"As per your request": Meaning & Examples Skip to Content

‘As per your request’ — Meaning & Grammar & Usage

‘As per your request’ — Meaning & Grammar & Usage

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What is the meaning of ‘as per your request’?

“As per your request” is a common business English phrase used when referring to previous demands. It is also switchable with “Per your request,” especially for those who think that adding “as” is redundant. In reality, both expressions are widely used and grammatically valid.


What is the short form of ‘as per your request’?

The acronym of ‘as per your request’ is APYR. However, this acronym is not very popular and in case of doubt, it might be better to just use ‘as per your request’ in order to avoid confusion.


Under which circumstances is it even appropriate to use ‘as per your request’?

‘As per your request’ is a very formal way to say ‘as you wished for’ or ‘as you wanted.’

‘As per your request’ is, therefore, often used in written correspondence, mainly in business correspondence.

It is both used in E-Mails and also in letters.




‘As per your request’ or ‘per your request’?

Both ‘as per your request’ and ‘per your request’ are grammatically correct and widely used in written English.

‘As per your request’ might seem pretty old-fashioned to some. Using something like ‘as you requested’ is a more modern way of saying ‘as per your request’ and might sound less ‘cumbersome’.

For more synonyms, see the next paragraph, please.


Alternatives to ‘As per your request’

Let’s have a look at alternatives and synonyms for the expression “as per your request.”


Per your request

Probably one the best alternatives, you could use “Per your request” when you want to exactly mean “As per your request.”

Some would argue that the “as” in “As per your request” is quite repetitive, but truth is, “as per” is largely used in emails.

One example of which is the use of “as per our conversation” in email writing, which simply means “as we discussed or talked about.”

However, if you’re in the same boat, then you had better go with “Per your request” instead.

In the real world, both phrases are actually used in business writing without causing any confusion to readers.

But, take note that there is a tiny bit of nuance that you might want to consider when choosing “per your request” over “as per your request.”

“Per your request” is the more laid-back version of the latter, which means that you could use it when exchanging everyday emails.

“As per your request” might be more suitable in legal writing or other more sensitive email exchanges.

So, unless you work in this industry, or you’re writing some official matters, you had better go with “Per your request.”


Dear Lauryn,
Thank you for your email. Per your request, here is a copy of your employment agreement. Let me know in case you can’t open the file.
All the best,


As (you) requested

An even more relaxed alternative to “As per your request,” “As you requested” or “As requested” is also another great choice.

Let’s say you’re someone who does not want to slow your reader down, and you want to always use plain language for better communication.

“As (you) requested” should be your go-to expression in these cases, especially if you’re communicating with a wide variety of people.

For example, you can go with this when you are working for an organization with much diversity in terms of its members.

If you want to sound warm and less stiff, don’t hesitate to put down the pronoun “you,” as in the next example.

Take note, though, that the use of “you” in English is valid for both singular and plural references.

Example 1:

Dear Ben,
I’m reaching out to you based on the email you sent last Friday. As you requested, I’ve attached the expanded version of the PLS marketing strategies we have for the quarter. Please let me know if you need further insights, and we can touch base within the week.
Kind regards,

If you feel like being a bit distant is a good call to make, then feel free to omit the “you” in your expression.

You might feel like wanting to increase the formality level of your writing when you do not know the message receiver too well.

Example 2:

Dear Paul,
As requested, attached with this email is a copy of your performance review conducted on the 26th of March. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Best regards,



In accordance with your request

Something that belongs to the more formal side of the spectrum, “In accordance with your request” is something you would reserve for certain cases.

Say, you’re constantly exchanging emails with lawyers, paralegals, or even university professors.

In cases like these, you might have the urge to use more formal language in your correspondence.

But then again, it would be best to avoid “In accordance with your request” in your daily interactions with close colleagues.

You had better reserve this expression for more serious topics that also require a lot of courtesy and meticulousness.


Dear Mr. Perez,
In accordance with your request, please see the attached addendum to the promissory note dated March 30, 2023. Kindly let me know if you have any questions or clarifications.
Kind regards,
Michael Delacroix, Esq.


According to your request

If you want something friendlier than “In accordance with your request,” you could also go with “According to your request.”

Comparatively, this one still bears a more formal tone than “As per your request” and “Per your request.”

You could use “According to your request” in transactions with clients, such as when releasing official documents to them.

Bear in mind that a comma before “according to” may be needed when it comes at the end of the sentence as an additional piece of information.

But, if you choose to use “according to your request” at the beginning of the setnence, the comma should come after the whole expression.


Dear Mr. Hayes,
According to your request, here is a copy of your Official Transcript of Records for the school year 2015-2019 under the program Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Angela Hampton


Per request

“Per request” is not a valid alternative for “as per your request” or even “per your request” in emails.

This means that although anyone may get you for using “per request” even if you mean “as per your request,” it needs to be avoided.

Grammatically speaking, we would need a determiner to make “Per request” valid in order for it to mean “as per your request.”

However, “Per request” is something you would see from time to time – but not in business correspondence.

“Per request” is a valid expression in other contexts but not as an alternative to “Per your request” or “As per your request.”

If you mean to say “every request” or “for every request,” then we can validate the phrase “Per request.”

What this means is that “Per request” can bear another meaning when used in a sentence.

It is also likely used somewhere in the predicate part of the sentence rather than as an introductory expression.

Here are examples that you can refer to for clarity:


We need to limit selling the tickets to two per request because we limited seats.


The office will charge you $10 per request for an additional key card.


Interestingly, you may also be able to use “Per request” as an adjective by adding a hyphen or dash in between.

Since it is an adjective, a noun word or phrase is also expected to come after “per-request.”


They are still allowed to read those books but on a per-request basis.

If you want to read the journals, you can also opt for a per-request billing method.


Now, if you wanted to use “per request” to mean “as per requested,” here are some grammatically correct alternatives for you to use. 

Again, don’t use “Per request” for this purpose. Ever. 


As requested

Short and clear, “As requested” would do you more good than harm if you mean to say “As per your request.”

This phrase usually goes at the beginning of your sentence as an introductory expression.


Dear Karl,As requested, please see the attached PowerPoint presentation of the last training session we had. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out.




In line with your request

Bearing a more formal tone, “In line with your request” is something you would also want to use for official transactions.

Similarly, “In line with your request” is also something you would use as an introductory element.


Dear Andrew,
In line with your request, please see the attached instructions on how to officially file for a vacation leave. Kindly let me know once you’ve filled out the needed forms.
Kind regards,


In response to your request

Still polite in tone, “In response to your request” might be something suitable when you want to reject a request.

Likewise, this one also likely goes at the beginning of your sentence rather than at the end.


Dear Pamela,
In response to your request, I regret to inform you that I cannot handle any additional tasks. I am also scheduled to work on-site, which means I will be out of the office until Friday. I appreciate you reaching out, by the way.
Warm regards,


Following your request

Meanwhile, “Following your request” is something you would use when you want to approve a demand.

“Following your request” is also a great introductory phrase for your email messages.


Dear Kendrick,
Following your request, attached is a soft and notarized copy of your affidavit of loss. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Alternatives to “As per your request” that we need to avoid

To fully cover today’s topic, let us also look into certain expressions that may look right a a glance but are in fact not. We have already learned that “Per request” is not a valid synonym to mean “as per your request.” 

But there are other expressions that need to be avoided in this context at all cost. 

The expressions and explanations below are mainly based on “As per your request” and not from a general point of view.


As per requested

“As per requested” is something you cannot use to directly replace “As per your request.”

This means you cannot use “As per requested” as an isolated expression when referring to a previously-filed demand.

Instead, you had better stick with “As per your request” in this case.


(incorrect) As per requested, here is your Certificate of Employment.
(correct) As per your request, here is your Certificate of Employment.


As your requested

“As your requested” is also something you should not use to mean “As per your request” because it cannot function as an isolated phrase either.

Instead, you had better go with “As requested” when you come across this issue.


(incorrect) As your requested, please see attached file.
(correct) As requested, please see attached file.


As per your requirement

“As per your requirement” is a grammatically valid phrase but not as a convenient alternative for “As per your request.”

When you say “As per your requirement,” you are suggesting something like “Based on what you need” rather than “According to your request.”

So, it is not right to use “As per your requirement” when referring to requests previously made.


(incorrect) As per your requirement, here is the downloadable version of the video.
(correct) As per your request, here is the downloadable version of the video.



Frequently asked questions related to “As per your request”


What does “per” mean in an email?

“Per” in email writing means “according to” or “based on.” It is commonly used in business stock phrases like “as per our conversation,” “per your last email,” and “as per your request.” Although some would argue that “as per” is repetitive, the use of “per” and “as per” are interchangeable.


What is the meaning of “Per your request”?

“Per your request” is something that means “based on your request” or “according to your request.” It is used to refer back to a previous demand made by another person or group of people.


What is a synonym for “As per your request”?

“Per your request,” “According to your request,” “In line with your request,” “As requested,” and “Following your request” are commonly used synonyms for “As per your request.” “Per your request” and “As per your request” are both acceptable in English.


What is the meaning of “As you requested”?

“As you requested” is an expression used to refer back to a demand made by either one person or group of people. The use of “your” can bear a singular or plural meaning here. This expression is largely used in business correspondence.


How do we use “Per your request” in a sentence?

“Per your request” is often used as an introductory phrase in a sentence such as in “Per your request, here is the executed copy of your contract.” “Per your request” is also replaceable with “As per your request.”


How do you say ‘as per your request’ in German?

In German, ‘as per your request’ would be “Gemäß Ihrer Anfrage,” or something along the lines of “Gemäß Ihrem Wunsch”.

Example sentence:

Gemäße Ihrer Anfrage werden wir den Vertrag fristgerecht kündigen.


As per your request, we will terminate the contract in due time.


How do you say ‘as per your request’ in Spanish?

In Spanish, there are several ways to say ‘as per your request’. One way to translate this into Spanish would be “Como fue solicitado.” Another formal way to say the same is “Según lo requerido.”

Example sentence:

Según lo requerido, cancelamos su suscripción.


As requested, we will cancel your subscription.


How do you say ‘as per your request’ in French?

In French, you can use the expression “Selon votre demande” or “Suivant votre demande.”

Example sentence:

Selon votre demande, nous vous ferons parvenir les documents requis.


As per your request, we will send you the required documents.


Is it correct to say ‘As per your asking’?

No. A native speaker wouldn’t say that. You would definitely be understood, though. However, you should definitely not use that in formal writing.