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Whig Metahistorv 

Harari’s Ignorance 

The Testimony of Mickey Mouse 

Genesis and Evolution 

The Gorging Gene 

The War on Logos 


Biological Determinism 



Heaven on Earth 




Animal to God 


What is cannot come out of what is not. 


And I have noticed that most modern history is driven to something like 
sophistry, first to soften the sharp transition from animals to men. ... Most 
modern histories of mankind begin with the word evolution, and with a rather 
wordy exposition of evolution, for much the same reason that operated in this 
case. There is something slow and soothing and gradual about the word and 
even about the idea. As a matter of fact, it is not, touching these primary 
things, a very practical word or a very profitable idea. Nobody can imagine 
how nothing could turn into something. Nobody can get an inch nearer to it 
by explaining how something could turn into something else. It is really far 
more logical to start by saying ‘In the beginning God created heaven and 
earth’ even if you only mean ‘In the beginning some unthinkable power 
began some unthinkable process.’ ... In other words, every sane sort of 
history must begin with man as man, a thing standing absolute and alone. 
How he came there, or indeed how anything else came there, is a thing for 
theologians and philosophers and scientists and not for historians. 

G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man 


Whig Metahistory 

Metahistory is back in style. In 1951, when it was already in decline, 
Christopher Dawson drew an analogy between metaphysics and metahistory 
by citing Aristotle, who “proceeded to discuss the ultimate concepts that 
underlie his physical theories: the nature of matter, the nature of being and 
the cause of motion and change” after he had written his books on physics. 
Similarly, “metahistory is concerned with the nature of history, the meaning 
of history and the cause and significance of historical change.” 1 ^ Metahistory 
is a philosophical meditation on the meaning of human history in its entirety 
which came into being during the Christian era when thinkers like St. 
Augustine synthesized the Hebrew tradition, which had history but no 
philosophy, and the Greek tradition which had philosophy but lacked a theory 
of cosmic history. 

Even though he never uses the term metahistory, Yuval Noah Harari, 
professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is a practitioner 
of this art. Anyone who writes a book which “surveys the entire length of 
human history, from the evolution of Homo sapiens in the Stone Age up to 
the political and technological revolutions of the 21st century,” as his 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind does, should acknowledge thinkers 
like St. Augustine, because he invented the idea, and more immediate 
forebears like Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee, but neither 
metahistorian is mentioned in Sapiens. In fact, the term metahistory isn’t 
mentioned at all, probably because of its association with German idealism 
and the reputation things German have among Jews. 

According to Christopher Dawson, the most recent wave of metahistory 
came into being in the wake of “the great movement of philosophical 
idealism which dominated the 19 th century.” Its greatest proponent was 
G.W.F. Hegel. As of the mid-20 th century, “the great movement of 
philosophical idealism that dominated the 19 th century” had “come to an end 
and consequently the idealist interpretations of history have become 
discredited.” 1 ^ 1 Historians writing in the mid-20 th century were in “revolt 

against the metahistory of Hegel and Croce and Collingwood, not because it 
is metahistorical, but because they feel it to be the expression of a 
philosophical attitude that is no longer valid; just as the liberal historians of 
the 18 th century revolted against the metahistory of the previous period.” 1 ^ 
Although Dawson doesn’t put it this way, the idea of metahistory, like the 
notion of God upon which it was necessarily based, died at Auschwitz, as 
Elie Wiesel might have put it. While there have been Jewish Hegelians like 
Karl Marx and Samuel Hirsch in the past,^ they are a rare breed anywhere 
these days, and certainly much rarer at Israeli universities, where Jews like 
Harari are busy now resurrecting what they destroyed. 

Harari may teach at an Israeli university but the historical school that 
informs his book is not Jewish in any definable sense. Harari received his 
DPhil from Jesus College, Oxford under the supervision of Steven J. Gunn. 
The worldview which informs Sapiens is both Jewish and English, but it is 
English in its own peculiar way. Sapiens is what one might call, with 
apologies to Sir Herbert Butterfield, Whig metahistory, with all of the 
contradictions that term entails. 1 ^ Like the English Ideology from the time of 
Newton, Sapiens aspires to erect an intellectual skyscraper on a foundation of 
philosophical mud. Reading Harari, I was reminded of John Maynard 
Keynes, who felt that the world of political philosophers “believe themselves 
to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences,” but “are usually slaves 
of some defunct economist.” 1 ^ Harari is what Keynes would call the slave to 
some defunct metaphysician. 

In order to write the metahistory he aspires to write, Harari needed to 
learn more about metaphysics than he was evidently able to learn at one of 
England’s two premier universities, because he begins his book at the 
absolute beginning of everything, which is by necessity outside of history and 
just as necessarily within the realm of first philosophy or metaphysics. And 
how did the “Timeline of History” begin? “Matter and energy appear,” Harari 
tells us with a straight face. Harari erroneously identifies the beginning of 
everything with the “beginning of physics,” which got invented by Aristotle 
in Greece some time later. Reiterating what he already said in a different key, 
Harari tries to give an account of the beginning once again, telling us this 
time that at the beginning: “Atoms and molecules appear.” In other words, 
“shit happens.” Or, as a more forthright historian might have put it: “I don’t 
know how anything came into being” because Whig metahistory doesn’t 

believe in metaphysics. They haven’t taught this course at Oxford since the 
days of William of Ockham. What they now teach there goes by the name of 
“science,” which tells us that: 

ABOUT 13.5 BILLION YEARS AGO, MATTER, energy, time and space 
came into being in what is known as the Big Bang. The story of these 
fundamental features of our universe is called physics. About 300,000 years 
after their appearance, matter and energy started to coalesce into complex 
structures, called atoms, which then combined into molecules. The story of 
atoms, molecules and their interactions is called chemistry. About 3.8 billion 
years ago, on a planet called Earth, certain molecules combined to form 
particularly large and intricate structures called organisms. The story of 
organisms is called biology. About 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to 
the species Homo sapiens started to form even more elaborate structures called 
cultures. The subsequent development of these human cultures is called history. 


There you have it: Whig metahistory in a nutshell. Shit happened, just 
the way the mural at the Museum of Natural History said it did. Harari makes 
his first big mistake when he claims that the story of how everything came 
into being “is called physics.” The science of how everything comes into 
being is called, on the contrary, metaphysics. Physics can only deal with 
matter and energy once they have come into existence. The fact that Harari 
doesn’t know this dooms his metahistory from the outset. Since Harari is not 
a physicist, he can’t really explain what he thinks he needs to explain. As a 
result, his history rests uneasily on a shaky foundation of exploded myths and 
discredited junk “science,” which has been abandoned by scientists and is 
now taught only in high school biology classes, where the children of the 
deplorables learn scientific “facts” about how “atoms formed,” followed by 
life emerging from a lightning bolt striking a primeval soup of amino acids. 
This is what Harari could legitimately call a fiction because it derives from 
the writings of “scientists” like Mary Shelley, who wrote Frankenstein based 
on “facts” culled from people like Galvani, who made frog legs twitch from 
electric shock, and Erasmus Darwin, Charles’ grandfather. Mary Shelley 
wrote Frankenstein, not because of her knowledge of “science,” but because 
she was plagued by guilt for violating what the Enlightenment considers to 
this day an imaginary moral law. 

During phase three of Harari’s history of everything, “certain molecules 
combined to form particularly large and intricate structures called 
organisms.”^ 1 In keeping with his understanding of himself as the universal 

polymath, Harari calls “the story of organisms” biology when in fact he 
means to say Darwinism, which is the ideological weaponization of biology. 
The same metaphysical principles apply here as well. Natural selection, the 
mechanism at the heart of Darwin’s ideology, can only explain how 
modification takes place in already existent beings. It cannot explain how 
those beings—be it a species or an organ like the eye or life itself—came into 
existence. This is so because biology is no more metaphysics than physics is. 
“Science,” as we understand the term, can explain how things function once 
they exist, but it cannot explain how anything comes into existence. Coming 
into existence is another way of saying creation. Evolution “offers us a 
scientific account of changes, of how a later state of the material world might 
have emerged from an earlier state—whereas creation offers us a 
metaphysical account of where the material world itself ultimately comes 
from.” 1 ^ 1 Similarly, natural selection, the philosophical engine which pulls the 
Darwinian train, can only select traits that already exist. It cannot favor, for 
example, more acute sight in an organism which is blind. Since everything 
had to evolve from a “blind amoeba,” according to Christopher Hitchens, 
sight cannot exist according to the principle of natural selection because at 
the beginning it had nothing to work on. 

As natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, successive, favourable 
variations, it can produce no great or sudden modification; it can act only by 
very short and slow steps. Hence the canon of ‘Natura non facit saltum,’ which 
every fresh addition to our knowledge tends to make more strictly correct, is on 
this theory simply unintelligible. We can plainly see why nature is prodigal in 
variety, though niggard in innovation. But why this should be a law of nature if 
each species has been independently created, no man can explain. 1 ^ 1 

Let’s then deal with the beginning according to Whig metahistory, one 
preposterous claim at a time. The most preposterous claim of all, of course, 
is, as Harari puts it, the claim that “Atoms and molecules appear.” How 
exactly did this happen? If Harari knows, he isn’t telling. If he doesn’t know, 
then he has no business making the claim. In the absence of any evidence to 
the contrary, we must assume, therefore, not only that Harari began his book 
with a horrendous philosophical blunder but that, blinded by Whig 
metahistory, he was unaware that he had made it. 

So let’s help him out by explaining what he needs to know. We know 
that something exists. We also know that nothing can come from nothing. 
Was there nothing before the first atom appeared? If so, then the first atom 

could not have appeared because nothing can come from nothing. It is 
obvious that there is now a whole universe of impressive somethings, so 
there was never nothing. This something could not bring itself into existence 
because in order to do that, it would have to exist before it existed, which is 
impossible. Therefore, something else had to bring it into existence, and that 
something is what all men call God. This means that anyone who aspires to 
write a metahistory of the scope of Sapiens, which begins with the 
appearance of the first atom, will of necessity have to talk about creation and 
God because the universe could not create itself. The fact that the universe 
exists means that God is necessarily the creator of the universe. The universe 
had to have a cause, even if the universe is eternal, which no one believes 
anymore. The universe could not exist unless something created it. 

Needless to say, this is not how Professor Harari begins his book. 
Harari’s mind is the slave of a defunct biologist by the name of Charles 
Darwin. Because there is no creator, Harari must of necessity believe in a 
myth that is totally preposterous, namely, that shit just happened. There is no 
way to prove this assertion. Harari simply asserts the claim in an aggressive 
—dare we say Jewish—way, substituting chutzpah for reasoned argument. 

Harari’s Darwinism, in other words, has blinded him to an understanding 
of how things come into being. Because he is incapable of understanding the 
most rudimentary metaphysical principles, Harari fails to see that any real 
beginning is a form of creation and that, therefore, the only rational 
explanation of any real beginning necessarily involves the existence of God. 
Harari becomes, therefore, an atheist by default. Harari’s atheism, as a result, 
commits him to a view of the universe and history which is fundamentally 
irrational—as irrational as the statement “atoms formed”—and which dooms 
his metahistorical project from the start. Because Whig metahistory is a 
contradiction in terms, Sapiens isn’t really history at all. It is the Jewish take 
on English “science,” which began as magic under the direction of John Dee 
and then, thanks to Isaac Newton, became a materialistic ideology which has 
been full of contradictions for centuries. Harari’s materialism flows naturally 
from his atheism with the same blindness as its consequence. 

Harari’s materialism turns the world upside down. The things he 
considers real are fictions, and the things he considers fictions are real. 
According to Professor Harari’s view of the universe, “atoms”—which at the 
time of Democritus and Leucippus were the fundamental building blocks of 

everything else but which have since that time dissolved into a bottomless 
morass of subatomic particles—are real, but justice is not. Justice is a 
“fiction.” Tacitly admitting the incoherence of his book, Harari tries to float 
“fictions” as the missing link which connects cognition, which is by 
definition immaterial, with biological materialism: 

How did Homo sapiens manage to cross this critical threshold, eventually 
founding cities comprising tens of thousands of inhabitants and empires ruling 
hundreds of millions? The secret was probably the appearance of fiction. Large 
numbers of strangers can cooperate successfully by believing in common 
myths. Any large-scale human cooperation whether a modern state, a medieval 
church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe—is rooted in common myths that 
exist only in people’s collective imagination. Churches are rooted in common 
religious myths. Two Catholics who have never met can nevertheless go 
together on crusade or pool funds to build a hospital because they both believe 
that God was incarnated in human flesh and allowed Himself to be crucified to 
redeem our sins.^ 

Until those deluded Catholics bumped into Professor Harari, they failed 
to understand that “none of these things exists outside the stories that people 
invent and tell one another. There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no 
money, no human rights, no laws, and no justice outside the common 
imagination of human beings.” 1 ^ In Professor Harari’s universe we have 
“On the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the 
other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and corporations.” 1 ^ 
Professor Harari makes this statement blithely unaware of the philosophical 
problems which follow in its wake. If, for example, only physical things are 
real, what are we to say about the idea that “only physical things are real”? Is 
that idea “real” or, better, true? If it is true, then it refutes itself. What about 
“biology”? Is that real? What about “natural selection”? Is that real? It’s not 
something that I can touch. 

Is Professor Harari’s idea that only physical things are real itself real? Or 
is it a “fiction” like the Catholic belief “that God was incarnated in human 
flesh and allowed Himself to be crucified to redeem our sins”? 1 ^ 1 Either 
Professor Harari is saying that his ideas are real, but that the ideas of other 
people are not, or he is saying that all ideas are unreal, including the idea that 
all ideas are unreal. Either way, his claim is problematic. Is Sapiens a work of 
fiction or is it, as he claims, a “history of humankind” that is to be accepted 
as rooted in factual, “scientific” claims to be both real and true? Which is it, 

Professor? How is it that your “fictions” are true and everyone else’s false? 


Harari’s Ignorance 

How is it that Professor Harari’s “fictions” are true and everyone else’s 
“fictions” are false? 

Once again, the only plausible explanation is Professor Harari’s 
ignorance. Harari is unaware that his materialism is self-contradictory. This is 
something that Harari could have learned at Jesus College because the 
paradox of materialism was formulated by both J.B.S. Haldane, who studied 
at Oxford, and C.S. Lewis, who used to teach at Cambridge. As they put it, 
“If my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in 
my brain, I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true ... and hence I 
have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms. 

If, as he seems to believe, history is nothing more than the description of 
the motion of atoms in the brain, Harari could have written a much shorter 
book and spared us the effort of slogging through his 400-page tome. Tacitly 
recognizing this fact, Harari changes philosophical horses in mid-stream, 
abandons his materialism without telling us, and claims that human history 
began with something he calls the “Cognitive Revolution.” 1 ^ 1 From this point 

historical narratives replace biological theories as our primary means of 
explaining the development of Homo sapiens. To understand the rise of 
Christianity or the French Revolution, it is not enough to comprehend the 
interaction of genes, hormones and organisms. It is necessary to take into 
account the interaction of ideas, images and fantasies as well. 

If this is the case, then Harari’s case for materialism, along with its 
foundations in Darwinism, collapses because the “Cognitive Revolution” 
must be based on cognition, which is another word for mind or reason, which 
means that materialism is no longer true. But it turns out Harari doesn’t 
believe in cognition either. Later in his book, Harari remounts the materialist 
horse he previously abandoned and, in a gloss on the American Declaration 
of Independence, informs us that: 

Just as people were never created, neither, according to the science of biology, 
is there a ‘Creator’ who ‘endows’ them with anything. There is only a blind 

evolutionary process, devoid of any purpose, leading to the birth of individuals. 
‘Endowed by their creator’ should be translated simply into ‘born’. Equally, 
there are no such things as rights in biology. There are only organs, abilities and 

Certain political consequences flow from Harari’s atheism. To begin 
with, “liberty” does not exist because “there is no such thing in biology. ... 
liberty is something that people invented and that exists only in their 
imagination.”^ Well, the automobile is also something that “people 
invented,” does that mean that traffic jams exist only in the imagination? Is 
the social order like “liberty” or is it like the automobile? Or should I say 
“automobile”? Harari tries to evade the contradictory conclusions his 
premises demand by claiming that “We believe in a particular order not 
because it is objectively true, but because believing in it enables us to 
cooperate effectively and forge a better society.” 1 ^ 1 

Harari’s use of the word “we” reminds one of the joke about Tonto and 
the Lone Ranger, whose punch line is: “What you mean ‘we,’ paleface?” 
Who, in other words, gets to determine whether believing in a particular 
“imagined order” really “enables us to cooperate effectively and forge a 
better society”? If there is nothing “objectively true” about that order, it will 
get chosen because some people like it. If the people who like it have 
political power they will impose this “imagined order” on the rest of us. If 
“the social order” has no basis in nature, its only other possible source is 
human will, but not just any human will. In the absence of a moral order 
based on the logical structure of the universe, the only possible alternative 
social order is the one in which the powerful get to impose their will on the 
weak, and this is precisely the order which Harari is proposing. And if the 
people who don’t like it lack power, that order will get imposed on them 
whether they like it or not. So, in the final analysis, Harari’s philosophy 
comes down to might makes right. If justice is just a “fiction,” then truth, or 
what is “scientific” or “real,” is the opinion of the powerful. 

As I said, certain political consequences flow from Harari’s description 
of the universe. The first is that there is no such thing as a natural social 
order. The only things that qualify as “natural” are derived from physics or 
biology, as interpreted by intellectual commissars like Professor Harari. 
Anything else is a human construct or “fiction” which gets imposed on 
“nature,” which can refer to the physical order or, in this instance, other men. 

So the social order is an “imagined order,” which is to say, imagined by some 
people and then imposed on others. This order is “always in danger of 
collapse because it depends upon myths, and myths vanish once people stop 
believing in them. In order to safeguard an imagined order, continuous and 
strenuous efforts are imperative. Some of these efforts take the shape of 
violence and coercion.”^ 1 

So, oddly enough, the “universe,” according to Professor Harari, ends up 
looking a lot like the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which is based on theft 
and injustice. The Israelis, who impose this order with “violence and 
coercion,” needn’t feel guilty because in the big scheme of things there is no 
such thing as justice: 

Hammurabi and the American Founding Fathers alike imagined a reality 
governed by universal and immutable principles of justice, such as equality or 
hierarchy. Yet the only place where such universal principles exist is in the 
fertile imagination of Sapiens, and in the myths they invent and tell one another. 

These principles have no objective validity.^ 

Harari’s claim that universal principles have no “objective validity” is 
objectively and demonstrably false. The fact that no one has ever touched a 
circle—something which does not exist in nature, as Harari defines that term 
—does not mean that we cannot make objective and true statements about the 
radius and circumference of every possible circle. But Harari quite rightly 
goes on to say that ideas like “justice” and “equality” are “inextricably 
intertwined with the idea of creation.”^ Harari can only base his claim that 
there is no such thing as “justice” on the previous claim that there is no such 
thing as God, which is an irrational statement first of all because it is 
impossible to prove a negative, and secondly because it is possible to prove 
the existence of God. Because the existence of an orderly universe 
necessarily implies the existence of a creator God as the source of that order, 
the social order by which man orders his existence is the logical corollary of 
the order of that universe. Harari willfully ignores all this in claiming that 
Darwinism has proven there is no God as the basis for his claim there can be 
no such thing as “justice.” With an airy wave of the hand, our Jewish 
professor dismisses any possible just social order as well by linking it to 
“Christian myths about God”: 

The Americans got the idea of equality from Christianity, which argues that 
every person has a divinely created soul, and that all souls are equal before God. 
However, if we do not believe in the Christian myths about God, creation and 

souls, what does it mean that all people are ‘equal’? Evolution is based on 
difference, not on equality. Every person carries a somewhat different genetic 
code, and is exposed from birth to different environmental influences. This 
leads to the development of different qualities that carry with them different 
chances of survival. ‘Created equal’ should therefore be translated into ‘evolved 
differently’. 1 ^ 1 

Notice how Harari frames the issue in order to arrive at his justification 
for an unjust social order. Ignoring the fact that God’s existence is a matter of 
reason, not of faith, Harari turns the tables on those who are rational by 
claiming that creation is based on “Christian myths about God.” The 
existence of God is, thereby, removed from the realm of reason and placed 
within the realm of faith, which is ipso facto the realm of the irrational. How 
could anyone expect a Jew to believe in Christian myths? How can anyone 
expect a Christian to believe in them if they are myths? Harari then proposes 
something fundamentally irrational, namely, atheism as the essence of 
rationality. The world has been turned upside down in one more instance of 
what I have characterized elsewhere as the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, 
which began when the Jews crucified the logos incarnate. That event 
inaugurated the Jewish war on logos which has perdured to our day and 
which finds expression in Professor Harari’s book. 

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Harari’s book is one long 
attack on language, speech, and rationality, all of which are subsumed under 
the Greek word logos. Speech, it turns out, is the main characteristic that 
distinguishes man from animals. The ancient Greeks understood that man 
was different from all other animals because he could speak. The word they 
used for rationality was “logos,” which is also the word for speech, discourse, 
language, and other related concepts. Logos is “the word or that by which the 
inward thought is expressed”; it is equivalent to the Latin words “ratio,” 
“vox,” and “oratio,” or “that which is said or spoken.” It is frequently 
translated as “word,” “language,” or “talk,” as in a saying, or statement, or 
maxim, or resolution. It can also be translated as speech, discourse, or 
conversation, as well as the power to speak. From these more basic ideas 
flows the idea of rationality itself. Logos means both thought and reason. 
When Democritus says that something is “kata logon,” he means that it is 
“agreeable to reason.” Logos becomes, therefore, the distinguishing feature 
of a human being. “En Andros logo einai” means “to be reckoned as a man.” 
“Ho Logos” comprises both the sense of thought and word when it is used in 

the New Testament.^ After meditating on the by then thousand-year-old 
concept of logos, the medieval scholastic successors to the Greek 
philosophers coined the term “rational animal” (animale rationale ) as the 
essential definition of man. Unlike angels, man had a body similar to the 
bodies of other animals. His distinguishing characteristic, however, was the 
fact that he could speak and reason, terms subsumed under the Greek term 

Given the Jewish revolutionaries’ relationship to logos, it comes as no 
surprise that Harari’s book is a protracted attack on all of the concepts the 
Greeks associated with that word. Materialists believe that consciousness is 
an ignis fatuus which flutters over a swamp of stuff called atoms or matter or 
whatever. Given that “fact,” human beings get demoted from being a 
“rational animal” to, as Harari puts it “an animal of no significance.” In 
stating his thesis, however, Harari immediately contradicts himself: 

There was nothing special about humans. Nobody, least of all humans 
themselves, had any inkling that their descendants would one day walk on the 
moon, split the atom, fathom the genetic code and write history books. The 
most important thing to know about prehistoric humans is that they were 
insignificant animals with no more impact on their environment than gorillas, 
fireflies or jellyfish.^ 

If, the perceptive reader might ask, there is “nothing special about 
humans,” how did they accomplish all of the things Harari just mentioned? 
Harari claims that “people were outraged” when Charles Darwin claimed that 
homo sapiens “was just another kind of animal.” He then proceeds to give the 
Jewish reductio ad absurdum of Darwin’s already absurd idea, by claiming 
that, “like it or not,” we are “members of a noisy family called the great 
apes,” whose nearest relatives are chimpanzees. In fact, “Just 6 million years 
ago, a single female ape had two daughters. One became the ancestor of all 
chimpanzees, the other is our own grandmother. 

Harari, it seems, can’t expunge the Book of Genesis from his mind, 
perhaps because its central assertion about the human race, namely, that all 
humans have descended from one man and one woman, has been validated 
by the genome project. Harari’s “Cognitive Revolution” corresponds in time 
with the emergence of Chromosonal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve: 

In 1987, after some calculations, it was concluded that “Ychromosomal Adam” 
lived about 60,000-90,000 years ago in Africa. The date is rather approximate, 
since such calculations are not very exact because of some uncertainty about 

mutation rates. In a similar way, everyone alive today can also be linked back to 
“mitochondrial Eve.” She must have lived about 140,000-120,000 years ago. 

But as usual in science, things keep updating. Recently, the difference in years 
has been estimated for “Adam” between 120,000 and 156,000 years ago, and 
for “Eve” between 99,000 and 148,000 years ago.^ 

It turns out that human language, what Harari calls the “Cognitive 
Revolution,” and the two humans from whom all other humans descended 
apparently emerged at around the same time. The coincidence puts Professor 
Harari in a bind. If there is no real difference between humans and 
chimpanzees, how can Harari say that, “Homo sapiens conquered the world 
thanks above all to its unique language.” 1 ^ 1 If homo sapiens has a “unique 
language,” how can Harari claim that he is “just another kind of animal”? 

Harari never resolves this contradiction. He makes both contradictory 
claims throughout his book. If homo sapiens has a unique language, then he 
is not “just another kind of animal.” He is completely unique. The same is 
true of his uniqueness vis-a-vis any other hominid, like Neanderthal Man, 
which Harari proposes as the intermediary step between apes and man. 
Abandoning his materialism in the light of irrefutable evidence surrounding 
man’s ability to speak, Harari identifies this turning point in history as “the 
Cognitive Revolution”: 

The appearance of new ways of thinking and communicating, between 70,000 
and 30,000 years ago, constitutes the Cognitive Revolution. What caused it? 
We’re not sure. The most commonly believed theory argues that accidental 
genetic mutations changed the inner wiring of the brains of Sapiens, enabling 
them to think in unprecedented ways and to communicate using an altogether 
new type of language. We might call it the Tree of Knowledge mutation. Why 
did it occur in Sapiens DNA rather than in that of Neanderthals? It was a matter 
of pure chance, as far as we can tell.^ 

Harari attempts to have his cake and eat it too when he claims that 
language makes man unique among all of the other animals on earth, because 
“genetic mutations changed the inner wiring of the brains of Sapiens.” First 
of all, how does he know this is true? He is stating as true something for 
which there is no evidence. He has simply extrapolated the claim from the 
premises of Darwinism. Leaving aside the cause for a moment, we are still 
confronted with a problem. If, as Harari claims, all humans had a common 
ancestor, one which he identifies as a chimpanzee, how did the Cognitive 
Revolution take place? Did a monkey suddenly start talking? If so, to whom? 
To another monkey? If what he calls “the Tree of Knowledge mutation” took 

place in just one monkey, that monkey would have no one else to talk to. No 
communication would be possible because humans can talk but monkeys 

The linguist Noam Chomsky, who does not believe that animals are 
capable of human speech, agrees that the transition to human language was 
sudden: “It looks as if—given the time involved—there was a sudden ‘great 
leap forward.’” 1 ^ 1 Like Harari, however, Chomsky feels that the cause was 
“some small genetic modification” which “somehow ... rewired the brain 
slightly [and] made this human capacity [for language] available.” 

Like Harari, Chomsky is intellectually crippled by his adherence to the 
claims of defunct biologists. Because he limits the cause to genetic mutation, 
Chomsky is forced to conclude that the advent of human language “had to 
have happened in a single person” without evidently thinking through the 
consequences of that claim. If human language came about through genetic 
modification, the same fully formed language would have to appear 
simultaneously and by chance in the minds of two human beings living in 
close enough proximity that these two humans could speak to each other, 
something which is so improbable that it is virtually impossible. If the 
Cognitive Revolution is another term for the emergence of speech, and if the 
defining characteristic of man, even according to Harari, is his ability to 
speak, then man had to emerge full-blown as homo sapiens from the moment 
he began to speak, at the time of what Harari calls “the Cognitive 

Beyond that, homo sapiens had to emerge as a pair of human beings who 
could speak to each other simply because of the exigencies of language. If 
there is only one man, communication is not only unnecessary; it is 
impossible because it is not communication. Communication requires two 
human beings and a language that allows them to communicate effectively 
immediately. Language can grow in vocabulary and sophistication once it 
exists, but it cannot evolve from something that it is not. Evolution, in other 
words, can play no role in the Cognitive Revolution. It’s an all or nothing 
proposition which necessitates creation as its cause because all of the parts— 
man, rationality, and speech—had to come into existence out of nothing 
simultaneously in order to function. 

One term is a function of the other. An ape which can speak is by 
definition a man. A man can either speak or he cannot speak. He cannot 

speak by himself. Language involves not only speaking but understanding as 
well. It involves, of necessity, a speaker and a listener. Because of that, man’s 
language had to come into existence full-blown in two humans at the same 
moment in time. The moment one man spoke to another man in a human 
language he ceased to be anything other than a man. 

This fact gives new meaning to the first sentence of The Gospel of St. 
John: “In the beginning was the Word.” En arche een ho Logos. The human 
race began, in other words, when one man spoke the first word to another 
man, or as the author of Genesis would say, to another man who happened to 
be a woman. The fact that we have all grown accustomed to cave man stories, 
Mickey Mouse cartoons, and the opening scenes of 2001: A Space Odyssey 
does not change the fact that only humans can speak and that they can only 
speak to each other and that in order to do that they must share a common 
language from the moment they begin to communicate, a moment which is 
co-terminus with their existence as human beings. 

After finally making some progress in explaining why human beings are 
unique, Harari returns like a dog to the vomit of materialism and takes it all 
back by claiming that there is nothing special about language because “every 
animal has some kind of language.” 1 ^ 1 “Even insects,” we are told, “know 
how to communicate in sophisticated ways.” 1 ^ It’s difficult to infer what 
Harari means by “sophisticated,” especially since he immediately contradicts 
himself when he describes “our language” as something that can “produce an 
infinite number of sentences, each with a distinct meaning,” something which 
distinguishes it from the language of insects, who know how to inform “one 
another of the whereabouts of food” and the language of a green monkey, 
which “can yell to its comrades, ‘Careful! A lion!”’ Unlike both of these 
animals, “a modern human can tell her friends that this morning, near the 
bend in the river, she saw a lion tracking a herd of bison. 

Harari gets away with contradictions like this by using verbal sleights of 
hand based on the equivocation of crucial terms. His use of the term 
“language,” for example, is completely equivocal. In fact, his entire argument 
is reducible to the equivocal use of one term—namely, “language”—to 
describe two completely different forms of communication. Animals can 
communicate by barking, chirping, growling, hissing, etc., but only man “can 
connect a limited number of sounds and signs to produce an infinite number 
of sentences, each with a distinct meaning.” 1 ^ 1 Language is, therefore, proof 

that man is unique, which is precisely what Harari denies when he describes 
him as an ape. 

Apes, we know from experience, can communicate, but they do not talk. 
Anyone who has had children and a dog as a pet understands this. Dogs bark 
and wag their tails from almost the moment they are born but never progress 
beyond this form of communication, either with their masters or each other. 
Children begin their lives as communicators on roughly the same level as the 
family dog by smiling or crying, but by the time they are around a year old 
they begin speaking words and within the next year of their lives begin 
speaking in sentences. Children pick up their native language effortlessly 
from their mothers, which is why the Germans refer to it as their 
“Muttersprache.” Children, in other words, have a natural aptitude for 
something that non-rational animals can’t learn at all, in spite of some 
species’ ability to mimic sounds. 

Everyone knows this, but the Darwinian insistence that humans were 
only different from animals in degree rather than kind led to various 
campaigns to teach animals to talk. The simple fact that a laborious campaign 
needed to be mounted to bring about what happened effortlessly among 
children was studiously ignored. Since the great apes resembled humans most 
closely in physical appearance, they became the preferred candidate, even 
though parrots had more suitable vocal chords. 

After years of failure in their attempt to teach nonhuman primates to 
imitate human speech, two cognitive researchers, R. Allen Gardner and 
Beatrix T. Gardner, came up with the brilliant idea of teaching American 
Sign Language to Washoe, 10-month old chimp they had rescued from 
military scientists. Ignoring the fact that sign language was speech only by 
analogy and that it was made up of gestures that were intrinsically 
ambiguous, the Gardners soon convinced themselves that Washoe was 
communicating with them in a way that was “reliably understandable.”^ 1 

Three years later, the Gardners issued a report on Washoe’s progress 
which indicated that the speech barrier separating humans and animals had 
finally been broken. Duane Rumbaugh, scientist emeritus at the Great Ape 
Trust of Iowa, described the Gardners’ success in teaching Washoe how to 
“talk” as “absolutely frontier-breaking work.” Inspired by the reception of 
their study, the Gardners soon had Washoe not only “speaking” via sign 
language but also writing poetry. After seeing a swan, Washoe signed 

“water” and then “bird,” something which Harvard psychologist Roger 
Brown described as “like getting an SOS from outer space.” Washoe’s 
“poetry” inspired other cognitive researchers from around the world to teach 
their monkeys how to speak. 

Then in the late 1970s, the excitement died down after other cognitive 
researchers failed to replicate the results of the Gardners’ experiment. When 
Columbia professor Herbert Terrace showed that what the Gardners thought 
was speech was merely imitation in anticipation of reward, the enthusiasm 
that characterized the early phase of the talking monkey craze collapsed into 
embarrassed silence. Washoe’s eloquence was in reality nothing more than a 
manifestation of the same stimulus-response mechanism that men had used to 
train dogs and other domestic animals from time immemorial. After viewing 
videos of various chimp-human interactions, including those of Washoe with 
the Gardners, Terrace concluded that “there was no spontaneity, no real use 
of grammar” of the sort that characterized human speech. Washoe’s 
“conversations” with the Gardners consisted of roughly 130 signs which the 
monkey learned in reaction to prompts from her trainers. Washoe, in other 
words, made the sign language gestures the Gardners wanted not because she 
had anything to say or because she understood what the Gardners said, but in 
anticipation of a reward. She was “not engaging in anything like human 

The excitement surrounding Washoe had more to do with Darwinism’s 
unfulfilled hopes than any real ability of human speech to jump downward 
over the species barrier which separated humans from animals. Cognitive 
research was committed to materialism, atheism, and Darwinism. Getting a 
monkey to talk was important to maintaining that worldview because 
Darwinism assumed that there are “no discontinuities but just ongoing and 
gradual continuity, with small incremental steps’’ 1 ^ 1 between apes and 
humans. The Gardners and other cognitive researchers wanted Washoe to 
talk because they, like Harari, were deeply committed to Darwin’s 
proposition that “the difference in mind between man and higher animals, 
great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.” 1 ^ 1 


The Testimony of Mickey Mouse 

In spite of the testimony of Mickey Mouse, there is no possible evolutionary 
link between a mouse’s squeak and a man’s speech. They exist on 
fundamentally different ontological planes, even though both are forms of 
communication. Hamlet and Shakespeare are certainly related, but Hamlet 
cannot become Shakespeare, or vice versa, because they inhabit different 
planes of being. “The doctrine of gradualism basically denies that there is any 
clear transition point from pre-human to human,but the existence of 
language among humans constitutes a clear refutation of that idea. 

Genetic, physiological, and anatomical features are not the determining factors 
for being human. Although we do breed, feed, bleed, and excrete like they do— 
yes, we are connected all the way down—what does in fact set us apart from the 
animal world is something not necessarily of a biological nature, namely our 
faculties of language, rationality, morality, self-expression, and religion. ^1 

Taken together this is what the Greeks referred to as logos. The 
Scholastics referred to man as the animal rationale in recognition of the fact 
that he is the only animal that possessed these qualities. There is no evidence 
that human language evolved gradually from animal communication. Both 
are what they are. Neither can derive from the other. After years of fruitless 
attempts to teach monkeys how to talk, the evolutionary linguists were forced 
to conclude “that the emergence of human language” is “an embarrassment 
for evolutionary theory.”^ What the Dutch geneticist Gerard Verschuuren 
considers the fossil evidence for human speech, a piece of ochre with a 
crosshatch design carved in it which was found in the Blombos Cave in 
South Africa, indicates that language emerged “quite suddenly”^ some 
80,000 ago, a period that corresponds roughly to Harari’s “Cognitive 
Revolution” and the emergence of Y-Chromosal “Adam.” 

Once again, the existence of language confounds those who seek its 
cause in lower forms of life, forcing Verschuuren to conclude that “The 
power of using language and the power of conceptual understanding are both 
uniquely human, and therefore cannot be inherited from the animal 

world.”^ Man’s capacity for logos and all of its activities eventually became 
associated with psyche or the soul, which, after a long and complicated 
debate, Aristotle defined as the form or eidos of the body. Aristotle got the 
term from Plato his teacher but refined it from being a pre-existing ghost in a 
machine into a function of man’s activity, which was an expression of his 
essential being. Arguing by analogy, Aristotle said that if the body were an 
axe its soul would be chopping. Similarly, if the body were an eye, its soul 
would be seeing, something he defined as its first act, which is similar to our 
concept of purpose. In other words. 

That which makes a person a human being is a human soul. So how and when 
did the human soul emerge? Since a soul does not admit of degrees—you either 
have one or you don’t—in our ancestry there must have been a first creature, or 
set of creatures, endowed with an immortal human soul and the mental powers 
of language, rationality, morality, self-awareness, and religion. You either have 
those faculties or you don’t. They don’t come in degrees either.^ 

The human race began when the first man spoke the first word, which he 
probably spoke to the God who created him by endowing him with the soul 
which allowed him to speak before he spoke to a fellow human being. Such a 
moment does not admit of gradualist explanations. Then as now, animals can 
either speak or they cannot. Those who can are known, ipso facto, as human 
beings. In order to continue in existence, the human race needed to be 
sexually differentiated, which required the creation of another rational 
creature, just like first one, who differed in gender. In the Genesis account of 
creation, man preceded woman. At this point man could talk to woman in the 
same way that man had previously talked to God, his Creator, because what 
God and man shared was logos, which he shared in a unique way which 
separated him the from the same logos which was the operating system for all 
of creation. 

Verschuuren attempts to reconcile the Genesis account and the fossil 
record by claiming that the ‘“preparatory work,’ had to be done gradually” as 
part of “a biological process.” 1 ^ This gradual biological process was then 
followed by a “spiritual process,” in which God chose to raise two members 
of a population of “anatomically modern humans” to the spiritual level of 
language, rationality, morality, self-awareness, and religion. Pope John Paul 
II spoke of “an ontological leap,” 1 ^ which corresponds in time with Harari’s 
“Cognitive Revolution.” Verschuuren claims that “the human faculties of 

language, rationality, morality, self-awareness, and religion emerged” both 
simultaneously and suddenly “somewhere in Africa some 80,000 years 
ago” 1 ^] as part of an event which was by definition spiritual and, therefore, 
“beyond the scope of science.”^ 


Genesis and Evolution 

Verschuuren’s attempt to reconcile Genesis and evolution leads him, 
unfortunately, into a Platonic dualism which allows a previously existent 
spiritual soul to inhabit a previously existing biological body, when he tells 
us that “the bodies of human creatures must have been apt to receive a human 
soul, which includes the right genes and the proper brains.” 1 ^ If the soul is 
the form of the body, it is difficult to understand how a body could exist 
without its form. Plato felt that a pre-existent soul inhabited a material body 
in the same manner in which a pilot was “in” a ship. If the soul is its form, 
the body is not an empty vessel waiting to be filled by a soul, in the sense that 
a car sits fully formed in the drive-way waiting for a driver. The human body 
is an expression of the human soul; it had to be created with that expression 
in mind. It could not exist apart from its existence as the material expression 
of the soul’s first act of rationality, speech, etc. The idea that at some point in 
time there were physical human beings with animal souls is simply untenable 
and flies in the face of any sophisticated understanding of what the soul is 
and how it acts. The first man’s body, therefore, had to be a special act of 
creation every bit as much as the creation of the first man’s soul was because, 
according to Aristotle’s more sophisticated understanding of their 
relationship, neither soul nor body can exist independently of the other. 

Either way, science cannot document the emergence of man. The first 
man may have resembled other hominids at this time even more closely than 
we resemble apes in our day, but both his body and soul were of a 
fundamentally different nature and could only have come into being as a 
special act of creation, which will remain forever undocumentable to science. 
Pope John Paul II claimed that “The moment of passage into the spiritual 
realm is not something that can be observed with research in the fields of 
physics and chemistry.” 1 ^ His immediate successor made that moment even 
less accessible to science by identifying it with the first word of human 
speech. Like St. John the Evangelist, Pope Benedict XVI believes that the 
beginning of mankind was identical with man’s utterance of the first word: 

The clay became man at the moment in which a being for the first time was 
capable of forming, however dimly, the thought of ‘God’. The first Thou that— 
however stammeringly—was said by human lips to God marks the moment in 
which the spirit arose in the world. Here the Rubicon of anthropogenesis was 
crossed. For it is not the use of weapons or fire, not new methods of cruelty or 
of useful activity, that constitute man, but rather his ability to be immediately in 
relation to God. This holds fast to the doctrine of the special creation of man ... 
herein ... lies the reason why the moment of anthropogenesis cannot possibly 
be determined by paleontology: anthropogenesis is the rise of the spirit, which 
cannot be excavated with a shovel.^ 

Certain things follow from this conclusion. First of all, there is no such 
thing as history without logos. In order to write his history, Harari must 
periodically abandon his materialism because, as even he has figured out, 
animals do not have histories because they do not have reason. The lives of 
dogs do not combine to create a history that spans centuries or millennia, 
which is the scope of Sapiens. The lives of dogs do nothing more than 
recapitulate each other in the opposite direction until they finally collapse 
into one life which recapitulates the life of the species. Man is the only 
creature on this earth which has a history because he is the only creature on 
this earth that is rational. Rationality allows man to discern patterns in the 
changing flux of temporal events; it also allows him to discuss these patterns 
with other men, and eventually to write them down so that future generations 
of rational creatures can discuss them as well. There can be, therefore, no 
history without rationality. 

To get around the contradictory and equivocal nature of his 
understanding of language, Harari creates the idea of “fictions,” which 
involve “the ability to transmit information about things that do not exist at 
an ”[53] The ability to speak about things which do not exist “is the most 
unique feature of Sapiens language.” 1 ^ 


The Gorging Gene 

One of Harari’s “fictions,” which involves “the ability to transmit 
information about things which do not exist at all,” is morality. Just as 
Darwinism tries to obscure the boundary separating animal communication 
from human speech, it also tries to come up with a materialistic explanation 
of morality by reducing it to a function of genetics. Like Professor Dawkins, 
who believes in a “selfish gene,” Harari believes that a “widely accepted” 
“gorging gene,” rather than an inability to impose rational or moral control 
over appetite, is the cause of obesity. People are fat because “The instinct to 
gorge on high-calorie food was hard-wired into our genes. ... That’s what 
makes some of us spoon down an entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s when we find 
one in the freezer and wash it down with a jumbo Coke.”^ 

Since the “instinct to gorge on high-calorie food” is “hard-wired into our 
genes,” the next question should be “Why isn’t everybody fat?” If we are all 
biologically programmed to gorge ourselves, why is it that some people eat 
moderately and some people do not? Why is it that some people are thin and 
fit and other people are morbidly obese? Does moderation, which is to say, 
rational control over appetite, have something to do with this? According to 
Harari, “moderation” or the virtue of temperance qualifies unambiguously as 
a “fiction,” which is another word for unreal, whereas the “gorging gene” is 
just as unambiguously a “scientific” fact which is “widely accepted.” 

Not surprisingly, the same inability to subject appetite to rational control 
extends to human sexuality. “Evolutionary psychologists,” we are told, 

argue that ancient foraging bands were not composed of nuclear families 
centred on monogamous couples. Rather, foragers lived in communes devoid of 
private property, monogamous relationships and even fatherhood. In such a 
band, a woman could have sex and form intimate bonds with several men (and 
women) simultaneously, and all of the band’s adults cooperated in parenting its 
children. Since no man knew definitively which of the children were his, men 
showed equal concern for all youngsters. Such a social structure is not an 
Aquarian utopia. It’s well documented among animals, notably our closest 
relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos.^1 

How do we know that the first humans were promiscuous? Well, 
because monkeys are. But humans are different from monkeys, aren’t they? 
No, of course not. Just look at how ancient foraging bands behaved. This is 
proof that they behaved just like monkeys. The perceptive reader may have 
noticed a certain circularity in this argument. Neither the fossil record nor 
archeology provides any evidence for Harari’s theory of human sexuality. 
Why then does Professor Harari believe that it’s true? Well, because “it’s 
well documented among animals.” If animals are different from humans, 
however, the argument immediately collapses. 

Harari could, of course, point to the sexual mores of primitive peoples as 
indicative of how the first humans behaved. In fact, he seems to have 
consulted anthropologists like Margaret Mead at some point before making 
his claim that: 

A good mother will make a point of having sex with several different men, 
especially when she is pregnant, so that her child will enjoy the qualities (and 
paternal care) not merely of the best hunter, but also of the best storyteller, the 
strongest warrior and the most considerate lover. If this sounds silly, bear in 
mind that before the development of modern embryological studies, people had 
no solid evidence that babies are always sired by a single father rather than by 
many .^ 3 

Well, as a matter of fact, this does sound silly. For once, we find 
ourselves in complete agreement with Professor Harari. Depending on how 
he defines the term, modern embryological studies began either in 1827, with 
the germ layer theory of embryonic development, or the 1950s, with the 
discovery of the helical structure of DNA.^ 1 If people living before either 
date were unaware that babies “are always sired by a single father,” how does 
Harari the historian explain things like primogeniture, inheritance laws, and 
the stigma of illegitimacy? Is Professor Harari familiar with the Hebrew term 
“ mamzer ”? It appears in both Deuteronomy and the Talmud, which means 
that for somewhere between two and three millennia Jews knew that a child 
was sired by one father, who was either married to the mother or not. If the 
child was sired outside of marriage, he was known as a “mamzer” or a 
bastard, and certain legal consequences followed from what was clearly seen 
as a violation of the moral law. You would think that a professor at the 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem would know things like that. 

Preposterous claims like this lead the perceptive reader to wonder about 
the sources for the professor’s theories. Do “evolutionary psychologists” 

have some mystical insight into the sex lives of the cave men? Or is Professor 
Harari talking about something closer to home when he tells us that 

the frequent infidelities that characterise modern marriages, and the high rates 
of divorce, not to mention the cornucopia of psychological complexes from 
which both children and adults suffer, all result from forcing humans to live in 
nuclear families and monogamous relationships that are incompatible with our 
biological software .^ 1 

The best aid in understanding passages like this derives from Harari’s 
theory of language. “Our language,” he tells us, “evolved as a way of 
gossiping.”^ 1 This means that it wasn’t “enough for individual men and 
women to know the whereabouts of lions and bison. It’s much more 
important for them to know who in their band hates whom, who is sleeping 
with whom, who is honest, and who is a cheat. 

Confirming the thought that immediately popped into my mind. 
Professor Harari writes: 

The gossip theory might sound like a joke, but numerous [albeit uncited] studies 
support it. Even today the vast majority of human communication—whether in 
the form of emails, phone calls or newspaper columns—is gossip. It comes so 
naturally to us that it seems as if our language evolved for this very purpose. Do 
you think that history professors chat about the reasons for World War One 
when they meet for lunch, or that nuclear physicists spend their coffee breaks at 
scientific conferences talking about quarks? Sometimes. But more often, they 
gossip about the professor who caught her husband cheating. 1 ^ 

So making use of the hermeneutic which Professor Harari himself 
provides, we are forced to conclude that when he purports to talk about the 
sexual mores of cave men, Harari is in reality talking about the sexual 
behavior of the history faculty at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and— 
dare we say it?—about himself. Our suspicions are confirmed by Harari’s 
Wikipedia entry, which announces that he is “openly gay.” 1 ^ 


The War on Logos 

The school of disguised autobiographical anthropology has a long, if not 
venerable, history. Margaret Mead achieved fame as an anthropologist by 
projecting her adulterous relationship with Edward Sapir onto the 
unsuspecting natives of Samoa.^1 Sigmund Freud, who once claimed that 
“all men” desired to have sexual relations with their mothers or sisters, 
purported to find the “Oedipus Complex” after years of scientific 
investigation. Subsequent research has shown [if Harari can routinely make 
claims like this, why can’t I?] that its real source was the adulterous affair he 
had with his sister-in-law Minna Bernays.^ 1 Freud went to his grave hating 
the Rev. Wilhelm Schmidt, SVD, because Schmidt exposed Totem and 
Taboo, Freud’s foray into anthropology, as equally baseless. One of the most 
notorious fictions of English intellectual history is the “state of nature,” 
which Hobbes described as “nasty, brutish, and short.” If Hobbes can project 
the English religious wars of the 17 th century back onto the first humans, why 
can’t Professor Harari do the same thing with the catty, gossiping 
homosexual professors at Hebrew University as his model? 

The answer to this question is not only that he can but that he does. It’s 
all part of the war he wages on logos. There is no “science” here, but there is 
lots of projection. “Science” is another word for the Jewish hatred of logos, 
which takes on new ferocity when combined with the homosexual’s rage 
against nature. By combining these two identities, Harari becomes what 
Bryan Singer, who is also a Jew and a homosexual, called a “mutant” in his 
X-men movies. “Mutant” is a term derived from Darwinism, which Jews and 
homosexuals use as a weapon to attack morality, one of the most significant 
manifestations of logos in human life. 

If homo sapiens is part of nature, then morality is part of nature as well 
because morality is the manifestation of logos which Immanuel Kant called 
“practical reason.” Pure reason allows the mind to apprehend what is true; 
practical reason allows man to achieve the good. The man who achieves the 
good is happy. Therefore, morality is essential to human happiness: 

“Morality is not about what the world is like, but about what the world ought 
to be like; it is not a matter of description but prescription.”^ 1 Morality, 
which guarantees the rationality of human action, also determines whether 
human acts bring about freedom for the human subject. This explains why 
Jewish Darwinism is so determined to undermine morality by claiming that it 
has non-human origin in the animal world. People like Harari dispute man’s 
rationality because they want to undermine his freedom, which only exists if 
he acts in conformity to reason. Morality is also the only protection which 
man has against the rule of Libido Dominandi, which is the operating system 
of every world empire. The American Empire differs from its predecessors 
only in the sophistication of its forms of control. Because of their expertise in 
moral subversion, the Jews play a crucial role in administering the American 
Empire’s system of control through “liberation,” which invariably means 
liberation from the moral law, which invariably means slavery for any 
rational creature. When sociobiologists like Richard Dawkins “use their 
‘magic wand’ of natural selection to explain [i.e. undermine] moral 
behavior,” they are collaborating in the Empire’s system of political control 
by depriving man of any possible ground for objecting to their schemes. 
When right and wrong become the opinions of the powerful, those who lack 
political power have no way to formulate their objections, much less 
implement them. When Dawkins makes human behavior a function of 
“selfish genes,” he appeals to the guilty conscience of those who are 
burdened their own transgressions of the moral law by absolving them of 
responsibility. But in giving them absolution, Dawkins lures them into a trap 
from which there is no escape. Those who have abandoned the moral law to 
justify their sexual sins cannot suddenly do an about face and appeal to the 
same moral law to object to their economic subjugation. No, they have been 
caught in the trap of materialism which professors like Dawkins and Harari 
have prepared for them. Harari promotes materialism, rather than logos, 
because materialism is a form of control and logos is its opposite. In spite of 
what he says, Harari knows that the 

key to understanding humans and their moral beliefs ... will not be found in 
something material, such as genes, but in something immaterial, the mind. 
Morality comes from the immaterial mind, not from the material brain or 
genome. The brain is governed by laws of physics, chemistry, and biology, but 
thoughts and beliefs are not. It should not surprise us then that people have 
known the contents of their own minds from time immemorial without knowing 

anything about brains and genes. They knew also about morality without 
knowing anything about brains and genes. Claiming differently reduces the 
working of the mind to the materialism of the brain. That is basically what 
Charles Darwin said in an early private notebook, “Why is thought, being a 
secretion of brain, more wonderful than gravity as a property of matter ?”^ 3 

“Modern science,” Harari tells us dogmatically, “has no dogma.” 1 ^ 
Coming from a man who believes that “atoms formed,” as well as in the 
existence of the missing link, and who feels that he has knowledge of the 
most intimate details of the sex lives of cave men, this proposition is nothing 
short of preposterous. He gets closer to the point when he tells us: 

Scientists have provided the imperial project with practical knowledge, 
ideological justification and technological gadgets. Without this contribution it 
is highly questionable whether Europeans could have conquered the worldA^ 

Science is, in other words, a form of control primarily because it has 
become a replacement for “dogmas” like the moral law. Why are Jews like 
Hariri so interested in overturning the moral law? First of all because they are 
at war with logos. Secondly, because they are interested in control. Jews are 
always a minority, which means that they need an instrument to project their 
power over the majority. Empire has always been congenial to the projection 
of Jewish power. “It goes without saying,” Harari tells us, “that the political, 
economic and social practices of modern Jews, for example, owe far more to 
the empires under which they lived during the past two millennia than to the 
traditions of the ancient kingdom of Judaea.”^ Jews have been able to thrive 
in empires throughout history because they are good at administering those 
empires’ systems of control. The American Empire is no exception to this 
rule. If the broad sweep of history has any direction in Harari’s view it is that 
successive empires have unified more and more territory under their 
hegemony, culminating finally in the American Empire, as administered by 
Jews like Professor Hariri, who claims that the American Empire is founded 
on science and capitalism. Darwinism plays a crucial role in the 
administration of the American Empire because it uses “science” to rule out 
of court any moral objection to the economic exploitation that is an intrinsic 
part of the oligarchic system known as capitalism. Control means, in the first 
instance, decertifying any and all forms of logos or rationality which restrict 
the power of the oligarchs. Harari couches this concept in the language of 
science and progress but the meaning is the same: “One of the things that has 
made it possible for modern social orders to hold together is the spread of an 

almost religious belief in technology and in the methods of scientific 
research, which have replaced to some extent the belief in absolute truths.” 17 ^ 
This means that the Jews who have been at war with logos for the past two 
millennia will have a natural advantage in rising to the top of an empire 
which is based on Libido Dominandi and the intellectual decertification of 
any challenge to oligarchic hegemony. Control, in other words, becomes the 
Rosetta Stone which unlocks the meaning of the contradictions which litter 
his book from beginning to end. 


Biological Determinism 

Because Professor Harari has abandoned reason in favor of biological 
determinism as the front for Libido Dominandi, it is not surprising that his 
reasoning is flawed or that his narrative is plagued by one contradiction after 
another. Shortly after telling us that everything human is natural, i.e., a 
function of biology. Professor Harari switches horses in mid-stream and tells 
us that nothing is natural. It turns out that one of the main things we associate 
with biology, namely, differentiation according to sex, is a “product of the 
imagination, like the caste system in India and the racial system in America.” 
It is not a “natural division with deep biological roots. 

Just when we thought that Harari was a biological determinist, it turns 
out that he believes that biology is a social construct too. Anyone, he tells us, 
who believes that “relations between two people of the opposite sex are 
natural and between two people of the same sex unnatural” is not in touch 
with “biological reality” but is rather suffering from “cultural bias,” 12 ^ unlike 
homosexuals, who are constitutionally incapable of suffering from any 
cultural bias whatsoever. It turns out that when it comes to sex, all biological 
bets are off. To make his point Harari even invokes “Mother Nature,” who— 
unsurprisingly, given Harari’s sexual orientation, “does not mind if men are 
sexually attracted to one another. It’s only human mothers and fathers 
steeped in particular cultures who make a scene if their son has a fling with 
the boy next door.”^ 

If there is no such thing as “unnatural” behavior when it comes to sex, 
then biology has become a fiction too, along with morality and religion. 
Biology, in other words, ceases to be real the moment it is used to defend a 
stable order of being which the oligarchs and their lackeys find uncongenial. 
Professor Harari has finally made contact with the ontological realm only to 
deny its existence. When it comes to sex, the “imaginary” is more real than 
the biological. When it comes to religion we have the exact opposite 
situation. Religion is a purely imaginary ignis fatuus hovering over the marsh 
of biological determinism. When it comes to sexual differentiation, nature 

has no meaning at all. Which is it, professor? Harari’s a Darwinist, which is 
to say a biological materialist, when it comes to religion. But he’s a 
Foucauldian when it comes to biology, especially when it comes to sexual 
differentiation, which it turns out is completely imaginary, just like religion, 
and a purely cultural construct. The best explanation for this contradiction is 
Harari’s guilty conscience. But that is not the only explanation. The other 
explanation is political control. The ultimate determination about whether an 
idea is “real” or not depends on whether it can be used as a form of control. 
Biology, as a result, gets discarded the minute someone makes use of it to 
defend a stable order of being, as manifested in differentiation by sex. 
Darwinism is a system of control which is effective because it denies the 
reality of any stable being. If everything is in flux, there is no such thing as 
justice and no way to object to an unjust social order. Not surprisingly, Harari 
titles Chapter 8 of his book “There is no Justice in History.” 

Instead of just leaving it at that and telling us that might makes right, 
Harari attempts to justify his elimination of justice from history by 
distinguishing “what is biologically determined from what people merely try 
to justify through biological myths” by claiming that “a good rule of thumb is 
‘Biology enables. Culture forbids.’” 1 ^ Culture, he continues, “tends to argue 
that it forbids only that which is unnatural. But from a biological perspective, 
nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is by definition also natural. A 
truly unnatural behaviour, one that goes against the laws of nature, simply 
cannot exist, so it would need no prohibition.”^ According to Harari’s 
definition, culture is the only thing that is unnatural, and this is so because “in 
truth, our concepts ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’ are taken not from biology, but 
from Christian theology.” 1 ^ 3 



It’s reassuring to know that Professor Harari believes in the truth, even if he 
uses the phrase to promote what is obviously false, but is it true to say that 
differentiation according to sex is not part of the biological or natural world? 
That would be hard to maintain. What Harari is really telling us is that he is 
the self-appointed, undisputed commissar of all meanings when it comes to 
biology. Anyone who insists that male and female have a meaning which our 
homosexual professor does not like gets ruled out of court immediately by 
being associated with “Christian theology,” which is an insult if you’re a Jew. 

In doing this. Professor Harari strains our credulity, and endangers 
thereby his own role as a successful commissar for the American Darwinist 
Empire of political control through state-managed appetite. The entire edifice 
of imperial control is based on one non-existent premise, namely, the 
unprovable non-existence of God. 

The theological meaning of ‘natural’ is ‘in accordance with the intentions of the 
God who created nature’. Christian theologians argued that God created the 
human body, intending each limb and organ to serve a particular purpose. ... If 
we use our limbs and organs for the purpose envisioned by God, then it is a 
natural activity. To use them differently than God intends is unnatural. But 
evolution has no purpose. Organs have not evolved with a purpose, and the way 
they are used is in constant flux.-^ 

We agree completely with what Harari had to say about God and 
purpose in nature, but Harari is so intent on disproving “Christian theology” 
that he failed to see that he undermined the fundamental tenet of natural 
selection when he told us that “organs have not evolved with a purpose.” 
Isn’t success in the struggle for survival the whole point of natural selection? 
Doesn’t that qualify as purpose? Isn’t that the purpose at the heart of the idea 
of survival of the fittest? Isn’t survival a purpose? Isn’t that why an organism 
with sharper eyes wins out over one which can’t see as well? Does the eye 
have no purpose? Does the eye see? Does the ear hear? Does the nose detect 
odors? Does the wing enable flight? Everywhere we look in nature we see 
purpose. The purpose of the lion is to catch the deer. If we are Darwinists, we 

see natural selection aiding the purposeful behavior of some organisms over 
others, unless we are blinded, as Professor Harari is, by a Jewish animus 
toward Christianity and a homosexual animus against Nature. At this point, I 
can imagine Darwin, if not rolling over in his grave, then certainly rolling his 
eyes and feeling vindicated in his belief that the Anglo-Saxons race was 
intellectually superior to the Semitic. 

“Scientists studying the inner workings of the human organism,” Harari 
informs us at another point, 

have found no soul there. They increasingly argue that human behaviour is 
determined by hormones, genes and synapses, rather than by free will—the 
same forces that determine the behaviour of chimpanzees, wolves, and ants. Our 
judicial and political systems largely try to sweep such inconvenient discoveries 
under the carpet. But in all frankness, how long can we maintain the wall 
separating the department of biology from the departments of law and political 
science ?^ 1 

As we have already shown, there is no separation. “Biology,” as 
interpreted by the professors of Darwinism, has been given the force of law 
in a system of complete control. All objections based on logos are ruled out 
of court by this ideological system. All religious and moral claims are 
debunked as unreal by an appeal to “biology,” which is to say biological 
determinism. Yet any appeal to biology as proof that sexual differentiation is 
part of nature gets debunked by the claim that all sex roles are culturally 
created. It’s heads I win, tails you lose. Or as Professor Harari puts it: 
“myths, rather than biology, define the roles, rights and duties of men and 
women.”® Words mean what the professor wants them to mean. 

Harari’s book is not so much a history as a celebration, as he puts it, of 
“The Marriage of Science and Empire,” which united to create the operating 
system of the American Empire. Jews like Harari play a crucial role in 
bringing the two together by giving us a reading of Wealth of Nations, “the 
most important economics manifesto of all time,” 1 ®! which sounds as if it had 
been cribbed from the writings of Murray Rothbard: 

In this view, the wisest economic policy is to keep politics out of the economy, 
reduce taxation and government regulation to a minimum, and allow market 
forces free rein to take their course. Private investors, unencumbered by 
political considerations, will invest their money where they can get the most 
profit, so the way to ensure the most economic growth—which will benefit 
everyone, industrialists and workers—is for the government to do as little as 
possible. This free-market doctrine is today the most common and influential 

variant of the capitalist creed 

Adam Smith, as a result, comes off sounding a lot like Gordon Gecko. 
“What Smith says,” Harari tells us, as if letting us in on the inside story, “is, 
in fact, that greed is good.” 1 ^ 1 


Heaven on Earth 

According to Professor Harari, the combination of science and capitalism is 
going to lead to heaven on earth. Jews always promise heaven on earth and 
then deliver the opposite as soon as they get their hands on the reins of 
political power. Bolshevism in Russia is one example. Zionism in Palestine is 
another. The Neoconservative End of History, which followed on the heels of 
Communism’s collapse, is still another. Professor Harari is no exception to 
this rule. “Paradise,” he tells us toward the end of his book, “is right around 
the corner.”^ 1 All we need is “more patience” and docility to Professor 
Harari’s utopian view of the world in order to get there. And what does this 
paradise look like? Well, it looks a lot like New York City, capital of the 
American Empire, where: “The new ethic promises paradise on condition 
that the rich remain greedy and spend their time making more money, and 
that the masses give free rein to their cravings and passions—and buy more 
and more.” 1 ^ But there are other reasons. 

Paradise is just around the corner because for “the first time in history ... 
the world is dominated by a peace-loving elite—politicians, business people, 
intellectuals and artists who genuinely see war as both evil and avoidable.” 1 ^ 1 
We know that Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize while 
simultaneously conducting seven wars in the Middle East. Professor Harari 
unfortunately failed to give us the names of the individuals who make up this 
“peace-loving elite,” which is a shame because we would surely like to know 
who they are, if for no other reason than out of a desire to follow their 
instructions more faithfully, so that we can hasten our arrival in “paradise.” 
But the implication is clear. It is the same group which tried to create heaven 
on earth in the past: Simon bar Kochba, Shabbetai Zevi, Karl Marx, 
Theodore Herzl, Lev Trotsky, Irving Kristol, David Brooks, David Frum—in 
short, the Tikkun Olam crowd. It turns out that the one thing the members of 
this “peace-loving elite” has in common, from the Zealots at the time of 
Christ to the Neocon Chickenhawks who got us into the current morass in the 
Middle East, was their love of what Trotsky called “perpetual war.” 

Be that as it may. Professor Harari has very definite ideas about the 
Jewish paradise that he and his friends are preparing for us. The End of 
History corresponds to the arrival of the perfect social order, which is based 
on capitalism and science, which tell us that: 

As far as we can tell, from a purely scientific viewpoint, human life has 
absolutely no meaning. [Is the preceding sentence a meaningful statement?] 
Humans are the outcome of blind evolutionary processes that operate without 
goal or purpose. Our actions are not part of some divine cosmic plan, and if 
planet Earth were to blow up tomorrow morning, the universe would probably 
keep going about its business as usual. As far as we can tell at this point, human 
subjectivity would not be missed. Hence any meaning that people ascribe to 
their lives is just a delusion. The other-worldly meanings medieval people 
found in their lives were no more deluded than the modern humanist, nationalist 
and capitalist meanings modern people find.^ 

Hence it should come as no surprise to learn that the goal of history as 
manifested by the American Empire and administered by Jews like Harari, is 
not the happiness of its inhabitants: 

the dynamics of history are not directed towards enhancing human well-being. 

There is no basis for thinking that the most successful cultures in history are 
necessarily the best ones for Homo sapiens. Like evolution, history disregards 
the happiness of individual organisms .^ 1 

This is not reason for despair, however, because happiness is still 
possible even if “life has absolutely no meaning” because: 

Biologists hold that our mental and emotional world is governed by biochemical 
mechanisms shaped by millions of years of evolution. Like all other mental 
states, our subjective well-being is not determined by external parameters such 
as salary, social relations or political rights. Rather, it is determined by a 
complex system of nerves, neurons, synapses and various biochemical 
substances such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.^ 

It turns out that history has a meaning after all, and that the ultimate 
meaning is pharmaceutical: 

If we accept the biological approach to happiness, then history turns out to be of 
minor importance, since most historical events have had no impact on our 
biochemistry. History can change the external stimuli that cause serotonin to be 
secreted, yet it does not change the resulting serotonin levels, and hence it 
cannot make people happier.^ 

If “the only thing that matters” is the level of serotonin in my blood, 1 ^ 
why did I waste my time reading Harari’s book? Was it only to learn that: 
There is only one historical development that has real significance. Today, 

when we finally realise that the keys to happiness are in the hands of our 
biochemical system, we can stop wasting our time on politics and social 
reforms, putsches and ideologies, and focus instead on the only thing that can 
make us truly happy: manipulating our biochemistry . 122 

After wasting our time by slogging through 400 pages of illogicality 
couched in bad prose, we learn to our chagrin that history is bunk, and true 
happiness lies in ingesting the right chemicals. The same Jews who used to 
promote revolution are now promoting a docile drugged out population, 
probably because the Jews are now in control and want to remain there. 
Turning Karl Marx upside down, Professor Harari feels that opiates should be 
the religion of the masses: 

If we invest billions in understanding our brain chemistry and developing 
appropriate treatments, we can make people far happier than ever before, 
without any need of revolutions. Prozac, for example, does not change regimes, 
but by raising serotonin levels it lifts people out of their depression. Nothing 
captures the biological argument better than the famous New Age slogan: 
‘Happiness Begins Within.’ Money, social status, plastic surgery, beautiful 
houses, powerful positions—none of these will bring you happiness. Lasting 
happiness comes only from serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin . 22 

Or did he mean OxyContin? According to Harari, “each day, each 
person” should take “a dose of ‘soma’, a synthetic drug which makes people 
happy without harming their productivity and efficiency.” 122 Aldous Huxley 
popularized the originally Indian concept of “Soma” as a form of control in 
his dystopian novel Brave New World, which appeared in 1932. The 
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor which goes by the brand name of 
Prozac entered medical use in 1986. 1221 Soma in its current form came on the 
market in 1995 and is known as OxyContin. OxyContin—which is the time- 
release version of Oxycodone, an opiate which has been in existence since 
1916—is a Jewish invention. It was created by the Sackler family and 
marketed by their drug firm Purdue Pharma. In 2007, Purdue Pharma had to 
pay a $600 million fine for “lying to doctors about the potential for patients 
to abuse OxyContin” 1221 and thereby almost single-handedly igniting what is 
now being called the opioid crisis. The $600 million Purdue Pharma paid was 
a drop in the bucket compared to the billions OxyContin has earned for it 
since the drug was first approved by the FDA. The Sackler family alone has a 
net worth of $13 billion, which places them above the Rockefellers and the 
Mellons on the list of America’s richest families. 1221 

Purdue Pharma’s founder Arthur Sackler along with his brothers grew up 
in Brooklyn during the Depression as the child of Jewish immigrants from 
Galicia and Poland. His genius lay not so much in the chemistry of the brain 
as in the chemistry of modern advertising. “In 1997, Arthur was 
posthumously inducted into the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame, and a 
citation praised his achievement in ‘bringing the full power of advertising 
and promotion to pharmaceutical marketing.’” Sackler was, in other words, a 
drug dealer who knew how to change the system to accommodate what was 
previously known as either unethical or illegal activity. In this, he was no 
different from other Jews of his generation—like Meyer Lansky or Moe 
Dalitz, for instance—who accomplished the same feat by bringing about the 
decriminalization of gambling and usury. 

The Sackler family epitomizes in our day the perfect marriage of science 
and capitalism which Hariri celebrates in Sapiens. Like the English 
involvement in the opium trade in the 19 th century, Arthur Sackler provided 
the imperial project with practical knowledge, ideological justification, and 
pharmaceutical gadgets which turned Americans into Harari’s idea of the 
ideal citizen, which is to say, into a mass of drugged out zombies who made 
the Jews rich by becoming their docile chemical slaves. Without the 
collaboration of the Jewish pharmaceutical industry, “it is highly 
questionable whether Europeans [i.e., the Anglo-American empire] could 
have conquered the world. 



When the original patent for OxyContin was about to expire in the 1980s, the 
“scientists” at Purdue came up with a dose that was eight times stronger than 
the original pill, creating the equivalent of “an nuclear weapon ... in terms of 
narcotic firepower.” 12 ^ Soon the same people who had gotten hooked on the 
drug were grinding up multiple tablets of the new super-OxyContin and 
injecting it into their veins to maintain the original high, which had worn off 
as original highs always do. Graduating to the needle meant that those who 
began their addiction to OxyContin under a doctor’s supervision for things 
like athletic injuries soon moved on to heroin, which at a certain point 
became cheaper than the drug Purdue Pharma was peddling. 

Within five years of its release in 1995, OxyContin was earning Purdue 
Pharma $1 billion a year. During this time 

there were signs that people were abusing it in rural areas like Maine and 
Appalachia. If you ground the pills up and snorted them, or dissolved them in 
liquid and injected them, you could override the time-release mechanism and 
deliver a huge narcotic payload all at once. ... As more and more doctors 
prescribed OxyContin for an ever-greater range of symptoms, some patients 
began selling their pills on the black market, where the street price was a dollar 
a milligram. Doctors who were easily manipulated by their patients—or 
corrupted by the money in play—set up so-called pill mills, pain clinics that 
thrived on a wholesale business of issuing OxyContin prescriptions.^^ 

The Sackler family’s $13 billion net worth was accumulated from a load 
of human suffering and death which is only now coming to light: 

Since 1999, two hundred thousand Americans have died from overdoses related 
to OxyContin and other prescription opioids. Many addicts, finding prescription 
painkillers too expensive or too difficult to obtain, have turned to heroin. 
According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, four out of five 
people who try heroin today started with prescription painkillers. The most 
recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that 
a hundred and forty-five Americans now die every day from opioid overdoses. 

In Pike County, Kentucky, where Purdue Pharma reached an out of court 
settlement, 29 percent of the county’s residents said that they or their families 

knew someone who had died as a result of using OxyContin. At the time of 
the lawsuit, nearly half of the players on the 1997 Pikeville High School 
football team “had died of overdoses or were addicted.” In some parts of 
West Virginia ten percent of newborns come into this world addicted to 

The story of the Sackler family gives new meaning to Harari’s 
celebration of drugs as the “only” source of “lasting happiness.It also 
puts in stark relief the difference between the Jewish heaven on earth based 
on Darwinism, “science,” Libido Dominandi, and dope and St. Augustine’s 
City of God. We now have a clear idea of the slavery which Harari’s Jewish 
utopia entails. Can anyone in his right mind choose that over a social order 
based on logos as articulated by the tradition of the natural law which was 
abandoned at around the time of the Scientific Revolution? According to that 

moral laws are based on human nature, on the way we are. As a consequence, 
morality is a function of human nature, so that reason can discover valid moral 
principles by looking at the nature of humanity and society, no matter where on 
Earth. This means that what we ought to do is related to what we are. “You shall 
not kill,” for instance, is based on the real value of human life and the need to 
preserve it. “You shall not commit adultery” is based on the real value of 
marriage. 1 ^ 1 

There is, in other words, no radical dichotomy between the mind and the 
universe. Logos is common to both, or as Aquinas would say, “the light of 
reason is placed by nature in every man to guide him in his acts.” This means 

the laws of morality are not rules that we invent but principles that we discover, 
similar in a way to the laws of a science such as physiology. Just as our 
physiological nature makes it necessary for us to eat certain foods and to 
breathe oxygen for our bodies to be healthy, so our moral nature makes certain 
moral rules and laws necessary for our souls to be healthy. Not only is there a 
physical order in nature, but also a moral order. ^^1 

The order of creation is eminently rational. True science could not exist 
if it were not. Science and mathematics are not possible in the Darwinian 
universe which Professor Harari is proposing as “paradise.” They are only 
possible if we accept the proposition that: 

The most fundamental assumption of the rational mind is that the world 
perceived through reason is true—that the world itself is reasonable. This 
presupposes that the mind interpreting the world through reason is somehow 

apprehending the world as it actually exists J- !1 U 

The “mysterious conformity here between the rationality of our minds 
and the ‘rationality’ found in the world around us” has a very simple 
explanation: both were brought into being by “an intelligent, rational, 
orderly, and lawgiving Creator God who made this Universe the way it 

j s ӣ 106 ] 

Creation could not exist without a Creator. Creation is rational because 
the Creator is the epitome of all rationality. God is logos and logos is God. 
The mind of man fits into that order like a key into a lock: 

Only the existence of God can explain that there is a Universe, that there is 
order in this Universe, that this Universe is intelligible, that there are universal 
laws of nature, and that there are universal moral laws. This is the only way we 
can take the world as something created according to an intelligible plan 
accessible to the human intellect through the natural light of reason. This is the 
only way we can understand the natural order and moral order of this Universe. 
Because there is a Creator, we have not only a rational Lawgiver—who 
guarantees order, intelligibility, and predictability—but also a moral Lawgiver 
—who guarantees decency, integrity, conscience, responsibility, justice, and 
human dignity that comes with human rights.^SZ] 

In spite of his allegiance to Darwin, philosophical materialism, dope, and 
even dopier “science,” Professor Harari can’t seem to get Genesis out of his 
mind. He ends his book not as the disinterested scientist but by taking on the 
role of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, who told Eve “ye shall be like 
gods” if she and her husband followed his instructions. Harari titles the 
afterword to his book: “the animal that became a god,” arguing that man can 
become divine by following what Harari calls “intelligent design.” 


Animal to God 

Like the United States of America, which went from barbarism to decadence 
without ever finding civilization along the way, Harari’s Sapiens went from 
being an animal to a god without ever becoming human. Which vision is 
more plausible? The idea that man evolved from an amoeba into a god, or the 
claim that “At the dawn of humanity, there appeared quite suddenly and 
abruptly the faculties of language, rationality, morality, self-awareness, and 
religion, all combined in an immortal soul—practically all at once.” 1 ^ 1 

By now it should be obvious that what Harari calls intelligent design is 
another word for logos. The event that he predicts for the future actually 
happened 70,000 years ago. It is now time for Sapiens to abandon the 
illusions of the Serpent and return to being what he has been all along, the 
rational animal who occupies an intermediary position between angels and 


m Christopher Dawson, Dynamics of World History (Wilmington, DE: ISI, 2002), p. 303. 
m Dawson, p. 305. 

^ Dawson, p. 305. 

^ http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/7477-hegel-georg-wilhelm-friedrich 
^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Butterfield 

^ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/158386-the-ideas-of-economists-and-political- 

m Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (New York: HarperCollins, 
2015), Kindle file, p. 3. 

^ Harari, p. 3. 

^ Gerard Verschuuren, At the Dawn of Humanity: The First Humans, to be published in 

2018, p. 12. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 30. 
mi Harari, p. 27. 
mi Harari, p. 28. 

^ Harari, p. 32. 
mi Harari, p. 27. 
mi Verschuuren, p. 113. 

^ Harari, p. 37. 
mi Harari, p. 37. 

^ Harari, p. 109. 

^ Harari, pp. 109-19. 

^ Harari, p. 110. 
mi Harari, p. 111. 
mi Harari, p. 108. 
mi Harari, p. 108. 
mi Harari, p. 109. 

mi An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon founded upon the Seventh Edition of Liddell 
and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1889), logos, pp. 476- 

m Harari, p. 4. 

^ Harari, p. 5. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 51. 

^ Harari, p. 19. 

^ Harari, p. 21. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 65. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ http://www.nytimes.com/2007/ll/01/science/01chimp.html 
^ Verschuuren, p. 43. 

^ Verschuuren, pp. 43-4. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 46. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 52. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 57. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 64. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 80. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 190. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 194. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 194. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 191. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 192. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 191. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 196. 

^ Verschuuren, pp. 197-8. 

^ Harari, p. 24. 

^ Harari, p. 24. 

^ Harari, p. 41. 

^ Harari, p. 41. 

Harari, p. 41. 

^ http s: //en.wikip edia. org/wiki/Embryolo gy 
^ Harari, p. 42. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ Harari, p. 22. 

^ Harari, p. 24. 

^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wikiAf uval_Noah_Harari 
^ See chapter one of my book Degenerate Moderns for more details. 
^ Again, see Degenerate Moderns for details. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 99. 

^ Verschuuren, p. 114. 
m Harari, p. 254. 

^ Harari, p. 304. 

^ Harari, p. 192. 

^ Harari, p. 254. 

^ Harari, p. 145. 

^ Harari, p. 146. 

^ Harari, p. 146. 

^ Harari, p. 146. 

^ Harari, p. 147. 

^ Harari, p. 147. 

^ Harari, p. 147. 

^ Harari, p. 236. 

^ Harari, p. 149. 

^ Harari, p. 311. 

^ Harari, p. 328. 

^ Harari, p. 311. 

^ Harari, p. 333. 

^ Harari, p. 349. 

^ Harari, p. 374. 

Harari, p. 391. 
m Harari, p. 243. 

^ Harari, p. 386. 

^ Harari, p. 388. 

Harari, p. 389. 

^ Harari, p. 389. 

^ Harari, p. 389. 

^ Harari, p. 390. 

^ https: //en. wikip edia. or g/wiki/F luoxetine 

^ https://forward.com/fast-forward/385375/the-jewish-family-making-billions-from-the- 

^ https://www.newyorker.eom/magazine/2017/10/30/the-family-that-built-an-empire-of- 

^ Harari, p. 304. 

^ https://www.newyorker.eom/magazine/2017/10/30/the-family-that-built-an-empire-of- 





Harari, p. 389. 

Verschuuren, p. 118. 

Verschuuren, p. 134. 

1^1 Verschuuren, p. 179. 

Verschuuren, pp. 157-9. 

Verschuuren, p. 165. 

Verschuuren, p. 200. 







Pro-LifeJew The 
Believer Judaismis 






ProudofH isGreatUncle 







Seven years after Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians in the cave of the 
patriarch in Hebron, and less than 5 years after Shahak and Mezvinsky explained how 
Goldstein was a Jewish Nazi, The Believer , a film written and directed by Henry Bean about 
an orthodox Jew who becomes a neo-Nazi won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2001 Sundance film 
festival. The film is based loosely on the life of Daniel Burros, a neo-Nazi who committed 
suicide in the mid-‘60s after a New York Times reporter wrote an article exposing him as a 
Jew. According to Bean: 

Burros was staying at a camp in the Poconos with the neo-Nazis when the 
story in the New York Times claiming that he was Jewish came out. The Nazis 
weren't upset. They were saying just sit down; we can talk about this. But 
Burros went up to nis room, put on a Wagner record and shot himself. He killed 
himself within an hour of the story coming out. 

Bean began discussing the Danny Burros story in the ‘70s when he was a writer living on 
the West Coast. He began to see Burros as typifying a particular kind of Jew. “He was a rabbi 
manque. Antisemitism is a form of practicing Judaism. He’s sort of a rabbi after all. A Jew by 
day, a Nazi by night.... He was desperately hiding something and compulsively trying to 
bring it out at the same time. People are drawn to contradiction. He undergoes a conversion, 
but not back to the Torah.” By telling the story of the Jewish Nazi, Bean concluded, “I began to 
understand what Judaism was.” 

When Danny Balint, the character Bean created out of the story of Danny Burros, gets a 
call from a New York Times reporter, he gives an eloquent articulation of anti-Semitism. 
Judaism “is a sickness... . The real Jew is a nomad and a wanderer. He has no roots and 
no attachments. He universalizes everything. All he can do is buy and sell and manipulate 
markets. It’s all mental. Marx, Freud, Einstein: what have they given us? Communism, 
infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. They want nothing but nothingness, nothing without 

The main issue in The Believer is theological. Danny has penetrated to the heart of the 
Jewish religion by understanding that the Jew worships Nothingness. If Hitler is the biggest 
Nihilist of the 20th century, he is the chief rabbi in the religion that worships “nothing but 
nothingness, nothing without end.” He attained that position by default when the Church 
stopped working for the conversion of the Jews. 

Dorothy Rabinowitz recently announced the death of multiculturalism in the Wall 
Street Journal . Citing the pronouncements of the prime ministers of England, France, and 
Germany, she crowed: 

Who would have believed that in the space of a few weeks the leaders of the 
three major European powers would publicly denounce multiculturalism and 
declare in so many words that it was a proven disaster and a threat to 

Rabinowitz claimed that multiculturalism had “led to segregated communities”; it had 
also “helped nurture radical Islam’s terrorist cells.” Rabinowitz goes on to claim that 
multiculturalism, which she describes as “the unofficial established religion of the 
universities,” is, in fact, “a faith whose requirements have shaped every aspect of cultural, 

economic and political life in Western democracies for the last 50 years. ”111 

Twenty years ago Rabinowitz was worried about Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran. Twenty 
years ago she was writing to the 

editors of papers like the Philadelphia Inquirer demanding that that paper drop Joe Sobran 
as one of its columnists. Now she’s worried about Major Hasan. For those of you who have 
trouble keeping mass murderers straight in your mind, in November 2009 Major Nidal Malik 
Hasan opened fire in Fort Hood killing 12 fellow soldiers and wounding 32 others. 
Rabinowitz attributes this attack to a combination of “Hasan’s well-documented jihadist 
sympathies” and multiculturalism. She ends her piece by claiming that when Major Hasan goes 
on trial, “The forces of multiculturalist piety, which played so central a role in advancing this 
Army major and concealing the menace he posed, will be the invisible presence on trial with 

Associating multiculturalism with Islam is a daring rhetorical move, especially when that 
rhetorical move is made by a Jew, because Dorothy Rabinowitz must know, even if the dumb 
goyim who read her columns in the Wall Street Journal do not, that multiculturalism has been 
a completely Jewish creation from start to finish. For over 100 years now, Jews in America 
have been promoting multiculturalism as a strategy for weakening the dominant culture and 
thereby enhancing Jewish power. 

In his essay “Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration policy, 1881- 

1965: A Historical Review” 121 University of California at Fong Beach Professor Kevin 
MacDonald shows in exhaustive detail how Jewish organizations supported multiculturalism 
almost from the moment when eastern European Jews arrived in significant numbers on these 
shores. According to MacDonald, the “historical record supports the proposition that making 
the US into a multicultural society has been a major goal of organized Jewry beginning in the 

19th century.” The main way in which Jews promoted multiculturalism is by changing this 
nation’s immigration laws. “Jews,” according to MacDonald, “have been ‘the single most 
persistent pressure group favoring a liberal immigration policy’ in the US in the entire 
immigration debate beginning in 1881.” MacDonald goes on to cite one Jewish authority after 
another to back up his case. According to Neuringer: 

Immigration had constituted a prime object of concern for practically every 

major Jewish defense and community relations organization. Over the years 
their spokesmen had assiduously attended congressional hearings and the 
Jewish effort was of the utmost importance in establishing and financing 
such nonsectarian groups as the National Liberal Immigration League and the 
Citizens Committee for Displaced Persons. 

According to Nathan C. Belth: 

In Congress, through all the years when the immigration battles were being 
fought, the names ofJewish legislators were in the forefront of the liberal 
forces: from Adolph Sabath to Samuel Dickstein and Emanuel Celler in the 
House and from Herbert H. Lehman to Jacob Javits in the Senate. Each in this 
time was leader of the ADL and of major organizations concerned with 
democratic development. 

Indeed, writing in 1914, the sociologist Edward A. Ross had a clear sense that 
liberal immigration policy was exclusively a Jewish issue. 

The Jewish promotion of multiculturalism in America had two main goals: 1) 
“maximizing the number of Jewish immigrants” and 2) “opening up the US to immigration 
from all of the peoples of the world.” Both goals paradoxically used “diversity” as a stalking 
horse to advance Jewish ethnocentrism. This is so because the whole point of multiculturalism 
is not so much the promotion of diversity as it is the demographic dilution of homogeneity. 
Jews wanted to weaken the majority culture because they always felt uncomfortable in 
unified coherent cultures. The defenders of immigration restriction during this period made it 
clear that America was a country which had been settled and was then inhabited by 
Christians from northwestern Europe. This implied racial superiority in the minds of the 
Jewish proponents of restrictionism but not the legislators, who claimed that 

the northern European, and particularly Anglo-Saxons, made this country... . It 
is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to 
surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their 
merits, to make it something different." Representative Leavitt saw through the 

Dloy when he complained that the Jews were "the one great historic people who 
nave maintained the identity of their race throughout centuries because they 
believe sincerely that they are a chosen people, with certain ideals to maintain, 
and knowing that the loss of racial identity means a change of ideals. 

The restriction!sts complained that the Jews were attempting to shape U.S. immigration 
policy according to Jewish interests and not in the interests of the country which welcomed 
them as immigrants: 

Hence the endeavor of the Jews to control the immigration policy of the 
United States... . The systematic campaign in newspapers to break down all 
arguments for restriction and to claim nativist fears is waged by and for one 
race. Hebrew money is behind the National Liberal Immigration League and its 
numerous publications... . literature that proves the blessings of immigration to 
all classes in America emanates from subtle Hebrew brains. 

The reference to “subtle Hebrew brains” probably excludes Dorothy Rabinowitz from our 
discussion, but the purpose of multiculturalism has remained constant, as has the Jewish 
support for it. The purpose of multiculturalism has always been to subvert coherent cultures, 
weaken the majority, and thereby enhance the Jews’ power. Or, as MacDonald puts it, 

ethnic and religious pluralism serves external Jewish interest because Jews 
become just one of many ethnic groups. This results in the diffusion of political 
and cultural influence among the various ethnic and religious groups, and it 
becomes difficult or impossible to develop unified, cohesive groups of gentiles 
united in their opposition to Judaism. Historically, major anti-Semitic movements 
have tended to erupt in societies that have been, apart from the Jews, 
religiously and/or ethnically homogeneous. 

The restrictionists included organized labor, who feared competition from the new 
immigrants who were a perennial source of cheap labor. 

“During this period, the immigration issue was also economic. Native businesses feared 
cutthroat Jewish business practices.” Jewish factory owners, the group most likely to be the 
backers of Jewish organizations favored immigration as a source of cheap labor. During this 
period [1914] Edward A. Ross described gentile resentment for “being obliged to engage in a 
humiliating and undignified scramble to keep his trade or his clients against the Jewish 
invader—suggesting a rather broad- based concern with Jewish economic competition.” 

The early opponents of multiculturalism also feared Jews as agents 
of cultural subversion: 

Our whole system of amusements has been taken over by men who came 
here on the crest of the south and east European immigration. They produce 
our horrible film stories; they compose and dish out to us our jazz music, they 
write many of the books we read, and edit our magazines and newspapers. 

Jewish immigrants were also “widely perceived to be ... disproportionately involved in 
radical political movements,” a fact often acknowledged by the Jewish press. In one of its 
editorials, The American Hebrew pointed out that “we must not forget the immigrants form 
Russia and Austria will becoming from countries infested with Bolshevism, and it will 
require more than a superficial effort to make good citizens out of them.” 

The fact that Jewish immigrants form Eastern Europe were viewed as “infected with 
Bolshevism ... unpatriotic, alien, unassimilable” resulted in a wave of anti-Semitism in the 

1920s and contributed to the restrictive immigration legislation of the period. Almost a decade 
after the immigration debate ended with the triumph of the restrictionists in 1924, Jewish 
immigration was still having consequences for American identity. As MacDonald points out, 
“In Philadelphia in the 1930s, fully 72.2 percent of the Communist Party members were the 

children of Jewish immigrants who came to the US in the late 19^ and early 
20th century.” 

During the 1920s, Franz Boas, the Prussian Jewish anthropology professor from 
Columbia University, turned the social sciences into a form of ethnic warfare. Arguments 
from anthropology, no matter how absurd, could then be marshaled as “scientific” refutation 
of restrictionist immigration policies: 

Carl Degler notes that Boas's professional correspondence "reveals that an 
important motive behind his famous head-measuring project in 1910 was his 
strong personal interest in keeping America diverse in population." The study, 
whose conclusions were placed into the Congressional Record by Representative 
Emanuel Celler during the debate on immigration restriction ... concluded that 
the environmental difference consequent to immigration caused differences in 
head shape. 

The Battle over multiculturalism continued unabated after World War n. Senator Pat 
McCarran, a Catholic from Arizona, was subjected to psychoanalysis on the pages of 
Commentary magazine, published by the American Jewish Committee, as a way of 
explaining his opposition to the progressive Jewish view on immigration. As before the war, 
the opposition to McCarran’s bill—which became the McCarran-Walter act—“was led 
by Jewish members of Congress, including Celler, Javits and Lehman, all of whom ... were 
prominent members of the ADL.” 

There is a direct link between Jewish anthropology as practiced by Franz Boas during the 
1920s and Jewish immigration policy as implemented by Senator Jacob Javits in 1965. In 
other words, if New York City resembles Mogadishu these days, we have Dorothy 
Rabinowitz and her co-religionists to thank for this. The main reason people like Major Hasan 
are American citizens and serving in the United States Army is the immigration bill of 1965, 
which was a Jewish operation from start to finish. It turns out that the Jewish organizations 
that promoted multiculturalism all shared the view of America proposed by Philip Roth in his 
recent paranoid fantasy novel The Plot against America. America, in spite of waging war on 
Hitler’s Third Reich, was always in Jewish eyes a country waiting to be taken over by Nazi 
extremists. Multiculturalism was the Jewish way of ensuring that that would not happen. As 
MacDonald points out: 

Earl Raab ... remarks very positively on the success of revised American 
foreign policy in altering the ethnic composition of the United States since 1965. 
Raab notes that the Jewish community has taken a leadership role in changing 
the Northwestern European bias of American immigration policy, and he has 
also maintained that one fact inhibiting anti-Semitism in the contemporary US is 
"an increasing ethnic heterogeneity as a result of immigration, has made it even 
more difficult for a political party or mass movement of bigotry to develop/' Or 
more colorfully: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the 
American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all 
be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party 
will be able to prevail in this country." ... Indeed the "primary objective" of 
Jewish political activity after 1945 was ... to prevent the emergence of an anti- 
Semitic reactionary mass movement in the United States." 

Charles Silberman notes that 

American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief that 
Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and 
behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, 
for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority 
of American Jews to endorse 'gay rights' and to take a liberal stand on most 
other so-called 'social' issues. 

Silberman’s testimony leads MacDonald to conclude that: 

The 1965 law is having the effect that it seems reasonable to suppose had 
been intended by its Jewish advocates all along: the Census Bureau projects 
that by the year 2050, European-derived peoples with no longer be a majority 
of the population of America. Moreover, multiculturalism has already become 
a powerful ideological and political reality. 

In promoting their multicultural agenda, the Jews claimed that it would lead to 
collaboration and brotherhood. Writers like Boas protege Israel Ehrenberg, who wrote under 
the name of Ashley Montagu, claimed that human beings were “innately cooperative.” Any 
evidence that increasing ethnic diversity led to ethnic conflict, i.e., violence, was ignored by 
the Boasian social science establishment, which had an a priori and overriding commitment to 
Jewish universalism. Conflict and violence, however, were inevitable, especially since the 
dominant philosophy of post-Christian America was then and is now Capitalism, which 
is the economic version of the war of all against all: 

If one adopts a cultural pluralism model in which there is free 

competition for resources and reproductive success, difference between ethnic 
groups are inevitable, and history suggests that such differences would result in 
animosity from the groups that are losing out... . Under present policies, each 
racial/ethnic group in the world is encouraged to press its interest in 
expanding its demographic and political presence in America and can be 
expected to do so if given the opportunity. 

According to MacDonald, the American Jewish Committee, the main proponent of both 
multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration, succeeded in changing the ethnic make up 
of the United States by a combination of “strong leadership [particularly Louis 
Marshall], internal cohesion, well-funded programs, sophisticated lobbying techniques, well- 
chosen non- Jewish allies and good timing.” 

If timing is everything the timing was all wrong in Rabinowitz’s attack on the connection 
between Major Hasan, Islam and multiculturalism One the one hand, Islam was changing the 
political face of the Middle East through non-violent, pro- democracy rallies. Egypt had just 
toppled its dictator in a bloodless revolution. (Paradoxically, the same pro-democracy 
forces that neocons like Rabinowitz had promoted as agents of change in the Middle East were 
finally having their day, and the neocons were upset being pro-democracy in the Middle East 
means invariably being anti-Israel.) On the other hand, at the very moment when the Islamic 
world was becoming a paradigm of non-violent democratic revolution of the sort that the 
neocons all claimed they desired in the mid-East, Americans were treated to a spate of mass 
murders perpetrated by Jews. 

That you may not have noticed this is not surprising. Ever since the Leo Frank trial in 
America, the Dreyfus case in France, and the Mendil Beilis case in Russia, the Jewish- 
dominated press has adopted a policy of 1) suppressing the evidence whenever a suspect in a 
crime turns out to be a Jew and 2) accusing anyone who brings up this fact of anti- 
Semitism. In 

addition to that, the Jewish dominated media work for the exoneration of any Jew brought to 

trial. The pattern had already been established in the 19^ century. Once Jews gained 
significant control over the press, they instituted a policy which suppressed the identification 
of Jews as criminals, or as a fallback position, once the Jewishness of the perpetrator was 
inescapable, of proclaiming the suspect as an innocent victim of anti-Semitism. The trial of Leo 
Frank is a good case in point, and it has served as a template for the Jewish press ever since. 

As one writer put it in 1892: 

It is a strange phenomenon which otherwise is evident in no other religious 
group that the Jewish public opinion in the Austrian press always shows 
solidarity with Jewish criminals. Every time a Jew is convicted of a crime, it is 
take as new proof for pervasive anti-Semitism. Every conviction is 

evidence of anti- Semitism.Ol 

Dorothy Rabinowitz could have bolstered her case against multiculturalism if she had 
cited the story of Maksim Gellman. One week before her article appeared in the Wall Street 
Journal , Maksim Gelman, a recent Ukrainian immigrant, who became an American citizen in 
2005, went on a two-day killing spree from February 11 to February 12, 2011, which 
resulted in the stabbing deaths of four people, including his girlfriend’s mother, and the 
wounding of five others. The only problem in this scenario, at least from Rabinowitz’s point 
of view, is that Gelman is a Jew. He was certainly a product of Jewish-inspired 
multiculturalism which opened this country’s borders in 1965, but it is unlikely that he was 
inspired by jihadism, especially since his father drove an ambulance for a Jewish 
organization. If Rabinowitz were interested in understanding the psychology of mass 
murderers, she should have focused on the Jews because it was they who were making the 
news as mass murderers in early 2011, not the Muslims. 

The story of Jared Loughner is another case in point. Roughly one month before Maksim 
Gelman’s homocidal rampage in New York, on January 8, 2011, Loughner went on a shooting 
spree that resulted in the death of six people and left 14 wounded. One of the people whom 
Loughner shot but did not kill was United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who is 
Jewish. The response to the killings was both predictable and immediate. Loughner was 
accused of being a right-wing anti-Semite whose actions had been set in motion by right-wing 
talk radio and politicians like Sara Palin, whose website featured a picture of Giffords in the 
cross hairs of a gun sight. The hate crime story circulated widely until the facts started to 
emerge. Loughner, it turns out, was a Jew himself. In fact, according to some reports, he was a 
member of the same synagogue that Giffords attended. To make matters more complicated, 
his favorite book was Mein Kampf. Loughner was, in other words, a Jewish Nazi. 

According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency: 

Bryce Tierney, a friend of Loughner from high school, told Mother Jones 
magazine that the alleged gunman posted "Mein Kampf" as a "favorite book" on 
a social media site in part to provoke his mother, who Tierney says is Jewish. 

Once it became apparent that Loughner was Jewish, and once it had become clear that it 
was going to be impossible to maintain the right-wing, anti-Semite story line, the story began 
to change. The ADL then released an “analysis of the messages written by Arizona shooting 
suspect Jared Lee Loughner” which “revealed Wednesday that the he may not have been 
motivated by anti-Semitism when shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, but rather by a 
profound mistrust of government.” 

“While there is still much we don’t know about Loughner, his online footprint offers one 
window into his mindset in the months leading up to the killings,” said Abraham H. Foxman, 
ADL National Director. “The writings that have come to light so far suggest someone who 
probably was not associated with any extremist group or movement, but who has a generic 
distrust of government and a vague interest in conspiracy theories.” 

In other words, the ADL was telling us that the fact that Mein Kampf was Loughner’s 
favorite book had nothing to do with his attempted assassination of a Jewish member of 
Congress. The only way this makes sense is if we look at the already mentioned pattern of 

Jewish organizations and newspapers, who exonerate automatically any suspect who happens 
to be Jewish. But even granting that, it’s probably just as accurate to say that the concept of a 
Jewish Nazi is simply too difficult for the media to process. 

The historic precedent of Jewish Nazis assassinating Jewish politicians, however, has 

already been established, no matter how alien it seems to 21 st American media categories. 
Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley was a Jewish Nazi in the most literal sense of the term. In 
February 1919, he assassinated Kurt Eisner, the Jewish premier of the Bavarian soviet 
republic. Arco Valley had served in the German army during World War I and upon his return 
to civilian life in Munich he was appalled at what he saw as the Jewish influence which took 
over German culture in the wake of their defeat. Some speculate that he decided to kill Eisner 
to prove himself to his nationalist friends in the Thule Society, but the mystery remains. Why 
would a Jew other than Groucho Marx want to be part of an organization that would not accept 
him as a member? Politics may have had something to do with it. Arco Valley is reported to 
have said that “Eisner is a Bolshevist, a Jew; he isn’t German; he doesn’t feel German; he 

subverts all patriotic thoughts and feelings. He is a traitor to this land.”MI Once Arco Valley 
killed Eisner, the students at the university which he was attending proclaimed him a hero. 
Hitler was grateful to his Jewish supporter because Eisner’s death led to the creation of the 
Bavarian Soviet Republic, under another Jew, Eugen Levine, and this convinced groups like 
the Bavarian Freikorps that things had gone too far and caused them to intervene and put an 
end to the Communist, i.e, Jewish takeover of Bavaria. Arco Valley was sentenced to death 
for his crime, but a sympathetic judge overturned the ruling and commuted it to a five-year 
prison sentence. Four years into his sentence, he was evicted from his cell to make room for 
Adolf Hitler, who wrote Mein Kampf during his stay there. 

Jewish mass murderers remain invisible in America in the 21 st century because the 
concept of the hate crime was created with a political purpose in mind. Murder as already a 
crime in every state in the union; hate crimes were created to demonize a certain group of 
people. As a result, the hate crime went on to become a self-fulfilling prophecy because it is 
only applied when the perpetrator fits a certain profile. As the late Tom Herron pointed out in 
these pages, the Jew who deliberately set fire 

to the church of the little flower in Royal Oak, Michigan as retaliation against Father 
Coughlin, could not be construed as the perpetrator of a hate crime because he was Jewish. 

Needless to say, the Rabinowitz theory that mass murders came about when jihadism 
mixed with multiculturalism was looking less plausible by the minute. On February 10, 2010, 
which is to say one year before Rabinowitz discovered the key to mass murder in a 
combination of jihadism and multiculturalism, a white professor walked into a faculty meeting 
of the biology department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and murdered the 
African-American department chairman and other persons of color in the department. This 
would seem to constitute the quintessential hate crime. That’s how the media would have 
played the story had they not discovered that the mass murderer in this instance turned out to 
be a woman and Jewish. Once those facts were established, the story, deprived of its political 
usefulness, disappeared from the headlines. 

Amy Bishop, the Jewish lady who gunned down her black department chairman, had 
murdered her brother a few years earlier but had never been prosecuted because her parents 
were both wealthy and members of powerful Jewish organizations. Once it becomes apparent 
that a mass murderer is Jewish the story changes dramatically. Suddenly, we are out of the 
realm of hate crime and into the realm of dynamic silence, or back to the ’60s therapy 
explanation of why basically good people do bad things when under stress because they have 
not been granted tenure, etc. 

Just as the recently deceased Bernard Nathanson found that he ceased to exist as a person 
in the public record when the became a Jew who opposed abortion (there is not such thing as 
a pro-life Jew according to the categories of the New York Times ) so there is no such thing as 
a Jewish Nazi or a Jewish mass murderer. The category simply doesn’t exist. 

Unless, of course, you read Israel Shahak’s account of Baruch Goldstein, yet another 
Jewish mass murderer, and how he murdered 29 men, including children, at the Patriarch’s 
cave in Hebron on February 25, 1994. Goldstein was born into an Orthodox Jewish family 
from Brooklyn, where he attended the Yeshivah of Flatbush, Yeshiva University and Albert 
Einstein College of Medicine. One of Goldstein’s boyhood friends was Rabbi Meir Kahane, 
founder of the Jewish Defense League, and so it came as no surprise when Goldstein joined 
that organization. 

Goldstein emigrated to Israel in 1983 and served as a physician in the Israeli Defense 
Force, where he refused to treat Arabs, even if they were members of the IDF. The IDF 
ignored his disobedience of a direct order and sheltered him instead of punishing him until the 
day he died at the hands of the Palestinians he had failed to kill in his attack. 

According to the Wikipedia entry under his name, “Goldstein was immediately 
denounced with shocked horror even by the mainstream Orthodox,’ and most in Israel 
classified Goldstein as insane.” Israel Shakak tells a different story in his book Jewish 
Fundamentalism in Israel, which documents Goldstein’s apotheosis as a Jewish saint, 
complete with monument and pilgrimages to his gravesite. The canonization procedures started 
at Goldstein’s funeral when Rabbi Yaacov Perrin announced that the lives of one million 
Arabs were “not worth a single Jewish fingernail.” Goldstein had become a Jewish saint 
because he was a Jewish mass murderer: 

While the government seemed determined to play down the magnitude of 
the massacre, the Jewish masses had turned Goldstein into a saint... . In 2010, 
Jewish settlers were criticized that during celebrations of Purim they sang 
songs praising Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their 
Arab neighbours. A phrase from the song reads "Dr. Goldstein, there is none 
other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you ... he aimed at 
terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and 

According to Shahak, “Goldstein’s behavior had deep roots in the Jewish religion, and 
that religion had a profound influence on political culture in Israel.” The main connection 
between Goldstein’s act of mass murder and the Jewish religion lay in the halachic teaching 
that “the killing by a Jew of a non-Jew under any circumstances is not regarded as murder.” 
Hence, in the ensuing discussion, “the terms ‘murder,” “massacre” or “killing” were avoided; 
instead the terms used were “deed,” “event” or “occurrence.”’ 

The fact that “at least 50 percent of Israeli Jews” approved of the massacre led Katz to 
claim that “the most obvious conclusion” is that “we, the Jews ... have been programmed by 
the same racist computer program that is shaping the majority of the world’s nations.” 

Katz’s mention of Jewish racism then led to a discussion of Jewish Nazism. Goldstein 

was a Jewish Nazi because, unlike Christians who believed in conversion of the Jews, he, 
like Hitler and Goebbels, believed in exterminating his enemies because of ineradicable racial 
characteristics. The esteemed Israeli journalist Teddy Preus made Jewish-Nazi connection in 
article which appeared in Davar on March 4, 1994: 

Compared to the giant-scale mass murderers of Auschwitz, Goldstein was 
certainly a petty murderer. His recorded statements and those of his comrades, 
however, prove that they were perfectly willing to exterminate at least two 
million Palestinians at an opportune moment. This makes Dr. Goldstein 
comparable to Dr. Mengele; the same holds true for anyone saying that he [or 
she] would welcome more of such Purim holiday celebrations. [The massacre 
occurred on that holiday.] Let us not devalue Goldstein by comparing him with 
an inquisitor or a Muslim Jihad fighter. Whenever an infidel was ready to convert 
to either Christianity or Islam, an inquisitor or Muslim Jihad fighter would, as a 
rule, spare his life. Goldstein and his admirers are not interested in converting 
Arabs to Judaism. As their statements abundantly testify, they see the Arabs as 
nothing more than disease-spreading rats, lice or other loathsome creatures; this 
is exactly how the Nazis believed that the Aryan race alone had laudable 
qualities that were inheritable but that could become polluted by sheer contact 
with dirty and morbid Jews. [JDL founder Meir] Kahane, who learned nothing 
from the Nuremberg Laws, had exactly the same notions about the Arabs. 

Shahak and Mershinzky conclude their book with a condemnation of “those who are 
silent and do not condemn Jewish Nazism, as exemplified by the ideologies of Goldstein and 
Ginsburgh, especially if they are Jews, [because they] are guilty of the terrible consequences 
that may yet develop as a result of their silence.” 

Seven years after Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians in the cave of the 
patriarch in Hebron, and less than 5 years after Shahak and Merzinsky explained how 
Goldstein was a Jewish Nazi, The Believer , a film written and directed by Henry Bean about 
an orthodox Jew who becomes a neo-Nazi won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2001 Sundance film 
festival. The film is based loosely on the life of Daniel Burros, a neo-Nazi who committed 
suicide in the mid-’60s after a New York Times reporter wrote an article exposing him as a 
Jew. According to Bean: 

Burros was staying at a camp in the Poconos with the neo-Nazis when the 
story in the New York Times claiming that he was Jewish came out. The Nazis 
weren't upset. They were saying just sit down; we can talk about this. But 
Burros went up to nis room, put on a Wagner record and shot himself. He killed 
himself within an hour of the story coming out. 

Bean began discussing the Danny Burros story in the ’70s when he was a writer living 
on the West Coast. He began to see Burros as typifying a particular kind of Jew. “He was a 
rabbi manque. Antisemitism is a form of practicing Judaism. He’s sort of a rabbi after all. A 
Jew by day, a Nazi by night.... He was desperately hiding something and compulsively 
trying to bring it out at the same time. 

People are drawn to contradiction. He undergoes a conversion, but not back to the 

Torah.” By telling the story of the 

Jewish Nazi, Bean concluded, “I began to understand what Judaism was.” 

Bean’s explanation of how a Jew can become a Nazi is at root theological. Through a 
series of flashbacks, the viewer sees Danny Balint, as he is called in the movie, arguing with 
his Yeshiva teacher about whether Abraham spared Isaac’s life, as recounted in the Genesis 
account, or whether, as Danny maintains, he died on Mt. Moriah. Danny’s problems with 
religion stem from the fact that he takes the Torah much more seriously and literally than his 
fellow Yeshiva bokkers. When one of them tells Danny that “Fear of the Lord is the 
beginning of wisdom,” he becomes rhapsodic: “Fear of the Lord,” he responds, “makes you 
afraid of everything. Do you even believe in God? I’m the only one who does believe. I see 
Him for the power- drunk madman that he is. And we’re supposed to worship such a deity? I 
say never.” 

At this point the teacher tells one of the students “to ask Rabbi Singer remove Danny 
from my class,” something which prompts Danny to turn his eyes upward and say to God, 
“Then let Him destroy me now. Let Him destroy me like the conceited bully that He is. Go 

Like Jared Loughner, Danny Balint is a Jew who has read Mein Kampf and thinks it’s a 
great book. “Did you ever read Mein Kampf .?” Danny asks his fellow skinheads when they end 
up in jail after a fight with two blacks. “Hitler had some of his best ideas in prison.” Danny 
admires Hitler, especially his views on race. In the middle of a meeting of more moderate 
right- wingers at an upscale Manhattan apartment, Danny, who is wearing a red T-shirt 
emblazoned with a black swastika, interrupts the speaker to opine that “race is central to 
everything we’re talking about tonight. Race is the source of religion.” When the speaker 

objects that this would mean “Germany all over again.” Danny responds by saying, “Isn’t that 
what we want? Germany all over again but done right this time?” 

When Danny gets a call from a New York Times reporter, he gives an eloquent articulation 
of anti-Semitism. Judaism “is a sickness... . The real Jew is a nomad and a wanderer. He has 
no roots and no attachments. He universalizes everything. All he can do is buy and sell and 
manipulate markets. It’s all mental. Marx, Freud, Einstein: what have they given us? 
Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. They want nothing but nothingness, 
nothing without end.” 

The main issue in The Believer is theological. Danny has penetrated to the heart of the 
Jewish religion by understanding that the Jew worships Nothingness. As he says to the Times 
reporter, the Jews “want nothing but nothingness, nothing without end.” 

The Times reporter is impressed, but as we have come to expect from reporters, at the 
moment when the real issue is framed, the reporter changes the subject. “Wow,” he tells 
Danny, “You’re incredibly articulate, but how can you believe all this when you’re a Jew 

When confronted by the contradiction at the heart of his identity, Danny becomes violent. 
At first he denies he’s Jewish, then he threatens to sue the Times if the reporter publishes the 
article: “It’s reckless disregard. I’m going to sue your fucking Jew paper.” Finally, he takes 
out a gun and puts it into the mouth of the reporter and announces, as if unaware of the 
contradiction: “If you publish that article, I will kill myself.” 

All of the themes we have been discussing—Jews, racism, Nazism, nihilism, and 
violence—are all present in this powerful scene. At this point, they begin to coalesce into a 
coherent picture. The Jewish Nazi is a political terrorist, but he is, first of all, a Nazi, which is 
to say a particular kind of socialist. Jews were drawn to socialism and communism throughout 

19^ century. In fact Jews made up the backbone of those movements. Jews were drawn to 
those movements because they provided both an antidote and a way to give political 
expression to the Jewish nihilism which came into being when the Enlightenment arrived in 
the shtetl and destroyed rabbinic Judaism. Deprived of a coherent worldview, the Jew still 
had a sense of himself as a member of the chosen race which could now only find expression 
in revolutionary violence. The best way 

for the shtetl Jew to bring about tikkun olan was via dynamite and the Colt revolver. 

Because Danny lives in an age in which socialism has failed, he is unsure of how to focus 
the revolutionary violence that is going to deliver him from the strong pull toward non-being 
which Jewish nihilism creates. Should he kill the reporter from the Jew newspaper or should 
he kill himself? Actually, the question needs to be reframed in light of what Danny actually 
said, namely, “If you publish that article, I will kill myself.” Should Danny the Nazi kill 
Danny the Jew? In a fantasy he picked up after hearing a holocaust survivor describe how a 
Nazi soldier killed his son, Danny plays the role of both Jew and Nazi soldier. 

Judaism, according to the theology proposed by The Believer, is essentially nihilistic. 
The Jews “want nothing but nothingness, nothing without end.” This theme gets developed 
throughout the film. When Danny’s girlfriend asks him to explain the difference between God’s 
apophatic character and “Him not existing at all,” Danny replies, “there is no difference.” 
When she tells him that “Christianity’s silly but at least there’s something to believe in,” 
Danny responds by saying, “Judaism is nothing. Nothing but nothingness.” Then as if 
reconsidering the issue, Danny says, “Judaism isn’t really about belief. It’s about doing 

“And belief follows?” his 

girlfriend asks. “Nothing 


Eventually his girlfriend catches on. After setting out a seder meal for Danny, she says he 
should sit down and take part in the meal because God “commands it whether he exists or 

Like Jacob, Danny’s girlfriend concludes that there is no point in fighting God. “We can 
fight Him and be crushed. Or we can submit.” 

“And be crushed,” says Danny. 

After their rejection of Christ, the Jews confected a religion which is based on the absence 
of Logos, which is to say, the absence of Being, which is to say, nothing. If the Eucharist in the 
tabernacle in the Catholic Church can be termed “the real presence,” then what the Jew who 
rejected Christ worships in his synagogue can be termed “the real absence,” which is 
another word for nothing. The Jew worships nothing; or better, the Jew worships nothingness. 
The Jew, as Jacques Derrida has pointed out malgre lui but amply in his deconstructive 
literary criticism, is obsessed with the absence of presence or the presence of absence. 

Nihilism leads inevitably to violence because violence, which is a manifestation of the 
arbitrary and autonomous will, is the only way that the acting person can assert his existence 
in a world without Logos. Violence is an extreme form of self- assertion, and only extreme 
forms of assertion are powerful enough to prevent the slide into non-being to which the 
Jewish nihilist is exposed by the very fact that he is Jewish. That is so because Jews worship 
the absence of being and as a result “want nothing but nothingness, nothing without end.” 
Judaism is about doing things because nihilism is ultimately about doing things, because 
action is the only thing that prevents dissolution into non-being in a universe based on 

Nihilism, in other words, leads inevitably to violence. So to get back to the plot of The 
Believer, when Danny goes to a Jewish bookstore, he meets one of his former Yeshiva 
classmates, who invites him to the synagogue for services—the same synagogue, it turns out, 
where Danny planted a bomb, which failed to go off. This time he plants another bomb, timed 
to go off during Sabbath services, at which he decides to read the Torah. When Danny goes to 
the synagogue, he meets one of his former Yeshiva classmates, who calls him a “Jewish Nazi.” 
By showing up to davin at the synagogue where he has planted a bomb, Danny the Nazi 

finally succeeds in killing Danny the Jew. But since he dies reciting the Torah, it is equally 
accurate to say the Danny the Jew ends up killing Danny the Nazi. 

At the end of the film, after Danny blows up the synagogue in which he is praying, we 
next see him running up a flight of stairs at the Yeshiva. At the top of one flight, Danny sees 
his former teacher, who now agrees with Danny, claiming now that “Isaac died on Mt. 
Moriah and was reborn in the world to come,” but Danny runs past him up yet another 
flight of steps, causing the teacher to ask, “Danny, where are you going. Don’t you know? 
There’s nothing up there.” 

Jewish nihilism, in other words, leads to Jewish violence. 

Russia was plagued by nihilism and the violence which it inevitably spawned throughout 

the course of the 19^ century. This was nowhere more evident than in the Jewish shtetls 
which dotted the Pale of the Settlement which made up Russia’s predominantly Jewish 

border with the West during the 19 th and early 20th centuries. After centuries of rabbinic 
despotism, Jewish nihilism became too obvious to ignore about when the German 
Enlightenment came in contact with the Talmudic culture of the shtetl and destroyed it by 
showing its futility and intellectual obsolescence. The shtetl Jew was released from his 
bondage to the rabbis and the kahal, the Jewish courts which enforced Talmudic nihilist 
culture, but without being granted access to the Logos which made Christian Europe and hence 
the Enlightenment (by way of reaction, of course) possible. Using the Enlightenment to split 
the Talmudic atom released enormous amounts of destructive energy, energy which eventually 
destroyed Russia itself in 1917. 

In his magisterial treatment of Jews and revolution in 19th century Russia, Erich Haberer 
claims that “Nihilism was the most spontaneous and radical expression of the Russian 
renascence of the 1860s. Essentially, it was a ‘cultural revolution’ of the young generation 

against the existing order”:I^l 

Convinced that their native culture was an anachronism that was kept alive by 
an equally anarchistic surrounding society, these men were rebels without firm 
social and/or national moorings in either the Jewish or Russian world. They 
were strangers who. like all men cast adrift on a turbulent sea, sought security 
by boarding and helping to navigate any ship which would sail into the 
sunrise. The only vessel that came into sight and took them aboard as full 
members of the crew, sailed under the flag of revolution. Here they found 
brotherhood, recognition, and a place they could call their own; here they 
regained a sense of identity, of belonging and fulfillment, that they had sought 
desperately in so far as they ceased to identify with their Jewishness. Cut off 
from their original sources of Jewish existence, they planted - or rather 
replanted - themselves firmly on the deck of this life-saving vessel which 
promised a safe, albeit stormy, journey to the promised land. Succinctly put, 
their cosmopolitanism was really the obverse side of Jewishness - a search for 
identity that was predicated on their estrangement from the community in which 
they were raised and which had shaped their spiritual being. Hence the 
religious-existential nature of their identification with socialism and its Russian 
'church' - the revolutionary movement. 

If the Enlightenment could overturn a Logos-based culture like Catholic France in a 
matter of decades, it is not difficult to imagine the devastating effect that it would have on a 
fragile anti-Logos culture like the Talmudic shtetl. We are still experiencing the fall out from 
the explosion that destroyed the shtetl. The Believer , as well as the phenomenon of the 
Jewish Nazi which it describes, is part of that ongoing cultural fall out. 

Nihilism in Russia, including the writings of Nikolai Chernyshevksy, “the Russian 
‘philosophe’ par excellence,” was based on the French Enlightenment. As in France, the 
Haskalah or Jewish Enlightenment called for “the destruction of all authority” and “the 

ridiculing of all res sacrae.”I^l If the 1860s in Russia were a preview of what the 1960s were 

going to be in the West, it was largely because of Chernyshevsky’s novel What is to Be Done? 
The Tales of the New People (Lenin later appropriated the title Shto Delat? for his famous 
revolutionary pamphlet.) The main characters of the novel, Vera Pavlovna and Pavel 
Rahkmetov became role models for the youth of the 1860s by espousing free love and a 

primitive vaguely religious sounding communism. 

If the past century and a half has shown anything, it has shown how vulnerable the 

Logos-based west has been to the 

weaponizing of sexuality and the secularization of the Gospel that people like Chernyshevsky 
were proposing. If Catholicism in the West, strengthened by Scholasticism’s appropriation of 
Greek philosophy in the Middle Ages proved to be no match for the Enlightenment, then it’s 
not difficult to see that an essentially xenophobic anti-intellectual Russian orthodoxy was 
going to fail even more spectaculary. Similarly, if the weaponizing of sexuality and the 
secularization of the Gospel that people like Chernyshevsky were proposing devastated the 
West for the next century and a half, they were going to have an even more devastating 
effect on the culture of the shtetl, which had no Logos to defend itself. The result of this 
obliteration of shtetl culture was nihilism, or as Haberer puts it, “As a Philosophy of 
emancipation Russian nihilism can be viewed as an extension of the Jewish Enlightement: it 
reinforced and radicalized its ideals of secular learning, self-improvement, and 

social responsibility.”121 

Nihilism took over the ’60s generation in the shtetl even more rapidly and completely 
than it took over the mind of the Jews’ Russian counterparts because the Logos of an anti¬ 
intellectual Christianity provided more resistance that anti-Logos of the Talmud. 

Nihilism had served them well in their maskilic, individualistic desire to emancipate 
themselves from their religious- traditionalist bound Jewish society. But it had left them 
frustrated, isolated, and marginal in trying to transform themselves and the Jewish people into 
universal citizens in the image of modern European culture. In socialism, regardless of its 

form, they discovered a philosophy of social action which was concerned with, the 
collective rather than the individual, the 

‘emotional’ rather than the ‘rational’, and ‘the people’ rather than the ‘critically thinking’ 
intelligentsia. While Aptekman’s 

‘Christian socialism’ captures very well the underlying religious-existential motif of this shift 
to socialism, it is Akselrod who best exemplifies the Jewish radical’s infatuation with the 
new grandiose perspectives of building “churches of the future” which would “conquer the 
whole world” and establish “universal brotherhood.” 

As a result Jewish nihilism became a cultural movement that swept through the Pale 
of the Settlement spawning revolutionary violence in its wake: 

Spear-heading this crusade were Jewish gymnasium students and rabbinical 
seminarians. In places like Vilna, Mogilev, Zhitomir, and Kiev, they formed 
'circles of self-education' which, in turn, proliferated by attracting talmudists, 
pupils of Jewish crown schools, and privately educated children of wealthy 
Jewish merchants. Meeting more or less regularly, members would read and 
discuss Russian literature, articles from the Russian-Jewish periodical press, 
and works of the German-Jewish Haskalah. Some ventured to write their own 
Russian, Hebrew, and Yiddish compositions criticizing and satirizing Jewish life 

and its Orthodox leadership.I^] 

The anti-Logos of the Talmud found its natural fulfillment in the anti-Logos of revolution. 
And nihilism, which was the new term for anti-Logos, found expression in revolutionary 
violence. This trajectory is best explicated from the lives of the revolutionaries themselves. 
Before long the philosophy of nihilism gave birth to revolutionary organizations. The first 
“genuine revolutionary organization, theSociety of Land and Freedom (Zemlia i Volia) came 
into existence in 1861. In 1864 Nikolai Ishutin and Dmitrii Karakazov created another 
revolutionary society known as “Organization.” The terrorist arm of Organization was a 
“highly secretive inner group called ‘Hell,’” which “stripped nihilism of its humanistic 

content by advocating unrestrained revolutionary violence. ”121 From the mid-’60s onward, 
“ultra-extreme nihilists” like Karakazov, who “attempted to assassinate Alexander II on 4 
April 1866” dominated radicalism in Russia. The fact that Karakazov was executed only 
“vindicated the terrorist legacy of the Ishutintsy and made Karakazov, who was promptly 

executed, a hero in the eyes of future generations of revolutionaries.”1121 

Haberer claims that “only a small number of Jews were attracted to the revolutionary 
experiments of nihilist radicalism 

between 1856 and 1868” because nihilism—for the time being, at least—was “a cultural 
experience which, while contributing to their radicalization within a traditional Jewish setting, 
was devoid of direct or immediate revolutionary implications.” But that would change soon 

Before long the Russian revolutionary movement split into above ground essentially 
educational organizations like Chernyi Peredel, and under ground terrorist organizations 

like Narodnaia Volia, which were dominated by Jews. The connection between Jews and 
revolutionary violence is not coincidental. In its initial phase, the Russian revolutionary 
movement pursued what would be viewed in retrospect as an essentially Romantic attempt on 
the part of Russian intellectuals to move to the countryside and live among the peasants, 
enlightening them about the true extent of their oppression at the hands of the Russian ruling 
class. In practical terms, this often took the form of revolutionary Jews preaching to orthodox 
Russian peasants. The peasants invariably perceived the Jews as foreigners espousing some 
alien, godless ideology, and more often than not the revolutionary proselytizing backfired 
when the peasants reported their would-be liberators to the local police. The failure of the 
Jewish participation in the back to the land movement led to a change in strategy. Jewish 
revolutionaries decided to concentrate on what they could do best as praktiky, i.e., organizers 
but especially, as techniky, which brought to bear their skills as printers, forgers, smugglers, 
counterfeiters, and technicians, particularly in their expertise in handling explosives. 

Despite the obvious presence of Jews in Chernyi Peredel, it has been argued that Jews 
qua Jews were more attracted to Narodnaia Volia because political terrorism was more 
congenial to Jewish participation than the theory and practice of traditional Populism. In this 
view - most forcefully put forth by Elias Tscherikower - the new political orientation and 
its urban-centred terrorist activity significantly ‘broadened the range of possibilities for 
Jewish revolutionaries - both psychologically and factually’. Factually, it provided Jews with 
the unprecedented opportunity to be active in an urban environment that was much more 
conducive to their natural abilities and national characteristics: instead of acting as 
propagandists in the name of an alien ideology in an alien peasant environment, they now 
were able to partake in activities where their Jewishness was less of a liability than 
previously. Without feeling a sense of inferiority, without necessarily divesting themselves of 
their Jewish traits, as Narodovoltsy they could participate fully and effectively in the sort of 
work for which they were ideally suited as Jews. In short, their characteristically Jewish 
abilities of ‘underground organization’ and 

‘technical know-how’ were a real asset readily appreciated and sought after by their Russian 
comrades. Psychologically, Narodnaia Volia provided Jews with a political rationale for 
revolutionary action that was much more in tune with their experience of Jewish rightlessness 
than Populist abstractions of social revolution. 

Haberer’s explanation of Jews’ attraction to revolutionary violence is good as it goes 
but it ignores the ontological connection between nihilism and violence. Jews were more 
attracted to violence because they came from a more nihilistic background. The Talmud had 
trained them to treat both the moral order and the goyim with contempt, and this 
dehumanization made it easier to kill people for a sacred cause. As Salo Baron has pointed 
out, Russians who ended up being interrogated by the Cheka, the Soviet secret police, after the 
revolution were more likely to be tortured by Jews because Jews did not view the goyim as 
fellow citizens. The Jews who had been taught as children to hold the goyim and their 
Christian moral law in contempt were going to be less inhibited in engaging in violence and 
mayhem than their Christian counterparts. If the entire Jewish people could be sacrificed to 
the abstractions of the Talmud, it was only a short step to claim that goyim should be 
sacrificed to the revolutionary cause. 

If we combine both internal and external reasons, it is easy to see why the revolutionary 

movement in Russia would become both more Jewish and more violent as the 19^ century 
progressed. That progression is mirrored in the lives of the revolutionaries themselves. For 
Mark Natanson, 

nihilism proved to be an ideology of salvation. Having been sensitized from 
early on to the discrepancy between the reality and ideals of traditional Jewish 
society and beginning to lose, if not having already lost, faith in Judaism, he 
readily identified himself with the sort of'nihilist personality' that emerged from 
Chernyshevsky's What Is to Be Done? and Pisarev's characterization of Bazarov - 
a person that would 'help cure society of its moral and physical ills by his 

exemplary life and useful work' and whose 'rational egoism was really a form of 
Puritanism based upon the discipline of scientific work and a "scientific" ethic... . 
The influence of nihilism and Jewishness in shaping Natanson's personality was 
also recognized by his contemporaries. Lev Deich and Osip Aptekman imply that, 
as in their own case, maskilic ideals and nihilist prescriptions contributed to 
Natanson's radicalization. Others have noted that while Natanson's practical 
and businesslike approach to revolutionary affairs was due to his 
upbringing in a Jewish merchant household, his intellectual perseverance 

bordering on dogmatism derived from his talmudic studies.!- 1 U 

Natanson’s Jewishness made it more likely that his nihilism would find expression in 
violence rather than attempts to educate the benighted peasantry. 

The degree to which nihilism retained its hold on Natanson was, as will be 
shown later, quite commonly replicated among Jewish intelligenty of the 1870s. 

In the person of Natanson, however, this translated itself politically into a 
concrete Jewish revolutionary contribution in the form of a programme that 
introduced a party-political dimension into an ostensibly apolitical Populist 
movement. Therefore, to put it succinctly, it was his Jewish background and 
Jewish-tinted nihilism which, in formulating the original programme of the future 
Chaikovtsy, made Natanson emphasize 'scientific rationalism' rather than 
romantic peasantism, political rather than social revolution, the intelligentsia 

rather than 'the people'. U21 

In 1875, Mark Natanson returned to St. Petersburg after four years of exile. In response to 
the disillusionment which police repression, peasant inertia and the xenophobic hostility of 

the masses had created in the revolutionary movement,!!!! Natanson answered 
Chernyshevsky’s question, “Chto delat?” by building “a party of struggle.” Because of the fear 
of being labeled anti-Semitic, scholars cannot address the issue of “‘how and why’ a Jew 

created Russia’s first truly revolutionary party. ”!!41 

One of the Jews attracted to Natanson’s revolutionary party of struggle was Aron 
Zundelevich. In his novel The Career 

of a Nihilist, Sergei Kravchinskii has Zundelevich say that he loves the Nihilist more 
than he loves his fellow Jews: 

We Jews, we love our race, which is all we have on the earth. I love it deeply 
and warmly. Why should I love your peasants, who hate and illtreat my people 
with, blind barbarity, who to-morrow will perhaps loot the house of my father, 
an honorable working-man, and brutally assault him, as they have done to 
thousands of other poor hard-working Jews? I can pity your peasants for what 
but contempt can one feel for such wholesale cowards? No, there is nothing in 
your Russia worth caring for. But I knew the Nihilists, and I loved them even 
more than my own race. I joined and fraternized with them, and that is the only 
tie which binds me to your country. As soon as we have done with Your Tsar's 
despotism, I shall expatriate myself forever, and settle somewhere in Germany 

... Germany is the only land where we are not total strangers.ti^l 

The nihilist was in some sense the ultimate Jew, the apotheosis of the Jew, and the if 
activity is the expression of essence, then the essence of nihilism was violent revolutionary 
action. Without action of this sort nihilism becomes nothing more than non-being. The nihilist 
needs violent action to prevent the slide into nonexistence which his philosophy brings about 
as its ultimate telos. The more violent the action the better it acts as the antidote to non-being. 
This probably explains Zundelevich’s attraction to dynamite, a new form of explosive that 

became increasingly important in revolutionary circles during the latter part of the 19^ 
century. Kravchinskii, who before becoming a novelist was a fellow nihilist and terrorist, 
“conducted experiments in the Swiss mountains to test the efficacy of dynamite and other 

explosives” at Zundelevich’s behest.fi^l Zundelevich told Kravchinskii that dynamite, out of 
which the nihilists fashioned “elegant and slender bombs,” was the “most modern means 
available” to kill the Tsar and that it “corresponds best with the targets singled out for 

terrorist acts.” £171 

Natans on attracted more and more Jews to the revolutionary movement, and Jews like 
Ginzburg, Epshtein, Finkelshtein 

and Zundelevich created an organization that mirrored their need for revolutionary violence 
rather than educating the peasantry: 

With Zundelevich's extensive underground organization at their disposal, the 
Natansonvtsy controlled a network of illegal border crossings which connected 
them via Berlin, Koenigsberg and Vilna with the two most important centres of 
Russian revolutionary printing activity abroad, London and Geneva. This line of 
communication and its central transfer points for goods and people was 
manned almost exclusively by Jews. In the border region between Koenigsberg 
and Vilna, Jewish smugglers - chief among them Zalman and his family - took 
care of the revolutionary ware, conveying it across the frontier by all sorts of 
ingenious enterprise." Particularly sensitive and valuable items such as printing 
press accessories and, later on, dynamite were taken directly to St Petersburg by 
Zalman himself and sometimes by Zundelevich. But generally the 'port of entry' 
was Vilna, which since the days of the first Vilna circle served as the main post 

once for'red mail'to and from Russia.Li£] 

When Natanson visited Zundelevich in the fall of 1875 most of this underground 
infrastructure was already well in place. On June 11, 1876 Zundelevich and Natanson’s 
organization attempted to murder the suspected agent-provocateur Nikolai E. Gorinovich by 
pouring sulphuric acid on his face. Gorinovich survived and provided the police with 
evidence about Zundelevich and Natanson’s terrorist cell. In 1877 nihilism led to terrorism 
in the most literal sense of the term when Zundelevich and Natanson’s organization murdered 
“the railroad worker N. F. Sharashkin for betraying Mark Natanson and a large number of 
workers associated with his so-called ‘Society of Friends.’” As a result of the Gorinovich 
affair, “assassinations were increasingly viewed as an acceptable, even legitimate, weapon of 
revolutionary revenge and defense.” 

Soon the south of Russia was awash in terrorist attacks. The reason that “the virus of 

terror spread first in the south” of 

Russia is because of the overwhelmingly Jewish participation in the revolutionary movement 

The statistical findings of Kappeler (as they relate to Jews) show up in the 
presence of Jewish radicals in almost all "southern circles" which were directly or 
indirectly involved in acts of terrorism or physical resistance against the 
authorities. For instance, the Elizavetgrad circle of Lev I. Rozenfeld, which 
was closely linked with the Kiev Buntarists and helped them in organizing 
the Gorinovich assassination, consisted almost exclusively of Jews. The same 
was the case in Nikolaev where the "rebels" were in contact with, Solomon 
Vinenberg, Aron Cornbet, Lev and Savelii Zlaropolskii, all of whom were leading 
activists among the local, Predominantly Jewish, radical youth. Indeed, Jews 
were a major and very active component in virtually all radical circles which in 

the south of Russia acted as catalysts of political terrorism.[191 

In the spring of 1878, Solomon Vittenberg returned to Nikolaev after a trip to Odessa in 
the south of Russia where terrorism was is full swing and announced that he was going to 
introduce a “new style” of terrorism by blowing up Tsar Alexander II’s train with pyroxylin 
when it passed through Nidolaev on its way to St. Petersburg in August. Vittenberg was 
arrested on August 16, 1878, when police discovered his address on someone sent from 
Odessa to assist in the assassination 

attempt, and hanged one year later. All of the conspirators in the Nikolaev plot to assassinate 

the Czar but one were Jewish. 1201 
According to Haberer, 

Scholars have justly cautioned against perceiving Judaism as a motivating 
force of Jewish radicalization. But to ignore or deny the workings of this religious 
dimension in the psychology of revolutionary Jews would be short-sighted. It 
prevents us from comprehending the mental processes which drove alienated 
men and existentially troubled individuals like Vittenberg to sanctify socialism 

and to commit themselves to terrorism. 1211 

The revolutionary career of Grigorii Davidovich Goldenberg (1855-80) is another 
example of how the Enlightenment led to Nihilism and Nihilism to revolutionary violence. In 
1865, Grigorii’s parents moved out of the shtetl town of Berdichev to Kiev, where his father 
opened a successful hardware business. With success came assimilation, and with 
assimilation an end to the practice of Jewish culture and religion. All of the Goldenberg 
children were given a secular eduction, and all of them were as a result “caught up in the 

revolutionary movement. ”1^=1 Grigorii, the oldest and most talented, was the “first to fall 
victim to the siren call of revolution.” On February 9, 1879, Grigorii entered the inner circle 
of the terrorist elite when he assassinated Prince Dimitri Kropotkin, Governor of Kharkov. 
One month later he was plotting the assassination Tsar Alexander II with the Zemlevoltsy 
of St. Petersburg: 

Goldenberg himself was a perfect, and timely, example for demonstrating 
the supposed truth that behind every terrorist plot there was a Jew. Here was a 
Jewish terrorist par excellence who had not only assassinated the Governor 
General of Kharkov, but who had advised others to kill the Tsar - a task, 
moreover, which he desired to execute himself. In addition, his written testimony 
was full of Jewish names implicating Jews like Aronchik ana Zundelevich in 
terrorist activities. In the light of the previous arrest of Vittenberg and Jewish 
associates of his circle, including Gobet, all this merely confirmee! the 
government's suspicion that Jews were principal agents of terrorism. 

Eventually, on March 1, 1881, Narodnaia Volia succeeded in assassinating Tsar 
Alexander II and the government began to see Jewish nihilism as the source of revolutionary 
activity in Russia. 

The ever growing Jewish participation in the revolutionary movement, and 
its increasing visibility as Jews became more frequently linked to highly 
oublicized acts of terrorism, was duly registered by those who had least to gain 
: rom it - the government officials. Although some noticed that there was a nexus 
Detween the radicalization of Jews ana yiddishe rektlozikeyt. the general 
feeling was that from time immemorial tne 'Hebrew race' had been an alien 
and subversive element in society and that its decomposing powers had reached 
epidemic proportions due to the influx of Jews into Russian society via 
educational, professional, and commercial channels. This feeling gained in force 
as more and more Jewish names appeared conspicuously on the pages of 
government reports and newspaper articles dealing with political subversion in 
general and terrorist plots in particular. 

A consensus was forming among the Russian elites. As a result of the Enlightenment, 
Jews had been “set free but not satisfied.” The name for that unhappy state of affairs was 
Jewish Nihilism. Jewish nihilism was the source of revolutionary violence in Russia. “To all 
the other good qualities which you Jews possess,” the governor of Vilna told a group of 
Jewish leaders sarcastically in 1872, “about the only thing you need is to become nihilists 
too.” Commenting on Mlodetskii’s execution, Novoe vremia opined that “these Jews, being 
from time immemorial the representatives of the revolutionary spirit, stand now at the head of 
Russian Nihilists.” 

Though highly prejudiced in its assertion that Jews, along with Poles, were the 

mainspring of the revolution, the tsarist government obviously had a case in blaming ‘Jewish 
nihilists’ for the wave of terrorism that had rocked the ship of state since 
1878-79 and even claimed its captain in 1881. In some ways, and in spite of their 
exaggerations, its officials had a more accurate appreciation of the role of Jews in the 
terrorist movement than the revolutionaries themselves or historians who joined them in 

downplaying die Jewish contribution.1231 

In spite of the crackdown following the assassination of the tsar in 1881, Jewish 
commitment to revolutionary violence 

only intensified. In 1884 Shternberg wrote an influential pamphlet entitled Political Terror in 
Russia, in which he advocated “systematic terrorism” including the “systematic killing of the 
tsar and the most important, the most outspoken enemies of the people and the intelligentsia.” 
Terror, Shternberg concluded was “the only form of struggle possible against autocracy.” 

Arguments like this caused a split between Jews and Gentiles in the movement. During 
debates at the socialism congress, Jews argued for “‘the systematic and uninterrupted 
repetition of terrorist acts’ as the only means to destroy tsarism.” Haberer concludes that, all 
anti-Semitism notwithstanding, there was a “factual basis underlying the phobia in official 
and reactionary circles that the Jew was poised to destroy Holy Tsarist Russia.” Starting of 
with Shebeko’s claim that 80 per cent of socialists in southern Russia were Jews, Haberer 
makes it plain that statistical evidence alone “makes it hard to ignore that throughout the 
1870s and 1880s Jews were a substantial element in Russian revolutionary activity.” 

What they sought can best be described as an abstract and futuristic idealism of 
assimilation qua emancipation in a denationalized and secularized democratic society, ideally 
of universal scope. Leaving the world of their childhood did not necessarily imply its total 
abandonment in one act of irreversible forgetfulness. For many this departure under the sacred 
halo of socialism was the next best solution to their own existential problems 

Father Seraphim Rose, an American convert to Russian orthodoxy, dealt with these 
“existential problems” which led to 

and flowed from nihilism from an orthodox perspective. Rose claimed that “Violence is no 
merely incidental aspect of the Nihilist Revolution, but a part of its essence.” According to 
Marxist “dogma,” “force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one”;[41] 
appeals to violence, and even a kind of ecstasy at the prospect of its use, abound in 
revolutionary literature. Bakunin invoked the “evil passions” and called for the unchaining of 
“popular anarchy” in the cause of “universal destruction,” and his “Revolutionary Catechism” 
is the primer of ruthless violence; Marx was fervent in his advocacy of “revolutionary terror” 
as the one means of hastening the advent of Communism; Lenin defined the “dictatorship of the 
proletariat” (the stage in which the Soviet Union still finds itself) as “a domination that is 
untrammeled by law and based on violence.” Demagogic incitement of the masses and the 
arousing of the basest passions for revolutionary purposes have long been standard Nihilist 

If metaphysics, which is the science of being qua being, can also be called “theology,” 
then the root of nihilism, which was an attack on God qua being, had to be theological. 

Hence, Rose claims that nihilism is ultimately a “war against God.” Nihilism prosecutes this 
war against being by a violent attack on Old Order. Political categories like right and left are 
irrelevant; both Bolshevism and Nazism grow out of nihilism and find their expression in 

The most violent revolutionaries—a Nechayev or Bakunin, a Lenin or Hitler, 
and even the demented practitioners of the "propaganda of the deed"—dreamed 
of the "new order" their violent destructions of the Old Order would make 
possible; Dada and "anti-literature" seek not the total destruction of art, but 
the path to a "new" art; the passive Nihilist, in his "existential" apathy and 
despair, sustains life only by the vague hope that he may yet find some kind of 

ultimate satisfaction in a world that seems to deny it.T^ 4 ! 

Violence is inseparable from nihilism. Nihilism finds its fulfillment in violence. 

Both Bolshevism and National 
Socialism are equally violent forms of Nihilism. Both find their 
fulfillment in violence: 

Hitler's role in the Nihilist program was more specialized and provincial, but 
nonetheless essential. Even in failure — in fact, precisely in the failure of its 
ostensible aims — Nazism served the cause of this program. Quite apart from 
the political and ideological benefits which the Nazi interlude in European history 

g ave to the Communist powers (Communism, it is now widely and erroneously 
elieved, if evil in itself, still cannot be as evil as Nazism), Nazism had another, 
more obvious and direct, function. Goebbels explained this function in his radio 
broadcasts in the last days of the War. 

The bomb-terror spares the dwellings of neither rich nor poor; before the 
labor offices of total war the last class barriers have had to go down. ... 

Together with the monuments of culture there crumble also the last obstacles to 
the fulfillment of our revolutionary task. Now that everything is in ruins, we are 
forced to rebuild Europe. In the past, private possessions tied us to a bourgeois 
restraint. Now the bombs, instead of killing all Europeans, have only smashed 
the prison walls which kept them captive. ... In trying to destroy Europe's future, 

the enemy has only succeeded in smashing its past; and with that, everything 
old and outworn has gone. 

Nazism thus, and its war, have done for Central Europe (and less thoroughly, 
for Western Europe) what Bolshevism did in its Revolution for Russia: destroyed 
the Old Order, and thus cleared the way for the building of the "new." 

Bolshevism then had no difficulty in taking over where "Nazism had left off, 
within a few years the whole of Central Europe had passed under the 
"dictatorship of the proletariat" — i.e., Bolshevist tyranny — for which Nazism 
had effectively prepared the way. 

The Nihilism of Hitler was too pure, too unbalanced, to have more than a 
negative, preliminary role to play in the whole Nihilist program. Its role, like the 
role of the purely negative first phase of Bolshevism, is now finished, and the 
next stage belongs to a power possessing a more complete view of the whole 
Revolution, the Soviet power upon whichTHitler bestowed, in effect, his 
inheritance in the words, "the future belongs solely to the stronger Eastern 

The thirty years of Nihilist war and revolution between 1914 and 1945 have been an ideal 
breeding-ground for the “new human type.” The new man was “deracinated” by the nihilist 
revolution. The old Christian civilization was destroyed by this 
30 years 

What, more realistically, is this "mutation," the "new man"? He is the rootless 
man) discontinuous with a past that Nihilism has destroyed, the raw material of 
every demagogue's dream; the "free-thinker" and skeptic, closed only to the 
truth but "open" to each new intellectual fashion because he himself has no 
intellectual foundation; the "seeker" after some "new revelation," ready to 
believe anything new because true faith has been annihilated in him; the 
planner and experimenter, worshipping "fact" because he has 

abandoned truth, seeing the world as a vast laboratory in which he is free to 
determine what is "possible"; the autonomous man, pretending to the humility 
of only asking his rights," yet full of the pride that expects everything to be 
given him in a world where nothing is authoritatively forbidden; the man of the 
moment, without conscience or values and thus at the mercy of the 
strongest "stimulus"; the "rebel," hating all restraint and authority because he 
himself is his own and only god; the "mass man," this new barbarian, thoroughly 
"reduced and "simplified" and capable of only the most elementary ideas, yet 
scornful of anyone who presumes to point out the higher things or the real 
complexity of life. 

As the foregoing passage makes clear, the new civilization which emerged from the ashes 
of World War II was Jewish. The new man was a Jew because only the deracinated could 
flourish in a world where the old order had been destroyed. Rose describes the post-World 
War II era and its culture as “the most concentrated era of Nihilism in human history.” The 
war turned everyone into Jews by making Nihilism the world’s regnant ideology. Yuri 
Slezkine, another Russian, noticed something similar in his book The Jewish Century: 

It is easy to dismiss as fantasy the "new humanity" foreseen by a Hitler or a 
Lenin; and even the plans of those quite respectable Nihilists among us 
today who calmly discuss the scientific breeding of a "biological superman," 
or project a utopia for "new men" to be developed by the narrowest "modern 
education" and a strict control of the mind, seem remote and only faintly 
ominous. But confronted with the actual image of a "new man," an image brutal 
and loathsome beyond imagination, and at the same time so unpremeditated, 
consistent, and widespread in contemporary art, one is caught up short, and the 
full horror of the contemporary state of man strikes one a blow one is not likely 
soon to forget. 

Superman was created by two Jews in the ’30s. So it should come as no surprise that the 
“Biological superman” is also a Jew. He has super DNA. Obsession with DNA among the 
deracinated was another sign that we had all become Jews in the wake of Nihilism’s 
destruction of the old order. 

In The Believer , the Jewish Nazi gets a call from a New York Times reporter. In real life, 
the editor of Culture Wars gets a call from one of his subscribers, who praises The Jewish 
Revolutionary Spirit and then announces, “I’m a Jew, and I agree with everything you have 
written about the Jews.” It turns out that my Jewish admirer is not just a Jew but an anti- 
Semite as well, because, as he puts it at another point in our conversation, “Jews make the best 

In the winter of 1992 David Cooper was working as a painter in New York, when one 
of his colleagues asked if he would mind if he turned on the radio. What began as an interest 
in the Clarence Thomas hearings ended up as a long-term commitment to listening to the 
local NPR station, whose orientation he described as totally Jewish. One afternoon he 
remembers hearing a report on a drive-by shooting which took place in Israel. The fact that 
they were in Brooklyn at the time and that drive-by shooting were commonplace there but 
never reported on led him to conclude that Jews control the media, and that controlling the flow 
of information allows them to control the world. Exposing that control then became his mission 
in life. 

David was born in 1966 in Manhattan, which he describes as “an expensive Jewish 
ghetto.” David was born into an intact family, but he soon became a casualty of the sexual 
revolution. He blames his mother for the destruction of their family. 

“My dad was a doctor (GP) and my mom was the daughter of a wealthy judge. She was 
a virgin when she married my dad, but the ’60s definitely impacted her. When I was three 
years old, she threw my dad out of the house. Dad then used that divorce to check out from 
normalcy. She became what some people would call a whore. She had three small children 
in the house and a new boyfriend every six months. I don’t accept that kind of behavior. It’s 
dissolute and amoral and typically Jewish. 

“My created a new future for himself which involved sleeping around. My mom got into 
‘law’ after she threw my dad out. She started as a court reporter and retired as a lobbyist for 
SUNY Binghamton. In the meantime she ran a couple of bar associations; one was in New 
York, where she slept with half the lawyers (I jest). She [eventually] got out of running the 
bar because ‘that was too many ‘nasty Jewish kunts even for her.’” 

David claims that his childhood became a function of his mother’s career as a lawyer and 

sexual libertine. 

We weren't raised religious. We were barely 'raised' at all. We were left to our 
own devices and demise. The baby sitters were around just long enough 'til my 
older brother could 'manage' us on his own, probably when I was like eight years 
old. I'm sure there was no babysitter after that. 

"Our dad got us on Thursday nights and every other weekend. He did what 
he could, I guess. He tried to be a good dad, but he didn't really provide any 
moral compass. He just told us that if we ever rode a motorcycle we'd need to 
wear a helmet, and that if we wanted to be a doctor we couldn't marry. And he 
told me that if I ever got caught dealing drugs that he'd execute me, with a 
needle, on a table—a medical table of some sort, I imagine, a gurney, I guess. 

David now claims that his parents’ divorce had a devastating effect on everyone involved. 

It ruined my childhood and much of my adulthood. I'll probably never get over 
it. She sure didn't provide any moral compass. I couldn't keep track of all her 
boyfriends. They were around from my earliest memories. It was like a revolving 

"When I was growing up, my best friends were typically Jewish, but I never 
viewed her as a "Jew until I came to understand Jewish values. I can't really 
explain this. (I could try.) I didn't identify as such. Like attracts like I suppose. 
That may explain why probably half my best friends throughout my life have 
been Jews, and why I've datecf countless Jewish women, at least a dozen that 
I've identified so far. 

In 1978, when David was 11 years old, his mother moved him and his siblings to the 
Catskills. The move effectively changed nothing. David’s mother brought the hippie 
commune mentality she adopted when she divorced his father with her when she moved. 
Finding no guidance at home, David took a job at a restaurant shortly after arriving in the 
Catskills. By this point his siblings were starting to imitate his mother, which is to say, they 
were in his mind becoming “moral degenerates.” Soon he found himself working for his 
brothers who were now in the restaurant business. He worked as a sales manager for his older 
brother’s import business in New York but lost that job when the company when bankrupt 
because of embezzlement. His brother then built a restaurant which was a tremendous success 
until “he cheated someone else into buying it based on his famous bookkeeping. He is able to 
cook books so that anyone, including bank auditors, believe whatever he wants them to 
believe about the success of his business.” 

My older brother is the least guilty of them all, but he has no moral standing 
in the world. His life is a lie. They all lie, to themselves and most everyone else 
about themselves. They all live lies. Their lives are lies. They are all morally 
repugnant. They are all so typically Jewish. There's not a moral bone between 
them all combined. 

His experiences as a child left him full of anger and may have contributed to the 
alcoholism and substance abuse with which he has battled for most of his adult life. Although 
David doesn’t make the connection himself, it’s difficult not to see his alcoholism as one of the 
sequelae of his parents’ divorce. 

My life was totally dissolute, but I didn't live lies—not like they do. I lied to 
myself, but I didn't lie to others, besides the women when they asked me if I 
had a girlfriend or if I drank too much. I lied to women, about alcohol and other 
women, where I'd been and the like. I typically had a couple girlfriends at any 
given time, but these women really wanted to hear the lies. 

David’s mother threw him out of the house when he was 15. The issue was attendance at 
school. David claimed that he didn’t have time for school since he was now working full-time 
in the restaurant business. Finding himself homeless on the streets, he met “some old queen 
who took me in. He could hardly keep his hands off me, but I managed. I was his houseboy. I 
was his chauffeur. I was his handyman and his friend.” 

David became involved in music, but, given the circumstances in his life, that led to 
trouble too. In 1993 he got into a fight with a Negro who used a baseball bat to rearrange 
David’s facial features. $75,000 later his face is “still kind of lopsided,” but not noticeably 
so. He has subsequently been assaulted by “a dozen African-Americans for being too white, 

I guess.” Or maybe the brawls came about as a result of “being careless, like about were I was 
and stuff.” 

Through it all, David’s family life has been a constant source of anger, which he projected 
onto the Jewish race. “Jews,” he opined, “are the worst thing that happened to mankind, and 
the ’60s revolution was a Jewish revolution.” When I mention that he sounds a lot like 
Samuel Roth in Jews Must Live. David admits to having read the book and agreeing with 
Roth’s negative take on the Jews. Roth earned a place in the Valhalla of Supreme Court 
decisions when he lost a landmark obscenity case. He earned literary immortality when he 
ended up being excoriated in James Joyce’s unreadable novel Finnegans Wake for having 
pirated an edition of Ulysses. Roth claims that he ended up serving time for an obscenity rap 
because a Jew lured him into sending obscene material through the mail. Roth then 
extrapolated from his unhappy experience to the Jewish race. “It dawned on me suddenly, 
blindingly,” Roth wrote in a book which set out to prove “what a hideous swamp the Jews 
have made of Western Civilization,” “that all the evils of my life had been perpetrated by 

Jews... . On every side I was being eaten alive by Jews.”1^1 

Some might call Roth a Jewish Nazi. “Do you believe a whole civilized nation would 
stand aside, witness what Hitler is doing to the Jews without a protest, unless there were 
real abuses on the part of the Jews which justified what is 

happening?”!^! Roth is aware of the contradiction but insists on the truth of the claim when 
he writes “I am myself a Jew, I know it. But I am a Jew who has been brought to the point 

where he so loathes his people that he thinks in terms of their destruction. ”I^ZI 

The explanation of Roth’s feeling is fairly straightforward. The main cause of anti- 
Semitism is Jewish behavior. “Anti- 

Semitism is the natural effect of such a social cause. I cannot understand why such a deep 
mystery is made of this simple cause.” Since their behavior renders Jews, as St. Paul put it, 

“enemies of the whole human race,”1^1 and since Jews have more contact with Jews than the 
goyim, and since they often bear the brunt of Jewish behavior, it is only natural that a Jew 
would become an anti-Semite. It would be a bit of a stretch to call St. Paul a Jewish Nazi, but 
there are some Jews who might see him as the archetypal self-hating Jew. Whatever the case, 
his views are not that dissimilar from fellow Jew Roth, who writes, “We are a people of 

vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world.”I2^1 Roth cites 
Edward I, king of England, who expelled the Jews from that land in 1290 and in doing so set 
a precedent for other Christian lands. Roth puts the blame for these expulsions squarely on the 
shoulders of the Jews: 

Wherever they come that are welcomed, permitted to settle down, and join in 
the general business of the community. But one by one the industries of the 
country close to them because of unfair practices— until it being impossible to 
longer hold in check the wrath of a betrayed people, there is violence and, 
inevitably, an ignominious ejection of the whole race from the land. There is not 
a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fruit of the 

fury of their persecutors. T301 

David claims: 

Israel gets his shabbas goy to do his dirty work. Judah doesn't get his 
hands dirty unless he has to. Judah gets the shabbas goy to fight nis wars for 
him. Israel called for Hitler's head on March 24, 1933.Twelve years and 48 
days later, they got it. At what cost? Upwards of 70 million dead gentiles and 
well over 4 trillion american dollars. At what cost to Judah? How much did 
Judah's war on Hitler cost Judah? And what did Judah get from this war? He got 
Israel and much, much more. 

Back to the present. Why are we the sole superpower? How did it get to be 
this way? Of course we had no stake in either of those world wars. Nothing, but 
Israel dragged us into them, and she built a military 

empire using American tax dollars and men as their shabbas goyim. What is 
this vast military empire protecting? Not America. Judah has ruined us. 

When he’s not sounding like Samuel Roth, David sounds a lot like Danny Balint: 

Israel gave us communism, Lenin, and Stalin, and this all led from Israel's war 
on Germany to the cold war and Korea and Vietnam. This is all Israel's doing 
with her Juaeo-communism. Multiculturalism is part of Judah's strategy to 
destroy us and to destroy western civilization. The Jews were behincfthe sexual 
revolution. Everything they did related to culture was a form of revolution. 

In the year 2000, David discovered the writings of Professor Kevin MacDonald. As a 
result, David, like Danny Balint in The Believer, became convinced that race was central to 
understanding the human condition. In 2008 he was celebrating Thanksgiving with relatives 
when the topic of race came up. “Wouldn’t it be great if we were Jewish?” he asked one of 
his cousins, who answered, “Well, as a matter of fact, we have many Jewish relatives.” 

David then went and had his DNA tested and discovered that he was a Jew. Which 
means, of course, that up until that time he wasn’t a Jew. What was he then? It turns out that 
David was baptized as a Catholic; as was his mother, as was his mother’s mother. At this 
point the geneology gets a bit misty, and it is at this point that the Jewish ancestors begin to 
appear on his family tree. 

Before going any further, it should be noted that the phenomenon of suddenly discovering 
Jewish DNA in the family tree is not uncommon these days. The most famous example of this, 
of course, is Christopher Hitchens. Hitchens sees Judaism is as something racial. After 
discovering that one of his grandmothers was Jewish, he claimed that this helped him to 
understand why he had been a revolutionary for his entire life. The idea that Jewish 
revolutionary behavior is a function of Jewish DNA and is, therefore, ineradicable is an idea 
that Hitchens shares with Adolf Hitler, which brings us back once again to the Jewish Nazi 

Hitchens’ brother Peter, who shares ipso facto the same genetic make-up, remains an 
Anglican, which is how both brothers were raised, and has apparently experienced a 
conversion away from revolutionary behavior, which he now associates with the Zeitgeist 
of the ’60s and not his own DNA. As to Christopher’s conversion and his subsequent 
atheism, Peter feels that it has more to do with his brother’s sexual behavior, specifically his 
abandoning of his pregnant wife and taking up with a Jewish woman, rather than some 
irresistible urge emanating from his chromosomes, or the 12.5 percent of which he inherited 
from one of his grandmothers. 

In the end, Christopher Hitchens’ Judaism comes down to hatred of Christ and the Logos 
he embodies, a point which he made clear when he delivered the Daniel Pearl Memorial 
Lecture a UCLA on March 3, 2010: 

Any real Christian, any serious believing Christian, would give everything he 
owned to have a personal meeting with Jesus of Nazareth. Nothing more could 
be desired than that, they yearn for it, they thirst for it, they hunger for it. No 
serious Moslem could want anything more than to have met himself with the 
messenger of God, with the prophet Mohammed. 

But there were no Ukranians around at that time. There were no Poles at the 
crucifiction. There were no Irish people in Mecca and Medina. There's only one 

people that's still around that both of these imposters and said 'No', 'No sale', 
Don't believe it'. Do you think that's ever going to be forgiven? Of course it's not. 
Of course it will never be forgiven. They say Jesus and they spat in his face. 

They saw the prophet Mohammed and they said, 'this guy's just a warlord'. And 
of Jesus they said 'he's a just a crackpot rabbi' and also a great blasphemer - 
Maimonides, in one of his sharper passages 'our sages never did a better thing 
than when they got rid of that rabble-rousing imposter.' 

"Well, [it] makes you proud, I hope. You shouldn't want to be forgiven for 
getting a thing like that right. But don't go to any mushy ecumenical outreach 
meeting with these people - it's a waste of time. 

Another even more unlikely example of someone discovering via DNA that he was 
Jewish is Minister Louis Farrakhan, who announced his Jewishness at a synagogue prayer 
service in Jamaica. Not surprisingly, this ongoing narrative of surprising conversions reached 
the level of paroday in a recent issue of Forward that announced that Glenn Beck was really a 

Following the recent revelations that Glenn Beck, born Bekershteyn) shares 
the Jewish genetic marker, the Cohen Modal aplotype, he has been brushing up 
on his Yiddish and planning his holidays ... Beck fiddled nervously with a red 
kabbalah thread around his wrist. "I guess I'd always had doubts," he mumbled. 

The irony in David’s conversion is almosgt as overpowering as the moral pleas 
bargaining and opportunism in the case of Christopher Hitchens’ conversion. David became a 
Jew largely because of reading Kevin MacDonald. When he got his DNA test back and 

found at the he was (probably) 1211 a Sephardic Jew, David welcomed the results because 
“it gives me credibility. That’s why I joined the synagogue. I needed the credibility. If you’re 
not a Jew, you can’t talk about the Jews. If 

you’re not a Jew, you’re going to be marginalized. Only Jews are authorized to discuss these 
subjects in public.” As if to give the indisputable proof of what he just said, David cited the 
case of E. Michael Jones. “The greatest gift I have ever gotten is to learn that we were 
Jewish.” And then to make matters even more confusing, David confides to me that “there are 
lots of Jews on our team.” 

Upon reflection, this is less surprising that it might seem at first. In fact, David’s 
transformation from a baptized Catholic to a practicing Jew flows fairly logically from his 
engagement in MacDonald’s writing. In an essay on anti-Semitism, MacDonald admits 
candidly at one point: 

But the reality is that I greatly admire Jews as a group that has pursued its 
interests over thousands of years, while retaining its ethnic coherence and 
intensity of group commitment. There have been ups and downs in Jewish 
fortunes, to be sure; but their persistence, at times in the face of long odds, and 
their spectacular success at the present time are surely worthy of 

emulation. £321 

At another point in the same essay, MacDonald claims: “The point is that Jewish elites 
have been hugely influential in advancing the interests of their people. This is surely a goal to 

emulate.” [33] 

MacDonald’s involvement with the Jews dates back to his days at the University of 
Wisconsin when he was involved 

with radical politics. In his memoir Commies, Ron Radosh has documented how the largely 
Jewish Communist Party targeted the University of Wisconsin at Madison for takeover in the 
’60s. When MacDonald got swept up into New Left politics, he became involved in the 
sexual revolution, and because of his involvement in that, he ceased practicing the Catholic 

faith. Sociobiology then filled the vacuum which the abandoned Catholic faith left behind.IMJ 
As a result there are at least three competing Kevin MacDonalds out there, and the 
permutations involved in the differing 

positions which each MacDonald persona represents can lead to strange results, as they did 
when David decided to become a 

There is, first of all, Kevin MacDonald the scholar. This man does admirable research 
into Jewish influence on our culture. Then there is Kevin MacDonald the sociobiologist, who 
has to claim that Jews are racially superior because they, as a small minority constituting only 
around two percent of the population in the United States, have triumphed in the struggle for 
existence that is the crucible of all value. The Jews have taken control of all of this country’s 
cultural choke points and now control American culture, and they have accomplished this feat 
in the face of overwhelming demographic odds. 

Survival of the fittest is a preposterous tautology, but it is, nonetheless, the cornerstone of 
sociobiology. If it is true that only the fittest prevail in the struggle for existence, then the 
inescapable conclusion which we must draw is that the Jews are the master race, and that they 
deserve their position of pre-eminence because they earned it on the battleground of 
evolutionary conflict, which is the only arena of significance. The sociobiology crowd must 
conclude that Jews are racially and biologically superior because they have triumphed against 
all other ethnic groups, including ethnic groups much larger than their own, in the struggle for 
existence. End of story. Non datur tertius. It was this aspect of sociobiology that led David 
paradoxically to admire the Jews and to want to become one, even if deploring all the while 
their pernicious effect on society. After all, Kevin MacDonald, the sociobiologist, has written 
in response to John Derbyshire: 

Derbyshire complains about my statement that, "the human mind was not 
designed to seek truth but rather to attain evolutionary goals/' I was merely 
expressing a principle of evolutionary biology that has been of fundamental 
importance since the revolution inaugurated by G. C. Williams and culminating in 
E. 0. Wilson's synthesis: Organisms are not designed to communicate truthfully 
with the others but to persuade them — to manipulate them to serve their 

And this leads us to the third Kevin MacDonald, the lapsed Catholic who still retains the 
moral indignation which he learned from his religious training as a child. This persona leads 
MacDonald to impose moral judgements on the conclusions he has derived from 
sociobiology, even if they completely contradict his sociobiological premises. So the final 
conclusion— Jews have triumphed in the ethnic struggle for existence, but this is a bad thing— 
is an oxymoron based on a combination of two completely incompatible world-views, 
MacDonald’s sociobiology and the residual moral consciousness which he retains as a lapsed 

Catholicism as practiced in the wake of Vatican II was hardly an unclouded mirror of 
Catholic tradition or without its own inconsistencies and self-contradictions, but for those who 
dug hard enough, a coherent position on the Jews could still be mined from the deposit of 
faith and the writing of the evangelists and the Church fathers. In fact, as late as 1892, Georg 
Ratzinger, great uncle of the present pope, had not only carried the teaching of the Church on 
the Jews known as Sicut Iudeis non into the present, he had applied it to the economic crisis 
that was gripping Europe at the time: 

The great medieval popes Innocent III and Gregory IX as well as the ecclesial 
synods and councils felt themselves called to take legal measures against the 
excesses of the Jews. They protected the life and existence of the Jews, but 
only under certain specific conditions. The Jews had to recognize the Christian 
social order and had to submit themselves to it. Whatever they had appropriated 
through usury and exploitation, they had to pay back to their victims. They were 
not allowed to occupy the choke points in the culture; they were not allowed to 
employ Christian servants in their houses, and when it came to their clothing 
they had to wear the so-called Jew hat in order to be immediately 
recognizable as Jews. Jews were in no way allowed to undermine the Christian 
social order. Jews who defamed Christ or Christians were punished. They were 
not allowed to do business on Christian holidays ... and were not allowed to 
make usurious loans. During Holy Week they had to remain in their homes. 
Jews couldn't live wherever they pleased, but were confined to specific districts. 
It was also forbidden to sell house or real estate to Jews, or to rent to them, 
was also forbidden, as was living under the same roof with Jews. Similarly, Jews 
were forbidden to hire Christian nursemaids, servants, or day laborers. 

Traditional Catholicism, in fact, provides the only coherent explanation of what came to 
be known in Georg Ratzinger’s day as the Jewish question. As some indication of its 
coherence, the explanation is fairly simple. Following Napoleon’s emancipation of the Jews, 
they took over the economies of one nation after another in Europe because their sharp 
business practices. What Ratzinger calls “Juedisches Erwerbsleben ” allowed them to cheat 
the Christian natives, who had been taught to work hard, be trusting, and love their 

neighbor. IMl Jewish immorality, in other words, gave the Jews an unfair economic advantage 
in Catholic countries: 

The emancipation of the Jews, whose views and concepts contradicted the 
laws and customs of the Christian nations, could not help but have a 
destructive and corrupting effect on the entire Christian society... . This fact 
alone explains why Jews are able to accumulate riches so quickly... .The 
example of moral corruption has a contagious effect, and that explains the 
corrupting effect of Jewish influence on commerce. 

It was an act of supreme foolishness when in the years following 1789 the 
necessary protections for the social order were lifted immediately and 
universally. Once this happened it was only a matter of time before the Jews 
with their attitude toward business and commerce would gain the upper hand. 
This was particularly the case among the benevolent peoples who made up the 
population of Catholic nations, who had all grown up and been raised... . Others 

fell into the hands of the usurers and in spite of their frugality could not 
extricate themselves from its tentacles. Just about everyone was 

impoverished; and only the Jews got rich. 136] 

Ratzinger’s book appeared in 1892, at around the same time as Rerum Novarum, Pope 
Leo XHI’s encyclical on the condition of the working classes, and the three-part series in 

Civilta Cattolica which warned Catholics about “the voracious octopus of Judaism.”I321 The 
anger at Jewish business practices had reached the boiling point: 

The situation of the lucrative professions is totally different. In a few years, 
riches are amassed but at the cost of others. This form of profit is obscene, and 
the hatred and revulsion which the working classes feel toward these practices is 
fully justified. Envy isn't the cause of this hatred, but rather indignation at the 
unjust appropriation of value, that and the perception that this unjust 
appropriation constitutes an assault on the foundations of social life, evokes in 
the breast of the honest working man, bitter feelings. When the industrious and 
skilled worker, the honest civil servant, and the circumspect merchant in spite of 
all out exertion can't earn a living, when on the other hand this or that 
speculator, without any effort, can earn thousands or hundreds of thousands 
through IPOs or the issuing of T-bills, then this is a sign that the economic 
organism is so diseased that society is in urgent need of medicine and 
reform. £381 

Georg Ratzinger ’s GermanWikipedia page accuses him of “publishing antisemitic hate 
literature,” but in making the charge they ignore the fact that Ratzinger goes out of his way 
in the same book to attack anti-Semitism as an un-Christian 

ideology. The anti-Semites of Ratzinger’s day were capitalizing on the hatred which Jewish 
business practices had created in the working classes. The source of that hatred is Jewish 
behavior, not Jewish DNA. And Jewish behavior has gotten out of control because the 
Christian majority was no longer willing to enforce the laws which had been enacted to 
defend the Christian social order. And the Christians lack the will to enforce the laws which 
protect the social order because they have become, by and large, Jews. Christian idealism has 
been disappearing all the while being replaced by the Jewish Weltanshauung in Christian 
circles. In the circles which feel and think like Christians, however, the revulsion at Jewish 
dealings and those of the baptized conversos is becoming more and more apparent. The 
reason that Christians now look on Jews with intense anger in their eyes is not to be found in 
race, and not in national origin, and not in anti-Semitism. The real path of resistance lies not 
anti-Semitism and its excesses. The real basis of the contemporary Jewish question lies in the 
moral inferiority of the Jewish view of commerce in comparison with the demands of 

“The solution to the Jewish question” lies in the application of the traditional Catholic 
teachings like Sicut Iudeis non. That means “not in allowing Christians in general to sink to 
the level of the lucrative occupations, but rather in raising the Jews to a higher sense of 
productive work, in higher numbers than is the present case, to the level of Christian mores as 
propounded by Christian teaching on commerce and property.” 

And that means rejecting anti-Semitism: 

We totally reject the anti-Semitism that is now being proposed ... in Austria 
and by a number of the exalted German nationalists. Anti-Semitism understood 
as a matter of race stands in total contradiction to the Commandment of love of 
neighbor, without regard to race or national origin. On the other hand, it is the 
duty of every true Christian and patriot to take a stand against the dangerous 
errors of numerous Jews in the business world and to warn their fellow 
Christians about the dangerous illusions of the philosemites who predominate 

among the ruling elites. 

Georg Ratzinger’s accusers also ignore the fact that Jews from Heinrich Graetz to 
Samuel Roth have said far worse things about the Jewish business ethics which the 
Ashkenazi have learned from the Talmud. According to Roth, the Jews are taught that they are 
“the salt of the earth” and that everything they 

see before them... is only to be won away with the superior brain with which 
God has endowed his chosen ones? Each of them, when he grows up, becomes 
an agency of cunning to defeat the civil law. The Polish Jew does not remain in 
Poland. He migrates. Eventually he finds himself a rich nest in England, in 
France, in Germany, in America, in one of the South American countries. To each 
of the counties of his invasion the Jew brings the whole bag of commercial tricks 
and statutory maneuvers with which he poisons the arteries of the civilized 
world. £4Q1 

The short hand term for “Jewish business practices” is capitalism. Given the pernicious 
effects which capitalism has on every traditional culture, especially traditional Catholic 

cultures, the nations of Europe at the end of the 19^ century were faced with a choice: 
either enforce the laws (e.g. the prohibition against usury, child labor, etc.) which were 
erected by the state to protect Christian culture against the Jews who were the cutting edge of 
capitalist subversion or become Jews. 

By now, it should be obvious which course Europe and America chose. It comes out in 
The Believer when Danny, the 

Jewish Nazi, attempts to solicit a $5,000 contribution from a wealthy Wall Street banker. The 
banker tells Danny, “Forget the 

Jewish stuff; it doesn’t play anymore. There’s only the market now and it 
doesn’t care who you are.” Danny: “You’re a Jew. You may not 
realize it but you are.” 

Banker: “Maybe I am. Maybe we’re all Jews now. What’s the difference?” 

The current pope mentions his Georg Ratzinger in an interview conducted by Peter 

He was my great uncle, my father's uncle. He was a clergyman who had a 
doctorate in theology. In his capacity as a representative in the Bavarian state 
legislature and in the Reichstag, he was an early advocate for the rights of 
farmers and of the average man in general. I read the passages in the 
congressional record in which he attacked child labor, something which was 
unheard of at the time and considered by many an affront. He was obviously a 
tough guy, and because of his achievements and his political stature we were all 

proud of him.l^U 

Proud or not, there is a significant gulf which separates the present pope from his great 
uncle. The most significant area of disagreement is their disparate views on the Jews. On the 
last day of February 2011, Joseph Ratzinger released volume II of his book Jesus of Nazareth. 
The big news surrounding the release of the book had to do with the Jews. As the AP headline 
put it, “Pope exonerates Jews for Jesus’ death in new book.” According to the same report, 
“Benedict concludes, it was the 

‘Temple aristocracy’ and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were 
responsible,” not the Jewish people. 

The current pope should be proud of his great uncle. The real issue is whether the feeling 
would be reciprocal. Would a man who wrote that “There is nothing more repugnant than 
having to listen to educated Christians slandering their own people while at the same time 
glorifying the Jews” be proud of a great nephew who exonerated the Jews’ of responsibility for 
Christ’s death? Or a prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who presided 
over the publication of an apology to the Jews issued by his predecessor? Probably not, 
because Onkel Georg had written even more pointedly: 

There would be no Jewish Question if the educated elites among the Christian 
peoples hadn't betrayed their own principles. At a time when Jews stand by 
even their own criminal element, we see Christian politicians and legislators 
betraying their own Christian faith on a daily basis and vying with each other to 
see who has the privilege of harnessing himself to the triumphal car of the Jews. 
In Parliament no Jew need defend another Jew, when their Christian lackeys do 
that for them. £421 

No matter how the traditional Catholic critique of the Jews has been effaced by recent 
Church pronouncements it remains both extant and coherent; it remains more coherent than the 
sociobiological position, because it is based on moral principles, which are then integrated 
into a coherent political and theological structure. The Catholic position is the opposite of the 
Darwinian position. According to Darwin and his epigoni, the superior race of necessity ends 
up victorious in any economic struggle for existence. According to the Catholic position, the 
exact opposite is true. Or as Georg Ratzinger puts it: 

In a contest between two rival world views the worse element often wins the 
upper hand and becomes the cause for the moral corruption of the people and 

the collapse of the state. ... Under the mild and benign character of the 
Catholic nations there was no resistance to the exploitation practiced by the 

Jews and the devastation it was to cause. £441 

According to Georg Ratzinger, the Jews succeeded in getting the economy of states like 
Austria and Hungary under their control, not because they were more intelligent (or had 
“higher IQs than Caucasians,” as Professor MacDonald claims) but because their 
internalization of Talmudic culture had allowed them to become “skilled in the deceptions of 
economic warfare”: 

It was to be expected that the Jews, who with centuries of practice became 
skilled in the deceptions of economic warfare and acquired the arts of 
exploitation to perfection, it was to be expected that they would take center 
stage under the regime of free competition. The Christian, among whom the 
overwhelming majority were accustomed to performing productive work, and 
who had been taught to avoid as immoral the type of deception that was 
typical of the arts of economic warfare, became the first victims of this 

exploitation, which made the Jews rich. Not talent, but rather sharp business 
practices; not knowledge and ability, not productive capabilities and production, 
but rather deception and exploitation of others is what makes the Jew rich and 
admired in society. The stock exchange, lending money, usury, paying in truck, 
in short all of the business practices which lead to easy and quick profits 
without productive work are the preferred trades of the Jew. If they devote 
themselves to study at the university, they turn more often than not to 
journalism, medicine and the law, because these occupations lead most 

easily and quickly to riches.M^l 

The same can not be said for sociobiology, which presents a radically incoherent picture 
of the Jewish question, by simultaneously praising the Jews for their intelligence and 
excoriating them for its application. In the article we have already cited on Jewish 
involvement in multiculturalism MacDonald wrote, “There is indeed evidence that Jews, like 
East Asians, have higher IQs than Caucasians.” 

Ratzinger, however, dismisses the idea of superior intelligence as an explanation for 
the Jews’ dominant role in quondam Christian societies: 

It isn't talent but rather sharp business practices; it isn't productivity but 
rather deception and the art of exploitation which earns the Jew his money 
and ensures his position of dominance among the big capitalists... . There is 
a curse upon all this egotistical business activity which leads to the wreck of 
society and the destruction of the social order. Everywhere where we find 
destruction and corruption, we find the Jew hard at work. The worst attack 
against the Christian religion and against the Church are all mounted by 
Jews. £461 

Unlike Professor MacDonald, Georg Ratzinger considers the Jew clever and conniving 
but morally defective. That means that his economic system is intellectually inferior to 
Christian economics. Ratzinger comes to the anti-Darwinian conclusion that Jewish 
economics succeeds because it is inferior, both morally and economically. If economics is 
defined properly, as the science of how to achieve the common good through economic 
exchange, it is ultimately inferior to the 

Christian economic system: 

We discover the quintessential nature of the present day Jewish question in 
the moral inferiority of the Jewish worldview in relation to the limitation of 
competition. To be precise, the overwhelming majority of Jews have no sense 
whatsoever of the role which morality plays in economic life. The only form 
of limitation which they recognize in business is the penal statute. If an 
opportunity to make money appears whose profit seems greater than the 
penalty imposed by the law, the Jew doesn't hesitate to treat the law with 

contempt.M J. 

Jewish commerce can be characterized by two manifestations: 1) it is based on the 
exploitation of the work of others without any productive activity of its own and 2) it is 
characterized by gambling and speculation on the differentials in exchange as the way to 
achieve riches. The Christian view is the exact opposite. Christianity ensures decency in 
commerce by promoting honest toil or by promoting honest inheritance. Christianity 
forbids the exploitation of his neighbor through excessive economic power, and insists on 
the subordination of the good of the individual to the common good, as well as concern for the 
economically vulnerable. There is a direct contradiction between Christianity and Judaism, 
and any Christian community which allows the unrestrained exercise of Jewish business 

practices is committing suicide.M^l 

As a result of succumbing to Jewish influence: 

The banks in Austria have become dens of usury and casinos, and the 
businessman in the Austrian sense of the word is nothing more than a stock 
market speculator or a small time chiseler. The Austrian press is nothing more 
than an extortion racket. Political life is calculated according to financial profit. In 
short, commercial life in Austria is permeated not by a Christian spirit but by a 
Jewish one. Economic life is dominated not by the Christian dedication of the 
individual to the common good, but is dominated instead by Jewish Egotism. 

The state has become nothing more than an agent of the powerful, oblivious to 
the fact that the Christian ideal demands the dedication of the individual to the 

common good and especially for the protection of the weak.l~491 

The problem is not bad DNA; the problem is the Talmud, which is the ultimate source 
of all sharp Jewish business practices: 

The Jew displays in this regard an unbelievable ruthlessness so that in little 
transactions they begin to accumulate the capital that allows them to exploit 
others. It is in this ruthlessness and in their tireless pursuit of almost 
imperceptible profits wherein lies the secret of Jewish success in business, but it 
is also therein where the danger to which the Christian population is exposed 
when they sink to the same level. As soon as the Polish Jew gets his foot in the 
door, wages are driven down and working hours are extended. Once this 
happens the Christian masses find themselves as if by a force of nature driven 
from a state of modest prosperity into the deepest misery. The Polish Jew is so 

deeply enmired in the teaching of the Talmud that any notion of a Christian 
society or a state based on the common good becomes impossible once the Jew 
gains the upper hand. The Polish Jew, precisely because of the influence of the 
Talmud, is universally a force for corruption and destruction. Wherever one finds 
elements of dissatisfaction which threaten to overturn the Christian social order, 
Jews jump to the forefront of the movement and adopt the role of agitator. 
Jewish agitators can be found in leadership roles throughout the socialist 
movement. In Vienna and Pest, the leadership of the socialist movement is 
entirely in Jewish hands. 

Implicit in Ratzinger ’s thinking is a chain of propositions which begins with a survey 

of the economic situation in Germany and Austria at the end of 19^ century and ends with a 
radical redefinition of the problem. There are no technical, Enlightenment solutions to this 
problem. The technical thinking of the Enlightenment brought the problem about in the first 
place by striking down the laws which had been erected under the guidance of the Church for 
the protection of Christians and their culture. 

The emancipation of the Jews dealt a fatal blow to the Christian social order. That is 
another way of saying that the social question (the exploitation of the worker, usury’s 
appropriation of land, etc.) can only be solved by dealing with the Jewish question, which can 
only be solved by bringing about the conversion of the Jews, either completely through 
baptism, or formally by forcing their behavior to conform to Christian custom, as specified 
by Sicut Iudeis non. There is no point in dealing with an economic factor like state credit in 
isolation, especially 

when private persons determine the terms of credit. Jewish banks are now in 
the process of using state credit as a way of taking control of all industrial 
Droduction. Herein Ties the secret of the omnipotence of modern capitalist 
negemony with all of its cancerous growth. Any social reform has to begin with 
the state establishing its independence from private equity firms as its source of 
credit. Only then will the source of all of capitalism's debilitating excesses be 
contained. To call anything else social reform is a waste of time. 

It is pointless to talk about economics as if it were a science like physics when it is so 
closely bound up with the moral law. In order to deal with the crisis effectively, state 
authorities need to admit that: 

Seduction and crime are the main components of Jewish commerce. When the 
scions of wealthy families go astray, the easiest way to find the culprit 
responsible is to seek him among the Jews. The Jew supplies riding and wagon 
horses, equipage and dogs; he encourages the acting our of all base desires and 
the adoption of degenerate lifestyles; he is the fence and the pimp. Once he has 
established his influence over his rich young protege, he encourages him to 
speculate on the stock market in order to win back the money he squandered on 
his vices. In this way the Jew brings about his complete ruin in a few years, 
which is when his fortune ends up in hands of his Jewish seducer. Anyone who is 
familiar with the realities of social life in Paris, Vienna, and Pest sees this sort of 
thing all the time. These seductive arts are closely allied with prostitution. Every 
aspect of trafficking in young females is firmly in Jewish hands and organized on 
an international basis. It's only a short step from this immoral trafficking to 
criminal activity. When it comes to embezzlement, misappropriation, fraud, 
usury, blackmail, etc., the Jew is involved to a much greater percentage than the 

Capitalism, which is another term for “Juedisches Erwerbsleben,” or Jewish business 
practice has its roots in looting: 

In this way, Jewish business practices are similar to those of desert nomads 
who make use of their fleet horses of the steppes to conduct looting 
expeditions on settlements which pursue settled economic pursuits. In doing 
this they appropriate what they can drag off on their raids. They then live like 
kings off of "what they have earned" in the desert until the loot is all gone and 
another looting expedition is necessary. Jewish "commerce" has never been able 
to grow beyond its roots in looting. The majority of Jews has no idea of how to 
make a living from honest toil, nor do they want to learn how to do such a 
thing. 50J 

There are many forms of slavery that need to be abolished. What the Arab is 
to Africa, the usury Jew is to Europe. Both Semitic races live only off the 
exploitation of others, by looting. That is the revenant of the nomadic life of 
these tribes. Thousand years of living in the desert accustomed them to sudden 
attacks, and they learned through this booty off of the work of others. The 
entire Jewish-oriental way of doing business is deeply suffused with the 
characteristics of looting. One industry after another is singled out for looting, 

until finally whole nations have been plundered. 

Because of this, Jewish business practices are totally antithetical to the economy of a 
Christian culture, which is based on an understanding and appreciation of the value of work: 

In the instruction manuals from the Middle Ages, the people were taught that 
"Man is born to work, as the bird is created to fly." The Catholic Church raised 
the nations under her care to be workers and made earning by work the 
foundation of our civilization. There is only one way of earning a living which is 
worthy of respect and esteem, and that is earning a living by toil, whether that 
entails labor of a physical or an intellectual sort. It makes no difference whether 
this labor takes place on the lowest rung of the economic ladder among day- 
laborers or among the professions of the elite. In doing this the Church 
erected civilization upon an entirely new foundation. The pagan world proposed 
a life lived at the expense of others (slavery); Judaism preached preferential 
treatment for its own people, but permitted the exploitation and practicing usury 
on alien nations. And until this day Jewish business practices exhibit this dual 
nature. On the one hand, we see concern for the family and for his fellow Jew, 
but on the other a totally heartless exploitation via usury of the goyim, which 
becomes the source of the wealth accumulated by Jewish 

billionaires... . The ancient principle of the Catholic Church, which only honors 
commerce when it is based on honest work, is drowned out by the Jewish 
screeching which encourages speculation and gambling on the stock 


By the last decade of the 19^ century, it had become clear to thinkers like Georg 
Ratzinger that the laws enacted in the wake of the Enlightenment and its concomitant 
revolutions spelled economic disaster for Europe. The only solutions to the economic crisis 
was a return to Christian-inspired state regulation of the economy. “The Jews,” Ratzinger 

must once again learn to subordinate themselves to Christian social 
reform and to conform their business practices to Christian norms. All of the 
money which they have earned through state-sanctioned usury and the 
exploitation of the worker must be returned to the people. The legislatures must 
now criminalize all of the fraud and exploitation which now has established itself 
under the rubric of free enterprise. The state needs to prosecute in a public 
manner all forms of usury ana fraudulent exploitation. The current laws against 
usury and fraud are much too one-sided, ana they do not correspond either to 
the experience or the plain sense of Christian jurisprudence. 

There is no middle ground here; there are no neutral scientific laws. Either the Christian 
State must force Jews to acknowledge the superiority of their laws and conform to them, or, 
under the guise of tolerance and enlightenment, Christians will end up by becoming Jews via 
an unregulated, capitalist, Jewish economy: 

Just think how contagious usury was then [during the middle ages] and how 
quickly public morality declined as a result, what germs are to epidemics, so is 
bad example on the moral level. It is irresponsible to give a free pass to 
contagious toxins by promoting a false view of life, unless you want the entire 
social organism to get sick. The disease of our culture consists in the cancerous 
spread of the Jewisn-heathen worldview over the moral norms of Christendom. 
The inferiority of the Jewish-heathen worldview to Christianity must be made 
apparent, by the actions of the Christian state. 

The solution to the social question can only come about when the Christian idea of 
commerce has vanquished the Jewish- heathen idea. True protection of the social order is only 
possible in the confessional state. “Business practice must be made to conform once again to 
Christian morals”: 

Intoxicated by revolution, Christian nations have pawned their most precious 
ewel — the teaching and the grace of their savior—and have rejected their most 
precious asset, their character as redeemed children of the Lord, by abandoning 
:he Christian basis for their culture. The Lord as a result has let the Christian 
nations go their own way, which has led to the debt bondage which flows from 
the obdurate hegemony of capital, which will end up concentrated in the hands 
of a small minority of Jews and their lackeys. 

The Jews will also benefit from 
these reforms: 

Clear limits on Judaism in not only necessary for the interests of the Christian 
nations; it is also in the interest of the Jews themselves. Only when the sane 

principles of Christian reform have been put in place, can we hope to disarm the 
specter of anti-Semitic racial hatred. It is only then that we can hope to avoid 
tne path of the violent taking the law into their own hands. Those who think 
that a small minority of Jews with the help of the power of the state can solve 
this problem, are deceiving themselves. 

To put the case another way, if reform is not forthcoming, the Jews will be 
the first to suffer because: 

The hegemony of social corruption has ended in every age in terror. This solution is no 
longer plausible. Either we are going to have Christian reform in our future or we are going 
to have the reign of racial hatred. The Jews should be under no illusions about what they can 
expect from the racial hatred that is waiting for them in the near future. Their arrogance is 
going to turn quickly into bitter disappointment in the future. 

Ratzinger was especially prophetic when he wrote in 1892: 

A reaction against the jewification of our culture is now building momentum 
among the common man. That movement is hardly perceptible today, but it is 
going to grow like an avalanche. That movement would be irresistible at this 
very moment if it weren't lacking a leader. (Ratzinger's word was, of course the 
German word "Fuehrer," which took on a whole new dimension some 40 years 

What he said of working class Christians in the 1890s is now true of Muslims in 2011: 

What the Christian earns by the sweat of his brow, the Jew lays hold of via 
usury, fraud, and cheating the worker out of a decent wage, and he squanders 
the money he appropriates in luxury and wretched excess, confronted with 
these excesses, the moral consciousness of the working class finds itself 
consumed with rage, and since the government and the legislature provide no 
protection against the usurious and exploitative Jews and their lackeys, the 
people take to the streets. That is the meaning of anti-Semitism ana the 
uproar it is now causing. We see in this a kind of economic self-defense and the 
moral defense mechanism of the exploited. It's a sign to the government and 
the legislature that the necessary legal protection isn't there, and a sign that the 
administration and the legal system aren't offering the assistance that they need 
to offer. Anti-Semitism is a serious and ultimate warning to the ruling class. If 
this warning is ignored, if the ruling class thinks that they deal with the people 
with bayonettes, then we are heading toward a revolution that is going to make 
the Reformation and the French revolution look like child's play by comparison. 

Ratzinger is aware of the Darwinian notion that life involves struggle among individuals 
and ethnic groups as well. He simply takes that notion of struggle out of the biological realm 
and re-situations it n the moral cultural arena, as when he writes: “Any ethnic group which is 
totally lacking in moral restraint when it comes to economic life will end up the winner in any 

struggle for existence. This is the secret of Jewish success in Austria-Hungary.” 

Similarly, Ratzinger isn’t denying that life is a struggle; he is simply unwilling to say, as the 
sociobiologists must, that the cause of the victors in cultural warfare is ipso facto just: 

The life of nations is like the life of individuals. Fie who fails to engage in 
battle daily to secure his position in society will soon disappear. The Catholics in 
Austro-Flungary have failed to engage in the daily battle for their possessions, 
and as a result they lose year after year one institution after another. They 
have been dispossessed from top to bottom, from their universities as well as 
their kindergartens. The Jews, who make up less than 10 percent of the 
population, have as a result of their energetic and unified and self-confident 
activity won a victory over the 90 percent of the population which is Catholic 
and have everywhere occupied the positions which the Catholics have 

abandoned. £ 54 ] 

If survival of the fittest is the fundamental law of sociobiology, then Jews must be in fact 
the master race. Hitler got it almost right. Conversely, when it comes to the struggle for 
existence, white guys are losers; from the sociobiological perspective, the highest thing 

anyone can aspire to be is a Jew. Hence, David’s delight when he found that he had Jewish 
DNA in his cells. He was now a member of the master race, which of course, was at the same 
time, the enemy of the entire human race. This leads him to the contradictory assertion “I’m a 
product of my times. I am my genes.” What he means to say is that the upheaval in his life 
caused by the sexual revolution left him totally uprooted and without any sense of identity. 
Since he lives is a materialist scientistic culture, finding his roots took a biological turn, 
helped of course by the sociobiology he imbibed from the writings of Professor MacDonald. 
Talk about race is the ultimate sign of deracination. 

If Georg Ratzinger’s explanation of the rise of Jewish power is superior to Kevin 
MacDonald’s, a different picture begins to emerge. David became a Jew not because he 
discovered superior DNA in his cells, but because the Catholic Church failed to preach the 
gospel. We are talking about failure on a massive scale here. In Georg Ratzinger’s day when 
the Catholic confessional state was in power in places like Bavaria and the double monarchy 
of Austro-Hungary, Catholic elites refused to enforce the (largely economic) laws on the books 
which protected the weak in a Christian culture 

Then came the Thirty Years War (1915-1945) which put the revolutionary elites in 
power after World War II By nineteen sixty farseeing church men like Alfredo Cardinal 
Ottaviani saw that European Christian culture needed to strengthened against assaults from the 
Jewish elites in both the East and the West, as represented by Freudianism and 
Communism, Hollywood movies, fast food, rock n roll—in short, everything that Federico 
Fellini discussed in La Dolce Vita, the seminal 
1960 document. 

Instead of regaining the initiative, the Catholic Church used the council which Ottaviani 
persuaded Pope John XXIII to convoke as a way of internalizing the commands of her 
oppressors. The Church which used Dignitatis Humanae as a pretext to 

abandon the confessional state (even though the document affirms the opposite) and Nostra 
Aetate as a pretext to abandon its efforts to preach the Gospel to the Jews and work for their 
conversion, created a world in which Jews who recognized the synagogue’s attack on logos 
and recoiled from it in disgust had no alternative but to become Jewish Nazis, because Hitler 
had succeeded Christ as the antithesis of what it meant to be a Jew. David Cooper and Danny 
Balint are infallible signs that the Church is not doing its job. Whenever a Jew recoils in 
disgust from the Nihilism which is the essence of the Jewish religion, his first thought should 
be, “This is what St. Paul meant when he said the Jews are ‘the enemy of the entire human 
race.’ This is what the Church has been saying all along.” 

The fact that this thought did not pop into David’s mind is a sign that the Church has 
abandoned its mission of evangelization to the people who need it the most, the people to 
whom Christ preached exclusively when he walked this earth. 

When pushed on the matter, David will admit, “In theory I was a Catholic. But they 
didn’t tell me anything. My dad left Church” as a result of the divorce, and after that 
David’s exposure to Catholicism was attending “the hippie Mass at St. John’s” in the 
company of his sexually liberated mother. As part of his Catholic upbringing, David’s mom 
told him that “the priest at St. John’s is gay.” The net result of this failure on the Church’s 
part was deracination. David felt totally rootless, totally cut off from any familial or cultural 
or religious tradition. As a result, he began to see those roots in his DNA. Race would 
provide what David’s church and family failed to give him. 

“I wanted to know who I am Race is not a social construct. Race and ethnicity is about 
biology.” Then after discovering his Jewish DNA, David joined the synagogue, where he 
learned that “Judaism doesn’t involve a relationship with God.” Now after learning that the 
rabbi and most of his congregation are atheists, David is feeling spiritually restless again. 

“Technically I’m a Jew,” he says, “but my 

heart’s not in it. 

The logic here is not as convoluted as one might think. After being exposed to the full 
nihilism of the Jewish “faith,” the Jew recoils in horror and disgust. At that point, he either 
devotes himself to some lesser god such as money or sex, or he recoils completely and looks 
for the opposite of what he learned in the synagogue. The Catholic Church is the true opposite 
of what gets taught in the synagogue, but the Church simply has not been proclaiming Church 
teaching on the Jews for decades. As a result, in his search for the antithesis of everything 
Judaism stands for the Jew discovers the Nazis, whose racial beliefs are simply the mirror 
image of Judaism anyway, and the Jew becomes a Nazi. 

By virtue of his baptism, David is a Catholic, something he admits in more candid 
moments, “I’ve been to Mass more times than I’ve been to the synagogue.” Why then does he 
think he’s a Jew? The initial answer to that question is Kevin MacDonald and DNA testing. 
The real answer to that question, however, lies in the massive failure of the contemporary 
Catholic Church either to live or proclaim the gospel. To begin with the living part, the priest 
he got to know best as a child was a regular guest at their house because he was having an 
affair with his mother. 

When I was 11 years old, my mom met and seduced a monsignor. The 

relationship lasted for as long as 

20 years. Maybe more. I don't know when it ended. He died a few years ago. I 
don't know how much more I'll say about it, but I'd like for you to let it lie. 

Please don't poke around about it. Thank you. Of course, it takes two to tango. I 
couldn't exactly say who seduced whom. She wanted to marry him, and she 
says he talked about that as a possibility for many years. The whole thing 
disgusts me. Talk about sacrosanct and profane. I'll probably never forgive her 
forthis, or some other transgressions. 

The failure of the church to proclaim the gospel is not unrelated to moral failure. The 
contemporary Church’s intellectual cowardice in proclaiming the Gospel teaching on the Jews 
simply puts its moral turpitude in sexual matters in the shade by comparison. Everything the 
contemporary Catholic Church has to say about the Jews is either insipid or flat out wrong 
and a contradiction of everything the gospels and the Church fathers had to say on the matter. 

The Church has all but officially proclaimed that it is not interested in converting the 
Jews. The American bishops had proclaimed in their own catechism that the Mosaic covenant 
was eternally valid and that Jews could be saved by following it. That this was a heretical, 
flat out contradiction of the gospel finally dawned on the bishops and they deleted the 
offending statement. 

Those organizations which do claim to be interested in the conversion of the Jews, turn 
out to be, upon closer inspection, the opposite of what they claim to be. The Association of 
Hebrew Catholics is a good case in point. Instead of working for the conversion of the Jews, 
the AHC works instead for the preservation of pockets of Jewish DNA within the Church. 
Instead of working to integrate Jewish converts into Church life, the AHC attempts to create 
Jewish ghettos based on what can only be construed as racial and therefore heretical 

In the February 2006 issue of CultureWars , Theologian Raymond Kevane, theological 
advisor to the AHC pointed out these heretical principles publically to David Moss, the 
organization’s president, after years of trying to get an answer from him privately: 

Not too long ago (March 2005) in a public statement on EWTN. Dave Moss 
rejected the idea that the Church replaced the people of Israel. He clearly 
identified the latter idea as an "erroneous theology" that was taught for 2000 
years by the Catholic Church. He further stated that the Church no longer 
reaches that 

he people of Israel are superseded. They are an eternal people with an 
irrevocable calling. How can any individual declare that the Catholic Church ... . 

has taught erroneous theology for 2000 years. 

Both statements are heretical. The most important "irrevocable calling" for 
the Jews is the same as for the rest of us—to save their immortal souls. In one 
stroke Dave Moss denied the Scripture as inspired by God, the infallibility of the 
Pope and Ecumenical councils and the fact of Tradition (the office of the 
Magisterium of the Catholic Church). No Catholic can say that the Church has 

held and erroneous theology for 2000 years and still remain a Catholic. 56} 

In almost every century there has been an effort to bring the rites of the 
Jewish religion into the Catholic Church. Every time it has arisen it has caused 
great harm to the Catholic Church before finally being discredited. 

So when Dave Moss said that the Church was in theological error for 2000 years, he 
denies the infallibility of the pope and the councils of the Church 

The Council of Florence... firmly believes and profess, and teaches ... that 
whoever, even after the passion , placed hope in these mattes of the law and 
submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could 
not save without them, sinned mortally... . 

To reinstate, in the Catholic Church, any of the Judaic rituals of the Old Testament would 
be to suggest that the Sacrifice by Christ is not perfect. 

It turns out that the AHC isn’t interested in Jewish conversion at all: 

David Moss told me ... that he doesn't believe that the AHC should be involved 
in "targeting" other Jews 

. but rather to simply "converse" or "dialogue" with them. But if that's true, 
then the converted Jew is not obeying the command of Christ "Go forth and 
preach the Gospel to all nations." 

On August 5, 2010, David Moss, president of the Association of Hebrew Catholics, 
interviewed Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, who was then head of the Apostolic Signatura in 
Rome. Moss’s tendentious questions were largely formulated in response to the objections 
which Raymond Kevane raised in his Culture Wars article but remained unanswered. In 
response to a question about the special role the “Hebrew” Catholic might play in the Church, 
Burke ignored the issue and thinking that he was agreeing with Moss claimed that “We [ i.e., 
Catholics] are the sons and daughters of Abraham, and we feel the closest bond to the 
Jewish people.” Burke, of course, implies here that we feel this bond because the Jews 
can also construe themselves as children of Abraham, even though this assertion is 
contradicted by the Gospel of St. John, which states quite clearly that followers of Christ 
can call themselves children of Moses, but those who reject Christ, i.e., the Jews, cannot. 
Burke then goes on to add: 

A Hebrew Catholic has a distinctive witness to give in the church. They 
are particularly cherished because of the rich heritage they bring to the church. 
Is his excellency referring to the Talmud here? If not, it's difficult to see what 

other heritage the Jew can bring to the church, since that rejection of logos is 
the heart of the Jewish religion. 

David wasn’t impressed by this sort of outreach. In fact, he’s hoping that the Church 
maintains its position as “a last bastion of anti-Semitism” because American Protestants in his 
view have been Judaized. The Catholic Church is a repudiation of Judaism, in David’s view 
because Jesus Christ’s teaching was a repudiation of the religion of that time and place. The 
Talmud is not based on the Hebrew Bible. They start with the Mishna, spoken word brought 
down from Mt. Sinai. From there it is only a short step to concluding as the rabbi did at Baruch 
Goldstein’s funeral, that 10,000 Palestinian children aren’t worth one Jewish fingernail. 

David’s experiences in the synagogue confirmed the nihilism which Danny Balint 

discovered at the heart of Judaism as a 
Yeshiva student: 

“I’ve never met a Jew who believes in God,” David opined. “My rabbi does not believe 
in God. None of the Jews in my congregation believes in God. I have yet to find a Jew who 
believes in a divine God.” 

It was this discovery of nihilism at the heart of Judaism which led David to conclude 
that “Jews make the best anti- Semites.” It also led him to conclude that the greatest anti- 
Semite of all time, as well as one of the modern era’s greatest nihilists, was Jewish. 

“Hitler’s dad’s dad was Jewish,” David said. “His dad’s mom worked in a Jewish 
household and the man of the house impregnated her when she was around 40.” It led 
Danny Balint to the same conclusion in The Believer, when he asks rhetorically, “So 
Hitler’s the chief rabbi now?” 

Danny is right. Hitler is the chief rabbi now. He attained that position by default when 
the Church stopped working for the conversion of the Jews. 

* * 



£U Dorothy Rabinowitz, "Major Hasan, 'Star Officer'" WSJ, 2/18/11 

£21 http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/Immiaratbn. pdf . All subsequent quotes on immigratbn have been taken from this article. 

£21 Georg Ratzinger, Juedisches Erwerbsleben: Skizzen aus dem sozialen Leben der Gegenwart (Passau: Verlag von Rudolf Abt, 1892). p. 30. All 
translations from the German are mine. 

£21 Wikipedia, Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley 

£21 Erich Haberer, Jews and revolutbn in Nineteenth-century Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 14. The subsequent 
discussbn of Jewish nihilism in 19^ century Russia is taken from Haberer. 

Haberer, p. 15. 

£21 Ibid. 

£21 Haberer, p. 16. 

£21 Haberer, p. 18. 

£121 Ibid. 

Haberer, p. 24. 

Haberer, p. 43. 

Haberer, p. 117. 

£121 Haberer, p. 120. 

£121 Haberer, p. 175. 

£121 Haberer, p. 189. 


Haberer, p. 124. 

Haberer, p. 151. 

£201 Haberer, p. 154. 

£0U Haberer, pp. 155-6. 

£001 Haberer, p. 159. 

£001 Haberer, p. 201. 

£ £1 Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolutbn of the Modern Age 

£ £ Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live: An Account of the Persecutbn of the World by Israel on all the Frontiers of Civilizatbn (No place of publication, 

1934), pp. 12-3. 

£021 Roth, p. 11. 

£0Z1 Roth, p. 17. 

£021 1 Thessabnians 2:15. 

£021 Roth, p. 18. 

£201 Roth, p. 20. 

David thinks the DNA testing business is rife with fraud, especially when it comes to Jewish ancestry. 

£201 "Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive?" Chapter 14 Cultural Insurrectbns: Essays on Western Civilisation, Jewish Influence and Anti- 
Semitism (Atlanta: Occidental Press 2007), pp. 355-6. 

£221 Op. cit., p. 363. 

£211 MacDonald gave this account of his life in a video documentary filmed by Byron Jost. Jost died before the video could be formally released. 
Segments are now on the internet. 

£221 Robert Waldhausen (Georg Ratzinger) op. cit. The German Wikipedia page on Robert Waldhausen identifies him as Georg Ratzinger. Their 
explanatbn folbws: 

Georg Ratzinger werden aber auch die beiden nachfolgend genannten pseudonym veroffentlichten antisemitischen Hetzschriften zugeschrieben. Zwar 
kann Ratzingers Identitat mit deren beiden Verfasserpseudonymen nbht anhand schriftlbher Zeugnisse belegt werden, jedoch gilt sie in der Forschung auf 
Grund von Indizien als gesbhert und wird nbht in Frage gestellt. Unter dem Pseudonym "Dr. Robert Waldhausen" erschien 1892 das Buch Judisches 
Erwerbsleben. Skizzen aus dem sozialen Leben der Gegenwart, in dessen Einleitung es z. B. heiBt: Die Emanzipatbn der Juden [...] konnte nbht anders, 
als zerstorend und zersetzend auf die ganze christlbhe Gesellschaft wirken. Und 1897 wurde unter dem Pseudonym "Dr. Gottfried Wolf" ein 
antisemitisches Pamphlet mit dem Titel Das Judentum in Bayern. Skizzen aus der Vergangenheit und Vorschlage fur die Zukunft publiziert. Auch in 
anderen, nbht pseudonym veroffentlbhten Schriften Ratzingers, z. B. in Die Volkswirthschaft in ihren sittlbhen Grundlagen, und in seinen Parlamentsreden 
lassen sich antisemitische AuBerungen und Tendenzen finden. 

£221 Georg Ratzinger, op cit, pp. 1-2. 

£221 cf. E. Mbhael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (South Bend, IN: Fidelity Press, 2009), pp. 676ff. 

Ratzinger, op. cit, p. 3. 

£221 Georg Ratzinger, op cit., p. 5. 

^21 Roth, op cit, p. 34. 

Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger, Salz der Erde: Christentutn and katholische Kirch an der Jahrtausendwende (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 
1996), p. 47, my translation. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 84. 

Georg Ratzinger, op cit, p. 32. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 3. 

^51 Georg Ratzinger, op cit, p. 4. My translation. 


tEl Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 18. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 11. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 12. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit, p. 29 
Georg Ratzinger, op.cit.,p. 58 
Georg Ratzinger, op. cit., p. 38. 

Georg Ratzinger, op. cit, p. 53. 

Georg Ratzinger, op, cit., p. 49. 

1 Raymond Kevane, "An Open Letter to the Hebrew Catholic Conference," Culture Wars, February 2006, p. 9. 




Chapter I; Wednesday, August 1 


Chapter 2: Thursday, August 2 

C annon Fodder 

Chapter 3: Friday, August 3 

Taste for Deviance 
The Last Circle 

Chapter 4: Saturday. August 4 

Chapter 5: Sunday, August 5 

Author's Biographical Note 


Whenever I thought of the fact that I had lived in Europe for years before I 
had been west of the Susquehanna River, I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was the 
American version of a Nestorian or an Arian because I had flagrantly denied two tenets 
of the American creed. I did not own a car, and I had never driven the car that I did not 
own to California. 

The big western moment for Philadelphians of my generation took place 
40 years ago during the summer of 1967. It was known as the summer of love, and 
whatever emotional attraction that hajj in a cramped VW beetle had was again 
associated with music, songs like "If you’re going to San Francisco . .." which prompted 
Philadelphians of a certain persuasion to head out in their VW beetles with the flower 
decal and the McCarthy bumper sticker. 

So, 40 years too late and thousands of dollars short, Peter and I, 
representing the baby boomers who hadn’t made our summer of love hajj then, made our 
pilgrimage, not in the cramped and narrow confines of a VW beetle, but with all of the 
luxury a brand new Gass C motorhome can afford. 

As we sat in die 21 st century version of die Conestoga wagon and watched 
America’s landscape roll by at the stately Conestoga pace of 50 miles per hour (Peter is 
paid a lump sum for gas, and so the slower he goes the more money he earns), the main 
topic of discussion was what do you do when you have ruined your life. America has 
various answers to that question, and most of diem have to do with die West, which is 
where you go when your past becomes too complicated. 

The KV is a home on wheels for the permanendy deracinated. It entered 
the canon of American literature 110 years after Hawthorne wrote die House of the 
Seven Gables, when John Steinbeck wrote Travels with Charley In Search of America, the 
story of Steinbeck’s 10,000 mile long RV trip from Maine to California and backagain. 

Steinbeck, his biographer tells us, "was afraid that fatherhood would 
interfere with his writing." It turns out that Steinbeck; fears were misplaced. Abortion, not 
fatherhood, destroyed him as a writer. 

If die RV is the modern version of the Conestoga wagon, then the 
motorcycle is die modern equivalent of the horse. The biker is die modern day equivalent 
of the cowboy. The cowboys were veterans of the Civil War who never made it back 
home to the America that war destroyed. So, too, biker culture is a reaction to war. 
Cowboys were the disaffected veterans of the Civil War, bikers were die disaffected 
veterans of World War II and Vietnam, the boys who never made it back to the world 

those wars destroyed 

America never really felt comfortable with social engineering; as it 
became more repugnant in die average American’s eyes, Hell’s Angels took on the aura 
of outlaw heroes. Burdened by increasingly onerous social control, the average, which is 
to say, the clueless socially engineered citizen became increasingly fascinated by 
deviance, which he incorrectly saw as the antithesis of and antidote to social control. 
Eventually the dominant culture exploited this fascination as it developed even more 
sophisticated forms of control based on the arousal of sexual passion. 

E. Michael Jones 
December 2011 

It seems that there are two contenders for tire KV capital of the world. One 
is Elkhart, Indiana, which is 15 miles east of where I live. The other is Forrest Gty, Iowa, 
500 miles west, home of Winnebago Industries, the brand name, like Kleenex, that 
became synonymous with the recreational vehicle. RVs are simply a part of life when 
you live where I live. If s one of those things that you immediately recognize as some sort 
of culturally promoted fantasy and then forget about it while cruising along the Interstate 
trying to get where you've got to go. Your kids end up with KV toys because they end up 
playing with trucks. Someone you know buys an KV and then wonders why he did that 
and what he plans to do with the thing now that it has broken down for the thousandth time 
and is filling up his driveway. 

Then suddenly it becomes an existential issue. During the summer of 2007 
I needed to attend a wedding in Spokane, Washington. Flying was out of the question; 
driving was too expensive. It was during a weeks' long quandary that I thought of Peter. 
Peter is a man of many talents. He hosts a cable access talk show; he also delivers RVs. 
When I asked him if he were planning to deliver any RVs to die West coast at the 
beginning of August, he not only said he was but that I could go along for the ride. 

What I found out later is that the KV was leaving not from Elkhart but from 
Iowa. In the end it was all the same, three days straight of somewhere between 600 and 
700 miles a day over terrain that I had heard about but never seen (at least not at ground 
level) and had coalesced under the rubric of the mythic American West. In spite of 
having been bom in America and having lived here all of my life, I had always felt a 
little bit like a Muslim who had never made the hajj to Mecca because I had never driven 
across die country. 

Never mind that I hated cars. Never mind that my father did not own one 
until I was in high school growing up, and that my wife and I did not have one until our 
oldest son was in high school too. Never mind the fact that I had flown over the same 
terrain a number of times. I had this inchoate sense that America really was a creedal 
nation, and that the automobile and the West were parts of that creed. Whenever I thought 
of the fact that I had lived in Europe for years before I had been west of the Susquehanna 
River, I couldn't escape die feeling that I was the American version of a Nestorian or an 
Arian because I had flagrandy denied two tenets of die American creed. I did not own a 
car, and I had never driven the car that I did not own to California. 

Growing up in Philadelphia, I came to this understanding of the American 
creed from cowboy shows on TV. One of the things that attracted me to cowboys back 
then was die fact that, more often than not, guys like Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were 

singing cowboys. Music goes a long way toward making people attractive in my book I 
can even conceive of a TV show about artichoke pickers from Watsonville. As long as 
they were singing artichoke pickers, I'd consider giving diem a second look or listen. Even 
the Lone Ranger stands out among movies whose names and plots I no longer remember 
because of his association with Rossini's Wilhelm Tell overture. 

As far as I was concerned die mythic west began somewhere just on the 
other side of 69^* Street, which was, and still is, die westernmost stop on the Frankford El. 
It was all terribly important, that stretch of territory from Upper Darby to the Pacific 
Ocean, because it symbolized hope, even if no one could really explain why. The big 
western moment for Philadelphians of my generation tookplace 40 years ago during the 
summer of 1967. It was known as the summer of love, and whatever emotional attraction 
that hajj in a cramped VW beetle had was again associated with music, songs like "If 
you're going to San Francisco..." which prompted Philadelphians of a certain persuasion 
to head out in their VW beeties with the flower decal and the McCarthy bumper sticker. 
We were a whole generation with a new explanation, as die song put it Eventually the 
summer of love turned into a miasma of drug overdose, venereal disease, and, worst of 
all, hippie commercialism. It eventually got so bad that the hippies held a funeral for the 
movement and abandoned San Francisco to the homosexuals. 

So, 40 years too late and thousands of dollars short, Peter and I 
representing the babyboomers who hadn't made our summer of love hajj then, made our 
pilgrimage now, not in the cramped and narrow confines of a VW beetle, but with all of 
the luxury which a brand new Gass C motorhome can afford. I didn't know Peter 40 
years ago, so I don't know what we would have talked about then, but I am fairly sure that 
it would not have been what we talked about now, because 40 years represents the great 
hump of life, and we were now on the down side of that hump rushing downhill toward 
60, j ust 10 years from the three score and 10 that God allots to man as his portion on this 

The West was still tire West. It still embodied America's hope in the future. 
But if the West embodied America's vision of hope and the future unencumbered by the 
dead hand of tire past, our conversation had a distinctly eastern cast to it As we sat in the 
21 st century version of the Conestoga wagon and watched America's landscape role by 
at the stately Conestoga pace of 50 miles per hour (Peter is paid a lump sum for gas, and 
so tire slower he goes tire more money he earns), the main topic of discussion was what 
do you do when you have ruined your life. America has various answers to that question, 
and most of them have to do with the West, which is where you go when your past 
becomes too complicated. 

The traditional American answer to tire question is move. In particular, 
move West The American answer to the great American question has always been the 
same. What changes is the technology. In 1850, when Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The 
House of the Seven Gables, the answer was still "move," but then the vehicle for moving 
was the railroad. The railroad allowed Clifford Pyncheon, scion of a New England 
family in terminal decline, to escape from his past Or at least it gave him that illusion, 

looking from the window, they could see the world racing past them. At one 
moment, they were rattling through a solitude—tire next a village had grown up 
around them—a few breaths more, and it had vanished, as if swallowed by an 
earthquake. The spires of meeting houses seemed set adrift from their foundations, 
the broad-based hills glided away. Everything was unfixed from its age-long rest, 
and moving at whirlwind speed opposite to their own. (Nathaniel Hawthorne, The 
House of the Seven Gables (New York W. W. Norton, 1967, p. 256) 

Clifford and Hepzibah Pyncheon were escaping from the house of the 
seven gables because that house, acquired by ancestral acts of theft and murder, had 
become tire locus of sin, history, and the dead hand of the past over their lives. Their lives 
were ruled by a curse—quite literally, Maule's curse—and when they realized that they 
were powerless to lift this curse from their blighted lives, they had recourse to the 
remedy which millions of Americans would seekin years to come: they left They pulled 
up stales; they moved. Moving always involves technology of one sort or another, and in 
1850 tire state of the art technology for moving was the railroad. Hawthorne was writing 
in an age when his peers drew metaphysical lessons from physical improvements. One 
of tiie great essays of his day was on the moral influence of steam, and so it comes as no 
surprise that Clifford got swept up into the same delusion, namely, that the railroad was 
going to solve his spiritual problems. The logic behind the escape plan goes roughly as 
follows: If a man is no longer bound to one place, then sin will have no hold over him, 
because sin always happens in a particular place and time. Since one of the great sins in 
history (in particular the history of the English speaking world) is theft of land and real 
estate, the railroad will abolish this sin by abolishing the home: 

"This admirable invention of tire railroad," Clifford tells the train's puzzled 
conductor, who feels that "The best chance of pleasure in an easterly rain... is in a man's 
own house with a nice little fire in the chimney," "can abolish history and all tire misery 
bound up with it by turning men backinto nomads." The railroad, Clifford continues, "with 
its vast and inevitable improvements to be looked for, both as to speed and convenience, is 

destined to do away with those stale ideas of home and fireside and substitute something 
better. . . . My impression is that our wonderfully increased and still increasing facilities 
of locomotion are destined to bring us round again to the nomadic state...." 

Railroads give us the ability to leave the past behind us. Since Americans 
are invariably people who have left some other place to come here, this prospect 
corresponds to toe selection process that created America and is, therefore, doubly 
attractive. Railroads "are positively toe greatest blessing that toe ages have wrought for us. 
They give us wings; they annihilate toe toil and dust of pilgrimage; they spiritualize travel. 
Transition being so facile, what can be any man's inducement to tarry in one spot? Why, 
therefore, should he build a more cumbrous habitation than can readily be carried off 
with him?' 

Had Hawthorne been able to see 150 years into toe future and contemplate 
toe Class Amotorhomes that were coverging, like our Gass C motorhome, on Redmond, 
Oregon, he would have most probably been amazed at just how cumbrous a habitation 
Americans would eventually be able to carry off with them. But toe psychological 
motivation behind moving—whether by railroad or RV—would have been no more a 
mystery to him now than it was to him then. 

"Why," Clifford continues, "should he make himself a prisoner for life in 
brick and stone and old worn eaten timber, when he may just as easily dwell, in one 
sense, nowhere—in a better sense, wherever toe fit and beautiful shall offer him a 

"I should scarcely call it an improved state of things," toe conductor 
replied, "to live everywhere and nowhere!" 

But Gifford is just getting started. The possibilities of railroad travel as toe 
solution to his problems have intoxicated him and loosened his tongue accordingly: 

Morbid influences, in a thousand-fold variety, gather about hearths, and pollute 
toe life of households. There is no such unwholesome atmosphere as that of an old 
home, rendered poisonous by one's defunct forefathers and relatives! I speak of 
what I know. .... rusty, crazy, creaky, dry-rotted, damp-rotted, dingy, dark and 
miserable old dungeon with an arched window over toe porch and a little shop door 
on one side, and a great melancholy elm before it Now, sir, whenever my thoughts 
recur to this seven-gabled mansion ... I have a vision of an elderly man . . . dead, 
stone dead, with an ugly flow of blood upon his shirt bosom.... I could never flourish 
there, nor be happy nor do nor enjoy what God meant me to do and enjoy! . . . it 
were a relief to me if that house could be torn down .... For, Sir, toe farther I get 
away from it, toe more does toe joy, toe lightsome freshness, toe heart-leap, toe 

intellectual dance, die youth, in short—yes, my youth, my youth—the more does it 
come back to me. No longer ago than this morning was I old . . . But now do I look 
old? If so, my aspect belies me strangely, for—a great weight being off my mind—I 
feel in the very hey-day of my youth, with the world and my best days before me. 

Abolish real estate and you will abolish sin! Victims of the subprime bust 
might agree. Clifford is both loquacious and prophetic in a way he fails to understand: 

What we call real estate—die solid ground to build a house on—is die broad 
foundation on which nearly all the guilt of this world rests. A man will commit 
almost any wrong . . . only to build a great, gloomy, dark-chambered mansion for 
himself to die in and for his posterity to be miserable in.... Within the lifetime of the 
child already born ... All this will be done away. The world is growing too ethereal 
and spiritual to bear these enormities a great while longer. ... the harbingers of a 
better era are unmistal<able. 

Hawthorne, of course, viewed this sort of pretension with an irony that was 
as rare in his own day as it is in our own. After the trauma of the Civil War—only ten 
years over die horizon at the time Hawthorne wrote his bool^-America would become 
coarsened, and after that happened its inclination to find technological solutions for moral 
and spiritual problems only intensified. The technology increased in power and scope as 
well, until 157 years later when Walt Whitman's dictum "Every man his own priest" had 
changed into "Every man his own railroad," largely because of die introduction of the 
Interstate and the RV. The only thing that didn't change was the motivation to get moving 
in the first place, which remained moral and spiritual, as is the case when a man "feels to 
be over-filled with the dead man's presence" and flees "Heaven knows whither, at the 
speed of a hurricane, by railroad" or Qass C Motorhome (Hawthorne, p. 265). 

Both Peter and I were getting close to Clifford Pyncheon in age (if in fact 
we hadn't superceded him), but somehow Hawthorne's irony had spoiled the Great 
American Escape for us. Peter started out in life as die scion of German and Norwegian 
immigrants who had settled in the Wisconsin Dells. Peter's father graduated from Notre 
Dame in '43, trained as Navy pilot, but die war ended before he could be deployed. 
Attending Notre Dame created in his mind the standard image of God, country, and 
Notre Dame which that generation had carried away with it. What Peter's father never 
learned is that nothing stays the same in this life, and that the only definitive explanation 
of life in America after World War II was The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And so it 
was ordained early on that Peter was to attend Notre Dame, as his father had, without 
anyone telling Peter that the pod people had taken over what still called itself a Catholic 

university in the years following his father's graduation. 

One year before he entered Notre Dame, Peter went to visit his sister, who 
was attending St. Mary's College across die street at the time. It was Mardi Gras 1970. 
Peter was a naive high school senior student athlete who believed in the culture which the 
Wisconsin Dells had bequeathed him, and so was not prepared for what the Notre Dame 
students told him when he arrived to stay for the weekend in their dorm room. The 
testimony of the students was unanimous. "This place will really fuck you up." The 
students told Peter. "We're all fueled up and we don't know why." 

Peter returned to Wisconsin convinced that he should not go to Notre 
Dame, but his uncle convinced him otherwise. Like Ishmael in Moby Dick, Peter ignored 
the mene tekel of his peers, and as a result Peter's life took a turn for the worse when he 
arrived at the University of Notre Dame in 1970. 

After three years of deliberately instigated intellectual confusion, Peter 
couldn't take it anymore. He returned to Wisconsin and moved into the family cabin 
along the Wisconsin River and started reading Nietzsche, the only author he had picked up 
from his stay at Notre Dame. One night he took speed and stayed up all night trying to 
figure things out When the sun came up the next morning, the only phrase left in his mind 
was "the name of Jesus." Peter then dropped out of Notre Dame; he had dropped out of 
the Catholic faith shortly after he arrived in South Bend. 

He asked his father to let him stay in their hunting lodge, and his father 
agreed to let him stay on one condition: that he go to a psychiatrist, which in this instance 
meant going to Dr. Hahn, the famous Jewish psychiatrist from Poland, who let him rattle 
on at $50 an hour until one day Peter mentioned that he had been thinking about God. At 
that point Dr. Hahn said, 'Peter, you are having a fantasy, and I fear you are entering 
into psychosis." He then threatened to put him on medication and into a mental hospital if 
he continued to talkabout God. 

Peter, as I mentioned, threw out toe Catholic baby with toe Notre Dame 
bath water. Peter eventually got his degree. He now considers himself an itinerant 
preacher in toe Protestant mode, who travels around toe country and pays his bills by 
delivering KVs. The big issue in Peter's life right now is getting his Commercial Drivers 
License. Given his state in life, getting a CDL makes perfect sense. He will be able to 
deliver toe whole gamut of KVs now and make more money. But toe CDL has taken on a 
metaphysical meaning in toe Wisconsin Dells. If he gets it, that means that Peter has 
finally made something out of his life. It means that Peter is no longer a 55-year-old 
loser. He is now a 55-year-old who has been certified by toe state to drive big rigs. 
Peter's father, in whose heart hope springs eternal, stops people on toe street in toe 

Wisconsin Dells to announce that Peter is on the verge of getting his CDL. It may even 
male the papers there since it is the first time he has gotten a degree in his entire life. 
Shortly after our odyssey ended, Peter called to say that he had gotten his CDL, so with 
this achievement under his belt he can hold his head high in die Dells now. Regret should 
be the farthest thing from his mind, and yet. . . Perhaps if s the times; perhaps if s the 
mores. O temporal O mores! Perhaps it's a bad case of Boomerdaemmerung. Whatever, 
but now Peter wonders whether he should have gone to the seminary when he was 13 
years old, which was his original plan in life. More than once he mentioned the attractions 
of die monastic life. I make a note to mention Peter when I visit the monastery in 

Or maybe regret is the new demographic issue for the baby boomer 
generation, which is now pushing 60. "Regrets I've had a few," is how Frank Sinatra put it 
when he sang "My Way," but this generation never tiled Frank Sinatra, and so ifs 
understandable that they might have a different attitude toward regret 

While speaking in Maine, I ran into another baby boomer, one year older 
than me, someone whom I hadn't seen in years, someone who had gotten me a speaking 
engagement there in the early '90s. When I asked "How are you doing?' my question 
elicited die sad story that this man's wife had left him for another man and ruined his life. 
James was 61 years old at the time and still interested in meeting other women, even 
though the affair he had had with the divorcee of a year ago hadn't gone particularly 
well. All of this sexual trauma had forced James to brood on the past, in particular on a 
trip he had made to California 40 years earlier. On that trip he had met a woman, had 
entered into a sexual relationship with her (as many had then), and then left her to come 
back to something or other on the East Coast and had forgotten her pretty much until his 
wife left him. Now James is full of regret "I should have married her," is how he put it to 
me on that foggy evening in Maine, putting me in the position of trying to offer some 
consolation. "I can't un-mess up your life for you," is what I blurted out at tire time. It 
wasn't the most consoling thing to say, I suppose. It also wasn't the only thing I said. But in 
many ways, it was the most pertinent thing to say to someone who was contemplating 
another sexual relationship to make up for the failures of the past I spoke of redemption 
too, but it became clear as I spoke, that redemption is not a time machine. We can still 
make contact with God's plan for us as long as we are alive, but we can never go backand 
marry the woman we didn't marry, or bring backto life the children we killed. 

James was fortunate enough to have three children by tire woman who left 
him for another man. One of the biggest sources of regret for the baby boomer 
generation is the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution blinded them to the people they 

were supposed to marry. But worse than that, it seduced them into killing their own 
children. If there is one thing that can ruin a life, it is abortion. Abortion devastates the 
lives of everyone involved in it 

Peter, who now feels he should have joined die seminary when he was 13 
years old, lives like a monk, and in fact talks with enthusiasm about die monasteries of the 
middle ages, so abortion is not part of his story. But it is part of Daniel Smith's story, 
which is now in print ("How Did I Get So Far from Who I Am?' By Daniel Smith, in 
Kevin Burke LSW, David Wemhoff, Marvin Stockwell, eds, Redeeming a Father's Heart: 
Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery (Bloomington, IN: 
Authorhouse, 2007, p. 51). 

Like Peter, Daniel Smith went to Notre Dame. Unlike Peter, Daniel Smith 
went on to a fairly successful career as a lawyer. Daniel never heard the mene tekel that 
Peter heard from Notre Dame students in 1970. If he had, it is not clear that he would 
have heeded any more than Peter did. Experience, as Ben Franldin said, keeps an 
expensive school, but fools will leam in no other. 

In retrospect, Smith feels that he and his classmates at Notre Dame in the 
late '70s "were under attack," because even though Notre Dame claimed to be Catholic, 
its main mission in life after Father Hesburgh stole the university from die Catholic 
Church in 1967 was disabusing Catholic undergrads of die last vestiges of sexual morality 
so that they could go off and become loyal FBI agents and docile wage slaves. "All 
around us," Smith continues, "were messages that said sex is good, sex is fun, sex is 
natural. ... Of course, no one told us, no one showed us, where all this 'free love,' this 
sexual liberation would lead us. No one showed the hurt feelings, die broken hearts, the 
shattered dreams, the suffering and the years of pain and emptiness. No one showed us 
the truth." Smith as a result holds Notre Dame responsible for the trainwreckthat his life 
was to become. "Where," he wonders, "were die shepherds who were to protect the flock? 
. . . They were wolves in sheep's clothing. Abortion? Never heard of it Sex outside of 
marriage? It was tacitiy approved." In short, Father Hesburgh and the people under him 
"either did not believe, or they sold out. ... At the place some call the preeminent 
Catholic university we were immersed in the sex and booze and the rock and roll of the 
destructive mainstream society." 

Smith bought into the American dream of material success, as brokered by 
Notre Dame, which made a name for itself among America's elites by giving its students 
the illusion that there was no conflict between the American Dream and the Catholic 
Faith. The net result of that deception is that Smith became so involved in the selfish 
pursuit of sexual pleasure that he became willing to kill anyone who threatened to 

interfere with that pleasure, even if that person was his own child. Or, perhaps, better put, 
especially if that person were his own child. 

Smith recounts a conversation with his girlfriend of tire time, Ann, who 
aslcd him, "Hypothetically, if I told you that I was pregnant, what would you want me to 
do?' Smith lost no time replying: "I would want you to have an abortion." That was the 
day on which, as he puts it "It was then that the Devil entered me." That was day that 
ruined the rest of David Smith's life. From then on his life was "an emptiness broken by 
strife, and infused with sorrow." 

The first tiling to die after their child was Smith's relationship with the 
child's mother. In the same book, Fr. FrankPavone talks about "the overwhelming despair 
that comes from abortions that" people like Smith "insisted upon." Daniel Smith's 
testimony corroborates Pavone's claim: 

A wave of despair engulfed me. The despair included physical pain and a 
withdrawal from everyone around me. I took time off from my job and spent days 
away from friends and family.... The pain was in every fiber of my being, during 
the hours I was awake, and even during my sleep. There was no respite. There was 
no end in sight. I had lost the love of my life. I knew it, and felt it and did not know 
how I would live with it I despaired. 

Sex and booze are the normal antidotes to bad conscience. One father had 
an affair with a co-worker which led, when discovered, to the break-up of his marriage. 
The break-up in turn led to alcoholism, pornography addiction, and, ultimately, a suicide 
attempt before this man could bring himself to admit that abortion was the cause of all of 

Smith "turned to sex with several women and to partying as a way to 
deaden my feelings. But it didn't" Nor did recourse to frenzied activity solve the 
problems other fathers faced after their involvement with abortion. Sometimes the 
frenzied activity involved otherwise laudable activity. One woman became a model 
student and devoted all of her waking hours to study to distract herself from the fact that 
she had killed her own child. Careers for women as well as political activism are often the 
unacknowledged sequelae of abortion. Ultimately all of the books contributors learned 
with Smith, that "denial cannot last forever" because "it costs too much energy." 

Justifying an abortion is psychically exhausting. Redemption is possible, but 
if s important to understand just what redemption is and not to be deceived by the illusions 
which the culture of death proposes as its surrogate. The trauma the abortion wreaks is so 
great that Smith is forced to admit that "Even after confessing the sin of abortion to my 

parish priest, it all remained in the closet. With time, it pushed against the door, wanting to 
come out. Seeing no way for that to happen, anger started to build." Smith's sin may have 
been forgiven, but his anger remained: "Dealing with the anger required that I accept 
what had happened and put it all in its proper place. To do that, I had to face the events of 
the past, and that in turn meant remembering every tiling. That is a difficult thing to do." 

The ultimate cause of sin is the will, which is free. But the will can be 
influenced by culture. And one of the main cultural influences in the stories recounted in 
Redeeming a Father's Heart was tiie military. Virtually every narrative involved the 
military. The military facilitated abortion because it promoted deracination. Virtually 
every testimony in Redeeming a Father's Heart came from someone who had been in 
the military. Some of the writers had been raised in military families, and the constant 
moving that involved made "making and breaking relationships . .. easy." Jonathan Flora 

For me, making and breaking relationships was easy—I had done it my whole 
life. I had learned early and it was all I knew when growing up. Because of my 
father's Naval career, I attended seven different schools (two outside the US) from 
the first grade through my senior year in high school.... Because military kids were 
always moving, maybe a third or less of the class that stayed tire year together 
would be intact by the time summer break rolled around. Making and breaking 
relationships was easy. . . . Later in life breaking up with girls was handled just as 

And since breaking those relationship had become easy, it was even easier 
to breaka relationship with a child which, according to the canons of the dominant culture, 
did not exist Any unpleasant memories of that child could be exorcised by joining the 
military and allowing it to put him on tire merry-go-round of constant transfers and 
mindless activity. "In my last semester of high school I signed up for the Air Force," Flora 
writes, completing the circle that began when he was born into a military family. 

Daniel Smith touches on the connection between abortion and deracination 
obliquely when he blames "radical autonomous individualism" for the fact that "we were 
isolated from the sources of our lives and so could fall for anything" (p. 58). He also 
claims that I have helped him understand those forces: 

These nefarious ideas did not simply fall out of the sky ... it was years later after 
having read the work of Catholic scholars like Gerry Bradley and Michael Jones that 
I came to see that the myths which we grew up, that surrounded ourselves with late 
in 20^ century USA, were j ust that—myths. Or, to be more blunt, lies.... We were 

told there was a "we," all Americans are one big family and we believed it. But 
reality was different, as it always is in times of delusion.... Smarter? No, we were 
just arrogant and ignorant of the sophisticated means by which we were being 
manipulated. Freer? No, j ust promiscuous and isolated. 

The men who ruined their lives became haunted by the ghosts of the 
children they had killed. One father wrote: "I would have dreams of a phantom male 
child coming to see me but I couldn't see the face." Abortion causes ghosts; and since 
those ghosts are a product of guilt, die guilt ridden soul quickly concludes that there is no 
escape from the past At this point getting out of town seems like an attractive option. So if 
motion is a sign of guilt, America must be the most guilt-ridden nation on the face of the 

Daniel Smith found redemption in Christ, but like a character in a Hawthorn 
novel, he realized that the expiation of his sin would take years: 

Even after facing the events of long ago, I had to deal with the rage that comes 
from the knowledge of the reality of what happened. This anger does not easily drain 
because at the base of it is the sense that we have been emasculated for not 
protecting our own flesh and blood. With time, that empty chair, that silent room, the 
hole in my soul left by the loss of this child and his mother, took root in me, and I 
came to realize that this loss was permanent. . . . Going to Confession, reading 
tirelessly about abortion, working feverishly in the prolife movement, being nice to 
people. These things did not bring me backto health. If anything, they caused me to 
ask, "Why doesn't anyone seem to care about my little one and his mommy?'... I 
learned that I had a Father in heaven who did care and learned that healing would 
take years of prayer and hard work 

Daniel Smith says that he was a victim of war, or perhaps a victim of the 
cultural version of "friendly fire." He and the mother of his child "were the targets of 
what I can only now call a war—a war against people, a war against families, a war 
against the Truth.. . . Those who created die toxic culture that gave our son less than an 
even chance must bear responsibility for the little one's death, and for our suffering.... I 
have come to see clearly how abortion and the culture of death that surrounds it, must, 
and will one day be brought to an end." 

Daniel's story doesn't end when the narrative in the book ends. Unlike the 
Protestants who gave their testimony in the same bool; Daniel did not remarry, nor did he 
have children by the second wife to replace the child he killed. Daniel lived alone, and so 
the ghost of die child he killed returned to haunt him in die house he occupied all alone. 

Perhaps it was the prospect of those long years of expiation, perhaps he needed to forgive 
himself as God had forgiven him, perhaps it was the fact that he hadn't sired a child to 
replace the one he killed, perhaps it was the disappointment which came when he realized 
that the redemption that Christ offered was not a time machine, perhaps he was simply 
overwhelmed with regret—whatever the reason, Daniel chose the geographical cure, 
facilitate not by the railroad or the KV but by the US military, which is eager to send you 
to the Middle East these days. Eventually, in spite of the religion he professed on his lips, 
Daniel, like Clifford Pyncheon, had to flee tire house, go someplace else to get away 
from the past That meant Iraq. Daniel re-enlisted. Daniel is fighting the war on terror but, 
after hours of discussing his story on Interstate 80 in Iowa, Peter and I conclude that 
Daniel is AWOL in the culture wars. 

So 40 years after the summer of love, two baby boomers conclude that the 
mood is pessimistic. Nothing can turn back time. Time flows in one direction only. The 
past is immutable. There is nothing you can do to change what you have done. Regret is, 
of course, anti-American. It contradicts toe fundamental American premise, which is if 
you mess up your life in one place, you can always move farther west and start all over 
again, as if nothing had ever happened. 

The rise of toe Mobile Home industry is premised on toe institutionalization 
of that hope. To achieve that end, toe mobile home industry promotes deracination as a 
way of life. It promotes deracination as an identity. The KV is a home on wheels for toe 
permanently deracinated. It entered toe canon of American literature 110 years after 
Hawthorne wrote toe House of toe Seven Gables, when John Steinbeckwrote Travels with 
Charley In Search of America, toe story of Steinbeck s 10,000 mile long KV trip from 
Maine to California and back again. Steinbeck mentions both South Bend, Indiana and toe 
Wisconsin Dells, Peter's current and ancestral homes. Wisconsin is a state where 
"everything I saw brought a delight." Most delightful of all were toe Wisconsin Dells, "toe 
weird country sculptured by toe Ice Age, a strange, gleaming country of water and 
carved rock, black and green." The main thing Steinbeck remembers about South Bend, 
Indiana is toe Toll Road, which 

strings toe northern border of Indiana, bypassed Elkhart, South Bend and Gary. 
The straightness of toe way, toe swish of traffic, toe unbroken speed are hypnotic, 
and while toe miles peel off an imperceptible exhaustion sets on. Day and night are 
one. The setting sun is neither an invitation or a command to stop, for toe traffic rolls 

Steinbeck tells us that he avoids toe Interstates because there is nothing to 

see on the Interstates and that leads him to think about his past, bringing up "die areas of 
regrets. If only I had done so-and-so, or had not said such-and-such—miy God, die damn 
thing might not have happened." As a result, Steinbeck "avoided the great wide traffic 
slashes which promote the self by fostering daydreams." 

It turns out that Steinbeck, like many Americans from die time of Clifford 
Pyncheon and after, wanted to travel because he has regrets, but in Travels with Charley, 
he never gets around to telling us just what caused those regrets. Instead, he tells us about 
his RV. Steinbeck got Ford to build him a customized RV, which he named Rocinante, 
after Don Quixote's horse. The name gave his quest a literary flavor, even if ultimately 
the allusion, unlike the RV, went nowhere. More important was die symbolism of die RV, 
which Steinbeck tells us symbolized the fact that "I had to go alone and I had to be self- 
contained, a kind of casual turtle carrying his house on his back" (John Steinbeck Travels 
with Charley in Search of America [New York Penguin, 2002]). 

Steinbeckwas younger than I am when he wrote Travels with Charley, but 
he sounded like an old man. He was not in good health at the time, having suffered a 
stroke that was the result of a lifetime of overindulgence in passions that impaired his 
health. But before long it becomes clear that die main disease pushing Steinbeck toward 
"senility" is not physical; it is rather "the virus of resdessness" which has taken "possession 
of a wayward man." Over the course of his 10,000 mile journey, Steinbeck notices "a 
burning desire to go" all over America: 

I saw in their eyes something that I was to see over and over in every part of the 
nation—a burning desire to go, to move, to get underway, anyplace, away from 
Here. They spoke quietiy of how they wanted to go someday, to move about, free 
and unanchored, not toward something but away from something. I saw this look and 
heard this yearning everywhere in every state I visited, (p. 9). 

He describes this desire as a disease for which there is no cure. 'He (19 
year old) had a dream I've had all my life, and there is no cure." 

Steinbeck is no Dante; he was well past "the middle of life's road" when he 
wrote Travels with Charley, but like Dante he does find himself in the middle of a dark 
wood when he gets to Maine. Unlike Dante, however, he never really finds his way out 
again, most probably because he likes being lost, or at least in the state of perpetual 
motion that characterizes, as the Marquis de Sade told us, those who live in and support 
revolutionary societies. 

As of 1960, when Steinbeck set of on his trip across America, it was not 
clear that he had ruined his life. In fact, when looked at from the outside, it looked as if his 

life was a stupendous success. Steinbeckhad achieved heights of fame and fortune which 
few American writers either before or after him would ever achieve again. When he 
arrived back home from his RV odyssey, an invitation to the Kennedy inaugural was 
waiting for him. Two years later Steinbeck went on to receive the Nobel Prize. The 
publication of Travels with Charley in the same year established him as a national 
treasure, which is the word which always gets used when a writer has nothing more to 
say, but is still useful to the regime as a propagandist 

In many ways, Steinbecks travelogue is the antithesis of the memoirs in 
Redeeming a Father's Heart, and yet what both have in common is abortion, and how 
abortion ruined their lives. 

Both men ruined their lives by procuring abortions. The difference is that 
Steinbeck never understood how he ruined his own life. The very fame and fortune he 
craved prevented him from ever understanding why a writer who began his career with 
such promise ended up such a mediocrity. 

The Grapes of Wrath, which was published in 1939, was a huge success. 
After years of living the life of the starving artist—his happiest years, of course— 
Steinbeck awoke to hear fame calling him on the telephone and offering him $5,000 a 
week if he would come to Hollywood and write movie scripts. At the height of his 
success, shortly after toe publication of The Grapes of Wrath, when Hollywood was 
beating down his door, offering him $5000 a week as a script writer (having already paid 
$75,000 for toe movie rights to Grapes ), Steinbeck ordered his wife to abort their child. 
Carol, who happened to be his first wife and (in Iceping toe formula which would become 
depressingly familiar over toe course of toe next 60 years) toe one who stood by him 
when he was a nobody and stayed up late at night typing toe manuscripts that would make 
him famous, wanted a child desperately but put it off in toe interest of Steinbeck s career. 

Now that his career was flourishing all he could think to do was order her to 
have an abortion. Carol acquiesced to his request in spite of her better j udgment and got a 
bad infection as a result of toe botched abortion. Eventually toe infection led to a total 
hysterectomy, something which Steinbecks biographer refers to as "an utterly 
devastating operation for a woman of childbearing age who wanted a child very badly." 
Needless to say, Carol "never got over toe bitterness of this." This bitterness led to bitter 
recriminations, which were needless to say unpleasant, which in turn drove Steinbeck to 
seek female companionship outside their marriage. Eventually, Steinbeck divorced Carol 
and married a singer/actress 19-years his junior by toe name of Gwyn Gonger, who bore 
him two children, both of whom ended up hating their father. 

Steinbeck, his biographer tells us, "was afraid that fatherhood would 

interfere with his writing." It turns out that Steinbecks fears were misplaced. It was 
abortion, not fatherhood, that destroyed him as a writer. 

Steinbeck had been bom and raised on a farm near Salinas. His forbears 
were forty-niners, which in terms of America, meant that they were quasi-aborigines 
and deeply rooted in their native soil. Abortion changed all that After Steinbeck pacled 
the invalid Carol off on a trip to Hawaii, he moved in with Gwyn Conger. When Carol 
returned and confronted him with his infidelity, Steinbeck filed for divorce. 

The divorce traumatized Steinbeck His reputation had been built more on 
his moral compass—as the man who understood the plight of migrant workers—rather 
than on any spectacular writing ability, and now that moral compass had been shattered 
by acts of cmel and gratuitous selfishness, at the height of his career, when he should 
have been at his magnanimous best Steinbeck moved in with his friend Ed Ricketts, the 
main character in Cannery Row, who did his best to calm his friend down with "whiskey 
and conversation," but it soon became apparent that this self-inflicted wound could not be 
medicated out of existence: 

Tve been very raddled and torn out by the roots," he told Ricketts, 
"Nightmared, etc.... I... am working hard but I get die horrors pretty often." The only 
thing, he claimed, that saved him from going crazy was his work He resolved "not to try 
to thinkbut to let die workgo on." 

If s interesting that Steinbeck should mention being "torn out by die roots" as 
one of die symptoms of his malaise. The abortion uprooted Steinbeck When Carol 
threatened to return to California after die divorce, Steinbeck had to flee. California was 
now full of unwelcome ghosts. In fleeing Steinbeck destroyed himself as a writer, 
because if there were ever a writer who was rooted in one place, it was John Steinbeck 
Steinbeck was the quintessential California writer. It was die one place he could write 
about with confidence as Tortilla Flat, Grapes of Wrath, and Cannery Row had shown. 
But abortion and the return of his wife and the ghosts she brought with her changed all that 
and brought about the deracination which ultimately ruined him as a writer. Like Clifford 
Pyncheon, Steinbeck thought he could escape the dead hand of the past by changing his 
locale, but die move—to New Yorle-eventually destroyed him as a writer. Elia Kazan 
was one of many New York writers who noticed that Steinbeck did not fit in, no matter 
how hard he tried. 

"It was a mistake," Elia Kazan said. "Steinbeck was a Californian, never a 
New Yorker. It was a great mistake for him to leave the West Coast. That was the source 
of his inspiration. He was himself there. In New York, he was awkward, out of place. I 
think it hurt him as a writer." 

Arthur Miller noticed the same thing: 

He seemed an ungainly, small-town fellow out of his element, grabbing the 
check like a provincial—a New York writer would not have thought to pay for ten 
people he had not invited for dinner; it smacked more of inner uncertainty than 
confident noblesse. It was cold but he wore not overcoat and enjoyed breathing the 
sharp wind as we walked toward the park He seemed like a shackled giant of a man 
fit for sun, water and earth and not sidewalks and smart people.... That the author of 
prose so definite and painterly could be so personally unsure was beyond my 
experience. (Jay Parini, John Steinbeck A Biography (New York Henry Holt and 
Company, 1995, p. 486). 

Eventually, toe disparity between toe promise that Steinbeck showed in toe 
'30s and toe hack he had become by toe '60s, began to be formulated as what Daniel R 
Noble called "toe Steinbeckquestion": 

Why is it that toe work of this enormously popular author is disappearing from 
toe pages of anthologies even faster than toe works of Hemingway, Faulkner, 
Fitzgerald and other maj or figures of toe traditional canon? 

The answer to that question is abortion. Steinbeck destroyed himself as a 
writer when he murdered his child. In order to survive from one day to toe next Steinbeck 
had to medicate his conscience with booze and amphetamines. Medicating toe conscience 
is never a good idea, but it is especially fatal for a writer whose main claim to fame was 
being toe conscience of a nation. 

As is so often toe case in history, war provided Steinbeck with toe deus ex 
machina that would release him from toe psychic prison which his selfishness had created 
for him. In toe fall of 1941 he was called to Washington to consult with toe Roosevelt 
administration about setting up a propaganda ministry, one that eventually came into 
being under toe name of The Foreign Information Service. 

Steinbeck then devoted himself to propaganda, an addiction that proved 
more powerful than his dependence on booze and amphetamines. Because of his new¬ 
found career as a government propagandist, Steinbeck s life had "become frenetic and 
confusing." The first fruit of this collaboration was The Moon is Down, a novel which 
Parini characterizes as "as an unabashed piece of propaganda." Steinbeck, according to 
Parini, "was never paid for his work But he enjoyed saying rather facetiously that he 
wrote his next novel, The Moon is Down, on assignment for this agency." 

To toe impecunious writer, propaganda may seem like an easy way to 
earn money. But Steinbeck was hardly impecunious at this point in his life, and so we 

must seek for the attraction which propaganda held for him elsewhere. Parini provides a 
clue when he notes that, "propaganda is after all the art of deception." Steinbeckwas now 
being paid to deceive people, his own people, about the war effort The prospect seemed 
attractive to him not because he needed the money but because he was interested in 
deceiving himself about the kind of person he had become. War was good for that 
because it made his duplicitous behavior to his wife seem insignificant in the grand 
scheme of things, a scheme which he was now weaving. Steinbeck now had the full force 
of the government on his side in his ongoing battle with his own troubled conscience. With 
a plausibility that could convince everyone but the man for whom the deception was 
intended, Steinbeck could say that the decision to go east was prompted not by Carol's 
decision to return to California but by America's entry into the war. 

Steinbeckwas once a writer whose conscience moved the nation. After the 
abortion, he became a propagandist and then a standing j ole in the publishing world that 
continued to promote him because of the money he could bring in. After Steinbeck 
received the Nobel Prize in 1962, Arthur Mizener wrote a critique in the New York Times, 
in which he claimed that "after The Grapes of Wrath, most "serious readers" had stopped 
reading Steinbeck whose work was marred everywhere by "sentimentality.' Mizener 
swept through the writer's career, stopping at every book from In Dubious Battle on to 
mockand belittle." (p. 448). 

When Steinbeckwas sent to Russia as the representative Homo Americanus, 
One Russian reader .. . began harassing John with questions about why he once 
wrote books that attacked the capitalist system but caved in later. This made John 
furious and he would scream backat them things like, 'You son-of-a-biteh, don't you 
realize that times change, that America in toe 30s was different from America in toe 
’50s" and so on. (p. 452). 

Once Steinbeck succeeded in anesthetizing his conscience, he no longer 
saw toe injustices that had moved him when he was younger. After receiving toe Nobel 
Prize, Steinbeckwas invited to tour Israel, but while there he ignored toe Palestinians, who 
were living in camps much worse and much more permanent than toe camps of migrant 
workers in California which had inspired him to write The Grapes of Wrath. "The 
Steinbeck of three decades earlier," Parini writes, "would surely have sniffed out toe 
injustice—or at least toe tragic contradictions—inherent in this situation" (p. 470). But 
Steinbeck did not because his conscience had now taken a back seat to other 
considerations, like his career and toe sensibilities of Harold Guintoerg, to whom he 
dedicated Travels with Charley, and toe New York publishing industry. 

Steinbeck could no longer write even short fiction because "nothing would 
cohere," (p. 471). Instead, spurred on by the success of Travels with Charley and the 
Nobel Prize, Steinbeckreinvented himself as a cracker-barrel moral theologian who could 
now fulminate against the moral decay plaguing his country. "Why," Steinbeck wonders 
in America and Americans, the 1966 sequel to Travels with Charley, "are we on this verge 
of moral and hence nervous collapse?' Based on his reading of history, Steinbeck 
concludes that "it is because we have reached the end of the road and have no new path to 
take, no duty to carry out, and no purpose to fulfill" (p. 140). At this point we begin to 
wonder whether Steinbeck is addressing his fellow Americans or himself. Instead of 
answering that question, Steinbeck wanders off into an attack on overpopulation, a ruling 
class obsession in the mid— ! 60s. 

The same unfortunate tendency to propaganda is evident in Travels with 
Charley, a book in which Steinbeck becomes a shill for deracination in general and the 
mobile home industry in particular. Product placement became commonplace in the 
movie industry by die end of the 20^ century, but so far no one has located its beginning 
in literature. Travels with Charley might be a good place to start In Travels, Steinbeck 
never tells us how much he paid for his KV. In reading Travels, one gets die impression 
that the RV was comped in exchange for favorable publicity. 

The mobile home, Steinbecktells us, is "wonderfully built," with "aluminum 
skins, double-walled with insulation and often paneled with veneer or hardwood.... They 
have two to five rooms, and are complete with air-conditioners, toilets, baths, and 
invariably television. . . . A mobile home is drawn to the trailer park and installed on a 
ramp, a heavy rubber sewer pipe is bolted underneath, water and electric power is 
connected, the television antenna is raise and the family is in residence." 

Steinbeck is impressed: "It seemed to me a revolution in living and on a 
rapid increase. Why did a family choose to live in such a home? Well, it was 
comfortable, compact, easy to keep clean and easy to heat." And on top of that the 
factory workers who live in these rattletraps don't have to worry about job security or 
decent wages any more because "If a plant or a factory closes down, you're not trapped 
with property you can't sell.... if he has a mobile home he rents a trucking service and 
moves on and he hasn't lost anything. He may never have to do it, but the fact that he can 
is a comfort to him" (p. 76). After dining with the folks in the mobile homes and watching 
football games on their television sets with them, Steinbeck concludes "that permanence is 
neither achieved nor desired by mobile people." 

"From start to finish I found no strangers," Steinbeck wrote of his travels in 
search of America. This, however, is not what he wrote to his third wife Elaine, in one of 

the many letters that served as the basis for the book he would write when he got back 
home. "These are Martians," he told Elaine, referring to die mobile home people he had 
just praised, "I wanted to ask them to take me to their leader. They have no humor, no 
past and their future is new models." He added: "If ever I am looking for a theme—this 
restless mobility is a good one" (Parini, p. 424). 

We have no record of what he talked about in the cramped metallic living 
room of the RV in front of the TV, but the esoteric Steinbeck felt that sports were "the 
national distraction designed to keep the mind of the nation preoccupied and away from 
dangerous subjects like foreign policy or the economic system" (p. 425). "The 
Conscience of America" had concluded privately that the country was "a corpse": 

There were wishes but no wants. And underneath it all die building energy like 
gases in a corpse. When that explodes, I tremble to think what will be the result Over 
and over I thought we lack the pressures that make men strong and die anguish that 
makes men great The pressures are debts, die desires are for more material toys 
and the anguish is boredom. Through time the nation has become a discontented 

This, of course, is not die impression one gets from reading Travels with 
Charley, especially when Steinbeck interviews Joe from Tuscany and his Irish wife and 
the subject of roots comes up. "One of our most treasured feelings concerns roots," 
Steinbeckbegins, "growing up rooted in some soil or some community. How did they feel 
about raising their children without roots? Was it good or bad? Would they miss it or not?' 

Joe from Tuscany has no patience with this kind of talk because Joe's father 
came from a home which lacked a television and other modem conveniences, like the 
modem kitchen Joe's Irish wife is bustling around in after their meal together. 

"My father came from Italy," Joe opines to the Conscience of America: 

He grew up in Tuscany in a house where his family had lived maybe a thousand 
years. That's roots for you. No running water, no toilet, and they cooled with 
charcoal or vine clippings. They had just two rooms, a kitchen and a bedroom where 
everybody slept, grandpa father and all the kids, no place to read, no place to be 
alone, and never had had. Was that better? I bet if you gave my old man the choice 
he'd cut his roots and live like this. 

Joe then adverts to his wife. 'Now you take my wife," he continued 

sounding like Henny Youngman. "She's of Irish descent; her people had roots too_" and 

before Joe can finish his sentence, his wife adds, "In a peat bog... and lived on potatoes." 
Steinbeck then looks at her as "she gazed fondly through the door at her fine kitchen" (p. 


Once again Steinbeck drags the labor issue into the discussion of roots but 
not in tire way he treated the issue in The Grapes of Wrath. There is not such thing as 
"permanence" in American life because when the "Factory closes down, you move on. 
Good times and things opening up, you move on where if s better." 

If "You got roots," Joe concludes, "you sit and starve." 

Once again Steinbeckthe propagandist (or the people into whose mouths his 
words get put) invariably parrots the ruling class line on anything of importance. Reading 
Travels is a bit like hearing Ma Joad give a glowing endorsement of the California 
Growers Association. If cheap labor is the greatest commandment of the unwritten 
American constitution, labor mobility is its second greatest commandment, and here we 
have two deracinated Catholics extolling the very thing that the American ruling class has 
desired ever since the country was founded. Is it any wonder the ruling class considered 
Steinbecka national treasure? With a conscience like this, America needed no corrupting. 

Lest Joe's point be too subtle for the average reader, Steinbeck concludes 
with a panegyric on deracination that follows in an uncanny way from Clifford 
Pyncheon's declamation on the railroad. Hawthorne viewed rootlessness as a technology- 
fueled temptation for Americans. One hundred and ten years later Steinbeckclaimed that 
Americans are by definition rootless: 

Could it be that Americans are a restless people, a mobile people, never satisfied 
with where they are as a matter of selection? The pioneers, the immigrants who 
peopled the continent, were the restless ones in Europe.... Roots were in ownership 
of land, in tangible and immovable possessions. In this view we are a restless species 
with a very short history of roots, and those not widely distributed. Perhaps we have 
overrated roots as a psychic need. Maybe the greater tire urge, the deeper and more 
ancient is the need, the will, the hunger to be somewhere else. 

At the end of day one we arrive at the Winnebago plant in Forrest City, 
Iowa. In order to get there we have to travel north on Interstate 35, which is the road 
which crosses die bridge that collapsed when we were heading toward Minneapolis. Had 
we continued on that road we might have ended up in the Mississippi like the rest of the 
commuting crowd, but Forest City isn't that far north. The dusty lot is full of the 
behemoths of die Interstate, veritable castles on wheels, Gass AMotorhomes with metal 
blisters on their roofs concealing state of die art electronic devices that allow them to 
communicate through the ether with each other, watch television broadcast from 
satellites, and, for all I know, deflect incoming missiles. Because Peter did not yet have 

his CDL, we had to content ourselves with a Class C Ithasl<a, mounted on the updated 
version of the Ford truck that was the basis of Steinbecks Rocinante. Wandering around 
inside what was to be our home on wheels for the next three days, I find myself 
wondering what is in the Qass A motorhomes, because our Ithasl<a had a bunk over the 
cab, a sofa which converted into a bed, a kitchen table with chairs, a stove and sink a 
bathroom with a sink and shower, and a master bedroom hanging out behind the rear 
wheels. Peter is relieved that our vehicle is relatively modest, because the bigger they 
come the harder they are to drive, and the fewer possibilities there are to parkthem. 

Having spent the day on toe road, we decided to spend toe night in Qystal 
Laic, a small Iowa town a few miles down toe road. The main attraction from our point 
of view is toe laic, which offers swimming to two sweaty and cramped Hoosiers. At this 
point a dip in toe crystalline waters of toe eponymous laic seems even more inviting that 
a hot meal. And so after pulling into toe parking lot we plunge into Crystal Lake. Actually, 
we had to wade about a hundred yards into toe lake before toe water reached our thighs. 
We then sort of plunged into toe muddiest water I have ever immersed myself in and 
paddled around in it for toe next hour or so. When we drove into town past toe statue of a 
massive catfish, we learned toe mystery of toe wildly misnomered Qystal Lake. The 
lake is in toe process of being dredged to get back to its pristine clarity. The locals also 
plan to kill all of toe fish in toe lake and replace them (which j udging from toe statue in toe 
center of town means catfish) with fish of a better sort 

The proprietors of toe only restaurant in town, reopen their establishment to 
feed us. They are amazed that we have come all toe way from far-away Indiana, but toe 
main topic of conversation that evening is toe bridge that collapsed. Since we now have 
our own RV we can sleep pretty much where we damn well please, which in this instance 
means a parking lot next to Qystal Lake. It is toe best spot of toe trip. 

Qystal Lake brings to mind toe fact that America and Americans are in 
many ways two separate things. America was once a continent full of promise; it was 
succeeded by a metaphysical concept which espoused one thing (freedom) and delivered 
something else (bondage). People from all over toe world have been trying to live in this 
brave new world for centuries now, failing or succeeding, but becoming who they are, 
which for toe most part means open and friendly, if a bit superficial, and willing to open 
up a restaurant for two strangers, whose bill comes in at somewhere under $12. After our 
meal at toe town's only restaurant, we stop at toe town's only gas station and admire a 
motorcycle on display surrounded by toe town's young men. 

"Are you heading to Sturgis?' I ask 

We stop for breakfast at a McDonald's and before I can complete my 
order, die cashier, a plump corn-fed middle aged blonde interrupts me to ask if I'm a 
movie star. I tell her, no, I'm Senator John Kerry (During die 2004 election campaign, 
blackpeople would greet me on the street as Senator Kerry), but she doesn't believe me. 
She also doesn't believe me when I tell her that I am neither a movie nor a TV star. When 
we get up to leave, she comes over to me and the questioning continues, this time with 
physical contact included. She keeps poking my arm and shoulder, as if to see if I'm real 
and not j ust a phantasm of her TV drenched imagination. 

Iowa is nothing but an endless sea of genetically modified corn and 
soybeans, destined to become either the staff of life for junk food culture (80 percent of 
everything in die supermarket has com in it) or fuel for the nation's cars (either ethanol or 
biodiesel). As a sign of the future, a sign in north central Iowa announces die construction 
of yet another ethanol plant. Trying to see die silver lining in this cloud, I concluded that if 
ethanol fails as a fuel we can all drink ourselves into oblivion, since die nation will 
probably lead the world in alcohol production. 

The terrain in southern Minnesota isn't much different. It's pretty much 
wall to wall com and soybeans until we cross die South Dakota border; then the cornfields 
begin to alternate with fields of grazing land we reach Mitchell. After Mitchell, the 
countryside turns into a vast ocean of brownish yellow grass, with an occasional sparse 
tree, not unlike what I saw in the rift valley in Kenya. By the time we reach the end of the 
state, the savannah has begun a gradual change into the high plains of western legend. In 
the high plains there are hills and they are topped with pine trees. 

Before long, it becomes apparent that there are no towns anymore. There 
are cities, and there are gas stations. Gas stations have replaced the towns and villages that 
people like Sherwood Anderson and Sinclair Lewis, of nearby Sauk Centre, South Dakota, 
used to write about. I'm talking about big Gas stations, like the Flying J truck stops, which 
include restaurants, convenience stores, showers, casinos and clothing stores which seem 
to specialize in Harley-Davidson lingerie. The proliferation of Harley products at die gas 
station convenience stores, as well as the proliferation of motorcycles on Interstate 90, is 
an indication that we are nearing Sturgis, South Dakota just in time for the annual biker 

As with the summer of Love, I feel that I'm 40 years too late, or in the 
case of the biker rally, maybe four. The Biker Rally, which has taken place every year 
since 1938, is in a period of probably permanent decline. Attendance at die rally pealed 
in 2003, when 600,000 bikers showed up. The cause of the decline is demographic. In 

spite of a large influx of baby boomers into Harley Culture in the late '80s and '90s, the 
median age of a Harley Rider is now pushing 50, and the earlier generation, not known 
for the moderation that leads to longevity, has a tendency to die young. 

The sidewalks of Sturgis are full of venerable bikers, with lack of 
moderation written on their leather-like faces, sitting in the shade, stroking their gray 
beards, regaling each other with stories of biker rallies past or the merits of various 
customized motorcycle parts. Main Street is full of motorcycles but not yet closed off to 
traffic. At that point, a double row of motorcycles will run down the middle of the street, 
parallel to the two rows of motorcycles already parked by the curb, making the normal 
flow of traffic impossible. 

Peter and I arrive in Sturgis at the end of the day, just in time for the 
tentative beginnings of this year's biker rally, which is to say, before the bacchanal begins 
in earnest. Sturgis is a blue-collar Dionysian festival; it is an annual Woodstock for folks 
with grease under their fingernails. 

Back in toe day, which is say in 1965 when toe publishing industry was 
pushing rape fantasies, people like Freewheelin' Frank Reynolds of toe Hell's Angels 
created toe Dionysian ambiance that places like Sturgis and Daytona have been living off 
of ever since, according to toe law of diminishing returns. Back then toe biker rally began 
with "what looked like a barbarian sale of women." Then, "as toe evening shadows closed 
in" and 

toe trees seemed covered with black smoke. The moon was full and toe howls of 
he women as they were being raped rang out in toe night. This was toe biggest sex 
orgy we had ever had in our lifetime. Everyone by this time was covered with filth 
from falling in toe laic and wallowing in toe dust and sloshing wine over each other. 
The smell of sexual orgies reeled along with toe honey wind of marijuana. In some 
jagged stumplile corners of toe forest certain characters were rolling up their 
sleeves and geezing their arms full of crystal and opiates, jacking themselves 
completely off toe ground in their insane way. Everyone was completely mad. 
(Frank Reynolds as told to Michael McGure, Freewhee/in Frank: Secretary of the 
Angels (New York Grove Press, 1967, pp. 104-5). 

Those were toe days, weren't they? But in Sturgis these days, as at Bike 
Week in Daytona, toe bacchanal isn't what it used to be. Indecent exposure, i.e., ladies 
bearing their breasts within toe city limits, is now punishable with a $150 fine. As if to test 
toe limits of toe law early on, a young woman wearing a red-white-and blue costume 
(Sturgis is nothing if not patriotic) bears her breasts on toe sidewalk in front of us, 

attracting a gaggle of graybeards who line up to be photographed standing next to her. Just 
to be sure she is on the right side of the law, however, the young lady has placed red, 
white and blue bandaids over her nipples. Lite Notre Dame, and John Steinbeck s 
Monterey, Sturgis has become a theme park, which evotes a spirit of lawlessness in a 
setting carefully calibrated to mate sure that it doesn't go beyond the law and no one gets 
hurt, seriously that is. 

Of course, every year a number of people die while riding their 
motorcycles to Sturgis, and this year was no exception. William Xaver of Plymouth, 
Indiana, 30 miles south of South Bend, died on his way to Sturgis when "his beloved 
Honda Gold Wing... suddenly swerved onto the gravel roadway and flipped over, tossing 
Xaver, who was reportedly not wearing a helmet, from his motorcycle." According to a 
story which appeared in the Fort Dodge, Iowa Messenger, "witnesses to die crash 
reported that Xaver was not speeding or riding recklessly, but appeared to be having 
trouble controlling his motorcycle prior to the crash." Xaver left behind a widow, who told 
Adam Jackson of The South Bend Tribune, "I guess if there is one tiling that helps us feel a 
little better, it's that we know he died doing something that he loved" (Adam Jackson, 
'Plymouth motorcyclist killed in Iowa crash," South Bend Tribune, 8/7/07). 

Less than fatal injury is also evident in the crowd walking (or hobbling) up 
and down Main Street in Sturgis. Mare than one man was walking on a prosthetic foot The 
casualty statistics are uniformly grim. Depending on the agency which compiles the 
statistics, anywhere between 70 and 90 percent of all motorcycle accidents result in 
serious inj ury. A biter is five times more likely to die in an accident than the driver of an 
automobile. This explains the proliferation of insurance companies among the vendors on 
Main Street Geico, in keeping with its usual ad campaigns, tries to be cheek/ and talks 
about biters having bugs between their teeth while one of the few black men in town 
hands out shopping bags with the Geico logo on them. Allstate, perhaps having pondered 
the above statistics more deeply, takes the "we deeply respect your decision" approach 
and sounds a bit like the doctor who hears that you're not going to undergo chemo for the 
cancer that has spread throughout your body. 

Aside from the bites and the broads and the tattoos, Sturgis is pretty much 
wall-to-wall vendors. In fact, when I asked a biter at a gas station on the way, what drew 
him to Sturgis, the first word out his mouth was not bites or broads but "Vendors." The 
vendors, of course, all bring their own girls, who look to be old enough to be the 
grandchildren of the biters. The Jaegermeister girls are perched on their colorful orange 
Jaegermeister motortricycle and surrounded by another gaggle of graybeards eager to 
have their pictures taken with them. 

I'm sure you could learn more than you want to know about biker culture 
by attending, say, the coleslaw wrestling contest at Bike Week in Daytona, but to 
understand biker culture in any depth, you need to go to Sturgis, because biker culture is a 
cultural phenomenon which never would have come into being if the West, with all of its 
mythic associations, had not been there to spawn it 

If the RV is the modern version of the Conestoga wagon, then the 
motorcycle is the modern equivalent of the horse. This means, of course, that the biker is 
the modem day equivalent of tire cowboy. Since the cowboys were veterans of the Civil 
War who never made it back home to the America that war destroyed, tire other 
important thing you need to know to understand biker culture is that it is a reaction to war. 
Hunter S. Thompson, recently deceased as die result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, 
wrote a book on the Hell's Angels which appeared in 1967 and remains to this day the best 
analysis of the genesis of biter culture and its connection to die American West. If the 
cowboys were die disaffected veterans of the Civil War, die biters were die disaffected 
veterans of World War II and Vietnam, the boys who never made it back to the world 
those wars destroyed. Biter culture is both a creation of and a reaction to war. "Ever since 
the end of World War II," Thompson writes, 

the West Coast has been plagued by gangs of young, wild men on motorcycles, 
roaming the highways in groups of ten to thirty and stopping whenever they get 
thirsty or road-cramped to suck up some beer and mate noise. .. . The whole thing 
was born, they say, in die late 1940s, when most GIs wanted to get back to an 
orderly pattern: college, marriage, a job, children—all die peaceful extras that come 
with a sense of security. But not everyone felt that way. Lite the drifters who rode 
west after Appomattox, there were thousands of veterans in 1945 who flady rej ected 
the idea of going backto a prewar pattern. They didn't want order, but privacy and 
time to figure things out. It was a nervous, downhill feeling, a mean kind of angst that 
always comes out of wars. . . a compressed sense of time on the outer limits of 
fatalism. They wanted more action, and one of the ways to look for it was on a big 
motorcycle. By 1947 die state was alive with bites, nearly all of them powerful 
American-made irons from Harley-Davidson and Indian [now defunct], . . . The 
root definition remains the same ... a dangerous hoodlum on a big, fast motorcycle. 
And California has been breeding them for years (Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's 
Angels: the Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs [New York 
Random House, 1967], p. 59). 

Thompson claims that the concept of the "motorcycle outiaw" was "as 

uniquely American as jazz" 

Nothing like them had ever existed In some ways they appeared to be a kind of 
half-breed anachronism, a human hangover from the era of the wild west Yet in 
other ways they were as new as television. There was absolutely no precedent, in 
the years after World War II, for large gangs of hoodlums on motorcycles, reveling 
in violence, worshipping mobility and thinking nothing of riding five hundred miles on 
a weekend (Thompson, p. 68). 

The biker as an American icon made its first appearance over the 4^ of 
July weekend in Hollister, California. A motorcycle gang called the Booze Fighters 
arrived there to attend the motorcycle races and, after hours of drunken carousing and 
fighting, overpowered the local gendarmerie, and took over tire town. 

Just as the Mass is the solemn re-enactment of the drama of Calvary, 
Sturgis is a not-so-solemn liturgical re-enactment of the Hollister riot. It is a modern day 
Feast of Fools in which die normal order of life is turned up-side down. The j ester gets to 
sit in the bishop's chair and all of die prayers are said backwards. Once a year in Sturgis, 
the bilcrs get to talc over die town j ust at they did in Hollister, California in 1947. 

Just as die Booze Fighters took over Hollister, die media of the dominant 
culture took over die Booze Fighters and turned diem into a parable of troubled youth and 
a cautionary tale for die nation. The Booze Fighters became symbols of deviance when 
Life magazine ran a short-hundred word article on the Hollister incident, complete with 
staged photo of motorcycle thug astride his bike swilling beer amid a sea of empty bottles. 
According to Daniel Wolf, 

The national exposure that was given the Hollister incident by Life magazine and 
others resulted in the stigmatization of an image: the motorcyclists as deviant Life' s 
account started a mass-media chain reaction that saw the Hollister incident grow 
considerably in its sensationalistic portrayal, and, as a result, die image of the 
motorcyclist as deviant became more defined and immutable. In 1949, Frank 
Rooney wrote a shart narrative entitied "Cyclist Raid," based on Life's 115-word 
documentary. In 1951, "Cyclist Raid" was published in Harper's magazine. The 
Harper's serial was read by Stanley Kramer, a Hollywood producer, who 
immortalized die 'motorcycle riot' in the movie The Wild One, released in 1953. The 
anti-hero image of the motorcyclist was cast in the person of Marlon Brando, while 
Lee Marvin personified the motorcyclist as villain (Daniel R Wolf, The Rebels: A 
Brotherhood of Outlaw Bikers (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991, p. 5). 

Hollywood tried to turn the Hollister riot into an enigmatic parable about 
troubled youth but instead rendered the story incomprehensible because they left out the 
essential element, namely, the fact that it was disaffected veterans who drove the biter 
phenomenon. To hint that veterans could be disenchanted with the land that they fought to 
defend was medicine too strong for Hollywood to either tate or sell, since Hollywood had 
been heavily involved in making propaganda for the war effort. However, Booze Fighter 
'Wino Willie' Forkner tells a different story. He was neither Marlon Brando nor Lee 
Marvin, but rather "had returned from die Second World War after fighting the Japanese 
as a waist gunner and engineer for the American Seventh Air Force." His account mates 
Hollister sound less apocalyptic than the voice over in The Wild One and more lite the sort 
of thing that drunken sailors got involved in while on shore leave: 

The worst thing that happened was that a bunch of guys wanted to break Red 
Daldren out of j ail. I was in a bar and somebody came in and said there were about 
500 biters ready to break him out, and I thought, 'Shit, that's all we need, something 
lite that.' So I ran down to where die crowd was assembling and told 'em, 'Hell, old 
Red's drunk and he needs a good night's sleep. Leave him stay—he'll be out in the 
morning.' Then I turned around and went back to the bar, and damned if the cops 
didn't come and nail me for inciting a riot [the charges were dropped] ... but no big 
bad things happened. There were a few broken windows that we paid for (Interview 
in Easy riders, Sept 1986, p. 107 also in Wolf, p.7). 

Once Hollywood got involved in the Hollister riot, they created an image 
of deviance—complete with a line of clothing: denim jeans, black leather jactets, 
engineer boots—that took on a life of its own. In 1972, Life magazine, which got this ball 
rolling 25 years before, tookstockof what it and Hollywood had wrought: "The Wild One 
became a milestone in movie history, launching the cult of gang violence in films. It also 
helped create an image of motorcycling that non-violent bite riders have been trying to 
live down for a quarter of a century now" (Life, September 1972, p. 32). 

Law enforcement agencies came to see biters increasingly as a criminal 
subculture. In 1984 toe Giminal Intelligence Service of Canada claimed that outlaw 
motorcycle gangs had become as much of a threat as toe Mafia. But toe biters viewed 
themselves "as nothing less than frontier heroes, living out toe 'freedom ethic' that they 
feel toe rest of society has largely abandoned." War, once again, is toe only concept that 
reconciled these conflicting accounts. 

The cowboy is toe soldier who never made it back after toe Gvil War. The 
biter is toe soldier who never made it back after WW II and Vietnam. The biter is toe 

modern-day cowboy. Hell's Angels began as WWII veterans; The Wild One is The Sun 
Also Rises, but for unliterary proles, the mechanics of the land, who had no future in 
corporate America. Hunter Thompson cites Frenchy, a 29-year-old veteran who was a 
submariner when he was in the Navy as the typical Hell's Angel, because he is "unskilled 
and uneducated, with no social or economic credentials beyond a colorful police record 
and a fine knowledge of motorcycles." Frenchy and his Hell's Angels buddies 

are out of the ball game and they know it Unlike die campus rebels, who with a 
minimum amount of effort will emerge from their struggle with a validated ticket to 
status, the outlaw motorcyclist views the future with the baleful eye of a man who 
knows no upward mobility at all. In a world increasingly geared to specialists, 
technicians, and fantastically complicated machinery, die Hell's Angels are obvious 
losers and it bugs them. But instead of submitting quiedy to their collective fate, they 
have made it the basis of a full-time social vendetta. They don't expect to win 
anything, but on the other hand, they have nothing to lose. 

Missing from all of the hype was a simple fact: the biker gangs of the late 
'40s and '50s were a lower class protest movement against die social engineering which 
followed World War II. The motorcycle became a potent symbol of lower class 
rebellion against the culture of social engineering which they could not understand. 
Hollywood, in this regard, engaged in an act of deliberate mystification by obscuring the 
real roots of the men they portrayed in The Wild One. Daniel Wolf talks about die lower 
class nature of die biker gangs and about how he used the motorcycle to transcend the 
narrow confines of the lower-middle class neighborhood where he was raised: 

I rode my motorcycle in anger; for me it became a show of contempt and a 
way of defying die privileged middle class that had put me down and had kept my 
parents 'in their place.' I felt that the Establishment had done me no favours and that 
I owed it even less. At that time I saw outlaw bikers as a reflection of my own dark 
side. I made them the embodiment of my own youthful rebellion and resentment In 
retrospect, I believe that it was this aspect of my nonacademic background—the fact 
that I had learned to ride and beat the streets—that made it possible for me to 
contemplate such a study, and eventually to ride with the rebels. 

Wolf says, "Becoming a biker constitutes a search for identity" (p. 30). The 
outlaw motorcycle gang is "a class-specific response to the general problem of self- 
actualization." Modern industrial culture, driven by the twin demons of cheap labor and 
labor mobility, promotes deracination as the simplest way to create a pool of docile 
worker. This deracination, however, creates an intolerable cultural and psychic vacuum. 

In a world in which neither work nor community can provide either psychic rewards or 
identity, the worker is forced to lookelsewhere. "Why," Wolf asks, 

Why does the lower working class produce candidates for biker subculture? The 
answer lies in die culture of the streets and in the workplace. It is a modern-day 
urban setting that lacks symbols and activities around which to build a personal 
identity, and is largely devoid of meaningful collective endeavors around which to 
build a sense of community. Often the only identity available to a manual laborer is 
that of a cog in an impersonal machine. He begins each day by punching in his 
number to an assembly line, his work task is not his decision but that of a 
management whose face he never sees, die pace of his work is decided by a 
machine, and there is no variation in die grinding monotony of petty tasks unless the 
machinery breaks down. The same pattern repeats itself day after day with no 
prospect of change. He simply sweats a lot and leaves a Me of himself behind at the 
factory each day. While he receives a pay cheque, he finds himself short-changed 
in meaning. Whether you call it 'alienation' or label it 'anomie' he is deprived of 
adequate psychological payoff in the way of life-expanding experiences and 
identity-confirming ritual. Isolation from meaningful social participation and the 
subsequent psychological experience of inadequate identity fulfillment may result in 
a personal search for self-authenticity. If the laborer is a young man in search of 
himself, he will find nothing in his self-image at workthat will excite him; he had best 
look elsewhere. Men who are chained to these circumstances share a compelling 
desire to escape, (p. 31). 

Alienated from die traditional sources of resistance which religion can 
inspire, totally unaware of die panoply of social engineering arrayed against him, 
deracinated and alienated from his ethnic roots, the biker turns to the only thing he knows, 
namely, machinery and derives his identity from an expensive machine. "The biker," 
according to Wolf, "is a man who has turned to a machine to find himself. He has learned 
how to find both meaning and pleasure in the man-machine relationship, and he uses his 
motorcycle to create peak emotional experiences that are worth living for. ... He 
controls the machine, and he writes the rules. His bile is his 'two-wheeled freedom."' 

The graybeards who assemble each year in Sturgis are part of what Wolf 
calls "a lower-working class bohemian subculture" which uses an expensive consumer 
item "to create an identity." 

The ideological foundation of the subculture accurately reflects die lower- 
working-class origins of its participants. A man who enters this subculture in search 

of identity looks to the outlaw-biker tradition to provide him with long-standing values, 
behaviours and symbols. What he will find are heroes and role models, a personal 
legacy that is consistent with what he discovered on the streets about die complete 
man. He will adopt attitudes and learn behaviors that gravitate around lower-class 
focal concerns with independence, freedom, self-reliance, toughness, impulsiveness, 
and masculinity, all of which will be embodied in a highly romanticized image of the 
anti-hero (p. 33). 

Thompson claims that Hell's Angels descended from die Linkhorns, Nelson 
Algren's term for the poor white trash who descended from the indentured servants who 
migrated to America from England throughout the 18^ century. The biker gangs, in other 
words, are the descendants of die Okies and Arkies that Steinbeck wrote about in The 
Grapes of Wrath. If Steinbeck had hung around California, he might have written the 
definitive biker novel. But he didn't, and Hunter Thompson, no novelist, wrote his New 
Journalism piece instead, full of echoes out of The Grapes of Wrath: 

Some stayed behind and their lineal descendants are still there—in the Carolinas, 
Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee. There were dropouts all along the way: 
hillbillies, Okies, Arkies—They're all the same people. Texas is a living monument to 
the breed. So is Southern California. . . . Algren called diem "fierce craving boys" 
with "a feeling of having been cheated." Freebooters, armed and drunk—a legion of 
gamblers, brawlers and whorehoppers. Bowling into town in a junk Model A with 
bald tires, no muffler, and one headlight.. looking for quick work; with no questions 
asked and preferably no tax-deductions. Just get the cash, fill up at a cut rate gas 
stations and hit the road with a pint on the seat and Eddy Arnold on the radio moaning 
good, back-country tunes about home sweet home, that Bluegrass sweet heart still 
waiting, and roses on Mama's grave. . . . Algren left the Linkhorns in Texas, but 
anyone who drives the Western highway knows they didn't stay there either. They 
kept on moving until one day in the late 1930s they stood on the spine of a scrub-oak 
Californian hill and looked down on the Pacific Ocean. . . .When the war ended, 
California was full of veterans looking for ways to spend their separation bonuses. 
Many decided to stay on the Coast, and while their new radios played hillbilly music 
they went out and bought big motorcycles—not knowing exactly why, but in the 
booming, rootless atmosphere of those times, it seemed like the thing to do. 

The Booze Fighters who caused the riot in Hollister in '47 were the rootless 
spawn of the Arkies and Okies that Steinbeck found in tire migrant worker camps during 

the '30s. Terry the Tramp symbolizes the deracination of the motorcycle gang. He is, 
Thompson tells us, 

"from" Detroit, Norfolk, Long Island, Los Angeles, Fresno, and Sacramento. As a 
child he lived all over die country, not in poverty but in total mobility. Like most of 
the others, he has no roots.... His longest bout with stability was a three-year hitch 
in die Coast Guard after finishing high school. Since then he has worked half¬ 
heartedly as a tree-trimmer, mechanic, bit actor, laborer and husder of various 
commodities. ... He tried college for a few months but quit to get married. After 
two years, two children and numerous quarrels, the marriage ended in divorce. He 
had another child, by his second wife, but that union didn't last either. Now, after two 
hugely publicized rape arrests, he refers to himself as an "eligible bachelor." (p. 

World War II had a lot to do with the Hell's Angels origins. John B. Watson, 
at the beginning of his book Behaviorism , said war and social engineering go hand in hand. 
Wars have always been followed by periods of isolationism and anomie, like the one 
which characterized American life from 1920 to 1940. Biker gangs were die '50s 
equivalent of The Lost Generation of the 1920s, a generation that had been deeply 
affected by World War I, and then made a bad situation worse by their self-indulgence 
during the 1920s. 

The big difference between the Booze Fighters and the Lost Generation is 
that, unlike 1919, World War II did not end after 1945. Instead, the nation's leaders, 
intoxicated by their victory over fascism, worked toward the permanent militarization of 
American culture. President Eisenhower noticed it and warned against it in his farewell 
address in 1959, but that militarization had already had a head start by 1959 and continued 
apace. Sooner or later, a reaction was inevitable, because, as Robert Nisbet put it in 1975, 
when the nation was suffering through the reaction to the war in Vietnam, 

There is nothing so constrictive of freedom, of creativeness, and of genuine 
individuality as the military in its relation to culture. ... As soon as the special 
character of the military power begins to envelop a population ... a kind of 

suffocation of mind in the cultural sphere begins_Populations... quicldy become 

restive unless the strongest and most formidable measures are taken by military 
authorities to curb them; unless propaganda, force and even terror become almost 
incessant (p. 136). 

The biggest fear of the regime after WW II was the backlash which had 
occurred after WW I. In order to avoid a repeat of the Bonus Army debacle, the 

government created die GI Bill, VHA loans, Levittown, the Qvil Rights Movement, and 
intensified social engineering as the antidote against backlash that they expected from 11 
million returning GIs. 

By destroying the ethnic neighborhoods of America's big cities and the 
local high schools of America's small towns, social engineering, of course, destroyed the 
only matrix that could have reintegrated the returning soldiers and so as a result pockets of 
the unreassimilated began to crop up in places like California, where most of die GIs 
landed after returning from the Pacific Theater. 

War, which destroys family and tradition and the social order, both 
enabled and disabled die protest against social engineering that lay at the root of biker 
culture. War accelerated die destruction of kinship and religion that gave people roots. 
Once the social matrix was weakened, die state, in Nisbefs words, "slowly takes over 
many of die functions previously resident in family, religion, guild and other social 
institutions to become, as in our day, an economic, social, moral, and intellectual 
Leviathan." The military also "liberated" its members from the moral order. War, as 
Nisbet points out, "creates opportunity for what can only be called 'licensed immorality"' 
(p. 142) not only on the batdefield but also in the realm of sexual conduct 

It was under die steady impact of the Roman Republic's wars, first foreign, then 
civil as well as foreign, that the destruction of the roman family system gradually 
began. It was not easy for young Romans, after a number of years in the field 
where every form of violation of the canons of continence was scarcely more than 
routine, to return to the iron morality of the traditional Roman family system, with its 
built-in coercions, constraints, and subjections to patriarch and matriarch. The great 
wave of immorality that hit roman society in the first century BC so well attested to 
by contemporary essayists, and that the Emperor Augustus strove valiantiy to 
terminate through laws and decrees, had its origins in war. 

Biker culture in this regard was as much a symptom of war as it was a 
protest against it and the invisible social engineering which followed in its wake. Biker 
culture was, as Wolf points out, a bohemian subculture, which means that the returning GI 
s had declared war on the family, marriage, and monogamy after their country had 
declared war on Japan. Deracination and the military had been the opening barrage in 
this war. In fact without real wars like World War II and Vietnam, we never would have 
had the culture wars of the 1960s because, as every thinker from time immemorial has 
known, war destroys morals. 

Wars also cause revolutions. In fact, as Nisbet points out, 'War is by nature 

revolutionary in its impact upon a people. How could it be otherwise? Its values ... are 
antithetical in the extreme to tire values of kinship-based society with its consecration of 
tradition, conventionality, and age or seniority." It was Lenin who claimed that "national 
wars are virtually made to be turned into revolutions." 

The cultural revolution of the 1960 was no exception to this rule. The net 
result of three major wars within a 20 year span was all too predictable: "moral 
guidelines are loosened, and the line between good and bad becomes ever more 
indistinct" The Jacobins of tire 1960s became experts "at exploiting war in the name of 
revolution and revolution in the name of war." Nisbet notes that it was von Gausewitz who 
"laid down the vital principle that modem war demands a large scale reconstruction of the 
society that participates in it" The net result of America's involvement in the wars of the 
20^ century was social engineering which changed American society into 
institutionalized revolution, whose main theoretical framework was the Roman law which 
made the Roman empire possible. According to those principles, 

A sovereign defined as being not under the law but its very source, contract 
rooted in will or volition in place of ascribed or fixed states, and, far from least, a 
conception of society composed of atomlike individuals, rather than of impenetrable 
social groups and associations, that in fact, has proved to be the framework of 
modem warfare, capitalism, and nationalism. 

This meant an end to the pluralism, localism and regionalism which 
characterized both die Catholic Middle Ages and America during its era as a republic. 
Instead of man rooted in a community of relationships in a particular place, the 
permanent revolution which flows from war and finds its expression in social engineering, 
envisions the state as "an aggregate of individuals bound together only by the ties of 
contract and the will of the sovereign" and the social order "as a kind of sand heap of 
legally discrete individual particles." 

War, as Nisbet points out, creates community. Or to put it more exactly, it 
turns Gemeinschaft into Gese Use haft. Normal communities are replaced by societies 
organized along quasi-military lines. Hell's Angels corresponded exactly to this pattern. In 
a deracinated culture where everyone is an individual fending for himself, the military is 
often the only institution that can bring men together for a common purpose. Since all of 
"our major values—love, protection, courage, honor, loyalty among them—were all 
nourished originally in the small contexts of human association: family, neighborhood, 
small community," they begin to become invisible when those intermediary groups 
disappear. At moments like this they can only be found in tire military and the 

community that war males possible. "For individual who find the search in our large- 
scale society today for these contexts and values difficult and frustrating, the experience 
of war and its community known at first hand in the squad or platoon can be memorable." 
Or they can be found in a quasi-military Gesellschaft like the biker gang. 

Once again biker culture was both a symptom and a reaction. War turned 
the Gemeinschaft of local communities into the Gesellschaft of the military, and the 
deracinated refuse of that system, knowing inchoately that man is a social animal, 
created an anti-society which was the mirror image of die military which destroyed his 
community in the first place. 

Bikers recreated the Gemeinschaft the war destroyed as the Gesellschaft of 
the outlaw motorcycle gangs. Hell's Angels is a deviant community, based on the 
inchoate rejection of social engineering, the planned community or suburb, and the 
corporate ladder, unavailable anyway because of die blue collar status of most bikers. 
The biker community is also based on the inversion of the military, which is usually the 
only stable community die uprooted have ever known. Hence, die proliferation of Nazi 
memorabilia. The biter is going to embrace the symbols he was taught to reject by 
creating a paramilitary organization dedicated to deviance. 

Biter culture is full of military symbols. But they are all deviant. And it is 
for this reason that they have largely disappeared down the memory hole created by the 
Harley Davidson Motor Company when they embraced biter culture in the '80s to coopt 
it and bring it under corporate control. 

In his soft-core porn memoir published by Grove Press, Frank Reynolds 
tried to explain the connection between Nazi symbols, belonging, and deviance as 
practiced by die Hell's Angels. The Nazi insignia symbolized the racial pride that was 
now taboo in post-Brown v. Schoolboard America: "People come up to me and ask me 
why I wear a swastika and why all of us have these German medals and items from the 
Hider regime ... We feel that we are a superior race. The swastika signifies a superior 
race. We feel we are a superior race.... it helps us generate togetherness" (Reynolds, p. 
9). Hell's Angels wear Nazi insigniae because they symbolize deviance and togetherness 
simultaneously. The Angels are Gesellschaft as an ^-Gemeinschaft, and in this regard, as 
in their consumerism, they are faithful followers of die dominant culture. "Angel 
mamas," FrankReynolds informs us, "are nymphomaniacs who will do anything related 
to sex." Reynolds was articulating in 1965 die feminist vision of femininity three decades 
before the feminists articulated it Biter culture was social engineering ahead of its time. 

Up until 1969 every one knew that hippies and biters were two distinct 
tribes, even if they were co-belligerents in the war on straight society, which at that time 

had nothing to do with homosexuality. The hippies were leftists and die bikers were fascist 
losers, something which became apparent when the bikers attacked the hippies at a Get 
Out of Vietnam rally held on the Oakland-Berkeley border in October 1966. The Left 
tried to recruit the Hell's Angels into their side of the culture wars but failed because as 
Thompson put it, 

The Angels, like all other motorcycle outlaws, are rigidly anti-Communist. Their 
political views are limited to the same kind of retrograde patriotism that motivates the 
John Birch Society, the Ku Klux Klan an the American Nazi Party. They are blind to 
the irony of their role . . . knight errants of a faith from which they have already 
been excommunicated. The Angels will be among the first to be locked up or 
croaked if the politicians they thinkthey agree with ever come to power, (p. 249). 

Allen Ginsberg tried to linkthe Angels to Walt Whitman: 

The great image -which all can buy—is your own ideal image— 

Whitman's free so, camarado, also of Open Road. 

I asking you to be Camarado, friend, kind, lover because vast maj ority 

Of peace marchers 

Actually respect & venerate your lonesomeness 

& struggle & would rather be peaceful intimates 

with you than fearful enraged frightened paranoid enmeies hitting each other. 

All separate identities are bankrupt- 

Square, beat, Jews, Negroes, Hell's Angels, Communist & American. 

But anyone could see this attempt was going nowhere. To begin with, 
deracinated veterans were drawn to gangs like the Angels precisely because those gangs 
offered "separate identities." Ginsberg's poem, in this regard, has uncanny similarities 
with die ADL's concurrent attempt to disrupt any ethnic group's identity but its own. The 
final nail in this coffin got hammered home at the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont in 
December 1969, when the Hell's Angels who got hired as security guards clubbed hippies 
with pool cues and ended up stabbing to death one of the few blacks in attendance. The 

real subversion of the Angel's separate identity and its conflation with the hippies they 
hated did talc place in 1969 with the premiere of Easy Rider. 

Easy Rider is hands-down the dopiest movie ever made, but it did succeed 
as an act of co-optation and subversion by conflating hippies and bilcrs in the public mind. 
Peter Fonda's helmet is tire most important icon in Easy Rider. If Dennis Hopper and 
Hollywood had been interested in cinema verite, both he and Peter Fonda should have 
been wearing Nazi Wehrmacht helmets because that was the uniform of the day. Hell's 
Angels loved Nazi memorabilia. The only thing more popular than die Nazi helmet was 
the Iron Goss. If there were one symbol of die outlaw bilcr gang it was die iron cross. 
Easy Rider changed all that; it was an ominous sign because it showed how easily bile 
culture could be manipulated and brought under control and how the protest at its heart 
would be determined not by the people from whom the protest arose but by the culture 
which tookcontrol of its interpretation. 

There were violent protests against social engineering in the ethnic 
neighborhoods of Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago, but the bikers were ipso facto, not 
part of that protest. Because they had remained in California, die bilcrs were hors de 
combat. In keeping with die essence of biker culture as both symptom of and reaction to 
the militarization of American culture, the bohemian protest of bilcrs and beats invariably 
manifested itself as aggressive rootiessness, symbolized by the automobile in Jack 
Kerouac's Novel On the Road, which took place in 1947, and aggression against the 
family, which clueless beatniks saw as the engine of oppression since they were unaware 
of social engineering. This error in ascribing proper causality coupled with the divisive 
and isolating consequences of sexual immorality set up the dynamic of co-optation which 
would eventually triumph over biker culture 

Initially, however, the inchoate protest biker culture represented was 
prohibited by die dominant culture. Harley Davidson wanted to have nothing to do with 
Hell's Angels. The American Motorcycle Association responded to die publicity 
surrounding the Hollister riot by saying that 99 percent of all motorcycle riders were law- 
abiding citizens, prompting Hell's Angels to wear 1 % patches as part of their uniform. 

America, however, never really felt comfortable with the idea of social 
engineering, and as it became more repugnant in the average American's eyes, Hell's 
Angels began to take on the aura of oudaw heroes. Burdened by increasingly onerous 
burdens of social control, the average, which is to say, clueless socially engineered citizen 
became increasingly fascinated by deviance, which he incorrecdy saw as the antithesis 
of and antidote to social control. Eventually the dominant culture exploited this fascination 
as it developed even more sophisticated form of control based on the arousal of sexual 


Rej ected by the community that had used diem as cannon fodder and then 
spumed them as low-class losers, the bikers created die equivalent of the loser's table in 
the high school lunch room. They deliberately and defiandy espoused all of the traits 
which made them unattractive in the eyes of the dominant culture. If the culture was 
obsessed with being neat and clean, they would take pride in being slovenly and dirty. If 
the culture took pride in defeating fascism, the bikers would proudly wear die iron cross, 
the swastika and the Wehrmacht helmet of the Germans they had defeated. 

The crucial issue became morals because unwittingly the biters' espousal 
of bohemian antimoralism opened the door for the subversion of group identity. If the 
dominant culture believed in marriage, the biters believed in rape and misogyny. The 
biter gangs were cesspools of misogyny, created by men who had abandoned their 
families, or were too morally corrupted or fearful to create them in the first place. Sexual 
deviance set up dynamic which would ultimately lead to the subversion of the biter 
culture and the reason it was created. Freewheelin' Frank joined the Angels after he 
abandoned his wife and children, explaining that "my bite has replaced a woman in the 
sense of love for something near" (p. 90). 

it was tiie 22 n ^ day of July, the year of 1965.1 had just left Reno, Nevada—and 
behind me a wife and child. My mind was very young in youth and tom and mixed 
up. I'd been an expensive parasite and had not known it really, and I had come back 
to the Hell's Angels. My mind wandered, I had no feeling of security, my road was 
suicide. I had attempted it in Reno... (p. 76). 

I was going to leave San Francisco and go with them into the land of Reno, 
Nevada, in order to stay away from my people, who do not mix with the lines of 
society and marriage and wife and children. It was a heartbreaking compromise, 
and my choice would not be the same today. For I deeply fear women and in turn 
my love is for the mechanical motorcycle that cannot be compared to any other 
motorcycle or any other mechanical object As I said, in the end my lover turned 
into Delilah. I was ridded from the land of Reno by tire law. Directed off by a 
psychiatrist—never to come back again. Force away form the child and woman 
forever. I went back to the land of my people in San Francisco and they took me 
back(p. 93). 

Reynolds refers to marriage "and society's pliers of raising kids" as "the 
almost impossible kind of life that is set up for you" without asking who or what had made 

it impossible. Sensing that his passion inflamed mind will never get to die bottom of this 
issue, Reynolds abandons the family for the Gesellschaft of the biker gang and blames 
women for his defection. "We both lost our place as Hell's Angels because of a woman— 
but we made it back Most of the men don't ever make it back ... Our biggest downfall is 
women... .We're trying to teach our women to be more of a Bohemian contact to get on 
trip of taking care of children and keeping their mouths shut—to keep their hair brushed 
out an long and straight.... If s our j ob to hold die sword. The woman is there to bear our 
children and thafs all." Needless to say, Freewheelin' Frank was going to get no support 
from die social engineers or their feminist auxiliary with views like these. The social 
engineers wanted labor mobility; they wanted to drive down wages by doubling the work 
force by integrating women into it, and the feminists were only to happy to collaborate. 
As a result, the biker protest against the things it didn't understand turned on the people 
nearest to it and began blaming the victim. It was similar to the Catholic ethnics fighting 
the migrants from Mississippi in Chicago; both groups unaware of who had enabled the 
migration that was the cause of the fighting. In spite of momentary insights—"We don't fit 
into the production lines"—the whole issue was j ust too damned complicated to figure out, 
and so die Angels became beasts to escape the burden of acting like men. 

The motorcycle would henceforth become die symbol of how you had 
ruined your life but didn't care anymore. Hollywood found the sexual degeneracy of the 
biker gangs irresistible. In 1965 Hollywood broke the production code. In 1965 the 
Supreme Court decriminalized die sale of contraceptives in Griswold vs. Connecticut. It 
was the age of ghetto riots, and die sexual revolution. Nineteen sixty-five was also the 
year in which theAfew York Times, Time Magazine and Newsweek created the Hell's 
Angels as a symbol of sexual deviance. In a section of his book entitled "The Making of 
the Menace, 1965," Hunter Thompson describes how die Hell's Angels were 
reappropriated by the culture which had spurned them in 1953: 

The Angels seemed headed for obscurity once again, but die tide was turned by 
a New York Times correspondent in Los Angeles, who filed a lengthy and lurid 
commentary on the Lynch Report. . . . Time followed with a left hook titled "the 
Wilder Ones." Newsweek crossed with a right, tided "The Wild One." And by the 
time the dust had settled die national news media had a guaranteed grabber on their 
hands. It was sex, violence, crime, craziness, and filth—all in one package, (p. 25)... 
. The Hell's Angles as they exist today were virtually created by Time, Newsweek, 
and the New York Times, (p. 36). 

The Angels become famous as a rape fantasy, even though the charges 

that were the basis of the fantasy were dropped The fact that Time and Newsweek 
continued with the story took on a meaning of its own. The Establishment was in the 
process of redefining deviance, specifically sexual deviance. Contraception was a big 
part of this. It would solve the race problem and the Catholic problem simultaneously. It 
would also become the most effective form of social engineering this country would ever 
know. One of the great achievements of George W. Bush was trashing this system in 
favor of military imperialism, a sin for which Hollywood Jews would hold him forever 
responsible. The bikers, most of whom were veterans anyway, were drafted once again 
to be deployed as the lumpeproletariat in the opening phase of the culture wars of the 
1960s. Their role now was to act, as Thompson put it, as an "instrument of Anarchy, a tool 
of defiance, and even a weapon" (p. 91). A weapon in tire culture wars. They became a 
standing incitement to sexual deviance at precisely die time that the ruling class wanted to 
promote deviance as a form of control. Beginning in 1969, the Angels would not have to 
worry about being stopped by the California Highway Patrol. 

They were now the saints of a sensate culture, and as MickJagger would 
put it at around the same time, in sensate culture "every cop is a criminal" and all of the 
criminals are saints. The world had been turned upside down, which is another word for 
revolution. The biker had become a culturally accepted form of deviance. Hollywood's 
infatuation with biker culture deepened when they realized in Thompson's words, that 
bikers were "acting out die daydreams of millions of losers who don't wear any defiant 
insignia and who don't know how to be oudaws" (p. 266). In a world of almost total 
deracination, visible identification with a group had become a valuable commodity, too 
valuable to be left to amateurs who didn't know how to market it properly. 

Sexual license would prove to be the undoing not only of American culture 
but of all of die vulnerable subcultures within it, including the biker subculture, which 
would be co-opted and transformed into a form of social control. The crucial middle term 
in this transformation is narcissism, which always substitutes the illusion of power for the 
reality of control. Veterans became bikers because they were bewildered by the culture 
which rejected them as losers and because they ruined their own lives by rejecting 
matrimony. The biker was always on the verge of despair that came from knowing that 
he was a total loser in die world's eyes and that he had messed up his life in his own eyes 
as well. The motorcycle gave bikers the illusion of power, which is always attractive to 
the impotent One of the Rebels Wolf studied explained to him that "When I'm on my 
bike, I feel good. I feel free. If s just me and my bike, two against the world. You know 
the freedom. You get 700 pounds of hot throbbing iron between your legs... when I twist 
open that throtde I know she's going somewhere" (p. 50). Wolf then proffers the following 

explanation of the attraction which "700 pounds of throbbing metal between my legs" 
holds for the biker: 

Wolf then proffers the following explanation of the attraction which "700 
pounds of throbbing metal between my legs" holds for the biker: "If the biker feels that he 
has been used, manipulated, or twisted by some institution, the motorcycle will return to 
him a sense of strength and potency." 

Put another way, the motorcycle, by giving the biker the illusion of power, 
insures that he will never deal with the real issues that are causing him to feel "used, 
manipulated, or twisted by some institution." The motorcycle guarantees that the biker 
will never figure out who or what has been pushing his buttons. Wolf remains oblivious to 
all this and in toe end remains incapable of reading his own text: "This ability to transcend 
one's immediate circumstances," he writes, "is toe essence of hope. The sensation of 
controlled power helps silence inner doubts; it works against a self-image of being a 
passive functionary whose life is a matter of fate or circumstance." The motorcycle, in 
other words, inures its victim against toe kind of passive suffering symbolized by toe cross 
which is toe basis for Christianity and any effective antidote to toe culture of libido 
dominandi. "Controlling power," Wolf continues, "encourages people to believe that they 
are toe key to cause and effect and to take full responsibility for their lives; this is toe Icy 
to effective decision making in life. By itself riding is an elixir that toe biker uses to change 
toe base metal of life into gold." The motorcycle, in other words, offers a kind of 
narcissistic magic to toe culture's losers. It ensures that whatever associations they form 
will be ultimately impotent and easy for co-optation by those who know how to 
manipulate toe symbols of narcissistic magic. All of this is lost on Wolf: "Simply by 
engaging in an activity that he feels is 'toe real me,' toe biker makes a statement about his 
being an individual who has toe freedom to choose his own destiny. This is toe 
psychological core of those elusive and hard to define sensations that a biker will 
sometimes refer to as 'two-wheeled freedom.'" 

No one has "toe freedom to chose his own destiny." Two-wheeled 
Freedom is another word for narcissism, which always offers toe reality of bondage 
under toe illusion of power. Bikers became blinded by their own illusions, and when that 
happened their protest became ripe for toe picking of anyone sophisticated enough to 
know how to manipulate their passions and control them. The motorcycle became, as a 
result, one of many escape valves which toe culture tolerates in order to keep toe masses 
under control. When Wolf quotes Wee Albert, who claims, "If it weren't for my hog, I'd 
probably go insane," he fails to see that if all of toe Wee Alberts got off of their bikes and 
pondered for a moment toe forces that drove them to biking for release, they might be 

able to first understand and then circumvent the social structures that have been created to 
control them. The narcissism which flows from 700 pounds of throbbing metal between 
their legs insures, however, that that will never happen. Wolf goes on to define an outlaw 
biter as 

a man who feels that he has been cheated, used or denied by society. He comes 
to view riding as an act of liberating defiance that removes, or at least temporarily 
suspends, the mass-conditioned repressions that patterned his parents and threaten to 
curb his impulse toward freedom and pleasure (p. 52). 

What Wolf fails to see is that the motorcycle, far from being an instrument 
of "liberating defiance," is actually an instrument of control. Even if Wolf couldn't see 
that fact, other people could, and it paved die way for the total co-optation of biter culture 
when Harley Davidson got into the business of social engineering in the 1980s. 

By die time Easy Rider appeared on the silver screen in 1969, die Harley 
Davidson Motor Company, as die only American motorcycle manufacturer, had been on 
the receiving end of a ten-year-long beating at the hands of Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki, 
the major manufacturers of Japanese motorcycles. The Japanese started out at the low 
end of the martet in 1959, producing bites with 50 and 90 cc engines. Then in the late 
'70s, the Japanese decided to contest Harley on its own turf when Honda introduced the 
Honda Gold Wing, a 1000 cc big bite that was cheaper and ran better than the leafy and 
temperamental Harleys with their 74 cubic inch V 2 engines. As if that weren't bad 
enough, the challenge came when Harleys were being manufactured by die American 
Manufacturing and Foundry, a company known best for the manufacture of pin setting 
machines in bowling alleys. 

Eventually a group of executives and mechanics who were only interested 
in producing motorcycles bought Harley from AMF, and, with help from the Reagan 
administration, which slapped a tariff on big Japanese bites, pulled off one of die great 
comebacks in the history of American manufacturing. That comeback required the 
implementation of new management techniques (all of which were borrowed from the 
Japanese, at the same time the company was encouraging Harley riders to drop Japanese 
bites from cranes, demolish them with sledgehammers, etc.), the development of a new 
engine, the Evolution engine, which leated less oil and broke down less frequentiy than the 
Knucldeheads, Panheads, and Shove lheads of years gone by. 

But the most important thing that Harley did was to get into the identity 
business, when it embraced die biter image which it had previously shunned by creating 
HOG (the Harley Owner's Group) in 1983. Honda was die first motorcycle company to 

deal with the biker image, and Honda dealt with die image by running in die opposite 
direction. 'You meet the nicest people on a Honda," was not the best characteri 2 ation of 
the clientele that took part in the Hollister riot of 1947. Nor did it spring to mind as you 
watched Sonny Barger and the Oakland branch of die Hell's angels ride their motorcycles 
over naked, sqealing hippies on their way to die stage at the Rolling Stones concert at 
Altamont But it sold a lot of small engine biles to the baby boomers in the '60s. 

Twenty years later, the babyboomers were still around, but the world had 
changed. The elites had redefined deviance; suddenly the yearly bacchanals at Sturgis, 
Daytona, and Piercy, California seemed as American as, well, Woodstock Dennis 
Hopper had put an American flag on Peter Fonda's helmet, instead of the swastika on the 
chrome Wehrmacht helmet he should have been wearing. 

What was up was now down, and what was down was now up, which is 
another word for what happens during a revolution. Deviance had been redefined, and in 
terms of biker culture, the major instrument for its redefinition was HOG. HOG was to 
biker culture what political correctness and speech codes were to college campuses at 
around the same time. HOG was social engineering, privatized to fit into the ethos of the 
Reagan administration. By creating HOG, Harley Davidson finally embraced the deviant 
biter culture which it had been shunning since the Hollister riot of 1947. Gone were the 
Nazi memorabilia which were one of the main hallmarks of the biker culture of the '60s. 
The classic biker back then rode a Triumph and wore a chromed Wehrmacht helmet. If 
he did not have an Iron Qoss on his jacket, he was considered some kind of imposter. 
Tale a look at photos of Sturgis or Bike Week at Daytona at any time after 1990 and you 
will look in vain for Nazi helmets, chromed or otherwise, or iron crosses or, God forbid, 
the swastikas that Hunter Thompson saw in California in 1965. By creating HOG, Harley 
realized that tire only way they could beat the Japanese was by creating an antidote to the 
deracination which had driven World War II and Vietnam veterans to embrace biker 
culture in the first place. 

By creating HOG, Harley Davidson put corporate America's seal of 
approval on the deviant community. HOG was a consumer group that gave all of the 
benefits of ethnic identification—clothing, patriotism, belonging, etc.— along with the 
right to engage in sexual excess. In short, HOG embodied the ideals of American culture 
as redefined by the social engineers in the period following World War II. America now 
meant sexual degeneracy, no children, impulsive buying habits, disposable income spent 
on expensive status-conferring consumer items, narcissism, and, most important of all, 
the illusion of freedom spraypainted over the reality of control. It wasn't so much that 
bikers had become respectable Americans, as it was that Americans in general and the 

baby boomers in particular had all become Hell's Angels. 

Harley Culture meant identity and friends in an increasingly opaque and 
unfriendly world, something biker publisher Reg Kittrelle considers "an important plus" 
because "there has been an ever-increasing disfranchising of the population. Individuals 
feel pretty distant from their government and they were looking for things to identify 
with. Everyone wants an identity. If s pretty much lost in most people's workplaces. None 
of us feel that we have much voice in government. The vote doesn't count So people look 
around and say, 'What am I? How do I count as an individual?' (Joans, p. 43). 

Motorcycles always conferred an identity on people who considered 
themselves losers. What has changed since the Hollister Riot of'47 is the size of the loser 
pool. Now since everyone can buy into HOG, everyone must be a potential loser. Even 
yuppies, who as yuppies are "upwardly mobile," the criterion for success in America, 
now have the identity vacuum that marketers love to fill. 

The creation of HOG also heralded the arrival of a new breed of biker, the 
RUB, or rich urban biker. Once they get to a place like Sturgis the Yuppie Bikers tend to 
blend in because of their assiduous cultivation of biker fashion, but with a little effort you 
can still pick them out in a crowd. The absence of gray facial hair is one give away. The 
absence of prosthetic limbs is another, as well as the presence of temporary tattoos. But 
the yuppie bikers are most easily recognized en route, as we noticed while puttering along 
at our Conestoga Wagon pace of 50 miles per hour when three Class AMotorhomes with 
Harley trailers and New York license plates roared past us on Interstate 90. This was a 
sign that the investment banker bikers from Manhattan were hightailin' it to the Buffalo 
Chip campground to get their front row seats for the wet T-shirt contest. It could have 
been a scene out of Wild Hogs, the final film in the trilogy of biker movies, the one that 
brings down the curtain on the movement that began as protest and ended up as a 
marketing strategy. 

Most commentators mention Harley's creation of HOG in 1983 in the 
hushed terms reserved for high-wire financial deals of the sort that landed Michael 
Millilen in jail. Anthropologist Barbara Joans spent years learning how to ride a 
motorcycle before she wrote Bike Lust, her study of biker culture. (Let's hope she never 
decides to study suttee.) She refers to the creation of HOG as "pure brilliance" because 

With the formation of HOG, Harley is now selling more than bikes; they are 
selling the H-D experience. HOG, die only official Harley-Davidson group backed 
by the corporation, provides social and riding activities all over the country. HOG 
has turned motorcycling into a respectable way of life. . . . Buying a Harley has 
become more than buying a product. Customers are now offered a ready-made 

community to join. The community is laced with patriotism. The nationwide network 
gives riders die feeling that they are j oining with other American riders in supporting 
die country. They are buying an American product and keeping the economy strong 
(Barbara Joans, Bike Lust: Harleys, Women, and American Society [Madison: The 
University of Wisconsin Press, 2001]) 

Professor Barbara Joans is an anthropologist who teaches at Merritt College 
in San Francisco. She is also part of the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Project When not 
waiting to hear from E.T, she hangs around biker bars and Harley dealerships in San 
Francisco, where she has become an expert, in her own words, in destroying the culture 
you wish to j oin. This comes naturally to Professor Joans because she is a New York Jew: 

The only problem is that I am a New York Jew [problem? Is this a problem?], 
reared in the streets of Manhattan and the side streets of Brooklyn, and I had been 
born to read books not ride bikes. Being sedentary, sickly, utterly nonmechanically 
inclined and a lover of the great indoors, I am more suited to appreciate museums 
than motorcycles. I am used to corridors and carpets, not canyons and woodlands, 
(pp. 182-3). 

The problem Professor Joans refers to here can best be summed up by 
saying that she really doesn't like riding motorcycles. 

My entire past city life of university teaching, child rearing, poetry writing, piano 
playing and radical activism left me utterly unprepared for the glory and 
godawfulness of riding die wind. Only my innate fanaticism prepared me for riding. 
I had been, in mind-numbing order, a fifties beatnik, a sixties civil rights, radical 
politics, antiwar, hippie (urban not rural); and an eighties down and dirty, fast field 
professional anthropologist. It was revolution, sex, dope, and rock and roll all the 
way. .. .My profile, at the start of this work, would have read urban intellectual and 
cultural cynic, as well as loudmouthed troublemaker, (p. 184). 

Professor Joans is, in other words, a Jewish revolutionary of die sort that 
was common in the '60s, who doesn't really like riding motorcycles or the type of people 
who ride them. Instead of just leaving it at that and keeping busy by reading Franz Boas, 
Joans the revolutionary feels duty bound to reform the redneck bikers she hates. She 
knows that she doesn't really belong but rather than start her own club she decides to 
wreck their club by making it more inclusive, i.e., by destroying the reason it came into 
existence in the first place by importing women and homosexuals into its ranks. 
Confronted by a biker club in rural California where women don't ride, or ruin the men's 

ride by insisting that the keep their speed below 35 mph, Professor Joans 

realized with envy that I would never belong to a group that had that much 
female solidarity. These women rode in a universe far more ordered than mine. 
These women knew their place. It was a place of strength, courage, and power, but it 
was a gender-specific place. They share the bid and club with their husbands and 
both accepted their complementary roles.... Their behaviors were defined by club 
rules, by community standards and by church affiliation. It worked. They had a 
good thing going and they all knew it. Unfortunately for me, it was their thing, and, 
appealing as it was, I was not willing to join a small society with relatively rigid 
roles, no matter how emotionally gratifying the payoff. 

Rather than confront her own Jewish hatred of logos, Professor Joans 
decides to confront the group instead and inform them that they are not allowed to break 
up an antiwar rally. The thing that made this chutzpah seem conceivable and anything 
less than suicidal was HOG and Harley's involvement in social engineering: 

Even though I was a guest at that club, I was a Harley rider. Having ridden in on 
my own Sportster, I felt qualified to talk The chairman was polite enough to 
acknowledge me before he firmly called me out of order. [But in spite of all that] I 
had to prevent the group from going downtown. Luckily for me, one of the few 
members I knew grabbed me off my bike. "Are you crazy?' 

No, Professor Joans is, as she said, just a New York Jew, an entitlement in 
our culture which allows toe possessor to tell other people what to think and how to run 
their lives. Professor Joans, as toe culturally entitled Jew, is determined to turn toe 
motorcycle into her kind of deviance, which involves riding with toe Dykes on Bikes at 
San Francisco's annual Gay Pride Parade. Professor Joans likes Dykes on Bikes because 
she sees them as "an incredible mix of strength, sexuality and rule breaking." (p. 200). 

As if to show that even professors have pensive moments, Professor Joans 
wonders at one point whether "toe new riders are unwittingly destroying toe very culture 
they wish to join. By their entrance into toe biker world, they are changing toe rules. 
They have not given their souls to riding. It is not their life. They are weekend warriors" 
(p. 207). 

After admitting that she is a dilettante, Professor Joans still feels that she 
has toe right to set toe rules for toe biker clubs she is in effect subverting. Men created this 
club so that they could ride fast, but Professor Joans has no compunction in denouncing a 
group of bikers who didn't want to travel at toe 35 mph she preferred, as "shits." Professor 
Joans also has no compunction in denouncing biker for their racism, even though 

"separate identity" is the only reason this (or any other) club was created in the first 
place. Women bikers are equally ungrateful because they don't want to emulate "the 
early feminists whom so many women biters wish to distance themselves from, helped 
pave the way for today's riders" (p. 150). They too get an earful from Professor Joans, 
who informs them in no uncertain terms that "If my entire generation of feminists hadn't 
been such hard-nosed, hard-assed, hard-working, civil rights pushing, abortion rights 
gaining, humorless bitches, there would be damn fewer women in the wind today." 

Just why that would be tragic is something Professor Joans never explains. 
It's one of many things Professor Joans never explains in her book, like why she would 
want to hang around with a bunch of fat losers drinking Jack Daniels sitting on plastic 
chairs in a parking lot in, say, Carson City, Nevada when she could be at home savoring 
the prose of Ruth Benedict. Just why does Professor Joans enjoy paryting with men who 

Overweight and underfit, the men of this hard-living culture push their pleasures 
to excess. Avoidance of pain and promotion of pleasure is a far more accurate 
description of the goals of this group than is die deferred gratification of the golden 
mean. The men will eat, drink; and screw as much as possible. When they can. (p. 

The short answer to this question is community. Professor Joans is starved 
for community because she is just as deracinated as everyone else. 

This is a community that crosses economic, class, race and gender lines. The 
bite, as symbol, icon, transportation, and greatly loved machine permits us to cross 

those lines. The bite provides the solidarity glue that cements us as a community_ 

the shared language that brings us together. The bite brings us together. Without it 
some of us would remain friends. But without it, most of us would fragment into our 
separate worlds. The extraordinary strength of the bite lies in its ability to forge a 
community out of disparate folkand keep it going. 

If Steinbeck should have stayed in California and never gone to New York; 
the exact opposite is true of Professor Joans. She should have stayed in New Yorkand left 
the California biters alone. 

When toe Harley-Davidson company got into social engineering, they also 
redefined toe family. Freewheelin' Frank Reynolds joined Hell's Angels as an escape 
from toe family he abandoned in 1965. Now when you buy a motorcycle, you "join toe 
Harley family." But there are other options for those who don't have $20,000 to spend as 
a down payment on future repair and medical bills. You can become toe Harley 

equivalent of "poor relations" and j oin the Harley family on the cheap, as Professor Joans 
points out: 

You don't need to ride a bile (or even own a bike) to j oin the Harley family. The 
dealerships sell an impressive line of new Harley products—from functional and 
protective road gear to household goods. Go to the shops and check out the baby 
clothes, sleeping attire, wine, watches, pocketknives, Tiffany-style lamp shades, and 
shaving mugs. From blankets to bibs, the H-D logo is likely to show up everywhere. It 
even appears on j ukeboxes and cigarettes. 

When you buy a Harley, you buy "tire whole Harley experience," which 
means that "At 7:00 PM, far from home, when the bike has broken down and both rider 
and wife sore and hungry, it helps to know that die closest dealership will offer 

Harley redefined the family by turning it into a consumer subculture. This 
was especially appealing to a cohort which had annihilated their real families during the 
carnage of die sexual revolution and, now faced with the inescapable conclusion that they 
had ruined their lives, needed to male a U-turn to get out of Memory Lane: 

Belonging to die Harley family is one of Harley's strongest selling points. Once 
in the family, if you breakdown, there is someone to help you in every town across 
the country. The rider, especially die long distance rider, is no longer riding along. 
Dealerships offer services that reinforce customer loyalty. Milwaukee has hit upon 
marketing magic. It is somewhat ironic that the image of die independent biker riding 
alone down the lonely country lane is, in reality, backed by a national network of 
dealerships. Independence may look and feel good, but every Harley rider knows 
that breakdowns on isolated roads are no fun (Joans, p. 32). 

After redefining the family, Harley redefined America. "Riding can also 
be seen as an extension of the frontier. If s an iron horse. And Harleys are as American 
as mom and apple pie. Harleys carry on a tradition. There is that streakof independence 
in all of us. And a litde bit of recklessness too. Kind of like, if the world gets too close, you 
can say, 'Screw it, I'm getting on my bike. Goodbye." 

In addition to the America stuff, owning a Harley means control of 


Riding a Harley provides an outlet Now the rider is in control of his own destiny. 
Gone is tire remoteness of modern life. If the rider makes a mistake on tire bike, he's 
going to pay for it There is the satisfaction of knowing that the rider has made some 
decision concerning what he does with his time and his life.... When a whole bunch 

of people are riding on Harleys together, riding the actual bite is secondary. What is 
primary is that it gives the rider an identity and a group of friends to ride with. These 
are people he might otherwise not have befriended (Joans, p. 45). 

Secure in his identity and in control of his destiny, the HOG member can 
now tell the world: "'Tate me or leave me.' For better or for worse, this is who I am. It 
also represents for me my love of my country. I'm putting my country up there and 
supporting it. I can't get satisfaction out of die government, but I can still support and love 
my country. It also allows you to choose your own statement It sets you apart" (Joans, 
P- 46). 

Not everyone is as uncritically enthusiastic as Professor Joans about what 
has happened to biter culture after HOG took it over. Some people feel that HOG has 
destroyed biter culture by making it inclusive. Even Professor Joans, in one of her few 
reflective moments, entertains the notion that people like her may have destroyed the 
subculture they wanted so avidly to join. No one, however, claims that biter culture is 
what it once was. Roby Page, unlike Professor Joans, mourns its passing and its 

A generation ago it would have been possible ... to generalize about the biter 
subculture as a predominantly white, male-driven, working-class-based, 
individualistic group. This was the subculture of individualism, patriotism, and 
machismo identified by Schouten and McAlexander. The arrival of the new biters 
has altered this characterization, making the biter culture much more heterogeneous. 
(Roby Page, Bike Week at Daytona [Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2005], 

p. 122.) 

In their 1995 analysis of biter culture, John W. Schouten and James H. 
McAlexander refer to "Harley World" as a "subculture of consumption," by which they 
mean "a distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects on the basis of a shared 
commitment to a particular product class, brand or consumption activity." (John W. 
Schouten and James H. McAlexander, "Subcultures of Consumption: an Ethnography of 
the New Biters," Journal of Consumer Research, 22 [ 1995]: 43-61, cited in Page). 

Page also cites Juliet B. Schor who claims that "It is now widely believed 
that consumer goods provide an opportunity for people to express themselves, display 
their identities, or create a public persona.... Who we are not only affects what we buy. 
What we buy also affects who we become." But he fails to note that the need to buy an 
identity has its source elsewhere in other pathologies. Healthy people in healthy cultures 
do not feel the need to buy an identity. Only empty people in empty cultures feel that 

need. The unspoken truth here is that the malaise which struck the blue-collar veterans 
returning from World War II has now spread to die offspring of the white collar veterans 
who made it backvia the GI Bill and FHAhousing loans. Successful yuppie babyboomers 
now have the same lack of identity that the poor white trash their parents spumed in the 
'50s had. 

Just as the babyboomers got herded like sheep into the sexual revolution of 
the '60s, buying Beatles records, birth control pills, and Honda 90s, they got herded into 
the Harley revival of die 1990s because of the same ego needs. They still don't know 
what is going on, or as Schouten and McAlexander put it: "Because die newcomer is 
ignorant of many nuances of biker culture, his or her sociali 2 ation may be facilitated 
opportunistically by marketing efforts. . . This socialization process has die effect of 
molding the malleable perceptions of the new biker toward an acceptance of the 
corporate vision of bikerdom and of creating customers for official H-D clothing and 

The babyboomers, who made the inventors of the hula hoop rich, got 
suckered into one more fad, and "the old biker subculture has been co-opted by elements 
of mainstream society." 

The 1983 organization (and trademarking) of HOG was another step in the 
co-optation of biker culture. "It was formed in part to counteract die dissident Harley 
Davidson Owners Association and in part to coalesce new customers," according to 
Yates. "This involved a radical turnabout in policy in that the heretofore pejorative 'hog' 
was embraced as a self-effacing, irreverent corporate nickname." The Invasion of the 
Body-Snatcher scenario, in other words, happened in just about every subculture worth 
colonizing, from Notre Dame to NASCAR 

The task when it came to the co-optation of biker culture, as Schouten and 
McAlexander put it, was "to expropriate certain symbols of the outiaw subculture and 
employ the product design and advertising components of the fashion system in order to 
redefine their meanings just enough to make them palatable to a broader group of 
consumers. . . . Harley-Davidson has co-opted important symbols and structural aspects 
of the outiaw subculture, sanitized or softened them, and given them more socially 
acceptable meanings." 

Of course, excessive co-optation risks destroying the very qualities that 
initially make the subculture so appealing. "As membership in the subculture becomes 
more and more accessible and acceptable to mainstream consumers, and as more 
mainstream consumers begin to don the trappings of bikers, lines of marginality become 
blurred and some of the distinctiveness of the biker subculture is lost," Schouten and 

Me Alexander observe. 

Not everyone is happy with HOG or Harley's marketing strategy. The old 
time bikers who handed on the trappings of biker culture only to have them co-opted refer 
to the Harley Davidson Motor Company as the "MoFoCo," whose "stealerships" favor the 
upscale yuppies who appropriated their symbols. This means, according to Schouten and 
Me Alexander, that Harley Davidson, "is faced with a veritable tightrope walk between the 
conflicting needs of two disparate but equally important groups of consumers: those who 
give the product its mystique and those who give die company its profitability." 

In America profitability wins out over mystique every time. What began 
as a protest against social engineering was absorbed by the very social engineering it 
sought to avoid. Harley World triumphed over biker culture, something the old-timers 
noticed with dismay: 

'Daytona," one biker noted in an on-line chat room, "has become a regular 
fuckin' motorcycle Disneyland, which is why I don't go anymore." Page finds this 
criticism "prescient," especially "when considering the growth possibilities of a new 
Orlando Bike Week in die shadow of Disney World. Indeed, Bike Week often does look 
like a fantastic theme park, one where bikers, poseurs, and nonbikers alike come to sample 
a commercialized version of biker culture and revel in the carnival-like atmosphere. Call 
it Biker World." 

The word 'World" attached to something like a motorcycle is the sign that 
what started off as a protest ended up as a theme park It is a sign that something got co¬ 
opted. If Harley World is now a reality, can Notre Dame World be far behind? What 
about America World? The nation that became a theme park Is it possible anymore to 
tell the difference between America World and America? 

Steinbeck loved Montana and as part of his homage to that state he made a 
pilgrimage to die Little Big Horn Battlefield, where General George Qister died along 
with hundreds of his men. 

Steinbeck and his dog Charley wanted to "pay our respects to General 
Qister and Sitting Bull on the battlefield of Little Big Horn. I don't suppose there is an 
American who doesn't carry Remington's painting of the last defense off the center 
column of the 7^* Cavalry in his head. I removed my hat in memory of brave men, and 
Charley saluted in his own manner but I thought with great respect" 

Peter and I arrived at the Little Big Horn after a whole morning's drive 
over 212, the short cut that eliminates 70 miles from Interstate 90 and takes us through an 
endless sea of grass and two Indian reservations. You can tell that you've entered Indian 
territory because the architecture goes from bad to worse. Instead of 19^* century 
wooden balloon frame buildings, you see mobile homes surrounded by j unked cars. 

Little Big Horn is where General George Custer held his famous last stand. 
Like Steinbeck, I was familiar with Remington's painting of Qister's Last Charge, where 
the general is mounted on his horse, brandishing his saber, charging at three demoralized 
Indians. Needless to say, if this were an accurate presentation of what happened, Qister 
wouldn't be buried in South Dakota, with 600 of his troops. 

Instead of mounting a cavalry charge against the Indians, Custer ordered 
his men to shoot their own horses and hide behind them as protection against the bullets of 
the Indians. The cavalry's dead horses, unfortunately, provided no protection against 
Indian arrows, which rained down on the US troops like primitive mortar fire for that 
entire day in the early summer of 1875. When the bodies were discovered a few days 
later, they looted lite porcupines, so many arrows were sticking out of them. 

The audience which listened raptly to the parkranger's account of Qister's 
last stand was filled with biters on their way to Sturgis. The parking lot was filled with 
Harleys, some of which flew die blackand white POW-MIA flag which indicated that the 
owner was a Vietnam veteran. 

The park ranger who explained die badle to us tried to put a positive spin on 
Qister's death, but die fact remains that what Qister did was militarily indefensible. It was 
also morally indefensible. He divided his forces, sending one group into the Indian village 
at the river at die bottom of die hill to massacre women and children, but in doing that 
Qister also allowed his own forces to be cut off and massacred by die enraged Indians. 
Just why a seasoned Civil War general would do something this stupid and wicked is 
difficult to explain. Custer was known for his daring during the Civil War. Now faced with 

a group of primitive people armed with technologically inferior weapons, Custer allowed 
daring to turn into arrogance and arrogance into hubris, and hubris led to defeat 

Custer's mission was to persuade the Indians to return to their reservation. 
His men did this by firing indiscriminately into the teepees of the Indians they were sent 
to persuade, killing women and children in the process. Crazy Horse, like Francis Drake, 
refused to rush into battle. He was busy being prayed over by the medicine man whose 
charms would make him invisible and invincible. The charms must have worked. Crazy 
Horse rode directly in front of Custer's lines three times and escaped unscathed. It was 
then that the Indians mounted their counter attack 

It is difficult not to conclude that Custer was a victim of the myth of 
technological superiority. The myth of racial superiority probably also played a role. If 
so, Little Big Horn was a warning that got ignored. It was a prelude to Vietnam, which 
was a prelude to Iraq. The rifles Custer's men carried were technologically superior to 
the bow and arrow, but in the end that didn't matter because of the circumstances of the 
battle. The F-16 is technologically superior to the Iraqi car bomb, but so what? The F-16 is 
also helpless against it 

The high plains are the ideal place to ride a motorcycle—in the 
summertime, at least. The sky over Sturgis was blue when we left the redneck biker 
bacchanal, but when we entered Montana the weather changed almost imperceptibly. At 
first the sly seemed overcast, as if we are heading into rain, but as the sun sank deeper 
and turned redder, it became clear that what seemed at first glance to be clouds were in 
fact smolc. All of Montana around 1-90 was on fire and we were heading into the heart of 
the fire, or better still, into the heart of darkness. 

Steinbeck claimed that "from start to finish" he "found no strangers" on his 
quest in search of America. He found only Americans, who in spite of "all of our 
enormous geographical range, for all of our sectionalism, for all of or interwoven breeds 
drawn from every part of the ethnic world,... are a nation, a new breed... .Americans 
from all sections and of all racial extractions are more alike than the Welsh are like the 
English" (Charley, p. 160). "The American identity," Steinbeck concludes, "is an exact 
and provable thing." 

But as Steinbeck drove across Texas toward the Old South, the tone of his 
narrative changed. Unlike the rest of the country, the South, he tells us, "is in the pain of 
labor and the nature of its future child is still unknown." As a result, Steinbeck "faced the 
South with dread. 

Steinbeck s narrative in search of America undergoes a change of genre 
once he crosses the border from Texas into Louisiana. What began as an American 

Picaresque Don Quixote is suddenly transformed into The Heart of Darkness. By die time 
he reached the South, Steinbecks KV has become the symbol of deracinated America, 
and deracinated America has become the only legitimate America according to the elite 
for which Steinbeck had been writing propaganda for die past 20 years. So the KV has 
become the synagogue of acceptable opinions, and Steinbeck has become their rabbi, the 
man who passes judgment on the legitimacy of Americans, and expels anyone who 
comes up with ideas that do not pass muster as "American." 

At this point it should be obvious that the prime candidates to get hauled 
before Steinbecks rolling Committee on Un-American Activities are die Southerners who 
disagree with the form of social engineering that was being inflicted on them at the time, 
otherwise known as de-segregation. Steinbeck reports on a group of Louisiana women, 
known as "die Cheerleaders," who are unhappy with the desegregation of their schools 
and expressed their unhappiness in the following way: 

No newspaper had printed the words these women shouted. 

But now I heard the words, bestial and fdthy and degenerate. In a long an 
unprotected life, I have seen and heard the vomitings of demoniac humans before. 
Why then did these screams fill me with a shocked and sickened sorrow?. . . These 
blowzy women with their littie hates and their clippings hungered for attention These 
were not mothers, not even women. They were crazy actors playing to a crazy 
audience (Charley, p. 195). 

Then Steinbeck runs into the cab driver who tells him that "them goddamn 
New York Jews come in and stir the niggers up." Then Steinbeck picks up a cracker 
hitchhiker, who tells him he sounds like a "Commie nigger lover." 

At this point, Travels with Charley reaches its climax. Unlike Will Rogers, 
Steinbeck has finally found an American whom he does not like, and he loses no time in 
expelling him from the KV which has become the symbol of deracinated America. "Get 
out," Steinbeck says in his best tough guy manner. When the cracker hesitates, Steinbeck 
reaches for a non-existent gun, and the redneck scurries off—"In the mirror I saw his 
hating face and his open spit-ringed mouth"—forcing Steinbeck to conclude in his macho 
way, '1 guess when they're drafting peacemakers they'd better pass me by" (Charley, p. 
206). A short ways down the road, the cracker with the hating face and spit-ringed mouth 
is replaced in the KV which has become the rolling synagogue of acceptable American 
opinions by "a young Negro student ... a passionate and articulate young man with 
anxiety and fierceness just below the surface, who tells Steinbeck, "I want to see it—me 
—not dead. Here! Me! I want to see it -soon." At this point the passionate and articulate 

Negro wipes the tears from his eyes and "waited quicldy away." 

At this point the sensitive reader begins to wonder whether Steinbeck has 
crossed die boundary from journalism into fiction. In a sense the question is moot 
because propaganda covers both sides of that border. If die nagging sense that Steinbeck 
made all of this up continues, die sensitive read can at least tell himself he is not alone in 
his suspicions. Steinbecks sons also felt that he made up the conversations in Travels with 
Charley. "Thom and I are convinced," wrote John Steinbeck IV, "that he never talted to 
any of those people in Travels with Charley. He j ust sat in his camper and wrote all that 
shit He was too shy. He was really frightened of people who saw through him. He 
couldn't have handled that amount of interaction. So, die book is actually a great novel." 
(John Steinbeck IV and Nancy Steinbeck The Other Side of Eden: Life with John 
Steinbeck (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Bools, 2001, p. 151) 

The redneck who got expelled from Steinbecks KV was right, of course. 
New York Jews were coming to die South to stir up the Negroes. They had been coming 
ever since a group of New York Jews had created die NAACP, and they were going to 
come in even greater numbers. The summer of 1964 would be a high water mark of sorts 
in the Black Jewish Alliance, which would collapse in acrimony in 1967-8, when Harold 
Ouse wrote his expose of the Black Jewish alliance from the Negro perspective and when 
the Negroes expelled Jewish teachers from their schools in the Ocean-Hill Brownsville 
section of New York around the same time. 

So the cracker got expelled from Steinbecks RV for telling the truth. It is 
not surprising that someone who had dedicated his life to promoting the deceptions 
favored by those in power would feel this way about the truth. Steinbeck also probably 
felt this way because he owed his fame to the Jews, first the Hollywood Jews and then the 
New York Jews. "I don't think any writer has ever been luckier," says Gore Vidal. 
"Steinbeck was one of those rare novelists who actually had a happy relation to 
Hollywood." (Parini, p. 229). 

And yet even when promoted by die most powerful people on the face of 
the earth, deception and propaganda have their limits. And these limitations become most 
apparent in time of war. It is said that die winners of wars write the histories. That is 
probably the case. But no amount of propaganda can disguise die realities of losing a war, 
especially the fact that it has been lost Steinbeckhad become a war propagandist during 
World War II. When he tried die same thing in Vietnam, he was forced to admit 1) that 
the war was wrong and 2) that America was losing it and 3) that his own reputation was at 
state. Unable to admit any of those things, but at the same time unable to change the tide 
of events through deception, Steinbeck whose health was failing anyway, took the easy 

way out and killed himself, rather than admit he had been wrong. Steinbecks sons served 
as soldiers in Vietnam. According to John Steinbeck IV, Steinbeck "chose the overdose of 
morphine" over admitting that he, "the Conscience of America" had been wrong about the 
war. "He was broken from the Vietnam thing. He didn't want to be alive in a world where 
he wasn't right" 

In his analysis of the corrupting effect which war has had on American 
culture, Robert Nisbet makes it clear that it was the intellectuals who created the Hell 
which America became. High on Nisbet's list of intellectual villains was George Creel, 
Woodrow Wilson's propaganda minister, and creator of the progenitor of all agencies of 
deception in America, the Committee for Public Information. Creel, whom Nisbet 
describes as "one of the most gifted architects of propaganda, of manufacture of public 
consciousness that has ever lived," created the "four minute men" whose "job was to 
infiltrate every public gathering of any kind with the objective of delivering four-minute 
speeches in celebration of the war." It was World War I and the propaganda which that 
war necessitated which led America down the road to where it finds itself today. Using 
the war as their excuse, Wilson and Qeel prepared America for "the West's first 
experience with totalitarianism—political absolutism extended into every possible area of 
culture and society, education, religion, industry, the arts, local community and family 
included, with a land of terror always waiting in the wings. . . ." Wilson "succeeded in 
infusing a whole generation of intellectuals with the sense of cause, of mission, in the 
moral sphere, to be accomplished only through the power of the national state he came 
close to worshipping." In order to succeed at war, America had to transform itself into the 
Leviathan that meant the end of "the spirit of localism, of grass roots and of pluralism that 
had characterized so much of American reform thought" until that time. Each succeeding 
war president tookAmerica further down die same path. Franklin Delano Roosevelt drew 
"upon experiences it had known in World War I in order to combat the Depression." 
America got its first taste of home-grown fascism at that time. It was also at that time and 
under the aegis of the war economy that "the marriage of university and government took 
place." During the Cold War which followed World War II, "the marriage between 
intellectuals and government became a firm tie. ... The desire to be close to die seat of 
power .. . was as strong in the Rome of Augustus as in the Washington of Kennedy" (p. 
172 ). 

The descendents of die "public intellectuals" who created the mess that is 
America are still hard at work, try ing to make an even greater mess out of die one the last 
generation bequeathed to them. Steinbeck ended up a high-classed prostitute; he turned to 
propaganda after he ruined his life and his wife's life when he ordered her to have an 

abortion. One of tire consequences of his work is that writing and prostitution (or academe 
and prostitution) have become practically synonymous terms. This, as Robert Nisbet tried 
to tell us in 1975, when America was going through its reaction to Vietnam, was one of 
the many lamentable consequences of creating a culture based on war. 

August 2007, the time when Peter and I made our hajj to the mythic 
American West, marked the lull before the storm. In this instance that meant the 
propaganda barrage which was calculated to enthuse Americans, already disgusted with 
Iraq, with a new war against Iran. 

If John Steinbeck was the equivalent of a high class prostitute when it 
comes to war propagandists, we now live in the age of the two dollar whore. I am 
referring to epigoni like Neoconservative Norman Podhoretz, whose book urging 
Americans into war with Iran was released on September 11, the sixth anniversary of the 
World Trade Tower collapse, and David Gelemter, a computer professor at Yale who 
aspires to the stained mantle of public intellectual. Both Podhoretz and Gelemter are high 
priests of die Jewish cult known as neoconservatism. Like all revolutionary Jews since the 
time of Simon bar Kokhbar, they advocate messianic politics, which is based on the claim 
that those who take up tire sword can create heaven on earth. Just as Russia became the 
vehicle for world revolution when the Jews from the pale of the settlement rose up and 
toppled the czar, now America is the vehicle for creating the new Jewish version of 
heaven on earth. After years of proclaiming that Bible thumpers were the villains of 
American history, Jews like Gelemter have changed their tune. Jews like Leo Pfeffer, of 
the AJC, made careers out of driving Christianity out of public life. Secularism was good 
according to the Jews in die '60s. After years of driving religion out of the public square 
and public schools, the Jews (of die neocon variety at least) now want to reintroduce 
religion to shore up America's flagging support of the war in Iraq. Because America is 
now a vassal of Israel when it comes to foreign policy, die Jews have become chest¬ 
thumping patriots. "America" (the quotes are Gelemter's) 

is one of the most beautiful religious concepts mankind has ever known. It is 
sublimely humane, but based on strong confidence in humanity's ability to make life 
better. "America" is an idea that results from focusing the Bible and Judeo-Christian 
faith like a spotlight's beam on the problems of this life (not the next) in die modem 
world, in a modern nation. (David Gelemter , Americanism: the Fourth Great 
Western Religion [New York Doubleday, 2007], p. 2) 

Gelemter knows enough about American history to know that the Puritans 
were Judaizers, although he never uses that term. Pretending that nothing happened in 

America from tire time of the half-way covenant in tire late 17^* century until the 
present, Gelernter announces that "We American Puritans are God's new chosen people" 
(p. 65). We are not dealing with any pale civic religion here; no, we are dealing with full¬ 
blown idolatry. Caesar is once again God as he was in the other empire which ruled the 
world and then collapsed. America is not just a religious nation; America is a religion, 
characterized by "passionate belief in the community's closeness to God and its obligation 
to God and die whole world—Americans as a new chosen people, America as a new 
promised land—that is American Zionism" (p. 69). 

In case you were wondering, Gelernter is quickto add that "the American 
Religion is a global religion," which means that we as Americans are every bit as much 
bound to spread "Liberty, Equality, and Democracy" from Iraq to Iran by force of arms 
—nuclear arms, if necessary—as die Christians were bound by Christ to preach the 
Gospel to all nations. "Americans," Gelernter informs us, "have a duty not merely to 
preach but to bring them [liberty, equality, democracy] to all mankind." Drawing on a 
view of American history that is stunning in its lack of depth and insight, Gelernter 
concludes that Puritans were fanatics, but they were good fanatics. Unlike Muslims, who 
are bad fanatics. Jews now like religious fanatics if they support wars in support of Israel. 
Muslim fanatics murder men, women and children at random [unlike Israeli 
fanatics who take careful aim before they shoot children]. But the Puritans who 
settied the New World were fanatics of a different order. They came to America 
because they chose not to fight it out in England; they did not want to foment 
rebellion or cause bloodshed. 

Gelernter is a depressingly common phenomenon lately. Gelertner is the 
New York(or New Haven) Jew who is the expert on j ust about everything. Unlike die rest 
of us, who have to backup their assertions, Jews get by on the ipse dixit alone. What they 
say must be true because they as a group are rich and powerful. As if that weren't 
enough, they have access to big New York publishing houses, like Doubleday, which 
published Gelernter's book In his new-found role as "public intellectual," Gelernter, the 
computer geek, talcs it upon himself to explain die real meaning of Christianity to the 
dumb goyim, especially the evangelical variety who have been following Rev. Hagee 
now that Rev. Falwell has gone on to his reward in die big Kibbutz in the sky. Gelernter's 
book is full of patronizing nods in the direction of Christians: 

you built America and Americanism. In so doing you gave mankind one of the 
greatest gifts it has ever received. Do not allow yourselves to be spiritually 
dispossessed in your own homes. This country will never have an established official 

religion; it will never abandon religious freedom. But neither should it be allowed to 
abandon its history or origins or lie about them. 

Just in case die goyim get their hopes up and look for a return to Bible 
reading in public schools, Gelemter is there to let them down easy: "Christians are 
(rightly) prohibited to preach Christianity in the public schools; secularists should be 
prohibited to preach secularism too" (p. 12). But aside from that nod to die ghost of Leo 
Pfeffer, everything is going to be ol<ay, as long as the goyim let professors like Gelemter 
tell them what their country and their religion really mean: "For all Christians facing the 
dauntingly powerful secularist culture of die modem United States," die great American 
theologian from the Shalem Institute in Jerusalem tells us, "be strong and of good 

Well, God Bless you too, Professor Gelemter! 

We are then treated to the idiot's guide to American history, whose main 
principle is that the only good Christian is a war-mongering Judaiser. According to this 
algorithm, Woodrow Wilson "took America into the First World War and proclaimed 
Americanism a world religion, which implied chivalrous duties abroad and at home. He 
read the bible, prayed every day, and was shaped by his Presbyterian faith." It goes 
downhill from there: 

Ronald Reagan, who announced that America must finally win the cold War, 
was a devout Protestant; his Americanism might have been even more devout 
Reagan reminded America of John Winthrop's prediction about a shining city on a 
hill. George W. Bush is a chivalrous American who believes in liberty, equality and 
democracy not just for France and Denmark but for Arab nations where the 
residents have brown skin and strange ways. Our duty is to provide them too with 
liberty, equality, and democracy, says Bush. 

By now it should be clear that Jewish propagandists for war can say 
anything no matter how preposterous and get away with it, as when Gelemter tells us that 
Puritans "invented a primitive and serviceable type of democracy," or when he calls 
Jonathan Edwards a Puritan, or when he claims that "at independence in 1776 roughly 
three-quarters of American citizens were Puritan" [Like Thomas Jefferson and Ben 
FranMinT] or when he confuses the concepts of original sin and predestination, as in the 
following passage: "The doctrine of predestination preached by John Calvin was central to 
Puritanism. It may be one aspect of Puritanism that is hardest for modems to sympathize 
with. Puritans reasoned that because of Adam's sin and the fall of man, men were born 
sinful, able to control their behavior but not their thoughts," Or when he says "Queen 

Elizabeth tolerated the Puritans"even though they didn't exist then. 

Add to that Gelemter's relentless use of the the ipse dixit —"Jamestown," 
we are told, "had a Puritan flavor" — and comically bad prose, as in Gelernter's view of 
World War I: "In six week, said the brisk heel-clicking German generals in their spike - 
decorated clown hats, France's goose will be cooled," and you begin to long for the good 
old days, when war propaganda was written by high class prostitutes like John Steinbeck 

Either way, intellectuals created the Hell that is now known as America. 
Professor Joans has nothing but good things to say about the sexual decadence of biker 
culture. As a feminist she tries to look the other way, when she is a witness to what the 
nonbiking world would refer to as rape, including toe rape of her favorite biker chick "We 
pass Miss White Hair ... her hair's still in its neat brad but she has dark smudges around 
her eyes and a swollen mouth." 

And yet even Professor Joans' taste for deviance has its limits. When she 
writes about her descent into toe "The Pit," toe locale of toe bacchanal at toe Redwood 
Run in California, she ends up borrowing imagery from Dante: "As we walk I stare down 
into toe pit and realize that I could be looking into toe ninth circle." 

The same thought occurs to me at dusk on toe third day of our journey, 
when Peter and I descended toe mountain of fire and entered Missoula, Montana. There 
is a sign on toe highway that announces toe Missoula Testicle Festival, a sure sign that 
Missoula is a university town. Steering through toe smoke from toe forest fires while 
talking on his cell phone, Peter has a arranged a meeting with his nephew, an 
undergraduate history major at toe University of Montana. The young man turns out to 
be a typical product of University culture. Both of his parents were professionals (his 
father, now deceased, was a professor; his mother a counselor); he dresses like Gap's 
vision of toe working class, complete with grease-stained jeans. He has also just 
purchased a pick-up truck which runs on vegetable oil. When I ask why he just doesn't get 
around town on his bicycle, he says that he needs toe truckfor cross-country trips, since 
he refuses to fly. 

Peter steers toe RV to toe lowest point in Missoula, a parking lot under a 
bridge next to toe river. A number of semis are already there with their engines running; 
they belong to toe road crew for a Lyle Lovett concert on toe other side of toe bridge. 
The initial arrangement was that we would go for a swim in toe river, but that deal did not 
go down, and instead we ended up at a Mexican restaurant when Peter's nephew 
wondered aloud what to do for a course of directed readings on toe South. 

'How about something on toe Black-Jewish alliance?' I suggested. When it 
became clear that Peter's nephew didn't have a clue about toe Black-Jewish alliance, I 

launched into a mini-lecture which began with the founding of the NAACP, covered the 
Leo Frank trial and the trial of the Scottsboro boys, and ended up with the civil rights 
movement and the Black Panthers. I was in the middle of explaining the position of two to 
the seminal texts—Murray Friedman's What Went Wrong? The Collapse of the Black- 
Jewish Alliance and Harold Ouse's The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual —when a man 
leaned over from the next table and said, "Would you mind not talking about this topic? 
My friend here is Jewish." 

Usually, I am dumbfounded at moments like this, but this time I replied, 
"You can tell we're in a university town. The thought police are out in force." I then told 
him to mind his own damned business and not eavesdrop on our conversation and 
continued with what I was saying. I hadn't read Travels with Charley at that point in my 
life, but now I realize that everyone who aspires to the things of die intellect has now 
become a cracker-barrel commissar like John Steinbeck, expelling anyone who disagrees 
with social engineering out of the synagogue of accepted opinions. 

Peter and I entered Missoula in need of a meal, a place to wash up in 
preparation for the wedding the next day, and a place to park the KV for the night In the 
end Peter's nephew, in spite of what he promised us over die phone, came through with 
nothing. Peter's nephew, like all human beings created in the image of God, has an 
obligation to treat strangers with kindness. His obligation to flesh and blood is even greater. 
In the end, I ended up paying for the meal, and all his uncle got was an airy good-bye 
because the nephew had friends to meet 

And so Peter and I returned to die parking lot under the bridge. The semis 
were still there with their motors running, but it was much darker than when we left. It 
was also now full of people streaming out of die Iyle Lovett concert Lyle was on his 
way to Sturgis to perform at die Buffalo Chip campground, and the women who had 
listened to him sing were all intoxicated now, literally, figuratively, whatever. 

"I love your hair," said a woman who was obviously drunk She was 
fortunate in not being alone and doubly fortunate because die people she was with were 
not as drunk as she was. When the car she was in pulled away, another woman appeared. 
This one is also drunk I ask her if she knows when the semis are going to pull out, since 
sleeping within three feet of a roaring diesel engine seems out of the question. She doesn't 
know, but offers to let me park the KV in her driveway. She is not as drunk as die first 
woman. If I asked her, she would probably agree to let me (us?) use her shower, but 
somehow it didn't seem like a good way to prepare for die wedding in die morning. And 
so with the semis still roaring and the women still intoxicated and wandering around in the 
dark, we pull out of die parking lot by the river in Missoula and move on to the climax of 

our own little j oumey into the heart of darkness. 

We pull into the last circle in the hell which America's social engineers 
have planned for all of us; we spend the night in a Wal-Mart parking lot In many ways, 
this is only fitting because Wal-Mart is the culmination of the American dream in one 
sense, and KV its culmination in another. We are living in a home on wheels, the symbol 
of America's deracination. And our home on wheels is now within walking distance of the 
greatest emporium of cheap junk the world has ever known. What more could an 
American askfor? 

As I walk, toothbrush in hand, across the parking lot toward the Wal-Mart 
men's room, I notice that we are not alone. There must be at least 20 KVs like our own all 
nestled together in the corner of a huge parking lot across an asphalt lake from the 
institution dedicated to enslaving us by catering to our disordered desires. It is late when 
we arrive, so they are all shut up and dark, but I'm sure had we arrived earlier, we could 
have found a ready-made community there on that parking lot. At least we would know 
that we were not alone, which is, of course, what occurred to Dante, when he entered 
Hell. "I had not thought that death had undone so many." 

The men's room at Wal-Mart was clean; it was also we 11-lighted, and unlike 
the cafe where Hemingway's old man sat, there was no waiter there waiting impatiently 
to go home. The water from their water fountain was cool and refreshing. I could have 
drunk as much as I wanted; it didn't cost me anything. I could have also stayed there all 
night if I had wished, shuffling up and down aisle after aisle over what were literally 
acres of j unkfrom China. What more could an American want? 

As one answer to that question, I recommend a recent film, The Shooter, 
starring MarkWalberg. Ifs now out on DVD; you can probably buy it at Wal-Mart. In 
that film, Wahlberg plays a sniper who has been betrayed by his government. He retires 
from the military only to be lured back to prevent an assassination attempt against the 
president When that turns out to be a set up for which he is to take the fall, the Wahlberg 
character declares war on his own government. We have become used to this sort of film 
from Dirty Harry to Rambo, but the rage level in The Shooter is, as they say in 
Hollywood, over toe top. At toe end of his own journey into toe Heart of Darkness, toe 
Wahlberg character ends up confronting toe politician, played by someone who looks life 
Pat Robertson, who embodies all of toe evil of toe system. 'I'm an American Senator," he 
says, and toe Wahlberg character responds by say, "I know" as he shoots him down in 
cold blood. 

The Shooter is full of rage at what America has become. The Shooter is 
also a Hollywood film, which means that toe rage is fanned to a white-hot flame and then 

directed at a phantom target Eventually, the military is going to discover who led us into 
the war in Iraq. It was not phantom Senators; it was AIPAC and Neocon Jews like 
Norman Podhoretz and David Gelemter. It is drey who are leading the charge (from the 
safe confines of retirement and academe respectively) into Iran. Eventually that story is 
going to get out, and when it does, the Jewish supporters of our wars in the middle east, 
who take consolation in the fact that drey have shut down public demonstrations of the sort 
that plagued the nation during die Vietnam War, might want to ponder die suggestion, 
mooted in this film, that the reaction this time may come as mutiny in the military. How 
about this as a plot line for Shooter //? MarkWahlberg goes gunning for Paul Wolfowitz 

Daniel Smith, as I said, is in Iraq now, trying out die geographical cure for 
the wound which abortion and the culture of death inflicted on him. Unlike David 
Gelemter and the other neocon chickenhawkwarmongers, Daniel Smith has served in the 
military, defending a country which he now realizes has ruined his life. Before he left for 
the middle east he left a manuscript behind which can serve as a Catholic counterpoint to 
the Jewish warmongering of David Gelemter and Norman Podhoretz Smith lacks their 
access to the media, but his conclusions are worth pondering nonetheless, if for no other 
reason that there are more Catholics in America than Jews, and certainly more in the 

Unlike Gelemter, who concludes that America is a religion. Smith 
concludes that the United States lost its legitimacy the moment it legalized abortion and set 
up the logic that led to him killing his own child. "There can be found no stronger evidence 
as to the morally illegitimate nature of the Government of the United States," this soldier 
writes, "than the Supreme Court holdings that establish "rights" of people, especially 
women, to contracept and abort. . . . With the Griswold and the Roe decisions, tire Court 
established that the purpose, the nature, of the United States is to protect peoples ability to 
live isolated, alone, and without God." 

The unspoken assumption behind David Gelemter's book is that tire dumb 
goy im will believe any tiling as long as some Jewish intellectual, backed by the New York 
publishing industry, says it Smith's unpublished manuscript, coming as it does from 
someone in the military, indicates that this is not the case. In fact, it indicates that the "The 
Roman catholic Faith is fundamentally at odds with the American Economic System, or 
with capitalism, as that system has come to be known and accepted. ... An economic 
system that allows vast disparities of wealth... is morally illegitimate." 

The fact that Smith's manuscript is unpublished makes it even more 
significant Far from being ready to convert to Americanism, Gelemter's "fourth great 
western religion," this Catholic soldier has concluded that 

America ... was flawed from the beginning and those flaws have worsened over 
time. America has always been ... a construct for the control of the masses by a 
relatively few people at die top of die cultural, social and economic heap." Far from 
being a religion that brings freedom to the rest of the world, "America, as an Empire, 
is an engine for the destruction of lives and the damnation of souls at home and 
around the world. 

One wonders what kind of conversations Daniel Smith is having with his 
fellow soldiers in Iraq. Are they discussing Americanism, freedom or how to find the 
weapons of mass destruction? If it becomes common knowledge over there that it was the 
neoconservatives who put American soldiers into that meatgrinder, David Gelemter has 
reason for concern. He probably won't want to be standing next to a window when 
Shooter II arrives at the multiplex. 

Chapter 4: Saturday, August 4 

Like Steinbeck, Peter and I drove out of Montana "across the upraised 
thumb of Idaho and through real mountains that climbed straight up, tufted with pines and 
deep-dusted with snow." Like Steinbeck, 47 years ago, Peter and I arrived in Spokane, but 
unlike die Conscience of America, we are not just passing through; we arrive for a 
wedding. If the play ends with a wedding, I always tell my children, it has to be a 
comedy, no matter how harrowing the story was before that. And so this narrative must 
be a comedy, not a divine word. 

Terry O'Riordain, the groom, was born in America, but he is not an 
American. He and the rest of his family moved back to Ireland when they realized that 
the struggle for an economic niche in New Yorkwasn't worth the trouble anymore. In this 
he is like virtually every other Irishman in New York They have all gone backto Ireland. 
You could shoot a cannon down any street in Queens now and not hit an Irishman. 

Terry did come backto America, but not in the way that Irishmen have 
come before. He came backto teach Irish to die heathen, die Irish diaspora cut off from 
their roots and living in God-forsaken places like Montana and Indiana. Terry taught Irish 
at Notre Dame, home of the Fighting Irish. His ultimate goal was to create an Irish studies 
program, which he succeeded in doing at die University of Montana at Missoula, a place 
even more God-forsaken than Notre Dame. Terry is a good example of the return of the 
repressed. At die very moment that David Gelemter and the New York Jews are asking 
us all to bow down in front of the Idol they have called America, Terry, like some latter 
day St. Brendan, is finding converts to the ancient Irish brand of ethnic Catholicism in the 
belly of the beast, die university at Missoula. It's hard to say which alternative David 
Gelemter would find more repugnant: the average soldier figuring out that Neocons like 
he are responsible for sending him to Iraq or Terry O'Riordain, the return of the ethnic 
repressed, gaining a foothold in academe. 

Terry has rented die Masonic temple for his reception, primarily because 
it across the street from the cathedral. Peter and I have time. We check out die hall. I 
launch into a lecture on the pillars, which are hopelessly eclectic but primarily Corinthian. 
A woman selling drinks asks me if I am a professor. "Why," I ask, "do I look effeminate? 
Should I have taken part in the testicle festival in Missoula?' 

We meet three bikers on the street outside the church. One is a handsome 
middle-aged Irish woman from Canada with red hair and frecldes and black leather chaps 
and heavy motorcycle boots. She is on her way to Sturgis. 

When Peter and I cross die street to enter the church, I am struck by the 

crowd standing in front of the steps. No one is wearing any kind of uniform, as far as I 
can tell. If s not like die biker rally in Sturgis, where everyone is dressed the same. And 
yet there is this similarity, this coherence nonetheless, when finally it dawns on me. 
They're all Irish. Terry's wedding is a distinctly ethnic affair. His family has come from 
Ireland to help him celebrate, and the Irish boyos have come with diem. One of the 
boy os has become a priest, and as the celebrant of the Mass he launches into a blistering 
attack on the culture of death, from which all of us, including the groom, have narrowly 
escaped with our lives. At this point it becomes obvious that there is nothing incompatible 
about ethnos and Christ. Christ after all told his disciples to go out and baptize all nations. 
You can baptize a nation, but you can't baptize a false religion or an idol, like the "fourth 
great Western Religion" Jews like David Gelemter are now promoting. All you can do 
with an idol is fall down and worship it or smash it, as St Patrick smashed the altars and 
idols of the Druids when he claimed Ireland for the faith. 

If there is such a thing as redemption, its not what this culture thinks it is. 
The American Jews turned the Messiah into Superman, a comic book hero. American 
culture in years gone by set up redemption centers, where you could transform green 
stamps magically into things life lamps and vacuum cleaners. No matter what else it is, 
redemption is not a time machine. You can't bring the child you killed backto life, but as 
long as you're alive, you can linkup with God's plan for your life as long as you are 
willing to do it on God's terms and not your own. Which is probably why John Steinbeck 
committed suicide and why the people who gave their abortion testimonies in Redeeming 
a Father's Heart did not. Like Peter, who stayed up all night on speed at the family cabin, 
Clifford and Hepzibah Pyncheon found redemption by calling on tire name of the Lord: 
"Oh, God—Our Fattier—" they cried when they realized no railroad (or KV or 
motorcycle) could travel fast enough or far enough to allow them to escape from their 
sins, "Are we not thy children? Have mercy on us!" 

On Sunday morning after Mass, Peter and I wander down to the 
magnificent waterfall which lies at the center of Spokane, Washington. Except that on this 
morning the falls are far from magnificent In fact, there are no falls this morning. 
Someone has inexplicably turned the river off, and so all we can contemplate is a 
magnificent rockpool full of calm water, and die fact that die stairs leading down to that 
pool have cut us off from any real access to the water. This strikes me as symbolic of 
America. Magnificent natural resources spoiled by an overlay of culture that isolates 
man from nature and vice versa. This leads me to expound Mike Jones's law of rivers. In 
general I would never swim in a river in Africa. In general, I would have no hesitation 
about swimming in a river in Europe, and have done so many times. In America, 
however, I have no clear ideas one way or the other. 

The river inspires other thoughts in Peter's mind. Looking at the bridge 
crossing the river below the (now nonexistent) falls, Peter is reminded of his deceased 
uncle, die only man who was brave enough to jump off die train tresde into the river in 
the Wisconsin Dells. Peter's uncle was a legend in die Dells, and Peter keeps his memory 
alive to this day, but his daredevil uncle got caught up America's never-ending cycle of 
wars. He died while training as a World War II fighter pilot in die Florida Everglades. If s 
one more sad instance of the same old story. America's potential wrecked by war. After 
the Civil War, there were 50,000 widows and almost as many masterless farms in New 
England, and that was the situation among die victors. The fact that life goes on obliterates 
in our minds the cost of America's ongoing folly and any idea of what could have been. 
The survivors get to articulate a vision, but one constrained by the exigencies of die raw 
materials of history at hand. And so we are left with Peter, the oxymoronic symbol of 
America, the roodess deliverer of RVs who in some sense never left the Wisconsin Dells. 

Table of Contents 


Cadillac Records 

Jewish Jazz 


Biographical Note 


Pref ace 

Hollywcxxi has a way of turning history upside down. Hollywood directors are often 
in a position of not knowing what their own movies mean. The classic instance is horror 
movies. Martin Scorcese made the point in a conversation with David Gonenberg, when 
he told him that Rabid was a great film, but that Gonenberg didn't understand it 

The same is true in general of die Hollywood genre known as die biopic and in 
particular of the biopic of the Giess brothers, Cadillac Records. It is difficult to imagine a 
topic more likely to generate animosity between Blacks and Jews than die sordid story of 
two Polish Jews ripping off die royalties of illiterate blues singers from Mississippi, which 
is what Cadillac Records portrays; and yet here we have Hollywood doing a movie on 
one of the most sordid chapters of the 60 year revolutionary movement known as the 
Black-Jewish Alliance. 

Murray Friedman, who used to be head of the American Jewish Gtmmittee in 
Philadelphia, once wrote a book about the Black-Jewish Alliance called What Went 

Lejzor and Fiszel Sing the Blues answers that question in minute if depressing detail. 
June 2012 

Cadillac Records 

As some indication that the black-Jewish alliance was a hot topic in the wale of Barack 
Obama's election in 2008 as president of the United States, Sony released die movie 
Cadillac Records, its homage to one of die most fertile periods of collaboration between 
blacks and Jews, die '50s and '60s. Cadillac Records celebrates one of the most significant 
areas of their cultural collaboration as well, namely, "race music," later renamed rock'n 

Obama mentioned the influence which the black-Jewish alliance had had on his life in 
a speech he gave at the AIPAC convention during die summer of the 2008 election 
campaign. Obama was, in more ways than he would like to enumerate in public, a 
product of that alliance, but in hinting at that fact he was also less than honest about the 
particular terms of engagement it stipulated and the causes of its eventual demise. In this 
regard, Barack Obama has a lot in common with Cadillac Records, die biopic celebrating 
the lives of an unlikely menage of Polish Jews and Mississippi sharecroppers and the 
music they produced. It is difficult to imagine something less capable of arousing 
fraternal feelings among either blacks or Jews than the saga of Chess records in Chicago 
and the tales of cheating, drug abuse, and sexual degeneracy that went along with it, but 
the Zeitgeist, both then and now, has a logic all its own, and it is one which Hollywood has 
shown itself determined to follow. 

At some time during the 1930s, on one of his Library of Congress-sponsored ethnic 
music collecting expeditions through die South, Alan Lomax popped open die trunk of his 
car and recorded the singing of a Mississippi Delta cotton picker by die name of 
McKinley Morganfield. The moment gets captured in Cadillac Records, which 
documents in its revisionist and sanitized way one of die most significant chapters in the 
volume of American history known as die black-Jewish alliance. By 1943 McKinley 
Morganfield had had enough of chopping cotton and decided to join what would become 
the greatest internal migration in American history when he got on an Illinois Central train 
and moved to Chicago, where he changed his occupation to blues singer and his name to 
Middy Waters. 

The change in locale necessitated a change in the music. Robert Johnson-style blues 
played on an acoustic guitar was no match for die noise of a city like Chicago, so Middy 
Waters got himself an electric guitar. Cadillac Records has him busking on the streets of 

Chicago with his electric guitar but offers no explanation of who was providing the 

In an April 1948 session, Middy Waters recorded two electrified songs: "I can't be 
satisfied" and "I feel life going home." Both were anthems of black migration, and both 
records addressed the mind of theblackmigrants, who were torn between nostalgia for the 
simpler life they had left behind in Mssissippi and the largely sexual attractions of 
emancipation from both segregation and the moral law which big northern cities like 
Chicago provided. 

If demography is destiny, Muddy Waters was destined to become a star because by 
1948 Chicago was home to 500,000 refugees from the Mssissippi delta who had a set of 
musical tastes and longings that had been created in the cotton fields and weren't going to 
be satisfied, now that they were in Chicago, by the crooning of people like Bing Gosby. 

Middy Waters didn't write his own material. The uncrowned poet laureate of the 
black migration to Chicago was a fellow Mssissippian by the name of Willie Dixon, who 
articulated the longings of the former sharecroppers by telling them that he was their 
"Hoochie Ooochie Man." Since moving to Chicago seemed like dying and going to 
heaven, at least on Saturday night, Dixon explained their good fortune by claiming there 
was a special juju attached to the train ride up from Mississippi. With Muddy Waters as 
his front man, Dixon was telling them that "on the seventh hour, on tire seventh day on the 
seventh month die seven doctors say" that all of the Hoochie Coochie men in Chicago had 
been "born for good luck... If for no one else, die song proved to be good juju for 
Middy Waters. "He was doing that song until the day he died," Dixon said later. Tm 
Your Hoochie Coochie Man" was a song that Muddy Waters could sing with conviction, 
and when he did, the Negroes on the South Side of Chicago believed every word he said 
and bought his records. Middy Waters was what the next generation would call a role 
model for the Negro migrant, and they listened to what he said and acted accordingly. 
The results were disastrous for the black family, something which gets noted almost as an 
aside in Cadillac Records, and less than salubrious for everyone else, something which 
does not get noted at all. Muddy Waters dealt with the sequelae of his liberated passions in 
a way that suited his new abode and the lifestyle which went with it: he hired a Jewish 
lawyer to defend him against the many paternity suits which got filed against him. He 
never lost a case, but failed to realize that all of those legal fees were coming off the top 
of his royalties. Muddy Waters got his Mojo workin in Chicago, but he never learned how 
to read; in terms of writing, he mastered two words "MKinley" and "Morganfield," 
which he signed to a number of recording contracts, whose details remained opaque to 
him until the 1970s when other lawyers explained to him how he had been cheated out of 

his royalties. 

The men who cheated this and other largely illiterate bluesmen from Mississippi were 
two Polish Jews by the name of Leonard and Phil Chess. Lejzor Czyz (bom in 1917) and 
Iris younger brother Fiszel (born 1921) arrived in Chicago in 1928 along with their sister 
Malta and their parents Yasef and Cyrla. The Czyz family had emigrated from Motele, 
the Polish shtetl which had produced Chaim Weitzman, Israel's first president After 
arriving at Ellis Island, the Czyz family made its way to Chicago, where Yasef tried to 
find work as a shoemaker and where his son, who Anglicized his name to Leonard Chess, 
struggled to leam English and make a living as a "restless and unhappy "HI j unkdealer. 

In 1946 Leonard Chess bought a small restaurant located at 3905 South Cottage Grove, 
in what was then the heart of Bronzeville, the Negro Tenderloin district, and renamed it 
the Macomba Lounge. Nadine Cohodas tells us that Cottage Grove Street "had become a 
magnet for black Chicagoans looking for spirited night-life. Music, prostitution, drugs-all 
were easily available. ... It was a world of pimps, hookers, maids, chauffeurs, good-time 
whites, factory workers, white collar workers, musicians, entertainers, bartenders, 

Moral corruption, in other words, was part of the migration experience. Cohodas 
claims that "Prostitution was so common that Phil candidly described the neighborhood as 
home to 'pimps and whores.'"I=l She then tries to finesse the question of the Chess 
brothers' involvement in all this vice. "Prostitution was a financial boon to the club," and 
"There was nothin' but dope in the place," according to one of the musicians who played 
there, but "Nobody thought that Leonard was involved in drug dealing," even though "it 
would be bad for business to crackdown, not to mention futile. "1^1 

Were Jews life Leonard Chess responsible for the moral corruption of the Negro 
migrants to Chicago? The question seems odd because the blues and sexual immorality 
have by now become synonymous. At a time when between 70 and 80 percent of all 
black babies are born out of wedlock, sexual immorality has come to be seen as a 
constituent element of what it means to be black, and so no one gets around to asking 
questions about how this situation came about Racism surely plays a role in all of these 
assumptions, but since sexual deviance has become the norm in America, no one gets 
upset by such claims anymore, not as upset anyway as by claims that blacks are 
genetically inferior to whites when it comes to intelligence. The solution to the problem of 
sexual deviance has been to redefine it out of existence. Race music is one of the cultural 
devices which have made that redefinition plausible to large numbers of people. The 
cliche of the oversexed bluesman, however, obscures the moral corruption that often 

overwhelmed the families of black migrants up from the South when they arrived in 
Chicago. The fact that so many whites followed their example, largely because of die 
widespread effect that die dissemination of "race music" exerted during this period 
doesn't change the fact that the moral law is written on the hearts of all men, black and 
white, and diat something lias to happen to obscure diat fact 

That something is usually passion, but in diis instance it was die deliberate excitation of 
passion through a certain kind of music for both financial and political reasons. During die 
50-year period following World War II, mass audiences at first came to tolerate sexual 
deviance as part of the lifestyle of black musicians and then they came to expect it of die 
musicians, bodi blackand white, who played diat kind of music. 

In Cadillac Records, Leonard Chess is portrayed as profane but morally upright and 
faithful to his wife when faced widi die same temptations to which Middy Waters 
succumbed. Nadine Cohodas, in spite of her attempt to make the Chess brotiiers 
respectable, tells a slightiy different story when she informs us diat Leonard's "other life 
... occasionally ... came to light in one special circumstance or another. "ML When a 
blackmotorcycle gang showed up unannounced at Leonard's hospital bed, Leonard's son 
Marshall suddenly realized that his father lived something akin to the double life that 
Muddy Waters sang about, even if there were no illegitimate children to show for it 

Mist Americans would find it difficult to believe diat a Jew could corrupt the morals 
of a Negro because most Americans feel diat the Negro never had any sexual morals to 
begin with. The situation in Chicago, however, comes into clearer focus when Cohodas 
writes about Leonard's dealings with white boys like Bobby Charles Guidry (who later 
renamed himself Bobby Charles), the Louisiana teenager who wrote "See You Later, 
Alligator." In fact, Chess's dealings with Guidry throw a new and largely unflattering light 
on the morally corrupting effect Chess had on all of his proteges. "Leonard," according to 
Cohodas, "told Charles in their first meeting that Chess would make him rich and famous 
and he could have all the women he wanted, though Leonard had expressed the latter 
sentiment in far cruder terms than the 17-year-old was used to. "1^1 Cadillac Records 
doesn't dwell on the point, but it seems that Chuck Berry isn't the only one at Chess 
Records who should have been arrested for transporting minors across state lines for 
immoral purposes. Instead of being the direct beneficiary (sexually, at least), Leonard 
Chess was the pimp. 

If feminism has done anything, it has taught women to brag about their moral 
degradation as the badge of liberation. The situation at Chess Records, feminism 
notwithstanding, throws the issue of moral corruption into even starter relief than the story 
of Bobby Charles. Linda Ellerbee, who worked for Chess as one of the nation's first 

female disc joe leys, concedes that she was financially exploited by Chess, but her 
feminism obscures the deeper type of exploitation that was going on when Chess 
procured abortions for female employees. After appealing to Leonard Chess, Linda 
Ellerbee received $600 to pay for an abortion. EUerbee left Chess's office "feeling 
ashamed and in tears, but she reminded herself that he had provided the money without 
hesitation and he didn't fire her."I£l 

Leonard Chess knew that the music he was promoting was corrupting the morals of 
the Blacks whose interests he claimed to be serving. Chess, according to Cohodas, 

said he was sure that all blacks listened to R& B "although not all will admit it He 
likes j azz with the windows open but blues when the windows are closed. "I'm a Jew, 
but I don't like some of the music my father listened to," he went on. "Its the same 
with die Negro. ... We want a Top 40 format with Negro music, not the Uncle Tom 
... Stepin Fete hit "IZL 

Negro music, in other words, was synonymous with sexual degeneracy, and die 
Jewish record producer who cheated his talent out of their royalties and die Jewish disc 
jockey who got paid off by die Jewish record producer could, like the Jewish pimp, salve 
his conscience by claiming tiiat he was only supplying die public widi what it wanted. 

In spite of Henry Ford's warnings during the 1920s, Americans were still largely 
clueless in understanding Jewish cultural subversion and die moral subversion that was its 
necessary companion. The Poles, on the odier hand, had had centuries of experience in 
dealing with this sort of thing. In 1936, eight years after die Gzyz family had left Poland 
for the New World, Augustine Cardinal Fflond, the Primate of Poland, issued a pastoral 
letter on morals in which he claimed diat Polish Jews were responsible for the moral 
corruption of the Polish nation. "So long as Jews remain Jews," Hlond wrote, "a Jewish 
problem exists and will continue to exist. This question varies in intensity and degree from 
country to country. It is especially difficult in our country and ought to be the obj ect of 
serious consideration." After promising to "touch briefly here on its moral aspects in 
connection witii die situation today," Hlond mentioned specifically Jewish involvement in 
pornography and prostitution as a danger to die morals of the Christian majority of 

It is a fact that Jews are waging war against the Catholic Church, that they are 
steeped in free-thinking, and constitute die vanguard of atheism, the Bolshevik 
movement, and revolutionary activity. It is a fact tiiat Jews have a corruptive 

influence on morals and that their publishing houses are spreading pornography. It is 
true that Jews are perpetrating fraud, practicing usury, and dealing in prostitutionl^l 

He also mentioned Polish youth as particularly vulnerable. 'It is true that, from a 
religious and ethical point of view, Jewish youth are having a negative influence on the 
Catholic youth in our schools." 

"But," he continued, 'let us be fair. Not all Jews are this way. There are very many 
Jews who are believers, honest, just, kind, and philanthropic. There is a healthy, edifying 
sense of family in very many Jewish homes. We know Jews who are ethically 
outstanding, noble, and upright "121 

Hlond endorsed boycotts of Jewish businesses, but he warned Poles against adopting 
"that moral stance, imported from abroad," i.e., from Nazi Germany, "that is basically 
and ruthlessly anti-Jewish" because 

It is contrary to Catholic ethics. One may love one's own nation more, but one 
maynot hate anyone. Not even Jews. It is good to prefer your own kind when 
shopping, to avoid Jewish stores and Jewish stalls in the marketplace, but it is 
forbidden to demolish a Jewish store, damage their merchandise, breakwindows, or 
throw tilings at their homes. One should stay away from the harmful moral 
influence of Jews, keep away from their anti-Christian culture, and especially 
boycott the Jewish press and demoralizing Jewish publications. But it is forbidden to 
assault, beat up, maim, or slander Jews. One should honor and love Jews as human 
beings and neighbors, even though we do not honor the indescribable tragedy of that 
nation, which was the guardian of die idea of die Messiah and from which was bom 
the Savior. When divine mercy enlightens a Jew to sincerely accept his and our 
Messiah, let us greet him into our Christian ranks with j oy ,'iML 

Cardinal Hlond's warning hearkens backnot to the 19th century racial concerns which 
fueled Hitier's rise to power in Germany but to die 6th and 7th century theological 
concerns of Pope Gregory the Great, who was the first pope to articulate what came to 
be known as "Sicut Iudeis wow "the traditional teaching of the Church on the Jews. It also 
gives much needed cross-cultural perspective on what was essentially a Polish problem 
transported to America, namely, Jewish involvement in prostitution and pornography. 

Ever since the release of iconic Blaxploitation films like Superfly and The Mack in the 
1970s, the pimp has been a black figure in the public mind in America, one associated 
with the outlandish clothing and cars (in particular, the Cadillac El Dorado), as parodied in 
satiric films like Undercover Brother. This cultural phenomenon obscures the fact that 

during the 1920s and 1930s in both Poland and America, prostitution was a Jewish 
business. Jews not black were responsible for "White Slavery." 

"Between 1880 and 1939," Edward Bristow writes, "the Jews played a conspicuous 
role in 'white slavery,' as the commercial prostitution of that era was dramatically called. 
Not only was this Jewish participation conspicuous, it was historically unprecedented, 
geographically widespread, and fraught with collective political dangers. "Jewish 
trafficking," Bristow continues, "was anchored in brothel keeping," women freelanced or 
kept houses while their husbands procured ... Jewish traffickers also supplied Gentile-run 
houses. "Ull The Jews learned their trade in Eastern and Central Europe, where they, 
again according to Bristow, "dominated tire international traffic out of toe area. "1121 

Jewish involvement in prostitution is a situation which continues to toe present day, in 
spite of media efforts to obscure it. The high-class prostitution operation which ensnared 
Elliott Spitzer when he was governor of New York was run by a Jewish pimp, similar to 
toe ones which Bristow described. With toe fall of communism and toe collapse of toe 
economies of toe former Soviet bloc countries, many eastern European women ended up 
in brothels in Israel run by toe descendants of toe pimps who ran toe white slavery trade 
in toe Pale of toe Settlement during toe first half of toe 20to century. 

On January 11, 1998, toe New York Times ran an article on Slavic Gentile prostitutes 
happed in Israel. With toe collapse of toe Soviet Union and toe resulting economic chaos, 
hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian women have been dispersed throughout 
toe world, most entrapped in an international prostitution trade run by toe "Russian mafia," 
a significant part of which is Jewish. According to an article by Leonard Fine in a 1998 
Jewish Bulletin, 'Israel has become a routine destination for toe global trafficking of 
women," and "The turnover of toe prostitution trade in Israel comes to some $450 million 
a year. -I131 

The sex trade in Israel began in toe Pale of toe Settlement By 1889 Jewish women 
ran 203 of 289 (70 percent) of toe licensed brothels in toe Tale of Settlement" 
(encompassing over 20 provinces in eastern Poland and western Russia —an area where 
Jews were about 12 percent of toe population). Of toe 5127 licensed prostitutes in this area 
1122 or (22 percent) were Jewish. Bristow claims that, "The grievous political dangers for 
local Jewry in toe context of enduring interethnic hostilities, when 78 percent of toe rest of 
toe women were Gentile, many indentured in Jewish houses, is obvious. "HU i n Minsk, 
Jews ran all four legitimate houses of ill repute. In toe Russian province of Kherson 
(which includes toe city of Odessa) 30 of 36 licensed brothels were Jewish-owned. The 
American Consul in Odessa wrote in 1908 that toe "whole 'business' of prostitution is 

almost exclusively in the hands of the Jews."HXl 

In Vienna, authorities knew of about 50 Jewish prostitution traffickers based in 
Gzemowitz, "and they were a very inbred lot extending over two generations." The 
most publicized 'white slavery' trial occurred in 1892, in Lemberg (once also called 
Lvov, then a Polish provincial capital, today called Lviv in Ukraine), where 27 
traffickers—all Jews were prosecuted for ensnaring women to go to Constantinople, 
Egypt, and India. Some of the women recruits understood their tasks, but others 
"were maids, others fieldworkers, one a butcher's helper, all apparently promised 
honest jobs." (Lemberg, "a cradle of Zionism from the 1880s onward," also had anti- 
Jewish riots in 1918.)1M1 

By the 1930s, Jewish-run prostitution had spread from the Pale of the Settlement to 
England. According to Martin Fido, 

Jewish dominance of the East End [of London] and its crime was reflected in 
their Yiddish name, "spielers" (places for games). In the Brick Lane neighborhood, 
Isaac Bogard, a Jewish villain whose swarthy complexion and tightly curled black 
hair earned him the nickname "Dark/ the Coon," extended his interests. He began in 
the early years of the 20th century by supplying muscle for street traders who 
wanted to prevent newcomers from moving in, but he moved on to managing 
prostitutes and drinking clubs. "XLZ1 

Jewish involvement in white slavery (especially when it involved Jewish pimps 
prostituting gentile women) led to a rise in anti-Semitism in the turbulent period following 
World War I. Adolf Hitler was infuriated that many non-Jewish women were lured into 
what was largely a Jewish-run operation in Vienna. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf. 

In no other city of Western Europe could the relationship between Jewry and 
prostitution, and even now the white slave traffic, be studied better than in Vienna ... 
an icy shudder ran down my spine when seeing for the first time the Jew as an evil, 
shameless, and calculating manager of this shocking vice, the outcome of the scum 
of die big city XML 

During the last half of die 19th century, Jewish pimps from the Pale of the Settlement 
expanded their prostitution networkto include die New World. 

Thirty-nine Jews were expelled from Brazil in 1879 for soliciting women for 
prostitution and running illegal whorehouses. [BRISTOW, p. 114] Of 199 licensed 
whorehouses in Buenos Aires in 1909, 102 were run by Jews and more than half the 
prostitutes were Jewish. [FRIED, p. 71] 4,248 Jewish women were registered for 
licensed brothels in Buenos Aires between 1880-1913, and those represented only the 
licensed ones. Edward Bristow estimates that 9,000 Jewish women immigrants came 
to Brazil in a 25-year span in that era as prostitutes (many were no doubt highly 
transient), when the total Jewish population of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay 
combined amounted to less than 60,000 people in 1910. [BRISTOW, p. 119] In 1889, 
the Buenos Aires Bulletin Continental reported that 200 German/Austrian women 
were held against their will by Jewish pimps from Poland. [GUY, p. 5] "Jewish 
procurers," says Donna Guy,"... became an organized ring in major cities all over 
the world. They were particularly powerful in the Argentine port cities of Buenos 
Aires and Rosario ... [GUY, p. 10] ... Tum-of-the-century reports by the Hamburg 
B'nai Kith [a Jewish fraternal organization] concluded that most prostitutes in Buenos 
Aires were Jewish and that traffickers 'dress with ostentatious elegance, wear large 
diamonds, go to the theatre or opera daily; they have their own clubs and 
organizations where wares are sorted, auctioned, and sold. They have their own 
secret wireless code, are well organized, and — heavens! — in South America 
everything is possible.'" [GUY, p. 19]H^1 

After the war, "Jews," according to an account by Marvin Wolf, a Jewish captain in 
the US Army serving in Germany, "recruited starving, desperate German girls and 
opened brothels." According to Rabbi Dave, the Jewish chaplain in Frankfurt am Main, the 
Jewish pimps "Got their revenge [on the German people], and got rich, too," something he 
found morally repugnant: "They're in other businesses now, but do you really want to 
spend Pesach [Passover] with such people?'I2Ql 

The same thing held true for North America. Jewish immigration meant a sharp rise 
in prostitution in cities like New York. 

In 1909 one Jewish observer, Marcus Braun, estimated there to be 50,000 Jewish 
immigrant prostitutes in America and 10,000 pimps. (Edward Bristow considers 
these figures grossly inflated, but notes that one of Braun's colleagues, echoing at 
least public feelings about die problem, diought there were up to 100,000 American 
Jewish women of ill repute.) In any case, the Jewish pimps of New York City (who 

owned many of the "so-called French" bordellos in the Tenderloin district and 
"sought to fill them with French prostitutes from abroad") [BRISTOL, p. 165] had 
their own official organization: 'The New York Independent Benevolent 
Association." Frances Kellar, a respected social worker, wrote in 1907 that "the two 
nationalities who may be said to be central to the disorderly house business in New 
York [are] French and Jewish ... French houses... are not... to be so much feared as 
the Jewish ... [which are] thoroughly vicious and bad." [BRISTOL, p. 165] By the 
turn of the century, "hundreds and hundreds" of Jewish women waited the Lower 
East Side of New York City as prostitutes. [FRIED, p. 8] Benj amin Altman described 
the whores he saw on Allen Street: "A hundred women on every ... comer. Tall 
women, short women. Fair women. Ugly women." [FRIED, p. 12]I2I1 

Before long, the American public was beginning to note the high Jewish representation 
in the prostitution trade. In the June 1909 issue of McClure's magazine, for instance, 
George Kibbe Turner wrote that "the appearance of the Jewish dealer in women" was "a 
product of New York politics." The Jewish pimp "has vitiated more than any other single 
agency die moral life of die great cities of America in die past ten vears."I221 

"It is an absolute fact," wrote Ernest Bell in his 1911 book about white slavery, "tiiat 
corrupt Jews are now the backbone of die loathsome traffic in New York and Chicago. 
The good Jews know this and feel teenly the unspeateble shame of it. "1221 "The criminal 
instincts diat are so often found naturally in the Russian and Polish Jew," wrote FrankMoss 
in a popular volume called American Metropolis (1897), "come to the surface in such 
ways as to warrant the opinion that these people are die worst element in the entire mate- 
up of New York City ... A large proportion of die people of New Israel are addicted to 

The situation in Chicago was j ust as bad as the situation in New York Prostitution was 
an essentially Jewish business in botii cities. 

By 1907 Rabbi Emil Hirsch declared that 75 percent of the "white slavery" in his 
city was controlled by Jews. [BRISTOW, p. 177] The Jewish periodical, die 
Forward, forlornly reported that "die facts diat were uncovered at die trial [for 
corruption] of [police] inspector McCann are horrifying. 75 percent of the white 
slave trade in Chicago is in Jewish hands. The owners of most of the immoral resorts 
on the West Side are Jews. Even in Gentile neighborhoods Jews stand out 
prominentiy in the nefarious business." [FRIED, p. 70]I221 

Then as now, there was a connection between the music business and prostitution. In 
his autobiography, Jewish singer Eddie Fisher wrote that "while performing in England in 
the late 1950s I had become friendly with a Jewish song plugger, a man who eventually 
left die music business to open a very exclusive whorehouse. "1221 

When Marshall Chess went to work for his father, he felt a sense of frustration at the 
unspecific nature of his new j ob. At first it seemed that his j ob was j ust to drive around 
with his father. Later Marshall learned that his job was to observe his father and then 
imitate his behavior. That meant bribing disk jockeys with cash and other peris. 
According to Cohodas, it meant being a pimp but not a drug dealer. 'You might even get 
somebody a girl, if you have to," Marshall Chess told Nadine Cohodas, who was quickto 
add that Chess fils, "never paid anybody cash and never bought them drugs. "1221 

In 1948 Muddy Waters began a short but intense set of gigs at the Macomba Lounge. 
Cadillac Records portrays them as one long brawl interrupted by a few musical 
interludes. Then, in 1950, the Macomba Lounge burned down. Cohodas calls the timing of 
tiie fire "fortuitous" but claims that "an insurance investigation turned up nothing 
untoward. "1221 The black term for the "fortuitous" combustion of Semitic property in the 
blackghettos of large cities like Chicago and Philadelphia is "Jewish Lightning." Whatever 
its cause, after the fire, the Chess brothers were "happy with a cash settlement that netted 
them as much, if not more, than they could have gotten from a sale. "1221 It was this 
insurance settlement that launched them into the record business. 

By tiie time the Chess family arrived in Chicago in 1928 as poor immigrants from 
Poland, popular music in America was already in Jewish hands. Commenting on a 
Federal Sherman anti-trust suit filed against Irving Berlin, Leo Feist and tiie officers of 
seven New York music publishing corporations, Henry Ford claimed that "Popular Music 
is a Jewish monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, tiie slush, tiie sly suggestion, 
the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin. "1221 The defendants, 
Ford claimed, "controlled 80 percent of the available copyrighted songs used by 
manufacturers of phonographs, player piano rolls and other musical reproducing 
instruments, and fixed prices at which the records or rolls were to be sold to the 
public. "1211 The other 20 percent were controlled by other Jewish music houses not 
included in that special group. 

Jewish control of popular music through what would come to be known as tiie music 
industry began with the efforts of "song pluggers," largely vaudeville entertainers at tiie 
time, who would popularize by repeated renditions on tiie stage, until the flabby mind of 

the "ten-twenf-thirf" audiences began to repeat it on the streets. These "song pluggers" 
were "the paid agents of the Yiddish song agencies. Money, and not merit, ... dominates 
the spread of the moron music which is styled 'Jewish Jazz"'I^=l 

Jewish Jazz 

Tin Pan Alley, the section of 28th St. in New York between Broadway and Sixth 
Avenue, the heart of the American music industry when Ford published his critique of tlie 
'"Abies' and 'Izzies' and 'Maes' who mate up the composing staffs of the various ... 
Yiddish song manufacturers" had more than a little in common with the Jewish pimps 
who came over with diem during the great wave of Jewish immigration because 

Flocks of young girls who thought they could sing, and others, who thought they 
could write song poems, came to the neighborhood allured by dishonest 
advertisements that promised more than die budding Yiddish exploiters were able to 
fulfill. Needless to say, scandal became rampant, as it always does where so-called 
"Gentile" girls are reduced to the necessity of seeking favors from the eastern type 
of Jewl^l 

If Tin Pan Alley was another word for the music business in American, then that 
business was a version of the black-Jewish alliance from the moment of its inception. By 
the mid-'20s, when die book that would eventually become known as The International 
Jew began appearing in the Dearborn Independent, Ford noted "the organized eagerness 
of die Jew to mate an alliance with the Negro." He also noted "that it was Jewish 'jazz! 
that rode in upon the wave of Negro 'ragtime' popularity, and eventually displaced the 
'ragtime,'" which Ford considered a legitimate development of blackmusic. 

One of the earliest Jewish promoters of Negro music was Isadore Baline, otherwise 
known as Irving Berlin, one of die "Izzies" of Tin Pan Alley who became "wealthy 
dirough their success in pandering to a public taste which they first debased. "IML Berlin 
was tom in Russia, but after he arrived in New York he became the author of "Vamp" 
songs and a master of "unashamed erotic suggestion." Irving Berlin, according to Ford, 
was only following in die footsteps of, 

The first self-styled "King of Jazz!' ... a Jew named "Frisco." The general 
directors of the whole downward trend have been Jews. It needed just their touch of 
cleverness to camouflage the moral filth and raise it half a degree above that natural 

stage where it begets nothing but disgust. They cannot gild the lily, but they can veil 
the skunk-cabbage, and that is exactly what has been done. The modem popular song 
is a whited sepulcher, spariding without, but within full of the dead bones of all die old 
disgusting indecencies. "1^1 

The Jews, according to Ford, used Jazz to corrupt the morals of the maj ority. 

It is of little use blaming the people. The people are what they are made. Give 
the liquor business full sway and you have a population that drinks and carouses. 
After preaching abstinence to the victims for a century, die country turned its 
attention to the victimizes and the abuse was greatiy curtailed. The traffic is still 
illicidy carried on, but even so, the best way to abolish the illicit traffic is to identify 
the groups that carry it on. The entire population of the United States could be turned 
into narcotic addicts if the same freedom was given the illicit narcotic ring as is now 
given die Yiddish popular song manufacturers. But in such a condition it would be 
stupid to attack die addicts; common sense would urge the exposure of the 

The popular song is an especially good vehicle for moral corruption because "by 
sheer dint of repetition and suggestion die song catches on — as a burr thisde catches 

The principle is expressed in the words of the song, "Everybody's Doin' It" You 
go to the theater and hear a song. Next day at lunch the cafe singer is singing die 
same song. Blaring phonographs used for advertising purposes blat out the same song 
at you as you pass on the street You walk past an afternoon band concert in the park 
the band is playing die same song. If you are a normal person you have a feeling 
diat perhaps something has been going on in the world while you were engaged with 
your own affairs. The song - you say to yourself frankly - is silly and the music 
trivial; but you keep your opinion a secret, because, after all, "everybody's singin' it" 
Not long after you find yourself humming it You go home, and your daughter is 
"practicing up" on the piece. It yells its way through your home and through your 
neighborhood and through your city and through your state until in sheer disgust, and 
in one day, the people pitch it bodily out-of-doors. But, behold, another song is 
waiting to take its place - a song fresh from Yiddish Tin Pan Alley. And the agony is 
repeated. This occurs from 30 to 50 times a year 1^0. 

The song melody was especially corrupting when it was linked to indecent lyrics of 
the sort that got sold under the counter and could be substituted for the over the counter 
version when the situation demanded. As anyone who has been unable to drive an 
advertising j ingle out of his mind knows, music enters the soul directly and can be used to 
carry morally corrupting thoughts with it: "The chances are that the song you are 
humming today is being hummed by yousimply because you have perforce heard it so 
often that it beats unconsciously within your brain. "1221 The process, as Ford pointed out, 
was largely involuntary. Those thoughts can also be attached to musically degenerated 
forms, as Plato and the ancients warned. One of the characteristics which both the music 
Plato condemned and the Negro Jazz shared was syncopation, an element which race 
music would share with the Jazz of the 1920s and the white imitators of rock'n roll in the 
1960s. "Seductive syncopation [had already] captured the public ear" by the time Ford 
wrote his book 

From moral corruption it was a short step to revolution. Ford mentioned Hollywood 
films as a rehearsal for revolution, but claimed that popular music was an even more 
effective "way of making 'revolution' as common and as familiar a thought as the movies 
and popular songs have made 'vamps' and 'harems' and 'hooch' and 'Hula Hula "'M21 

The moral decline of the 1920s, according to Ford, can be traced to Jewish influence 
over American culture. Popular music was revolutionary. Jews controlled the industry 
from top to bottom: 

the Jewish control of the popular song field means that all non-Jews are barred 
out It would be next to impossible for the song of a non-Jew, however meritorious, to 
reach the public by the usual channels. The musical magazines, the musical critics, 
the musical managers, the music publishers, the music-hall owners, the majority of 
the performers are not only all Jews, but are Jews consciously banded together to 
keep out all others.MIl 

What was true of Jazz, promoted through vaudeville and sheet music in the 1920s, was 
a fortiori true of race music, rhythm and blues and rock'n roll in the 1950s. 

The Record Business in the 1950s was a Jewish operation. ’Yiddish," Oohodas notes 
citing an industry insider, "was die second language of die record business. "1221 


By the 1950s what Henry Ford had called "song plugging" in the 1920s was referred to 
as "payola." Most of the payoffs were informal, via things like the "$100 handshake," but 
oftentimes payola was more blatant than that: 

WKHM in Detroit offered an "Album of the Week' deal: for $350 the station 
would play a record 114 times a week with a commercial before and after each 
play for a minimum of six weeks. Another record company executive told Time 
magazine that under a formula he figured out, it took $22,000 to make a song popular 
in Chicago. "There are so many people to shmeer," he said, creating a synonym for 
bribe from a Yiddish word that meant "to spread." "The singer, his manager, the 
station, the disc jockey. 

Cadillac Records portrays the disc jockeys who took payola as a bunch of venal, 
cigarette-smoking rednecks, when in fact the main beneficiaries were Jews like Alan 
Freed, the Jewish disc jockey who invented the term "rock'n roll." By the late '50s, the 
use of payola had become so widespread and so flagrant, that the government decided to 
intervene. On November 21, 1959, Alan Freed was fired from his j ob at WABC in New 
York Freed was one of the biggest recipients of payola; he was also one of the biggest 
promoters of Chess Records. In a letter he wrote to the board of the American 
Broadcasting Company, the owners of WABC, Freed defended himself by claiming that 
he had "and shall continue to program records for my show solely and completely on the 
basis of my evaluation of the records and their appeal to my listening audience. "1^1 
Cohodas gives some indication of how that evaluation process worked. 'You mother 
f***er," Leonard Chess said to Freed after he showed up at WABC in New York and 
found that Freed wasn't playing Chess records on his show. 

"What die hell are you playing that guy's record for when I pay you money 
every week You know I pay the mortgage up in god-d***ed Connecticut...." When 
Freed replied that he hadn't gotten anything that week, Leonard was furious. 
Nonetheless, he walked over to Freed, took a wad of bills out of his pocket, peeled off 

a few and handed them to the disc jockey along with a stack of new 45s. "Friends," 
Freed said when he was back on the air, "I've just been visited by my friends from 
Chicago, Leonard and Phil Chess, and in honor of their presence, this is Chess 
Records night "1^1 

Payola eventually destroyed the career of Alan Freed Even though he was fined 
only $500 and sentenced to a six-month suspended jail term, he never regained the 
audience he had at WABC and died in 1965 "a broken man physically and 
financially. "1^1 

Payola meant that Jewish disc jockeys got paid for the songs the black musicians 
wrote. Freed got 50 percent of the royalties for "Sincerely," but the most famous example 
of Jews ripping off of blacktalent was ChuckBerry's hit "Maybelline." "Maybelline" was 
a "crossover" hit, which is to say, it was race music, with all of the moral corruption that 
genre implied, intended for a white audience. Because it reached a much wider audience, 
via payola, at places like Bandstand, Dick Clarks Philadelphia-based show for white 
teenagers, Berry stood to earn a lot more money in royalties than Muddy Waters did 
from his Chicago-based race music. 

But when die sheet music for "Maybelline" rolled off the presses in 1955, Berry 
learned that he was sharing his royalties with two other men, neither of whom had 
any tiling to do with writing either the song's melody or its lyrics. One of the "co-authors" 
of "Maybelline" was Russ Fratto, who turned out to be the landlord of the building where 
Chess Records was housed. The other co-author of "Maybelline" was none other than 
Alan Freed. 

Marshall Chess claimed that payola was part of the cost of doing business. "It wasn't a 
matter of right or wrong," he told Cohodas. "It was a matter of survival. "HH Marshall 
Chess's essentially Talmudic view of payola was one not shared by the former 
sharecroppers. In fact, it "opened the brothers up to severe criticism and later 
litigation. "HM 

Leonard Chess's way of dealing with the royalty issue was to make Muddy Waters 
feel "n***er rich." This usually meant peeling off a C-note from the wad of bills Leonard 
carried around in his pocket and handing it to Muddy Waters whenever the blues singer 
was broke. But there were other methods. When "Hoochie Coochie Man" made the charts 
in 1954, Chess bought Middy Waters a brand new red and white Oldsmobile 98.M21 The 
undisputed emblem of being n***er rich, however, was the Cadillac, an icon which found 
its way into the title of the film on Chess Records. In spite of bending over backwards to 

see some justification for Chess's behavior, Cohodas finds his way of doing business 
"uncomfortably close to sharecropping" with Hie label functioning as "the company 
store," and the musician as the "employ ee/sharecropper."H21 

A close second to the Cadillac, as the Chicago version of the company store, was 
"taking care of musicians' other needs," as when "Leonard made available his personal 
lawyer, Nate Notkin, to handle Waters's paternity suits." Water's legal fees were 
deducted from his royalties according to a schedule that Waters never saw. Bo Diddley, 
another black musician from the South who recorded for Chess Records, had similar 
complaints. "Bo Diddley ain't got sh*t," he told Rolling Stone magazine in 1987. "My 
records are sold all over the world, and I ain't got a f***ing dime. ... When I left Chess 
Records ... they said I owed them $125,000. "Ull 

By the time the '70s rolled around, the grumbling had morphed into lawsuits. In 1974 
Howlin' Wolf filed a lawsuit against Arc Music, the music publishing company the Chess 
brothers owned with Benny Goodman and his brother, asking for $2.5 million in damages 
for unpaid royalties on his songs. The two sides reached an undisclosed monetary 
settlement after Wolfs death in 1976. In 1976 Muddy Waters and Willie Dixon "filed 
identical lawsuits against the publishing company, alleging fraud and conspiracy and 
asking to be paid money damages and to have their publishing contracts voided. "H21 
Cbhodas does her best to view the accounting practices at Chess Records in a positive 
light: "The musicians believed they deserved more than they got. Leonard and Phil 
believed they treated them fairly. They played by the rules of the time."iHl Her efforts 
are undermined by the fact that the accounting practices at Chess Records all took place 
in the head of Phil Chess. There are no surviving written accounts because there were 
never any written accounts. The accounts, if we can call the evanescent figures in Phil 
Chess's mind by that name, disappeared when Phil Chess died. Even in trying to defend 
the Chess brothers' accounting procedures, Cohodas is forced to concede that, "The 
relationships could be paternalistic, even condescending. At Chess it sometimes looks as 
though Leonard and Phil gave their musicians an allowance rather than a salary. "HU 
Paternalism filled in where accounting left off. Phil Chess, Leonard's brother, claims that 
they treated their Negro singers "like they were your children," because that is how "they 
wanted to be" treated, at least in his mind. "They used to come to you whenever they had 
a problem," Phil Chess continued, "If one had his wife having a baby in one hospital and 
his old lady in another, they come to you to pay the bills so his old lady wouldn't know. ... 
As time went by, it was 'You know this wasn't right, that wasn't right,' which I'm not 

gonna dispute. I'm not gonna defend. I know in my mind what it was and that's it "1^1 

Whether it was paternalism or sexual liberation as a form of control, the charge that 
the Chess brothers cheated the Mississippians dogged their business from its inception and 
contributed to the animosity which eventually led to the collapse of the black-Jewish 
alliance in the late '60s. Cohodas claims that the "stereotype of the crafty, even rapacious 
Jew played into the disputes that arose later over royalties and contracts: Jews were about 
money, smart but not to be trusted. "1^1 

Harold Cruse, the man whose book The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, did more to 
bring about the demise of that alliance than any other work gives some evidence that the 
blackattitude toward Jews as "rapacious" was based on something more than stereotypes. 
Cruse, it should be remembered, was struggling to get his musical plays produced on 
Broadway during the same period that Muddy Waters and Chuck Berry were being 
cheated out of their royalties by the Chess Brothers. Ouse felt that the Negro had been 
cheated out of his musical patrimony largely because of his own unfortunate experiences 
in dealing with Jewish music producers in New York America has never "produced a 
black Gershwin," according to Cruse, because Jewish "publishers have used and exploited 
the Negro composer unmercifully. This pattern has continued up to the present. "1^1 
Duke Ellington was denied a Pulitzer Prize in 1965, because, according to Cruse, "the 
Gershwin-type musicians achieved status and recognition in the 1920s for music that they 
literally stole outright from Harlem nightclubs. ... The role of the Negro, as entertainer, 
has not changed since the 1920s. In 1967, the Negro entertainer is still being used, 
manipulated, and exploited by whites (predominantly Jewish whites). "1^1 

The talk about royalties obscures the role Jews played in the moral corruption of the 
culture in general and of their musicians in particular. Jews inherited the term "race 
music," but they soon stalled fiddling with die terminology and the music as a way of 
making it more appealing to white audiences. Jerry Wexler, head of Adantic Records, 
changed the term "race music" into "rhythm and blues," and Alan Freed, the Jewish disc 
j ockey who was one of die biggest casualties of the payola scandal, did him one better by 
changing "rhythm and blues" into "rock'n' roll." 

Muddy Waters was never anything but a blues singer with a limited, racially defined 
constituency on the South Side of Chicago. His successor at Chess Records, die man who 
made race music acceptable to white teenagers, was Chuck Berry. As one indication of 
his crossover appeal, ChuckBerry appeared on DickGarks Philadelphia-based TV show 
for white teenagers, American Bandstand. As another indication, Jerry Wexler and 
Ahmet Ehrtegun, the men who ran Adantic Records, "observed that the rhythm and blues 

sound was changing to a more pop feel in response to the growing potential of the white 
teenage market "1^21 

On October 28, 1961 ChuckBerry lost his last appeal in a conviction for transporting a 
minor across state lines for immoral purposes and went to prison. Cohodas claims that 
"Leonard and Phil had been very concerned about Berry's troubles,' "IML but she goes on 
to add that "Berry had no such memory in his rendition of events in his autobiography." 
Cohodas goes out of her way to explain that the 14-year-old girl whom Chuck Berry 
brought to St Louis for immoral purposes was an Apache Indian, which is to say, that she 
was not white. Cadillac Records, however, dwells on Berry's sexual exploits with white 
girls. In case the point of Berry's sexual adventures with white girls in the backseat of his 
Cadillac might be lost on an audience that has come to expect this sort of behavior from 
its musical idols, Cadillac Records deals with the political implications of Berry's music as 
well. At the beginning of one conceit, the black and white teenagers are separated by red 
velvet ropes. Once Berry's music kicks in, however, Dionysian frenzy ensues, and the 
rope barriers are overwhelmed by one large mass of interracial gyrating teenagers, 
some of whom come up on stage, to the consternation of the police, and start gyrating 
with ChuckBerry. 

The point of the Beny conceit vignette in Cadillac Records is to show how race music 
fostered integration and the overturning of an unjust social order, but it also indicates that 
the music itself had a morally corrupting influence on the teenagers, both blackand white, 
who listened to it Race music began as a chronicle of the moral degradation which 
followed the black migration from Mississippi to Chicago. It then morphed into a vehicle 
for die moral corruption of white teenagers. If ChuckBerry was known as a purveyor of 
"blackhillbilly" music, Elvis Presley was the mirror image of die same thing, a white guy 
who sang life a Negro. Elvis became a household word in 1957, and it was in that same 
year that Norman Mailer's essay 'The White Negro" appeared in die Partisan Review 
Even though Mailer was talking about jazz and Beatniks, no one fit the white Negro bill 
better than Elvis. Sam Philips, the man who was to Elvis and Sun Records what Leonard 
Chess was to ChuckBerry and Chess Records, got the idea of musical miscegenation that 
Beny and Chess were promoting and put it into practice from the perspective of a white 
southerner who was as avid to make money off of teenagers as the Jews in Chicago were. 
"White Youngsters," he claimed "weren't sure whether they ought to like it [race music] 
or not" when black musicians performed the music. As a result, Philips "got thinking how 
many records you could sell if you could find white perfonners who could play and sing 
in this same exciting, alive way." Cohodas claims that "Disc jockey Alan Freed believed 
the same thing, only he was cultivating a white market for die black performers who 

made the music he loved as much as Philips did."I£il She also deals with the sexually 
subversive nature of Berry's music by ascribing the very idea to southern racists. 
Cohodas, however, concedes die point white southerners were trying to male on more 
than one occasion. Berry, she tells us, 

would have violated every racial-sexual taboo. Berry himself appreciated the 
racial-sexual borders, if for no other reason than his occasional scrapes with southern 
sheriffs angry and unsettled by his popularity among southern white women only too 
happy to share his company. Sam Phillips had also understood, and perhaps in their 
own way Leonard and Phil had tooJ-^1 

The point of all of this music, in other words, was to violate "racial-sexual borders." At 
a Bo Diddley concert in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, one of die sidemen jumped off 
die stage only to fmd himself surrounded by white women eager to violate these racial- 
sexual taboos. Sensing that "racial decorum had been violated," and diat moral subversion 
was a prelude to revolution, the police, "all of them white," shut down the performance. 
When Marshall Chess asked what was going on, he was called a "Jew N***er Lover," and 
told "We're going to lockyou up and it will take diem weeks to fmd you." 

By the time die Revolution arrived in Chicago, Leonard Chess discovered that he was 
one of its first victims. By die late 1960s, die Soudi Side of Chicago was a dangerous place 
for Polish immigrants. Chess was beaten by black assailants more than once. Cadillac 
Records portrays Leonard's beating as politically motivated. Cohodas finds tiiis 
inexplicable because Chess supported the NAACP, which she fails to see as a Jewish 
organization which had enraged militant blacks by die time the '60s rolled around by its 
duplicitous promotion of integration for blacks and ethnic solidarity for Jews. 

The revolution always devours its own Jews, and die sexual revolution of die '60s, with 
its Negro sound track, was no exception to this rule. The Chess Brothers had fomented a 
revolution that was going to swallow them among its first victims. Sensing tiiat their time 
had passed, Leonard Chess decided to sell out: 

He told Marshall tiiat it was getting more and more difficult for white people to 
own a company geared to black consumers. Jesse Jackson was pressuring Chess, j ust 
as he was pressuring other companies that did business in the black community, to 
hire blacks in senior positions 

Corruption was a two-way street. Marshall Chess, Leonard's son, recalled being 

shoe led when he learned that Willie Dixon had "two wives and two families. "IM1 "I don't 
feel ifs no disgrace for a man because it's forty cows to one bull. "1^1 The record 
business may have been good to Leonard and Phil, but it was not good for the next 
generation of the Chess family. As a result of his involvement in the record business his 
father had founded, Marshall Chess ended up a drug addict. His sister Susie died of a drug 
overdose in 1973, and his only other sibling died in 1976 from complications following 

Leonard Chess died of a fatal heart attack on October 16, 1969. Two months later, as 
some indication of how things had changed, Chicago police stormed Black Panther 
headquarters and killed Fred Hampton. 

Biographical Note 

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, is the author of more than fifteen 
books, several of which are available for Kindle, including: 

Jewish Nazis 

Requiem for a Whale Rider 

L'affaire Williamson: The Catholic Church and Holocaust Denial 

Abu Ghraib and The American Empire 

Travels with Harley in Search of America: Motorcycles, War, Deracination, Consumer 



Ill Nadine Cohodas, Spinning Blues into Gold: The Chess Brothers and the Legendary 
Chess Records (New York St Martin’s Press, 2000). 

121 Cohodas, p. 23. 

01 Cohodas, p. 29. 

01 Cohodas,p. 111. 

01 Cohodas, p. 126. 

121 Cohodas, p. 260. 

Ill Cohodas, p. 277. 

1M Ronald Madras, The Catholic Church and Antisemitism, Poland 1933-1939 (Chur: 
Harwood, 1994), pp. 343-347. 

121 Ibid. 

1121 Ibid. 

1111 http://www.j ewishtribalreview.org/1 Owhsla.htm, reposted at 

http://www.rense.eom/Hencral32/j ewsandwhiteslavery .htm . 

1121 Ibid. 

1121 Leonard Fein, 1998, p. 21. 

1121 http://www. j ewishtribalreview.ora / 1 Owhsla.htm . 

lOlBristow, p. 56, cited in http://www.j ewishtribalreview.org/10whsla.htin . 

1121 http://www.iewishtribab-evicw.orH/10whsla.htm . 


021 Ibid. 

021 Ibid 
1201 Ibid 
1211 Ibid 

1221 Ibid [BELL, p. 187]. 

1221 Ibid [BELL, p. 188], 

1211 Ibid [FRIED, p. 55-56], 

1221 Ibid 

1201 Ibid [FISHER, E„ 1999, p. 293], 

1221 Cohodas, p. 232. 

1221 Cohodas, p. 51. 

1221 ibid 

1201 Henry Ford, The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem , a reprint of 
articles appearing in the Dearborn Independent DS145, D5, A32. 

1211 Ibid 

1221 Ibid 

1221 Ibid 
1211 Ibid 
1221 Ibid 

1201 ibid 
1221 ibid 

1221 Ibid 
1221 Ibid 
1101 Ibid 

1111 Ibid 

1121 Cohodas, p. 4. 
1121 Cohodas, p. 176. 
1H1 Cohodas, p. 177. 
1121 Cohodas, p. 174. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 182. 

14Z1 Cohodas, p. 174. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 119. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 93. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 94. 

1411 Cohodas, p. 309. 

1521 Ibid. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 95. 

J4£L Cohodas, p. 4. 

1441 Cohodas, p. 96. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 110. 

J4Z1 Harold Cruse, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual , (New York William Morrow & 
Company, 1967), pp. 69-70. 

1421 Cruse, p. 108. 

1421 Cohodas, p. 100. 

1221 Cohodas, p. 207. 

1211 Cohodas, p. 145. 

1221 Cohodas, p. 148. 

1241 Cohodas, p. 294. 

ML Cohodas, p. 83. 

Ml ibid. 

Fidelity Press 

206 Marquette Avenue 

South Bend, Indiana 46617 

© all rights reserved 

To my children 


Chapter One: Bishop Williamson 
The Brunt 
An Apology 
The Right Questions 

Personal Narrative 

Thought Experiment 

Conspiracy Nut 
Administrative Decision 

Non datur tertius 

Chapter Two: Holocaust Denial and Thought Control and Deborah Lipstadt 

Bigger Issue 
Hired to Get Money 

Chapter Three: Bishop Williamson at the End of His Tether 

The Priest Crisis in Ireland 

The Church and Her Enemies 
Mavnooth f Ireland, June 19 f 2010 

The Mavnooth Conference 
GIFT and Dignitas Personae #12 

New Light 
Back and Forth 

The Only Thing 

Biographical Note 


On Thursday, January 22, 2009, within minutes of the leaking on the internet of the announcement that the 
excommunications of the four Society of St. Pius X bishops were to be lifted, reports that Bishop Richard Williamson was a 
“Holocaust denier” began circulating on the web as well. These reports referred to an interview conducted months before in 
Germany but to be broadcast the following day on Swedish TV. 

In spite of the Vatican’s efforts to the contrary, news reports kept confusing the Catholic Church’s focus on the sin of 
schism with the media world’s focus on the unforgivable secular sin, i.e., “Holocaust denial” and anti-Semitism. 

Holocaust denial is another word for Jewish control of discourse, in particular historical discourse, in particular 
historical discourse about World War II. If a historian publishes something that a powerful Jew, which is to say a Jew with 
powerful backers, dislikes, that person will be punished. If the person in question lives by writing books, as David Irving once 
did, the Lipstadt brigade will get him blacklisted in the publishing industry. If the person in question is a professor, the big 
Jews will try to get him fired, as Deborah Lipstadt herself did in the case of Professor David O’Connell. In that instance, 
Lipstadt failed, but David O’Connell’s case is not typical in this regard. 

More typical is the case of Norman Finkelstein, who was fired from his job at DePaul University in Chicago. The fact 
that Finkelstein was a Jew himself doesn’t matter. It’s the big Jews, in this case Alan Dershowitz, who decide who is to live 
and who is to die in academe and publishing. Finkelstein wrote a devastating critique of Dershowitz’s book The Case for 
Israel, and, as a result, Dershowitz set out to destroy Finkelstein’s career. 

January 2012 

Chapter One: Bishop Williamson 

“Christianity clears up the mystery which hangs over Judaism, accounting fully for the punishment of the people by 
specifying their sin, their heinous sin. If, instead of hailing their own Messiah, they crucified Him, then the strange 
scourge which has pursued them after the deed, and the energetic wording of the curse before it, are explained by the 
very strangeness of their guilt; - or rather, their sin is their punishment; for in rejecting their Divine King, they ipso 
facto lost their living principle and their nationality.” 

John Henry Cardinal Newman 
An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent 

“Oh, you’re German. I’m sorry. I thought there was something wrong with you.” 

Basil Fawlty 
Fawlty Towers 

“Well, the police may come for Richard W illi am s on and hand him over for deportation proceedings. 

Thomas W. Case, “The Society of Pius X Gets Sick,” Fidelity, October 1992 

On Wednesday, January 21, 2009, in the middle of the week which the Church has traditionally used to promote 
Christian unity, Pope Benedict XVI signed a letter announcing that he intended to lift the excommunications imposed on the 
bishops in charge of the Society of St. Pius X, taking a major step toward ending the almost 21-year old schism that began on 
June 30, 1988 when Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, along with Bishop Antonio Castro de Mayer, illicitly consecrated Bernard 
Fellay, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Alfonso de Galaretta, and Richard Williamson in a ceremony at the SSPX seminary in 
Econe, Switzerland. On July 1, 1988, one day after the illicit consecrations, Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, the then head of the 
Congregation of Bishops in Rome, announced that all six men had incurred excommunication latae sententiae, the penalty laid 
down in the revised Code of Canon Law, Canon 1382, for directly participating in an episcopal consecration in the absence of 
a papal mandate. 

According to the January 21, 2009 document, Bishop Fellay, the Superior General of the Society had written in 
December to Cardinal Dario Castrillon-Hoyos, Prefect of the Ecclesia Dei commission, requesting the removal of the 
excommunications. Fellay claimed that, “We are always firmly determined in our will to remain Catholic and to place all our 
efforts at the service of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Roman Catholic Church. We accept its teachings with 
filial animus. We believe firmly in the Primacy of Peter and its prerogatives, and for this the current situation makes us suffer 
so much.” 

Pope Benedict decided to lift the excommunications in order to promote unity in the Church: “This gift of peace at the 
end of the Christmas celebrations, is also intended to be a sign to promote unity in the charity of the universal Church and to try 
to vanquish the scandal of division.” (“With peace like this,” we can imagine the pope muttering to himself a few days later, 
“who needs war?”) 

Serious efforts to end the Lefebvre schism began in April 2005, when Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger became pope. Cardinal 
Ratzinger had always been sympathetic to widespread use of the old Mass, a cause dear to traditionalists. Two years into his 
pontificate Benedict lifted all remaining restrictions on the celebration of the Vetus Ordo , when he issued the motu proprio 
Summorum Pontificium on July 7, 2007. 

Bishop Fellay met with Pope Benedict at Castel Gandolfo on August 29, 2005, only four months after Benedict’s 
election, and from that moment discussions started in earnest for the removal of the excommunications. On June 4, 2008, 
Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos set several conditions to be met by the SSPX to facilitate a lifting of the excommunications. All of 
them had to do with schism, which is based on lack of charity; none of them had anything remotely to do with the Holocaust. 

In November 2008 Bishop Fellay led a pilgrimage to Lourdes, during which he asked the faithful to pray the rosary to 
have the excommunications lifted. On January 21, 2009 his prayers were answered when he received the letter from Giovanni 
Battista Re remitting the excommunications. Re mentioned in his letter that the gesture was intended “to be a sign to promote 
unity in the charity of the universal Church and to try to end the scandal of division.” Re also mentioned the hope that this 
gesture would “be followed by the prompt accomplishment of full communion with the Church of the entire Society of St. Pius 
X, thus testifying true fidelity and true recognition of the Magisterium and of the authority of the Pope with the proof of visible 

Bishop Fellay responded by expressing his “filial gratitude to the Holy Father for this gesture,” which he hoped would 
help “to remedy the unprecedented crisis which presently shakes the Catholic world, and which Pope John Paul II had 
designated as a state of‘silent apostasy.’” The message of the pope’s gesture was clear to Fellay: “Tradition will no longer be 

“Thanks to this gesture,” Fellay continued, “Catholics attached to Tradition throughout the world will no longer be 
unjustly stigmatized and condemned for having kept the Faith of their fathers. Catholic tradition is no longer excommunicated. 
Though it never was in itself, it was often excommunicated and cruelly so in day to day events.” In his response, Fellay 

stressed his and the SSPX’s loyalty, as well as a willingness to work toward resolving: 

the unprecedented crisis which is shaking the Church today: crisis of vocations, crisis of religious 
practice, of catechism, of the reception of the sacraments ... Before us Paul VI went so far as to say that 
"from some fissure the smoke of Satan had entered the Church," and he spoke of the "self-destruction of 
the Church." John Paul II did not hesitate to say that Catholicism in Europe was, as it were, in a state of 
"silent apostasy." Shortly before his election to the Throne of Peter, B XVI compared the Church to a "boat 
taking water on every side." We are ready to write the Creed with our own blood, to sign the anti¬ 
modernist oath, the profession of faith of Pius IV, we accept and make our own all the councils up to the 
Second Vatican Council about which we express some reservations. 

Some pundits, however, felt there was a contradiction between the two assertions, i.e., between professions of loyalty 
and recognition that an “unprecedented crisis is shaking the Church today.” Neoconservative George Weigel was one of those 
pundits. Weigel took issue with Fellay’s reservations about Vatican II, claiming that “Responsible canon lawyers have raised 
questions about whether this arrogance [reservations about Vatican II] on the part of Bishop Fellay does not cast in question his 
fulfillment of the canonical requirements for a lawful lifting of his excommunication.” (George Weigel, Newsweek, “Rome’s 
Reconciliation: Did the pope heal or deepen the Lefebvre schism? www.newsweek.com/id/181721/). 

Weigel puts in words a spectre which would go on to haunt the entire discussion surrounding the lifting of the 
excommunications, namely, the fact that in some circles of the Church the profession of faith had been replaced by a profession 
of faith in Vatican II. Vatican II was not just one council among many, according to this view. At some point during the past 50 
years it had become a shibboleth and the sine qua non of church membership. Once it had been proposed as the substitute for 
the Creed, Vatican II then got reduced to the documents which were supposed to support the political agenda of the person 
doing the reducing. In the case of American neocons like Weigel, the Catholic Faith, became by way of synecdoche, Vatican II 
statements on the Jews and religious liberty. If Bishop Fellay expressed reservations about Vatican II, this was an indication in 
Weigel’s mind “that the healing has not taken place... . Moreover, Fellay’s letter raises the stakes for everyone, and to the 
highest level. For what is at issue now, is the integrity of the Church’s self-understanding, which must include the authenticity 
of the teaching of Vatican II.” Weigel found it difficult “to see how the unity of the Catholic Church will be advanced if the 
Lefebvrist faction does not publicly and unambiguously affirm Vatican Council II’s teaching on the nature of the church, on 
religious freedom, and on the sin of anti-Semitism” 

“How,” Weigel wondered in a comment to The Washington Post, “does this advance the unity of the church if they are 
reconciled [without embracing church positions on religious freedom and anti-Semitism?] This really has the possibility of 
unraveling a lot of the accomplishments of the John Paul and Benedict periods if not handled well.” All of the themes were 
introduced in the overture of this opera, which would revolve around but not resolve the related issues of tradition and anti- 
Semitism Was anti-Semitism part of the Catholic DNA? Did Vatican II trump the Gospel of St. John? Or did it have to be read 
in the light of the Gospels? 

On Thursday, January 22, within minutes of the leaking on the internet of the announcement that the excommunications of 
the four bishops were to be lifted, reports that Bishop Williamson was a “Holocaust denier” began circulating on the web as 
well. These reports referred to an interview conducted months before in Germany but to be broadcast the following day on 
Swedish TV. 

In his interview, Williamson did not deny the suffering of the Jewish people at the hands of the Nazi regime, but he did 
question the details of the Holocaust narrative, concerning the numbers of people who died at Auschwitz and how they died. In 
doing this he broke the law in Germany and earned himself the epithet “Holocaust denier.” 

“Pope Rehabilitates Holocaust Denier” is the headline Reuters used to frame the issue. Once the issue got framed that 
way, the intent of the story became clear. L ’affaire Williamson was born as a combination of the Danish cartoon story and the 
media-orchestrated uproar among Muslims over the pope’s Regensburg speech. The “Pope Rehabilitates Holocaust Denier” 
incident was a replay of the media-inspired frenzy, which took place in the wake of the pope’s September 2006 Regensburg 
speech, over the pope’s quote from Emperor Manuel Paleologos. Once the term “Holocaust denier” got broached, the story 
took on a life of its own, and that life had nothing to do with the pope’s intention, namely, to heal a schism and promote unity. 
In fact, before long it became clear that the point of this story was to prevent the schism from being healed by proposing a 
counter-morality based on a counter-magisterium based on the dogmas of political correctness. 

In spite of the Vatican’s efforts to the contrary, news reports kept confusing the church’s focus on the sin of schism with 
the media world’s focus on the unforgivable secular sin, i.e., “Holocaust denial” and anti-Semitism. The media could be 
forgiven for their ignorance in light of the fact that theologians were failing to make the appropriate distinctions too. Wolfgang 
Beinert, a student of the pope who now occupies the same chair the pope held at the University of Regensburg, faulted his 
former mentor for breaking what he termed a 2000-year old tradition in the Church. Up until a week ago, Ratzinger’s successor 
at Regensburg opined, “Groups which stood in contradiction to the pope had to recant their positions before they were 
readmitted to the church.” Beinert here seems to be referring to the “sin” of Holocaust denial rather than the sin of schism 

because, he “doubts that Rome was unaware of Williamson’s views.” Beinert was evidently unaware that the bishops had 
signed a statement repudiating schism. Either that, or he considered holocaust denial a greater sin. If Catholics were confused it 
was understandable. Evidently even theologians were having a hard time keeping their sins straight. 

The Swedish TV interview had been in the can for months but it got released within minutes of the announcement that the 
pope intended to lift the excommunications. Sources close to the SSPX in Sweden had been warning them during the fall of 
2008 that they were being set up by the TV journalist Ali Fegan and the people associated with the Swedish National TV show 
“Uppdrag granskning ” (“Mission Examination”). The SSPX’s Father Morgan, however, continued cooperating evidently 
feeling that Swedish National Television was interested in filming the ordination of the Swedish SSPX seminarian Sten 
Sandmarks at the SSPX seminary in Zaitskofen, Bavaria, which is where Bishop Williamson was interviewed on November 1, 
2008 when he made his comments about how many people died in Auschwitz. Evidence that Williamson trusted the Swedish 
film crew is evident on the film itself when Williamson says, naively, “You realize you can get me in prison for that. I hope 
that is not your intention.” 

Once Fegan and the “ Uppdrag granskining ” crew had Williamson’s interview in the can they traveled around Sweden 
showing it to the various groups which rented their facilities to the SSPX claiming that if they continued to rent their facilities 
to the SSPX they would be indicted as Holocaust deniers as well. The Anglican Church in Stockholm succumbed to these 
pressures and canceled their contract with the SSPX. 

Not content to leave it at that, the “Uppdrag grans killing” crew then showed the Williamson film clip to other SSPX 
clergymen, putting them in the unenviable situation of either denouncing Bishop Williamson in public or incriminating 
themselves in the crime of “Holocaust denial.” According to the same source which tried to warn the SSPX in the fall of 2008, 
holocaust denial is “here in Sweden the worst sin and crime you can possibly commit, according to the gramscian-leftist 
Jewish-owned Swedish media establishment.” The word of the set up had gone out through the SSPX by late November or 
early December. We know this because the same source wrote that “I hope and pray that this TV-program will not be 
broadcasted [sic] before Christmas-then we would have some time to prepare ourselfs [sz'c] for this fight.” 

Italian journalists writing for II Reformista and II Giornale were claiming that the Williamson affair was the result of a 
conspiracy between Ali Fegan and the Swedish national TV network and the French journalist and Fesbian activist Fiametta 
Vernier who had written a book, Les Nouveaux Soldats du pape, attacking the SSPX in France and an unnamed official in the 
Vatican, with good contacts in Scandinavia, who wanted to thwart the re-union. The bishop of Sweden, Anders Arborelius, 
OCD, was no friend of the SSPX in Sweden and clearly upset by the SSPX’s campaign to reconvert Sweden back to the 
Catholic faith. Arborelius spoke of inclusivity as the chief characteristic of Catholicism, something clearly at odds with racism 
and intolerance, which he seemed to imply was motivating the SSPX in its attempts to convert the Swedes. By the end of the 
first week of the controversy, Vatican Spokesman Federico Fombardi was one of the few people who still claimed that the 
timing of the reversal of Williamson’s excommunication and the Swedish broadcast were “absolutely unrelated.” 

The folks at “ Uppdrag granskning ,” however, had bigger fish to fry than disrupting the SSPX’s Christmas holiday or 
defending Swedes from proselytism. The fact that the interview showed up on the internet within minutes of the announcement 
lifting the excommunications showed that the timing was intended to disrupt the healing of the Fefebvre schism, something that 
became obvious when the Anti-Defamation Feague got involved in the story. 

On January 23, one day before the announcement was officially promulgated, the ADF issued a press release whose 
intent, to thwart the lifting of the excommunications, was clear from their headline: “ADF to Vatican: Do Not Rehabilitate 
Holocaust Denier Bishop.” When the first ADF press release failed to derail the lifting of the excommunications, the ADF 
followed up one day later with another press release: “ADF disappointed in Pope’s Decision to Rehabilitate Holocaust Denier 
Bishop.” In the second ADF press release on the Williamson incident, Foxman claimed that Benedict’s decision to lift the 
excommunications “undermines the strong relationship between Catholics and Jews that flourished under Pope John Paul II and 
which Benedict said he would continue when he came into his papacy.” Foxman then mentioned Vatican II and “the centuries- 
long history of anti-Semitism in the Church,” which Vatican II was supposed to redress, claiming that Pope Benedict’s action 
was “a most troubling setback.” 

If anyone had any doubts about the purpose behind the ADF press releases, Charlotte Knoblauch, president of the 
German Council of Jews, laid them to rest when she told the Rheinische Post in Germany, “I would like an outcry in the church 
against such actions from the pope.” 

Der Spiegel, Germany’s socialist weekly, then began orchestrating that outcry, putting the pope on the cover of the next 
week’s issue along with the claim that the “German pope had embarrassed the Church.” In the January 26, 2009 issue of 
Spiegel Online International, Rabbi David Rosen, head of the American Jewish Committee, was quoted as saying, “In 
welcoming an open Holocaust denier into the Catholic Church without any recantation on his part, the Vatican has made a 
mockery of John Paul II’s moving and impressive repudiation and condemnation of anti-Semitism” The vice president of the 
Central Council of Jews, Dieter Graumann, accused the pope of an “incomprehensible act of provocation. The fact that it is of 
all things a German pope who conjured up this new ice age between Jews and the Catholic Church ... that is something 
particularly painful, astonishing, and deplorable.” 

Germany’s newspapers then followed the lead set by the world’s major Jewish organizations, which is to say, they 
condemned the pope’s actions via appeals to Vatican II and invidious comparisons between Benedict and his predecessor, as 
when the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote: “it remains a mystery why the pope is now making such concessions to the 
fanatical opponents of the Second Vatican Council, that he is making a mockery of his predecessor John Paul II’s insistence on 
obedience to the teachings of the church and to the pope.” 

Two weeks after the pope signed the letter lifting the excommunications, Der Spiegel was still on his case, this time for 
appointing Gerhard Maria Wagner as auxiliary bishop in Linz. Wagner had earned the ire of Spiegel because he has “a knack 
for inappropriate comments,” including “claiming in 2005 in a parish newsletter” that “Hurricane Katrina was an act of ‘divine 
retribution’ for New Orleans’ permissive ways.” Wagner had similarly inappropriate views about Harry Potter books and the 
tsunami in Thailand. Taken altogether these views rendered Wagner unacceptable as a bishop, according to Der Spiegel. 

All of this raises the question: why does Spiegel have a dog in this fight? Who gave a socialist magazine in Germany 
veto rights over who the pope appoints as auxiliary bishop in Linz? Does this mean the Church has veto rights the next time a 
Spiegel sympathizer like Guenther Grass gets nominated for a Nobel Prize? 

Before long, anyone who had an agenda and was willing to dump on the pope got a hearing in the German press. On a 
normal news day at Der Spiegel, Hans Kueng was treated with dismissive condescension if not contempt. Years ago, Spiegel 
reported on a phone call Kueng received after Pope John Paul I died. A Vatican official was on the other end of the line 
wondering if Kueng would like to become pope. After considering the proposition for a moment Kueng declined the honor, 
explaining “If I were pope, I’d no longer be infallible.” 

But that was then. Now Der Spiegel was rehabilitating Kueng Germany’s great prophet, and Kueng responded by 
producing what had to be the most moronic piece of journalism generated by the entire Williamson affair, namely, “If Obama 
were Pope.” “It is no coincidence that the Pope celebrated his 81st birthday in the White House,” Kueng hinted darkly. “Both 
Bush and Ratzinger are unteachable in matters of birth control and abortion, disinclined to implement any serious reforms, 
arrogant and without transparency in the way in which they exercise their office, restricting freedoms and human rights.” By 
lifting the schism. Pope Benedict “has co nfi rmed all the fears which arose when he was elected pope.” Before long, Kueng’s 
agenda came to the fore: “What would a Pope do who acted in the spirit of Obama?” Well, he would do what Hans Kueng has 
been complaining about for decades now, namely, “he could authorize contraception over night, permit the marriage of priests, 
make possible the ordination of women and allow eucharistic fellowship with Protestant churches.” What all this had to do 
with Holocaust denial or schism wasn’t immediately clear. What was clear, though, was Spiegel’s attempt to mobilize Hans 
Kueng’s German fifth column as a way of weakening the pope’s authority. The veiled threat was becoming clearer with each 
intemperate outburst: admit the SSPX and the German Left will leave the Church. 

Reaction from Germany was vehement to the point of hysteria. It was as if the fact that the pope was German somehow 
obliged them to be anti-Catholic in the same way that the Holocaust obliged them to be anti-German. Beyond that, there was the 
undeniable fact that Germany had criminalized the thought crime of Holocaust denial in 1994. If the pope failed to condemn 
“Holocaust denial,” it put German Catholics in legal jeopardy, but did Germany have a jail big enough for 20 million 
Catholics? That seemed a bit far-fetched. But the thought of revocation of the “ Kirchensteuer ,” the tax money the German 
government paid to the Church, was enough to send shivers down the spines of theologians and bishops. Hence, the uproar. 
Walter Cardinal Kasper tried to play the whole thing down, attributing the biggest church-state crisis in Germany since the 
Reformation to “management errors.” But the theologians were having none of this. 

Hermann Haering, a liberal German Catholic theologian, said that the Pope should resign “for the good of the Church.” 
Werner Thissen, bishop of Hamburg, claimed that the lifting of the excommunications had led to “a loss of confidence in the 
pope.” Christoph Schoenborn, bishop of Vienna, came close to claiming that Bishop Williamson had committed the 
unforgivable sin, when he opined that “he who denies the Holocaust cannot be rehabilitated within the Church.” Gerhard 
Ludwig Mueller, the bishop in Pope Benedict’s home city of Regensburg, outdid Schoenborn in fraternal charity by announcing 
that Williamson would not be welcome in its churches. 

The lack of support that the pope had among his fellow German bishops became even more apparent when their 
spokesman Matthias Kopp appeared on German television. Matthias Kopp claimed that because Pope John Paul II signed a 
concordat with Israel in 1993 (an agreement, by the way, which Israel has yet to honor) the Church has obligated itself to “fight 
every form of anti-Semitism.” Kopp, however, failed to define even one form of anti-Semitism, thereby playing into the hands 
of organizations like the ADL. “Every form of anti-Semitism” (jede Form des Antisemitismus) long ago became another word 
for Jewish hegemony over the Church because the operative definition of anti-Semitism invariably ends up be the definition 
promoted by groups like the ADL and Abe Foxman. This means that the Church must adopt Jewish categories in its internal 
governance, which in turn means that schism takes a back seat to “Holocaust denial” when it comes to defining the gravity of 
the sin. 

Kopp pressed further into the theological equivalent of terra incognita when he asserted that the Church had to censure 
Bishop Williamson, because combating “every form of anti-Semitism” now “belongs to the Magisterium of the Church” (“Das 
sind Elemente, die zur Lehre der Kirche dazitgehoeren “). The press secretary of the German Bishops’ Conference claimed 

that the Holocaust was now part of Catholic dogma. Taking his cue on Church teaching from a law which was passed in 
Germany in 1994, Kopp concludes that “the Holocaust cannot be denied.” The reasoning goes as follows: “The Holocaust is 
not denied by the Church. Therefore, a bishop who has returned to the Church after 20 years of schism cannot deny the 
holocaust.... He must conform to the teaching of the Church” (“Also hat er sich der Lehre der Kirche anzupassen. “) 
(Kreuz.net Monday, January 26, 2009). The fact that Kopp lives in a country which has outlawed historical research on certain 
topics does not change the fact that the Church can pronounce infallibly on matters of faith and morals but has no mandate 
whatsoever to pass judgments on historical matters like how many people died in concentration camps and how they died, the 
matters which Bishop Williamson brought up in his interview. In matters where she cannot speak authoritatively, the Church 
allows the faithful to form their own opinions, everywhere it seems but in Germany. 

Spiegel accused the Vatican of having an “an apparent tin ear” (a phrase which probably lost something in the 
translation) on matters dealing with the Jews, homosexuals, women, etc. etc., and as an example of this “tin ear” mentioned 
“moves to have the war-time Pope Pius XII, who is accused by some of having turned a blind eye to the mass deportation and 
murder of Jews, named a saint.” 

The status of Pius XII was especially apropos in this regard. I’m tempted to say that his cause has been in Limbo ever 
since the Jews objected, except that Pope Benedict XVI doesn’t believe in Limbo. The status of the causes of Pius XII and 
Father Dehon crossed my mind while attending a lecture by Archbishop Angelo Amato, prefect for the Congregation for the 
Causes of the Saints, who spoke on Secularism in Europe at Notre Dame, the same week / ’affaire Williamson was raging in 
the press. Rather than listen to the archbishop shadow box with secularism, it would have been much more interesting to hear 
him explain how organized Jewry (hereafter, the Jews) had gained veto power over whom the Catholics were allowed to name 
as saints. The case of Pius XII, whose canonization is on hold, as well as the still unresolved case of Father Dehon, whose 
canonization was postponed because the Jews accused him of anti-Semitism, are only two cases in point. What implications 
did this stance have for church unity throughout history? Would it be possible, I wondered, for St. John Chrysostom to be 
canonized by the Church today? Certainly not, if Adversos Iudeos had to be vetted by the Italian Rabbis or Abe Foxman. 

The unspoken but all-pervasive issue at the heart of / ’affaire Williamson came down to a question of who was running 
the Catholic Church and whose dogmas had the final say in Church governance. Did Jewish concern over holocaust denial 
trump what Canon 1382 had to say about schism? If so why? Or were the Jews simply using this as an excuse to promote more 
division in the Church? Williamson himself had said on Dioscopirs.blogspot.com that “the media uproar was surely timed and 
orchestrated to block the decree.” The Jews, once again, were promoting division. Since the lifting of the excommunications 
was only the first step in repairing the Lefebvrite schism, the media attack was meant to ensure that that complete reconciliation 
would not happen. 

Undeterred by the ADL’s threat and their orchestration of the world media against the Church, the Vatican released the 
letter lifting the excommunications on Saturday, January 24. The Vatican’s initial statements showed calm and resolve by trying 
to separate the two issues the Jews and the world press were determined to conflate, namely, schism and holocaust denial. 
“This act regards the lifting of the excommunications, period,” Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told reporters, “It 
has nothing to do with the personal opinions of one person, which are open to criticism, but are not pertinent to this decree.” 

On January 28 at the end of his general audience on Wednesday, the pope reiterated the reasons that led to the lifting of 
the excommunications, none of which had anything to do with the Holocaust or how many people died or how they died: 

Precisely in order to fulfill the service of unity, which distinguished in a special way my ministry as 
Successor of Peter, I decided a number of days ago to grant the remission of the excommunication that four 
bishops had incurred when they were ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988 without a pontifical 
mandate. I carried out this action of paternal tenderness because these bishops had repeatedly expressed 
to me their acute suffering over the situation in which they found themselves. I hope that this gesture of 
mine will be followed by concerted effort on their part to take the further steps necessary to realize full 
communion with the Church, testifying in this way to their true fidelity and true recognition of the 
magisterium and authority of the Pope and of Vatican Council II. 

He concluded his daily Wednesday audience by saying that he wanted to “express my full and indisputable solidarity 
with our Brothers and Sisters who received the First Covenant, I trust that the memory of the Shoah will induce humankind to 
reflect upon the unpredictable power of evil when it conquers the heart of man.” 

The reports in the press invariably involved a skewing of the pope’s words. Michelle Boorstein, writing for the 
Washington Post, wrote that Benedict told “pilgrims in his weekly audience in Vatican City that he feels ‘full and 
indisputable’ solidarity with Jews and repudiating the idea of denying the Holocaust.” 

“If the pope is in full solidarity with the Jews,” one Catholic wondered after reading the report in the Washington Post, 
“where does that leave us [Catholics]? Should we all become Jews?” 

Boorstein went on to claim that Williamson “denied that the Holocaust occurred” when in fact (as she herself mentioned) 
his statements, however, lamentable, had to do with numbers and technicalities. The pope fared no better in Boorstein’s 

account, an account full of misrepresentations like the following: 

In his short tenure as pope, Benedict has caused concerns among other faith leaders before. He sparked 
deadly riots across the Muslim world in 2006 by citing a 14th century characterization of the prophet 
Muhammad as "evil and inhuman." Jewish groups protested in 2007 when he expanded use of traditional 
liturgy-a priority among groups such as St. Pius X -that on Good Friday called for Catholics to pray for "the 
faithless Jews." After protests, the next year he required all Catholics to remove the word "faithless." 
(Washington Post, January 28, 2009 "Pope voices support for Jews, rejects Holocaust denial.") 

The Boorstein account in the Washington Post blundered from one error to another. At a certain point it became difficult 
to dismiss her ineptitude as simple incompetence. “Catholic officials,” Boorstein continued, “say anti-Semitic comments by 
any of the bishops, while possibly abhorrent, are not heretical.” The statement ignored the fact that no one in the Church had 
raised the issue of (much less defined the term) anti-Semitism, nor had anyone explained how questioning the details of how 
Jews died was anti-Semitic, according to any definition of the term 

As the volume of the outcry increased, Vatican resolve began to crumble, and comment began to proliferate, making a 
bad situation worse. As if to show that Rome could shoot itself in the foot without the help of the Washington Post, 
L’Osservatore Romano published an article by An na Foa, a Jewish professor of history at the University of Rome “Za 
Sapienza ,” on the topic of “ Negazionismo ,” the Italian term for Holocaust denial. Foa’s article, “Anti-Semitism is the only 
motive of the Deniers,” was so apodictic it made papal bulls look like models of empirical induction by comparison. In 
contrast to the measured approach of Raul Hilberg, the Jewish dean of Holocaust studies, Foa, offering no evidence other than 
her ability as a mind reader, dismissed David Irving’s credentials as an historian. She went on to claim that “Anti-Jewish 
hatred is at the origin of this denial. ... There is only one motive, one intention, behind denial of the Holocaust: antisemtism. 
All the rest is lies.” 

On January 27, 2009, Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, joined the Vatican’s 
efforts at damage control when he announced that Bishop Williamson had been silenced. “Our Society claims no authority over 
historical or other secular matters,” Fellay wrote. If so, then it was not clear why the Society was silencing him, since what 
Williamson said could not be construed as heretical or contrary to faith or morals. Again it came down to a question of who 
had the right to declare an action sinful, the Church or the World. 

Writing from a traditionalist perspective, Christopher Ferrara had similar difficulties distinguishing between what the 
Church considers important and where she leaves her children the freedom to make up their own minds. Ferrara took issue 
with Andrew Rabel, who claimed 

The SSPX reverts to the penalties given by Rome prior to the episcopal consecrations and all four 
bishops in the Society remain suspended a divinis. The society remains a group of Catholics in an irregular 
state. No chapel of the SSPX in the world is in communion with the Universal Church, and its priests sharing 
in the suspension are deprived of the clerical state (a separate matter from the validity of their 
ordinations). They cannot offer the sacraments of matrimony and penance validly because that requires 
faculties from a local bishop... But a significant hurdle in the way of full ecclesial communion for the Society, 
appears to have been removed. 

Ferrara disputed the claims made by both George Weigel and Andrew Rabel, that the society remained in “an irregular 
state” but in so doing involved himself in bizarre self-contradictions. Ferrara claimed that the pope’s action proved that the 
SSPX was never in schism in the first place, a claim which causes one to wonder why Ferrara is rejoicing at the lifting of the 
excommunications. In trying to explain his position, Ferrara only confuses the issue, as for instance when he writes: 

To begin with, it can no longer be said by anyone in good faith that the four surviving bishops of the 
Society are "in schism." Further, those who have spent the past twenty years calumniating the priests and 
lay adherents of the Society as "schismatics" have finally been deprived of even the pretense of a canonical 
basis for this insult. 

Well ,which is it? If there was nothing irregular about the state of the SSPX, why are we all rejoicing at the lifting of the 
excommunications? Brian Mershon attempted to bring clarity to the situation by writing to Msgr. Camille Perl, vice president 
of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, who responded on May 23, 2008. In response to the question of whether the society 
is in schism, Perl refers to the Episcopal ordinations as “schismatic” but then adds 

While it is true that participation in the Mass at chapels of the Society of St. Pius X does not of itself 
constitute "formal adherence to the schism" (cf. Ecclesia Dei 5, c), such adherence can come about over a 
period of time as one slowly imbibes a schismatic mentality which separates itself from the teaching of the 
Supreme Pontiff and the entire Catholic Church. While we hope and pray for a reconciliation with the 
Society of St. Pius X, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" cannot recommend that members of the 

faithful frequent their chapels for the reasons which we have outlined above. We deeply regret this 
situation and pray that soon a reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X with the Church may come about, 
but until such time the explanations which we have given remain in force. 

If the SSPX is not in schism now because of the lifting of the excommunications, then it would logically follow that they 
were in schism before the excommunications were lifted. But Ferrara can’t bring himself to state either proposition clearly. 
Instead he argues that 

in justice the Society and its one million adherents must now be seen by everyone as a bona fide 
"ecclesial movement" within the Catholic Church, with any remaining issues being precisions of canonical 
regularity to be resolved by further decrees. 

Ferrara can’t have it both ways. By claiming that the SSPX was not in an irregular situation before the lifting of the 
excommunications, he nullifies the point which the lifting of the excommunications made. But if what he says about schism is 
true, why did he add the word “now” to the previous passage? If there were no problems, why were there excommunications? 
If there was no lifting of the excommunications, why is Ferrara rejoicing? 

The Brunt 

Ferrara focuses the brunt of his attack on Bishop Williamson and accuses him of being a holocaust denier. In canonical 
terms this is known as straining at the gnat but swallowing the camel. Ferrara can’t seem to distinguish between schism, which 
is a grave sin according to the authentic teaching of the Church, and discussions of how many people died in World War II and 
how they died, which, no matter how inane or unfounded these views might be, do not rise to the level of excommunicable 
offense, not in the Catholic Church at least. In order to have his excommunication lifted, Bishop Fellay had to make “the 
commitment to avoid every public intervention which does not respect the person of the Floly Father and which may be 
negative to ecclesial charity.” It is a phrase that may have given Ferraro pause, but if so, not for long because Ferrara goes on 
to excuse his own attacks on the “conciliar popes” as 

in keeping with the due liberty of the members of the Mystical Body, and indeed their duty to speak out 
when they believe in conscience that the common good of the Church is being harmed, even should that 
harm involve acts or omissions of the Supreme Pontiff himself. 

Ferrara then goes on to impose the canons of political correctness on any traditionalist who doubts the conventional 
narrative of World War II. In fact, he continues, 

It is time, then, for traditionalists to repudiate the inadmissible opinions of Bishop Richard Williamson, 
with due respect for his dignity as a descendant of the Apostles. For the good of the Church we must make 
it clear that the Bishop's opinions are not those of the worldwide "traditionalist movement" (if we must call 
it that). Above all, we must not allow the Society or the movement as a whole to be draped with the 
albatross of the Bishop's opinion on how many Jews perished at the hands of the Nazis. 

Traditionalism, as espoused by Ferrara, is the Catholic world turned upside down. In this world it’s acceptable to be a 
schism denier, but when it comes to thought crimes like “Holocaust denial,” traditionalists of the Ferrara stripe are far less 
tolerant. This is precisely the attitude Msgr. Perl warned against when he wrote that “over a period of time ... one slowly 
imbibes a schismatic mentality which separates itself from the teaching of the Supreme Pontiff and the entire Catholic Church.” 
Traditionalists, in other words, can engage in all of the attacks on the papacy which Bishop Fellay had to abjure in order to 
have the excommunications lifted, as long as they tow the line on political correctness: 

Therefore, not only this newspaper [The Remnant], but every journal of traditional Catholic opinion, and 
above all the Society itself, must clearly and unequivocally declare — as I do here and now — that 
Holocaust revisionism, wacky conspiracy theories, and other such nonsense will have no part in the 
traditionalist movement. 

Ferrara’s formulation of the issue is deeply schismatic in its orientation. Who cares about the so-called “traditionalist 
movement” or what its self-appointed leaders teach, or who they want to exclude from their “movement”? By defining 
themselves as a “movement,” the traditionalists have separated themselves from the Church. The real issue is what the Catholic 
Church teaches, not what needs to be done to police “the movement.” 

Now that Ferrara has brought up the term in a theological context, what exactly is holocaust revisionism? Do Catholics 
now have to accept the Hitler’s diaries as authentic? What about the stories of lampshades made out of the skin of Jewish 
concentration camp inmates? What about the flaming pits which gave the name to the holocaust? What about the electrocution 
and head-bashing machines? What about the touching story of the all-Negro 761st tank battalion which liberated the Jewish 
inmates of Buchenwald, as depicted on the PBS documentary “Liberators”? Was that part of the Holocaust narrative? If so, it 
was exposed as a hoax by Jeffrey Goldberg and others in the New York Times , which had previously given serious, if naive, 
coverage to this story. What about the equally touching story of love in the concentration camps that was recounted on Oprah 
and exposed as a hoax the week before l’affaire Williamson broke? Professor David O’Connell was accused of going to “the 
brink of Holocaust DeniaP’ by none other than thought cop Deborah Lipstadt for writing an article in Culture Wars about the 
inconsistencies in Elie Wiesel’s holocaust narrative Night. Who knew that literary criticism could land you in jail? 

Ferrara loses sight of the big issue in his rush to turn Bishop Williamson over to the thought police. The big issue at the 
heart of the Williamson affair is religious. It has to do with which religion is true: Christianity or what Rabbi Jacob Neusner 
referred to as “the Judaism of Holocaust and Redemption.” Elie Wiesel made the situation clear in 1971 when he claimed that 
“The sincere Christian knows that what died in Auschwitz was not the Jewish people but Christianity.” L 'affaire Williamson 
was an attempt on the part of the world’s Jewish organizations to force the pope to accept their dogmas as normative for 
Catholics. It was an attempt to force Christians to accept what St. Paul in Titus 1:14 refers to as “Jewish fables” as superior to 
Christian dogmas. This is not to deny the reality of Jewish suffering during World War II. This admission, however, must be 
joined to a similar concession, namely, that no one can define the boundaries of the Holocaust narrative. Must Catholics accept 
parts of the Holocaust narrative which everyone now admits never happened? St. Paul tells us that there are “a great many 

people ... who talk nonsense and try to make others believe it, particularly among those of the Circumcision.” Instead of telling 
us to go along with these liars “who ruin whole families by teaching things which they ought not to, and doing it with the vile 
motive of making money,” Paul tells Titus to “stop taking notice of Jewish myths.” It’s a message that Christopher Ferrara 
would do well to take to heart rather than demand that Bishop Williamson give his assent to a narrative full of “Jewish fables,” 
many of which have gone down the memory hole over the past half century. Lest anyone think I am exaggerating we should 
remember that the ADL has denounced Norman Finkelstein as a Holocaust Denier (he has never doubted the existence of gas 
chambers or that millions of Jews were systematically killed) and that Alan Dershowitz has gone as far as to say that the 
leading expert on the Holocaust, Raul Hilberg, is to be found on the spectrum of Holocaust Denial because of his support of 

An Apology 

Bishop Williamson issued an apology on January 28, 2009. In it he claimed that he was responsible for a “tremendous 
media storm stirred up by imprudent remarks of mine on Swedish television.” Citing Jonas I: 12, Williamson suggested that the 
pope “Take me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will quiet down for you; for I know it is because of me that this great 
tempest has come upon you.” 

Although Pope Benedict and Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos would have been happy to grant Bishop Williamson his wish, it 
wouldn’t have helped. This storm was not of Bishop Williamson’s making. Williamson’s actions were indisputably 
“imprudent,” as he himself admitted, but God was using them to bring about a long-overdue clarification of the Church’s 
current position on the Jews, a position which can be traced back to the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate and is now codified 
in the The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which claims that “The Church remains faithful to the interpretation of ‘all the 
Scriptures’” concerning the crucifixion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Catechism tells us that “The personal sin of the 
participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone... . Hence, we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the 
Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles’ 
calls to conversion after Pentecost.” The Catechism ignores the distinction between the Jewish minority, who were ignorant 
and manipulated, and the majority, who hated Jesus and wanted him dead. The Scipture passages which the Catechism 
dismisses as “global reproaches” invariably insist on the guilt of the Jews not their ignorance. The difference is largely one of 
time. The more that time passed, the more convinced the Apostles became of Jewish guilt for rejecting Christ. Nostra Aetate 
tends to rely on Acts 3:17 and ignores I Thess 2: 14-15 as one of those “global reproaches.” In that passage St. Paul addresses 
the community in Thessalonika as: “You, my brothers,” who have been “suffering the same treatment from your own 
countrymen as they have suffered from the Jews, the people who put the Lord Jesus to death, and the prophets too. And now 
they have been persecuting us, and acting in a way that cannot please God and makes them the enemies of the whole human 
race... .” 

The Catechism then goes on to propose Nostra Aetate (“Neither all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, 
can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion .... The Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as 
if this followed from Holy Scripture.”) as the lens through which we must now interpret I Thess 2: 14-15. 

As Bishop Fellay’s comments on the lifting of the excommunications indicated, this move involves a total inversion of 
the hermeneutic of the Church. The world has been turned upside down. The same Church which traditionally specified that 
every council document should be read in the light of tradition is now saying that tradition should now be viewed in the light of 
a project (“the spirit of Vatican II” if you will) which turns the interpretations of one council into a meta-Magisterium, 

Before long it becomes clear that the point of the Catechism’s section on the Jews is not only to cast doubt on the literal 
meaning of passages like I Thess 2: 14-16 and a host of other passages, but also to exonerate the Jews from any responsibility 
for the passion and death of Christ. The main way the Catechism does this is by insisting then that “sinners were the authors and 
the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured” and that “our crime in this case is greater in us than in the 

This may be an indictment of sinful Christians, but it is hardly an exoneration of the Jews, even though it is always 
portrayed in that light. No matter what Abe Foxman says, it should be obvious that the terms “Jews” and “sinners” are not 
mutually exclusive categories. In fact the rejection of Jesus Christ and the collaboration in his murder makes all of the Jews 
involved in that conspiracy sinners. This indictment, of course, does not extend to the Jewish race as a whole, i.e., to people 
like the Blessed Mother, the beloved disciple, the apostles, St. Paul, etc.: hence, the Church’s ongoing and constant 
condemnation of anti-Semitism, which is totally irrational from a Christian perspective because it condemns the race which 
produced Jesus Christ. 

However, it does mean that every Jew who called for Christ’s death and asked that “his blood be on us and our 
children,” as well as every Jew since that time who has rejected Jesus Christ shares responsibility for his death because of 
their participation in the sin of rejecting him. Paul addresses this on-going rejection of Logos when he says that the Jews 
“never stop trying to finish off the sins they have begun.” As a result, “retribution is overtaking them at last.” So Nostra Aetate 
is correct when it claims that Scripture proposes no “curse.” The “retribution” which Paul describes comes about as a result 
not of some curse placed on the Jews; no, on the contrary, it flows naturally from their rejection of Logos. 

But let’s leave the accusation Paul levels against the Jews as “the people who put the Lord Jesus to death” aside for a 
moment. What about his claim that the Jews are “the enemies of the whole human race”? The Catechism, citing Vatican II, tells 
us that “The Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from Holy Scripture.” How are we then 
to reconcile these two statements? Once again the postconciliar Church is confronted with a hermeneutical issue of its own 
making. Do we interpret the Spirit of Vatican II in the light of tradition or do we interpret tradition in light of the Spirit of 
Vatican II? 

By January 29, it was clear that this issue lay at the heart of the conflict and that it was going to reassert itself willy nilly 
even after Bishop Fellay silenced Bishop Williamson, because the repressed, as Sigmund Freud taught, always returns. 

Shortly after Fellay and Schmidberger apologized for Williamson’s remarks, an SSPX priest from northern Italy re¬ 
ignited the controversy by coming to Williamson’s defense. Father Floriano Abrahamowicz, a priest from the northern Italian 
branch of the SSPX, came to Williamson’s defense, claiming that he didn’t know if Jews had been gassed either. He did say 
that Williamson had been “imprudent” to allow himself to be drawn into the topic. But, even so, Williamson, according to 
Abrahamowicz, did not deny that the Holocaust had happened; his doubts had to do with the “technical aspects of the gas 
chambers.” No one was obligated to hold particular views about the English-American genocide which took place during the 
bombing of Dresden, Abrahamowicz opined. Why then was Auschwitz so special? Would Williamson be in trouble if he 
claimed that “only” 3,000 Germans died during the fire bombing of Dresden? 

The Abrahamowicz story took a turn toward the heart of the matter when the priest, whose father is Jewish, claimed that 
he wanted the Jews to convert to Catholicism. “As a Catholic Christian,” Abrahamowicz told the Tribuna di Treviso, a 
newspaper from the southern Tirol, “I wish that the Jews would receive Jesus Christ as their Lord. Amen.” (Martin Zoeller, 
Jan 29, 2009, Die Welt “Zweiter Piusbruder zweifelt oeflentlich am Holocaust.”). On February 6, Father Abrahamowicz was 
expelled from the SSPX for sedevacantism and statements disrespectful of the pope. 

Shortly before Abrahamowicz was expelled, SSPX priest Father Pierpaulo Petrucci, prior of Rimini, defended both 
Williamson and Abrahamowicz, and in doing so got still closer to the heart of the matter, which had to do with the disruptive 
effect that Nostra Aetate and the Church’s “improved” relations with the Jews had on evangelization: “The Church,” Petrucci 
said, “has gotten away from bringing up the truth as a way of bringing about conversion. The Church engages in dialogue, but 
no one preaches conversion.” 

Much was made of the fact that the Jewish Council in Germany as well as the Israeli Rabbinate broke off relations with 
the Vatican after the pope lifted the excommunications. Almost no one noticed that a week before 1’affaire Williamson 
happened, the Italian rabbis broke their relations with the pope because of the changes he had made in the Good Friday prayer 
a year before. That fact, hardly noted in the ensuing furor, lent credence to both Abrahamowicz and Petrucci’s analysis of what 
was really going on. If 50 years of dialogue could end this abruptly, one has to wonder what was achieved. Was there a 
relationship there to begin with? Or had dialogue become a pretext for something else? Had it become what David O’Connell 
claimed when he wrote in Culture Wars that “In the 40 years since Vatican II, this alleged ‘dialogue’ has actually turned out to 
be a one way street in which the Jewish side ritually denounces Catholics and Catholicism while the Catholics nod in 
approval.” Reacting to the rabbis’ announcement, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi hoped that the dialogue would return 
to its formerly “serene” state, but there seemed little hope of that now. 

Before long, however, Rome began to crumble under the pressure. Instead of just letting the dogs bark as the caravan 
passed by, the Vatican began issuing statements which made Professor Foa’s comments seem judicious by comparison. By the 
end of the week, Father Lombardi was beginning to sound like Elie Wiesel. “He who negates the Shoah, denies God!” was the 
headline Suedtirol. online put over Lombardi’s theological lucubrations (Vatican: “ Wer die Shoah negiert, verleugnet Go It .” 
1/30/09 www.stol.it). 

According to John Allen, it was the Abrahamowicz interview which “prompted the Vatican Spokesman, Jesuit Fr. 
Lombardi to go on Vatican Radio to say that ‘he who denies the fact of the Shoah knows nothing of the mystery of God nor of 
the cross of Christ.’” Holocaust denial is “even more serious,” Lombardi said, when it “comes from the mouth of a priest or 
bishop, meaning a Christian minister, whether or not he’s in union with the Catholic Church.” 

“What recent events make clear,” Allen continued, 

is that there are two camps in the small universe that rotates around the Society of St. Pius X. The first, 
represented by Fellay, is composed of traditionalists whose concerns are solely liturgical and doctrinal, and 
who see the future of their movement as a leaven within the formal structures of the church; the second, 
represented by Williamson and Abrahamowicz, includes people for whom theological traditionalism bleeds 
off into far-right politics, xenophobia, and conspiracy theories. 

Evidently Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos didn’t know about either camp. “We absolutely didn’t know anything about 
this Williamson. I really think that no one was aware of it,” Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos was quoted as saying in an 
interview published in Corriere della Sera. 

It was a statement Allen found implausible: “Claims that the Vatican was caught off-guard don’t cut it; well before 
Williamson appeared on Swedish TV he had a public record of Holocaust denial and antagonism toward Jews which a 30- 
second Google search would have unearthed” (“The Lefebvrite case: What was the Vatican thinking?” NCRonline, January 30, 

In 1989, for example, police in Canada briefly considered filing charges against Williamson under that 
country's hate speech laws after he gave an address in Quebec charging that Jews were responsible for 
"changes and corruption" in the Catholic Church, that "not one Jew" perished in Nazi gas chambers, and 
that the Holocaust was a myth created so that the West would "approve the state of Israel" (NCR, Jan 26, 
2009, John L. Allen, Jr. "Lefebvre movement: long, troubled history with Judaism"). 

Allen then muddied the theological waters by citing passages from the SSPX website which indicated, in his view, that 
“The historical association between some strains of traditionalist Catholicism and anti-Semitism run deep.” Those strains 
include the fact that “Traditionalists often uphold a robust missionary theology, insisting that the church cannot renounce its 
duty to evangelize any group, including Jews.” Those strains also include the fact that, “The SSPX ... issued a statement 
asserting that ‘a Catholic cannot be anti-Semitic without destroying the origin and essence of his own faith.’” An unbiased 
observer might conclude that statements like that would exonerate the SSPX from the charge of anti-Semitism, but Allen hints 
that the statement is mere window dressing to cover over “a track record in some traditionalist and Lefebvrite circles of open 
hostility toward Jews and Judaism that is anything but latent.” For example, “In just the past year, controversy arose in 
Germany when a priest of the fraternity asserted that Jews were ‘coresponsible’ for the death of Christ.” Did he cite 1 Thess 
2:15, perhaps? 

Missing from Allen’s account was a clear distinction between anti-Semitism, which is wrong, and the anti-Jewish 
polemic which is part of the fabric of the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of St. Paul and virtually every Father 
of the Church and an inextricable part of the Catholic faith. L 'affaire Williamson presented a golden opportunity to make this 
distinction, but no one, not the pope, not the Vatican, not the traditionalists, not the pundits, seemed willing or capable of 
making it. Allen to his credit did say that “if it is not arrested, a schism can become self-replicating and produce a parallel 
church.” The schism had hurt all of the parties involved. It prevented the purification of the traditionalism which the SSPX was 
promoting, but it also put the Church the Lefebvrites had left behind into the unnatural position of denying its own tradition in 
the name of Vatican II. 

Allen’s report on the murky underside of the SSPX was only the tip of the iceberg. If the Jews were interested in 
damaging evidence against the SSPX they should have consulted Fidelity Magazine, in particular Thomas W. Case’s article, 
“The Society of St. Pius X Gets Sick,” in the October 1992 issue, p. 28 or In the Line of Fire: John Rizzo, Ex-SSPX by 
Michael Mazza, Fidelity, May 1995 or a series of articles on the SSPX and schism by John Beaumont. Of course, if the 
Southern Poverty Law Center had done this, it would have undermined their case against me as a Nazi. Nevertheless, in Case’s 
article, they would have read that 

In 1989 Williamson delivered some speeches in Canada that caused some consternation and got him 
investigated for possible "hate crimes" by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In Sherbrooke, Quebec, he 
said "there was not one Jew killed in the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies. The Jews created the 
Holocaust so we would prostrate ourselves on our knees before them and approve the new State of Israel 
... Jews made up the Holocaust. Protestants get their orders from the devil, and the Vatican sold its soul to 

The Williamson story, in other words, has been out for 20 years and was reported on 17 years ago in Culture Wars' 
predecessor Fidelity. Tom Case’s article makes clear that Bishop Williamson was far from the most extreme member of the 

Father Ramon Angles (rector of the Pius X academy and the college in St. Mary's Kansas) has an 
apartment full of Nazi paraphernalia, which he shows to favored boys. He shows them the Nazi ceremonial 
daggers worn by officers of the Third Reich. He is proud of the vintage Mercedes owned by his family which 
was owned by Adolf Hitler. A one-time student at the academy was favored by a special meeting with 
Father Angles a couple of years ago. In his private room on campus, Angles treated him and a friend to a 
pizza and a showing of the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will. 

He played the film back, stopping it in places commenting with fervor and reading back from the stack 
of Hitler speech transcripts he had at his side. Leni Riefenstahl, the film's producer and a chief propagandist 
for the Third Reich is still alive and resides in South America. Father Angles visits her often (he informs the 
students) and boasts of the association. 

Case also recounted the case of Father Gregory Post, the first American priest ordained into the SSPX, who 

arrived at the San Jose, California airport dressed in the full regalia of an SS army officer, complete with 
helmet, boots and swastika arm bands. San Jose Pius X members who picked him up at the airport were 
indignant, and the then district superior of the society had to fly out to San Jose to reprimand the priest and 
cool off the situation. 

This and other anecdotes led Case to conclude that “There is a virulent sickness of hatred and Hitlerism running through 
the traditional Catholic movement.” 

Lest anyone think that personal animus was the driving force behind the Case article, Fidelity ran a follow up piece three 
years later “In the Line of Fire: John Rizzo, Ex-SSPX” {Fidelity, May 1995), in which Michael Mazza recounts a conversation 

that former SSPX priest Father Rizzo had with Ramon Angles: 

All of a sudden, without any provocation whatsoever, he got up and went over to his bookshelf. He 
pulled out this huge book with the title The Life of Adolf Hitler and a big picture of Hitler on the cover giving 
his salute. He put it on the bridge of his nose, the same way the sub-deacon holds up the Book of the 
Gospels at a solemn High mass. He walked around the coffee table in his apartment, making the noise of a 
thurible ("ching ching ching ching"). After he sat down he says, "Well, Rizzo, what do you think of that? Isn't 
this great?" He was laughing quite devilishly. He then asked, "What else do you want to talk about? 

When told about Ramon’s antics, “Father Peter Scott ... reportedly responded: “What can I do? I’m afraid of Father 
Angles.” Father Rizzo had similar experiences when he decided to leave the SSPX. On the advice of the legal authorities, 
Rizzo began wearing a bulletproof vest. 

A little over a year after Mazza’s article castigating the SSPX appeared in Fidelity, the editor of that magazine got a 
phone call from a man with a British accent. It was Bishop Williamson and he was calling me not to tell me to wear a bullet 
proof vest but to congratulate me on my book Monsters from the Id . I was dumbfounded. After 30 years of logomachy I can 
count calls like this on the fingers of one hand. 

That conversation led to Bishop Williamson staying at our house not once but twice. During those stays he got to have 
dinner with the Jones family a number of times, and he made a favorable impression on all of us. After his visit, there was a 
standing joke in the Jones family: “What’s the difference between a bishop who has been excommunicated and a bishop in 
good standing with the Church?” 

Answer: “Excommunicated bishops don’t hold grudges.” 

Bishop Williamson’s visit then led to an invitation which he extended to me to speak on horror films at the SSPX 
seminary in Winona. My visit to Winona and the conversations we had there only co nf irmed my first impression. Williamson 
was a man of intelligence-his analysis of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, illustrated by performing excerpts on the piano, is one 
of the best pieces of musical criticism I ever heard or read-and wit. During the preparations for the talk, Bishop Williamson 
and I had to vet the film clips I assembled to illustrate my point. “No R rated films,” he said, “Fidelity might do an expose on 
us if they found out.” 

During the question period after my talk, one of the seminarians asked me whether there were similarities between the 
monsters and the Novus Ordo Mass. When I answered in the negative, he blurted out, “Well, aren’t you a traditionalist? 

“No,” I answered. 

“Well, then what are you doing here?” 

The answer to that question was Bishop Williamson, a man who possesses both intelligence and magnanimity, a rare 
combination in any man these days, and even rarer in a bishop. 

There is another answer to that question, and that answer is Christianity. Unlike Jews who are often exhorted never to 
forget and never to forgive, Christians are taught to do both. Flate, we all learned by reading First Things, is a Jewish virtue. 
The fact that I published what I did about the SSPX and Williamson and that it did not lead to hatred is a tribute to Bishop 
Williamson as a man but also to the religion we both share, a religion which demands both fraternal correction and 
forgiveness. That is what / ’affaire Williamson is all about. It’s about whether, as Yuri Slezkine claims in The Jewish Century, 
we have all become Jews. 

Tom Case said that the main reason Lefebvre’s May 1988 agreement with the Church fell through was the question of the 
bishops. Lefebvre, Case wrote, 

had presented the names of potential bishops and Rome had demurred. The selection of bishops is a 
touchy subject. With papal approval, it is perfectly legitimate. Without papal approval, it is a schismatic act 
and an excommunicable offense... . The real problem of the bishops, in this instance, was not when, but 
who? ... Rome had an extensive dossier on the men favored for consecration. And that is why the pope 
reserves to himself the right of approval, and why it is such a grave act to consecrate a bishop without it. It 
is not a technical matte, but a measure to protect the Faith. How could Rome ever approve a bishop who 
really believed that the pope was a tool of the Freemasons? 

Richard Williamson, according to Case, was the candidate who caused the most consternation in Rome. And it was 
Williamson, according to Case, who persuaded Lefebvre to renege on his agreement when he returned from Rome after signing 
the May 5 accord. “There were too many in the Society (meaning Williamson and company) who simply had not trust in Rome 
at all. Under that pressure, the Archbishop changed his mind.” One of the things Rome found most objectionable was 
Williamson’s views on the Jews. In a Letter from Winona, dated February 1, 1991, Williamson wrote that “Until [the Jews] 
discover their true Messianic vocation [by conversion to Christ], they may be expected to continue fanatical agitation in 
accordance with their false messianic vocation of Jewish world-dominion, to prepare the Anti-Christ’s throne in Jerusalem... 
the wise Catholic will remember that, again, the ex-Christian nations have only their own Liberalism to blame for allowing the 

free circulation within Christendom to the enemies of Christ. ...” 

It was hard not to see God’s hand in all of this. Or was it another instance of the return of the repressed? Rome would 
have never approved Williamson as a bishop, but the fact that he ended up a bishop anyway may have been God’s way of 
saying that some divine intervention was needed to solve the problems Rome had shown itself incapable or unwilling to 
resolve, in particular questions involving the Church’s relations with the Jews. The Lefebvrite Schism has hurt both parties. 
The harm to the SSPX should be obvious by now. But the Church was harmed as well by becoming a de facto bastion of anti- 
Tradition, especially on the question of the Jews. If God was trying to teach the Church a lesson in the Williamson affair, the 
Church was showing reluctance to learn even in the expensive school of experience. Rome seemed determined to snatch defeat 
from the jaws of victory in the Williamson affair as the agonizing of the first few days soon led to a phase of second guessing 
and buck passing. One report had Cardinal Re in a bus full of bishops heading to a liturgical celebration at Santa Maria 
Maggiore mocking Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos as a hopeless buffoon for his mishandling of the excomunications. The New York 
Times (ATT, January 26, 2009, Rachel Donadio, “Healing Schism, Pope Risks Another”) portrayed Cardinal Walter Kasper, 
the director of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the liaison for Vatican-Jewish relations, as distancing 
himself from a debacle that was not of his making. Kasper claimed that he had not been consulted. “It was a decision of the 
pope,” the cardinal said in a telephone interview. A few days later, Kasper was quoted as complaining about “management 
mistakes” and “lack of communication in the Vatican.” 

Less invidious, but along the same lines, was a John Allen article which lectured the Vatican on Public Relations 101. 
Allen called the handling of the lifting of the excommunications “a colossal blunder” and “stunningly inept.” Allen claimed that 
“The Vatican under Benedict XVI still has not learned the lessons of Regensburg.” 

Well, maybe so, but Allen never gets around to telling us just what the lessons of Regensburg were. Was it that the media 
can create incidents to embarrass the pope and the church? Was it that the media can stir up lynch mobs in both Germany and 
Islamic countries? Or were there deeper lessons involved in the Williamson affair which John Allen still hasn’t learned, as, 
for example, the lesson which the Catholic Catechism (para 581) drew from pondering Jesus’s relation to the Jews: “Jesus 
could not help but offend the teachers of the Law for he was not content to propose his interpretation along side theirs, but 
taught the people ‘as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.’” 

The lesson the Catechism proposed applied to both Christ and Christ’s vicar on earth, the pope. Jesus knew intuitively 
that public relations was not going to save him from suffering in his dealings with the Jews. His followers had to learn this 
lesson the hard way. The real lesson of Regensburg was that the Jewish-controlled media will use any pretext to stir up 
animosity against the pope and discord within the Catholic Church? Better public relations techniques, Allen seems to be 
claiming, could have avoided this debacle. But is that true? 

If so, the pope was no stranger to the theological version of public relations. Cardinal Ratzinger tried to finesse the 
Jewish question (i.e., how good relations with the Jews squares with the Gospel admonition to work for their conversion) 
years before he became pope. In Reconciling Gospel and Torah: the Catechism, Cardinal Ratzinger wrote that 

The history of the relationship between Israel and Christendom is drenched with blood and tears. It is a 
history of mistrust and hostility, but also, thank God, a history marked again and again by attempts at 
forgiveness, understanding and mutual acceptance. After Auschwitz, the mission of reconciliation and 
acceptance permits no deferral. Does this hostility result from something in the very faith of Christians? Is it 
something in the "essence of Christianity," such that one would have to prescind from Christianity's core, 
deny Christianity its heart, in order to come to real reconciliation? This is an assumption that some 
Christian thinkers have in fact made in the last few decades in reaction to the horrors of history. Do 
confession of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of the living God and faith in the cross as the redemption of 
mankind contain an implicit condemnation of the Jews as stubborn and blind, as guilty of the death of the 
Son of God? Could it be that the core of the faith of Christians themselves compels them to intolerance, 
even to hostility toward the Jews, and conversely, that the self-esteem of Jews and the defense of their 
historic dignity and deepest convictions oblige them to demand that Christians abandon the heart of their 
faith and so require Jews similarly to forsake tolerance? Is the conflict programmed in the heart of religion 
and only to be overcome by its repudiation? 

To begin with, Cardinal Ratzinger is looking into the wrong end of the telescope. The hostility in question doesn’t result 
“from something in the very faith of Christians.” It is the inexorable result of the Jewish rejection of Logos. But, conceding that, 
“the question remains: Can Christian faith, left in its inner power and dignity, not only tolerate Judaism but accept it in its 
historic mission? Or can it not? Can there be true reconciliation without abandoning the faith, or is reconciliation tied to such 

The Right Questions 

Ratzinger is nothing if not acute in his ability to formulate the right questions. But in spite of that ability, he seems equally 
determined to avoid the obvious answers which both Scripture and Tradition have always given to these questions. As of the 
death of Christ, Judaism had no historical mission because, as of the destruction of the Temple, Judaism, as understood by 
Moses, ceased to exist. This is not to say that the Jewish people will play no distinctive role in the end times. Rather than go 
directly to Scripture, Ratzinger turns to the Catechism in order to maximize the claims he plans to make because, as he puts it: 
“This work has been published by the magisterium of the Catholic Church as an authentic expression of her faith. In recognition 
of the significance of Auschwitz and from the mission of the Second Vatican Council, the matter of reconciliation has been 
inscribed in the catechism as an object of faith.” 

Unfortunately, the passages he cites have to do with the moral law and not the Jews. As a result they can’t answer the 
questions he raises and so when Ratzinger says that: 

The mission of Jesus consists in leading the histories of the nations into the community of the history of 
Abraham, in the history of Israel. His mission is unification, reconciliation, as the Letter to the Ephesians 
(2:18-22) will then present it. The history of Israel should become the history of all, Abraham's sonship 
become extended to the 'many.' 

Conversely, this means that all nations, without the abolishment of the special mission of Israel, become brothers and 
receivers of the promises of the chosen people, they become people of God with Israel through adherence to the will of God 
and through acceptance of the Davidic Kingdom. 

This is true but it does not deal with the fundamental issue, namely the Jewish hostility to Christ and their ongoing 
rejection of Logos. Ratzinger’s text is littered with statements that are undeniably true, but something prevents him from uniting 
these statements into a coherent thesis: 

Old and New Testaments, Jesus and the Sacred Scripture of Israel, appear here as indivisible... . 
Reconciliation in the common recognition of the kingdom of God ... One understands nothing about him if 
one does not enter with him into the dynamic of reconciliation... . He was "to fulfill the law ... With these 
statements we find ourselves at the center of the Christian-Jewish dialogue, we reach the juncture where 
we are faced with the decisive choice between reconciliation and alienation... . Beyond all historic and 
strictly theological discussions, we find ourselves placed in the middle of the question of the present 
responsibility of Jews and Christians before the modern world. This responsibility consists precisely in 
representing the truth of the one will of God before the world and thus placing man before this inner truth, 
which is at the same time his way. Jews and Christians must bear witness to the one God, to the Creator of 
Heaven and Earth and do this in that entirety which Psalm 19 formulates in an exemplary way. 

Then, as if to say that he hasn’t convinced himself, Ratzinger comes back to the same nagging question: “Does such a 
view of the relationship between the law and the Gospel not come down to an unacceptable attempt at harmonization?” 
Ratzinger seems haunted by the fact that the answer to that question, in spite of the project of Vatican II, seems to be ‘yes.’ The 
more scriptural evidence he brings us (and he doesn’t bring up much) the more he undermines his own argument: 

How does one explain then the conflict which led to Jesus's cross? Does all of this not stand in 
contradiction to St. Paul's interpretation of the figure of Jesus? Are we not denying here the entire Pauline 
doctrine of grace in favor of a new moralism, thereby abolishing ... the essential innovation of Christianity? 
... Reconciliation and separation appear thus to be tied up in a virtually insolvable paradox. 

In the catechism's theology of the New Testament, the cross cannot simply be viewed as an accident 
which actually could have been avoided nor as the sin of Israel with which Israel becomes eternally stained 
in contrast to the pagans for whom the cross signifies redemption. In the New Testament there are not two 
effects of the cross: a damning one and a saving one, but only a single effect, which is saving and 

Instead of seeing the cross as proof that reconciliation on human terms is impossible and conflict with the Jews is 
unavoidable, Ratzinger switches horses in mid-stream and appeals to the Catechism as a kind of deus ex machina that gets him 
out of trouble and lends an aura of infallibility by bringing up issues that are beside the point, namely, 

Jews are not collectively responsible for Jesus's death" The catechism recalls that esteemed Jewish 
personages were followers of Jesus according to the witness of the Gospels, that according to St. John, 
shortly before Jesus's death "many even of the authorities believed in him" (Jn 12:42)... . St. James is also 
mentioned, who commented, "How many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have 

believed; they are all zealous for the law" (Acts 21:20). Thus it is elucidated that the report of Jesus's trial 
cannot substantiate a charge of collective Jewish guilt. The Second Vatican Council is expressly cited: 
"Neither all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes committed 
during his passion ... The Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from Holy 
Scripture... . All sinners were the authors of Christ's passion. 

Personal Narrative 

At this point Ratzinger’s narrative shifts from the infallible to the personal, “Already as a child,” he tells us, “I could not 
understand how some people wanted to derive a condemnation of Jews from the death of Jesus because the following thought 
had penetrated my soul as something profoundly consoling: Jesus’s blood raises no calls for retaliation but calls all to 

What Church document calls for retaliation? “ Sicut Iudeis non ...” the official Church teaching on the Jews for the 
millennium between the time when Pope St. Gregory the Great first formulated it until Nostra Aetate, stated specifically, 
repeatedly and unequivocally, that no one had the right to harm the Jew. Nostra Aetate did not repudiate “ Sicut Iudeis non ...”; 
it simply ignored it and proposed in its stead a number of statements which got turned into an experiment, which was not part of 
the original text. Ratzinger articulates that the aspiration behind that experiment, which could also be seen as a “hope” or a 
fantasy, when he writes: 

Jews and Christians should accept each other in profound inner reconciliation, neither in disregard of 
their faith nor in its denial, but out of the depth of faith itself. In their mutual reconciliation they should 
become a force for peace in and for the world. Through their witness to the one God, who cannot be adored 
apart from the unity of love of God and neighbor, they should open the door into the world for this God so 
that his will be done and so that it become on earth "as it is in heaven," "so that his kingdom come." 

Who can disagree with a statement like this? It is indisputably true to say that Jews “should become a force for peace in 
and for the world,” and they probably would do so, if it were not for their tragic rejection of Logos, a rejection which made 
them “enemies of the whole human race.” “Should” is the keyword here. Ratzinger can only promote his vision, the experiment 
of Vatican II, by ignoring the clear testimony of the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of St. Paul, the Church 
Fathers, and the teaching of the medieval Church based upon “ Sicut Iudeis non ...” about what kind of people the Jews 
became when they rejected Christ, the Logos, and how Christians were supposed to deal with them. In the final analysis, 
Cardinal Ratzinger is giving expression to a personal vision, which no matter how laudable (or naive) is not a theological 
reality. Vatican II was a valid council which gave birth to a hope which became a shared fantasy as time went on. Vatican II 
gave birth to an experiment based on the premise that the Church had nothing to fear from the modern world. That experiment 
involved accepting certain terms as the world defined them, and one of those terms was “Jew,” and another was “anti- 
Semitism” In the aftermath of Vatican II, the Church appeared to accept the Enlightenment’s definition of the Jew, as proposed 
by thinkers like Lessing in Nathan der Weise. There was no theological reality at the foundation of this experiment, and so it 
was doomed to failure, a failure we are now witnessing as it unfolds in front of us. 

The theological reality of the situation can be found in Scripture, which ultimately defines the Jew for us as the rejecter 
of Christ and Logos and, therefore, a follower of Satan, as described in John 8. Or as “enemies of the whole human race,” as 
Paul puts it, or as “the synagogue of Satan.” “The Jews,” according to St. Paul, are “the people who put the Lord Jesus to 
death, and the prophets too. And now they have been persecuting us, and acting in a way that cannot please God and makes 
them the enemies of the whole human race, because they are hindering us from preaching to the pagans and trying to save them. 
They never stop trying to finish off the sins they have begun, but retribution is overtaking them at last.” The note from the New 
American Bible informs us: 

Paul is speaking of historical opposition on the part of Palestinian Jews in particular and does so only 
some 20 years after Jesus's crucifixion. Even so, he quickly proceeds to depict the persecutors typologically, 
in apocalyptic terms. His remarks give no grounds for anti-Semitism to those willing to understand him, 
especially in view of St. Paul's pride in his own ethnic and religious background. 

We concur. The conclusion derived from St. Paul’s epistle to the Thessalonians is inescapable. A Christian cannot be 
anti-Semitic, but a Christian must be anti-Jewish. Christians who attempt to minimalize the anti-Jewish nature of the Catholic 
faith invariably end up denying both the Gospel and Tradition. The most basic fact of Jewish-Christian dialogue has to be a 
candid admission that the Catholic faith is, as Mischa Brumlich put it in 1989, ‘ judenfeindlich .” If the Jews want to talk to us 
after we admit that fact, then maybe Jewish-Catholic dialogue will have some purpose after all, but sooner or later the Church 
is going to have to accept this fact because it is part of the DNA of Christianity and not even a mind as great as that of Pope 
Benedict XVI can finesse this fundamental co nf lict. 

This is also, of course, the fundamental clarification which the Jews by their constant and indiscriminate use of the term 
“anti-Semitism” want to obscure. There are over one billion Catholics in the world. And yet as of the third week of the 
Williamson crisis not one had stepped forward to say that there was a fundamental difference between Mein Kampf and the 
writings of St. Paul, and, more importantly, that the use of the term “anti-Semitism” is not an accurate account of what both 
Adolf Hitler and St. Paul believed. 

To be fair, Cardinal Ratzinger made precisely this point ten years ago when the Church released the document entitled 

“We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah ” in 1998. As Gustav Niehbuhr wrote in the New York Times on March 29, 1998, 
“We Remember” “bluntly condemns the Nazi genocide and calls the church to repentance on behalf of Catholics who did 
nothing to stop it. But it also carefully distinguishes between centuries of ‘anti-Judaism’ as a religious teaching and the Nazis’ 
murderous anti-Semitism which, the document says, had its ‘roots outside Christianity.’” A comment like this was crying out to 
be made during the Williamson affair, but instead of clarifying the issue, the church relied on “spokesmen” like Matthias Kopp, 
as the mouthpiece of the German bishops, and allowed them to muddy the waters by claiming that the Church must fight “every 
form of anti-Semitism” without even a remote attempt to define the term. Sooner or later the Church is going to have to make 
the distinction between being anti-Semitic which is wrong, sinful, and stupid, and being anti-Jewish, which, correctly 
understood, is a virtue for Christians. It looks as if the only way that this is going to happen is for God to drag the Church 
kicking and screaming to where it does not want to go, through incidents like the Williamson affair. 

Failure to distinguish between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism continued to drive the crisis by allowing discourse to 
revolve around an undefined term. As we have come to expect in circumstances like this, two officious rabbis stepped forward 
and offered the pope unbidden advice on “What the Pope should do to Reassure the World,” ( Washington Post, 1/30/09). 
Abraham Cooper and Yitzchok Adlerstein, as we have come to expect, insist that the pope inform the SSPX that “that there is 
no turning back the clock on the teachings of Vatican II,” which is to say, on their interpretation of Vatican II, as removing “the 
effects of hundreds of years of Church-inspired anti-Semitism and persecution.” Vatican II, according to the rabbis, “also 
helped bring Catholicism firmly into an age of modernity,” and that “allowed hundreds of millions of Catholics to escape the 
tension between modernity and sincere religious belief.” These Catholics, the rabbis tell us, “do not want to see a return to the 
medieval abbey.” 

It’s touching to hear that Rabbis Cooper and Adlerstein want to promote Church teaching, but by now, 50 years after 
Nostra Aetate, Jewish zeal for Catholic teaching raises skepticism about ulterior motives and suspicions that their zeal is more 
bound up with the Jews’ insatiable desire to control discourse than any desire to promote the Catholic faith. What the rabbis 
really want is control of the Catholic Church, through control of the categories of ecclesial discourse. The healing of the schism 
was a threat to this status quo. 

Sandro Magister, (“No more excommunication for the Lefebvrists. But Peace is still far off, Chiesa online) supported the 
same status quo from inside the Catholic Church. According to Magister, “The fundamental reason behind the uproar is the 
anti-Jewish theology that generally distinguishes the Lefebvritsts. According to many Jews, the Catholic Church does too little 
to oppose this anti-Judaism and demand that its supporters recant.” Once the argument gets framed in terms of “anti-Judaism,” 
the next question becomes, “Is the Church anti-Jewish?” That question can be answered by reading the Scriptures and Vatican 
II and interpreting the latter in terms of the former, which seems to be the modus operandi of the pope, who according to 
Magister, told the Roman Curia on December 22, 2005, that “Vatican II did not mark any rupture with the tradition of the 
Church, but was in continuity with this even where it seemed to mark a clear break with the past... .” 

The SSPX is right. There is a crisis. Unfortunately, Bishop Fellay is reluctant to say where the most glaring break with 
tradition has occurred, namely, on the question of the Church’s relation to the Jews. 

The crisis manifests itself by a debilitating lack of clarity, as when Magister writes: 

At the Angelus on Saturday, January 25, Benedict spoke boldly about the "conversion" of Paul, a Jew. 
He even said that for Paul, the term "conversion" is improper, "because he was already a believer in fact a 
fervent Jew, nor did he have to abandon the Jewish faith in order to adhere to Christ." 

The Rabbis from Los Angeles were, if anything, moderate in comparison to other Jewish leaders. Alan Dershowitz 
entered the Williamson affair when he accused Cardinal Martino of anti-Semitism for saying that Gaza “resembles a big 
concentration camp.” Dershowitz, like the rabbis, is an expert on canon law, an expertise he exhibits in the following train of 

Any comparison between Israel's action in Gaza and those of Nazis during the Holocaust is not only 
obscene, it is blatantly anti-Semitic, which is supposed to be a sin under Vatican law. (It is apparently not, 
however, a sin for a Catholic bishop to deny that the Holocaust occurred at all, since Bishop Richard 
Williamson of Great Britain was welcomed back into the Catholic church after claiming that there were no 
gas chambers and that the Jews are lying when they say that 6 million of them were killed, when according 
to that bigot in robes, a mere 300,000 Jews died during the entire Holocaust). 

Dershowitz then invoked the principle of double effect to justify Israeli actions in Gaza: 

An essential aspect of Christian teaching, and especially of Catholic teaching, is the important principle 
that distinguishes between intentionally killing an innocent person, and unintentionally killing an innocent 
person in the process of legitimately trying to prevent harm to one's self or others. This concept, known as 
the principle of double effect, is central to Catholic theology. It traces its roots to Thomas Aquinas and has 
had enormous influence on moral thinking not only within the Catholic Church, but throughout Christianity 

and indeed in the secular world as well. Understanding and complying with this principle may literally mean 
the difference between eternal damnation and eternal salvation. That's how important it is. 

Dershowitz’s claim to the principle of double effect is based on an even more dubious claim, namely, that Israeli 
Defense Forces may have “inadvertently” killed “some Palestinian civilians” but only because they were “used as human 
shields by Hamas.” 

Dershowitz then lashes out at the Catholic Church, claiming that the pope is “anti-Catholic” because 

The Pope himself has been guilty of invoking such moral equivalence between these very different 
actions. Indeed it is fair to say that the Vatican's entire approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict has been to 
suggest a false moral equivalence... . Church leaders know better. They understand precisely what they are 
doing. They are making utilitarian, pragmatic and very anti-Catholic cynical judgments calculated to bolster 
the influence of The Church in the Middle East. It might be understandable for secular nations to act in so 
amoral, if not immoral, a manner, but it is entirely unacceptable for the Catholic Church, which eschews 
utilitarianism and preaches moral consistency and absolutism to act in so cynical a way. 

This is especially troubling, because the church tends to forget its own teachings primarily when it deals 
with the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Its long history of discrimination and bigotry against Jews- 
slaughtering entire Jewish communities on the way to the Crusades, murdering entire Jewish communities 
during the inquisitions, fomenting pogroms, and signing a pact with Hitler during the Holocaust-should 
make it even more concerned about applying a double standard of morality to the Jewish state. But that's 
exactly what it does. And then it complains when critics point to this obvious double standard. 

Dershowitz’s comments are a good indication of the fruits of nearly 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue. Just think how 
intemperate Dershowitz might have been without the benign influence of Nostra Aetate guiding him His comments about the 
Church “signing a pact with Hitler during the Holocaust,” nonetheless, raises interesting historical parallels. It recalls Matthias 
Kopp’s statement about the Vatican’s pact with Israel in 1993, the ongoing genocide the Israelis have been waging against the 
Palestinians, and the Church’s very real (if not total) silence in the face of this holocaust. Dershowitz may invoke the principle 
of double effect as informing the IDF’s strategy and claim that the 1300 Palestinians who perished there during the last two 
weeks of December 2008 died as a result of being used as “human shields” by Hamas, but Noam Chomsky’s account of what 
happened in Gaza tells a different story. According to Chomsky the Saturday December 27 attack on Gaza 

had been meticulously planned, for over 6 months according to the Israeli press. The planning had two 
components: military and propaganda. It was based on the lessons of Israel's 2006 invasion of Lebanon, 
which was considered to be poorly planned and badly advertised. We may, therefore, be fairly confident 
that most of what has been done and said was pre-planned and intended. 

That surely includes the timing of the assault: shortly before noon, when children were returning from 
school and crowds were milling in the streets of densely populated Gaza City. It took only a few minutes to 
kill over 225 people and wound 700, an auspicious opening to the mass slaughter of defenseless civilians 
trapped in a tiny cage with nowhere to flee. 

In his retrospective "Parsing Gains of Gaza War," New York Times correspondent Ethan Bronner cited 
this achievement as one of the most significant of the gains. Israel calculated that it would be 
advantageous to appear to "go crazy," causing vastly disproportionate terror, a doctrine that traces back to 
the 1950s. "The Palestinians in Gaza got the message on the first day," Bronner wrote, "when Israeli 
warplanes struck numerous targets simultaneously in the middle of a Saturday morning. Some 200 were 
killed instantly, shocking Hamas and indeed all of Gaza." The tactic of "going crazy" appears to have been 
successful, Bronner concluded: there are "limited indications that the people of Gaza felt such pain from this 
war that they will seek to rein in Hamas," the elected government. That is another long-standing doctrine 
of state terror. I don't, incidentally, recall the Times retrospective "Parsing Gains of Chechnya War," though 
the gains were great. 

The meticulous planning also presumably included the termination of the assault, carefully timed to be 
just before the inauguration, so as to minimize the (remote) threat that Obama might have to say some 
words critical of these vicious US-supported crimes. 

Two weeks after the Sabbath opening of the assault, with much of Gaza already pounded to rubble and 
the death toll approaching 1000, the UN Agency UNRWA, on which most Gazans depend for survival, 

announced that the Israeli military refused to allow aid shipments to Gaza, saying that the crossings were 
closed for the Sabbath. To honor the holy day, Palestinians at the edge of survival must be denied food and 
medicine, while hundreds can be slaughtered by US jet bombers and helicopters. 

The rigorous observance of the Sabbath in this dual fashion attracted little if any notice. That makes 
sense. In the annals of US-Israeli criminality, such cruelty and cynicism scarcely merit more than a footnote. 
They are too familiar. To cite one relevant parallel, in June 1982 the US-backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon 
opened with the bombing of the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, later to become famous as 
the site of terrible massacres supervised by the IDF (Israeli "Defense" Forces). The bombing hit the local 
hospital — the Gaza hospital — and killed over 200 people, according to the eyewitness account of an 
American Middle East academic specialist. The massacre was the opening act in an invasion that 
slaughtered some 15-20,000 people and destroyed much of southern Lebanon and Beirut, proceeding with 
crucial US military and diplomatic support. That included vetoes of Security Council resolutions seeking to 
halt the criminal aggression that was undertaken, as was scarcely concealed, to defend Israel from the 
threat of peaceful political settlement, contrary to many convenient fabrications about Israelis suffering 
under intense rocketing, a fantasy of apologists. 

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert, who unlike Alan Dershowitz, was in Gaza when the Israelis attacked: 

described the scene of horror as an "All out war against the civilian population of Gaza." He estimated 
that half the casualties are women and children. The men are almost all civilians as well, by civilized 
standards. Gilbert reports that he had scarcely seen a military casualty among the 100s of bodies. The IDF 
concurs. Hamas "made a point of fighting at a distance — or not at all," Ethan Bronner reports while 
"parsing the gains" of the US-Israeli assault. So Hamas's manpower remains intact, and it was mostly 
civilians who suffered pain: a positive outcome, according to widely-held doctrine. 

These estimates were confirmed by UN humanitarian chief John Holmes, who informed reporters that it 
is "a fair presumption" that most of the civilians killed were women and children in a humanitarian crisis 
that is "worsening day by day as the violence continues." But we could be comforted by the words of Israeli 
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, the leading dove in the current electoral campaign, who assured the world that 
there is no "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza, thanks to Israeli benevolence. 

Unlike Alan Dershowitz, Israeli officials admit openly that civilians are deliberately targeted. In fact it has always been 
part of Israel’s strategy in dealing with the Palestinians: 

All of this is normal, and quite openly discussed by high Israeli officials. Thirty years ago Chief of Staff 
Mordechai Gur observed that since 1948, "we have been fighting against a population that lives in villages 
and cities." As Israel's most prominent military analyst, Zeev Schiff, summarized his remarks, "the Israeli 
Army has always struck civilian populations, purposely and consciously ... the Army, he said, has never 
distinguished civilian [from military] targets ... [but] purposely attacked civilian targets." The reasons were 
explained by the distinguished statesman Abba Eban: "there was a rational prospect, ultimately fulfilled, 
that affected populations would exert pressure for the cessation of hostilities." The effect, as Eban well 
understood, would be to allow Israel to implement, undisturbed, its programs of illegal expansion and harsh 
repression. Eban was commenting on a review of Labor government attacks against civilians by Prime 
Minister Begin, presenting a picture, Eban said, "of an Israel wantonly inflicting every possible measure of 
death and anguish on civilian populations in a mood reminiscent of regimes which neither Mr.Begin nor I 
would dare to mention by name." Eban did not contest the facts that Begin reviewed, but criticized him for 
stating them publicly. Nor did it concern Eban, or his admirers, that his advocacy of massive state terror is 
also reminiscent of regimes he would not dare to mention by name. 

Eban's justification for state terror is regarded as persuasive by respected authorities. As the current US- 
Israel assault raged, Times columnist Thomas Friedman explained that Israel's tactics both in the current 
attack and in its invasion of Lebanon in 2006 are based on the sound principle of "trying to 'educate' 
Hamas, by inflicting a heavy death toll on Hamas militants and heavy pain on the Gaza population." That 
makes sense on pragmatic grounds, as it did in Lebanon, where "the only long-term source of deterrence 
was to exact enough pain on the civilians — the families and employers of the militants — to restrain 
Hezbollah in the future." And by similar logic, bin Laden's effort to "educate" Americans on 9/11 was highly 
praiseworthy, as were the Nazi attacks on Lidice and Oradour, Putin's destruction of Grozny, and other 

notable attempts at "education." 

Israel has taken pains to make clear its dedication to these guiding principles. NYT correspondent 
Stephen Erlanger reports that Israeli human rights groups are "troubled by Israel's strikes on buildings they 
believe should be classified as civilian, like the parliament, police stations and the presidential palace" — 
and, we may add, villages, homes, densely populated refugee camps, water and sewage systems, 
hospitals, schools and universities, mosques, UN relief facilities, ambulances, and indeed anything that 
might relieve the pain of the unworthy victims. A senior Israeli intelligence officer explained that the IDF 
attacked "both aspects of Hamas — its resistance or military wing and its dawa, or social wing "the latter a 
euphemism for the civilian society. "He argued that Hamas was all of a piece," Erlanger continues, "and in 
a war, its instruments of political and social control were as legitimate a target as its rocket caches." 
Erlanger and his editors add no comment about the open advocacy, and practice, of massive terrorism 
targeting civilians, though correspondents and columnists signal their tolerance or even explicit advocacy of 
war crimes, as noted. But keeping to the norm, Erlanger does not fail to stress that Hamas rocketing is "an 
obvious violation of the principle of discrimination and fits the classic definition of terrorism." 

Like others familiar with the region, Middle East specialist Fawwaz Gerges observes that "What Israeli 
officials and their American allies do not appreciate is that Hamas is not merely an armed militia but a 
social movement with a large popular base that is deeply entrenched in society." Hence when they carry 
out their plans to destroy Hamas's "social wing," they are aiming to destroy Palestinian society. 

Gerges may be too kind. It is highly unlikely that Israeli and American officials — or the media and other 
commentators — do not appreciate these facts. Rather, they implicitly adopt the traditional perspective of 
those who monopolize means of violence: our mailed fist can crush any opposition, and if our furious 
assault has a heavy civilian toll, that's all to the good: perhaps the remnants will be properly educated. 

IDF officers clearly understand that they are crushing the civilian society. Ethan Bronner quotes an 
Israeli Colonel who says that he and his men are not much "impressed with the Hamas fighters." "They are 
villagers with guns," said a gunner on an armored personnel carrier. They resemble the victims of the 
murderous IDF "iron fist" operations in occupied southern Lebanon in 1985, directed by Shimon Peres, one 
of the great terrorist commanders of the era of Reagan's "War on Terror." During these operations, Israeli 
commanders and strategic analysts explained that the victims were "terrorist villagers," difficult to 
eradicate because "these terrorists operate with the support of most of the local population." An Israeli 
commander complained that "the terrorist... has many eyes here, because he lives here," while the military 
correspondent of the Jerusalem Post described the problems Israeli forces faced in combating the "terrorist 
mercenary," "fanatics, all of whom are sufficiently dedicated to their causes to go on running the risk of 
being killed while operating against the IDF," which must "maintain order and security" in occupied 
southern Lebanon despite "the price the inhabitants will have to pay." The problem has been familiar to 
Americans in South Vietnam, Russians in Afghanistan, Germans in occupied Europe, and other aggressors 
that find themselves implementing the Gur-Eban-Friedman doctrine. 

Norman Finkelstein makes the same point, in a well-documented article: 

The operative plan for the Gaza bloodbath can be gleaned from authoritative statements after the war 
got underway: "What we have to do is act systematically with the aim of punishing all the organizations 
that are firing the rockets and mortars, as well as the civilians who are enabling them to fire and hide" 
(reserve Major-General); "After this operation there will not be one Hamas building left standing in Gaza" 
(Deputy IDF Chief of Staff); "Anything affiliated with Hamas is a legitimate target" (IDF Spokesperson's 
Office).Whereas Israel killed a mere 55 Lebanese during the first two days of the 2006 war, the Israeli 
media exulted at Israel's "shock and awe" (Maariv) as it killed more than 300 Palestinians in the first two 
days of the attack on Gaza. Several days into the slaughter an informed Israeli strategic analyst observed, 
"The IDF, which planned to attack buildings and sites populated by hundreds of people, did not warn them 
in advance to leave, but intended to kill a great many of them, and succeeded." Morris could barely contain 
his pride at "Israel's highly efficient air assault on Hamas." The Israeli columnist B. Michael was less 
impressed by the dispatch of helicopter gunships and jet planes "over a giant prison and firing at its people" 
— for example, "70 ... traffic cops at their graduation ceremony, young men in desperate search of a 
livelihood who thought they'd found it in the police and instead found death from the skies." 

As Israel targeted schools, mosques, hospitals, ambulances, and U.N. sanctuaries, as it slaughtered and 
incinerated Gaza's defenseless civilian population (one-third of the 1,200 reported casualties were 
children), Israeli commentators gloated that "Gaza is to Lebanon as the second sitting for an exam is to the 
first — a second chance to get it right," and that this time around Israel had "hurled [Gaza] back," not 20 
years as it promised to do in Lebanon, but "into the 1940s. Electricity is available only for a few hours a 
day"; that "Israel regained its deterrence capabilities" because "the war in Gaza has compensated for the 
shortcomings of the [2006] Second Lebanon War"; and that "There is no doubt that Hezbollah leader 
Hassan Nasrallah is upset these days. ...There will no longer be anyone in the Arab world who can claim 
that Israel is weak." ( http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=ll&ar=2542 ) 

Israel’s “all out war against the civilian population of Gaza” included, Chomsky reminds us, the use of white phosphorus 
in the shelling of a hospital and a United Nations food warehouse in Gaza City: 

The shelling destroyed "hundreds of tons of emergency food and medicines set for distribution today to 
shelters, hospitals and feeding centres," according to UNRWA director John Ging. Military strikes at the 
same time destroyed two floors of the al-Quds hospital, setting it ablaze, and also a second warehouse run 
by the Palestinian Red Crescent society. The hospital in the densely-populated Tal-Hawa neighbourhood 
was destroyed by Israeli tanks "after hundreds of frightened Gazans had taken shelter inside as Israeli 
ground forces pushed into the neighbourhood," AP reported. 

There was nothing left to salvage inside the smoldering ruins of the hospital. "They shelled the building, 
the hospital building. It caught fire. We tried to evacuate the sick people and the injured and the people 
who were there. Firefighters arrived and put out the fire, which burst into flames again and they put it out 
again and it came back for the third time," paramedic Ahmad Al-Haz told AP. It was suspected that the 
blaze might have been set by white phosphorous, also suspected in numerous other fires and serious burn 

The suspicions were confirmed by Amnesty International after the cessation of the intense 
bombardment made inquiry possible. Before, Israel had sensibly barred all journalists, even Israeli, while 
its crimes were proceeding in full fury. Israel's use of white phosphorus against Gaza civilians is "clear and 
undeniable," AI reported. Its repeated use in densely populated civilian areas "is a war crime," AI 
concluded. They found white phosphorus edges scattered around residential buildings, still burning, "further 
endangering the residents and their property," particularly children "drawn to the detritus of war and often 
unaware of the danger." Primary targets, they report, were the UNRWA compound, where the Israeli "white 
phosphorus landed next to some fuel trucks and caused a large fire which destroyed tons of humanitarian 
aid" after Israeli authorities "had given assurance that no further strikes would be launched on the 
compound." On the same day, "a white phosphorus shell landed in the al-Quds hospital in Gaza City also 
causing a fire which forced hospital staff to evacuate the patients. ... White phosphorus landing on skin can 
burn deep through muscle and into the bone, continuing to burn unless deprived of oxygen." Purposely 
intended or beyond depraved indifference, such crimes are inevitable when this weapon is used in attacks 
on civilians. 

The fact that Israeli troops used white phosophorus on civilians in Gaza was not mentioned as part of the Williamson 
affair (although Alan Dershowitz did drag both Bishop Williamson and Cardinal Martino into his discussion of Gaza) because 
what people like Alan Dershowitz engage in is an acceptable form of “holocaust denial.” Catholic bishops are not permitted to 
question any aspect of the holocaust narrative, but Jewish law professors and Israeli rabbis are allowed to advocate genocide 
with impunity. They are allowed to engage in the worst form of “holocaust denial,” denial of the holocaust as it is actually 
happening in places like Gaza. At the risk of having Alan Dershowitz call us anti-Semitic, let’s compare Bishop Williamson’s 
comments and the outrage they generated with the silence surrounding the statement of Israeli rabbis who previously urged the 
IDF to commit war crimes and genocide in Gaza. From a public relations perspective there is no basis for comparison because 
Rabbinic holocaust denial went unmentioned in the press accounts of the Israeli attack on Gaza. As Noam Chomsky points out: 

The ravings of the political and military leaders are mild as compared to the preaching of rabbinical 
authorities. They are not marginal figures. On the contrary, they are highly influential in the army and in 
the settler movement, who Zertal and Eldar reveal to be "lords of the land," with enormous impact on 
policy. Soldiers fighting in northern Gaza were afforded an "inspirational" visit from two leading rabbis, who 
explained to them that there are no "innocents" in Gaza, so everyone there is a legitimate target, quoting a 

famous passage from Psalms calling on the Lord to seize the infants of Israel's oppressors and dash them 
against the rocks. The rabbis were breaking no new ground. A year earlier, the former chief Sephardic rabbi 
wrote to Prime Minister Olmert, informing him that all civilians in Gaza are collectively guilty for rocket 
attacks, so that there is "absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during 
a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings," as the Jerusalem 
Post reported his ruling. His son, chief rabbi of Safed, elaborated: "If they don't stop after we kill 100, then 
we must kill a thousand, and if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop 
we must kill 100,000, even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop." 

Just as a combination thought experiment and reality check, try to imagine a Catholic bishop making a statement like the 
one you just read. If you find this hard to imagine, you need to ask a few questions. Why is there outrage when a Catholic 
bishop raises theoretical historical questions about a war 60 years in the past, but not even a peep of reproach when a rabbi 
advocates the murder of 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, or even a million Palestinians? Why is the Church silent in the face of this 
holocaust? Who is the real holocaust denier? Bishop Williamson or Alan Dershowitz? 

Thought Experiment 

Let’s continue our thought experiment by considering the following allegory. Suppose a German were elected pope. 
Suppose the Papal States still had an army, as they did during the Middle Ages. Suppose that after ascending the throne of 
Peter, the German pope began bringing Germans to live with him in the Vatican. After a few months it was becoming clear that 
the Germans who had come to live at the Vatican at the pope’s invitation were now running out of room or, to use the German 
term, “ Lebensraum .” As a result the Germans began moving into adjacent neighborhoods driving the Romans from their homes, 
killing anyone who resisted, and stealing their property. Whole sections of Rome were ethnically cleansed and the Italians 
whose property was confiscated by the Germans were rounded up and put in refugee or concentration camps, where they were 
slowly starved to death by being deprived of food, electricity and water. 

Whenever the displaced Romans complained too loudly, the German pope would send in his fleet of helicopter gunships 
and destroy their hospitals, schools, and other public buildings, especially when the terrorized civilian population would 
gather there to escape the bombing. The pope’s aircraft, supplied by Germany, would also drop white phosphorus bombs on 
UN warehouses containing food for the starving civilian population. Just before the pope launched this campaign of genocide 
on the ethnically cleansed Italians, he ordered all of the world’s bishops to denounce anyone who protested as “anti-Catholic.” 
The bishops also told the pope’s troops that they should have no qualms about killing innocent women and children because 
Italians were racially inferior and because the Italian Liberation Organization used them as human shields anyway. 

Can anyone seriously imagine world opinion tolerating such a situation? If not, how is it that world opinion, including the 
Catholic Church, tolerates what I have described above when Israelis do it to Palestinians? Doesn’t the silence over what is 
happening in Gaza amount to a much more serious form of “holocaust denial” than anything connected even remotely to what 
Bishop Williamson said? 

“Similar views,” Chomsky continues, 

are expressed by prominent American secular figures. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006, Harvard 
Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz explained in the liberal online journal Huffington Post that all 
Lebanese are legitimate targets of Israeli violence. Lebanon's citizens are "paying the price" for supporting 
"terrorism" — that is, for supporting resistance to Israel's invasion. Accordingly, Lebanese civilians are no 
more immune to attack than Austrians who supported the Nazis. The fatwa of the Sephardic rabbi applies 
to them. In a video on the Jerusalem Post website, Dershowitz went on to ridicule talk of excessive kill 
ratios of Palestinians to Israelis: it should be increased to 1000-to-one, he said, or even 1000-to-zero, 
meaning the brutes should be completely exterminated. Of course, he is referring to "terrorists," a broad 
category that includes the victims of Israeli power, since "Israel never targets civilians," he emphatically 
declared. It follows that Palestinians, Lebanese, Tunisians, in fact anyone who gets in the way of the 
ruthless armies of the Holy State is a terrorist, or an accidental victim of their just crimes. 

The claim that "our side" never targets civilians is familiar doctrine among those who monopolize the 
means of violence. And there is some truth to it. We do not generally try to kill particular civilians. Rather, 
we carry out murderous actions that we know will slaughter many civilians, but without specific intent to kill 
particular ones. In law, the routine practices might fall under the category of depraved indifference, but 
that is not an adequate designation for standard imperial practice and doctrine. It is more similar to 
walking down a street knowing that we might kill ants, but without intent to do so, because they rank so 
low that it just doesn't matter. The same is true when Israel carries out actions that it knows will kill the 
"grasshoppers" and "two-legged beasts" who happen to infest the lands it "liberates." There is no good 
term for this form of moral depravity, arguably worse than deliberate murder, and all too familiar. 

Just as Vaffaire Williamson was dying down, Caesar entered the fray to stir things up again. On January 31, 2009, 50 
Catholic politicians wrote to the pope demanding that “you publicly state your unequivocal position on this mater so that it is 
clear where the Church stands on one of the most consequential events of the 20th century. To neglect to do so is to allow 
others to portray it as they wish and impede the progress made over so many years toward harmony and reconciliation.” The 
same officials who had grown accustomed to invoking the separation of church and state every time a bishop asked them to 
vote against abortion, now had no qualms about interfering, qua state officials, in the internal workings of the Catholic Church. 

By February 2, the Vatican had regained its composure somewhat, and Press Secretary Lombardi had returned to 
reiterating the Church’s initial response, namely, that lifting the excommunication and holocaust denial were two separate 
issues. But it was only the lull before the next storm, which broke on February 3, when Angela Merkel, Germany’s prime 
minister, turned / ’affaire Williamson into a Church-State issue by calling on the pope to “clarify the situation.” Admitting that 
she was meddling in the internal affairs of the Church, Merkel plunged forward anyway by claiming that the gravity of the 
situation demanded it. “The situation is different because we’re dealing with fundamental issues,” is how she put it. 

“This should not be allowed to pass without consequences,” Frau Merkel said at a news conference in Berlin. “This is 
not just a matter, in my opinion, for the Christian, Catholic and Jewish communities in Germany but the Pope and the Vatican 
should clarify unambiguously that there can be no [holocaust] denial,” she said. “In my opinion, this isn’t just an issue affecting 
the Christian, Catholic and Jewish communities in Germany,” Merkel said on Tuesday, February 3. Rather, it is important that 
the pope clarify “that Holocaust denial cannot be accepted and that, in general, there must be a positive association with 
Judaism as a whole.” She went on to say: “I do not believe that sufficient clarification has been made.” 

By February 3, it was clear that the German bishops had turned on the pope. Cardinal Lehmann who battled with Pope 
John Paul II over the German church’s approval of abortion counseling at Catholic facilities sided publicly with Merkel. 
German Catholics were caught up in the lynch mob mentality being orchestrated by Der Spiegel and Hans Kueng. Many 
Catholics were appalled at Merkel’s interference in what even she admitted were the internal affairs of the Church, but any 
Catholic voice not caught up in the lynch mob mentality was simply eliminated from the harangue against the pope that all of the 
major media outlets were orchestrating. 

The German rabbis weren’t helping matters any. Michel Friedman, former vice-president of the Central Council of 
German Jews, took the 50-year-old tradition of Catholic-Jewish dialogue to new heights when he went on the “Maintower” 
program on Hessian Radio Network and called the pope “a liar and a hypocrite.” Just think what Friedman might have called 
the pope without the soothing benefit of Nostra Aetate\ And why was the pope a hypocrite? Because he claimed to take a stand 
against “every anti-Semite in the world and every holocaust denier” when in fact, “in the middle of the Vatican he accepts them 
with open arms.” 

“Only the excommunication of this anti-Semitic bigot can restore the pope’s credibility,” Friedman concluded. 
( http://www.stem. de/panorama/:Michel-Friedman-Der-Papst-L%FCgner-Heuchler/653817.html ) 

With “dialogue” like this, who needed religious wars? Intemperate language like this was beginning to cause a reaction. 
As one German commentator put it, “the latest media campaign did nothing but widen the chasm separating published opinion 
and the German people. With each new campaign politics and media lost their last shred of credibility. When Die Welt 
commissioned an on-line poll asking “How do youjudge the work of Pope Benedict XVI?” the overwhelming majority ( i.e ., 64 
percent of the 25,000 people taking part in the poll), answered, “Very good. He draws clear lines and does everything right.” 
People commenting in on-line forums were massively censored or deleted or not allowed to answer this question. 

Conspiracy Nut 

Anyone who hinted that the media were orchestrating this outcry was denounced as a conspiracy nut, as when Spiegel 
claimed that “The Vatican is now blaming the incident on a conspiracy to harm the Catholic Church leader.” 

German Jews, on the other hand, were predictably effusive in their praise of Angela Merkel. “(We have) deep respect 
and appreciation for the chancellor for the fact that she spoke out on this difficult matter,” Stephan Kramer, general secretary of 
the Central Council of Jews in Germany, told the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. It shows “the kind of prudence and feeling 
of responsibility she has,” he said. “Kramer’s remarks,” Spiegel continued 

were echoed by Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors 
and their Descendants. "When the German chancellor admonishes a German-born pope, it is an 
extraordinary message," Steinberg wrote in an e-mail to the Associated Press. "Together with the 
expressions of outrage emanating from German and Austrian bishops, these developments have ironically 
strengthened relations between Germany and the world Jewish community." 

Comments like this, however, only strengthened the feeling among rank and file German Catholics that the Jews had 
bribed Merkel to intervene in what she clearly felt was an intra-Catholic issue with a potentially large political downside for 
her if it backfired. 

On February 4, in response to Merkel’s call for “ Klarstellung ” the Vatican issued a statement claiming that Bishop 
Williamson would have to deny “Holocaust denial” before he could be readmitted to the Church as a bishop in good standing. 
Under the heading, “Declarations on the Shoah,” the Vatican Secretary of State announced that 

The positions of Mons. Williamson on the Shoah are absolutely unacceptable and firmly rejected by the 
Holy Father, as he himself remarked on the past January 28, when, referring to that brutal genocide, he 
reaffirmed his full and unquestionable solidarity with our Brethren, receivers of the First Covenant, and 
affirmed that the memory of that terrible genocide must lead "mankind to reflect on the unpredictable 
power of evil when it conquers the heart of man", adding that the Shoah remains "for all a warning against 
forgetfulness, against denial or reductionism, because the violence against a single human being is violence 
against all." 

Bishop Williamson, for an admission to episcopal functions in the Church, will also have to distance himself, in an 
absolutely unequivocal and public manner, from his positions regarding the Shoah, unknown to the Holy Father in the moment 
of the remission of the excommunication. 

Jewish reaction to the announcement was predictable. “This was the sign the Jewish world has been waiting for,” said 
Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. 

In making the announcement, Rome pleaded for prayers and support for the pope as the “Custodian of Unity” in the 
Church, and well it might because requiring Bishop Williamson to deny “Holocaust denial” had the potential for being the 
biggest public relations disaster of the entire Williamson affair, if for no other reason than the number of people it affected. In 
attempting to restore unity to the Church, the pope had enraged the Jews. Now in attempting to placate the Jews, the pope ran 
the risk of alienating over one billion rank and file Catholics by giving them the impression that the Holocaust narrative was 
now an article of faith. Michael Hoffman II, author of Judaism Discovered, made similar claims in an e-mail he sent to the 

Is the rabbinic "Shoah" mysticism now a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church? ... Do Catholics no longer 
have the right to doubt or question aspects of secular history? Does the Magsterium [sic] of the Church now 
decree the undoubted veracity of the figure of Six Million deceased Judaic persons, and the undoubted 
existence of a mass killing operation in Auschwitz-Birkenau, conducted by means of poison gas chambers? 

Are you aware of the extent to which the Crucifixion of Christ has been replaced by Auschwitz as the 
central ontological event of western history? Do you wish to be complicit in the disastrous effects that 
continue to accrue from this derogation of Jesus and deification of man? 

One anonymous commentator on the web made much the same point when he claimed that: 

In the past, a dogma referred only to a matter of Christian faith, and Catholics could believe whatever 
they wanted about historical events. But today's remarks from the Vatican make it clear that the Jewish 
version of the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed in gas chambers, must be believed by every 
Catholic or they're not in communion with the Church. That makes the Holocaust an official dogma of the 
Catholic Faith. 

Administrative Decision 

The situation, however, was neither that bad nor that simple. Theologian Raymond Kevane claims that it is impossible to 
globalize from what is essentially an administrative decision by the pope. 

What the Pope did was to make a priestly and administrative decision which related precisely and only 
to those four bishops: absolve them from their censures, and then reprimand the one for making an 
unfortunate public statement. The Pope was making no theological or doctrinal statement. I believe the 
Pope's overall purpose was obscured by the stupidity of one of the bishops the Pope was being kind to: It 
appears to me that he wants to reinstate in some fashion the liturgy of an earlier time which has been lost. 

As Robert Sungenis, the theologian whose article in Culture Wars got the American bishops to remove their statement 
that the Mosaic covenant was “eternally valid” from their catechism, put it: 

The pope is not insisting on a recanting of his 'holocaust denial' as a requirement to being readmitted to 
the Church, but only as a requirement for having his canonical function as a bishop restored, or what the 
Vatican called his being 'reinstated to episcopal service.' 

Canonically, the pope does have the authority to bind Williamson in this way, since according to Vatican 
I, the pope's disciplinary powers over his clerics are unlimited and no one can question them. So, right or 
wrong on insisting Williamson recant his position, the pope has the right to enact disciplinary measures 
against Williamson. 

Sungenis feels that the Vatican, by placing this requirement on Williamson, “has put itself in a win-win situation,” 
because “it knows that Williamson is probably not going to recant, so he can then be used as the scapegoat. All the blame for 
whatever is bad about traditionalist extremism will be heaped on Williamson, and then Fellay and the other three bishops will 
be eventually re-commissioned under the good grace of both the Catholic Church and the Jews.” 

On the other hand, “if Williamson does recant, the pope still wins, only more dramatically, since now the SSPX has fully 
submitted to his power (and the Jews are happy that the pope has submitted to their power).” 

The only lagging, yet supremely important issue remaining regards the ethical validity of the pope's 
insistence that Williamson recant his opinion without a canonical trial to see if his opinion is, indeed, worthy 
of its claims. Since Williams is being accused of being 'anti-Semitic' for denying a so-called 'fact of history' 
about the Semites, and since 'anti-Semitism' is a mortal sin in the Catholic Church, then a trial is the only 
recourse for determining if, indeed, Williamson is guilty of 'anti-Semitism,' for that could be the only 
grounds upon which he could be formally disciplined by the pope. 

Sungenis went on to say that any “canonical trial to determine whether Williamson is guilty of anti-Semitism” would 
“require a legal investigation of whether there were indeed, six million Jews gassed by the Nazis. This puts the burden on the 
Vatican to prove their case in open court, and severely curtails the Jewish court of public opinion that is now running the 

So, in terms of actual theological fact, no, the holocaust has not been declared a dogma of the Church. But in terms of 
perception, the Catholic faithful once more learn that their concerns take a back seat to the feelings of the Jews. In terms of 
perception, it certainly looked as if the pope caved in to the demands of the emperor and the Jews who were egging her on. 

The pope’s capitulation to Merkel’s demands raised all sorts of historical parallels. Now it was the pope and not 
Barbarossa, the German Emperor, who had to stand barefoot in the snow at Canossa. This time it was a woman and not 
Napoleon who slapped the pope in the face. What Marx referred to as “the cunning of history” was far from exhausted by these 
two examples. 

Sandro Magister, the Italian George Weigel, showed his neocon sympathies when he raised Vatican II to the level of the 
creed. But in doing so, Magister, in an equally neocon way, raised an issue with uncanny historical ramifications, namely, the 
issue of the pope’s “silence.” 

For some, it was easy to throw into the faces of the Vatican authorities their excessive silence on 
another, much more dangerous form of denial of the Holocaust, the one publicly supported by the leaders 
of Iran. In the almost four years of his pontificate, in effect, only once has an official Vatican document 
condemned, in vague words, Iran's intention of wiping Israel from the face of the earth. 

Pope Benedict is now doing exactly what the Jews accused Pius XII of doing. The Jews allege that Pius XII capitulated 
to the German Chancellor, which is precisely what Benedict did when faced with Merkel’s threat. The Jews claim that Pius 
XII was silent when he should have denounced the holocaust, which is precisely what happened during the final two weeks of 

December 2008. The near total silence emanating from Rome at the time of the Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians in 
Gaza during the last two weeks of 2008 was positively deafening. 

By February 10, it looked as if the chain of events was going to prove Sungenis right. Bishop Williamson was being 
made the scapegoat. After telling Spiegel that he planned to reconsider his views on the Holocaust — a process that would 
“take time,” Williamson claimed — Fellay ordered the Rev. Christian Bouchacourt, director of the Latin American branch of 
the SSPX, to fire Williamson from his job as rector of the SSPX seminary in La Reja, Argentina. Bouchacourt claimed that 
Williamson’s views “in no way reflect the position of our congregation” and that by expressing them, Williamson had 
“discredited” the SSPX. 

With Williamson out of the way, Catholic-Jewish dialogue could resume. That meant that the pope could once again talk 
to people like Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who weighed with his own contribution to dialogue by writing an article in the 
Jerusalem Post entitled: “The Pope Must Condemn the Jew-haters in the Church.” Boteach, who, like every other rabbi, is an 
expert in Catholic theology, applauded Angela Merkel, who “is reaching out to a pope to teach him morality.” Unfortunately, 
the pope is a slow learner; “he has yet to simply kick the bishop back to where he belongs — a state of excommunication from 
the Catholic Church.” So — pace, Dr. Sungenis — Holocaust denial is an excommunicable offense after all. It must be true, if 
Rabbi Shmuley says so. 

What follows is Boteach’s character assassination of Pius XII, whom the rabbi refers to as “Hitler’s pope.” As an 
example of Pius XII’s heinous crimes, Boteach mentions the fact the he actually “granted a secret audience to Supreme SS 
Polizeifuhrer Karl Wolff.” As we all know from reading the parable of the Good Samaritan, rabbis like Boteach consider 
people like Wolff ritually unclean. Just being in the same room with a “Supreme SS Polizeifuhrer” is enough to bring about 
moral contamination, something Rabbi Shmuley alludes to when he says, “That Pius realized he was doing something that 
others would regard as immoral is attested to by the fact that the meeting took place in great secrecy and Wolff came dressed in 
disguise.” Are we to imagine Pius XII calling Wolff on the phone and telling him to come in disguise? Or are there other more 
plausible explanations here? Whatever. Rabbis have the charism of infallibility when it comes to reading other people’s minds, 
especially the minds of dead popes. But not content to leave it at that, Rabbi Shmuley feels compelled to come up with the 
smoking gun in the Pius XII case. The pope, according to Boteach condemns himself with his own words, or at least the words 
of Karl Wolff: “Years later,” Boteach writes, “Wolff had this to say about the meeting: ‘From the pope’s own words I could 
sense the sincerity of his sympathy and how much he loved the German people.’” At this point we can imagine Rabbi Boteach 
rending his garments and crying out, “You have heard the blasphemy. Pius XII said that he loved the German people! What 
need of witnesses have we now!” If Pope Benedict wants to know what God thinks of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, we 
recommend a reading of St. Matthew’s account of the Passion and Death of our Savior, in particular 26: 57-68. 

As a further indication of what the pope can learn by engaging in dialogue with people like Rabbi Shmuley, we read: 

The Catholic Church has come a long, long way from its anti-Semitic past. This was done primarily 
though the courage of three of the four most recent popes, great men all, beginning with John XXIII, 
continuing with John Paul II and culminating in the warm friendship offered to the Jewish community by 
Pope Benedict. So why would the pope undermine the warm and outstretched hand he has offered the 
Jewish community by demanding that the sins of his predecessor, the unrighteous Pius XII, be expunged by 
his victims?" 

Why, indeed?! At this point more important questions arise, namely, why would anyone, much less the pope, want to talk 
to an ignorant bigot like Shmuley Boteach? Doesn’t the pope have better things to do with his time? Perhaps as a first step in 
re-starting Catholic-Jewish dialogue, the pope can appoint a commission to untangle Rabbi Shmuley’s Talmudic syntax. Then, 
they can move on to deciphering his mixed metaphors. Why is the pope undermining the warm and outstretched hand he has 
offered the Jewish community? This is Boteach at his irenic best! If this is the way rabbis engage in dialogue with the pope, we 
can imagine how they talk in private. And that, of course, raises the real issue, namely, why does the pope want to talk to 
people like this? Haven’t we had enough of this already? With dialogue like this, who needs logomachy? 

And with these questions still unanswered, we come to the heart of the Williamson affair. The lesson of the last 50 years 
of dialogue is now clear: the Church can have unity or she can have good relations with the Jews, but she can’t have both. The 
two options are mutually exclusive. The more the pope talks with the Jews, the more he destroys the unity of the Church; the 
more the pope attempts to restore unity, as in his lifting of the excommunication of the four bishops, the more he enrages the 

Non datur tertius 

We continue to witness one of the greatest course corrections in the history of the Church. The post-Vatican II era of 
covert Jewish warfare under the name of irenic dialogue is over. The warfare is out in the open now. Dragging Vatican II into 
this discussion is a red herring. Nostra Aetate was not heretical, but by now it should be obvious that the project of Catholic- 
Jewish relations based on NA can’t be construed as anything other than a failed experiment. It failed because Rome took as its 
model Jew Nathan der Weise and not God’s verdict as expressed in I Thess 2: 15. 

In spite of all of the missteps of the Williamson affair, the Church is slowly regaining its footing and its willingness to 
articulate its traditional position against the people that St. Paul referred to as enemies of all mankind. If we need empirical 
evidence that the Jews are “the enemies of the whole human race,” footage of the carnage in Gaza should suffice to convince 
even the most skeptical Philosemite that rejection of Logos has terrible consequences. St. Paul’s statement is as relevant today 
when we were forced to stand by helplessly and watch the slaughter of 1,300 Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis as it was 
when St. Paul first wrote those words. The irony of the past 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue is that it has placed the 
current pope in precisely the situation the Jews have falsely attributed to Pope Pius XII. When Cardinal Martino referred to 
Gaza as a concentration camp, his remarks sparked outrage among the Jews. His comment, however, only points up the silence 
of the Church on the ongoing Palestinian genocide in Gaza. 

The Lefebvrite schism has hurt the church, but it has hurt the Lefbvrites even more. Like all schisms it was based on lack 
of charity, which Catholics consider the worst sin. As St. Paul says (I Cor 13: 1), “If I have all the eloquence of men or of 
angels, but speak without love am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing... . If I give away all that I possess, piece by 
piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatsoever.” 

Reunion, as the pope pointed out in the letter that set off / ’affaire Williamson, means the triumph of charity. Reunion, as 
Bishop Fellay points out, also means a rehabilitation of tradition. Reunion means that the Church regains her strength. All of 
this has consequences for the Jews. When the Church is strong, the Jews are weak. The Middle Ages are evidence of that. 
When the Church is weak, the Jews are strong. The last 50 years are certainly evidence of that. The Jews don’t want this 
wound to be healed for obvious reasons. But as Henry V said after the French embassy had gone back to their lines to prepare 
for an attack, “Our lives are in God’s hands, not theirs.” 

Chapter Two: Holocaust Denial and Thought Control and Deborah Lipstadt 

On March 25, 2009, Notre Dame was embroiled in the biggest controversy to hit the campus since the performance of 
The Vagina Monologues. A few days earlier, Notre Dame president John Jenkins, CSC had announced that the university 
planned to give President Barack Obama an honorary doctorate. Within hours of the announcement a storm of protest erupted 
which showed no sign of dying down any time soon. Citing the statement of the US Catholic Bishops in 2004 — “The Catholic 
community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They 
should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions” — the ordinary of the Diocese 
of Fort Wayne-South Bend, John M. D’Arcy announced that, for the first time in 25 years, he would not be attending graduation 
ceremonies at Notre Dame, because “President Obama has recently affirmed, and has now placed in public policy, his long 
stated unwillingness to hold human life as sacred.” 

By March 25, 2009 over 100,000 people had signed a petition condemning Notre Dame’s actions, and Bishop Thomas J. 
Olmstead of the Phoenix, Arizona diocese joined with his colleague Bishop D’Arcy in denouncing Jenkins’ decision, calling 
the decision to honor President Obama a “public act of disobedience” and a “grave mistake.” 

Instead of addressing the running sore that is the Catholic identity issue at Notre Dame, the provost of that institution 
along with the Notre Dame Holocaust Project invited a “renowned historian” to address the issue of “holocaust denial,” a 
delict which has succeeded patriotism as the last refuge of scoundrels. The “renowned historian” in question was Deborah 
Lipstadt, who, according to the press release sent out weeks in advance, is the director of the Rabbi Donald A. Tam Institute 
for Jewish Studies and is currently on leave of absence at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the Holocaust Museum 
in Washington DC. 

The invitation was hastily extended in the wake of what has come to be known as the Williamson Affair. In hosting the 
affair, Notre Dame could establish its academic bona fides by inviting a Jew into beat up a Catholic bishop. Needless to say, 1 
wanted to get to the lecture early so that 1 could get a seat. Expecting a ropes-up crowd, 1 was disappointed to find a sparsely 
attended hall. In fact, if it weren’t for a busload of middle-aged Jewish ladies brought in from the south side of town, the hall 
would have been virtually empty. Lipstadt was introduced by a chubby middle-aged man who looked like a professor (he 
wasn’t wearing a tie), but it was hard to tell whether he was Catholic or Jewish, a state of affairs that is also applicable to 
Notre Dame as an institution. Both Professor Lipstadt and the man who introduced her kept referring to Bishop Williamson as 
the “alleged” Bishop Williamson, showing their ignorance of both the English language and Catholic theology. Bishop 
Williamson was consecrated a bishop in 1988 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. His consecration was valid but not licit 
because it was done in defiance of Rome. For that act, the six bishops involved were excommunicated latae sententiae. ft was 
Pope Benedict’s lifting of the excommunications which set off what has come to be known as the Williamson affair. 

As further evidence of her renown, Professor Lipstadt’s introducer told us that Professor Lipstadt “discussed alleged 
Bishop Williamson’s holocaust denial on her blog,” and that this blogging “may have helped the Vatican see the light.” After 
informing the pope that he “must unequivocally distance himself from [alleged Bishops Williamson’s] views, Professor 
Lipstadt concluded, again on her blog, that “1 think [the pope] was willing to tolerate these views in the name of unity.” 

Given the nature of Catholic response to the Williamson affair, one would think that Professor Lipstadt would have been 
pleased, but this was not the case. In one of the most groveling responses to the Williamson affair, Roger Cardinal Mahony, 
archbishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, barred Bishop Williamson from setting foot in any Catholic building in the 
archdiocese. Again, one would think that Professor Lipstadt would be pleased by an action like this, but that was not the case. 
In a comment which, according to her blog, she posted at 4:42 AM [!] March 2, 2009, Lipstadt dismissed Mahony’s gesture as 
“largely symbolic in that Williamson has not given any sign that LA was on his travel itinerary.” If Cardinal Mahony thought an 
attack on a fellow Catholic bishop would ingratiate him with the likes of Professor Lipstadt, he obviously had not reckoned 
with Professor Lipstadt’s high standards. “What 1 found jarring,” she continued, “was the statement by the spokesman for the 
archdiocese. ‘The cardinal wished to send a clear signal to the Jewish community that Williamson is not a member or even 
welcome in the Catholic Church until he renounces his views’.” 

“This,” Lipstadt sniffed indignantly, 

should not be a message to the Jewish Community but to all people who think truth is important- 
irrespective of their faith. It would be a message that people who lie about history, distort the truth, 
express anti-Semitic and racist views, and pervert facts in order to defend one of the most diabolical 
regimes in history are not welcome in the LA archdiocese. Racists, for example, should be shunned not to 
send a message to minority communities but because racists spread hatred, instill contempt, and work 
against communal tranquility. 

I don't mean to quibble over this strong statement on Cardinal Mahony's part. But to do this and define 
it as a message to the 'victims' is to miss the point. 

That being said, she was nonetheless pleased with her two-day stay at Notre Dame, which she described as “an 
institution which takes its Catholic identity seriously.” 

Before too long into the introduction, it became clear that Professor Lipstadt established her credentials as a “renowned 
historian,” by writing “three books,” two of which bear variations on the title “Denying the Holocaust.” Not content with her 
own unearned laurels, Lipstadt is obsessed with denying the qualifications which others have earned honestly. In a letter on her 
blog which she sent to the New York Times , Lipstadt takes issue with the Times referring to David Irving, who has written 
more than three books, as a “historian.” Instead of referring to Irving as a “historian,” the Times should have called him a 

Her three books notwithstanding, Lipstadt’s real claim to fame came from the fact that she was named as a defendant in a 
libel suit, something that the Notre Dame press release pointed out. A book on that trial constitutes one-third of all of her book- 
length writing over the past 23 years. As some indication of the depth of her overall scholarship, Lipstadt assigned the 
“Holocaust memoir” called Fragments in her classes. When the book was revealed as a threadbare hoax written by a non-Jew 
who had never been near a concentration camp, Lipstadt opined that, if the allegation turned out to be true (which it did), this 
“might complicate matters somewhat,” but insisted that it would still be “powerful as a novel.” 

Professor Lipstadt was supposed to have been introduced by Rabbi Michael Signer. This is fitting in a way because 
Signer was also the recipient of an endowed chair, he at Notre Dame, for producing even less intellectual material than 
Professor Lipstadt. Rabbi Signer could not attend the lecture because he died in January but Professor Lipstadt assured her 
audience that he is now “up there watching us.” 

Even more than being a defendant in a libel suit, Professor Lipstadt’s renown comes from her efforts to prevent the 
spread of the delict known as “holocaust denial.” The point of her talk at Notre Dame was explaining the full ramifications of 
this invention. As we have come to expect from speakers like this, Professor Lipstadt feels that another Kristalnacht is right 
around the corner. “I see things,” she confided to the yentas from the south side, “as bleaker than I used to see them.” Over the 
past year, there has been “an uptick in anti-Semitism,” something that should be “a source of tremendous concern.” 

Of course, given her expansive notion of anti-Semitism — “Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism”; it is “the new 
anti-Semitism” — “uptick” is hardly the proper term. The Holocaust itself begins to pale in comparison to the threats now on 
the horizon — not that I am accusing Professor Lipstadt of Holocaust denial. According to Professor Lipstadt’s definition of 
the term, anyone who says the word apartheid and Israel in the same sentence is guilty of the “new anti-Semitism” The term 
“Israel Apartheid” was, of course, a veiled reference to former President Jimmy Carter, who is now routinely dismissed as an 
anti-Semite. Perhaps “New Anti-Semite” might be a better term, since it corresponds with the “New Anti-Semitism” and 
reflects, of course, the fact that no Jew dared to level the term when Carter was president. 

At this point, Professor Lipstadt was just warming to her topic. Any claim, she continued, that Zionism is a form of 
racism or anything linking Israel and South Africa also constitutes anti-Semitism. The same goes for UN resolutions 
condemning Israeli behavior toward Palestinians, something she terms “legalized anti-Semitism” The same goes for people 
who refer to Jews as a group, as in what she terms “the so-called Jewish lobby,” which was a veiled reference to Walt and 
Mearsheimer’s book on the Israel Lobby. Anti-Semitism has even infected “some parts of Belgium”! 

Which brings us to the heart of the “new anti-Semitism,” otherwise known as Holocaust denial. There are two forms of 
Holocaust denial: Hard core and soft-core. As examples of hard-core holocaust denial, Lipstadt mentioned David Irving and 
“so-called Bishop Williamson.” Lipstadt also objects to historians who claim that “otherwise David Irving is a good 
historian,” making it clear that they are guilty of what might be termed second-hand Holocaust denial, a pathogen that is 
contracted by intellectual proximity in analogous fashion to how lung cancer is supposedly contracted by second-hand smoke. 

Then there is soft-core Holocaust denial. As examples thereof, Lipstadt listed things like “cancellation of Holocaust 
remembrance day celebrations,” something that happened in Barcelona recently, “because of Israeli behavior in Gaza.” As 
another example of soft-core holocaust denial, Lipstadt mentioned “Eastern European countries governments arguing that Nazis 
and Communists were equivalent, and that the communists perpetuated genocide.” The fact that a Jewish resistance fighter was 
indicted by the Lithuanian government for war crimes committed while he was a partisan is an instance of soft-core holocaust 
denial, according to Professor Lipstadt. Another example of soft-core denial was Mel Gibson’s interview at the time of the 
release of The Passion of the Christ — which the Jews, according to Professor Lipstadt, made into a blockbuster by their 

Mel Gibson became a holocaust denier, in Professor Lipstadt’s eyes, when he mentioned in an interview with Diane 
Sawyer that “in the Ukraine millions of people were starved to death.” As Norman Finkelstein has pointed out in his book The 
Holocaust Industry : 

To question a survivor's testimony, to denounce the role of Jewish collaborators, to suggest that 
Germans suffered during the bombing of Dresden or that any state except Germany committed crimes in 
World War II-this is all evidence, according to Lipstadt of Holocaust denial... . The most "insidious" forms of 
Holocaust denial, Lipstadt suggest, are "immoral equivalencies": that is denying the uniqueness of The 


As conclusive and irrefutable proof that Mel Gibson is a Holocaust denier, Lipstadt mentioned that he said in the same 
interview that the Jews “died at Auschwitz,” not that they were “murdered,” which is what he should have said if he wanted to 
avoid the charge of anti-Semitism. Holocaust denial is also something that can be contracted genetically, like the goyische 
equivalent of Tay-Sachs disease. Professor Lipstadt makes it clear that Mel Gibson contracted it from his father, or better, 
because he refused to denounce his father, who was a holocaust denier. As further proof of Mel Gibson’s “soft-core holocaust 
denial,” Professor Lipstadt claimed that Gibson said, “My father never lied to me in his life.” (Does this mean that genetic 
transmission of holocaust denial causes an amelioration from the hard-core variety manifested by Hutton Gibson into the soft¬ 
core variety manifested by his son? If so, what are the prospects for the third generation? Holocaust doubt?) We are left to 
assume that Gibson should have behaved more like little Pavlik Moroslav, the Ukrainian boy who denounced his father to the 
Soviet secret police. Little Pavlik was murdered by his outraged relatives, but the Soviets erected statues and schools in his 

Having come up with the taxonomy of holocaust denial, Lipstadt then segued into a discussion of her main claim to fame, 
namely, the fact that David Irving named her as a defendant in a libel suit, a fact she characterized at another point as being 
taken out of line and shot. It seems that every cloud has a silver lining. So when Professor Lipstadt was sued for libel, it 
allowed her and a team of researchers to delve into the work of people like David Irving. Since she had already written a book 
mentioning Irving, this wasn’t especially reassuring, but oblivious to that fact, Lipstadt launched into an analysis of two 
footnotes. In one instance Irving claimed that Hitler was furious at one of his lieutenants for attacking a Jewish delicatessen at 
the time of the 1923 beer hall putsch. What Lipstadt uncovered was that Hitler was really furious because said lieutenant didn’t 
wear his uniform during the attack. According to Lipstadt, this discrepancy proves that David Irving made it all up. In 
recounting this anecdote, Lipstadt seems oblivious to the fact that she is testifying to Irving’s acumen as a historian and his 
ability to get to little known facts. Whether what he said is accurate in detail is precisely the role of historical research, an 
activity she prohibits in anyone who disagrees with her point of view. 

In a second instance, Irving claimed in one of his books that Hitler was furious that Nazis were attacking Jewish 
businesses and ordered them to stop. What Lipstadt and her team of investigators uncovered is that Hitler was only upset by the 
arson, but even if that is the case, it is not clear why this should be a legal matter, or worse, reason to ruin a man’s livelihood. 
Don’t people write books to have them discussed? Isn’t this why we have universities and professors? Isn’t this how we learn 
about the past? Not according to Professor Lipstadt. 

Before long it becomes clear that the academy exists, in Lipstadt’s view, not to pursue the truth but to punish malefactors 
who are guilty of thought crimes. What becomes equally apparent before long is just how blood-thirsty Professor Lipstadt can 
be when it comes to pursuing her enemies. We are talking about something more than personal animus here. We are talking 
about racial or ethnic animus of the sort that gets expressed in the later novels of Philip Roth or in the late Richard John 
Neuhaus’s magazine First Things, where Meir Soloveichik declared that hate is a Jewish virtue. 

Lipstadt expressed this hatred by way of anecdote. During her libel trial, Lipstadt was shocked to hear her lawyer tell a 
BBC interviewer that David Irving wasn’t important. When she pressed him on this after the interview, her lawyer assured her 
that “David Irving was like the dirt—Lipstadt paused at this point and added parenthetically “he used another word” — “you 
step into on the street. The dirt’s not important, what’s important is that you remove it from your shoe.” Lipstadt then referred 
to the claim that David Irving was a piece of dog shit as “a wonderful analogy” because it “helped her to understand” how to 
deal with people like this. 

Just to show that Lipstadt doesn’t apply epithets like that to the goyim alone, she also applied the same description 
verbatim to Norman Finkelstein. In responding to a call when Lipstadt was on a program on National Public Radio, Lipstadt 
said of Finkelstein: “Think of the dirt you step in on the street and you know what kind of dirt I’m talking about. It has no 
importance unless you fail to clean it off your shoe before you go into the house.” Lipstadt’s outburst prompted one listener to 
write in, “If Professor Lipstadt disagrees with Professor Finkelstein, I suggest that she debate him on the facts instead of being 
allowed to launch vulgar personal attacks on NPR with impunity.” 

In an interview which was posted on the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website (#11, August 1, 2003) Lipstadt 
claimed that “as an American,” she was “a staunch believer in free speech,” but went on to say that “the situation in Germany 
is different and that there might be room there for a law against Holocaust denial.” What comes across here is a strong belief in 
double standards, which comes down to both praising the academy and then using it as a podium for referring to other people 
as dog shit. Once again, the academy is instrumentalized into a weapon against holocaust deniers, which is to say, people 
whom organized Jewry portrays as enemies of the Jewish race, and a place to settle ancestral scores. 

Her goal is clear: to get everyone else to view her opponents as dog shit; her quandary, however, is strategic, namely, 
how to “defeat them and not build them up.” As she put it in her talk, “How do you fight these people without building them up 
or giving them some merit.” The answer to that question is “dynamic silence,” a theory developed by the AJC in dealing with 
Gerald L. K. Smith in the ’50s, and recounted in Benjamin Ginzberg’s book Fatal Embrace. Professor Lipstadt, however, got 
her answer from the lawyer in the Irving libel action. Lipstadt may or may not have read Fatal Embrace, but her talk and the 

hatred she spewed onto her enemies is some indication that disinterested pursuit of the truth is not Professor Lipstadt’s goal in 
life. It’s not enough to disagree, as serious historians can and do, with certain assertions in David Irving’s writings. Professor 
Lipstadt insists on total denunciation of everything David Irving ever wrote, followed by a concerted attempt to deprive him of 
his ability to earn a livelihood. On her blog, Lipstadt gloats that Irving has been reduced to selling Nazi memorabilia, as if 
concerted efforts to blacklist him in the publishing industry had nothing to do with that fact. 

Anyone who does not go along with this campaign is suspect and guilty of fraternizing with the enemy, which also calls 
for reprisals. In this Lipstadt differs from Norman Finkelstein, who writes: 

Not all revisionist literature-however scurrilous the politics or motivations of its practitioners-is totally 
useless... . [David] Irving, notorious as an admirer of Hitler and sympathizer with German national 
socialism, has nevertheless, as Gordon Craig points out, made an "indispensable" contribution to our 
knowledge of World War II. Both Arno Mayer, in his important study of the Nazi holocaust, and Raul Hilberg 
cite Holocaust denial publications. "If these people want to speak, let them," Hilberg observes, "It only 
leads those of us who do the research to re-examine what we might have considered as obvious" (The 
Holocaust Industry, p. 71). 

Deborah Lipstadt doesn’t want to disagree with David Irving. She wants to first humiliate and then destroy him. “We 
stripped Irving bare,” Lipstadt told her audience at Notre Dame. “We made him look silly.” Not content to leave it at that, 
Lipstadt continued that at one point she took out two movies, Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator and Mel Brooks’ The 
Producers. What she learned from watching these movies is that it’s not enough to defeat your enemies (no one brought up the 
fact that Lipstadt’s enemies were people who had written books with which she disagreed), “The point was to dress him in a 
jester’s costume and make him a witness to his own powerlessness.” 

In other words, academe is for Lipstadt simply the arena in which she humiliates her foes. This view was expressed 
repeatedly during the course of her talk. Persuasion is not her strong suit, and that, of course, means that it has no place in 
academic life. “Trying to convince holocaust deniers,” she said at another point, “is a hopeless task.” It is also a circular 
argument, to which Professor Lipstadt is as blind as the image of Synagoga on the facade of the cathedral portal in Strassbourg. 

Professor Lipstadt credits her researchers with bringing about the victory over David Irving, but in doing so only 
reinforces the idea that the academy has been weaponized: “The trial was a great tribute to academia; they tracked down that 

Given all of the resources at her disposal, I began to wonder why Professor Lipstadt hasn’t written the definitive 
Holocaust narrative. In spite of the resources at her disposal, and the fact that she is now on leave of absence from Emory 
University spending a year immersing herself in “Advanced Holocaust Studies” at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, the 
only thing she has produced during the last 16 years is an account of the Irving trial. In fact, in the 16 years which have elapsed 
since she invented the term “holocaust denial,” she has produced not one piece of historical scholarship on the period in 
question. Instead of laying these issues to rest the way scholars do, i.e., with a piece of competent scholarship, Lipstadt has 
decided to resolve the issue by force majeure. 

Why is this? Well, maybe it’s because Professor Lipstadt’s day job as thought cop keeps her so busy she can’t do 
anything else. In her professional activity Professor Lipstadt resembles less the scholar and more the political commissars 
assigned to units of the Soviet Army or the interrogators at the Cheka, the Soviet secret police, positions that were more often 
than not staffed by Jews, as Jewish historians have noted. In The Russian Jew under Tsars and Soviets, Salo Baron writes: 

Perhaps in subconscious retaliation for many years of suffering at the hands of the Russian police, a 
disproportionate number of Jews joined the new Bolshevik secret service. The impression these facts made 
upon the ordinary Russian is rightly stressed by Leonard Shapiro: "For the most prominent and colorful 
figure after Lenin was Trotsky, in Petrograd the dominant and hated figure was Zinoviev, while anyone who 
had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself 
confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator" (p. 203). 

Professor Lipstadt is the spiritual descendant of these Jewish investigators. Professor Lipstadt’s job is to shoot anybody 
in academe or publishing (the current equivalent of the Soviet army) who is not following the party line. Since she can’t very 
well go out and shoot David Irving literally, she does the next best thing by assassinating his character by claiming that he is 
not really a historian (certainly not a “renowned historian” like Professor Lipstadt) and depriving him of a livelihood. 

Professor David O’Connell, who teaches French at Georgia State University, found this out when he published an article 
on Elie Wiesel in Culture Wars. O’Connell’s article did what scholarship is supposed to do. It pointed out inconsistencies in 
the conventional narrative that academe had been cowed into ignoring. It pointed out patent absurdities like the famous picture 
of Wiesel in Buchenwald; it pointed up the discrepancies in the various accounts Wiesel has given of his liberation from 
Buchenwald. It brought up the fact that after the release of the PBS documentary The Liberators, which purported to describe 
how an all-black tank battalion liberated Buchenwald, Wiesel suddenly became aware of memories he never had before, 

memories of being liberated by black soldiers emerging from Sherman tanks. “I will always remember with love,” Wiesel 
wrote in 1989, “a big black soldier. He was crying like a child-tears of all the pain in the world and all the rage. Everyone 
who was there that day will forever feel a sentiment of gratitude to the American soldiers who liberated us.” 

It was a truly touching moment. Unfortunately, it never happened. First of all, Liberators was made up “to increase Black 
and Jewish mutual understanding in Brooklyn,” and Elie Wiesel wittingly collaborated in that scam O’Connell’s article not 
only damaged Elie Wiesel’s reputation, it also called significant segments of the Holocaust narrative, in particular those 
recounted by Wiesel, into question. Did Professor O’Connell’s Culture Wars article then constitute Holocaust denial? This is 
where the story gets interesting. 

After O’Connell’s article on Wiesel appeared in the October 2004 issue of Culture Wars, Lipstadt wrote to the 
administration at GSU in an attempt to get him fired. She claimed in her letter that O’Connell had engaged in “fraud in 
research.” What followed was several pages of single spaced writing in which she questioned O’Connell’s spelling of Yiddish 
and labored mightily to convict Professor O’Connell of fraud. Unwilling to dismiss Lipstadt’s letter, the administration at GSU 
appointed a panel of three full professors to look into the matter. After deliberating for almost a year, from December 2005 to 
October 2006, the professors concluded that there was no fraud, or that if there were, it was the doing of Elie Wiesel and not 
Professor O’Connell. If Professor O’Connell didn’t get fired, it wasn’t for Professor Lipstadt’s lack of trying. The fault lay not 
in Professor Lipstadt’s will but in her intellect. In spite of her endowed chair and years immersed in “advanced holocaust 
studies,” she couldn’t mount a coherent argument. Every claim she raised was ultimately dismissed as baseless. It was as if she 
felt she could carry the day by sheer force of will, and was upset to learn that academic life still had a remnant of integrity. 

There is probably another reason why the attempt to oust Professor O’Connell failed. The administration at GSU knew if 
they fired O’Connell on trumped up charges of fraud, that he would then sue them, and the lawsuit would lead to a discovery 
process that would have been disastrous for both the university and the system of though control run by the powerful Jews who 
were orchestrating the campaign, demanding vengeance. In a way, it’s a shame this case didn’t go to trial. It would have been 
interesting to learn how Professor Lipstadt heard about Professor O’Connell’s article in the first place, and it would have 
provided a nice counterpoint to the Lipstadt-Irving libel trial in London. It would also have exposed the inner workings of 
Jewish thought police like Deborah Lipstadt and the role she plays as an enforcer of the Jewish hegemony over academe today. 

The O’Connell case makes an interesting counterpoint to the Williamson case as well. Unlike Professor O’Connell, 
Bishop Williamson did no research, published no article or book, and so had no way to fight back when the counterattack 
came. This is why he was such a tempting target. This is also why the Jewish organizations have stayed away from David 
O’Connell. They tried to get him fired and failed because O’Connell had all the facts on his side, and there was nothing that 
organized Jewry could do about it. As a result, Lipstadt et al shifted to the tactic of “dynamic silence,” and there the situation 
at GSU has remained ever since. Professor O’Connell has challenged Professor Lipstadt to a debate, but, as we learned when 
we attended her talk, Professor Lipstadt doesn’t debate Holocaust deniers. But in this case, that logic isn’t compelling, because 
she herself had to certify that Professor O’Connell was not a holocaust denier. Unable to prove that O’Connell engaged in 
fraud, Lipstadt was unable to claim that he was a holocaust denier. Since she comments on every conceivable delict under the 
sun on her blog, it seems odd that Professor Lipstadt didn’t comment on the challenge to debate the Williamson affair from 
Professor O’Connell, a man who teaches not far away from where she holds her chair. The logistics of a debate would hardly 
be insurmountable, or are there other considerations at work here? 

I tried to get some idea of the limits of the holocaust narrative in the question and answer period after her talk. What I got 
instead was more evidence for the circularity of the term. My question concerned the documentary about the 761st Tank 
Battalion, an all-Negro unit, which allegedly liberated Buchenwald. Was it Holocaust denial to say that it never happened? 

Lipstadt was forced to admit that the Tank Battalion/Buchenwald story was, as she put it in another context, “pure 
invention,” but she refused to see any implications in this for the Holocaust narrative as a whole or for Wiesel’s credibility. 
Wiesel, she claimed, dealing with the latter instance first, was talking about other black soldiers, but since the army wasn’t 
integrated at that point, that would have to mean other Black units, and there were none in the area at the time. As Professor 
O’Connell pointed out in the article that Lipstadt and presumably her researchers meticulously vetted, “He [Wiesel] made this 
statement despite the fact that there were no blacks present at the liberation of Buchenwald on April 11, 1945, and the black 
unit in question was over 50 miles away on that date.” 

So the question is: is it holocaust denial to say that the 761st Tank Division didn’t liberate Buchenwald? 

“No,” snapped Lipstadt, “because it never happened.” This, of course, brings up bigger issues about the status of the 
holocaust narrative itself. Is it riddled, like AIG’s portfolio, with “toxic assets.” If so, which parts of the holocaust narrative 
are not true? Would it have been holocaust denial to make this claim when everyone, Elie Wiesel included, was effusively 
praising the PBS documentary? What about other parts of the holocaust narrative, which have since gone down the memory 
hole? What about the lampshades made out of Jewish skin? What about the soap made from Jewish fat? What about the source 
of the term holocaust itself, i.e., the truckloads of Jewish babies who were thrown into burning pits? As soon as one detail 
becomes patently absurd, Lipstadt is on the scene to purge it from the collective memory, to ensure that no damage gets done to 
the holocaust narrative as a whole. 

Bigger Issue 

This, of course, brings us to the bigger issue, which is, how do we know what really happened? The answer to that 
question is historical research, but that is precisely what the delict “holocaust denial” has been created to prevent. Holocaust 
denial is another word for Jewish control of discourse, in particular historical discourse, in particular historical discourse 
about World War II. If a historian publishes something that a powerful Jew, which is to say a Jew with powerful backers, 
dislikes, that person will be punished. If the person in question lives by writing books, as David Irving once did, the Lipstadt 
brigade will get him blacklisted in the publishing industry. If the person in question is a professor, the big Jews will try to get 
him fired, as Deborah Lipstadt herself did in the case of Professor David O’Connell. In this instance, Lipstadt failed, but David 
O’ConnelTs case is not typical in this regard. 

More typical is the case of Norman Finkelstein, who was fired from his job at DePaul University in Chicago. The fact 
that Finkelstein was a Jew himself doesn’t matter. It’s the big Jews, in this case Alan Dershowitz, who decide who is to live 
and who is to die in academe and publishing. Finkelstein wrote a devastating critique of Dershowitz’s book The Case for 
Israel, and, as a result, Dershowitz set out to destroy Finkelstein’s career. It was, in many ways, a typically Jewish response, 
the academic version of “You’ll never work in this town again.” What followed was equally Jewish. In fact Finkelstein 
characterized the dispute as a contest over “who was the toughest Jew from Borough Park.” The definitive answer to that 
question is in: the big Jew from Borough Park is Alan Dershowitz, who got Finkelstein fired with the collaboration of the 
supine Catholic priest who is president of DePaul University. Among other things, this also shows that a selection process is at 
work among Jews in academe. Any Jew who goes against the interests of organized Jewry will get destroyed by the ruthless 
academic enforcer Jews who represent their interests. Most Jews are immune to struggles like this because they fall into the 
broad, gray middle category of fellow travelers, Jews who go along with the agenda in order to collect big salaries for a cushy 

But there are larger lessons to be learned here. First of all, when if comes to a choice between money and principle, 
Catholic universities go for the money. Secondly, the fact that academe has become the site of unseemly brawls like this is 
largely the result of Jewish i nf luence in academe. As Professor Lipstadt made abundantly clear in her talk, the university not 
the place where the big Jews seek the truth. The university is a place where Jews settle scores. It’s where they punish people 
who threaten the Jewish hegemony over discourse. 

This should not surprise us. The university is not a Jewish creation. It is a Catholic creation of the Catholic Middle Ages, 
and so it should not come as a surprise that Jews have all of the difficulties which come with functioning in an alien 
environment when they are admitted to universities. For over 600 years, from roughly the beginning of the 13th to the middle of 
the 19th century, Catholics were involved in the creation and preservation of the university as a place where one engaged in the 
disinterested pursuit of the truth. This was also the place and period of time during which representational art reached its 
culmination as well. The link between these phenomena—art and the university as manifestations of the Logos which finds its 
embodiment in Christ and its cultural expression in Catholicism—is no coincidence. Conversely, the Jewish subversion of 
academe is similar to the Jewish subversion of the art world, something which occurred during the same period of time and, as 
Israel Shamir points out in a brilliant article “A Study of Art,” in his book, Caballa of Power, for the same reasons. 

Modern art is controlled by Jews. Shamir is sensitive to the sensibilities this claim offends — ‘“Does it matter that they 
are Jewish?’ asks the annoyed reader” — but the facts speak for themselves: 

The Jewish influence in modem art is well attested. By 1973, some estimated that 75-80 percent of the 
2500 core "art market" personnel of the United States-art dealers, art curators, art critics, and art 
collectors-were Jewish. In 2001, according to ARTnews, at least eight of the "Top Ten" US art collectors 
were Jewish: Debbie and Leon Black, Edythe and Eli Broad, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel 
Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravits, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder, 
and Stephen Wynn. 

"Today," wrote Gerald Krefetz in 1982, "Jews enjoy every phase of the art world: as artists, dealers, 
collectors, critics, curators, consultants, and patrons. In fact the contemporary art scene has a strong 
Jewish flavour. In some circles, the wheelers and dealers are referred to as the Jewish Mafia since they 
command power, prestige, and most of all money." 

In 1996 Jewish art historian Eunice Upton explained that she went into a career as an art historian in 
order to be in a field dominated by Jews: "I wanted to be where the Jews were, that is, I wanted a 
profession that would allow me tacitly to acknowledge my Jewishness through the company that I kept." 
The field of art history was filled with Jews. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Arthur Ochs 
Sulzberger (former publisher of the New York Times) eventually became its chairman. He oversaw an 

institution in which Jews, said George Goodman, "have enriched every area of the Museum's collections . 


By the 1980s, four of the ten board members that dole out the MacArthur Foundation "genius awards" 
were also Jewish; two Jews also sat on the board of the Russell Sage Foundation. The Kaplan Fund also has 
had an important impact on the art community in divvying out awards. One of J. M. Kaplan's daughters was 
the Chairman of the New York State Arts Council. Joan Kaplan Davidson was appointed as chairman of the 
$34 million New York State Arts Council in 1975 despite the fact that she was "not professionally trained in 
the arts." The Getty Museum ... has consistently had Jews at the economic helm... . [former chairman] 
Harold Williams ... was "raised in a Labor Zionist home in East Los Angeles." The new president of the J. 
Paul Getty trust is another Jewish administrator, Barry Munitz,... . 

After a summary that covers the whole spectrum of modern art, Shamir concludes nonetheless that, “The fact that Jews 
are so dominating in the art world is very rarely publicly acknowledged. It is forbidden-for anyone, anywhere — to discuss the 
subject for fear of being branded ‘anti-Semitic.’” 

The art world is dominated by Jews, not because they are good at producing art, but rather because during the course of 
the 20th century, Jewish ascendancy rose in America and American ascendancy rose in the world and the art world as well. As 
a result: “The artist as creator of art disappeared and gave place to the museum curator, the collection owner. It is he who 
decides what sort of junk will be displayed, whose name will be written under the photo of tinned soup or a dead rat.” 

Shamir is basing his verdict in this instance on a visit to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, a Jewish creation (both the 
architect Frank Gehry and the funders, the Guggenheim family, were Jews) which is filled with junk and, inexplicably, an 
exhibition of Armani suits. In this world of Jewish art, “Only the Armani brand reigns supreme, impervious to the curator’s 
will.” The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao provides “a good place to contemplate the present decay, nay, demise of European 
visual art,” which is now made up of “Rotten decomposed pig trunks in formalthehyde,” pornography, and anything else that 
“became a piece of art by the decision of two Mammonites, the curator and the collector.” 

How did this happen? The crucial middle term in both equations (art and the university) is capitalism. The “economic 
freedom” of capitalism is traceable to the distinction between the Jewish prohibition on taking usury from a fellow Jew, and 
the permission which allowed it to be taken from “strangers.” This differential first brought about a “complete transformation 
of commerce and industry,” and then once capitalist principles became the cultural norm, other institutions (including art and 
academe) as well: 

The theory of price in the Talmud and the Codes in so far as it affected trade between Jew and Jew, is 
exactly parallel to the scholastic doctrine of justum pretium which was prevalent in Europe throughout the 
Middle Ages. But as between Jew and non-Jew, there was no just price. Price was formed, as it is today, by 
the "higgling of the market." ... The differential treatment of non-Jews in Jewish commercial law resulted in 
the complete transformation of the idea of commerce and industry in the direction of more freedom. If we 
have called the Jews the Fathers of Free Trade, and therefore the pioneers of capitalism, let us note here 
that they were prepared for this role by the free-trading spirit of the commercial and industrial law, which 
received an enormous impetus towards a policy of laissez-faire by its attitude toward strangers. Clearly, 
intercourse with strangers could not but loosen the bonds of personal duties and replace them by economic 
freedom. (Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, pp. 246-7). 

The spirit of capitalism brought about a similar transformation of both the art world and academe. Shamir calls this spirit 
“Mammon,” something which he considers 

the personification of capitalist Class Interest. A capitalist may wish to sell drinking water, but Mammon 
wants to poison all water in order to force everybody to buy drinking water. A capitalist may build the mall; 
but Mammon wants to destroy the world outside the mall, for the outside world interferes with the only 
meaningful occupation, shopping. 

Since “Mammon will try to eliminate every distraction to shopping,” the Jewish spirit which created the system of 
Mammon known as capitalism will “turn every kind of art into Conceptual art” because “For Mammonites, Art is a distraction 
from the most important occupation, adoration of Mammon. Mammonite reviews of Art concentrate on the price of Art.” 

Jews are never content to integrate themselves into existing structures, whether those structures are states, universities, 
art museums or the military. They feel compelled to infiltrate and subvert the institutions which admit them as members. In the 
art world, the name this Jewish infiltration and subversion goes by is “conceptual art.” In an article which appeared in The 
New Statesman , Ivan Massow, then chairman of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, “noticed the damage this causes for the 
artists who are forced to fit into the Procrustean bed of this anti-art”: 

It seems sad that so many talented young artists, clawing to be noticed for their craft, are forced to 
ditch their talent and reinvent themselves as creators of video installations, or a machine that produces 
foam in the middle of a room, in order to be recognized as contemporary artists. ... We need art lovers to 
tell artists that they're not obliged to reinvent themselves into creators of piles of crap, or pass their work 
around like samizdat. 

As some indication that Deborah Lipstadt’s affliction is shared by other descendants of the Cheka, shortly after those 
words appeared in print, Massow got sacked. Massow’s expulsion from the synagogue that the British art establishment had 
become was, as Shamir points out, 

led by the Jewish cultural tsar Nicholas Serota, and by the Jewish art collector and advertising magnate, 
a friend of Pinochet, Thatcher, and Conrad Black, Charles Saatchi. His power is unique, and an art critic, 
Norman Rosenthal of the British Royal Academy, suggested that "the Saatchis are probably the most 
important collectors of modern art anywhere in the world." 

Conceptual art isn’t art, but it is Jewish. It signals the culmination of the Jewish take-over of modern art. Conceptual art 
requires no artistic ability, talent or skill. That’s why Jews gravitate toward it and promote it. It’s an example of Jews defining 
art as what they do rather than defining art in its relationship to Logos. It’s as if, Shamir says at another point, we all woke up 
one day and found that only cripples could compete at the Olympics. Or, to give another example, to find out that the high jump 
had been replaced by a chess match. Jewish domination of the art world was not “due to the great achievements of Jewish 
artists.” Quite to the contrary, Shamir points out that 

The Jews were extremely ill-equipped for their conquest of Olympus. For many generations, Jews never 
entered churches and hardly ever saw paintings. They were conditioned to reject image as part of their 
rejection of idols. In the course of a two thousand-year-long selection process, the visual gifts of Jews were 
not developed, as opposed to the abilities to learn, argue, and convince, honed to perfection in the 
Talmudic environment. 

Shamir goes on to add that “Rejection of Christ,” the Logos incarnate who is the “main fountain of creativity,” was the 
ultimate reason why Jews could not be artists, because 

There is no visual art or poetry outside of God; at best the godless person can imitate art. For this 
reason, Jews are, as a rule, poor painters and sculptors... .While their mastery of word and ideology is very 
high (well above the average of 100 at 130), their average visual ability is only 75, extremely low. One can 
consider it a scientific proof of "no art without Christ." Indeed, until recently there were no important Jewish 
painters or sculptors. The Jewish temple was supposedly built by Phoenecians and Greeks, and it had very 
few images. Even the Illumination of Jewish manuscripts was usually done by non-Jewish artists, who made 
very obvious errors trying to copy Jewish letters. 

The same thing applies, mutatis mutandis to the university. The people whose defining characteristic is rejection of 
Logos cannot excel in the disinterested pursuit of the truth. If they are allowed into the university they will subvert the 
principles of the university and redefine academic achievement things that Jews do well. If the university were the Olympics, 
chess would replace basketball. If Jews controlled the Olympics as effectively as they controlled the art world, only cripples 
could compete. 

In order to disguise their total lack of artistic talent, “Visually handicapped Jews created a similar anomaly — that of 
non-visual ‘conceptual’ art” because “Preparation of these items places no demand on artistic abilities. They can be done by 
anybody. Such art is perfectly within Jewish abilities. Moreover, Jews with their good ability to produce ideas and read 
iconography will surely succeed in it. Jews bend art to fit their abilities, in order for them to succeed in this difficult (for them) 

The culmination of this trend to conceptualize and thereby redefine art can be found in works of “art,” like “Piss Christ,” 
an artifact which kills two birds with one stone, combining Jewish subversion of the art world with Jewish hatred of Christ. 
“Piss Christ” is a work of art because, as Marcel Duchamp once said, it is “in a museum” “Piss Christ” is a work of art 
because a museum curator said it was. In this instance, the man responsible was Leonard Lauder, the Jew who runs the Whitney 
Museum, a man who was, according to Shamir, “a great friend of Ariel Sharon.” Are we talking about a conspiracy? Shamir 
lays the blame at the feet of Group Interest: 

For Jews, their Group interest lays in undermining visual art, for they can't compete in it. The even 
deeper Group Interest of Jews is to undermine Christianity, their main enemy. We see this interest satisfied 
... by their relentless attack on Mel Gibson, who dared to produce a film about Christ. ... As sacrality in 
Europe is unavoidably Christian, profanation of art is certainly within Jewish Group Interests. It does not 

mean the Jews, or even some Jews, understand that they act in their own group interest. 

This is not a new phenomenon. Shamir sees the Saatchis of the world, the Jews responsible for the creation of conceptual 
art, as the descendants of “The Jews [who] were prominent in the great tragedy of Byzantine art, the iconoclasm The 
contemporary writers leave us no doubt: Jews (a powerful community in those days as nowadays) were extremely active in 
promoting this concept.” 

The same is true, mutatis mutandis, of the university; however, I see the cause of this convergence in the form, which is 
to say, formal causality. The student of formal causality who attempts to deal with Jewish influence at the university is 
confronted with a curious philosophical phenomenon. People regularly refer to Catholics, Methodists, and Baptists (As for 
example, when they say ‘Baylor is a Baptist university’), but the minute one refers to Jews, the term is stricken as 

The issue is philosophical. It is based on a philosophical error known as nominalism, which maintained that there was 
no such thing as “trees,” only individual birches, pines, oaks, etc. This extreme form of nominalism was noticed by Hilaire 
Belloc in the 1920s in his book on The Jews, when he wrote, “If anyone referred to a swindler as a Jew, he was an anti- 
Semite,” but exposing the absurdity of the claim did little to stop the tendency. 

In order to unravel this error at the bottom of what is in reality a ban on thought, we need to distinguish between essence 
and existence. If I say that a dog is a four-legged creature with fur, I am referring to essence not existence, and my claim is not 
refuted when someone says, “Yesterday, I saw a hairless, Mexican dog with three legs.” 

Similarly, the philosophical validity of the term “Catholic” or “Jew” is not refuted when someone claims “I know a 
Catholic who is proabortion.” Or “Are you saying my Jewish mother-in-law is a revolutionary?” Both the Catholic and Jew get 
their identity qua Catholic or Jew from the form In the case of Catholics, that form is acceptance of Christ the Logos as 
defined or determined by the Catholic faith, i.e., by scripture, tradition and the Magisterium In the case of Jews, that form is 
defined by rejection of Christ and Logos, as determined by rabbinic interpretation of the Talmud. Catholics are formed by the 
gospels; Jews are formed by the Talmud. The result is two radically different cultures. 

If the culmination of Catholic culture was the creation of the university, the culmination of Jewish culture was capitalism, 
which, over the course of the latter half of the 20th century in America, gradually devoured the university, by restructuring it 
according to capitalist, which is to say, Jewish principles, in particular those articulated by Milton Friedman and the Chicago 
Boys, a gang of thugs which rivals Professor Lipstadt in its brutality. The institution of tenure, which was a relic of the Middle 
Ages, was subverted and then replaced by a system in which Jewish superstar professors like Stanley Fish could earn six 
figure salaries (While at UIC, Stanley Fish earned more per annum than the Governor of Illinois), while the majority of the 
teaching was done by wage slave adjuncts. 

During the more than half a millennium when Catholics were using the university to develop theology, metaphysics, 
physics and eventually the sciences that led to the industrial revolution, scholarship for Jews meant studying the Talmud, which 
meant among other things, learning how to cheat the goyim in business transactions and then justify those practices with a 
veneer of pious rationalization. This is not my opinion; it is the verdict of Heinrich Graetz, the father of Jewish historiography, 
who claimed in his magnum opus that the study of the Talmud led to the moral corruption of the Polish Jews: 

To twist a phrase out of its meaning, to use all the tricks of the clever advocate, to play upon words, 
and to condemn what they did not know ... such were the characteristics of the Polish Jew... . Honesty and 
right-thinking he lost as completely as simplicity and truthfulness. He made himself master of all the 
gymnastics of the Schools and applied them to obtain advantage over any one more cunning than himself. 
He took delight in cheating and overreaching, which gave him a sort of joy of victory. But his own people he 
could not treat that way: they were as knowing as he. It was the non-Jew who, to his loss, felt the 
consequences of the Talmudically trained mind of the Polish Jew. 

This assertion and what follows are recounted in my book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World 
History . The only thing that saved Graetz himself from the fate of Polish Jews was German culture, the German Enlightenment 
in particular, and role models like Moses Mendelssohn and Salomon Maimun, who saw their own separation from Talmudic 
culture as a liberation from Jewish bondage. 

And yet in spite of that liberation and the rise of the maskilim in the Pale of the Settlement, when the Jews were finally 
admitted to the university in significant numbers, as happened in Russia in the mid-19th century, they used the university as a 
staging ground for revolutionary activity. The same thing happened in America. In his memoir Commies, Ronald Radosh 
describes how he and other Jews in the Young Communist League were sent from New York to Wisconsin to take over the 
university there. 

The same thing happened in slightly different fashion at Notre Dame. As one has come to expect, the main culprit in this 
matter was the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC. In addition to being the president who stole Notre Dame from the Catholic 
Church, Father Hesburgh has the distinction of hiring the first Jew at Notre Dame, Samuel Shapiro, who was brought into the 
history department. I knew Shapiro for the last 20 some years of his life; he would show up at my house and plunk himself 

down on the living room sofa periodically. I visited him in the hospital when he was dying, and I wrote his obituary after his 
death. In the Middle Ages Catholics were told to avoid contact with Jews because, they were told, the only time a Jew wants 
to talk with a Christian is to subvert his faith or corrupt his morals. For over 20 years Sam Shapiro tried to do just that. Fie 
attempted to undermine my faith — largely by trying to convert me to Darwinism — and I tried to get him to convert to 
Catholicism In the end, neither project was successful. I have written about this elsewhere; the obituary can be read at 
culturewars.com For now I’d like to propose the Jewish corollary to the above statement, namely, all too often the only time a 
gov wants to talk to a Jew is when the goy wants big money. This was true of the princes in Medieval Europe, and it led to 
misery among the population at large and pogroms against the Jews, who were granted privileges that were invariably 
economically ruinous for the population at large in exchange for the low interest loans they provided to princes. Needless to 
say, this deal often included princes of the church. 

Hired to Get Money 

It certainly applied to Father Hesburgh, an unofficially crowned prince of the Church, who hired Sam Shapiro to get 
money. Sam told me the story of the hiring more than once. He had just been fired from his job, had been jailed in Cuba, and 
was nervously looking forward to giving a speech to the history department in the hopes that they would hire him When he got 
to Notre Dame, he realized that no speech was necessary. Father Hesburgh had passed the word to the department that Shapiro 
was to be hired no matter what. When he arrived at Notre Dame to begin teaching in the fall, Shapiro hardly had time to get his 
suitcases unpacked before he was sent to the Ford Foundation to ask for money. The message Hesburgh wanted to send was 
clear: Notre Dame was liberal enough for Ford money because they hired Jews. 

Privately, however, Hesburgh knew that there were risks involved here. As an ardent devotee of everything Harvard did 
and stood for (the crowning moment in Hesburgh’s career was his being named to the Harvard Board of Overseers), Hesburgh 
must have been aware that Harvard had strict quotas that limited the number of Jews who got admitted there. There is some 
indication that Hesburgh not only knew this, but that he also agreed with why Harvard imposed quotas on Jews because he told 
Ralph Mclnerny “if you let the Jews in, they take over.” 

For once Father Hesburgh was prescient, because this is what has happened in both Notre Dame and academe in general, 
as the rise of a “renowned historian” like Deborah Lipstadt shows. Over the course of the 40 years after Sam Shapiro was 
hired, Jews were hired in increasing numbers at Notre Dame. Like Deborah Lipstadt, the Jews at Notre Dame make up for their 
lack of scholarship by their zeal in thought control. A few instances should make this clear. 

I was once invited by the Orestes Brownson group, a conservative Catholic organization on campus, to speak on Jan 
Zizka and the Hussites. When the date of the talk approached I started getting concerned phone calls from the student who was 
the organization’s president informing me that the organization had mysteriously run out of money and couldn’t pay me for my 
talk. After assuring him that the Orestes Brownson society could pay me out of next year’s budget (which they never did), I 
showed up to give my talk and discovered the real reason for the phone calls, namely, Professor Elliot Barkey, the Jewish 
professor who was the faculty moderator for this organization. Why was a Jewish professor the moderator for the conservative 
Catholic organization on campus? Well, because you can take the Jew out of the Cheka, but you can’t take the Cheka out of the 
Jew. Barkey had put pressure on the student to have me canceled, and when that failed he decided to show up for my talk. His 
silence during the talk continued during the question and answer period afterward. Then after everyone had left the room, he 
dragged the student moderator back into the room and behind closed doors claimed that I had my facts wrong and was an anti- 
Semite. I was reminded of Joseph Pfefferkorn, zealous Jewish convert in Germany who ran afoul of Reuchlin and the 
humanists, and his lament, “A fat Jew has sat on my books!” Barkey sat silent during my entire talk and the question and answer 
period afterward. If he knew of any factual errors in my talk he could have pointed them out, and we could have discussed them 
in the open forum that academe is supposed to be. But instead the inner Jew triumphed and in the end Barkey reverted to type 
and attacked me behind closed doors by picking on an undergraduate who knew even less about the Hussites than Barkey 

If this were an isolated incident, we could ascribe it to defective personalities, but the pattern is too big to ignore. The 
main problem is that, ultimately, the university, like the fine arts academy, is not a Jewish institution, and Jews can only thrive 
there if they redefine what goes on there to suit their Talmudic proclivities. The converse of this would be money-lending, 
where Christians, as in the case of the Calvinists in Holland and Geneva, could only succeed by imitating Jews. As a result of 
this mismatch, academe became a jungle in which the ruthless Jews drove out professors of principle, including other Jews 
who refused to go along with the agenda of organized Jewry. Jews have been formed by centuries of Talmudic influence to see 
academe as a place when they can settle ancestral scores. They don’t get mad; they get even. Their attempt to have Professor 
Kevin MacDonald ousted from his position at California State University at Long Beach is just one more instance of the same 
tendency to turn academe into an institution where the main point is settling scores, not the disinterested pursuit of the truth. 

The best example of this at Notre Dame was the late Rabbi Michael Signer, the man who was “looking down on all of 
us” during Deborah Lipstadt’s talk. I have already written about Rabbi Signer while he was alive, and so there is no need to go 
into his all but complete lack of scholarly activity now that he is dead. 

He did, however, come to mind when Deborah Lipstadt mentioned the joy Jews take in humiliating those who disagree 
with them. Signer was subtler than Lipstadt in this regard. He would do things like invite Polish bishops to come to Notre 
Dame to comment on books like Jan Gross’s book Neighbors, which defamed the Polish nation by fabricating a holocaust 
narrative out of the incident at Jedwabne. (Again, see Culture Wars, for Iwo Pogonowski’s version of what really happened.) 
Signer hoped that he could get the bishop to denounce Poles as anti-Semites. That is why Signer invited him. I was there in the 
room when he expressed his disappointment that that hadn’t happened. It was shortly after that exchange that someone came up 
to me and shook his fist in my face and said, “Show more respect” because I had asked the bishop about his views on the 
Jewish attempt to extort reparations payments from the Poles. 

Signer’s aggression against the Church came out in the courses he taught on the Gospel of St. John. Students came away 
from his course convinced that St. John was an anti-Semite, but his main accomplishment always remained his ability to 

schmoose Catholics under the guise of dialogue. He was a master of reading crowds, something that came out when he 
organized a symposium on Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, keying up Jesuits or fellow Jews from the film department, 
depending on how the mood of the crowd was developing. 

As a follow-up to my question about the 761st tank battalion, I asked if questioning Elie Wiesel were a form of holocaust 
denial. At the back of my mind was the following passage in The Holocaust Industry, “And to suggest that Wiesel has profited 
from the Holocaust Industry, or even to question him, amounts to Holocaust denial” (p. 70). I did not have the book in front of 
me and remembered the note which followed the passage as referring to Lipstadt’s book. I was wrong. The previous note 
referred to her book. Instead of viewing the exchange as a way of getting to the truth, Lipstadt and her handler congratulated 
themselves afterward on having scored another victory over another hapless goy holocaust denier. I know this because a 
student approached them in the middle of that conversation and relayed the details to me later. 

What followed was more interesting. Obviously affected by the Obama invitation and the brouhaha that it was causing on 
campus, the student then asked Professor Lipstadt whether she thought abortion was a holocaust. The question elicited nothing 
but scorn. Lipstadt dismissed it as absurd, and went on to claim that abortion was a good thing, and went on to cite the UN’s 
promotion of it as proof of its goodness. Suddenly UN resolutions weren’t so bad after all. 

The student then brought up Professor O’Connell’s article on Elie Wiesel, but before she could get her question out, 
Lipstadt dismissed O’Connell as “third rate,” and wanted to how she had come across the article. “My professor assigned in 
class,” replied the student. At this point Professor Lipstadt could no longer restrain the inner Cheka interrogator and demanded 
to know the professor’s name, which the student was smart enough to withhold. One can imagine Professor Lipstadt poring 
over university course lists until 4:42 in the morning trying to find the offending professor. As in the case of Professor Barkey, 
you can take the Jew out of the Cheka, but you can’t take the Cheka out of the Jew. 

In looking at the pictures of Professor Lipstadt on the web, I couldn’t help but notice that they looked nothing like the 
lady who spoke at Notre Dame in March. The photos of Professor Lipstadt on the web show a woman with dark straight hair; 
the woman who spoke at Notre Dame had red curly hair. The discrepancy brought to mind an article I had just read, that day, 
on Miklos Gruner and his odd relationship with Elie Wiesel (Ralph Forbes, “Shocking Charges are made against Most 
Infamous Holocaust ‘Survivor,’” American Free Press, March 23, 2009, p. 16). Gruner was a Hungarian Jew who was 
arrested and deported to Auschwitz in May of 1944. When he got to Auschwitz, Gruner met another Jew by the name of Lazar 
Wiesel, who had the number A-7713 tattooed on his arm. In 1986, Gruner, who was now living in Australia, was contacted by 
a Swedish journalist who invited him to come to Sweden to meet “an old friend” by the name of Elie Wiesel. Thinking he was 
going to meet his old friend Lazar, Gruner was shocked when the man who now goes by the name of Elie Wiesel met him at the 

I was stunned to see a man I didn't recognize at all, who didn't even speak Hungarian and who was 
speaking English with a strong French accent so our meeting was over in about ten minutes. As a good-bye 
gift, the man gave me a book titled Night, of which he claimed to be the author. I told everyone there, that 
this man was not the person he pretended to be. 

When Gruner asked to see the tattoo on Wiesel’s arm, Wiesel refused, claiming that “he didn’t want to exhibit his body.” 
Once the shock wore off, Gruner resolved that “The world must know that Elie Wiesel is an imposter, and I am going to tell 
it.” Gruner even “officially reported to the FBI that Elie Wiesel is an imposter but had no answer ... .” 

Perhaps it was the after-effect of reading this story, perhaps it was the light in the room, but after much pondering, I was 
forced to conclude that the real Professor Lipstadt has been kidnapped by neo-Nazis and is now being held in a basement in 
Potsdam near Hitler’s bunker. These same neo-Nazis have obviously put an imposter in the place of “the nice Jewish girl” (her 
description of herself) who grew up in New York and attended City College there. 

I say this in all seriousness because I can’t imagine why any Jewish organization would fund someone as dull-witted, 
mean-spirited, vindictive, and hate-filled as Professor Lipstadt to be their emissary. Why would they promote a woman who 
makes Heinrich Himmler seem warm and sympathetic by comparison? There is only one cogent answer to the question of cui 
bono here, and that is that the imposter Professor Lipstadt must have been put in place by Neo-Nazis or skinheads or some 
other group interested in promoting the spread of anti-Semitism. No one promotes the spread of anti-Semitism better than 
Professor Lipstadt. I noticed a significant “uptick” the minute she opened her mouth. Professor Lipstadt combines the chutzpah 
of Alan Dershowitz with the scholarly acumen of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, all in one package. Professor Lipstadt gives new 
meaning to the term “toxic asset.” Could Goebbels have come up with a better caricature of the obnoxious Jew? No one, not 
even Israeli soldiers dropping white phosphorus on Palestinian women and children in Gaza, proves more conclusively that the 
main source of anti-Semitism in the world today is Jewish behavior. 

There is, of course, one other possibility, and that is that Professor Lipstadt (or the Neo-Nazi-funded imposter who is 
now going around using her name) is not a commissar at all. She is, in fact, an agent provocateur. The imposter Professor 
Lipstadt’s job is to provoke anti-Semitism. In this Professor Lipstadt is like the arsonist in the fire department. She gets to rush 
in and put out the fires which she herself created. 

I don’t want to press this issue farther than prudence allows, but there is also evidence linking Deborah Lipstadt and 
Notre Dame President John Jenkins in this regard. In fact there is every bit as much evidence that the real Johnny Jenkins has 
been kidnapped as well and that an imposter has been installed as president of Notre Dame. The same arguments apply here as 
well. Once again, I ask, “cui bonoT ’ Can anyone in his right mind believe that a Holy Cross priest who had a reputation as a 
conservative Thomist in the philosophy department would, as one of his first acts, approve performances of an obscene piece 
of agitprop like The Vagina Monologues in the name of academic freedom? No, the very idea is so preposterous it makes all 
but certain my claim that the real Johnny Jenkins has been kidnapped and some ADL agent put in his place to make the Catholic 
Church look both supine and ridiculous. Still not convinced? Well, as an example of the one play that would get banned at 
Notre Dame, Jenkins (or, more likely, the Jewish ADL imposter who took his place) listed the Oberammergau Passion Play! 
Who but a covert agent of the ADL could come up with something more calculated to make Catholics look like idiots?! 

Ultimately, there is no mystery about why Notre Dame should be interested in simultaneously inviting both Deborah 
Lipstadt and Barack Obama to speak at Notre Dame. The Lipstadt redaction of the Holocaust lets every other promoter of 
murder off the hook. If the Holocaust is sui generis, then Obama’s promotion of the abortion holocaust is no big deal. There is 
no abortion Holocaust in fact. Her presence allows Father Jenkins to be the converse of the people who talk about dead babies 
in America and Ukrainians who got starved to death by the Jew Lazar Kaganovich and his henchmen. It allows him to become a 
holocaust denier in good standing, which is to say in good standing with the Jews, the only people whose opinion matters at 
Notre Dame. 

Chapter Three: Bishop Williamson at the End of His Tether 

When the Eye of Sauron that goes by the name of mass communication first fastened its fiery gaze on Bishop Richard 
Williamson in the wake of the pope’s attempt to bring the Society of St Pius X back into communion with the Church by lifting 
the excommunications that followed Iatae sententiae from the act that made Williamson a bishop, his excellency was living in 
Argentina, where he was rector of one of the society’s seminaries. He now lives in Wimbledon, England, home of the famous 
tennis tournament. If home is the place that has to take you in when no one else wants you, it’s clear that the SSPX headquarters 
on Arthur Road was his home. The lifting of the excommunications as a prelude to healing the schism gave birth to the hope that 
Bishop Williamson might find a home in the Church again, but, as I approached Wimbledon, the signals were mixed. The lifting 
of the excommunications signaled the start of negotiations, but the signals emanating from the negotiations were also mixed. 
Walter Cardinal Kasper announced a few days before my arrival that the negotiations were going nowhere; indications from 
the other side were equally gloomy. Bishop Fellay, another of the four bishops, had been interviewed at the SSPX seminary in 
Winona, Minnesota and the interview had been posted on YouTube. Fellay began the interview by throwing Williamson under 
the bus, and it went downhill from there. “The Church has cancer,” Bishop Fellay opined, “and if we embrace the Church we’ll 
get cancer.” He went on to say that the SSPX reserved the right to consecrate other bishops if the negotiations turned out to be 
unsatisfactory. Hope for unity seemed a long way off as I gazed at the preparations for this year’s Wimbledon tennis tournament 
from a passing train. The fields surrounding Wimbledon were full of people, many of whom were pitching tents on this 
blazingly hot day in late June. 

The hubbub surrounding the tennis match seemed particularly distant because at this particular moment a Ugandan by the 
name of Jasper was shouting the letter to the Hebrews into my ear above the din of the train. Jasper began the conversation by 
informing me that he used to be a Catholic. He was, in fact, a seminarian, until he was captured by the Ugandan revolutionary 
movement known as The Ford’s Army and marched off to God knows where. As Ugandan armies go, the Ford’s Army was 
probably not as bad as the army of Idi Amin, which murdered hundreds of thousands of Ugandans and dumped them into the 
Nile. There were so many corpses in the water that even the crocodiles couldn’t eat them all. As a result, they began clogging 
the intake pipes of the local power plant. So being a captive of the Ford’s Army wasn’t as bad as the situation a few years 
before, but it was no picnic either. Jasper and his fellow captives were marching somewhere or other when they ran into the 
current regime’s army, the successors of Idi Amin, at which point a firefight ensued and Jasper was wounded in the leg. 

At this point he paused in his autobiographical narrative to reach down and pull up the left leg of his trousers to reveal a 
number of coin size scars on his chocolate-brown leg. 

“That’s where the bullets entered my leg,” he says. 

At this point everyone in the train stops what they are doing and takes a look at his leg. Then they gaze away and go back 
to their newspapers or gaze off into space listening to their I-pods. Jasper in similar fashion goes back to reading the epistle of 
Paul to the Hebrews, pausing for emphasis to read “and remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this some people 
have entertained angels without knowing it.” It’s clear that Jasper feels that this passage has some special relevance to our 

The scripture passage gets caught on a branch of my consciousness like a valuable article of clothing being washed 
downstream in the torrent of words which has been spouting from Jasper’s mouth ever since I suggested that he rejoin the 
Church. Everyone, it seems, is a spiritual Robinson Crusoe these days, willfully marooning himself on a spiritual island of his 
own choosing and declaring himself his own pope. I try hard to concentrate on what he is saying, especially when he refers our 
present encounter to the angel quote in Hebrews, but at he moment I can’t figure out whether I’m supposed to be the angel to 
him or he the angel to me. 

“You need faith,” he tells me. 

“No,” I reply, half wondering what the Fondon commuters are making of our conversation. “I have faith. You need the 
Church.” My reply unleashes another torrent of Bible verses of the sort I have heard more than once from ardent 
fundamentalists in America. When I bring up, “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell 
will not prevail against it,” Jasper goes etymological on me, claiming that “ecclesia” means “assembly,” which is true enough, 
and that therefore any assembly which proclaims the word of God is the Church. 

“You and I are church,” Jasper tells me earnestly, omitting the definite article like someone in the liturgy program at 
Notre Dame. 

“No, we’re not,” I reply. “I am a member of the Church and you are an ex-member, and that’s the point of this whole 

This too elicits another torrent of scripture, which pours forth from his mouth like the flood-swollen river in Brazil 
which I saw the night before on the BBC. The theological equivalent of refrigerators, cars, hen houses, etc., sweep past my 
ears as I try to assess the theological significance of it all. This must be happening for a reason, I keep telling myself, but all I 
can say to Jasper is, “You’re not listening to what I’m saying,” which, of course, releases another torrent of scriptural 

passages, which would still be pouring forth as I write this if the train hadn’t arrived at Wimbledon Park station, at which point 
I get up and disembark. 

At some point during our conversation, I told Jasper that I was going to give a talk on the priest sex abuse crisis in 
Ireland. The image this conjures in Jasper’s mind must be fertile because it mutates over the course of our train ride together 
into a scene in which he envisions me arriving in a house full of pedophile priests with nothing more in my spiritual arsenal 
than the talk I’ve prepared to defend myself. It’s clear he doesn’t think much of giving talks. He urges me instead to cast out 
demons in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For a moment I consider taking him at his ill-informed word. Pedophilia, schism, 
whatever: chuck the talk and drive out the demons with a command. The idea would recur to me throughout the day. 

When I got to St. George’s House on Arthur Road, the headquarters of the SSPX in England, Bishop Williamson greeted 
me at the door. It’s been roughly ten years since we last met in person, at the SSPX seminary in Winona, Minnesota, where I 
gave a talk to the seminarians on horror movies. This time the conversation was more focused on the situation in the Church. 
After the initial pleasantries, his excellency informed me that, as a result of the media circus of 2009, he had been stripped of 
all assignments in the SSPX. This comes as no surprise because I had seen the Bishop Fellay interview on YouTube. So, after 
being expelled from Argentina, Bishop Williamson returned to England, where he now resides, all dressed up with no place to 
go. Whatever hopes which the lifting of the excommunications in January 2009 engendered were superceded by the uproar 
surrounding the media lynch mob which attempted to derail any reunification of the society and the Church by bringing up the 
issue of holocaust denial. By now the waves of that storm have subsided, but it looks as if the chances of reconciliation have 
subsided with them. 

As I mentioned, shortly before I arrived in England, Walter Cardinal Kasper announced that Rome’s negotiations with 
the SSPX were not going well. Writing on the Chiesa.com Website, Sandro Magistro wrote that Kasper’s misgivings were 
amplified in an article written by Eberhard Schockenhoff, one of Kasper’s former students, and now professor of moral 
theology at the University of Freiburg. The article appeared in the April 2010 issue of the German Jesuit magazine Stimmen 
der Zeit, and in it Schockenhoff claimed “that the real disagreement between the Church of Rome and the Lefebvrists does not 
concern the Mass in Latin, but the teaching of Vatican II, especially on ecclesiology and on freedom of conscience and 
religion.” Both Schockendorf and Kasper fear that the readmission of the SSPX will doom their interpretation of Vatican II and 
all of the projects of the past forty-some years which have been based on it. Schockenhoff fears that “exegetical manipulation 
of the conciliar texts” will allow both Rome and the SSPX to marginalize the true meaning of the council by misrepresenting 
what Schockenhoff and presumably Kasper consider genuine reforms as postconciliar misunderstandings and aborted 
experiments. This would allow an “antimodern protest movement based on preconciliar Catholicism” to be smuggled into the 
Church. It would also mark the end (although Schockenhoff doesn’t say this) of the hegemony of the German professors, whose 
interpretation has been dominant but fading since the end of the council. The influence of the German professors has faded even 
more, paradoxically, since the accession of Benedict XVI (the quintessential German professor) to the chair of Peter. 
Schockenhoff compares the negotiations with the SSPX to “a hermeneutic tightrope walk, which attempts to square the circle.” 
He also compares it to “playing with fire.” The issue is interpretation: Whose interpretation of the council is going to prevail? 
Put another way, readmitting the SSPX would mean the end of the hegemony of the German professors’ interpretation of the 
Council, which the German professors like to portray as “the will of the majority of the Council fathers”: 

By proposing an official interpretation, another meaning gets imposed on central conciliar texts other 
than the meaning which the will of the majority of the Council fathers intended... . What's at stake here is 
the direction of the future path of the Church, a direction which the Council chose when it decided to open 
itself up to the modern world, when it chose ecumenical solidarity with the orthodox and reformation 
churches as well as dialogue with the Jews and other world religions. 

The main person responsible for wanting to “square the circle,” i.e., make the council documents compatible with both 
modernity and tradition is, in Schockenhoffs view, Pope Benedict XVI. Magister claims that “In explaining how to interpret 
the Council correctly, Benedict XVI shows how it did in fact introduce new developments with respect to the past, but always 
in continuity with ‘the deepest patrimony of the Church.’” And as an example of this interplay between newness and continuity, 
the pope illustrates precisely the conciliar ideas on freedom of religion: the main point of division between the Church and the 

On December 22, 2005, Pope Benedict gave a speech to the curia in which he tried to explain the Zeitgeist which was 
regnant when the council was in session: 

The Council had to find a new definition of the relationship between the Church and the modern age. 
This relationship started out difficultly with the Galileo trial. It broke completely, when Kant defined 
"religion within pure reason" and when, in the radical phase of the French Revolution, an image of the state 
and of man was spread that practically intended to crowd out the Church and faith. The clash of the 
Church's faith with a radical liberalism and also with natural sciences that claimed to embrace, with its 
knowledge, the totality of reality to its outmost borders, stubbornly setting itself to make the "hypothesis of 

God" superfluous, had provoked in the 19th century under Pius IX, on the part of the Church, a harsh and 
radical condemnation of this spirit of the modern age. Thus, there were apparently no grounds for any 
positive and fruitful agreement, and drastic were also the refusals on the part of those who felt they were 
the representatives of the modern age. 

However, in the meantime, the modern age also had its development. It was becoming clear that the 
American Revolution had offered a model of the modern state that was different from that theorized by the 
radical tendencies that had emerged from the second phase of the French Revolution. Natural sciences 
began, in a more and more clear way, to reflect their own limits, imposed by their own method which, 
though achieving great things, was nevertheless not able to comprehend the totality of reality. Thus, both 
sides began to progressively open up to each other. In the period between the two world wars and even 
more after the second world war, Catholic statesmen had shown that a modern lay state can exist, which 
nevertheless is not neutral with respect to values, but lives tapping into the great ethical fonts of 
Christianity. Catholic social doctrine, as it developed, had become an important model between radical 
liberalism and the Marxist theory of the state. 

As a result of this opening to the modern world, discontinuities began to emerge. Catholics began condemning things that 
the Saints of previous eras considered praiseworthy. Similarly, things that the Council considered praiseworthy — things like 
Schockenhoff’s “dialogue with the Jews” — would have been condemned as pernicious by Church fathers like St. John 
Chrysosotm Before long the discontinuities became too big and too important to ignore, or as Pope Benedict put it: 

It is clear that in all these sectors, which together are one problem, some discontinuities would emerge. 
Although this may not have been fully appreciated at first, the discontinuities that did emerge — 
notwithstanding distinct concrete historical situations and their needs — did prevent continuity at the level 
of principles. 

The Church now finds herself in the process of reconciling those discontinuities, and it is this process of re-establishing 
continuity with tradition which Schockenhofif sees as a betrayal of the meaning of the Council. The SSPX, on the other hand, 
sees the process of reconciliation as a betrayal of Church doctrine, and it is at precisely this impasse that the negotiations with 
the SSPX stand at the moment. 

The pope feels that the Council succeeded at being both new and connected with the past: 

By defining in a new way the relationship between the faith of the Church and some essential elements 
of modern thinking, the Second Vatican Council revised and even corrected some past decisions. But in an 
apparent discontinuity it has instead preserved and reinforced its intimate nature and true identity. The 
Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic both before and after the Council, throughout time. It "presses 
forward amid the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God," announcing the cross and death 
of the Lord until he comes (cf Lumen gentium, 8). 

Yet those who expected that with this fundamental "Yes" to the modern age, all tensions would melt 
away, and that this "opening up to the world" would render everything harmonious, underestimated the 
inner tensions and contradictions of the modern age; they underestimated the internal tensions and the 
dangerous fragility of human nature, which have threatened man's journey throughout all historical periods 
and configurations. Given man's new power over himself and over matter, these dangers have not 
disappeared; instead, they have acquired a new dimension. We can clearly illustrate this by looking at 
current history. 

At this point an uncanny similarity emerges between the SSPX and the liberals who want to keep them out of the Church. 
Both the SSPX and Professor Schockenhofif are arguing that their interpretation of Vatican II should be taken as normative. Both 
the SSPX and Professor Schockenhofif (for obviously different reasons) would claim that the pope was “attempting to square 
the circle,” by thinking that modernity and Church tradition were reconcilable. Both the SSPX and Professor Schockenhofif 
have made a particular interpretation of a particular council as the litmus test for membership in the Church. Neither the SSPX 
nor Professor Schockenhofif seems capable of entertaining the idea that the Church had embarked upon projects in the wake of 
the council which were based in some sense or other on council documents but which went way beyond what the council 
documents authorized. “Gesprach mit dem Judentum ” or dialogue with the Jews is one example cited by Schockenhofif which 
has led to an almost total discontinuity with the past, something the American bishops discovered when they had to revise their 
catechism. Should the Church perdure in this particular implementation of the council? Or should she admit that this and other 
projects which the council spawned, unlike the documents themselves, are nothing more than failed experiments based on an 
inadequate understanding of what was really happening during the revolutionary ’60s? Is the Church committed to repudiating 

the Gospel in the name of dialogue? One would hope not, but the question needs to be contextualized before it can be 
answered. If we identify the Council with “Gesprach mit dem Judentum ,” as Professor Schockcnhoff does, then the answer is 
far from clear. Schockenhoff might go so far as to endorse postconciliar aberrations like the claim that “the Mosaic covenant is 
eternally valid,” a claim both made and repudiated by the American bishops, but would the pope go that far? Probably not. But 
the pope’s track record on continuity in this regard is far from clear. He seems unaware that dialogue with the Jews, as 
currently practiced, entails repudiating the Gospel, and that proclaiming the Gospel is antithetical to dialogue with the Jews. 
As things stand now, the issue is far from resolved, and the only thing that unites both the German professors and the SSPX at 
this point seems to be their belief that the pope is determined to square the circle. 

It was clear that there were people within the Church who didn’t want reunification to happen because it threatened their 
interpretation of Vatican II as the normative view. George Weigel was one of the people who felt threatened. “It is not easy,” 
he wrote in an editorial in Newsweek in February 2009, “to see how the unity of the Catholic Church will be advanced if the 
Lefebrvist faction does not publicly and unambiguously affirm Vatican Council II’s teaching on the nature of the Church, on 
religious freedom, and on the sin of anti-Semitism. Absent such an affirmation, pick-and-choose cafeteria Catholicism will be 
reborn on the far fringes of the Catholic right, just when it was fading into insignificance on the dwindling Catholic left, its 
longtime home.” Having a Neocon like George Weigel accuse the SSPX of “pick-and-choose cafeteria Catholicism” was a 
classic instance of the pot calling the kettle black. Weigel had been picking and choosing his peculiar brand of Catholicism 
according to Neocon principles for years, beginning with his justification of the war in Iraq all the way up to his reading of 
Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical on church social teaching Caritas in Veritatem. When Weigel put on his magic neocon glasses 
to read the pope’s encyclical, some passages appeared in gold, which is to say, they were congruent with the neocon agenda, 
while some passages appeared in red, which meant that they were not and could safely be ignored by real Catholics, which is 
to say, those who followed the neocon agenda as articulated by George Weigel. To people like this, the holocaust denial 
brouhaha was the answer to a maiden’s prayer because it provided a way to shut down unwelcome discussion of suppressed 
topics. But by June 2010, the time of my meeting with Bishop Williamson, it looked as if the holocaust issue had been 
resolved. In the spring of 2010 Williamson was convicted in a German court and fined 180,000 euros, a sum that was later 
reduced to 10,000 and is now being appealed. Bishop Williamson had “put that issue behind him,” as the politicians like to 
say. He was now “ready to move on with his life.” 

Or was he? At the height of the media cycle, Williamson wrote to the pope and suggested that he be thrown, like Jonah, 
into the sea to calm the waves. That is a fairly close approximation of what happened, but it wasn’t the pope who threw his 
excellency into the sea, it was Bishop Fellay, who threw him under the bus. Richard Williamson is now a bishop without a 
portfolio. In addition to removing him from the seminary in Argentina, Bishop Fellay has forbidden Williamson from saying 
anything in public, including presumably granting interviews to people like me. 

If there was an assumption on my part behind this meeting it was that the lifting of the excommunications and the 
subsequent holocaust denial brouhaha had changed the situation. The only evidence I had to go on was Williamson volunteering 
to be thrown into the sea, but that seemed indication enough that the situation had changed him. The lifting of the 
excommunications had certainly changed my attitude toward the SSPX—from accusations of the sort that we had leveled in the 
investigative pieces we had run in the ’90s to a desire to do whatever it took to restore full communion. Actually, that desire 
had come into existence long before the excommunications had been lifted. When we had met at the SSPX seminary in Winona 
in the ’90s, I had asked his excellency what I could do to help end the schism. His reply was simple enough, “Get Rome to 
revoke Vatican II.” 

“Is that all?” I said jokingly back then. 

The more we talked, however, the more I had the sinking feeling that nothing had changed. “Semper idem ” (always the 
same) was the motto of Cardinal Ottaviani and the phrase had always seemed appealing in dealing with the modernists, but 
now it began to recur in a different, less positive light, which is to say, not so much as a reaffirmation of tradition, but as the 
theological version of Groundhog Day, the movie in which Bill Murray plays a weatherman from Pittsburgh who finds himself 
repeating the same day over and over again. The SSPX had been claiming for over 20 years that the issue was doctrine, 
specifically doctrinal issues concerning Vatican II, and in the wake of the excommunications, they had persuaded Rome to 
engage in dialogue under those auspices, but now it was clear, as Cardinal Kasper had pointed out, that the dialogue was going 

This is not surprising because doctrine was never the heart of the matter. In fact, by allowing the dialogue on doctrine to 
proceed, Rome had fatally undermined its own position. The real issue is schism, not doctrine. Heresy is a sin against doctrine, 
and in the negotiations which followed the lifting of the excommunications, the SSPX was engaged in an attempt to turn the 
tables on Rome and convince them that they were guilty of heresy. Before entering into dialogue with the SSPX, Rome would 
have done better to watch Bishop Fellay’s interview on YouTube. In it, Fellay gets to the heart of the matter when he says, 
“The Church has cancer. We don’t want to embrace the Church because then we’ll get cancer too.” 

If anyone had any doubts about the SSPX being in schism, this interview should have laid them to rest. As St. Augustine 
pointed out in both his treatises on Baptism and the Donatists, schism has nothing to do with doctrine. Schism is a sin against 

charity. It involves breaking communion out of fear of contamination — which is precisely how Bishop Fellay framed the issue 
in his YouTube interview. Bishop Williamson has his own YouTube interview, filmed in January 2010, in which he says 
essentially the same thing. The only difference is that in his interview Williamson claims that the Church has leprosy. In 
medical terms, the analogy is more apt because leprosy is contagious, but the thought is essentially the same. The SSPX broke 
communion with the Church when Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated Williamson and Fellay and two other bishops. Refusal of 
communion out of fear of contamination is, as anyone who has read St. Augustine knows, the classic expression of schism, but 
evidently no one in Rome noticed this when they began their negotiations with the SSPX because instead of dealing with the 
issue at hand, Rome embarked upon the theological equivalent of Mission Impossible, which is to say a theological discussion 
of the documents of Vatican with a group of people who were using doctrine as a pretext to avoid talking about their own lack 
of charity. 

What Rome overlooked in this matter was the psychological need on the part of the SSPX to divert the negotiations into a 
discussion of doctrine. That need is based more on guilt than anything in the documents of Vatican II. The SSPX committed a 
sin against charity when Archbishop Lefebvre, claiming that a state of emergency existed in the Church, broke communion by 
consecrating the four bishops. Their justification for breaking communion is ultimately irrelevant because the Church is always 
to some extent or other in a state of emergency because the Church is always at the mercy of the venal and wicked men who 
rise to positions of power in it because such men always rise to positions of power in human institutions, but no state of 
emergency (real or imagined) ever justifies breaking communion. The Irish priest sex abuse crisis is a case in point, and it was 
the invitation to discuss that crisis in the light of tradition which brought me to the SSPX headquarters in Wimbledon in the first 

The Priest Crisis in Ireland 

In a pastoral letter addressed to the Church in Ireland dated March 19, 2010, Pope Benedict XTV claimed that in order to 
recover from the wound which a number of Irish priests had inflicted on the young people entrusted to their care 

the Church in Ireland must first acknowledge before the Lord and before others the serious sins 
committed against defenseless children. Such an acknowledgement, accompanied by sincere sorrow for the 
damage caused to these victims and their families, must lead to a concerted effort to ensure the protection 
of children from similar crimes in the future. 

The pope based his letter largely on the findings of The Murphy Report, which had been published on November 26, 
2009 and found that “child abuse by clerics was widespread throughout the period under review.” 

More crucial to a correct understanding of the Irish sexual abuse crisis is an understanding of the “period under review.” 
Most of the cases of abuse which the Church is now confronting took place in a period whose epicenter was roughly 30 to 40 
years ago. In order to understand the crisis then, we need to understand what Germans call the Zeitgeist, or the spirit of the 
times, the times being largely the ’70s, when roughly ten years after the Second Vatican Council ended the Church was in the 
throes of its implementation. 

The pope adverts to this time period in his letter: 

Significant too was the tendency during this period, also on the part of priests and religious, to adopt 
ways of thinking and assessing secular realities without sufficient reference to the Gospel. The programme 
of renewal proposed by the Second Vatican Council was sometimes misinterpreted and indeed, in the light 
of the profound social changes that were taking place, it was far from easy to know how best to implement 

One of the main characteristics of this period, according to the pope, was 

a well-intentioned but misguided tendency to avoid penal approaches to canonically irregular situations. 
It is in this overall context that we must try to understand the disturbing problem of child sexual abuse, 
which has contributed in no small measure to the weakening of the faith and the loss of respect for the 
Church and her teachings. 

The Murphy Report makes clear that the Church did not apply the remedies which Canon Law provides in the case of 
sexual abuse. Instead, the diocese of Dublin set aside the penal process of canon law in favor of a purely “pastoral” approach 
which was, in the Commission’s view, wholly ineffective as a means of controlling clerical child sexual abuse.” During the 
course of its investigations, the Commission learned that “In the mid 1970s there was no public, professional or Government 
perception either in Ireland or internationally that child sexual abuse constituted a societal problem or was a major risk to 
children.” As one commentator put it: 

The pages of the Murphy Report are littered with instances of carelessness, incompetence and moral 
cowardice. Over the past fifteen to twenty years they have been flailing about, trying to get to grips with a 
seemingly intractable problem. Far too often their response has been, at best, inadequate. A line from the 
Report which rings particularly true refers to a priest who had the impression of Archbishop Connell that he 
"came across as someone who really cared for the victim but had not "got a clue" about how to go about 
dealing with the reality of the problem." Many of the other Bishops give a similar impression. 

Pope Benedict was unsparing in his criticism of the priests who betrayed the trust of those whom they 
were called to serve and the bishops who were derelict in exercising proper oversight, but Paragraph 4 of 
his pastoral letter indicates that other forces were at work as well. 

In recent decades the Church in your country has had to confront new and serious challenges to the 
faith arising from the rapid transformation and secularization of Irish society. Fast-paced social change has 
occurred, often adversely affecting people's traditional adherence to Catholic teaching and values. All too 
often, the sacramental and devotional practices that sustain faith and enable it to grow, such as frequent 
confession, daily prayer and annual retreats were neglected. Only by examining carefully the many 
elements that gave rise to the present crisis can a clear-sighted diagnosis of its causes be undertaken and 
effective remedies be found. 

Commenting on the pope’s letter in a symposium at Chiesa.com, ( http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1342641 ). 
Sandro Magistro claimed that “Benedict XVI has given the Catholics of Ireland an order never before given by a pope of the 

modern era to an entire national Church.... He told them not only to bring the guilty before the canonical and civil courts, but 
to put themselves collectively in a state of penance and purification ... in a public form, before the eyes of all, even the most 
implacable and mocking adversaries,” but the point of the article was, once again the Zeitgeist. As the title of the Magister’s 
article in La Repubblica indicated, “Genesis of Crime: the Revolution of the 1960s,” the cause of this crime was the sexual 
revolution of the ’60s, an event which was a true revolution and which brought about the sexualization of traditional Catholic 
cultures, which brought with it the sexualization of the clergy as well. 

Taking part in the same symposium, Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco saw “strategies of generalized discredit” behind the 
news reports as well as more than a little hypocrisy. The media who were calling for the pope’s resignation were the same 
media which had spent decades undermining sexual morality: 

In reality, we must all question ourselves, without any more alibis, about a culture that in our time 
reigns pampered and uncontested, and tends progressively to fray the connective tissue of society as a 
whole, perhaps even mocking those who try to resist and to oppose it: the attitude that is, of those who 
cultivate absolute autonomy from the criteria of moral judgment and convey as good and alluring behaviors 
that are designed according to individual desires and even unbridled instincts. But the exaggeration of 
sexuality disconnected from its anthropological significance, all-encompassing hedonism, and a relativism 
that does not admit limits or exceptions, do great harm because they are specious and sometimes so 
pervasive as to escape notice. 

Cardinal Ruini called the crisis in Ireland “part of a strategy that has been underway for centuries” and went on to claim 
that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had “elaborated” this strategy “with his flair for detail.” 

According to Nietzsche, the decisive attack on Christianity cannot be brought on the level of truth, but 
on that of Christian ethics, which he saw as the enemy of the joy of living. And so I would like to ask those 
who decry scandals of pedophilia mostly when they involve the Catholic Church, perhaps bringing into 
question priestly celibacy: would it not be more honest and realistic to recognize that certainly these and 
other deviations related to sexuality accompany the entire history of the human race, but also that in our 
time these deviations are further stimulated by the much ballyhooed 'sexual liberation." 

When the exaltation of sexuality pervades every part of life and when autonomy from any moral 
criterion is claimed for the sexual instinct, it becomes difficult to explain that certain abuses are absolutely 
to be condemned. In reality, human sexuality from the start is not simply instinctual; it is not the same as 
that of the other animals. It is, like all of man, a sexuality 'mixed' with reason and morality, which can be 
lived humanly, and truly bring happiness, only if it is lived this way. 

Once again the key to understanding the Irish abuse crisis is understanding “the period under review,” which is to say the 
aftermath of the sexual revolution of the ’60s. Professor of sociology Massimo Introvigne, president of CESNUR, the Center 
for the Studies on New Religion, claimed that the attack on the Church began in earnest during “what the English and the 
Americans call ‘the ’60s,’ and the Italians, concentrating on the emblematic year of 1968 [call] 7/ Sessantotto .’” This era, 
according to Professor Introvigne, “increasingly appears as a time of profound disturbances of customs, with crucial and 
lasting effects on religion.” 

Benedict XVI in his letter shows that he is aware of the fact that there was in the 1960s an authentic revolution — no less 
important than the Protestant Reformation or the French Revolution — that was “fast-paced” and dealt a tremendous blow to 
“traditional adherence to Catholic teaching and values.” 

In the Catholic Church there was not at once a sufficient awareness of the scope of this revolution. In 
this climate, certainly not all priests who were insufficiently formed or infected by the climate following the 
'60s and not even a significant percentage of them, became pedophiles. But the study of the revolution of 
the 1960s and of 1968 is crucial to understanding what happened afterward, including pedophilia. And to 
finding real remedies. If this revolution, unlike those before it, is moral and spiritual and touches the 
interiority of man, it is only from the restoration of morality of the spiritual life and of comprehensive truth 
about the human person that the remedies can ultimately come. 

What this and similar commentary makes clear is that talking about the ’60s and understanding the ’60s are two different 
things. What all of the critiques have in common is an inadequate understanding of what happened in the ’60s and, more 
importantly, what happened in the aftermath of the sexual revolution, a period which coincided in time with the implementation 
of the Second Vatican Council. 

Cardinal Ruini mentions Nietzsche, who is certainly a villain, but if his eminence was interested in talking about a 
campaign of revolution, of “a strategy that has been underway for centuries,” and sexualization of the culture for political 

purposes, he would have done better to begin with the Marquis de Sade. 

Similarly, Professor Invigne claims 

that a single factor cannot explain a revolution of this magnitude. The economic boom and feminism 
play a part, but also more strictly cultural aspects both outside the churches and Christian communities (the 
encounter between psychoanalysis and Marxism) and inside them (the 'new theologies'). 

But he doesn’t mention Wilhelm Reich, the man who created the term Sexual Revolution and who also combined 
psychoanalysis and Marxism to create a weapon that was specifically targeted against the Catholic Church, and even more 
specifically one which promoted the sexual corruption of the clergy as the best way of reducing the Church’s political power. 

Reich was a Jew from Galicia, the easternmost province of the Austro-Hungarian empire, who was both a Freudian and 
a Marxist. Nine years after his death, he became the hero of the ‘68 revolution in Paris. Two years later he was featured on the 
cover of the New York Times magazine. 

By the time Reich had been re-discovered by the New Left in 1969, he had been dead for ten years, but that fact was 
irrelevant, because the Reich the cultural revolutionaries were interested in promoting had stopped writing in 1933 anyway. 
On January 4, 1971, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt wrote a review of the new Farrar Straus edition of The Mass Psychology of 
Fascism, which announced in effect that the Reich revival had begun in earnest. “Wilhelm Reich,” Lehmann-Haupt proclaimed, 
“the Austrian sexologist and inventor of the so-called orgone energy accumulator, has made a comeback.” Reich, according to 
the review, was the father of youth culture, the sexual revolution, and the feminist movement. Kate Millett’s book Sexual 
Politics was written under his influence. Beyond that, Reich was better at reconciling Freud and Marx than Marcuse, 
especially by expounding his “credo that sexual man was man liberated from his need for authority, religion, and marriage.” 
Reich, in other words, “makes considerable sense,” at least to someone sympathetic to the goal of sexual liberation. Lehmann- 
Haupt was, in fact, so enamored of Reich’s vision of sexual liberation he was even willing to take a second look at his theory 
of orgone energy. “Perhaps it’s time to reconsider all of Wilhelm Reich,” he concluded. 

Four months later, on April 18, 1971, the New York Times returned to Reich, this time devoting a feature length article in 
their Sunday magazine to his thought. In “Wilhelm Reich: The Psychiatrist as Revolutionary,” David Elkind described how 
student communards in Berlin pelted the police with soft-bound copies of Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism. (Was it 
compassion that kept them from using hardbound copies or frugality?) Reich “was being resurrected everywhere in Europe as a 
hero/saint to students demanding social reform,” and now “many American young people” were “now discovering that Reich is 
very much their kind of Revolutionary too.” This was the case because his message was more appealing to the American Left, 
who felt that they could bring down the state by sexual license without the sublimation urged by Freud or the political 
revolution urged by Marx. 

Reich is relevant to our discussion because he was a proponent of both child sexuality and the sexual subversion of the 
clergy. In The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Reich claimed that it was pointless to debate the existence of God with a 
seminarian. However, if the seminarian could be induced to engage in sexual activity, the idea of God “evaporated” from his 
mind. In The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Reich praised “the genuine sociologist who will reckon psychoanalysis’ 
comprehension of childhood sexuality as a highly significant revolutionary act” (p. 28). He goes on to say that the Catholic 
Church is the main enemy of revolutionary liberation: 

With the restriction and suppression of sexuality, the nature of human feeling changes; a sex-negating 
religion comes into being and gradually develops its own sex-political organization, the church with all its 
predecessors, the aim of which is nothing other than the eradication of man's sexual desires and 
consequently of what little happiness there is on earth. 

According to Reich: “Sexual inhibition prevents the average adolescent from thinking and feeling in a rational way.” 
Religion, according to Reich, is nothing more than inhibited sexuality: 

Clinical experience shows incontestably that religious sentiments result from inhibited sexuality, that the 
source of mystical excitation is to be sought in inhibited sexual excitation. The inescapable conclusion of all 
this is that a clear sexual consciousness and a natural regulation of sexual life must foredoom every form of 
mysticism; that, in other words, natural sexuality is the archenemy of mystical religion. By carrying on an 
anti-sexual fight wherever it can, making it the core of its dogmas and putting it in the foreground of its 
mass propaganda, the church only attests to the correctness of this interpretation. 

At another point Reich claims that: “If one succeeds in getting rid of the childhood fear of masturbation and as a result 
thereof genitality demands gratification, then intellectual insight and sexual gratification are wont to prevail.” 

The first step to revolution is the promotion of child sexuality because “Sexual consciousness and mystical sentiments 
cannot coexist.” Any revolutionary who regards sexuality as a “private matter” is guilty of a “grave error” because 

political reaction ... always rides on two tracks at the same time: on that of economic policies and that 

of "moral renewal." Until now, the freedom movement has traveled on one track only. What is needed, 
therefore, is to master the sexual question on a social scale, to transform the shadowy side of personal life 
into social mental hygiene, to make the sexual question a part of the total campaign, instead of confining 
oneself to the question of population politics. 

Sexual revolution is, to use Reich’s term, “social dynamite,” but it cannot work its destructive havoc if the 
revolutionaries are afraid of getting involved in child sexuality, or as Reich puts it: “if this work is to be carried out by 
revolutionaries who vie with the church in the asseveration and advocacy of moralistic mysticism, who view the answering of 
the sexual question as being beneath the ‘dignity of revolutionary ideology,’ who dismiss childhood masturbation as a 
‘bourgeois invention,”’ it won’t work. 

In other words the true revolutionary must be willing to promote the sexualization of children. The revolutionary, 
according to Reich, must “awaken ... a desire in modern youth, a desire for a new philosophy and for scientific knowledge 
about the fight for sexual health, sexual consciousness, and freedom... . It is the youth that matters! And they — this much is 
certain — are no longer accessible to a sex-negating ideology on a mass scale. This is our strong point.” 

Reich’s emphasis on the promotion of sexual activity is too pervasive to be ignored: 

In the main, revolutionary work with children can only be sex-economic work. Overcome your 
astonishment and listen patiently. Why is it that children in the pre-pubertal stage can be directed by 
sexual education in the best and easiest way? 

This powerful weapon was never put to use in Germany. And it was those in charge of child 
organizations who offered the strongest resistance to the proposal that the usual individual treatment of 
sex education be turned into sex education on a mass scale. 

If we could once succeed in engaging the sexual interests of children and adolescents on a mass scale, 
then reactionary contamination would be faced with a tremendous counterforce — and political reaction 
would be powerless. 

... the mechanism that makes masses of people incapable of freedom is the social suppression of genital 
sexuality in small children, adolescents, and adults. 

In order to bring about revolution, the true revolutionary, according to Reich, must promote sex with children. He must 
also promote the sexualization of the Catholic clergy because the Catholic Church is the main obstacle to the revolutionary 
take-over of Austrian society: 

The case of clerics is especially difficult, for a convincing continuation of their profession, whose physical 
consequences they have felt on their own body, has become impossible. The only course open to many of 
them is to replace their priesthood with religious research or teaching. 

Taken together Reich’s promotion of child sexuality and the sexualization of the Catholic clergy became the blueprint for 
the subversion of the Catholic Church. This campaign began in the wake of the Second Vatican Council but it reached its 
culmination in the priest abuse crisis of the first decade of the 21 st century. Reich’s theories were put into practice during the 
sexual revolution of the ’60s, but it would take decades before their full effect would be felt. 

The Left put Reich’s theories into practice during the ’60s. In an article which appeared in the Austrian magazine Die 
Aula in February 2001, a translation of which was reprinted in English in Culture Wars in May of that year, Hans Fingeller 
explained how the sexual revolutionaries “used children as experimental guinea pigs in the sensitive area of sexual 

Wilhelm Reich, a wacko follower of Sigmund Freud, proposed certain theses on how one might "liberate" 
the sexuality of children, which the "Spontis"and APO [Ausserparliamentarische Opposition] revolutionaries 

used as an excuse to carry out certain experiments with children.As a result of absorbing Reich's 

theories, the '68 generation began experimenting on their own children, who were now being raised not in 
pubic or religious schools, but rather in "alternative day care centers" in which zealous comrades attempted 
to create out of this 'human material" the "New Man" not by any biological process but by the deliberate 
application of Marxist ideology to the classroom. 

In his book Linke Lebensluegen: eine Ueberfaellige Rechnung [Left-wing Lies about Life: a long-overdue Reckoning] 
Klaus Rainer Roehl, who was then husband of RAF terrorist Ulrike Meinhof, goes into some detail about the child-rearing 
practices in Kommune 2, which specialized in raising children according to the Gospel of Wilhelm Reich. 

The first goal of this “education” was to replace the attachment of the child to his parents with a relationship to a 
“relationship person” and as a result inhibit the formation of “the authoritarian family fixation.” These activities included 

pedophilic contact between adults and five year old girls, the details of which I will spare you. You can read the full account 
in the May 2001 issue of Culture Wars. 

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is now a member of the European Parliament and the head of the Green Party in France, but during 
the ’60s he was a teacher in one of these day-care centers. After his Comrade-in-Arms Joschka Fischer was named foreign 
minister of Germany, Cohn-Bendit granted an interview with ZDF, the second German TV channel in which he was asked 
whether he was ever employed in one of the red day care centers. 

“Yes, of course, of course,” he replied. 

The ZDF reporter then asked him if he published the following text about his experiences there: “it often happened to me 
that the children would unzip my fly and begin to fondle me.” 

At that point the eloquent European Parliamentarian had the look of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. 

After lots of hemming and hawing, Cohn-Bendit said that he wouldn’t recommend now what he recommended then 
because “we know a lot more about child abuse.” 

Then, contradicting what he had written, Cohn-Bendit swore: “I never had anything to do with children.” 

The ZDF reporter remained unconvinced: “It sounds so autobiographical. The descriptions are so personal, as if you had 
had sex with children.” 

Cohn-Bendit replied, “Yeah, but that is not true. That is not true. The same thing goes for the parents ... I’m not mad if 
people accuse me of that because it was no secret. I was only thinking that you have to look at it in the context of this time and 
this period. We’re talking about ‘68. That was then... .” 

Unlike the Catholic Church, which has apologized for the priests who have engaged in sexual activity with children, the 
Feft in general and the Green Party as its current heir has never “sought ways to repair the damage that they have done to the 
children of than generation, who were treated like guinea pigs by being subjected to the abstruse ideas of the madman Wilhelm 

Klaus Rainer Poehl writes: “It’s in this particular area [the sexualization of children] that his movement has the most to 
answer for. These evil or stupid deeds have created the biggest aftershock for the movement. It was here that it did its most 

Writing around the same time as Hans Fingeller, Herbert Rauter claims that Cohn-Bendit’s experiences were “No 
Isolated Incident.” In fact in 1985 the Green Party, the political home of both Cohn-Bendit and Joschka Fischer, advocated the 
elimination of laws criminalizing sexual relations with children, claiming “they prevent the free development of the 

At the beginning of 1985, the Greens proposed legislation which would decriminalize the seduction of girls under 16 
years of age as well as homosexual contact with children and teenagers. Their reason? “The threat of punishment inhibits 
children from discovering their true sexual orientation.” 

At their state convention in Fuedenscheid in March of 1985, the Greens of Nordrhein-Westfalen demanded that 
“nonviolent sexual activity” between children and adults never be considered as a reason for criminal prosecution. This sort of 
activity, to the contrary, “must be liberated from all restrictions which this society has placed on it.” The fact that this 
resolution was approved by a majority of those in attendance attests to the fact that they considered sexual relations between 
children and adults as a form of “social oppression, which places those who are interested in engaging in nonviolent sex with 
children in the danger of having their entire lives destroyed from one day to the next if it were to become known that they had 
relations which all of us consider pleasant, productive, development-enhancing, in short, positive for both parties involved... . 
Therefore, we demand that all criminal sanctions against such sexual activity be removed.” 

In 1985 the Greens in Baden-Wuerttemberg ... attempted to weaken the criminal sanctions against this form of sexual 
activity. Consensual sex between adults and children should not be punished. Also in 1985, in their political platform 
(Auszuege aus dem Wahlprogram der Alternative Liste Berlin), the Greens claimed that “It is inhuman to approve sexual 
activity only for a certain age group and under certain conditions. If young people express the wish to have sex with people of 
the same age or with older people outside of the family, either because their homosexuality is not accepted by their parents or 
because they have pedophilic tendencies or for whatever reason, they must be afforded the possibility of acting on these 

Fet’s sum up here. Christopher Hitchens, who has written a book extolling the virtues of atheism and another attacking 
Mother Teresa, is planning to arrest the pope when he arrives in England in September, but no one is planning to arrest Daniel 
Cohn-Bendit any time soon. The Church has never condoned this sort of activity in any way, shape or form, much less in the 
way that the Green Party has, but no one is suing the Green Party for the sexual molestation that took place in the day-care 
centers of the ’60s. 

It turns out that Gaudium et Spes was off the mark when it claimed that the Church had nothing to fear from the modern 
world. Modernity has always been the enemy of the Church and it remains so today. 

But worse than the machinations of her enemies, the Church has adopted the categories of its oppressors in the name of 
dialogue and as a result blinded itself to what was really going on during this crucial period of Church history. As a result, the 

Church is still trying to figure out what happened during the ’60s. Professor Invigne claims that 

There was ... a Sessantotto in society and also a Sessantotto in the Church: 1968 is itself the year of 
public dissent against the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" of Paul VI, a dispute that according to a valuable and 
influential study by the recently deceased American philosopher Ralph Mclnerny, What Went Wrong with 
Vatican II, represents a point of no return in the crisis of the principle of authority in the Church. 

That book was in many ways the result of 15 years of lunches which Ralph and I had together at the Great Wall Chinese 
restaurant in South Bend, Indiana. Ralph and I also attended the synod on the Laity in Rome together in the late ’80s. Ralph, 
who died in January, was intimately involved in the Revolution of ‘68. His novel The Priest views it from a ringside seat. For 
15 years Ralph and I discussed the state of the Church over Chinese food at the Great Wall. What Professor Invigne didn’t 
know is that we also discussed Notre Dame University’s involvement in the sexual revolution. Professor Invigne couldn’t have 
known that because Ralph suppressed all of the information on Notre Dame in his book. The result was an account of this 
crucial period of Church history which was so truncated that it was seriously misleading. The Chiesa.com symposium is one 
more proof that the Church is ignorant of its own history. The Church can’t win because she is not playing with a full deck. 

Missing from Ralph’s book was any mention of the role Notre Dame played in the sexualization of the culture, the 
sexualization of the Catholic Church, or the sexualization of the clergy. This story didn’t begin in March 2010. The sexual 
revolution of 1968 was part of a war against that Church that had been going on in America for over 30 years. 

Less than a week after my return to America, it seemed clear that the sex abuse crisis was far from over. In fact, it had by 
then spread to Belgium, where local police broke into church buildings, barred bishops meeting there from leaving the 
premises, seized computers and church files, and even bored holes into the tombs of two deceased bishops. The Vatican was 
outraged by the actions of the Belgian police, claiming that “there are no precedents, not even under the old communist 
regimes” for such actions, but the Vatican’s apologies for sexual abuse combined with their lack of understanding about how 
the political instrumentalization of sexual deviance worked made political retaliation like this inevitable. The era of dialogue 
with the modern world which began with the council ended with the sound of boots on the stairs and the police banging at the 
door of the Church and a campaign which made Kulturkampf and communist oppression seem mild by comparison. The police 
raids in Belgium certainly provided the possibility of a new interpretation of Gaudium et Spes, but no one in Rome was rising 
to the challenge of the new hermeneutic. 

The Church and Her Enemies 

In talking with Bishop Williamson, it becomes clear that the doctrinal issue is uppermost in his mind, but that’s only 
because he refuses to admit the real cause of the problem, namely, that the SSPX broke communion. Schism is a word that 
never gets mentioned in traditional circles. It is only with difficulty that I can broach the topic in our conversation. Bishop 
Williamson wants to talk about the pope instead, who, according to his view, sometimes says 2 plus 2 equals four and 
sometimes says 2 plus 2 equals five. 

The pope’s views of the Council are certainly tied to a view particular Zeitgeist, the Zeitgeist of the ’60s. When he 
claims that “It was becoming clear that the American Revolution had offered a model of the modern state that was different 
from that theorized by the radical tendencies that had emerged from the second phase of the French Revolution... . Thus, both 
sides began to progressively open up to each other” what he is really telling us is that he had fallen under the i nf luence of John 
Courtney Murray and therefore under the influence of Time Magazine, which was responsible for Murray’s celebrity status, as 
well as C.D. Jackson, who was the CIA controller/liaison with Time/Life. We are talking about the widespread promotion of 
the self-induced illusion that the Church no long had enemies. 

During the 1930s, the Church had enemies. When the Church was strong, which is to say when it was united, the Church 
won the battles against her enemies. In 1933, the Church in America took on the Jews in Hollywood when Cardinal Dougherty 
of Philadelphia called for a boycott of all Warner Brothers theaters in his diocese. The success of that boycott led to the 
institution of the Hollywood production code. In 1935 the Catholic Church led by Msgr. John A. Ryan, head of the National 
Catholic Welfare Conference, defeated the WASP ruling class’s attempt to get the federal government involved in the funding 
of contraception. If you ask yourself what had changed in the 30 years between 1933 and 1963, it wasn’t Church teaching. 
Because of Vatican II, the Church believed that she no longer had enemies. In fact, because of a magical process known as 
dialogue, our former enemies had been transformed into our friends. 

Needless to say, this was not the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church. The traditional teaching of the Church had 
been articulated some 1500 years earlier, when St. Augustine wrote that “Heretics, Jews and Pagans have made a unity against 
Unity.” The loss of its enemies turned the Church against itself. In the absence of external enemies, the presence of evil in the 
Church had to be attributed to the Church itself. The Church, to cite Bishop Fellay, developed “cancer.” 

Benjamin Franklin once wrote that “Experience keeps an expensive school, but fools will learn in no other.” What the 
Church had to learn in the expensive school which experience has conducted for the past 45 years is that nothing has changed. 
Our enemies were still our enemies. The only thing that had changed was the sophistication of their tactics. 

What the pope’s 2005 speech to the Curia shows is that Joseph Ratzinger was influenced by a sophisticated 
disinformation campaign orchestrated by Henry Luce, the publisher of Time/Life, and his Catholic agent, John Courtney 
Murray. What it does not show is that there are flaws in the conciliar documents. The same is true of Nostra Aetate and the 
Jews, who were paying Malachi Martin to act as a double agent at the council. Now as in the past, the Church continues 
digesting the documents, which is to say it continues to interpret them in light of tradition, which is what the Church has always 
done. Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the idea; but, as I was to learn in the course of our conversation, evidently Bishop 
Williamson cannot. 

What we’re talking about is the background of council documents like Dignitatis Humanae and Nostra Aetate, but not 
the documents themselves, which were vetted by the world’s bishops. Having attended more than one synod in Rome, I can see 
how an individual bishop (or a bishops’ conference) might introduce a political agenda into the Church’s deliberations, but it 
is not easy to see how this agenda could prevail. In my experience the only thing that the world’s bishops could possibly agree 
upon is Catholicism. Bishop Williamson claims that there are ambiguous statements in the documents of Vatican II, and that this 
fact justifies his separation. The former statement is undeniably true; the latter undeniably false. 

Maynooth, Ireland, June 19, 2010 

Four days before our meeting, I attended a conference on “Fertility, Infertility, Gender,” sponsored by the Linacre Centre 
for Healthcare Ethics at Maynooth, the home of the seminary for Ireland’s Catholic priests. The participants at the conference 
are congenial enough, but looming behind the conference is a pall of both sexual and economic crisis in Ireland and the Irish 
Church. A bishop freshly deposed by the pope for his negligent handling of the crisis is in attendance. The seminary itself was 
criticized in recent articles in the Irish press for its tolerance of homosexuality. The sex abuse crisis was the topic of talks I 
would give in both Dublin and London. 

In May 1992 just as the neoconservative counter-counter revolution in America had declared war on Pat Buchanan, the 
scandal of Bishop Casey of Galway broke over Ireland. According to Mary Kenny’s account in Goodbye to Catholic Ireland : 

Bishop Eamonn Casey had had a love-affair in 1974 with an American divorcee, Annie Murphy, had 
fathered a child by her, deserted her and suggested the child should be placed for adoption; and then in a 
desperate attempt to hide the truth had used diocesan funds to pay off the mother's claims. 

Is fathering a child out of wedlock wrong? Yes, it is. But once again the press seemed determined to punish the only 
institution which was willing to uphold moral standards. If illegitimacy were wrong, why weren’t the newspapers urging 
children born out of wedlock to sue the National Basketball Association? Has any institution produced a higher number, per 
capita, of illegitimate children? 

Kenny initially dismissed the story, but before long it became clear that the forces that wanted to destroy Catholic Ireland 
were not going to let the issue drop. 

During these events of the mid-1990s, I would hear people in Ireland say, "it can't get any worse." And 
then it did. On any Monday in November 1994, the three leading stories on RTE, the national television 
network, were the political repercussions following the Brendan Smyth case, the collapse and death of the 
Dublin priest in a homosexual club sauna, and the conviction of the Galway priest for a sexual assault on a 
young man: all in one news bulletin. I made no more jokes about Renaissance Popes. 

Kenny found that 

The wave upon wave of charges and convictions—nearly all were convicted as charged — was 
relentless, squalid and depressing... . The Brendan Smyth case was not only squalid and depressing: it 
brought down the government of Albert Reynolds. It was also particularly shocking not just because the 
offender was an apparently incorrigible paedophile, but because there was evidence that the religious 
authorities had covered up for him over a number of years. In 1968 he had been given psychiatric 
counseling for his compulsion, but without apparent amelioration... . In its efforts not to "give scandal," it 
appeared that the Church authorities had enabled a paedophile to continue in his weakness... . Some 
observers predicted that the Peace Process would now falter without the stewardship of Albert Reynolds — 
all because of the paedophile priest... . it was claimed in Dublin that the breakdown would never have 
occurred if Albert Reynolds had still been Taoiseach. 

The sex crisis, in other words, was used to uproot the last elements of Catholic culture in Ireland. The late Tom Herron 
recounted how the notoriously anti-Catholic Irish Times broke the story, and that in turn 

led to the collapse of the government of Albert Reynolds in the Republic of Ireland and the weakening of 
the Church's influence on Irish society. In this same period the feminist law professor, Mary Robinson, was 
elected the first female president of the republic and helped to erase traditional sex roles in that country. 
Her services to the secularization of her native land were appreciated by the international elites when they 
made her United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees when her term as president was over. 
Unfortunately Mrs. Robinson's career on the international stage appears to be over as she criticized Israel's 
treatment of the Palestinian refugees; learning late that no matter how progressive you are there are 
statements that will end your usefulness to the elites rather quickly. 

The Brendan Smyth episode was, in Mary Kenny’s words, “yet another onslaught in the ongoing decline and fall of the 
Irish Catholic Church.” But before long, it was becoming clear that the same playbook was being used on both sides of the 
Atlantic. In both Ireland and America, the arsonists were on the fire department payroll. This is true not only of the Fourth 
Estate, which promoted the sexualization of Ireland during the years following the council, and therefore, Ireland’s clergy in 
the first place, but also of the psychological/counseling establishment. After creating the crisis by undermining the morals of 
the clergy, the psychology/counseling establishment got to cash in on the settlements by offering therapy to the victims. It is an 
irony not lost on Mary Kenny: 

A million pounds was immediately spent on a help-line and counseling after abuse victims of the 
industrial schools mentioned in Suffer the Little Children were opened. It was ironic that the Catholic Church 
was using the very psychotherapeutic techniques which, 50 years previously, it had so condemned in the 
works of Freud. 

In 1995 Ireland was rocked with revelations about the life of Father Michael Cleary, who had died of cancer in 1993. 
According to Kenny, Cleary “had been one of Dublin’s best-known and most popular priests. Back in the 1960s, he had been 
hailed as the best type of modernizing young priest, hip and cool, accessible to the young, quick to play a guitar and sing a pop 
song; and yet at the same time, with strong moral convictions and a strong social conscience.” 

Unlike the homosexual clergy, who could be counted on to be one-issue, useful idiots, Cleary made the mistake of being 
both a heterosexual and against abortion. When the woman by whom he had fathered two children published a lurid memoir 
after his death — “My Secret Life as Priest’s Wife for 27 Years” was a splash front-page headline for the Dublin tabloid, the 
Sunday World — the Church was again left holding the bag. Once again, celibacy was to blame, and the moral order which the 
Church defended was henceforth to be considered suspect by the very fact that the Church defended it. “To hell with prayers,” 
wrote Mary Ellen Synon in the Sunday Independent. 

The feminists then volunteered to be the willing executioners for the therapeutic state. Nell McCafferty, a Derry radical 
and nationally-known feminist, was both more vehement and more explicit than her colleague at the Sunday Independent. 
McCafferty wrote that Catholic priests had lost all entitlement to discourse upon sexual morality. 

Next time they open their mouths on love, sex, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, pleasure — on 
anything that goes on between consenting healthy adults — their words should be publicly quoted back to 
them... . Now let them shut up while people put themselves and their families back together again, and 
knock some delicious, loving sexual pleasure out of life. In the meantime, beware the local priest. He is a 
danger to your mental, physical and sexual health. Never leave one alone with a child. Not ever. 

In Ireland as in America, the feminists functioned as the shock troops of the new world order by claiming that the Church 
had no authority to speak on sexual matters. That was soon extended to include all instances of morality, which of course 
included any condemnations of avarice, theft, and looting, behaviors which characterize capitalism, which was waiting in the 
wings to fill the moral vacuum which the feminists had just created by undermining the authority of the Catholic Church. 

The Common denominator which both the Neoconservative take-over of Catholic institutions in America and the Irish 
priest pedophile crisis share is Capitalism. As Mary Kenny put it: 

Market capitalism, which is essential to the Celtic tiger boom, depends on individual lifestyle choices, 
initiative, tolerance of diversity. It also depends on people valuing, not rebuffing, material gain. The 
"authoritarianism" of the Catholic Church, with its strong directional tradition and concept of orthodoxy, is 
anathema to the market. Individualism is essential. Those who have studied their Max Weber (The 
Protestant Work Ethic and the Rise of Capitalism) would say that it was not coincidental that Catholicism 
receded as capitalism triumphed: they would say it was necessary for Catholicism to recede in order for 
capitalism to triumph. The Protestant mindset, that you make your own choices for salvation, bypassing 
any form of "priest-craft," is a cultural pre-condition for free market capitalism. Were there any conspiracy- 
theory Trotskyites left under the age of 60, they might almost suspect a capitalist plot to discredit the 
priests, to free Ireland for market capitalism. 

Ten years later, as abuse reports continued to roll in Pravda agreed with Kenny. The by now world-wide sex abuse 
crisis in the Church 

has ideological connotations and follows a political agenda that seeks to deconstruct traditional society 
and all its secular institutions and to impose a New World Order after the manner of the sinister interests of 
the international oligarchy, the same ones that handle the financial markets and through them, largely 
control the global economy. We refer to cases of pedophilia within the ranks of the Catholic Church recently 
publicized by international news agencies. 

Indeed recent reports of pedophilia involving priests have the outlines of information that journalistic 
ethics require, regardless of their moral gravity. Such stories raise suspicion about their "goodness" even 
among non-Catholics like us. Although disagreeing with the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in some 
respects, but we recognize the importance of their role in our history to defend the ethical values that 
shape our Judeo-Christian culture and their social merit on behalf of those who have been victims of the 
usury and greed of the international oligarchy, which is after all more interested in destroying Catholicism 
and religion in general, as they constitute a serious obstacle to achieving its goal, which is to reduce 

mankind to the status of robotic slaves. 

Pravda mentioned the case of Father Lawrence Murphy as a particularly egregious case of media-inspired witch-hunt: 

The fury of the anti-clerical secular lobby goes so far as to revive old cases like that of Father Lawrence 
Murphy, back in 1975, to address the current Pope insidiously and in this way, the very Roman Catholic 
Church. On 25 March of this year, the prestigious New York Times published an article that allegedly 
accused Benedict XVI of covering up for the priest from Milwaukee in 1995 when the Pope was still Cardinal 
and responsible for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith It must be motivated by a very strong 
hatred of Catholicism to raise this issue 35 years afterwards ... 

Pravda accuses the New York Times of engaging in “a defamatory smear campaign ... against the world Catholic 
hierarchy” which is being conducted for the benefit of “philanthropic foundations like the Rockefeller family” whose “financial 
interests of those are linked to a wide range of economic sectors ranging from banking, oil, pharmaceuticals, military industry, 
etc., to audio visual media, including the “media”, which clearly meets an agenda dictated by the Global Elite to which they 

Kenny claims that the rise of Capitalism meant the decline of the Church. In fact she claimed that capitalism could only 
flourish in Ireland if the Church were discredited. The publicity campaigns for Capitalist Ireland and against Catholic Ireland 
were in reality two different sides of the same coin. By 2000, mammon had replaced the Catholic Church as the organizing 
principle for Irish society: 

By 2000, a special Sunday Times survey of Irish 30-year-olds was claiming that for the young Irish 
"Money is the new religion and they're queuing up to pay homage to the folding stuff. God plays second 
fiddle to Bill Gates ... while sin is forgetting to nail down decent equity options. This generation is more 
likely to worship at a stock exchange than at a cathedral, to seek a pension advisor than a confessor." 

The debut in 2000 of the film version of Frank McCort’s book Angela’s Ashes was part of this campaign to discredit the 
Catholic Church in Ireland and pave the way for unrestrained Capitalism. Kenny feels that “Alan Parker might as well have 
made a film called How All Irish People are Absolutely Horrible. For there is scarcely anyone in the whole story of 
provincial Ireland in the 1930s and ’40s with an ounce of humanity.” Everyone in the Limerick of Angela’s Ashes is especially 
beastly to children: “It goes without saying that the Catholic Church is sneering, cruel, rejecting and exploitative, and the 
charity, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, is represented by most particularly odious characters who taunt poor women before 
they patronize them” 

The Catholic Church is even blamed for being involved in money-lending. 

There is a repellant moneylender who exploits the poor of Limerick, and although for historical reasons 
which are entirely understandable, moneylenders in Ireland were traditionally Jewish, it is understood now 
in Ireland by the media that your are only allowed to be nasty about Catholics; so the moneylender in the 
story has to be made into a spiteful Catholic vixen, complete with statues of the Blessed Virgin scattered 
about her extortionate book-keeping. 

The Jews were left out of the McCourt/Parker story of money-lending in Ireland because the goal of Angela’s Ashes was 
to discredit “Catholic Ireland.” According to Kenny, the sex abuse crisis was proof that “the Angela s Ashes movie was 
correct after all: Catholic Ireland had been a horrible society, in which horrible people had prevailed. It had been a society in 
which harshness made for inhumanity.” 

Mary Kenny wrote her book in 2000 at the height of the economic boom in Ireland known as the Celtic Tiger. By the time 
I arrived in Ireland ten years later, the Celtic Tiger was dead of its own wretched excess. At the time of my arrival the Irish 
debt stood at 1,275 percent of Gross Domestic Product, roughly ten times as high as Greece’s debt, and yet no one was talking 
about Ireland. 

The people who attended my talk in Dublin were hardly a representative sample of the Irish people, but it was hard not 
to generalize from their plight. Most of the men were unemployed and living off a combination of welfare and subsistence 
farming. Ireland has a population of 4 million souls. Of that 4 million, 1.8 million are gainfully employed and 500,000 are on 
welfare. Saying Good-bye to Catholic Ireland meant saying hello again to the same wretched Capitalism that had driven my 
grandfather from his farm near Cork to Philadelphia over a century before. 

The Maynooth Conference 

The Maynooth conference sponsored by the Linacre Centre was more upscale than my talk. The Linacre Centre 
conference on bioethics at Maynooth had the air of Human Life International conferences of the kind I had attended 20 to 25 
years ago. It was long on the arcane particulars of genetic engineering of various sorts but short on the cultural ligaments which 
held these techniques together in one explainable fabric of pathology. The Linacre Centre has fought a valiant rearguard action 
against the Culture of Death in England, which has one of the most advanced genetic engineering establishments in the world. 
England was heavily involved in in vitro fertilization when the rest of the world, including America, hardly knew what it was. 
The Linacre Centre brought out a brilliant little book on the consequences of this violation of nature, entitled Who Am I? The 
book tracked the plight of children who were fathered by donor insemination and grew up with the uncanny sense that things 
weren’t as they seemed. This sense of biological insecurity is something that isn’t supposed to exist in the brave new world of 
genetic technology (The only reaction the children got when they objected to growing up without a biological father was being 
told that they should be grateful to be alive.) 

And yet here as elsewhere the Church is handicapped by its allegiance to a culture which despises everything the Church 
stands for. Missing from the talks, I thought, was any understanding of the deliberate instrumentalization of deviance which 
united all of the individual pathologies under discussion. In order to make my point during the question and answer period 
following talks on sexual ethics (by Alexander Pruss, Luke Gormally, and Dr. Philip Sutton), I described the collapse of the 
Black-Jewish alliance and the rise of the homosexual as the avant garde of revolution beginning with the Stonewall Riot of 
1969. No one objected to my comments at the time, but a number of people complained privately about them afterwards. 

It was a scenario depressingly similar to the handling of the priest abuse crisis. As soon as you get specific about the 
historical circumstances and dramatis personae involved in a particular crisis, someone attempts to shut down the discussion. I 
was reminded of the reaction of Bernard Cardinal Law to my article on Niels Rasmussen’s death, which appeared in Fidelity 
in January 1988 (cf. E. Michael Jones, Is Notre Dame Still Catholic? . Fidelity Press, 2009). Rasmussen, a Danish Dominican 
who was head of the liturgy program at Notre Dame, was found shot to death in the basement of his house surrounded by whips 
and chains, homosexual pornography, and automatic weapons, one of which had killed him After I presented him with a copy 
of the article, Cardinal Law asked, “What good does this serve?” Perhaps his eminence now knows what good the article 
served. Within a few short years, Cardinal Law would be driven from office as a result of not wanting to know the bad news 
about sexual corruption among the clergy. 

The most famous example of the sexual engineering of the Catholic clergy is Carl Rogers’ use of Sensitivity Training to 
destroy the Los Angeles branch of the Immaculate Heart Nuns. We broke that story 25 years ago when we published an article 
by William Coulson, Rogers’ assistant, detailing what Rogers had done to the Nuns. If you’re interested in the full story, it’s 
told in my book Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control . 

Four years before Carl Rogers began introducing sensitivity training to the Immaculate Heart nuns in Los Angeles, 
Abraham Maslow was doing similar work on another group of nuns at the other end of the country. On April 17, 1962 Maslow 
gave a lecture to a group of nuns at Sacred Heart College in Massachusetts. Afterward he noted in his diary, that his talk had 
been very “successful,” but he found this fact troubling “They shouldn’t applaud me,” he continued, “they should attack. If they 
were fully aware of what I was doing, they would [attack].” And why should they have attacked him? 

Maslow was aware that encounter groups were toxic for Catholics in general and especially toxic for Catholic religious. 
Anyone who promoted encounter groups among Catholics was promoting ipso facto their demise as Catholics, even if he did 
so in the name of liberation and with that as his intent. For the liberal Jew or Protestant, the nun was the textbook case of 
someone in need of “liberation” and in the context of Catholic religious life and the vows upon which it was based, liberation 
could only mean annihilation. On February 25, 1967, Maslow wrote in his diary, “Maybe morons need rules, dogmas, 
ceremonies, etc.” He then made a note to order a book entitled Life among the Lowbrows for the Brandeis library. He may 
have ordered it because the author of that book noted in it that “feebleminded clients behaved much better and felt better being 
Catholic and following all the rules.” Since the nuns weren’t feebleminded, this meant that bringing “self-actualization” to the 
nuns meant destroying their commitment to their vows and the Catholic Church. Perhaps this is why Maslow felt they shouldn’t 
have applauded his talk in 1962. Maslow, who had spent time at the National Training Laboratories’ headquarters in Bethel, 
Maine, where encounter groups, with the help of subsidies from the Office of Naval Research, had been created; he knew that 
they were funded as a form psychological warfare, and he had an inkling of the effect they would have on nuns, but it was up to 
his colleague Carl Rogers to do the actual experiment. 

“I guess what I’m trying to say here,” Maslow wrote in his journal in 1965, the same year that Carl Rogers began 
circulating his paper on the psychology of small group encounter among the IHM nuns and around the same time that the nuns 
started to leave the convent, “is that these interpersonal therapeutic growth-fostering relationships of all kinds which rest on 
intimacy, on honesty, on self-disclosure, on becoming sensitively aware of one’s self — and thereby of responsibility for 
feeding back one’s impression of others, etc. — that these are profoundly revolutionary devices, in the strict sense of the word 
— that is, of shifting the whole direction of a society in a more preferred direction. As a matter of fact, it might be 

revolutionary in another sense if something like this were done very widely. I think the whole culture would change within a 
decade and everything in it. 

In an article which appeared in Culture Wars in 2004, Patrick Guinan, M.D. described the devastating effects that the 
systematic implementation of these revolutionary techniques would have on religious life in the United States. What we’re 
talking about here is the wholesale abandonment of ascetical practice among the clergy, or as Guinan put it: 

What changed between the first and second halves of the twentieth century were not the management 
policies on sex abuse and secrecy at all costs — these remained a constant throughout — nor do we have 
evidence to show that the personality features of seminarians or priests changed in any fundamental way 
that would account for the nature and the magnitude of the crisis — in its early stages at least... . the core 
change over the course of the 20th century was one of purpose or allegiance — leaving behind ascetical 
discipline, having disdain for religious tradition, and adopting the therapeutic mentality, a popular belief 
that fulfillment of the human person springs from emotional desire in a quest for self-definition, or self- 
actualization, without regard to an objective philosophical, religious or moral truth. Further, the therapeutic 
mentality views sin as a social concern and discourages loyalty to religious authority; it is profoundly anti- 

Allegiance to the therapeutic mentality has dislodged ascetical habits and manners, and it now holds 
sway over the attitudes of clergy, just as it strengthened its materialist grip on western societies for nearly 
a century. Mental health experts and educators, as the main purveyors of the therapeutic mentality, know 
little of the spiritual life and are ignorant of ascetical discipline. Nevertheless, in the name of science, and 
as the prime representatives of the educated elite, they advocated a liberalization of sexual standards 
before the sexual scandal in the Church, and then attempted to advise the bishops and to treat problem 
priests as the crisis took form. Bishops, who have oversight of the parish priests and seminaries, and who 
have been at the center of the crisis management, do not speak much, if at all, about ascetical discipline. 
Priests give few indications that they know or care about ascetical discipline. But most clergy seemed well 
versed in language of the therapeutic mentality. Predictably, when the storm surge in pagan sexuality 
began to overwhelm the natural defenses of the clergy in the 1950s and 1960s, those without the spiritual 
anchor of ascetical discipline were set adrift — perpetrators as well as their managers. As the initial storm 
surge receded, a spawn of the therapeutic mentality remained in the tidal pools. 

The man who introduced these ideas into the Church and therefore the man most responsible for the sexual corruption of 
the American clergy was the psychologist and former Maryknoll priest Eugene Kennedy. In 1972 Father Kennedy was 
commissioned by the United States Catholic bishops do a survey of American priests. Kennedy was a disciple of ErikErikson, 
aka, Erik Salomonsen, Erik Homburger, a Jewish psychiatrist who, like Wilhelm Reich, was deeply influenced by the writings 
of Sigmund Freud. Central to the thinking of both men was the idea that sexual repression was psychologically damaging, a 
theory totally at odds with the Catholic tradition of a celibate clergy. 

In addition to Freud’s theory of sexual repression, Kennedy also imported Erikson’s theory of ego development, 
according to which each person went through eight developmental stages: 

1) the first year of life, 2) through the second year, 3) from age three to six, 4) from age of six to 
puberty, 5) adolescence, 6) early adulthood, 7) young and middle adulthood, and 8) later adulthood. Each 
stage had to be successfully worked through for normal development. Stage six required sexual intimacy 
and expression. 

According to the teaching of the Catholic Church, “Chastity is an aspect of temperance which inclines a person to 
deliberately forego sexual relations for ascetical purposes.” According to Freud and Erickson, any such renunciation in the 
name of religion, which both men considered a dangerous illusion, “would be abnormal and possibly pathologic.” 

When Kennedy’s survey came out in book form as The Catholic Priest in the United States: Psychological 
Investigations, the results were a foregone conclusion, given the premises with which he began his study. Of the 271 priests 
surveyed, Kennedy found that only 19 (or 7 percent) could be termed psychologically “developed.” The overwhelming 
majority of American priests were “not developed,” because they had not engaged in sexual activity. 

The standard against which the priests were judged was Erickson's development scale. Because the 
majority of priests were underdeveloped, they remained in Stage Six or the early adult stage, because in 
order to get beyond Stage Six, the priests would have to engage in "sexual intimacy." 

Guinan claims that Kennedy’s study contributed to the sexual abuse crisis by giving the impression that celibacy was 
nothing more than repression, and that repression was unhealthy: 

If repression is portrayed as psychologically unhealthy, it can be argued that Kennedy's Psychological 
Investigations and its flawed psychology gave support and justification to beliefs that resulted in the sex 
abuse of minors. Erickson's insistence that sexual intimacy was essential to successfully traverse 
developmental stage six, justified sexual acting out in general, but it also justified sexual activity with 
predominantly male minors, who because of their proximity were the targets of abusive priests. 

Guinan goes on to blame Kennedy for the current priest scandals: 

When Psychological Investigations was published in 1972, it relied on Erickson's and Freud's materialist 
psychology, which posited unrestrained sexual behavior as inevitable and healthy. Seminary formation 
programs as well as individual priests accepted Kennedy uncritically and in an effort to move beyond Stage 
Six and become normal through sexual intimacy began acting out sexually. Since priests, many of whom 
were homosexually inclined, had ready access to adolescent males, this vulnerable group of victims was 
disproportionately targeted. While some abusers were implicated in serial rapes many involved only 
isolated cases. Nonetheless most involved coercion and all were breaches of both the sixth and ninth 
commandments as well as the vow of chastity. The scandal, now involving hundreds of cases, has resulted 
in significant damage to efforts at evangelization in the United States, to say nothing of the staggering 
financial losses. 

In 1976 the revolution that Reich had predicted as resulting from the sexualization of the clergy came out into the open. 
The inaugural event was a celebration of the bicentennial of America known as the Call to Action Conference. The revolution 
was led by the sexualized clergy. Call to Action was the Catholic equivalent of the tennis court oaths. The Revolution was now 
out in the open. The vector of revolutionary transmission was the Church’s educational system. 

Two of the participants at the Call to Action conference were Dr. & Mrs. John Krejci. In 1996 both Dr. & Mrs. Krejci 
were excommunicated by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, ordinary of the diocese for Lincoln, Nebraska, for belonging to an anti- 
Catholic organization, namely Call to Action. During the 1960s, Professor Krejci was Father Krejci, a priest who was working 
on his doctorate in theology and Mrs. Krejci was a nun by the name of Jean Gettelfinger. Mr. & Mrs. Krejci met at Notre 
Dame. Like many who attended that university, Father Krejci and Sister Gettelfinger got married, and when they did they left 
their respective religious orders. 

The real problem lay with the clergy who felt no reason to leave because they were homosexual. Once the heterosexuals 
ran off and got married, the Church was left with a serious homosexual problem. Germain Grisez says most “abuse” consists in 
seduction by homosexual priests: 

The bishops and those who speak for them should acknowledge honestly that most clerical sex crimes 
that have come to light have been seductions of adolescents and young men by homosexual priests. 
Because Jesus entrusts bishops to oversee the pastoral care of souls, those bishops who failed to do all that 
they could and should have done to prevent or limit a priest's crimes ought to ponder very carefully the 
moral and spiritual nature and gravity of their own omissions and actions. Having done that, those bishops 
should reexamine their consciences, repent any sins they previously overlooked, and begin to do what they 
can and should do by way of restitution. 

The Church was then denied the ability to solve its homosexual problem because the dominant culture that was leveling 
the accusations refused to admit that homosexuality was a problem at all, much less the problem that was tearing the Church 
apart. The issue is complicated by the hypocrisy and double standards of the institutions that were acting as judge, jury and 
executioner in the sex abuse scandals. Throughout the period in question, the media continued making contradictory demands 
on the Church. On the one hand, the media, especially during the ’70s, were claiming that we should all act on our sexual 
impulses whether they are congruent with the moral law or not. Thirty years later, the same institutions were claiming that 
certain people should be punished for doing what they were told to do. 

On the one hand, the media are claiming that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, ignoring the fact that 80 percent 
of the offenses which have been actually proven involve homosexual behavior between clergy and victims over the age of 
puberty. Because the campaign against the Church coincided in time with a campaign by the same group of people to legitimize 
homosexuality, the Church was denied any effective way of defending itself against the sexual fifth column which had 
established itself in the Church in the wake of the implementation of Vatican II. Professor Schockenhoff claims that “Dialogue 
with the Jews” is a non-negotiable part of Church teaching now, but during the sex abuse crisis, the Church’s “elder brothers” 
sided with the homosexual fifth column which was the source of the Church’s woes. During the debate leading to the passage of 
the federal health care bill, all of the major Jewish organizations signed a friend of the court brief demanding that the Obama 
administration allow the Catholic Church no exemptions of conscience when it comes to hiring homosexuals. Actions speak 
louder than words. In spite of all the dialogue which had been promoted in the wake of Vatican II, there was no collaboration 
in the area of religious freedom and freedom of conscience when it came to the health bill and the concerns it raised for 

Catholics. While many may have had no thought beyond promoting the liberal agenda, the net result of their intervention was to 
create a homosexual fifth column within the Catholic Church, one which, because of the nature of its sexual activities, can be 
used to create a whole new series of lawsuits. With Elder Brothers like this, who needs enemies? 

When it came to media concern about sex scandals in the Church, it was becoming increasingly difficult to separate the 
arsonists from the fire department. As the late Tom Herron wrote in Culture Wars: 

Father Shanley of Boston used to be the toast of the award winning Boston Globe back in the early 70s 
when he was a long-haired street priest who worked with young people, spoke against Catholic moral 
teachings and was a known early founder of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association.) Thirty 
years later, the same newspaper, The Boston Globe, "was instrumental in bringing him back from 
retirement in California to face trial and imprisonment in Massachusetts." 

GIFT and Dignitas Personae #12 

One of the most powerful presentations at the Linacre Conference was given by a Jesuit by the name of Kevin Flannery. 
Twenty-five years ago, he and Paul Mankowski, another Jesuit speaker at the conference, showed up at my house as newly 
ordained priests. At the time I took it as a sign of hope for a bright future in the Church that the Jesuits would ordain dedicated 
men like this. What I should have told these bright young men back then is “if you wish to serve the Lord, prepare for 
suffering.” Paul Mankowski, who would go on to receive a degree in Semitic philology at Harvard while serving as boxing 
coach there, would spend the next 25 years circling the ring with his Jesuit superiors, fending them off with theological jabs 
like “I accept the authority of my Jesuit superiors insofar as it is congruent with the teaching of the Catholic Church.” Father 
Mankowski spent years teaching at the Biblicum, but as part of the ongoing battle over his allegiance to the Jesuits and his final 
vows he was summarily dismissed and sent to teach freshman Latin at a ghetto high school in Chicago. 

Father Flannery fared better at the Gregorian University in Rome, where he is now a dean, but that only enabled him to 
become involved in abstruse bioethical doctrinal battles at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. His talk was about 
one of those battles. Paragraph #12 of Dignitas Personae, the most recent document on fertility technology issued by the 
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, has been taken to imply that procedures like GIFT (or Gamete Intrafallopian 
Transfer) are morally acceptable. Father Flannery feels that they are not because they “involve a third active factor” which 
violates the integrity of the sexual act. Father Flannery used the rest of his talk to explain how this contradiction arose and how 
he as a faithful Catholic had to deal with it: 

How has the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith gotten into this tangle of setting out conditions for morally 
acceptable procedures and then saying that procedures that cannot meet those conditions are acceptable? In my opinion, what 
has happened is that, when the Church first began to consider these issues and her thinking was more clear than it is now, she 
set out sound principles for their analysis. She has also always been aware of couples — both within the Church and without 
— who experience difficulties in conceiving and who desperately want children: a very natural and, therefore, good desire in 
itself. So, while continuing to propound the sound principles at the core of the Church’s teaching, the Congregation has seized 
upon whatever opportunity the language with which those principles are formulated affords — or appears to afford —in order 
to approve procedures that might allow couples to have children. 

Father Flannery bolstered his case by citing one document after another which showed that “In this regard, the teaching ol 
the magisterium is already explicit” [ li Ad rem quod attinet, magisterii doctrina iam explicata est li ]. He then attempts to 
explain how a doctrine that is “already explicit” could undergo corruption by giving a close analysis of Pius XII’s 1949 
address to midwives: 

He first says that artificial fertilization outside of marriage is to be condemned as immoral and that the 
child resulting from such a procedure would be illegitimate. (Repeatedly in his addresses regarding this 
issue Pius XII expresses concern for the upbringing of progeny and so also for their legitimacy.) He then 
says that artificial fertilization "within marriage, but effected by the active factor of a third party, is equally 
immoral and, as such, to be condemned out of hand." The problem with such a procedure, he says, is that, 
"between the legitimate husband and the child, fruit of the active factor of a third party (even were the 
husband consenting), there exists no connection of origin: no moral and juridical connection of conjugal 
procreation." In effect, the problem is that the husband in this marriage has not generated the child who 
results from the procedure, for generation has been effected by the third party. It is clear that the problem 
here for Pius XII is not illegitimacy, for he speaks of the husband as legitimate; the problem is rather, who 
has generated the child: who is the initiator, the agent, whose action results in the generation of a child? 

How then did the corruption of doctrine come about? 

The small word iam inserted into the paraphrase makes all the difference. Where Pius XII speaks simply 
of "the natural act performed in a normal manner" ["I'acte naturel normalement accompli"], the 
paraphrase, imposing a meaning upon the participle "accompli" it can hardly bear, speaks of an act that has 
been normally performed in the past. The Supreme Pontiff is suddenly not condemning all types of 
fertilization but approving one type — a type in which clearly the act of generation is not the conjugal act 
but an act performed by technicians in a lab. 

Father Flannery, as a result, finds himself in a dilemma. 

This all places individuals (such as myself) who believe that they owe to the teachings of the 
magisterium religiosum voluntatis et intellects obsequium in something of a dilemma. One welcome way 
out of the dilemma would be to discover that we (I) am simply wrong: there is something wrong with the 
present analysis and there is nothing contradictory about the teaching of DP§12 (and the related teaching 

in Donum vitae). 

But let us say that I am not wrong. It is logically impossible to give obsequium (of any sort) to a set of 
ideas that are contradictory and recognized as such: obsequium involves at the very least 
acknowledgement that a set of ideas could be true, but a contradiction cannot be true. 

The way out of this dilemma is not to be found by leaving the Church because: 

... finding such a contradiction does not leave obedient sons and daughters of the Church completely in 
the lurch, for the teaching office of the Church is exercised within a tradition of moral reflection inspired by 
the Holy Spirit. An incoherent paragraph or two in a magisterial document — such as are inevitable when 
human beings are writing the documents — do not cancel out the tradition, but quite the converse: the 
offending paragraphs (if they truly are such) ought to be judged from the perspective of the tradition. This 
is the proper attitude to adopt toward Dignitas personae §12, derived as it is from Donum vitae, which 
states that "in this regard" — that is, in regard to homologous artificial fertilization — "the teaching of the 
magisterium is already explicit." 

New Light 

Father Flannery’s struggle throws a new light on the complaints of Bishop Williamson. To begin with, unlike Bishop 
Williamson, who complains about ambiguous statements in council documents, Father Flannery believes he has come across an 
actual contradiction of Church teaching. The only way the contradiction in Dignitatis Humanae 12 is going to be resolved is 
the way the Church has resolved issues in the past, which is to say, by going over the issue again and reconstruing it in the light 
of tradition. Non datur tertius. There is no other way. To pretend there is is to be radically anti-traditional. 

This is precisely what the SSPX is refusing to do by refusing to affirm their acceptance of the documents of Vatican II as 
interpreted in the light of tradition. All that Bishop Williamson and the SSPX have to do to be readmitted to the Church is 
affirm the statement, “I accept the documents of Vatican II in the light of tradition.” He does not have to affirm that x number of 
Jews died in the holocaust. He does not have to affirm Professor Schockenhoffs interpretation of Vatican II or his endorsement 
of “Gespraech mit dem Judentum.” 

When Bishop Williamson tells me this affirmation of Vatican II in the light of tradition is the condition which Rome has 
set for readmission to the Church, I blurt out, “It’s that simple?” 

“It’s not that simple,” Williams replies. 

“Yes, it is.” I feel like saying, but do not. 

“If we sign this document, we are affirming the validity of Vatican II which means that we are affirming the very thing 
which is destroying the Church.” 

The statement is patently preposterous, but I bite my tongue and attempt to steer the conversation in another direction. 

“Has the Church failed in its mission?” I ask. 

“No,” Bishop Williamson replies. 

“Then there’s no reason to separate from the Church.” 

“We haven’t separated from the Church..” 

“Then what are the negotiations about then?” 

Before long it becomes apparent that they are about bringing Rome around to the point of view of the SSPX. As another 
sign that the discussions are doomed to go nowhere, Bishop Williamson told me that an SSPX priest is planning to use their 
meeting with the Ecclesia Dei commission in the Spring of 2011 as an opportunity to the explain to Rome the errors in 
Dignitatis Humanae. By now it is clear that this dialogue became Mission Impossible for a number of reasons. First of all, by 
concentrating on doctrinal issues in general and Vatican II in particular, it avoided the main issue that needed to be resolved, 
namely, schism, which has nothing to do with doctrine. Secondly, there are large segments of the hierarchy which confuse the 
documents of Vatican II with the spirit of Vatican II and as a result want to make readmission to the Church contingent on a 
particular theological interpretation of council documents rather than an affirmation of the documents themselves “in the light of 
tradition.” Bishop Williamson seems determined to conflate Rome with that group of people, thereby granting an unearned 
victory to the George Weigels and Professor Schockenhoffs, and allowing them by default to impose a neocon litmus test on the 
rest of the Church. 

As if to answer my question about the purpose of the negotiations, Bishop Williamson gets up to look for a large piece of 
paper. I volunteer a page from my notebook, but it’s not large enough to convey the sweep of his idea, which is that throughout 
history movements have broken off from the Church, as did the Arians, the Protestants, the revolutionaries in France, but 
through it all the Church has maintained its commitment to tradition and the scriptures. This sounds like an argument against the 
SSPX position to me, but that’s only because I see the Church and the SSPX as two separate entities. For Bishop Williamson, 
they are one and the same thing. The frustrating thing about conversation with him lies in his inability to acknowledge the 
premises upon which his argument is based. So when I ask if the SSPX is the Church, he immediately says no. 

Back and Forth 

Our conversation goes back and forth over church history. His excellency brings up the Inquisition, intimating that if it 
were re-established, he would rejoin the Church. I point out that there was a time when there was no Inquisition, but there has 
never been a time since when Christ walked the earth that there has been no Church. He brings up doctrine, but the same 
applies here. There was a time when no Christian could say for certain that Christ was true God and true man, because the 
formula hadn’t been articulated, but there was never a time when there was no Church. I then bring up the Church’s position on 
usury, which is still awaiting its definitive explication. 

By now it’s time for lunch and the theological discussion lurches to an unresolved end. After lunch, his excellency takes 
a nap and I prepare my talk by walking around the gravel track in their lower garden, making mental notes about the talk which 
gradually get supplanted with thoughts about what I would do if it were my garden. When Father Morgan, the English SSPX 
superior, appears to give the timetable for the rest of the afternoon, I tell him that the middle of the garden would be the ideal 
place for a fountain. 

“My mother said the same thing,” he replied. 

In the end the talk went well, there was a lively question and answer period afterward, but no one in attendance address 
the talk’s conclusion, which I reproduce here in its entirety: 

Yes, the Church was derelict in not preaching the gospel, especially on sexual matters. Yes, the Church 
chose therapy over the penal sanctions required by canon law. Yes, the Church is being punished for 
following the advice of the psychologists. Yes, the current scandals are being orchestrated by the Church's 
traditional enemies, Protestants and Jews in order to destroy traditional cultures and make the world safe 
for Capitalism and the universal rule of Mammon. But what is the proper response? 

Let’s answer that question by explaining what is not the proper response. In a recent interview, Bishop Fellay talked 
about the current state of the Society of St. Pius X. After throwing Bishop Williamson under the bus, Bishop Fellay went on to 
say that “the Church has cancer” and that “we do not want to embrace the Church because we might contract cancer.” 

There are a number of things one might say about such a statement. First of all, cancer is not contagious. Secondly, this 
image — the Church has cancer — can be found nowhere in the tradition of the Church, not in the Gospels, not in the Acts of 
the Apostles, not in the Epistles and not in the writing of the Church Fathers. The reason is simple enough: it does not and 
cannot correspond to reality. 

If the cancer image is faulty, anti-traditional and unscriptural, what image does correspond to the situation of the Church 
in our time? The answer is the story in Mark 4:35-41, the story of Jesus calming the storm. We are told that: 

It began to blow a gale, and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But 
[Jesus] was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, "Master, do you 
not care? We are going down!" And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Quiet now! Be 
calm!" And the wind dropped and all was calm again. Then he said to them, "Why are you so frightened? 
How is it that you have no faith?" They were filled with awe and said to one another, "Who can this be? 
Even the wind and the sea obey him." 

All of the Church Fathers are unanimous in saying that the boat is the Church and that the boat is going to be tossed about 
by storms, which is to say, campaigns orchestrated to destroy the Church. 

St. Hilary of Poitiers writes that Christ “bids us to be within the Church, and to be in peril until such time as returning in 
His splendor He shall give salvation to all the people ... Meanwhile the disciples are tossed by the wind and the waves; 
struggling against all the storms of this world, raised by the opposition of the unclean spirit.” 

St. Augustine tells us to “Think of the boat as the Church, and the stormy sea as this world... . For when any of a wicked 
will and of great power, proclaims a persecution against the Church, then it is that a mighty wave rises against the boat of 
Christ.” We are to remain in that storm-tossed boat until, “when the night is nearly ended, He shall come, in the end of the 
world, when the night of iniquity is past, to judge the quick and the dead.” 

When Christ finally does come, according to St. Hilary, he will 

find His Church wearied, and tossed by the spirit of the Anti-Christ, and by the troubles of this world. 
And because by long experience of Anti-Christ they will be troubled at every novelty of trial, they shall have 
fear even at the approach of the Lord, suspecting deceitful appearances. But the good Lord banishes their 
fear saying, It is I; and by proof of His presence takes away their dread of impending shipwreck. 

From the perspective of the faithful who have to endure these storms, it always seems as if Jesus is asleep, which is to 
say, unconcerned with their plight. This is, of course, not the case. God is always with his Church, even when it appears that he 
is not. Jumping ship means instant death. Because God can calm any storm, the real issue is not the magnitude of the storm, but 

rather as Jesus points out, the magnitude of our faith. 

The Only Thing 

As things stand now, the only thing holding back the reconciliation of the SSPX and the Church is Bishop Williamson’s 
(and three other SSPX bishops’) signature on a document that he himself admits Archbishop Lefebvre would have signed. Four 
days after I gave my talk at SSPX headquarters in Wimbledon, it was clear that my overture to Bishop Williamson had failed. 
On June 28, 2010, his excellency wrote on his blog that: 

Archbishop Lefebvre chose a third way, in between the two extremes of either Truth or Authority. His 
way, in which he has been followed by that SSPX, was to cling to Catholic Truth, but with no disrespect 
towards Church Authority, nor any blanket disbelief in the status of its officials. It is a balance certainly not 
always easy to keep, but it has borne Catholic fruit all over the world, and it has sustained a faithful 
remnant of Catholics with true doctrine and the true sacraments for the 40 years we have so far spent in 
the Conciliar desert (1970-2010). In that desert we Catholic sheep may have to be scattered for a while 
yet, as long as the Shepherd in Rome is struck (Zech. XIII, 7, quoted by Our Lord in the Garden of 
Gethsemane - Mt. XXVI, 31). In this Gethsemane of the Church, we do need compassion on our fellow 
sheep... . But that no way means that the third way as traced out by Archbishop Lefebvre has ceased to be 
the right way. 

Non datur tertius. When it comes to the Church there is no third way. Bishop Williamson affirms here all of the 
propositions — the Church has failed in its mission, the SSPX is the Church — that he denied in our conversation. The only 
thing that remains the same is his adamant refusal to restore communion, not even on terms that Archbishop Lefebvre would 
have accepted. In his history of the Hussite rebellion in Bohemia, Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini, who took the name Pius II when 
he became pope, referred to Jan Zizka, the one-eyed military genius who lost both eyes leading the invincible Hussite armies, 
as “the blind leader of a blind people.” The phrase kept popping into my mind during the course of our interview, but 
especially when Bishop Williamson said that the society was going to break apart, for it seems as if he is determined to stick 
by an organization that is doomed to self-destruct anyway. 

As a gesture of friendship, I gave Bishop Williamson a copy of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World 
History . On the first page of the book, I wrote a dedication “To Bishop Williamson,” and then added “ Ut unum sint.” He 
laughed when he read it, and everyone else at the table laughed when I said that an artifact like this was destined to end up in 
the holocaust museum in Washington. What occurred to me later is that the SSPX is more like the Jews than either of us were 
willing to admit at the time. Like the Jews, the time of their visitation has arrived and the SSPX is too blind to see it. They 
were unable to sign a document that Archbishop Lefebvre could have signed without hesitation, and in failing to sign it they 
were unable to see that they were doing more to enhance the modernist agenda they ostensibly oppose than would have been 
the case if they had accepted their rightful position as docile members of the Church. 

Ultimately, the inscription was no laughing matter. Unity in the Church is not some optional feature, like white wall tires 
on a car. It goes to the very heart of Christ’s conception of the church and it goes to the very heart as well of the woes that have 
been inflicted on the world since the cataclysmic violation of that unity which followed from the events of 1517. That situation 
was not improved by the events of 1988. 

Bishop Williamson is 69 years old. That is one year short of the Biblical allotment of years granted to men. If the society 
is going to break up anyway, I argued, then let it be through his unilateral signing of the agreement with Rome. At this 
suggestion, he simply throws up his hands, as if to say the suggestion is too preposterous for words. The suggestion is far from 
preposterous. In fact, as live options go, it’s the only option he has left. 

Biographical Note 

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, is the author of more than fifteen books, several of which are available 
e-editions, including: 

Travels with Harley in Search of America: Motorcycles. War. Deracination. Consumer Identity 

Jewish Nazis 

Requiem for a Whale Rider 

The Updated 
25th anniversary 
Edition of the Book 
that Started it All 



On March 25, 2009, Notre Dame was embroiled in the biggest 
controversy to hit the campus since the performance of The Va¬ 
gina Monologues. A few days earlier, Notre Dame president John 
Jenkins, CSC had announced that the university planned to give 
President Barack Obama an honorary doctorate. Within hours of 
the announcement a storm of protest erupted which showed no 
sign of dying down any time soon. Citing the statement of the US 
Catholic Bishops in 2004, “The Catholic community and Catho¬ 
lic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our 
fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, 
honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions 
the ordinary of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, John M. 

D’Arcy announced that, for the first time in 25 years, he would not be attending graduation ceremonies at Notre 
Dame, because “President Obama has recently affirmed, and has now placed in public policy, his long stated unwilling¬ 
ness to hold human life as sacred.” 

cation has 

By April, 2009 over 250,000people had signed a petition condemning Notre Dames actions, and Bishop 
Thomas J. Olmstead of the Phoenix, Arizona diocese joined with his colleague Bishop DArcy in denouncing Jenkins deci¬ 
sion, calling the decision to honor President Obama a “public act of disobedience’ and a ‘grave mistake. 

Beginning in June 1984 and continuing for the next 25 years, Fidelity Magazine and then Culture Wars published a 
series of articles on Notre Dame that rocked the Catholic World. Beginning with a survay of the theolgy department, 
Those articles described a sordid web of intrigue which included blackmail and murder and which amounts to the best 
description of the trajectory that began when Father Hesburgh stole Notre Dame from the Catholic Church in 1967. 
Written by one of the most acute observers of the contemporary Catholic scene and compiled over a quarter of a Cen¬ 
tury, these articles tell the compelling story of the demise of Catholic education in America. 

□ 1 have enclosed $27 plus $5 S & H for the revised 25th anniversary edition of Is Notre Dame Still Catholic? 



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MAIL YOUR ORDER TO: Fidelity Press • 206 Marquette Ave. • 

South Bend, IN 46617 

“No social progress outside the moral order. ” 



E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. 

Business Manager 
Ruth P. Jones 

Typesetting and Layout 

Ultramontane Associates, Inc. 

Table of Contents 

Culture of Death Watch 

Moral Sqeamishness: 

A Magazine is Born 
by Anthony S. McCarthy 


by James G. Bruen 


© Copyright Ultramontane Associates, February 
2010 (Volume 29 No. 3) Culture Wars Magazine 
(ISSN 1080-9058) is published monthly, except 
for a combined July/August issue, by Ultramon¬ 
tane Associates, Inc. Postmaster: Send address 
changes to Culture Wars Magazine, Subscription 
Dept., 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, 

IN 4661 7. 

Subscription price in U.S. is $39 per year; 

$49 per year outside U.S. Single copy price: 
$4.00. We accept Visa and Mastercard. 

Address all subscription requests and changes of 
address to Culture Wars Magazine, 

206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN 46617; 
phone 574-289-9786; editorial mail and 
nonreturnable manuscripts to Culture Wars 
Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, 

IN 46617. Letters to the Editor may also be sent 
by Fax to (574) 289-1461 or by electronic mail 
to Jones@CuIture Wars.com 

The Weber Thesis: 

Capitalism and its Myths of Origin 
by E. Michael Jones 


The Transparent Cabal 
reviewed by Tim Wilkinson 








This letter is in response to the 
letter by Lawrence J. Dickson pub¬ 
lished in your magazine for the De¬ 
cember, 2009 issue. Lawrence 
Dickson’s desire to make a point, as 
erroneous as it is, should not blind 
him to the truth. 

The justification for destroying 
the “pursuer” is not one based on 
truth, but is based on the principle 
of being able to do whatever one 
wants. Judaism of today rejects 
truth because it rejects Christ. Per¬ 
haps one of the best places that we 
can observe this situation is in 
Mark 12:28-33. As you may recall, 
the Jewish elders, chief priests, and 
scribes asked Jesus “By what au¬ 
thority are you doing these things?” 
(that is, the miracles He worked). 
Jesus responded with a question: “I 
shall ask you one question. Answer 
me, and I will tell you by what au¬ 
thority I do these things. Was 
John’s baptism of heavenly or of 
human origin?” Now here’s the re¬ 
ally interesting part: the Jews “dis¬ 
cussed this among themselves and 
said If we say of heavenly origin, he 
will say, Why did you not believe 
him? But shall we say of human 
origin?—They feared the crowd.” 
In other words, instead of seeking 
and speaking truth, the Jewish lead¬ 
ers thought foremost of what others 
would think of them; they engaged 
in empty discussions or debate, and 
they ultimately gave a political an¬ 
swer to the Incarnate Truth. They 
rejected Truth when they refused to 
answer Him correctly even though 
they knew the truth. 

The idea of the pursuer means 
whatever anyone wants it to mean 
to justify one’s actions. If Mr. 
Dickson accepts the pursuer prin¬ 

ciple in his life, then he will un¬ 
doubtedly engage in whatever he 
wants and feel good about it just 
like the Jews. However, in the ex¬ 
amples that Mr. Dickson provides, 
it appears that he is trying to ar¬ 
ticulate a Roman Catholic posi¬ 

Roman Catholicism is founded 
on and dedicated to the Truth. 
That means that there are prin¬ 
ciples of order that are to guide our 
conduct and thoughts because 
these principles properly orient us 
to doing the will of God and hence 
to achieving our nature, our sup¬ 
posed final end, which is union 
with Him. 

One of the principles that Ca¬ 
tholicism espouses is what is called 
the Principle of Double Effect. 
While I believe that Catholics 
United for the Faith has largely lost 
its way and its energy, it did pro¬ 
vide a good definition of the Prin¬ 
ciple in its “Faith Facts.” Here it is: 

“The basic moral principle that 
we follow is to pursue and do 
good, and avoid that which is evil 
or bad (Catechism of the Catholic 
Church, no. 1732, 1955). The 
principle of double effect is an 
ethical formula that enables some¬ 
one to evaluate the moral dimen¬ 
sions of complicated moral issues 
that may involve consequences or 
side effects which are both positive 
and negative, good and bad. This 
principle may be employed when 
one is considering an action that is 
morally good, yet the action in¬ 
volves one or more unintended bad 
consequences. Because these con¬ 
sequences are side effects, and not 
directly willed, the choice that 
brings them about is morally ac¬ 
ceptable.” For the principle of 
double effect to apply to an action 
thereby rendering it morally ac¬ 

ceptable, the following guidelines 
must be met: “[1] the intended act 
must be good in itself. The in¬ 
tended act may not be morally evil. 
[2] The good effect of the act must 
be that which is directly intended 
by the one who carries out the act. 
The bad effect that results from the 
act may be foreseen by the agent 
but must be unintended. [3] The 
good effect must not be brought 
about by using morally evil means. 
[4] The good effect must be of 
equal or greater proportion to any 
evil effect which would result. [5] 
Acts that have morally negative ef¬ 
fects are permissible only when 
truly necessary, i.e., where there are 
no other means by which the good 
may be obtained.” 

This reasoning applies whether 
one is faced with an attacker or a 
pending accident or a tubal preg¬ 

Fr. Tad Pacholczyk, an icon of 
sorts these days for the pro-life 
movement due to his work in ex¬ 
plaining the Church’s position on 
embryonic stem-cell research, pre¬ 
sents in an article entitled “When 
pregnancy goes awry” an example 
of the operation of the principle of 
double effect with the situation in¬ 
volving an “ectopic” (“out of 
place”) pregnancy. He writes that 
there are three procedures that are 
available to deal with such a situa¬ 
tion where a growing embryo is 
lodged in the fallopian tubes and 
poses a serious threat to the life of 
the mother. Two of these proce¬ 
dures are morally impermissible 
and the third is acceptable. 

The first morally impermissible 
procedure involves the use of the 
drug methotrexate which targets 
the embryo, particularly the pla¬ 
centa cells, and causes these cells to 
stop growing thereby killing the 


embryo. The methotrexate is a di¬ 
rect attack on the embryo, just like 
abortion, and is morally impermis¬ 

The second morally impermis¬ 
sible procedure involves “cutting 
along the length of the fallopian 
tube where the child is embedded” 
and then “scooping out” the living 
child who then dies. This proce¬ 
dure, while keeping the tube in¬ 
tact, directly causes the death of 
the child, and is morally unaccept¬ 

The third, and only morally ac¬ 
ceptable procedure, involves re¬ 
moval of the entire section of the 
fallopian tube where the unborn 
child is stuck. Fr. Pacholczyk ex¬ 
plains “Although this results in re¬ 
duced fertility for the woman, the 
section of tube around the growing 
child has clearly become pathologi¬ 
cal, and constitutes a mounting 
threat with time. The threat is ad¬ 
dressed by removal of the tube, 
with the secondary, and unin¬ 
tended, effect that the child within 
will then die.” The intention here 
is to the good effect (removing the 
damaged tissue) while tolerating 
the bad effect (loss of the child) 
and the child is not directly tar¬ 
geted nor is the death of the child 
the reason for the cure. 

I hope that this helps Mr. 
Dickson to properly think about 
and correctly decide on the moral 
course of action when he is faced 
with an insane man attacking his 
wife or daughter, or someone fall¬ 
ing towards his family from a great 
height, or a tubal pregnancy by his 
daughter or wife. 

Abortion is from the Jews for the 
reasons contained in my article in 
the October, 2009 issue. The Jews 
have neither a concept of natural 
law, nor have they Logos or Christ, 

so error such as abortion can be 
justified as some good. This, 
coupled with the fact that the Jews 
are the most powerful ethnic group 
in the United States, if not most of 
the world, makes it likely, and logi¬ 
cal, that their value system or reli¬ 
gion will be imposed on the rest of 
us, or at least it will come to be the 
basis of social norms and mores. 
So, yes, abortion is from the 
Jews—this is a statement of fact 
even if a lot of non-Jews cooper¬ 
ated in bringing it about. I submit 
that if pro-lifers really wanted to 
end abortion, they would first seek 
the conversion of Jews to Roman 

And, my article was not meant 
to “score points against the Jews.” 
It is meant to speak truth and Mr. 
Dickson’s letter provides for yet 
another opportunity to preach the 
Gospel: Jesus Christ is the Son of 
God, the Promised Messiah. No 
one can go to the Father except 
through Him. I call on all Jews, 
Protestants, and Muslims, but es¬ 
pecially Jews, to see Him for Who 
He Is and to accept Him. Convert 
to the Roman Catholic Faith, find 
that for which you have been seek¬ 
ing, and save your souls. 

David A. Wemhoff 
South Bend, Indiana 

Culture Wars welcomes letters to the editor. 
Preference will be given to letters which deal 
with topics discussed in the magazine. Letters 
should ideally be limited to one single-spaced 
page, but we know how difficult it is to follow 
ideals in this world. Letters can be sent by mail 
to Culture Wars, 206 Marquette Ave., South 
Bend, IN 46617; by fax to 219-289-1461; or by 
electronic mail to Jones@Culture Wars.com. 

February 2010 / 3 


In your new December issue of 
Culture Wars there is a picture in 
James Bruen’s article “Killer 
Moms” of a mother in uniform 
parting from her child. It is one of 
the most heart- rending pictures 
I’ve ever seen. How well it empha¬ 
sizes the madness, stupidity and fu¬ 
tility of war and misguided values! 

Gordon Badgerow 
Sparta, Michigan 


Recent discussion of Gresham’s 
Law of currency in the December 
2009 issue of the Culture Wars, in¬ 
cludes comments on Gresham’s 
Law which tells us that “bad 
money drives out good” should 
also be interpreted as saying that 
“cheap money drives out expensive 
money” according to the author W. 
Patrick Cunningham in his article 
on “Devouring Our Young: Teen 
Ministry and the Politics of Dis¬ 
continuity.” I would like to call at¬ 
tention to the historic background 
of Gresham’s Law. 

The protracted monetary crisis 
in early 16th century Poland was 
caused by flooding the country 
with debased Polish coins minted 
fraudulently by the Hohenzollerns 
of Berlin, who thereby destabilized 
the economy of Poland and dam¬ 
aged the Vistula wheat trade. Act¬ 
ing as Poland’s finance minister 
Nicolaus Copernicus described the 
necessary monetary reform in his 
book and while working with the 
Polish Seym, he established in 
1526 a new currency unit named 
the “zloty.” Thus, the zloty became 

a basic unit of the monetary system 
in Poland. 

Copernicus published in Latin 
his book on monetary reform early 
in 1526 under the title, Monetae 
Cudende Ratio, in which, for the 
first time in history, he stated the 
law of currency that “bad money 
drives the good money out of cir¬ 
culation.” At that time Thomas 
Gresham (1519-1579) was seven 
years old. 

The Seym immediately passed 
into law The Act of Monetary Re¬ 
form of 1526. The currency reform 
was adopted by Prussia in 1528 be¬ 
cause Prussia was then a fief of Po¬ 
land after Albreht von 
Hohenzollern paid on his knees 
the first act of homage in the mar¬ 
ket of Krakow in 1525 and recog¬ 
nized the control of the Polish king 
over Prussia. It was the first pact in 
Europe torn by religious conflicts, 
between a Catholic king and a 
Protestant vassal duke. 

Economics were Copernicus’ 
family tradition. His father 
Nicolaus Copernicus Sr. registered 
in Cracov as a copper wholesaler 
for trade with Gdansk. In 1454 
Nicolaus Copernicus Sr. served the 
acting chancellor of Poland, 
Zbigniew Cardinal Olesnicki, as an 
envoy to the Prussian Estates to ne¬ 
gotiate the unification of Prussia 
with Poland. In order to perform 
his duties, Nicolaus Copernicus Sr 
moved in 1458 from Cracov to 
Torun closer to Prussia and there 
in 1473 was born Nicolaus 
Copernicus Jr who became the fa¬ 
ther of modern astronomy after he 
discovered (about 1504) that the 
earth rotates daily on its axis and 
with other planets it is in orbit 
around the Sun. 

The copern ican Calendar was as¬ 
tronomically correct and was accu¬ 

rate within two minutes per year. It 
solved the problem of celebrating 
Easter at the correct time, and it 
was used despite attacks by John 
Calvin and Martin Luther, who 
hanged and burned Copernicus in 
effigy in Magdeburg and called 
him that “Damned Polack As¬ 

The Hohenzollerns paid homage 
to the kings of Poland for over a 
century. King of Poland founded 
the University of Koenigsberg in 
1544. The Hohenzollerns of Berlin 
were able to take advantage of the 
panic of Jewish bankers in Poland, 
after the Cossack’s rebellion and 
horrible pogroms of 1648 in the 
Ukraine. These bankers feared the 
repercussions that would lead to 
eviction from Poland of all Jews, 
especially the money lenders, the 
way it happen previously in Spain. 

The Hohenzollerns profited 
from the transfer of commercial 
capital to Berlin from Poland by 
Jewish bankers. In 1701 they were 
able to proclaim the Kingdom of 
Prussia, with its capital in Berlin. 
When the Austro-Prussian (1740- 
1749) war was fought for posses¬ 
sion of Silesia and bankrupted the 
Berlin government, it started again 
to flood Poland with bogus money 
to salvage its finances. At that time 
the Prussians stole from Leipzig the 
dies to mint Polish zlotys and used 
Jewish minters to produce the bo¬ 
gus money. Berlin continued to act 
as an international parasite and on 
three occasions proposed schemes 
for dismembering the Polish 
Nobles Republic, starting in 1656 
then in 1720 and in 1733. 

After Berlin was burned down by 
the Russians in 1760, Russian min¬ 
ister Alexis Bestuzhev-Riumin tried 
to destroy the new Kingdom of 
Prussia in order to prevent it from 


acquiring the means to dominate 
the 350 independent German 
principalities and form a new Ger¬ 
man Reich with its capital in Ber¬ 
lin, which would have meant the 
modern unification of Germany 
for the first time in history 
Bestuzhev proposed an exchange in 
which Russia would acquire parts 
of Podolia or Belorus, while Poland 
would acquire Silesia and East 
Prussia, which would be popu¬ 
lated, especially in the region of 
Mazurian Lakes by Mazurs, by 
colonists from Mazovia in Poland. 
The proposal failed because Polish 
citizens of the Noble Republic did 
not want to became subjects of the 
Tsar of Russia. 

The miracle of Prussian history 
occurred, when a German woman 
born in Stettin became Catherine 
II of Russia and successfully con¬ 
spired in bringing about the assas¬ 
sination of her husband Peter III 
(1728-1762). On July 9, 1762 she 
conducted a coup d’etat which put 
her in power in St. Petersburg. The 
same year Berlin initiated parti¬ 
tions of Poland, after 65 years of 
“Saxon Night” (1699-1764) as the 
union of Poland with Saxony is 
known. It was the most dismal pe¬ 
riod in the history of Poland. The 
Kingdom of Prussia was saved 
from destruction and Berlin was 
able to provoke a series of Polish- 
Russian wars; each war gave Berlin 
a chance for robbery of Polish land 
by annexation. Thus, one could 
add that the Poles saved the King¬ 
dom of Prussia from final liquida¬ 
tion, after 244 years of its creation 
in 1701. 

The partitions of Poland in 
1762-1795 allowed the Kingdom 
of Prussia to acquire as much land 
as was the combined area of the 
350 other German independent 

principalities at the time. Thus, the 
annexation of Polish provinces was 
the key to Berlin’s domination over 
all of Germany. 

Similarly, as it happened with the 
Copernican law of currency, which 
the British call “Gresham’s Law,” so 
today one reads in British books 
fraudulent statements about World 
War II in which it is falsely stated 
that the British broke the German 
military code Enigma. The history 
of Enigma and of perennial bad 
money problems now called the 
Gresham Law relate to the usurpa¬ 
tion by the English of the work of 
Copernicus and Polish cryptologists. 

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 



The controversy between Simon 
Goldhill and Israel Shamir in the 
December 2009 issue of Culture 
Wars over whether there were any 
prostitutes in ancient Greek, Latin, 
and Biblical cultures before capital¬ 
ism, ignores the testimony of 
Scripture: “the love of money is the 
root of evil. ” Before what is known 
as capitalism there was the love of 
money. And before that there were 
prostitutes or harlots, as can be 
seen in Genesis 38, where Tamar 
plays the harlot with Judah. There 
was no money as a substitute for 
goods and services, but for the ser¬ 
vice of the harlot, Judah promised 
the good of the kid taken from the 

As near as I can recall, the first to 
identify Mary Magdalene with the 
woman who washed Jesus’ feet 
with her tears (Luke 7:36-50, 8:2) 
was Pope Gregory I. Despite the 
statement that the Risen Christ ap¬ 

peared first to Mary Magdalen 
(Mark 16:9), St. Gregory Palamas 
attempted to reconcile the four 
evangelists and said that the “other 
Mary” (Matthew 28: 1-10) was the 
virgin mother of our Lord, and she 
was the first. Mary Magdalen sup¬ 
poses the risen Jesus to be a gar¬ 
dener, and Jesus said to her, 
“Touch me not” (John 20:1-18), 
but the “other Mary” met the risen 
Jesus and fell down at this feet and 
worshiped him (Matthew 28:9). 

Charles Caldwell 
Naples, Florida 


In Culture Wars 2009 you gave 
Ken Freeland, the Christian Social¬ 
ist, the opportunity to develop his 
economic hypothesis. In the No¬ 
vember issue there was a very inter¬ 
esting exchange between Michael 
McClain and Israel Shamir about 
the fact that Shamir “could not 
find a line of thought behind” 
McClain’s letter, and that’s why he 
simply allowed his gifted pen to 
run freely on the page. But I think 
Mr. McClain had some sensible 
thoughts, although expressed 
rather emotionally. Israel Shamir 
has written numberless articles, 
and in some of them he also gives 
into his weaknesses. 

But actually Michael McClain 
challenged Shamir to develop his 
claim, “if the Soviet Union had 
been left alone the Russian Ortho¬ 
dox Church and Russian Commu¬ 
nism would have united ... in 
mutual hatred of Mammon.” 

Israel Shamir had expressed this 
publicly and this opinion had sur¬ 
prised many people, not only 
(continued on p. 17) 

February 2010 / 5 



A Magazine is Born 


England is ill served by her me¬ 
dia. She is not unique in this, nor 
in the fact that her magazines, with 
few exceptions, are overwhelm¬ 
ingly trivial, dull and incurious. I 
do not refer to the mass market 
magazines, that glut of pornogra¬ 
phy, celebrity, and prurience, or 
the newspapers, which, when not 
imitating the mags, give space to 
political correspondents who don’t 
appear to have any meaningful be¬ 
liefs, and who are practically indis¬ 
tinguishable from one another. 

It is the serious magazine market 
that is almost empty in England. 
The US, for all its faults, does have 
some serious magazines. Even First 
Things, for all its unfortunate poli¬ 
tics, publishes important and 

thought-provoking articles. And 
there are others out there: The 
American Conservative, Culture 
Wars and Chronicles for starters. 

There are no equivalents in En¬ 
gland. Of the few supposedly seri¬ 
ous magazines The Spectator has 
become increasingly trivial, and 
the newer magazine Prospect is a 
pretentious atheist rag which en¬ 
gages more in sneering than in ar¬ 
gument (AC Grayling is a regular 

Into this barren landscape a new 
magazine has come. Edited by a 
well-educated Catholic (Daniel 
Johnson) and promising to cut 
through all of the above (and de¬ 
fend Western values), Standpoint is, 
one might have hoped, a much 
needed counterblast against the in¬ 
creasingly decadent and anti-intel¬ 

lectual culture of this troubled isle. 

England is not short of good 
minds and good writers. Many do 
not get a chance to address a main¬ 
stream audience, so the emergence 
of a new magazine is not a minor 
event. The magazine was given a 
lavish launch party at London’s 
Wallace Collection gallery. Huge 
quantities of champagne were 
quaffed by many prominent fig¬ 
ures of the media and literary 
worlds. Paul Johnson, Daniel’s fa¬ 
mous father, was conspicuous and 
a good time was had by all. But 
who was paying for all this, and in¬ 
deed for the magazine itself? And 

The major financial backer of 
the magazine is one Alan Bekhor, a 
prominent Zionist and former 
London metal-trader who is now 


building a shipping empire. The 
staff of the magazine is largely Jew¬ 
ish and, one supposes, not of the 
anti-Zionist or paleo-conservative 
persuasion (if they are they have 
my sympathy). 

Paul Johnson, who appears to be 
something of a godfather for the 
magazine, will be known to most 
readers as a prolific author and 
bestselling historian. So well- 
known is he in certain circles that 
in 2006 he received the Medal of 
Freedom in the US. Jewish 
paeloconservative Paul Gottfried 
used the occasion to reflect: 

Paul Johnson should be 
known as a British journalist 
who writes long historical sur¬ 
veys aimed at pleasing the 
usual suspects. Johnson, of 
course, has many unpleasant 
things to say about the Ger¬ 
man people in any time pe¬ 
riod, and he assails those Ar¬ 
abs who challenge the right of 
Israelis to occupy territory 
they had once held. His his¬ 
tory of the Jews, which could 
have been written by John 
Podhoretz—provided that 
John could put together 
enough sentences sequen¬ 
tially—brought Johnson the 
favor of “our crowd” and their 
pampered progeny. Since 
then the obliging Brit has 
made a new career writing for 
neocon publications, and he 
does so more often than I 
would care to notice. 

Gottfried is right. Johnsons His¬ 
tory of the Jews is a travesty. The 
book’s inherent anti-Christian bias 
and persistent, though not total, 
refusal to mention Jewish as op¬ 
posed to Christian wrongdoing is 
there for all to see. Small wonder 
that the Catholic writer Piers Paul 
Read was to state, in reviewing the 

History of the Jews together with 
Johnson’s slipshod History of Chris¬ 
tianity, “Indeed, reading the two 
histories together, one gets the im¬ 
pression that he would rather have 
been born a Jew than a Christian 
because the Jews were the ‘first to 
rationalize the unknown’ and are 
the ‘pilot project of the human 
race.’” Read goes on to enumerate 
a few of Johnson’s oversimplifica¬ 
tions and outright falsehoods. Two 
eminent Jewish historians, Elliott 
Horowitz and Israel Yuval, have re¬ 
cently decried the damage done to 
Jewish historiography by historians 
like Johnson. It would seem that 
they think philosemites, of whom 
Johnson is a conspicuous example, 
are not true friends either of the 
Jews or of scholarship. 

As if that weren’t bad enough 
from this Christian historian, 
when it comes to Israel Johnson 
takes misrepresentation to new 
heights. Just one example: he de¬ 
scribes the massacre at Sabra and 
Chatila in Lebanon as “a slaughter 
of Moslem refugees, by Christian 
Falangist Arabs. . .This episode was 

skillfully exploited by Arab and So¬ 
viet propagandists and presented in 
the Western media as an Israeli re¬ 
sponsibility. . . The Israelis wisely 
ordered an independent judicial 
inquiry which established the facts 
and placed some blame on the Is¬ 
raeli Minister of Defense, Ariel 
Sharon, for not having foreseen 
and prevented the killings.” All this 

in the context of Johnson’s mea¬ 
sured comments about the 1982 
invasion of Lebanon by Israel 
(“Such Israeli exercises in the right 
to self-defense were sometimes mis¬ 
judged or ill executed,” Johnson 
tells us). 

Contrast Johnson’s account with 
the words of the unimpeachable 
Zeev Maoz, Professor of Political 
Science at the University of Cali¬ 
fornia, Davis and former director 
of the M.A. Program at the Israeli 
Defense Force’s National Defense 
College. Maoz tells us that “Sharon 
explained the need to enter the 
refugee camps in order to pull out 
the suspected PLO guerrillas but 
also the need to get the Phalanges 
involved in the fighting.. . .The 
Phalange militias entered the refu¬ 
gee camps and spent nearly three 
days there. When they left the 
camps some eight hundred men, 
women and children were left dead 
in the streets. The massacre took 
place under the eyes of the IDF 
commanders who had been sta¬ 
tioned on the roofs overlooking the 
camps. . .” 

Paul Johnson is not, of course, 
Standpoint , although he is a hugely 
influential “conservative” figure in 
the States. He is, however, the fa¬ 
ther of the editor and a supporter 
of the magazine. That said, it is 
surely wrong to judge the son and 
his magazine by the father’s writ¬ 
ings. Gottfried, in discussing Paul, 
turns his focus to Daniel, writing: 

Into this barren landscape a new 
magazine has come. 

February 2010 / 7 



Daniel Johnson 

The mention of Paul 
Johnson. . .made me think of 
his son Daniel, another kept 
journalist, who is about to 
launch, with Miriam Gross, a 
former assistant to Melvin 
Lasky at Encounter, a British 
equivalent of the Weekly Stan¬ 
dard. . . I wish his enterprise 
every possible success, on the 
grounds that the British de¬ 
serve this American import, 
for having pushed us into 
World War One. We are now 
returning the favor belatedly 
by dumping our latest ex¬ 
ample of toxic waste onto 
their newsstands. Besides, the 
neocons claim to adore the 
Brits, as they dislike the 
French and detest the Ger¬ 
mans. Why shouldn’t they be 
allowed and even encouraged 
to put part of their propa¬ 
ganda machine in the British 
Isles? Perhaps some of our pre- 

m t e r 
neocons can 
be urged to 
move across 
the Atlantic 
and to de¬ 
vote them¬ 
selves to Mr. 

B e k h o r ’ s 
venture full¬ 

When I first 
read this I 
thought it un¬ 
duly harsh. I 
had reason to 
believe that 
Daniel was a 
rather more 
cautious and 
careful person 
than his father. 

I also had rea¬ 
son to believe 
that he was, 
unlike his father (who has a fixa¬ 
tion about the need for the Catho¬ 
lic Church to ordain women), an 
orthodox Catholic. These things 
matter. To have an orthodox 
Catholic at the helm of such an 
important venture struck me as a 
cause for celebration. And 1 had no 
reason to share Paul Gottfried’s 
cynicism, admire him as I do. 

Then I read Standpoint. 

It is written, though not exclu¬ 
sively, by a motley bunch of anti- 
Christian neoconservatives who, 
like Paul Johnson, seem to prize Is¬ 
rael, demonize Muslims and boast 
of their ‘hawkish’ approach to the 
“War on Terror”. A quick survey of 
the magazine finds us in rhe com¬ 
pany of, among others, Melanie 
Phillips, Julie Burchill, and 
Emanuele Ottolenghi. There are 
many more, but let’s just look at 
these to begin with, as an example 

of the kind of people Standpoint is 
employing or commissioning. All 
three of these people are very con¬ 
cerned about both anti-Semitism 
and anti-Zionism. Ottolenghi has 
been given a regular column. Just 
as Paul Johnson defends Ariel 
Sharon from his critics, so too does 
Mr. Ottolenghi. In a jointly writ¬ 
ten article with Suzanne 
Gershowitz for the Middle East 
Quarterly in 2005 Ottolenghi 

The growing legitimacy of anti- 
Zionism has contributed to a re¬ 
surgence of European anti- 
Semitism, again often wrapped 
with and, in many European eyes, 
legitimized by the caricature of 
Sharon. Violent anti-Semitic inci¬ 
dents in Europe have risen in pro¬ 
portion to the violence between Is¬ 
rael and the Palestinians, which 
suggest a relationship between 
anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. 

The article by Ottolenghi and 
Gershowitz was, unsurprisingly, 
praised by UK Zionist Melanie 
Phillips. The article forthrightly as¬ 
serts a link between anti-Zionism 
and anti-Semitism, a theme that 
Phillips constantly brings up in her 
own writings. And both 
Ottolenghi and Phillips draw at¬ 
tention to the prospect of a “new” 
anti-Semitism and to surveys 
showing a rise in this “new” anti- 
Semitism (in Europe). The 
Ottolenghi article refers to the 
Manifestations of anti-Semitism in 
the European Union report to back 
up its claim of a “new” anti- 
Semitism (linked with a rising 
anti-Zionism). Ottolenghi dishon¬ 
estly whitewashes Sharon’s record 
and then refers (along with his co¬ 
author from the American Enter¬ 
prise Institute) to a report so ludi¬ 
crous and propagandistic in its as- 


sumptions that, as Norman 
Finkelstein notes: “If virtually any 
criticism of Israel signals anti- 
Semitism, the sweep of the new 
anti-Semites, unsurprisingly, beg¬ 
gars the imagination.” 

1 have yet to see any of 
Finkelstein’s analysis in his book 
Beyond Chutzpah refuted by any¬ 
one. What is one to do with such a 
man? Ottolenghi knows. Here is 
what he wrote of this awkward cus¬ 
tomer, one who actually bothers to 
dig up the background for 
Ottolenghi’s ludicrous claims: 
“Norman Finkelstein provides a 
blanket cover to Holocaust de- 

Got that? The son of Holocaust 
survivors who has campaigned 
more than anyone to ensure that 
Holocaust payments to victims ac¬ 
tually get to victims (rather than to 
Jewish institutions supportive of 
the “work” of the likes of 
Ottolenghi) is basically an enabler 
of Holocaust deniers. One can 

only assume he has got the dean of 
Holocaust studies, the late Raul 
Hilberg, to endorse his work fully, 
and has also made sure that his ac¬ 
ceptance of Hilberg’s findings with 
regard to the systematic mass exter¬ 
mination of Jews during the Sec¬ 
ond World War is well-known, as 
part of his enabling project. 

Finkelstein’s condemnation of 
those who would deny this tragedy 
is, of course, well-known too. But, 
for Ottolenghi, it would seem that 
any critic of Israel can be smeared 
in this way. Thus does Ottolenghi 
honour the Jewish dead of World 
War II. Perhaps he should meditate 
on the title of Finkelstein’s book on 
the subject: The Holocaust Industry: 
Reflections on the Exploitation of 
Jewish Suffering. 

It comes as no surprise that the 
ubiquitous Melanie Phillips is a fan 
of Ottolenghi. Not only that, but 
both were witnesses for the Report 
of the All Parliamentary Inquiry Into 
Anti-Semitism (September 2006). 
This Inquiry, led by the Zionist 
MP (and member of the Henry 
Jackson Society) Denis MacShane, 
took evidence from a list of ideo¬ 
logical witnesses that produced ex¬ 
actly what one would expect from 
such a list. According to 
Finkelstein: “The report defines an 
anti-Semitic incident as any occa¬ 

sion ‘perceived’ to be anti-Semitic 
by the ‘Jewish community.” So 
“anti-Semitic” is the media in Brit¬ 
ain that, as far as I could see, the 
entire mainstream press 
uncritically covered the report, ac¬ 
cepting all of its dire warnings re¬ 
garding a “new anti-Semitism.” 
Given that such reports form the 

backbone for opinion pieces in 
Standpoint and other 

neoconservative/Zionist opera¬ 
tions, it’s important that Bekhor’s 
project doesn’t let the truth out. 
After all, neoconservatives and Zi¬ 
onists badly need these kinds of re¬ 
ports. Plus, critics of such reports 
can be denounced as anti-Semites, 
not least because there is now no 
objective test that need be satisfied 
to qualify for the label. 

The whole association of anti-Zi¬ 
onism with anti-Semitism is, of 
course, a political manoeuvre used 
by Zionists and neoconservatives as 
a way of deflecting attention from 
serious moral questions and ruin¬ 
ing opponents where possible. This 
should come as no surprise, for, as 
we shall see, when it comes to seri¬ 
ous moral questions our Standpoint 
contributors are all at sea. The phi¬ 
losopher Michael Neumann, being 
rather more concerned with moral 
philosophy than most, easily sees 
through this tactic. He tells us: 

Anti-Semitism. . .means ha¬ 
tred of Jews. But here, imme¬ 
diately, we come up against 
the venerable shell-game of 
Jewish identity: “Look! We’re 
a religion! No! a race! No! a 
cultural entity! Sorry—a reli¬ 
gion!” When we tire of this 
game, we get suckered into 
another: “Anti-Zionism is 
anti-Semitism!” quickly alter¬ 
nates with “Don’t confuse Zi¬ 
onism with Judaism! How 
dare you, you anti- 
Semite!”. . .Let’s try defining 
“anti-Semitism” as broadly as 
any supporter of Israel would 
ever want: anti-Semitism can 
be hatred of the Jewish race, 
or culture, or religion, or ha¬ 
tred of Zionism. Hatred, or 
dislike, or opposition, or 
slight unfriendliness. But sup- 

“The mention of Paul Johnson.. .made me 
think of his son Daniel, another kept jour¬ 
nalist, who is about to launch... a British 
equivalent of the Weekly Standard.” 

February 2010 / 9 


porters of Israel won’t find this 
game as much fun as they ex¬ 
pect. Inflating the meaning of 
“anti-Semitism” to include 
anything politically damaging 
to Israel is a double-edged 
sword. It may be handy for 
smiting your enemies, but the 
problem is that definitional 
inflation, like any inflation, 
cheapens the currency. The 
more things get to count as 
anti-Semitic, the less awful 
anti-Semitism is going to 
sound. This happens because, 
while no one can stop you 
from inflating definitions, you 
still don’t control the facts. . . . 
Through definitional infla¬ 
tion, some form of anti- 
Semitism becomes morally 
obligatory. It gets worse if 
anti-Zionism is labeled anti- 
Semitic, because the settle¬ 
ments, even if they do not 
represent fundamental aspira¬ 
tions of the Jewish people, are 
an entirely plausible extension 
of Zionism. To oppose them is 
indeed to be anti-Zionist, and 
therefore, by the stretched 
definition, anti-Semitic. The 
more anti-Semitism expands 
to include opposition to Is¬ 
raeli policies, the better it 
looks. Given the crimes to be 
laid at the feet of Zionism, 
there is another simple syllo¬ 
gism: anti-Zionism is a moral 
obligation, so, if anti-Zionism 
is anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism 
is a moral obligation. 

Neumann is a secular Jew. What 
is not mentioned by him is that the 
vast majority of Jews were either 
anti-Zionists or non-Zionists when 
Theodore Herzl was promoting 
the idea. Are/were they, too, anti- 
Semites? Presumably the following 
group of native-born inhabitants of 
Jerusalem qualify as anti-Semites 

for proclaiming the following in 

1948 : 

We will not allow ourselves, 
our wives and our children, to 
be led to our deaths, God 
forfend, in the name of Zion¬ 
ist idolatry. It is inconceivable 
that the impious, the unbe¬ 
lievers, the ignorant, and the 
irresponsible heretics lead an 
entire population of hundreds 
of thousands of Jews, like 
lambs to the slaughter, God 
save us, because of their false 
demented ideas, and that an 
entire population like an in¬ 
nocent dove, allow them to 
lead it to be killed. 

That a present-day Orthodox 
Jew like Yakov M. Rabkin can re¬ 
veal Zionism to be utterly anti¬ 
thetical to his religion must be 
painful for the Standpoint crowd: 
all the more so because his vision is 
actually closer to a Christian one 
than a neoconservative or Zionist 
view. Rabkin tells us of pious Jews, 
accused by Zionists of passivity: 

Many of them must con¬ 
stantly call upon all their spiri¬ 
tual resources to ward off the 
temptation to nationalism. To 
reaffirm their trust in divine 
mercy, they strive to live Torah 
life, for Jewish tradition con¬ 
siders that each good deed has 
an effect on the entire 
world. . . . Each deed, no mat¬ 
ter how minor, will be 
weighed on the balance of di¬ 
vine justice, for ultimate re¬ 
demption. “It should not be 
thought that the inferiority of 
the nation of Israel among the 
nations, and its prostration in 
exile, can be attributed to ill 
fortune.” Rather than seeing 
the history of the Jews as part 
of the fatalistic turnings of the 
wheel of history, tradition af¬ 

firms that the “fate” of the 
Jews depends only upon 
heaven’s assessment of their 
deeds. . . . The Jews were ex¬ 
iled from their homeland in 
an historical accident; Zion¬ 
ism thus proposes to redress 
what it perceives as an histori¬ 
cal injustice in historical, 
rather than religious 
terms. . . . For many pious 
Jews, Zionism appears as an 
obstacle to redemption of Is¬ 
rael. Rather than relying on 
“prayer and the plea for 
mercy,” the Zionist pioneers 
resorted to physical labor and 
armed struggle. 

The Jewish convert Israel Shamir 
reminds us: 

Zionism became poison with¬ 
out the Messiah: not in vain 
did the Jewish religious scrip¬ 
tures (“the instructions to the 
soldiers”) forbid the gathering 
of Jews in the Holy Land be¬ 
fore the days of the Messiah. 

The “instructors” knew what 
we have forgotten: such a 
gathering, unless by means of 
accepting the Messiah, would 
be used by the Antichrist and 
would poison the world. 

So it would seem that those who 
oppose Zionism and accept the 
idea of expiatory patient suffering 
and divine mercy are seen to be in 
opposition to the messianic way of 
Zionism and/or neoconserva¬ 
tism — neither of which is too 
concerned with “moral issues” be¬ 
cause, well, we need to get re¬ 
sults — and through force if neces¬ 

Lest the reader think I am as¬ 
suming too much, I offer you 
Melanie Phillips, who is sometimes 
portrayed, not without some justi- 


fication, as a morally upright 
thinker. Here is Ms Phillips on the 
question of torture: “Torture is al¬ 
ways wrong, and corrupts those 
who employ it. But the moral 
squeamishness of the west is also 
the hole in its defences.” It is worth 
noting that Melanie Phillips only 
recently castigated a fellow panelist 
on the BBC’s show The Moral 
Maze for saying that torture was 
inherently wrong. She called such a 
position immoral and endorsed the 
use of torture in certain circum¬ 
stances (her endorsement is not 
new). So it seems that the state¬ 
ment used in the first sentence is 
not made in good faith. And we 
know that anyway, because in the 
next sentence Phillips uses the term 
“moral squeamishness.” What on 
earth is the term supposed to 
mean? If it means anything at all it 
seems to mean a dismissal of the 
idea of moral absolutes—at least as 
they apply to “always wrong” 
choices such as torture. 

Phillips supports torture, cluster¬ 
bombing, and nuclear strikes and, 
in practice, rejects traditional just 
war theory. Apparently, such posi¬ 
tions are in line with what she sees 
as neoconservatism. Truly her 
messianism has, as with all false 
messiahs, led her into 

antinomianism. I would suggest to 
this confused woman that there is a 
way out of all this, but fear that I 
might be accused of “religious” 

With this background in mind, I 
looked at the second issue of 
Standpoint. Not content with pub¬ 
lishing a series of nakedly 
neoconservative articles, the maga¬ 
zine took it upon itself to publish a 
person who not only excuses tor¬ 
ture but was reportedly himself 

closely involved in the practice (see 
below). Since that individual is 
known as a neoconservative we will 
turn now to examine this ideology 
and its oft-ignored theological 


What’s a neoconservative? As 
with many political terms, neither 
its sense nor reference is crystal 
clear. Let’s hear what various 
knowledgeable people have said 
from geopolitical and 

eschatological perspectives. Here is 
a conversation between George H. 
Bush Senior and his incurious 
president son: 

George W. Bush: “What’s a 
neocon?” George H. W. Bush: 

“Do you want names or a de¬ 
scription?” “Description.” 
“Well,” said the former presi¬ 
dent of the United States, “I’ll 
give it to you in one word: Is¬ 

American academics John J. 
Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt 
describe neo-conservatism less 
tersely as 

a political ideology with dis¬ 
tinct views on both domestic 
and foreign policy. . . . Most 
neo-conservatives extol the 
virtues of American hege¬ 
mony—and sometimes even 
the idea of American em¬ 
pire—and they believe US 
power should be used to en¬ 
courage the spread of democ¬ 
racy and discourage potential 
rivals from even trying to 
compete with the United 
States. . . . They tend to be 
skeptical of international in¬ 
stitutions (especially the UN, 
which they regard as both 

anti-Israel and as a constraint 
on America’s freedom of ac¬ 
tion) and wary of many allies 
(especially the Europeans 
whom they see as idealistic 
pacifists free-riding on the Pax 
Americana ). .. .neoconservatives 
believe that military force is 
an extremely useful tool for 
shaping the world in ways that 
will benefit America. . . 
Neoconservatism, in short, is 
an especially hawkish ideol¬ 
ogy. . . . Virtually all 
neoconservatives are strongly 
committed to Israel, a point 
they emphasize openly and 
unapologetically. According to 
Max Boot, a leading 
neoconservative pundit, sup¬ 
porting Israel is “a key tenet of 
neoconservatism,” a position 
he attributes to “shared liberal 
democratic values.”. . . In par¬ 
ticular, writes [Benjamin] 

Ginsberg, they embraced 
Ronald Reagan’s “hard-line 
anti-communism” because 
they saw it as a “political 
movement that would guaran¬ 
tee Israel’s security.”. . .Given 
their hawkish orientation, it is 
not surprising that the neo¬ 
conservatives tend to ally with 
the right-wing elements in Is¬ 
rael itself. 

According to Professor Claes 
Ryn of the Catholic University of 
America, evident in this “ideology” 
or ideological pattern is a large ele¬ 
ment of neo-jacobinism. As well as 
openly endorsing the need for big 
government (for example, William 
Kristol and David Brooks), 
neoconservatives talk of the need 
for a “a neo-Reaganite foreign 
policy of national strength and 
moral assertiveness abroad.” 
Neoconservative Robert Kagan’s 
words about his fellow Americans 
are also noted by Ryn: “As good 

February 2010 / 11 


Melanie Phillips 

children of the Enlightenment, 
Americans believe in human per¬ 
fectibility. But Americans. . .also 
believe. . .that global security and 
the liberal order depend on the 
United States—that ‘indispensable 
nation’—wielding its power.” 

Ryn says of this ideology, “The 
neo-Jacobin vision for how to re¬ 
deem humanity may be less obvi¬ 
ously utopian than that of commu¬ 
nism. It may strike some as admi¬ 
rably idealistic, as did communism. 
But the spirit of the two move¬ 
ments is similar, and utopian 
thinking is utopian thinking, fairly 
innocuous perhaps if restricted to 
isolated dreamers and theoreticians 
but dangerous to the extent that it 
inspires action in the real world.” 

Ryn, a man who knows his his¬ 
tory as well as his faith, notes, by 
way of contrast, that, 

Christianity has always 
stressed the imperfect, sinful 
nature of man and warned 
against placing too much faith 

in man-made politi¬ 
cal institutions and 
measures. St. August¬ 
ine (354-430) is only 
one of the earliest 
and least sanguine of 
many Christian 
thinkers over the 
centuries who would 
have rejected out of 
hand the idea that 
mankind is destined 
for great progress and 
political perfection, 
to say nothing about 
the possibility of sal¬ 
vation through poli¬ 
tics. Although Chris¬ 
tianity has stressed 
that rulers must serve 
the common good 
and behave in a hu¬ 
mane manner, it has 
been reluctant to en¬ 
dorse any particular form of 
government as suited to all 
peoples and all historical cir¬ 

In trying to piece together the 
different strands of 

neoconservative ideology it is use¬ 
ful to listen to what the proudly 
Jewish thinker Benjamin Ginsberg 
has written. In discussing 
neoconservatives and their relation 
to “paleoconservatives” (traditional 
conservatives like Claes Ryn, Pat 
Buchanan, Paul Gottfried and 
Thomas Fleming). Ginsberg ob¬ 

Few neoconservatives attach 
much moral significance to 
the issues of abortion or 
school prayer and pragmati¬ 
cally advocate doing little to 
concretely advance these 
causes in order to avoid alien¬ 
ating middle-class suburban 
voters. Indeed, many neocons 
are fond ofsaying privately that 
social issues are merely useful 

bait with which to attract the 
votes of the riffraff [my empha¬ 
sis], By helpfully reminding 
conservative Protestants and 
Catholics of the true character 
and aims of the Jews (as re¬ 
vealed by the portions of their 
liturgy they have chosen to 
overlook in recent years), 
paleoconservatives can disrupt 
the improbable alliance be¬ 
tween conservative Christians 
and Jews and bring the former 
over to their camp. . . . Many 
neocons were at one time lib¬ 
eral Democrats or, in some 
cases, even Socialists or Marx¬ 
ists. One major factor that 
drew them to the right was 
their attachment to Israel. . . 
In the Reaganite right’s hard¬ 
line anticommunism, com¬ 
mitment to American military 
strength, and willingness to 
intervene politically and mili¬ 
tarily in the affairs of other na¬ 
tions to promote democratic 
values (and American inter¬ 
ests), neocons found a politi¬ 
cal movement that would 
guarantee Israel’s security. 

Ginsberg, however, seems to 
think that for paleoconservatives to 
point out what he has done is 
somehow anti-Semitic, telling us 
that “This is why, after a long hia¬ 
tus, anti-Semitism has once again 
become a significant phenomenon 
on the political right. The most 
noteworthy expression was, of 
course, Pat Buchanan’s charge that 
the Persian Gulf War was pro¬ 
moted by the Israeli Defense min¬ 
istry and its ‘amen corner’ in the 
United States. ...” 

If Ginsberg is right, then it 
would seem that social issues such 
as abortion, which many people 
have regarded as extremely impor¬ 
tant, take a back seat for the 
neocons to foreign policy consider- 


ations, especially US support for 
Israel. And, of course, this ideo¬ 
logical pattern is in many ways the 
antithesis of the notion of the So¬ 
cial Kingship of Christ that those 
who profess to be followers of 
Christ are duty-bound to promote. 
In fact, despite the many Chris¬ 
tians who see themselves as 
neocons or fellow-travelers with 
neocons, this ideology seems some¬ 
thing very far from Christian. 

Melanie Phillips certainly thinks 
so, telling an audience of her fel- 
low-Jews at the Limmud confer¬ 

If the neocons aren’t really 
conservative, they differ even 
more strikingly from their 
Christian co-counter revolu¬ 
tionaries. For the neocon view 
of the world is a demonstrably 
Jewish view. Christians see 

man as a fallen being, inher¬ 
ently sinful. The neocons have 
the Jewish view that mankind 
has a capacity for good or ill. 
Christians believe humanity is 
redeemed through Christ on 
the cross; the neo-con ap¬ 
proach is founded on the be¬ 
lief that individuals have to re¬ 
deem themselves. Christians 
believe in transforming fallen 
humanity through a series of 
mystical beliefs and events. 
Neocons believe in taking the 
world as it is, but encouraging 
the good and discouraging the 

bad. It is this impulse to 
tikkun olam or repair of the 
world, this belief that the 
world must not be allowed to 
fester but can be persuaded to 
change for the better, that 
gives the neocons the opti¬ 
mism that so distresses old- 
style paleoconservatives when 
the principles are applied to 
world affairs. For it was the 
neocon belief that good can 
prevail over evil, that pre¬ 
emptive strikes against rogue 
states are justified and that re¬ 
gime change into democracy 
can transform a terrorist state 
into a model world citizen, 
that lay behind the wars 
against Afghanistan and Iraq. 

Phillips makes quite explicit the 
idea that neocons have a “Jewish 
view of mankind.” She is to be 
commended for bringing into dis¬ 

cussion the theological dimension 
of political movements. It would 
be nice, however, if she allowed 
others to bring in that dimension 
too. 7 he BBC filmmaker Adam 
Curtis made a series of films en¬ 
titled The Power of Nightmares 
about neoconservatives and radical 
Islam. Not only was Israel not 
mentioned, but nor (if I remember 
rightly) were the words Jew, Jewish 
or Judaism. I regarded this as a 
striking omission. Still, at least no 
one could accuse Mr Curtis of 

anti-Semitism and perhaps he too 
thought this. Melanie Phillips, 
however, thought differently, writ¬ 
ing of Curtis in her blog: “You ob¬ 
viously can’t overestimate the cre¬ 
ative imagination of a pukka con¬ 
spiracy theorist. It’s not enough 
willfully to invent a conspiracy by 
sinister neocons, aka Jews, in 
Washington to subvert American 
foreign policy.” 

Apparently, only the likes of 
Melanie are allowed to delve into 
these esoteric areas. The rest of us 
will have to make do with whatever 
exoteric message is given us, and 
stop imagining things that just 
aren’t true. Perhaps it’s easier to live 
with double standards if one 
adopts the neoconservative view 
which, according to Phillips, effec¬ 
tively denies the reality of Original 
Sin, or at best admits its existence 
but de-emphasizes it in the name 
of the belief that “the world. . .can 
be persuaded to change for the bet¬ 
ter,” a belief to be contrasted with a 
robust belief in Original Sin. We 
can all share Phillips’ unexception¬ 
able wish to “encourage the good 
and discourage the bad” without 
being quite so sanguine about the 

Phillips does not, of course, be¬ 
lieve in the redemptive power of 
the crucified and resurrected 
Christ. Human suffering as it re¬ 
lates to Christ’s sacrifice is, for her, 
meaningless. But Phillips the 
neoconservative goes further than 
most. Not only does she reject out¬ 
right the New Covenant which 
forms the New Israel that is (so 
Catholics believe) the Catholic 
Church, but she thinks that any¬ 
one who believes that the New 
Covenant has superseded the Sinai 
Covenant is necessarily anti- 
Semitic (her article on the matter is 

Phillips supports torture, cluster-bombing 
and nuclear strikes and, in practice, rejects 
traditional just war theory. 

February 2010 / 13 



entitled “Christians who hate the 
Jews”). Assuming that Ms. Phillips 
knows the history of this view (an 
incautious assumption) she is con¬ 
demning as anti-Semitic Christ 
Himself, St Peter, St Paul, all of the 
Church Fathers, all of the Popes, 
all Saints, and all orthodox Catho¬ 
lics. Not only that but, as Jewish 
convert Israel Shamir points out, 

Her insufficient grasp of ideas 
calls it “replacement theology 
invented by a revisionist Pales¬ 
tinian theologian.”. . . A 
genuine article is “replaced” 
with a substitute, while an 
outdated idea is “superseded” 
by a newer one. It was indeed 
invented by a “revisionist Pal¬ 
estinian theologian,” but his 
name was not Canon Ateek, 
as she claims, but Prophet 
Isaiah. He spoke of the New 
Covenant that will supersede 
the Old one. Afterwards, this 
idea became the cornerstone 
of Christianity, as the New 
Covenant between God and 
the Church (Israel of spirit) 
superseded the Old Covenant 
between God and Israel of 
flesh. Ignorant Jews present it 
as an act of “hatred of Jews.” 

But it was just the opposite: 
the act of eradicating hatred 
between Jews and non-Jews. 

Had Phillips listened to the man 
who is now pope she would have 
learned that “The Torah of the 
Messiah is the Messiah, Jesus, 
himself. . .To imitate him, to fol¬ 
low him in discipleship, is there¬ 
fore to keep the Torah, which has 
been fulfilled once and for all. Thus 
the Sinai covenant is superseded .” 

Rejection of the New Covenant 
is rejection of Christ. If to follow 
Christ and His Church is necessar¬ 
ily anti-Semitic and if neocon¬ 
servatism is a Jewish movement 

(even if rejected by most Jews) then 
it should come as no surprise that 
critics of neoconservatism, espe¬ 
cially if they are Christian, are ac¬ 
cused of anti-Semitism. In being 
thus slandered, they are in good 

Thus far I have quoted various 
people’s views on what the word 
neoconservatism denotes. In so do¬ 
ing I have aimed to give an impres¬ 
sion of some common themes 
which roughly identify the aims of 
any movement that might be called 
neoconservative. I started with 
geopolitical concerns and moved 
on to theological assumptions. 
With regard to the latter, we have 
those like Melanie Phillips openly 
identifying neoconservatism as a 
Jewish (or Jewish-inspired) move¬ 
ment. Promoting the central goals 
of such a movement/ideology, as 
she describes it, is surely incompat¬ 
ible with living a good Christian 
life. For a start, the doctrine of 
Original Sin can never be 
downplayed—it is absolutely cen¬ 
tral to the Christian life and to any 
understanding of the Gospels, Sac¬ 
raments etc. To minimize or ignore 
this doctrine is to invite upon one¬ 
self some of the greatest disasters of 

Standard Christian teaching 
holds that the Incarnation came 
about because of Original Sin. And 
through the Incarnation the God- 
Man Christ, the Second Adam, 
chose through love to embrace suf¬ 
fering on the Cross in order to 
bring about an atoning sacrifice of¬ 
fered to all mankind. If a Christian 
believes in the doctrine of Original 
Sin, he also believes in the need for 
Redemption through a Second 
Adam, the perfect Son of God. 

Can’t one deny or downplay 
Original Sin, brush it away, talk of 

some vague need for ‘healing’? The 
tiqqun olam to which Phillips refers 
was popularized through the 
Lurianic Caballah. The Jewish his¬ 
torian Gerschom Scholem ex¬ 

The realm of qelippah , where 
the sparks are held in bond¬ 
age, is a distinctly political 
realm “represented on the ter¬ 
restrial and historical plane by 
tyranny and oppression”. The 
purpose of man’s existence on 
earth became tiqqun or heal¬ 
ing, restoring the lights in 
their original place in the uni¬ 
verse before the breaking of 
the vessels had released the 
forces of sin and evil. “The 
messianic king, far from 
bringing about the tiqqun , is 
himself brought about by it: 
he appears after the tiqqmi has 
been achieved. The cosmic re¬ 
demption of the raising of the 
sparks merges with the na¬ 
tional redemption of Israel, 
and the symbol of the “in¬ 
gathering of the exiles” com¬ 
prises both. 

This form of Gnosticism has 
little to do with Original Sin but 
everything to do with a worldly 
messianism, the very kind of 
messianism that caused the earth- 
shattering ruptures at the time of 
Christ. And it is this toxic 
messianism that many neocons 
seem to be obsessed by. If the 
neoconservative movement—or 
loose group of convergent inter¬ 
ests—cannot excommunicate 

someone like Michael Ledeen (in 
fact he is cherished) then I think 
we can safely say that the move¬ 
ment is a form of revolutionary 
messianism. Ledeen tells us: 

Creative destruction is our 
middle name, both within our 


own society and abroad. We 
tear down the old order every 
day, from business to science, 
literature, art, architecture, 
and cinema to politics and the 
law. Our enemies have always 
hated this whirlwind of energy 
and creativity, which menaces 
their traditions (whatever they 
may be) and shames them for 
their inability to keep pace. 
Seeing America undo tradi¬ 
tional societies, they fear us, 
for they do not wish to be un¬ 
done. They cannot feel secure 
so long as we are there, for our 
very existence—our existence, 
not our politics—threatens 
their legitimacy. They must 
attack us in order to survive, 
just as we must destroy them 
to advance our historic mis¬ 

The program of those who 
would choose Barabbas over Christ 
has seldom been put so succinctly. 
No surprise, then, that this same 
man, a leading neoconservative 
thinker, tells us, in writing, approv¬ 
ingly, of Machiavelli, that: “There 
are several circumstances in which 
good leaders are likely to have to 
enter into evil: whenever the very 
existence of the nation is threat¬ 
ened; when the state is first created 
or revolutionary change is to be ac¬ 
complished. ...” To such a man, 
and his fellow-travellers as de¬ 
scribed below, these words of Eliza¬ 
beth Anscombe were addressed: 

But if someone really thinks, 
in advance, that it is open to 
question whether such an ac¬ 
tion as procuring the judicial 
execution of the innocent 
should be quite excluded from 
consideration—I do not want 
to argue with him; he shows a 
corrupt mind. 


So apparently neoconservatism is 
a Jewish-inspired movement advo¬ 
cating messianism, revolution, and 
a downgrading of the importance 
of “social” moral issues and, of 
course, war, war, war. While there 
is more to neoconservatism than 
support for Likudnik Israeli poli¬ 
cies, a general adherence to these 
seems to be a necessary condition 
for being regarded as a “conserva¬ 
tive” by this group. It should come 
as no surprise then that an aversion 
to Christ is present among a good 
number of adherents of this ideol¬ 
ogy, even if it isn’t politic to admit 
to it. How, then, do people square 
the circle between Christ and anti- 

In the light of these reflections, 
having read the July issue of Stand¬ 
point on the neo-conservative 
mindset, I fired off a letter to 
Daniel Johnson, the Catholic edi¬ 
tor of the magazine. I asked him 
why the magazine welcomed the 
thoughts of certain influential US 
figures such as Paul Wolfowitz, a 
man who has not only advocated 
torture, but micro-managed it, as 
Major Michael Thomspon in¬ 
formed a US court in stipulated 
testimony. In 1978 Wolfowitz was 
investigated for providing a classi¬ 
fied document to the Israeli gov¬ 
ernment through an intermediary, 
and in 1992, as Undersecretary of 
Defense, promoted the export to 
Israel of advanced AIM-9M air-to- 
air missiles, despite knowledge that 
a previous version had been 
handed on to the Chinese by Israel. 

What kind of ideas will flow 
from a character formed by such 
actions? No surprise that 
Wolfowitz promotes Robert 

Kagan, a co-signatory of the fa¬ 
mous letter to the President on 
September 20, 2001 urging to re¬ 
move Saddam Hussein from 
power, “even if evidence does not 
link Iraq directly to the attack. . . .” 
No surprise that in typically 
neoconservative fashion Kagan’s 
book essentially argues that due to 
remote and or/fabricated (and eas¬ 
ily resolved) dangerous geopolitical 
possibilities, the US must follow 
costly and dangerous policies in 
the present. 

Having noted two of the more 
openly extreme neoconservatives in 
the review pages (as reviewer and 
book author) I turned to Melanie 
Phillips’ feature article which, 
while rightly drawing attention to 
a possible fraud [the al-Dura case 
involving the alleged faking of TV 
footage regarding the killing of Pal¬ 
estinian youth by Israeli forces] ne¬ 
glects to mention the numerous 
and well-documented cases of 
child-killing carried out by IDF 
soldiers over the years. Whether 
such killings are directly inten¬ 
tional or barely considered side-ef¬ 
fects of rash and needless actions, 
they are absolutely wrong. That so 
many have been documented, in¬ 
cluding by Israeli human rights 
groups, surely deserved a mention. 

Back to the review pages, I noted 
David Pryce-Jones talking about 
Nazis, whose crimes he takes so se¬ 
riously he has equated them with 
Hezbollah’s but not with IDF’s 
“proportionate” dropping of 1.2 
million cluster bomblets in south 
Lebanon, an issue that has both¬ 
ered neither Pryce-Jones nor col¬ 
umnist Douglas Murray. Douglas 
Murray is a young neoconservative 
who takes all of the usual morally 
degenerate positions. While calling 

February 2010 / 15 

himself a “conservative” he tells us 
that he is “pro-abortion, pro-gay 
rights” and spends much time 
criticising Islamic groups (some¬ 
times fairly) while utterly ignoring 
anything Israel might do. 

With the exception of Aidan 
Nichols’ fine piece, extolling a 
truly Christian solution to social 
problems, Standpoint has shown us 
that it stands, in many ways, in op¬ 
position to what Nichols is envis¬ 

Only in passing did 1 note Nick 
Cohen, a follower of Christopher 
Hitchens who has has travelled the 
same very short journey that 
Hitchens has. Cohen hates religion 
and is a keen abortion advocate. 
He is also capable of such brilliant 
arguments in favour of military in¬ 
tervention in sovereign nations in 
contravention of international law 
as: “If you say it is illegal to over¬ 
throw a genocidal tyrant. . .then 
you have to say genocide is legal”. 
Enough said. 

Finally, I did not mention an ex¬ 
traordinary article in the July issue 
of Standpoint entitled “Barack 
Obama, Isolationist” by James 
Kirchik of The New Republic. Aside 
from the absurd premise (Obama 
is affiliated with The Council of 
Foreign Relations) the author 
clearly thinks that “isolationism” is 
a terrible, terrible thing, especially 
when there are messianic wars to 
be fought. That it is this (and not, 
say, his support for infanticide, 
prostration before AIPAC etc.) 
which is the one thing Kirchik 
(and Standpoint ) choose to criticise 
him on (not, say, his support for 
infanticide, prostration before 
AIPAC etc.) again tells us all we 
need to know about the worldview 
and priorities of Standpoint. 


My letter to the editor provoked 
no reply nor was it published (in 
common, no doubt, with many 
others). After a little pestering I 
eventually received an e-mail from 
the editor Daniel Johnson. He in¬ 
formed me that the letter was not 
published because it was too long 
(doesn’t Standpoint employ 
copyeditors?) and reassured me 
that he saw our disagreement was 
political rather than moral. 

Along with “moral 

squeamishness,” the idea that tor¬ 
ture is somehow a merely “politi¬ 
cal” issue suggests a moral confu¬ 
sion that is depressing coming 
from a Catholic. Johnson did try to 
point to future “Christian” articles 
but then proceeded to name a se¬ 
ries of largely Christian-lite writers 
who undermine rather than bolster 
Christianity. This was in response 
to my praise of the one excellent 
article by Aidan Nichols in the July 
issue, extolling a truly Christian so¬ 
lution to social problems. 

The following issue of Stand¬ 
point published another column by 
Julie Burchill, a woman who hates 
the Catholic Church and Islam 
and boasts of having had five abor¬ 
tions. Other than that, she is fa¬ 
mous for washing, at tedious 
length, her (very dirty) linen in 
public and producing lesbian 
“chick lit.” What qualifies her to 
write for Standpoint ? Well, she is 
utterly in love with Israel and in 
her column she literally wraps her¬ 
self in the Israeli flag. Such are the 
moral standards of this “conserva¬ 
tive” magazine. 

Still, at least no Wolfowitz in this 
issue. No Wolfowitz; instead John 
Bolton, the neoconservative who 

ludicrously denies he is a 
neoconservative (despite not differ¬ 
ing in policy views one iota from 
self-described neo-conservatives). 
He uses his column to object to the 
fact that some people think he is a 
war criminal. Bolton, who has be¬ 
come something of a regular on 
UK TV, is a notorious Israel-firster 
and hard-line hawk who did every¬ 
thing he could to facilitate the Iraq 
war and block any possible cease¬ 
fire in the Israel-Lebanon conflict. 
Furthermore, as Tom Barry in¬ 
forms us, “According to news re¬ 
ports, including the highly re¬ 
spected Jewish magazine Forward , 
Bolton took part in unauthorized 
meetings with Israeli officials, in¬ 
cluding Israeli intelligence agents. 
He met with officials of the 
Mossad intelligence agency with¬ 
out first seeking ‘country clearance’ 
from the State Department’s Bu¬ 
reau of Near Eastern Affairs.” In its 
May 6, 2005 article on Bolton’s 
practice of manipulating intelli¬ 
gence and violating government 
protocol, Forward also noted that 
Bolton is “known as a strong sup¬ 
porter of Israel’s position that 
Tehran is coming alarmingly close 
to being able to weaponize its 
nuclear material.” Not surpris¬ 
ingly, when he was the US ambas¬ 
sador to the UN he was called 
“Israel’s secret weapon” by his Is¬ 
raeli counterpart. 

To top it all, this issue contained 
a prominent piece by Rabbi Sidney 
Brichto on—you guessed it—anti- 
Semitism and that insidious form 
of it, anti-Zionism (he refers to the 
absurd Parliamentary Report on 
Anti-Semitism noted above). As 
well as inflicting on unwary readers 
a completely false impression of Is¬ 
raeli history (see Maoz) and the 


1967 war, this Rabbi has the chutz¬ 
pah to tell us that nowadays “His¬ 
tory is dismissed as irrelevant.” 
Certainly irrelevant is Rabbi 
Brichto’s statement that: “Zion¬ 
ism—and its creation, Israel—gave 
that prejudice the excuse to breathe 
again. Deep down in the European 
consciousness, there lingers a con¬ 
viction that the world would be 
better without the Jews. But as 
anti-Semitism is now an unfash¬ 
ionable tool for achieving this goal, 
the way to do it is by destroying 
the ‘Zionist entity.’” 

Such extraordinary statements 
contrast with the statement of the 
pre-eminent Zionist Walter Lac¬ 
quer who informs us, rightly or 
wrongly, that “anti-Semitism in 
Europe is predominantly Muslim 
in character.” Brichto’s statement 
regarding the conviction held 
“deep-down” in European con¬ 
sciousness, together with his use of 
the now capacious term anti- 
Semitism is an appalling and irre¬ 
sponsible piece of armchair socio¬ 
cultural psychology that manages 
to be both tragic and deranged. 
This kind of paranoid mindset (his 
statement has yet to be condemned 
by Melanie Phillips or Douglas 
Murray, both of whom accuse 
Muslims of paranoia and scare- 
mongering) is reminiscent of the 
distinguished Jewish playwright 
David Mamet’s comment upon 
seeing a bumper sticker reading 
Israel Out of the Settlements” (S’s 
transformed to dollar signs). The 
playwright said that such a slogan 
could best be translated as “Hook¬ 
nosed Jews Die.” 

This paranoia is not merely a 
propaganda tactic, but is in at least 
some cases, a genuinely distorted 
view of the world and, as such, a 
kind of sickness. One does not 

help the sick by encouraging them 
to indulge in pathological behav¬ 
ior. It isn’t moral, and it certainly 
isn’t Christian. 


The cure to these problems, in 
the Christian understanding, is, of 
course, to replace messianism with 
a recognition of the true Messiah. 
At the very least, the beginning of 
the cure is to reject the antinomian 
idolatry that the contributors to 
Standpoint indulge in. I do not 
know how much influence the edi¬ 
tor has over the magazine. To co¬ 
operate formally or materially (in a 
way that cannot be morally justi¬ 
fied) with the morally bankrupt 
pronouncements of the neocons 
can never be acceptable. Mr 
Johnson must either stand up to 
his funders and remove such ob¬ 
stacles to his faith or leave this sor¬ 
did venture. As things stand, 
Johnson is allowing Zionists to 
keep Jews from the Way, the Truth, 
and the Light, and the neocons to 
continue in their overturning of 
people’s appreciation of the natural 
moral law. The one thing that both 
groups cannot bear is the Cross. 
Daniel Johnson, along with all of 
us, need to embrace it again, and 
in doing so lead others to do the 


Notes available upon request. 
Contact author at 



Michael McClain. That’s why Is¬ 
rael owes his readers an explana¬ 
tion, and preferably a thorough 
one (like Ken Freeland’s explana¬ 
tion) as had been requested by the 
editor for a future edition. 

In is account of the 2008 
Trialogos Conference in Tallinn, 
Estonia, the editor quotes Israel 
Shamir as saying or giving the im¬ 
pression that he thinks that Esto¬ 
nian Russians are in the same situa¬ 
tion today as Palestinians are in 
present-day Israel. That is his opin¬ 
ion. The situation is actually the 
reverse. The situation which 
Shamir is working to bring about 
in the Holy Land now is compa¬ 
rable to the situation in Estonia. 
The Estonians were not occupiers 
of a state belonging to the Rus¬ 
sians. Shamir should be happy 
about the present state of justice by 
the very fact that he works for a 
free state of Palestine which he 
considers occupied. 

The Russians in Estonia are only 
required to know the Estonian lan¬ 
guage, as Estonians were required 
to know Russian under the Russian 
occupation. I know for a fact that 
the Estonian government is not 
strictly requiring this knowledge 
before giving citizenship and pass¬ 
ports to Russian Estonians, as 
many of our friends and acquain¬ 
tances (Russian and Estonia) have 
received full justice in this situa¬ 

Monk Serafim 
Telemark, Norway 

February 2010 / 17 

The Weber Thesis: 

Capitalism and 
its Myths of Origin 

by E. Michael Jones 

“a thing of immortal make, not human, lion-fronted and snake behind, a 
goat in the middle and snorting out the breath of the terrible flame of 
bright fire.” 

Homer on the Chimera, The Iliad 
The origin is what really needs explanation. 

Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 

No area of contemporary life, with the possible ex¬ 
ception of sexuality, is as surrounded by myth as eco¬ 
nomics. When it comes to Capitalism, the great 
mythmaker of our day is Michael Novak. After begin¬ 
ning his career as a Christian socialist and promoter of 
sexual liberation, Novak joined the staff of the Ameri¬ 
can Enterprise Institute in 1978, just as the 
neoconservative movement was gaining steam and 
moving from Trotskyite to Reaganite politics. 

In 1982 Novak wrote The Spirit of Democratic Capi¬ 
talism, which attempted to come up with a theological 
justification for Catholics wishing to abandon the 
Democratic Party and support the Reagan 
Administration’s crusade against Communism. Sup¬ 
porting the Reagan agenda had other sequelae less con¬ 
genial to the Catholic mind, like the assault on unions 
that began with the firing of the air traffic controllers, 
but those and other negative consequences of the 
Reagan era, like opening up the American auto mar¬ 
ket to the Japanese in exchange for the purchase of 
Treasury bills, did not seem apparent at the time. 

One of the main reasons they did not seem apparent 
at the time was Michael Novak. Professor Stephen M. 
Bainbridge referred to Novak as “the foremost Chris- 

E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine. Ballet Parking 
is his most recent book. It can be ordered from Fidelity Press. See ad on 
back cover. 

tian thinker on the economy,” and to The Spirit of 
Democratic Capitalism as “undoubtedly his magnum 
opus.” The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism , Bainbridge 
continues, “appeared in a samizdat. . . edition in Po¬ 
land during the 1980s and had an obvious impact on 
the Solidarity movement. Its reasoned defense of 
democratic capitalism as being grounded in the hu¬ 
mane values of the Judeo-Christian tradition also 
helped give a moral center to the neoconservative 
movement”—or at least the appearance of a moral 

Less sanguine in their evaluation of the effect that 
Novak’s magnum opus had on discourse about eco¬ 
nomics, especially among Catholics, are the editors of 
the I H S Press edition of Amintore Fanfani’s classic 
Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism. If Fanfani’s 
contention that “there is an unbridgeable gulf between 
the Catholic and the capitalistic conception of life” 
falls on deaf ears these days, especially among Catho¬ 
lics, the main reason for that deafness is Michael 
Novak, “the man,” according to the editors, “who has 
come to represent all that Catholic thought has to say 
on economic subjects.” If there is one man respon¬ 
sible for ignorance of and hostility toward Catholic so¬ 
cial teaching, especially among Catholics, it is Michael 
Novak. If most Catholics think that Quadragesimo 
Anno is a hunchback who lives in the bell tower of 
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the main reason for 
that misunderstanding is Michael Novak. 

How is it then that Catholic thinkers can come to 
such contradictory conclusions about Novak’s mag¬ 
num opus, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism ? Well, 
it may be because the book itself is based on a contra- 


Max Weber 


At the heart of Novak’s book we find a mythologi¬ 
cal creature, not unlike Homer’s chimera, known as 
“democratic capitalism.” This creature is an incoher¬ 
ent composite which purportedly has the powers at¬ 
tributable to the animals out of which it was made, 
powers hitherto unknown in the realm of economic 
thought. According to Novak’s economic theory: 

“political democracy is compatible in practice only 
with a market economy” 

(In reality democracy and capi- _ 

talism, like liberty and equality of 
French Revolution fame, are anti¬ 
thetical. Capitalism always con¬ 
centrates wealth—and, therefore, 
power—into fewer and fewer 
hands. Has Michael Novak ever 
heard of China?) 

“Modern democracy and mod¬ 
ern capitalism proceed from identical historical im¬ 

(As in Elizabethan England? Revolutionary France? 
Florence under Savonarola? Each of these instances 
had either capitalism or democracy but not both. 
Plato reminds us that democracy follows plutocracy as 

its antithesis when the younger generation realizes that 
their elders had sold their birthright. The thesis of 
Kevin Phillips book Wealth and Democracy is that 
American history is a contest between wealth and de¬ 
mocracy. In other words, the two are antithetical not 

“the natural logic of capitalism leads to democracy” 

(This statement is true in a certain sense. As Plato 
pointed out in The Republic, aristocracy leads to plu¬ 
tocracy, which leads to revolutionary democracy, 
which leads to tyranny.) 

“Except in Adam Smith’s book, the concept of de¬ 
velopment did not exist. In 1800, a judgment like that 
of Ecclesiastes, ‘There is nothing new under the sun,’ 
blanketed a mostly torpid world. In most regions, eco¬ 
nomic enterprises stagnated.” 

(All of the economic advances upon which modern 
Capitalism is based—including double entry book¬ 
keeping, bills of exchange, and fractional reserve bank¬ 
ing—were all in place in the city-states of northern 
Italy by the beginning of the 15 th century, which is to 
say 400 years before Novak says they appeared in En¬ 

“The invention of the market economy in Great 
Britain and the United States more profoundly revolu¬ 
tionized the world between 1800 and the present than 
any other single force. After five millennia of blunder¬ 
ing human beings finally found out how wealth may 
be produced in a sustained systematic way.” 

(The market economy was not invented in either 
Great Britain or the United States. During the last two 
decades of the 20 th century and the first decade of the 
21 s ' century, Capitalism was responsible for the de- 

“Capitalism was the social counterpart 
of Calvinist theology.” 

struction ol billions of dollars of wealth in American 
through thinly veiled looting schemes like leveraged 
buy-outs. During the last decade of the 20 th century, 
Russia was looted in an even more rapacious fashion 
under the oversight of Jeffrey Sachs and Lawrence 
Summers, then president of Harvard University. The 

February 2010 / 19 



Michael Novak 

looting of Russia was so obscene that Harvard ended 
up being sued by the United States government and 
paying the biggest fine in its history, which led to the 
resignation of Summers as Harvard’s president. Sum¬ 
mers is now director of the National Economic Coun¬ 
cil for the Obama administration.) 

“The churches did not understand the new econom¬ 
ics. . . . Latin Culture did not understand Economics.” 

(Does Mr. Novak consider Italy as part of “Latin 
Culture”? Is the Roman Catholic Church part of 
“Latin Culture.” Is the headquarters of the Roman 
Catholic Church in Rome? Is Rome in Italy? In order 
to maintain his thesis—England created modern eco¬ 
nomics, the Church is ignorant of economic prin¬ 
ciple—Novak has to claim that Italy was an economic 
backwater, when in fact the exact opposite was true. 
Italy was the financial center of Europe for centuries. 
During the high middle ages, when Italy was establish¬ 
ing banking houses in Bruges, dominating commerce 
in Europe, and coming up with the financial advances 
that would revolutionize commerce, England’s main 
export was raw wool.) 

“The Catholic Church . . . has tended, particularly 
because of the Vatican’s location within Italy ... to 
rest uncomfortably in the past with only a tenuous 
connection to liberal societies. In a word, it has stood 
outside of and has, I think, misread the liberal demo¬ 
cratic capitalist revolution.” 

(Novak’s framing of the issue is so tendentious that 
it needs to be unpacked a bit before it can be refuted. 

Does Novak consider Florence under 
Savonarola a “liberal society.” Savonarola 
certainly promoted democracy, but he 
opposed plutocracy, which is another 
word for Capitalism, as manifested at the 
time by the Medici banking interests. 
Faced with an unprecedented expansion 
of commerce in Italy during the 13 th , 
14 th , and 15 th centuries, the Church was 
deeply and intimately involved in sorting 
out which economic developments were 
beneficial to society and which were 

“North and South America were 
founded upon two radically different 
ideas of political economy. The one at¬ 
tempted to recreate the political-eco¬ 
nomic structure of feudal and mercantil¬ 
ist Spain. The other attempted to establish a novus 
ordo secidoritm, a new order, around ideas never before 
realized in human history.” 

(North and South America were founded under ex¬ 
actly the same system. It was known as Mercantilism. 
Novak ignores the fact that that system found accep¬ 
tance by all of the colonial powers in North 
America—England, France, Spain, and Holland. 
Novak attempts to draw deep theological conclusions 
from the fact that the United States has a larger 
economy than individual South American countries, 
even though for much of the 20 th century Argentina 
was not far behind. The outcome of colonial conquest 
in North America was not decided by the triumph of a 
superior idea. In terms of economics, all of the colo¬ 
nial powers had the same idea. The conquest was 
brought about by force of arms. Mercantilism was an¬ 
other name for economic warfare. All of the mercan¬ 
tilist powers fought wars over the exclusive economic 
privileges which went with the right to colonize North 
America. In these wars, England defeated both France 
and Holland. What theological/economic lesson does 
Mr. Novak derive from England’s defeat of Holland, a 
country more Calvinistic than England?) 

“Latin Americans do not value the same moral 
qualities North Americans do.” 

(Statements like this may make sense to the 
Neoconservatives who were Novak’s employers at the 
American Enterprise Institute at the time he wrote The 
Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, but they are incom- 


prehensible to Catholics, including those who live in 
North and South America. Catholicism is the target of 
Novak’s book precisely because the Catholic Church is 
the main institution which claims that economic 
policy should be subordinated to the moral law.) 

“Now that the secrets of sustained material progress 
have been decoded, the responsibility for reducing 
hunger and misery is no longer God’s but ours.” 

(Have these secrets reached Detroit?) 

No region of the United States is poorer than it was 
in 1900.” 

(See above.) 

Locke on Strawberries 

“John Locke once wrote that the inventors of new 
economic processes and products—quinine, for ex¬ 
ample—were greater benefactors of mankind than ear¬ 
lier givers of charity.. . . It may have been John Locke 
(1632-1704) who first articulated a new possibility for 
economic organization. Locke observed that a field of, 
say, strawberries, highly favored by nature, left to itself 
might produce what seemed to be an abundance of 
strawberries. Subject to cultivation and care by practi¬ 
cal intelligence, however, such a field might be made 
to produce not simply twice but tenfold as much 

strawberries. In short, Locke concluded, nature is far 
wealthier in possibility than human beings had drawn 
attention to before.” 

(Novak’s invocation of the name of John Locke is 
the infallible sign that the chimera of “democratic 
capitalism” resides in a mythical realm known as Whig 
History. One of the heroic figures of Whig history is 
John Locke. Since Novak is writing Whig history, he 
needs to drag statements about Locke, no matter how 
preposterous, into his narrative, and give them a im¬ 
portance which their banality does not deserve. 

Whig history is based on the ability to draw grand 
theological conclusions from dubious historical pre¬ 
mises. We’re talking about things like Locke’s discov¬ 
ery of the theological significance of strawberries. Or 
Novak attributing to Locke statements that were ei¬ 
ther commonplaces of Catholic thought for centuries, 
e.g. Lockes vision of a novel and invigorating sense of 
the human vocation.” Or statements that were flat out 
wrong, as when he claims that “History was no longer 
to be regarded as cyclical.” What man living in Europe 
at any time after the birth and crucifixion of Our Lord 
and Savior Jesus Christ and familiar with a Bible 
which begins with the creation of the world and con¬ 
cludes with a description of the end of the world be¬ 
lieved that history was cyclical? Determined to pile 
Pelion on Ossa, Novak goes on to claim Locke’s influ¬ 
ence was so great that it affected our perception of the 
way God works on history: 

After Locke, reflection on God’s ways with the 
world—theodicy—was altered. The way God 
works in history was now thought of as progressive, 
open, subject to human liberty and diligence. The 
vocation of the human being came to seem en¬ 
nobled. No longer were humans to imagine their lot 
as passive, long-suffering, 
submissive. They were 
called upon to inventive, 
prudent, farseeing, 

hardworking—in order to 
realize by their obedience to 
God’s call the building up 
and perfecting of Gods 
kingdom on earth. 

Michael Novak’s sense of 
timing was uncanny. In the 
realm of popular thought he 
both anticipated and facili¬ 
tated the neoconservative 
takeover of American for¬ 
eign policy. In the realm of serious ideas, however, his 
book was uncannily wrong. It was based on an intel¬ 
lectual foundation which had just collapsed. The Spirit 
of Democratic Capitalism attempted to revive the Black 
Legend for the benefit of the Reagan administration at 
the very moment when the final nail was being ham¬ 
mered into the coffin of Whig History with the publi¬ 
cation of Eamonn Duffy’s Stripping of the Altars. 
Novak based his appropriation of Whig History on 
the writings of H.R. Trevor-Roper, a notorious 

If most Catholics think that Quadragesimo 
Anno is a hunchback who lives in the bell tower 
of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the main 
reason for that misunderstanding is Michael 

February 2010 / 21 

John Locke 

Catholic basher whose credentials as a historian took a 
significant hit when he staked his reputation as a his¬ 
torian on the authenticity of Hitler’s diaries. Trevor- 
Roper, known among his students as Professor Clever- 
Groper claims that the “secret techniques of capitalism 
were carried away to other cities,’’ and then wonders 
“Why?” [H.R. Trevor-Roper, “Religion, the Reforma¬ 
tion and Social Change,” in The European Witch- 
Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and 
Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row, 1969), p. 21]. 

Whig history is notorious for taking an historical 
fact, in this instance the decline of commerce in the 
Mediterranean when compared with the rise of com¬ 
merce in the Atlantic which followed from the discov¬ 
ery of the New World, and then loading it down with 
theological significance, all of which is to show the su¬ 
periority of English Protestant culture in the wake of 
the Glorious Revolution. Novak further loads the dice 
by referring to those nations engaged in the Mediter¬ 
ranean trade as “strongholds of the Counter-Reforma¬ 
tion,” making it all but certain that the reader will as¬ 
cribe any change in economic fortune to their Ca¬ 
tholicism. Sure enough, Novak uses Trevor-Roper’s 
tendentious resurrection of the Black Legend as a stick 

with which he proceeds to beat the Church, as when 
he writes. 

For Trevor-Roper, the decisive fact [in the develop¬ 
ment of Capitalism] was a new alliance of church 
and state, more intolerable with each passing year, 
which drove the new class of Catholic businessmen 
in some cases out of their church but in many more 
cases out of their native cities and homelands. 1 hey 
sought out cities no longer under the control of 
princes and bishops; they sought self-governing cit¬ 
ies of a republican character.” 

This is because: 

The Counter-Reformation state impugned the reli¬ 
gious value of commerce. It banned or restricted en¬ 
terprise in the private sector. It licensed certain 
entrepeneurs to develop state monopolies; it favored 
state mercantilism over private mercantilism. 

To begin with, there is no such thing as private mer¬ 
cantilism. Mercantilism is, by definition, government- 
sponsored economic activity. Secondly, when it comes 
to an intolerable alliance of Church and State was any 
government more repressive than Elizabethan En¬ 
gland? Is Novak claiming that there was no alliance of 
Church and State in England during the 16 th century? 
Is he claiming that Elizabeth did not grant state mo¬ 
nopolies? Is he claiming that Elizabeth did not favor 
the pleonasm known as “state mercantilism”? Finally, 
where were the “self-governing cities of a republican 
character” which Novak praises? Were they in En¬ 
gland? Was London one of them? No, “self governing 
cities of a republican character,” places like Venice, 
Milan, Florence, Siena were to be found in Italy, 
where they had been in the forefront of economic ad¬ 
vance for centuries. 

In Novak’s attempt to resurrect the Black Legend, 
all of history becomes a morality play in which En¬ 
glish forces triumph over their Catholic opponents be¬ 
cause of the innate superiority of their ideas, all of 
which revolve around the emancipation of economic 
life from moral supervision. According to Novak, the 
failure is all on the Catholic side, i.e. in “the failure of 
Catholic thinking to grasp the creative potential of 
democratic capitalism.” 

Amintore Fanfani, who was familiar with the claim 
that the development of capitalism was more intense 
in Protestant than in Catholic countries, was reluctant 
to conclude that the rise of England as an economic 




power came about because of the superiority of En¬ 
glish ideas, specifically the English idea later espoused 
as Capitalism. More important from Fanfani’s point of 
view was “the displacement of trade from the Mediter¬ 
ranean to the Atlantic” as well as the disadvantages 
which arose from the fact that Italy was “economically 
divided into innumerable markets,” while “the na¬ 
tional state of England is already making giant strides 
toward unification, of which it enjoys full benefit at a 
time when in Italy there are but a few individuals who 
dimly realize the advantages to be derived from agree¬ 
ments between the various Italian states with a view to 
definite economic and political results. The capitalis¬ 
tic importance of a vast and unified market—which is 
far greater than the form of religion—can be seen by 
summary of the economic history of France and Ger¬ 
many.” There is, Fanfani concluded, “no need to seek 
for mysterious influences.” 

Novak’s thesis rests on a particular explanation of 
the origins of Capitalism known as the Weber Thesis. 

In 1904 and 1905 the German Sociologist Max We¬ 
ber wrote t