George Santos: Behind-the-scenes photos of the embattled congressman

George Santos: Behind-the-scenes photos of the embattled congressman


George Santos: Behind-the-scenes photos of the embattled congressman

Santos poses for a portrait while looking out from the window of his office in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill, February 28.

George Santos: Behind-the-scenes photos of the embattled congressman


Whether in the halls of Congress or back home in his district, embattled U.S. Representative George Santos spends much of his time cloistered with his staff and spurned even by fellow Republicans.

He walks with long, quick strides, making it difficult for reporters to keep up and not seeking out conversation. On a February day that a Reuters photographer spent with him in his New York office, few locals stopped in, leaving Santos ample time to read his mail – including one card postmarked Pittsburgh that read “resign now.”

Since winning election in November, Santos has admitted to fabricating much of his resume, drawing ethics complaints from other members of Congress and calls from fellow New York Republicans to step down. On Thursday, the House Ethics Committee said it had launched an investigation.

Santos reads a fortune cookie after lunch at his district office in Douglaston, New York, February 22.
Santos and his husband Matt depart the Longworth Office Building on Capitol Hill, February 28.

A federal watchdog accused him of breaking campaign finance laws by concealing funding sources and using donor money to pay personal rent. The Federal Election Commission last month warned that he may be breaking the law by continuing to raise money without having formally declared his reelection campaign.

Santos has vowed to serve out his two-year term, though with no committee assignments, he has little work to do.

Santos declined to be interviewed for this article.

In Pictures

Photography by Jonathan Ernst

Writing: Scott Malone

Editing: Rosalba O’Brien

Photo editing: Jim Bourg, Jonathan Ernst, Corinne Perkins and Jeremy Schultz

Design layout: Jeremy Schultz