Police Test 1-4 Flashcards | Quizlet
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One of the most enduring myths about policing is that police officers
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One of the most enduring myths about policing is that police officers
are crime fighters
One of the most important factors shaping the police role is
the authority to use force.
In the context of policing, one of the recommendations made by the President's Task Force is to

A. increase the number of arrests made per year by 15 percent.
B. ensure that quotas for the number of traffic tickets are met every year.
C. promote the "warrior" mindset rather than the "guardian" mindset among police officers.
D. make official policies and procedures publicly available.
D. make official policies and procedures publicly available.
Identify a true statement about the appointment of police officials in the United States.

A. Mayors appoint police chiefs.
B. The president of the United States appoints the head of state police agencies.
C. The Supreme Court directly appoints the directors of federal law enforcement agencies.
D. The vice president of the United States appoints county sheriffs.5. Which of the following is an example of procedural justice?
A. Mayors appoint police chiefs.
Which of the following is an example of procedural justice?

A. police officer gives an offender a traffic ticket for reckless driving.
B. A police officer explains to a driver why he has to search the driver's car.
C. A police officer arrests an offender for possessing illegal drugs.
D. A police officer shows a group of children how to fasten a seat belt in a car during a training session
B. A police officer explains to a driver why he has to search the driver's car.
One police practice that offends the public and undermines the trust and legitimacy of police officers is
A. the use of semi-automatic pistols in police raids.
B. the requirement of police officers to make a certain number of arrests per year.
C. the use of undercover cops in monitoring terrorist activities in the country.
D. the employment of a higher number of police officers in urban areas than in rural areas.
B. the requirement of police officers to make a certain number of arrests per year.
In the context of policing, which of the following statements is true about de-escalation?

A. It involves an overly lenient style of policing.
B. It should be used when there is a clear threat of a physical attack on a police officer.
C. It avoids unnecessary use-of-force incidents.
D. It is mostly used by police officers who want to overpower and repress violators.
C. It avoids unnecessary use-of-force incidents.
When police officers conduct stops, searches, and arrests based on the race and ethnicity of people, they are most likely violating the _____ of the U.S. Constitution.

A. Fifth Amendment
B. Nineteenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Fourteenth Amendment
D. Fourteenth Amendment
A police officer regularly arrests people from ethnic minorities in his community regardless of their role in any criminal activity. This is an example of

A. redlining.
B. nepotism.
C. racial profiling.
D. omission bias.
C. racial profiling.
Which of the following statements is true about totalitarian societies?

A. Police primarily follow the dictates of the supreme ruler.
B. People have control over law enforcement agencies.
C. Power is distributed equally among government officials.
D. People can directly elect government officials.
A. Police primarily follow the dictates of the supreme ruler.
Which of the following statements is true of police officers adopting the "warrior" mindset of policing?

A. Police officers typically de-escalate encounters to offset the presence of a physical threat in a situation.
B. Police officers are more likely to take independent decisions.
C. Police officers actively interact with community members and take a proactive approach to policing.
D. Police officers tend to view the members of the public as the "enemy."
D. Police officers tend to view the members of the public as the "enemy."
Veronica says that the police officer who arrested her for drunk driving did not give her adequate explanation for detaining and arresting her. She says that the police officer was also impolite in his conduct. Which of the following statements is true about this scenario?

A. Veronica was denied distributive justice.
B. Veronica most likely feels that she was denied procedural justice.
C. The police officer who arrested her regularly employs racial profiling.
D. The police officer adopted the "guardian" mindset of policing.
B. Veronica most likely feels that she was denied procedural justice.
De-escalation is the least useful when

A. use of force is unnecessary.
B. police officers outnumber the violators in an encounter.
C. there is a clear threat of a physical attack on a police officer.
D. police officers adopt the military style of policing.
C. there is a clear threat of a physical attack on a police officer.
Some police officers regularly stop, search, and arrest African Americans more frequently than white Americans. This is an example of

A. systematic bias.
B. the halo effect.
C. the spotlight effect.
D. self-serving bias.
A. systematic bias.
The emphasis on crime fighting creates unrealistic public expectations about the ability of the police to

A. catch criminals and prevent crime.
B. provide successful community policing.
C. correct family problems and prevent domestic violence.
D. reduce gang violence in major cities.
A. catch criminals and prevent crime.