family of origin

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1. a group of people related by blood or marriage or a strong common bond, such as those descended from a common ancestor, or a husband, wife, and their children.
2. a taxonomic category below an order and above a genus.
blended family a family unit composed of a married couple and their offspring including some from previous marriages.
dysfunctional family one in which adult caregivers are unable to consistently fulfill their family responsibilities.
extended family a nuclear family and their close relatives, such as the children's grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
nuclear family a family consisting of a two-generation relationship of parents and children, living together and more or less isolated from their extended family.
nuclear dyad family a husband and wife with no children.
family of origin the family in which a person grew up.
family processes the psychosocial, physiological, and spiritual functions and relationships within the family unit; for nursing diagnoses, see under process.
single-parent family a lone parent and offspring living together as a family unit.
skewed family a family in which one spouse is severely dysfunctional and the other spouse assumes an acquiescent, peacemaking stance to maintain equilibrium.
family (omaha) in the omaha system, a problem modifier defined as a social unit or related group of individuals who live together and who experience a health-related problem.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

family of origin

The family into which one is born and to whom one is related.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners
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This quote demonstrates how dealing with violence at a given point in time may redefine core experiences in the family of origin, thus reorganizing the personal biography.
Although a majority of critics see Pilate as the hero of the novel, she too seeks but ultimately fails to recreate the relationships of her family of origin.(10)
Healthy relationships with one's family of origin mean having the right amount of differentiation.
For those who attend college, family of origin continues to be an influence on occupational exploration and selection.
Results of this study suggest that dimensions of functioning in the family of origin affect the level of psychological reactance of young adult children.
During the second week of the series, participants examine family of origin. Each individual is given a list of important values and behaviors and is asked to briefly describe each of these in relation to his or her family of origin.
The developmental tasks of early adulthood are thought to be particularly vulnerable to family of origin issues (Gecas & Seff, 1990; Kenny & Donaldson, 1991).
Although initially the family of origin is a less important source of support, this situation may change over the course of the illness.
She claims that anyone who has done marriage preparation knows some marriages are doomed from the start: "running away from your family of origin, rebounding from another relationship, or `saving' your mate, etc.
When what some therapists refer to as family of origin "tapes" startle Jenny, she copes by stepping back, almost as an observer:
Our own understanding of social relationships is conditioned by those in our families, both our family of origin and our nuclear family ...
In addition, simple genograms can easily be constructed to clearly delineate family relationships.[11,12] Asking for this additional information on family of origin (the family in which a person has his or her beginnings, physically and emotionally) often results in discussions about psychosocial concerns and gives patients a clear message that the physician is interested in all aspects of their health.

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