How to Calculate the Distance in Miles | USA Today

How to Calculate the Distance in Miles

Ann Frederick, Leaf Group

If you wanted to plan a drive from Tampa to Tucson in the old days, you had to get out your atlas or maps to determine how far the trip would be. But thanks to the Internet, calculating distance between two points in miles only takes a few clicks of the mouse. These websites make it easy to figure out how far it is from here to there.


Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Select the “Directions” tab.

Step 3

In the “Start” box, enter the city and state from which you wish to depart. For more specific calculations, enter a starting address and ZIP code.

Step 4

In the “End” box, enter the city and state to which you plan to travel.

Step 5

Click on the “Get directions” button. On the left side of the screen, a calculation of the total number of miles and driving time for your trip will appear. You’ll get driving directions and a map on the right side of the page.

Yahoo! Maps

Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Look for the “Get map and directions” heading on the left side of the screen.

Step 3

Enter your starting city and state in line A. Include an address for more specific calculations.

Step 4

Fill in your ending address, city and state in line B.

Step 5

Click the “Go” button to see the trip distance, driving directions and an estimated driving time.

Google Maps

Step 1

Go to, and click the “Get directions” link at the top left of the screen.

Step 2

Enter a starting point in line A. Use a city and state for basic calculations; include an address for more accurate measurements.

Step 3

Type your ending point in line B.

Step 4

Press the “Get directions” button to see suggested routes for your trip and the mileage associated with each.