Trains to Frankfurt am Main from $17 (€15) - Omio

Train to Frankfurt am Main - Book cheap tickets online

Sat, Apr 27
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Deutsche Bahn
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Train tickets to Frankfurt am Main

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Showing the fastest and cheapest results for Apr 27

Results include alternative arrival locations to Frankfurt am Main
Deutsche Bahn with connection
Paris Gare de l'Est
04:06PMFrankfurt Airport long-distance station
1 transfer
Deutsche Bahn with connection
Paris Gare de l'Est
03:06PMFrankfurt Airport long-distance station
2 transfers
Deutsche Bahn with connection
Paris Gare de l'Est
03:08PMFrankfurt (Main) Hbf
1 transfer
Popular trains to and from Frankfurt am Main

Popular trains to Frankfurt am Main

Berlin to Frankfurt am Main train

from $23
Direct trains available
3h58 average duration
16trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • FlixTrain
  • FlixBus

Amsterdam to Frankfurt am Main train

from $32
Direct trains available
4h43 average duration
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • VIAS Rail GmbH
  • FlixTrain
  • FlixBus

Brussels to Frankfurt am Main train

from $39
Direct trains available
2h51 average duration
6trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • FlixTrain

Munich to Frankfurt am Main train

from $61
Direct trains available
3h13 average duration
3trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • FlixTrain
  • TGV
  • ÖBB | Euro City (EC)

Paris to Frankfurt am Main train

from $96
Direct trains available
3h43 average duration
5trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • TGV
  • SNCF | ICE
  • vlexx
  • FlixBus

Popular trains from Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main to Berlin train

from $17
Direct trains available
3h51 average duration
25trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • FlixTrain
  • FlixBus

Frankfurt am Main to Amsterdam train

from $43
Direct trains available
4h56 average duration
2trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • VIAS Rail GmbH
  • FlixTrain
  • ÖBB | Nightjet

Frankfurt am Main to Zurich train

from $55
Direct trains available
3h54 average duration
14trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • ÖBB | ICE
  • ÖBB | Euro City (EC)
  • ÖBB | InterCity
  • ÖBB

Frankfurt am Main to Munich train

from $57
Direct trains available
3h08 average duration
24trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • FlixTrain
  • TGV

Frankfurt am Main to Paris train

from $96
Direct trains available
3h43 average duration
4trains per day
Served by
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • SNCF | ICE
  • TGV
  • FlixBus
  • ÖBB | Nightjet

Trains to Frankfurt

There are many good reasons to travel to Frankfurt am Main by train. Both frequent and efficient train service is offered to Frankfurt from many other cities in Germany as well as Europe. Passengers can easily reach the city center from the main train station as well as Frankfurt Airport, which is one of Europe's busiest airports.

Which is the main train station in Frankfurt?

Most train services to Frankfurt end at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main train station). Like the city's airport, this train station is one of the largest in Europe, with 25 platforms in five departure halls. Passengers can reach the city center by public transportation in under 10 minutes. Plenty of facilities are available on site, including cafes, small restaurants, and shops.

Which train companies offer trains to Frankfurt?

Many train companies offer service to Frankfurt. These include the German train companies Deutsche Bahn and FlixTrain, as well as other European train companies like SNCF TGV and Trenitalia.

Why travel by train to Frankfurt?

There are many good reasons to travel by train to Frankfurt. Since the city is home to one of Europe's largest train stations, visitors can reach Frankfurt by train very easily throughout the year. In addition, many passengers prefer the comfort of train travel, and trains in Germany are generally reliable, fast, and convenient. Train travel to Frankfurt also allows passengers to get a feel for the German or European countryside. Last but not least, passengers can easily hop on a plane once in Frankfurt. Because of the size of this airport, many good flight deals can be found here for both domestic and international air travel.

Before you travel to Frankfurt by train - good to know!

Frankfurt am Main may not be as popular a tourist destination as German cities like Berlin, Munich, and Heidelberg, but the city still definitely has a lot to offer. For one, Frankfurt is the finance capital of the country and the only city in Germany with an American-style skyscraper skyline. Frankfurt is also the birthplace of Germany's most famous poet, author, and playwright, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Although heavily bombed during the war, Frankfurt's old town has been lovingly restored in recent years. The city also boasts several impressive museums not to mention traditional apple wine pubs, where they serve up many hearty local specialties.

Train providers: Deutsche Bahn, TGV and SNCF ICE to Frankfurt am Main trains

Find the best journey to Frankfurt am Main with Omio's train partners Deutsche Bahn, TGV and SNCF ICE! You'll find the best deals, schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the most convenient journey for you.

SNCF-ICE trains connect France and Germany. SNCF's high-speed service TGV and Deutsche Bahn's high-speed service ICE are joint providers of these services with comfortable connections between the two European countries. There are multiple ticket types on offer including Super Saver Fare Europe with no refunds or exchanges allowed and the Saver Fare Europe which is semi-refundable but not exchangeable. The trains are comfortable and high-speed and offer all the amenities of SNCF & DB high-speed trains like Wi-Fi, food and drinks on board and comfortable seats. The trains serve top French cities like Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg and Marseille along with German cities including Frankfurt, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Augsburg and Munich. Some of the most popular routes include: Paris to Frankfurt, Paris to Munich and Karslruhe to Lyon.

Train stations in Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt am Main Flughafen is the most popular Frankfurt am Main train station for Omio travelers, but Frankfurt am Main has quite a few hubs. Find all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Frankfurt am Main for your trip.
Amenities at station
Frankfurt Messe stationATMAccessibility
Frankfurt am Main OstParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Frankfurt am MainAccessibility
Amenities at station
Frankfurt am Main, Airport
Frankfurt am Main, Hauptbahnhof/FernbusterminalAccessibility
Amenities at station
Frankfurt am Main, Mörfelder Landstraße / Stresemannallee
Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Warte

Trains to Frankfurt am Main: related information

Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

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