Gwendolyn Grier, (405) 919-5201, South Plainfield — Public Records Instantly

Gwendolyn Grier South Plainfield, age 58, female

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MarkerAddress Rent  
Current address 21 Delaney Ct, South Plainfield, NJ 07080 $2,200
807 W Briarbrook Ln, Carl Junction, MO 64834, lived here in 2017 $940
21 Delaney Ct, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, lived here in 2013 - 2015 $2,200
413 N Varney St, Burbank, CA 91502, lived here in 2003 $2,200
401 US-22 #40G, North Plainfield, NJ 07060, lived here in 1993 $1,580
80 Monticello Ave #2, Newark, NJ 07106, lived here in 1991 - 2000 $1,480
36 Oakland Terrace, Newark, NJ 07106, lived here in 1991 - 1997 $1,480
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Quick Facts

The birth date was listed as 03.31.65. Her age is 58. Twelve alternative names are known: Gwendolyn Luckey, Lucky Gwendolyn Greer, Gwen Luckey, Grier Gwen, Gwen Grier, Gwendolyn Grierluckey, G Grier, Gwendolyn Grier Luckey, Gwendolyn L Luckey, Gwendolyn Grier, Gwendolyn Greer, Lucky Greer. Gwendolyn is a resident of 21 Delaney Crt, South Plainfield, NJ 07080. This address is also associated with the names of Gwendolyn Luckey and Kenneth D Luckey. 36 Oakland Terrace, Newark, NJ 07106, USA is her former address. Gwendolyn has lived in five cities, including South Plainfield, NJ and Carl Junction, MO. Martha M O'Duffy, Edward L Cousins, Abbie M Ware are possible acquaintances of Gwendolyn because of the common address history. The phone numbers (405) 919-5201 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (856) 308-4529 (Omnipoint Communications Enterprises, LPNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC) belong to her. There is a chance that the phone number (405) 919-5201 is shared by Terrie Rae Goss, Steven Michael Goss. Ten email addresses were found in public records and on the web —,,,,,,,,, The expected price of renting a two bedrooms in the 07080 zip code is $2,200/month. The popularity rank for the name Gwendolyn was 354 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows
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Gwendolyn Grier Phone Numbers

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Persons Associated with Address 21 Delaney Ct

(908) 405-7968
Age 61
(908) 756-6736

Historical Relations

These are the people who lived at the same address and at the same time as this person

Persons Associated with Phone (405) 919-5201

Persons Associated with Phone (856) 308-4529

Persons Associated with Phone (908) 405-7968

Persons Associated with Phone (908) 419-7540

Persons Associated with Phone (908) 756-6736

Persons Associated with Phone (908) 922-0487

Persons Associated with Phone (973) 375-9550

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FAQ About Gwendolyn Grier

When was Gwendolyn Grier born?
Gwendolyn Grier is 58. She was born on Mar 31, 1965.
What are the other possible names for Gwendolyn Grier?
The most common alternative names for she are Lucky Greer, Gwendolyn Greer, Gwendolyn Grier, Gwendolyn L Luckey, Gwendolyn Grier Luckey, G Grier, Gwendolyn Grierluckey, Gwen Grier, Grier Gwen, Gwen Luckey, Lucky Gwendolyn Greer, Gwendolyn Luckey.
What's the current address of Gwendolyn Grier?
The residential address for Gwendolyn is 21 Delaney Crt, South Plainfield, NJ 07080.
Who are the residents at 21 Delaney Ct, in addition to Gwendolyn Grier?
Gwendolyn Luckey and Kenneth D Luckey spent some time in this place.
Where did Gwendolyn Grier formerly reside?
36 Oakland Terrace, Newark, NJ 07106, USA is her old address.
Who may know Gwendolyn Grier?
Gwendolyn is connected to seven people through the previous addresses — Martha M O'Duffy, Edward L Cousins, Abbie M Ware.
Which cities has Gwendolyn Grier visited?
Gwendolyn has seen five cities, including South Plainfield, NJ and Carl Junction, MO.
How to call Gwendolyn Grier?
(405) 919-5201 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (856) 308-4529 (Omnipoint Communications Enterprises, LPNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC) are likely her phone numbers.

How to Search and Find Gwendolyn Grier

The population of the US is 329,484,123 people (estimated 2020). There are at least 12 records for Gwendolyn Grier in our database alone. People with the same last name and sometimes even full name can become a real headache to search — for example, James Bird is found in our records 725 times.

Alter Names

The same person can appear under different names in public records. Quite often, people use short versions of their name (i.e. Milly vs. Mildred), sometimes they use their name’s international variations (Edward/Eduardo). It is quite rare but still happens that a person can be found being listed under a completely different name.

Alter Name *Full NamePersons Count  Share  
GwenGwen Grier 544.58%
GG Grier 1024.14%
WendyWendy Grier131.51%
GwedolynGwedolyn Grier11.41%

* Other possible variations for this name: Gwendoly, Gwendlyn, Gwendo, Gewndolyn, Gwenn, Qwendolyn, Gwendoyln, Gwendalyn, Gwendolyne, Gwendolynn, Gwend, Gwendol, Gwendelyn, Guendolyn, Gwenolyn, Gwendolin.

Last Name Possible Variations

Foreign surnames can be transliterated and even translated (e.g. Shepherd vs. Schäfer). Sometimes names in public records are misspelled due to silly typos and OCR errors. For example, Camarillo could be listed as Camarilla. Make sure to check as many variants as possible.

Alter Last NameFull NamePersons Count  Share  
GreerGwendolyn Greer 3837.07%
GreenGwendolyn Green 3653.67%
WilliamsGwendolyn Williams1,4813.34%
JohnsonGwendolyn Johnson1,4702.69%
SmithGwendolyn Smith1,6422.58%
JonesGwendolyn Jones1,5071.75%
BrownGwendolyn Brown1,1761.7%
MooreGwendolyn Moore6001.24%
DavisGwendolyn Davis7291.24%
MillerGwendolyn Miller4091.18%
ThomasGwendolyn Thomas5601.18%
JacksonGwendolyn Jackson6031.18%
AlexanderGwendolyn Alexander1331.09%

This surname is found in public records in various versions, some of which are Greir, Geier, Gier, Greier, Crier, Grierjr, Rier, Grien, Girer, Geir, Brier, Grear

Check County Records

Counties publish data that may contain information about people. Make sure to check Middlesex county records

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ZIP Code 07080 Rent Values

Gwendolyn lives in the 07080. HUD has the following fair market rent values (mar 2022):

Year0 Bedrooms1 Bedroom2 Bedrooms3 Bedrooms4 Bedrooms
2022 $1,520$1,730$2,200$2,720$3,030
2021 $1,440$1,640$2,100$2,620$2,980
2020 $1,400$1,620$2,070$2,610$3,010
2019 $1,310$1,550$1,990$2,520$2,960
2018 $1,160$1,420$1,820$2,320$2,770
2017 $1,440$1,530$1,770$2,270$2,560
2016 $1,450$1,520$1,760$2,270$2,570
2015 $1,410$1,470$1,740$2,260$2,670
2014 $1,370$1,430$1,700$2,210$2,610
2013 $1,380$1,440$1,710$2,220$2,620
2012 $1,360$1,490$1,700$2,140$2,600

Neighbors' Age Distribution

Information on the Modal age groups of Grier’s neighbors (we’ve analysed 500 households nearest to the Grier’s current address)
Last updated on March 06, 2022 at 11:16 PM (PST) aggregates public records to analyze the US cities, their social demography, and business environment. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, correctness and/or timeliness of the data. Therefore, cannot be used for any purpose covered by the FCRA

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