Area Code Lookup and Reverse Area Code Search

Area Codes In USA

Do you know, that a lot of area codes exist outside of the United States territory? At all there are 405 area codes in the world: 326 of them in the US, 42 in Canada, 17 non-geographic, and almost 20 are in the Caribbean and other regions. Such area codes are located in the Pacific including 684 (American Samoa), 671 (Guam), and 670 (Northern Mariana Islands). US California contains 34 different area codes, in Texas - 27 codes, in New York - 19, in Florida - 17, in Illinois - 13. Just 12 US states only have their unique single area code. The differnce between USA and Canada is that none of US area codes cross state boundaries, but 3 area codes in Canada cross province boundaries.

Format of a Telephone Number: (NPA) NXX-XXXX

In the United States of America, Canada, and the Caribbean, the organization and allocation of telephone numbers is governed by the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA). NANPA organizes the allocation of area codes and telephone prefixes to various phone companies. The basic format of a phone number in any of these countries is NPA-NXX-XXXX or (NPA) NXX-XXXX.

Welcome to Free Area Codes Directory! We are what we say we are - a cell phone numbers directory where you can run a reverse search to lookup cell phone numbers. In the current day and age we live in it is becoming very difficult to find the owners of phone numbers. As you can imagine this is becoming more difficult do to the popularity of moible phones. Our cell phone numbers directory gives you the information you need on all phone numbers located in the United States, Canada, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. To start looking up and searching cell phone numbers simply select the State/Providence of the phone number you are searching for. You can also enter the phone number in the search box and click the custom search button.