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0 DESC:manner How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ? DESC
1 ENTY:cremat What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ? ENTY
2 DESC:manner How can I find a list of celebrities ' real names ? DESC
3 ENTY:animal What fowl grabs the spotlight after the Chinese Year of the Monkey ? ENTY
4 ABBR:exp What is the full form of .com ? ABBR
5 HUM:ind What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? HUM
6 HUM:gr What team did baseball 's St. Louis Browns become ? HUM
7 HUM:title What is the oldest profession ? HUM
8 DESC:def What are liver enzymes ? DESC
9 HUM:ind Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West . HUM
10 NUM:date When was Ozzy Osbourne born ? NUM
11 DESC:reason Why do heavier objects travel downhill faster ? DESC
12 HUM:ind Who was The Pride of the Yankees ? HUM
13 HUM:ind Who killed Gandhi ? HUM
14 ENTY:event What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ? ENTY
15 LOC:state What sprawling U.S. state boasts the most airports ? LOC
16 DESC:desc What did the only repealed amendment to the U.S. Constitution deal with ? DESC
17 NUM:count How many Jews were executed in concentration camps during WWII ? NUM
18 DESC:def What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ? DESC
19 DESC:def What is an annotated bibliography ? DESC
20 NUM:date What is the date of Boxing Day ? NUM
21 ENTY:other What articles of clothing are tokens in Monopoly ? ENTY
22 HUM:ind Name 11 famous martyrs . HUM
23 DESC:desc What 's the Olympic motto ? DESC
24 DESC:desc What is the origin of the name ` Scarlett ' ? DESC
25 ENTY:letter What 's the second-most-used vowel in English ? ENTY
26 HUM:ind Who was the inventor of silly putty ? HUM
27 LOC:other What is the highest waterfall in the United States ? LOC
28 ENTY:other Name a golf course in Myrtle Beach . ENTY
29 LOC:state Which two states enclose Chesapeake Bay ? LOC
30 ABBR:exp What does the abbreviation AIDS stand for ? ABBR
31 ENTY:other What does a spermologer collect ? ENTY
32 NUM:count How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ? NUM
33 HUM:gr Which company that manufactures video-game hardware sells the `` super system '' ? HUM
34 NUM:count How many Community Chest cards are there in Monopoly ? NUM
35 DESC:desc What do Mormons believe ? DESC
36 NUM:date When did the neanderthal man live ? NUM
37 ENTY:religion In what religion was Isis the nature goddess ? ENTY
38 LOC:other Where do the adventures of `` The Swiss Family Robinson '' take place ? LOC
39 ENTY:animal What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ? ENTY
40 DESC:manner How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ? DESC
41 ENTY:other What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ? ENTY
42 NUM:count How many people in the world speak French ? NUM
43 NUM:count How many inches over six feet is the Venus de Milo ? NUM
44 DESC:manner How do they find or choose witnesses to an execution ? DESC
45 HUM:ind What 1920s cowboy star rode Tony the Wonder Horse ? HUM
46 ENTY:food What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ? ENTY
47 HUM:gr What ISPs exist in the Caribbean ? HUM
48 DESC:manner How do you ask a total stranger out on a date ? DESC
49 ENTY:other What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ? ENTY
50 LOC:country What country do the Galapagos Islands belong to ? LOC
51 DESC:def What is ethology ? DESC
52 HUM:ind Who was the prophet of the Muslim people ? HUM
53 DESC:desc Where did the term `` 86ed '' come from ? DESC
54 HUM:ind Who is Snoopy 's arch-enemy ? HUM
55 DESC:def What is the nature of learning ? DESC
56 ENTY:color What 's the only color Johnny Cash wears on stage ? ENTY
57 ENTY:termeq What 's the term for a young fox ? ENTY
58 LOC:state What U.S. state lived under six flags ? LOC
59 DESC:def What is the Kashmir issue ? DESC
60 LOC:other Where is the Loop ? LOC
61 DESC:def What does `` extended definition '' mean and how would one write a paper on it ? DESC
62 LOC:country What country 's capital is Tirana ? LOC
63 DESC:def What is titanium ? DESC
64 HUM:ind Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ? HUM
65 LOC:city Which city has the oldest relationship as a sisterðcity with Los Angeles ? LOC
66 DESC:def What is a caldera ? DESC
67 DESC:reason Why do people get calluses ? DESC
68 LOC:other What are the names of the tourist attractions in Reims ? LOC
69 DESC:reason What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ? DESC
70 LOC:other What body of water does the Danube River flow into ? LOC
71 HUM:ind Who is the founder of Scientology ? HUM
72 ENTY:other What does the six-footed Musca domestica become when it enters a house ? ENTY
73 DESC:desc What is the history of skateboarding ? DESC
74 HUM:ind Who starred in Singing in the Rain and The Singing Nun ? HUM
75 DESC:manner How do I make fuel bricks from recycled newspaper ? DESC
76 HUM:ind What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ? HUM
77 ENTY:body The corpus callosum is in what part of the body ? ENTY
78 DESC:manner How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ? DESC
79 LOC:country What country did the Nazis occupy for 1 , CD NNS IN NNP NNP NNP . LOC
80 ENTY:other What is Nebraska 's most valuable resource ? ENTY
81 NUM:count How many species of the Great White shark are there ? NUM
82 DESC:desc What is the origin of head lice ? DESC
83 LOC:state What is the nickname for the state of Mississippi ? LOC
84 ENTY:animal What was the first domesticated bird ? ENTY
85 NUM:count How many villi are found in the small intestine ? NUM
86 LOC:country What country did King Wenceslas rule ? LOC
87 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of shadows ? ENTY
88 HUM:ind Who were the five Marx brothers ? HUM
89 NUM:date In which year was New Zealand excluded from the ANZUS alliance ? NUM
90 NUM:date When did CNN begin broadcasting ? NUM
91 DESC:reason What causes the body to shiver in cold temperatures ? DESC
92 DESC:def What are bear and bull markets ? DESC
93 ENTY:cremat What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ? ENTY
94 DESC:def What is `` dew point '' ? DESC
95 DESC:def What is the meaning of Jesus ? DESC
96 HUM:gr What company 's logo is a `` W '' in a circle ? HUM
97 DESC:def What is the definition of a cascade ? DESC
98 NUM:date When did Rococo painting and architecture flourish ? NUM
99 LOC:country What country 's national passenger rail system is called Via ? LOC
100 HUM:ind Who invented Make-up ? HUM
101 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word `` attic '' ? DESC
102 DESC:desc What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ? DESC
103 ENTY:animal What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ? ENTY
104 HUM:ind Which of the following was Rhodes Scholar ? HUM
105 HUM:ind Who comprised the now-defunct comic book team known as the Champions ? HUM
106 DESC:manner How do you make a paintball ? DESC
107 LOC:state What U.S. state is Fort Knox in ? LOC
108 ENTY:animal What is a female rabbit called ? ENTY
109 LOC:mount Where is the highest point in Japan ? LOC
110 DESC:desc Where do chihuahuas come from ? DESC
111 LOC:other Where does Barney Rubble go to work after he drops Fred off in the `` Flintstones '' cartoon series ? LOC
112 LOC:other What are the world 's four oceans ? LOC
113 ENTY:cremat What 's the only work by Michelangelo that bears his signature ? ENTY
114 ENTY:animal What is the largest snake in the world ? ENTY
115 ENTY:cremat In what medium is Stuart Hamblen considered to be the first singing cowboy ? ENTY
116 LOC:other Where on the Internet can I find a song lyrics database similar to the International Lyrics Server ? LOC
117 NUM:money How much money does a back injury lawsuit get ? NUM
118 ENTY:termeq What 's the common name for acetylsalicylic acid ? ENTY
119 DESC:def What does the Georgetown `` Hoya '' mean ? DESC
120 LOC:other Where can I find a list of `` classic '' books 5th and 6th graders should read ? LOC
121 ENTY:product Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ? ENTY
122 DESC:manner How is the election of a new Pope announced to the world ? DESC
123 NUM:period How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ? NUM
124 DESC:manner How do chickens have baby chicks ? DESC
125 DESC:desc What is the historical relationship of Catholic Church and bingo ? DESC
126 DESC:manner How was the element calcium named ? DESC
127 HUM:ind What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol Packin Mama ? HUM
128 HUM:gr What piano company claims its product is the `` Instrument of the immortals '' ? HUM
129 NUM:date When did the Bounty mutiny take place ? NUM
130 ENTY:cremat What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ? ENTY
131 DESC:def What is a transistor ? DESC
132 ENTY:cremat What is a film starring Jude Law ? ENTY
133 ENTY:animal What Hollywood dog died in the arms of Jean Harlow in 1932 ? ENTY
134 ENTY:substance What are the most common elements in the Earth 's crust ? ENTY
135 NUM:money How much would it cost to purchase a 2-foot-square party tent , with sides , ? NUM
136 HUM:ind What actress has received the most Oscar nominations ? HUM
137 DESC:def What are equity securities ? DESC
138 DESC:def What is gymnophobia ? DESC
139 NUM:count How many years do fossils take to form ? NUM
140 LOC:other Where is the Orinoco ? LOC
141 ENTY:animal What was the name of the `` Little Rascals '' dog ? ENTY
142 LOC:city What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ? LOC
143 ENTY:cremat What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes 's Don Quixote ? ENTY
144 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word , JJ . DESC
145 NUM:count How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid ? NUM
146 DESC:manner How you can raise your IQ ? DESC
147 ABBR:exp What does INRI stand for when used on Jesus ' cross ? ABBR
148 HUM:gr Who produces Spumante ? HUM
149 HUM:ind Who earns their money the hard way ? HUM
150 HUM:ind Who founded the People 's Temple Commune ? HUM
151 HUM:ind What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ? HUM
152 NUM:count How many bends are there in a standard paper clip ? NUM
153 HUM:ind Who discovered electricity ? HUM
154 ENTY:body What part of your body contains the corpus callosum ? ENTY
155 HUM:ind Who was the first American in space ? HUM
156 LOC:country What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ? LOC
157 ENTY:cremat What album put The Beatles on the cover of Time in 1967 ? ENTY
158 ENTY:cremat What poem contains the line , `` grow old with me the best is yet to be '' . ENTY
159 DESC:def What is a dental root canal ? DESC
160 ENTY:event What war did the Wanna-Go-Home Riots occur after ? ENTY
161 NUM:date What is the busiest air travel season ? NUM
162 ENTY:body What 's the colored part of the eye called ? ENTY
163 DESC:def What are hook worms ? DESC
164 LOC:other Where is the Rose Bowl played ? LOC
165 HUM:gr Which Japanese car maker had its biggest percentage of sale in the domestic market ? HUM
166 HUM:ind Who is the mayor of Marbella ? HUM
167 LOC:other What sun-blasted , 14-mile wide valley is just north of the Mojave desert ? LOC
168 NUM:date In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ? NUM
169 NUM:count How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ? NUM
170 LOC:other Where are the 49 steps ? LOC
171 NUM:date In what year was De Gaulle elected president of France ? NUM
172 HUM:ind Who sings the themes for `` Dawson 's Creek '' and `` Felicity '' ? HUM
173 HUM:ind Who directed `` Jaws '' ? HUM
174 ENTY:cremat On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found ? ENTY
175 HUM:gr What Indian tribe is F Troop perpetually doing battle with ? HUM
176 DESC:desc Where did Indian Pudding come from ? DESC
177 DESC:reason Why do some clothing labels say `` Use a nonchlorine bleach '' ? DESC
178 NUM:count How many colonies were involved in the American Revolution ? NUM
179 LOC:city What is the name of the city that Maurizio Pellegrin lives in ? LOC
180 LOC:other Where can I find pictorial directions on how to build a very simple treehouse ? LOC
181 ENTY:sport What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ? ENTY
182 HUM:ind What is the name of the managing director of Apricot Computer ? HUM
183 HUM:title What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ? HUM
184 DESC:reason Why do horseshoes bring luck ? DESC
185 DESC:def What is the 401 , K , plan ? DESC
186 DESC:reason What causes pneumonia ? DESC
187 NUM:date What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere ? NUM
188 DESC:def What does gringo mean ? DESC
189 LOC:country What country contains Africa 's northernmost point ? LOC
190 ENTY:dismed What therapy attempts to elicit the `` primal scream '' ? ENTY
191 LOC:other Where is the Kalahari desert ? LOC
192 HUM:gr Which Ventura County police department seized the largest cocaine shipment in it 's history ? HUM
193 LOC:city What city is sometimes called Gotham ? LOC
194 ENTY:body What dangles over the tongue from the palate ? ENTY
195 HUM:ind Who created Dennis the Menace ? HUM
196 HUM:ind What dummy received an honorary degree from Northwestern University ? HUM
197 NUM:date When was the first Wall Street Journal published ? NUM
198 LOC:country What countries have the largest areas of forest ? LOC
199 DESC:manner How do I start a web based business ? DESC
200 HUM:ind Name Alvin 's brothers HUM
201 DESC:def What is Eagle 's syndrome styloid process ? DESC
202 DESC:manner How did Jayne Mansfield die ? DESC
203 NUM:date When did the royal wedding of Prince Andrew and Fergie take place ? NUM
204 HUM:ind What actor said in A Day at the Races : `` Either he 's dead or my watch has stopped '' ? HUM
205 HUM:ind What explorer was nicknamed Iberia 's Pilot ? HUM
206 NUM:date CNN began broadcasting in what year ? NUM
207 ENTY:termeq What is a ball that hits the foul pole called ? ENTY
208 DESC:reason What makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers ? DESC
209 HUM:gr Which company created the Internet browser Mosaic ? HUM
210 ENTY:event What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ? ENTY
211 ENTY:other What was the education system in the 1960 's ? ENTY
212 LOC:city What South American city has the world 's highest commercial landing field ? LOC
213 DESC:manner How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ? DESC
214 DESC:reason What is Betsy Ross famous for ? DESC
215 NUM:count How many species of sharks are there ? NUM
216 DESC:def What is `` snoogans '' ? DESC
217 NUM:count How many people are there in the world ? NUM
218 ENTY:plant What shrubs can be planted that will be safe from deer ? ENTY
219 HUM:gr What organization 's offices were broken into at Watergate in 1972 ? HUM
220 DESC:desc What is the design of the ship Titanic ? DESC
221 ABBR:exp What does S.O.S. stand for ? ABBR
222 ENTY:techmeth Name a technique widely used to detect birth defects ? ENTY
223 DESC:desc What is the daily requirement of folic acid for an expectant mother ? DESC
224 DESC:def What is the `` 7-minute cigarette '' ? DESC
225 ENTY:other What four forms does gold occur in ? ENTY
226 NUM:volsize What is the acreage of the Chappellet vineyard ? NUM
227 DESC:manner How do you correctly say the word ` qigong ' ? DESC
228 NUM:date When did beethoven die ? NUM
229 NUM:money How much does a new railroad coal car cost ? NUM
230 LOC:country What two European countries entered the War of American Independence against the British ? LOC
231 DESC:def What is the filmmakers collabrative ? DESC
232 HUM:ind What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ? HUM
233 DESC:reason What caused Harry Houdini 's death ? DESC
234 HUM:ind Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ? HUM
235 NUM:count How many revolutions does a standard LP make in three minutes ? NUM
236 LOC:mount What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world ? LOC
237 LOC:other Where can I find a review of Nightmare on Elm Street in a film journal ? LOC
238 ENTY:techmeth What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ? ENTY
239 HUM:ind What was the name of the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk ? HUM
240 ENTY:dismed What disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito ? ENTY
241 ENTY:food What rum is so `` mixable '' it is a one-brand bar ? ENTY
242 NUM:count How many South American countries have the letter Z in their names ? NUM
243 DESC:def What is the contents of proposition 98 ? DESC
244 LOC:other Where was George Washington born ? LOC
245 NUM:count How many people on the ground were killed from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie , Scotland , December 21 , CD . NUM
246 HUM:ind Who wrote NN DT NNP NNP '' ? HUM
247 DESC:def What is paracetamol ? DESC
248 DESC:desc What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ? DESC
249 ENTY:animal Which mosquito 's bite draws blood , DT NN CC DT NN . ENTY
250 NUM:date When was the first steel mill in the United States built ? NUM
251 HUM:ind What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ? HUM
252 DESC:desc What is the origin of the name Katie ? DESC
253 HUM:gr What schools in the Washington , DC NN NN VBP NN NN NN NN . HUM
254 NUM:date When did the Berlin Wall go up ? NUM
255 HUM:desc Who is Terrence Malick ? HUM
256 ENTY:instru What instrument is Ray Charles best known for playing ? ENTY
257 DESC:def What 's the meaning of the Latin battle cry : Ad arma , ad arma . DESC
258 ENTY:other What is the mascot for Notre Dame University ? ENTY
259 LOC:other What Las Vegas hotel burned in November , 1980 , with the loss of 84 lives ? LOC
260 NUM:date When did Mount St. Helen last have a significant eruption ? NUM
261 ABBR:exp CNN is the abbreviation for what ? ABBR
262 NUM:date When did World War I start ? NUM
263 NUM:count How many feet are there in a fathom ? NUM
264 DESC:def What is a Canada two-penny black ? DESC
265 LOC:city What European city do Nicois live in ? LOC
266 DESC:manner How can I find out what year a Beanie Baby was introduced ? DESC
267 DESC:def What is the classic definition of tragic hero ? DESC
268 ENTY:other To what does Microsoft 's Windows 3 owe its success ? ENTY
269 HUM:ind Who was President of Afghanistan in 1994 ? HUM
270 ENTY:techmeth What are other ways of getting stretch marks besides pregnancy , weight loss , and weight lifting ? ENTY
271 ENTY:food What did brontosauruses eat ? ENTY
272 ENTY:color What color bottles do good Rhine wines come in ? ENTY
273 HUM:ind Who was the lead actress in the movie ` Sleepless in Seattle ' ? HUM
274 HUM:ind Who was the 16th President of the United States ? HUM
275 HUM:ind Who are the two sons of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson ? HUM
276 DESC:def What is molybdenum ? DESC
277 NUM:date When is Boxing Day ? NUM
278 ENTY:other What is the lowest level of the American judiciary ? ENTY
279 NUM:date When was the battle of the Somme fought ? NUM
280 NUM:count How many people did Randy Craft kill ? NUM
281 ENTY:animal What 's the official animal of Canada ? ENTY
282 NUM:date When did Spielberg direct `` Jaws '' ? NUM
283 NUM:volsize What is the size of the largest akita ? NUM
284 ENTY:animal What animal has the biggest eyes ? ENTY
285 LOC:city What is California 's capital ? LOC
286 HUM:ind Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ? HUM
287 HUM:ind Who was the founding member of the Pink Floyd band ? HUM
288 LOC:country What European country is home to the beer-producing city of Budweis ? LOC
289 DESC:manner How do I find the balance of my social security account ? DESC
290 DESC:desc What is the history of Valentine 's Day cards ? DESC
291 LOC:other Where was Christopher Columbus born ? LOC
292 ENTY:termeq What do Italians call Florence ? ENTY
293 DESC:manner How do you get to the top of the Eiffel Tower ? DESC
294 ABBR:exp What does ` PSI ' stand for ? ABBR
295 LOC:other What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum ? LOC
296 ENTY:termeq What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ? ENTY
297 ENTY:animal Which came first , according to Genesis 1 : 2 : 22 - the chicken or the egg ? ENTY
298 LOC:city What city did the Flintstones live in ? LOC
299 ENTY:termeq What is Latin for incompetent ? ENTY
300 ENTY:dismed What chemicals are used in lethal injection ? ENTY
301 HUM:gr What toy company is the world 's No.1 maker of female apparel ? HUM
302 ENTY:sport What board game does a `` wood-pusher '' play poorly ? ENTY
303 HUM:ind Which Doonesbury character was likely to turn into a werewolf ? HUM
304 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviation for micro ? ABBR
305 ENTY:other What are the 7 articles of the constitution ? ENTY
306 HUM:gr Who has won the most Super Bowls ? HUM
307 ABBR:exp What does NASDAQ stand for ? ABBR
308 ABBR:exp What is BPH ? ABBR
309 ENTY:other What is the fastest commercial automobile that can be bought in the US ? ENTY
310 LOC:other What stadium do the Miami Dolphins play their home games in ? LOC
311 HUM:ind Who has the only speaking role in `` Silent Movie '' ? HUM
312 DESC:reason Why is poop sometimes different colors ? DESC
313 NUM:other What was Einstein 's IQ ? NUM
314 NUM:date What day was Pearl Harbor attacked in 1942 ? NUM
315 HUM:ind What girl 's name is `` Teddy '' an affectionate form of ? HUM
316 LOC:state What state is John F. Kennedy buried in ? LOC
317 ENTY:techmeth What is the best way to remove wallpaper ? ENTY
318 LOC:state What U.S. state has an element named for it ? LOC
319 HUM:gr What company tabulates the ballots in voting for the Academy Awards ? HUM
320 DESC:manner How did the tradition of best man start ? DESC
321 NUM:count How many years ago did the ship Titanic sink ? NUM
322 LOC:other What is the deepest area of the Arctic Ocean ? LOC
323 ENTY:color What are Halloween 's colors ? ENTY
324 DESC:manner How is silk screening done ? DESC
325 NUM:other What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ? NUM
326 HUM:ind Who made a boat out of gopher wood ? HUM
327 LOC:other Where can I find a `` Fifth Element '' screensaver ? LOC
328 HUM:ind Which Bloom County resident wreaks havoc with a computer ? HUM
329 DESC:manner How do you match a name to a social security number ? DESC
330 DESC:manner How does a rainbow form ? DESC
331 NUM:other What is the normal resting heart rate of a healthy adult ? NUM
332 NUM:other What is the population of Ohio ? NUM
333 NUM:count How many calories are there in a Big Mac ? NUM
334 DESC:def Hazmat stands for what ? DESC
335 ENTY:animal What creature scares people in the film `` Jaws '' ? ENTY
336 HUM:ind What part did John Peter Zenger play in the deveopment of the newspaper in America ? HUM
337 HUM:ind Who followed Caesar ? HUM
338 ENTY:substance What are the four elements ? ENTY
339 HUM:ind Who was the first woman golfer to earn a million ? HUM
340 ENTY:other What 's the tallest piece on a chessboard ? ENTY
341 LOC:other What is 's address ? LOC
342 LOC:other Where can I buy movies on videotape online ? LOC
343 HUM:ind Who does the advertizing for Frito-Lay ? HUM
344 HUM:gr Who is the leading competitor of Trans Union Company ? HUM
345 ENTY:product What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ? ENTY
346 HUM:ind Who invented the radio ? HUM
347 NUM:count What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ? NUM
348 ENTY:techmeth What are the different approaches of systems analysis ? ENTY
349 DESC:manner How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ? DESC
350 HUM:ind Who is the man behind the pig-the man who pulls the strings and speaks for Miss Piggy ? HUM
351 NUM:speed What is the speed of the Mississippi River ? NUM
352 ENTY:other What are the developmental stages of a swimmer ? ENTY
353 HUM:ind What actor first portrayed James Bond ? HUM
354 LOC:other What ocean is the largest in the world ? LOC
355 HUM:ind Who was the first American poet to win the Nobel Prize for literature , in 1948 ? HUM
356 NUM:date What year did Jack Nicklaus join the Professional Golfers Association tour ? NUM
357 NUM:count How many sonnets did Shakespeare write ? NUM
358 DESC:reason What causes the redness in your cheeks when you blush ? DESC
359 HUM:ind Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 ? HUM
360 HUM:gr Who are the Challengers of the Unknown ? HUM
361 DESC:def Define the Pheonix Club ? DESC
362 LOC:city Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ? LOC
363 DESC:def What does it mean `` Rupee Depreciates '' ? DESC
364 ENTY:other What gaming devices were dubbed `` Mississippi marbles '' and `` Memphis dominoes '' ? ENTY
365 HUM:ind Who was the first coach of the Cleveland Browns ? HUM
366 DESC:manner How successful is arometherapy ? DESC
367 ENTY:event What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ? ENTY
368 DESC:manner How does a copier work ? DESC
369 NUM:speed What is the speed of the Mississippi River ? NUM
370 HUM:ind Who said of Super Bowl III in 1969 : `` We 'll win- I guarantee it '' ? HUM
371 ENTY:animal What is Dudley Do-Right 's horse 's name ? ENTY
372 HUM:ind Who declared : `` I am down on whores and I shan 't stop ripping them '' ? HUM
373 LOC:other Where does chocolate come from ? LOC
374 ENTY:cremat What TV game show once saw a contestant admit to picking his toes in the shower ? ENTY
375 HUM:ind What Soviet leader owned a Rolls-Royce ? HUM
376 LOC:other Where can I find a case on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991 ? LOC
377 ENTY:event What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in ? ENTY
378 HUM:ind Who wrote the song , `` Stardust '' ? HUM
379 NUM:count How many Beatles ' records went #1 ? NUM
380 HUM:ind Who is the only prime minister of Canada to serve 22 years but not necessarily consecutively ? HUM
381 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ? ABBR
382 LOC:mount What mountains lie between the Arkansas and Missouri rivers ? LOC
383 HUM:ind Who received the Will Rogers Award in 1989 ? HUM
384 DESC:reason What is the function of RAM ? DESC
385 LOC:other What 's the closest G2 Spectrum Yellow Dwarf to Earth ? LOC
386 NUM:count How many equal angles are there in an isosceles triangle ? NUM
387 ENTY:dismed What is the fear of cockroaches called ? ENTY
388 ENTY:cremat What CBS soap opera was interrupted by the bulletin of John F. Kennedy 's assassination ? ENTY
389 DESC:desc What is the use of a 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock ? DESC
390 HUM:ind What was the name of the lawyer who represented Randy Craft ? HUM
391 HUM:ind What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ? HUM
392 ENTY:cremat What film did Lee Marvin win the 1965 best actor Oscar for ? ENTY
393 LOC:other Where is Basque country located ? LOC
394 ENTY:product What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ? ENTY
395 NUM:date What time of day did Emperor Hirohito die ? NUM
396 DESC:def What is dry ice ? DESC
397 ENTY:other What 's the most powerful card in Euchre ? ENTY
398 DESC:def What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ? DESC
399 NUM:count How many years did it take James Joyce to write Ulysses ? NUM
400 ENTY:food What crop failure caused the Irish Famine ? ENTY
401 LOC:city What South Korean city is served by Kimpo International Airport ? LOC
402 NUM:count How many types of dogs ' tails are there - three NUM
403 ENTY:cremat What is the longest-running television series ? ENTY
404 ENTY:animal What predators exist on Antarctica ? ENTY
405 DESC:desc What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ? DESC
406 DESC:manner How is energy created ? DESC
407 ENTY:food What beer advertised that it had `` three rings '' ? ENTY
408 NUM:other What is the quantity of American soldiers still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ? NUM
409 ENTY:techmeth What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on December 12 ENTY
410 ENTY:other What are the different types of plastic ? ENTY
411 DESC:manner How is it correct to say ` qigong ' ? DESC
412 LOC:mount What was the highest mountain on earth before Mount Everest was discovered ? LOC
413 LOC:other Where was the Ligurian Republic , 1797-185 , ? LOC
414 LOC:country What country 's people are the top television watchers ? LOC
415 NUM:date When was the women 's suffrage amendment ratified ? NUM
416 HUM:gr What Polynesian people inhabit New Zealand ? HUM
417 ENTY:cremat What movie tour of the Roman empire features the admonition : `` Row well and live '' ? ENTY
418 LOC:city What Nevada center has been dubbed The Biggest Little City in the World ? LOC
419 HUM:ind What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ? HUM
420 DESC:reason Give a reason for American Indians oftentimes dropping out of school . DESC
421 LOC:other Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ? LOC
422 DESC:desc What is the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning ? DESC
423 LOC:state In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ? LOC
424 DESC:desc What are some interesting facts and information about dogsledding ? DESC
425 NUM:date What year did Hitler die ? NUM
426 HUM:ind What famous model was married to Billy Joel ? HUM
427 ENTY:animal What kind of animal is Babar ? ENTY
428 DESC:reason What is Jane Goodall known for ? DESC
429 ENTY:other What killed Bob Marley ? ENTY
430 NUM:money How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ? NUM
431 HUM:ind Who danced into stardom with Fred Astaire in 1941 's You 'll Never Get Rich ? HUM
432 HUM:desc Who is Stein Eriksen ? HUM
433 DESC:def What does the name Billie mean ? DESC
434 HUM:ind Who is the fastest swimmer in the world ? HUM
435 LOC:mount What is the highest peak in Africa ? LOC
436 LOC:other Where is Procter & Gamble headquartered in the U.S. ? LOC
437 LOC:other What desert has been called The Garden of Allah ? LOC
438 ENTY:other What do bicornate animals have two of ? ENTY
439 DESC:reason What function does a community 's water tower serve ? DESC
440 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of weakness ? ENTY
441 NUM:count How many miles is it to Ohio from North Carolina ? NUM
442 NUM:count How much snow equals an inch of rain ? NUM
443 ABBR:exp What does G.M.T. stand for ? ABBR
444 DESC:def What does Inuit and Eskimo mean ? DESC
445 ENTY:cremat What song served as the closing theme of The Johnny Cash Show ? ENTY
446 ENTY:sport What field sport did dentist William Beers promote and write a standard book of rules for ? ENTY
447 DESC:manner How do I tie dye clothes ? DESC
448 NUM:date When does the average teenager first have intercourse ? NUM
449 DESC:reason Why doesn 't have any answers to my questions ? DESC
450 HUM:ind What actor 's autobiography is titled All My Yesterdays ? HUM
451 HUM:ind What Russian master spy lived in the U.S. under the name Emil Goldfus ? HUM
452 LOC:other Where 's the 19th hole on a golf course ? LOC
453 DESC:reason What 's nature 's purpose for tornadoes ? DESC
454 HUM:ind Who played the original Charlie 's Angels ? HUM
455 LOC:other Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ? LOC
456 ENTY:word What English word comes from the Old French covrefeu , meaning cover fire ? ENTY
457 ENTY:instru What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ? ENTY
458 LOC:other Where did Sarge Steel get his metal hand ? LOC
459 DESC:reason What makes popcorn pop ? DESC
460 HUM:ind Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ? HUM
461 ENTY:body Where does your hair grow the fastest ? ENTY
462 LOC:country What country did King Gustav V reign over from 197 to 195 ? LOC
463 HUM:ind Who painted Mother and Child ? HUM
464 NUM:speed What is the speed of the Mississippi River ? NUM
465 LOC:other In what area of the world was the Six Day War fought ? LOC
466 LOC:other What is the brightest star visible from Earth ? LOC
467 ENTY:cremat What film marked Robert Redford 's directorial debut ? ENTY
468 HUM:ind What was Mao 's second name ? HUM
469 ENTY:cremat What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ? ENTY
470 LOC:other Where do hyenas live ? LOC
471 HUM:desc Who is the `` Queen Mother '' ? HUM
472 ENTY:lang What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ? ENTY
473 HUM:ind Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ? HUM
474 DESC:def What are Maid-Rites ? DESC
475 ENTY:cremat What children 's tale contains the line : `` Come , Cinderslut , and hold this skein of wool for me '' ? ENTY
476 HUM:gr What level of government or governmental agency is responsible for dealing with racism ? HUM
477 NUM:count How many referees work a soccer game ? NUM
478 ENTY:food What cocktail do you concoct with whisky and sweet vermouth ? ENTY
479 ENTY:termeq How do you say `` fresh '' in Spanish ? ENTY
480 DESC:desc What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ? DESC
481 DESC:reason What caused the Lynmouth floods ? DESC
482 NUM:date When is the Tulip Festival in Michigan ? NUM
483 HUM:ind Who came up with the name , El Nino ? HUM
484 ENTY:cremat What movie did Madilyn Kahn star in with Gene Wilder ? ENTY
485 ENTY:other What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge ? ENTY
486 HUM:ind What dictator has the nickname `` El Maximo '' ? HUM
487 HUM:gr What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ? HUM
488 LOC:city What U.S. city is The Queen of the Pacific ? LOC
489 HUM:ind What TV sitcom character had the maiden name Ethel Potter ? HUM
490 ENTY:food What was the first Lifesaver flavor ? ENTY
491 HUM:ind Who kept the most famous diary in the English language ? HUM
492 LOC:other Where can I find out the top 1 singles ? LOC
493 NUM:count How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ? NUM
494 HUM:ind What Spanish artist painted Crucifixion ? HUM
495 ENTY:cremat What is the Jewish bible called ? ENTY
496 DESC:reason Why is the grass green ? DESC
497 DESC:def What is a firewall ? DESC
498 HUM:ind What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ? HUM
499 HUM:gr Which oil company almost picked a word that meant `` stalled car '' in Japanese as its new international name ? HUM
500 NUM:period How long does it take for Spider-Man 's web to evaporate ? NUM
501 HUM:ind Who was Randy Steven Craft 's lawyer ? HUM
502 LOC:other What was known as the Spice Island ? LOC
503 HUM:ind Who was the first host of Person to Person ? HUM
504 HUM:ind Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear . HUM
505 ENTY:other What deck of cards includes the Wheel of Fortune , the Lovers , and Death ? ENTY
506 ENTY:other What does the Statue of Liberty wear on her feet ? ENTY
507 HUM:ind Who is the superstar in rent-a-cars ? HUM
508 LOC:city McCarren Airport is located in what city ? LOC
509 ENTY:other What household facility contains a float ball , ballcock , and overflow tube ? ENTY
510 ENTY:animal What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ? ENTY
511 NUM:perc What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ? NUM
512 ENTY:substance What was the Bridge of San Luis Rey made of ? ENTY
513 DESC:desc What do economists do ? DESC
514 LOC:country What country has the largest sheep population ? LOC
515 DESC:desc What do I need to do to take my dog with me to live in Dominica , West Indies for a year ? DESC
516 LOC:country What country is the world 's largest importer of cognac ? LOC
517 NUM:count How many years is Johnnie Walker Black Label aged ? NUM
518 ABBR:exp What does SIDS stand for ? ABBR
519 ENTY:other What is Grenada 's main commodity export ? ENTY
520 NUM:money How much would a black-and-white 1-cent stamp be worth , Thomas Jefferson on it , ? NUM
521 DESC:reason What makes a clitoris sensitive ? DESC
522 LOC:country What country has the most time zones , with 11 ? LOC
523 ENTY:other What `` magic '' does Mandrake employ ? ENTY
524 HUM:ind Who is the president of Stanford University ? HUM
525 HUM:ind Whose first presidential order was : `` Let 's get this goddamn thing airborne '' ? HUM
526 ENTY:other What was introduced commercially by Bayer A.G. of Leverkusen , in 1899 ? ENTY
527 LOC:city What city is Logan Airport in ? LOC
528 DESC:def What is a nanometer ? DESC
529 NUM:count How many innings are there in a regulation softball game ? NUM
530 NUM:date When did CNN go on the air ? NUM
531 LOC:city What is the largest city on the Great Lakes ? LOC
532 NUM:code What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ? NUM
533 HUM:ind Who invented baseball ? HUM
534 NUM:count How many wives did Brigham Young have ? NUM
535 ENTY:product What product on the market is good for hiding facial scars ? ENTY
536 NUM:dist How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ? NUM
537 LOC:city What city gained renown for its pea-soup fogs ? LOC
538 DESC:def What does `` Janelle '' mean ? DESC
539 DESC:manner How do I get another city 's newspaper ? DESC
540 ENTY:cremat Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner . ENTY
541 HUM:ind Who was shot in the back during a Poker game in Deadwood , the Dakota territory ? HUM
542 DESC:desc What are the distinct physical characterstics of the Arabian horse ? DESC
543 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of thunder ? ENTY
544 ENTY:animal What animal has killed the most people ? ENTY
545 NUM:count How many colleges are in Wyoming ? NUM
546 LOC:city What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ? LOC
547 LOC:other Where can stocks be traded on-line ? LOC
548 NUM:date When was the Battle of Hastings ? NUM
549 ENTY:other What kind of file has the extension .dbf ? ENTY
550 NUM:date When did Muhammad live ? NUM
551 ENTY:termeq What then-derogatory term was applied to the painters Monet , Sisley , Pissarro , Renoir and Degas ? ENTY
552 DESC:def What is a wop ? DESC
553 DESC:desc Where do rocks come from ? DESC
554 DESC:manner How do I stop background noise in a car stereo ? DESC
555 LOC:mount Where do people mountain climb in Nepal ? LOC
556 HUM:gr What is the best college in the country ? HUM
557 DESC:def What is viscosity ? DESC
558 ENTY:cremat What was the name of the sitcom that Alyssa Milano starred in with Tony Danza ? ENTY
559 LOC:country What are the Nordic nations ? LOC
560 LOC:other Where on the Internet can I get information about the Fifth Amendment on the American Bill of Rights ? LOC
561 LOC:state What U.S. state borders Illinois to the north ? LOC
562 ENTY:cremat Name a film in which Jude Law acted . ENTY
563 NUM:temp What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ? NUM
564 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of bees ? ENTY
565 ENTY:cremat What Vladimir Nabokov novel features Professor Humbert in love with a 12-year-old girl ? ENTY
566 DESC:def What is a green bog ? DESC
567 LOC:other Where did the myth of Santa Claus originate ? LOC
568 ENTY:other What does a chairbound basophobic fear ? ENTY
569 LOC:city What city is served by Logan International Airport ? LOC
570 HUM:ind What wrestling star became `` The Incredible Hulk '' ? HUM
571 LOC:other What attracts tourists to Reims ? LOC
572 ENTY:sport What game do Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson play in The Cincinnati Kid ? ENTY
573 ENTY:other What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ? ENTY
574 DESC:def What 's an auberge in France ? DESC
575 HUM:ind Who was the star of the 1965 Broadway hit Golden Boy ? HUM
576 LOC:other Where is Procter & Gamble based in the U.S. ? LOC
577 HUM:gr What army was founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine ? HUM
578 ENTY:substance What does ribavirin consist of ? ENTY
579 ENTY:food Name the soft drink that is `` number one in the sun . '' ENTY
580 LOC:other What is the web address of the list of e-mail addresses of members of the House of Representatives ? LOC
581 HUM:ind What was her real name ? HUM
582 DESC:reason Why are the ears your center of balance ? DESC
583 HUM:ind Who invented the toothbrush ? HUM
584 ENTY:cremat What was the name of that popular song the Creeps sang ? ENTY
585 LOC:other Where is the Abominable Snowman said to wander ? LOC
586 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of being alone ? ENTY
587 NUM:count How many dots make up the symbol for `` because '' ? NUM
588 ENTY:food What do you get by adding Lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk ? ENTY
589 ABBR:exp When reading classified ads , what does EENTY : other stand for ? ABBR
590 NUM:count How many hearts does an octopus have ? NUM
591 ENTY:plant What plant has the largest seed ? ENTY
592 LOC:country What was the only country you were allowed to drive into Israel from in 1979 ? LOC
593 ENTY:other What 's approaching when a cyclist shouts : `` Oil '' ? ENTY
594 HUM:ind What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ? HUM
595 ENTY:sport What kind of sport is often associated with hooligans ? ENTY
596 HUM:ind What video game hero do some of his fans call Chomper ? HUM
597 NUM:count How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball ? NUM
598 ENTY:word What is the longest word in the English language ? ENTY
599 LOC:other In What city or state do the most gay men live in ? LOC
600 HUM:ind What TV comediennes 's characters include former movie star Nora Desmond , secretary Mrs. Wiggins and a housewife named Eunice ? HUM
601 ENTY:animal What is `` the bear of beers '' ? ENTY
602 ENTY:other Name the operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines . ENTY
603 DESC:def What does the name `` Justin '' mean ? DESC
604 NUM:perc What percentage of the body is muscle ? NUM
605 ENTY:color What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ? ENTY
606 ENTY:substance What is a golf ball made of ? ENTY
607 DESC:def What is the Amish religion ? DESC
608 NUM:money What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ? NUM
609 HUM:gr What was the name of the 187s Irish terrorist group in Pennsylvania mining areas ? HUM
610 HUM:ind Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ? HUM
611 HUM:ind Who died 1 feet from where John F. Kennedy did ? HUM
612 DESC:def What is the `` coppertop '' battery ? DESC
613 ENTY:symbol What sign is The Water Carrier the zodiacal symbol for ? ENTY
614 ENTY:animal What animals do you find in the stock market ? ENTY
615 DESC:def What is color ? DESC
616 NUM:date When is the site going to open ? NUM
617 ENTY:cremat What did Shostakovich write for Rostropovich ? ENTY
618 HUM:ind What first name was Nipsy Russell given at birth ? HUM
619 DESC:manner How can I get some free technical information on Electric Vehicle ? DESC
620 HUM:ind Who is the youngest of the Beatles ? HUM
621 DESC:manner How did shipyard inspector James J. Kilroy designate equipment as being satisfactory ? DESC
622 DESC:def What is a Jellicle Cat ? DESC
623 LOC:other Where can I find the best free evidence for debate about Russia ? LOC
624 LOC:other What is Bill Gates of Microsoft E-mail address ? LOC
625 ENTY:substance What is the second hardest substance ? ENTY
626 DESC:reason Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ? DESC
627 LOC:city What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ? LOC
628 NUM:date When is Bastille Day ? NUM
629 DESC:reason What makes a tornado turn ? DESC
630 NUM:count How many shots can a stock M16 hold ? NUM
631 ENTY:color What two colors are you blind to if you suffer from protanopia ? ENTY
632 DESC:reason Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ? DESC
633 HUM:desc Who is Coronado ? HUM
634 ENTY:cremat What was the name of the movie that starred Sharon Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger ? ENTY
635 DESC:def What is artificial intelligence ? DESC
636 ENTY:food What do flatfish eat ? ENTY
637 HUM:ind Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor ? HUM
638 ENTY:other What can I use to remove the stubborn gummed labels from some diskettes ? ENTY
639 NUM:date What day of the week sees the most fatal car accidents ? NUM
640 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word , magic ? DESC
641 ENTY:sport What sport do you shag flies in ? ENTY
642 DESC:def What is white chocolate ? DESC
643 LOC:other Where is Trinidad ? LOC
644 HUM:gr Name the organization that is presided by a Security Council . HUM
645 HUM:ind Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ? HUM
646 ENTY:food What kind of wine is Spumante ? ENTY
647 HUM:ind Who portrayed portly criminologist Carl Hyatt on Checkmate ? HUM
648 ENTY:termeq How do you say I love you in Spanish ? ENTY
649 DESC:def What does the name Gina mean ? DESC
650 ENTY:product What is the most advanced handheld calculator in the world ? ENTY
651 NUM:speed How fast is light ? NUM
652 ENTY:termeq What is the belt of low pressure around the equator called ? ENTY
653 DESC:def What are shooting stars ? DESC
654 HUM:gr Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ? HUM
655 NUM:date When was the first American encyclopedia published ? NUM
656 LOC:other What 's the tallest building in New York City ? LOC
657 DESC:manner How is Easter Sunday 's date determined ? DESC
658 DESC:desc What is the Motto for the State of Maryland ? DESC
659 HUM:desc Who is Desmond Tutu ? HUM
660 LOC:other Where can I find information on the Narragansett Indians and other tribes in Rhode Island ? LOC
661 ENTY:animal Name a tiger that is extinct . ENTY
662 NUM:count How many quarters equal a pound ? NUM
663 ENTY:cremat What kind of books does Fodor 's publish ? ENTY
664 HUM:ind What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ? HUM
665 NUM:ord What chapter of the Bible has the most verses ? NUM
666 HUM:ind Who is the worst US President ever ? HUM
667 HUM:ind What Asian leader was known as The Little Brown Saint ? HUM
668 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviated expression for the National Bureau of Investigation ? ABBR
669 NUM:speed How fast does the fastest car go ? NUM
670 LOC:mount What is the highest mountain in the world ? LOC
671 LOC:other What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ? LOC
672 HUM:ind Who sings the song `` Drink to me with thine eyes '' by Ben Johnson ? HUM
673 NUM:period How long should a person wash their hands before they are clean ? NUM
674 LOC:other Which way do you turn your Bic to increase the flame - clockwise or counterclockwise ? LOC
675 LOC:country Which is the wealthiest country in the world ? LOC
676 DESC:manner How can I find a phone number of someone if I only know their email address ? DESC
677 DESC:manner How can you contact play producers and promoters on-line ? DESC
678 HUM:ind Who is the monarch of the United Kingdom ? HUM
679 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of passing high objects ? ENTY
680 DESC:desc What do players try to do when the music stops in a game of musical chairs ? DESC
681 HUM:ind What are the top ten most common girl names in the US ? HUM
682 DESC:reason Why is black the color of mourning in the West ? DESC
683 ENTY:other What is the rarest coin ? ENTY
684 ENTY:cremat What Judith Rossner novel was made into a film starring Diane Keaton ? ENTY
685 LOC:country Which country is Australia 's largest export market ? LOC
686 LOC:other Where is the Kentucky Horse Park located ? LOC
687 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of parasites ? ENTY
688 ENTY:sport In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ? ENTY
689 HUM:ind Who does data collection in tourism ? HUM
690 HUM:ind What was the name of the daughter of the Virginia chief Powhatan that married John Rolfe ? HUM
691 LOC:state What is the leading pecan and peanut growing state ? LOC
692 DESC:desc What does a nihilist believe in ? DESC
693 DESC:desc What did Richard Feynman say upon hearing he would receive the Nobel Prize in Physics ? DESC
694 ENTY:sport In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ? ENTY
695 HUM:ind Who were the four famous founders of United Artists ? HUM
696 ENTY:cremat What 2 statues did France give to other countries ? ENTY
697 DESC:def What are amphibians ? DESC
698 NUM:count How many sperm cells are in an average ejaculation ? NUM
699 ENTY:product Name the disposable razor that `` costs about 19 cents . '' ENTY
700 NUM:dist How far do you have to run if you hit a home run ? NUM
701 HUM:ind Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ? HUM
702 HUM:gr Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ? HUM
703 LOC:other Where are the tropical rain forest distributions ? LOC
704 HUM:ind What 's the nickname of oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder ? HUM
705 ENTY:dismed What is the fear of being loved ? ENTY
706 NUM:other What was the number of people that Randy Steven Craft was convicted of killing ? NUM
707 HUM:title What was Queen Victoria 's title regarding India ? HUM
708 DESC:manner How is a hydrogen bomb different from a nuclear bomb ? DESC
709 NUM:dist How far can a man travel in outer space ? NUM
710 LOC:other Where was Lincoln assassinated ? LOC
711 ENTY:food What type of food makes you fat ? ENTY
712 ENTY:dismed What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ? ENTY
713 NUM:count What was the U.S. highway death toll in 1969 ? NUM
714 ENTY:animal What kind of animals are Dorsets , Lincolns , Oxfords and Southdowns ? ENTY
715 ENTY:cremat What are the shortest and the longest songs ever produced ? ENTY
716 ENTY:letter What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ? ENTY
717 DESC:desc What is the origin and the meaning of the name , `` Hajo ? '' DESC
718 ENTY:word What is the plural of gulf ? ENTY
719 HUM:ind Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ? HUM
720 NUM:date What year did the United States pass the Copyright law ? NUM
721 NUM:perc What percentage of Americans own their homes ? NUM
722 NUM:date What 's the first day of the week ? NUM
723 LOC:city What city was President William McKinley shot in ? LOC
724 LOC:city What city has the world 's longest subway system ? LOC
725 HUM:ind Who claimed he killed 4 , 280 buffalo as food for the crew building the Kansas Pacific Railway ? HUM
726 DESC:def What is Bombay duck ? DESC
727 NUM:count How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ? NUM
728 HUM:ind What double talking `` professor '' holds a doctorate in Nothing ? HUM
729 LOC:city What are the five most expensive cities in the world ? LOC
730 HUM:ind What 19th-century writer had a country estate on the Hudson dubbed Sunnyside ? HUM
731 NUM:count How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ? NUM
732 DESC:def What is a virtual IP address ? DESC
733 HUM:ind What was the name of the cook on Rawhide ? HUM
734 LOC:other What county is Chicago in ? LOC
735 NUM:dist What is the wingspan of a condor ? NUM
736 DESC:desc What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ? DESC
737 HUM:ind Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage . HUM
738 DESC:manner How can I transport files from one computer to another ? DESC
739 ENTY:termeq What 's the literary term for a play on words ? ENTY
740 ENTY:color What color were their horses ? ENTY
741 NUM:money What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ? NUM
742 HUM:ind What author landed a 468-pound marlin without harness in the early 193 's ? HUM
743 NUM:count How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ? NUM
744 ENTY:other What kind of education do I need to become a flight attendant ? ENTY
745 ENTY:lang What are the two languages of Malta ? ENTY
746 NUM:count How many oceans are there and name them ? NUM
747 DESC:desc What happened during the Blackhawk Indian war of 1832 ? DESC
748 NUM:count How many pairs of legs does a lobster have ? NUM
749 DESC:def What does the Latin ante mortem mean ? DESC
750 DESC:def What does the name Shawn mean ? DESC
751 LOC:other Where is the Danube ? LOC
752 HUM:ind What lawyer won the largest divorce settlement , $85 million , in U.S. history for Sheika Dena Al-Farri ? HUM
753 ENTY:animal What do you call a group of geese ? ENTY
754 HUM:ind Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ? HUM
755 NUM:count How many times has `` Louie , Louie '' been recorded ? NUM
756 DESC:manner How is different from ? DESC
757 LOC:other What is the longest place name in the U.S. ? LOC
758 NUM:perc What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ? NUM
759 LOC:other Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ? LOC
760 ENTY:cremat What was Mel Gibson 's first movie ? ENTY
761 DESC:reason Why was the L.A. office of Shea and Gould closed ? DESC
762 DESC:manner How do I start a bank ? DESC
763 DESC:manner How do Ouija Boards work ? DESC
764 ENTY:animal What horse did Zorro ride ? ENTY
765 DESC:manner How do you get a broken cork out of a bottle ? DESC
766 LOC:other Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ? LOC
767 DESC:manner How do you determine heating requirements for your home ? DESC
768 HUM:ind What former major-league left-handed baseball pitcher was known as `` Space Man '' ? HUM
769 ENTY:product Which hair care product told us `` hate that gray , wash it away '' ? ENTY
770 DESC:reason Why did the chicken cross the road ? DESC
771 HUM:ind What was Michelangelo 's last name ? HUM
772 HUM:desc Who is Barbara Jordan ? HUM
773 HUM:ind Who was the Democratic nominee in the American presidential election ? HUM
774 ENTY:cremat What was Connecticut 's first constitution called ? ENTY
775 ENTY:event What historical event happened in Dogtown in 1899 ? ENTY
776 DESC:def What is being done about the millennium bug ? DESC
777 DESC:reason What was the claim to fame of King Camp Gillette ? DESC
778 ENTY:dismed What is the most common kind of skin cancer in the U.S. ? ENTY
779 DESC:def What is Olestra ? DESC
780 LOC:country What Asian country has a bill of rights for cows ? LOC
781 NUM:count How many fingers are used to draw a bow ? NUM
782 ENTY:plant What are two plants that clothes are made from ? ENTY
783 NUM:date When was Hurricane Hugo ? NUM
784 ENTY:food What is the most heavily caffeinated soft drink ? ENTY
785 HUM:ind What President-to-be was the first member of Congress to enlist following the attack on Pearl Harbor ? HUM
786 NUM:money What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ? NUM
787 NUM:date When was `` the Great Depression '' ? NUM
788 ENTY:lang What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ? ENTY
789 HUM:gr What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ? HUM
790 DESC:manner How do you solve `` Rubik 's Cube '' ? DESC
791 DESC:def What is prepared mustard ? DESC
792 HUM:ind What classical Spanish writer warned : `` All that glitters is not gold '' ? HUM
793 DESC:def What does `` antidisestablishmentarianism '' mean ? DESC
794 HUM:ind What actor married John F. Kennedy 's sister ? HUM
795 ENTY:dismed What does a topophobic actor suffer from ? ENTY
796 HUM:ind Who fired Maria Ybarra from her position in San Diego council ? HUM
797 NUM:period The italian artist , Maurizio Pellegrin , is how old ? NUM
798 ENTY:other What type of hunting are retrievers used for ? ENTY
799 DESC:reason What is Colin Powell best known for ? DESC
800 HUM:ind Who was the first black golfer to tee off in the Masters ? HUM
801 LOC:city What city is the setting for Puccini 's opera La Boheme ? LOC
802 HUM:ind What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ? HUM
803 DESC:def What is measured in curies ? DESC
804 HUM:ind Whose cover is that of an employee of Universal Import and Export ? HUM
805 HUM:ind What former president 's daughter has written a book titled Murder in the White House ? HUM
806 HUM:ind What fictional character is known as the `` melancholy Dane '' ? HUM
807 ENTY:product Italy is the largest producer of what ? ENTY
808 HUM:ind What longtime game show host dropped dead while jogging in Central Park in 1984 ? HUM
809 DESC:def What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? '' DESC
810 HUM:ind Who were the `` filthiest people alive ? '' HUM
811 ENTY:dismed What infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ? ENTY
812 DESC:def What is Spumante ? DESC
813 NUM:date In what year did Ireland elect its first woman president ? NUM
814 DESC:def What is an isthmus ? DESC
815 ENTY:animal What was the name of the orca that died of a fungal infection ? ENTY
816 LOC:other Where is Mozambique located ? LOC
817 ENTY:animal What is Mississippi 's state animal ? ENTY
818 DESC:desc What 's the origin of the word ` news ' ? DESC
819 ENTY:other What did Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi quit Saturday Night Live to become ? ENTY
820 NUM:count How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ? NUM
821 DESC:manner How do fuel injectors work ? DESC
822 DESC:manner How can your school march in the Macy 's Thanksgiving Parade ? DESC
823 HUM:ind What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ? HUM
824 ENTY:veh What Italian liner was hijacked in 1985 ? ENTY
825 LOC:city What city houses the U.S. headquarters of Procter and Gamble ? LOC
826 ENTY:product What soap was touted as being `` for people who like people '' ? ENTY
827 NUM:money How much was the minimum wage in 1991 ? NUM
828 ABBR:exp What does NAFTA stand for ? ABBR
829 HUM:ind Who invented silly putty ? HUM
830 HUM:gr What new middle school was built in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania last year ? HUM
831 HUM:ind Who patented the first phonograph ? HUM
832 ENTY:techmeth What are some tips for building a fire in a fireplace ? ENTY
833 ENTY:food What do manatees eat ? ENTY
834 ENTY:termeq How do you say 2 in Latin ? ENTY
835 ENTY:cremat What were popular songs and types of songs in the 1920s ? ENTY
836 NUM:count How many Vietnamese were there in the Soviet Union ? NUM
837 ENTY:other What is November 's birthstone ? ENTY
838 DESC:def What is a Certified Nurse Midwife ? DESC
839 NUM:count On average , how many miles are there to the moon ? NUM
840 HUM:ind Who created private detective Philip Marlowe ? HUM
841 ENTY:cremat What Boris Pasternak book sold 5 , 0 copies to become the fiction best-seller of 1958 ? ENTY
842 DESC:desc What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ? DESC
843 ENTY:word What is the longest English word ? ENTY
844 DESC:reason What is the purpose of a car bra ? DESC
845 DESC:reason What is D.B. Cooper known for ? DESC
846 HUM:desc Who is Colin Powell ? HUM
847 ENTY:animal What species is a colt ? ENTY
848 ABBR:exp What is the full name of the PLO ? ABBR
849 LOC:country What is the smallest country in Africa ? LOC
850 HUM:ind Who coined the term NN cyberspace `` in his novel NN Neuromancer '' ? HUM
851 ENTY:event What age followed the Bronze Age ? ENTY
852 HUM:title What is her profession ? HUM
853 HUM:ind What is the full name of the man who invented the multicolored game cube that has 42.3 quintillion potential combinations ? HUM
854 ABBR:exp What does the word LASER mean ? ABBR
855 DESC:def What does the name `` Anthony '' mean ? DESC
856 HUM:ind Who was Lauren Bacall 's first husband ? HUM
857 DESC:def What is a rhomboideus minor ? DESC
858 NUM:count How many hands does Bjorn Borg use when hitting his forehand ? NUM
859 NUM:count How many people died on D-Day ? NUM
860 HUM:ind What U.S. Congressman said : `` Keep the faith , baby '' . HUM
861 HUM:ind Who created the character of Scrooge ? HUM
862 NUM:other What is the student population at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ? NUM
863 LOC:other Where is Windsor Castle ? LOC
864 NUM:date When did the Dow first reach ? NUM
865 DESC:reason Why were people recruited for the Vietnam War ? DESC
866 HUM:gr What party was Winston Churchill a member of ? HUM
867 HUM:gr What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ? HUM
868 LOC:other Where can I find the names of all the 15 Pokemon ? LOC
869 LOC:state What state does Martha Stewart live in ? LOC
870 ENTY:animal Which killer whale died at Sea World of a fungal infection ? ENTY
871 LOC:country What are the Benelux countries ? LOC
872 LOC:other Where 's the Petrified Forest ? LOC
873 ENTY:lang What is a language spoken by the Sioux ? ENTY
874 LOC:other Where is Tornado Alley ? LOC
875 HUM:ind Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ? HUM
876 HUM:ind What American poet wrote : `` Good fences make good neighbors '' ? HUM
877 LOC:state What state in the U.S. has the most blacks ? LOC
878 DESC:reason Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ? DESC
879 HUM:title What was the occupation of Mandy Rice-Davies ? HUM
880 LOC:city What is the city in which Maurizio Pellegrin lives called ? LOC
881 HUM:ind Who painted the Sistine Chapel ? HUM
882 HUM:ind Name the various costumed personas of Dr. Henry Pym . HUM
883 ENTY:animal What breed of dog was the `` Little Rascals '' dog ? ENTY
884 DESC:desc What are the living conditions in Cuba ? DESC
885 ENTY:color What color are school buses ? ENTY
886 LOC:other What is the oldest website on the Internet ? LOC
887 ENTY:event What events happened January 26 , 1978 ? ENTY
888 HUM:ind What explorers followed Columbus to the Americas ? HUM
889 HUM:ind Who is actress Goldie Hawn 's current actor boyfriend ? HUM
890 HUM:ind Who banned Peter Rose from baseball for betting on games ? HUM
891 DESC:def What are the seven virtues ? DESC
892 ENTY:termeq What other name were the `` Little Rascals '' known as ? ENTY
893 NUM:date When was the San Francisco fire ? NUM
894 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of food ? ENTY
895 NUM:count How many casinos are in Atlantic City , NJ ? NUM
896 NUM:date What year did the Vietnam War end ? NUM
897 HUM:ind What are the names of Richard Nixon 's two daughters ? HUM
898 ENTY:word What 's the word for broken glass or sharp rocks embedded in cement on top of a wall ? ENTY
899 NUM:count What is the chromosome number of an elephant ? NUM
900 HUM:gr What organization was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell ? HUM
901 LOC:other What 's the longest river in the world ? LOC
902 ENTY:food Which soft drink does Madonna advertise for ? ENTY
903 HUM:gr What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ? HUM
904 NUM:date When was Berlin 's Brandenburg gate erected ? NUM
905 NUM:count How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ? NUM
906 NUM:date What year did Germany sign its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union ? NUM
907 LOC:mount What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world ? LOC
908 DESC:reason Why were the American soldiers in WWI called `` Doughboys '' DESC
909 HUM:ind Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ? HUM
910 NUM:count How many CDs has Garth Brooks sold ? NUM
911 ENTY:veh Name the vessel used by the Atari Force in the DC comics . ENTY
912 LOC:other Where are the leading medical groups specializing in lung diseases ? LOC
913 DESC:manner How can I find online spelling , and punctuation drills for my 6th grader ? DESC
914 LOC:other What 's the sacred river of India ? LOC
915 LOC:country What is Stefan Edberg 's native country ? LOC
916 ENTY:body What is the only gland in humans that can regenerate itself ? ENTY
917 NUM:count How many Gutenberg Bibles are there ? NUM
918 LOC:country Name the largest country in South America . LOC
919 ENTY:event What astronomical phenomenon takes place in Jan. 1999 ? ENTY
920 DESC:desc What information can you get me on Fairground Park in St. Louis DESC
921 HUM:ind What was American folk hero John Chapman 's nickname ? HUM
922 DESC:desc What is the difference between a median and a mean ? DESC
923 ENTY:cremat What was the top box office movie in April 1998 ? ENTY
924 DESC:reason What makes thunder ? DESC
925 HUM:ind What author did photographer Yousuf Karsh call `` the shiest man I ever met '' ? HUM
926 ENTY:other Which is the largest clock , diameter wise , in Europe ? ENTY
927 ENTY:plant What plant is rum made from ? ENTY
928 LOC:country What country are Godiva chocolates from ? LOC
929 HUM:ind Name the poet of the poem which begins : I do not know much about gods ; but I think that the river Is a strong brown god-sullen , and untamed ? HUM
930 ENTY:food Which condiment was once sold as a patent medicine ? ENTY
931 LOC:state What U.S. state records the least rainfall ? LOC
932 DESC:reason Why did the world enter a global depression in 1929 ? DESC
933 DESC:def What was archy , and mehitabel ? DESC
934 LOC:city What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ? LOC
935 ENTY:substance What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ? ENTY
936 LOC:country What country did the Nile River originate in ? LOC
937 ENTY:color What color are tennis balls ? ENTY
938 HUM:ind What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ? HUM
939 DESC:desc What excuse did the NATO people give for hitting the Chinese embassy ? DESC
940 HUM:ind Who was President of Costa Rica in 1994 ? HUM
941 ENTY:sport What sports event is Meyer Wolfsheim supposed to have fixed in The Great Gatsby ? ENTY
942 LOC:country What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy ? LOC
943 LOC:country What two countries share the Khyber Pass ? LOC
944 HUM:ind Who was chairman of the Senate select committee that tried to get to the bottom of Watergate ? HUM
945 DESC:desc What is the origin of the surname of Braun ? DESC
946 ENTY:sport What card game has variations called Canfield , Klondike and Spider ? ENTY
947 DESC:def What is Australia Day ? DESC
948 ENTY:animal What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ? ENTY
949 DESC:def What was the Chivington Massacre ? DESC
950 HUM:ind What actor starred in 1980 's Blue Lagoon , 1982 's The Pirate Movie and 1983 's A Night in Heaven ? HUM
951 NUM:count How many home runs did Lou Gehrig have during his career ? NUM
952 LOC:city In what city is the headquarters of Sinn Fein ? LOC
953 LOC:other Where can I find information on George Bush ? LOC
954 HUM:ind Who is the voice of Miss Piggy ? HUM
955 ENTY:termeq What is the dialogue circle in cartoons called ? ENTY
956 DESC:def What does the word camaro mean , from the GM car the Camaro ? DESC
957 HUM:ind Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ? HUM
958 NUM:count How many boys play the game in Winslow Homer 's 1872 painting Snap the Whip ? NUM
959 DESC:def What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ? DESC
960 NUM:date When are sheep shorn ? NUM
961 ENTY:sport What sport is Chris Jogis a top player of ? ENTY
962 LOC:other What 's the second-largest island in the world ? LOC
963 DESC:def What is the definition of low island ? DESC
964 NUM:date What century does Captain Video live in ? NUM
965 ENTY:other What types of water pollution are there ? ENTY
966 NUM:count How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ? NUM
967 ENTY:food What soft drink would provide me with the biggest intake of caffeine ? ENTY
968 ENTY:other What 's the name of a golf course in Myrtle Beach ? ENTY
969 ENTY:event What are some of the significant historical events of the 1990s ? ENTY
970 ENTY:cremat Name the only extant trilogy of classical Greek plays . ENTY
971 LOC:other Where is Logan Airport ? LOC
972 DESC:desc What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ? DESC
973 HUM:ind Who was the first person inducted into the U.S. Swimming Hall of Fame ? HUM
974 HUM:ind What golfer has been called Ohio Fats and Blobbo ? HUM
975 HUM:ind Who murdered Leno and Rosemary LaBianca on August 1 HUM
976 NUM:money What is the average cost for four years of medical school ? NUM
977 ENTY:other What does God create in the first sentence of the Bible ? ENTY
978 HUM:ind Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ? HUM
979 NUM:money What is the current ticket fare from from Cairo to Barbados ? NUM
980 ABBR:exp What does NN O `` mean when used as a prefix in Irish surnames ? ABBR
981 DESC:manner How do you find oxidation numbers ? DESC
982 LOC:state What is the state nickname of Mississippi ? LOC
983 DESC:reason What is Black Hills , South Dakota most famous for ? DESC
984 ENTY:cremat What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ? ENTY
985 NUM:count How many students attend the University of Massachusetts ? NUM
986 HUM:ind Who said , `` I shall return . '' during World War Two ? HUM
987 ENTY:event What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ? ENTY
988 HUM:ind Who portrayed Etta Place , companion to Butch Cassidey and the Sundance Kid ? HUM
989 DESC:def What are the Greek numerals ? DESC
990 LOC:other What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ? LOC
991 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of sleep ? ENTY
992 ENTY:sport What auto race was Wilbur Reed the first to win three times ? ENTY
993 ENTY:animal What are the most common breeding birds in the U.S. ? ENTY
994 ENTY:event What was organized as a Confederate veterans ' social club in Pulaski , in Tennessee , in 1866 ? ENTY
995 DESC:manner How do you look up criminal records on the Internet ? DESC
996 LOC:other Where is the actress , Marion Davies , buried ? LOC
997 DESC:desc What is an example of an actual case of using the Fourteenth Amendment ? DESC
998 HUM:ind Who was the Charlie perfume woman ? HUM
999 HUM:ind Who portrayed `` Rosanne Rosanna-Dana '' on the television show `` Saturday Night Live '' ? HUM
1000 HUM:ind What singer became despondent over the death of Freddie Prinze , quit show business , and then quit the business ? HUM
1001 NUM:date When did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait ? NUM
1002 ENTY:termeq What was Mark Johnson referring to when he said : `` I still can 't believe it- we beat the Russians ? '' ENTY
1003 ENTY:product What car was driven in the 199 release of `` Smokey and the Bandit '' ? ENTY
1004 HUM:gr What was the backup singing group for Roy Rogers ? HUM
1005 HUM:ind What famous singing cowboy owns the California Angels baseball team ? HUM
1006 ENTY:cremat What 1915 film was the first to gross $5 million ? ENTY
1007 DESC:desc Where did the term `` 86 '' come from ? DESC
1008 DESC:reason What causes someone to be ticklish ? DESC
1009 NUM:perc What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ? NUM
1010 NUM:count How many Canadians emmigrate each year ? NUM
1011 DESC:reason Why did several San Diego schools remove apples from students menus ? DESC
1012 ENTY:instru What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ? ENTY
1013 HUM:ind Who was Gerald Ford 's vice president ? HUM
1014 DESC:def What is `` the washed vodka '' ? DESC
1015 NUM:count How many different languages are spoken in Europe ? NUM
1016 NUM:date What year was Desmond Mpilo Tutu awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ? NUM
1017 ENTY:termeq What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ? ENTY
1018 HUM:ind Who invented batteries ? HUM
1019 DESC:reason Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ? DESC
1020 LOC:other Where can I buy a good snowboard for less than $200 ? LOC
1021 HUM:title What title did Suzette Charles assume for two months in 1984 ? HUM
1022 HUM:ind What was the infamous pseudonym of Peter Sutcliffe ? HUM
1023 ENTY:animal What is Smokey The Bear 's middle name ? ENTY
1024 HUM:title What is Nicholas Cage 's occupation ? HUM
1025 ENTY:cremat What British TV series featured Emma Peel ? ENTY
1026 LOC:other What London street is the home of British journalism ? LOC
1027 ENTY:event What tragedy befell the city of Dogtown in 1899 ? ENTY
1028 DESC:def What is the Immaculate Conception ? DESC
1029 ENTY:veh What are the names of all the U.S. Navy aircraft carriers ? ENTY
1030 ENTY:other What format was VHS 's main competition ? ENTY
1031 DESC:def What is Candlemas Day ? DESC
1032 LOC:city In what city is the famed St. Mark 's Square ? LOC
1033 ENTY:termeq What does the Ouarterly Review of Doublespeak call an `` inoperative statement '' ? ENTY
1034 NUM:money How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ? NUM
1035 LOC:other Where is Tufts University ? LOC
1036 DESC:def What is a pyrotechnic display ? DESC
1037 DESC:manner How do I find out about jobs ? DESC
1038 HUM:gr What Japanese manufacturer is known for both its pianos and its motorcycles ? HUM
1039 NUM:other What is the chemical reactivity of argon ? NUM
1040 NUM:count How many engines does a Boeing 737 have ? NUM
1041 DESC:desc What is the origin of the term `` The Brooklyn Side '' in bowling ? DESC
1042 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of being cold ? ENTY
1043 NUM:dist How long was Mao 's 1930s Long March ? NUM
1044 ENTY:sport What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ? ENTY
1045 ENTY:animal What four-legged creature did a Cornell University study say would make man 's best companion in space ? ENTY
1046 NUM:weight What does a teaspoon of matter weigh in a black hole ? NUM
1047 ENTY:other What did British companies stick 175 , 0 tons of tea into in 1982 ? ENTY
1048 LOC:state What province is Edmonton located in ? LOC
1049 DESC:manner How can I find out how much income tax is paid on Social Security income on the 1998 income tax ? DESC
1050 HUM:ind Who did Sonny Liston succeed as world heavyweight boxing champion ? HUM
1051 ENTY:animal What is California 's state bird ? ENTY
1052 NUM:date What is Martin Luther King Jr. 's real birthday ? NUM
1053 HUM:gr Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged . HUM
1054 DESC:manner How does Zatanna perform her magic in DC comics ? DESC
1055 ENTY:veh What 's the name of Jacques Cousteau 's research ship ? ENTY
1056 HUM:ind What President dispatched a cruiser to carry Charles Lindbergh home after his epic flight ? HUM
1057 HUM:ind Whose video is titled Shape Up with Arnold ? HUM
1058 ENTY:cremat In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ? ENTY
1059 NUM:count How many James Bond novels are there ? NUM
1060 DESC:manner How do you get dates with the `` Hooters '' girls ? DESC
1061 ENTY:animal What bird can swim but can 't fly ? ENTY
1062 DESC:manner How can I get a comic character I made copyrighted and published ? DESC
1063 NUM:volsize How large is the Arctic refuge to preserve unique wildlife and wilderness value on Alaska 's north coast ? NUM
1064 DESC:def What is Plc ? DESC
1065 NUM:count How much electricity does the brain need to work ? NUM
1066 NUM:count How many acres in a mile ? NUM
1067 ENTY:cremat What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ? ENTY
1068 DESC:def What is a hyperlink ? DESC
1069 HUM:ind Who 's the twin brother of the Greek goddess Artemis ? HUM
1070 DESC:desc Where did marijuana come from ? DESC
1071 NUM:money What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America , ? NUM
1072 ENTY:cremat What novel has Big Brother watching ? ENTY
1073 NUM:count How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ? NUM
1074 DESC:def What does Elysium mean ? DESC
1075 LOC:other What is the oldest website on the Internet ? LOC
1076 DESC:def What is Shalom ? DESC
1077 ENTY:sport What was the favorite sport of Tom Wolfe 's The Pump House Gang ? ENTY
1078 ENTY:substance What organic fuel do bog-dwellers use a `` slane '' to cut ? ENTY
1079 NUM:period What is the average age of a member of the team that worked on the Manhatten Project ? NUM
1080 LOC:country What country received all the Nobel Prizes awarded in 1976 ? LOC
1081 DESC:manner How do you get rid on woodpeckers ? DESC
1082 NUM:count How many syllables are there in a line of hendecasyllabic poetry ? NUM
1083 ENTY:food What soft drink first appeared in the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco , Texas , in 1885 ? ENTY
1084 LOC:other What is Britain 's possession on the Chinese mainland ? LOC
1085 HUM:ind Who was America 's first Public Enemy No. 1 ? HUM
1086 NUM:count How many children under 18 are victims of some sort of Physical Abuse each year ? NUM
1087 DESC:desc What is the origin of thank you notes ? DESC
1088 ENTY:other What did Jimmy Stewart invent ? ENTY
1089 ENTY:other What generation am I in ? ENTY
1090 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of hell ? ENTY
1091 HUM:desc Who is Dear Abby ? HUM
1092 HUM:ind Who lives at 24 Sussex Drive , Ottawa ? HUM
1093 ENTY:substance What is Jell-O made from ? ENTY
1094 HUM:desc Who was Monet ? HUM
1095 LOC:state What are the only two states that incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their flags ? LOC
1096 DESC:manner How do you make panoramic sugar eggs for Easter - the ones with the scene inside ? DESC
1097 ENTY:food What 's the Southern dish made of pigs ' small intestines ? ENTY
1098 LOC:other Where is Guam ? LOC
1099 HUM:ind Who was the famous door-to-door brush salesman ? HUM
1100 DESC:def What is the executor in a will ? DESC
1101 HUM:gr What inescapable purveyor of background music celebrated its 5th anniversary in July , 1984 ? HUM
1102 NUM:count How many people in America snore ? NUM
1103 HUM:ind Who is always trying to get the rent from Andy Capp ? HUM
1104 ENTY:food What soft drink is most heavily caffeinated ? ENTY
1105 HUM:ind Who did Jackie Kennedy commission to write The Death of a President ? HUM
1106 ENTY:dismed Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ? ENTY
1107 NUM:count How many stars are there on the Soviet Union 's flag ? NUM
1108 DESC:desc What is the difference between microprocessors & microcontrollers ? DESC
1109 HUM:ind Who sought to create The Great Society ? HUM
1110 LOC:other What are tourist attractions in Reims ? LOC
1111 NUM:dist What are the lengths of pearl necklaces ? NUM
1112 HUM:ind Who said : `` Soldiers win the battles and generals get the credit '' ? HUM
1113 DESC:desc What is the proof that houseplants metabolize carcinogens ? DESC
1114 DESC:reason What prompted the co-pilot of the Enola Gay to enter only `` My God '' in his log ? DESC
1115 NUM:period How long does it take the typical hen to lay 19 dozen eggs ? NUM
1116 LOC:city What Colorado city owns its own glacier ? LOC
1117 DESC:desc What is the history of `` the toast '' ? DESC
1118 ENTY:event What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope ? ENTY
1119 DESC:def What is an arab strap ? DESC
1120 NUM:money How much does it cost , average or whatever is available , to produce and send junk mail catalogues in the US ? , DT CD NN NN , NUM
1121 HUM:ind Who is the current UN Secretary General ? HUM
1122 HUM:gr Who provides telephone service in Orange County , California ? HUM
1123 LOC:other Where did guinea pigs originate ? LOC
1124 LOC:country What two countries ' coastlines border the Bay of Biscay ? LOC
1125 DESC:reason Why did Egyptians shave their eyebrows ? DESC
1126 HUM:gr What organization did Mr. Waverly assign agents for ? HUM
1127 NUM:date When was the slinky invented ? NUM
1128 HUM:ind What are the characters ' names in the Scooby-Doo cartoon ? HUM
1129 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of cold ? ENTY
1130 HUM:title What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ? HUM
1131 DESC:reason What causes rust ? DESC
1132 HUM:ind Which is the only Dick Tracy villain to appear three times ? HUM
1133 ENTY:animal What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ? ENTY
1134 ENTY:color What color is an Arctic fox in winter ? ENTY
1135 DESC:def What do the names Neil , Mary , and Anthony mean ? DESC
1136 LOC:city What European capital celebrated its 2 , 000th anniversary in 1951 ? LOC
1137 DESC:reason Why do people in the upper peninsula of Michagin say `` eh ? '' ? DESC
1138 ENTY:plant What flower did Vincent Van Gogh paint ? ENTY
1139 LOC:country What country was the setting of You Only Live Twice ? LOC
1140 NUM:perc What was Thatcher 's approval rating after 10 years in power ? NUM
1141 ENTY:animal Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal ? ENTY
1142 DESC:desc What was the first Funk 'N Lata , Brazilian group , success ? DESC
1143 DESC:def What is a handheld PC ? DESC
1144 DESC:desc What did John Hinckley do to impress Jodie Foster ? DESC
1145 HUM:title What is Larry King 's job ? HUM
1146 NUM:count How many calories are in a tomato ? NUM
1147 LOC:state In what state was the first co-educational college established LOC
1148 ENTY:event What war saw a naval battle between the luxury liners Cap Trafalgar and the Carmania ? ENTY
1149 ENTY:techmeth What is the treatment for depression ? ENTY
1150 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of slime ? ENTY
1151 LOC:country What country in Latin America is the largest one ? LOC
1152 LOC:other On which Hawaiian island is Pearl Harbor ? LOC
1153 HUM:ind What feathered cartoon characters do Yugoslavians know as Vlaja , Gaja , and Raja ? HUM
1154 ENTY:cremat What Marx Brothers movie centers on a stolen painting ? ENTY
1155 DESC:desc What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ? DESC
1156 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word `` mind '' ? DESC
1157 NUM:date When was Dick Clark born ? NUM
1158 ENTY:sport What game is fatal to anybody over 21 ? ENTY
1159 NUM:other What is the death toll of people dying from tuberculosis ? NUM
1160 DESC:desc What happened to Moon Maiden ? DESC
1161 LOC:city What city is wiener schnitzel named for ? LOC
1162 DESC:def What are the Urals ? DESC
1163 DESC:manner How can you stop the itch from poison ivy ? DESC
1164 LOC:other What desert has the highest sand dunes ? LOC
1165 LOC:country What two countries contain Sierra Nevada mountains ? LOC
1166 DESC:manner How do you tell your parents you are dating an older man ? DESC
1167 NUM:period How long was the TV mission of Star Trek 's Enterprise to be ? NUM
1168 NUM:code What phone number can I call to have a tree planted ? NUM
1169 NUM:date When did the `` Star-Spangled Banner '' become the national anthem ? NUM
1170 HUM:desc Who was Lacan ? HUM
1171 ENTY:techmeth What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ? ENTY
1172 LOC:other What continent 's name appears on the upper left corner of a Budweiser label ? LOC
1173 HUM:ind Who was the Secretary of War in the Civil War during the Battle of Gettysburg ? HUM
1174 HUM:ind Who did Bobby Fischer beat to win the world chess championship ? HUM
1175 DESC:manner How do you exterminate bees that are in the walls of your home ? Will bee eggs remain over winter ? DESC
1176 LOC:other Where can I get information and statistics on countries and nations ? LOC
1177 ENTY:lang Name a Gaelic language . ENTY
1178 NUM:date What day is August 13 , 1971 ? NUM
1179 LOC:other Where can I find a list of all the companies in America that offer a direct stock purchase plan ? LOC
1180 DESC:manner How do you send a movie transcript to Hollywood so that it can be produced into a film ? DESC
1181 ENTY:cremat What literary classic centers on the search for a treasure in gold worth 7 , 0 pounds ? ENTY
1182 DESC:desc What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ? DESC
1183 ENTY:cremat What is the name of the Michelangelo painting that shows two hands with fingers touching ? ENTY
1184 NUM:volsize How big is a quart ? NUM
1185 DESC:def What is the Hub of London ? DESC
1186 ENTY:cremat Jude Law acted in which film ? ENTY
1187 DESC:reason What causes panic attacks ? DESC
1188 DESC:def What was the filling in the first golf balls ? DESC
1189 ENTY:dismed What drug did Sigmund Freud become fascinated with while experimenting with the treatment of neurasthenia ? ENTY
1190 LOC:country What country was A Terrible Beauty to Leon Uris ? LOC
1191 DESC:def What is typhoid fever ? DESC
1192 LOC:other Where can I buy a hat like the kind Jay Kay from Jamiroquai wears ? LOC
1193 DESC:def What are the Twin Cities ? DESC
1194 ENTY:cremat What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ? ENTY
1195 HUM:ind Name the lawyer for Randy Craft . HUM
1196 ENTY:food Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ? ENTY
1197 ABBR:exp What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ? ABBR
1198 LOC:other What is the Homelite Inc. home page ? LOC
1199 ENTY:substance What explosive do you get by mixing charcoal , sulfur and saltpeter ? ENTY
1200 LOC:other What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ? LOC
1201 ENTY:dismed What cancer is commonly associated with AIDS ? ENTY
1202 NUM:period How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ? NUM
1203 HUM:ind Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ? HUM
1204 NUM:count How many questions are on this thing ? NUM
1205 HUM:ind Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ? HUM
1206 HUM:ind Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ? HUM
1207 HUM:ind Who played the title role in I Was a Teenage Werewolf ? HUM
1208 DESC:reason Why are there olives in martinis ? DESC
1209 NUM:date In what year did Hitler gain power of Germany ? NUM
1210 NUM:date What year did Rossetti paint `` Beata Beatrix '' ? NUM
1211 HUM:gr What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ? HUM
1212 LOC:other Where can I find information about touring the Philippines ? LOC
1213 ENTY:other What did The Gas House Gang play ? ENTY
1214 NUM:count How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ? NUM
1215 HUM:ind What is the name of actor Rex Harrison 's son , who starred in a modestly popular TV show during the late 1960's ? HUM
1216 DESC:def What is the highest Roman numeral ? DESC
1217 ENTY:other What 's the most popular form of bridge ? ENTY
1218 HUM:ind Who was the inventor of the stove ? HUM
1219 HUM:ind What comedian has a legendary reputation for stealing jokes ? HUM
1220 LOC:other Where can I find information on the cyclone that hit New Jersey on 8/28/1941 ? LOC
1221 NUM:date Boxing Day is celebrated on what date ? NUM
1222 ENTY:cremat What are the first ten amendements passed ? ENTY
1223 ENTY:dismed What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ? ENTY
1224 DESC:desc What 's the difference between sleet and freezing rain ? DESC
1225 DESC:manner How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ? DESC
1226 HUM:ind Who was the king who was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ? HUM
1227 HUM:ind Who was made the first honorary citizen of the U.S. ? HUM
1228 ENTY:sport What game is Garry Kasparov really good at ? ENTY
1229 LOC:other Where was Richard Nixon when Gerald Ford became president ? LOC
1230 NUM:ord Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ? NUM
1231 ENTY:cremat What novel did Ian Fleming introduce James Bond in ? ENTY
1232 NUM:perc What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ? NUM
1233 HUM:gr What baseball team was routinely called `` dem bums '' by its frustrated fans ? HUM
1234 HUM:ind Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ? HUM
1235 NUM:date When did Israel begin turning the Gaza Strip and Jericho over to the PLO ? NUM
1236 DESC:desc What are the major differences in the Catholic and Methodist religions ? DESC
1237 HUM:ind Name the On Stage character whose face was never seen . HUM
1238 NUM:count How much energy is released when oxygen and hydrogen mix ? NUM
1239 HUM:gr What is the best Internet business to go into ? HUM
1240 DESC:def What does Venus Retrograde mean ? DESC
1241 HUM:ind Who is known as `` the world 's oldest teenager '' ? HUM
1242 LOC:other What are the largest breweries in the world ? LOC
1243 DESC:def What does Las Vegas mean ? DESC
1244 DESC:def What does the word `` meta '' mean ? DESC
1245 ENTY:other What keeps clouds in the air ? ENTY
1246 ENTY:termeq What 's the term for any four-sided figure ? ENTY
1247 ENTY:instru Ray Charles plays which instrument ? ENTY
1248 LOC:country What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ? LOC
1249 LOC:other What building appropriately enough is depicted on the back of the 1-dollar bill ? LOC
1250 DESC:def What is graduate school ? DESC
1251 DESC:desc What is the difference between New York-style and Chicago-style pizza ? DESC
1252 HUM:ind What baseball team owner and sailor is known as The Mouth of the South ? HUM
1253 ENTY:sport What type of betting is used in horse racing ? ENTY
1254 ENTY:product What kind of hat does Bat Masterson wear ? ENTY
1255 HUM:ind Who was with Patricia Hearst the night she was kidnaped ? HUM
1256 HUM:ind What is the Viking Prince 's first name ? HUM
1257 ABBR:exp What does the abbreviation cwt. ? ABBR
1258 ENTY:other In what deodorant commercial did tenants have adjoining medicine cabinets ? ENTY
1259 LOC:other Where is Rider College located ? LOC
1260 HUM:ind What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ? HUM
1261 DESC:reason For what reason did some San Diego schools stop serving apples ? DESC
1262 HUM:ind Who advised listeners to `` see the U.S.A. in your Chevrolet '' ? HUM
1263 LOC:other Where was the first restaurant ? LOC
1264 LOC:other Where can I find full written draft of CTBT ? LOC
1265 NUM:count How many horses died during the civil war ? NUM
1266 NUM:count How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ? NUM
1267 HUM:ind What Nobel laureate was expelled from the Philippines before the conference on East Timor ? HUM
1268 HUM:ind What woman has carried the most multiple births , twins , triplets , etc. , ? HUM
1269 NUM:count How many minutes were there on the original GE College Bowl clock ? NUM
1270 NUM:period What is the average time it takes for a male to ejaculate ? NUM
1271 LOC:other What is website of the International Court of Justice ? LOC
1272 LOC:other Where are 8 of the 10 highest mountains in the world ? LOC
1273 LOC:other Where can I look at a perpetual calendar ? LOC
1274 NUM:count How many astronauts have been on the moon ? NUM
1275 NUM:date In what year did the Bounty mutiny happen ? NUM
1276 ENTY:substance What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ? ENTY
1277 DESC:manner How do you reference a website ? DESC
1278 DESC:def What is pandoro ? DESC
1279 ABBR:exp What do the letters ZIP stand for in the phrase `` ZIP code '' ? ABBR
1280 HUM:ind Which Bourbon king was restored to the French throne during Napoleon 's abdication ? HUM
1281 LOC:city What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ? LOC
1282 DESC:desc What are the words to `` My Way '' written by Paul Anka ? DESC
1283 DESC:manner How do I install a tile floor ? DESC
1284 ENTY:techmeth What is the quickest and easiest way to get nail polish out of clothes ? ENTY
1285 DESC:reason Why was the zipper invented ? DESC
1286 ENTY:other What 's the No. 1 killer in industrialized countries ? ENTY
1287 ENTY:animal Name four famous cartoon cats . ENTY
1288 HUM:ind What daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn became queen of England ? HUM
1289 DESC:manner How did ` stat ' come to be used as an expression for quickly ? DESC
1290 HUM:gr What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ? HUM
1291 DESC:desc What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ? DESC
1292 LOC:other What is the most useful site on the Internet ? LOC
1293 LOC:mount What is the world 's highest peak ? LOC
1294 DESC:def What was a Mae West on a World War II battleship ? DESC
1295 DESC:def Define cosmology . DESC
1296 HUM:ind What comedienne upstaged Dwight D. Eisenhower 's first inauguration by giving birth to her first child ? HUM
1297 DESC:def What are amicable numbers ? DESC
1298 NUM:date When were the Olympic Games in which Nadia Comaneci became popular played ? NUM
1299 LOC:other Where is Hearst Castle , built by publisher William Randolph Hearst ? LOC
1300 LOC:city What 's the largest U.S. city on the Great Lakes ? LOC
1301 HUM:ind Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones ? HUM
1302 ENTY:cremat What magazine gives us the cream , not the skim ? ENTY
1303 ENTY:techmeth What does the technique called `` cold fusion '' produce ? ENTY
1304 HUM:ind What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ? HUM
1305 ENTY:other What meter did Shakespeare use in writing : `` To be , or not to be , that is the question.. . '' ? ENTY
1306 NUM:count How many rows of sprocket holes does a roll of 35-millimeter film have ? NUM
1307 NUM:count What is the goat population of the world ? NUM
1308 HUM:gr What company was the original sponsor of TV 's Superman ? HUM
1309 ENTY:termeq What term does a Czech use to describe a Pole ? ENTY
1310 LOC:other What sea separates Naples and Algiers ? LOC
1311 NUM:count How many lawyers are there in the state of New Jersey ? NUM
1312 ENTY:substance What are the most common elements in seawater ? ENTY
1313 DESC:desc Describe the Finnish music personality Salonen 's appearance . DESC
1314 DESC:desc What is the origin of the ethnic category `` caucasian '' ? DESC
1315 DESC:def What is a stratocaster ? DESC
1316 ENTY:other What kind of science is cosmology ? ENTY
1317 HUM:ind Name the blind sculptress in love with the Fantastic Four 's Thing . HUM
1318 ENTY:substance What 's the second-lightest element ? ENTY
1319 ENTY:termeq What do you call a `` twirl '' in ballet ? ENTY
1320 ENTY:product What is the brand name of daminozide ? ENTY
1321 ENTY:termeq What is the former name of Zimbabwe ? ENTY
1322 HUM:ind What National Basketball Association superstar told his story in Giant Steps ? HUM
1323 ENTY:animal What animals did The Amazing Three masquerade as ? ENTY
1324 DESC:manner How did the bikini bathing suite get its name ? DESC
1325 NUM:date When did Fraze get his first patent for the pull-tab can ? NUM
1326 NUM:count How many games are played in a five-team round-robin tournament ? NUM
1327 HUM:ind Who developed the first polio vaccine ? HUM
1328 HUM:ind Who made the first gas engine ? HUM
1329 LOC:country What country claimed Rubens , Van Dyck and Bruegel as citizens ? LOC
1330 ENTY:event What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939 ? ENTY
1331 NUM:count How many questions do you have on your database ? NUM
1332 DESC:manner How do clouds form ? DESC
1333 LOC:other Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ? LOC
1334 HUM:ind What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM ? HUM
1335 NUM:date When was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire ? NUM
1336 HUM:ind What Asian spiritual and political leader was married at the age of 13 ? HUM
1337 LOC:other Where is Ocho Rios ? LOC
1338 DESC:def What is the half-life of P-32 ? DESC
1339 LOC:other What ocean does Mauritania border ? LOC
1340 DESC:reason Why do pressure cookers save time in the kitchen ? DESC
1341 DESC:reason Why are there 12 people on a jury in criminal cases ? DESC
1342 DESC:desc What do Christian Scientists believe in ? DESC
1343 ENTY:event What World War I battle saw 6 , 0 troops killed in one day ? ENTY
1344 LOC:country What country is Kosovo a part of ? LOC
1345 LOC:city Tell me what city the Kentucky Horse Park is near ? LOC
1346 ENTY:product What computer operating system is on the most computers ? ENTY
1347 LOC:other What is Bill Gross 's email address ? LOC
1348 DESC:desc What is the economic impact of unemployment on the economy ? DESC
1349 ABBR:exp What do the letters D.C. stand for in Washington , D.C. ? ABBR
1350 ENTY:animal What animals can live the longest without food ? ENTY
1351 HUM:ind What English queen had seventeen children ? HUM
1352 NUM:other What is the approximate population of Las Vegas , N.M ? NUM
1353 NUM:money How much does the President get paid ? NUM
1354 HUM:ind What two baseball players make up the battery ? HUM
1355 ENTY:letter What 's the largest letter in Salvador Dali 's signature ? ENTY
1356 ENTY:termeq What does an irate car owner call iron oxide ? ENTY
1357 NUM:perc Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ? NUM
1358 LOC:state What 's the northernmost U.S. state apart from Alaska ? LOC
1359 LOC:other Name an art gallery in New York . LOC
1360 HUM:ind Who sells Viagra ? HUM
1361 ENTY:instru What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ? ENTY
1362 DESC:def What is the Home Rule Act ? DESC
1363 LOC:other What building are British monarchs crowned in ? LOC
1364 DESC:def What are Bellworts ? DESC
1365 HUM:desc Who was Darius ? HUM
1366 ENTY:cremat What movie told of Anna Anderson 's claim to be a Russian czar 's daughter ? ENTY
1367 HUM:ind Who did Dita Beard work for ? HUM
1368 ENTY:animal What kind of creature is a coot ? ENTY
1369 HUM:gr Name the university of which Woodrow Wilson was president . HUM
1370 LOC:country What country was first to use the airplane as a weapon of war , against the Turks in Libya ? LOC
1371 HUM:gr What university was Woodrow Wilson President of ? HUM
1372 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of disease ? ENTY
1373 ENTY:food What kind of meat is Fray Bentos synonymous with ? ENTY
1374 ENTY:other What did Mr. Magoo flog on TV for General Electric ? ENTY
1375 DESC:desc What are the words to the Canadian National anthem ? DESC
1376 ENTY:termeq What is the name of the Jewish alphabet ? ENTY
1377 HUM:ind Who served as inspiration for the schoolteacher portrayed by Robin Williams in `` Dead Poets Society '' ? HUM
1378 NUM:code What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ? NUM
1379 HUM:title Name the five positions who are in the line of succession to the presidency . HUM
1380 HUM:ind Which one of the original seven Mercury program astronauts did not fly on any of the Mercury flights ? HUM
1381 HUM:ind Who is the best known villain of the 165 Gunpowder Plot ? HUM
1382 LOC:city What is the capital of Burkina Faso ? LOC
1383 LOC:other What continent is Bolivia on ? LOC
1384 DESC:reason Why was Muhammad Ali stripped of his title and barred from boxing in 1967 ? DESC
1385 HUM:ind Who killed more people , Hitler or Stalin ? HUM
1386 DESC:reason What caused Shea & Gould to close their L.A. office ? DESC
1387 ENTY:animal What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ? ENTY
1388 LOC:state What U.S. state has the most blondes ? LOC
1389 ENTY:event What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ? ENTY
1390 NUM:count What was the U.S. highway death toll in 1969 ? NUM
1391 DESC:def What does the name Kelly mean ? DESC
1392 DESC:def What is a phalanx ? DESC
1393 HUM:ind What mustachioed comedian portrayed Frankie in North to Alaska ? HUM
1394 NUM:money What does each of the utilities cost in Monopoly ? NUM
1395 HUM:ind What actor and World War II airman had a $5 , 0 bounty put on his head by Hermann Goering ? HUM
1396 ABBR:exp What does e.g. stand for ? ABBR
1397 ENTY:dismed What is the name of the medical condition in which a baby is born without a brain ? ENTY
1398 DESC:manner How do storms form ? DESC
1399 HUM:desc Who is Nicolo Paganini ? HUM
1400 LOC:city What city is often called The Insurance Capital of the World ? LOC
1401 ENTY:animal What are the three animals in Sheila Burnford 's The Incredible Journey ? ENTY
1402 HUM:ind Who portrayed Dracula in Hammer Studios ' films ? HUM
1403 ENTY:other Name one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World . ENTY
1404 NUM:date When were fish first believed to be found on earth ? NUM
1405 HUM:ind What President 's favorite Biblical quotation was : `` Come now , and let us reason together '' . HUM
1406 NUM:count How many elevators do you ride to reach the top floor of the Empire State Building ? NUM
1407 HUM:gr Name the food company that traveled to Soviet Georgia to film a series of ads . HUM
1408 LOC:country What country was Sir Edmund Hillary born in ? LOC
1409 ENTY:animal What 's an infant seal called ? ENTY
1410 DESC:desc What was the proper Laugh-In respones to : `` Say goodnight , Dick '' ? DESC
1411 LOC:city What city was John F. Kennedy nominated for president in ? LOC
1412 NUM:period How long does a dog sleep ? NUM
1413 ENTY:cremat What 1963 Joseph L. Mankiewicz film cost $28 million ? ENTY
1414 HUM:gr What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ? HUM
1415 NUM:money What can you be fined for having a dog on a beach ? NUM
1416 LOC:other Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place ? LOC
1417 NUM:count How much will the California be in the year 2000 ? NUM
1418 HUM:ind What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ? HUM
1419 LOC:state What state full of milk and honey was the destination in The Grapes of Wrath ? LOC
1420 LOC:other What is the tallest building in Japan ? LOC
1421 LOC:other Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ? LOC
1422 ENTY:food Name Li 'l Abner 's favorite Indian drink . ENTY
1423 ENTY:event What are some important events of the 1830 's ? ENTY
1424 NUM:date The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ? NUM
1425 ENTY:letter What letter adorns the flag of Rwanda ? ENTY
1426 ENTY:other What did 8 , CD NNS VBP TO VB NNP POS NN . ENTY
1427 DESC:def What is God ? DESC
1428 LOC:country What country 's northernmost city is Darwin ? LOC
1429 LOC:other What sound does Olympia , Washington , overlook ? LOC
1430 ENTY:cremat What TV show chronicled the lives of Katy Holstrum and Congressman Glen Morley ? ENTY
1431 LOC:city What Kentucky city calls itself The Horse Center of America ? LOC
1432 NUM:count How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ? NUM
1433 ENTY:substance What 's the most abundant element in the sun ? ENTY
1434 LOC:country What European country boasts the city of Furth , found where the rivers Rednitz and Pegnitz converge ? LOC
1435 LOC:state What U.S. state is Dixville Notch in ? LOC
1436 LOC:other Where was the Cisalpine Republic , 1797-185 , ? LOC
1437 LOC:other What is the largest shopping mall in the world ? LOC
1438 HUM:ind What is the protagonist 's name in Dostoevski 's `` The Idiot '' ? HUM
1439 ENTY:other What penalty space lies between Baltic Avenue and Reading Railroad on a Monopoly board ? ENTY
1440 HUM:ind What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ? HUM
1441 DESC:def What is a meerkat ? DESC
1442 HUM:desc Who was Jean Nicolet ? HUM
1443 ENTY:animal What kind of animal was Winnie the Pooh ? ENTY
1444 HUM:ind Which of these are authors ? HUM
1445 ENTY:word What 's the international radio code word for the letter B ? ENTY
1446 HUM:ind Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ? HUM
1447 DESC:def What is cache memory ? DESC
1448 ENTY:termeq Aspartame is also known as what ? ENTY
1449 LOC:other Where is the location of the Orange Bowl ? LOC
1450 NUM:date When is President Nixon 's birthday ? NUM
1451 DESC:desc What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ? DESC
1452 HUM:ind Whose cupboard was bare ? HUM
1453 LOC:other What are the seven seas ? LOC
1454 ABBR:exp What does IBM stand for ? ABBR
1455 DESC:desc What is the difference between jazz and blues ? DESC
1456 DESC:def What is the C programming language ? DESC
1457 HUM:ind What 's the name of Popeye 's adopted son ? HUM
1458 HUM:ind Who invented the vacuum cleaner ? HUM
1459 DESC:def What is a ` borrow pit ' ? DESC
1460 HUM:ind What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ? HUM
1461 NUM:count How many people in the USA say their number one source of information is the newspaper ? NUM
1462 HUM:ind Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ? HUM
1463 LOC:country Which country is known as `` Big Bear '' ? LOC
1464 ENTY:food What `` melts in your mouth , not in your hands '' . ENTY
1465 NUM:count How many times a day should you take a prescription marked `` q.i.d . '' ? NUM
1466 DESC:desc What is the origin of the atom ? DESC
1467 HUM:ind Who is the Voyager project manager ? HUM
1468 HUM:gr Which radio stations air the Jim Bohannon Radio Talk Show ? HUM
1469 HUM:ind What two commanders directed the forces in the Battle of El Alamein ? HUM
1470 HUM:ind Name the creator of `` The Muppets '' . HUM
1471 DESC:manner How do I e-mail someone at from ? DESC
1472 HUM:ind Who replies `` I know '' to Princess Leia 's confession `` I love you '' in The Empire Strikes Back ? HUM
1473 DESC:def What is the meaning of the name Ella ? DESC
1474 LOC:other What 's the home of the Rockettes ? LOC
1475 LOC:other Where can I find all the information I need to know about the English Civil War , 1642-1649 , ? LOC
1476 HUM:gr What is the name of the firm that makes Spumante ? HUM
1477 ENTY:sport What sport is played on the largest field ? ENTY
1478 HUM:ind Who won the 1967 Academy Award for Best Actor ? HUM
1479 ENTY:other What is after death ? ENTY
1480 HUM:ind Name the first private citizen to fly in space . HUM
1481 HUM:ind What was football star Elroy Hirsch 's nickname ? HUM
1482 HUM:ind What singer sings `` Oh Boy '' ? HUM
1483 NUM:count How much pizza do Americans eat in a day ? NUM
1484 LOC:other What is the website for the USA journal ? LOC
1485 HUM:gr What army 's motto is Blood and Fire ? HUM
1486 ENTY:other What kind of patent did Ermal Fraze get in 1963 ? ENTY
1487 DESC:desc What are you hearing when you put a seashell to your ear ? DESC
1488 DESC:reason Why are haunted houses popular ? DESC
1489 ENTY:other Which gender has bigger thighs ? ENTY
1490 LOC:state What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ? LOC
1491 LOC:state What state 's home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center ? LOC
1492 NUM:speed How fast do cheetahs run ? NUM
1493 ENTY:other What is Ray Bradbury 's illustrated man illustrated with ? ENTY
1494 NUM:speed How fast is a 45Mhz processor ? NUM
1495 ENTY:other What kind of puzzle first appeared in the U.S. in the New York World on December 21 , 1913 ? ENTY
1496 HUM:ind What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ? HUM
1497 NUM:perc What are the odds of giving birth to twins ? NUM
1498 LOC:other What is the largest natural lake in Pennsylvania ? LOC
1499 NUM:dist How far is London UK from California ? NUM
1500 ENTY:animal Name the two mystical ravens Odin has at his command . ENTY
1501 ENTY:animal What was the species of Winnie the Pooh ? ENTY
1502 DESC:def What is the virus HIV ? DESC
1503 NUM:count How many years old is Benny Carter ? NUM
1504 ENTY:cremat What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ? ENTY
1505 LOC:other Where does the Santa Fe Trail begin and end ? LOC
1506 ENTY:cremat What book is the follow-up to Future Shock ? ENTY
1507 ENTY:animal What African animals are known as The Big Five ? ENTY
1508 ENTY:letter What is the alphabet for Latin ? ENTY
1509 ENTY:dismed What is the fear of frogs ? ENTY
1510 LOC:city Which city in Canada is the least-populated ? LOC
1511 NUM:period How old is Stevie Wonder ? NUM
1512 HUM:ind Who was the first Taiwanese President ? HUM
1513 HUM:ind Who is Luke Skywalker 's father ? HUM
1514 ENTY:other What does a dipsomaniac crave ? ENTY
1515 DESC:def What is the definition of the term `` weapons system '' ? DESC
1516 DESC:desc What are Christopher Marlowe 's and Shakespeare 's literary contributions to English literature ? DESC
1517 ENTY:food What is Nero Wolfe 's favorite drink during office hours ? ENTY
1518 HUM:gr What is the first personal computer company ? HUM
1519 ENTY:techmeth What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ? ENTY
1520 HUM:desc Who was Jane Goodall ? HUM
1521 DESC:reason Why are there Braille things on the ATM machines that people drive through ? DESC
1522 LOC:other Where is the Isle of Man ? LOC
1523 ENTY:cremat What book did Aaron Hass write ? ENTY
1524 NUM:other What was the death toll at the eruption of Mount Pinatubo ? NUM
1525 NUM:date When will the millennium officially begin ? NUM
1526 HUM:ind Who created the comic strip , `` Garfield '' ? HUM
1527 HUM:ind Which Vietnamese terrorist is now a UN delegate in Doonesbury ? HUM
1528 DESC:def What is real time processing ? DESC
1529 LOC:other What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ? LOC
1530 LOC:country What country 's capital is Lagos ? LOC
1531 LOC:other Where does Ray Bradbury 's Chronicles take place ? LOC
1532 HUM:ind Who is the current prime minister and president of Russia ? HUM
1533 HUM:ind Who established a Viking colony in Greenland about 985 ? HUM
1534 ENTY:symbol What was the distinguishing mark on the `` Little Rascals '' dog ? ENTY
1535 NUM:other What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ? NUM
1536 LOC:other Where can I get information about cystic fibrosis ? LOC
1537 LOC:other Where did Honecker rule ? LOC
1538 DESC:def What is the theory of equivalence states ? DESC
1539 ENTY:other What does a philatelist collect ? ENTY
1540 NUM:period What is the life span of the average monkey ? NUM
1541 NUM:count How many member states are in the UN ? NUM
1542 HUM:ind Who shot and killed himself while painting Wheatfield with Crows ? HUM
1543 DESC:desc What will happen when sodium is put in water ? DESC
1544 DESC:def What 's the meaning of UOL ? DESC
1545 HUM:ind What future President became Senate majority whip under Harry Truman ? HUM
1546 HUM:ind Who was the architect of Central Park ? HUM
1547 ENTY:product Which operating system runs on IBM-compatible machines ? ENTY
1548 NUM:dist What are the dimensions of an ice hockey goal ? NUM
1549 NUM:date When was CNN 's first broadcast ? NUM
1550 ENTY:symbol What are the signs of a country going into a recession ? ENTY
1551 DESC:def What is the circumorbital hematoma ? DESC
1552 LOC:country What African country is governed from Ouagadougou ? LOC
1553 HUM:ind What was the Christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks ? HUM
1554 HUM:ind What hard-of hearing artist painted Sunflowers ? HUM
1555 HUM:gr Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ? HUM
1556 HUM:ind Who wrote Sons and Lovers ? HUM
1557 ENTY:termeq What is the English translation for the word `` caliente '' ? ENTY
1558 ENTY:techmeth What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ? ENTY
1559 LOC:city What French seaport claims to be The Home of Wines ? LOC
1560 NUM:period How long does it take sunlight to reach Earth ? NUM
1561 NUM:count How many milliseconds in a second ? NUM
1562 HUM:ind What Cherokee Indian gave his name to a tree ? HUM
1563 NUM:date When were camcorders introduced in Malaysia ? NUM
1564 NUM:perc What is the chance of conceiving quadruplets ? NUM
1565 HUM:ind Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ? HUM
1566 LOC:country What countries have the largest armed forces in the world ? LOC
1567 HUM:ind What was William F. Cody 's better-known name ? HUM
1568 DESC:manner How do I increase my biceps ' size ? DESC
1569 HUM:ind Who did Richard Nixon tender his resignation to ? HUM
1570 HUM:desc Who was Thucydides ? HUM
1571 DESC:manner How is the element strontium purified ? DESC
1572 HUM:ind Which of the following rock 'n roll stars has a `` star '' on Hollywood Boulevard ? HUM
1573 DESC:reason What are tonsils for ? DESC
1574 ENTY:substance What molecules include fluorine , sodium and magnesium ? ENTY
1575 ENTY:sport What was the name of the ball game played by the mayans ? ENTY
1576 ENTY:cremat What was the sequel to The Moon 's Balloon ? ENTY
1577 NUM:money What is the exchange rate for Australian to American money ? NUM
1578 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ? DESC
1579 DESC:manner How can anyone tell if a female had sexual intercourse ? DESC
1580 NUM:count How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972 ? NUM
1581 ENTY:techmeth What basketball maneuver did Bert Loomis invent ? ENTY
1582 ENTY:cremat What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ? ENTY
1583 NUM:count How many shillings more than 2 were there in a guinea ? NUM
1584 ENTY:food What does a tarantula eat ? ENTY
1585 ENTY:color What are the three secondary colors ? ENTY
1586 DESC:def What does the name `` Sabrina '' mean ? DESC
1587 HUM:ind Who took over as conductor of the Boston Pops after Arthur Fiedler 's long reign ? HUM
1588 ENTY:event What were the trials called which followed World War II ? ENTY
1589 DESC:def What is hebephrenia ? DESC
1590 HUM:ind What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ? HUM
1591 ENTY:event What famous events have happened on March 27 ? ENTY
1592 HUM:gr Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ? HUM
1593 NUM:other What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ? NUM
1594 ENTY:termeq What do I call the sons and daughters of my first cousins ? ENTY
1595 DESC:reason What were the causes of the Civil War ? DESC
1596 DESC:def What are Maid-Rites ? DESC
1597 LOC:city What city is terrorized by Dracula in The Night Stalker ? LOC
1598 DESC:manner How can you prevent it ? DESC
1599 DESC:def What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ? DESC
1600 ENTY:food What chocolate bar created by Frank Mars and his wife is often called a Milky Way with peanuts ? ENTY
1601 HUM:ind Who is the fastest guitarist ? HUM
1602 ENTY:other What do camels store in their humps ? ENTY
1603 ENTY:veh What is the name of the second space shuttle ? ENTY
1604 LOC:other What is the best hospital for orthopedics in the country ? LOC
1605 DESC:def What are perfect tenses ? DESC
1606 DESC:def What is commonly considered the fifth sense ? DESC
1607 ENTY:termeq What was another name for East Germany ? ENTY
1608 ENTY:cremat What 's the second-biggest-selling magazine in America ? ENTY
1609 HUM:ind Who betrayed Norway to the Nazis ? HUM
1610 HUM:ind Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ? HUM
1611 DESC:def What is a bourdon tube ? DESC
1612 ENTY:sport What kind of a sports team is the Wisconsin Badgers ? ENTY
1613 HUM:ind Who were the Picts ? HUM
1614 DESC:desc What do Caroll Baker , Tammy Grimes , Debbie Reynolds , and Judy Garland all have in common ? DESC
1615 DESC:def What is film noir ? DESC
1616 HUM:ind Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips ? HUM
1617 NUM:date In what year did China and the Republic of Korea establish diplomatic relations ? NUM
1618 DESC:reason What causes tuberculosis ? DESC
1619 NUM:dist How tall is the giraffe ? NUM
1620 HUM:ind What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ? HUM
1621 ENTY:animal What animal was the heat-seeking missile called the Sidewinder named for ? ENTY
1622 NUM:period How long did it take Stanley to find Livingstone ? NUM
1623 NUM:count How much of the nation 's children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ? NUM
1624 LOC:other What lake is Sheboygan on ? LOC
1625 DESC:def What are a baseball team 's firemen ? DESC
1626 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of color ? ENTY
1627 ENTY:veh What Nantucket shipwreck killed more divers exploring it than the 52 people it sank with ? ENTY
1628 ENTY:animal What are the two largest birds on earth ? ENTY
1629 ENTY:cremat Name the four stories contained in Edith Wharton 's `` Old New York . '' ENTY
1630 LOC:other What is the largest lake in North America ? LOC
1631 NUM:count How many people died because of a smoking problem in 1997 ? NUM
1632 ENTY:dismed What is chronic constipation a symptom of ? ENTY
1633 HUM:ind Who wrote The Look of Love after viewing Ursula Andress ? HUM
1634 HUM:ind What is the name of the American swimmer who won seven gold medals in the 1972 Olympics ? HUM
1635 HUM:ind Who claims to have the greatest show on earth ? HUM
1636 DESC:def What is Head Start ? DESC
1637 HUM:ind What Honeymooners actress did Television magazine name as 1953 's most promising star ? HUM
1638 DESC:reason Why can 't women serve in the Navy on board submarines ? DESC
1639 ENTY:other What did the Yalta Conference lead to ? ENTY
1640 ENTY:animal What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ? ENTY
1641 DESC:def What is saltpeter ? DESC
1642 DESC:desc What 's the difference between J.D. and LL.M. ? DESC
1643 HUM:gr What kind of organization is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ? HUM
1644 HUM:ind What was the role of the Medieval Guild ? HUM
1645 HUM:ind Silly putty was invented by whom ? HUM
1646 ENTY:other What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ? ENTY
1647 DESC:manner How can someone become a federal agent ? DESC
1648 HUM:ind Who invented the paper clip ? HUM
1649 HUM:ind Whom did Lauren Bacall marry after her husband Humphrey Bogart died ? HUM
1650 NUM:count How many times in his 16-year National Basketball Associaton career was John Havlicek a member of the all-star team ? NUM
1651 LOC:city What city or state do the most gay men live in ? LOC
1652 NUM:period Shea and Gould had an office in Los Angeles for how long before closing it ? NUM
1653 ENTY:word What word occurs 46 , 227 times in the Bible ? ENTY
1654 DESC:manner How can you be happy ? DESC
1655 DESC:manner How would someone go about becoming an organ donor ? DESC
1656 NUM:date What year did Degas create the bronze sculpture , `` Fourth Position Front ? '' NUM
1657 HUM:ind What composer was awarded the Medal of Honor by Franklin D. Roosevelt ? HUM
1658 NUM:count How many URL extensions are there ? and what are they ? NUM
1659 NUM:period How long after intercourse does it take to find out if you are pregnant ? NUM
1660 ABBR:exp What does U.S.S.R. stand for ? ABBR
1661 HUM:ind Who created the Fantastic Four , Hulk , and Thor ? HUM
1662 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of gravity ? ENTY
1663 HUM:ind Who is the composer of `` Canon in D Major '' ? HUM
1664 DESC:desc What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ? DESC
1665 LOC:other Where are all European and American eels born ? LOC
1666 HUM:ind Who was the author of the novel `` Far From the Madding Crowd '' ? HUM
1667 DESC:def What is the definition of ` graphic details ' ? DESC
1668 ENTY:product What was `` America 's recessed-filter cigarette '' ? ENTY
1669 ENTY:animal What kind of dog is Scooby Doo ? ENTY
1670 DESC:reason What is the function of the appendix ? DESC
1671 HUM:ind What department store heir is responsible for raising a three-ton safe from the underwater wreckage of the Andrea Doria ? HUM
1672 ENTY:other Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy ? ENTY
1673 LOC:city What was the first town to be chartered in Vermont ? LOC
1674 LOC:state What state has the longest Great Lakes shoreline ? LOC
1675 LOC:state What U.S. state ends with a G ? LOC
1676 NUM:count How many varieties of twins are there ? NUM
1677 DESC:def What is a Cartesian Diver ? DESC
1678 LOC:other What are the largest libraries in the US ? LOC
1679 NUM:count How many people live in the Falklands ? NUM
1680 HUM:ind Who was Camp David named for ? HUM
1681 ENTY:cremat What document did President Andrew Johnson want a copy of placed under his head upon his burial ? ENTY
1682 HUM:ind Who portrayed `` the man without a face '' in the movie of the same name ? HUM
1683 DESC:desc What happened in dogtown in 1899 to make that year remembered ? DESC
1684 ENTY:other What wheel did Blaise Pascal invent in a search for perpetual motion ? ENTY
1685 NUM:money How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ? NUM
1686 NUM:date In what year was the first patent for the pull-tab opener on cans obtained ? NUM
1687 LOC:country What country boasts the most dams ? LOC
1688 NUM:money What is the regular price ? NUM
1689 LOC:other What Metropolis landmark was first introduced in the Superman cartoons of the 1940 's ? LOC
1690 LOC:other Where can one find Mozambique ? LOC
1691 DESC:manner How do you recognize anorexia ? DESC
1692 ENTY:cremat What Mary Tyler Moore Show regular came into the world as Tadeus Wladyslaw Konopka ? ENTY
1693 LOC:city In what city is the US Declaration of Independence located ? LOC
1694 DESC:def What is the largest variety of cactus ? DESC
1695 HUM:ind Who won the first World Series ? HUM
1696 ENTY:cremat What did Aaron Hass write ? ENTY
1697 HUM:desc Who is Samuel Pickering ? HUM
1698 HUM:gr What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ? HUM
1699 HUM:ind Who was credited with saying : `` I never met a man I did n't like '' ? HUM
1700 ENTY:other What overalls are named for Dungri , a suburb of Bombay ? ENTY
1701 DESC:reason Why do rooftops give off steam after a big rainstorm ? DESC
1702 LOC:country What nationality was Jackson Pollock ? LOC
1703 NUM:count How much of the earth 's surface is permanently frozen ? NUM
1704 ENTY:other What is the connection between New Krypton and Daxam ? ENTY
1705 NUM:date When was Queen Victoria born ? NUM
1706 NUM:count How many people were executed for Abraham Lincoln 's assassination ? NUM
1707 DESC:desc What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ? DESC
1708 LOC:other What is worth seeing in Reims ? LOC
1709 ENTY:other What type of performer is Ileana Cotrubas ? ENTY
1710 NUM:date When was Yemen reunified ? NUM
1711 ENTY:food What line of candy products included Super Skrunch and Peanut Butter Oompas ? ENTY
1712 DESC:reason Why did the Anglican church split from the Vatican ? DESC
1713 HUM:gr What organization has a Security Council ? HUM
1714 DESC:manner How would I find the price of different organs that have been donated ? DESC
1715 HUM:ind What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923 ? HUM
1716 ABBR:exp What does NECROSIS mean ? ABBR
1717 DESC:def What is magnetar ? DESC
1718 ENTY:event What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ? ENTY
1719 ENTY:color What color is the stripe along each side of a Coho salmon ? ENTY
1720 NUM:money What is the federal minimum wage ? NUM
1721 ENTY:termeq Mississippi is nicknamed what ? ENTY
1722 NUM:other What are the unemployment statistics for the years 1965 and 1990 ? NUM
1723 LOC:other Where is Santa Lucia ? LOC
1724 HUM:ind What female painter produced primitives of rural New England life ? HUM
1725 HUM:ind What are names of two old men who appear in the serial tv Muppets Show ? HUM
1726 ENTY:event What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ? ENTY
1727 DESC:desc What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ? DESC
1728 NUM:other What is the horsepower of the shuttle boosters ? NUM
1729 NUM:date What year did Apartheid start ? NUM
1730 HUM:ind Who created Big Ben ? HUM
1731 LOC:city What city is found in the city of OZ ? LOC
1732 DESC:desc What ever happened to the once popular Yale Lock Company ? DESC
1733 HUM:gr Name the Marvel team loosely based on DC 's Justice League of America ? HUM
1734 ENTY:other What did a 16th-century Aztec athlete get for putting a rubber ball through a ring ? ENTY
1735 LOC:state What populous state covers 49 , 576 square miles ? LOC
1736 HUM:gr What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ? HUM
1737 LOC:state In what state was there an 11 million gallon oil spill ? LOC
1738 NUM:date When did Aldous Huxley write , `` Brave New World '' ? NUM
1739 LOC:country What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ? LOC
1740 HUM:gr In what high-risk business venture did Jimmy the Greek bet and lose ? HUM
1741 ENTY:food What do chefs call The Master Spice ? ENTY
1742 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviation of General Motors ? ABBR
1743 DESC:def What is a Devo hat ? DESC
1744 NUM:period How long was the longest hiccup attack ? NUM
1745 ENTY:other What kind of weapons were used in Medieval warfare ? ENTY
1746 NUM:count How many people live in Tokyo ? NUM
1747 HUM:ind What fruit-topped actress was known as The Brazilian Bombshell ? HUM
1748 ENTY:animal What are birds descendents of ? ENTY
1749 HUM:gr When the Tutankhamun exhibit was on display in the U.S. , what moving company transported it ? HUM
1750 ENTY:cremat Which Kevin Costner movie involves the Sioux Indians ? ENTY
1751 HUM:ind Who played the title role in My Favorite Martian ? HUM
1752 DESC:manner How does a scientific calculator work ? DESC
1753 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of fur ? ENTY
1754 HUM:ind Who invented the game Scrabble ? HUM
1755 ENTY:other What part of their attire were `` pothooks '' to cowboys of the Old West ? ENTY
1756 NUM:date When did humans first begin to write history seriously ? NUM
1757 DESC:reason Why do we have to go to school ? DESC
1758 DESC:def What is Toulmin logic ? DESC
1759 ENTY:other A corgi is a kind of what ? ENTY
1760 LOC:city What city in the U.S. experienced the most growth recently ? LOC
1761 DESC:def What is a dangling participle ? DESC
1762 LOC:other What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs ? LOC
1763 NUM:period What was the average life expectancy during the Stone Age ? NUM
1764 HUM:ind When Mighty Mouse was conceived , what was his original name ? HUM
1765 DESC:desc What is the origin of the peace symbol ? DESC
1766 HUM:gr What group starred in the movie Rock Around the Clock ? HUM
1767 NUM:count How many U.S. presidents were assassinated during Queen Victoria 's reign ? NUM
1768 NUM:date When was the first flush toilet invented ? NUM
1769 HUM:ind What is Nathan Hamill 's role in the new Star Wars prequel ? HUM
1770 NUM:count How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ? NUM
1771 NUM:period How old is the sun ? NUM
1772 NUM:perc What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ? NUM
1773 DESC:manner How can I find a list of , fax and or email , addresses for human resource departments in Massachusetts ? DESC
1774 DESC:manner How do I write to my Congressman ? DESC
1775 NUM:count How many years ago did Led Zeppelin release its last album ? NUM
1776 ENTY:termeq What is the term for a group of geese ? ENTY
1777 NUM:count How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ? NUM
1778 ENTY:event What was the name of the famous battle between Texas and Mexico ? ENTY
1779 LOC:country What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect ? LOC
1780 ENTY:termeq What do you call a Poker hand with five cards of the same suit ? ENTY
1781 HUM:ind What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ? HUM
1782 HUM:ind Who is considered The First Lady of the American Stage ? HUM
1783 HUM:ind Who penned : `` Neither a borrower nor a lender be '' ? HUM
1784 DESC:def What is moxie ? DESC
1785 ENTY:cremat What was the first Sam Spade novel ? ENTY
1786 ENTY:cremat What song did Patti Page set people dancing to in 1950 ? ENTY
1787 HUM:ind Who headed Hitler 's infamous Gestapo ? HUM
1788 LOC:city What South American city features the exclusive Copacabana Beach and Ipanema ? LOC
1789 LOC:city What German city do Italians call The Monaco of Bavaria ? LOC
1790 LOC:other What island group contains Jersey , Guernsey , Sark and Herm ? LOC
1791 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of strong light ? ENTY
1792 HUM:ind What is a person called that likes fire ? HUM
1793 LOC:other Where was helium first discovered , hence its name ? LOC
1794 ENTY:techmeth What is the best way to overcome a fear ? ENTY
1795 HUM:gr Name a South African diamond producer ? HUM
1796 HUM:ind Who made the musical plea Be True to Your School ? HUM
1797 HUM:ind What French designer declared : `` The jean is the destructor ! It is a dictator ! It is destroying creativity. The jean must be stopped ! '' ? HUM
1798 NUM:date What season is the setting for Shakespeare 's Midsummer Night 's Dream ? NUM
1799 HUM:gr Name a band which was famous in the 1960 's . HUM
1800 HUM:ind What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ? HUM
1801 LOC:country What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ? LOC
1802 HUM:ind What Apollo 11 astronaut minded the store while Armstrong and Aldrin made history ? HUM
1803 NUM:money What is the current ticket fare from from Cairo to Barbados ? NUM
1804 LOC:mount What is the second highest mountain peak in the world ? LOC
1805 HUM:ind What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ? HUM
1806 ENTY:cremat In which Tennessee Williams play is one of the characters killed and devoured by a mob of starving children ? ENTY
1807 HUM:ind What was the nickname of Frederick I , Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany ? HUM
1808 ENTY:event What war did the Potsdam Conference follow ? ENTY
1809 ENTY:dismed What 's the most common non-contagious disease in the world ? ENTY
1810 NUM:date What month , date , and year did Charles I die ? NUM
1811 NUM:count How many cubic feet of space does a gallon of water occupy ? NUM
1812 DESC:def What is the hair style called that new military recruits receive ? DESC
1813 LOC:other What 's the world 's largest cathedral ? LOC
1814 DESC:desc What effects do nitrates have on the environment ? DESC
1815 DESC:def What is Nitrox diving ? DESC
1816 LOC:country What three European countries begin with the letter A ? LOC
1817 DESC:desc What happened in the Long March ? DESC
1818 ENTY:event What was the name of Hitler 's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich in 1923 ? ENTY
1819 DESC:manner How can I find online spelling ? DESC
1820 NUM:count How many earthworms are in a single pasture ? NUM
1821 HUM:ind Who made Stonehenge ? HUM
1822 NUM:other What is the average hourly rate of American workers ? NUM
1823 ENTY:sport What sport features snatches and clean jerks ? ENTY
1824 HUM:ind Who 's the founder and editor of The National Review ? HUM
1825 NUM:date In what year did they build the Berlin Wall ? NUM
1826 HUM:ind Who was the first governor of West Virginia ? HUM
1827 LOC:other What 's the world 's longest suspension bridge ? LOC
1828 LOC:city What Asian city boasts the world 's biggest bowling alley ? LOC
1829 NUM:date When will Jean Aeul publish her next book ? NUM
1830 HUM:ind What famous soldier was born in Europe , died in Asia , and was laid to rest in Africa ? HUM
1831 ENTY:food When it 's time to relax , what one beer stands clear ? ENTY
1832 HUM:gr What culture developed the idea of potlatch ? HUM
1833 HUM:gr What baseball team became the Minnesota Twins ? HUM
1834 ENTY:instru What kind of guitar did Jimi Hendrix play ? ENTY
1835 LOC:city What were the first three cities to have a population of more than a million ? LOC
1836 LOC:other What constellation contains the twins Castor and Pollux ? LOC
1837 NUM:count How many meters are in a mile ? NUM
1838 DESC:def What is a gas release event ? DESC
1839 ENTY:cremat What James Michener book is subtitled Spanish Travels and Reflections ? ENTY
1840 LOC:other What famed London criminal court was once a feudal castle ? LOC
1841 NUM:count How many milligrams are in a gram ? NUM
1842 ENTY:other What stringed weapon fires a bolt ? ENTY
1843 LOC:other Where did he get the title ? LOC
1844 LOC:other Where can I find a large list of 5 to 6 letter words ? LOC
1845 HUM:ind What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ? HUM
1846 HUM:ind Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ? HUM
1847 NUM:period How long is human gestation ? NUM
1848 DESC:def What does `` Semper Fidelis '' mean ? DESC
1849 ENTY:product What kind of suit did true hepcats wear in 1942 ? ENTY
1850 LOC:other Where does Mother Angelica live ? LOC
1851 DESC:manner How can I find out my Moon sign ? DESC
1852 DESC:reason Why does a candle need a wick ? DESC
1853 ENTY:instru Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ? ENTY
1854 DESC:desc What were the three prophecies the witches make to Macbeth ? DESC
1855 NUM:other What 's the population of Mississippi ? NUM
1856 HUM:ind Who started the Dominos Pizza chain ? HUM
1857 ENTY:cremat In what film did Steven Spielberg 's dog star as the main character 's dog ? ENTY
1858 ENTY:dismed What are all the different kinds of contraceptives ? ENTY
1859 NUM:period How old is Jeremy Piven ? NUM
1860 DESC:desc What is the history of yo-yos ? DESC
1861 HUM:ind Which NBA players had jersey number 0 ? HUM
1862 HUM:gr What chocolate company gives you a one-pound kiss ? HUM
1863 DESC:manner How does one correctly pronounce ` qigong ' ? DESC
1864 ENTY:other What fossilizes to form coprolite ? ENTY
1865 NUM:count How many colored squares are there on a Rubik 's Cube ? NUM
1866 LOC:other Where is the Mayo Clinic ? LOC
1867 LOC:other What Caribbean island is sometimes called Little England ? LOC
1868 LOC:other Where is Amsterdam ? LOC
1869 LOC:other Where can I find the lyrics for the song ` Getting Married Today ' from the musical ` Company ' ? LOC
1870 ENTY:word What 's another word that means `` knows all '' ? ENTY
1871 HUM:ind Who is the famous movie star who also acted as sewer commissioner of Provo Canyon , Utah ? HUM
1872 LOC:city What Australian city became the home of the America 's Cup ? LOC
1873 ENTY:termeq Aspartame is known by what other name ? ENTY
1874 DESC:def What is pasta ? DESC
1875 HUM:ind Name Randy Craft 's lawyer . HUM
1876 ENTY:color What color is `` ash '' ? ENTY
1877 HUM:gr What is the best distance education university or college ? HUM
1878 LOC:other What river does the Grand Coulee Dam dam ? LOC
1879 NUM:other How often are quadruplets born ? NUM
1880 DESC:manner How does psorisis disappear ? DESC
1881 NUM:count How many presidents have died on the 4th of July ? NUM
1882 ENTY:color What three colors are on the French flag ? ENTY
1883 DESC:desc What 's the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ? DESC
1884 ENTY:other What are the seven wonders of the world ? ENTY
1885 ABBR:exp What does CNN stand for ? ABBR
1886 HUM:ind What is a person called that likes fire ? HUM
1887 HUM:ind Who portrayed Vincent Van Gogh in Lust for Life ? HUM
1888 ENTY:other What constitutes an adult ? ENTY
1889 LOC:other What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ? LOC
1890 DESC:def What is a neurosurgeon ? DESC
1891 ENTY:sport What baseball outcome required nine balls in 1879 , eight balls in 1880 and seven balls in 1881 ? ENTY
1892 DESC:def What are amaretto biscuits ? DESC
1893 ENTY:dismed What common ailment can 't you catch at the North Pole ? ENTY
1894 NUM:date What season begins with the vernal equinox ? NUM
1895 HUM:ind Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ? HUM
1896 ENTY:animal What was the name of Roy Rogers 's dog ? ENTY
1897 ENTY:cremat What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent ? ENTY
1898 LOC:other Where did cable cars first roll down Clay Street in 1873 ? LOC
1899 LOC:other What is George Lucas 's e-mail address ? LOC
1900 DESC:manner How do I give a good massage ? DESC
1901 HUM:ind Who is the father of the computer ? HUM
1902 DESC:desc What is the origin of `` jiggy '' as in getting jiggy with it ? DESC
1903 DESC:desc What is the origin of a.m. and p.m. ? DESC
1904 DESC:def What is the definition of cosmology ? DESC
1905 ENTY:animal What is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box ? ENTY
1906 DESC:def What are manifest and latent function theories ? DESC
1907 ENTY:cremat What William Styron book is about a black preacher who leads a slave revolt ? ENTY
1908 ENTY:symbol What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ? ENTY
1909 HUM:ind Who said : `` Old soldiers never die ; they just fade away '' ? HUM
1910 HUM:gr What National League baseball team employed 72 third baseemen in its first 2 seasons ? HUM
1911 DESC:def What are snowballs to a hot-rodder ? DESC
1912 NUM:dist How long were Tyrannosaurus Rex 's teeth ? NUM
1913 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word Ozymandias ? DESC
1914 HUM:ind Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ? HUM
1915 LOC:city What Kenyan city is the safari center for East Africa ? LOC
1916 DESC:reason Why do men snore ? DESC
1917 DESC:reason What causes `` rolling thunder '' ? DESC
1918 HUM:ind What is the name of Miss India 1994 ? HUM
1919 LOC:state What four U.S. states have active volcanoes ? LOC
1920 DESC:desc What 's the setting of John Le Carre 's A Small Town in Germany ? DESC
1921 DESC:desc What does an echidna look like ? DESC
1922 DESC:desc What is the secret of the universe ? DESC
1923 HUM:ind Who was the second man to walk on the moon ? HUM
1924 HUM:ind What major Victorian novelist spent as much time working for the post office as he did writing ? HUM
1925 DESC:reason What caused an adjournment of the 25th anniversary session of the United Nations General Assembly ? DESC
1926 HUM:gr The major league baseball team in Pittsburgh is called what ? HUM
1927 ENTY:termeq What is the name of the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ? ENTY
1928 NUM:date What year were the Olympic Games played in where Nadia Comaneci became popular ? NUM
1929 ENTY:substance What is glass made of ? ENTY
1930 DESC:manner How did Lee Harvey Oswald purchase his rifle ? DESC
1931 DESC:manner How do I sing like Elvis Presley ? DESC
1932 LOC:other What are the biggest Indian airports ? LOC
1933 ENTY:cremat What is the folklore story regarding birds ' nests and birds in Christmas trees ? ENTY
1934 LOC:other What are the world 's three largest oceans , in order of size ? LOC
1935 HUM:ind Who is the Pope ? HUM
1936 LOC:other Where on the Internet can I find information on laundry detergent ? LOC
1937 ENTY:termeq What do the French call La Manche ? ENTY
1938 ENTY:techmeth What 's an easy way to count the approximate number of fish in a lake ? ENTY
1939 DESC:manner How do you clean up a cache ? DESC
1940 ENTY:veh What was the name of Aristotle Onassis 's yacht ? ENTY
1941 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of being dirty ? ENTY
1942 ENTY:animal What animal occurs in Spielberg 's `` Jaws '' ? ENTY
1943 DESC:def What 's the Red Planet ? DESC
1944 NUM:count The Shea & Gould law firm had an office in L.A. for how many years ? NUM
1945 HUM:ind What 's the most common surname in America ? HUM
1946 NUM:period How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ? NUM
1947 DESC:desc What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable ? DESC
1948 ENTY:plant What kind of tree graces Lebanon 's flag ? ENTY
1949 DESC:def What is tumbled marble ? DESC
1950 ENTY:techmeth What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ? ENTY
1951 LOC:city What city is sometimes called The Athens of Switzerland ? LOC
1952 LOC:other Where did bocci originate ? LOC
1953 DESC:manner How does light travel through the void of space if there is no medium for it to ` wave ' or ` pulse ' . DESC
1954 DESC:def What are the Valdez Principles ? DESC
1955 DESC:manner How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ? DESC
1956 DESC:manner How do you write MLA style bibliographies for an Internet source ? DESC
1957 HUM:desc Who is Imam Hussain Ben Ali whom Shia people believe in ? HUM
1958 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word assassinate ? DESC
1959 LOC:other Where can I find information about Bob Barr , representative from Georgia ? LOC
1960 NUM:other What is the frequency of VHF ? NUM
1961 DESC:desc What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ? DESC
1962 ENTY:other What does the policeman become in the Canadian edition of Monopoly ? ENTY
1963 NUM:count How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ? NUM
1964 DESC:def What is digitalis ? DESC
1965 ENTY:plant What kind of flowers does detective Nero Wolfe raise ? ENTY
1966 ENTY:substance What was paper made of in the late 16th century ? ENTY
1967 HUM:desc Who was William Henry Harrison ? HUM
1968 DESC:desc What was the outcome of the 1945 Yalta Conference ? DESC
1969 DESC:def What is `` flintknapping '' ? DESC
1970 ENTY:color What 's the most popular contact lens color ? ENTY
1971 LOC:city What were the cities of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ? LOC
1972 DESC:reason What causes canker sores in the mouth ? DESC
1973 NUM:date In what year was the movie the Ten Commandments released ? NUM
1974 ENTY:animal What is the fastest fish in the world ? ENTY
1975 ENTY:color What color are the castellated walls of the Kremlin ? ENTY
1976 ENTY:event What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ? ENTY
1977 ENTY:other What is damage to business and government caused by bureaucracy ? ENTY
1978 LOC:country What countries have the best math students ? LOC
1979 NUM:date When was the De Beers company founded ? NUM
1980 ENTY:cremat What was a California prayer book to an Old West gambler ? ENTY
1981 HUM:ind Who was the first black performer to have his own network TV show ? HUM
1982 ENTY:termeq What 's another name for aspartame ? ENTY
1983 DESC:desc What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ? DESC
1984 ABBR:abb What 's the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene ? ABBR
1985 ENTY:animal What creature is the absolute fastest in moving in the world , birds , mammals , etc. , ? ENTY
1986 NUM:date What is the date of Bastille Day ? NUM
1987 ABBR:exp What is IOC an abbreviation of ? ABBR
1988 DESC:reason What 's the proud claim to fame of the young women who formed Kappa Alpha Theta ? DESC
1989 ENTY:product Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ? ENTY
1990 LOC:other Where did Freidreich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt , Prussian born explorer , go to school ? LOC
1991 ENTY:color What color eyes are most sensitive to light ? ENTY
1992 NUM:count How much folic acid should an expectant mother get daily ? NUM
1993 HUM:gr What company uses the unfamiliar faces of its celebrity spokespeople to promote the use of its product ? HUM
1994 ENTY:dismed What disease does Katharine Hepburn have that makes her voice shake ? ENTY
1995 DESC:desc What did FCC chairman Newton Minow declare TV to be on May 9 , 1961 ? DESC
1996 NUM:count How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ? NUM
1997 ENTY:termeq What is the name of the art of growing miniature trees ? ENTY
1998 LOC:country What two countries in South America are landlocked ? LOC
1999 DESC:def What does Tiffany mean ? DESC
2000 DESC:reason Why do magnets attract ? DESC
2001 DESC:manner How do you address a Chinese person ? DESC
2002 DESC:def What is the meaning of thalassemia ? DESC
2003 NUM:code What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ? NUM
2004 DESC:manner How do I impress a guy ? DESC
2005 ENTY:techmeth What does the method called `` cold fusion '' create ? ENTY
2006 NUM:date When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ? NUM
2007 ENTY:other What determines the value of the pearl ? ENTY
2008 LOC:country Which country did Hitler rule ? LOC
2009 ENTY:veh What was the name of the American ship sunk by a mine in Havana harbor , causing the Spanish-American war ? ENTY
2010 HUM:ind Who directed The Wild Bunch ? HUM
2011 ENTY:other What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ? ENTY
2012 LOC:city The Orange Bowl is in what city ? LOC
2013 DESC:def What are the alveoli ? DESC
2014 HUM:ind What comedian was born Allen Stewart Konigsberg ? HUM
2015 NUM:count How many Leos have been Pope ? NUM
2016 LOC:state What state was Herbert Hoover born in ? LOC
2017 ENTY:cremat What TV series featured Neal , a martini-drinking St. Bernard ? ENTY
2018 ENTY:other What developed a crack in 1835 while tolling the death of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall ? ENTY
2019 NUM:count How many fiddlers did Old King Cole have ? NUM
2020 HUM:ind What poet wrote : `` ... I have promises to keep , and miles to go before I sleep '' ? HUM
2021 DESC:def What is ethylene ? DESC
2022 ENTY:cremat What Irwin Allen bomb has Richard Widmark saying he 'll be `` the first officer in history to get his butt kicked by a mess of bugs ! '' ? ENTY
2023 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of clouds ? ENTY
2024 ENTY:cremat What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ? ENTY
2025 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of pregnancy ? ENTY
2026 NUM:count What is the population in India ? NUM
2027 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word `` pallbearer ? '' DESC
2028 NUM:period How long do flies live ? NUM
2029 DESC:reason Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 software so successful ? DESC
2030 HUM:ind Who runs Andy Capp 's favorite pub ? HUM
2031 LOC:state What state produces the best lobster to eat ? LOC
2032 NUM:count How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ? NUM
2033 ENTY:sport What bowl game began as an East-West contest between Michigan and Stanford in 192 ? ENTY
2034 LOC:other What islands got their name from the Spanish baja mar , meaning shallow water ? LOC
2035 DESC:def What is deadrise , nautical , ? DESC
2036 ENTY:lang What 's the official language of Algeria ? ENTY
2037 ENTY:other What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ? ENTY
2038 ENTY:word What six words follow the line : `` From a jack to a king.. . '' ? ENTY
2039 DESC:manner How do I find a city if I have the area code ? DESC
2040 HUM:ind What author of the Days of Our Lives Cookbook signed on in 198 as Liz Chandler in TV 's Days of Our Lives ? HUM
2041 ENTY:food What foods contain the most protein ? ENTY
2042 HUM:ind What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ? HUM
2043 HUM:ind What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ? HUM
2044 NUM:count How many feet long is a baseball pitcher 's rubber ? NUM
2045 LOC:country What was the nationality of Jackson Pollock ? LOC
2046 HUM:ind Who invented the game bowling ? HUM
2047 ENTY:animal What are the snakes of New England ? ENTY
2048 NUM:count How many times larger than life size is the Statue of Liberty ? NUM
2049 LOC:country What is the name of the country which Hitler ruled ? LOC
2050 HUM:gr What group kidnaped Patricia Hearst ? HUM
2051 NUM:period How long does a human live ? NUM
2052 LOC:other Where can I get U.S. economic statistics ? LOC
2053 NUM:count How many Superbowls have the ers won ? NUM
2054 DESC:desc What do you do when your mouse is n't working as fast as it 's supposed to ? DESC
2055 DESC:def What is a gandy dancer ? DESC
2056 HUM:ind Who is the creator of `` The Muppets '' ? HUM
2057 HUM:ind Which of the following celebrities started his show-biz career as a disc jockey ? HUM
2058 ENTY:animal What Triple Crown-winning horse took the 1973 Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths ? ENTY
2059 NUM:other What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ? NUM
2060 ENTY:termeq What is the dot on an the letter i called ? ENTY
2061 LOC:city What 's the capital of Iowa ? LOC
2062 HUM:ind Who asked you to do the Loco-Motion with her in 1962 ? HUM
2063 DESC:def What 's the rathaus in Frankfurt ? DESC
2064 HUM:ind What President served for five years , six months and 2 days ? HUM
2065 ENTY:termeq What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before ? ENTY
2066 DESC:reason What incident caused the canning of a summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev ? DESC
2067 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviated form of the National Bureau of Investigation ? ABBR
2068 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of odors , body , ? ENTY
2069 ENTY:techmeth What is the formula to calculate pi ? ENTY
2070 DESC:desc What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ? DESC
2071 HUM:ind What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ? HUM
2072 DESC:manner How do you write a book report ? DESC
2073 DESC:def What are Cobol , Fortran , and Pascal ? DESC
2074 HUM:ind What is Supergirl 's secret identity ? HUM
2075 LOC:other What is the US Federal Government website for Standard Industrial Classification codes , SIC , ? LOC
2076 HUM:gr What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ? HUM
2077 HUM:ind Who made the first surfboard ? HUM
2078 HUM:ind What is the name of the police officer who tried to keep order in Top Cat 's neighborhood ? HUM
2079 NUM:date On what date did Rosa Parks Become a symbol of the civil rights movement for refusing to give up her seat on the bus ? NUM
2080 NUM:perc What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ? NUM
2081 NUM:date In what year did the US Marine Corps adopt the motto `` Semper Fidelis '' ? NUM
2082 NUM:count How many films did Ingmar Bergman make ? NUM
2083 ENTY:other What does a deltiologist collect ? ENTY
2084 DESC:reason What is Garry Kasparov famous for ? DESC
2085 ABBR:exp What does the `` c '' stand for in the equation E=mc2 ? ABBR
2086 HUM:ind Who is the Greek God of the Sea ? HUM
2087 HUM:ind What well-known music personality is the father of an adopted son named Hans Christian Henderson ? HUM
2088 DESC:manner How do you measure the heat of the sun ? DESC
2089 DESC:reason Why do some people have two different color eyes ? DESC
2090 ENTY:body Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ? ENTY
2091 NUM:date When was the first Barbie produced ? NUM
2092 ENTY:substance What 's the hardest substance in the human body ? ENTY
2093 HUM:ind Who was the first woman governor of Wyoming ? HUM
2094 NUM:count How many more weeks of winter are there if a ground hog sees his shadow ? NUM
2095 HUM:ind What Green Bay Packers coach philosophized : `` There 's nothing that stokes the fire like hate '' ? HUM
2096 DESC:manner How do birds find their way back to the same place every year ? DESC
2097 LOC:other Where is the Henry Ford Museum ? LOC
2098 ENTY:cremat Name a film that has won the Golden Bear in the Berlin Film Festival ? ENTY
2099 ENTY:termeq What 's the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy usually called ? ENTY
2100 NUM:date What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ? NUM
2101 ENTY:sport What is a research expedition in mountain climbing ? ENTY
2102 ENTY:veh On which flight did Fawaz Younis commit air piracy and hostage taking ? ENTY
2103 LOC:city What are the 10 largest cities in the US ? LOC
2104 DESC:def What is a wart ? DESC
2105 DESC:def What is spaceball played on ? DESC
2106 DESC:manner How does rabies spread ? DESC
2107 HUM:ind What famous comedian recently tried without success to revive the play ? HUM
2108 LOC:other What is Drew Barrymore 's email address ? LOC
2109 DESC:manner How can you tell if someone is lying ? DESC
2110 DESC:desc What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ? DESC
2111 ENTY:substance What are fingernails made of ? ENTY
2112 LOC:country What nationality were the 123 people who died in the Black Hole of Calcutta ? LOC
2113 DESC:def What does storm wave mean in Japanese ? DESC
2114 DESC:reason Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injection ? DESC
2115 HUM:ind What TV family sometimes buys eclairs from Nelson 's Bakery ? HUM
2116 DESC:manner How can you get rust stains out of clothing ? DESC
2117 DESC:manner How does a small businessman contact the Good Humor Ice Cream company to do business with them ? DESC
2118 HUM:ind What enigmatic U.S. vice president was once tried and acquitted for treason in a plot to set up his own independent empire in the West ? HUM
2119 HUM:ind Who was Charles Lindbergh 's wife ? HUM
2120 HUM:ind Who sings Angel Eyes from the 80 's ? HUM
2121 NUM:date When did the Jurassic Period end ? NUM
2122 ENTY:other What is the one thing you need before you can purchase life insurance ? ENTY
2123 DESC:reason What caused the Titanic to sink ? DESC
2124 DESC:def What is the chemiosmotic theory ? DESC
2125 HUM:desc What information can you tell me about actor James Cromwell ? HUM
2126 DESC:manner How does an ion drive work ? DESC
2127 DESC:manner How can I trace my family roots ? DESC
2128 NUM:date What was the date of Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait ? NUM
2129 ENTY:word What is another word for diet ? ENTY
2130 DESC:def What is a courier ? DESC
2131 ENTY:cremat What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ? ENTY
2132 DESC:manner How do you get a girl to have sex with you ? DESC
2133 ENTY:other What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ? ENTY
2134 LOC:other What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ? LOC
2135 ENTY:food What ice creams contain seaweed ? ENTY
2136 HUM:ind What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ? HUM
2137 ABBR:exp What is a `` USB '' port on a computer ? ABBR
2138 ENTY:termeq What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ? ENTY
2139 HUM:gr What was called the world 's largest department store ? HUM
2140 LOC:other What sea surrounds the Cayman Islands ? LOC
2141 NUM:count How many different vegetation zones are there ? NUM
2142 ABBR:exp What does LOL mean ? ABBR
2143 LOC:other What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ? LOC
2144 ENTY:cremat What book does Holden Caulfield appear in ? ENTY
2145 DESC:desc What happens when lightning strikes a body of water ? DESC
2146 HUM:ind What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ? HUM
2147 DESC:def What does e=mc2 mean ? DESC
2148 LOC:country What country other than Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 ? LOC
2149 DESC:manner How do I contact ? DESC
2150 ENTY:body What are the names of the different toes ? ENTY
2151 ENTY:product What are different products of petroleum ? ENTY
2152 DESC:reason What causes asthma ? DESC
2153 NUM:date When was the Bill of Rights ratified ? NUM
2154 DESC:def What do the number 1 , 2 , and 4 mean on Dr. Pepper bottles ? DESC
2155 LOC:state What is the largest U.S. state east of the Mississippi ? LOC
2156 DESC:manner How can I find out how much it costs to raise a baby for six months ? DESC
2157 NUM:other What 's the population of Biloxi , Mississippi ? NUM
2158 ENTY:letter What vowel do all Esperanto nouns end in ? ENTY
2159 DESC:def What is a heuristic ? DESC
2160 LOC:other What California desert is dubbed High Desert ? LOC
2161 ENTY:animal In the Miller Lite TV commercial , who is the creature ? ENTY
2162 HUM:ind Who wrote ` Hamlet ' ? HUM
2163 DESC:manner How did the jack-o '-lantern get it 's name ? DESC
2164 DESC:reason Why can 't ostriches fly ? DESC
2165 LOC:other Where do the Blackhawks maintain their operations ? LOC
2166 DESC:reason Why are the rooftops in Canada green ? DESC
2167 LOC:country What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847 ? LOC
2168 NUM:date What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ? NUM
2169 LOC:city The Orange Bowl is located in what city ? LOC
2170 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of motion ? ENTY
2171 HUM:ind What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ? HUM
2172 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of glass ? ENTY
2173 DESC:desc In Waugh 's `` A Handful of Dust , '' what does the mad old man force the hero to do every afternoon ? DESC
2174 HUM:ind What is the last name of Lucy and Linus from the Peanut 's comic strip ? HUM
2175 HUM:ind What cheery fellow got the ZIP code 9971 from the U.S. Postal Service in 1963 ? HUM
2176 NUM:count How many layers does a bottle of Yoo-Hoo settle into ? NUM
2177 HUM:gr Name Pittsburgh 's baseball team . HUM
2178 LOC:other What 's the nearest star to Earth ? LOC
2179 LOC:other Where is Inoco based ? LOC
2180 ENTY:termeq What does El Nino mean in spanish ? ENTY
2181 DESC:desc What does Choo Choo Charlie say ? DESC
2182 DESC:manner How do I register a trade name in North Carolina ? DESC
2183 NUM:count What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ? NUM
2184 NUM:count How many stations do you shoot from in the basketball game `` Around the World '' ? NUM
2185 DESC:def What is a Jake brake ? DESC
2186 ENTY:symbol What sign is the best love match for a horoscope sign ? ENTY
2187 HUM:ind Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ? HUM
2188 HUM:ind Who holds the NFL record for most touchdowns in a season ? HUM
2189 ENTY:other What cards are bullets ? ENTY
2190 NUM:period What is the average age a horse lives ? NUM
2191 LOC:other What planet would you visit to see Bebrenia , Arcadia , and Amazonis ? LOC
2192 ENTY:lang Which language has the most words ? ENTY
2193 LOC:other Where is Natick ? LOC
2194 ENTY:cremat What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ? ENTY
2195 ENTY:product What brand of white rum is still made in Cuba ? ENTY
2196 HUM:desc Who is Shirley MacLaine ? HUM
2197 HUM:gr What business exports the sparkling wine Spumante ? HUM
2198 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of water ? ENTY
2199 DESC:def What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ? DESC
2200 DESC:desc What is the origin of the city `` Corpus Christi '' ? DESC
2201 HUM:ind Who wrote ` The Pines of Rome ' ? HUM
2202 LOC:other Where is the Valley of the Kings ? LOC
2203 HUM:gr What was the first U.S.-based team in the NHL ? HUM
2204 LOC:other Where did the sport of caber-tossing originate ? LOC
2205 HUM:ind Who played for the Chicago Bears , Houston Oilers and Oakland Raiders in a 26-year pro football career ? HUM
2206 LOC:other Where are the Union Stockyards ? LOC
2207 LOC:other Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ? LOC
2208 NUM:count How many children does Ray Davies of the Kinks have ? NUM
2209 NUM:count How many years did Shea & Gould practice law in Los Angeles ? NUM
2210 ENTY:other What did Walter Huston remove to perform in the movie The Treasure of the Sierra Madre ? ENTY
2211 NUM:count How much salt is in the oceans ? NUM
2212 HUM:ind Who leads the star ship Enterprise in Star Trek ? HUM
2213 ENTY:animal What animals acted as lapwarmers for American colonists in church ? ENTY
2214 HUM:ind Who won World War II ? HUM
2215 DESC:desc Where does `` bovine '' come from ? DESC
2216 LOC:other Where does the U.S. get most of its energy ? LOC
2217 LOC:country What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ? LOC
2218 ENTY:body What is the weakest bone in the body ? ENTY
2219 DESC:def What is dew point ? DESC
2220 HUM:ind Who was Garrett Morgan married to ? HUM
2221 HUM:ind What was the name of Darth Vader 's son ? HUM
2222 NUM:count How many stars are there in Big Dipper ? NUM
2223 DESC:manner How do you become a dentist ? DESC
2224 HUM:desc Who is Ishmael in Moby Dick ? HUM
2225 NUM:count How many wings does a flea have ? NUM
2226 LOC:country What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ? LOC
2227 LOC:other Where can I find a website that gives comparisons of good prices ? LOC
2228 NUM:other What is the population of Mozambique ? NUM
2229 DESC:def What is multimedia ? DESC
2230 LOC:state What state has the most Indians ? LOC
2231 DESC:desc What is the difference between terry cloth and French terry ? DESC
2232 NUM:dist How long is Camptown Racetrack ? NUM
2233 HUM:ind Name the two blob members of the animated Herculoids . HUM
2234 LOC:other Where did Luther display his `` Ninety-Five Theses '' ? LOC
2235 DESC:def What are `` inkhorn terms '' ? DESC
2236 DESC:desc What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ? DESC
2237 LOC:other What river is Pocahontas buried along ? LOC
2238 DESC:def What does hazmat stand for ? DESC
2239 DESC:def What is `` bloodhound '' ? DESC
2240 NUM:count How many miles is it from London , England to Plymouth , England ? NUM
2241 ENTY:animal What was Paul Bunyan 's ox 's name ? ENTY
2242 ENTY:other What trophy is awarded to the winners of the Super Bowl ? ENTY
2243 LOC:other Where is Dartmouth College ? LOC
2244 HUM:ind What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ? HUM
2245 DESC:desc What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ? DESC
2246 HUM:ind What one of the Backstreet Boys are single ? HUM
2247 NUM:count How many people was Randy Craft convicted of murdering ? NUM
2248 LOC:other What river flows through Vienna , Budapest and Belgrade ? LOC
2249 HUM:ind What Civil War general wreaked havoc on the south by marching through Georgia on his way to the sea ? HUM
2250 HUM:ind Who was the conservationist who served as spokesperson for Post Grape Nuts ? HUM
2251 DESC:def What is carpal tunnel syndrome ? DESC
2252 ABBR:exp What does IOC stand for ? ABBR
2253 LOC:other Which area produces the least acidic coffee ? LOC
2254 DESC:reason Why is it called `` hamburger '' if there is no ham in it ? DESC
2255 ENTY:symbol What is the trademark of a Washington Redskin 's fan ? ENTY
2256 DESC:reason Why does cotton get caught in belly buttons ? DESC
2257 HUM:ind What suburban housewife and mother of three wrote The Feminine Mystique ? HUM
2258 DESC:manner How does a glacier form ? DESC
2259 NUM:date On which date is the Ukrainians ' Christmas ? NUM
2260 LOC:city What is the largest city in the world ? LOC
2261 ENTY:sport What famed tennis tournament 's men 's singles title was Fred Perry the last Englishman to win ? ENTY
2262 HUM:desc Who was Whitcomb Judson ? HUM
2263 NUM:weight What is the average weight for a man ? NUM
2264 LOC:other What are Britain 's two longest rivers ? LOC
2265 LOC:country What country covers 8 , 600 , 387 square miles ? LOC
2266 ENTY:substance What fuel do airplanes use ? ENTY
2267 HUM:ind Name a canine cartoon character other than Huckleberry Hound to have a voice by Daws Butler . HUM
2268 DESC:def What does palindromic mean ? DESC
2269 DESC:desc What baseball expression came from the nautical term for ships sailing between the Atlantic and Pacific before the Panama Canal ? DESC
2270 LOC:state In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ? LOC
2271 LOC:other What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ? LOC
2272 DESC:manner How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ? DESC
2273 ENTY:color What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ? ENTY
2274 ENTY:other What is the smallest thing seen under the most powerful microscope , and how big is it ? ENTY
2275 ENTY:body Which ear can most people hear better with ? ENTY
2276 LOC:other Where have the most dinosaur remains been found ? LOC
2277 ENTY:letter What letter appears on the cold-water tap in Spain ? ENTY
2278 ENTY:termeq How do you say `` Grandma '' in Irish ? ENTY
2279 HUM:ind Who shoplifts ? HUM
2280 ENTY:substance What is a camel hair brush actually made out of ? ENTY
2281 DESC:def What is the Socratic method ? DESC
2282 LOC:other What island has a park called The Battery at is southern tip ? LOC
2283 DESC:def What is hypertext ? DESC
2284 NUM:money How much is Clara Peller being paid by Wendy 's to say `` Where 's the beef '' ? NUM
2285 DESC:desc What do I need to learn to design web pages ? DESC
2286 NUM:date What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ? NUM
2287 DESC:reason Shea and Gould closed their Los Angeles office for what reason ? DESC
2288 ENTY:cremat What Peter Blatty novel recounts the horrors of Regan MacNeil 's possession by the devil ? ENTY
2289 NUM:other What is the all-time stock high of Apple Computer , and where can I find this information ? NUM
2290 DESC:reason Why are lions called `` King of the Jungle '' ? DESC
2291 ENTY:food What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice ? ENTY
2292 ENTY:other What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935 ? ENTY
2293 NUM:date When was Calypso music invented ? NUM
2294 LOC:other What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ? LOC
2295 ENTY:cremat What Michelangelo sculpture is in Saint Peter 's Cathedral , Basilica , ? ENTY
2296 DESC:desc What 's the difference and advantages of selecting a Super VHS VCR over plain VHS model ? DESC
2297 NUM:period How old is Bernadette Peters ? NUM
2298 LOC:other Where can I find book reviews of `` Turbulent Souls '' ? LOC
2299 NUM:date What is Dick Clark 's birthday ? NUM
2300 ENTY:termeq What is the name for clouds that produce rain ? ENTY
2301 NUM:date When did Hitler come to power in Germany ? NUM
2302 NUM:date When did Gothic art and architecture flourish ? NUM
2303 HUM:ind Which two inventors invented Post-its ? HUM
2304 NUM:date What day of the week was July 13 ? NUM
2305 HUM:ind Whose image is alleged to be on The Shroud of Turin ? HUM
2306 ENTY:dismed What does Salk vaccine prevent ? ENTY
2307 HUM:ind What U.S. general was court-martialled for criticizing American air power ? HUM
2308 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of insanity ? ENTY
2309 DESC:manner How do you convert foot-pounds to foot-inches ? DESC
2310 HUM:ind Who said : `` The victor will never be asked if he told the truth '' ? HUM
2311 NUM:count Approximately how many students are enrolled at the University of Massachusetts ? NUM
2312 ENTY:instru What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments ? ENTY
2313 DESC:reason Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ? DESC
2314 LOC:state What is the fastest growing state in the U.S.A. in 1998 ? LOC
2315 NUM:count How many American soldiers have died for their country to date ? NUM
2316 ENTY:event What was the name of the U.S. 's first manned space program ? ENTY
2317 HUM:desc Who is Langston Hughes ? HUM
2318 ENTY:other What were the achievements of Richard Nixon ? ENTY
2319 LOC:other Where does the opera singer Ileana Cotrubas come from ? LOC
2320 DESC:manner How do you do a bibliography with an unknown author ? DESC
2321 HUM:ind Saddam Hussein was compared to whom by President Bush ? HUM
2322 NUM:date What year was the NAACP founded ? NUM
2323 NUM:date In what year did Thatcher gain power ? NUM
2324 HUM:ind Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ? HUM
2325 LOC:other Where can I learn about Samuel Gompers ? LOC
2326 HUM:ind What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ? HUM
2327 LOC:state What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ? LOC
2328 DESC:def What is Greek pita ? DESC
2329 ENTY:animal What do peacocks mate with ? ENTY
2330 HUM:ind Who seized power from Milton Obote in 1971 ? HUM
2331 LOC:state What state is Niagara Falls located in ? LOC
2332 NUM:temp How hot does the inside of an active volcano get ? NUM
2333 ENTY:other What tools do you use to crewel ? ENTY
2334 DESC:def What is narcolepsy ? DESC
2335 ENTY:event What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ? ENTY
2336 ENTY:termeq What 's the term for an organism that lives on or in another ? ENTY
2337 LOC:other Where is the Orange Bowl ? LOC
2338 LOC:city What Scandinavian capital is built on nine bridge-connected islands ? LOC
2339 HUM:ind What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ? HUM
2340 LOC:other Where is the Smithsonian Institute located ? LOC
2341 DESC:def What does the name ` Alexandra ' mean ? DESC
2342 NUM:volsize What is the size of Argentina ? NUM
2343 ENTY:substance What would you add to the clay mixture to produce bone china ? ENTY
2344 DESC:def What is leukemia ? DESC
2345 ENTY:cremat What Stephen Sondheim ballad ends : `` Well , maybe next year.. . '' ? ENTY
2346 DESC:manner How does the tail affect the flight of a kite ? DESC
2347 NUM:date What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ? NUM
2348 ENTY:animal What film canine is buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery in Paris ? ENTY
2349 HUM:ind What little boy and dog live in a shoe ? HUM
2350 NUM:perc What percent of world 's fresh water is found in Canada ? NUM
2351 NUM:date CNN 's first broadcast occurred on what date ? NUM
2352 DESC:reason Why are the U.S. presidential elections held in November ? DESC
2353 NUM:count How many grooves are on a dime ? NUM
2354 HUM:ind What was Marilyn Monroe 's real name ? HUM
2355 NUM:other What number of American soldiers remain unaccounted from the Vietnam war ? NUM
2356 ABBR:abb What is the acronym for the National Bureau of Investigation ? ABBR
2357 DESC:manner How does marijuana lead to other drugs ? DESC
2358 HUM:ind What father and son won the Medal of Honor ? HUM
2359 NUM:count How many consecutive baseball games did Lou Gehrig play ? NUM
2360 HUM:gr Which high schools are included in the South Florida Ice Hockey league ? HUM
2361 NUM:count How many different types of skunks are there ? NUM
2362 HUM:ind Who is the Prophet of Medina ? HUM
2363 ENTY:cremat What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ? ENTY
2364 NUM:date What year did Spielberg make `` Jaws '' ? NUM
2365 DESC:def What 's the meaning of the zoological term ruminant ? DESC
2366 HUM:ind What is the name of the woman who was with John Belushi when he died ? HUM
2367 DESC:def What is hyperopia ? DESC
2368 ENTY:color What color Poker chip is usually assigned the lowest value ? ENTY
2369 LOC:other What do most tourists visit in Reims ? LOC
2370 ENTY:animal Which produces the longer sperm - an elephant or a mouse ? ENTY
2371 ENTY:cremat In what book can I find the story of Aladdin ? ENTY
2372 LOC:city What United States city produces the most oil ? LOC
2373 DESC:manner How do you pronounce `` Tzimisce '' ? DESC
2374 ENTY:termeq What 's the name of the Tokyo Stock Exchange ? ENTY
2375 NUM:perc What 's the percentage of children aged two through eleven who watch ` 'The Simpsons ' ? NUM
2376 ENTY:cremat What TV show premiered on January 15 , 1981 ? ENTY
2377 LOC:country What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ? LOC
2378 LOC:other In what part of Africa is Mozambique located ? LOC
2379 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviated term used for the National Bureau of Investigation ? ABBR
2380 DESC:def What is e-commerce ? DESC
2381 HUM:ind Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ? HUM
2382 DESC:manner How did names come about ? DESC
2383 HUM:ind What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ? HUM
2384 HUM:ind What is her husband 's name ? HUM
2385 HUM:gr What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? '' HUM
2386 HUM:ind Which of the following did not receive a 1983 `` Outstanding Mother Award '' from the National Mother 's Day Committee ? HUM
2387 HUM:ind What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ? HUM
2388 LOC:other Where is Poe 's birthplace ? LOC
2389 HUM:ind What actress holds the record for the most appearances on the cover of Life ? HUM
2390 ENTY:other What was the first TV set to include a remote control ? ENTY
2391 HUM:gr Name the company that used the line , `` Even your best friend won 't tell you '' in its ad ? HUM
2392 ENTY:product What first-aid product `` Helps the hurt stop hurting '' ? ENTY
2393 DESC:manner How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ? DESC
2394 DESC:desc What was the verdict in the trial of Lizzie Borden ? DESC
2395 HUM:ind What U.S. President had brothers-in-law in the Confederate army ? HUM
2396 HUM:ind Who is the Queen of Holland ? HUM
2397 DESC:def What does the Greek word polis mean , as in Minneapolis ? DESC
2398 LOC:other Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ? LOC
2399 HUM:ind What actor learned to play the saxophone and speak Russian for a role in a movie ? HUM
2400 HUM:ind Who says , `` If you don 't look good , we don 't look good '' ? HUM
2401 HUM:ind Who was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration ? HUM
2402 NUM:money How much money does each player get at the beginning of the game in Monopoly ? NUM
2403 LOC:other Where 's the GUM department store ? LOC
2404 DESC:def What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ? DESC
2405 LOC:state What state was named the Green Mountain state ? LOC
2406 ENTY:body What carries sperm up into the pelvic region ? ENTY
2407 NUM:date What year was the ATM first introduced ? NUM
2408 LOC:state What are all the southern states of the United States ? LOC
2409 HUM:desc Who is Johnny Carson ? HUM
2410 NUM:other What does 7847+5943 equal ? NUM
2411 ENTY:cremat What book is subtitled The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ? ENTY
2412 DESC:reason Why do the chickenpoxs last so long ? DESC
2413 HUM:ind What attorneys work for The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise ? HUM
2414 DESC:manner How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ? DESC
2415 NUM:date What is Dick Clark 's date of birth ? NUM
2416 DESC:def What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ? DESC
2417 ENTY:animal What is the only primate to lack pigment in the palms of its hands ? ENTY
2418 NUM:count How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle ? NUM
2419 LOC:other Where did Bill Gates go to college ? LOC
2420 LOC:other What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ? LOC
2421 ENTY:cremat What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ? ENTY
2422 HUM:gr What U.S. university boasts the largest library ? HUM
2423 NUM:date In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ? NUM
2424 DESC:desc What do Japanese school uniforms look like ? DESC
2425 ENTY:cremat Name a Salt Lake City newspaper . ENTY
2426 LOC:other Where can I find the history of the Taiwanese language ? LOC
2427 LOC:state What state is Mount McKinley in ? LOC
2428 DESC:manner How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ? DESC
2429 HUM:ind Which classical Spanish writer said `` All that glitters is not gold '' ? HUM
2430 DESC:def What is swap math ? DESC
2431 DESC:def What is hypnotherapy ? DESC
2432 ABBR:exp What is RCD ? ABBR
2433 NUM:other How large is Missouri 's population ? NUM
2434 ENTY:animal Which cats pursued Tweety Pie in his first cartoon appearance ? ENTY
2435 DESC:def What is the biblical meaning of ` stones ' ? DESC
2436 HUM:gr Which organization is the Security Council a part of ? HUM
2437 NUM:date When was the internal combustion engine developed ? NUM
2438 DESC:manner How can I find out my biorhythm ? DESC
2439 HUM:ind Who painted `` Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon '' ? HUM
2440 HUM:gr What company markets a shampoo `` for brunettes only '' ? HUM
2441 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of touching ? ENTY
2442 ENTY:event What is the name of the largest water conservancy project in China ? ENTY
2443 HUM:ind Who killed Caesar ? HUM
2444 LOC:other Where is Kings Canyon ? LOC
2445 DESC:desc What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ? DESC
2446 DESC:reason Why are organ transplants more successful today ? DESC
2447 ENTY:cremat Which is the most-used computer program ? ENTY
2448 DESC:desc What is the root of all evil ? DESC
2449 ENTY:animal What animal has the best hearing ? ENTY
2450 NUM:date What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ? NUM
2451 NUM:ord What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ? NUM
2452 NUM:money What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ? NUM
2453 ENTY:cremat What film featured Shirley MacLaine as a prostitute and Jack Lemmon as a pimp ? ENTY
2454 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of drinking ? ENTY
2455 LOC:country What Asian country once thrilled to the sport of cricket fighting ? LOC
2456 NUM:count How many varieties of apple are there ? NUM
2457 HUM:desc Who is Count Cinzano ? HUM
2458 HUM:ind Who 's won the most Oscars for costume design ? HUM
2459 ENTY:cremat What Ernest Hemingway novel had the working title Fiesta ? ENTY
2460 ENTY:color What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ? ENTY
2461 ENTY:cremat Which Beatles disc cover honors the Rolling Stones ? ENTY
2462 DESC:reason Why does it snow ? DESC
2463 NUM:period What is the average life expectancy of a male in Ireland in 1996 ? NUM
2464 DESC:def What is `` Vocal Sampling '' ? DESC
2465 DESC:manner How do windmills work ? DESC
2466 ENTY:veh What ocean liner burned and sank in Hong Kong harbor ? ENTY
2467 LOC:city What city is near the mouth of the Amazon ? LOC
2468 HUM:ind What U.S. vice-president once declared : `` If you 've seen one slum , you 've seen them all '' ? HUM
2469 HUM:ind Who wrote The Red Badge of Courage ? HUM
2470 ENTY:currency What money was used by them ? ENTY
2471 ENTY:color What color , s , appear on boxes of Kodak film ? ENTY
2472 LOC:other Where did the Inuits live ? LOC
2473 DESC:desc What is the origin of the word trigonometry ? DESC
2474 DESC:desc What is Compaq 's mission statement ? DESC
2475 ENTY:other What was the name of the 1899 policy forced on China by which all nations had equal trading rights ? ENTY
2476 HUM:ind What British monarch 's lap did P.T. Barnum 's Tom Thumb sit in ? HUM
2477 DESC:manner How did Rocky Marciano die ? DESC
2478 HUM:ind Who invented the road traffic cone ? HUM
2479 HUM:gr What is the name of Joan Jett 's band ? HUM
2480 HUM:ind Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ? HUM
2481 ENTY:other What does Visine get out ? ENTY
2482 HUM:gr What civilization invented the arch ? HUM
2483 DESC:desc What are some fun things to do in Cozumel , Mexico for teenagers ? DESC
2484 HUM:gr What is an example of a famous rock band from the sixties ? HUM
2485 LOC:other What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ? LOC
2486 LOC:other Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ? LOC
2487 HUM:ind What president 's ghost is said to haunt the White House ? HUM
2488 HUM:ind What are the names of Jack 's original roommates on Three 's Company ? HUM
2489 DESC:def What is the definition of hazmat ? DESC
2490 NUM:count How many URL extensions are there ? and what are they ? NUM
2491 LOC:other Where did the Wright brothers make their first flight ? LOC
2492 HUM:ind Who won the Battle of Gettysburg ? HUM
2493 ENTY:food What do you get by mixing gin and vermouth ? ENTY
2494 HUM:ind Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick . HUM
2495 HUM:ind Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ? HUM
2496 LOC:city What is the snowiest city in the U.S. ? LOC
2497 DESC:def What is crabgrass ? DESC
2498 ENTY:cremat What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ? ENTY
2499 HUM:desc Who is Stephen Hawking ? HUM
2500 ABBR:exp What does SHIELD stand for ? ABBR
2501 ENTY:termeq How do you say , `` I love you '' in other languages ? ENTY
2502 DESC:def What is The Gay Science ? DESC
2503 DESC:reason Why is Jane Goodall famous ? DESC
2504 NUM:other What is the chemical reactivity of helium ? NUM
2505 HUM:ind The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ? HUM
2506 DESC:reason What is main reason for that electric vehicles can 't be popular nowadays ? DESC
2507 DESC:desc What is the difference between optical and digital video ? DESC
2508 DESC:desc What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ? DESC
2509 DESC:desc What 's new in the postal world in 1999 ? DESC
2510 HUM:ind What actor came to dinner in Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner ? HUM
2511 DESC:desc What is the difference between the anus and the rectum ? DESC
2512 DESC:def What is a Guild ? DESC
2513 DESC:desc What is the difference between college and graduate school ? DESC
2514 DESC:manner How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ? DESC
2515 DESC:desc What is Franz Kafka 's short story `` A Country Doctor '' trying to tell us ? DESC
2516 HUM:ind What engineer invented the pull-tab can ? HUM
2517 LOC:city What South American capital is the world 's highest ? LOC
2518 DESC:desc What are the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner ? DESC
2519 LOC:other Name a civil war battlefield . LOC
2520 NUM:date When do you plant winter wheat ? NUM
2521 DESC:desc What will a compass do in outer space ? DESC
2522 NUM:count How many counties are in Indiana ? NUM
2523 HUM:gr Which college did Dikembe Mutombo attend ? HUM
2524 HUM:ind Who was the first actress to appear on a postage stamp ? HUM
2525 HUM:ind Who was the first black woman to star in the Folies Bergeres ? HUM
2526 ENTY:cremat What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ? ENTY
2527 LOC:other What famed strip of land is a 15-minute boat trip across the Venetian Lagoon from Venice ? LOC
2528 DESC:manner How is water treated to make it safe to drink ? DESC
2529 DESC:def What is a hydrogen bond ? DESC
2530 NUM:money What is the exchange rate between England and the U.S. ? NUM
2531 ENTY:other What does a woman want ? ENTY
2532 NUM:other What is the protection rate of using condoms ? NUM
2533 ABBR:abb What 's the abbreviation for limited partnership ? ABBR
2534 LOC:other Which continent has the most roses ? LOC
2535 ENTY:cremat What Russian novel embracing more the 5 characters is set in the Napoleonic Wars ? ENTY
2536 DESC:manner How do you write a correct critical analysis of a poem ? DESC
2537 DESC:manner How do I check if my modem is v.9 compatible ? DESC
2538 ENTY:color What is your favorite color ? ENTY
2539 ENTY:other What is the longest chemical name , consisting of 35 letters ? ENTY
2540 NUM:count How many corners does a spritsail have ? NUM
2541 HUM:ind What bottled-up TV character was born in Baghdad ? HUM
2542 DESC:def What is a multiplexer ? DESC
2543 ENTY:other What credit card features a centurion on its face ? ENTY
2544 LOC:mount What are the four largest mountain ranges on the Asian continent ? LOC
2545 DESC:def What are the Poconos ? DESC
2546 DESC:def What does caliente mean , in English ? DESC
2547 DESC:reason What is Jane Goodall famous for ? DESC
2548 ENTY:event What is the mission of Nike ? ENTY
2549 DESC:def What is thalassemia ? DESC
2550 NUM:dist How far can you see ? NUM
2551 ENTY:veh What nuclear-powered Russian submarine sank in the Norwegian Sea on April 7 , 1989 ? ENTY
2552 DESC:reason Why can 't you taste anything when you have a cold ? DESC
2553 LOC:other Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ? LOC
2554 LOC:country What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe ? LOC
2555 NUM:date When did Nostradamus believe World War III would begin ? NUM
2556 DESC:desc What is so powerful about Power Bars ? DESC
2557 ENTY:termeq What do the Japanese call Japan ? ENTY
2558 LOC:country What country was Brian Boru an 11th-century king of ? LOC
2559 DESC:desc What happens when a body part falls asleep ? DESC
2560 ENTY:word What English word has the most letters ? ENTY
2561 ENTY:cremat What film ends with the line : `` This is Mrs. Norman Maine '' ? ENTY
2562 HUM:ind Who asked the musical question : `` Have you ever been to electric lady land ? '' HUM
2563 HUM:ind Who wrote : `` Poems are made by fools like me but only God can make a tree '' ? HUM
2564 DESC:def What is June 's birthstone ? DESC
2565 LOC:other Where did the 6th annual meeting of Indonesia-Malaysia forest experts take place ? LOC
2566 DESC:reason Why do we ask for the `` check '' and not the bill at a restaurant ? DESC
2567 HUM:ind Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ? HUM
2568 NUM:date When was London 's Docklands Light Railway constructed ? NUM
2569 HUM:ind Who invented the Wonderbra ? HUM
2570 DESC:desc What is the origin of the proverb `` A stitch in time saves nine '' ? DESC
2571 LOC:city What state capital comes last alphabetically ? LOC
2572 DESC:reason Why is Thanksgiving on a Thursday ? DESC
2573 DESC:manner How do telephones work ? DESC
2574 ENTY:food What 's the main vegetable in vichyssoise ? ENTY
2575 NUM:period How long did the Charles Manson murder trial last ? NUM
2576 NUM:period How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ? NUM
2577 HUM:ind Who owns the St. Louis Rams ? HUM
2578 LOC:other Where is former Pro wrestler Johnny `` Rubber Man '' Walker ? LOC
2579 ENTY:food What beer tells us , `` Grab all the gusto you can get . '' ? ENTY
2580 LOC:other What is the geographical center of the US including Alaska and Hawaii ? LOC
2581 ENTY:other Which side of the face do most artists tend to show more of in self-portraits ? ENTY
2582 DESC:def What is diabetes ? DESC
2583 ENTY:event What phenomenon would you expect to read about in the monthly publication The Bigfoot News ? ENTY
2584 NUM:date When do MORMONS believe Christ was born ? NUM
2585 NUM:date In what year was actress Joan Collins born ? NUM
2586 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of punishment ? ENTY
2587 NUM:money What is average salary of restaurant manager in United States ? NUM
2588 ENTY:cremat What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ? ENTY
2589 ENTY:other What device provided a new way to listen to music in 1963 ? ENTY
2590 ENTY:food What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ? ENTY
2591 NUM:period On average , how long time does it take to type a screenplay ? NUM
2592 ABBR:exp What does the abbreviation IOC stand for ? ABBR
2593 DESC:def What 's a short ton ? DESC
2594 NUM:period How long do cardinal eggs incubate ? NUM
2595 ENTY:body What two body parts grow all your life ? ENTY
2596 HUM:ind What Texas surgeon performed the first artificial heart transplant ? HUM
2597 LOC:country What country has the port of Haifa ? LOC
2598 ENTY:substance What is the main ingredient of yogurt ? ENTY
2599 ENTY:food What is the recipe for Eggs Benedict ? ENTY
2600 LOC:other What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ? LOC
2601 ENTY:food What 's the largest U.S. agricultural crop by weight ? ENTY
2602 ENTY:other What is the electronic device used to produce visual displays corresponding to electric signals ? ENTY
2603 DESC:def What is goldenseal ? DESC
2604 HUM:ind Who made the most appearances in the center square on Hollywood Squares ? HUM
2605 DESC:def What is the Lost Colony ? DESC
2606 ENTY:substance What is the chemical composition of a Barbie ? ENTY
2607 NUM:count How many of every 10 members of the Rodeo Cowboys Association have never worked a ranch ? NUM
2608 HUM:gr What store claims to be the world 's largest department store ? HUM
2609 ENTY:termeq What is the lens behind the iris in the eye called ? ENTY
2610 DESC:def What is Tetrinet ? DESC
2611 HUM:ind What `` marvelous '' major-league baseball player is now a spokesman for a beer company ? HUM
2612 ENTY:word What is the longest English word that can be formed using just the first row of letters on a typewriter ? ENTY
2613 ENTY:termeq What is Chiricahua the name of ? ENTY
2614 ENTY:termeq What 's the green variety of beryl called ? ENTY
2615 ENTY:veh What was the name of Captain Bligh 's ship ? ENTY
2616 ENTY:food Which is heavier - cream or milk ? ENTY
2617 HUM:ind Who said `` the only thing we have to fear is fear itself '' ? HUM
2618 LOC:other Where is Romania located ? LOC
2619 NUM:count How many films are made by the major studios in a year ? NUM
2620 NUM:count How many small businesses are there in the U.S . NUM
2621 NUM:period What age is Benny Carter ? NUM
2622 DESC:manner How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ? DESC
2623 LOC:city What city did the Mormons establish as their headquarters in 1847 ? LOC
2624 DESC:def What is amezaiku ? DESC
2625 LOC:country What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ? LOC
2626 ENTY:sport What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ? ENTY
2627 LOC:state Mississippi has what name for a state nickname ? LOC
2628 ENTY:color What is the predominant color of the Tab label ? ENTY
2629 LOC:city What U.S. city was named for St. Francis of Assisi ? LOC
2630 NUM:count How many megawatts will the power project in Indonesia , built by a consortium headed by Mission Energy of US , produce ? NUM
2631 DESC:def What is the definition of `` chancery '' file in real estate ? DESC
2632 HUM:ind Who is the sexiest women in the world ? HUM
2633 NUM:date What day is known as the `` national day of prayer '' ? NUM
2634 LOC:other Where can I get a photograph of professor Randolph Quirk ? LOC
2635 HUM:ind Who was the supreme god of Germanic religion ? HUM
2636 DESC:manner How do you handle a hungry man ? DESC
2637 HUM:ind Who 's played the most games for the New York Yankees ? HUM
2638 HUM:ind What TV character said ; `` One of these days , Alice , pow , right in the kisser '' ? HUM
2639 HUM:ind What is the name of the Indian who became prime minister by beating Mrs. Gandhi in the 1977 election ? HUM
2640 ENTY:word What are the conjugations of wake and woke ? ENTY
2641 HUM:ind What Chilean president was killed in a 1973 coup d 'etat ? HUM
2642 NUM:other What was Einstein 's IQ ? NUM
2643 HUM:ind Name the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk . HUM
2644 DESC:reason Why do eyes sometimes look red in photographs ? DESC
2645 ENTY:termeq What are John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay known as ? ENTY
2646 HUM:ind What are the first names of the famous husband-and-wife acting team of Lunt and Fontanne ? HUM
2647 ENTY:sport What are some good exercises for kids to do ? ENTY
2648 NUM:count How many real fruit juices are there in a can of Hawaiian Punch ? NUM
2649 ABBR:abb What is the abbreviation of the National Bureau of Investigation ? ABBR
2650 LOC:other What is the principal river of Ireland ? LOC
2651 LOC:other What lake is the source of the White Nile ? LOC
2652 ENTY:sport Garry Kasparov plays what game ? ENTY
2653 NUM:weight How much does a poodle weigh ? NUM
2654 DESC:def What is Zionism ? DESC
2655 HUM:gr What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ? HUM
2656 NUM:count How many points are there on a Backgammon board ? NUM
2657 DESC:desc What have you not let a tennis ball do if you volley ? DESC
2658 ENTY:cremat Which comic book was not spawned directly from the pulp magazines ? ENTY
2659 ENTY:product What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ? ENTY
2660 DESC:def What else has the swastika stood for ? DESC
2661 DESC:reason Why do people get goosebumps when they have something emotional happen to them , like when they hear a beautiful piece of music , or see something beautiful , or get aroused by someone they love ? DESC
2662 NUM:count How many frames does a disk camera shoot ? NUM
2663 ENTY:other What are the 7 Wonders of the World ? ENTY
2664 NUM:date When did Theo Rousseau paint the `` Forest of Fontaine '' ? NUM
2665 NUM:count How many people have been Captain America ? NUM
2666 DESC:def What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ? DESC
2667 ENTY:food What became the biggest cash crop in the U.S. in 1983 , surpassing corn ? ENTY
2668 DESC:manner How did the war of 1812 affect Delaware ? DESC
2669 ENTY:body Where is the human skin least sensitive ? ENTY
2670 HUM:ind What President was meant for , but never placed in , the empty crypt beneath the capital 's rotunda ? HUM
2671 ENTY:other What is the biggest `` thing '' humans have made ? ENTY
2672 LOC:other What are all the rivers in Europe ? LOC
2673 HUM:ind Who won the Superbowl in ? HUM
2674 ENTY:other What five cards make up a perfect Cribbage hand ? ENTY
2675 NUM:date In what year was Gandhi assassinated ? NUM
2676 NUM:period What is the time it takes a typist to type a screenplay that is 100 pages long ? NUM
2677 ENTY:animal What is the full classification of a lady bug ? ENTY
2678 HUM:ind What Hungarian cardinal was first a state prisoner and then a refugee in the U.S. embassy 1956-1971 ? HUM
2679 NUM:count How many pairs of wings does a tsetse fly have ? NUM
2680 ENTY:other What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ? ENTY
2681 LOC:country What 's the fifth-largest country in the world ? LOC
2682 DESC:manner How do you box train a cat ? DESC
2683 DESC:manner How was Teddy Roosevelt related to FDR ? DESC
2684 ENTY:cremat What newspaper serves Salt Lake City ? ENTY
2685 NUM:date The film `` Jaws '' was made in what year ? NUM
2686 DESC:manner How does lightning travel ? DESC
2687 ENTY:food What spice do chefs pay the most for ? ENTY
2688 HUM:ind Who directed Citizen Kane ? HUM
2689 DESC:def What is troilism ? DESC
2690 ENTY:veh What was the sister ship of the Olympic ? ENTY
2691 HUM:ind What is the nickname of the famous flyer who mistakenly flew to Ireland instead of to Los Angeles ? HUM
2692 ABBR:exp What is HTML ? ABBR
2693 DESC:manner How do you identify prime numbers ? DESC
2694 HUM:ind Whose special bear 's creator was born on January 18 , 1779 ? HUM
2695 HUM:gr What high school does Archie attend ? HUM
2696 ENTY:animal What animal migrates the farthest ? ENTY
2697 ENTY:cremat What film was based on the play Everybody Comes to Rick 's ? ENTY
2698 DESC:reason Why do we call someone `` honey '' ? DESC
2699 ENTY:food Madonna hocks which soft drink ? ENTY
2700 HUM:gr What television network flogged its sports programming on Inga Nielsen 's body in 197 ? HUM
2701 LOC:country In what country is Lund ? LOC
2702 ENTY:cremat What 's the sequel to Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ? ENTY
2703 LOC:city What is the capital of Seattle ? LOC
2704 HUM:ind What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ? HUM
2705 LOC:city What city in Florida is Sea World in ? LOC
2706 HUM:ind Who said : `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? '' HUM
2707 DESC:def What 's a water funnel ? DESC
2708 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of worms ? ENTY
2709 DESC:def What is a Chinese `` spouting '' bowl ? DESC
2710 DESC:desc What does an emperor do ? DESC
2711 HUM:ind What president kissed the Queen Mother on the lips ? HUM
2712 LOC:other Where does the tennis star Stefan Edberg come from ? LOC
2713 LOC:other What continent pushes up the Executive Committee mountain range ? LOC
2714 DESC:manner How do they raise the cranes when building high-rise buildings ? DESC
2715 DESC:reason What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ? DESC
2716 ENTY:food What food can I use to catch a possum ? ENTY
2717 HUM:ind What was Al Capone 's nickname ? HUM
2718 HUM:ind Who was the author of the famous fairy tale `` Snow White and Seven Dwarfs '' ? HUM
2719 LOC:city What is the largest city in Germany ? LOC
2720 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of cholera ? ENTY
2721 LOC:other What park contains Firehole River and Fairy Falls ? LOC
2722 LOC:other What 's the largest island in the West Indies ? LOC
2723 LOC:state What New England state carries the telephone area code 27 ? LOC
2724 ENTY:other What is an example of a natural acid-base indicator ? ENTY
2725 LOC:other In what county is Eckley Colorado ? LOC
2726 DESC:manner How do I find info about rice importers in the world ? DESC
2727 NUM:money How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ? NUM
2728 DESC:desc What is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin about ? DESC
2729 DESC:manner How does hair curl ? DESC
2730 ENTY:other What are pushed and coupled in hump yards ? ENTY
2731 NUM:period How long do hermit crabs live ? NUM
2732 LOC:city What city hosted the first Winter Olympics in Asia ? LOC
2733 DESC:desc What is the origin of the first name ` Breony ' ? DESC
2734 NUM:date What month were you born in if your birthstone is sardonyx ? NUM
2735 HUM:ind Who is behind the name of the Harvey Wallbanger drink ? HUM
2736 DESC:desc What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ? DESC
2737 ENTY:food What soft drink not only has its own video game , but was featured in its own Marvel comic book ? ENTY
2738 ENTY:cremat What oldtime kids ' fare did TV Guide writer Jeff Greenfield call `` one of the most...subversive TV shows in American history '' ? ENTY
2739 ENTY:food Madonna advertises for what soft drink ? ENTY
2740 ABBR:exp What does A&W of root beer fame stand for ? ABBR
2741 ENTY:termeq What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg ? ENTY
2742 ENTY:other What does a collier mine ? ENTY
2743 NUM:money How much money can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ? NUM
2744 LOC:country What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ? LOC
2745 ENTY:event What are the ages in comic book lingo ? ENTY
2746 ENTY:animal What kinds of animals are in Cambodia ? ENTY
2747 HUM:gr What South African producer had a 1988 profit of $836 million ? HUM
2748 HUM:ind What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ? HUM
2749 DESC:def What do the 12 days of Christmas mean ? DESC
2750 ENTY:cremat What John Steinbeck novel portrays the Joad family , driven from the Oklahoma dustbowl ? ENTY
2751 NUM:date What date did man first land on the moon ? NUM
2752 LOC:other Where are the headquarters of Eli Lilly ? LOC
2753 NUM:count How many web servers are there ? NUM
2754 DESC:desc What 's the last line of Dickens 's A Christmas Carol ? DESC
2755 NUM:count How many trees go into paper making in a year ? NUM
2756 LOC:other Where can I find info on research being done on oilseeds thru genetics ? LOC
2757 DESC:reason How come light bulbs go out ? DESC
2758 DESC:reason For what reason did the Shea & Gould law firm close their L.A. office ? DESC
2759 NUM:dist How far out is the universe ? NUM
2760 DESC:desc What is the difference between a bottle and a jar ? DESC
2761 ENTY:dismed What disease is the second-biggest killer of North Americans ? ENTY
2762 LOC:other Where did the Mayan Indians live ? LOC
2763 LOC:other Where was Poe born ? LOC
2764 DESC:desc What happens to the female body with lack of sleep and food ? DESC
2765 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of crystals or glass ? ENTY
2766 ENTY:product Name a product that controls the ripening of apples . ENTY
2767 NUM:count How many warmup pitches does a reliever get coming into a baseball game ? NUM
2768 LOC:other Where did Dylan Thomas die ? LOC
2769 ENTY:animal What common livestock have the greatest variety of breeds ? ENTY
2770 ENTY:cremat What film had Bette Davis creating a scandal by wearing a daring red gown to a society ball ? ENTY
2771 ENTY:dismed What disease did August von Wassermann develop a specific test for in 196 ? ENTY
2772 HUM:gr What card company sells Christmas ornaments ? HUM
2773 DESC:manner How do I find out what cities are in a certain area code ? DESC
2774 ENTY:other What can communications satellites offer yachts ? ENTY
2775 NUM:count How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ? NUM
2776 HUM:ind Who is the premier of China ? HUM
2777 HUM:ind What cigar-chewing comedian observed : `` You 're only as old as the woman you feel '' ? HUM
2778 NUM:count How many bones are there in the human hand ? NUM
2779 HUM:gr What bread company used to feature stickers of the Cisco Kid on the ends of their packages ? HUM
2780 HUM:ind Who was the president of Vichy France ? HUM
2781 HUM:ind Whose kidnaping was termed The Crime of the Century ? HUM
2782 DESC:def What is hydrogen ? DESC
2783 HUM:gr What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ? HUM
2784 LOC:other What was the tallest building in America in 1922 ? LOC
2785 HUM:ind What buxom blonde appeared on the cover of more than 5 magazines ? HUM
2786 DESC:def What is recruitment interview technique ? DESC
2787 DESC:manner How does a hurricane form ? DESC
2788 DESC:def What does the donation process entail ? DESC
2789 NUM:dist How far is it from Phoenix to Blythe ? NUM
2790 LOC:city What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ? LOC
2791 NUM:count How many people watch network television ? NUM
2792 ENTY:product What garment was named for Bradley , Voorhees and Day ? ENTY
2793 HUM:ind Who first broke the sound barrier ? HUM
2794 DESC:manner How do birds have sex ? DESC
2795 NUM:count How many horses are there on a polo team ? NUM
2796 ENTY:other What 's destroyed in Genesis 19 : 24 ? ENTY
2797 ENTY:event What new year is celebrated on February 16th ? ENTY
2798 DESC:def What is Occam 's Razor ? DESC
2799 LOC:other Where do the Grimace and Mayor McCheese live ? LOC
2800 NUM:period How long does it take to hike the entire Appalachian Trail ? NUM
2801 HUM:ind What role do fruits play in the survival of plants ? HUM
2802 LOC:other Where is the world championship sled dog race held each February ? LOC
2803 DESC:reason What are the medical purposes of `` clitoridectomy '' ? DESC
2804 DESC:def How is thalassemia defined ? DESC
2805 ENTY:cremat What 's the name of the Tampa newspaper ? ENTY
2806 DESC:def What is a storm surge ? DESC
2807 DESC:manner How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ? DESC
2808 ENTY:other What was the alternate to VHS ? ENTY
2809 ENTY:lang What is one of the languages of the Sioux ? ENTY
2810 HUM:ind What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ? HUM
2811 NUM:count How many times can a nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery be recharged ? NUM
2812 DESC:manner How is cologne made ? DESC
2813 ENTY:food What was the food of the Greek gods called ? ENTY
2814 DESC:def What does camera-ready art mean ? DESC
2815 NUM:count How many seats does the Batmobile sport ? NUM
2816 NUM:count How many cards are dealt to each player in Gin Rummy ? NUM
2817 DESC:desc What happened to Phillip Taylor Kramer ? DESC
2818 ENTY:cremat What Erica Jong novel deals with Isadora Wing 's fear ? ENTY
2819 NUM:date What time of year do most people fly ? NUM
2820 HUM:ind Who was Scrooge 's dead partner in Dickens 's A Christmas Carol ? HUM
2821 DESC:desc What is the origin of the Christmas tree ? DESC
2822 NUM:date When is the Thai New Year ? NUM
2823 ENTY:sport What four tournaments make up tennis ' Grand Slam ? ENTY
2824 ENTY:cremat What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ? ENTY
2825 HUM:ind Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy ? HUM
2826 ENTY:termeq What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ? ENTY
2827 ENTY:other In Kafka 's Metamorphosis , the hero awakes one morning to find himself turned into what ? ENTY
2828 ENTY:termeq What does caliente translate to in English ? ENTY
2829 HUM:ind Who is Mia Farrow 's mother ? HUM
2830 DESC:manner How do you determine if a computer monitor has an SVGA adapter ? DESC
2831 NUM:dist How far can a human eye see ? NUM
2832 NUM:date What time of year has the most air travel ? NUM
2833 DESC:def What does the term `` spaghetti western '' mean ? DESC
2834 NUM:date When was the G7 group of nations formed ? NUM
2835 DESC:desc What are differences between 1980 and 1990 ? DESC
2836 HUM:ind What baseball player was walked the most times ? HUM
2837 HUM:ind What famous male vocalist has the same name as the composer of the opera Hansel and Gretel ? HUM
2838 ENTY:food What were the first frozen foods ? ENTY
2839 DESC:reason Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ? DESC
2840 ENTY:word What is the word for love of pain or abuse ? ENTY
2841 NUM:date When did they canonize the Bible ? NUM
2842 HUM:ind Who was the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms ? HUM
2843 NUM:perc What percentage of all world tornados touch down in the US ? NUM
2844 HUM:ind What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ? HUM
2845 NUM:date When did the Carolingian period begin ? NUM
2846 DESC:desc What motto ended Merrie Melodies cartoons ? DESC
2847 HUM:ind Who reports the weather on the `` Good Morning America '' television show ? HUM
2848 NUM:count How many emperors were there in the Roman Empire ? NUM
2849 HUM:ind What was the name of `` The Muppets '' creator ? HUM
2850 DESC:def What is Cabarnet Sauvignon ? DESC
2851 DESC:def What is a virtual IP address ? DESC
2852 ENTY:animal What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ? ENTY
2853 HUM:ind Who sent the brief message `` I came , I saw , I conquered '' ? HUM
2854 ENTY:color What color is Mr. Spock 's blood ? ENTY
2855 HUM:ind What U.S. Air Force general led the first bombing raid over Tokyo ? HUM
2856 HUM:ind What U.S. vice-president said : `` Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it '' ? HUM
2857 HUM:ind What was the name of the first Watergate special prosecutor , later fired by Nixon ? HUM
2858 DESC:manner How do movie blues screens work ? DESC
2859 DESC:manner How does the speed the magnet spins in a generator affect the output of the generator ? DESC
2860 HUM:gr What 's the supreme policy-making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party ? HUM
2861 DESC:def What was the Vietnam War ? DESC
2862 DESC:def What is La Nina ? DESC
2863 DESC:reason Why did the Globe Theatre burn down ? DESC
2864 NUM:date On what day were John F and Jackie Kennedy married ? NUM
2865 ENTY:cremat What was the non-fiction best-seller of 1952 , 1953 and 1954 ? ENTY
2866 DESC:def What is meant by blood SED rate ? DESC
2867 HUM:gr Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ? HUM
2868 HUM:ind Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ? HUM
2869 ENTY:techmeth What 's the best way to lose the flab under your chin and around your face ? ENTY
2870 LOC:other Where is your corpus callosum ? LOC
2871 ENTY:cremat What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? '' ENTY
2872 HUM:ind Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ? HUM
2873 DESC:reason Why is the development of space so important ? DESC
2874 DESC:desc What is the nursery rhyme Rock-a-by Baby about ? DESC
2875 LOC:other When Superman needs to get away from it all , where does he go ? LOC
2876 NUM:period How old is singer Freedy Johnston ? NUM
2877 DESC:desc What is the origin of gametophytic tissue ? DESC
2878 DESC:def What does Aaron mean ? DESC
2879 ENTY:dismed What is a fear of hair ? ENTY
2880 HUM:ind What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ? HUM
2881 DESC:def What is a conifer ? DESC
2882 HUM:ind Who claimed to be the world 's most perfectly-developed man ? HUM
2883 DESC:desc What is different about the red and black fox ? DESC
2884 DESC:def What is e-commerce ? DESC
2885 DESC:manner How do I tie a tie ? DESC
2886 LOC:other Where can I get cotton textiles importer details ? LOC
2887 NUM:date When did Spain and Korea start ambassadorial relations ? NUM
2888 HUM:gr What kind of people took part in Shays ' Rebellion in Massachusetts in 1787 ?