Stubborn vs. Tenacious — What’s the Difference?

Stubborn vs. Tenacious — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Stubborn" often carries a negative connotation, implying an unreasonable refusal to change one's opinion or course of action, while "tenacious" is viewed positively, denoting perseverance and determination in achieving goals.
Stubborn vs. Tenacious — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Stubborn and Tenacious


Key Differences

Stubbornness is characterized by a person's refusal to change their views, decisions, or actions, despite reasonable arguments or evidence suggesting they should. This trait can lead to conflicts and is generally seen as a hindrance to personal growth and collaboration. Stubborn individuals may stick to their position out of pride, fear of change, or the desire to maintain control, even when it is not in their best interest. On the other hand, tenacity refers to a commendable persistence in pursuing goals, overcoming obstacles, and not giving up easily, even in the face of adversity. Tenacious people are admired for their resilience, strong will, and ability to stay focused on their objectives, showing flexibility in their methods without losing sight of their end goals.
While stubbornness is often about holding one's ground for the sake of it, tenacity is goal-oriented, with a clear purpose behind the persistence. A stubborn person may refuse to listen to others' viewpoints or adapt to new information, limiting their ability to learn and grow. In contrast, a tenacious individual might be open to learning and adapting, using their persistence as a tool to navigate challenges and find solutions. This adaptability is key to tenacity’s positive connotation, as it involves a constructive form of persistence.
The perception of whether someone is stubborn or tenacious can depend on context and outcomes. Stubbornness can sometimes be mistaken for tenacity when an individual's unwavering stance leads to a positive outcome, despite opposition. Similarly, tenacity might be viewed negatively if it leads to relentless pursuit at the expense of well-being or relationships. Thus, the line between being stubborn and tenacious can sometimes blur, with the key differentiator often being the individual's openness to change and adaptability in the pursuit of their goals.
In practice, overcoming stubbornness involves developing self-awareness, considering others' perspectives, and being open to compromise. Cultivating tenacity, however, is about strengthening one's resolve, developing a strategic approach to obstacles, and maintaining a positive, adaptive attitude toward achieving one's aims. Both traits underscore the importance of balance: the balance between conviction and flexibility, and between perseverance and the ability to recognize when a change of course is warranted.

Comparison Chart


Negative; implies inflexibility and irrationality.
Positive; associated with determination and perseverance.


Maintaining one's position or opinion regardless of reasoning.
Achieving goals despite difficulties.

Key Characteristics

Resistance to change, closed to new information.
Persistence, resilience, adaptability.


Can lead to conflicts, hinderance in personal growth.
Facilitates achievement, overcoming obstacles.


Generally lacks adaptability, sticking to a point out of pride or fear.
Involves flexibility and openness to new strategies for goal attainment.

Compare with Definitions


Unwilling to change an opinion or course of action despite reasons to do so.
Despite evidence to the contrary, he remained stubborn in his beliefs.


Holding fast to a pursuit, belief, or goal with determination.
Her tenacious dedication to research contributed to the scientific breakthrough.


Holding onto beliefs or plans without considering alternatives.
She was too stubborn to consider any career but the one she chose as a child.


Not easily deterred or discouraged; persevering.
The tenacious athlete overcame injury to win the championship.


Marked by a lack of willingness to cooperate or compromise.
The stubborn child wouldn’t eat his vegetables, no matter the coaxing.


Persistently striving in the face of obstacles or challenges.
Despite numerous rejections, his tenacity landed him the job.


Persisting in a counterproductive stance.
Her stubborn refusal to delegate work led to unnecessary stress.


Demonstrating resilience and adaptability towards achieving a goal.
His tenacity in learning new skills led to a successful career change.


Resisting change or advice obstinately.
His stubborn nature made negotiations difficult.


Exhibiting strong and persistent determination.
She was tenacious in her efforts to improve the community's health.


Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so
Two stubborn young people intent on doing their own thing
A stubborn refusal to learn from experience


Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
A tenacious grip


Refusing to change one's mind or course of action despite pressure to do so; unyielding or resolute.


Extremely persistent in adhering to or doing something; stubborn or relentless
"tenacious defenders of their harsh and pitiless land" (Dee Brown).


Characterized by a refusal to change one's mind or course of action; dogged or persistent
Stubborn prejudice.
Stubborn earnestness.


Characterized by extreme persistence; relentless or enduring
Tenacious detective work.
Tenacious superstitions.


Difficult to treat or deal with; resistant to treatment or effort
Stubborn soil.
Stubborn stains.


Holding together firmly; cohesive
A tenacious material.


Of materials: physically stiff and inflexible; not easily melted or worked.


Clinging to another object or surface; adhesive
Tenacious lint.


(informal) Stubbornness.


Tending to retain; retentive
A tenacious memory.


A disease of citrus trees characterized by stunted growth and misshapen fruit, caused by Spiroplasma citri.


Clinging to an object or surface; adhesive.


Firm as a stub or stump; stiff; unbending; unyielding; persistent; hence, unreasonably obstinate in will or opinion; not yielding to reason or persuasion; refractory; harsh; - said of persons and things; as, stubborn wills; stubborn ore; a stubborn oak; as stubborn as a mule.
And I was young and full of ragerie [wantonness]Stubborn and strong, and jolly as a pie.
These heretics be so stiff and stubborn.
Your stubborn usage of the pope.


Unwilling to yield or give up; dogged.


Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield


Holding together; cohesive.


Not responding to treatment;
A stubborn infection
A refractory case of acne


Having a good memory; retentive.


Difficult to treat or deal with;
Stubborn rust stains
A stubborn case of acne


Holding fast, or inclined to hold fast; inclined to retain what is in possession; as, men tenacious of their just rights.


Persisting in a reactionary stand


Apt to retain; retentive; as, a tenacious memory.


Having parts apt to adhere to each other; cohesive; tough; as, steel is a tenacious metal; tar is more tenacious than oil.


Apt to adhere to another substance; glutinous; viscous; sticking; adhesive.


Niggardly; closefisted; miserly.


Holding stoutly to one's opinion or purpose; obstinate; stubborn.


Stubbornly unyielding;
Dogged persistence
Dour determination
The most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
A mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
Men tenacious of opinion


(of memory) having greater than average range;
A long memory especially for insults
A tenacious memory


Sticking together;
Two coherent sheets
Tenacious burrs

Common Curiosities

Can a stubborn person become tenacious?

Yes, by developing self-awareness, openness to change, and focusing on constructive persistence, a stubborn person can cultivate tenacity.

Why is adaptability important for tenacity?

Adaptability allows tenacious individuals to navigate obstacles and persist in goal achievement by modifying strategies as needed.

Are there any common misconceptions about stubbornness and tenacity?

A common misconception is that they are the same; however, the key difference lies in adaptability and the rationale behind persistence.

Can tenacity turn into stubbornness?

Yes, tenacity can become stubbornness if one refuses to adapt their approach when circumstances clearly indicate a need for change.

What role does context play in perceiving someone as stubborn or tenacious?

Context and outcomes significantly influence perception; persistence in adversity might be seen as tenacity, while intractable behavior without clear goals may be deemed stubborn.

How can one tell if they're being tenacious or stubborn?

Reflection on whether the persistence is goal-oriented and adaptable (tenacity) versus rigid and unreasonable (stubbornness) can help distinguish between the two.

How does society view stubbornness and tenacity?

Society generally admires tenacity for its association with resilience and success, whereas stubbornness is often criticized for being unproductive and inflexible.

Can the perception of being stubborn or tenacious change over time?

Yes, perceptions can change with outcomes; stubbornness may be reassessed as tenacity if it leads to positive results, and vice versa.

Is being stubborn ever a positive trait?

While typically viewed negatively, stubbornness can be positive if it denotes steadfastness in upholding moral principles or just causes.

What advice would you give to someone trying to be more tenacious?

Focus on clear goals, embrace flexibility in methods, cultivate resilience, and maintain a positive outlook in the face of challenges.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.