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[OPBR] Tierlist - End of Season 82


A bit later than usual, but here is the updated tierlist for end of season 82.

Even more so than before, Bandai became unpredictable and to everyone's surprise they have not only re-released the whole batch of Stampede units but also buffed them to the point that they are now viable or even meta in the case of Douglas Bullet.




Changes from last month:

Well, there aren't many changes this time around. Although both Stampede Smoker and Stampede Sabo are quite good now after their buffs, they do not make the cut. Bullet however gets a more than solid buff that fixes some of the issues he had since day one. Runners welcome a new member, namely Stampede Boa. For an easier time, you can think of her as a slightly worse Perospero that focuses on capturing, not on killing. Finally, we have the Defenders list which .... remains unchanged. No new Defender has been released this month and neither Bullet or Boa who have been added to Attackers and Runners list respectively impact Defenders in any way to warrant a change even in the slightest.

Now onto what changed with each list in particular.

  • Attackers

    • Bullet added to top of Tier 2;

    • CP0 Lucci removed to maintain the 15 units rule;

  • Defenders

    • No change;

  • Runners

    • Marco bumped up to top of Tier 1;

    • Ms. Goldenweek demoted one spot (exchanged places with Marco);

    • Boa added to Tier 1, between Ms. Goldenweek and God Usopp;

    • Coby moved from bottom of Tier 2 to top of Tier 3;

    • OG Marco removed to maintain the 15 units rule.

As for Shiki, he will be added starting next month but as of now the consensus is that he is somewhere around bottom of Tier 1 or top of Tier 2.

You can check out the previous tierlist here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OPBR/comments/v3gzof/opbr_tierlist_end_of_season_80/

For an in-depth explanation as to why tiers are the way they are (ranging from 0 to 3), why there are only 15 units in each tier or how these tierlists have been made please check: https://www.reddit.com/r/OPBR/comments/ttomwy/opbr_tierlist_end_of_season_76/

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Just so you know, the community really appreciates your time and effort with these tier-lists. They might not be 100% accurate for some folks, but all-in-all it's the best we have.

u/Akashi-SevenDays avatar

Really appreciate it. We don't expect them to be 100% accurate but we just hope they help players by being a good base for what each class has to offer. For the most part, they do the job, they spark debates and friendly discussions.

Hey akashi I remember hearing not too long ago shiryu ended up being better than at first thought to be, why is he barely in the list? Really curious, also who would be the better bet to train up jack or bullet

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u/DamnAlex12 avatar

I would dare to say Persospero is around the level of EXs, he's just one of the most annoying mf out there, just as annoying as Akainu or even worse. Even if you have nullify status effect his skill deal 50 fucking percent of your max HP, it shouldn't even be allowed, + the shield, like wtf. He's just squishier maybe, but he heals like a mf and his skill are so hard to dodge at short range that it's just incredible.

I mean he has 2 weapons that can be wasted if you see him coming and his wombo combo can be broken if he misses just one player in a group. Like he uses his sludge, does the candy maiden, misses the second player of the 2 he was going for. What are his odds of actually not only getting the KO, but surviving that? Akainu misses his hound bite and hits no one with the lava pits, still invincible and becomes ultra long range. Luffy turns into bound man and misses his big fist? Still got a long range gattling and a finishing King Kong gun plus invincibility during the beginning of his skills. Luffy also made all previous Boa units useless overnight, not even Akainu could do that to any unit, especially not 2 of them. Roger misses his Kamusari since you perfect dodged? Then he can just charge up his skill 2 and wait out your invincibility while having 70% defense just so that you won’t do anything to him. He also has the best normals since Green Reyleigh. Pero is a 1 trick pony, the EX attackers are perfect Attacker units. They do everything an attacker should do perfectly. Though I’d like to say Shanks is in tier 2 ngl but ig people underestimate him nowadays.

u/Akashi-SevenDays avatar

The deal with the EXes and the first 3 units in Tier 1 is the following: they are part of a vicious cycle. Pick one and there's 2 units that have type advantage over it and can kill it. Is Perospero's Candy spam cancerous? Absolutely, but both Sabo and Akainu have an easy time against it. Is Doffy arguably still the best Akainu counter? Large majority will say yes. Even so, his key mechanic, the shield, gets destroyed by both Roger's absurd damage and Pero's Slug. As for Sabo, his incredible new trait (heal when attacking aflamed units) gets cancelled against units that nullify statuses so in a match-up against Luffy or Doffy he will get outclassed. No matter what you do, you end up at a stalemate. So what do you do in that case? Well, we decided to give the win to the EX units because their kits bring more to the table, not to mention they are a lot more used. On a side note, Akainu has gotten his Nth counter already and he is still very much here to stay and if the 3.5 EX is Green as speculated, his already high usage will skyrocket.

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u/Japdem23 avatar

The day I see Queen removed to mantain the 15 units rule imma cry so hard.

It's sad to see some amazing BF such as Dr zoro Fade away, my boi wedding Sanji will join him soon 😞

u/Accomplished-Bear988 avatar

Nice, I wanted to see where Boa would end up. And that's about right, I run her with my Prime Rayleigh and there is clearly a drop-off offensively and on defense. The good thing about her is her trait for remaining at 1% after almost dying from an attack (granted with the specific situation for it to happen), her healing, and her clutch moves when running or using her arrows (to stop cappers).

But when comparing to Rayleigh you see a difference on function. He can usually kill low health enemies easily and be an annoyance with perfect dodging. While Boa can be a hindrance to characters like Dr Zoro, Akainu and Yamato.

But her positioning on this list sounds about right.

u/acelexmafia avatar

The defenders list is kind of wonky but other than that everything else is solid


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u/Accomplished-Bear988 avatar

Who's "he's "?

u/DamnAlex12 avatar

Sorry replied to the wrong comment

u/Accomplished-Bear988 avatar

Ah, it's cool

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u/Yeeti_YT avatar

Ulti is really underrated I would put her above sabo

u/Akashi-SevenDays avatar

Explained her placement in the comment section of last month's list. Pretty much the entire tier 1 consists of incredibly powerful units and the sole reason she is the last there, after Jack, is because his condition is a lot easier to achieve plus he wins in the range department which is huge in today's meta. Think of it this way, if Ulti is a 9, Jack is a 9.1 but realistically you can switch around any unit in that tier depending on the match-up.

u/Yeeti_YT avatar

Hm, I see, thanks!

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Another ulti lover hello my friend

u/Yeeti_YT avatar



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Page 1 and Ulti are so fun n strong

I'm running them both in league for the brother sister stomp down rn

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u/SrTNick avatar

I would personally move Raid Kidd to between Jozu and Page One. I have General Franky, Jozu, and Raid Kidd maxed and the first two can definitely compete while Kidd struggles with meta attackers. He just has a really bad matchup against EX Luffy and Perospero, which are everywhere nowadays.

I would move Peros and Marco to Tier 0.

Peros' ability to heal and keep enemies in an infinite candy loop is too good while having a stun defense mechanic to prevent Attackers from destroying him. Having a large fixed damage ability that acts like a shield is great.

Marco's ignore Knockback ability and health regeneration Skill with health on Capture makes him one of the best Runners in the game. A lot of Defenders who rely on Knockback won't be able to keep Marco off the flag once Marco starts capturing.

u/Akashi-SevenDays avatar

Pero's ranking is explained in another comment. As for Marco, I personally wouldn't mind him making it into Tier 0 solely because of his anti-Kaido kit. It's the best we have currently against the big bad dragon and his oppressive 150% charge flag mechanic. However as the list is composed of the opinions and experiences of multiple people that I consider to be quite the knowledgeable players I cannot make that decision alone.

Acknowledged. :)

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Although I am a pell fan I have to argue that he can't be here. The meta rn is giving almost every unit Knock back which is the one thing that ends his skill one 🥲Honestly a great unit who was at a disadvantage from the get go😪


I'm new to the subreddit, but what do EX and BF mean?

u/1skywalk avatar

EX = Units from Extreme Banners

BF = Bounty Fest Banners

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Everyone keeps sleeping on my boy oni luffy, he’s Tanky af and really does well in the blue ex meta

u/acelexmafia avatar

He fell off hard. I have him maxed with 160% support. As a defender he doesn't survive long enough to do anything anymore.

I have him maxed with 145% support and he won’t die even when I want him to. His percentile damage attack has fell off but he can still defend

u/acelexmafia avatar

What league are you in and how high?

Ss, haven’t pushed too high since I only do 5 or so games a day now

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Bruh I swear you guys are sleeping on Queen sama he should be tier 1

u/DamnAlex12 avatar

He's just not at the same level as Nami or Judge, he's a great defender, but those are better

I do think he better than acro and mihawk (but not robin) since he nullify status effect with skill one which he can get easily and he can hit as hard as mihawk due to his 20% damage increase on treasure (May be bias since I main Queen)

u/DamnAlex12 avatar

Yes it's kind of in the middle between the 2 tiers, the thing I can say is that I never ever had problem facing a queen, since his damage reduction is under average and his only source of damage is brachiobomber which isn't incredibly strong. meanwhile I had many issues facing a Nami, a Judge or a EL Robin, also Sengoku is very good but I wouldn't put him at the same level of Nami, idk

Yeah I can agree with that I usually have problem with akainu, Rayleigh, and ex luffy but other than that he decent in the meta

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u/acelexmafia avatar

I would argue he should be in the same tier as them but lower than them. He's definitely in the meta. The other units he's around in tier 2 are off meta.

On that note. EL Robin can be argued to be at least tier 1 as well. She's still one of the most tankiest units in the game. The only issue is her combat.

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u/Lord_Puss avatar

I agree, but I think he should be top of tier 2

I would probably put him below robin but yea

u/Lord_Puss avatar

He's definitely above Robin for me, and I'm saying that as someone who has played alot of Robin (granted I don't have Queen, but based on his kit). Robin hurts alot from Knockback and not being able to help her team push all that well.

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u/Jamil100 avatar

Respect Perosperos he is easily in tier 0.

Not with my ulti in league running around 😈😈😈

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u/MigetsuNewgate avatar

I feel like Vista should be higher but as usually if they don't have cancer traits or skills they are considered bad

I’ve seen many Vistas in SS so I agree he should be listed higher

u/MigetsuNewgate avatar

Yay Anothet Vista fan

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Like come on man, we see Marco just as much as we see Oden or Yamato, he stormed in the meta like no other bf did since Doffy, and you just had Rayleigh above him and some rarely used and weak units are in the same tier as him 😂

I agree. Marco is definitely tier 0

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I think sentomaru is tier one no joke imo as a defender main he’s better then atleast nami and judge. The only person I struggle against is akainu and marco but other then that I can handle everyone else

u/Ok-Train-5461 avatar

UNDERRATED ULTI , she can handle all United besides Oden , yet she is in 8 position in the attacker list ?

finally some pell appreciation

I see nothing wrong with this list

Boa is better than everyone in tier 1. I would at least move her to the front

Runners tier list looks solid!

Why there are so many Tier 0 defenders and in the game, you see only Ex Kaido and maybe Page One? In my opinion, only these two can stay as tier 0 units and the rest have to move down (oh I forgot Jozu's tier 0 defender meme😂).

Did you forget to remove Pell from the tier list?! Everyone calling Young Doffy and Perospero broken and you put them in tier 1?!

Is this tier list based on fans' favorites and not actual gameplay?

Thank you for your effort but the lists (with the exception of runners) are kinda misleading and probably biased.

u/Akashi-SevenDays avatar

Defenders in retrospect could honestly have a new Kaido tier introduced where he alone reigns at the top. Looking at what's used currently in League it's clear that Defenders are very scarce (that however doesn't mean the units aren't good) and the 150% charged flag incentivized players to either use Runners to try and cap the flags faster or Attackers to try and kill Kaido.

Pell is very much a better unit that anyone we have in Tier 3 or Attackers that aren't featured. One of his skills is a one-shot while the other can be used against Akainu who is still prevalent despite all their attempts to cancel him. Is knockback a problem for him? Sure, but it also is for a lot of other units. As for Doffy and Perospero, I already responded to someone else regarding the topic and why it is better to have them in Tier 1 rather than 0.

Would very much love to hear why you think the list is misleading and biased when a lot of the players that helped making it or saw the list already are in agreement with it. Feel free to give us your top 15.

Yes, Kaido is in a league of his own for now

I totally agree with your statement 100% about defenders. Putting Kaido on a new tier list and all the others below him is probably the best choice!

As for the attackers, most tier 0 - tier 1 matchups are based on baiting/ dodging skills and "environmental factors". I would put Doffy and Perospero at tier 1 (if not tier 0), and move all the tier 1 units to tier 2 and tier 2 units to tier 3. Pell and lawffy can go. Doffy has a mediocre matchup against Roger but has a good matchup against Akainu, and Luffy. Perospero has a bad matchup against Akainu but wins against Luffy and Roger. Also, Izo and Shiryu can do what Pell does but way better. Oni Law outclasses Lawluffy.

In the past, they were so many posts from Jozu's (you must be a fool to activate his state), Tank Franky's (he is high only because he counters Akainu, or am I missing something?), and Pell's Fanboys, and seeing those units higher than expected is kinda sus. That's the reason I called it misleading and "probably" biased. I hope those "knowledgeable OPBR players" aren't biased.

For one more time, thank you for doing that, is really vital for the community!!

u/SortCalm avatar

I see your point about pero and doffy but the tier list is not based on any specific matchup. It is based on how well the unit can compete and their usefulness I dont see pero destroy runners and defenders as effective as the 3 ex power house. If its based on match up then ulti should be above all because she destroy every attacker in existance

You can't put them together. Sabo, Jack, and Ulti are way worse than Doffy and Pero. Doffy has utility and Pero's candy state is broken (you can nullify stun, aflame, shock... but not this). Sabo is just a tanky attacker and his status effect is way worse than Akainu's, Jack is good but squishy and Ulti has a stun and nothing really special. Probably, I would put Ulti one tier below the other two. I think you overestimate her.

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u/SortCalm avatar


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u/Ok-Wrongdoer-4037 avatar

I would not consider franky and bellow to be tier 0.

They are good units but tier 0 make them seem like they are unstopable when they are not.

And i feel for exemple that doffy and pero are much stronger then franky or kid even if its different playstyle.

Maybe attack tier 1 could be labelled as 1+ because it seem more accurate.

Hmm not sure why Sabo is so high. He has pros but to be honest he just isn’t as effective as the other units. Pretty much all the units in tier 1 help the team significantly better.

Bullet should also absolutely be in tier 1. He’s a damn monster now.

Rayleigh is not that good. He’s on a similar level to Marco as far as effectiveness goes. The EX runners still hold a step above any BF runners. Vista is undoubtedly in the top of tier 1. You can make an argument between Rayleigh, Marco, and vista on the order. I have Rayleigh and vista maxed. Vista simply gives me a much higher win rate

That’s just my opinions though haha. Glad someone is still putting lists together

Can't disagree with much here at all, solid.

u/Big_Nutz1123 avatar

Glad to see the new marco is getting some love. I remember when he came out ppl said he wasn’t great but the guy has fkn insane sustain. He just does not die.

Only thing bad I can say ab him is his damage isn’t crazy, but when you can fight/occupy one or even two people for long periods of time bc u just heal so damn much it don’t matter. And plus he’s a runner so his primary goal isn’t exactly killing everything you see

So Ex-Shanks did not make the list?