Modern Day Finishing School - Gloria Starr

USA: 561-310-3414
Toronto: 905-901-3414

The Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence 
In-person or Virtual
Bring this Event to Your City

Unlock a World Full of Possibilities….Attend the Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence weekend event at the Starr Transformational Retreat.

Master the Complexities of Life with Elegance and Confidence.
Discover and learn everything you always wanted to know about elegance, affluence, magnetic appeal, manners, etiquette, meet and greet skills, business and social graces and how to increase your personal magnetism!

The Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence is designed as the elite, transformational program for presenting yourself at your personal and professional best. 
Charisma, chemistry and confidence are the characteristics shared by winners in all walks of life. These people have the astounding ability to forge instant bonds with anyone, anywhere and anytime. Learn to establish instant rapport and increase your personal and professional magnetic sphere of influence. 

Armed with these winning strategies, graduates of the Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence will gain the knowledge to consistently present themselves at their personal and professional best, radiate Affluence and leverage their Success. 

Transformational Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence Details: 

Friday evening – Meet and Greet Social Buffet 7 pm to 8 pm
Saturday 9 am to 4 pm 
Dinner Party (after five attire) Saturday evening 6 pm to 9 pm

Sunday 9 am to 3 pm

Magnetic Personal and Professional Presence
Presenting your Personal and Professional Best 
The Key Components of a Winning Image

Poise, Polish, Posturing and Positioning
The Essential Elements of Influence and Affluence

The Six Ps of Personal Marketing
Persona Packaging Positioning Presentation Promotion Passion

Dress to Impress: The Right Statement Every Time
The Psychological Effect of Color 
Attention to Detail, Fabrics, Patterns and Prints
 Dressing Guidelines 

Five Rules of Influence and Affluence
Exude Confidence 

Create a Powerful Aura 
The Art and Science of Magnetic Appeal
Memorable, Powerful Introductions  
Create a Business Introduction Card

Dress for Success Rules and Radiate Affluence
Wardrobe Basics and Beyond

Personal Style – Professional Style
Dressing for Greater Impact, Influence and Affluence
Accessories that Spell Success
Business and Social Casual Guidelines

Manners Really Do Matter
Meet, Greet and Mingle and Become Magnetic

Dining Etiquette – The Basics and Beyond
Tutorial Dining Lessons  
Become a Gracious Guest and Host
Saying Thank You with Style

Ambassador Skills and Communication Essentials / Personality and Character Development
What Your Body Language Really Says About You 

Conversation Mastery
The Art of Introductions
Your Thirty-Second Introduction of Influence and Affluence
Email and Cell Phone Etiquette 
How to Read a Person Like a Book – Assessment Tool Profiling
The Art of Instant Magnetic Rapport

The Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence is highly interactive and includes:
Communication assessment tool 
Neuro-linguistic programming techniques 
Key Strategies of Success
Image, Etiquette and Communication e-books 

Two tutorial luncheons
Cocktail event/networking
Formal dining event 
Personalized coaching 
Image – Affluence and Executive Presence Evaluation

Modern Day Finishing of Affluence School Details: 

Friday Evening 7 – 8 pm Meet and Greet Social Buffet
Saturday 9 am to 5 pm

Dinner party and dining etiquette lesson Saturday evening 6 pm to 9 pm (after five attire)
Sunday 9 am to 3 pm

Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence Hosted by Lady Gloria Starr includes, meals, training materials and a Certificate of Graduation.

Investment: $4850.
or make a deposit of $2000. to reserve your position
Pay your balance of $2850. due 20 days prior to the event
*travel expenses for yourself or if your are bringing me to your location, you will cover travel expenses and hotel accommodations*
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal*

Applause, Applause for the Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence:
“Gloria, I wish to thank you for the opportunity to attend the Modern Day Transformational Finishing School. I learned a lot, the flow of activities was well-timed and the information provided was excellent. I highly recommend your Finishing School.” Louis Boisvert, Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner Consulate of Canada 

“Thank you for a memorable weekend. You are truly a transforming force. I can not thank you enough for what you have done for our family. You have completely changed the direction of our lives and created your own cluster of Starr-lights. We will pass the light to others and make you proud.” Pat Locke

“I want to thank you for all of the information you shared with us. I feel honored to have the opportunity to learn from you.” Carrie Silverman investment broker 

“I have not stopped raving about your finishing school. I will be doing a follow up session and plan on sending five of my executives to your next program.” Sheila Corbett, President Automated Technology

“I had an amazing experience at your Finishing School of Influence and  Affluence. I have found it to be transforming in my life. Thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge.” Anne Z, Attorney 

“Thank you Ms. Starr for all of your knowledge and expertise to create an outstanding Finishing School. I learned so much more than I expected and now feel confident interacting and dining with people from many cultures in our global society. As you know, I flew to the United States from Dubai to take this program as I felt it was my best and only choice. I’m so pleased that you have agreed to host the Finishing School in Dubai and I will be attending again. It is my great pleasure and honor to know you and to learn from you.” K. Jacob Johns – Dubai, UAE

Thank you Ms. Starr for the opportunity to attend your Finishing School of Influence and Affluence. The location, your beautiful home, the staff and you were impeccable and a true example of “southern hospitality.” I will do my best to incorporate my new found knowledge in “laid back” California. There is always a time and place for good manners and gracious living and I now know that I have the power to influence my family and friends and raise the standards in our country. Lily, University of Southern California
Register online using the above link or call
to speak with Ms. Starr about the  Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence for adults 949-209-8802. International clients please call 001-949-209-8802 or contact Lady Gloria Starr at for a rapid response.
Cancellation Policy: If you are unable to attend, someone else may take your place or you can attend the next weekend training event.

A personal note from Lady Starr: I look forward to the opportunity of sharing the strategies of Influence and Affluence with you! 

Gloria Starr International Cancellation Policy:
 No refunds however the funds may be used for an upcoming Transformational Modern Day Finishing School of Influence and Affluence within one year of your purchase order. 

Gloria Starr serving clients globally in Africa, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Dubai, Egypt, Europe, France, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South America, Thailand, UK, United States since 1983.
Clients in Abuja, Alexandria, Atlanta, Beijing, Boca Raton, Birmingham, Cairo, Cape Town, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Doha, Dubai, Edmonton, Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Worth, Greensville, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Jeddah, Johannesburg, Lagos, Los Angeles, Los Vegas, Miami, Melbourne, Mumbai, Newport Beach, New York, Oakland, Orlando, Osaka, Palm Beach, Phoenix, Portland,  Riyadh, Rio, Riyadh, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Shanghai, Sri Lanka, Sydney, Toronto, UAE, Vancouver, Virginia Beach, Wilmington