Whack Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
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1 whack /ˈwæk/ verb
whacks; whacked; whacking
1 whack
whacks; whacked; whacking
Britannica Dictionary definition of WHACK
informal : to hit (someone or something) with great force
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] US, informal : to reduce (something) by a large amount : slash
[+ object] US slang : to murder or kill (someone)
2 whack /ˈwæk/ noun
plural whacks
2 whack
plural whacks
Britannica Dictionary definition of WHACK
: the act of hitting someone or something with great force
: the sound made when something is hit hard
[noncount] British : a share or portion of something

(all) in one whack

US, informal
: at one time : in a single amount

have/take a whack at

US, informal
: to try to do (something)

out of whack

US, informal
: not working properly : not in good condition