Manuel Gustavo Isaac | LOGOS

Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Manuel Gustavo Isaac

AGAUR Beatriu de Pinós Fellow
Manuel Gustavo Isaac


University of Barcelona (UB)
Department of Philosophy
Carrer Montalegre 6-8
08001 Barcelona


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Phone | (+34) 667-346-629

Curriculum Vitae

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Manuel Gustavo Isaac currently holds a Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR-BP2017) hosted at the University of Barcelona (LOGOS Research Group). Previously, he was Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF-EPM) based at the University of Amsterdam (Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation). And before that, he held several research and teaching positions at the University of Geneva (Department of Philosophy), at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University (Institute of General and Applied Linguistics and Phonetics), and at Paris Diderot University (CNRS Research Team 7597). Manuel Gustavo received his PhD with highest honors in 2015 from Sorbonne Paris Cité University for a thesis in historical epistemology, and also got degrees in philosophy (BA 2006, MPhil 2008), linguistics (MPhil 2009), and logic (BA 2010, MA 2011) from Paris Sorbonne Universities.


Manuel Gustavo's current work is in meta-philosophy, with a focus on philosophical methodology. In this field, he specializes in conceptual engineering, and more precisely, on both the foundational issues and the methodological framework of the research program of conceptual engineering.