Title: Watch Me
Rating: M
Word count: 8,328 ; 1/3-4 chapters [WIP]
Summary: "I still can't stand you." Or so Lily Evans tells James Potter, repeatedly, throughout a series of hookups their seventh year, until it's a claim she can no longer make.

It's not the Christmas smut I spoke of, but...it's smut. Gratuitously and unapologetically and dedicated to @relyingonoldships in honor of her birthday month. Everything that follows, good and bad, is her fault. Love you, bestie. ❤️


happy birthday @queerofdenial !!! i can't help but remember back to sept/oct 2021 when we only knew each other through tags on tumblr dot com, and your tumblr bio said you were 21 and i thought to myself "i will absolutely never be cool enough to be friends with this person; they are not only 21, but extremely funny and self-possessed and i am just...here" and now you are 24 and we have been friends all this time and i feel so emo about it actually. since that time i have collected so many happy memories that you're in - many of which were simply mundane days when you cheered me up just by being yourself (i have also collected so much star trek! life-changing stuff right there)

although so much has changed in our various joint fandom spaces in that time, we've only grown closer, and now you're just a very important person to me in a way that isn't actually tied to fandom per se (though being weird about tv shows and obsessed with milfs will always be an outlet that i need and get to share with you :) what i've learned most from you over the past 2+ years is that age really does not dictate how much someone will understand you and accept you. thank you for being a person who really gets me (even though i am Old)!

also on this auspicious occasion, i can't help sounding like the Mom Friend i am and say i am really proud of you and everything you have accomplished in your job and establishing your life in the city. early 20s is no joke and you are juggling a lot with grace! (even if it does not feel like that a lot of the time)

(also true friendship is knowing how to update this post every year with more-current milfs, but still always including hannah bc without her where would we be?)