it's down the street from - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

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Haiti could be the set for so many different countries in
[...] the world, and it's just down the street from America," he said.
Hait� puede ser el escenario
[...] para muchos pa�ses del mundo, y est� muy cerca de Estados Unidos".
I have been often to, I guess, the
mother ship in
[...] New York City, but it's good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department.
Estoy encantada de estar aqu� en la nueva sede. He visitado a menudo la sede
en la ciudad de Nueva
[...] York, pero es buena idea tener una oficina del Consejo aqu� mismo, a una manzana del Departamento de Estado.
The bakery is a
[...] short distance down the street from the bank.
La panadera est� a una cuadra del banco.
It's open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Starbucks is located on the 3rd floor of Morehead Medical Plaza, across the street from Medical Center Plaza.
Est� abierto de lunes a viernes desde las 7 a.m. hasta las 3 p.m. Starbucks est� ubicado en el piso 3 del Morehead Medical Plaza, frente a Medical Center Plaza.
Then Gomma walks down the street to the next home to share vital malnutrition prevention information in the form of a friendly visit from a caring neighbour.
Gomma se encamina calle abajo en direcci�n a la siguiente casa en la que, cual vecina afable y cari�osa, compartir� informaci�n vital para prevenir [...]
la desnutrici�n.
It's difficult for food to be kept clean on the street, and many travelers get sick from food bought from street vendors.
Es dif�cil que la comida se
[...] mantenga limpia en la calle y muchos viajeros se enferman debido a los alimentos que compran a los vendedores en las calles.
It's falling like water, coming down from the hills.
que cae como el agua, viniendo de las colinas.
You don't just decide one day to
[...] cultivate flowers; it's something that's passed down from generation to [...]
Cultivar flores no es cosa de un d�a para otro, es un trabajo que [...]
lleva generaciones".
When we walk down the street we get picked on just because you think we are different from you.
Cuando caminamos por la calle ustedes nos fastidian simplemente porque piensan que somos diferentes.
For example, how can any one be sure that the
[...] broken glass in the picture isn't from a broken window down the street from where the crime supposedly occurred?
(por ejemplo, �c�mo puede alguien tener la
[...] seguridad de que los vidrios rotos que ah� aparecen no son de una ventana en otro lugar de la calle donde el crimen [...]
supuestamente ocurri�?
At least once a week, when he gets home from work or on Sundays,
San Diego father Zev Jaffa
[...] leads a family hike up and down an easy climbing trail across the street from his apartment.
Al menos una vez por semana (al llegar a casa del trabajo o los domingos) Zev Jaffa, un pap� de San Diego, encabeza
una caminata familiar
[...] para subir y bajar un sendero f�cil de escalar al otro lado de la calle donde est� su apartamento.
Rotarians from around the region will
be your hosts at a venue located next to the
[...] Mississippi River, just down the street from the Morial Convention Center.
Goce de la compa��a
[...] de los rotarios de toda la regi�n quienes ser�n [...]
sus anfitriones en esta gran velada frente al r�o Mississippi,
a unos pasos del Morial Convention Center.
It's a country where the best plumber lives in the best neighborhood next door to the innovator who developed the latest solar energy technology, and across the street from the Mapuche who wrote the latest history [...]
of their people and just returned from teaching at Oxford.
Es un pa�s donde el mejor g�sfiter vive en el mejor barrio justo al lado del innovador que desarrolla la mejor tecnolog�a de energ�a solar, y al frente del mapuche que escribi� la �ltima historia de su pueblo [...]
y acaba de regresar de dictar clases en Oxford.
The numbers
[...] (of visitors) has been down, but it's the qualified people who [...]
are here.
El n�mero de visitantes ha disminuido, pero los profesionales [...]
s� est�n aqu�.
When your plant suffers a
[...] fire and shuts down, it's nice to have a team that can provide the materials to [...]
make the repairs on time.
Aunque los escapes sean raros estos
[...] d�as, todos en la cadena de suministro de una central nuclear siempre est�n atentos [...]
y cautelosos.
Not only is it not associated with problems right after the baby
[...] is born, but it's not associated with problems down the road.
No s�lo no se relaciona con problemas justo
[...] despu�s de que nace el beb�, sino con problemas durante la vida".
You might go down street after street and find that the larger proportion of the people, so far from making any profession [...]
of religion, did
not even enter a place of worship and knew nothing more than what the city missionary or the Bible woman may have been helped to teach them.
Podr�an recorrer todas sus calles y descubrir que la mayor proporci�n de su poblaci�n, muy lejos de hacer alguna profesi�n [...]
de religi�n, ni
siquiera visita alg�n lugar de adoraci�n, y no sabe nada m�s de lo que el misionero citadino o la maestra de Biblia le pudieran haber ense�ado.
It's located on a quiet side street in the up-and-coming Bulfinch Triangle area, but just minutes away from many major Boston [...]
landmarks, including
the Fleet Center, Faneuil Hall and North End, the Italian enclave known for its stellar restaurants.
Est� ubicado en una calle tranquila de la florecienterea de Bulfinch Triangle, pero a pocos minutos de muchos lugares muy [...]
bostonianos como
Fleet Center, Faneuil Hall y North End, el enclave italiano famoso por sus estelares restaurantes.
The Hindu temple is down the street from the playground.
El templo hind� est� calle abajo del parque infantil.
Begin your walking tour at Mural Row at the
corner of East 104th
[...] Street and Lexington Avenue, down the street from the East 103rd Street stop [...]
on the Lexington Avenue subway line.
Comience en Mural Row, en la esquina de
East 104th Street y Lexington Avenue,
[...] cerca de la parada East 103rd Street de la l�nea subterr�nea de Lexington Avenue.
Do you know someone - a family member,
[...] a coworker, or a friend from down the street someone who has just been [...]
diagnosed with cancer?
�Conoce a alguien - un pariente,
[...] compa�ero de trabajo o amigo del vecindario - que acaba de ser diagnosticado [...]
con c�ncer?
But it's exactly at 483 Francisco Xavier Street, in the neighborhood of Tijuca, where refugees who recently arrived in Rio de Janeiro find their first source of support after long - and often tortuous - escapes from their native countries.
Pero es exactamente en el n�mero 483 de la calle Francisco Xavier, en el barrio de Tijuca, donde los refugiados recientemente llegados a R�o de Janeiro encuentran su primera fuente de apoyo luego de largas (y frecuentemente muy arduas) traves�as de escape desde sus pa�ses de origen.
TS, located down the street from Fenway Park.
TS, situado en la misma calle de Fenway Park.
The main street is filled with funky souvenir shops and good food, but it's the remarkable inlet beach filled with kitesurfers and windsurfers that make for [...]
a water carnival unique to the Dominican Republic.
La calle principal est� repleta de originales tiendas de souvenirs y buena comida, pero es la llamativa ensenada llena de kiteboards y tablas de windsurfing [...]
lo que conforma un carnaval acu�tico,
�nico en la Rep�blica Dominicana.
Deep down, it's not so much about the story you're [...]
En el fondo, no se trata tanto de lo que se cuenta.
And, because it put them in touch with other young
[...] entrepreneurs, it's also been useful in the down moments, adds Paccot.
Y, dado que ello los puso en contacto con otros j�venes
[...] emprendedores, tambi�n ha sido �til en los momentos bajos, a�ade Paccot.
It's helpful to write down the following information
Siempre es
[...] �til hacer anotaciones con la siguiente informaci�n
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