135 (3) gs in Nov. NOTACHANCE 14-1 (11-0) Mid-division, well beaten 14th, pulled up before 4 out, in a race won by Aye Right (11-5) at Newcastle 2m 7f listed hcp chs (1) gs in Nov, 12 ran. 3.15 VIRGIN BET FIVES HANDICAP HURDLE (3) 3m 3yo plus Winner £6,862 1 3611-0 HEAR NO EVIL (34) (D) N C Kelly (IRE) 9-11-12 Mr O McGill(7) 2 4/443- PADLEYOUROWNCANOE (452) (D) D Skelton 7-11-12 Mr T Durrell(7) 3 P111-P RATFACEMCDOUGALL (39) (B,T;D) F O’Brien 8-11-12 M Kendrick 4 12F-15 BALLYMILLSY (35) (BF) N Twiston-Davies 5-11-11 J Nailor(3) 5 1P20/9 MULCAHYS HILL (15) (P;D) W Greatrex 9-11-9 C Quinn(7) 6 U340-5 WELSH SAINT (39) (P;CD) S Thomas 7-11-5 J Tudor(3) 7 95827- TOKYO GETAWAY (292) (P;D) J Moffatt 7-11-4 Charlotte Jones(5) 8 1416-1 SULTANS PRIDE (42) (P;D) G Boanas 9-11-2 B Hughes 9 234-92 POKER PLAY (41) (T) D Pipe 8-11-2 T Scudamore 10 /P4P-0 FABULOUS SAGA (51) (T;D) T R George 9-11-1 J J Burke 11 73-112 JESUITIQUE (30) (BF) Dr R Newland 6-10-11 C Leonard(5) 12 224-55 MR HARP (15) T Gallagher 8-10-11 J Quinlan 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Jesuitique, 5 Sultans Pride, 11-2 Ballymillsy, 7 Padleyourowncanoe, 8 Welsh Saint, Poker Play, 10 Mr Harp, 12 Ratfacemcdougall, 14 Others. Form JESUITIQUE 6-4fav (10-1) Held up, headway 3 out, challenging when mistake 2 out, hard ridden flat, held towards finish, 2nd of 8, 3/4l behind Teescomponents Lad (11-0) at Market Rasen 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-145 (2) gd in Nov. SULTANS PRIDE 11-2 (11-6) Mid-division, tracked leaders before 3 out, shaken up after 2 out, pressed leader before last, ridden and stayed on well to lead towards finish, won at Kelso 3m 2f hcp hdl 0-130 (3) sft in Nov beating Doyen Breed (11-12) by 1l, 7 ran. BALLYMILLSY 3-1fav (11-1) Led went right 3rd, reached for 4 out, not fluent next, headed and mistake 2 out, ridden and weakened soon after, 5th of 9, 14l behind Sporting John (11-12) at Cheltenham 3m Listed hcp hdl (1) gd in Nov. PADLEYOUROWNCANOE 4-1 (11-5) Chased leaders, pecked 16th, soon ridden, close 3rd when not fluent last, held flat, 3rd of 6, 2 3/4l behind Young Wolf (11- 12) at Warwick 3m 1f hcp chs 0-140 (3) gd in Sep ‘20. POKER PLAY 10-1 (11-12) Tracked leader and raced wide, disputed lead from under 4 out, led 3 out, pressed over 2 out, headed well before last, kept on same pace until plugged on again closing stages, 2nd of 8, 2 3/4l behind To Be Sure (10-3) at Ffos Las 3m hcp hdl 0-125 (3) sft in Nov. WELSH SAINT 9-2 (11-9) Towards rear, pushed along after 3 out, went 4th home turn, ridden to chase leaders before 2 out, not fluent 2 out and last, gradually faded, 5th of 7, 15l behind Khan (10-1) at Lingfield 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-135 (3) gs in Nov. MR HARP 11-1 (10-0) Behind, some late minor headway, never on terms, 5th of 12, 10l behind Pileon (10-8) at Sandown 2m 7f hcp hdl (2) gs. RATFACEMCDOUGALL 11-1 (11-13) Led, headed and pushed along 3 out, weakened quickly home turn, pulled up before 2 out, in a race won by Khan (10-1) at Lingfield 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-135 (3) gs in Nov, 7 ran. TOKYO GETAWAY 10-1 (10-9) Chased leaders, 5th approaching 8th, slight mistake 4 out, one pace from before straight, 7th of 16, 13l behind Atlantic Shore (10-9) at Punchestown 3m hcp hdl sft in Mar. HEAR NO EVIL 50-1 (10-0) Waited with towards rear, no impression approaching 3 out, 15th of 20, well behind Sassy Yet Classy (10-3) at Punchestown 3m hcp hdl in Nov. MULCAHYS HILL 66-1 (11-0) Well in rear, tailed off when went left 3 out, 9th of 12, 19l behind Pileon (10-8) at Sandown 2m 7f hcp hdl (2) gs. FABULOUS SAGA 66-1 (11-7) Raced on inside, chased leader until led 2nd, clear 2nd until 7th, headed after next, chased leader, hit 10th, lost 2nd and weakened befoere 3 out, last of 10, well behind Take Your Time (10-11) at Ffos Las 3m hcp hdl 0-135 (3) sft in Oct. 11.50 — Chti Balko 12.20 — Dreams Of Home 12.55 — Mayhem Mya 1.30 — Word Has It 2.05 — Minella Charmer 2.40 — Remastered 3.15 — Ballymillsy ITV4: 2.05, 2.40. Racing TV. Going: Soft captain Wessex Selections

54 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS HORSE RACING 1 – WESTERN DAILY PRESS, XXXDAY, MONTH XX, 2009 Racing Desk: 0117 934 3284 Strap goes across here and here and here Racing nEWcaSTLE 12.00 BET365 NOVICES’ HURDLE (Class 4) 2m 4yo plus Winner £4,084 1 9-21 EAST STREET (24) (D) Sue Smith 5-11-5 C Bewley 2 2P2-41 SINCE DAY ONE (21) (CD) D McCain 5-11-5 P J Kavanagh(7) 3 11 SOFT RISK (32) (D) N Richards 5-11-5 Sean Quinlan 4 648-8 BALLYTOBIN (227) S Forster 6-10-12 S Mulqueen 5 17-4 BLACK MINSTER (218) (CD) P Atkinson 6-10-12 Craig Nichol 6 451 KING OF UNICORNS (30) (CD) M Hammond 4-10-12 B Garritty 7 6327/5 MR DEALER (207) A Dodgson 9-10-12 J Kington 8 306 UNCLE GEZ (13) C Grant 5-10-12 O Brown(5) 9 0/45-5 CRESSWELL QUEEN (10) (H) T Davidson 6-10-5 H Reed 2020: Tommy’s Oscar 5-11-5, Danny McMenamin(3) 11-10 Fav (A Hamilton), 14 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-4 Soft Risk, 3 Since Day One, 7-2 East Street, 8 King Of Unicorns, 16 Mr Dealer, 25 Cresswell Queen, Black Minster, 100 Uncle Gez, 150 Ballytobin. Form SOFT RISK 1-2fav (10-12) Chased leader, led 2 out, ridden and asserted flat, stayed on well, readily, won at Ayr 2m nh nov hdl (4) gs in Nov beating Well Planted (10-12) by 5l, 11 ran. SINCE DAY ONE 14-1 (11-4) Always prominent, hit 4th, led before 3 out, in command flat, ridden out, won at Newcastle 2m (4) gs in Nov beating Parisencore (11-4) by 2 3/4l, 10 ran. EAST STREET 11-8fav (10-12) Led, mistake 5th, ridden 3 out, joined 2 out, narrowly headed last, rallied to regain lead on run in, won at Wetherby 2m nh nov hdl (4) gd in Nov beating Kinondo Kwetu (10-12) by 1/2l, 8 ran. KING OF UNICORNS 7-1 (11-0) Close up, pushed along 4f out, led 3f out, kept on well final furlong, won at Newcastle 2m NH flat (5) gd in Nov beating Kingfisher Lane (11-0) by 5l, 5 ran. MR DEALER 100-1 (11-4) Towards rear, smooth headway 3 out, challenged leader and upsides 2 out, soon one pace, 5th of 11, 7l behind Rapid Flight (11-4) at Southwell 2m 4f NH mdn hdl (4) gs in May. BLACK MINSTER 50-1 (11-4) Raced in last, mistake 4 out, not fluent 3 out, soon outpaced, not fluent 2 out, weakened before last, last of 4, 23l behind My Bobby Dazzler (11-1) at Aintree 2m 4f mdn hdl (4) gd in May. CRESSWELL QUEEN 15-2 (10-12) Always in rear, never involved, 5th of 7, 36l behind Just Jess (10-12) at Hexham 2m mrs nov hdl (4) hvy. 12.30 BET365 HANDICAP HURDLE (5) 2m 3yo plus Winner £2,342 1 34/573 ROYAL RESERVE (26) (P,T;CD) L Russell 8-11-12 P W Wadge(10) 2 3-759 HAJEY (9) T Waggott 4-11-7 T Midgley(7) 3 2-666 PLANNED PARADISE (27) N Mulholland 5-11-7 J Best 4 7-5944 LES’S LEGACY (12) S Corbett 4-11-4 Craig Nichol 5 0U-R67 JESS’S CORNER (30) (H,P) V Thompson 5-11-4 T Dowson 6 02P6-P LLEYTON (16) (D) Justin Landy 9-11-3 C Bewley 7 U84-P8 STOWAWAY JOHN (43) S Forster 7-11-3 S Mulqueen 8 98-65 EDMOND DANTES (35) Ruth Jefferson 5-11-0 J Hamilton 9 349526 BRICKADANK (9) M Hammond 5-10-8 Miss Becky Smith(3) 10 9/0713 BARABOY (25) (P;D) F Murtagh 11-10-4 Sean Quinlan 11 0360P FILOU D’ANJOU (10) S G West 6-10-0 J Kington 2020: Dubai Days 6-12-2, Bruce Lynn(5) 7-2 Fav (N Alexander), 16 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 3 Royal Reserve, 4 Baraboy, 5 Planned Paradise, 6 Brickadank, Edmond Dantes, 10 Lleyton, 12 Les’s Legacy, 14 Stowaway John, 20 Others. 1.05 NOVICES’ HANDICAP CHASE (4) 2m 7f 4yo plus Winner £3,594 1 11-152 BAVINGTON BOB (15) A Hamilton 6-11-12 C Bewley 2 /5P5-6 TANGO BOY (36) (P) N Mulholland 8-11-11 J Best 3 1PP-74 HOUSTON TEXAS (42) N Richards 7-11-0 Sean Quinlan 4 22/690 CHOCTAW BRAVE (32) T Reed 7-10-0 H Reed 2020: Hills Of Connemara 8-11-0, Sam Coltherd(3) 40-1 (S Corbett), 7 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 11-10 Bavington Bob, 5-2 Tango Boy, 3 Houston Texas, 12 Choctaw Brave. Form BAVINGTON BOB 4-1 (11-10) Mid division, ridden and outpaced 3 out, plugged on approaching last, kept on well flat, grabbed 2nd close home, 2nd of 9, 10l behind Sounds Russian (11-4) at Sedgefield 2m 5f hcp chs 0-120 (4) sft. TANGO BOY 7-1 (11-10) Held up, off pace and pushed along home turn, never a factor, 6th of 10, 36l behind Fugitif (11-12) at Worcester 2m nov hcp chs 0-120 (4) gs in Nov. HOUSTON TEXAS 33-1 (10-12) Towards rear, pushed along before last, stayed on one pace, never on terms, 4th of 7, 18l behind Mister Whitaker (10-12) at Kelso 2m 7f nh nov hdl (4) gs in Nov. CHOCTAW BRAVE 150-1 (10-12) Mid-division, 8th and struggling 3 out, soon well beaten, 10th of 11, 28l behind Soft Risk (10-12) at Ayr 2m nh nov hdl (4) gs in Nov. 1.40 BET365 HANDICAP CHASE (3) 2m 4f 4yo plus Winner £5,882 1 122-44 DEFI SACRE (19) (T,V) R Hobson 8-11-12 Lilly Pinchin(5) 2 664113 BRELAN D’AS (22) (BF,CD) B Haslam 10-11-6 A Cawley 3 14-1R2 FETE CHAMPETRE (26) (H,T) R Dobbin 6-11-4 Craig Nichol 4 -135F4 VALENCE D’AUMONT (22) Sue Smith 7-11-0 Sean Quinlan 5 7352-5 ARD CHROS (13) (P,T;D) W Coltherd 9-10-5 J Hamilton 6 3150-6 SCOTTISH ACCENT (21) (P,T;D) R Menzies 8-10-2 N Moscrop(3) 2020: She’sasupermack 7-11-11, Conor O’Farrell 5-2 Fav (I Jardine), 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 2 Fete Champetre, 7-2 Defi Sacre, 9-2 Brelan D’As, 5 Scottish Accent, 6 Valence D’Aumont, 12 Ard Chros. Form FETE CHAMPETRE 9-2 (10-10) Chased leaders, headway to go second before 4 out, ridden to challenge 2 out, every chance when blundered last, no extra flat, just held on for second, 2nd of 6, 6l behind Dreams Of Home (11-8) at Ayr 2m nov Limited hcap ch (3) gs in Nov. DEFI SACRE 8-1 (11-9) Made mistakes, never troubled leaders, 4th of 5, 16l behind Boston Emery (10-12) at Fontainebleau(FR) 2m 2f chs hvy in Nov. BRELAN D’AS 5-6fav (11-0) Held up behind front pair, mistake 4th, pushed along after 5 out, ridden and outpaced omitted 4 out, stayed on, never on terms with winner, last of 3, 4 1/2l behind Sir Tivo (11- 6) at Doncaster 2m hcp chs 0-125 (3) gd in Nov. SCOTTISH ACCENT 12-1 (10-12) Held up in rear, not fluent 9th, struggling from next, 6th of 10, 28l behind Scene Not Herd (11-11) at Newcastle 2m 4f hcp chs 0-120 (4) gs in Nov. VALENCE D’AUMONT 9-2 (11-0) Handy, shaken up 4 out, ridden before 2 out, gradually faded, last of 4, 8l behind Barton Knoll (11-7) at Doncaster 2m 3f hcp chs 0-140 (3) gd in Nov. ARD CHROS 14-1 (11-0) Front mid-division, pressed leaders before 3 out, outpaced by front pair and soon ridden, weakened 2 out, 5th of 10, 37l behind Breaking The Ice (10-7) at Kelso 2m 7f hcp chs 0-120 (4) sft. 2.15 BET365 MARES’ HANDICAP HURDLE (4) 2m 4f 3yo plus Winner £3,159 1 00931- GELBOE DE CHANAY (364) (CD) B Haslam 5-11-12 A Cawley 2 -31213 FIADH (13) (CD) C Grant 5-11-5 T Dowson 3 33-124 WEST END LADY (13) (D) L Russell 6-11-4 S Mulqueen 4 5347-3 OFF THE HOOK (32) (P;BF,D) N Alexander 9-11-0 B Lynn(5) 5 236513 HEADSCARF LIL (40) (D) N Richards 7-10-5 Sean Quinlan 6 2-2762 RUBYTWO (15) (B;CD) N Richards 9-10-3 M Galligan(7) 7 F/PP-8 SOPHIE OLIVIA (43) (D) T Davidson 9-10-2 H Reed 8 3-1486 LISSEN TO THE LADY (30) (P) S Forster 7-10-0 Miss J Walton(7) 2020: Gelboe De Chanay 4-11-0, Alain Cawley 6-1 (B Haslam), 7 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 9-4 Gelboe De Chanay, 5 Headscarf Lil, 11-2 Off The Hook, 6 Rubytwo, West End Lady, 8 Sophie Olivia, Fiadh, 33 Lissen To The Lady. Form GELBOE DE CHANAY 6-1 (11-0) Tracked leader, challenged 3 out, lead before 2 out, pulled clear, easily, won at Newcastle 2m 4f (4) sft in Dec ‘20 beating Another Theatre (11-7) by 10l, 7 ran. HEADSCARF LIL 4-1 (10-10) Tracked leaders, made headway after 3 out, ridden and not fluent 2 out, kept on after last, not reach leaders, 3rd of 11, 3 1/2l behind Stolen Money (10-10) at Carlisle 3m 1f hcp hdl 0-115 (4) gs in Nov. OFF THE HOOK 7-2fav (11-1) Made most until 2 out, still close up when mistake last, no impression on winner flat, lost 2nd towards finish, 3rd of 11, 7l behind Ask Blossomfort (11-1) at Ayr 2m 4f (4) gs in Nov. RUBYTWO 22-1 (11-5) Mid division, headway to press leaders 2 out, outpaced by leader approaching last, kept on flat, never a threat to winner, 2nd of 11, 2l behind Cailin Dearg (10-12) at Sedgefield 2m 4f mares hcp hdl 0-110 (4) sft. WEST END LADY 4-1 (11-5) Mid-division, not fluent 3 out, soon ridden, kept on same pace, 4th of 8, 15l behind Flower Of Scotland (10-12) at Kelso 2m 5f mares NH nov hdl (4) sft. FIADH 11-1 (11-5) Chased leaders, ridden before 2 out, pressed front pair 2 out, kept on, not pace to challenge, 3rd of 8, 11l behind Flower Of Scotland (10-12) at Kelso 2m 5f mares NH nov hdl (4) sft. 2.50 BET365 NOVICES’ HANDICAP CHASE (4) 2m 4yo plus Winner £3,594 1 213-31 TROOPER TURNBULL (24) (D) R Dobbin 7-12-3 C O’Farrell 2 11-26F BURROWS DIAMOND (24) (CD) Sue Smith 6-11-10 Sean Quinlan 3 37F22- MAID O’MALLEY (270) W Coltherd 8-11-3 J Hamilton 4 7-4622 AVOID DE MASTER (31) S Corbett 7-11-3 Craig Nichol 5 75-343 UGO DU MISSELOT (11) (H,T) T Davidson 7-11-0 H Reed 2020: Victory Echo 7-11-4, Ross Chapman 4-1 (M Barnes), 7 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 6-4 Trooper Turnbull, 3 Burrows Diamond, 5 Maid O’malley, Avoid De Master, 7 Ugo Du Misselot. 3.25 BET365 ‘JUNIOR’ NATIONAL HUNT FLAT RACE (5) 1m 6f 3yo Only Winner £1,906 1 31 LE FILS DE FORCE (21) Simon Whitaker 11-5 T Midgley(7) 2 BOLTON R Menzies 10-12 C Bewley 3 ICEMAN DENNIS D McCain 10-12 P J Kavanagh(7) 4 4 MR MCCALL (21) P Kirby 10-12 T Dowson 5 NORTONTHORPEBANKER R Menzies 10-12 N Moscrop(3) 6 7 PROFILES MIX (42) M Hammond 10-12 Miss Becky Smith(3) 7 SNOW JOEKING L Russell 10-12 Conner McCann(10) 8 2 TROLLEY BOY (63) (BF) E Bethell 10-12 Sean Quinlan 9 BELLELOISE A Nicol 10-5 B Garritty 10 94 MAYWAY (14) P Kirby 10-5 J Williamson(5) 11 7 REDESDALE ANGEL (14) S Corbett 10-5 Craig Nichol 2020: Andante 3-10-12, Sam Coltherd(3) 18-1 (S Corbett), 9 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 9-4 Trolley Boy, 9-2 Le Fils De Force, 5 Iceman Dennis, 8 Nortonthorpebanker, 10 Snow Joeking, 12 Mr Mccall, Bolton, Belleloise, 16 Others. 11.40 BETWAY CASINO HANDICAP (Class 6) 5f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £2,700 1 (7) 161746 STORM MELODY (16) (B;CD) A Stronge 8-9-8 R Havlin 2 (8) 126669 SHAMSHON (21) (CD) S C Williams 10-9-7 L Catton(7) 3 (4) 623351 MICK’S SPIRIT (22) (CD) C Allen 3-9-7 M Dwyer 4 (6) 555855 SMOKEY (23) (T;CD) C Wallis 4-9-5 L Morris 5 (5) 5-316 DESERT LIME (17) (T;C) G Boughey 3-9-0 R L Moore 6 (3) 545573 KATH’S LUSTRE (16) (B;C,D) R Hughes 6-8-12 G Rooke(3) 7 (1) 730078 FOOL PROOF (2) P Evans 4-8-2 Gina Mangan(5) 8 (2) 850 MAIS OUI MARLENE (36) J Bridger 3-8-2 K O’Neill 2020: A Go Go 3-9-7, Darragh Keenan(3) 5-1 (P Evans), drawn 6, 10 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-2 Mick’s Spirit, 11-4 Desert Lime, 9-2 Kath’s Lustre, 6 Storm Melody, 10 Smokey, Shamshon, 14 Fool Proof, 25 Mais Oui Marlene. 12.15 FILLIES’ RESTRICTED NOVICE STAKES (5) 1m (AW) 2yo Only Winner £4,158 1 (7) 12 BELACQUA (10) (BF,C) G Boughey 9-7 R L Moore 2 (1) 4 AGREEABILITY (45) M Johnston 9-0 R Kingscote 3 (5) 600322 AURELIA GOLD (50) (BF) S Dow 9-0 J Duern(3) 4 (10) 0 BASS STRAIT (10) (P) M Channon 9-0 G Bass(5) 5 (8) 8 BELLA VENETA (59) (H) R Guest 9-0 C Shepherd 6 (11) 48 CHAMPAGNE DIAL (134) K Burke 9-0 S W Kelly 7 (9) 09 CICELY (5) S Kirk 9-0 R Hornby 8 (3) 65 JUST A TAD (19) W Haggas 9-0 C Fallon 9 (6) 72 MAKINMEDOIT (28) Harry Eustace 9-0 R Havlin 10 (2) 7 TOOTS (24) A West 9-0 K O’Neill 11 (4) 0 TSUBAKI (10) R Varian 9-0 Jefferson Smith 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 13-8 Belacqua, 5-2 Makinmedoit, 4 Agreeability, 8 Just A Tad, 14 Aurelia Gold, 20 Tsubaki, Bella Veneta, Champagne Dial, 50 Others. 12.50 FILLIES’ CONDITIONS STAKES (3) 7f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £8,113 1 (6) 6106 ADABBAH (17) (D) K Burke 3-9-0 S W Kelly 2 (3) 2D1465 ALGHEED (63) (CD) M Loughnane 3-9-0 L Morris 3 (5) 212471 AMBER ISLAND (17) (CD) D Loughnane 4-9-0 Laura Pearson(3) 4 (2) 6-5803 ARRIVISTE (17) (D) R Guest 4-9-0 R L Moore 5 (4) 154044 THEOTHERSIDE (2) S Dixon 4-9-0 J Fisher(5) 6 (1) 3122 UNIQUE CUT (17) (D) Alice Haynes 3-9-0 K O’Neill 2020: Shimmering Dawn 4-9-5, James Doyle 13-8 Fav (J Tate), drawn 1, 4 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 2 Amber Island, 5-2 Arriviste, 11-4 Unique Cut, 10 Theotherside, Algheed, 14 Adabbah. Form AMBER ISLAND 5-1 (9-2) Raced wide close up, pushed along 2f out, ridden and ran on to lead close home, won at Lingfield 7f fll hcp 0-90 (3) pol beating Unique Cut (9-4) by 1/2l, 7 ran. ARRIVISTE 14-1 (9-2) Led after 1f out, ridden and headed 2f out, weakened inside final furlong, 3rd of 4, 9l behind United Front (9-8) at Lingfield 1m 2f 3yo hcp 0-105 (2) pol. UNIQUE CUT 9-2 (9-4) Bumped start, soon led, ridden and headed inside final furlong, rallied to go 2nd close home, 2nd of 7, 1/2l behind Amber Island (9-2) at Lingfield 7f fll hcp 0-90 (3) pol. ALGHEED 8-1 (9-6) Raced wide close up, pushed along halfway, ridden over 1f out, weakened final furlong, 5th of 7, 8l behind Dubai Hope (9-1) at Wolverhampton 6f fll hcp (4) in Oct. THEOTHERSIDE 22-1 (9-0) Held up and behind, good headway on inside 2f out, ridden chasing leaders over 1f out, run flattened out and one pace inside final furlong, 4th of 10, 2 1/2l behind Kind Review (9-6) at Southwell 6f hcp 0-85 (4). ADABBAH 12-1 (8-8) Dwelt in touch in rear, pushed along 2f out, not trouble leaders, 6th of 7, 2 3/4l behind Amber Island (9-2) at Lingfield 7f fll hcp 0-90 (3) pol. 1.25 BETYOURWAY AT BETWAY HANDICAP (2) 6f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £10,468 1 (2) 040263 SOLDIER’S MINUTE (35) (H;D) K Dalgleish 6-9-7 C Rodriguez 2 (1) 410284 FIZZY FEET (25) (CD) D Loughnane 5-9-3 Laura Pearson(3) 3 (4) 162792 MOHAREB (2) (CD) M Appleby 5-8-8 T Ladd(3) 4 (3) 106460 ONE NIGHT STAND (11) (D) S Dixon 4-8-4 K O’Neill 2020: Aberama Gold 3-9-6, Shane Gray 7-1 (K Dalgleish), drawn 1, 9 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 6-5 Soldier’s Minute, 9-4 Fizzy Feet, 4 Mohareb, 13-2 One Night Stand. Form SOLDIER’S MINUTE 20-1 (9-3) Held up, pushed along 2f out, ridden and headway inside final furlong, ran on, 3rd of 11, 2 1/2l behind Good Effort (9-3) at Lingfield 6f Listed stks (1) pol in Nov. FIZZY FEET 11-1 (9-0) Tracked leader, ridden and under pressure at 2f, weakened inside final furlong, 4th of 7, 4l behind Mondammej (8-13) at Wolverhampton 5f 3yo hcp 0-105 (2) in Nov. MOHAREB 3-1 (9-2) Close up in 4th, ridden over 1f out, kept on to go 2nd inside final furlong, no threat to winner, 2nd of 4, 2l behind Internationalangel (9-3) at Chelmsford City 7f hcp 0-90 (3) pol. ONE NIGHT STAND 18-1 (8-7) Mid-division, pushed along before 3f out, soon ridden along, not a factor, 10th of 13, 6l behind Fernando Rah (9-1) at Southwell 5f hcp 0-95 (3). 2.00 BETWAY QUEBEC STAKES (LISTED) (1) 1m 2f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £24,385 1 (7) 37-214 BRIGHT MELODY (231) (P;D) C Appleby 4-9-8 James Doyle 2 (2) 3-8505 DUBAI WARRIOR (35) (E;CD) D Loughnane 5-9-8 R Kingscote 3 (3) 223663 FELIX (35) (T;CD) M Botti 5-9-8 A Atzeni 4 (1) -23095 PALAVECINO (91) (H;CD) B Meehan 5-9-8 M Dwyer 5 (5) 32-064 REGAL REALITY (146) (BF,D) Sir M Stoute 6-9-8 R L Moore 6 (4) 366211 UNITED FRONT (9) (CD) M Appleby 4-9-8 R Havlin 7 (6) 231311 GARDEN PARADISE (17) J Tate 4-9-6 L Morris 8 (8) 908331 SEA OF CHARM (18) (CD) H Dunlop 3-9-1 G Rooke 2020: Sangarius 4-9-8, Ryan Moore 5-1 (Sir M Stoute), drawn 1, 8 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 5-2 Felix, 3 Regal Reality, 4 Garden Paradise, 13-2 United Front, 15-2 Dubai Warrior, Bright Melody, 14 Palavecino, 200 Sea Of Charm. Form FELIX 3-1 (9-2) In touch, ridden and headway inside final furlong, stayed on, 3rd of 10, 3/4l behind Pyledriver (9-9) at Lingfield 1m 2f Listed stks (1) pol in Nov. REGAL REALITY 1-1fav (9-5) Held up last, headway out wide chasing leaders over 1f out, weakened inside final furlong, 4th of 6, 4 1/2l behind Brunch (9-5) at Pontefract 1m Listed stks (1) gf in Jul. GARDEN PARADISE 12-1 (9-1) Made all, pushed along over 2f out, ridden and in command from over 1f out, stayed on well, won at Kempton 1m 4f Listed stks (1) pol beating Siskany (9-2) by 3 1/2l, 7 ran. UNITED FRONT 6-4fav (9-2) Tracked leaders, ridden to challenge over 1f out, soon led and went clear, ran on well, won at Chelmsford City 1m 3yo hcp 0-105 (2) pol beating Headingley (8-10) by 3l, 7 ran. BRIGHT MELODY 4-1 (9-10) Tracked leaders, pushed along over 3f out, ridden over 1f out, kept on one pace, 4th of 10, 7l behind Bell Rock (9-4) at Newmarket 1m 1f hcp (2) gf in May. DUBAI WARRIOR 17-2 (9-2) Held up towards rear, pushed along over 1f out, kept on towards finish, 5th of 10, 3 1/2l behind Pyledriver (9-9) at Lingfield 1m 2f Listed stks (1) pol in Nov. PALAVECINO 11-1 (9-3) Tracked leaders, ridden well over 2f out, stayed on one pace, 5th of 10, 4 1/2l behind Maydanny (9-3) at Ayr 1m 2f Listed stks (1) gd in Sep. SEA OF CHARM 4-1fav (9-4) Close up, headway on inner over 1f out, quickened to lead approaching final furlong, eased inside final furlong, won at Lingfield 1m 2f hcp (6) pol in Nov beating Carmela Soprano (9-2) by 3l, 14 ran. 2.35 BETWAY HANDICAP (2) 1m 4f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £10,468 1 (2) 521449 MIDNIGHTS LEGACY (J40) (D) A King 4-9-12 R L Moore 2 (5) /3420- DEAL A DOLLAR (549) (D) D M Simcock 5-9-10 C Shepherd 3 (3) 169246 PIVOINE (14) (B) A Balding 7-9-6 R Hornby 4 (1) 714404 C’EST NO MOUR (52) (CD) S Hodgson 8-9-6 R Kingscote 5 (4) 775333 PROTECTED GUEST (10) (CD) G Margarson 6-8-12 Jane Elliott 2020: Al Zaraqaan 3-8-10, Tom Marquand 11-10 Fav (W Haggas), drawn 1, 8 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 15-8 Midnights Legacy, 3 Deal A Dollar, 10-3 Protected Guest, 11-2 Pivoine, 13-2 C’Est No Mour. 3.10 BETWAY INSIDER HANDICAP (DIV 1) (6) 1m 4f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £2,700 1 (5) 204076 PLEDGE OF PEACE (56) (P) Mrs L Mongan 4-9-11 J Duern(3) 2 (7) 06-615 FORGE VALLEY LAD (17) D M Simcock 4-9-10 L Morris 3 (6) 970355 DEVIZES (19) (CD) P Phelan 5-9-6 C Bennett 4 (4) 431942 LARGO BAY (J34) (B;C) M Madgwick 3-9-5 G Rooke(3) 5 (8) 533108 MUSTANG KODI (35) (P;D) B Johnson 3-9-2 R Clutterbuck(5) 6 (3) 125083 BRASS CLANKERS (18) R Brisland 4-9-0 D Keenan 7 (2) 688098 DOUBLE LEGEND (19) (B;CD) R Ingram 6-8-10 Rhiain Ingram(3) 8 (1) 54/680 TILSWORTH SAMMY (18) (V) J R Jenkins 6-8-10 M Dwyer 9 (9) 997 NORTHERN (37) J Osborne 3-8-6 N Currie 2020: Aldrich Bay 3-9-2, Shane W Kelly 11-8 Fav (W Knight), drawn 5, 9 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 2 Forge Valley Lad, 11-4 Largo Bay, 4 Brass Clankers, 7 Mustang Kodi, 10 Devizes, 14 Pledge Of Peace, 16 Double Legend, 33 Others. 3.40 BETWAY INSIDER HANDICAP (DIV 2) (6) 1m 4f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £2,700 1 (6) 309973 STORMBOMBER (17) M Madgwick 5-9-10 R Havlin 2 (1) 209380 LIBBRETTA (17) J Long 6-9-7 G Rooke(3) 3 (2) 5-6450 ARMY OF ONE (19) (P) Mitchell Hunt 4-9-5 R Hornby 4 (3) 750705 PERFECT MATCH (28) W Muir & C Grassick 3-9-5 C Fallon 5 (9) 277308 TURN OF PHRASE (9) J Berry 4-9-1 F McManoman(3) 6 (8) 360688 CAFE MILANO (18) (P) S Dow 4-8-11 J Duern(3) 7 (4) 090-3 SUPERSONIQUE (160) D Coakley 3-8-10 Laura Pearson(3) 8 (5) 0-8531 RESET BUTTON (12) (P;D) I Williams 3-8-8 L Morris 9 (7) 0600 DOYOUKNOWMYUNCLES (17) J Fox 3-8-6 K O’Neill 2020: Abel Tasman 6-9-9, Franny Norton 2-1 Fav (I Williams), drawn 4, 8 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 6-4 Reset Button, 10-3 Supersonique, 9-2 Stormbomber, 10 Turn Of Phrase, 12 Perfect Match, 14 Others. LingFiELD 11.40 — Mick’s Spirit 12.15 — Just A Tad 12.50 — Unique Cut 1.25 — Fizzy Feet 2.00 — Felix 2.35 — Deal A Dollar 3.10 — Brass Clankers 3.40 — Perfect Match Draw Advantage: Little effect. Stall Positions: 5f & 1m Outside; Remainder Inside Sky Sports Racing. Going: Standard captain Wessex Selections 12.00 — Soft Risk 12.30 — Edmond Dantes 1.05 — Bavington Bob 1.40 — Fete Champetre 2.15 — West End Lady 2.50 — Maid O’malley 3.25 — Bolton Sky Sports Racing. Going: Good captain Wessex Selections WOLVERHaMPTOn 4.00 WATCH RACING FREE ONLINE AT CORAL NURSERY (Class 5) 7f (AW) 2yo Only Winner £2,862 1 (4) 602377 STERLING KNIGHT (17) E Dunlop 9-9 T Marquand 2 (6) 494 TRUE JEM (15) K Burke 9-7 C Lee 3 (12) 404 STREAKY BAY (28) (H) J Chapple-Hyam 9-6 R Tate 4 (2) 347 EESHA MEESH (58) (H;BF) M Loughnane 9-6 P Prince 5 (5) 633 JUDY’S PARK (17) G Boughey 9-6 H Doyle 6 (1) 795 GRENADA (28) H Dunlop 9-5 T Heard(5) 7 (11) 504 ROXZOFF (160) C Hills 9-3 K Shoemark 8 (9) 88454 BUACHAILL (10) M Channon 9-3 T Hammer Hansen 9 (3) 55550 IF YOU CAN DREAM (18) C Cox 9-0 J Fahy 10 (10) 475 ROGUE STORM (44) (H) Tom Clover 8-12 Doubtful 11 (7) 855859 GIDWA (17) (BF) K P De Foy 8-12 D Probert 12 (8) 5890 FIDHA (11) P Evans 8-8 B Sanderson(3) 2020: Thapa VC 2-9-5, David Probert 7-1 (Sir M Prescott), drawn 6, 12 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Judy’s Park, 5 True Jem, 11-2 Eesha Meesh, 15-2 Roxzoff, 8 Sterling Knight, 10 Gidwa, Streaky Bay, 14 Others. 4.30 RESTRICTED NOVICE STAKES (5) 7f (AW) 2yo Only Winner £3,510 1 (8) 109622 AMANDA HUG’N’KISS (26) S C Williams 9-5 M Ghiani 2 (6) AUTUMN FESTIVAL D O’Meara 9-3 K Shoemark 3 (2) 00 BALLYNAVEEN BOY (11) K Burke 9-3 Rhona Pindar(7) 4 (10) 6 DARK FLYER (24) T Ward 9-3 T Marquand 5 (3) DEPART A MINUIT D O’Meara 9-3 D Tudhope 6 (5) 4 NAFEE (22) J Chapple-Hyam 9-3 H Doyle 7 (4) 0 CROESO CYNNES (10) (P) H Evans 9-1 D Costello 8 (1) STYLISH WHISPA M Loughnane 8-12 D Probert 9 (9) 0 BRAVE LILY (10) (T) T Ward 8-10 J Mitchell 10 (7) MITSY MOP D Loughnane 8-10 D Muscutt 2020: To The Bar 2-9-7, Shane W Kelly 2-5 Fav (R Hughes), drawn 6, 11 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 6-4 Amanda Hug’n’kiss, 11-2 Nafee, 6 Dark Flyer, Autumn Festival, 7 Depart A Minuit, 10 Mitsy Mop, 12 Stylish Whispa, 33 Others. 5.00 BETYOURWAY AT BETWAY HANDICAP (4) 1m 6f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £4,590 1 (2) 105433 FURTHER MEASURE (14) S Kirk 4-9-12 T Marquand 2 (7) 23226/ CELESTIAL FORCE (J23) Christian Williams 6-9-11 Doubtful 3 (3) 713363 CHIPIRON (23) (CD) I Furtado 5-9-8 Elle-May Croot(7) 4 (1) 123232 WINKLEVI (17) (P) P Evans 6-9-6 H Doyle 5 (6) 567231 CRIMSON KING (14) (V;C) M Appleby 5-9-4 F Larson(7) 6 (5) -23583 THREE PLATOON (7) (T) R Menzies 3-8-10 S Donohoe 7 (4) 061271 LIBERATED LAD (J16) (P,T) I Williams 3-8-7 B Sanderson(3) 2020: Autumn War 5-9-8, David Probert 2-1 Fav (I Williams), drawn 3, 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 3 Crimson King, 4 Liberated Lad, 9-2 Winklevi, 6 Chipiron, 13-2 Further Measure, 7 Three Platoon. 5.30 FILLIES’ NOVICE STAKES (5) 6f (AW) 2yo Only Winner £3,510 1 (10) 18 BALLET STEPS (119) K Ryan 9-4 D Tudhope 2 (8) 634236 BLAAST (23) (P) A Watson 9-0 Adam J McNamara 3 (3) 9 BY MOONLIGHT (39) M Herrington 9-0 B Robinson 4 (2) 09 DUTCH LACE (70) (P) I Furtado 9-0 T Whelan 5 (4) PP52 KODIAS SANGARIUS (28) R Hannon 9-0 S M Levey 6 (7) 6 MISSCALL (21) A Watson 9-0 H Doyle 7 (1) 32 PINK CRYSTAL (15) (BF) W Haggas 9-0 T Marquand 8 (9) REBEL LOVE I Mohammed 9-0 M Ghiani 9 (6) 3 RETURN VOYAGE (28) C Cox 9-0 J Fahy 10 (5) 94 TAAQAT (21) J Tate 9-0 J Mitchell 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 2 Pink Crystal, 3 Ballet Steps, 9-2 Return Voyage, 7 Kodias Sangarius, 8 Blaast, 10 Taaqat, 16 Rebel Love, 20 Misscall, 100 Others. Form PINK CRYSTAL 1-1fav (9-0) Chased leaders, went 2nd over 2f out, led over 1f out, headed and not pace of winner inside final 110 yards, 2nd of 13, 1l behind Tiber Flow (9-5) at Newcastle 6f 2yo nov stks (5). BALLET STEPS 12-1 (8-9) Towards rear, pushed along 3f out, weakened quickly well over 1f out, 8th of 9, 15l behind Attagirl (8-9) at York 5f 2yo lst stk (1) gd in Aug. RETURN VOYAGE 11-4 (9-0) Raced wide tracked leaders, pushed along halfway, ridden and kept on same pace final furlong, 3rd of 10, 5l behind Amirat Alward (9-0) at Lingfield 6f 2yo mdn stks (5) pol in Nov. KODIAS SANGARIUS 9-1 (9-0) Tracked leaders, ridden over 1f out, rider dropped rein briefly inside final furlong, kept on to go 2nd, 2nd of 10, 2 1/2l behind Amirat Alward (9-0) at Lingfield 6f 2yo mdn stks (5) pol in Nov. BLAAST 12-1 (9-0) Prominent, ridden and outpaced at 2f, weakened inside final furlong, 6th of 9, 10l behind Tippy Toes (9-4) at Chelmsford City 6f (5) pol in Nov. TAAQAT 10-1 (9-0) Tracked leaders, went 2nd over 1f out until inside final furlong, faded, 4th of 8, 3 1/2l behind Silver Screen (9-0) at Wolverhampton 7f (4) in Nov. REBEL LOVE Dandy Man filly out of Illuminating Dream. MISSCALL 12-1 (9-0) Led, headed over 1f out, soon hung right, weakened inside final furlong, 6th of 8, 12l behind Cygneture (9-0) at Wolverhampton 7f (4) in Nov. BY MOONLIGHT 150-1 (9-0) Slowly into stride, towards rear, pushed along over 2f out, no extra thereafter, last of 9, 18l behind Azure Blue (9-0) at Newcastle 6f 2yo mdn fll (5) in Nov. DUTCH LACE 200-1 (8-12) Held up, ridden and outpaced at 3f, never a factor, 9th of 12, 19l behind Chola Empire (9-5) at Chelmsford City 7f 2yo nov stks (5) pol in Oct. 6.00 BETWAY HANDICAP (2) 5f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £10,468 1 (4) 254092 EXALTED ANGEL (25) (D) K Burke 5-9-7 C Lee 2 (5) 231779 TONE THE BARONE (105) (T;D) S C Williams 5-8-13 M Ghiani 3 (1) 116290 MULZIM (52) (C,D) M Murphy 7-8-10 D Muscutt 4 (2) 470320 MARNIE JAMES (11) (D) S Dixon 6-8-2 T Heard(5) 5 (3) 057445 LIHOU (11) (CD) P Evans 5-8-2 H Doyle 6 (6) 742616 THEGREATESTSHOWMAN (23) (B;CD) A Murphy 5-8-2 J Peate(7) 2020: Venturous 7-9-3, David Probert 9-1 (T D Barron), drawn 2, 7 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 11-8 Exalted Angel, 4 Tone The Barone, 11-2 Marnie James, Thegreatestshowman, 13-2 Lihou, 14 Mulzim. Form EXALTED ANGEL 7-2 (9-7) Slowly into stride and held up, made headway at 3f, ridden and kept on at 2f, ran on inside final furlong, not reach winner, 2nd of 7, 1 1/2l behind Mondammej (8-13) at Wolverhampton 5f 3yo hcp 0-105 (2) in Nov. TONE THE BARONE 18-1 (9-6) Chased leaders, ridden 2f out, faded over 1f out, 9th of 10, 10l behind Mondammej (8-11) at Haydock 5f hcp 105 (2) gf in Sep. MARNIE JAMES 11-1 (8-12) Well away, soon led, pushed along before 2f out, weakened, 12th of 13, 12l behind Fernando Rah (9-1) at Southwell 5f hcp 0-95 (3). THEGREATESTSHOWMAN 5-1 (9-4) Prominent, pushed along and every chance over 1f out, weakened inside final furlong, 6th of 9, 3 1/2l behind Sir Rodneyredblood (9-3) at Chelmsford City 5f hcp 0-85 (4) pol in Nov. LIHOU 9-1 (8-5) In touch, disputing third 3f out, pushed along 2f out going well, ridden along before 1f disputing third, just one pace close home, 5th of 13, 4l behind Fernando Rah (9-1) at Southwell 5f hcp 0-95 (3). MULZIM 66-1 (10-0) Close up, weakened halfway, last of 14, 24l behind Raasel (9-0) at Nottingham 5f Handicap (0-95) (2yo+) (3) gd in Oct. 6.30 PLAY 4 TO WIN AT BETWAY HANDICAP (6) 5f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £2,700 1 (2) 770965 BLAZING HOT (18) (BF,D) G Tuer 4-9-7 O Stammers(5) 2 (8) 668967 ASCOT JUNGLE (16) (H,T) C Hobson 4-9-5 C Hutchinson(5) 3 (7) 453829 BILLY DYLAN (25) (P;D) Suzzanne France 6-9-2 J Mitchell 4 (1) 530750 THEGREYVTRAIN (10) (CD) R Harris 5-9-1 D Probert 5 (6) 638724 FIRST VERSE (10) M Usher 3-9-0 H Doyle 6 (9) 936352 SUREWECAN (25) (P) Sarah Hollinshead 9-9-0 W Cox(3) 7 (10) 819937 MANSFIELD (10) (CD) Mrs Stella Barclay 8-9-0 J Peate(7) 8 (5) 409028 LA CHICA LOBO (25) (H) L Williamson 4-8-13 Z Wheatley(7) 9 (11) 622464 BLUELLA (25) (D) Jessica Macey 6-8-12 L Edmunds 10 (3) 77664 SENNEN (22) (V) M Bosley 3-8-12 Ellie Mackenzie(5) 11 (4) 066076 TILSWORTH VALERIE (16) J R Jenkins 3-8-12 A Beech(5) 2020: Thegreyvtrain 4-9-6, Hollie Doyle 10-3 (R Harris), drawn 3, 10 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 4 Surewecan, 5 First Verse, 11-2 Blazing Hot, 6 Bluella, 7 Billy Dylan, Mansfield, 10 Thegreyvtrain, 14 Sennen, Ascot Jungle, 16 Others. 7.00 BETWAY CASINO HANDICAP (6) 1m 4f (AW) 3yo Only Winner £2,700 1 (3) 225821 EAGLE ONE (5) (CD) R Harris 9-13(6ex) D Probert 2 (8) 525122 CAN CAN GIRL (11) (D) D Brown 9-9 B Robinson 3 (7) 844333 PERCY WILLIS (8) (P) J O’Keeffe 9-9 T Marquand 4 (4) 114D00 TOMMY R (11) (P) Phillip Makin 9-8 H Burns(5) 5 (6) 780130 MEISTERZINGER (22) (P) M Usher 9-5 K Shoemark 6 (1) 425217 THE BAY WARRIOR (17) (P) M Usher 9-5 D Muscutt 7 (2) -D3294 CHEROKEE DANCE (24) (P) I Williams 9-5 B Sanderson(3) 8 (10) 82-023 EAGLE’S REALM (11) (P,T) F O’Brien 9-4 D Costello 9 (11) 813153 SHE’S NO ANGEL (17) K Burke 9-1 C Lee 10 (9) 677175 GHOSTLY (12) (B;C) Mrs Stella Barclay 9-1 L Edmunds 11 (5) -72995 JOHNNY ESTELLA (7) (P,T) R Menzies 9-0 S Donohoe 2020: Cool To Be A Cat 3-8-2, Franny Norton 11-1 (I Williams), drawn 6, 9 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Eagle One, 5 Can Can Girl, 6 Eagle’s Realm, 8 She’s No Angel, Cherokee Dance, Percy Willis, 10 Meisterzinger, 12 Others. 4.00 — Streaky Bay 4.30 — Nafee 5.00 — Winklevi 5.30 — Pink Crystal 6.00 — Exalted Angel 6.30 — First Verse 7.00 — Percy Willis Draw Advantage: Little effect. Stall Positions: 7f Outside; Remainder Inside Sky Sports Racing. Going: Standard captain Wessex Selections

1 – WESTERN DAILY PRESS, XXXDAY, MONTH XX, 2009 WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 Racing Desk: 0117 934 3284 55 Racing FaKEnHaM Sunday captain Wessex Selections 12.20 — Code Name Lise (nap) 12.50 — Connie Wilde 1.20 — Conceroe 1.50 — Jony Max (nb) Sky Sports Racing. Going: Good to Soft MARES’ MAIDEN HURDLE (GBB RACE) 12.20 (Class 4) 2m 3yo plus Winner £4,629 1 217-3 CODE NAME LISE (36) (D) L Wadham 5-11-4 Bryony Frost 2 43-2 COOL STONE (31) A King 5-11-4 T Cannon 3 0-6P5 SHIROCCY ROAD (31) E Lavelle 5-11-4 B R Jones 4 32R ANGELS LANDING (15) (P) I Williams 3-10-3 C Todd(3) 2020: Martello Sky 4-11-4, Bryony Frost 11-8 Fav (L Wadham), 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 4-7 Code Name Lise, 10-3 Cool Stone, 5 Angels Landing, 16 Shiroccy Road. MARES’ HANDICAP CHASE 12.50 (4) 2m 5f 4yo plus Winner £4,684 1 551-55 BROWN BULLET (32) (H) A Irvine 6-11-12 Page Fuller 2 79-538 GLORIOUS LADY (6) (T;D) Cynthia Woods 7-11-5 Tabitha Worsley(5) 3 5-5475 DIAMOND ROSE (13) (D) J S Smith 9-10-2 H Bannister 4 7FP-77 THE FECKENHAM FOX (17) M Young 7-10-0 J Best 5 /P-900 PEGGYCLARE (52) (H,T) B Lund 8-10-0 B Godfrey(5) 6 P596P- CONNIE WILDE (271) L Wadham 6-10-0 Bryony Frost 2020: Princess Roxy 7-11-1, Harry Bannister 5-4 Fav (B Case), 6 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 7-4 Brown Bullet, 5-2 Diamond Rose, 4 Glorious Lady, 13-2 The Feckenham Fox, 10 Connie Wilde, 20 Peggyclare. 1.20 MAIDEN HURDLE (GBB RACE) (4) 2m 4f 4yo plus Winner £4,629 1 BATTLE OF MARATHON (F6) J Ryan 9-11-4 C Todd(3) 2 84 COMMODORE MILLER (42) N Henderson 4-11-4 N De Boinville 3 1520-3 CONCEROE (14) B Case 5-11-4 J Andrews(5) 4 8-53 HAZARD COLLONGES (31) A King 4-11-4 D Jacob 5 JUSTIFIED (F64) N King 4-11-4 Bryony Frost 6 7-48 MIXEDWAVE (17) Mrs P Sly 4-11-4 Paul O’Brien 7 1-3 TIME PLEASE (220) C Fryer 4-11-4 F Gregory 2020: Diocletian 5-11-0, Page Fuller 10-3 (A Balding), 11 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 9-4 Conceroe, 5-2 Commodore Miller, 9-2 Hazard Collonges, 11-2 Battle Of Marathon, 10 Time Please, 12 Justified, 16 Mixedwave. 1.50 2.20 — The Knot Is Tied 2.50 — Defuture Is Bright 3.20 — Peckinpah CHRISTMAS CRACKER STAYERS’ HCAP CHASE (4) 3m 5f 4yo plus Winner £4,684 1 343227 FACT OF THE MATTER (36) (B,T) J Snowden 11-11-10 G Sheehan 2 61-PP1 WICK GREEN (25) J Mason 8-11-9 Mr P Mason(7) 3 312-U4 ECOSSAIS (37) (T,V) O Greenall 7-11-8 H Brooke 4 -52U32 LORD GETAWAY (16) (B) H Evans 9-11-8 Shane Quinlan(5) 5 912111 UNO MAS (49) (P;C) Christian Williams 7-11-2 Mr E Collier(10) 6 321841 FAIRLAWN FLYER (32) P Bowen 5-11-1 J Bowen 7 08-221 JONY MAX (17) (T) Christian Williams 6-11-0 J Tudor(3) 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 7-4 Uno Mas, 10-3 Jony Max, 9-2 Fairlawn Flyer, 8 Fact Of The Matter, 10 Wick Green, Lord Getaway, 12 Ecossais. Form UNO MAS 4-5fav (11-7) Made all, clear before 2 out, eased close home, won at Huntingdon 3m 1f hcp hdl 0-100 (5) gd in Oct beating Abington Park (11-2) by 3 1/2l, 12 ran. JONY MAX 13-8fav (11-5) Led, ridden when challenged 3 out, stayed on gamely, left clear approaching last, won going away, won at Wincanton 3m 3f hcp 0-100 (5) gd beating Lets Go Dutchess (10-0) by 2 1/2l, 8 ran. FAIRLAWN FLYER 5-1fav (11-7) Mid division, ridden along to make headway on outside 4 out, kept on to press leader last, stayed on well flat, won going away, won at Ffos Las 3m hcp 0-100 (5) sft in Nov beating Nessfield Blue (10-8) by 1 3/4l, 17 ran. FACT OF THE MATTER 9-1 (9-7) Always rear-division, never a factor, tailed off, 7th of 13, 44l behind Strictlyadancer (9-10) at Cheltenham 3m 1f am hcp chs 0-140 (3) gd in Nov. LORD GETAWAY 13-2 (11-7) Led, increased tempo home turn, headed last, kept on same pace flat, 2nd of 8, 1 1/2l behind No Cruise Yet (10-9) at Sedgefield 3m 3f hcp chs 0-105 (5) sft. WICK GREEN 12-1 (11-5) Chased leaders, went 2nd before 3rd until 5th, went 2nd 7th, challenged 15th, led 3 out, ridden and holding 2nd final 75 yards, won at Hereford 3m 1f hcp chs 0-110 (4) gd in Nov beating Champagne Noir (11-11) by 1 1/4l, 4 ran. ECOSSAIS 16-1 (11-3) Tracked leaders, ridden and outpaced home turn, kept on for distant fourth, 4th of 11, 31l behind Tallow For Coal (11-12) at Worcester 2m 7f hcp chs 0-115 (4) gs in Nov. Strap goes across here and here and here 2.20 NEW YEAR’S DAY RACING AT FAKENHAM HCAP HURDLE (4) 2m 7f 3yo plus Winner £4,684 1 -46134 THE KNOT IS TIED (28) (C) N King 6-12-1 Bryony Frost 2 26521- MANOFTHEMOMENT (259) C Fryer 7-11-12 J Andrews(5) 3 525821 LELANTOS (26) (P) N Henderson 5-11-3 N De Boinville 4 35-P44 TINY TANTRUM (23) (V) L Wadham 5-10-12 J Quinlan 5 4-8727 LADY MALARKEY (12) (H) J Groucott 6-10-6 J Nailor(3) 6 7/9157 MOSSING (36) (P) H Evans 9-10-5 B Poste 7 34-UP1 WINTER HOLIDAY (35) Charlotte Fuller 7-10-2 Page Fuller 8 -43395 MOIDORE (29) (D) C & A Pogson 12-10-0 P Armson(7) 2020: No corresponding race. BETTING FORECAST: 13-8 Lelantos, 4 The Knot Is Tied, 9-2 Manofthemoment, 10 Winter Holiday, Lady Malarkey, Tiny Tantrum, 12 Mossing, 16 Moidore. Form LELANTOS 6-4fav (10-13) Led until 3rd, chased leader, led 4 out, headed 3 out, led again before 2 out, hard pressed last, stayed on, holding 2nd towards finish, won at Southwell 3m hcp hdl 0-110 (4) gd in Nov beating O’Hanrahan Bridge (11-7) by 3/4l, 6 ran. THE KNOT IS TIED 3-1 (11-6) Chased leader, reminder after 5th, mistake 3 out, soon weakened, 4th of 6, 41l behind Quick Draw (11-9) at Uttoxeter 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-120 (4) gd in Nov. MANOFTHEMOMENT 85-40 (11-7) Waited with in last, closer in 4th place 5th, 2nd after 4 out, switched right before 2 out, led 2 out, clear before last, stayed on strongly, won at Plumpton 3m 2f hcp ch 0-110 (4) gd in Apr beating Churchtown Glen (11-0) by 9l, 5 ran. LADY MALARKEY 6-1 (11-6) Mid-division, headway chasing leaders 6th, ridden before 3 out, weakened before next, 7th of 16, 29l behind Dorisa Queen (11-8) at Uttoxeter 2m 4f mrs hcp hdl 0-100 (5) sft. TINY TANTRUM 20-1 (10-12) Chased front rank, lost place and pushed along before 4 out, tailed off 3 out, 4th of 6, well behind Lyrical Genius (10-11) at Doncaster 2m 5f nh nov hdl (4) gd in Nov. WINTER HOLIDAY 5-4 (11-7) Prsd ldr; led 7-9; led aft 15; clr 2 out; r.o wl, won at Knightwick Races 3m ptp gd in Nov beating Blossoming Forth (11-7) by 18l, 3 ran. 2.50 PADDOCKS CHEVELEY PHASE 2 CHASE HCAP CHASE (3) 2m 5f 4yo plus Winner £8,768 1 1166-2 NOT A ROLE MODEL (15) (T;C,D) S Thomas 9-11-13 T Doggrell(7) 2 455112 LUCKOFTHEDRAW (22) (D) T Bulgin 8-11-12 J Nailor(3) 3 12P0-7 ADMIRAL BARRATRY (15) (V;CD) L Wadham 8-11-12 Bryony Frost 4 3875-9 SIR JACK YEATS (43) (B;C) R Spencer 10-11-11 J Bowen 5 /2-391 TIQUER (19) Joe Ponting 13-11-10 D Jacob 6 304-73 THE UNIT (27) (D) A King 10-11-8 T Cannon 7 12-373 DEFUTURE IS BRIGHT (29) (B;BF,C) Christian Williams 7-10-11 J Tudor(3) 2020: Maypole Class 6-11-12, Jonjo O’Neill Jr 4-1 (Jonjo O’Neill), 7 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 3 Luckofthedraw, 7-2 Defuture Is Bright, 4 Tiquer, 6 Not A Role Model, 13-2 The Unit, 8 Sir Jack Yeats, 10 Admiral Barratry. Form LUCKOFTHEDRAW 11-4 (11-10) Led into start, led after 1st, clear before 3rd until before 8th, not fluent and headed 3 out, well held by winner from next, 2nd of 10, 7l behind Scene Not Herd (11-11) at Newcastle 2m 4f hcp chs 0-120 (4) gs in Nov. DEFUTURE IS BRIGHT 5-2fav (9-13) Led, jumped left throughout, headed but remained prominent 11th, pushed along home turn, left behind by front pair before 3 out, kept on one pace, 3rd of 11, 15l behind Jersey Bean (11-12) at Haydock 3m 4f hcp chs 0-135 (3) gs in Nov. TIQUER 25-1 (11-9) Prominent, led 4 out, shaken up after 3 out and went clear, stayed on well, unchallenged home straight, won at Southwell 2m 4f hcp chs 0-120 (4) gd in Nov beating Bardd (9-11) by 9l, 6 ran. NOT A ROLE MODEL 22-1 (11-9) Raced handy, prominent in main group, headway 3 out, ridden before 2 out, stayed on but never getting to winner, 2nd of 12, 4l behind When You’re Ready (11-3) at Chepstow 2m 3f hcp chs 0-130 (3) gs. THE UNIT 9-2 (11-5) In rear, headway and every chance 3 out, ridden next, kept on same pace, 3rd of 6, 16l behind Gortroe Joe (11-6) at Kempton 2m 4f hcp chs 0-135 (3) gd in Nov. SIR JACK YEATS 14-1 (10-6) Led until blundered 12th but quickly left in lead, headed after 3 out, weakening quickly in 7th at the last, 9th of 13, 47l behind Mac Tottie (11-1) at Aintree 2m 5f hcp chs (2) gs in Nov. ADMIRAL BARRATRY 18-1 (11- 8) Keen held up towards rear, ridden 5 out, never on terms, 7th of 9, 37l behind Saint Palais (10-10) at Wetherby 3m hcp chs 0-135 (3) gs. 3.20 HAPPY CHRISTMAS HANDICAP HURDLE (4) 2m 3yo plus Winner £4,684 1 1122/4 DINSDALE (31) (B,T;D) M Scudamore 8-12-0 Luca Morgan(5) 2 5-22 ASTROMAN (F24) Harry Eustace 4-11-12 J Quinlan 3 441105 VOCAL DUKE (15) (CD) T Lawes 5-11-9 K Brogan(3) 4 527454 MILLIES MITE (83) (T) J Best & K Jewell 5-11-6 J Best 5 764F41 EL JEFE (16) (H) A B Hamilton 4-11-6 W Shanahan(7) 6 4/34-2 PECKINPAH (34) A King 5-11-5 T Cannon 7 23/06- GLUTNFORPUNISHMENT (397) L Wadham 5-11-4 Bryony Frost 8 422261 AL KHERB (64) (D) Sarah Bowen 6-10-13 Miss S Bowen(7) 9 4P-3 JACK RYAN (F20) J Ryan 4-10-11 D Noonan 10 42 RHEBUS ROAD (35) (P) O Sherwood 3-10-9 J J Burke 11 86512 GAVIN (26) (H,T;D) Joe Ponting 3-10-4 D Burton(5) 12 6F83-7 LETSBE AVENUE (10) W G M Turner 6-10-0 Sean Houlihan(3) 13 6647 RISKY BUSINESS (40) (B,T) Martin Smith 3-10-0 B Godfrey(5) 2020: Gorham’s Cave 6-11-2, Niall Houlihan(7) 9-2 (G L Moore), 10 ran. BETTING FORECAST: 4 Rhebus Road, 9-2 Peckinpah, 6 Gavin, Astroman, 7 El Jefe, 10 Vocal Duke, Al Kherb, 12 Dinsdale, Jack Ryan, 16 Others. THE HaRE’S Running . . . gREyHOund SERVicE HHH SPARTA PERFECT HH HITTHELIDS HUGO H BULL RUN NORRIS 6.17 480m (OR) 1 412 Skywalker Sparkl (sa ro) ....................Billingham 28.84 3-1 2 356 Adeles King (ep ro) .....................................Field 00.00 6-1 3 232 Tommys Ranger (wd ep).............. Simon Deakin 28.85 11-2 4 422 Hazelhill Train (sa ro) .........................Buckland 28.94 5-2 5 125 Olga (md ro) .............................................Curtin 29.34 4-1 6 425 HITTHELIDS HUGO (rl ro) .............C S Fereday 28.79 10-3 6.33 480m (OR) 1 665 Ballymac Cloud (md ep) ....................Billingham 29.27 4-1 2 514 Tommys Maxi (rl ep) .......................C S Fereday 29.31 4-1 3 136 ANTIGUA CUDDLES (ep ro) .............M A Wallis 29.89 5-2 4 331 Snooty Bella (md ro) ...................................Field 28.70 9-2 5 316 Beatties Jet (md ep)...........................Billingham 29.38 5-1 6 113 Signet Siren (md ep) ..............................Hutton 29.38 7-2 6.48 264m (OR) 1 311 Antigua Littlun (md ro) ........................M A Wallis 00.00 6-1 2 334 Xperia Dream (sa ro) ................... Simon Deakin 00.00 10-3 3 226 CALZAGHE CASHEN (sa ro) ...........Billingham 15.43 9-4 4 135 Bangon Mandy (md ro) ...............................Field 00.00 9-2 5 24 Tullig Kyle (md ro) ...........................C D Marston 00.00 8-1 6 253 Springside Lily (md ep).................C S Fereday 15.73 5-2 7.07 630m (OR) 1 442 Ballymac Brook (rl ro) .............. G Vincent(Unatt) 00.00 5-1 2 414 FATBOYZ EXILE (md ro) ...................M A Wallis 38.06 5-2 3 121 Astra Illusion (wd ro) .................................Field 38.11 7-2 4 441 Calzaghe Evan (sa ro) ............................... West 38.50 9-2 5 236 Jumeirah Zara (md ro) ....................C S Fereday 38.51 4-1 6 425 Lemon Peg (sa ro) .....................................Meek 38.44 9-2 7.24 480m (OR) 1 245 Magical Duke (ep ro) ...............................Hutton 28.93 6-1 2 221 Trionas Travel (md ep) ...........E T Skeech(Unatt) 28.44 3-1 3 114 Rackethall Oscar (md ep) ...........................Field 28.75 7-2 4 Antigua Woofwoof (wd ro) ..................M A Wallis 00.00 8-1 5 431 Chasing Landy (wd ro) .......................Buckland 28.70 9-4 6 156 MASSIVE EGO (md ro) ........... G Vincent(Unatt) 28.21 9-4 7.44 480m (OR) 1 333 Kaiser Kubrick (rl ro) ................................Hutton 28.40 5-1 2 412 Moanteen Sweep (md ep) ..........................Field 28.37 4-1 MOnMORE 3 413 Goldies Mabbutt (rl ro) ..................C S Fereday 28.72 5-2 4 511 March On Henry (wd ep) ..................J T Kingsley 28.51 9-2 5 221 BULL RUN NORRIS (md ro) ...................Hutton 28.31 10-3 6 142 Bionic Bullet (wd ep) .............. Gary Sallis(Unatt) 28.55 9-2 8.03 630m (OR) 1 131 Vixons Lad (sa rl) .............................Thompson 38.09 2-1 2 155 Dallas Dolly (ep ro) .............................M A Wallis 00.00 4-1 3 542 SPARTA PERFECT (ep rl) ................. P Doocey 38.61 9-2 4 323 Catfish (md ep) ...........................................Field 00.00 4-1 5 353 Aero Ava (md ep) .................................T D Dunn 00.00 7-2 6 542 Noduff Bellagio (wd ep) .......................Buckland 39.13 6-1 8.23 480m (OR) 1 432 Glenside Border (rl ro) .........................Buckland 28.69 3-1 2 Antigua Getaway (md ro) ....................M A Wallis 00.00 8-1 3 131 Vixons Jet (md ep) .............................Thompson 29.00 7-2 4 43 Bling Bling Tim (md ro) ................................Field 29.34 6-1 5 221 Skyfall Ruben (wd ep) .......... Gary Sallis(Unatt) 28.59 7-4 6 336 BADMINTON CONOR (wd fw) .............. Griffiths 29.66 10-3 8.43 264m (OR) 1 541 Moanteen Sutty (rl ro) .................................Field 15.71 7-2 2 341 Ardera Nidge (sa ro) .......................... R J Britton 15.81 5-1 3 561 Vixons Wildcat (RL EP)......................Thompson 15.58 4-1 4 613 Across The Field (rl ro).......................Billingham 15.95 5-1 5 512 Call Me Tom (md ro)...........................M A Wallis 15.40 3-1 6 321 HEADFORD HARRY (md ro) ..................Hutton 15.25 3-1 9.02 684m (OR) 1 14 Crossfield Topaz (rl ro) .........................T D Dunn 00.00 9-2 2 526 Magical Bumble (rl ro).............................Russell 00.00 9-2 3 311 BOMBARDIER (wd ep) ......................M A Wallis 41.03 2-1 4 664 Jet Stream Buddy (md ro) ................... P Doocey 00.00 4-1 5 453 Westpoint Rose (sa ro) .......................... Griffiths 00.00 8-1 6 254 Chubbys Dubh (wd ep) ..........................Hutton 41.12 11-4 9.18 480m (OR) 1 335 Tommys Hawk (rl ro) ...................................Field 29.48 7-2 2 322 Coolavanny Arnie (rl ro) ......................M A Wallis 00.00 3-1 3 124 Skyfall Gregory (rl ro)........... Gary Sallis(Unatt) 28.64 3-1 4 31 Burgess Ninja (rl ep) ..........................Thompson 28.56 7-2 5 256 Magical Benji (rl ep) .................................Hutton 00.00 8-1 6 115 FINAL XAFONIC (md ep) ..................Billingham 29.06 5-2 KEMPTOn Sunday captain Wessex Selections 12.00 — Bare Necessity 12.30 — Ex Gratia 1.00 — Independent Act 1.30 — Crown Power Draw Advantage: No advantage. Stall Positions: Inside Racing TV. Going: Standard RESTRICTED MAIDEN STAKES (GBB RACE) 12.00 (Class 5) 6f (AW) 2yo Only Winner £3,510 1 (9) ARCHIE HARPER E Stanford 9-5 K O’Neill 2 (6) BEAUEN ARROWS M Attwater 9-5 W Carson 3 (7) DULY AMAZED M Usher 9-5 C Bennett 4 (1) 5 MINESBIGGERTHANURS (10) M Appleby 9-5 T Ladd(3) 5 (12) 00 TEMPUS FUGIT (29) A West 9-5 Elisha Whittington(5) 6 (2) 4 TWILIGHT REVENGE (25) M Usher 9-5 Ellie Mackenzie(5) 7 (8) BARE NECESSITY (B) C Cox 9-0 J Fahy 8 (10) 5222 DOOLILY (43) (BF) E J-Houghton 9-0 D Probert 9 (5) GIN AND TEA R Woodman 9-0 W Cox(3) 10 (4) 7 ROSEQUIANO (24) S C Williams 9-0 M Ghiani 11 (11) 04 RUNNER BEAN (18) J Gallagher 9-0 D Muscutt 12 (3) VIENNA POPPY C Wallis 9-0 L Morris 2020: No corresponding meeting. BETTING FORECAST: 13-8 Doolily, 4 Minesbiggerthanurs, 11-2 Twilight Revenge, 6 Bare Necessity, 8 Runner Bean, 12 Vienna Poppy, 16 Beauen Arrows, 20 Duly Amazed, 25 Others. EBF MAIDEN STAKES 12.30 (5) 6f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £3,780 1 (9) 509568 BOBBY ON THE BEAT (22) (T,V) P McEntee 3-9-5 C Shepherd 2 (6) 333552 CAPE COLUMBUS (17) (P;BF) R Guest 3-9-5 S W Kelly 3 (10) 5 OLD PORT (38) P Evans 3-9-5 D Keenan 4 (7) 9-05 PACO LOCO (151) W G M Turner 3-9-5 W Carson 5 (2) 403375 RAINBOW SIGN (67) (P) M Pattinson 3-9-5 J Bryan 6 (1) EX GRATIA J Chapple-Hyam 3-9-0 L Morris 7 (8) LADY HOLLY J Fox 3-9-0 K O’Neill 8 (5) 5 NANTOSUELTA (17) D & C Kubler 3-9-0 J Mitchell 9 (4) TAYANNA P Leech 3-9-0 D Muscutt 10 (3) 8 TRIDEVI (37) J Fox 3-9-0 J Fahy BETTING FORECAST: 6-4 Cape Columbus, 5-2 Ex Gratia, 6 Old Port, 8 Bobby On The Beat, 14 Lady Holly, Tridevi, 16 Tayanna, 25 Rainbow Sign, Nantosuelta, 100 Paco Loco. 1.00 EBF NOVICE STAKES (GBB RACE) (5) 1m 3f (AW) 2yo Only Winner £3,780 1 (1) 1 INDEPENDENT ACT (36) (T) C Appleby 9-9 C Howarth(7) 2 (8) 05 BARQI (11) (V) J & T Gosden 9-2 K O’Neill 3 (10) 59 FLASH MOB (23) M Johnston 9-2 J Hart 4 (5) GIAVELLOTTO M Botti 9-2 D E Hogan 5 (4) 6 HOFFMAN (26) A Balding 9-2 D Probert 6 (3) 8 MARIINSKY (15) (B,T) J & T Gosden 9-2 R Havlin 7 (7) 56 MEDYAF (37) (B) J & T Gosden 9-2 J Mitchell 8 (9) MR CUDDIHY D M Simcock 9-2 S Donohoe 9 (6) 44 NOVA LEGEND (37) (T) H Palmer 9-2 R Coakley 10 (2) 9 WILD CRUSADE (15) C Appleby 9-2 James Doyle 11 (11) BATEAU BAY R Beckett 8-11 C Fallon BETTING FORECAST: 11-8 Independent Act, 11-2 Nova Legend, 8 Mariinsky, 10 Medyaf, Bateau Bay, Barqi, 12 Wild Crusade, 14 Hoffman, 16 Others. 1.30 UNIBET 3 UNIBOOSTS A DAY FILLIES’ HANDICAP (4) 1m 3f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £5,400 1 (3) 122322 PRETTY SWEET (20) (BF) G Boughey 3-9-9 C Shepherd 2 (6) -64352 CROWN POWER (48) (CD) J Fanshawe 4-9-4 D Muscutt 3 (7) 800806 PETTINGER (6) (T,V) M Appleby 4-8-7 T Ladd(3) 4 (2) 015560 SOBRIQUET (19) (V) E De Giles 4-8-7 D Keenan 5 (4) 765585 CIRRUS (J35) (P,T) M Harris 3-8-5 K O’Neill 6 (1) -D3294 CHEROKEE DANCE (25) (P) I Williams 3-8-4 G Rooke(3) 7 (5) 965672 SANTA FLORENTINA (11) P McEntee 3-8-4 L Morris BETTING FORECAST: 11-8 Pretty Sweet, 7-4 Crown Power, 11-2 Cherokee Dance, 8 Santa Florentina, 20 Cirrus, 33 Sobriquet, 50 Pettinger. PicKS 2.00 — Diavolo 2.30 — Airshow 3.00 — Homeric 3.30 — Roby Mill CRAYFORD FANCIES 10.17 Explosive Blake (4-2-6) 10.37 Lissarra Kero (5-3-1) 10.53 Woodcocks Alya (6-2-5) 11.09 Puckane Daddy (2-5-4) 11.24 Fortfield Mary (3-6-1) 11.39 Nine Of Spades (2-5-1) 11.54 Cloyne History (Nap) (1-2-3) 12.09 Navy Blue (1-2-3) 12.24 Hitthelids Brian (2-1-6) 12.39 Endova Piper (2-5-3) 12.54 Killeacle Alfie (6-1-3) 1.09 Conors Model (5-6-2) 1.24 Toughest Test (5-3-4) 1.39 Slowlane Queen (3-5-4) HARLOW FANCIES 12.12 Ballynabee Star (2-3-6) 8.27 Racecourse Breze (4-2-3) 8.43 Horseleap Shelly (1-5-2) 9.02 Woman In White (1-5-2) 9.18 Pintandapie (4-1-3) 9.34 Escape Molly (1-4-3) 9.52 Ushers Leo (4-1-2) 10.07 Young Jerry (Nap) (6-2-5) 10.23 Leahys Alannah (3-6-1) 10.41 Loughgur Sam (1-4-5) HENLOW FANCIES 1.57 Thirteenblack (5-2-4) 2.12 Dece Tyson (Nap) (3-1-6) 2.32 Barkin Mad Andy (1-4-2) 2.52 Presleys Rock (2-3-5) 3.11 Parlour Eva (1-5-2) 3.28 Farleyhill Diva (5-3-6) 3.48 Savana Gucci (6-1-4) 4.08 Savana Joleen (5-3-1) 4.28 Liffeyside Blake (1-2-3) 4.48 Tricia Jezabelle (5-2-3) 5.08 Ath An Mhuiliun (3-4-2) 5.28 Jennifers Jewel (2-1-3) 5.44 Crickleowl Betty (3-2-4) 6.02 Burgess Puma (1-6-2) HOVE FANCIES 6.09 Dahlia (5-3-2) 6.28 Icaals Rocco (1-5-6) 6.43 Fight The Power (Nap) (3-6-5) 6.58 Troy Suzieeq (3-5-4) 7.18 Candy Man (6-3-1) 7.36 Signet Mafia (5-2-6) 7.56 Pocket Elvis (4-5-1) 8.17 Blueberry Bullet (2-3- 6) 8.38 Pocket Lola (5-2-1) 8.54 Trumps Benefit (3-6-1) 9.12 Russian Sammy (1-3-4) 9.28 Arthur Pumpkin (2-6-1) 9.43 Diamond Lisa (3-2-6) PERRY BARR FANCIES 11.06 Rosehill Rath (2-6-4) 11.21 Lambstown Lagoon (5-1-3) 11.36 Hero Gem (4-3-5) 11.51 Creevy Special (2-4-5) 12.06 Silverspoon Min (3-6-5) 12.21 Stonepark Diva (3-1-4) 12.36 Mild View (3-4-2) 12.51 Sweet Picking (5-2-6) 1.06 Paradise Ally (1-6-5) 1.21 Selra Jet (1-5-6) 1.36 Staying Sharp (Nap) (6-1-3) 1.51 Headford Holly (2-5-1) ROMFORD FANCIES 10.12 Kincora Hope (Nap) (3-6-4) 10.31 Bang On Harry (4-1-5) 10.46 Mayses Apache (2-5-6) 11.01 Droopys Cloud (2-6-1) 11.16 Conors Charm (6-3-5) 11.31 Mustang Aliza (6-3-4) 11.46 Maysons Tornado (3-1-5) 12.01 To Tone Mars (4-3-6) 12.16 Indian Skimmer (6-2-1) 12.31 Mirror Ball (1-3-2) 12.46 No Respect (5-1-4) 1.02 Bang On Kathleen (5-1-6) 1.17 Mayses Menace (3-2-5) 1.33 Young Spy (6-5-1) 6.22 Miss Nightingale (2-6-1) 2.00 HORSE RACING UNIBET NEW INSTANT ROULETTE HANDICAP (4) 7f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £5,400 1 (4) -07916 MUDLAHHIM (11) (T;BF,CD) K P De Foy 5-9-7 D Probert 2 (3) 094554 TESTON (16) (V) I Furtado 6-9-6 K O’Neill 3 (6) 632083 DOOLIN DANCER (71) (T) S C Williams 3-9-5 J Hart 4 (7) 553902 FLATLEY (13) A Wintle 4-9-1 T Heard(5) 5 (1) 625 DIAVOLO (157) (BF) C Fellowes 3-9-1 James Doyle 6 (8) 25112- FREEDOM AND WHEAT (363) (P;C,D) M Blake 5-9-1 M Ghiani 7 (2) 824721 FOLLOW YOUR HEART (4) (T;CD) S Hodgson 3-9-1(6ex) W Carver(3) 8 (5) 821170 MOOSMEE (37) (D) S Dow 4-8-2 J Duern(3) BETTING FORECAST: 9-4 Follow Your Heart, 9-2 Flatley, 6 Mudlahhim, Freedom And Wheat, 7 Teston, 8 Diavolo, Doolin Dancer, 20 Moosmee. Form FOLLOW YOUR HEART 4-1 (8-11) Chased leaders, led over 1f out, clear inside final furlong, comfortably, won at Kempton 7f hcp 0-80 (4) pol beating Cash Machine (9-4) by 2 1/4l, 8 ran. FLATLEY 25-1 (8-9) Towards rear, pushed along and headway over 1f out, ridden and ran on to go 2nd close home, 2nd of 9, nk behind Parallel World (8-13) at Wolverhampton 7f hcp 0-85 (4). FREEDOM AND WHEAT 11-4 (9-9) In touch, headway entering final furlong, pushed along to press winner close home, 2nd of 9, nk behind Kodiac Harbour (9-3) at Lingfield 1m hcp 0-75 (5) pol in Dec ‘20. 2.30 UNIBET CASINO DEPOSIT 10 GET 40 BONUS HCAP (5) 6f (AW) 3yo plus Winner £3,240 1 (9) 211242 AIRSHOW (9) (P;CD) B Millman 6-9-9 R Coakley 2 (4) -22481 INEVITABLE OUTCOME (8) (CD) D Loughnane 4-9-8 Laura Pearson(3) 3 (5) 625347 ENDURING (15) (CD) E J-Houghton 3-9-7 D Probert 4 (1) 0-2770 IGOTATEXT (44) (B;D) A Watson 3-9-7 Adam J McNamara 5 (10) 430203 I AM A DREAMER (15) (V;D) C Wallis 5-9-7 L Morris 6 (11) 223155 TYGER BAY (43) (B,T;CD) C Allen 4-9-5 M Dwyer 7 (6) 959516 EQUITATION (37) (T;CD) S C Williams 7-9-4 M Ghiani 8 (2) /018-9 LITTLE PALAVER (37) (P;CD) C Cox 9-9-4 Deon Le Roux(7) 9 (12) 078395 ALBUM (37) (P;D) L Carter 4-9-3 C Murtagh(3) 10 (8) -66095 NEFARIOUS (23) (D) S Dow 5-9-2 J Duern(3) 11 (3) 85566 MOBARHIN (69) K P De Foy 3-9-1 D Muscutt 12 (7) -44137 ANOTHER DAWN (54) (H,T;BF,D) G Boughey 3-8-12 C Shepherd BETTING FORECAST: 7-2 Inevitable Outcome, 4 Airshow, 15-2 I Am A Dreamer, Enduring, 8 Mobarhin, Equitation, Tyger Bay, 12 Another Dawn, 14 Others. 3.00 SUNBURY PARK RESTRICTED NOVICE STAKES (5) 1m (AW) 2yo Only Winner £3,510 1 (11) 8 BUNKER BAY (11) W Knight 9-5 C Shepherd 2 (6) 2216 GREY BELLE (58) (D) I Furtado 9-5 K O’Neill 3 (13) 3 HOMERIC (15) J & T Gosden 9-5 R Havlin 4 (1) SECRET SERVICE C Cox 9-5 J Fahy 5 (10) 6 VOLOS (58) S C Williams 9-5 M Ghiani 6 (7) 63 SHARP DISTINCTION (51) (BF) D Ivory 9-3 C Fallon 7 (12) 60 COULDN’T COULD HE (36) (T) A West 9-1 D Costello 8 (9) KNIGHTSWOOD M Johnston 9-1 J Hart 9 (3) JULIA AUGUSTA R Varian 9-0 J Mitchell 10 (8) MOONLIGHT FROLIC A Murphy 8-12 D Muscutt 11 (5) PARTY ON GIRL G Boughey 8-12 A Beech(5) 12 (4) STORYTIME C Hills 8-12 L Morris 13 (2) CITY SPIRIT A Balding 8-10 D Probert BETTING FORECAST: 3 Homeric, 10-3 Grey Belle, 9-2 Sharp Distinction, 7 Volos, Julia Augusta, 10 Secret Service, 12 City Spirit, 14 Storytime, 20 Others. 3.30 WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY CHRISTMAS HCAP (6) 1m (AW) 3yo plus Winner £2,700 1 (8) 452494 TREPIDATION (20) (V;CD) B Johnson 4-9-7 W Carson 2 (9) 156687 ASCRAEUS (62) (D) Mrs L Mongan 4-9-6 A Beech(5) 3 (1) 488697 HUNTERS STEP (62) (D) H Spiller 5-9-6 Elisha Whittington(5) 4 (2) 752558 TENTH CENTURY (52) M Blake 3-9-6 M Ghiani 5 (11) 443432 ROBY MILL (10) (V) R Brisland 3-9-5 D Probert 6 (3) 796050 EXTRACURICULAR (24) R Bandey 3-9-5 S W Kelly 7 (5) 646070 NO DIGGITY (9) (B;C) J Butler 5-9-4 L Morris 8 (12) 777334 LAURENTIA (19) (D) D Ivory 5-9-4 Jimmy Quinn 9 (7) 30-300 ENCHANTEE (20) G Deacon 4-9-3 D Costello 10 (10) 724740 RED BRAVO (97) A Wintle 5-9-3 T Heard(5) 11 (6) 40208 MOUNTRATH (48) (B) A West 3-9-3 C Bennett 12 (4) 067846 JEREMIAH JOHNSON (9) S Dow 3-9-3 J Duern(3) 13 (14) 3-8460 PURPLE PADDY (128) (CD) J Fox 6-9-2 K O’Neill 14 (13) 0-0772 CHARMING PARADISE (18) (T) H Morrison 3-9-2 J Hart BETTING FORECAST: 11-4 Roby Mill, 7-2 Charming Paradise, 5 Laurentia, 7 Trepidation, 10 Red Bravo, 12 Jeremiah Johnson, 14 Hunters Step, 16 Ascraeus, Purple Paddy, No Diggity, 20 Others. yESTERday’S RESuLTS HOVE: 10.17 Lexis Lace 9-2 (3-2-6 £18.60 TC £54.87). 10.37 Insane Misfit 3-1 (1-2-3 £15.37 TC £32.63). 10.53 Pennys Studio 5-1 (6-4-5 £27.72 TC £96.80). 11.09 Dunbolg Gemini 11-4 (3-1-4 £11.43 TC £39.39). 11.24 Waikiki Sky 3-1 (2-3-5 £14.71 TC £36.31). 11.39 Get On Rosie 5-4f (6-1-3 £4.82 TC £11.99). 11.54 Bluestar Master 11-2 (6-5-1 £26.62 TC £88.67). 12.09 Rogue Angel 4-1 (1-3-5 £16.98 TC £60.41). 12.24 Dawson The Great 10-3 (6-2-1 £23.49 TC £96.19). 12.39 Adachi Bolt 10-3 (2-5-6 £28.34 TC £77.09). 12.54 Touchdown Sid 9-4f (1-4-2 £9.56 TC £30.45). 1.09 Final Blake 6-1 (1-4-3 £19.57 TC £54.44). 1.24 Black Edition 4-1 (6-3-4 £15.62 TC £79.01). 1.39 Quickdraw 5-1 (2-3-1 £26.44 TC £62.62). KINSLEY: 11.06 Silk Cut Timmy 13-8f (6-5-2 £11.15 TC £45.22). 11.21 Headford Sir 3-1 (6-4-1 £16.37 TC £48.83). 11.36 Itsallaracket 7-2 (3-1-5 £22.01 TC £60.23). 11.51 Knotmor Patsy 5-2f (2-5-6 £16.09 TC £58.32). 12.06 Itillberate 3-1 (5-2-6 £12.94 TC £28.07). 12.21 Ay Up Abbie 5-2jt (2-3-4 £11.05 TC £30.40). 12.36 Prince Bobby 11-4 (2-5-6 £22.53 TC £54.66). 12.51 Christopper 7-2 (1-2-6 £16.93 TC £42.49). 1.06 Engagement Party 5-1 (2-1-3 £21.17 TC £59.71). 1.21 Coologue Tipper 11-8f (1-2-4 £5.46 TC £19.20). 1.36 Cox Green Dream 3-1 (5-6-4 £13.03 TC £44.09). 1.51 Shellys Blaze 5-2f (5-6-4 £12.97 TC £37.46). MONMORE: 1.57 Holycross Fusion 2-1f (3-2-4 £8.35 TC £33.64). 2.12 Final Hannah 11-4 (4-1-3 £25.10 TC £65.61). 2.32 Max Ridgers 9-4 (1-4-3 £8.08 TC £31.54). 2.52 Cushie Maestro 5-2 (2-3-1 £6.94 TC £23.60). 3.11 Stellas Spitfire 3-1 (4-5-6 £28.23 TC £67.70). 3.28 Alice 7-2 (3-4-5 £27.49 TC £52.16). 3.48 Ballymac Heidio 5-1 (6-2-1 £30.47 TC £63.23). 4.08 Uknowyerwan 15-8f (1-5-3 £9.60 TC £26.19). 4.28 Enjays Diva 10-3 (2-3-5 £19.13 TC £47.72). 4.48 Droopys Teff 9-2 (2-1-4 £30.96 TC £107.97). 5.08 Skys Eds 7-4f (5-6-3 £7.32 TC £16.97). 5.28 Topsy Wall 8-1 (6-3-4 £29.05 TC £81.88). 5.44 Runaway Tilly 15-8f (2-3-6 £16.94 TC £71.34). 6.02 Knocknarea Class 4-1 (1-4-2 £21.29 TC £55.42). NEWCASTLE: 2.04 South Georgia 4-1 (5-6-4 £29.52 TC £96.46). 2.19 Kilrush Jake Evensf (4-1-6 £12.98 TC £26.95). 2.36 Crown Me 11-8f (5-3-2 £9.69 TC £34.73). 2.54 Castlerock Robin 10-11f (1-2-3 £5.64 TC £0.00). 3.09 Killieford Mhari 5-2 (1-3-4 £15.88 TC £43.69). 3.26 Waikiki Bomber 5-2 (1-3-2 £22.95 TC £106.10). 3.44 Golden Angel 15-8f (3-5-1 £13.30 TC £31.57). 4.04 Swift Bandana 5-1 (3-5-2 £41.38 TC £96.95). 4.23 Masontinymac 9-4 (3-5-4 £24.03 TC £47.38). 4.43 Gartcloss Dakota 5-2 (1-5-6 £35.55 TC £94.74). 5.03 Droopys Shamrock 11-4, Blackhouse Isla 7-4f DH 1st (2-6-1 £5.55 TC £13.38, 6-2-1 £3.95 TC £9.53). 5.22 Start Walking 5-1 (6-2-1 £24.79 TC £61.87). SWINDON: 11.13 Jasons Simba 7-1 (1-2-3 £29.40 TC £63.38). 11.28 Confey Blue 9-4 (2-3-6 £12.86 TC £72.89). 11.43 Cross Your Palm 4-7f (3-1-6 £13.32 TC £50.25). 11.58 Geelo Nillson 6-1 (2-4-6 £39.88 TC £106.49). 12.13 Archies Girl 13-8f (5-3-6 £7.73 TC £24.33). 12.28 Ratchies Champ 8-1 (3-6-2 £27.76 TC £71.57). 12.43 Avongate Sofia 10-3 (4-6-3 £14.75 TC £27.91). 12.58 Dennys Blackroad 11-8 (4-5-1 £3.35 TC £7.57). 1.13 Ballymac Mavis 10-3 (2-1-3 £17.47 TC £38.89). 1.28 Ballinulty Skip 5-4f (5-4-3 £11.93 TC £27.77). 1.44 Cabra Phantom 4-6f (1-6-3 £3.68 TC £8.74). 1.59 Hometown Legacy 9-4 (4-3-6 £8.46 TC £18.07).

56 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS CRICKET Burns’ batting is under scrutiny Rory Burns has been advised to think about making changes to his unorthodox technique by former England captain Sir Alastair Cook after another chastening outing for the Surrey opener in the Ashes. England face an uphill battle in the second Test in Adelaide after closing day two on 17 for two in response to Australia’s 473 for nine declared, Burns the first to go after edging Mitchell Starc into the slip cordon in the third over. It has been a forgettable tour for Burns, who went down in Ashes folklore for all the wrong reasons after being bowled from the first ball of the series, and he has contributed just 17 runs from three innings so far. His idiosyncratic batting style has come under the microscope after a mixed bag this year, with one ton and three fifties but also six ducks in 10 Tests, and Cook believes Burns needs to do something to become more reliable. “You’re always told in international cricket ‘do what you do in county cricket, you don’t change how you play, you’d be mad to change it straightaway’,” said Cook on BT Sport. “It’s probably getting to a stage now where he’ll have to sit down and go ‘this is what I’ve got with my techpress association wdsport@b-nm.co.uk Second Ashes Test Match Australia v England At Adelaide Overnight: Australia 221-2 (M Labuschagne 95 no, D A Warner 95). AUSTRALIA First innings M Labuschagne lbw b Robinson ................................................ 103 S P D Smith lbw b Anderson ...........................................................93 T M Head b Root ...................................................................................18 C J Green b Stokes ...................................................................................2 A T Carey c Hameed b Anderson ...................................................51 M A Starc not out ..................................................................................39 M G Neser c Broad b Stokes .............................................................35 J A Richardson c Buttler b Woakes ...................................................9 Extras (lb9, w5, nb11) ...........................................................................25 Total (9 wkts dec, 150.4 overs) ......................................473 Fall of wickets: 1-4, 2-176, 3-241, 4-291, 5-294, 6-385, 7-390, 8-448, 9-473. Did Not Bat: N M Lyon. Bowling: Anderson 29-10-58-2; Broad 26-6-73-1; Woakes 23.4-6-103-1; Robinson 27-13-45-1; Stokes 25-2-113-3; Root 20-2-72-1. ENGLAND First innings Hameed c Starc b Neser .......................................................................6 R J Burns c Smith b Starc ......................................................................4 D J Malan not out ....................................................................................1 J E Root not out ........................................................................................5 Extras (lb1) ...................................................................................................1 Total (2 wkts, 8.4 overs).................................................... 17 Fall of wickets: 1-7, 2-12. To Bat: B A Stokes, O J D Pope, J C Buttler, C R Woakes, O E Robinson, S C J Broad, J M Anderson. Bowling: Starc 3-1-11-1; Richardson 4-3-1-0; Neser 1.4-0-4-1. nique, if I want to play even longer for England and play 60, 70, 80 Test matches for England, what do I need to improve?’ “This does work for Rory Burns on occasion but to be more consistent early on in his innings, I think he needs to really think about how he gets that bat playing coming down straighter. “It’s in Rory Burns’ hands, still. He’s definitely going to bat again unless something else extraordinary happens in this Test match. If he scores a hundred in the second innings he then gets to play some more games.” Cook, England’s all-time leading Test run-scorer and one of the finest openers the country has produced, feels Burns gets his hands too far away from his chest, which leaves him out of position against a bowler like Starc. Burns has already fallen twice to Starc and Cook fears the match-up will become increasingly one-sided unless his fellow lefthander alters something. “The perfect Mitchell Starc angle, to hit that ball perfectly with it coming away and his bat coming across, your timing has to be absolutely spot on,” added Cook, who acknowledged there are perils of making technical tweaks mid-series. “If it’s not spot on, the face of your bat is slightly closed as you come to hit it. It’s a technique he now has to decide what he’s going to do because > > Australia’s Mitchell Starc celebrates the wicket of England’s Rory Burns during day two of the second Ashes test at the Adelaide Oval Picture: : Jason O’Brien/PA Mitchell Starc for the next five Test matches if he stays fit, it’s almost the perfect combination against him. “The problem is tinkering with your technique in the middle of a massive series, you’re then batting in a game maybe thinking about technique is not what you want to be doing. The only thing you want to be doing is committing or watching the ball as it’s coming down. You’ve got to keep your mind as clear as you can.” GET OUR NEWSLETTER direct to your inbox CRICKET

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 57 RUGBY Genge ‘took huge pay cut’ to come home - Lam Pat Lam looks to have secured Bristol Bears another ‘world-class’ bargain. Last season it was English internationals Max Malins and Ben Earl who joined the Bears on loan from Saracens, with part of their wages being paid by their parent club. Next season it looks to be England international Ellis Genge, who the Bristol director of rugby revealed has taken ‘a huge wage cut’ to return to his hometown club. Had loosehead prop Genge been looking for the same paycheck being offered at unbeaten Premiership leaders Leicester Tigers, where he is currently club captain, Bristol would not have been able to sign the 31-cap England star. Lam said: “I was pretty honest with him that with the salary cap I don’t have what he was getting paid at Leicester and he was still just determined to come home.” The salary cap in the Gallagher Premiership was reduced from a base level of £6.4m in 2020/21 to £5m in 2021/22 and for the next two seasons, with marquee players whose wages fall outside the cap being reduced from two to one as of next season. Bristol, like the majority of other clubs around the league, agreed a mass of new contracts with 33 players to exploit a loophole in the new regulations that allow their wages to count at 75 percent for the duration of their contracts in relation to the salary cap rules. With the salary cap a hot topic in the game as English clubs go head to head with their now better-financed European rivals, in midweek Gloucester head coach George Skivington revealed the Cherry and Whites had not exploited the same loophole as the club were not in the financial position to do so, and very much needed the budget cut to help them through the Covid-19 pandemic. Discussing the salary cap reduction, Lam, who has signed superstars like Semi Radradra and Charles Piutau in recent years, said: “If Ellis had stayed at Leicester it would’ve been a > > Ellis Genge of Leicester Tigers will be a Bristol Bears player next season David Rogers/Getty Images lot more financially beneficial for him. He’s taken a huge pay cut to come back, but money was not his motivating reason. His motivation was about coming home and inspiring the next generation. “We had a discussion. I thought it was only going to be an hour and it was three hours. We just talked about life and when I walked out, it was dark. It was just really impressive and what struck me from it was his love for this place. He felt like he wanted to put on the jersey and make a difference for the people that he knows. He comes home lots.” Genge’s wages in the context of the salary cap will be slightly offset by the Bears being able to add an additional £80,000 to their overall budget as the prop is an England EPS member, which provides them with extra credit currently received for the likes of Kyle Sinckler. Bristol have already confirmed the signing of USA international fly-half AJ MacGinty from Sale Sharks ahead of next season and Lam admitted it is a constant juggling act to keep within the salary cap while maintaining a competitive squad. “Getting AJ MacGinty at 10 was a priority for us. We just didn’t have enough experienced depth with just Callum Sheedy there. We have got a lot of young guys coming through but we needed another option with Callum potentially away with Wales a lot. “Retention of players here as well is important and then there are a lot of young ones beneath that. It’s constantly moving and as you go for one player you have to make a decision accordingly on others. It has been the same since I have been here, the pie has just been cut shorter now.” Had Genge not left the club in 2016 he would also have qualified for the £50,000 homegrown player extra salary cap credit but now does not qualify having spent six years at Welford Road. Bristol look likely to free up some room in their salary cap next season with number eight Nathan Hughes expected to leave the club at the conclusion of the season. The former England international reportedly signed for the club from Wasps in 2019 on a £500,000 a season deal although that has never been confirmed by the club. Bears counting cost of latest Covid cancellation john evely john.evely@reachplc.com Bristol Bears have been left out of pocket for a second week running following the cancellation of their European Heineken Champions Cup game with Stade Francais. Tomorrow’s scheduled game has been postponed due to travel problems caused by the French government banning all but essential travel to and from the UK in a bid to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. EPCR, the tournament organisers, released a statement confirming all games between British and French clubs have been postponed with their intention to reschedule the matches at a future unknown date. Last weekend Bristol were handed a 28-0 walk over victory in Europe after Scarlets were forced to forfeit the game following the majority of their squad being forced to quarantine for 10 days in a hotel up until a couple of days before the scheduled game after getting trapped in South Africa as the UK Government put the country on the travel red list in their own unsuccessful bid to stop the spread of Omicron. While the result was favourable to the Bears’ advancement in the competition, director of rugby Pat Lam confirmed it has hit them hard in the wallet. He said: “What people don’t realise is that we have lost nearly £300k from not having that Scarlets game on (at Ashton Gate), with what we had already sold in tickets and hospitality. “We had our annual budget meeting this week and before Covid we were flying financially, and obviously, everyone took a hit, and then we were starting to get back with our ticket sales, season ticket sales and people coming to the games, which has been awesome. “You are trying to recover from those financial losses but with our game not being played you see the numbers we have to refund and what it costs - it is huge. Don’t get me wrong I understand health and safety but when you are watching Munster and Cardiff play last weekend, and we were the only ones not playing, there is a question about the impact on our finances. “Potentially there are more teams going to be facing that this week, whether it is hosting games or flying in and the costs of everything booked. It will certainly take its toll.” Now the Bears face a further financial hit. Bristol had a aeroplane chartered at around £40,000 for the trip to France and the overall cost of taking 30 players, plus coaches and support staff, costs in the region of £75,000 for a trip to Europe in Covid times. football Southgate’s eager to take on the best in Europe GARETH Southgate says the “fire is burning” inside his England players as they prepare to face two European heavyweights in the build-up to next year’s World Cup. The Three Lions will have the opportunity to exact revenge on Italy in next year’s Nations League, after the Azzurri denied England on penalties in the Euro 2020 final in July. They will also meet up again with Germany, who they beat 2-0 in the last 16 of that tournament, and Hungary, who they faced in qualification for the finals in Qatar. Southgate believes the level of opposition is perfect for England in what could be a huge year for his team. “The Nations League and its format is geared towards these types of games and whoever we drew out of the first two pots were going to be high level opposition, so that is what we wanted leading into a World Cup year,” he told the Football Association’s media team. “We have had a tough fixture schedule through the last 12 months but the high quality of games is what helps the team to improve and they are the matches we have learned the most from.” Wales, promoted to League A following the 2020-21 Nations League competition, face tough opposition in the shape of Belgium, Holland and Poland. The Belgians are familiar opponents for Wales. The sides faced each other in qualification for next year’s World Cup, with Belgium topping Group E and Wales finishing second to earn a play-off tie next March. Wales also famously beat Belgium to reach the semi-finals of Euro 2016. Scotland and the Republic of Ireland were drawn together in League B, having last played each other during qualification for Euro 2016. Scotland won 1-0 at home, while the return match in Dublin finished 1-1. Steve Clarke’s side have also been drawn against Euro 2020 quarter-finalists Ukraine, who they face in a play-off semi-final in March for a place in Qatar. The other team in the group are Armenia. Northern Ireland, who were relegated to League C in the 2020-21 competition, face 2004 European champions Greece in Group C2. They also face Kosovo and the winner of the playout tie between Cyprus and Estonia, which will be played in March next year. Northern Ireland won their two most recent competitive meetings with Greece, en route to qualification for Euro 2016. A decision on whether, and how, the 2022-23 Nations League will slot into qualifying for Euro 2024 will be taken when the regulations for that tournament are fixed next June.

58 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS FOOTBALL weekend fixtures TODAY (3.00 unless stated) Premier League: Aston Villa v Burnley, Leeds v Arsenal (5.30), Man Utd v Brighton (postponed), Southampton v Brentford (postponed), Watford v Crystal Palace (postponed), West Ham v Norwich (postponed). Sky Bet Championship: Blackburn v Birmingham,Blackpool v Peterborough, Bristol City v Huddersfield, .Cardiff v Derby (12.30), Coventry v Stoke (Postponed ), Middlesbrough v AFC Bournemouth (12.30), Millwall v Preston North End (postponed), Nottm Forest v Hull, QPR v Swansea (postponed),Reading v Luton (postponed ). Sky Bet League One: AFC Wimbledon v Portsmouth (postponed), Bolton v Wycombe (postponed), Burton Albion v Milton Keynes Dons (postponed), Cambridge Utd v Rotherham, Gillingham v Crewe (postponed),Ipswich v Sunderland, Lincoln City v Doncaster (postponed), Morecambe v Fleetwood Town, Oxford Utd v Wigan, Plymouth v Charlton, Sheff Wed v Accrington Stanley (postponed),Shrewsbury v Cheltenham Sky Bet League Two: Carlisle v Bradford (postponed), Colchester v Hartlepool (postponed), Crawley Town v Oldham (postponed),Forest Green v Mansfield (postponed), Northampton v Barrow (postponed),Port Vale v Exeter (postponed), Rochdale v Newport County, Salford City v Stevenage, Scunthorpe v Bristol Rovers (postponed), Sutton Utd v Harrogate Town, Swindon v Walsall (postponed), Tranmere v Leyton Orient The FA Trophy third round: AFC Fylde v Solihull Moors,Aldershot v Kingstonian, Barnet v Boreham Wood, Boston Utd v Kidderminster,Bradford P A v FC Halifax,Cheshunt v Bishop’s Stortford,Chesterfield v Guiseley (Postponed - Chesterfield Withdrawn),Cray Wanderers v Dartford, Curzon Ashton v Alfreton Town, Dover v Bromley,Eastleigh v Enfield Town,Farsley Celtic v Southport,Folkestone Invicta v Uxbridge,Hungerford Town v Weymouth,King’s Lynn Town v Nantwich Town,Larkhall Athletic v AFC Totton,Maidenhead Utd v Maidstone Utd (Postponed - Maidenhead Utd Withdrawn),Matlock Town v York,Morpeth Town v Lancaster City,Needham Market v Wealdstone,Notts County v Altrincham (7.30),Plymouth Parkway v Dulwich,Radcliffe v Spennymoor Town,Slough v Eastbourne Borough,Southend v Dorking Wanderer,St Albans v Braintree Town,Stockport County v Grimsby,Stourbridge v AFC Telford,Tonbridge Angels v Torquay,Truro City v Dag & Red (Postponed - now being played Sun, Dec 19),Wrexham v Gloucester,Yeovil v Woking. Vanarama North:Gateshead v Brackley,Leamington v Kettering, Vanarama South:Billericay v Chelmsford,Ebbsfleet United v Bath City,Hemel Hempstead v Chippenham. Southern League Premier South :Beaconsfield Town vHartley Wintney, Chesham United v Taunton Town, Dorchester Town P - P Truro City, Farnborough v Metropolitan Police, Hayes & Yeading United v Harrow Borough (postponed), Poole Townv Salisbury, Swindon Supermarine v Weston-super-Mare, Tiverton Town v Merthyr Town, Walton Casuals v Kings Langley, Wimborne Town v Gosport Borough, Yate Town v Hendon (postponed) Southern League Division one South: Bideford AFC P .AFC Totton P, Bristol Manor Farm v Cinderford Town, Evesham United v Barnstaple Town, Highworth Town v Sholing, Larkhall Athletic P v Frome Town, Mangotsfield United v Winchester City, Paulton Rovers v Melksham Town,Willand Rovers v Cirencester Town . Toolstation Premier League: Ashton & Backwell Unitedv Ilfracombe Town, Bridgwater United v Exmouth Town , Bridport v Millbrook, Buckland Athletic v .Brislington, Shepton Mallet v Helston Athletic, Street v. Mousehole, Tavistock v Keynsham Town , Wellington v .Saltash United. TOMORROW Premier League: Everton V Leicester City (postponed), Wolverhampton Wanderersv Chelsea (2pm), Newcastle United v Manchester City (2.15), Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool (4.30) FA Trophy: Truro City v Dagenham & Redbridge RUGBY European Champions Cup Pool A: Bath v La Rochelle (postponed), Sale v ASM Clermont Auvergne, postponed) Glasgow Warriors v Exeter Chiefs, Racing 92 v Ospreys (postponed) Pool B: Harlequins v Cardiff Rugby, (1pm) Munster v Castres (8pm) European Challenge Cup Poll A: Worcester Warriors v Biarritz Olympique (postponed) Championship Rugby: Ampthill v Nottingham (1.30), Doncaster v Coventry (2.30), Hartpury RFC v Ealing Trailfinders (2.30), Jersey Reds v London Scottish, Richmond v Cornish Pirates National League 1 (selected): Cinderford v Birmingham Moseley, Taunton Titans v Plymouth Albion National League 2 South (selected): Barnstaple RFCv Redruth, Dings Crusaders v Clifton TOMORROW European Champions Cup Pool B: Leicester Tigers v Connacht (1pm), Scarlets v Bordeaux Bègles (postponed), Toulouse v Wasps (postponed) Stade Francais v Bristol Bears (postponed) European Challenge Cup Pool C: London Irish v Brive (postponed) * Correct at time of going to press > > Liverpool fans prior to the Premier League match against Newcastle United at Anfield on Thursday Picture: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images Premier League bosses to hold talks on virus crisis press Association wdsport@b-nm.co.uk Premier League managers will convene on Monday to discuss the Covid-19 crisis engulfing the competition, with Newcastle boss Eddie Howe saying the top flight’s integrity is on a knife edge. Last night, five of this weekend’s 10 scheduled matches had already been postponed due to positive Covid tests, and Aston Villa manager Steven Gerrard revealed a meeting was being organised by the league early next week to tackle the club bosses’ “concerns and unanswered questions”, in particular around the criteria used by the Premier League board to grant approval to a postponement. Magpies manager Howe is worried the incomplete fixture list makes the league “disjointed” and fears if more games are called off in the coming days, there could be questions around the competition’s integrity. “I don’t think we want half the games played and half not played,” he said. “The league really loses Depleted Tigers set to press on with Trophy tie Gloucester City are facing a particularly difficult trip to National League Wrexham AFC today in the third round proper of the BuildBase FA Trophy after a Covid-19 outbreak virtually ruled out their entire starting 11. In a statement on Thursday, Gloucester said: “Ten members of the first team squad have either tested positive for Covid or are required to self isolate and will therefore be something if it becomes disjointed in terms of games played. When you start losing players to Covid then the worry is the competition becomes slightly unfair and I don’t think anyone wants to see that. “A decision needs to be made to ensure integrity is maintained in the competition. I think it is on a knife edge. “People want to see a fair league and not disparity in games and players missing. I’m desperate to continue the programme myself but the welfare of the players and supporters has to come first.” Howe’s side are due to face reigning champions Manchester City on Sunday. The Blues’ boss Pep Guardiola cancelled his pre-match press conference yesterday after returning an inconclusive Covid test result, and was awaiting the result of a further test. Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is not against calling a brief halt to the Premier League amid mounting Covid cases but said: “I just don’t see 100 per cent the benefit of it. Stopping the league means we stop now unavailable for Saturday’s FA Trophy tie at Wrexham. “The club was given the option to postpone the match until 23rd December but given the isolation periods and the potential for the situation to worsen the decision to proceed with Saturday’s fixture was unanimous. An already difficult fixture has been made even harder, but despite the squad being depleted Lee, Daff and the available players for one to two weeks, it means (missing) five to six games. So when do you want to play them?” His Villa counterpart Gerrard revealed managers and top-flight captains would have the chance to discuss the criteria for postponement after a number of bosses called for clarity. “On the back of what a lot of managers have said, we want the same thing which is for the the game to continue. There are obviously a lot of concerns and a lot of unanswered questions,” he said. Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta echoed the call for clarity, after his side’s request to have their opening match of the season at Brentford postponed was rejected. “We have been here on the other side of the table (at the start of the season) where we had all the arguments in the world to not play a football match and we ended up playing it,” the Spaniard said. The rules governing Covid-19 postponements were voted on by the clubs, including Arsenal, and are set out in Appendix 17 of the Premier will still be going to Wrexham with the intention of winning.” Larkhall Athletic will be looking to make a bit of club history today by reaching the fourth round for the first time. Visitors AFC Totton stand in their way. Elsewhere in the FA Trophy today, Yeovil Town are set to welcome National League rivals Woking to Huish Park this afternoon. Meanwhile, Chesterfield and Maidenhead League’s 2021-22 handbook. Each decision is taken on a case-by-case basis, but clubs are guided that if 14 or more players are available then permission will not be granted to postpone. Clubs will be expected to utilise under-21 players with suitable experience in the Premier League, the EFL or overseas. However, the board do also consider medical advice from clubs on whether it is deemed to be an uncontrollable outbreak, in which case it is seen as unsafe to bring players together. Tottenham’s match against Brighton last Sunday was the first to be called off for Covid-19 reasons after an outbreak at Spurs. They are now set to play against Liverpool this weekend, and their manager Antonio Conte said: “We are ready to follow the rules and I think it’s the most important thing. If there are rules, then for sure the rules have to be the same for all the teams.” By 3pm yesterday 19 matches across the three divisions of the EFL had also been called off. have both withdrawn from this season’s FA Trophy because of Covid-19 cases. National League leading Chesterfield had been scheduled to play sixth-tier Guiseley in the third round today, so the Lions have now been given a bye to the fourth round. Maidenhead were due to host National League South side Maidstone. Like Guiseley, the Stones have now been given a bye to the fourth round of the competition.

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 59 FOOTBALL Pearson sends out blunt message to midfielder Moore open to staying on with Hearts james piercy james.piercy@reachplc.com Nigel Pearson insists Kasey Palmer still has an opportunity to win his place back in the Bristol City side with the midfielder having been left out of the Robins last five squads. Palmer hasn’t exactly been a regular for City this campaign but was a consistent presence in the matchday 18, named in the starting XI or on the bench on 14 of a possible 16 occasions until the November international break. Since then, however, the 24-year-old has been consistently left out, effectively losing his place to 18-year-old Ayman Benarous. With one of his former clubs Huddersfield Town the visitors to Ashton Gate today - Covid allowing - that scenario is likely to continue, but Pearson maintains the olive branch remains extended providing Palmer can play his way back into contention at training. “A player for our football club who’s currently training with us, that’s where we are,” Pearson said, when asked what Palmer’s role is. “If he does enough, he might be included. So that doesn’t change. “To be absolutely honest with you, discussing individuals like that, he’s not been included because other players have done more. Likewise, if he plays himself back into contention then so be it, fine.” Despite his strong words in November about individuals not being “onside”, it’s never been clear if Pearson was discussing specific individuals or merely delivering a collective warning to the squad around attitude in the wake of the 3-2 defeat at Coventry, in which Palmer was an unused substitute. There has, however, been a notable change in tack from the manager towards the former Chelsea trainee in recent weeks and the above answer was a significant departure from when he’s previously spoken about the playmaker. Pearson had maintained that Palmer is working hard, understanding what’s required of him and is a “great lad” but his response this week was decidedly more blunt and less emotive. It cannot be ignored that with January on the horizon, Palmer’s apparent status on the periphery of the squad and City likely needing to trade to bring in reinforcements makes him a candidate to be moved on, should a buyer be found. However, the City manager has frequently bemoaned the lack of chances being created for his strikers from midfield and although defensive concerns may remain, Palmer is one of the few individuals in the current group of players capable of providing such. Today’s game is the last before Christmas and marks the midpoint of the season. It offers a chance for City to go five games unbeaten at home which, which given the rest of 2021, is a notable achievement and it’ll be the first with added Covid restrictions. Supporters attending must show proof of vaccination, and the message from the club is that fans should get to the stadium as early as possible. Covid is unfortunately back on the agenda in the football-world with a number of Championship matches already postponed. Pearson, though, is confident that City’s relatively high uptake in vaccinations means their fixtures are the least likely to be impacted. He also believes the EFL has been too slow in reacting to the rising number of Covid-19 cases in the league. On Thursday the EFL confirmed new “RED” protocols for clubs to adhere by, including a return to daily testing and greater social distancing measures. Pearson, who has contracted the virus twice, claims the governing body hasn’t been proactive enough in its guidance, particularly around the vaccination programme with the league also confirming that 25 per cent of around 1,800 players surveyed are unvaccinated and a further 16 per cent are still “set to get the jab”. “What should have happened by now is clubs should have been more proactive in getting their players and staff vaccinated,” Pearson said. “You’ll probably see a correlation between clubs who have a lot of cases and vaccination programmes. > > Bristol City’s Kasey Palmer scores against Fulham at Ashton Gate earlier this season Picture: Rogan Thomson/JMP “Maybe the league should have done something about that earlier themselves, rather than be reactive. “I don’t see the point in the leagues being reactive to things, they should be on the front foot in driving programmes to get protection for the people who work in the industry, so the industry can keep going and the public can see the games.” In October, Pearson stated that around 95 per cent of all staff, playing and non-playing members, have been fully vaccinated. Taylor Moore is open to extending his stay at Hearts as the defender waits for Bristol City to decide his Ashton Gate future. Moore, above, has spent the first half of the season in Edinburgh, making nine appearances for the Jambos and largely impressed with his performances under Robbie Neilson with the expectation that Hearts would like to, at the very least, keep him until the end of the season. The 24-year-old’s agreement is for the season but the Robins do have a recall option in January which could hinge on Nigel Pearson’s centre-back options. Pearson has Tomas Kalas, Rob Atkinson, Zak Vyner and Nathan Baker as his four first-choice central defenders, but the latter continues to recover from a second concussion of the season. If Baker misses an extensive period, City may recall Moore. Robbie Cundy is another option but the 24-year-old has knee-trouble and Moore is a more Championship-ready defender. “I’ve got 18 months left on my contract with Bristol City but my honest answer to that (staying permanently) would be that I’m very open minded,” Moore told Football Scotland. He added: “I definitely feel settled here in Edinburgh ... Sometimes it just feels right and it definitely does with Hearts. We’ll see. For the moment my loan is until January with a view to extending until the end of the season.” Anoher consideration is that Moore still has 18 months on his contract and is a saleable asset. Duff knows what to expect as Town take on Cotterill’s Shrews Michael Duff expecting a tough away day at Shrewsbury Town today against a side who who have secured most of their points at home this season. The sides met last month at the Jonny-Rocks Stadium and on that occasion Duff’s side ran out 2-1 winners. Although sitting just above the drop zone, Shrewsbury have beaten Charlton Athletic and MK Dons at home as well as drawing 1-1 with Sunderland, and so Duff is wary of the threat they can pose under their manager, former Robins manager and Whaddon Road legend Steve Cotterill. Speaking to the club website, Duff said: “They are unbeaten in their last four home games and they’ve beaten some really good teams in that run. “Their home and away record is night and day. We know what we are going to get from the opposition manager. They’ll be well-structured and well-organised. It is going to be a difficult game.” Duff, pictured, has also been reflecting on the benefit of having no mid-week game and a full week to work on the training ground. “It’s an opportunity to tweak a few things we’ve not done well recently and reinforce what we have been doing well. It is nice to get a bit of time on the training pitch,” he said. “It’s always nice to get a proper week’s work. Games are great, but when they come as thick and fast as they have been it’s difficult to recuperate and work on your strengths and weaknesses.” Asked about extra precautions at the club due to rising cases of Covid, Duff said: “We had a big meeting with the doctor on Tuesday. There is no getting away from it, it seems to be back. So we have gone back to, not quite as strict as things were when we first came back because then they couldn’t even come into the changing room or use the gym, but in terms of using masks around the place, spreading out into all the dressing rooms rather than just two, all the things you’d expect anyone to do really.” He added: “We’ve one who’s not feeling great today so they are not in. They’ll have to do a lateral flow and a PCR. Other than that, everyone else is good at the minute, touch wood.” Duff also said he did not currently have anyone coming back into contention from injury. Duff played under Coterill at Cheltenham and was the only member of the squad Cotterill took to Burnley after being appointed at Turf Moor in the summer of 2004. Asked how it felt taking on a side managed by his former boss, Duff said: “There is a personal relationship on the side of it, but the players aren’t interested in Steve Cotterill. They just want to win the game, so we’ll prep them as we always do. We’ll try and pick the right team, which we don’t always do. “If we can pick the right team and enough of the players deliver a performance, hopefully we can go and win the game. There is no sideshow.” The Robins scored a late goal to draw 2-2 with Lincoln last time out, an improvement on the previous midweek 5-0 home thrashing to Cambridge United. Asked how much of a step forward the point against the Imps was, Duff said: “We didn’t have a great week in terms of goals conceded, but it was just a bad week. We have lost two in 10 or 11, so there is no crisis. We’re not a team who are going to win nine or 10 on the trot in this league, it’s just not going to happen.” He added: “A goal down in the 91st minute against Lincoln and they showed spirit and togetherness, all the sorts of things you want and managed to get themselves back in the game with the last kick of the game.”

Sport Western Daily Press SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2021 BURNS FEELING THE HEAT CRICKET PAGE 56 Positive tests leave Gas short of players james piercy james.piercy@reachplc.com > > Jonbon ridden by jockey Aidan Coleman (left) clears a hurdle on their way to winning the Howden Kennel Gate Novices’ Hurdle during day one of the Howden Christmas Racing Weekend at Ascot yesterday. HORSE RACING: PAGES 51-55 Stade Francais tomorrow in the same competition are off. “The board received briefings from the three professional leagues which included updated information from the respective governments,” an EPCR statement read. “However, there were insufficient assurances that these matches would not be at risk.” The decision to reschedule the games rather than following the established protocol of cancelling them avoids the minefield of deciding who should receive the match points given it is a situation outside of the clubs’ control. However, there is little room in a packed schedule to reschedule the postponed games, raising the prospect of midweek matches now being played. The decision affects all games taking place today and tomorrow, so last night’s Challenge Cup clashes between the Dragons and Lyon at Rodney Parade and Gloucester and Benetton at Kingsholm were set to go ahead. Munster are also able to host Castres in Limerick this evening due to the travel restrictions being limited to visitors from the UK only. Among the games to be abandoned are Clermont’s visit to Sale and two highly anticipated Sunday fixtures when Wasps and Bristol were due to travel to Toulouse and Stade Francais respectively. Two Champions Cup matches had already been lost to Covid outbreaks Picture: Steven Paston/PA West sides’ Europe games postponed Bears and Bath’s matches against French sides fall foul of Covid travel restrictions duncan bech Press Association All seven European matches involving French and British clubs this weekend have been postponed, tournament organiser EPCR announced yesterday. The decision was made in response to new travel restrictions brought in by the French government that have made cross-border competition impossible. Five Heineken Champions Cup games have fallen, on top of the two already lost to Covid outbreaks, and two Challenge Cup matches. Bath’s Champions Cup clash against La Rochelle at The Rec today and Bristol Bears away game with earlier in the week, resulting in Montpellier being awarded a 28-0 victory against Leinster and Racing 92 receiving the same outcome against the Ospreys. The French government has stipulated that tourism and work are no longer sufficient reasons for travel regardless of vaccination status, with Paris declaring only essential journeys are permitted. In addition, all arrivals from the UK must provide a negative PCR test within the previous 24 hours as well as quarantine in France for seven days, although a fresh negative test will reduce that to 48 hours. RUGBY: see page 57 Bristol Rovers’ League Two game against Scunthorpe United today has been postponed following a Covid-19 outbreak in the squad that has left Joey Barton, pictured, without enough players to form a matchday squad. Barton revealed yesterday that the Gas had returned “six to seven” positive tests and were waiting on more results to come back over the course of the day. With their injury list in double figures, and Sam Finley and Cian Harries suspended, that has left the Rovers manager unable to field the EFL minimum requirement of a 14-man squad including a goalkeeper. A statement from Scunthorpe read: “Bristol Rovers informed the EFL that it would be unable to fulfil the fixture at the Sands Venue Stadium with a number of positive Covid cases adding to their absences through injury and suspension. We wish those affected a swift and safe recovery.” Rovers trained yesterday morning and were due to leave The Quarters HQ in Almondsbury at about 1pm but remained in Bristol ahead of their scheduled Boxing Day fixture against Sutton United, with doubt also now surrounding that game given the 10-day period of isolation for people who test positive. Also in League Two, Forest Green Rovers have informed the EFL they are unable to fulfil fixtures at The Fully Charged New Lawn against Mansfield Town today and Colchester United on Tuesday due to positive Covid-19 cases in the squad. Swindon Town’s League Two home game against Walsall today was called off on Thursday due to Covid cases at the Wiltshire club. football: pages 58-59 Western Daily Press Published by Bristol News and Media at Temple Way, Bristol BS2 0BY (Tel: 0117 9343000). Registered office: Reach PLC, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. For permission to copy cuttings, contact the NLA, 7 Church Road, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1NL (Tel: 01892 525273; email: copy@nla.co.uk). Printed by Reach PLC. The recycled paper content of newspapers in 2016 was 62.8 per cent

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 1 TEASER Eight pages of puzzles, quizzes and sudoku STAR SEEKER Can you find the celebrity name hidden in this crossword? Complete the crossword in the normal way, then make a note of the letters contained in all the squares which are marked with shaded stars. These letters will make an anagram of the name you are trying to discover. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 20 22 24 ACROSS H 4. Operation (7) 8. Leave stranded (6) 9. Surprise (7) 10. Military Pageant (6) 11. Beginning (6) 12. Charm (8) 18. Trustworthy (8) 20. Gambol (6) 21. Impassive (6) 22. Diaphragm (7) 23. Mowing tool (6) 24. Promptly (7) 9 11 16 17 18 19 H GOGEN H H H 21 23 DOWN H 1. Copy (7) 2. Fragile (7) 3. Happy (6) 5. Sane (8) 6. Clergyman (6) 7. Precious metal (6) 13. Compassionate (8) 14. Capacity (7) 15. Interfering person (7) 16. Commend (6) 17. Glowered (6) H 19. Untouched (6) 14 15 H H H General Knowledge Quiz 1. Who is the character Simon Templar better known as? A The Phantom B The Angel C The Saint D The Devil 2. What Roman goddess is equivalent to the Greek Aphrodite? A Pluto B Venus C Mars D Neptune 3. Which Russian novelist wrote Oblomov? A Vladimir Nabokov B Anton Chekhov C Feodor Sologub D Ivan Goncharov 4. What is the common name of the flower Bellis perennis? A Daisy B Rose C Poppy D Bluebell 5. Which partnership produced operettas such as The Mikado and The Pirates of Penzance? A Simon and Garfunkel B Lloyd-Webber and Rice C Richards and Richardson D Gilbert and Sullivan 6. What is the name of the telepathic waitress played by Anna Paquin in the American fantasy horror drama television series True Blood ? A Sookie Stackhouse B Amy Alden C Flora McGrath D Polexia Aphrodisia Anna Paquin See Question 6. 7. Which male vocalist’s number one hits include Travellin’ Light, Please Don’t Tease and The Minute You’re Gone? A Billy Fury B Adam Faith C Alvin Stardust D Cliff Richard 8. Which area of France along the Gironde estuary, famous for red wines, contains the famous Château Latour vineyard? A Medoc B Cher C Bourbonnais D Champagne 9. Who was the inventor of the ZX Spectrum home computer? A Clive James B Clive Sinclair C Clive Anderson D Clive Spectrum 10. Craig Charles presented which metal crunching gameshow on BBC2? A Gladiators B Metal War C Heavy Metal D Robot Wars 11. What sort of creature is a kakapo? A A fish B A monkey C A snake D A parrot 12. What type of painting is identified by speed, fluidity and colour washing? A Watercolour painting B Oil painting C Acrylic painting D Powder painting 13. Which English king was beheaded in 1649? A Charles I B Charles II C James I D Alfred 14. Who wanted to have Dinner with Gershwin in 1987? A Dina Carroll B Tina Turner C Aretha Franklin D Donna Summer 15. In which European country is the resort of Antibes? A Spain B France C Italy D Greece Insert letters to form the listed words, moving between adjacent cells horizontally, vertically or diagonally in any direction. Insert all the remaining letters of the alphabet (except Z) in the grid so all the listed words are spelt out in this way. N W Q S B Y O V U H D G L A J T I R E C P M X F K BUSH DIRE DOWNY FERAL HARM JARGON NOVA PIXEL QUACK TIDY A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 1 2 3 G L Y J F P F L M D P K B W N O R S T D A H I E U C V X M Q BOND CHUM DIET DUE FIXED JIVE PLY RACQUET SHARK TOP WRONGLY A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Y S H W O K I G T R X N A C E J B Q U V BARK CALM DARING FORK JERKY LACQUERING NECTAR PORTAL SHIRT VEXING WHISK A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y

2 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge Kakuro Fill in the white squares with the numbers 1 to 9. Each horizontal block of squares must add up to the number in the shaded square to its left, and each vertical block must add up to the number in the shaded square above it. No number may be used more than once in any one block. 1 2 32 15 6 10 24 13 4 9 29 14 22 10 15 14 3 12 11 6 15 6 24 12 27 15 25 37 21 16 10 12 30 23 25 17 7 18 7 8 17 17 19 21 21 14 9 22 26 12 13 9 26 23 10 12 18 24 24 11 8 6 4 16 14 10 7 11 21 16 16 16 13 37 17 8 12 11 24 30 16 4 12 18 8 8 4 7 20 14 6 13 7 10 WORD LADDER Using the clues provided, fill in each step of the ladder with a new word, changing one letter at a time. 1 2 Pastries Sharp tacks Liquid measure Breathe heavily Role KING PIER PORT Considerate 3 4 15 33 6 15 10 9 9 12 15 29 6 23 14 18 12 16 16 12 11 9 16 9 12 12 21 27 9 20 6 15 6 12 9 15 24 12 9 6 6 15 9 28 12 9 6 11 14 4 10 29 9 16 17 6 7 12 45 15 8 13 12 12 14 11 15 10 21 14 14 12 15 8 12 19 13 15 14 10 15 8 10 7 32 8 9 12 3 22 9 13 10 12 3 LEAR Dog’s cry Dim Stupid person Conscience Fix Borrow Metal substance BACK TWO SPEED CROSSWORD This two-speed crossword has two sets of clues, but just one grid. If you can’t solve the Cryptic clues, try the Quick. Cryptic Across 3. It’s a disaster in the main (9) 8. Vessels of the Royal Navy in America (4) 9. It’s neither here nor there! (2,7) 10. Approximate length of an informal adieu (2,4) 11. Some light on artificial stuff (5) 14. Come again about the dog (5) 15. Become engaged (4) 16. Essays that are certainly not pointless (5) 18. Miss the French ship (4) 20. Bulb perhaps, strangely lit up (5) 21. Satisfies with a suitable direction (5) 24. Joint holder! (6) 25. He is named for the post (9) 26. Once Britain’s premier garden (4) 27. Furniture dealers are familiar with it! (4,5) Down 1. Our Cyril’s superficially reformed (9) 2. Typical English way to sort out claimings (9) 4. Suspend a mild expletive (4) 5. Place where one may stroll with a personal protection against the weather (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 27 21 22 23 24 6. Free with money (6) 7. A company not out to make money (4) 9. Some liner traffic is sluggish (5) 11. Barriers meant to be overrun? (5) 12. They may be found in reception (9) 26 13. Young female accompanists (9) 17. Put in a claim for prize money (5) 19. Affected by heat from the Red Sea (6) 22. Opera about Ascot (5) 23. Not quite an ideal thought (4) 24. Close up of a swimmer (4) Quick Across 3. Ruin (9) 8. Vases (4) 9. During passage (2,7) 10. Farewell (2,4) 11. Textile fibre (5) 14. Happen again (5) 15. Net (4) 16. Attempts (5) 18. Girl (4) 20. Flower (5) 21. Encounters (5) 24. Meat pin (6) 25. Receiver (9) 26. Biblical garden (4) 27. Furniture item (4,5) Down 1. Quickly (9) 2. English custom (9) 4. Hover (4) 5. Coat (5) 6. Kidnappers’ payment (6) 7. Penny (4) 9. Inactive (5) 11. Bars (5) 12. Honeymooners (9) 13. Duennas (9) 17. Marker (5) 19. Scorched (6) 22. Opera (5) 23. Notion (4) 24. Secure (4) Scribble pad Living quarters Terrible fate ALPHAMUDDLE SPLIT DECISION Cross out one of the two letters in each divided square to reveal a completed crossword grid. R T P R A L S L G O E R S J R L DOOR Rearrange the letters in the grid on the left to make five words that read both across and down. Five letters have been placed to start you off. C I G E L A S L E P R E R E A D N T E N I E D C T E G N E O X P O R L I N A R N V E V T P D F S I U T G Y H T S

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 3 TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge PATHFINDER Beginning with the top highlighted letter, follow a continuous path of words associated with the given subject. The trail goes through each letter once, twisting up, down and sideways, but never diagonally. Nobel Peace Prize laureates m i l r b a c i d t m b l w a i a g o u s h v a r i w e n r k h m i u n e v d r o o n a s a l a y k a e h g e d r o d a l o u s g s n r n i s o s a t a y f a n t d y k i s w l e d m i z a u a n b y i w w i s m o h a i s o a r l l a s e r o n s l g l n m d e o t r t e n p e r o e n a n l m h e u t d e r w a l v o r a n a n t a r s e h s e l e a k o a n u m t l e c a e l n h k f i r e h i a e i s s n j s a d n k i t n f l r n o h o i e r a g n u l Sudoku Challenge Easy 4 8 1 4 8 1 9 5 8 1 2 3 2 5 1 3 4 1 4 3 9 7 8 8 7 3 5 3 1 6 3 5 4 3 1 4 6 4 6 3 9 1 7 4 1 2 6 3 2 7 7 6 5 4 5 2 1 9 8 2 7 3 6 4 2 9 1 8 5 2 5 1 MIRROR IMAGE Medium Which of the shapes below is an exact mirror image of the shape on the right? A B C CLOCKWORD The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter E in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell out the name of a US rock ‘n’ roll star. 10 9 11 8 D 12 7 1. Pass by 2. Small 3. Journey 4. Hinder 5. Military gesture 6. Royal residence E 1 6 7. Rubbish 8. Appear 9. Cutting implement 10. Hate 11. Motor 2 5 3 4 12. --- Doodle Dandy 9 7 4 3 6 1 2 3 Hard 6 7 4 6 7 9 8 2 4 9 6 2 1 3 9 5 3 4 8 6 8 1 2 4 5 1 6 2 7 4 5 8 9 5 8 8 6 4 6 3 6 3 5 1 2 6 4 1 4 7 1 2 1 3 2 4 9 2 7 8 1 4 3 1 8 7 7 1 6 2 5 3 1 6 4 6 2 9 3 2 2 8

4 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge FILL IN General Knowledge Crossword When you’ve completed the puzzle, rearrange the shaded squares to spell out a colour. We’ve given you one word to start you off. ACROSS DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. New Zealand 1. American entertainer cricketer who took and pianist also 7 known as Walter 431 Test wickets Busterkeys (8) before retiring in 2. Ferryman of the 1990 (7,6) dead across the 8. Any of several Styx (6) 8 9 varieties of apple 3. 1987 film featuring having a red skin (8) selections from ten operas (4) 9. Thomas, composer 4. Raymond, author of of the song Rule, The Big Sleep (8) 10 11 12 13 Britannia! (4) 5. Charles, cartoonist 10. Heavily built marine who contributed 14 15 16 17 bird with a long to The New Yorker from 1935 (6) stout bill (6) 6. Jerome, songwriter 12. Emanuel, world whose works chess champion include A Fine 18 19 20 21 1894-1921 (6) Romance (4) 14. Large white sturgeon 11. Asian kingdom L E A K of the Black Sea and whose capital is Bangkok (8) Caspian Sea (6) 13. Albert, physicist 16 & 21D Film biography associated with the 22 of Jake La Motta theory of relativity (8) starring Robert De 15. Ancient province Niro (6,4) of Ireland which WORD WISE 3 LETTERS 4 LETTERS 5 LETTERS 6 LETTERS 7 LETTERS 18. Town in Belgium, included the six counties now AWN CYST EAVES BARONS AMMETER scene of the first forming Northern The word may sound familiar, but do you know what it means? AYE GLAD HAPPY DOCKET DANDIFY battle of the British Ireland (6) BET LEAK MOODS SANDAL Expeditionary Force 17. ‘--- Tragedies’, CAVALCADE SARCOUS BOB OWED SENSE SEWAGE in World War One (4) 1894 work by Israel GIN REST SMILE SHARES A A procession of persons A Greek temple 20. Text written for and Zangwill (6) LET SACK WEALD SPRINT 19. Latin poet whose on horseback B Malay man’s petticoat set to music in an NET SENT works include B A battalion of troops on C Of flesh or muscle opera (8) WIT TARE the 15-book horseback 22. 1954 Ian Fleming Metamorphoses (4) C A fiesta novel (4,3,3,3) 21. See 16 Across Solutions General Knowledge Quiz 1 C; 2 B; 3 D; 4 A; 5 D; 6 A; 7 D; 8 A; 9 B; 10 D; 11 D; 12 A; 13 A; 14 D; 15 B Star Seeker Across: 4 Process; 8 Maroon; 9 Startle; 10 Tattoo; 11 Outset; 12 Talisman; 18 Reliable; 20 Frolic; 21 Stolid; 22 Midriff; 23 Scythe; 24 Readily. Down: 1 Imitate; 2 Brittle; 3 Joyous; 5 Rational; 6 Curate; 7 Silver; 13 Merciful; 14 Ability; 15 Meddler; 16 Praise; 17 Glared; 19 Intact. Star Name: JODIE COMER. Gogen General Knowledge Crossword Across: 7 Richard Hadlee; 8 Pearmain; 9 Arne; 10 Gannet; 12 Lasker; 14 Beluga; 16 Raging; 18 Mons; 20 Libretto; 22 Live and Let Die. Down: 1 Liberace; 2 Charon; 3 Aria; 4 Chandler; 5 Addams; 6 Kern; 11 Thailand; 13 Einstein; 15 Ulster; 17 Ghetto; 19 Ovid; 21 Bull. Kakuro 1 3 1 8 4 3 1 1 4 7 2 9 7 4 2 8 7 6 8 2 1 9 2 4 2 9 6 4 8 6 9 4 3 8 2 3 4 5 8 6 9 7 9 1 9 1 7 3 6 8 9 8 4 5 9 2 5 3 5 3 2 6 8 4 9 8 4 8 9 6 8 6 3 1 6 2 9 6 5 9 8 7 9 5 5 6 7 3 8 1 4 8 4 9 7 5 4 3 9 8 7 1 5 6 2 4 6 9 1 5 9 6 7 5 3 9 3 1 5 4 2 7 4 9 8 9 3 2 6 1 5 1 2 4 6 9 8 4 6 7 9 3 5 7 5 8 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 5 9 7 3 5 2 5 1 3 7 5 7 4 6 2 4 8 7 1 9 5 3 7 5 3 4 1 2 6 1 3 8 1 9 1 7 6 2 4 5 8 3 9 2 3 2 3 1 8 5 9 8 4 2 2 4 1 5 3 5 1 2 5 8 7 5 4 8 9 2 6 9 9 5 1 4 7 1 7 4 2 1 5 9 4 7 8 9 5 8 1 6 1 7 6 7 9 8 2 2 1 9 5 1 7 6 3 8 5 Clockword 1 Elapse, 2 Little, 3 Voyage, 4 Impede, 5 Salute, 6 Palace, 7 Refuse, 8 Emerge, 9 Scythe, 10 Loathe, 11 Engine, 12 Yankee. US rock ‘n’ roll star: ELVIS PRESLEY. Sudoku 7 6 8 4 3 4 9 5 2 6 1 8 7 3 1 5 2 6 8 3 4 1 Fill In Colour: BROWN 7 1 5 9 1 9 8 7 6 Word Wise A. A procession of persons on horseback C. Of flesh or muscle 5 4 9 2 5 9 6 7 8 1 4 9 2 3 1 9 8 7 2 4 5 3 6 6 5 1 9 8 3 2 4 7 4 1 9 3 7 5 8 6 2 3 6 9 2 7 8 4 1 2 5 6 8 7 3 4 9 5 4 3 6 8 1 5 7 2 9 3 8 7 2 6 4 5 9 1 6 7 2 9 4 8 1 5 3 1 7 3 2 3 5 2 6 4 8 3 1 9 4 2 6 5 8 7 2 5 7 6 9 3 4 1 8 9 2 4 5 7 1 8 3 6 3 8 5 1 6 2 7 4 9 6 8 4 5 5 1 3 8 9 7 2 6 4 2 3 8 4 8 3 9 2 7 6 5 3 1 8 3 1 4 2 G L A D E S A C K I M H A P P Y N M V R E S T S E N S E I H B E T S A N D A L O W E D T A R E B A R O N S N E T G C M O O D S L E A K I I W W E A L D F I S E N T E C Y S T 7 5 9 9 7 1 7 2 6 1 4 5 9 3 5 8 1 7 3 9 6 4 2 9 7 6 4 2 5 8 1 3 2 9 7 3 5 8 1 6 4 8 3 6 1 5 4 2 7 9 3 4 1 9 2 5 6 8 7 7 1 3 4 6 2 5 9 8 2 7 1 4 9 8 6 1 8 5 9 2 7 3 6 5 4 2 4 6 8 1 5 7 3 9 5 2 1 9 8 3 6 7 4 4 6 8 1 9 2 3 5 7 2 7 4 9 6 3 1 5 8 6 8 5 7 3 1 4 2 9 8 9 6 5 1 7 3 4 2 2 3 4 6 9 1 8 6 5 7 2 4 3 5 8 9 6 7 1 9 3 7 6 4 2 8 1 5 3 8 4 7 6 1 5 2 9 1 5 3 4 7 6 2 9 8 1 9 5 2 7 8 3 4 6 9 2 7 6 8 4 5 1 3 4 5 2 8 3 9 7 6 1 Hard Medium Easy N W Q S B Y O V U H D G L A J T R E C Two Speed Crossword Across: 3 Shipwreck; 8 Urns; 9 In transit; 10 So long; 11 Rayon; 14 Recur; 15 Mesh; 16 Tries; 18 Lass; 20 Tulip; 21 Meets; 24 Skewer; 25 Addressee; 26 Eden; 27 Card table. Down: 1 Cursorily; 2 Anglicism; 4 Hang; 5 Parka; 6 Ransom; 7 Coin; 9 Inert; 11 Rails; 12 Newlyweds; 13 Chaperons; 17 Stake; 19 Seared; 22 Tosca; 23 Idea; 24 Seal. Split Decision P R O O F A L I G O I N G E V H S L E P T I 1 P M X F K G P K B W L N O R S Y T D A H J E U C Alphamuddle C A R E A G I L R I P E E L E C D E N T I 2 F V X M Q D E N T S P Y S H W F O K I G L T R X N M A C E J Word Ladder 1. Pier, Pies, Pins, Pint, Pant, Part, Port. 2. King, Kind, Mind, Mend, Lend, Lead, Lear. 3. Back, Bark, Dark, Dork, Dorm, Doom, Door 3 D B Q U V Pathfinder Mikhail Gorbachev, Henry Kissinger, David Trimble, Woodrow Wilson, Anwar Sadat, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King, Andrei Sakharov, Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, Mother Teresa, Willy Brandt, Aung San Suu Kyi, Malala Yousafzai, Al Gore, Shimon Peres, Lech Wałesa, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Mirror Image: A

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 5 TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge Giant Sudoku Every row, every column and every 5 x 5 box must contain every digit from 1 to 9 and every letter from K to Z. O X Q S U 9 Z 7 N 1 M 5 8 T L W M X Z K P Y V S N 5 Y 3 6 Q 7 X 4 P 2 7 5 Q W V O T 6 R K W Q 7 Y 3 L O 9 8 S 4 N L W R 8 U V 2 M T 8 Q K S 9 X O P 5 O 9 V 7 U 3 6 Y K W 8 Q 9 2 O Y P T U L V 4 S Z T K U R X L S Q N P S 6 3 P 8 Q O 9 7 5 4 N W Z Y 4 5 O S M Z V R 9 U 3 V W U K X N 2 M 9 9 7 L T N X W 3 Q 4 V U 5 T O 3 4 U 6 R N 7 X K 1 Q M U 6 9 V O 8 P K 3 2 4 N 5 S 8 5 Z P R O 3 Y T R W Z U 2 O V 1 7 X P 4 1 6 W 4 K S 5 O L X R P Y 5 2 S T N O 6 W X M 4 L 5 8 W S N 7 Z 5 8 Z 1 W 3 V P M L 8 9 K 4 3 U V K 1 Q 6 X R T 2 M ALPHADOKU Both the puzzles contain 9 x 9 sudokus but with the letters R to Z. NUMBERFIT Fit the listed numbers into the grid. 1 2 digits: 12 14 19 27 41 94 3 digits: 226 371 377 425 434 436 533 753 4 digits: 1447 1571 2192 2432 2652 2872 5 digits: 24383 29343 6 digits: 132341 186261 421214 473139 795239 942576 8 digits: 22767241 62323513 2 2 digits: 15 25 27 28 36 43 48 54 3 digits: 339 356 462 477 573 935 4 digits: 2669 3876 5979 9035 5 digits: 56207 67973 7 digits: 3292699 3326944 5567821 7819582 9 digits: 628307492 826683745 884948372 3 U Y T X Y S S V Z V S Y R W Z R W U T U V X R U Z R W Y X U Y Z S X T S R V Y T X U V Z R U 2 digits: 49 69 73 87 3 digits: 106 129 174 319 570 681 739 915 4 digits: 1298 1947 3982 4093 4966 7908 8898 9080 5 digits: 48398 76083 6 digits: 721646 769298 786718 888976 8 digits: 87687687 87688768

6 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge REMEMBER WHEN The following events all occurred in living memory. Can you guess the year? A 1. Muppets creator Jim Henson was born 2. Charlie Chaplin starred in Modern Times 3. Amy Johnson made a return flight from London to Cape Town in record time 4. Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov died Arrowword Stop Cake No longer in motion (2,4) Yield Dried fruit Chooses Type of music Allow Weighing device Billie _, pictured Extend fully Cereal grass Makebelieve Be of use B 1. Humphrey Bogart starred in The Maltese Falcon 2. British scientist Richard Dawkins was born 3. The British government issued a recipe for ‘Blitz Broth’ 4. Noël Coward’s Blithe Spirit was premiered in London Parentless child Practise Feline Sacred Perspire Portable chair Own Winter sportspeople Cunning C 1. Actress Kathy Bates was born 2. Alec Guinness starred in Oliver Twist 3. The UK’s railways were nationalised 4. Director Sergei Eisenstein died South American country US state Small Jack _, comedian Top a cake Flavour Pub counter Started Sheep's noise Spoils QUICK QUIZ 1. Which English singer was born Harry Webb in 1940? 2. Which reef off the coast of NE Australia is the largest coral reef in the world? 3. Which admiral was knighted by Elizabeth I on board the Golden Hind in 1581? 4. Who became the first Roman Catholic president of the USA in 1961? 5. Which New Zealand mountaineer and explorer, along with Tenzing Norgay, was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest? 6. According to Greek mythology, into which part of Achilles’s body did Paris shoot a poisoned arrow? 7. Oahu is the most populous island of which US state? 8. Which Danish author of fairy tales wrote ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘The Ugly Duckling’? 9. Which cricket ground has been the home of the Middlesex County Cricket Club since 1877? 10. Which Irving Berlin musical was based on the life of Wild West sharpshooter Annie Oakley? Wheedle Line Attendant This is the _, 2013 film _ Legend, pictured Pigment Flag Paper folding Scope Bite Desert Church passage Mythical figure Insects Lover Incinerate Exiled Group of directors Latvian capital city Gemstone Hot drink Fit to eat Postpones Prima donna Canoe's oar Eiderdown At no time _ Eyre, singer Face _ Neeson, covering Eccentric Taken actor Leg bone Unwell CODEWORD This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representing the same letter. For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle. 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I S 2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I H Gesture Oval fruit Put down 3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Considers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 M O

WESTERN DAILY PRESS Saturday, December 18, 2021 7 TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge Giant Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ACROSS 1 Glacial mass (6) 5 Slightly drunk (5) 8 Fidel __, Cuban revolutionary (6) 10 Round (8) 14 Narrow bays (6) 16 Hospital rooms (5) 21 Comic verse (8) 22 Very bad (7) 23 Sport (7) 25 Delicate matter, informally (3,6) 26 Struggle (6) 27 Scots dialect word for cup (4) 28 Harden (3) 29 Covenant (8) 32 Mediterranean island (5) 33 African country whose capital is Bamako (4) 34 Improvise (2-3) 35 Appear (4) 38 Find (6) 40 Short in duration (5) 42 Able to be spoken (13) 44 Intense beam of light (5) 46 Amphibious vehicle (10) 48 Flinches (6) 51 Protected (7) 54 In the end (10) 55 Spanish city (8) 59 Easily bent (6) 60 Savagely fierce (9) 62 East African country (7) 63 Grandmothers, informally (5) 64 Initial advantage (4,5) 67 Innumerable (9) 69 Short poem (5) 71 Substitute (7) 74 Stand for (9) 77 Middle Eastern country (6) 78 Recommend publicly (8) 81 Poorly formed ligature (10) 82 Spectre (7) 84 1978 musical film (6) 87 Nominees (10) 90 Anaesthetic (5) 92 Exaggeration (13) 95 Foot-operated lever (5) 96 Couch (6) 98 Mull, for example (4) 100 Proportion (5) 101 Weapons (4) 102 Seat (5) 104 Film-maker (8) 107 Farm animal (3) 109 __ Sandler, US comedy actor (4) 111 Spiritualists’ meeting (6) 112 Become withered (7,2) 114 Maid, for example (7) 117 Miscreant (7) 118 Word for word (8) 119 Comment directed to the audience (5) 120 __ Bannatyne, former Dragon’s Den entrepreneur (6) 121 Member of the French military police (8) 122 Suitable for both men and women (6) 123 Prison rooms (5) 124 Chatter (6) DOWN 2 American city (7) 3 Board game (5) 4 Personal (7) 5 Accepts (5) 6 Toy (9) 7 Type of toy (2-2) 8 Child’s magazine (5) 9 Legendary bird (3) 11 Type (3) 12 Groove (3) 13 Catchphrases (7) 14 M Eastern national (5) 15 Lavatory, informally (3) 17 Car parts (5) 18 Tempest (5) 19 Metallic element (4) 20 Line on a weather map (6) 24 Pulsate (5) 25 Spicy (3) 26 City in 77 Across (3,4) 30 Humanitarian organisation (init.) (3) 31 Disorderly, unruly (7) 34 Dull pain (4) 36 Pixie (3) 37 __ Washington, US actor (6) 38 Statute (3) 39 Ancient (7) 40 Advantage or sake (7) 41 Former French monetary unit (5) 42 __ Almodóvar, Spanish film director 43 __ John, UK musician (5) 44 Boiled sweet (5,4) 45 __ Lauren, designer (5) 47 __ Howard, US filmmaker (3) 49 Badly brought up (3-4) 50 Type of fruit (7) 52 Warship (9) 53 Flaw or mistake (7) 54 Oblivious (7) 56 Tendency or inclination (7) 57 Malady (7) 58 Freeview channel specialising in comedy (4) 61 Ridge of coral (4) 65 School bag (7) 66 Torture (7) 68 Small loose stones (5) 70 Part of a poem (5) 72 Commend (6) 73 Intense (7) 75 Set in the ground to grow (5) 76 Consume entirely (3,2) 79 Strange (3) 80 Allow (7) 83 Having therapeutic properties (9) 85 Stretch (3) 86 Capital of Norway (4) 88 Donkey (3) 89 Bold or adventurous (6) 91 Nevertheless (7) 93 Revises (5) 94 Time zone in New York (init.) (3) 96 Spice (7) 97 Inspect carefully (7) 98 Asian country (5) 99 Correct (5) 101 Noble title (5) 103 Jump on one foot (3) 105 Muslim prayer leader (4) 106 Unwind (5) 108 Breakers (5) 109 In pieces (5) 110 Body powder (4) 112 Pouch (3) 113 Keep a record of (3) 115 Spirit distilled from sugar cane (3) 116 Number of biblical commandments (3)

8 Saturday, December 18, 2021 WESTERN DAILY PRESS TEASER Your weekly puzzle challenge WORDSEARCH Here is a list of words related to the bathroom. Can you find them in the grid? The answers can be found running backwards or forwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. BATH BUBBLE BATH CANDLES CONDITIONER FLANNEL HAIRBRUSH LOOFAH MAKE-UP NAIL SCISSORS PERFUME RAZOR SHAMPOO SHOWER SOAP TISSUES TOILET TOOTHBRUSH TOOTHPASTE TOWEL TWEEZERS L O O F A H D S I T O S A T Y A C O N D I T I O N E R O R J R T O O T H P A S T E H D A X F L A N N E L M B I E S H K P R E S U Z H O A O E E U S B I T P M R V W I K Z B L R U J H I W S U B A M E F T M B R B H R L E E F L H U S O K H B R T H O W E L R E P N I K T R U A U Z Z I Z D E W H L M O I N B C B E A A E N P O E V O A W N S P A D R X R A Y T M T H X H A S X N A I L S C I S S O R S S E U S S I T Z R E W O H S E G S H A M P O O Q R K C P Q Y Solutions NINERS Each number from 1 to 9 represents a different letter. Solve the clues and insert the letters in the appropriate squares to discover a word which uses all nine letters. 1 367462 gives a religious building 2 6958462 gives a church building 51476 gives a religious group SPORTWORD A test of knowledge for the sporting enthusiast 1 8 10 14 18 22 2 3 4 19 7 13 21 11 9 17 20 23 15 5 12 6 16 1677242 gives a musical instrument 4358 gives a musical instrument 9385 gives a musical composition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACROSS 1. ..... Quarry, US heavyweight boxer nicknamed “The Bellflower bomber” (5) 4. ..... Bay Rowdies, US soccer club (5) 7. John Mikel ..., former Chelsea midfielder (3) 8. Tony ....., former Wigan Warriors Rugby League player (5) 9. Jonathan ...., Cape Town-born Warwickshire batsman (5) 10. Successful stop by a goalkeeper (4) 11. Martin ......, Man United defender 1972-83 (6) 14. David .’....., Aston Villa boss 2003-06 (6) 15. John ...., England Test cricketer 1965-76 (4) 18. Robbie ....., former Middlesbrough manager (5) 20. ..... di Maria, Argentina winger (5) 21 & 14D 1973 French Open men’s doubles winner (3,5) 22. Albert ....., Mallorca and ex-Liverpool winger (5) 23. Gordon ....., England 1966 World Cup goalkeeper (5) DOWN 1. Brian ....., 1972 Olympic middleweight judo bronzewinner (5) 2. Doug ......., former Aberdeen and Chelsea defender (7) 3. Joseph ...., former Nigeria and Everton defender (4) 4. Fred ......, England Test bowler 1955-75 (6) 5. Tony ..., 1989 British Open snooker champion (3) 6. ..... Ferdinand, former Reading defender (5) 12. Paul ......., 2010 flat race champion jockey (7) 13. Mikel ......, former Arsenal midfielder (6) 14. See 21 Across 16. 2008 Six Nations Champions (5) 17. Allan ...., South Africaborn former England cricket captain (4) 19. ... Mafe, 1990 Commonwealth men’s 200m bronze medal winner (3) Giant Sudoku L O Y 6 R P X Q S U T 9 Z 7 V 4 N 2 8 1 W 5 3 K M 5 8 N T 3 L O 6 1 W 4 R 2 M Q S X 7 Z K P U 9 Y V M 9 1 S V N K R 4 T 5 8 W P Y L 3 U 6 O Q Z 7 2 X X 4 P U 2 8 7 5 Z 9 S 3 N 1 K Q W M V Y O T 6 L R K W Q Z 7 2 M V Y 3 X U 6 L O P 5 T R 9 8 S 4 N 1 6 L 3 7 S 1 N P W R 9 T O 2 Z X K 8 4 V U Q 5 M Y 4 U V 2 M 3 T 8 6 Y N 1 Q K S W 9 L P 5 Z 7 X R O P 5 O X 9 4 Q S L Z V 7 U 8 3 M 6 Y N R T K 1 W 2 8 R K N Q 9 2 M X O 6 Y P W 5 T Z 1 U 7 3 L V 4 S W Y Z 1 T K V 7 U 5 R M X 4 L O 2 3 S Q N 8 P 6 9 S 2 6 3 P V R U 8 Q Y O L 9 7 5 4 X T N M 1 W Z K Y 1 4 5 O S 6 W P 2 M Z T V R K L Q 9 U 7 3 8 X N V QWR U 7 L Z 5 K P X 1 N 8 2 M S Y 3 4 9 O T 6 9 7 M 8 L Y 1 T N X W K 3 Q 4 6 P R O Z S V 2 U 5 Z X T K N M 9 O 3 4 U 6 5 S 2 V 1 W 7 8 Y R L P Q 3 N 7 L X T Y K R 1 Q 4 M U 6 9 S V 5 W 2 O Z 8 P O K 9 Q Z X S 3 M P 8 2 V T W U R 4 L 6 1 Y N 5 7 U S 8 4 6 Q 5 L 7 N Z P R O X 3 Y K 1 2 9 W M V T T M R W 5 Z U 2 O V 3 L 9 Y 1 8 7 N X P K 6 Q S 4 1 V 2 P Y 6 W 4 9 8 K S 7 5 N Z Q O M T L X R 3 U R P L Y 1 5 8 X 2 S 7 V K Z T N O 9 3 M 6 4 U Q W Q 6 X M 4 O 3 9 T L 2 5 Y R U 1 8 P W S V N K 7 Z 2 T 5 9 8 U Z N K 7 1 W 4 3 M Y V 6 Q X R P S O L N Z S OWR P Y V M L Q 8 6 9 7 U 5 K 4 X 2 T 1 3 7 3 U V K W 4 1 Q 6 O N S X P R T Z 2 L 5 M Y 9 8 Alphadoku V U Y X S Z Y W R T W U R V X S R Z V T X S Z U R W Z V T Y W Y T U V S X X R S Z T U Y W Y W V Z X T S R U T Z U R S X W Z V S X Y V T S Y U W X R W T U R Y V Z T R V U X W Z X S Y V Z S T U W R Y Y R Z S V U X W T U Z W S V T S W Y Z T R X Y S X W R U V X U R T Y V Z Y Z X R S V U W X T V T W U R Z V Y X S Y T S W Z R U Numberfit 1 Arrowword H C S O S P G A T E A U P I P E R L D L E T R E A T R E S T S W E A T A C A T H A V E O R P H A N S E D A N E A L A S K A I C E B C H I L E L I T T L E B A R E L D Y E A B E A U C A J O L E R A N G E G I R O W E N S I G N B U R N U S H E R I S A D O N I S E N D O P A L T E A G R B E D S P R E A D D I V A O D D E G N E V E R I L L P A D D L E T I B I A M O L I V E L A Y S I G N A L D E E M S Codeword 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 G W E J O F T X H S A Y R 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6 7 2 4 1 9 4 1 5 7 1 8 4 3 4 2 2 2 6 2 8 7 2 2 1 9 2 5 3 3 2 4 3 6 7 1 4 4 7 4 1 6 2 3 2 3 5 1 3 7 9 5 2 3 9 2 3 3 2 6 9 4 4 7 5 6 2 0 7 5 8 2 6 6 8 3 7 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Q U B I V Z D L K N C P M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W X B M L P U N J D E G V 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 T O Q Z K I C H S F Y R A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 R W I J P H C E T O A Z B 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 U X D K N Y M Q G L V S F 1 5 9 3 5 3 6 9 0 7 5 4 5 7 3 2 8 8 8 4 9 4 8 3 7 2 2 6 7 9 7 3 1 3 2 9 2 6 9 9 3 8 7 6 8 7 6 8 7 7 3 9 8 2 6 3 1 9 9 1 5 0 2 7 8 6 7 1 8 4 9 6 6 4 0 9 3 8 8 8 9 7 6 4 3 1 2 9 1 7 4 9 9 0 8 0 9 8 7 6 8 8 7 6 8 Quick Quiz 1 Cliff Richard; 2 Great Barrier Reef; 3 Sir Francis Drake; 4 John F. Kennedy; 5 Sir Edmund Hillary; 6 His heel; 7 Hawaii; 8 Hans Christian Andersen; 9 Lord’s; 10 Annie Get Your Gun. Giant Crossword Across: 1 Icecap, 5 Tipsy, 8 Castro, 10 Circular, 14 Inlets, 16 Wards, 21 Limerick, 22 Abysmal, 23 Cricket, 25 Hot potato, 26 Tussle, 27 Tass, 28 Set, 29 Contract, 32 Crete, 33 Mali, 34 Ad-lib, 35 Seem, 38 Locate, 40 Brief, 42 Pronounceable, 44 Laser, 46 Hovercraft, 48 Winces, 51 Guarded, 54 Ultimately, 55 Valencia, 59 Pliant, 60 Ferocious, 62 Somalia, 63 Nanas, 64 Head start, 67 Countless, 69 Lyric, 71 Replace, 74 Represent, 77 Israel, 78 Advocate, 81 Grannyknot, 82 Phantom, 84 Grease, 87 Candidates, 90 Ether, 92 Overstatement, 95 Pedal, 96 Settee, 98 Isle, 100 Ratio, 101 Bows, 102 Chair, 104 Director, 107 Cow, 109 Adam, 111 Seance, 112 Shrivel up, 114 Servant, 117 Villain, 118 Verbatim, 119 Aside, 120 Duncan, 121 Gendarme, 122 Unisex, 123 Cells, 124 Natter. Down: 2 Chicago, 3 Chess, 4 Private, 5 Takes, 6 Plaything, 7 Yo-yo, 8 Comic, 9 Roc, 11 Ilk, 12 Rut, 13 Slogans, 14 Iraqi, 15 Loo, 17 Axles, 18 Storm, 19 Zinc, 20 Isobar, 24 Throb, 25 Hot, 26 Tel Aviv, 30 NGO, 31 Riotous, 34 Ache, 36 Elf, 37 Denzel, 38 Law, 39 Archaic, 40 Benefit, 41 Franc, 42 Pedro, 43 Elton, 44 Lemon drop, 45 Ralph, 47 Ron, 49 Illbred, 50 Satsuma, 52 Destroyer, 53 Demerit, 54 Unaware, 56 Leaning, 57 Illness, 58 Dave, 61 Reef, 65 Satchel, 66 Torment, 68 Scree, 70 Canto, 72 Praise, 73 Extreme, 75 Plant, 76 Eat up, 79 Odd, 80 Entitle, 83 Medicinal, 85 Eke, 86 Oslo, 88 Ass, 89 Daring, 91 However, 93 Edits, 94 EST, 96 Saffron, 97 Examine, 98 India, 99 Emend, 101 Baron, 103 Hop, 105 Imam, 106 Relax, 108 Waves, 109 Apart, 110 Talc, 112 Sac, 113 Log, 115 Rum, 116 Ten. Wordsearch L O O F A H D S I T O S A T Y A C O N D I T I O N E R O R J R T O O T H P A S T E H D A X F L A N N E L M B I E S H K P R E S U Z H O A O E E U S B I T P M R V W I K Z B L R U J H I W S U B A M E F T M B R B H R L E E F L H U S O K H B R T H O W E L R E P N I K T R U A U Z Z I Z D E W H L M O I N B C B E A A E N P O E V O A W N S P A D R X R A Y T M T H X H A S X N A I L S C I S S O R S S E U S S I T Z R E W O H S E G S H A M P O O Q R K C P Q Y Remember When A. 1936; B. 1941; C. 1948. Niners 1. HYPOCRITE: PRIORY, RECTORY, CHOIR 2. POULTICED: PICCOLO, LUTE, DUET Sportword Across: 1. Jerry; 4. Tampa; 7. Obi; 8. Clubb; 9. Trott; 10. Save; 11. Buchan; 14. O’Leary; 15. Snow; 18. Keane; 20. Angel; 21. Tom; 22. Riera; 23. Banks. Down: 1. Jacks; 2. Rougvie; 3. Yobo; 4. Titmus; 5. Meo; 6. Anton; 12. Hanagan; 13. Arteta; 14. Okker; 16. Wales; 17. Lamb; 19. Ade.