top-notch | meaning of top-notch in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishtop-notchˌtop-ˈnotch adjective informal    GOOD/EXCELLENTsomething that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard  I was lucky and got myself a job with a top-notch company.Examples from the Corpustop-notchThe soup is spicy and original, and the house salad dressing is a top-notch blend of oil, vinegar and spices.Glover, 45, and a former top-notch jump jockey, took up training relatively late in his racing career.In theory, a star-driven period melodrama with top-notch production values should have been an attractive proposition for scientistsAs if a steady stream of uncut, top-notch, straight forward soul is what Prince should be striving for!Graphically the game is top-notch, the character sprites are large and nicely detailed while movement is fluid and looks very believable.