Highway Use Permits - Province of British Columbia

Highway Use Permits

Last updated on August 30, 2023

A highway use permit is needed to create access to a highway, to construct, repair or maintain works, or hold an event on or along a provincial highway right-of-way.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure manages provincial highways and has authority to make decisions about what kinds of activities may take place on highway right-of-ways.

Please note: The Province of British Columbia has a legal duty to consult, and where required, accommodate First Nations whenever a decision or activity could impact Aboriginal Interests, which includes treaty rights or asserted or established Aboriginal rights and title. The duty to consult is triggered whenever these Aboriginal Interests may be impacted by a potential Crown action or authorization.

The highway right-of-way includes the travelled portion of the road, the shoulder area and highway bridges and structures.

Types of Highway Use Permits

The B.C. government considers highway safety, travel efficiency and the protection of transportation infrastructure when approving highway use permits and authorizations for:

Highway Use Permits Checklists

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information is collected by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of processing applications submitted through the electronic Development Approvals System (eDAS). If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information, please contact:

Manager, Development Services
Suite 4D - 940 Blanshard Street
778 974-2634

Apply Online

Use eDas, the online application system, to apply for a highway use permit.

Apply Online

Contact information

Contact the district office if you have questions about highway use permits.

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