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Free Government Satellite Maps

Free Government Satellite Maps Are Online But There is a Price. Invasion of Privacy Becomes Commonly Accepted in Police State.

While searching for online satellite pictures of your home you might be amazed just how many homes across the country can be found.

Even homes that are in the middle of nowhere can be seen in satellite shots and it makes you wonder just how pervasive this technology really is.

With free government satellite maps you can see just how your friends across the country are living and you can keep tabs on their home prices as well.

However, these free pictures come with a hefty price tag… of which most of us are unaware and that is the loss of our privacy.

We have heard for years about the importance of security and the government’s need to know.

What we have not heard much about is how they go about getting information, not just about terrorists, but also about the average American.

Using sophisticated satellites like those in Project Echelon the government can keep tabs on us, follow us to work and anywhere else we go throughout the day.

Echelon satellites are also used to monitor all communications whether it is cell phones, land lines or Internet usage; with all of the information trapped and, in a sense, so are we (trapped).

Free Government Satellite Maps: Eavesdropping Satellite

When we look at those free government satellite maps and see the extraordinary detail, we should really think about how many details the government has compiled about us and put into a database.

It is the mandate of the government to gather data on as many citizens as possible even though that information clearly goes against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

We should really be concerned as to their motives and do research into what is really going on.

If we do, we will find out that the global elite, working with our government and those around the world, have a plan for the population… and it is not for the greater good, as they claim.

No one disputes the need for security and the ability to use satellites in tracking missile installations and the movement of munitions.

However, the purpose behind the excessive information being gathered on us if for the sole purpose of controlling us.

Technology Used Against U.S. in a Global Conspiracy

Enjoying the latest electronic gadgets and viewing free government satellite maps might seem impressive and useful but those things are the very instruments the global elite use to keep track of our every move.

Hopefully we will not readily embrace the forced implantation of RFID chips, which are in our very near future.

Yes, they could make life easier but they will also make it much easier for the global elite to construct an electronic concentration camp around this country.

It is imperative that we do our homework and find out just how the government has betrayed us using the latest technology.

In a way, by our eager acceptance of the latest gizmos, we have helped them.

“The Technocratic Age is slowly designing an every day more controlled society.

“The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details… it will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each citizen of the world.”

– Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder, Trilateral Commission.

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