GOOD EVENING - Traducción al español -
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¿Cuál es la traducción de "good evening" en Español?

en good evening = es buenas tardes

"good evening" en español

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

good evening exclamation

(early on) buenas tardes(later) buenas nochesMonolingual examplesWhen they gave back the items they thanked him for his time and wished him a good evening.BritishGood evening Larry and good evening to your panel.North AmericanHe placed it in a bag and tipped his hat (he didn't even bother to see if Julius had an invitation), and wished us a good evening.North AmericanI want to say good evening and good evening to your panel, and a special fantastic compliment to Nancy Grace.North AmericanOfficer Kern wished them a good evening on the other end of the phone and Toby hung up.CanadianIf you're a gallery owner, for example, you're teaching from the time you greet your employees in the morning to the time you wish the last customer of the day a good evening.North American

good evening {interjección}

good evening (también: good night)
Mr President, I can totally identify with what the previous speaker said and I would also like to bid Commissioner Frattini good evening for the third time today.
. – Señor Presidente, me identifico plenamente con lo que ha dicho el orador precedente y yo también quiero dar las buenas noches al Comisario Frattini por tercera vez en esta jornada.
good evening (también: good afternoon)
. - (NL) Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I should first of all like to ask you if you could pass on our good wishes to Mrs Kroes.
. - (NL) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, Señorías, buenas tardes.

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "good evening" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

If we achieve a good outcome this evening, we can avoid the conciliation procedure.
Si esta tarde se logra un buen resultado, podremos evitar el procedimiento de conciliación.
. - Mr President, we have had a very good debate this evening.
suplente del autor. - Señor Presidente, creo que hemos disfrutado de un debate muy bueno esta tarde.
President Barroso's speech this evening was good.
El Presidente Barroso ha pronunciado un buen discurso esta tarde.
Mr President, I can totally identify with what the previous speaker said and I would also like to bid Commissioner Frattini good evening for the third time today.
   . – Señor Presidente, me identifico plenamente con lo que ha dicho el orador precedente y yo también quiero dar las buenas noches al Comisario Frattini por tercera vez en esta jornada.
. - (NL) Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I should first of all like to ask you if you could pass on our good wishes to Mrs Kroes.
en nombre del Grupo del PPE-DE. - (NL) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, Señorías, buenas tardes. Antes que nada, quiero pedirles que transmitan nuestros mejores deseos a la señora Kroes.

English Cómo usar "good evening" en una frase

A very good evening and welcome to our live coverage of what promises to be a rather unique game of football.
The simplest thing would be to increase the tax on alcohol - then you can have a good evening out on 5 drinks instead of 15.
Some nouns have changed gender with time, for example the feminine "vecher" (evening it retains its masculine character in the phrase "dobur vecher" - good evening), or "var" (lime).
Good evening, and thank you for that wonderful introduction.
Pair the tacos with a pitcher of frozen margarita and you are in for a pretty good evening.

Traducciones similares para good evening en español

evening sustantivo
evening adjetivo
good sustantivo
good adjetivo