English-French dictionary - translation - bab.la
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To translate a word from English to French, all you need to do is use the search field provided above. You can also find the translations for French words; both English and French are searched. Should the results you find be extensive there are filter options to hide results that do not match your criteria. If you do not understand a French word or its translation simply use the Web, Image or Wikipedia search to find more information.

Search the English-French dictionary by letter

If you are not sure of the word you want to translate you can browse the English-French dictionary. Use the letters to see a full list of words from the English-French dictionary starting with your selected letter. When you find what you were looking for, clicking that word will show you all French words and synonyms in our dictionary.

Here are the English-French translations which have been recently added by users. If you see a French translation you do not agree with you can use the verify utility to suggest changes. Naturally if you think the suggested word or phrase is correct you can also vote for it.

Start having fun and be a part of the bab.la community. Helping us makes the English to French dictionary even better. Every single user who contributes new French translations helps us improve the quality and usefulness of our dictionaries. Adding new English to French translations is not the only way to help out though. All words added by users need to be confirmed and checked for mistakes. A new word will only be included as a valid French translation once it has been voted as correct by 10 other users. The reason for there being so many English-French translations for the same English word is that a word's meaning, and therefore translation, can vary greatly from one field to another. A technical translation from English to French could be very different from a medical translation.
Register as a user with us today and you will start collecting points for the world ranking. Every contribution you make will earn you points, such as adding new English-French translations. If you are ever unsure about a translation you want to add, there are always other bab.la users willing to help. Head over to the English-French forum where discussions range from common French translations to English and French grammar.