Incorrect Client Version Error - Troubleshooting Steps - Announcements - Albion Online Forum

Incorrect Client Version Error - Troubleshooting Steps

    • Incorrect Client Version Error - Troubleshooting Steps

      Hello everyone!

      We are aware that some of you experience issues connecting to the game and get an error message about having an incorrect client version. We have received reports that repairing and reinstalling the game doesn't help, therefore we'd like to collect some information from you that we can then send our server host for further investigation.

      For this process, you will need to use Windows and Chrome as browser.

      !!! Please DO NOT post the information and requested file here on the forums! Instead attach them to a mail and send it to [email protected].

      Steps to take:
      1. Visit and take a screenshot of the information displayed there and attach it to the mail you'll send to support.
      2. Create a so-called HAR file:
        1. Get the HAR file from Chrome when trying to download…ftpatchmanifest247106.xml
          1. Open Inspection Window in Chrome by right clicking on any webpage and select "Inspect"
          2. Select Network Tab on the Inspection Window
          3. Enter…ftpatchmanifest247106.xml into the address list and hit Enter
          4. Wait till the download is finished and then click on the Download Arrow (Tooltip shows Export HAR ...) and save the file. Attach the downloaded file to the mail sent to support.
          (How-to-save HAR files by Google:
      3. Open a Windows command prompt (press Windows+R and then type in cmd in the field) and run the following command: curl -Iv ""
      Once we have received your mail with the required information, we will be able to further investigate this issue to hopefully prevent it from happening in the future. Thank you for your help and patience!

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