400+ Never Have I Ever Questions - HobbyLark Skip to main content

400+ Never Have I Ever Questions

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Try out these get-to-know-you questions for a game full of laughs, sharing secrets, and bonding!

Try out these get-to-know-you questions for a game full of laughs, sharing secrets, and bonding!

How to Play "Never Have I Ever"

If you’re looking for fun ways to get to know some new friends or a new boyfriend/girlfriend, this is a great way to go about it! What better way to get to know someone than by learning about their past experiences, no matter how trivial? While this is often played as a drinking game, you can easily play an alcohol-free version as well.

"Never Have I Ever" Drinking Game Variation

Players sit in a circle and take turns making a statement of fact, starting with the phrase "Never have I ever ..." and followed by something they've never done. For example, if you've never flown in a helicopter, you could say, "Never have I ever flown in a helicopter." After the statement is made, any players in the circle that have done that particular action before must take a drink!

At the end, the winner can either be the person who drank the most shots or the person with the most fascinating stories. But let's be honest, whenever there's good company and good drinks, everyone's a winner! Remember to drink responsibly.

"No Takers" Penalty Variation

A particularly funny twist is the "no takers" penalty. If a player makes a "Never have I ever ..." statement and no one else in the group has done that action before, the player who made the statement must drink a shot!

This forces players to be more strategic with the statements they make, and it ensures that everyone will enjoy a few drinks throughout the game!

Non-Alcoholic Variation (Kid-Friendly)

Any drinking game can be played without using alcohol and can still be just as fun!

In this variation, each player is given 10 bite-size pieces of candy, and when they have done the particular action mentioned, they must eat one of their pieces of candy. The player with the most candy left at the end of the game wins!

Types of Questions to Ask

Whether you’re playing one-on-one or with a group, you probably need some "Never Have I Ever" questions to get started. Below you'll find a bunch of questions to keep on hand, split up into the following categories:

  • Funny Questions
  • Good Questions
  • Questions for Kids
  • Embarrassing Questions
  • Gross Questions
  • Foodie Questions
  • Rule-Breaker Questions
  • Tipsy Questions
  • Dirty Questions
How else can you make jogging exciting?

How else can you make jogging exciting?

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

You and your friends are going to have a laugh with these funny question ideas!

  1. Never have I ever watched the Ghostbusters remake.
  2. Never have I ever wanted to be one of the Kardashians.
  3. Never have I ever dressed as the opposite sex.
  4. Never have I ever watched SpongeBob SquarePants.
  5. Never have I ever cried during a Pixar movie. (Darn you, Bing Bong!)
  6. Never have I ever had a crush, or a man crush, on Ron Swanson.
  7. Never have I ever "cleaned up" by piling everything into a closet.
  8. Never have I ever sung karaoke.
  9. Never have I ever watched the "Gangnam Style" music video.
  10. Never have I ever had a crush on someone from Full House.
  11. Never have I ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls.
  12. Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.
  13. Never have I ever worn sleepwear and pretended it was clothing.
  14. Never have I ever said "excuse me" when there was no one around.
  15. Never have I ever scared myself in a mirror.
  16. Never have I ever missed a high five.
  17. Never have I ever heard someone else doing it.
  18. Never have I ever sang in the shower.
  19. Never have I ever blamed farts on an animal.
  20. Never have I ever secretly wished I were a wizard at Hogwarts.
  21. Never have I ever slept in regular clothing.
  22. Never have I ever had a nightmare about zombies chasing me.
  23. Never have I ever pretended to laugh at a joke I didn't get.
  24. Never have I ever been scared of clowns.
  25. Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was hot.
  26. Never have I ever faked being sick so I could play video games.
  27. Never have I ever liked Star Wars more than Star Trek.
  28. Never have I ever tried out to be an extra in a movie.
  29. Never have I ever scored over 100 while bowling.
  30. Never have I ever used an Instant Pot.
  31. Never have I ever played Candy Crush.
  32. Never have I ever won a game of Scrabble.
  33. Never have I ever made a duck face when taking a selfie.
  34. Never have I ever looked out the car's passenger seat window and imagined it was a scene from a music video.
  35. Never have I ever actually laughed out loud when typing LOL.
  36. Never have I ever reread an email immediately after sending it.
  37. Never have I ever daydreamed about being on a talk show and what I'd talk about.
  38. Never have I ever Googled my own name to see what comes up.
  39. Never have I ever pretended I was running from zombies while on a run.
  40. Never have I ever sat in the shower.
  41. Never have I ever tried something I saw on Pinterest.
  42. Never have I ever ugly cried for no reason.
  43. Never have I ever creeped on someone I just met on social media.
  44. Never have I ever thought about how a loved one could identify me if my face was horribly disfigured in an accident.
  45. Never have I ever answered someone "left" or "right" without thinking, because I have a 50/50 chance of being correct.
This question can spark some interesting stories of past adventures and mishaps!

This question can spark some interesting stories of past adventures and mishaps!

Good Never Have I Ever Questions

If you're trying to get to know someone, these are great ideas to get your game started!

  1. Never have I ever been out of the country.
  2. Never have I ever re-gifted a gift card.
  3. Never have I ever traveled out of state by myself.
  4. Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.
  5. Never have I ever been on stage in front of a crowd.
  6. Never have I ever lied in a job interview.
  7. Never have I ever stalked a crush.
  8. Never have I ever sung karaoke.
  9. Never have I ever agreed with something Donald Trump said.
  10. Never have I ever thought about what type of dog I would be.
  11. Never have I ever watched children's cartoons I'm too old for.
  12. Never have I ever lost sunglasses that I was already wearing.
  13. Never have I ever locked my keys in my car.
  14. Never have I ever not tipped at a restaurant.
  15. Never have I ever given money to a homeless person.
  16. Never have I ever tried to look at the sun.
  17. Never have I ever bungee-jumped.
  18. Never have I ever had surgery.
  19. Never have I ever jumped out of a plane.
  20. Never have I ever made a wish at a fountain.
  21. Never have I ever accidentally eaten a bug.
  22. Never have I ever cut someone in line.
  23. Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  24. Never have I ever read a single Harry Potter book.
  25. Never have I ever been inside of a library.
  26. Never have I ever lied about my age.
  27. Never have I ever shot a gun.
  28. Never have I ever had a cavity.
  29. Never have I ever been mini-golfing.
  30. Never have I ever seen an elephant in real life.
  31. Never have I ever been to Disney World.
  32. Never have I ever bought clothing online.
  33. Never have I ever had someone draw a caricature of me.
  34. Never have I ever owned an Xbox.
  35. Never have I ever spent hours watching funny videos on YouTube.
  36. Never have I ever seen Titanic.
  37. Never have I ever met a celebrity.
  38. Never have I ever thought a movie was better than the book.
  39. Never have I ever voted.
  40. Never have I ever owned a watch.
  41. Never have I ever ridden a skateboard.
  42. Never have I ever learned how to play a musical instrument.
  43. Never have I ever seen snow.
  44. Never have I ever finished a Sudoku puzzle.
  45. Never have I ever Googled something so I'd know how to spell it.
Let's face it: Capes are cool. And what if you could fly?!

Let's face it: Capes are cool. And what if you could fly?!

Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

When I was a kid, we played this game with fingers instead of with candy. We would hold out 10 fingers and fold down one finger each time we never did something. At the end of the game, the winner was the person with the most fingers still up.

  1. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  2. Never have I ever cried watching Homeward Bound.
  3. Never have I ever licked a frozen pole.
  4. Never have I ever had gum in my hair.
  5. Never have I ever taken a horrible picture on picture day.
  6. Never have I ever been a bully.
  7. Never have I ever wanted to be a superhero.
  8. Never have I ever been scared of the dark.
  9. Never have I ever had trouble sleeping after watching a scary movie.
  10. Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  11. Never have I ever been to a sleepover.
  12. Never have I ever had a birthday party.
  13. Never have I ever cried at school
  14. Never have I ever sang on a stage.
  15. Never have I ever performed in a talent show.
  16. Never have I ever killed ants with a magnifying glass.
  17. Never have I ever dropped Mentos into Coke or Pepsi.
  18. Never have I ever eaten something on a dare.
  19. Never have I ever used the excuse "My dog ate my homework."
  20. Never have I ever sucked my thumb.
  21. Never have I ever believed my toys had feelings.
  22. Never have I ever watched Blue's Clues.
  23. Never have I ever been terrified of a theme park ride.
  24. Never have I ever been to a haunted house.
  25. Never have I ever dressed up as a zombie for Halloween.
  26. Never have I ever been sent to the principal's office.
  27. Never have I ever done an Easter egg hunt.
  28. Never have I ever built a fort with blankets.
  29. Never have I ever fallen off a bike.
  30. Never have I ever played video games all day.
  31. Never have I ever stolen money from a sibling's piggy bank.
  32. Never have I ever wished I had bunk beds.
  33. Never have I ever played Pokémon.
  34. Never have I ever been on a family road trip.
  35. Never have I ever named a stuffed animal.
  36. Never have I ever used training wheels.
  37. Never have I ever eaten only candy for dinner.
  38. Never have I ever stayed in character all day.
  39. Never have I ever lied about being related to someone on TV.
  40. Never have I ever written notes on the desk to use during a test.
  41. Never have I ever tried to sign a permission slip for my parents.
  42. Never have I ever stolen a friend's story and pretended it happened to me.
  43. Never have I ever thrown something out of the school bus window.
  44. Never have I ever lied about staying after school and gone somewhere else.
  45. Never have I ever hopped seats on the school bus.
It's always the one time when you forget to  knock.

It's always the one time when you forget to knock.

Embarrassing Never Have I Ever Questions

Want to get to know everyone a little better? There's no better way than digging up old embarrassing memories together!

  1. Never have I ever farted in front of someone I liked.
  2. Never have I ever accidentally sharted.
  3. Never have I ever forgotten the punchline of a joke.
  4. Never have I ever sang a song out loud and messed up the lyrics.
  5. Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom.
  6. Never have I ever had someone walk in on me in the bathroom.
  7. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
  8. Never have I ever tried to pass a silent fart, but it came out loud instead.
  9. Never have I ever tripped in public.
  10. Never have I ever wet the bed after childhood.
  11. Never have I ever accidentally pooped my pants.
  12. Never have I ever attempted martial arts moves while by myself.
  13. Never have I ever driven over a curb.
  14. Never have I ever mistaken a man for a women or vice versa.
  15. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I peed my pants.
  16. Never have I ever picked a wedgie in public.
  17. Never have I ever called the wrong person, then pretended I meant to call them.
  18. Never have I ever gone into the wrong restroom.
  19. Never have I ever been so freaked out to be outside at night that I ran back in.
  20. Never have I ever lost my swimwear bottoms.
  21. Never have I ever had diarrhea at a friend's house.
  22. Never have I ever broken a piece of furniture by sitting on it.
  23. Never have I ever arrived somewhere late and had everyone stare at me.
  24. Never have I ever had food stuck in my teeth all day.
  25. Never have I ever walked around with my zipper down.
  26. Never have I ever bought a children's toy for myself, as an adult.
  27. Never have I ever recorded video of myself singing or dancing.
  28. Never have I ever been caught picking my nose.
  29. Never have I ever gotten something stuck in my nose.
  30. Never have I ever greeted someone I thought was someone else.
  31. Never have I ever given myself a bad haircut.
  32. Never have I ever been told I had bad breath.
  33. Never have I ever screamed because of a bug.
  34. Never have I ever played on my phone, trying to look like I'm doing something important.
  35. Never have I ever practiced public speaking in the mirror.
  36. Never have I ever had dandruff.
  37. Never have I ever listened to Justin Bieber.
  38. Never have I ever just looked at myself naked in the mirror.
  39. Never have I ever pretended to wash my hands by turning the water on, just in case someone is listening.
  40. Never have I ever smiled at someone when I realized I wasn't listening to what they were saying.
  41. Never have I ever tried to impress a crush by seeming knowledgeable about things they liked.
  42. Never have I ever refreshed over and over to see if I have any new messages.
  43. Never have I ever pretended to text while I secretly take a million selfies.
  44. Never have I ever been obsessed with One Direction.
  45. Never have I ever imagined my life as a sitcom and thought about who would play me.
At least it's better than on the floor, right?

At least it's better than on the floor, right?

Gross Never Have I Ever Questions

While we're talking about embarrassing moments, let's take it a step further and talk about gross stuff!

  1. Never have I ever sat on a public toilet.
  2. Never have I ever put gum under a table.
  3. Never have I ever stepped barefoot in dog poop.
  4. Never have I ever tasted dog or cat food.
  5. Never have I ever had a baby spit up on me.
  6. Never have I ever thrown up after seeing someone else throw up.
  7. Never have I ever picked my nose and eaten it.
  8. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
  9. Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.
  10. Never have I ever used my hands as a tissue (out of necessity).
  11. Never have I ever crop dusted an elevator.
  12. Never have I ever peed in the pool.
  13. Never have I ever clogged a toilet.
  14. Never have I ever tasted earwax.
  15. Never have I ever wiped my armpits with a towel instead of showering.
  16. Never have I ever worn the same pair of underwear more than three days.
  17. Never have I ever destroyed a public bathroom.
  18. Never have I ever thrown up in my mouth and swallowed it.
  19. Never have I ever used a public restroom that had no toilet paper.
  20. Never have I ever worn perfume or cologne because I didn't have deodorant.
  21. Never have I ever broken the "five-second rule."
  22. Never have I ever gotten poop on my hand.
  23. Never have I ever had such bad diarrhea that I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.
  24. Never have I ever thought a fart smelled good.
  25. Never have I ever licked a coin.
  26. Never have I ever worn the same jeans for a week without washing them.
  27. Never have I ever changed a diaper.
  28. Never have I ever gone more than a week without showering.
  29. Never have I ever had a smelly burp.
  30. Never have I ever watched pimple-popping videos.
  31. Never have I ever peeled a sunburn and enjoyed it.
  32. Never have I ever picked a scab.
  33. Never have I ever picked stuff out of my belly button.
  34. Never have I ever used the bathroom and not washed my hands.
  35. Never have I ever smelled clothing to see if they were too dirty to wear again.
  36. Never have I ever had stinky feet.
  37. Never have I ever let dirty dishes sit in the sink for over a week.
  38. Never have I ever blown my nose and looked at what came out.
  39. Never have I ever trimmed my toenails with my teeth.
  40. Never have I ever turned underwear inside out to get more use out of it.
  41. Never have I ever popped someone else's pimple.
  42. Never have I ever peeled dead skin off my feet.
  43. Never have I ever rubbed my skin to get the dead skin to roll up.
  44. Never have I ever peed in the sink.
  45. Never have I ever had a drop land on the toilet seat and not cleaned it off.

Foodie Never Have I Ever Questions

I love food, and I'm not ashamed of it. For these questions, skip the shots and bring on the donuts!

  1. Never have I ever binge-eaten Little Debbie cakes.
  2. Never have I ever eaten at Taco Bell more than three times in a week.
  3. Never have I ever eaten a carton of ice cream by myself.
  4. Never have I ever been to Arby's.
  5. Never have I ever had a deep-fried candy bar.
  6. Never have I ever eaten from someone else's plate when they weren't looking.
  7. Never have I ever eaten something cold because I was too lazy to heat it up.
  8. Never have I ever eaten pumpkin pie.
  9. Never have I ever tried chicken and waffles.
  10. Never have I ever tried anchovies.
  11. Never have I ever dipped french fries into a milkshake.
  12. Never have I ever eaten a salad.
  13. Never have I ever bought myself a Happy Meal.
  14. Never have I ever eaten more than three hot dogs at once.
  15. Never have I ever tried a restaurant's food challenge.
  16. Never have I ever tried to eat six Saltines in a minute.
  17. Never have I ever put ice cubes in my milk and cereal.
  18. Never have I ever drank pickle juice.
  19. Never have I ever put candy on pizza.
  20. Never have I ever tried pickles with peanut butter.
  21. Never have I ever salted watermelon.
  22. Never have I ever tried a banana and mayonnaise sandwich.
  23. Never have I ever tried baby food.
  24. Never have I ever eaten a full frozen pizza by myself.
  25. Never have I ever made a gross smoothie.
  26. Never have I ever tried counting how many licks it took to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
  27. Never have I ever drank Surge.
  28. Never have I ever eaten Pop Rocks.
  29. Never have I ever eaten a Hot Pocket.
  30. Never have I ever eaten alligator.
  31. Never have I ever tried BBQ pork nachos.
  32. Never have I ever cleaned out the fridge and found food over a year old.
  33. Never have I ever cooked Thanksgiving dinner.
  34. Never have I ever counted calories.
  35. Never have I ever burnt my mouth willingly because I was too hungry to wait.
  36. Never have I ever eaten Spam.
  37. Never have I ever chewed with my mouth open.
  38. Never have I ever used a baby spoon to eat ice cream so it would last longer.
  39. Never have I ever eaten butter by itself.
  40. Never have I ever eaten food while still standing with the fridge door open.
  41. Never have I ever eaten a spoonful of frosting.
  42. Never have I ever tried Taco Bell breakfast.
  43. Never have I ever daydreamed about donuts.
  44. Never have I ever eaten pizza for two or more meals in a day.
  45. Never have I ever tried eggs with runny yolks.