26+ Iconic Songs about New Hampshire

26+ Iconic Songs about New Hampshire

From New Hampshire’s state song to songs about Idaho by famous and indie musicians alike, these are the best New Hampshire songs for your event, party, or as a soundtrack to your presentation on the Granite State.

Some are specifically about New Hampshire, while others are called “New Hampshire” but may not have an immediate connection to the state until you listen to the lyrics, and others are songs set in New Hampshire.

Some, too, are songs that mention New Hampshire in their lyrics, even though the song may be about something else!

Visiting New Hampshire?

This is the best off-the-beaten path guidebook.

Already love New Hampshire?

This gorgeous vintage art print is a must-see, and this New Hampshire scented candle is a great gift.

1. Old New Hampshire

2. New Hampshire Hills

3. Autumn in New Hampshire

4. Oh, New Hampshire (you’re my home)

5. The Old Man of the Mountain

6. New Hampshire Naturally

7. Live Free or Die by Bill Morrissey

8. Okay, Alright

9. Granite State of Mind by the Super Secret Project

10. New Hampshire by Sonic Youth

11. White Mountain Fever by Jimmy Lehoux

12. New Hampshire by John Linnell

13. Town in Old New Hampshire by Metropolis

14. Snowbound in New Hampshire by Tony Smith

15. Escape from New Hampshire by BoScoDen

16. Hotel New Hampshire by One Bar Town

17. New Hampshire by Jason Reeves

18. Leaving New Hampshire by Andy Leftwich

19. Emperor of New Hampshire by James Parkington

20. New Hampshire’s Coast by Below the Sea

21. Farm in New Hampshire by Robert Blake

22. New Hampshire by End of Destiny

23. New Hampshire Autumn by White Mountain Waltz

24. New Hampshire Rodeo by Captain Automatic

25. New Hampshire Neighbors by Tom Rush

26. New Hampshire Crossroads by Ward Dilmore

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