Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) movie review & summary & introduction - 1pezeshk | (یک پزشک)

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) movie review & summary & introduction


“Good Morning, Vietnam” is a classic comedy-drama film directed by Barry Levinson and released in 1987. The film stars Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer, a radio DJ who shakes up the status quo with his irreverent humor and unconventional style while serving as a disc jockey for the Armed Forces Radio Service during the Vietnam War. “Good Morning, Vietnam” is known for its powerful performances, sharp wit, and poignant exploration of the impact of war on individuals.

Year of Production and Conditions

“Good Morning, Vietnam” was produced and released in 1987, during a period of renewed interest in the Vietnam War in American popular culture. The film was made over a decade after the end of the Vietnam War, allowing filmmakers to reflect on the conflict with a sense of perspective and hindsight.

The production of “Good Morning, Vietnam” faced several challenges, including capturing the complexities of the Vietnam War and the cultural and political tensions surrounding it. Director Barry Levinson and screenwriter Mitch Markowitz worked closely with military advisors and Vietnam War veterans to ensure the film’s authenticity and accuracy.

Additionally, the filmmakers had to navigate the sensitive subject matter of the Vietnam War and its legacy, including the impact of the conflict on both American and Vietnamese communities. Balancing humor with the seriousness of war posed a creative challenge for the filmmakers, requiring a delicate touch to strike the right tone.

Despite these difficulties, “Good Morning, Vietnam” was ultimately completed and released to critical acclaim, becoming one of the most iconic films about the Vietnam War.

Director and Cast


  • Barry Levinson

Main Cast:

  • Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer
  • Forest Whitaker as Edward Garlick
  • Tung Thanh Tran as Tuan
  • Chintara Sukapatana as Trinh
  • Bruno Kirby as Lieutenant Steven Hauk
  • Robert Wuhl as Marty Lee Dreiwitz
  • J.T. Walsh as Sergeant Major Phillip Dickerson
  • Noble Willingham as Brigadier General Taylor

General Concept of the Movie

“Good Morning, Vietnam” follows the experiences of Adrian Cronauer, a fast-talking and irreverent radio DJ who is assigned to the Armed Forces Radio Service in Saigon during the Vietnam War. Cronauer’s unorthodox style and irreverent humor make him an instant hit with the troops, but his antics also attract the attention of his superiors, who are less than thrilled with his rebellious attitude.

As Cronauer navigates the challenges of his new assignment, he forms friendships with fellow servicemen and local Vietnamese citizens, including his loyal assistant Edward Garlick and a young Vietnamese woman named Trinh. Through his radio broadcasts, Cronauer provides a much-needed respite from the harsh realities of war, using humor to lift the spirits of those serving in Vietnam.

However, Cronauer’s outspokenness and refusal to toe the line eventually bring him into conflict with the military establishment, particularly when he begins to address the harsh realities of the war on his radio show. Despite the risks, Cronauer remains committed to speaking truth to power and using his platform to challenge the status quo.

As the conflict escalates and tensions rise, Cronauer finds himself embroiled in a web of political intrigue and personal drama, forcing him to confront the consequences of his actions and the cost of speaking out against injustice.

Complete Story

Adrian Cronauer, a young and irreverent radio DJ, arrives in Saigon to take up his new post at the Armed Forces Radio Service during the Vietnam War. His energetic and unorthodox style quickly makes him a hit with the troops, who eagerly tune in to his morning show, “Good Morning, Vietnam.”

Cronauer’s broadcasts are a mix of humor, music, and irreverence, providing a much-needed respite from the harsh realities of war for the American servicemen stationed in Vietnam. His witty commentary and off-the-cuff jokes make him a beloved figure among the troops, earning him the nickname “the man with the golden voice.”

However, Cronauer’s irreverent humor and outspokenness soon draw the ire of his superiors, particularly his immediate superior, Lieutenant Steven Hauk, who views Cronauer as insubordinate and disruptive. Despite warnings to tone down his act, Cronauer refuses to compromise his principles or muzzle his voice, leading to escalating tensions between him and the military establishment.

As Cronauer continues to push the boundaries with his radio show, he finds himself embroiled in a series of personal and professional conflicts. He forms friendships with fellow servicemen, including his loyal assistant Edward Garlick, and becomes romantically involved with a young Vietnamese woman named Trinh.

Meanwhile, Cronauer’s broadcasts attract the attention of powerful figures within the military hierarchy, who view his outspokenness as a threat to their authority and the war effort. Cronauer’s attempts to address the harsh realities of the war on his radio show, including reports of civilian casualties and atrocities, are met with resistance and censorship from his superiors.

Despite the risks, Cronauer remains committed to speaking truth to power and using his platform to challenge the status quo. However, his defiance comes at a cost, as he finds himself increasingly isolated and targeted by those who seek to silence him.

As the conflict in Vietnam escalates and tensions reach a boiling point, Cronauer’s world is turned upside down by a series of betrayals and revelations. Forced to confront the consequences of his actions and the cost of speaking out against injustice, Cronauer must make difficult choices that will shape the course of his life and legacy.

In the end, Cronauer’s bravery and integrity shine through, as he refuses to be silenced or compromised by the forces of oppression and conformity. “Good Morning, Vietnam” ends on a note of hope and resilience, celebrating the power of individual courage and the enduring human spirit in the face of adversity.

Adapted from a Book

“Good Morning, Vietnam” is not directly adapted from a book. However, the character of Adrian Cronauer and the premise of the film were inspired by the real-life experiences of Air Force DJ Adrian Cronauer, who served in Vietnam during the war. While there is no specific book that the film is based on, Cronauer’s own memoirs and recollections of his time in Vietnam likely served as source material for the screenplay.

Best Features of the Movie

  1. Robin Williams’ Performance: One of the standout features of “Good Morning, Vietnam” is Robin Williams’ captivating performance as Adrian Cronauer. Williams’ improvisational skills and comedic timing bring Cronauer to life with energy, humor, and humanity, making him a compelling and memorable protagonist.
  2. Blend of Comedy and Drama: The film skillfully blends elements of comedy and drama, offering moments of humor and levity alongside poignant reflections on the realities of war. Director Barry Levinson strikes a delicate balance between laughter and pathos, creating a nuanced and emotionally resonant portrayal of life during wartime.
  3. Cultural Commentary: “Good Morning, Vietnam” provides a thought-provoking commentary on the cultural and political dynamics of the Vietnam War era. Through Cronauer’s interactions with the troops, local Vietnamese citizens, and military authorities, the film explores themes of imperialism, racism, and the clash of cultures with insight and sensitivity.
  4. Soundtrack: The film’s soundtrack, featuring a mix of popular songs from the 1960s and 1970s, adds to its nostalgic appeal and immersive atmosphere. The music serves as a backdrop to Cronauer’s radio broadcasts, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes and capturing the spirit of the era.
  5. Authentic Setting: “Good Morning, Vietnam” immerses viewers in the sights and sounds of wartime Saigon, capturing the chaos and complexity of life in a war zone with authenticity and attention to detail. The film’s evocative cinematography and production design transport audiences to another time and place, creating a vivid sense of atmosphere and place.
  6. Social Commentary: In addition to its commentary on the Vietnam War, “Good Morning, Vietnam” offers broader insights into the power of media and the role of humor in challenging authority and speaking truth to power. Cronauer’s irreverent radio broadcasts serve as a form of resistance against censorship and propaganda, highlighting the subversive potential of comedy in times of crisis.

Critics’ Reception

“Good Morning, Vietnam” received generally positive reviews from critics upon its release in 1987. Critics praised Robin Williams’ performance and the film’s blend of humor and drama, hailing it as a poignant and entertaining portrayal of life during the Vietnam War. However, some critics criticized the film for its formulaic plot and lack of depth in its treatment of serious subject matter.

Overall, “Good Morning, Vietnam” was well-received by audiences and critics alike, earning widespread acclaim for its performances, humor, and social commentary. The film went on to become a commercial success and remains a beloved classic to this day.

Why We Must Watch This Movie

“Good Morning, Vietnam” is a must-watch film for several reasons:

  1. Robin Williams’ Performance: Robin Williams delivers a tour de force performance as Adrian Cronauer, showcasing his comedic genius and dramatic range. His portrayal of Cronauer is both hilarious and deeply moving, making the character a memorable and empathetic protagonist.
  2. Historical Context: The film offers valuable insights into the Vietnam War era and its impact on both American and Vietnamese communities. Through Cronauer’s experiences, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and contradictions of war, as well as the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  3. Social Commentary: “Good Morning, Vietnam” provides thought-provoking commentary on the power of media, the role of humor in challenging authority, and the moral complexities of war. Cronauer’s radio broadcasts serve as a form of resistance against censorship and propaganda, highlighting the subversive potential of comedy in times of crisis.
  4. Entertainment Value: Beyond its social and historical significance, “Good Morning, Vietnam” is simply a great piece of entertainment. The film’s sharp wit, memorable characters, and evocative soundtrack make it a joy to watch, offering laughter, tears, and everything in between.
  5. Relevance: While “Good Morning, Vietnam” is set during the Vietnam War, its themes of resistance, resilience, and the power of laughter are timeless and relevant to audiences today. In an age of political turmoil and social unrest, the film serves as a reminder of the importance of speaking truth to power and finding humor in the darkest of times.

Similar Movies

If you enjoyed “Good Morning, Vietnam,” here are six other movies that share similar themes, concepts, or production factors:

  1. The Deer Hunter” (1978) – Directed by Michael Cimino, this epic war drama follows a group of friends from a small Pennsylvania town who are profoundly affected by their experiences in the Vietnam War.
  2. Apocalypse Now” (1979) – Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this epic war film is set during the Vietnam War and follows a U.S. Army captain as he journeys upriver into the heart of darkness.
  3. Full Metal Jacket” (1987) – Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this war film follows a group of U.S. Marines from basic training to combat during the Vietnam War, exploring themes of dehumanization and psychological trauma.
  4. Platoon” (1986) – Directed by Oliver Stone, this war film offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of the Vietnam War through the eyes of a young soldier who becomes disillusioned with the conflict.
  5. Born on the Fourth of July” (1989) – Directed by Oliver Stone, this biographical drama stars Tom Cruise as Ron Kovic, a paralyzed Vietnam War veteran who becomes an anti-war activist.
  6. “The Killing Fields” (1984) – Directed by Roland Joffé, this historical drama tells the story of two journalists who become trapped in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime’s rise to power.

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