Matthew Chapter 5 - Closer Day By Day

Matthew Chapter 5


In Matthew 5, verses 13-16, Jesus presents two powerful metaphors to describe our influence and responsibility in the world: salt and light.

Salt of the Earth

The metaphor of salt is rich with cultural and historical significance. In ancient times, salt was highly valued for its preservative and flavour-enhancing properties. It was so important that it was sometimes used as currency, and Roman soldiers were even paid with it, which is where the word “salary” originates. Salt’s preservative aspect symbolises the Christian’s role in society to uphold and maintain moral standards and act as a moral antiseptic in a world prone to decay.

However, Jesus also warns of salt losing its saltiness, rendering it useless. This is a call to be true to our identity as followers of Jesus Christ. If we lose our distinctiveness by conforming to the world’s patterns, we fail as preservers of goodness and truth. A big challenge is maintaining the delicate balance of being in the world but not of it, influencing others positively without being corrupted.

Light of the World

The second metaphor, light, emphasises the visibility of our conduct. Light dispels darkness and is meant to be seen. Jesus encourages us to let our light shine before others, which means living out the Beatitudes and the principles of God’s Kingdom so that others can see the difference God makes in their lives.

The purpose of shining this light is not for personal glory but to illuminate God’s goodness, leading others to glorify Him. This metaphor also speaks to the proactive nature of Christian witness; we are not to hide our faith or good deeds but to actively engage with the world, bringing hope and peace to dark places.

Reflecting on these metaphors in our lives, we are called to be agents of preservation and flavour in a society that often seems morally and spiritually bland or decaying. We are to stand out, not for the sake of being different, but to offer a better way of living that points to God’s transformative power.

Similarly, as light-bearers, we are to live transparently and authentically, doing good works that reflect God’s character and draw others to Him. This requires a commitment to holiness and living out one’s faith in practical, visible ways that serve and uplift others.

The Lord Jesus calls us to a life of influential presence in the world. As salt, we are to preserve and enhance; as light, we are to guide and reveal. Both metaphors encourage us to live out our faith visibly, impacting the world to allow others to see Christ in us, hence attracting us to know about Jesus Christ.

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