Which correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took? A. - brainly.com
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Which correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took?A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople
B. Empress Theodora banned the use of icons.
C. Saint Cyril studied thousands of books to organize a new law code.
D. Belisarius developed a strong military that conquered lands for the empire.

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The correct match for an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took is: A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople. Explanation: 1. Justinian I was a significant Byzantine emperor known for his contributions to the empire. 2. One of his major actions was moving the capital of the Byzantine Empire from Nicomedia to Byzantium, which was then renamed Constantinople. 3. This move was strategic as Constantinople's location provided better protection and easier defense for the empire. 4. The relocation of the capital helped solidify Constantinople as a prominent city and center of the Byzantine Empire's power and influence.


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THE CORRECT ANSWER IS D. Belisarius developed a strong military that conquered lands for the empire.


Belisarius is one of the famous contenders for the title of 'Last of the Romans,' which refers to the last person who best symbolizes the principles of the Roman Empire at its best.

He was military commander under Byzantine Emperor Justinian I

(who, by the way, did NOT (A) move the capital because it was already in Constantinople when he became emperor, and Empress Theodora did NOT (B) get rid of Icons). I can't even find anything about a "new law code" that Saint Cyril studied so hard to create. Thus, option D. is correct.

Following the Vandalic War, he conquered the Vandal Kingdom of North Africa in only nine months and a great deal of Italy throughout the Gothic War.

He also defeated the Vandal troops at the battle of Ad Decimum and played a significant part in convincing the Vandal ruler, Gelimer, to surrender at Tricamarum.

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A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople- correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took.

In order to improve accountability and decrease corruption, Justinian reorganized the Byzantine Empire's administration and implemented a number of reforms.

Hence, option A. is the right choice.

What was famous about the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire's preservation of Greek and Roman culture throughout the Middle Ages is its most significant legacy. Greek science, philosophy, art, and literature were all incorporated into Byzantine culture along with Christian religious beliefs. The Roman achievements in engineering and law were also expanded upon.

To know more about Byzantine Empire visit:



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