No Child Left Behind Act | Definition, History & Controversy |
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No Child Left Behind Act | Definition, History & Controversy

Ariana Cole, David Boyles
  • Author
    Ariana Cole

    Ariana holds a BA in Political Science and is completing a MA in International Security. She has experience in the education and international non-profit sectors.

  • Instructor
    David Boyles

    David has a Master's in English literature. He has taught college English for 5+ years.

Learn about the No Child Left Behind Act. Identify the definition of no child left behind and learn when the act was passed along with what replaced it. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is No Child Left Behind now called?

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was replaced in 2015 with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which gives more authority to the states than under NCLB. While states are still required to perform annual assessments, other metrics can be used to measure achievement such as access to advanced coursework.

What did the No Child Left Behind Act do?

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 implemented federal education standards to hold teachers and schools accountable in giving all children an equal opportunity to education. States were required to meet certain achievement benchmarks, which were primarily assessed through standardized testing. Schools that did not meet these benchmarks were considered failing.

When the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was passed by Congress in 2001, President George W. Bush had been pushing education as one of the primary issues he wished to address in his presidency. He signed NCLB into law in 2002. The definition of NCLB is an educational reform measure that gave the federal government unprecedented authority within elementary and secondary education. The law aimed to create change that would hold schools and teachers accountable for giving all children an equal opportunity for high-quality education.

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The No Child Left Behind Act was passed by Congress in 2001 after receiving bipartisan support in the U.S. House and Senate. It was signed into law on January 8, 2002, by President George W. Bush. In the following decade, the act lost much of its support and was ultimately replaced in 2015.

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The No Child Left Behind Act quickly became a target of criticism. While supporters applauded attempts to close the achievement gap between students, many condemned the act's one-size-fits-all standards as unrealistic. Those opposed argued that NCLB failed to account for the different needs of each student and school particularly by requiring progress standards of all subgroups, including those with disabilities. Critics also denounced NCLB's focus on test-based instruction and emphasis on reading and math, which took time and resources away from other subjects.

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In 2015, the U.S. House and Senate passed legislation to replace the No Child Left Behind Act with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), another reauthorization of the ESEA. This marked a shift in educational power back to the states. For example, the act prevents the U.S. Secretary of Education from mandating states to adopt standards, including the Common Core Standards that were pushed during the Obama administration.

While states are still required to perform annual assessments of students, they are given more authority in the design and implementation of these metrics. Other factors can now be considered to measure achievement, such as access to advanced coursework and educator engagement. The act also removed the "highly qualified" teacher requirement of NCLB.

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No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was an act passed by Congress in 2001 and signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002 aiming to create accountability standards and promote progress in U.S. schools. The main measure of improvement that was used was Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), which primarily assessed the achievement of student subgroups (students facing poverty, students with disabilities, English learners, and students of color) through standardized testing. The act was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) passed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965.

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A Sweeping Change

When George W. Bush ran for president in 2000, education was one of his signature issues. He wanted to create sweeping changes that would hold schools and teachers more accountable, raise standards, and in particular, benefit the poor and minority students who, data showed, consistently lagged behind their peers.

Bush's education agenda became known as No Child Left Behind, and one of his first acts as president was to officially propose it to Congress on January 23, 2001, three days after taking office. The No Child Left Behind Act was passed just months later and would dictate American education policy for the next 14 years.

However, from the very beginning, the program faced criticism from many teachers and education experts who argued it did not work and, even worse, actually harmed disadvantaged students, whom it was specifically designed to help. Though there was some data that the program had a positive impact, it became increasingly unpopular. Several attempts at changes were made before the program was formally discontinued in 2015.


To understand the history of No Child Left Behind, we have to back up and talk about something called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). First implemented in 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act gives hundreds of millions of dollars to individual states for K-12 education, which the states then distribute to local school districts.

Historically, education has been administered by states and local school districts, not the federal government. The ESEA was one of the first times the federal government took a large role in educational policy. And while it was still left to the states to set their own education policy, the federal government quickly found out it could shape policy by attaching certain requirements to the money distributed under ESEA. If states did not follow the requirements, they did not get the money.

From Johnson forward, presidents started using the annual reauthorizations of the ESEA to set their education agenda. They put provisions into the ESEA that states had to follow in order to receive their federal funding, which states and local school districts have come to rely on as part of their annual budgets.

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), signed by President Bush on January 8, 2002, was one such reauthorization of the ESEA, but it introduced perhaps the most sweeping changes since the ESEA was first passed in 1965. In particular, it affected Title I of the ESEA, which allocated funding for school districts that served primarily poor and minority students.

Implementation and Controversy

After Bush signed the NCLB Act into law in January of 2002, states had to start changing their policies in order to continue receiving federal money. Disbursements included the all-important Title I funds, which in many cases were the primary source of funding for schools in poor areas.

Under NCLB, schools serving disadvantaged students had to hire 'highly qualified' teachers and start showing Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in student performance, though it was left to the states how to measure both of those terms. Under the original NCLB, all students in the country were supposed to be judged as 'proficient' in math and science by the 2013-2014 school year.

Early on, school districts and states complained that the AYP requirements were unrealistic and would have a negative impact on schools and students. In 2005, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced a plan to give states limited flexibility in meeting the AYP benchmarks if they could show progress. This was the first of many attempts to give states flexibility and move away from the strict goals of the original bill.

In 2007, a comprehensive update to NCLB that linked teacher pay to AYP failed to pass Congress after intense backlash from teachers' unions. It was the first sign of growing resistance to the bill by teachers and administrators.

NCLB in the Obama Era

When President Barack Obama succeeded Bush in 2009, he wanted to keep many of the key provisions in NCLB, while also responding to criticism by giving states greater flexibility. By the time Obama took office, it was becoming clear that most, if not all, states, would fail to meet the original NCLB goal, whereby all students would demonstrate 'proficiency' by the 2013-2014 school year. Obama would need to make some changes.

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