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1. (Bible) the eldest son of Cain after whom the first city was named (Genesis 4:17)
2. (Bible) the father of Methuselah: said to have walked with God and to have been taken by God at the end of his earthly life (Genesis 5:24)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈi nək)

the father of Methuselah. Gen. 5:22.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Enoch lived in the house with his mother in those days and when he was a young boy went to school at the Winesburg High School.
When he was twenty-one years old Enoch went to New York City and was a city man for fifteen years.
In New York City, when he first went there to live and before he became confused and disconcerted by the facts of life, Enoch went about a good deal with young men.
The story of Enoch is in fact the story of a room almost more than it is the story of a man.
And so into the room in the evening came young Enoch's friends.
He did not know one of them, except Enoch, who had been taken up alive to heaven.
But Enoch had not died, and so it followed that everyone did not die.
If I may state my intellectual position I am, so far as concerns things purely terrestrial, somewhat in the position which Enoch occupied spiritually!"
I could not at the moment recall Enoch's appositeness, so I had to ask a simple question, though I felt that by so doing I was lowering myself in the eyes of the lunatic.
"Stay, mother," exclaimed Abner and Enoch; "if you will see the creatur', let us drive it into view."
"I, whom you behold in these black garments of the priesthood -- I, who ascend the sacred desk, and turn my pale face heavenward, taking upon myself to hold communion in your behalf with the Most High Omniscience -- I, in whose daily life you discern the sanctity of Enoch -- I, whose footsteps, as you suppose, leave a gleam along my earthly track, whereby the Pilgrims that shall come after me may be guided to the regions of the blest -- I, who have laid the hand of baptism upon your children -- I, who have breathed the parting prayer over your dying friends, to whom the Amen sounded faintly from a world which they had quitted -- I, your pastor, whom you so reverence and trust, am utterly a pollution and a lie!"
"Wa-al, Enoch Fuller he made a model o' the old Ohio, and she's to Salem museum now.