George Segal height in ft (feet), cm & meters — MrHeight

What was George Segal's Height?

George Segal was 5ft 10 ½" tall

George Segal Height

George Segal was from New York City, U.S.. We trawled the web to determine that George Segal's height was 5ft 10 ½ (179.1 cm). This made him 1.4 inches taller than the average male in the United States. Are you looking for more information about George Segal and his career? We found resources at,,, &

How tall was George Segal in ft, meters, cm, mm & inches? 👇

Height Metric George Segal Height
Feet 5ft 10 ½"
Meters 1.79m
CM (Centimeters) 179.1cm
MM (Millimeters) 1791mm
Inches 70.51"