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Unit Test Review

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As a result of the Miranda decision, police must now
issue warrants before arresting a suspect.
inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights before questioning them.
inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights after questioning them.
seize any evidence that might be used to convict a suspect.
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Terms in this set (15)
As a result of the Miranda decision, police must now
issue warrants before arresting a suspect.
inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights before questioning them.
inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights after questioning them.
seize any evidence that might be used to convict a suspect.
In Brown v. Board of Education, who instigated the lawsuit?
The students
The teachers
The parents
The schools
How did Regents v. Bakke change affirmative action policies?
It struck down the use of strict racial quotas.
It ruled race could not be factored into admissions.
It limited diversity and inequality in the workplace.
It changed the way applications could be written.
Though the outcomes of Tinker and Schenck differed, which best describes what these court decisions have in common?
They agreed that political expression could be restricted.
They agreed that libel was not protected speech.
They agreed that symbolic speech could be protected.
They agreed that speech rights could be limited to protect safety.
Which right does the First Amendment protect?
right to due process
right to trial by jury
right to bear arms
right to assemble
To become a citizen of the United States, a person must
have been born in the United States.
have been born or naturalized in the United States.
have learned to speak English.
have cousins who are citizens of the United States.
The Supreme Court's use of selective incorporation
only applies to amendments added before 1850.
only applies in cases where there is not enough evidence of a crime.
takes a subjective case-by-case approach to the question of incorporation.
takes the same approach to the question of incorporation in all cases.
Protections are guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to ensure that
police officers have more rights than suspected criminals.
the police do not become powerful at the expense of citizens' rights.
judges can work with the police to keep suspected criminals in jail.
citizens do not become more powerful than the police.
The Supreme Court ruled in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) that Gideon had been denied his rights because he had
hired an expensive lawyer he could not afford.
represented himself in court.
paid bail he could not afford.
been questioned without having his Miranda warning read.
Read Justice Black's decision in the Gideon case.

Even the intelligent and educated layman . . . requires the guiding hand of counsel at every step in the proceedings against him. Without it . . . he faces the danger of conviction because he does not know how to establish his innocence.

Which of these statements best summarizes Black's argument?
Educated people should represent themselves in court.
All people need an attorney's help in court.
Lawyers should not be allowed in court.
An innocent person does not need a lawyer in court.
Which of the following was a direct result of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
Individual states were allowed to choose whether or not to segregate their public schools.
The Fourteenth Amendment was deemed outdated and revised to reflect the court's verdict.
The process of desegregation began in all public schools throughout the country.
The connection between self-esteem and learning was made a top national priority.
All persons have the right to be represented by counsel, also known as
a judge.
a jury.
a lawyer.
a friend.
Which of these is a procedural right protected by the Bill of Rights?
the right to bear arms
freedom to petition
the right to call witnesses
freedom of assembly
In a trial, who hears evidence and offers a verdict?
Which term is defined as "a legal doctrine that permitted racial segregation in public facilities?"
affirmative action
separate but equal