Kulusuk live cam, Greenland - Live World Webcams

Kulusuk live cam, Greenland


Kulusuk, Greenland

Live webcam from Kulusuk, located on an island in the Ammassalik Fjord off the eastern coast of Greenland, a small settlement with a primarily Inuit population. With a traditional economy rooted in hunting and fishing, the community has embraced tourism in recent years, drawing visitors with its breathtaking natural scenery, including glaciers, fjords, and icebergs.

Kulusuk Airport serves as a gateway for travelers, connecting the settlement to other parts of Greenland and occasionally to Iceland. Despite its remote location and challenging Arctic climate, the town has become a destination for those seeking unique Arctic experiences, offering opportunities for activities such as dog sledding, wildlife observation, and cultural immersion in Inuit traditions. The residents of Kulusuk continue to celebrate their rich cultural heritage amidst the stunning and harsh Arctic environment.

Source: Mittarfeqarfiit

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