deliverance - Spanish translation – Linguee

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Mr President, I congratulate the people of France and Holland on bringing deliverance to all those in Europe who value democracy and national liberty.
(EN) Se�or Presidente, felicito a los ciudadanos de Francia y los Pa�ses Bajos por acudir en ayuda de todos quienes en Europa valoran la democracia y la libertad nacional.
Zenit reported that in his Easter Sunday
message this year John Paul II
[...] "implored for the world's deliverance from the peril of the [...]
tragic clash between cultures and religions.
Zenit report� que en el mensaje de este a�o del
Domingo de Resurrecci�n Juan Pablo II
[...] "implor� por la salvaci�n del mundo del peligro del tr�gico [...]
conflicto entre culturas y religiones.
I am perplexed beyond
[...] all possibility of deliverance.
Estoy perplejo m�s all� de
[...] toda posibilidad de liberaci�n.
The Board members work together as a governing body to review, approve or disapprove policies and procedures that are in
accordance with the Head Start
[...] Performance Standards and the deliverance of quality, comprehensive child [...]
development services.
Los miembros de la Mesa Directiva trabajan de com�n acuerdo para revisar, aprobar o rechazar pol�ticas y procedimientos que concuerdan con
los Est�ndares de Desempe�o de Head
[...] Start y la prestaci�n de servicios completos y cualitativos de desarrollo [...]
The rest equally denotes deliverance from sin and all satanic influences.
El resto denota igualmente rescate del pecado y toda influencia de Satan�s.
He spoke with the elders of Israel and told them that the time
[...] had come for their deliverance.
Habl� con los ancianos de Israel y les dijo que hab�a
[...] llegado el tiempo de su liberaci�n.
His salvation, healing and deliverance are free and available [...]
to everyone who believes.
Su salvaci�n, sanidad y liberaci�n son gratuitos y [...]
est�n disponibles para todo aquel que cree.
6. The certificate of compliance shall remain valid for no less than two years from the date of deliverance of the certificate before new checks shall be conducted.
6. El certificado de conformidad ser� v�lido durante un per�odo m�nimo de dos a�os a partir de la fecha de expedici�n del certificado, antes de que se realicen nuevos controles.
A decree went forth to slay the saints, which caused them to cry day and night for deliverance.
Se promulg� un decreto para matar a los santos, lo cual los hizo clamar d�a y noche por su libramiento.
Jesus is the cleansing agent for sinfulness and
[...] the only hope of deliverance from the addictive [...]
power of sin.
Jes�s es el agente que purifica la pecaminosidad y la
[...] �nica esperanza de liberaci�n del poder adictivo [...]
del pecado.
I hope we have not been apt to judge their faults severely, but we must be
[...] thankful for our own deliverance from the evils [...]
which have afflicted them.
Espero que no hayamos sido propensos a juzgar sus faltas severamente; pero debemos agradecer
[...] nuestro propio libramiento de los males que [...]
las han afligido.
2. The order of purpose of nominees on a vacant position of
[...] a moderator and deliverance of it.
2. El orden del destino de las candidaturas al puesto vacante del
[...] moderador y la liberaci�n de ella.
He has provided both for our deliverance from eternal punishment [...]
and for our ongoing cleansing from individual sins.
�l ha prove�do
[...] tanto para nuestra liberaci�n del castigo eterno [...]
como para nuestro limpiar continuo de pecados individuales.
The Plant
[...] has foreseen its deliverance to the Mexican authorities [...]
in May 2005.
La Planta
[...] tiene prevista su entrega a las autoridades [...]
mexicanas en mayo de 2005.
They testified of how they achieved healing,
[...] family restoration, deliverance from addictions, [...]
and more.
Ellos declararon c�mo alcanzaron la curaci�n, la restauraci�n
[...] de la familia, la liberaci�n de las adicciones, y m�s.
Thou showest us the road of salvation, for
[...] this indeed is true deliverance.
T� nos mostraste el sendero de la salvaci�n, ya que esto, en
[...] verdad, es la verdadera liberaci�n.
Love, the deliverance of mind, takes them [...]
into itself, shining and glowing and beaming.
El amor, la liberaci�n de la mente, los [...]
toma para s�, brillante, radiante y resplandeciendo.
If you are one of those who has
closed his heart to the
[...] truth, then this book will be of little or no help to you (You need special prayer for deliverance).
Si usted es uno de lo que ha cerrado su coraz�n a la verdad, este libro le servir� de poco y nada.
The initial deliverance of sanctions [...]
can be carried out fluently and reasonably by the responsible authorities fully aware of the total situation.
La imposici�n inicial de sanciones la [...]
pueden ejercer f�cilmente y de manera razonable las instancias competentes, que conocen
plenamente la situaci�n total.
2.8. Deliverance of a moderator of a [...]
position is made by the Senior Manager of Library on the following bases
2.8. La liberaci�n del moderador del [...]
puesto es hecha por el Administrador Mayor de la Biblioteca sobre las bases siguientes
For the honor of God and the deliverance of His downtrodden people, Moses sacrificed the honors of Egypt.
Por el honor de Dios y el libramiento de su pueblo oprimido, Mois�s sacrific� los honores de Egipto.
By this agreement, according to the EU standards, the struggle against illegal migrations is
intensified, where the mutual conditions
[...] for admission and deliverance of the persons who [...]
entered or stay illegally in the country
territory of the one of the countries which signed the agreement.
En virtud de ese acuerdo, de conformidad con las normas de la Uni�n Europea, se intensifica la lucha contra la migraci�n
ilegal, con condiciones rec�procas para
[...] la admisi�n y la liberaci�n de las personas que [...]
entren o permanezcan ilegalmente en
el territorio de uno de los pa�ses firmantes del acuerdo.
He also talked about worship as a way to enter into the presence of God, and how to receive
[...] salvation, healing and deliverance through believing.
El tambien hablo de la adoracion como una manera de entrar en presencia de Dios, y de como recibir la
[...] salvacion, sanacion y cambio a traves de creer.
Using discipline and deliverance, the warrior [...]
does not allow his gestures to become a routine.
Usando la
[...] disciplina y la entrega, el guerrero no [...]
deja que sus gestos se transformen en rutina.
2. No mention is made of the crimes and atrocities committed in many of the candidate countries
after the Second World War by Soviet communism, from which this round of
[...] enlargement is providing definitive deliverance.
2. No se mencionan los cr�menes y las atrocidades cometidos en muchos de los pa�ses candidatos despu�s de la Segunda
Guerra Mundial por parte del comunismo sovi�tico, del que esta ronda de
[...] ampliaci�n proporciona una liberaci�n definitiva.
For us, his disciples, who chose to help the poor and assume our
founder's charisma, we also have to concern
[...] ourselves with their deliverance, justice, and standing [...]
up for their rights.
Para nosotros, sus seguidores, los pobres son la opci�n y al asumir el
carisma de su fundador, debemos
[...] preocuparnos tambi�n por su liberaci�n, por la justicia, [...]
por la defensa de sus derechos.
Through him
[...] befalls us a joyful deliverance from the godless [...]
fetters of this world for a free, grateful service to his creatures.
Por medio de �l ocurre en
[...] nosotros una gozosa liberaci�n de las cadenas imp�as [...]
de este mundo, para rendir un servicio libre y agradecido a sus criaturas.
And here God meets
[...] his prayer with deliverance for his mission.
Y all� Dios va a
[...] escuchar su oraci�n liber�ndole para permitirle [...]
su misi�n.
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