Art Appreciation Module 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Art Appreciation Module 3

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Which of the following architectural elements is visible on the exterior of the Colosseum?
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Which of the following architectural elements is visible on the exterior of the Colosseum?
A round arch colonnade
The Rococo style often evokes __________.
How is the Pantheon different from Greek temples, like the Parthenon?
It was designed for indoor religious ceremonies.
According to archaeologists, the first known examples of artistic creativity are __________.
pieces of engraved ochre
The Laocoön Group exemplifies the artistic style of the Hellenistic period due to the figures' __________.
Dynamic facial expressions and exaggerated movements
The Roman innovation that most greatly influenced Western architecture was __________.
The rounded arch
Which of the following techniques enabled Italian artists to place subjects in a rational and ordered three-dimensional space?
Linear perspective
The Great Pyramids were __________.
commemorative monuments for pharaohs
In the painting Judith and the Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi demonstrates the close artistic influence of __________.
Tutankhamen ("King Tut") is the best-known Egyptian ruler because
his tomb was discovered mostly intact during modern times.
Which group believed they were responsible for the Renaissance?
In The Arnolfini Portrait, Jan van Eyck achieves realistic details, rich textures, and brilliant colors by using __________.
Oil paint
In The Conversion of Saint Paul, Caravaggio enhances the emotional intensity of Paul's spiritual conversion for the viewer by using __________.
Ancient Egyptians were deeply concerned about __________.
The afterlife
Which of the following styles emphasizes rational simplicity, order, and idealized human forms?