wicked | meaning of wicked in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwickedwick‧ed /ˈwɪkɪd/ ●●○ S3 adjective    1 BAD PERSONbehaving in a way that is morally wrong SYN evil  the wicked stepmother in ‘Hansel and Gretel’see thesaurus at unkind2 informalBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS behaving badly in a way that is amusing  Carl had a wicked grin on his face as he crept up behind Ellen.  Tara hasn’t lost her wicked sense of humour.3 spoken informalGOOD/EXCELLENT very good  That’s a wicked bike!wickedly adverbwickedness noun [uncountable]Examples from the CorpuswickedThey were restless and waiting to see the one so wicked.But oh, she is wicked!The knowledge of his own ingratitude convinced him that he was wicked and worthless.Had you flown up the chimney like the wicked old witch? l didn't think so, somehow.He has become one of the most wicked on a continent that has seen more than its fair share.I told him he didn't look a wicked person.She gave him a wicked smile.Had Humphrey and Janet been very wicked too, Lettice wanted to know, and did they too haunt the Lodge?a wicked witchOrigin wicked (1200-1300) wick wicked ((12-20 centuries)), perhaps from Old English wicca; → WITCH