Texas: Mexican Goes Buckwild, Kills a Bunch of Mexican Children in a School! 20 Dead!, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review
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Texas: Mexican Goes Buckwild, Kills a Bunch of Mexican Children in a School! 20 Dead!
El grande del Sandy Hooko?

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Mass shooting at a school!

Mexican responsible!

New York Post:

A teen gunman opened fire at a Texas elementary school Tuesday, killing 20 people — including 18 kids and two adults — before he was shot dead by police in one of the deadliest school slaughters in US history, officials said.

The shooter, identified as Salvador Ramos, 18, allegedly shot his grandmother before heading to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde with two assault rifles around 11:32 a.m. local time, according to officials.

The crime spree — eerily evocative of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting that left 26 dead — took place just two days from the end of the school year and sent parents scrambling in a mad search for their children.

“This is just evil,” Rey Chapa, whose nephew attends the school that hosts 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, told the New Yorkbu Times. “I’m afraid I’m going to know a lot of these kids that were killed.”

Yeah, it’s evil – but did it really happen?

I haven’t seen any bodies!

I’m joking of course… but am I really joking?

Most right-wingers will jump all over the fact he’s a Mexican, but what are the chances of two shootings in a row like this? And why would someone go into a school and shoot a bunch of kids? That is not political.

Granted: I was the number one person saying that everyone was going to go insane from this virus hoax and start doing all kinds of heinous violence. So it’s totally possible this is just America now. But I’m very much open to the idea of the feds manipulating these events.

You do have to always ask: who benefits?

The only people who benefit from mass shootings are Democrats and the deep state fed apparatus in general.

Further: it’s always convenient when the shooter is dead.

I still have my reservations about Sandy Hook, but as Alex Jones and Jim Fetzer found out, it’s against the law to question it, so I won’t.

The shooter looks like a tranny in some of these pictures.

Maybe just emo?

Safe to say: abnormal.

Shocker of all shockers: no one is talking about “the threat of Mexican supremacy.”

It really is like a meme, the way when it is a white it is about white supremacy, if it’s a nonwhite it’s about gun control.

Joe Biden gave a feeble speech Tuesday night calling for gun control.

It’s just all so tiresome.

I watched Sean Hannity Tuesday night and he had some guy on saying that schools need armed guards everywhere. That is also stupid. No one wants their kids going to schools that are like prisons. The only reason conservatives say all this stuff about “we have to have guards with AR-15s at every entrance” is that they are playing into the Democrat narrative of “oh my God, a school shooting is such a huge massive deal.”

Sorry – actually, people die every day from all kinds of different things. You’re not likely to get shot at a school. Even if these shootings happened once a week, your chances would still be like, one in a million. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a big emotional thing like shark attacks, but it’s all due to media hype.

The government created a mental health crisis with the lockdowns for one, but beyond that, they’ve been refusing to deal with mental health for decades, and promoting all kinds of terrible things, knowing they are causing insanity. In the case of this Mexican – he’s probably illegal, probably a DREAMer, at best an anchor baby (that background doesn’t seem to have been released yet at time of writing), but whatever the case, this is just more immigrant violence. Obviously, most school shooters are white, but school shootings are a fraction of a percent of total shootings, most of which are done by blacks.

So you’ve got a mental health crisis created by the government, you have a diversity problem created by the government, you have a black problem created by the government – this just is what it is. The government creating these problems and then demanding that you give up your rights to solve problems they created is insane.

But unlike when Sandy Hook happened, the NRA has been completely crippled, so it is definitely trending in the direction of gun control. No one is stopping Joe Biden from starting a two-front World War with Russia and China, so I don’t really think anyone can stop him from doing gun control – or for that matter, passing hate speech laws.

America is a decadent and immoral country. It’s a hive of scum and villainy. In a country where the average person is a masturbating drug addict, you’re not going to be able to maintain freedom.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Tranny. That reality is already being suppressed. It’s about guns not sexual deviants.

  2. Why is Anglin not showing the granny photos?

  3. At the centre of all these school shootings are the schools themselves. It is time to ban the pressure-cooker indoctrination centres known as schools.

    • Agree: Adam Smith
    • Replies: @Alrenous
  4. Mexican? That’s novel on the face of it.

  5. dimples says:

    The shooter doesn’t look tranny to me, although he does look a bit narcissistic. He should have been an easy brainwash for the feds.

    • Replies: @mike99588
    , @Catdompanj
  6. Texas: Tranny Goes Buckwild, Kills a Bunch of Children in a School! 20 Dead!

    Title fixed.

  7. Alrenous says: • Website

    Most right-wingers will

    reveal they’re in fact less-left-wingers when they don’t say, “Well, this is none of my business. It’s really hard for this to be any less of my business, actually.”

    America is a decadent and immoral country.

    With a constitution unsuitable for the rule of folk such as John Adams.

  8. Alrenous says: • Website
    @The Alarmist

    Have to shut down the “””education””” system until we figure out what the hell is going on.

    Common-sense school control.

  9. Kim says:

    That photo looks like it has been lightened.

  10. neutral says:

    If they want to go out in hail of bullets, then why not target something meaningful. Instead of shooting up a school, try doing something like a suicide bombing on Davos, some corrupt US politician or Corporation, whether it succeeds or fails you would be considered a hero by a lot of people.

    • Agree: 36 ulster
  11. Finally brown power! And trans power! A real school shooting we can sink our teeth into and will grab headlines for days and make those NRA guys cringe! Le’ts Go Brandon! Give ’em Hell, Joe! Remember when you said on the campaign trail that you “owned guns and would never go after gun owners”? Remember when you got the illegal gun charges against Hunter dropped? I like that all the ethnic groups have been represented this month, White shooter in Buffalo, Asian shooter in CA, and now we get Latino shooter! And funny how every one of these guys can shoot better than your daily dose of Black guy shooter…

    • Agree: SBaker
    • Replies: @Emslander
  12. Realist says:

    It appears the Deep State is making a push for gun confiscation. More than likely the FBI is behind the increase in mass shootings…since their past involvement would indicate such. It would not surprise me if there is another mass shooting next week…followed by more throughout the summer.

    The Deep State would like to wrap up the complete control of this country. And the elimination of as many guns as possible would facilitate that effort.

    • Replies: @The Real World
  13. That John Adams pro-religion quote looks like another modern Internet forgery to me. The real guy was quite rational and strongly opposed institutional religion. In his 1785 treatise, “A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America”, Adams wrote, “The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history . . . Thirteen governments thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of man.”

    The “principles of nature”, “natural authority”, and “the rights of man” are phrases from the Enlightenment’s Deist credo, not Christianity. The Founders’ occasional comments on the utility of religion (which they valued largely as an instrument of social control over the lesser classes) are quoted out of context by the radical Right today. Such comments were also made to distinguish the authors from French Deists, who were then beginning to come to terms with the inconvenient truth that “god” is merely a figment of human imagination.

    • Agree: WhoaWaitaMinute, Alden
    • Replies: @Dutch Boy
  14. Dumbo says:

    “Sandy Hook” would be “Gancho de Arena” in Spanish.

    This one could be fake too, who knows.

  15. And why would someone go into a school and shoot a bunch of kids?

    Attack the weakest members of a society to get back at them. People often target small children in order to inflict emotional pain on a society or community that, they feel, has betrayed them. This makes it quite atypical, doesn’t it? Most school shooters actually go for the very people that have wronged them.

    America is a decadent and immoral country. It’s a hive of scum and villainy. In a country where the average person is a masturbating drug addict, you’re not going to be able to maintain freedom.

    Who wants freedom anyway?

    • Replies: @Peter Gent
    , @GeneralRipper
  16. Trinity says:

    A messcan in Texas is akin to a nicca in Jawjuh or Mississippi. Your opinion of messcans like the rest of our colored “diversities” has a lot to do with geography. A person in Tennessee more than likely has a more favorable view of messcans than someone living in Los Angeles or San Antonio, Texas just as some New England Stephen King mofo will love some niccas because he only sees them when he leaves his neck of that snow white backwoods town in Maine he grew up in. Want to know the true messcan and find out reconquista is as a real as the Zimmerman telegram, visit Houston, Los Angeles or Phoenix, Arizona.

    Cue: Anybody Going To San Antone by Charlie Pride

    • Disagree: Emslander
    • Replies: @Emslander
  17. Tucker says:

    “In the case of this Mexican – he’s probably illegal, probably a DREAMer, at best an anchor baby (that background doesn’t seem to have been released yet at time of writing), but whatever the case, this is just more immigrant violence.”

    In a semi-related news story, the FBI is claiming to have busted a guy from Ohio who was trying to help some ISIS Iraqi to sneak across our wide open Southern border and then try to assassinate Jorge Wmd Bush.

    How ironic. Jorge Wmd Bush and his idiot brother Jeb refused to secure our Southern border and spent every waking hour during their years in office trying to transform America into Mexico El Norte. Jorge and his RINO rat pal Juan McCain and the rest of the globalist RINOs tried no less than 5 times to ram amnesty for the 20-30 million illegal criminal aliens down the throats of the American public, who were opposed to it by whopping percentages in the 90 percent range, and were defeated each time they tried. So, it’s pretty ironic that that wide open Southern border was seen as a way to smuggle in an ISIS guy intent on euthanizing the un-indicted war criminal Bush.

    Oh, and when I first read about how the FBI had foiled this assassination plot – the first thing that crossed my mind was whether it was just a Bush Crime Family fabrication designed to create sympathy for the Bush family, to help George P. Bush in his primary against Texas AG Paxton.

    Didn’t work. Paxton stomped the guy into the dirt. Great news.

  18. G Money says:

    Because it’s an intelligence agency operation.

    • Replies: @Bro43rd
  19. Emslander says:
    @Dave Wightman

    And funny how every one of these guys can shoot better than your daily dose of Black guy shooter…

    Black shootings make some sense, at least. They’re always gang-related and have to do with revenge or power, which they learn from the actions of the government of the USA.

    That’s why they don’t end up in mass deaths. The shooters are acting on orders from someone else, so they do what’s required, driving-by and showering the area with light ordinance, hoping they don’t hit someone who is a child of a friend of their mother.

    They can go back to the weekly gang boss and say, “Man, I really massacred those n_____s.”

    • Replies: @bwuce wee
  20. Emslander says:

    The former Mexican in south Texas is part of a population that has roots older than the Daughters of the American Revolution. It’s the Anglo-Americans who are the intruders in San Antonio.

  21. @neutral

    There are people who know the exact answer to your question. Part of their job is they do not disclose classified secrets. If they told you they would have to kill you. : (

  22. anon[874] • Disclaimer says:

    Back in the dark ages (early 1960s) – everyone had rifles and pistols at home kinda sorta maybe locked up. Even in Ozzie and Harriet suburban places. It was normal.

    A buddy of mine would come home from school, mom would have milk and cookies then, “go out and play” boys…they’d take their shotguns and pistols and walk to the woods about 1/2 mile from the house and plink tin cans and such. The oldest would have been 14 or so, the youngest 8 or 9. perfectly normal. This was about 40 miles outside of NYC in a semi-suburban town.

    Back then – guns were everywhere, you could mail order most any weapon, and yet……

    ….there were never any school shootings. Hmmm

  23. @That one comment

    He never targeted the school. It was a target of opportunity.
    “According to reports, it all began when the suspect shot his grandmother in San Antonio, Texas. He later led law enforcement on a high-speed chase culminating when he crashed his pickup truck 85 miles away in Uvalde, Texas. Next, the armor-clad shooter fled to nearby Robb Elementary School, where he began shooting and ultimately barricaded himself in a classroom.”
    If he hadn’t crashed within walking distance of the school this would have never happened, so get off of the Sandy Hook parallels. He had a plan, since he was armored up, but we may never know what it was. The original pursuit screwed with that and he fled and when cornered due to the crash took out everyone he saw. He was a sadistic opportunist at that point.

  24. My uncle kept a loaded M1 in the front hall closet. My father kept a loaded .38 special revolver in a kitchen drawer and a loaded 12 gauge shotgun behind the back door. At the local high school, teachers and students kept rifles and shotguns in their vehicles. There was a pistol and rifle club where students could take gun safety and marksmanship classes for credit. I could go on and on.

    No one ever shot anyone else. It never happened. Nobody even thought of doing such a thing, and there were plenty of fights on the edges of the school ground. After beating each other up, the two combatants picked themselves up, brushed themselves off, and shook hands. The next weekend they were drinking beer together.

    Need I say this? The entire community was White.

    (((Changes))) to society have wrought a dysfunctional country. As planned.

    • Agree: Adam Smith, Gordo
  25. Dutch Boy says:

    The Founders wanted morality without religion (at least without organized religion). Or as C. S. Lewis might have put it: they wanted to remove the organ but continue its function.

  26. Dutch Boy says:

    Now I see the real cause of the massacre: he was a “white Hispanic” (even whiter than George Zimmerman).

  27. @Peter Gent

    That sounds like pure BS, Peter. When a narrative begins with “according to reports,” that’s a red flag. What source are you quoting?

  28. Alrenous says: • Website
    @Peter Gent

    Truly next-level none of my business.

  29. Dr. Rock says:

    “Mental Illness” is almost always the common factor.

    We made a mistake in this country, years ago. In effort to “reform” the asylums, and treatment of the crazies, in general, we went too far in the opposite direction.

    For the betterment, and safety of society, we used to lock up the insane. Going back decades before that, if you acted like too much of a nutcase, someone would just kill you.

    Other than the more recent drug epidemic, the primary “problem” of the so-called homeless, was our unwillingness to lock up the insane.

    Instead of protecting society, we decided to “protect” the insane, and let them run free.

    The truth is simple- If we actually locked up all the nut-jobs, (and violent, repeat criminals), the majority of our problems would go away, at least, in regards to the scum that ruin civilization for the rest of us.

  30. Dr. Rock says:
    @Peter Gent

    Side note:

    Why isn’t all of the media using their lovely term of endearment for Mexican Grandma = Abuela?

    It’s so cute and kitschy, when they wanna sound multi-cultural and quaint, so why didn’t “Salvadore Romas kill his Abuela”?

    I guess it’s less cute when there is a murder involved…

  31. Trinity says:

    Nope, the Mexican is a mix breed. The Apache and Comanche were the first inhabitants of Texas. The Mexican is the by product of Spaniards and Injuns mixing. Occasionally you will see a Mexican with even some negro blood or even some Irish blood, think boxer Canelo Alvarez for example or part Mexican, part Ute Indian, part Irishman boxer, Danny “Little Red” Lopez. Lopez and Canelo are two red haired, fair skinned lads who despite their last names look more Irish than anything else. I guess St. Patrick’s Brigrade soldiers really had a thing for those cute senioritas back then.

    Regardless whether the Mexican or Comanche, Apache “owned” the Southwest or Texas, it was all sparsely populated wasteland before Whites built it up.

    Now lets talk about how Khazars/”Jews ” stole Palestine.

    • LOL: Emslander
    • Replies: @Emslander
    , @Kim
  32. anon[263] • Disclaimer says:

    You don’t have children do you Andrew Anglin? Someone who doesn’t have a child could never empathize in these situations. Someday when you do, you’ll know even just the thought of it pains you to no end.

  33. Got a cite for the data in the chart?

  34. Shel100 says:

    You could tell how disappointed Biden and the media were that the shooter wasn’t a white guy.

  35. Calling this tragedy a false flag, government plot for gun confiscation, or any other warp minded bs is sickening. Alex Jones will be millions of dead presidents poorer in the coming months for advocating the same bs.
    Regardless of who or where these kids came from, they were innocent victims of a deranged psychopath. Are we going to find out his family members in Mexico were all slaughter by drug cartel thugs and this kid decided to target the most venerable among us for revenge?

    Evil has no logic or reason, it’s just evil.

  36. meamjojo says:

    Thoughts & prayers. /s

  37. Weevlos says:

    “It’s just a big emotional thing like shark attacks, but it’s all due to media hype.”

    Anglin says a lot of dumb things that he later pretends were just jokes, but this is one of the most idiotic lines ever penned by him or anyone else.

    But what else should we expect from someone who claims to support Russia in a war and hate neo nazis, but also pays a faux Ukrainian neo nazi militant to run his website.

  38. Anon[358] • Disclaimer says:

  39. Mexican sexperv kills some mexikids in Uvalde, Tejas (50 miles from a long since erased border) that is,

    effectively in Mexico. And

    white ‘Murkans are supposed to care? Then

    hand over their guns to the same gun-grabbing jew.gov

    that erased the border? Probably

    not going to happen.

    • Agree: Robert Dolan
  40. The government created a mental health crisis with the lockdowns for one, but beyond that, they’ve been refusing to deal with mental health for decades, and promoting all kinds of terrible things, knowing they are causing insanity.

    Ignoring mental health actions would mean putting all Democrats in institutions, appointed guardianships, and meds to make them impotent zombies.

  41. mike99588 says:

    There are news reports him getting into fist fights, trouble over stuttering and wearing eyeliner.

  42. mike99588 says:
    @Peter Gent

    Your ‘facts’ are off on grandma’s house location.
    I’m not sure about your ‘pursuit’ source either

    Grandma was shot thirty minutes before school massacre and air lifted to a San Antonio hospital, 80-85 miles from Uvalde.

  43. “It’s just all so tiresome.”

    So break up the US – America doesn’t exist anymore.

    Allow people to self-assort. You know, go your own way and let the stupid/evil perish on their own.

  44. Emslander says:

    Sounds like you’re treading water, so just admit that the ancestors of the shooter were in Bexar County, Texas before Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett ever dreamed of stealing it for the greater good of their fleeting fame.

    Anyway, neither race nor national origin have anything to do with this vile incident. Goes a lot deeper.

  45. @CelestiaQuesta

    You seem to be implying that any official narrative involving children ostensibly killed in a mass shooting should be taken at face value by the audience, no matter how facially implausible/contrived it appears to be.

    And surely you realize that the corrupt Western establishment routinely use their corrupt legal system as a blunt instrument to beat people into silence/submission; so just because they put Ursula Haverbeck in prison or because Alex Jones lost a defamation lawsuit to Sandy Hook families doesn’t mean that the respective official narratives should be deemed legitimate.

  46. @Emslander

    If by “former Mexican” you mean Tejanos, it’s correct to observe that they are a population that has endured as a separate ethnicity in Texas since the establishment of the Republic of Texas. Tejanos already had a 300 year history in Texas before the establishment of the Republic of Texas was a seceded Mexican province before US statehood. “Former Mexicans” would also include non-Spanish descendant Texans whose ancestors came to Texas from other parts of the US and from Europe pre-1836.

    Tejanos aren’t very supportive of unrestricted immigration on the whole.

    • Thanks: Emslander
  47. @Dr. Rock

    Remove the uncivilized from civilization. Don’t isolate them. They are simply not compatible.

    Nothing else will come close to working.

  48. Gun confiscation will hasten the revolution / civil war. After all the diverse violence (including this) White folks ain’t gonna take it.

    • Replies: @JR Foley
  49. @anon

    US society as constructed by government has the vast support of the people. The very very few that don’t want any government are victims.

    Everyone else is getting exactly what they deserve.

  50. Dumbo says:
    @Peter Gent

    Reports I saw were that he targeted the school because he failed to graduate from there. But what does it matter? It’s probably all fake anyway.

    • Replies: @Alden
  51. @CelestiaQuesta

    No, it’s not an intentional false flag. It’s the result of decades of deliberate neglect. When the libtards scream about guns, I say, “this is a mental health crisis! Why are we sending money to foreign countries, supporting refugees, and overthrowing governments when mental health is underfunded right here in America. How can you be against mental health?”

    • Replies: @mike99588
  52. SafeNow says:

    It would be easy to simply allow detected potential shooters to slip through red-flag-type laws designed to be safety nets. You don’t need complicated psyops designed to actively enhance violent propensity. You simply ensure that no one does anything to intervene. Progressives are familiar with this model, because it is their description of the ideal job: “You don’t have to do anything.”

    • Agree: Robert Dolan
    • Replies: @Robert Dolan
  53. Well, when you import millions of people with a tenuous grip on civilization there isn’t much likelyhood of change for the better.

  54. Anon[378] • Disclaimer says:

    Looked for bodies. None. Looked for dirty ambulances. None. Looked for EMS debris. None. Just like Parkland, las vegas, sandy hook. Screenplays sold as news. Zombie sheep gobble them up.

    Alex Jones chose a “defense” that didn’t allow discovery. Could he be a gubmint disinfo spook? Watch Sofia Smallstorm video on sandy hook hoax (these hoaxes come both with and without victims).

  55. Another mass killing brought to you by your government with the sole purpose of creating panic in the minds of the public that we need gun control. They never say that we need control of negroes, mexicans and crazy people who cause most of these problems and government aids and abets them.

  56. @SafeNow

    You are 100% correct.

    Almost every time there’s an awful shooting we are told that the FBI had been “watching” the shooter……
    yet they fail to intervene.

    They did the same thing with the 9/11 hijackers…..there were FBI agents who knew about the shady muslims taking flying lessons.

    Yeah, it’s not complicated…..they know what’s going to happen but they refuse to intervene because it serves the interests of the Big jews.

  57. JR Foley says:

    The next mass shoooting will take place in the State of ______________ at a ____________ facility and _________ will die. The NRA will then say “Our ________ and _________ are with You!” but remember__________ do not kill –Only ____________ kill. The ________ Amendment is next to Godliness !!!

  58. JR Foley says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Most carry guns to church on Sundays–it is in their Bible !!!!

  59. @Realist

    More than likely the FBI is behind the increase in mass shootings

    Yes, I have little doubt about that. This shooting was similar to Sandy Hook. In both the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando and the Parkland School in Fl, there were obvious and stated connections to the FBI. Of course, mainstream barely mentions that, if at all. So, most plebes don’t know about that.

    Can you imagine how many of these situations there are?
    Notice the comment below article of a lady who says her brother was entrapped by the FBI to do similar. She gives his name to search.

    • Thanks: Realist
    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  60. Mac_ says:

    Well so Anglin dove in already and some others also, so, mostly question mark. Also too much blue screen on photo, smells worked cgi, and what’s with the pout mouth and lip gloss. Not adding up. What it could be for, is programming that young latinos can be pouty killers, or, what’s the under push, can’t quite tell. If they do some ‘poor poor him’ story could more racist stuff could be more anti-white scheming psyop.

  61. @Robert Dolan

    Oh, it’s much more nefarious than that.

    The FBI is likely behind the whole thing. Recruiting, grooming, psychologically-hijacking, drugging, equipping, training and then setting these young, vulnerable guys loose on structured false flag attacks. Then, the human perp gets iced – they kill him. Next…..

    — Do notice how these are never done at private schools.
    — Do notice how we only ever get minimal and specially-selected video clips of these events.
    — An 18 year old has body armor? WTF? Watch, we’ll never hear where/when he bought that.

  62. bwuce wee says:

    nope. black on black shootings everyday. black on white shootings everyday. not every black is a gang member, not every gang member only shoots on orders. you have basically stereotyped all black shooters as gang members, when that is not the case. all these shooters are criminals, but not all criminals are gang members. mor do i buy into your rationale that blacks could shoot better, except they try not to hit children- that is pure D bullshit, pal. i watch videos of them shooting and they have NO SKILLS. they only way they succeed is by accident, or sneak up behind someone and shoot them point blank in the head. i watched that one many times.

    i will give you a quote on a black on black shooting:

    black woman asked if these shooters were gang members, her answer was: “no! these weren’t gang niggas, these were regula niggas”

    i think i will take her word for it over yours any day. have a nice day.

    • Agree: Alden
    • Disagree: Emslander
  63. Richard B says:

    And why would someone go into a school and shoot a bunch of kids? That is not political.

    It is if you make it political. And what aren’t they making political these days?

    Even Mickey Mouse for crying out loud.

    In fact, I came across a video last night of three NBA players-turned announcers and one pip squeek old white guy announcer (he looked like Jim Carey’s character sitting on the couch with his three black sons, except older) and all of them directing the “conversation” toward violence in black neighborhoods and, of course, assault rifles, and yada yada yada. The whole “conversation” was so boring, predictable, awkward and forced. So, yeay, the elite will use every resource to spread the word.

    • Agree: richebourg
    • Replies: @Onebelowall
  64. KenH says:

    Since the shooter is Latino and rumored to be a tranny the media coverage will also paint him as a victim of racism and intolerance. The racism angle won’t cut it because he was bullied by other Latinos according to his friends.

    I also read where he just came to America in 2019 which would have been under Trump. So if true our lax immigration laws failed us yet again.

    • Replies: @Alden
  65. @anon

    When this asshole wrote: “It’s not a big deal. It’s just a big emotional thing like shark attacks, but it’s all due to media hype”, it made me sick. Having raised three kids, his attitude is beyond obnoxiously repulsive. It’s almost reptilian.

    I’m sure he’d say it was ‘no big deal’ if it was his wife who was killed, or his kid if he had any.

    Like I said, just a completely selfish insensitive asshole………

  66. @Mustapha Mond

    Anglin is always trying to trigger people and he says outrageous things.

    On the other hand….he serves as a counterbalance to the constant lies and exaggeration from the Jmedia.

    And as awful as this incident is……consider that we slaughtered a million people in Iraq. We slaughtered people all over the ME. We slaughtered people in Vietnam.

    Blacks kill what? 30 fellow blacks every weekend in Chicago? The numbers are staggering.

    There are something like 548,000 black on white attacks every year. And those stats are pre-covid/pre-BLM riots. Now, black crime is off the charts. I think the government is no longer publishing any crime info because it’s so bad.

    Yeah….the wheels are coming off. It’s bad shit. But the Jmedia take is that it’s totally the fault of “Republicans,”
    which means white people. It’s always the fault of white people. No matter what.

    “Gun control” means gun confiscation. That’s what the small hats want to make them feel secure.
    Of course, gun confiscation would mean full on white genocide like what has happened in South Africa.

    • Agree: Angharad
    • Replies: @Richard B
    , @Mustapha Mond
  67. @Mustapha Mond

    What Anglin (probably) means is an easy ten times more each are fatally
    hit by coconuts or donkeys than killed by sharks – yet no one screams for banning
    or killing coconuts and donkeys; not to mention shark (or piranha, or croc)
    attacks are usually caused by sheer idiocy – but it has teeth so it must be eeevil
    (that much is genetic).
    It´s a “moral panic” thing – do not even dream about using “feelz” as an argument –
    except against female suffrage.

    • Replies: @Mustapha Mond
  68. @Mustapha Mond

    Well….to a certain extent I would have to agree that it’s selective focus on the part of the Jmedia.

    Not to downplay the horror of the incident….but when they see they can use an incident for political purposes, they milk it for all they can get.

    They certainly didn’t focus on the Christmas Parade Massacre. And we know why.

    The awful truth is that there is no way to stop bad people from doing criminal acts.

    The neocon media shitheads do NOT care about dead little kids. I promise you that.

    • Agree: Mustapha Mond
  69. Alrenous says: • Website

    Not pain you enough to do anything about it, mind.

    Only painful enough to cause anonymous virtue-signalling.

    It’s a very specific level of pain.

  70. Biff says:

    MK-Ultra experiment gone according to plan.

  71. g wiltek says:

    I suspect we will soon hear that the shooter is “known to the police”

    • Agree: mulga mumblebrain
  72. @Richard B

    Do you have a link to said video?

    • Replies: @Richard B
  73. I am glad that thoughts and prayers are holding back the chaos as God holds back the evil.

    God literally can’t do any more than come down in the form of His Son and pay the price to restore the universe to order. He also could not make it simpler than hearing a Story and believing it.

    Those who say “f*** your thoughts and prayers” might get their wish, and they won’t like it.

  74. nsa says:

    The weekly mass shootings of innocents are as American as apple pie and ballpark franks with extra relish ……..just a miniature domestic version of America’s mindless mass killing of civilians overseas.
    It’s called bad karma. Stop with the latter and the former would eventually disappear also.

    • Agree: Harold Smith
  75. Richard B says:
    @Robert Dolan

    Yeah….the wheels are coming off. It’s bad shit. But the Jmedia take is that it’s totally the fault of “Republicans,”
    which means white people. It’s always the fault of white people. No matter what.

    Jewish Supremacy Inc. simply can not survive without a Scapegoat.

    That’s why they created the Scapegoat in the first place. That and the barbaric concept of Original Sin (which, of course, is never attributed to them). But nothing tops their greatest and boldest inversion of reality. Putting a God on a Cross. As Nietzsche once asked in so many words, How can you get a God on a Cross?

    Could you imagine Zeus or Thor on a Cross, or even Buddha?

    In any event, given that JSI is the driving force behind globalism, they’ve used their considerable power to make whites the Global Scapegoat. Whites would do well to learn as much as they can about Scapegoating. Because the kind of scapegoating that goes on in the family is exactly what JSI is doing to whites. The pattern isn’t similar, it’s exact.

    • Replies: @grettir
  76. Richard B says:

    Do you have a link to said video?

    Here ya go.

    Oh, and here’s the other one too.

  77. …just a miniature domestic version of America’s mindless mass killing of civilians overseas.

    Mindless? Europeans invited us to join in their wars. They celebrate the memory of our greatest killers.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  78. @Robert Dolan

    Hi RD-

    It was just his language could have been a bit less cavalier about kids being slaughtered and what their parents must be going through right now.

    No question the MSM is a load of horse shit, 24/7/365. Agree with you on their disgusting selectivity 100%.

    It was simply the dismissal of the kids and their parents suffering that was so upsetting. We see the MSM continually do that with the slaughter of Syrian and Palestinian kids and their parents, not to mention journalists. Sad and angering stuff. Emulating the MSM’s indifference just struck a bad chord with me……

  79. @nokangaroos

    Hello nk-

    I got where he was going, he just could have had a bit more respect for what grieving parents go through. And the terror and pain those kids went through before dying. It’s beyond imagining. The survivors will carry the scars for the rest of their lives.

    Yes, dog attacks kill more people, as do so many things. And ‘if it bleeds, it leads’, but only if it fits the MSM’s agenda (see my response to Robert Dolan’s reply). So I see your points.

    He just could have been a wee bit more respectful of what is a tragedy that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares, and pray never happens to those we love. Or anyone else, frankly.

    Kid’s lives matter (except when they’re Palestinian or Syrian or Yemeni, or in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Then they are most definitely NOT reportable news to the MSM, and never will be)….

    • Replies: @nokangaroos
  80. mike99588 says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    It’s easy to be against government and big pharma controlled mental health, food and medicine.

    However we desperately need better in all the above.

  81. Kim says:

    Little Red Lopez! Looked like he was from Belfast.

    • Agree: Trinity
  82. N.R.A. pleads with the American people …

    • Replies: @Jack Kennedy
  83. @Robert Dolan

    In an atmosphere of general mayhem, specific white collar crimes go unnoticed, or if they are, seem non-life threatening and therefore inconsequential. When all hell is breaking loose, a little more just blends right in. The maelstrom as camouflage. Perfect cover for nefarious deeds.

  84. @anno nimus

    so YOU need extra kneepads ……

    • Replies: @anno nimus
  85. looks like the lgbqwerty mob doesn’t want to claim their mexican sh0oter ……

  86. @anon

    Your ability to SYMPATHIZE in this situation is pathological, and precisely what the media is preying on.

    If you’re actually able to empathize to that, you’re either insane in everything but diagnosis, or have no business reading about anything other than what directly concerns your own children.

  87. Wielgus says:

    Lee Harvey Oswald apparently got his by mail order though he used the name ‘Alek Hidell’.

  88. grettir says:
    @Richard B

    IIRC correctly Odin (Wotan) was hanged.

  89. @Reg Cæsar



    Europeans invited us to join in their wars.

    Nonsense. And who invited “us” into Vietnam? Who invited “us” to attack Yugoslavia? Or Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria? Who invited “us” to foment coups in far away places, prop up corrupt puppet governments, kill people with sanctions, depleted uranium, reckless drone attacks, etc.?

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  90. Anon[296] • Disclaimer says:

    No bodees, no crimees.

  91. @Mustapha Mond

    Fair enough 🙂
    I didn´t intend to wax schoolmastery.

  92. @Harold Smith

    Europeans invited us to join in their wars.


    Technically, Churchill wasn’t a European, nor his countrymen whom Lindbergh fingered. But they had allies on the Continent.

    And who invited “us” into Vietnam?

    L’armée de la république du Viêt Nam. And our former ally Uncle Joe.

    Who invited “us” to attack Yugoslavia?

    A bunch of Mohammedan Kosovars.

    Or Iraq…

    Essentially, Saddam Hussein. Cf. United Nations Security Council Resolution 678.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  93. Cking says:

    I believe we should recognize an organized/disorganized terror offensive conducted against the American people. More Americans, ( approx. 58 million ) complain of suffering mental and emotional disorders. The medical system’s prognosis relies heavily on pharmaceuticals. Many are on doctor prescribed medicines that may trigger psychosomatic induced violence. https://www.offthegridnews.com/current-events/top-headlines/psychiatric-drugs-and-mass-murder-exploring-the-connection/

    • Agree: CelestiaQuesta
  94. Dutch Boy says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Alex Berenson’s take:
    Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes violence.
    Alex Berenson
    May 25

    Yep, there it is, the first reference to cannabis use by Salvador Ramos, the Texas elementary school killer. In the New York Times.

    Took 24 hours, give or take.

    And Ms. Rodriguez recalled he would often talk about how much he despised his mother and grandmother, whom he told her did not let him smoke weed or do what he wanted.


    This is only one case. Except it’s not.

    Nikolas Cruz, the Florida high school shooter, was a heavy user and told the police detective who interviewed him that he heard voices. Devin Patrick Kelley – who shot up a Texas church and killed 26 people in 2017 before blowing his head off – had THC in his system when he died. (Kelley had anti-anxiety drugs too; a lot of heavy cannabis users wind up using Xanax or Klonopin to try to tamp down their paranoia.) Darrell Brooks Jr., last seen allegedly racing through the Waukesha Christmas Parade, is a self-described stoner.

  95. @dimples

    His dressed in a cheerleader outfit pics on his social media have been scrubbed. They looked “tranny” to me.

  96. @Reg Cæsar

    The point made by “nsa” was that domestic American violence is karmic payback for America’s “mindless (and clearly immoral) mass killing of civilians overseas.”

    This is a valid point, IMO.

    To the extent you can claim (in some insubstantial sense) that “we” were somehow “invited” to start or to become involved in a war or some aggressive military action, that obviously doesn’t mean that our actions were not mindless and immoral. Thus your claim can’t refute what he said at all, so what exactly was your point in the first place?

    Europeans invited us to join in their wars.


    Technically, Churchill wasn’t a European, nor his countrymen whom Lindbergh fingered. But they had allies on the Continent.

    Technically, it wouldn’t matter whether or not Churchill was “a European” (in your opinion), since an “invitation” from one jew-controlled puppet politician can hardly be construed as an “invitation” made on behalf of all Europeans.

    And who invited “us” into Vietnam?

    L’armée de la république du Viêt Nam. And our former ally Uncle Joe.

    I disagree. The U.S. government invited itself into military involvement in Vietnam by way of Public Law 88-408, which was based on the Johnson administration’s lies regarding the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident.”

    Who invited “us” to attack Yugoslavia?

    A bunch of Mohammedan Kosovars.

    Prove it. Prove that a majority of Albanian Kosovars formally asked the U.S. government to bomb Yugoslavia.

    Or Iraq…

    Essentially, Saddam Hussein. Cf. United Nations Security Council Resolution 678.

    I was referring to the second Iraq war, not the first.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  97. Prove that a majority of Albanian Kosovars formally asked the U.S. government to bomb Yugoslavia.

    Once you show me the formality by which they could do so. Irregulars rarely have such things, which is why they are irregulars.

    I was referring to the second Iraq war, not the first.

    There was one US-Iraq War, interrupted by a 12-year truce. If our involvement in the “second” was wrong, so was ours in the “first”. Something similar can be said for the “world” wars, out of which quite a few countries wisely stayed.

    Public Law 88-408

    We were in Vietnam a decade before that.

    jew-controlled puppet politician

    Elective abortion, contraception, and teaching evolution are legal through out the land thanks to these. Christian prayer in public schools is banned. Glad to hear you oppose the Jewish position on all four!

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    , @Alden
  98. @Jack Kennedy

    Thanks for reminding me. They might have a sale at Target®. Time to pray in earnest.

  99. Alden says:

    He’s not Mexican. He was born in N Dakota of El Salvadoran parents I doubt any of the 7 year olds are Mexicans either. Read and watch the news before bloviating about news stories.

    • Replies: @AceDeuce
  100. Alden says:

    Born in N Dakota of El Salvadoran parents. Probably illegals hired back in El Salvador by a big farmer or food processor of impeccable WASP Scandinavian or German ethnicity. Started working at Wendy’s in 2019.

    • Replies: @KenH
  101. Alden says:

    He wasn’t able to graduate from high school this year. The kids he shot were 7 and 8 year old second graders. in an elementary school nowhere near the high school.

  102. Legba says:

    Also they didn’t use to sedate boys with drugs for being noisy is class

  103. GeneralRipper [AKA "GKWillie"] says:
    @That one comment

    Who wants freedom anyway?

    Exactly. True “freedom” exists only within the framework of Christian Moral Law.

    Beyond that it’s simply LICENSE.

    The formerly Christian West is about to learn that the hard way.

  104. Bro43rd says:
    @G Money

    Are you gmoney on twitter also? If so see you next time at t daniels.

  105. The Solution Is Simple Yet Profound.🌍🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭

  106. @Richebourg

    Are you incapable of considering more than one single factor ? Humans can.

    Based on long term studies of perverts (over the period of 20 years, in California), homosexuals are 12 times more violent than normal human beings.  Lesbians 16 times.  Trannies 25 times.  Disproportionately represented among axe murderers; serial killers; school shooters; spree killers; mass murderers.

    Second, it is not about guns.  The tranny had 90 mins inside, while the fed waited outside, it is about the government imposing gun control, and destroying the Second Amendment.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  107. @Reg Cæsar

    Prove that a majority of Albanian Kosovars formally asked the U.S. government to bomb Yugoslavia.

    Once you show me the formality by which they could do so. Irregulars rarely have such things, which is why they are irregulars.

    Okay, by way of the same plebiscitary process I assumed you were impliedly referring to when you said the “Europeans invited ‘us’ to join in their wars.”

    I was referring to the second Iraq war, not the first.

    There was one US-Iraq War, interrupted by a 12-year truce.

    I suppose that’s the pedantic, Bush-and-Blair-friendly view of it.

    If our involvement in the “second” was wrong, so was ours in the “first”. Something similar can be said for the “world” wars, out of which quite a few countries wisely stayed.

    U.S. involvement in the “second” was clearly wrong i.e. illegal, according to my own reasoning and the balance of legal opinions I’ve seen on the subject, and certainly immoral, but U.S. involvement in the first had a fig leaf of legitimacy. And IIRC Kuwait did “invite” the U.S. led coalition in to eject Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

    Public Law 88-408

    We were in Vietnam a decade before that.

    So do you have any proof that “we” had any kind of legitimate “invitation” to be in Vietnam?

  108. AceDeuce says:

    Spix are spix. Who gives a schitt?

  109. Alden says:

    Ramos was born in N Dakota of illegal El Salvadoran parents. He has no more roots in Texas than Putin.

    Even Anglin didn’t bother to read any accounts and ignorantly assumed every Hispanic in Texas is Mexican . And you, ignoramus Emslander assumed that every person residing in Texas with a Hispanic surname is descended from the old Spanish settlers.

    Born in N Dakota of El Salvadoran immigrant parents moron.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  110. Alden says:

    Ramos was born in B Dakota if immigrant El Salvadoran parents. No connection to Mexico what so ever.

    • Replies: @CelestiaQuesta
  111. Alden says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Knew it was you before I saw your name Reg. Of the course the murder of 19 7 and 8 year old kids and 2 teachers are all the fault of contraception and legal, but not illegal abortion. Illegal abortions never bothered you, just the legalization

    If Mom and Dad Ramos had used effective contraception back in September 2003 Ramos would never have been born and 21 innocents would still be alive. 22 innocents now the husband of teacher Irma Garcia just died of a heart attack.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  112. @Incisive One

    You’re the only ‘pervert’ here. A hate-crazed thug.

  113. @Dutch Boy

    Garbage. Cannabis causes NOTHING that alcohol and other drugs cause much more readily and often. Those who suffer badly from cannabis use, a tiny minority, require health support and the 99% who do not require being left alone.

  114. @The Real World

    The Boston Marathon ‘terrorwists’ were visited by the FBI constantly, according to a relative.

  115. Anonymous[935] • Disclaimer says:
    @Harold Smith

    karmic payback

    Take it to Vishnu.

  116. KenH says:

    So he wasn’t an illegal alien and it doesn’t appear that he was a tranny either. Rather, if the 14th amendment wasn’t being badly misinterpreted he would still be considered an illegal alien if born of illegal alien parents.

    But there’s strong evidence that he was a heavy user of marijuana which can cause psychosis.

    • Replies: @Alden
  117. Emslander says:

    Born in N Dakota of El Salvadoran immigrant parents moron.

    Still, the Mexicans in Bexar County Texas were there before it was Texas. Shooter being from N. Dakota doesn’t change anything I wrote.

  118. @Emslander

    The shooter is culturally from El Salvador and the Midwest. Not sure how many differences the former nation is from Mexico, but I’m sure there are some, plus Mexico has many subcultures. Which we might include the Mexican influenced part of Texas he ended up in.

    Shooter being from N. Dakota doesn’t change anything I wrote.

    Except things like:

    The former Mexican in south Texas is part of a population that has roots older than the Daughters of the American Revolution.

    He was two times over a stranger there; you don’t suppose that had anything to do with whatever messed him up enough to wear eyeliner as we’ve been perhaps unreliably told, and of course shoot a bunch of grade school students?

    • Thanks: Alden
    • Replies: @nebulafox
  119. @Alden

    So you are saying Jews are right and Christians wrong? How is that possible?

    • Replies: @Alden
  120. @Alden

    I was going by the race description the author pinned on everyone in the school. I’m sure there were others who were not Mexican. An appropriate headline would have read Hispanics.

    • Replies: @Alden
  121. Alden says:

    Not Mexican or descended from Indians or Spanish settlers. Born in N Dakota if El Salvadoran parents you ignorant moron. Absolutely no roots in Mexico or Texas.

    You are wrong and I’m right. Admit it

  122. Alden says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    I write that if Ramos’ parents had used reliable contraception in September 2003 Ramos would never have been born and the school shooting would never have happened.
    Being against abortion is one thing. But being against contraception is ridiculous.

    You’ve been married more than 25 years yet have only 2 children. Couldn’t have limited your family to only 2 kids without contraception. You hypocrite.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  123. @Dutch Boy

    I personally smoked cannabis socially over a dozen times over a ten year period and I get extremely paranoid. I can only imagine what would happen when mixed with other narcotics/opioids (legal or illegal).
    I sense the kid was having a gender confused crisis cause by all the GlobalHomo indoctrination taking place in schools and on Jmedia networks combined with a broken family and bleak future.

    I’m actually surprised there aren’t more mass shootings by the actions of GlobalHomoZioBIGsRxMIC3BLM PIGs. It’s nonstop 24/7/365 in your face indoctrination and the last couple of years with C-19 mandates, these young minds are exploding with rage against an evil machine that created this travesty.

    BTW, Phuc law enforcement, they’re always 40 minutes late and a donut short. Until people realize you’re on your own, these PIGs will continue to leech big benefits at the expense of safety and protection from predator thugs let loose on society.

    It’s a racket, a big azz phucing racket.

    • Agree: Emslander
  124. Alden says:

    I never read the idiot Anglin’s stupid articles. But seeing Mexican in the headline I couldn’t resist correcting his lie about Ramos. . Why did you believe the idiot Anglin was correct about the ethnicity of Ramos?

    The third article I read claimed Ramos was born in N Dakota of El Salvadoran parents. Why didn’t idiot Anglin read a bit more about the shooting before he erroneously claimed the shooter was Mexican?

    Because Andrew Anglin is an idiot.

  125. nebulafox says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Quite a few. Mexico has a stereotype as a poverty stricken backwater in the US. It’s got severe problems, but it isn’t so dysfunctional that the majority of the populace would flee to the US illegally to become dishwashers if given the choice. On global standards, it is an (upper) middle class country with a middle class. Like other developed countries in the Western Hemisphere, they got mass immigration from Europe after independence. An analogy to Brazil doesn’t quite check out-far less blacks, far more indigenous mixing-but you get the idea.

    El Salvador is the real, 3rd World deal: a few families control everything, you have the largely indio masses laboring beneath them, and the odd Palestinian/Lebanese Christian middleman minority there to do business. Their history of immigration to the US is different. Whereas Mexicans have had a long cross-border history in places like Texas and California, even during the height of immigration restrictionism in the 20th Century, the Salvadoran exodus only really got started when-like other countries in Central America-a bitter civil war broke out in the latter part of the Cold War. Gangs that were formed in the US would return to places like El Salvador after the wars ended. That’s how MS-13 got founded in the 1980s. The Salvadorans in LA wanted protection from more established Mexican gangs who’d prey on them, make sure they wouldn’t get hired, etc. In some ways, when you look at how race and social caste work in Latin America, the “Hispanic” label as a catch-all is even more stupid than lumping in Indians, Filipinos, and Chinese from outright different civilizational systems as “Asian” together.

    Part of the reason Trump managed to succeed in limiting illegal immigration was because he got the Mexicans on board. He promised them that they’d get help with their own illegal immigrant issues if they got on board with his policies and didn’t complain about his rhetoric too much. (And they did. Mexico got its own wall on its own southern border.) It was mutual interest personified: even the ones that head on to the US have to go through Mexico first. They often cause severe problems with the locals as they head north, sometimes ending in violence.

    Predictably, when Biden ceased cooperation immediately and implied that any attempt to stop illegal immigration was a violation of human rights, the front-line of the immigration battle moved north. As it turned out, not just to the Rio Grande. (IMO, it is deeply telling that Mexico’s left-wing President refused to acknowledge Biden as POTUS for several weeks after the election in 2020. He knew what was coming.)

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  126. Alden says:

    Not again. The question of people born in America of foreign or immigrant parents was decided by the United States Supreme Court back 130 years ago in the 1890s.

    United States vs Tin USSC

    Decision was born in the United States a person is a born US citizen. That’s been the law for 130 years. And your ignorant opinion means nothing. Go argue with the Supreme Court, not me.

    • Replies: @KenH
  127. @Alden

    You’ve been married more than 25 years yet have only 2 children.

    Both figures are incorrect.

  128. AceDeuce says:

    The former Mexican in south Texas is part of a population that has roots older than the Daughters of the American Revolution.

    But the DAR had fathers who won their wars and secured their lands “for themselves and their posterity”. The tacobreaths–not so much. Thanks for playing.

  129. KenH says:

    And your ignorant opinion means nothing

    I wasn’t arguing with you but if you want to go low then my opinion means more than a man hating elderly cat lady such as yourself. If you had a brain in that head of yours you would research the history of the 14th amendment and learn that that amendment’s birthright citizenship provision was meant to apply to children of black slaves so they couldn’t be denied citizenship by any state. The framers said nothing of illegal aliens nor any other category of immigrant.

    You can’t even get the SCOTUS case right. I think you are referring to U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark. This was an activist SCOTUS ruling that violated the intent of the 14th amendment. But at least Ark’s parents were legal residents and not illegal aliens.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  130. Ron Unz says:

    If you had a brain in that head of yours you would research the history of the 14th amendment and learn that that amendment’s birthright citizenship provision was meant to apply to children of black slaves so they couldn’t be denied citizenship by any state. The framers said nothing of illegal aliens nor any other category of immigrant.

    This is a totally ridiculous argument that rightwingers began making about 20-odd years ago. I’ll repeat my comment from a couple of years ago:

    Well, I happened to glance at this thread and decided to repeat a question I’ve previously asked of those who interpret the 14th Amendment as not applying to the children of illegal immigrants.

    As far as I know, the first time that ever came up was during the 1990s, when a few “conservatives” started making that argument. I’m not a constitutional scholar, so I can’t judge the merits. But here’s a question…

    For well over the previous 100 years, America had had substantial numbers of illegal immigrants, and many of them married and had children on our soil. As far as I know, those children were always recognized as citizens, and I’d guess the total was many hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions over that century of time.

    Can you cite me a single example of *anyone* during those 100 years who ever publicly disputed the interpretation of the 14th Amendment that automatically granted citizenship? I’m not talking about a judge or even a lawyer, but *anyone*, including an activist or a newspaper columnist?

    If you can’t find one single example of anyone who every challenged that interpretation of the 14th Amendment in over 100 years, isn’t your argument pretty silly? Aren’t you a little like those leftist-activists who claim that the US Constitution actually guarantees a right to Gay Marriage even though no one ever noticed that it did so for well over 200 years?

    Again, just find me a single example in 100 years…


    Ironically enough, that comment was in reply to one of yours in 2020, and you never met my challenge of finding a *single* individual anywhere in America who had publicly disputed that Supreme Court interpretation in the hundred-plus years after the ruling. If everyone in America had agreed on an interpretation for more than a century, it’s a little silly to claim otherwise.

    Unsurprisingly, rightwingers began arguing otherwise right around the time that leftwingers began claiming that the US Constitution actually guaranteed a right to Gay Marriage…

  131. Anonymous[970] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Uh, the guy who wrote the 14th Amendment said it doesn’t mean what the Supreme Court said it means.

  132. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ironically enough, that comment was in reply to one of yours in 2020, and you never met my challenge of finding a *single* individual anywhere in America who had publicly disputed that Supreme Court interpretation in the hundred-plus years after the ruling.

    There were two dissenting justices in the Ark case and SCOTUS completely contradicted their ruling vs. the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases and Elk v. Wilkins (1884).

    And if you carefully read my responses your question was addressed but you also failed to provide any examples of any prominent elected representatives between 1898 and say, 1980, who believes that the Wong Kim Ark case confers citizenship on children born of illegal aliens, so I guess we’re even.

    You’re trying to argue that since there doesn’t appear to be any meaningful opposition to Ark ruling case in the 100 years since that there is a national consensus on the SCOTUS ruling and the meaning of birthright citizenship. That is totally incorrect. But as I pointed out the number of foreigners in America like Wong Kim Ark was so infitestimal until probably the 1990’s that it wasn’t worth the effort and energy to oppose. And you’re forgetting that Wong Kim Ark’s parents were legally domiciled in the U.S. at the time of his birth unlike children of illegal aliens or Muslim and Asian maternity tourists.

    I don’t think anyone foresaw how the Ark case would be misapplied and weaponized against the legacy white Americans but now that it is there is fast growing opposition to birthright citizenship for illegal aliens as there should be. No nation can automatically grant citizenship to any creatures that slither across its border and drops anchor babies and expect to survive for long.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  133. @Ron Unz

    If this changed in the Supreme Court, it would swiftly put back on place via legislation in Congress, as public support for immigration restriction would drop off a cliff as soon the first ordinary citizen was deported despite being born in the US.

    As someone who thinks that, especially Northern European countries, would have been a lot nicer if there were no mass immigration, it is painful to admit that immigration restriction would be unbelievably unpopular as soon as it required cruel governmental action against people culturalised to the country.

    You either never let them arrive, so that they stop coming, control the media so they report nothing, or bribe them so heavily to go that they publically thank you for it.

    In all of the hyperbole about how this or that Democrat or Republican policy is just “evil” or the “end of the world,” people forget what even averagely cruel policies look like, and how little stomach ordinary voters have for them.

  134. Ron Unz says:

    And if you carefully read my responses your question was addressed but you also failed to provide any examples of any prominent elected representatives between 1898 and say, 1980, who believes that the Wong Kim Ark case confers citizenship on children born of illegal aliens, so I guess we’re even.

    You’re just making yourself look foolish.

    The Wong Kim Ark decision obviously didn’t reference “illegal immigrants” because “illegal immigration” didn’t really exist in America until the immigration restriction laws of the early 1920s were enacted.

    However, during the three generations between the 1920s and the 1990s, many hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of children were born to illegal immigrants. Those children grew up, voted in our elections, and sometimes even ran for public office. I’d assume that at least a few of them probably served in Congress or the U.S. Senate, or had been nominated as major party candidates for those offices. If they weren’t citizens, wouldn’t someone somewhere have said so?

    During those three generations I’m not aware of a single case in which someone had ever challenged the fact that those American-born children of illegal immigrants were automatically U.S. citizens.

    Maybe the 1898 SCOTUS decision was wrongly interpreted for three generations and nobody noticed.

    Maybe Gay Marriage had been guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution for nine or ten generations and nobody had noticed.

    • Replies: @KenH
  135. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    You’re just making yourself look foolish.

    Same to you’ve since provided no hard evidence of a widespread consensus for birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. You’re argument that virtually no opposition to the Wong case in the intervening years amounts to widespread acceptance of it proves nothing because a) not that many people knew about the case and b) the number of children born to legal residents was very tiny with almost no impact to the supermajority white demographics of that time at least until 1965 and then again in the late 1980’s and early 90’s when Congress greatly expanded “legal” immigration levels.

    Now that we have an estimated 20 million illegal aliens in this country, an explosion in immigrants with legal residency (but not citizenship) and with the growth of the internet more people are rightly taking notice in the Wong case in particular, birthright citizenship in general, and the implications each have for this nation.

    The Wong Kim Ark decision obviously didn’t reference “illegal immigrants” because “illegal immigration” didn’t really exist in America until the immigration restriction laws of the early 1920s were enacted.

    Which means this case cannot be used to grant children of illegal aliens birthright citizenship if all parties were acting in good faith and as strict constructionists. The Wong Kim Ark case addressed birthright citizenship for a child born of parents legally domiciled in the U.S only and can’t serve as a precedent to grant children of illegal aliens citizenship when that category of person is totally outside the scope of the Wong case. The fact that the term “illegal alien” hadn’t yet been introduced in statutory language dealing with immigration is completely beside the point and doesn’t help your case.

    You continue to make claims and allegations about birthright citizenship without much supporting evidence. Since you see yourself as one of the smartest people in the world and a foremost expert on American immigration history whatever claim you make must be self evidently true because you made it. Anyone who disagrees with you is a “rightwinger”.

    You also inserted yourself into this debate since you have a fondness for Alden because she is a rabid philo-mestizo like you, so you felt an obligation to leap to her defense.

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